IT 1 t ift r fl t D itcnat 4 if m it a h -vy ty A WEEKLY pai'kh. l'unLKsnr.niN 'I,:ums. Si 00 a yoarm advanced 1 2.5 if paid within three month, VOLUME 5. PATIttOTIC. wo n,i ti,o foii.miuif ,,nx4.., ..,..,,, ,,,, ri'itlcm, t.mthi about in o:r ,'htmt,i, vnrinulv ommonk.d upon. ir..ilv' N,.w york 7ViV,m,.,'-, o liivs l.,.. the ,.,, i Kivilu it a iil01,irv ex. u-dny, nys flip 1lw f ,,..,,. i.nt we lim e tried to imiliito it. W pve n,L, Harmi.i HAIL 10 THK MTAKS A.NJ) SlIUPKS. All hail tin- flouting lie Tlio fitnrs j;rott pm. nml ilan The stripes Hr bloody wart, A lie tlio Ynuiiliiij; iivinii: It ihiuLls a iiruU''.i iK'ck, It LimU it mini ill rliiiiii ; ll yokes ihe citi.tivv's neck. And wipes the Uoudy Htninx. Tour down the flaiinlin lie ; lUlf-iuast the stum liu : in.'ult uu mutiny -ky With h'ltu's mlliiled ru' ; I)otny it, ye who dm : Deep ?ink it in the wavm. It bi'ma u fellow man To groan with fellow slave-', Unfurl the l.'.ii.-U'il lie ! 'fill Froedoiii li.v' :u':iiii. To role once more in Truth Aiunug untiuiniiu'lleil men ! Hull up tlio bljury idieeu, t'on.'eul i tzt hluu.ty stains, Kor in its lnlJs ore seen. The stump of rutlin chains ! OL'H IMITATION. All linil the traitor's soiij;! Whose infamy n o quote. His heart in black itli hate. And a lie i in hi.- tluji. A pinite'd tlaj; is his Kedwitlt the cur.-o of vhnino. He rides the wave ol scorn, And Uieauuuss ih hi iaioe. hili tbe gallows now, And twine Ibo hempen rtriii;.'. Thou hoi-t the traitor up. And give him room to inc;. He earns the culprit s doom. Jack K.ctr)i reic.vo his own. The croHS-roads mark 1, i s grave, And a etake shall keep liim down. I'nfurl the proud old ll.ig, And let it wave on high, I', flouts o'er Freedom's home, And sweeps through Freedom's .-ly. No loiud sha d tear it ilnwn : Heroes have nailed inhere Heroes shall keep i! slurry fo!us 1 jiewr in the air. THE A NULL BRIDE. tao.u tiik iss, of a late physician. Il was dvenin-; the evening ol" a sum- inrr isubbuth. Tim swett liifbh ol' nnturi', unbroken bv a simde sojnd of l.usv life. j 3-- . - . ' lutrmonizcd but too plainly wi:h ibo rp- pressivc stillnes which pervaded the chum ber whither my lootstcps were bent it was on the ground floor of a pretty resi dencn in the outskirts of the village ol C . Its open w indows overlooked a garden where taste nnd beauty reigned su premo a second Eden which extended with u scarce perceptible delineation lo S the very margin of a stream, where it was bounded by a white picket, and by a hedge of low trimmed shrubbery, over which the eye cnu-ht the (lashing waters as they ' swept on "low ing in the crimson radiance ' vfjhu sunset. ' 1 entered the house and stepped Ilgbtlv nW a carpeted passage, tapped softly at Ihe door of tho chamber of sickness-aye 0f death.' Welcome doctor said the silvery , . . ' . . I partially hunc with white drapery. "Wei- . o i voice ot a lady, who sat by a low coucn, come ! Ihe dear suilcrer is now in a quiet slumber but must presently awake, wakei and one of her first inquiries will be for yout" "How is your sweet Luc- now ?" "She hasbeen quictand apparently com fortable all day. It is her Sabbath, doctor, ns well as tho worshippers who go up to tho earthly courts of ion. Oh! sho add- cd, while tho sunlight ofjoy irradiated her features, pale with long vigils at the bed- . .V. . . ... . sine o her sweet Lucy, "tin! now luil ot ... ... , ,.ii;r.,i convolution is the scene oi moral life and ' . , ,, , ... . Sli erinir. o car y u iiernes.s, 01 aimi; f ... o" : hope ! Ves rnv dear friend." I replied, "your , ,.,. , , i ; .... cup of affliction is indeed sweetened from on high I have seen death to-day r clad ia the robes ol terror. lie took from im , hopeless care a victim all unprepared even n mr ioiit una launiui warning; uuu ni i - r , j ,1,.,,--: roconcilwtion of a sad strugglo tho tern- hie ;n,ish vanquished, v I cannot forget ihcn . ' . - - . - - , ... ... ..v. i . " Anu is floor lAiwuriis uouu ui i.ii i i b ,,., ills Ol'Cau P.cccuni . un, now iconui: uu the gentle. udy covered her face and we, f. ,0 , . some time c.apseu. . . . gereu , ,u uu couch of Lucy til she should waive and tnL-inir frnm ihn k nni In mna lit Ol" Il elO- ."n, py of ,bo bible. I opened ,boilvcr i and mv ev M.m, the simple in- I r, tion'oftheflylear:l"TomvLucy-!"1' a parting gi.'tofUarence,' Iliad design. . ;a rq. i 'a n. ed to rcaJ a portion of the word, but j n thought was for tho time engrossed. I had known Lucy May from her in- r. nn,i ho win tmrcplv ln lnnr in -j -- me than my own daughter. Indeed, they had grown up like blossoms, and were to aether almost every hour of the day. Sevpnter n summers they both had num. hcr3 then h Lv.zv was some months ' . luehicr. Indeed, thev older: no or sister had either of! them, and hence ihe intensity of mutual love. Their ifiejhts, their affections, and their pursuits were in common. They I called each oilier 4,sister," and their inter. re. i..,....m4 ilm nndearlnir name, i And Clarence the giver of this little cM:AKKii:r.T), nv i. w. mooue I Vnl lintn in l.r. .,.1 I . i ... : - "n""-r" w" . ! 1 lar- I I tu tl ion wns tlio son ol rnv best earthly friend, nml a nobkr voutli " in till ,ho ofl f.lclJ,ip onJ endowments 0f the ! "ni1 .""(-'Hed, never rejoined in the I V1"0r 01 le Hid early infill liood . To bill) luiil I,,.,... '..1 1 IV . , ""v; ucca ueuuiiKui ior more t nan a year, and bo was now absent from thevil. lajJC, thoilL'll WO Inisliol tlml t. l.n.. ,.. , w-' ...."fc .,1111 1 til. IJ sun rose, that its setting would brinjj him 'bad; in unswor to our eatiiinns siiniinons. j Especially had hope and expectation j'rown j within our hearls, on that evening, yet had j not a word been spoken on the subject of ; thu widowed mother of the lovely Lury. I At length, however, she rui.-cil her head, I and observing the open volume in my bund ,6)10 said in an assumed tone of cheerful j ness 'I trust Clarence will come home this levelling. It is now i "Clarence !" said the sweet patient, opening her dark eyes nml looking eagerly I around. Her eye resled on her moihe'r I mid myself, and with a slight quiver and a sad smile, she said, "ho is not come.' "Xo, my darling, he is not yet come; ' but there is more than nn hour to the close of the day, and then" ; "?!ud grant he moy come," said the maiden, and she added with enerirv, "if it be His holy will. Oh doctor, my kind, d,'iir friend, your Lury is wearing av.ny fist, is she tu t and then observing the emotion which 1 attempt! d lo cotiee;,. she : said, "but 1 nni better to-day, urn 1 not? , Where is Ellen why does she not come ?'' 'ller mother turned tin inquiring giiinee j upon me ns 1 took the thin white hand of I I lie young girl in mine, and niarked the ! feeble but regular beatings of the pulse. ,! "Shall I send for your daughter, doc tor ?" she asked. ' i iicquieseed, and in a few minutes Kl ,1' H was sobbing violently, with her face ; hidden on the bosom of her "sister.' "Ellen, my sweet istcr," said Lucy, 'your father has told me that I must leave,' 'rind her v,ior iMrnred t'niv v.-n ,1 ered, "mv own. (fear mother, end ' but she- did not utter the name of her lover, for at that moment : the voice of one of the domestics wasdis- j Unirtly heard sayini;. . "tie is come.. Mr. Clnrmvo is ecmo. 'Now C'.ml bless my denr voting hidv." Lucy uttered a scream of joy, and clasp, ing Ellen around the neck, murmured, "Father in Heaven, I thank Thee!" and then fainted with excels of happiness. Her swoon was brief, r he rr covered al most immediately, and her face was ra diant with happiness. Clarence Hamilton was pursuing; bis studies at a distant College, nnd the letter Inch summoned him u, C , had scarcely intimated danger m the illness ol his betrothed. 1: had been delayed on the way, and but h-lftlie time oi its journey had sulliced to bring the eager anxious smu.a.i io ...u .-poi ..e,.- .us n.-a i .mu stored its elections, attdcentered its hopes, nxt to I envm, for Clarence was more thana noble-hearti tl, high-souled man ; he W!,s a msmpie oi jesus jurist ,- mm no was ...lltn,, l,i,v,ll' In loi MM :, l,C I, I b"'".- .. .... , , lolv rcligijn. He had nearly completed i.:. . ... n r t" ,.i ,,.l ,,,,,1 ...... 1 1.,,,, i.-. I,,. U1 -"" , united to llie neautiiui F.ucy .way. t Three months before the Sabbath even- ing of which we write, Lucy was in health, are better, love. May not our I leavenly and with her companion Ellen, was per-' Father yet spare you to me, to your mo forming her delightful duties as a Sabbath, thcr, to cousin Ellen, to happiness'!" School Teacher, ltnturning home Hie was! "Ah, Clarence, do not speak of this. It exposed to a sudden storm of rain, and ; will only end in deeper bitterness. I must co"'" 0("!""u '""' I,iUU,"u , ""! " T .; ' , tifin tlo.t tern , n o ol von Ii ;in, ,..iu V. ' - . seized upon her as another victim Tor its . ' , , .. . . . ., nii"htv ho ocaus o dea h. At first ho . ivnn r.f .or 1 hsense was nn d. but within type of disease was mild, but w ithin , ll,rcu WCf-'.h8 11 r'a.u "M1UM,UU " "-""'' nc'Cl , ana now net uuv s weic eviueiiuy ' 3 J , J Clarenc0; Ic , ' l jo hU henrt WM; , , - ... -i . . 1 . letlVy, lOpe KIIHlieu II urigUl Slum; III 1111 ' 7' '. ... ... ..a,... v.,,1 i. ' tTZ nnn nr ic i1 i ui tini.u u inu lo 'ituou ui ' .7 ' i Lucy. . . . i .i . .i, As Mrs. Mav entered t ie room, the .... ,,,,, fr i,n, nn,,. f:l , n sa, in .j to lus heart. tCIarelJC Jl!ar i:iarenco J0U havc the ! r;nJ m , .... . , . , "H L'!., .? .PB'?' ".0"" '? r . ! 7 !c l.m? Jr tereu ins ncari , -sue is, on, my v.u.., , .(j ,nP) she is dying, even now, dying!" "Nav, nay, Clarence," said the mother, I . . . r . . . . I soolliingiVi "uucy inus, unu nv inusi uupu . . -, ..r e i ,i tat-vtit n I ii riYin. I ifitnn cun , lorine uesi , uo. ' ruvp.,r0 ......w... her face even paler ihan-my own. Are you able lo bear the sight now?" There was but little consolation to his fears in the reply of Mrs. May. Lucy was living, but there was nn anguish in the expression, "hope lor ttie best, anu ho said hurriedly, "oh, take mo to her at once, now," and he pressed his hand on his throbbing brow, and then sinking on his knees, while Mrs. Mav knelt beside him, ho cntreatcJ God, in a voice choked j andclauk wilkon; DEVOTED .SI 60 if ,;,.,! within six months, CLEARFIELD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMISEIl with emotion, for strength to bear the trial, to kiss the rod of chastisr .nent, to receive "he hitler with the sweet ; and prayed that the cup might pass from him, even ns did Ins master in the days of his ineat nation and iingui-li. IJ0 arose, and with n calm, er voice, said, "I can see her now." At this moment I joined them, with Lucy's earnest request that Clarence should come to her ut once. We entered the chamber just as Ellen had partially opened a blind, and the last rays of sun light streamed faiily through the room, and fell for a moment on the white cheek ofLucy, rendering its hue slill more snowy. Alas! Clarence, as his earnest eyes met those of his b. trolhed, her whom' he had left in the very flush of perfection, of Youth- ,1'ul loveliness, now how changed ! His heart sank w ithin him, and with n wild sob of iingni.-h he clasped her pule thin fingers, and kissed her colorless lips, knee ling the while at the side of her conch. "Clarence, my own Clarence," said the sweet girl, with nn oflort to rise, which she, supported by his arm. lie spoke not he could not dived not speak. v-iau-ici-, eueer up, my tieiovcii, out. ren-v." her fortitude failed, and all she could do lie pressed it to his fevered lip his was to bury her face in her lover's bosom ' face pale ami flushed by turns. The min and weep. We did not aftemp' to check j ister arose and stood before them, and in their grief ; nay, we wept w ith them, nnd u few words nnd simple, united those two sorrow lorn while had its luxury of tears lovely beings in a tie which all felt must uiiresirauic.l. Clarence at length broke the silence. "Lucy, my own dear Duev ! Cod forgive ine lor my own selfish grief;" and he adJ - ed fl rveiitly, lifting his tearful ejes to 1 leaven, "l-ailier, give us grace to Lear it,; i t., .1.. .. I . nn.-. uouoiu angm, uiai io me, ;.(!.!' d, 'Doctor, oh, pray that we may have strength i meet this Hour like Chris - "ails-" W hen the voice of graver ceased, all feelin; visabl were calmed, but 1 deemed it at - to leave Ihe dear patient to brief repose; and Lllen nlone remaiiunc, we retired to the nnilnr ul.crn f', nod from us more of her illness, of her true condition, for I dared not delude him with laNe hoeos- .... "Doctor, said he, with visil'e angui-di, " is Micro no iiope ".Not of recovery, I fear, though she may linger some lime with us, and be bet ter than .she is to-day."' "Then Cod's will be done," said the young man, w hile a holy confidence light ed up his face, now scarcely less pale than that of his betrothed Lucy. Day after day the dear girl lingered, and many swert hoars of comers! did Clarence and Lucy pass together; once even she w ns permitted to spend a few nio- .1 . . r . i i . niciv.s in mu eorik'o oi ine iiouse, anil as her and saw a f . t ier 'eh 'i ' hi P t iVicv ' ,i; eLn,u.. i f Clarence supported If 'a! th overspread I strong in his heart not that she should die speedily, mid ha ,ly this conviction had reached her heart c,0 Clarence came, so that the agony of jcr grief in prospect of separation from mm nau yii.iueu io ine diissiui anticipation . C II .. .,.,' it, ..I Url,.,,u ...1 1... u, WL,L, ...... e,.u,ic u..,u ..ueiu mi-.- would, ere long, meet those from win; :. u lnii. m u as u,o.o man ui-.un io pan. "Dear Lucy, said L larenco, as they stood gazing on the summer flowers, "von ' ' " ,J u l 'TV , " , ' V ,,. , tor t ic I 'a rat ISO o inimort'i itv ' .. Clarence could not answer. He pressed ,, , , , . , . . , ... her baud and drew it cose to her hrobbing heart, and she resumed, pointing toa bright . benrt. and she resumed, nom ill" toa brer hi " "U,'7.,TV eiice, is mc cniuiciu ui mu mc unu oys to . , . ', , ,,.; . Tirrc wceks lnj )nct. It wnsngnin lll0COUchof Lllcv Mav Her n.oihcr and i-m.. .. 1 ,.1 oui uii tuirei siue, aim v iiiienco n.,,;i,, .nnn.,. n ;iu... :.. 1.: . a uaiu ui uuu, moiwi iiuiii l i u hood, now entered the room, nnd Lurv I ' , . ' - J greeted him nllecticnatcly ; und he sniJ, a.i with il.v Knnl ?" Sl, nn.., ra in n clear anu sweeny connuing tone of voice h js . , ,i , , Blessed Ledcemer thou k..: j 7 ... ...i i V. i w,"- ltfZ m au ...u. ....... u . stinctly tnat we an neard "Lucy, since thou may not be mine in I Hie, be mine in acnin ; lei mc ioiiow you to the grave as my wedded wife, nnd I ! r ..... f .suun uii.u mu uiisjiui lyiisuiiiuuii oi uuu-, , . !... . .. l. r..i f n inn I in rr n PA.nniin in I Ton von " Tho eye of tho dying girl lighted up with a quick and sud'den iov, as she smi- lingly answered, "It is well, Clarence, I would fain bear thy nama before 1 die?" We were startled at this strange request nnd answer, 1 but no heart or hp ventured to oppose it. Lucy then said, "Mother, dear mother, deny mo not mv last request ; will you and Ellen dress me in my bridal robe? I wiil wear it to my TO POLITICS, J.ITKRA'iTKK, AGBKTL'ITKE, MORALITY, AM) FOREIGN SI 75, if pni. within nine moiitlis, tomb 1 ' Clarence also besought Mrs. May to grant this wish, nnd let him win a bride and mother, nnd she answered: "As you and Lucy will, but it will bun mournful bridal." Lucy now motioned us from the room, and we retired. Clrtreiiee was the first to speak, "You will not blame mc that I seek even in the arms of death to make her my wile. Oh, how much of bliss has crowd ed into this one anticipation, nml though indeed it will be a 'sad bridal,' it wi,l sweet en ihe cupof bitterness which is now press ed to my lips." In a few minutes we re-entered that hal lowed chamber ; the light of day had fa ded, and a single lamp was burning on the stand. Lucy was arrayed in a muslin robe which scarcely outrivalled herchecks in whiteness, save where the hectic, now heightened by excitement, (lushed in. Clarence seated himself by her, and f,hc was raised to a sitting posture, and sun- 1 ported in his arms fttie placet! her wast . . . . . . ed hand in its, ami sjuI, hall playfully, 'Tts a worthless offering, Clu- j hall sad ,P broken ere anot Vet was that tie n ' edged in Heaven. er sun should rise. listered and acknowl- j As the holy man piouotineed them one ' fiesh, nnd lilted up his hands and voice in , benediction, Luev put her i , . ., leoblo arms 1 aroutiti t. larenco anil in a ow voice m:ir- ' inured 1 "Mv husband." i "My wile!" responded Clarence, and : their lins met in n lon.r ;m,l svcci.t omlirnrn j We oave them congratulation, thouoh , otnek tears exchan-d ihn ui'el kiss nf holv ve ard friendship, j That night beforo the last hour, the an i ;'cl Aznel came ns a messenoer of nenc.e to mat ini'iai .1 i i chamber, and though new i foundations ol curt lily bliss had been open ed in the heart of Lucy Hamilton, she re pined not at the summons, but while hcav- cnly joy sat on her leatures, and her hps'rrmuu his escape home. He was badly murmureii--"peace farewell husband torn two of his jaw leelh were bitten mother sister all," her pure spirit took lout, and many wounds were inflicted, its flight, and her lileless body lay in the i i;t lc waa not ,,,! t0 die, for ho suon enibiaciot the woe-stricken but humble recovered, mid very soon after his recov ( who still Infers in this Weary crv gav0 ,;, stepfather a severe whipping, world doing his Master's work, mid wait-l.,,,', n.r, l,:.,, Kvr.f.ntim. another sliciii nig i ii.i win m no re-uiiiieu to ins angel in Heavi r.. 11' ...:o . i . . . i . i i fAi.eiis nv Tin: Ai'iiE. A member of Governor Stevens's northern route ex - f P'"""" pnr"-V' ''' ''' ,ori:i'communicil,io 10 ! hov or misfortune, and resolved to marry the St. Louis r.epiiblican, written from the j bim, notwithstanding the opposition of I11"1'' ' 'i0ll0W S!onc nVer' S:'-VS ol" l,ie,iier relatives, who made severe threats I "indents of the party thus far : On Sun- against our hero. But what cared he, bllj"u.i(ll, woro, fori! ull(1 oac!l si(Jl nnog ni,aj it suo day, alter a march of some ten miles, the ihey were he- of the train. For mcd one vast drove yard. They were estimated by some us his claims, nfier finding all bis efforts lor ; high as 500,000200,000 is considered a compromise utmvailiug, ho commenced ,asa very low estimate. Drawing tip the; a determined course. He procured his train at our usual halt nt noon, a large licence, placed n magistrate at a conspi ' herd were about half a milo ahead. The ' CU0lM point ia the woods, and proceeded l hunters, six in number, were immediately himself, on foot, to the house that shelter- tiispatciieu, well mounted, on spare horses reserved for that especial purpose, and tin; whole train had an opportunity to wit-1 nes.i a bufl'ilo hunt. The hunters dashed in among the heard, picked out the fit- test of .! e crowd then scpuraratcd tbe se- i I'-''d ones from tbe herd, soon dispatch . . , . . 1 ,e;i tiiem. in nu Hour the wagons were L.,n, cm.,i ,-. r " ,, . sent but a smi.t distance I rem the mute :., .1, . ..).,.:... . : 1 ,v j j0(1 m iweoi; i.iio;um uetus ui uiu 011.1- 1 , "I" 'he next two days' march the bun ,g ,..r t,,, , ,i;. .. .,,, i, i ters were kept some Uis.ance ahead, nice ahead, to keep ofl'tlie buffaloes ; it was the only way the safe passage of the train could Icj in sured through tho sea of flesh. The pack-' mules nnd spare nnimals following on the " r. n i l . I ! . ' niiricrous lo 0 j sc parntcly . .... h,,,... 1. ...... Tr.ZZ"" . T ."' uieir niieiiipu-u lucovery. 1 lie enori was USC!CSS." n n i. iconiinon practice in Paris, which unpies- I .,.', r,.P ,t,i,. ,u, r i f,:.... 1 sumiiv. "'loiuui, linn 114 lUUIJi; Tins is observed by all classes. A little s a ) ' small funeral train moving in die dircc tion of the Madeleine. Evidently the tone borne to burial was of the humblest class, for tho body was followed only bv . ... . - .. i ... . . . . a lew worivmeii in uiouscs anu women without bonnets. As it passed on hats were taken olfby the well dressed crowd, sitting or moving on the walk, by gentle. men in carriages with footmen in golden liveries, anu by men driving their water 'ing carts through the streel. It was a touching and beautiful sight (fcSrTho Know Nothings are going in for the removal of the statue or Columbus from the east front or tho Capitol, at Wash ington, because he was a foreigner. nn.l ifiiot imi.l until Hip .piratioii 13, 1851. STKAMiE LIFE (IF A KL'RUKKER. I AIIERICAN CO.WENTIUN AT CL'RW ENSVILLR A w riter in the Thomusvillo WuU.hman . Pursuent to previous notice, a Counly gives the following singular biography of . Convention of thoso favorable to the prin Juriies llightower, recently convicted of eiples of the American cause, was held manslaughter in ihnt county. Three j on tho Ud of Sept., in the grove near Cur years in n dungeon, il seems, is nothing wensvillo. to what he has endured : j The meeting was called loonier, by se- "About twenty-one yen rs ngo, a young . looting JAMES BLOOM, Esq., as Prcsi lady of this section of country, belonging dent, nnd .Inn Hancock, and Daniel to a respectable family, became the vie-j Baii.y, ns Vice Presidents, and Ai.rnei tim of a vile seducer ; the fruit was a boy, ; Montei.ii s and (L W. Uhkkms, Scc'ys. w ho is ihe siibje'ct of our nnrrative. Ilisj A committee was then selected to draft mother, as is the case usually with those ' resolutions expressive of the sentiment of of her sex whe are unfortunate, married ! this meeting. After which, tho committee a man of low breeding, and in adverse 1 retired and M. A. Frank, Esq., wns called circumstances, consequently her son was , upon to address tho audience, which ho destined to received but a limited share of did in his usual forciblo and argumenta education or moral training. At a ten-! live, style ; which could scarcely fail, to dor ago his characnler was peculiar, ami, convince tho wavering and doubtful, what in some respects, very extraordinary. ' course, they ought to pursue. When only seven years old, he wnsatten-j Mr. Frank wus followed by Mr. G. W. ding a sugar cane mill ; bv some means 1 Uheems, in a few eloquent and applicable his loft arm nnd hand were crushed, by j remarks: after which, Mr. Dugan moved w hich accident he forever lost the use j that this convention nominate John Sin of his hand. ltKV, Esq., of Bradford tp., as the Ameri- At the age of ten he was bitten by acnn candidate for County Commissioner, rattlesnake; being nearly alone on the J and Damel Livingston, of the borough ice, he had lo cal Jo us aid all the presence of mind of which he was runs- ter. Fortunately, he used the proper; the chairman reported the following pre antidote, and thi.-aby saved his life. In j amble and resolutions, which were unan- the short space of a few months lie was again bitten by one of the same species tl reptiles; by pursuing the same course as heretofore, be wus again rescued from the aws of death. Between tho ngo of twelve and fourteen, he made several attempts to take tho life of his stt pliit'ier, w inch shows that he would not bo imposed on. About that age he a lo snapped, several times, a loaded musket at a neighbor. When fourteen years old he wus knocked down by light ning, and did not recover for some time. At the age ol sixteen he was attacked, while hunting in the woods, by a very large panther. The panther soon tore him down he rxibited great presence of mind, by feigning death. The panther then carried him into the swamp, covered him up with sticks nndgrass, alter which ha took h.s leave in search of more prey . Our hero, after the panthi r's departure, arose nnd . I o . o. shock by lightning, his path was smooth, until nineteen, when he became enamor ed of a young lady ; though figuring in a hiher sphere, his superior in intellect 'nnd family, vet she was smitten bv the who had successfully battled against rat- j th-snakos, panthers, and even tho high I power of Heaven, for the threats of man. , Nothing daunted, be continued to urire 'rjd her w hom he loved secretly forced 'the door of her chamber, and conducted be- nb.jul five miles through ihe woods, to thr. i,!nrn -C rrn, Before arriving at the place upon which the hymenial altar had been temporality erected, illuminate I by the blaze of light- wno, ktio's am the na e rnvs ol the moon K,1J'!' u V V - a nM(. our hero fe nio us former path ; . '. . . " o baa tick lor lie win bitten bv a moe- 01 uau iw-k, ur 111, win 01111.11 uy a iiiul. casin snake; but he was to well used to snake biles to sulfer that occurrence to retard his progress at such a mamentons crisis, and like n brave nnd un-lann'od boy, pursue his course, an J in accordance w ith his anticipations, was lawfully mar ried about 12 or 1 o'clock at night. His m iccasin bito did not long keep him in bed, for he then possessed a nurse of tin- I ceasing attention. After his final recov ery, li'i carried his wife In the home which he had provided for her, hoping that hi . - . . C,'P ot misfortuiio wa, then lull, and that he would then enjoy that bliss attending a married Inc. But he was nr.'. destined long to enjoy that repose which ho so much sought. He soon became entangled in a quarrel with one Mr. Wheeler; the result "was: Wheeler was killed, und our hero, afler a regular trial in a court of justice, wns convicted or tnanslaugter, and now, nt the age of twenty, has gone, leiving his wife, his anticipated babe, and his sweet home to the penitentiary, there to be incar cerated within its dismal walls for the space of three years, which to him must seem long, long. Who can contemplate; his past life and not say, surety he is thoi VI1IIU UI II II 1 U 1 IU UKi IIU'U UK 1 1 1 I I l 1 i U 1 1 13 3 ended? Alas ! who can tell 1 That fact' Millrl -. f v- . j li nnn IIhha Ills m!sf..rf iinnu I is yet concealed by tho dark curtains of futurity. OT" Jones, did you ever havo any in terest in the public stocks?" "Why, y-e-s, zur, I stood in 'em once about four hours." fJirBlushcs aro flying colors, which maidens carry most becomingly. AND DOMESTIC LNTELLIGENCIi. ofll.cywir .J 00 ill tadiargt-d. NUM11ER 3:i. ol l-urwensville, lor Countv Auditor. The committee was then announced, and imously adopted : Wiikreas, The present condition of our country, loudly calls for an organization on the part of the honest, upright, and phi lanthropic portion of her citizens, to purge out the stygian pools or political corrup tion, which havo so thoroughly impregna ted both tho old parties, with increasing demagogueism, and unbounded foreign in fluence : And believing that a strict adho rence to the principles of tho American party, as adopted by tho American Nation al Convention, of 1643, and more recent ly by the American Statu Convention, or Pennsylvania, held at Ilarrisburg, on the 1st or March, 1654; is tho only sure way in which the political action of our coun try can bo freed from party despotism, the wiles of Jesuitical influences, and maintain tho virtue and patriotism of tho times or Ihe early Presidents: Therefore, Rrsoked, That for all general, State, and local offices, whether of honor, profit, or trust, we will give our support, to none except such as are known to bo favorable to those principles : And as wo have a full State ticket beforo the people, constituted of men long known for their adherence to and udvocacy, of liiose principles and har. ing received, and ucccpted the nomination for the respective offices, of Governor, Judge of the Supreme Court and Canal Commissioner ; we will give them our full earnest, and undivided support. Resolved, That as there is already be fore the people of this Legislative District a candidate in the person of Alex. Cald well, in whom wc havo the most unboun ded confidence, and as he is believed to bo favorable to tho principles we advocate: we therefore, recommend the friends of the American cause to give him their cor dial support. Resolved, That in tho persons wo have this day nominated for the offices of Coun ty Commissioner nnd County Auditor, we recognize men of sterling worth, and true American principles, nnd we will guaran tee to them, the same support already pled ged to the State ticket. Resolved, That as the American party must inevitably become the great party of the American people, it is therefore ne cessary that we embrace tho earliest op portunity of organizing and placing in sol id phalanx, throughout the different town ships in the county, all those who are fa vorable to the principles of Americans born to rule America, and that for the fur thcrenco of tho preceding named objects, all those who are willing to act with us in this great and holy cause, be requested to correspond, with tho CKarfield Ameri can Vigilance Committee, (vis : A. M. Hills, M. A. Frank, O. M. Mcrrell, D. G. Nevling, and Wm. M. Dugan,) for the purpose of enabling us to act in concert, nnd with unanimity, in forwarding the great principles nnd interests or tho Amer ican people. Resolved, That a copy oft!. is day's pro ceedings, be furnished to each of the edi tors of the papers published in Clearfield with a request for publication. After ihe ndoption of the above resolu tions, Gen. A. M. Hills was called on to address the assembly : which he did in a short and applicable address, dwelling principally nn tho urgent necessity of those who loved tho American cause, to stand bv the State ticket, the whole ticket nnd nothing but the ticket, and showed clearly and conclusively, that no true American, could support Judge Pollock at the coming election. 1 lis remarks were received with enthusiasm and approved by the audience. ALFRED MONTKL1US, Sec'y. 1 w r- ff Know.Notiiiismi.eadi!io Iwklf. ine i.oiictn vnuiaue cnurcn aiitarnan, Somerset county, N. J., was set on fire and consumod on Wednesday oflast week. The citizens of the place have raised a liberal subscription, to bo offered as a re wrad for the discovery of tho incendiary.1 (0"The price of flower iscoinff up, up ! Heaven help tho poor next winter.