W-.l ... 4 M,.. . .,--,!' 1 ' ...'. ...j, v..,P', t . 11 v '"' J nunrrniMn.i.ii.rMi:. T !y ihe rrifttnl ttir u uni'dim I in- it nnl the A rrlir nl (v Nmk. w nn n receipt of tlio follow in; intiHi;'i'ii'v in -cirrf li) nlluir.i in I .urop : I MK V M1.--A ii'"pui,-!l I.) till" London limes', nuiiM j.niimind, I1:, Mates m follows in ree,-ird le tin inking of ! ......,,... I i... .i. . ..n . "' i'v nn; niiH'i : ! 1 lie Iroopi hn.lc.1 on Tiiemlny morning jl.ist, (Hih,) nt .'1 o'clock, wnlmm npposi. ' .urn, nun nunchi'ii a rrimum ni uvo puns which iKilo-.dud ll.c( road. Tha rrench ii)0K il in ironi nnu uw innrinrs in llw rear and carried it in R moment witlin:it nnv''nvRrnnPti mr,.l.. .. ,.. . I 'I'l.n.. .l 1 1'.-. ,. ... .... . ,,. ufiiinu on. no lni Il irrnunil. Iirlwi'i'ii tin. v,ll..,,,, ,.c - - n - n ' i ... ...v. 3 ,,, l'illlcy Olid yundslmlc, nliont two miles from the main b.ittcrv. the Fr.mrl. .!.... I ,. ,. i.- ....J- -vv... i M.-r hid iiner. vcning "round to w.tliin SUO yards of the ; wall. A Kussian oniccr caftio out of the ! Annr ..f I in nrl l .. .! 1 . r , " .varus, nn.i i was instantly shot by one of them ; ho was seen 10 rawo Ins lijinl to i.r..u. 1 and lull, nnd some men rushed from the lort and took nun i The people from the nlla-cs bring pleii-1 ty of provisions, and are very civil. The l rt in ii lumps nave ueen siioiitly attacked 1 111' ! uv on; i:iuneru, n utiving uieu in 1 days., J ho I cuelopo "ot a'M'ouiid within rain'e ; of the forts, and was lired upon for throiv hours nnd a hall but was not hurt much. ; The small ships went to her assistance nnd drew-the otiention upon themselves. I in-! i igmy s mainmast was sliot away. : - imm:si; Skw. The Liverpool Mercury The Ileela had scvend shots in her.'and of Anust the l!)th has tho following under one poor little lel'ow h id his chest torn this head. We h ive been favored w ith open by n round shot. They fired red hot ; the following extract of a letter dated sll0t- ! Canton, June "JO, 1S.V1. A battery opened upon th" Amphion and i "U'e have aUo received intelligence ridegeton, which they silenced almost im-jfiom the governor of Macao, wluP has meJiaiely, and when they landed to spike, just arrived from Chusaw, on the const the guns, they found four of them burst, i and about half way between thisuud .Shan and a lift!) could not be loaded. The giiai, that the English and Russians met bombardment will commence to-morrow. 1 close to that port, and that, after a very Uamuubu, 17lii. Accounts from the , hot engagement, the latter were defeated island of Aland annonnce that the Russian : Admiral .Stirling huvin sunk the Kus authorities, having beeti abandoned bv the' sian frigates. I cannot vouch for the neasanls. who nn. ilii..!.,l it... ..n',..r , , w.u oii u I . I I. . I . .. powers, nave ictt tne isiand. I he great- est part ol the fortress of Romersuud is in the possession of the allies. The Arctic, which arrived on Sunday, p. m., brings the following description of subsequent operations: The capture of Romeisund occurred at half-past twelve o'clock, on the afternoon of tho 1 Ot h ult. The garrison, number ing ".',000 men, were immediately embar ked on the allied fleet. There was but little loss of life on either -side, the Frnieh I..,..;., I..... mo i.:r...i ...,.i .1... i-..:.: 1. ... 1 ly three or four. The rounJ forts behind Domersund, na med Forts Vzee and Nottich, had been previously reduced, being no difficult task ! US lhlV WITli .ra nifi-.'il l.u ...i'v l-'II n e ench. A handful of arlil'cr;, men in V'.'.ee made j a stout defence, fifty being killed and I'li-J ly thirty-five taken unhurt. ioiii. li was1 carried without loss. Roth furls were blown up, and the main assault m ide i n Ilomersuud, the walls of which were h. id ly damaged before the carrisnn consented ' to surrender. The honor of the victory belongs wholly to the French, w ho fought will) the greatest bravery. Private accounts from I) uit.:c st.V" tint i'ie number ot prisoners wnl not exi-i e.l l.-r!)n, and that they have been sent to Jiodsund. An nvetw lielming display .' force was maire by the allies. Fifieen iil of the line were within range of the fortress. The allies fired fine hundred pijees of cannon. I T.u' Admiral Napier has issued a notice , jj warning all tteutral vessels to leave the ( "!,'".), port of Riga Iflorc thel!)!hof Aug. It'jShii' is, therefore, surmised that Riga will U1 the next point of attack. (Icneral Uaraguay lie llilliers made a narrow escape. A cannon ball passed be-j tw-een him and nn aid de-camt) with whom !, i I,' ,,1.3 V 1. I 91.1. . ' The Austrians entered Wallachia on the ltli ult r ... , Prussia was arming at al. pomts. Di:LIN, August I 8. A SC'llli-ofilCial article in the I'russian correspondence fays that the evacuation of the principali ties bv the Russians does not fulfill all the .in nf . I. n nll!.,r.A y. f (1s ..t.y. trmt I .IIIIITIIU Ul UlU iiiik:iiu': III IIIU H.I l"tll , fiermari powers, but that it grants more JJ J j- j than was demanded bv the note dated Vi.;" Zn7 ,7,Z cnna.Junead. The supplementary arti- Clt! ol reciprocal cbllgUtioriS of the two DOWerS is. therefore, executed. If Other steps are considered necessary for the in- I , , . tcreit,of Germany, fresh conventions must; tike place between tho contracting powers i on the subject of tho co-operation in the .. ....... r .i, p,.: .mnii. -.r i im omli nf ... J ; April last. . 'ni last. ., Tho Kussian steamer Wnlladimcr snil - rd out boldly at Kosloo, coaled, destroyed "'' ,,.,,. i , rr .' i.. 1 two lurkuh bnp;s, and made oil snlely. The eX)edilion to Crimea is only teni- porarily delayed until tho abatement of I . : . r .1 . . tne cnoiera uuu iovi.t unionu mc uuu.. Tlm rhnlera had considerably abated1 at Varna, Schumla, and Constantinople It l,ad been fearfully destructive anion tha Fienc.ll. T nvnn Au" 2U. Sixty thousand , JAUj,. - J . , Russians Ore COnCCntnitinfJ on tllO Tgm.,. , . , There isnlson'n bank of tho I'rulll, under Gen. Ludcrs, tO ( v( irl,, nrrhnv,l on the place in which will : ;uilTH. Slipper?, Ac, Ac., nf Iho very best quali cover tho Russian flotilla on tho Danube, fhe found choice gralted apple?, peart-, peui-beo and ! ly. and tit Ihe lowest prices. The I.adtos are par; cover 1110 ivussiiiii uuiiii,. 'other fruit.. ' tn-ulnrlv' lnviled to examine Ihk jilnek ol liKLsS The report jnf the defeat of tho lurks ( Th() ,,,,,,'(, i,,,,;,,,,,, nnn the property will be 'Slliuis. near Kam i3 repeated. v m;. low and on acenminodiiling terms an the own-1 l-A fliare nf the public pntronnge is respoet- The Varna correspondent of tho Lon- er him made nrrangcmcnls lo i ngiigo ill .busiiics fully invited. Clcart.old, Aug. ol-l.T. don Times cives a frightful account ot tlio cholera. Ho estimates that from 10,000 , to 15 000 were dead or disabled up to tho. f rlimbarkalion. I lllUlll .l. vt '- V.rVA Atirr. 22. llenrV VVltllCrstCin o... (V.lnrl their linbilitics nro V. iIlII IIUIO IIIKU t five million florins. I Archangel was effectually blockadod on i Ka t:!:h I)5don, Aug. 23. Messrs. Morpurgo. & Co., general commission merchants, have failed ; their liabilities are large. j Tho London money market is moro ac-l live in rnnsenuenco of the payment of 300,000 sterling of tlio Turkish loan. J I.N, Mx.-- ('ulli'iim t. .. .U ,,,, ill" Smith a, t, r nn llh 1,1m,, n,,Vi I'V V Illl I) ttlU". t-.T-,,!,., -Ti' '..,,1 on'1 liiii,'lri i ludly injured. Tim lnp Slnti,',.r, nf Civ cow, wie ,... 'Iri'Vivl 1 1 v lire nu lnr unicm,.. I'.-,.... i.'U. f!"W in ,Muntre:i on the .'lil nil. nwl pnsfimcr were wived ... . . .. I 'V . i . 'nil" ci'w ci'.WV linreelnn.i Wns npTin fjiiici. I Admit 100 ,,-, f ,.,0,.r, ,ve,0 rei-oried daily lit Mail rid, 1ml the malady mrJ ss. '"Qil a inililcr Ii i r in S.vxonv.-TI.o Kin, l,:l ,akr oaiu to tlm const lution m,,l ,l,.,.,i r,i i,- ,.i ii,.,i -r.l... I.. .... ""i vi , lUTcnsi.j u.ng. i , , .. ,K spuiUK'HCO fom t, p;.S rludcs ns follow- " w ii, r ...... . ... ...o iiiuhh ui in ciosinq mv letter, nnpiiriant news wns eommunicaled to mo from Athens. Tim minisirv is op-nlv sti-uwin,r with tho Kin,. , , h,!. I . . n . 1 1 "' ' H.piiimion support iho minis'.rv am! the lied powers. ''K. OUrrvutrm-.SVirV mv.. n,,i.i;.i....i ..- i . . violent that tlm minister of police could not do oiherwise tlmu arret thu editors. The rfCneh minister, M. Forth Uouei. paid a visit of eondoh nee to them in pris' on. ( u hcarin.. this iho I . niig mis, mo u'lvernnient set tiii'inat bo rl v . A revolution nuaiiwi ilu Kinr is ener-trrl " Km- Otln. refuses to disband hi- irreJ ulur troops. Uki-ohtei) Msh kcoir.vn IlrnvKiis thf Kxclisu ami IUsma.n I'i.kcts intiii'i trmli t,f il.L. l,. I I .... i ...i . .i. .. .'"'".ii mi., nn, i .in; iiuiiuudi null Slllllt ... portions ol it is true. Tlie I.iim nt' New-papi'iv. I. -11' scriniT Kh.i lit. ,.i L-ivi'i'M,r..,H n,,!!,, r tlu- cMi,ti-arv,:ire cou.i.loiv.l j:,uM.i,,.-i ,,;,-.. (lit ir vtiiftTititinii I ,, . i 'l-s ,,.,.r Hi r - II MtliM'i iliei1- (tiller t'le (h.-ie.t MlJtiM.niee i, l!i"ir m-u.-i.a!..-!-. lln M.UM.er ,t,v H'li'l IlK'iu iinlil iill niTiiirii.'.s nr.. paiil. :;. liMilisviilm-.s ii,.-i i't nr i"!'ii.-L' t.. ml... iluir . iH'M.-piipi-r. liui.'i ti." niinf, in 11 hii Ii ih, v ill- it'i li'il, ini'y nn' i'.,'l,l r".-pui:.-ilil ,tll t lit v ha " -.itl..,! llii'ir I, ill.- ninl ,.r,i.".v. tin in ,i-.ni,'iin,.,. 1. Il' .-ul... ri.M'is I. im in." 1 , nt In r pi,,,-.s n it in mi i.. 1. il 1.1; . 1 ,1 " "r 1 '" '' ' 1 'ill I'l In" li.niuT uiivi-tiuii, Ihi'y mo hi'l.l rospun- s: l.i .-. Ii. Th.' Ciiiirl.s Inn o il.'oiiloil thai r.-fn-ii; -r In Ink" lU'iv-p ipors ir. nn tiu uilioo, or ii'iimi in r i,n, loav lli.'.n nni ,.!lo'l lur, is i'v i.l.'in i! ul' 'i ninl. Piiilaitelpliia l.itniUEi- Mailt'.. f in-fitfl irit ';hf frimi Hivknfll'n i,,t. , i-tit. ml. val., W.. )'. I.,ls. tnt plank. it nil 1 1 ! ; v l.v ii: pn-ti.ii!. 12 mi (.i. u 12 nn ( Wl.it,. fin.' .vll-. Wliii.. l'i'i." Il'i'ii'in I I nil (. L1:; mi t" 7 i"i in 7 .Ml l i S Illl f.i S'i nn .i :'.'i nn 1". nn ( i i:: tin (., mi in. l.i tin f., IS I'll (,i. I I no in I I mi ( .. 2 IL'V. . ii nil i.i La no (,i pi mi plain 1. in mi , il-aclm-lt il .ii'1' linii i ll-'iiilui-k Srnntlin.', 1'1,'urin-, .It'i'-n'v inai .-top 1, "ai'ls. ..'. ''., ll-ail .Set;.'., N. ( .'. .lu. lilol', i'i. .mini'. N. I'. Sl.'p li'i.li'ii.-, -Mm-l.'s, i Vila v, i. i nn ,, :n mi mi i IS mi ! i'i IHlj is nu .".ii nn I nn ! : 2 no 1 ."-ililliii'.s, J'HIO jii'l" .''i.in,:!. ", C ii-,"-'. M. ! L.U1! 'il,:'.. 1 1 itvli.. por s, I. -. r.i hil" Hai 1 ' ' I Nl", r. Wii Vi l li I.iiintict- Murk. .. iTiinl. V.::.: port'i'l.ii it. I'll IS na.l ml L'2 "1' .'iil.io li-. !. ".I L'.i ami I'll :is IT. 0. ,"-'11111. I" .I-. N. It. p, r.M 1-. N.Jt. LM in:: r. KlI'l.TII. ::n nil i-.nl ill nn ."7 an lini M I'" .'III I'll ami nn L' ; n nml - - 2 .i'l nml 2 7.". ft. ol. . ity, p. L'li's. lu irh. IS il" hi (train MnrKcl- I'lll! 'l l.' lll v 1 ' 1 2 i ' 1 :.! 1 n,i ,-, 1 (., ('1 : i in 11:1. i'. I2n 2 t.i 1 W!i"". l!v", ('..ni. I Im. - 1 I :u:::. I In Ini. .ii I til ii.-!; i 1 1. in lii" ' 'i iiitiiil. A!r. .'a- ,,,,. ,'.. , l;r ,iti,r , ,Ju. i .'Wlii'ilUl'i i i ry I'ari.i. r." ii-o'l i.h.i.i: .'" .vm.-. i in i,.nvivtno tnv.n hip. m i'ii,iay tlic sih in.-i., Vi nr MX lnnntiis nml oi'hlila I TKMI.KIAXrK ',, pr,,i,i,M,rv M,,tinJ ! will In Ii. i.l nn .Mmnlny on niii-. Sopl. IS.i.ni 1 I'mirt woi k, in Iho ('.inn llmis." nt i nrly oatnlh-l '" T:" "'' w"n'"T" S't T '' luiy l.niv lire lurt by li'inn'sKil I" mt' inl. (ii p. cpmcii. .c.'ii"inlior l;!, lsi. I'M KM KIR SAM". rpilK farm (if Tli"tnns Marlin, siliinte in thebost f.imiing po miie of ivimsvi funning portion of Ihe county, within one and the turnpike running in l yroiie. is lur sale. J he tarni Has in li " ncres, , "no ni:u oi wnieii is umu'i uou.i n m .-, nm. ..i ... .. . ptml ftn(0 ri,iVaiin. ' The balance, in wellj linibcrod with AVIiilo l'ine, r.ipliir. Cherry, (Ties-1 "t nnd "ii.cr limber The land lies well nnd is i nil di.eopl il'lo of ciillii alimi not inure limn five acres Ho,.,;,' Lnlion ,,r ,',v . , acres ... .no a, hoe is en lib... ve of w ater nn the promises.- 3 I There is a SAW-MILL within CO mdsof the place. I .I. 7 w.ih.'r wllbin nn., mile. The .listai'ee I Mlil , ,iril.,,n (jr , ,.,. f ,, i,i 1, i n .en. low. and nhoiit iOuoros more is suitnble land another within nno mile. Tho distance I 1 lb !l landing on the river is about 4 mile.. I Tl. !., , In npn n ri lminr. null 111 i j. hians, nemfieM, l'a. pPj,toTni,or 13, isj4. tr. 1VANTKI) niMKDMTHLY. iJl.X journoymnii cuoemiiaeri.. t'on slunk em- .1 ... nlovinent will he givon. Apply next duor to 1 ' 1 v , , tho Journnl ofliee, at tho phuo ttoro of C?. BLACK, geptcmbor 13, 184,-tf. Notice and (.'mitlnii. I.T, ner.on. nro herebv cautioned a rainrt liar- J boring or tmelini any pemon or pcrm.n on .oninii I will nn no dehtu kfter thin date, . i. k,. nnr.iV,iii. ... .!, n .-..rbal nr -rii.,.n order in had from me. M M. M'MADOO, 6r. Hoggs towBshir. Sept. 13, PL-pd. I'HM.III,. j MH It ' I'M' In li,. ,in. i,i "Il I II. 'Ill I... n i .hi i ii.. Il v ii n h i ii.ii I I ill" I .. I shall. lull,.. I . I hue .-. ii- -ill .-.I I.. l"f "lii:r. iVit I ml In ml n I., l ill. ,, n il . I. . in , , vvr,., I I V ill II II V l, U I'll,'! I'l i I ..,, , I"' I I'nil I if. -ii.i.l 1..,. I.r..,.i, , ' ill I i e t il l, h III. I'uverntn.nt ii il- i;. ah i in n I'lllllmr I !. I - it. I . ., ';',,,! !( " ''' :' ' i r-i ... ,.,,,, 'I Ikii i: 'iii.ll i i '" uZZu !rVi, r pi ill. 'I I, nml il '' nn h n.i,,,., i,i., ri,i. ' III-1 I.. ""'I '"' I I nnmiii.;Ml liiriri-. mu-Ii imiii,. , r" - ln'iiN "r nt". In" Willi liVlll" ;"i:ili IM'1 .lli'il loin.' flll,ll.lu;ii. . ,. .,i,, ..m. ,...r,1!, ,,,; ..,,,.,',,, ;., i,.....i. ,i. .... .'. . , .1. .. ii. ....iiini-7' i linn r .,iir.'. lii IKK.' lip -m il """'''- ir.ii;i..iiii. munitti; nt li.ru"-: I ' .,".1'r ." J. "rl ""? t,"m "'' ""r ""''"'mi:; tii" i"Mi--i.1i i.r c'li.. nml k 'iiiil In',::-'. Hi.' mi ill Tn :i-ni,'i-1, l,. 1,'pill;' 1 1 -1 r 1 1 . 1 v ,. (ii ,:iy i,v,T In 111 .il 'li, lu In. ii I I r ..ir in t 1 i . i- l...r..llL'!i pii.;. ,.,'S. In luiliii,. f ri, Ciii.sial,!,. I.iIm' lli Mli'l Stt in,', lii,;y, hlal!l4 nr piirs li'llll'l ruiiiiiiii nl l-irv... iiny .-ili.-ti ..f s:,, (...nmu'li in ' niilli..rl...t In l ilci- il,,'. s:i1(i ,,p, n. ,); Pulilin S.ili-I'l'lh,. simi" im n-..r.-iii.. Tin. Mii.l Cni.'i. I lil,'. it nt li it pi'i-nii .ik in;,' f,ili nf .-ni.l ; in,', II""'. nil, ..us or I'ifT-. 'hull I Il.iw.' l mi i-.i.'li hi!.. luinl.' tlu, sum nl nn,. i,,llur niih i.vp,.TH,.s nl k,',', inu'lln.' fiiiii, and lil'ty . I'm ijikinif up i ni'ii li.ntt or i.ijr. .u,l In. il nl.,. pv.ivi.li'il, I'nil ill." Cllil'l' l;ill';'.'ws limy lit IIM.V titll,' l.i'l'ir.' llli'flllo ' nl fiiiil Kwiiin, !iiiu'. rliniiN orpij;-., f.'init l!n' li.r- l.'iltll'.. t.f h,. sunn, nil iipplir.'ilinii ..('Il Mlier, il' mi li.';,. -in-.' ill,' I'liii.'iiini, iu' iliiiiky ih,' rn-a I," ii:ri. ,ii h ,l,','i.i,,n4 Tlii- i. r.l;, i in,-,. In u' int.. . (l'.'i'l nn III,' I'.'ili . S, pk'Ulii'l- S.,, ,, llln lulllllT iirilil.ulU'i' nil II uiiir inil.ji'.'t I... r.'i'i:ili'il. ClllttSTI .N 1' 'l "Il nt if. ;,,,. W. I'nr nut, Sim r.'l.iiy. I'li'.ir1',, !,!, iipiniuInT (I, Is.il.-.'lt. i'l iti.K vi:mii i:, rjlIK nili iM-ilii'i- will ..fli'.-i- Im- .sal,' nl puMi,. v.-n-JL ilii" nn lli,. I Jili uf S.pi,Miil,"r, Ii 'iu Tui's.liiy nt til" C'lili'l. hi I'lllil'i. si..,-.- ..I' 1'i.rlnr l:. I II ,, I I i, i ..- . ..i. .. ! .i . ..,.,.'!, i.,"iii il il I isiii-jii'ii I 11 r 11 11 II , V. Illl I.IIM'I llllll'll II- InllnW.- : A Hii.ii" Win., I Aluliiili'rin i, ' iipiip.,r I nn' ninl nniiiiil.'i.'lui'i', 1,,'in mi,' ,,f Cilnirt'i iinpr'H'i'.l. '':'" Malii'iriiiiy nml lllni'l; Wiilnni. 'j.tlii, .M i- I . t,.p Tin-, M;ihnnnyi-..n!r", lliii iniii'T. Ti'a nml Kili'lii'ii. .Vi, iri. ifi1;; .Scwinu' unit Wn.-luii. r,',.u', . Miilin-iinv Cii.-liii'iii'il, Cnni" Hultnii) lliiM-lA" Mnpl,'. I!,., 'kin- nml Wiii.Um-. J'.imk I'nu'i'iiil Kunk-, Wniilrulii', J.uinaii. Iti-.l-ii'..'! . 11,'iN in i l 11,'. Min- ,v llatlniHiiv Cnnkiii'', I'arli.r, All Ti'-hl luinl Ton I'lai , I I Thre.'ply. InL'rnii", V.'niitiati nml lia?. 11I1111 Lainp.s, i'iui'l I,: nil", Vns.'s nml i.tlivr liiill.. llr,,,.,.,l.' 'I-..H... . I XVI...I I'...- tains. V.'iiitimi liliinls, Smi- China Trn nml Whit ... 1 , . ... iHlJf hHHl''. U 1 11) III1MIV il liT it l-l li .'-in lill.M-lif.- u-ttn- Tin u-7,.. i '1.. .1. iii.nt ;i. X .. I n,in IT... , ..i. ..... u-'. , . t 11 - 1 - - ' 1 .. . . . "f l',,r!"-";,- "m' '' 'Ty Mil' Mr.n f 11 i:iiikhi, i'n '.i'. l.,,r,.t : ,,.r-1. . 1 . 1 II.' H.IVH." Siil.' Str.il iinny :ir!i.-!i T-TtiiK ;' . illll'ilUlt, lint. ,!.,. i... ...,; -.-All nti...r l.i.c.,i : v..r tlml iihiippi'..v,'ils...'unly will lii'lak.'ii, nuMil.li' l-l I 1'. 1'. IH IlXTII VI, I. C arli, ' I. Aii 'ii-I till, is.', I., ts. A ii .'!-! :n. is:, i.. The Ckarfii'lil Acadintv VT n in.'i'iiiu; nl' tho I!. ninl ol' T in-toos Auust Jllll, l-.'l. tlio liillnll ill Mil.'s Hint li'llli- v. or" nil.. ptO'l. 1 1. : $'l ."(( por ipiaitor I'nr o.n-li s. hulat" loarnins "r linierapliy. It.-inlin. Writing Ii.nio's I'riinan Arilhniotio. nml lir-l I.' ."nis :n Coniaphy. s.T (Kl p.-r , pi irii r i'..r oaoli .-ohnlar pursuing ulhoi' lan.'li h sinilios. SM (11, p i,i ." '1 ' 1 ran, lio u'laili-r I'.ir im -:i ,s, hularl 'iii'iiin.' I.al ih u.' 11 i'ln.nt lair'.nli .?." ()( imr ..iiiirt.'i- f..r !'. noli i's:r.i. Vi" 'lo laoiiiiii ina.ti- fr.nn l-iil.- o.M opt i,i oa.-v pi'ull'aol.'il ilioo.'.-. i Tho lir.'t tpinrtor 0111 n . i, i-.-nn th... ti ihit ! ' "" -. I -.' I. mi'l w il; t ml mi iho lii'i .. .'w mili'li lli;'. Ti:" I'l.uvo 1 ii.-ii:inii.n is in nr I'i 1 1 1 v ur ;ai: i 'ml n :h la-ilo ami li'innl" 1'op 1 i i ni n I r n 1: f . 1- iho oh.n ".'" ul .ilr. nii.1 Mr.--. Cnnipl'oll. Tli" Tiil-Lcs havinr 1 'Vi .i n r-' ' I 0 nnpotoiil nml ' iloiii'o i T"ai ii. r-. mi l h.o in),' pnl tho raL-s i,:i:'i.!i ii'ry luiv iiii!p:,ti'il null : in it 1 r .Johu.il... 1 luiiii'iiilv rooui.iiin ml ti;o Aiiuloniy t!hi' jiat i"u..ao uf tin- '.i'',!i.'. IMi IIMtli iitAV,'. 'r, .'i!'i:,o l.'naril. .1. H. M hXu.n . .-' 1 ii law. CI.'MMi.'I'l, Aiu-ii.-f :n', Iv.l'. ! Trial List for Sept. term, H .lulin l'aL-liiii, i. .I'uiah l.ainlnii 11, 1 Tliani'W V.'il nii ,'.. i'h.,.,i.. Wun.l-, ot. nl. I, an ronoo hi p. So!;.. nl m. Itiaill'ml livp. Sohonl ! 1'iro'li".'. oi. liii .utor-". , .1. .Im Ti" 1 ! s. i. Aiiii-iri'ii,' ( iiiry, ilonr.'i' W. Sii.'ir. 1... llul.ort l.ulo, ,-aa!", 11. l,v:!o & limit, t"!in ill. 11.. 11a'. 1. ilainos .. I.ouiiiir.l, I oi'i.aiiiL'- .V M ''Itnf.'v, v.. 1,'ooru',' l h, ; Ho Will'c. I.11! . 1 :.. .' . .. ili'viJ Mll.-li.-ll. '.'il!';a;i Jlluiii, is. !. iij.-iniin Iturt-li. ni, I IK V. Al"..ro. 1 .. (I. f'. W il'lor. J Sin -1 ,t Hull;,. . Tmiitwiu." ll.nioli. : !!i njamiii ('..ini, ;. r... Win. M. liii;',in, i lh njainin III ."in, jr.. . Win. II. llluuni, Is.iao Jllniiin X W. MurL'an. i Moi.ry Nari'h'in.l, r. l!onjiiuiiti Luiin.-liony, Jati:.'" Curlrv . .Ininos (itinsal.is. ; l. J!. Mmnv. i. Wiiholtn S. iVniin. li'avi.l J '"rii-iir.. ii, AVin. A. (ii!o- Tin koi, lii'ur;'!. W. I'arLT. i-s. Snyilor t'i l.ai'o, 1 lliivniun it Novlin;', i's. M'ni, lli nili'iuii, j M.'ljuilo, i-. .1. .M. .t .). 1 narJ, I Hiokois'in. !. Yiiiriili A. r,rutlii r, Koll.v .t lliokorsmi, llonry II. .Millor, Jaiiios .M0C1 a l1i,"i, r. .Insoph .v'tniw, ol. nl. i W.M. l'OlffKlt. Vi.'.'v. Sill I'llllKX ..ill.lT.VKY ACAII'..IV HIT TV. II I'.'.'.' il'.v At niuiin v ok tiii; Statu or alauaiia.) fittnliuti il on tin liuraiHt jilmi. Class D-To lie Prawn on the 2l)tli of Sept. ?7,i0ii Capitals : : : : : : ! : : : ; ;'""" " :::::: ".oi'O " :::::: ''"" In ul!. 22S prizes, iinu.tinling tn : : $;!D.0ihi Tickets sSj,0,0 llalvci and yuartor.i ill jiropor - .f;..AIl eoniniunieiition." Flrictlr confidential. SAMl'KI. SWAN, AReiit .t Manager, Montgomery, (Ala.,) June 20, lsjl.-ly. MiU lt(MT .t .IOI', .wTOItU , t.S. BLACK, .1 Clem Hold, and vicinity, that lie lins com- I nn need the manufacture nnd ,..lo nf every variety I'liDOUTS nnd SIH-KS. ill tho new building and C. S. 1ILACK. Illl door east nf Mossnp i, 1'ottaruV etore, opposite Shaw's Itow whore he will nlwav have on band general nxsortni-Mit nf renit'-niaile Hoots, Shoes, I Estate of Eililh Sivling, Diwsrd i "T 01 ICE it" hereby given lhat letlem of admin X. i.slrati'iu on Iho cslale of Kdith Nivling, lute of Woodward tp., dee'd., have iu duo form nf law been grunted tu the nubseribor. All persons in-n-' .1 .1.....1 :n ...-i,: i:.. -...1 .1 ill I'lli. nui ...nn.- .i.iiiu-i.iiuo 'it , nil..., nun it. on- , . ,. . , ' , , , niitiiiii tiiiiuin nin iicviii mvui no run auuiiu- ,:..,,., 1 r, i.. , j ' aUaHAM NIYLIXO, Aduiiuislrntor. An(rtlft 21 1S6(..fiu Terms of Advertising. t llYKUTISKM KNTS aro in.erted in the Re J V rublicnn, at one dollar per miunre, for the first three inrertions and twenty-livecents for each I aiblilinnal innertion. Fourteen linen make a onare. I No advertisement incerted fur leu than dollar. A Liberal reduction made to those who advertise , ty the year. iiiM RU, ru n ion ri;mi,nnTinv in i;i:-'. I' "I. t ,.i it, i!...,r.,i 'Is ' I ill.' I i. nun .tin. iilili 1. 1 '. i" ' I 1 "IIH, I I'll I I Mil A.-t .i ll'Unliiln III" II. II nl I !. i li..ii i n ,'lij.i tin I ..i,i,i..im,.,i,.i," il i- i . i . i . 1 1 r.l mi Kin J h. i'.'I ' "I Hi.. i rill ' . ii . 1 1 ic j l.i.-ii" I'l 1:1, ir ' ii li i; .,i ., , ,., ..j,,, n,,. , i II' r. I.I I . I' 'I I. II M 1 1 tin' i nil. 'rl - hi' .i ,, r, Th. 1. 1. .in I, I LI. I AM 'ii 1,1,1,, 'i(h .' In nil I CI. -ul'i. Id , .urn i . .1.., lii iii.., rive ' III. If " '. t.i I'm , ..I II, inly ,.f ft, :ir li. i i. ii ii n i i.si:u.i, i t,i;i riov m i .. lul l i n H:.' sCCOMi Tl O'liAY OK Oi"l'nli:il, iii'M, (''uitf di" TKM'II il.i.v nl Mi" iimntli.) nl tlif i Till I'li'i'tinli ili -I I ill.' ill .'liil I'lilllilv, III llirll lilll" a 1 1 I plni'" tin' nii;ilili.' I i'.','l,,r- will i,vl "" '.I...-, f..r li.n.'in .r i f tins ('miininiiw ih'i. .ill,; ((, .,,, ,i Lu- .linl; l nlni,i,,.,ii..lll, 1 nl Hi.. iu.rciiu Cuiiri ('in- I'i ft I'm- ('mill I 'nhiiiii .-i' nor "f llii- ('"in lllnllWi'llll'l. thif '. i'Kiii In rcpl'i'-i'lit til" l,.,llllt!i' I'f I'l.llinll, ri.'iiiii- I'l, i;n., i ',n"i, .i,'i:.., M.-K.'i'i!, i' ik in". i mi. I Wurii'ii, ia lli.' ('iiii.-r'.. nl' III" I'ni I. .1 Sl.iti'... ',,.., I .ri'pr. rill l!i" nt;,.. nf Cli':u!',,''i.l, KM; iitnl Mi-K. -: n. in l!." Ili'ii-,. nl' Hi prc-milii lii i"i nl' llii.i ('.iiiiini'iin "iilili. " '. "ii I'nr (.'.iinini-'-i. iii.'i- ,.f Cti'iirl'i.'l'l , niinly. '. , ...,i l ,r Aii. lil. .r nl' Cli'iirlii ,'t cniinlv. .Im ll'A.r, nil ll.'l III' lllll (il'lllTill A "M'lll - i'iy nlniv.-ai'l, proW'liu;; "l;nr th" Mipprc-.-iuii ul'i tlu- in. inuliii liitt' ami mi!" nl' lntiixii'iilin l.i'ii.r.i j u ii lu' vi'rn .','," iippriviil nn Hid tivi'iity-i ilu 'i dii.v ..I April, ls.il, it is ..nj.iini 'l iipnii the Slii iills tlu- M'Vi'i'nl (uuiilii-.'i nl' this I'uniiii'Hiui'al'li, tlint li'i. .'. ii, All laws In lio i'1'ii'i, 'lit flimi'il Inn'.' lli.-1 nppt'ili.il mil nml f:iin:li'"i nl' l!ii p.'i.pli" : ! .li.' W h. i-mi, It is fi'pi'i'si'titiiil lliat n l.ii'K" mini-1 ! Lit, il lint ii nmi'irilv ul' III" cilii'tis nl' litis Cum-, I ! iininuii.'ilth, :ir" ilc-plv inipri'-'inl ivitii llu iu'eo.- -1 ,i . ,-iiy nl' tin. pa-, -hj. i, n , nihil. it. .ry liipn r law : 1 ,ln. U7,m" i, It is inii,u Hi, i tn nlilain n rnr-1 l.i in iii'lii'n'ii'ii uf p. 'pular s. iilinn'til ri'inlivi' tlii'i'"lu J I'V iiii iiiis nl' ii,'tiiiiins Hint I'l iiiuii'-iraiii'i. -; llii'i'"- t. .).-. Ski'TI'IN I. lie It rimrli ,1 l!ir S' )l"lr cm nils' III ftl-l tf:t'i'tiriH ,.' till C .111, i,lnlWtltil III' I'l II ItK'jl - ( riim'ii 111 tli 111 nil Aitrtiit i'i.' im t, itui t Im bi'1'1 '.i 1 11- . in ti-l th, ntl,i-:t:i 1,' I.. ,i , That tin' ipiali- ( : I'.i'.l iiii'i s nl' this ('niiiiii.iimi.iillli nro InTrhv aiilh-; !i ri.i' l nt tin.' plai'i s I . "I- 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 Ih,.' (.'I'liiTnl flvi' 1 linns in tlii'ir n -pi'i'tivi' wni'il.., hni'uii-lis innl Inn 11- ship-, nn th.' sr:Miti'l Tiirsilay vl' (K't'ilnT ni't. In iinli' I'm' aii'l HL'iiinst a luiv ivliich .shall "iiiir.'ly I pr.ihil.il l.y ppip.'i- aiul '"ii.-tilu:i"iial ri-iilut i-.n s I'll, I pi'iialtic:.', Ini' 111:1 iiiii'n rl ill" ninl ml" nl'inni jciiliiiLC li'ii"rs, I'N.'t'pt I'nr tni'ilii inal, saiTiinn'iital, ni 'i Iiaiii-. al ninl art tiral liiirpns,.s, I Si:, tiu 't hat tin' ollii'i-rs (mlhurircil l.y law j t'i hnl. I rl.Tti ins in I'a.-h iinr,l, Inirnuli ninl l"M ti- .-hip nl' this I'..iniii,.tiivi'alth, ni" li.'i'i'l.y i!if.'"l."l i'H'1 ri"piii'."l at 111" pine" li.vi'.l l.y law, in th" Pi'v iirn! (listrii-t- t'nr llin liul.liu-nt' Iho iti'ihtiiI 1 1 t-- ' .... j, ' ' ., i, ,'i,,. i..,.. 1 , , ,.,, 1 ,,' . . 1 ..1 ..... :. .'. 1. .r.' i:i'....i ..... ... '""i"'" '" .U.lllll.-. -. (!' rln-ir suij ili ; ii"t, tirk' w rittfii r im ui I 1 t.n.. l. ;!.;..-,. I 1 1 .i... 111 "HI. I'll , I lOllU'll"! ItMIII'll 1J1M, illl'l IIIC I ' . ..... ... ' , . , UrKW-11. UU'.ir -1 II 'f " ' ( 1 ' Mw .-llii 1 1 i'm t :h n 1 ..r!'n muh tho M ,,r'1 "l ori' ,r"h,,,,,"r.v 1'"n Iiiiw. !i"'l HI'.m' i.ih to In ttrnrntMMl :iw Min ' '..:.! in Hi.- i..-i...tl.."W..r.s,.!Atf,i,., Pr..!.i.-1 . . ... I i ,wr.v Li,wr w,,M'!l vrt ' fiflM '-"""'"'I 1 ij,, , fM ,...,.,;.m ..m!i ,,, hehl. ,.tli..l ,,.,:,, ,,v .,, ,.. .,,,.., , ,, ; ; mist up nml i .'i'l il'v nil lii" int.'s p..ll.'.l in sai.l 1 j I'Ullllty IT I'il V. In til" l. lli''" nt till f.-iTi'tary nt" till" 1 ' I ''.inniniiii ."iiih nt llai ri'l'i'.i'i', diri'i't.'il a ml Irani- j ' init.."l i.i lii" Mini" nriiin.T. liic villi's lur liuU'rimr i j nro ivipiitv.l to in. itir.'i"'.! mi'l IriiM-tnitto.l, nml' Hi" s,iii .., i-vt :' ry shall tut Hi" llm.l 1'ri'lay "I ! lattiiarv li" ! I'li-nin-.', i'"ii:iiiinii,-at'.' Ill" sai.l r.'-1 urns (n tho l."r'islatiii', t-i lio npono'l ami runnli',1 i tin sa im.' inn n n, r tlio inlo- lur lini "rtiur :uo I p.'ii.'il nml I'liiinU'il, nml e-.,ii.i.l-i-t-il tn tlio pray.'r j i' Iho V'il"i' nl' this r.i'iinn.invoaltli rolaliif tn II i rnluliit. ry li. iii'V l:iu. I S::in,i :!. Tli.it nil Iho ii"iti"n Iiiwk n Iho, I - .i.".'i-nl..iis tho li.m: - "1 upon in;' nml .Ii..-iI'.,l' tin .n.:;, Mo illOL'a! . I-. .ii,.ii ul' vn'i" '. tho piiiii.-hiynl I a':', ii..' il -r-avini; tlio oxp 'twos (,!'; "I l"'i.l,L".r till" ii 11. "ml I'll , liull.' 1 tho sain.', ami all ..llmr malt"is in-1 I .' ami tlio aim' nr.' ili'i iiuoil tip- I i-li-oiiuTi .ilmi o antlini.i-'l. ' fur pnliii'"aO"ii, 1 111'. I I". 111,11 n ei'ltui III. I'.'I', plii.'lM'" t'l On M'i-i lux !. I in, it .-a.'.ll Im l ' irfir- V I'l' I!. iJ 1 lootinll 'll.'l- Ill'Xt, tho .liny of the : f tlii- l.'ninir.'.a iil T'l,' in"'. !'. In ho In 1 I 011 ll'o !.. ii ,l tlio : i"V"-.i allli. t 1 i'i.- 1: 11 1 'I 1:11 i"ii Im- 1 lio p"t!or:'l .oi.n.l '.'ii.-. lav nl 1 lot rllA-K. M. M I' A -,-..,. I. IN. ' llllli 1 i'i'inivi:n T'lio I'.v.'nty 'iL'Inli .lav i.f April. (,," th..ii-a'il vii'lit l.iim'.n i mil t'..'t'y ii-'ir. v'.M r-i.;i,i;i;. T'i" KI.L.ri nt !'" oniiiil; ii'.lio,. tha! tin' si.il li.'i.ri.i! .iI'lT.'mn.'l'lv.illlaki' Hi.-, liu il liill no lli'l.l nl In l'ulluv, in pi ( : At tl," ('..not It'.ii ' in l!:. lo.i-uii i.f Clcaifiold. fur l.iiivi-onoo t.'Wii-hip. 1 At Iho linn-.' ..f William l....v.,r. fnr Kranfur l tp. I At tho Imn.-o ii-' .lull 11 lii.: :', fur 1 'ooatar town -hip. j ,M ni" iiuiim' i, ,-:.iiini'i .'l. .-'null. .-r '."ooa, . i ip. At tin' 1""'S" uf I-nn" Iiii'iiai, jr., in tho 1 ".run,:!! vl I'lll'loll.l illo. i'.'I' lv,lu' li'lVilsllil'. .t la" hi'ii-e nf ,lai "ii .Maui", r, I'nr Cm in.inii tn.l Al Iho li'.a-.' l'...-;n,-rlv . v. api, .1 l.y M':,i. 1'nl, v, as! a t ".vi ni -liiiol, li.r lira.Iy l.nvn.-hip. At too .-l.,r.' hnii-o i.i' .Sunlit' .Sniiti:, f.r I'i I'll Ip. At i!i, soiiunl linn.,, ii.'i..- Si ji linral.an'li'.s ..r I ho. t luwnshii. At (.'..i..'ioss Hill Sohnil H'.nso. fir Cirni'l tp. I At tho hnuso ul "JTininiis Kyhii'liir.Miinis Iniwi-Iiii'. ,11 tlio li'iii". ul .lulin i iiiitiL', LT iiiiinsnio ip. At tho liuiiso nf Asoph lillis, f,,r li' ll Inwr.-'liip. At tin' soli'iiil linns" in Ansonvillo, Vt .Inrilan tp. At tho linnso nf . I. 'sso Wilsmi, fur llnslnii tnwnship. At the li(in.-o uf Thniiiii.s Haiis, fur KoririiMin tp. Al i 1. o liniiso nf ,l,,lni I. llnnily. furFiix InMnsliip. Al Iho liniiso nf .lulin Whitosiik', lur Wonilwnr.l tp. I At the imlilio poliuul hnii.-o, fur (ii.shon Inwnsliip. j At Iho hunse nf il. I'. Hull & Co., li.r luirtliiius, tuivnshii. Al Iho sturo hu'.iso nf I!. W. Monro, fur 1'nion tp. At Ih," Court llimso lur Iho lturimli of (Toarlh lT. I At the house of l.-ane Ulnnni fur the J!oruu;h of, 1 Curivon-villo. I i I X'I'ff !i Jin .'no lii' liitu in it: That nil porsun.s j j exci'pt .luslieos i fthn I'oaoe, who shall hold any 1 olfn o or iippuiiilnient of trust, under tho gnveru i inent of the I'liilod Slates, or of this Sl:iL", or of' I u n v iiiooriionitod di.-lriit, whether a i oiuinis.-ioiieil . " otheer or olherw io. a Mihor.iiiinto ofiieer or agent, w)io i nr shall be ciiinlnvcd tindor the Legislative,' , , i;.ociitive or Judicinl iloparlmeiili nf this Stiit" or I ' . lt. Vnii,.! States, or any city or inoujii.irnh',1 1 di.-lriet, and also Ihnt every member of Cuiii-ro.'s : . , M1 snuo Legislature, and of the cuuimon or soloot '' 1 council of any city, nr rntuinissioncr of any incur- porato.l dUlriot, are by laif incapable, of holding or exercising, at the siiiiu time, th" nfiieo or i'i-: poinluient of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, of any oloolion of this Coininutiivciillh ; and llitil no In spccl.ir, Judge, or otlior i.Oieer of any fueh election j liiall bo eligible lo any nilice vntod lor. And the Uo.urn J.e of the r..,tivo din-, j ;. '.' '"'" '; ' ' ', . ' . ' ' ' ;ILA next a lie. Ihe an Si" n,l 1 esday ,,f Ue ohor ,hc. and there to do all those thing re-, 'I'""''! "I thein ly luw, '1V1-N under iny band and foal, at Clearfield. Illl -l.ill iav o. ri'.iooiooi in .00 ,1'iu in .10. I.ord one thnu-and eight hundred nnd lifty-liuir, nnd of tho independence of tho I'nitod Stale.' ihe Sevoiiiy-Ninlh. WILLIAM I'OWKLL, f-'h'ff. I'l'lll.lC SAM. rflHl'- l'lil'li'" nro informed that a fab. nf the J. Household and kitchen Furniture, Farming 1 iiten.il.. Slock, and Merchandise in Stota ol the Hubseriher w ill take place ut liridgporl, one mile west of Curwcnsville, on ,W..ii'oi Kril. 2'ith, ISil. ii. -Sale to eoinmence t ID o'clock, a. in., and lo continue until all the arlieles are disposed ol. lerun tnado ki'O'm en Any of rale. tiKOItUlC J1KAT1Y. September (I. IS.'.rt. a tt i : x t i o it i : ; i ; l a h m : "TTii; are ordered lo meet for parade at the Town Hail on tho Fourth Sulurday of St)it., n't. 1 o'clock P. M., in rummer unifor. Laeh niem hcr will provide himself with & round, of blank cartridge, There will bo a iun,l ilrill on I lie .! I Haturday, nt fl o'clock, P. M. Ity order of the , Captain. .h". iUUih.il, .ir., (. ,n. Clctrliel'l. Sopiember B. ll.- tH. Mil lilt V N Il 1 1 I I Mi'.. 1 1, A i on i i 1 1 I ' i - , "' I i' ' I'.l'v I' I" nil' . I ill' l .1 ll " I I1,' I ,uli I "".s hi I lli. I ii i I i , lli'' I .r Ih" i . .. i nl' ' 1,1'T 'I I'i t" I .r l' .. I' nl" tl...... II"! ' III" r In , mi'l v. , li lli" i i '. , I . ii il I in- v I i I nn I', I" I Ill" i 1 "! a 1' ill"! 1 I l.iilT'ii ill..:-, IV 'I UK III! T A I: I I - I nl I III! H 'I In i l'.i o .1. i.i i, mi... I. ini.'.l.r 1 . i i .."to nn i i l. li , 1 .' s.. lo I 'l lli. ir I ..r:i al in"-, in I III"' n "I mil ;, "r i" . ln l"i nn lit I i n I, il ''o l.iinili' r ul nili-ls mi l nt in I-, liiil i ii-1 no it ii.' .ni i until tnoii ii tn-1. Im-nml, u ml, to pi nt In tho piirolni-iT' "I thiir i n .-rai in;: .ulu'i J iH.l'l.ll ,. liioin mi' lofl, Will liifh, of tlii- nrlitnl fnvl of H ''0,000. I.'ii' h pin 'li'i-i T . I' ii Ha" linilar l!n"rai in;:, llion lurn, ivi-oii'S imt ..lily tin linrm in liohly iinrlli Iho inuttov, hot nl-n a lii ll.'l ivhii'li oiitili.'s I, Mil lu inn" nl iho li,!s Ihoy arc 'li: Il il.lll.'.l. I'.r l-'it i" I hill a is. ;. hi.'lil v lini livl Ili'ii a ini; l.o'iiitilnlly I'AI.NTKU in I'll'., nml I'l K ii ! I' I' T'CvKT.-', will '" i-.'iit ; or I'll t: ILU i.m's u ..ltd nf .'p'.' ii.li'l linraiii's ciiii l t solool.'.l from Iho Clllal'i'-lio. A o'ipy of th" 1'at'ili'L'no. lujrollior wi;h n spooi ni"ii uf oho nl' h" li'i;'i ai in;;-, oan In" noon nt tho uilioo of this pai i-r. I'nr oni'h liullar .a nt, an F.rernvin notnaliy iinrlli that sinn, mi l u tiil'l T'iokot, will iininoilialo Iv ho t'.niar.l.il. At IK NT,-': T'lio Ciiininittoo lioliovin thai lli.. snoooss of this lint: it Nation i. I'siMiiiTAKisn will lu nitito rially pruinotoil hv tiio onory ntnl ."iitorpriso uf inli'lli;' "lit ami p'T-ovorii:;; A;;i'iil--, Inn o rosnlvoil tolroat wilh Mic Ii nn tho im. st lilioral tortus. Any I'orsnii ivi-hih:; to Loooino nil Aonl, l.y s 'inline (p" I p::i'l,l SI. v. 1 1. 1. iiki'IIIVi: nv lit: 1 1 I'V i.i-- MAM., a I'm' linilar lan-ravin:,', :i ) I t'T T'K.' Kli'f," n l'riispoilii n Cataln;;n.' iitnl nil utliorno o.'s'ary i 11 J - .iiiial i"ii. On I'm lin ii o.iinploliun of Iho .alo, IhoCifls will ho plaooil in lii" liainls oi' a Cu'imittki: of iho ni rrn as r i: to l.o iimTimti run, .In., initio.' ul'ivhioh ni!l I'" .jivi'ii Ihioiihoiit. thi t nito'l SialoHiinJ tiio ( minilas. LIST OK CUTS: Hill Mail.lo hn-isiil W a-hiiiluii.at ?lh) I nil Clay, lllll in. I " M'o'li.-Ior, lllll H"l " " Calh. .ini. lilt! ;ill olo'anl Oil I'liintiiurx. in .'plomliJ linin.'-. sizo II.nI loot.oaoh, lllll 1'loj.MllMlll l,'lilllill'S.2x;i ll.l'lloll .'ill ai'll . tool philo I .nu'ra villi;.-., I'l'iliiant ly onloro.l in nil. lioh gill I'raiiii's 111 L'-lxHh iikhos. oaoh, I II.IHHI oloiranl aluol pinto l'n;;riivins, oolnro.l in oil, i, I Iho H'u .... tmi I M'liiitiu' nt, 2"xL'i. in., oaoh, 2"7.(l"'i stool ,laio Jiii'.irui ins. from li'l'ilitloronl pint os, now in possoi sinn of, ami oivno, I hy tho Artists' I nin n, i.flho innrkit valno of, from .in os. to s I oaoh, 1 liri-t-ola.-s lloivi'llin, in ,'U.st St., .Now York t ity. I ; in, linn ' in, tiiin ' In, nnu 111,1101) ' 5,01)0 j .i.iim) '; .vooo ! in, nnu 11,0(111 1 I i:.ooo ; 22,000 I i 22 1'iiililiii" lots in lilt) A Kiln sis N. V. oily, oaoh L'axllill li. ilooi ' llilill lllll Yilhi Silos, cmlaiiiinp oaoh 10.. nun si. li. in Iho siil.nrli.s of Now York City, and coiiiinniiiiini; u inii'ililloi-nt i ioir nf iho Jltnlson Kiiorinnl l.niijj 1-liiml iSniiml, at al'il .'ill. (KM) 2 I p' r,".'linil loans i.f oa-h, wiihout . . ., intoro t r s.., airily, ' S.'.iu taoh J' .'. ' ' too ,r.,nno in" ' " " lit) ' .'..Ihlll 2. oi " " " L'll .l.liiill 2,noi ,1 . n. ltol' i' iioi' in ro.'nr'l lo th" I!, "al K.-tnv, 1''. .1. VisN.'iii-.ii A Co., Koiil Kstnt" Ilrokors, Now York. On!": , (.ust pni.l,) vv i til inonov t'iii'li.s . , to l.o :i'l livs,0'l. ,1. V. llilI.liltlJl'ICK, Soorot'iry, nli.l lirua.tivay, N. Y. ""l i'i. Tho KtiL-rio in;s in tho riila!n;'n nro mnv roa ly for dolivory. An, tl, 'j2. Oin. IMI'OliTAVr 'i! IMItMliUS llifkok's I'atiTil lmprinnl fiilrr Mill, ns flr- rmiicil for bit. II (.'',-,', I. ', .'' itii-i i tlhiin nr.: j'tit'l'iirrj, ffi'J nut Otlnnir,. A MKlJ.U, win' iiwar.lul tin- Invntor from tiio W.'il'i', 1 .!.:. N"iv Y-rk. It t' ktli. l'ir-t l'r,'iiii;':ii nl Iho lVnn 1 1 v."ii::i S'laio J'.r,-. nl I'iiislinr'.'h, 1 nml al.-jofa lar0-o aiiinhor of ''uiio.iv fairs. Hi a 1 Ino f 'linn in o..'il,i, .ito : .) li k -ion ;, .lini." t .1. 1 Si I. V.'. I'. IIii'K.ik: .s',',-.- 1 Inn " ono ul ynnr li.i pr", ,"'i C: 1'T I iis,., t. Mil) la 'iio.,.or. an l oil iri'il I ; ...llii:! Cliy l.a-li"s ,,f appi. .s p. r ! ."ir. I kei'p tho ;'i'iiiiml up; l"s tivolvo hour-', nml 1 can j'r, .-- , tivu I'arr.'l- of , :,! r i r h i : with I v. i. in. p. I oan r. omnia, ml y,.nr I -n ; o- iv I Ci.lor M.il to all li nii ..'loiv i-s, ti.r sp ... ami a sai in'i.f 1 il.or. I onn loako :hiriy-ti v.- ;..il!..n- ..1 . of r I r.nn lli'L" I'ti'l II ll.l'l' hll.-ll' Is of , mi, III. ill Ii' pl.-. "Tin" ."i'lor can ho piv.-.-o'l fmni 111- 'i.in:i.'.' without us ii::rwii r n w. Ci'l-r will koop ono jour wiion Ha, i ; i- n 't i: i "1 ::t ill pro.--. .1011 V M'CO.Mr.K. I'.irin-'i's oximiiiio ihi'riov.ly 1 nij.rovi'.l .Mill ho f'ro yon I ny any nthorl l-V-m ros. ut inlicntion.: it will '" OilTicuIt ! 'iipply th" ih inai 1. nml por-otis vi, tiling f In :n hti'l lj"tti'r sou l in llu-ir nruors sunn. 'I lio pri"0 of ii," Mill is !M(. I p ti apnlioatinn l.y tnail, i.o.-t ti.'.i'l. to ih mi 'l- r-i.'ii"il, at Tyr.nio. a painphlot O'ltilainin fall pal :i"til:uv, w ill ho sont. ', ', .Tho .Mills will ho kopl fur alo nt I,. It. i.'u: THi' s, ( i'.aniohl, l'a. AiKlrovs vonr oril"rs A. li. l:nVMAX. Tyro:'". Ti.. .- .. Ajont for CI, a-.l'mhl o.i. August 0, ls.il. - "in. ii:(;iTi:ifs Mitk i:. Y'liTICK IS HKlUr.y UIVE.V. that tlio f..l-' lowing nocuiiiil.i have I.i" n oxaiainoil' nml. pii-soil l.y ino. ninl roinain Clo.l nf roconl in this otf.oo for tho inspi-oiinn of hoirs, loiiloos, cro.lit nrs, iiivt all nthors in nny other way intcrosto.l, nml will ho prosoiitcl to Iho next Orphans' Court nf (TonrtioM onunl.v. to bo l.o'nl at tlio Court Jlou.-o in tho lioroiiL'h oi' (Tonrliolil. i n Tuo-ilav Iho l'.hh i I il.iy of Sopti inh t, noxt, fur . . tifuhiatinn nii'l ni 1'ni iinoo : Tho ni'ci, nut i,f Clnrlo;: Sloan, administrator of Ih" estate of William Whiltnkor, lale i.f Hog"s township, iloceiisoil. T'lio final niT'Tint nf flonrro Hess, ."l'liniiiisli'.'i tor ol tin." estate of Abraham lies, late of llug-s toii'li-hip, deoeaseil. The final account nf Daniel Unily, ndniinistra t ir nf Ihe estate of liae Haily, lute of Tike town.-hip, doeeasod. The finiil nccniint of John Smith nnd C. M. Priestly, iuli:iiiii.-ti:it. i s of the e.-lale of Laiah Unrlo, Into nf Ilurn.-ide towti'-hiji, doou.-ed. The account of llonry 1). Kese, Iixeeulor of Ihe estate of J,,hn .M. Wetzel, late of Hell township, dooensed. The noc'iint nf lienjmiin II. Mosser, Kxcculor of the e.-tnte nf Samuel 11111110.", late nf Clenrliold county, deceased. The account nf P.enjamin F. Taylor, I"xo utor nf the estale of Thomas I'enton, Into of I'tnn tow nship, dcoeiisi"! . The aeeouiit of Jnmon (Tiilbilicr and Isnae l,ee, Mxcciitiirs of Iho estate of Andrew Alli-011, late of lluriiside !nw nship, doeca-. d. T he 11. 'count of Anthony Jlile nnd Henry ll'.lo, ndtnitiislratcrs of the estate of Jloniy llile, lulu i f l'enn l iivinliip, deceased. W,M. l'DItTK It, .VyV. r.egisler'i" OiTiee, Aug. If., 1 S j I. Eslutc of Diiviil W. Osdcn, Ditrasnl. I' i-:tti-:rs ok aiiministi:ation, (,n the J estnte of Hnvid W. Ogden. Into of Lawrence Imiusliip, Ch'iirliol'l cotmty, deceased, hnve boon grnnte.l, in due furm nf law, to the uls'i ibers. All person know ing tlieiii.sclvef indchtod lo raid estate will ini.ko pnyuicnt nilhout delay, and those haying nivounts against the Minis will present tlmin duly iiulhentieiiled. for -' ttletiieiit. KM 1I,Y OI1I1KN. Ailmlnltlfitt'r. .IA.MKS T. LL'ONAItll, Ailn'r. August 10, 1 "151 fit. Mule of Alirnliam I'ussniore, tlcc'tl. IKTTEPJ'of Ailininistiiilion on the eslate of J Ab'm Passniore, Into of Pike township, Clenr liold county, docoasd, having been grunted to the fiilnrriber in duo form of law. All persona in debted lo faid enlflle will make payment immedi ately, nnd those having claims iigiiiust iho same will prefoiil them properly authenticated foractlle ment. !KO. C. PASSMOKK, A.lm'r Pike township. Aug. HI. Is j I. jul. ; III. Illl I'- I I . H i ii !" I "in! . i i'l ol I in I'n' in". .mi. I ut . l t'n 1.. ul ... I . t.,i. .11 I h i o I I, nr- in M . I- p i' i. I A. M V... I.. ',1 ' , I I , II.' ,'',', " tin il, llin I "i'i li i... i". - t. I. mil I"' .'!- I ( "ii'l li ".i " In (''"Hi!"! I, . n y "I .- I l . I'" 'I. nl I'1 ". '" k tho l"il In Hi" I". ini; ni. 'h. hull -. .1. .,',,l,., r' i'1 p. till." I,"l I I 'in on, illo, Hli n il i'l , atlil.l'. ami olllor Mil h"U I In Ol'.l.'.l III, I.,., Il, , I I ... ( I , v lot Into til.. I'P t ,. i 1 ,l"l.ii S' .t! onw. -I, St. l.'.'M 1,'infl nn oii-l. Iho la, Iniiipik" on imrlh, nl-.. V i n.'ii". limn, or I , .. iii,l r In m I in I : i . . 1 1 -1 . 1 .- town dip, LT..iili.l. . .., I. uml. 'I I.) laml . ..I J" i, nil, nn SniiU'r, Kit. li i n ninl iiIIuts, Soi.i i j. 1 1 . 1 Inkoii in I'to.-iitinn ninl lo Im ml.! in tho pruii'rty nl I'iiii" Smllli, AImi- I ty lilt"" nl a wtil ol Yoiulilioni lixpo in-, i'-in ,1 ni t ul tho i..inio ouiiit, nml to m. iliroo- l'"l, mil ho i- I to iiliio niln nl tlio -ami" tinio nml plaoo, nil Ih" inioro- nl Iho iloli'iiiUiits in ami In Iho fillmvin luo Irii'is of laml, vi' : Ono tiin t in iho name uf ( In i.-liiin IJotliui;, cuiilniuini; l.l'i inn's I. ni pori'lit-H, liiiiiinlod n follow..: Iloi'in niiiiC at ii p, .-t. lli. ii.'i, iinrlli III wi'sl 22(1 p. r.'ho to u p"st, ninth ','.'1- w,.. 2lii porolioi. to n post, '"iilii In " oast L'SII porohoj nluiiK lino nf trnot in Iho Hani..' n .1 ..li liyori lo jiohI, llionoo north ;tJ oa-t l.'.'.l porohos to post, thoiioo north HI" ,..-1 l-l I) I oi i li oa to tho plnoo of l.o inniiiL', lilitnte in IJ.'trv.d luivii-hip, 1'1.m ti, i-1 . 1 I'liiiniy, with cno liouhlo Saw Mill, 2 Jiwi'lliui; lioiis.'H, uno Hal'lo, an 1 otlior nut In.usos erooioj ihorooii, with throu nr four nrr." of i lonioil land. Also, on., i.thor irnot wnrnniloil in Ihouaiuo ofjo-opli lliilliu, liinnuloil im lollowi. tu it : llopiinin;,' ill il post at Iho ooruorof iho Cliris tiun (ioltin trnot, t Ileum Foitth-oast 220 Jipti-Ii.-h to a ono.-lmit, llionoo siiiilh III" west i!li j pon hos to ,-tuuos, iinrth MIJ woi-t 2110 porolios to u poHt, llionoo lo llnj plnoo of liopiiniiiiK 21M liorohos, eon tainin Inn ai res, nml 10 porolien, U'ljoiiiiii' tlio Ch ris I inn (lotting survey. Soizo.l nml taken in ex eoulioii, nml to ho Hohl a. iho property of l'atlon. Sinilh .t Slovens. Also All tlm rilit, titlo, interest mid claim of tho ilefenilant in ninl In n certiiin traot nl luinl silual.' in lioeeuria town-hip, Cloarlielii eoiinlv. lioiiiiiitii; at nn ohl innplo treo, thoneo. nnrth west il.i porohos to an old hoinlook, tliouco l.y I'liil I (iluHui.i((or toulh 7(1 porolieK to n licmloek, thonoo hy ro.-iiluo of tliu l.oori;o Monro, jr., fitrvey ami .lulin MeCahcli cn.-t 211j J'Orohos to lioinluok north si pen lies to n po-t an white oak, llionoo souih ,S7" west hy luinl sold Mourn Itnbeson 1 S-l perohi'sto a lioinhiok, tsoulli oSJ wostiil porohos In a pi no, in, rill t;'.i" west III p'Telies, Iinrlli 2.1 cast L'o or 2.i peroh.'.s to plnoo of lioijintiiiii,', with a Saw Mill anil dwelling liniiso erentod thereon, and iiliout 10 nor." cleared Hii.l loo nerea boini; uutnfaur voys in luiuies of John MeCahen, lioor'a Monro, jr., titnl l'hilip Cloniiiiii'i-. Seined and Uikoii in exoeulion and lu bo Held us to property of Caleb Copolilieahor. Also All iho interest of tho defendant in and to a certiiin tract of land niluato in Woodward township, Cloarliohl county, bounded by laud nf I'nlriok Jioivliu John'M. Clinse, nnd others, cun tiiinin I l.i acres, inuro or lom, being the fnnio piirohased of Wm. Howies from .lames Forrest, with two tnnnll Jlwclling houses, two ctiiblon and a llhicksmithshop thoreun urectod, and about 2iiaereii of cleared hind. Seized and taken in exoeulion and l.i be sold as the properly of John Uowlon. AImi A oeitnin lot of land pituiite ill the town jof Ciinvonsvillo, on tho northeast side of l ill.ert j .-tro' i, with a new Inline House thcroon oroetiHl. , So', d i an 1 taken in execution mid to bo told us ; the iii-nperty of A. Henry. A i-o A certain fact of land cituat" in l'enn tnini.-hip, Cleurlield county, adjoiniiiir liin.ls of Jo tepli Sponeer nnd .1. .Im Spencer, with a l'lank ! house and l'lank barn thereon .'reeled, unit about j 12 acres of eloari"! hind. Seized and taken in exo- i mi'iii and to bo sold us l!io properly uf Jonathan Sponeer, by i AImi Two ferlnin tri'Ota nf land, pituate In I Morris township. Clourfn:lil county. conluiiiiii' 7U0 i acres, buundod l.y lands of llonry torain, I'otei Swart;., J. li. Mylar, l'hillip Shiiinuel, nnd other ! as follows: one tract bcjiinninc at pine corner of i John Houston mid l'miicis, .luliu.-on, Ihence by th St' phoii Kingston mrvey south 2,".S porelien, Ihoiii o oa-t 1 n.-i perohes, iinrlli L'.'iS porolioe and j wo-t MS perches, purl of tho Stephen Kingston Mirvey, eoiilainin 2Li. a"r"s. Tho oilier piece of I'rinii is .Johnson survey, beginning ot fci'.ue pine, in iii'o iili.nj.' Iho division lino ,,f Cno Johnson and : K'ii'."t'.n mrvcyi east 1 ft S porohos, thoneo north lini porches, llienci. west His peicho, thoneo south 1 mi porches, eontiiininz Kij ueies. lino oilier piece jl"siiiin tit a )'ino, thoneo lu.ith tllj perclici by M,i:cr k M e Mirv.-ys, Ihcnce west r,( poroho.. llionoo so'.ilh ."ij perches, thence cast 1114 perches:, O'intiiinim; ;i.,o ii'T's, boini cut of part? of survey in nanios of St, p'uen Kin v'slon and I'ranois .lolin ' a ii, wit im few Hers of iho last mentioned in Centro enaniy, with Two J'raino Houses ninl a sg Hajn 'ihorooii ore I'd. and about la acres cleared. Soi- ,' l an 1 la!,, n in execution mid to bo sold a- tho property o! Thomas (1. Snyil'T. Also A a cci:- in tract of laud, filualo in Tike i.'wn-h!i, ( h arl'iol l county, bnuml.'d nj.fnlli.W8: 1 l.e.n'.ni'.in nin pet eunur of J. hn Mlnnm, jr., Lu ll".' ici ih nlon' the lino of said Jnlm Uloniu (is 'nnd oi:ht-t"tilii pore lie., to n liemlook, thence went ' 12.1 pi rolu s lo a po.'t, thence joutli ti," mid ei'lil : toi.ih porc'iies to a pine near a d i'w nod, thence iilmig land nf 1, vi ami l.oiijaniin l!l,.oin, jr., east : 12.. polities to the boinnin;, eonfuiiiinp aOni'ros and iillowani e. Sliced and taken in execution , mid to bo ..old ns tiio pr i "riv of I'ol.'r Miivk. I w ili,iam 'iowi;i,i,, tirrtf. I Sherirn Office, Clcarlnld, Au. V, Idil. Tlirow riijisic to Hie Dogs. j)n.Yi:i:MAiiKics nviuto klectric , OLT AIC Cil.MNS. I'roduoiiig in.-i.mire-liol Irninti.o in .st inn le pain, and pormiiuontly curing all Neiiralirie diseafes, Hln umatism, pain ful and frtulleii .loints, Neuralgia of tho Face, . Diafno.-s, lUiiiduess, SI. Vitus Dance, l'alpita tiou of Iho Heart, Periodical Headache, Puins in the Stonim h, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, l'terin l'..iu.s, Paralysis, uto., eio. These chaiue woro first introdueod into tho city of New York less than one year since, and after being subjected to thorough trials in every hospit ul in tlio city, ami applied by Hrs. Valentine, Mutt, Canine hint. Van Duron nnd others, it was liisoovorod that they po.-.-cis firaujn and wnndor lul pnvier in the relief and cure of tho above class nl diseases, and their tale, and the success that has intended their u.-o, is unparalleled. , Previous lo their introduction into this country, they wore used in every hospital in Europe, arid are n oiirod by patent in France, (iermany, Aus tria, I'ru. sia, und England; and also in the Cniled Sl.iles. "Think Ch.sk and Poxnrn Wri.t,." The prin ciples upon which it is claimed that tho Chains produce their marvelous cures, are, first that all N. rv.ius licenses are attended and produced by a deficient supply of nervous llui l, nnd an ffgent lh.it resembles closely electricity, or oh" tro magnetism ; and soeond that tho electro magnetic chains, by being worn over and upon tho part and organ dis eased, furnish t a the exhausted nervous fluid which is required lo produce a healthy aclion through Iho entire system. No disgusting nostrum is al lowed to betaken while u-ing Iho chains, but a rigid observance, of the general laws of health are rooniroil. lirisk friction upon the part disensed adds much to the effects of the chains, by increas ing their magnetic power. Dm: TiiiirsAM) In, i.t. ail will he given to any person who w ill prndiu o to ninny well authentica ted certificates of cure, both from intelligent pa tionls nml nietilitic physicians, as have been ef i looted by tlio u.-o of l'ulvcrmacher'i Electric Chain. They never fail to perforin what they are advertised In do, and no person has over been dis-,-iiti.-li.'d who lias given them n trial. !' F':Ai.i! Casks noire than one hundred per manent cures of rridnpsus t'tcri hnve been ctfec led it! in the In i,t year by the use of these chains. Ity applying ..no end uf the chain over the region ol Iho nl, Jo men. and tha other upon Ihe spine just above Iho hip, the usual severe eyuiitomii incident to that (lifoiue are nt enee removed. Moiik or t'sK. T he chain should be moistened re use wilh common vinegar, and then oneen.l of Ihe chain should bo applied directly to the seat of the pahi ur disease, ami the ether end opposed to iU P.b not Di:ci:iyi:ii ! The Electric Chaini are not tn cure nil disease.-: but for Ncrvom Diseases it I. claimed lhat NO Medical Agent in the world tin produced sn many cures in Ihe last year as the Eleclrio Chain. Instikt Krurr from Ihe most acute pain, is proiju-id at lh ni'.ineiil of nppl'o-itioii mnoh more effect uiillv than can be produced by opium, in Buy of Its forms. Call and obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) J. STE1NERT, Sole Atrenl. al'. tin.a.lwav, eur. Prince Hi., V V Sold l,v C. D. Wa rs,, Clearfield. Pi Aug '.I 1-i.C-lv