Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 13, 1854, Image 2

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    the immmucAN.
rl i;m;i , si .1 r i . i
Ill Mill K AT II' MUi: HI lil I,
li t." 1 ItS-'i;.
Mill I M lilt. III:. .1
n 'it si ri;i mi:.ii i.. r
il iii;mi til x. mi, u k, .,-...,,.
lolt c ii!MK-iil li
in:M:t s. moit. ' ,
i n: i ii;i.i;.v-.
ivii imu i n, !'..
-IH ' ' Hit, 'I'.
Kelt covxty oommi-siom i;.
D.tvii) miss, of i tk. y',.,;w,,,.
''.'It COI.'NTY Al Mini;.
r;r.oit;t: tt .ti.Ti-:ns ;, r ....
, . . ii.,. I
A fijw months ngo tlm V lujr prcs.-i wrro
chuckling at a gruat ratu over what they
imagined to Lo dwscn.ions in the l)om.
cra.ic ranks Tho hoot is now
cralic ranks. Tho boot is now on 'tother
log. So fur as wo have heard, our pnrty
is liarmnninimlv !n ri-irr f'nnrrriic.
Bional mstrict, and in almost everv county.,
. . ., , , " ,,,
It is not so with the W hi'rs. InodLnu-
caster the (iibralter of American U'hig
rery there is an independent. Whig ticket
in the field, which bids fair to sadly spoil
tho five thousand ninjonty tho Old Ouard
. , .
xvas promised to furnish tins lull.
Rut this is a mere trine, compared to the
. , ' ., ,' . ,
formidable divisions in 1 h.ladclph.a. Jo-
1. f ril 11 tl. . 1 .1
Sepnu.v,la,, prillci.leS were clearly indic.led t.v
jwcoiiu uiamci m congress lorscxcrai
O IT'-.''.l - C 1
vnnrs. niiil lhnt wilh nn nliilil v an! 11 snils.
' ' J
taction to all parties although n steadfast
anu uDwavenng n.g tnai xvas never ,
Burpasscu, Has been laid on the .shell, and,
Jou K. iyson, who was more acceptable;
... 1 i
to me ixnow ixotning proscriptionists, nom
inated in I is place. The only objection
4 Rl - rl li i .
iu mi. oiiuiuiiui xus ins connection "tin
l - ll U Oll'il'3l.U lll.ll IHV..SIJ ti. II .1 U I i l .. lull-
a certain church. A native born son of the very able letter of Judge Huck, the i nthcrs in the ranks were depending main
New England, a citizen of Philadelphia, Democratic candidate for Judge of lite ! ly on the great city, and we therefore com
from boyhood, the accomplished scholar,1 Supremo Court, which was laid before the i induced to interrogate them as to their c.-
and the perfect gentleman, yet to secure ! late Stalo Temperance Convention, and is 'Uy ''f fT; U"'y
, r t i r ' ! iclainicd live thousand, and tins claim was
the votes of a band of secret traitors and in answer to certain interrogatories addrcs-. c, ,, ,..;,i, ,, ,,..,,,, .. ,,.,, . i,,,.. ,.,i ,i.M.
conspirators, tho Whig party of Plnladel
phia have been forced to sacrifice their
brightest ornament, Rnd to deprive the
merchants of that great city who claim
ed Chandler as their especial representa
tive to do without his valuable services
in the national legislature. Dut these mcr-
chants seem determined that their destin.
ies shall not te controlled by such mid- urac inai v.iov. i.ioi.f.h s ami .itntge foi.- oi m.u gn-.u i n ,,,n en, ne.j m. n- a t0 t,o wholly inconsistent w ,,,i i;,e pi n
ni'dt cabals, and that their chosen renre- i lock's were, and the fact that it was never sl,'lc to their obligations. Th -y should ' cinals of : five government, and for t.,;u
scntativc shall not be thus slau'Iilorcd. '
and they are now taking measures to
nominate, to run, and, if they can, to elect,
Joseph R. Chandler, independent of the
Whig nnd Know Nothing nomination of.
Job R. Tyson.
A similar division exists m tne I Hinting-1
don district, whero a Mr. Crcsswcll, an
active Whig, h an independent candidate
b '
ncninst John R. l-'.din nfSnmrpspi. fnrmrr -
ly editor of a Whi paper in this place
3 '
The rhilndrlpliia Daily Ntws,
A late number of tho above named pa
per which has been either mislaid, or
destroyod contained two articles in reply
to alleged remarks of ours. We can say
to the News, that, in regard to tho first of
those articles, it puts the "saddle on the
wrong," and grossly misrepresents us, ns
no such language as is there attributed to
us, ever appeared in our columns certain
ly not as editorial.
We hold, that it requires just as "real
a degree of moral depravity for an editor'110 JlsUJrbance took place until of let dm-
to assert what ho knows to be false, as it
florsfnrlhn whnnsa In nnrhirn Inrn.
elf in a court of justice-and our editorial
career has been ohrays guided bv such a :,,c ' ' "0Wi 11 1101 "c wc lor a11 "cn
regard for truth. Can the Baihj i;s;ofrrudc,lcc 10 c;i!n,1y rce 10
say as much? If it can, whv does it Pcr-iUt tllC "W,,0, ,ru,h" kr"r0 l,,c-v re
sist in charging II. S.Mott "with king a no"ncClhls noil.or Catholic outrage,"
member of the order of Know Nothin"ism?lQS,,!,,ialrcady l,ocn ,,",lc?
We have always regarded the editor of
tho Neu-s as a highly honorable and fair!
opponent in comparison, at least, withl
tho editors of such sheets as tho Harris-
burg Herald and Telegraph, r.nd wo sup
posed he had known us long enough, mww "'m-
well enough, to be very "sure he was right" j
before he applied to us such langungoas he
docs in this article. Rut wo should for- j
give the pctulcnce of tho Daily Xacs at
.. . . . .. .
- ""ii .wiiuiu.o wi lis iu. iui n
party, it tins had to swallow many very;
bitter and nauseous pills, nnd amon-the
last, nnd not the least bitter, was the defeat j
sf Crinnillnr'Q nisn.t,-i(.flAn :.. 1
... - Mu.iiiuani,,, U mt, si-uilU
district an act of his party so perfectly
outrageous that, so far as we have seen,! (KrWo have received the very fhvora-1
tho News has not yet had the courage to bio report or the survey of the route of the'
endorse. i.,,,i t r.i.....t.i -
1 ',u ijiunu oiiu iiouineiu raiiroau,; uiu iuu-.iiil- ueeiees 01 coiivenilons aiill
Tha other article noticed by the Atirx, by J. E. Monuomeuv, l'.ngineir, and will brcn spiira oul against him in this other public assemblies. What, then,
is genuine, and it is welcome to make the publish it in our next Wo havo ivorhJComly' ur cnndidut0 for Congress, Mr. 'would become of the weak and iho unpopu-'
.nostofi,rorwoarodeterrn:ned.o";. upon many document", of this kind in Po expected o bo on hands. whose ProtecJon ,he law wa, tnade.
lrir ,h'!,?rrk',,3:',i but i' 0"" - H 0, JordanJsotKS
.....w.,p,eUUS(i,-tio inecnargooi
being a member of an ont'i-bound secret
political society, whose obligations makes'.,-,, , , 7, , V r, , BtL,"h j
every one of its members a TRAITOR to "n 1 CyCl ' !f J , rl VU p 0" TUC"r'
nir 'itin.l n.t r,r. , . , y cvcmno 01 V,ePf- Coli"- "dor of
wur aiunai an 1 OWIC lonsi.iUllOns. the bTANnrNO Commhtke. !
1 .
I I. it ' I i I inn
'i i ' i "ii iii n Mi 'ii
tinnv tn'M" V In, 'null . tn -i t Jt
ITS i II, n-' eiii,tr, fit 1 'lllwi lS ii'
;" r ii' 1 1 v tw' I, , in i hit ' h'i r ( r o'
I II''" i
Ciiiin'V Coim mi' ii, 'l ii" ii ii! ii-c the
pl-i.-ui..; in iiinii!ii:iiinii .I'iIhi i ' ! 1 1 1 y .
I,!, nl" Rl.tilfi'ld l" II' III,', ill ColllltV
Commissioner, ntiil lan, ,i ingston el' in Jiiim, Twenty, and even lliiity thou
(.' i wcnsvillo, lni Auditor, an I ihe endors- sand wni churned by n i.-i . ; .higsiis Pul
ing (if !lir nomination of Alexander ( 'aid- , locks majority HI llnit fliln r;v! city. What
wi II for the Legislature, who they say the sixty odd other counties in ill'1 Stale
limy "iV.'V'T'-" to In- favorable to their mini,! do, was ol' I it : t eoiiseipjeniT Phil
principles, ndelphia would do it nil lionelf. .Now,
Mr. Shi rev has heretofore been a dem- however, they whi-llo ;i very different
ocrtit, is a very respectable citien, nnd mn', ns will npp.-ir I.y llirt following p:ir:i.
we think ho has ii little too much vciirc ,raph f,-,,,,, al, (,iiirp in tlm West ('ins.
good sonr thus to allow (Iip use ol' his J',y. .'., .
. name for tho benefit of the Wings. Immediately niter tin) election of Mayor
mi, iin'ii iiiij iiv ii iuiuii; mill ii
, nm, js ns Mi;
i ,, i,
U,,e" ' ' W"h , '
"PmmCCS' I,aV,J KoS8 U,,d 1 U,llt('rs'
Mr. Livingston lias heietoforo hern n
tho Dcniocracv can tiroudl y challcii'Te the
.i . .
ibiricusi co n :ar sol s w nei ne r as o men s
i nr rin.'l ilu'lilliins
, . ,, . .... ,, ,
As to Alexander ( nldwi'll wo can only
. ,, . ,. !
.say ui.u '" "s oi" num.' neiuo-
cralic party of tlio district, "Wcfc" him to
bo a sound .National Democrat, and holds
'Hi .lln,rinn,-f. In Ml.v nllif.r t . . . I i t ! . . I n-irlv !
,.,'., . ., 1
innd that lie repudiates, as every other i
, . , ,, , ' ,, , 1
sound Aational IJeniocrat must do, all the :
...,, r , f v , 1
contested points in the creed of iNativisin.i
Such js (ho di;l,;lclt,1. . ,,,
, ,.lwisl(,n, :K.(1,...,V nf . ,mnf.,..;r.
. . . ' ... !
measures durii)" tlie last session
IlUt it i
renin ir.s lnr Al r C . now I lint I in is rnnt-n. '
Q a ,M.U disllic M t of princi.
tj , who js n1(, js ,
W'c lav before- our readers this week
i i. lav eetoru our ii uuers itns iH't s i
scd to each of tho candidates on the sub-'
ject of a prohibitory law. No ono w ho ;
reads this letter con fail to admire tho truly
ipairione anu mamy spu n inni pervaui's u ,
. . , . . . , .
in every part, nor can any ono fail In ac- j
knowledge the sound wisdom of its advice
n..,l ,tntMW Tl-w le.m, .,. ,vr li.en
ami laid before tho convention at the same;
given to the public until within n few ;
ti-iMil-t nrm.lY.p .-...., nA.i.. i lt.J. :.,'(,
,,. i.-,, u uu'iiiv i i. i y iiiiiiin ii.ii. i iii v ill
: 1 losiiow
Ihat that (Jonvcntion was controlled bv a,
set of men who were entirely indifferent
as to the fate of the Temperance cause,
.... . . .
l"u"11"-" "- ' """ei u 'Maun, mu
j Jark" on Iho Democratic canJidatcs.
1 .. v i ,.:hunibl" Senator from Cleartie! 1 Mepped
Kior at Nf.xvahk. We nivc a bncl , , , , ,
1 b . . . iorward, and threw huti-Cit into the cm-,
ftppnnnt rif ihft rnrnt il i Jiri'ifrtl 1 1 1 n!
I ,cslj an, a,,.r months ol ihe severest In-1
j Newark, N. J. The accounts all agree, , ,riumill(.d i sccurim- to
hatboth panics were composed, " -no.t I
iexchisivclv, of forcign-born citizens ; ami
f; '
nil ll.of.rcl r,.n,-l...,l onr,mn,li
in blaming the Catholics with making the
attack. I'ut tho testimony taken befori
iiiu . uiuuui o iii.ji.:si en in.; ne,ui uuu v 01
' '
i,n r'.nnA :.,.,. .... .!., I l..l c
1'II.VIlllll Y , IL. l 1.11 O iUl I I I III III lill S U
J 1
v, ... 1 ,11 . ,i... ... ,:i
the w hole afiair, entirely lad to establish
this important point. The fact of so ma-
nv members ol'the nroe isslnn lieiivr nrmed
, , ,
: 1, 1 nn lit u-fi 1 . . It,.,l I , ii.
..11 1 r 1
wcl prepared for any emergency ; and as,
i, 111, uv , j " 1. u j J .1 nui, .. a .11.1 1 . 111. J HtiU
Mr' 'vllt" il ma' bo 'I'Ped there was a
SrCal U(;i11 01 Winfl '"'
and as nil the
i wuniJc" sf,p,1 "ave been ol the i atho-
I I : .. . .11 ... 1 . r ..
It is a pity, however, that our police
could not be prepared on the occasion of
some of these outbreaking, to teach then
, , . .. ' ' ' .
a u-ssu., inai wuiiiu mrevur preveiu inem;
disturbing our public peace with their dis-
r..i i i. i .
New Ailvei'tiscintTits.
Tiiumas Martin offers a pio.l Ijurguin in the
Jain of his vnliiiilild fiirm in l'l-nn tuwiiHtiip.
CliAm.r.v U..ACK wanu io i-iiii'l..)' fix p..lji.ur -
i nevuii'ii S i,iptiinkirH.
uu-i.1 ui iuu tuuri on iiixi .Munilny HiL'lit.
.... r
""ww. bivm flur iii.tii,-, tiuu
' tu ' ' T 1 ""r
verlml" .r "wriiton nnliT."
llu iiAiii) AitAnr.Rs will lake clii.rir of Hip iuti r.
nd. ,,r ll,i . .lii ,:,( ;,, .1, .,.,.., e .., . :rv . .
.w ... . ,, u , a. . "ii;n-.-f - n no j.-eii'
ever met with in neatness and comploictiesq.
DEIlOfRATir Tn'-uvlirWivP
mi: whimhh imuin nv
' I III '! ill 'HI ft l I 'I 'r l W .'
I' 11 'HI I iH, I 1 . if ill,' ' - r I" -llri'Il.
. 1 dec, led in l!n ii tax 1 . I'll, I i'1' Iplel
.- I lll-IT'1- ll tie . I find til" N l'lt'!'
(ill ill'' .'('. iii.I TiumIiV of (1 lel'T was
.iu,cil forward to ni n t" forncil ri'n
ninny , lo vuictinii w ln I'lii'iulelphii h id
(lllfllllv lI'TliIl'll Ml llIT inillll''ll'.'ll i
n inn
'Conrad in the city of Philadelphia, our
. i"iii"i in "" in, ,M i, , mi i,t',, .!"
U'hi, iVie.nis mid , tiiat .liiM.eli'ato, liov,
Hi-ler was certain. With the aid ol thu
Km.w Noil,in,s, ilmv looked upm, the
...atkr as seule.l, and their hon.t wa.s, that
l'liiladelnhia alone would rue ii mnior.iv
....... i-.ii :. ,i 'i r.,'..
oi ien, nm-eii, ui iin uiv uhhis'Ihh no
1 olloeu. !o fine ( ianneil le-s thai, tlr
owest i"ure, and Ihe eeneral mark was
; h . , thousaml. 1 he argument I In ti w as
(,.,( ,!, Vl., , ,, ,.,,. , v waMnilll.'K..-
rial, as the city would ive u vole for tin
w hi,
candidate entirely Mifiicicut lo n !
SOrll 1110 lUIII'll'l! V Olllailinil l)V llDV. l.l'JIcr
in do who e Siuiu three years a"o. 1 his
, , .1
was the trame ot brajj lor several months
..,... .1,,,' l'l,;!.,,!,,!,,!,;.,' ,.(.i;,, 1 .,o,.rlv
,llu "" 1 '' , ' llul ' ,lu J';n,rl'
however, the tuno chanues. l'assni';
down Chosnut street u low days since, wo
111 ''''' couple ol active
I Whis, whom we knew very well, and us
t I '
a matter ol coursi
Wo were iii'o'.ie.'i v ili-
-I pii,.,,.1 no .,. ,,, ml!li,'l,l i.mni'i'k nf tlm
V l.i.r iimii- 1m i l.n Sit-, tn W'n i , ii,r liL-n
;,0 take things for framed, ,
therefore '
proceeded to ea.echiso our Inends
umj :
be'"cd of ihem lo "ivc us u reason for
. their hnnn Thnv (iuiuii 1 1 1 1 rntlier .'l dll-
i f,..!r ins!.- It uns ,i-l, ...'isleri,. s v wn
shall beat you, than it is to tell us how.""l,,or'"' 1 ,:,Ke , K"' rri"'ul l"J
ir, , ..,.,.. .,.! ii, .i .i, ., ,u, i;i.
liiith was weaker than water. We re
minded them of tlm fact, that this was
cum,n :lovv" MV; 1,111 'in this low-
rt.f tw.fnl, s, 1 1..,.. I,.,..,,. i,
i i ii'ii. ll iuiuii u il muni liiiil ui lull. , (in
in re.tlv said. well, our enlctilalions i
ar,,' ,.lSf,,j ,", the ,utitlii, and not on the i
cdn. Here was a "vra'lion of i10 .!m
Crow order.we were .ii'.ilc,.'d for. 1
'ihis looks a little like us if the citizens1
"ot forget licit they me mnn
indebted to ,
IV I.i"!piS lusuerlul r ftnrts nittie .L hti-
n I
, i ..- ,' i -. i- i
-...o.,, .,. . ... on ,. ,i..h, .......
they are. to any other one man in the httitc
1 ' a day w hen
welfare of thejr city, ;
: a"l business piosprcts of their mor
t , . . . '
' " ''.-o
j body for advocates and protectors, ihe
' . ... .1
pili,atU,1()n;i n n , tl l(. rrn t ltt ll;l(Jo ot
, ' , ,, ,, , ,, i
Idrcat West, Winch muiiedlllteiV led to the i
. . ..
i'iu.3111" lull UI HI". Vlllllill ll-lltlU'lil,
j For Philadelphia to desert such a friei
t ...... 1.1 ...11 I ... C.I.. ... .!. ....'
i nuu u aii.i uiu i iiu; to i ne in oueoioii o
, I . i i
tier cntcrprisin" population, nnd the in
' 1
- .' I .( . 1 1,
1 dications are now very clear that she will
1 not.
Forcisn iiml Native Of lire iiolilir.s.
; Any person who is curious to know th.
prerisc vnvdft of I'Vej.-n and Native'
, , , .. i
ki.i 11 . ni.i ns iiuiuiiii. uuu 1; unoi-T me ""ii-
. . .
oral government and their proportion to
. . '
each other can get such inloriuutioii
Cidlinj nt
our (mice, ns furnished by tin:
"lTlue liook" a work authorized by net
of Congress, and taken as evidence in
Courts of Justice. Come one come all
and see which party would attempt to de-
...... .".. ,iu.-, s(11 exauiiua.ion, ..
- k r. ..l
you do not agree w ith us that the state-, would render myself utleily unworthy e
ment we published was just as true as woD'unr confidence.
I rnnrncp.ilnit n tn l, r,,l 1I...1 I:. 1.
'V ' ' 1
led bv the Whi" naners was m n. hr
' , , , , ' ...
as was ever published for truth, wc will
never ask you lo lake our word in any
thing again. x Ni:ws..
ilie slcamer Africa
arrived in New York on Thursday last,
, will. Iivcrpool dates to tho 20th inst. A
' .1 1r.i i... i i i t ... . .
,1111-1. il l n M nil it 'in i,m , ,r I , I ,,-
. rr. , ...
Hir I nrL-a urn cm.1 in ,n..n l..L( .,1.
. ; " " "r""1 U!
l ) W X I Ml tl 11
1 "v l "
I race in the allied armv in lairo.
1 - "-
: Till! ltri.'TI'Vii -i v-r W'i-t-i.- Xrt
our I'cniocrntic friends will be on hand
ncxt Tu,,KdnJ' "'S1'1- ov. RICLF.R is1
cx1cc,cd ,0 L Ut ho,no ',nd rcnd' t0 nn"
swer some of the malicious charges that
about a mdo nbovo town, was struck bv
''5,lti"? on U'cd,,esday 'st. Tho family
were in the house ot iho time, but no onc!cn
,injur7 ; ,"or flR da '
the house further than the shattering of r
,11 IM, I I M Iv Ji 1 11 1 Hi .
''iv : - It Mi l" in lli il ill' i 1 1' ii 1 1
I id..
I'l.iMiliMol v liii'ir hw, wli'.'i fni I Ii' f"
i"ii'' m hi 1 1 1 h ai'o, ii'i"in!i' I a "iii'iiiii' -n
In iiil.Tio" ii Ik en i ll i 'ii
I . ,
la I'll II lril''H In 'In re ill'1 l""H I'M r W liirli
vim T'"i'!e, I lie chaii'iii in "( lli it mi-
nii'ti ' In-! ml' I rested n,i, 1 1 1. 1 : 1 1 1 m ; v I . 1 1 1
rr I I. lii vi' Hi it a law iT'ilHl'ilui'; lie
hi'iniilaelifl. ail,N.,e,, il)li,xiri!,M,
rx'T t liir e. rlaiil -pu'iried pin'i".,-", is
I oilpposi! I Clinnct ini'lnkellie nieninii;'
ofihis intrrnv.annii. Ii is, orr-jiirsn, not
piornpli d l.y motives of mere ruiiosity.
.v ,., ii,,- i i ,
you, the irnuhh, ol ascertain..,", them -
l.nt you ileHre to he mlnnned hw l.
,,;,.',..,., ,,,.,...,, ...., . ..,
lis lavoralile tn your mows o lln: siiI.jitI.
If 1 reply ill the riiini.ative, you will re
call! it as a mi mis" lo he villi von vl.en
. . .. I'rl
''" lU I" .' r
(" v"l''s' ' Wi J-fX C'MH'SI! " tl'".
:1''"' oi'lt;
la,s" l"1-'11'1"''''
er uiiv, yon wi
now how to disarm a;.
avowed opponent "I Hi" power, which he
f ni lit use to your ilisadv;vilii" '1'hi se,
I think, a.'" tli" rally reasons that could
induce von lo question n.o en such ;i ' iih-
I'iv the value r.f your voles. I do
lint underralo the ower von will probably
exert in the noxt elei.'tion. And euai if 1
xvi-re not a candidate at nil, 1 would feel a
natural anxiety lo win your respect, n i. .!
escape your censure; liir no nun is bet
ter assured than I am, that soiivj of the
best hearts and .soundest heads in the conn,
try tire cniiged in the present movement
for a prohibitory liquor law. Neverthe
less 1 cannot answer your ipti-siion con
sistently with my sense of propriety ; und
! 1 I . I i .
1 "'" llut wlll,oul 1110 nope, llial my rea-
sum lor declining w ill he entirely su'.isiac-
When you Kpenk of a law to prohibit
mai.ul.icturo nnd sale ol uitoMcatin
nieau ci.j .sense ii. .s a llllll,; ll u llli. iu ll.i
ked prohibition, without uti' a penalty,
or providing the means for its execution.
The law pushed in Maine is the model on
which the other .States have generally fra-
med theirs. I believe the one proposed at
the last session uf our legislature wj:s al-
most a literal copy of the Maine law. Its
constitutionality did lint sei-m to he doubt-
ed hy any one of its numerous and able '
i , advocates. 1 .ut it was violently opposed
,,N eonsium.oua. ronuus, uy oiners, w i,o
:ue as '""''''gent and conscientious men
'IS "".V I know in the commonwealth. In
s"l,,(" "f tlm st:1,f sv P,vcl- ,n l,:' i:
ii c ion iiiiiix ii, .-'
In New loi.;, on 1
(iovernor d clin-d
the o'.lier hand, the
roa.-on rctn-ed i: his sign'ilnre. Much, til-
,-o, was the iinaiiimoas npiiiiuti ol ihe su-
. ... ,
pieu,ejuiiicial court ol .M.issach.isetts ;
u,,(1 i;i, liinh.-st iril.un.-d in Michigan, c
on i
post d of ei"ht RHljes, stands at this mo-
tnent equally divided. Vou, probably,
iiiiik it qui'" near, i.ut vmi must n
l:cre are ot.,
.! W
o I!
nqually clear a-'aiti-t vou
. ,',,,!, M:u , llw,l !o j,.," ,
It is, at leas!,
'educed conflict:'
and divisions uniong statesmen,
.,, ii. , ,,. . ,i c '
lawyers, .is ainong t..e mass. of tne
1 A'i'".- ,' "' ;."!" '-icu oi greu
i "''I '-c- crjti.'.ng (s important
Ti ......
" 'l' V ' ! 1 ' : W.V:: A ju, go
-r;"'"" 'g
ns W nil he (Cos With t in "real r enter
. V ' '
itv . miv. ,,,n.-i no I, if. i,)i..s ,
;iitnl, it any part ol the constitution is more
! sacred than unci her, ii is that which
i .1 . , ...
ni.-irks hi 11.11111 s ,1 1 ii-nn.i , ... ,t .
-1 nm liorily nnd the reserved rights of the
" ,v " - - 1 " - 1 1 1 1 1 w
J!',!e.s l!u law on which you
is,, nix I'piiiiou is one which wn uiri-ctiy
iilii'ct ihe character, morals, property and
hiisii.e.- ss of the whole population of the
ll,.,-,, tl)rn is a much deba'e I nnd wv
i " 'c, nu n, is .1 inueii ucuaLij ami vex -
1 i'ii qucsiiou 01 cousuiuuoiiai law minor -
. . '
; ,ilnl U1 every aspect which must come
' .,.,i',,r.. il.n si c r.. i- ... 1 e .
helore thfl tiooreinri Coml for lin-il i.,l'i...
y . .... . ,'. .
'.liicii.on , anu i, a ciiriuKiato lorn seat m
; ,i,,t .,, iwi,,i . ,i,,. :,
j " ".'OKI t 11'.. I. W IIJIIJIJ It lli
; advance, without notice lo the parties in-
terested ; w illiout hearing the ur;;;iiii! til
l " t'"lltr s"' ; without even seeing the
law, without having niiv one of the
terials from which a jud-'uu nt oic-ht lo be
i i.- . , ,. ., ,
mnJo j,- w, ,j , ,- r
1 If I 111. n rl.nn, in n 1 ant l.- i.,m. .-,.1..
,i m l .1 i,. "... '
""lt(-'J '". and generally followed, itisca
! sv lo see that many disnstrous evils would
rush into the state by that example. The
success of al! political parties rnav depend
snm. iimes nn in,!!,.;:,! .b.nlcI.-.nV ?ii.
"inilS sects, rnrnnrnliniw nml rK. Ih,t.i
; iIh.q nf mm ... ;
All these have nn equal reason' to expect
,,,i-,,, uiv .'iiv. ij qui ui j ill i null.
! lodges. Interested individuals also stand
l fin lllft unnii. nhl ..mi S. ,a I n
... i-.. .,,.', Kjii'ii vju" uiu 13.
uu inesu i u noi, w neio snail IIIO SIO p pill''
i . . 11 "
i fioco uo lotiuii, alter tho custom is once
r n ;ni to imerrogato them
. . .
ucKiiowieuiico i me election ol every
, .- , . , ,
ljudgo would depend on tho accordance of
Y- .... ....... - .
numerous or powerful classes. Courts
...:.i. .1.. l r .i
be "places where justice is
CrcTnL for' 7?!,,"'
r. .1. 'r .." ""?
nconle. it was fenmd bv m, n, n.nJovcr twenty-fivo millions of dollars in the
didntcs would sell their integrity for votes,
; ..iiu 1 uiu 10, ul-oiiu poruon o; liio pcopioj
promises inconsistent with tne just
I , (,, , , , I
ghts of others. I am clad to say, than
Ihft li'ttnr nf vnnr pAPinni Ho writ t r,Mni..A..H ..
.'. i I ,
n I 'Ii I
. . r i I .
V 1,1 ll I lni 'l
llie I lie- i I"
ii, In!., i o i
hi in- I a i I. I
i'. M l ll 'l 'I"
ll" l,r I
Ii' i al' i 1 1 1 1 1 1
t I-, mil... I to
n I . "i n .' I
iptll I ,,'
ih .1 . m
h i '" 1 1 1 nli in I
vi' hull I
i i'. 'I'll l'l
. .
mv n '.ilii.i"il pnri , , "r in v i lie r, i v i
a ii'ini nnli
MiT H 'l! II"
liiiil. I a lie. ire In Inn I hi'' t'V a pining"
111 'I'U Hi I lit" vie. I I. ' I i l n n ''!
Ill savin;' this H ill" expel Ii li.'o nl all
inv hrrthren. timl I d'i nut ilon! I that tlm
(.;,.(H.1.,. , r,,.,, j,,,,,!,!, .
h,,.iral,li' r.nd f,,.n!,"l r,,.,i"in'.n who is
,,iv pi'vnt i'oni."lilin, have I.-i, treat.'.l
tn','il li,l,eaiai;ee.
! ill(J ,,(1,, ,(', ol,!,,,;,,;,,,, !'., ,,,,.
,!,.,, i. pt:t,..-, r repr' scnlalivo ollien
to unl... Is t'p,nin known. I'.ut it is the.huv llall.i.i Market street, aTter which they
(llltv (lfn ;,,,. l0 keep l,in,seirnenmm,.. ni,, ,rm,,, in in0 , (inisl, their nnnide.
,, unti ,, 1,,.,,,, nil that ran he said on The,r mii.e la v throned, tho western por-
,l0,, Kiiles. I will nromisD nnthini' nt '
present, exeep; tr, dceidi: il honestly nnd
aeeoulni': to my hest, when it i
-- - ,
a solemn utlirniatioi, (o.uiva!, ,,, hy the
Um ol IVnnvlvauia to an call.) that I
ill u.lrt the conmilntiou. This vow 1
mean to keep ; and that I may keen it the
ilia's. I. 1 slionl.t l,e cleeleil, I will lalie
1 will make no oilier, witicli can liy ;
any possibility, interims with it.
It has struck me as possible that the
committer; misunderstood its instructions
when the candidates lor judge were ml-
Ii such instructions were given
it was probabiy (lone witliout tluuking now
improper it would iie for us to reply in the
milliner expected. At all events I have
laith enough in this icpublicau system of
ours to believe that no slate convention
ever did, or ever will assemble, in which
i majority of members can be found, wh
will deliberately insist upon their right
di'tn ind f.iedgcs of judicial candidate, mi
(pieslions ol law.
I am, vi:h L'rciit reped, yours, .Vc.
f. iS. IlLA' K.
1'i-iif lit I nl l'lilmiiil l- ill l.nkiil!'
, . ' . T :. ', ' ...
JllSltlfStll lAiSSut l.lic,11 the lal'lil'l
'.",y""l"-T Hie.i, , , unuiMies
luiel accouiit ol
an appalling tornado
,.i. ;..t, r.,,;..-;ii,, .... s,,,,,'.,,.
"'t I o clock, while servico was
on in Inc. churches. 1 ho storm passed
over that part of tile city lyin between
Fil'di and tucntv-fiist bt roots, nnd so "real
was its fury that fully one hundred build-
jugs were uuioua d or otherwise injured,
iin l others were completely deiuolUucd.
The Third l'resbyter't-n Clmr-h.oii tlm
corner of hiievenih and Walnut streets a
i,i ri
brick edifice was destroxed, rgoi
rafters, and walls falling w hile the collar
nation were worshipping, twenty per-
sons were instantly. crusnej lo (Jeatli, ami :
smne .-n or twenty others wore seriously j
injuicJ. The scene was heartrending. i
I" "loments a large crowd ass -n..
bled around the ruins, and commenced an
in-live search for the victims. A mother
a ml h'T thre" en::uren weie lotiud "roilpeii
in death. Another scene was presented.
i lather, mother, and younger ehilj-
i.'illier de'i.J
v.oundid, w!
and the liiicher inor'ally
U, . . , ,
leu' liit.e. ciiitd, place. 1
between them, escaped uiih'.irt, being pro -
t.-cled by the loims of r par. nt-. In
other instances j
ions wer
eti'i '.'itei.
terribiy bruised Mid maimed.
It is tin .ugh! that one or two others xvi-re,0..r iiistiiulions, the genius of our people,
kilu d, w hose n uik s have nm b.-eu learn tho very ,;tiu.)st.h;ro of our climate, arc
A .splendid block of four story houses t hostile to growth. There is nothing
icueiitly eiictcil en '.he north side of.M.iiu ..i avstui of our ".r.'ernment which
i f :..!..! : v:..,i. . .. . ' .
in 1 1, 1.U..U ti iii'.. .iiiu liiiil mi s, ,k-
ciu..eiciy ..osuoye.i, anu two or iuivc
men are si.pp.. J to b- m.ri.-d iu tho roins.
i . i . .
1 1,,-, l.udua.g.s cost lK..
m upper story oi . ,c ro:e nun nag-
i ,,.t,,,-,-.,r U , ,. A- I'..
'"?" 1 vx s .
Oil .1 1 I ' ' il , I III. SilLLl. iiS DiOW
n dow n, and
new school house on the corner ol
ittiilli ami .ua"az,n.) s. reels win uiii-ooitil.
1 . . .. .
x i, i.j.u 1 1 us a is van mi. u .. .ll '?li'i',in"f.
' ,. , .,. . . . i . ........ ,. 1 .. , L-1 , 1. . in 1
The storm was nlo very sevc
fel'soiu ille, uliere !',,ur houses wen-Liown
rnrl'i oflhc Ilur.iati laliioiifs.
The l.irdiern O'sovct of tlm " 1 st July ,
makes the loliowing btalemeut, with iv-
, , ,D ,
. i.... . .m.
'....... 1 r r...i..j: i.:..i. .1. .11
estniit and Roman Catholic, which shouli
be read by every one in the prcsi nt agi
taled sttitt: of feeling ;
"The proportion of Reman C-ithulics
to Piot'-sian s in the I'nited States is but
i Sli"1,1 ir e'panson, to census ol
l-o-ol ti.ur lcspectivc number of chur
ches, viz: Roman Catholic churches.!.-
: !'iucipal Protestant churches, vi;
' M..ii,,i;.i.. i:i-ssii- n. o--i-.
Methodists, Hi.CbO; Raptisls, !),'
Presbyterians, l.S'Jl; Congregational,
l,1-!'."); 1'pi-copahan, 1,10!); Rulheiian.
1,1 ; Christians, 5.:i ; Luitarian, '212:
liversalists, o20; liuakcr or Friends,
V-'d; Refoi'mcd Dutch, ofd : (iernian
Reform,. d.Cb! ; Morav ians, Total,
110'! '-"", hesidcs a
'" "i'r"WT oi miner sects, which are ti' .t
included. The whole number of churches
in the United Slates in ISjO was rt.Oiil
"' w,",c1' "K"T ,han ?m Wl':e
'" ' "oiaiup.
. t .
I I -"n-1, li," II. I ..... k
hrst mi ivtu H UhtpI,;
1 1 ' i"".n-vi nn mi am - s ii i
I M ,
dren, nil boys,
bom tit the
, , ti
same time. I hey were six
months old, small but spriehtly. h js
nn,.,,.,i .i. .. .i.: ...... .
,ii. inn .usi; i.i lllinosi 11 HOI
ouite unnrecedented
: 1
FiioM Calitohma. The steamer Star
(1;,v lasf wjlh datC9 frpm California to the"
10,11 inst" hTl" Vr ne ruil!ion of
of the West arrived nt New York on Fri
CCrSaw-dust p.h's would effectually
cure. .n,nny orm lhti diseases with which
; ZZiiToTuS
United Stnlcs Trcasuy, subject to drafu
vk j-".-" pcuoin-s uro sn.u 10 oe a sure
icuro ior aiarrncca.
. . .
OTFcar God. shun Pro.nrlp nnd UvJ
!' ' ' I t , , j
' ' ' "I A. i. ii, A I, nl, ,
" Aw.'.. ,,, (
" .-('..'.a'.. (,, fi,.nrii
I ,l Alien d I'limde n ll,,,
T..i...f ,ni As,o ii'i'i.i I .!'- inihojitatif
,if ,'l- ll'l ,,'' llln 'lv r r.ttln,-,...! ..i I. k.
. ' " i 'i ! i ri n
,..(,, i,,.., j.' n t Newark on 'WmU v
nn wis in ln n'T i l 'he fir-1 M-mum n'ihi
Nm- i
nil I- 'S ! ml." In, , w
n" l h n t il led in Ih'1 ih n)(,i
nl k ail
-'rati. ii.
! The proi'i'tsiini w.n enmpiii-d pmliiUy
"I '..',' IH person'', Imir nhreii'.t. AliiT fin,
i'hiu;; the line of inarrh they pr.x'eeJed to
Military Hall for a col kit inn.
I'li vmus in thief) o'clock in thu nllot-
noon, tlm As inc'iation hod dinner ot Mi'e
,, ,,r ,, Wl il.. Mit'ttut
v,,i,im mr-i i, n,'.r slrwt, in thu
inunodinto ii"i;;hlM)i liood of the Konmn
i ..iinuui. iinui.ii.
- ,.,, wil lr
' Lcuveen tlm rosii
,!!,!;,. .hmV, n i1..i..,l,,,rli,....l il.lel.K-
pulaled wiih Irish, a colli-sion oiir.uriud
idetils there und lhof?e in
Inch led tosoriniiii eonse-
v(. srctalncd from several sources
.ti,;lt r,s il. ht.-i part of tho procession wls
j,:,Ssiii- ihe c hurch, shot were discharged,
;UI1( s)(.s ,iirowl, V,)ln ihu windows.
, iU(, rc ., s1(lli .1P.sSlMl through the bun-
ner m" I l"i.ry L'lav Lodi-e No. 10 of New
Vork. Siiioe ol' llie l'rotestntlls, feeliii"
enraged m tin; outrage committed upon
ihem, left the rankiitud made an onslought
upon the church. A party of about thirty
lir.-'l iu'oke- into the church, and it is asser
ted dat they found a ('.itholic priest and
no. mt twenty irishmen in the uuiluinr.
to;'',,, ,,nf si mid some of his narlv L-ot out
,,.f duirch inimodiutelv hv a back wuv,
and rati i.,'. Tin.1 IVi tcstants proceeded
L.i sack the ch'irch. They destroyed tin:
rir.'in, d -uiolishi'd the aitar and seats of
the church, broke out ihe windows, and
'oth'Tnise injuied ihe bu'ddin
', , fv,-(iiit -:rii)
to tho ex-
A (.rowj .uu.rcd fl fcw minutes ftflor.
, ....... ,, ,,.,, ,!. ii r...i.l.,l .,..
- j -
won; oi destruction, the uuiluing was com
pletely rid. Hi d, and presented a most des-
otate appearance, A 1'irge number ol the
j pis'ol shots-were fired in ihcchurehagaimt
the wi. lis and ceilings by the I'rotestitnis.
j 'no Catholic Irishman, Homed Thomas
McCarthy, w as siiot outside the church ini
j mediately after commencement of the al
i ray. lie received two balls in the lower
1 pint ol' li i s all lomeii, out of twenty -shots
j said to have been fired U! him. lie died
j at. 1 1) o'clock last night.
! Another Catholic, who had knocked
i down one m'the Protestants that had en.
teri-il ihe church, was in turn knoekeil
down and jumped upon, and -oine person
drew u knite, tho blade of which was ci-lit
inch" l.-iig, an I struck him us if intend
iiig lo "pin him" to the floor. The knife
jci.t tic! prostrate man badly iu tho neck.
I lllf-is v.r'i,, snrimile it-isi'il tint
, ' I.:...' f i .
no., iiainx ..eiu iiiuieu, or iiimy iiiuv.ii
1,m. t.t.r, ..x.l.l ,1,. I..-. Iiri,1
u. n. null, "ui'i i.'i. uu ii.i.i.iu.
1 ij j-u-ret political soeieliei arc not
' the natural productions of Amcriciii soil.
; t ;,ey utu noxious exotics, transplanted
;rom the both iuscs of Muronen desnritism
j., ,;i;i,-.-. any iiiirti'i.i oi our citizens in o.
. . J O
si.-n:li,iv lo work under the cloak of a
,:(.-cret o,-.i..i;, to niter laws, or toaf.
; tcet their uduunistration. Freedom ot
sr:ec:i ,s ",mi',:e"d to all by tho organ-
I ,-.i X' .V -
,, K: lu S Ol I i i" CO Ll 11 , TV . .Ml "OVCril niCIl-
; tal cen-'irship of the press, the pulpit nr
i tin; bar. l ie senate or the hnsiin.'s. U mi.
. ' . : f
t ioi--..-d or asserted, inn everv mini mm-
id li:s pleasure promulgate his scntimcuts
i. pen v, ii,teer subject, free from nil inter
iei'cnce or .est raiiii. " ho people may
meet to; cther w hen and w here they will,
and diseiiss ail questions of public or le
iv I coiieern, wihout ifie presi'iico of an
insolent soldiery or u vexatious police tn
cinch their pertect freedom of speech, or
to watch their actions. . What plea, then,
can any American citizen possibly offer
for attaching himself to a body of men
who are pursuing a course of political con
duct which they no: unwilling their fellow
'it .ens should sec and judge of. It mav
do in F.urope, rot mi with the corruption
of a thousand years ; but upon our virgin
soil; hencuih our genial climate, and un
der our free laws, wo have Ho need to re
sort to this desperate Xpidient of nn en
slaved people to free their necks from lhp
yoke of it tyrant and a despot. Uition.
No Mom: Lands to hk Reskrvkd for
Raii.hoaus. The following letter from the
Sccietary of tho Interior, addressed to the
lion. Alfred Ivcrson, gives the conclusion
to which 'he department Iihs come in ref
erence to public lands reserved for rail,
roads. Wo find it in the Columbus Times
of the :30th of August :
Adjust. '2o, 7)4. Sir : in reply to yours
i "ill MUlwiav H'lii mtiv.' wi rimug r-iiiiti
., ... . . .... .. ... ..
..'.ll ...!ili I. c. Iii Ar rii-iirn. onlni.
I"" anu w I. ll III ii utii ui nines un
I , -, n..-, .. . v
LilL.ll L'l l"- 'iujM.ij..u illVlIIL, UUU VII-
rard Railroad, I bnve to state that thf
whole subject ol the withdrawal of lands
for railroad purposes Ins recently been
fully examined nnd considered, and (hut it
has been determined with the approbation
of the President, to bring into market, with
as .little delay as practicable, nil lunds here
tofore withdrawn for such roads as have
not been favorably acted upon by Con
gress, and to decline hereafter to withdraw
lands for such purposes, until afcr the
grant shall have been actually made.
"I am, sir, very respectfully, your obe
dient servant,
"R. M. M'Ci.f.lland, Secretary.
"Hon. A. lverson, Columbus, Ua.'
OCrThcre is no ono thing, perhaps,
-i,;,.!, j:.:...:...i,...orinilii!
- D
age of progress, than that of ndvertising.