J! ' 1 1 J, I 1 1 i i . i ill 1 HI i. ' i ,1 MM i I'Ml't I m l 1 l l v It W i I I'M Ml MPilUlillN I " i. i i j i , ;l,.-n ,i , Si U .! 1 ..., . , . . l "l. I'M M I .T..!.. ';! i' r. . i i -. i. ' l I ll I'l t i 'llli'Mi' . In .'.''! !!.. "-I. .; .; V.-li , 11.. I . ;'. v ;'l i' ! "' e: ; ..! ',' t , : i . : Ii... f . r. i .. . .it. i. -, 'i .. ,! . r U. !..t. a c .1. !.. I-,,-!', , p .ll 'l.''til., "ir. 1 1 1 .. I'l.' ! ,,..' .-t! ;,' I ' . i is ' :l' i i' Ii i1,, :n i . , ' ' ., i j 'Pi. iv ( - (v ,y ,., Mr i:r:tl.-r.l li-lii.. l' !.! III.' el!! t.,r ll .ui .. ( Vi! ..ii ''i'-- ii'-. v .' m -iv I'ii vi' .i!ii..!.:p - ... ..iv I., Till: I.A1E KHMV niMLMIIlN. 'J'ilO pi'i.ci'rililips of llif I)einoe;;ilii' i ounty ( oiivcnnon, uhieh mcl in this We ma!;.-this siaWment snply ni ex .iar" on Satuulay v. ill ho loan 1 in , , :1 I ioi i of the manner in .v,u-,' ue no. miolher .-oluinii-ns pivt-n to us for pnhli- ,.,,, ,,. ,,,,,,,.,,, in 0,. ;Ntj nn hy one of thn Seeretaries. iniemli,,;; to ras! eenM.iv ,i a,iv on,-. Ilefore prorrrilin;: to make tlirrxpl.mi- All men have a ri.ht toevrnse ,.;r lion, which wo nr.- compelle,! to. in viu. ,.jail!1 ,,,,,, ,.-,,, . lication of tlio nolicc wc ma,le f the re. auvM ,,-, v ,.ui ,. 1mv W(, Milt ol Ihe Convention in our hiM, no will vot( ;,v 1,,ns,'ln , ,,,,, li;U jmi, tnkr occasion to say, lhat the rc-mlt of ihe ilehheialioiis oi tins hody, ii.on .'ill othi'r sulijecls than thai of Congressman, ei,,..; uripri-cali-'iitciJ .sa'.isfaction. i.t:. ( 'ai.d. mil's re-ihiiiiinalion for ihe Ijcislaturp, hy nn almost unanimous- vote, was a result iinivrrsally cxpceleil, tin. I is- a d -vrml compliniL'iit to his firmnes$, iud-j.; i it , nnJ luiliifulnes'i as ;t cili.en, anil as our ivp- i ..... . . . i i . ii-M-iiiaiiv'- i..iirii'.; nut las: sesi.i(,n. llav in- Lren nomittntol hv ihe lemocrnis of ' umi v c"lu "lu, "'' ' 'l" fount v .'..... wreks aUo, he taav hr .1"-"tiiiiit y to h-ar f.uin oar .o!i:ical fii-mls fairly consiilercd us U,t r, uk.r iiom'ni'-c 111 l,al'is :' ""' I'ounty, ami wo e, ofthc.iistrirt,aswf haveseennoeviilenee S,"V .."1 wllhs-an- ofoP,.OMtio to him in ?.!!, an co.m.Iv. ''" Xn'l)l i,ssf,r,k",s ;,s !!"'"s ).u-i IIoss. of I'ike township, lo, Co,,,. I" 'i'1'" i , 'friii! hv his Iiii nier u haiile men. Is in this luicsioiier, was also a erv proper M'Icc- ' " no... t'her srclions oi the ,-: v, (,-,-. '',"""-t'' "nt l,ls ",nir,n,' w;is !" l"' Jiip.-, hail n stroller claim. Hut the man ,,!"Vt1' 1 rw'n 'MVPi': !'-' l,r,ri is iinexcfptio.inhj,'. "Native her-, and lo ,l,c s!"ri,,,i' 1 ''''H'"'1-"' our i.ol,!e ,. Ihe manner hom-possfssingtalonf,, ami a"' tt just dsahle ami w illing much experience, he w ill make a faithful " LVl"r W' "! U) s;;"1'1 ''' ll,l"ir I uar.li.in of iho eouiitv's hest inicresls. '''''s r"" :ls ,;,r-'(' a ".iily as ev (.apt. Waltkks of IWI, was a very ,,K'' dM r !'"; ,1"n,or X I -K-t . -proper selection for the imp-riant offx of Ti"'- wI,a! "! rl w ',:i do, if our Auilitor-a post too apt to he m-leclel. fl'",n'lsan' bl!t !r'"' H'f mselves mi.llheir Mr. Walters .served two terms in'the Slate -1"lio"s ('ril,S(, 1111:1 allow their .i. . i ... i .... Legislature, with fipml credit to himself mid satisfaction to his constituents, lie has in other spheres had much business expoiieiicc, well calculated, to fit dim for this position. Had the Convention succeeded as well in nicelinjj; the expectations of the partv in their action on the Congressional rjues. tion, we would have rejoiced most heartily. We still see no cause lor strife or conten tion, if wise counsels such as must re suit from cool relict-lion are allowed' to prevail ; mid we therefore appeal !o every Democrat lo examine cooly it, to all the facts, bcfjiu he decides who to ci.nil.jn.n or who uphold. We assure uurilem i rratic friends every where, that lies is the only difficulty in the way of th'; complete harmony of the unity in ihe oountv. and i ..i- ..i i iii,' i lhat tins once settled as it should be, and us democrats should always settle ihlil-rcn ees of personal prefeteii'-. s, wo can ei.nti. ilenily look foiward lo as filn.-'nuis a' tri- uinpli as ever yet erowneil the elloris of the fnllanl iJenioeiacy of ( aeat lieid. The Convention was ( inpowt-n d to decide which of the l.io sv sli in-; of mak- ing county iioiiiinalinn.s shall henalier he praeiiccd. This duty mi u,s to have hi en attended.!... The delef-ates were equally 'ipiaity divided, (Jl lo 21.) and tin three (lifierenl limes wuh the each time, and it was finally vote taken ni," icsuli ruled, that the d-Ua'c system be coiiiumed for the present. Had the Conveniioii Leeu full, or bad the townships (liecrnrin, Hnrnside -,,,l ',',.,1,. r,M ll,,,! ..,-.. I.,, I ,11. . . " " l""""". ory. Many 'never lading spiings' and represented, been allowed to cast their water courses are perfieliy dry, and the full vote, as we think has been the usual ,.;,!, j, parched. l e is 'in the Woods in lunctice, there woul.l have been a decided every direction, pulling our farmers to majority in favor of the present system.-- great labor to save their properly, which rer."imally, we would prefer the Crawford has not been entirely successful." Ow'uur sybte-m; but as a majority of the party to the grt at drouth ihe corn, potato, and seem to prefer the other, we cheerfully buckwheat crops are already past redemp. ncquicscc. tion. A few words will embrace the cxpli.n- fO'We expect to issue our pnper ngaiti titio;i promised : The Convention was on Wednesday, am! we will then have held last Saturday nlicrnooii ; our paper' gained wo of the Jive numbers missed was to be out on .Monday morning ; all since the first of January, the mutter, except about a column, and ail 03 If ny f olir subscribers feel disuo the copy, except about half a column, : sed to complain at the want of our usual was up and prepared U fore the Conven- linn mlinnrnnr... nrid tn rirn,i.iflini,c u-r.fr. " "" ' "v not banded to us until Sunday night-en. tirely too late lo appear in t hat paper with - out groat inconvenience. We. could do ro more than notice their reception, which wo did in the briefest space possible, mere- i"miiv,mij; uiu Lonitrees iinu mcir in- 1,1 I t -i I I, ill e'- in. in i ' ' 1 ill' ii llf Ml I' I'-'li III' Ill I' l lll 'll I .11 '.'Ml ll ' III. I ll llr' I'l l II I ll h! .' I1 'I l!i l"'l. I ii.- .i'..'iviii!" in.;. 1 ' . ' 1 1 1 1 ) u ri i " 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 . 1 . . .' Il oilier low II ! :p i 'll l! I," IV ' .iii. in Ml nl In ' i lil" '.l 'r nl. " i ' i. :!,- ,1 '. i ill I iiImi:' llii' in" . m of Hie i. Miluie'ii if m. 'ni. tion, .!! i'' n ii - ml I ..'-.ii,.-ly f ; i : . I lli il 1,'ieit ol..', l in iiin.iii.- iiti'l oiin:' lorthni tesn. lu'i 'ii. v ys !.. re .eiu ! in I'ir.t olio. The I'l-! II" : Mill. .11 U l Mill 1.1 He. I lo llil I' f'l'i'H fi.oiioi .- ii nnjoniv of ' rvo ili.o. I'llts' did in! vi lo, fir the t'ensnn, fMthey .' -iii!, llril they I. id ju -t entered ihe renin, iintl did not pro'oiiy i.ii'Iei --i.uiil tin? iii"s. Iii hi. hut win', had they voted, would li.ivi: Ixfti iii ilio negative. '1 ho in.'l niiViiiv; ri's'li.'i i hi was ndmiiteil liv t !ir Mini" par lies lo li.ivo I). CM ad.ipted by ;t nnj.irits of si. - all v. tiiiLT. Willi tln-o fn-is.in our pn.'-.,e:o ioll. llioil, is il ;i,v Wonder lh.it we si, oii'il liaV'.' undo lli" omission alluded lo, even if wo I, a j ii it I,. (.M crowded for 1 ii i if tiinl space .' ; Ufi!lri W;i.s the el mice ol a donile.J ma jority of lhat Convention for Congress mill, wi'.hnut r.'L'ar.J to what may have heeil our previous preihloctions, hut fiilii fully tiilheriir.: to l!ie jaioil ol.J 1 iiMaa:;. iloctrine, thai "iniuoriiies must yield to the w ill of iii" majority," wo must s.i icir.! him. WHAT I'l.Lllii'ii::.!) WILL I)!l. siieie'iii id no wasted in se is i ,-.n. eer. i sotial eonllicts. And why should our county do other wise ? Wo have eiven to ihi; Coninion wcai'.h the hest Governor sin' has had since the days of Snyder and we Li lieve that he lias even surpassed that nohle old pat riarch in his war upon the hanks. I'.-it our Stale never was mure prosperous, her honor heller cared for, or her people more happy all fining to show lhat th p.-ople can f.ivl j'l't as an!e and as safe Chief .Mai-lr.ites in th.' ii'n ,.iojs us thev can at tin; cuijii.-.lI tahle or on the llench. Hitler h is acquitted liimself wuh distii;- gllisheil honor, and when he IS desei-led hy his fellow-citizens of Clearfield, it will he jw fiiv-r, and net lor the ai:co:nmo,l i. I. on of a fjw upstait aristocrats amoii;! ihe '''filers of th" Wlni; inutv 1 Cu.MtNi; Oi I. l!y an adverlccini nl in tins paper, .1 will be seen lhat the Naiivists of our eouniy a re to hold a Com e niion at ' 'urwett-vill-, uu lo tnorrotv week, I'.u- the purpose o lakue; -.nio eoi" ider.ttioii the 'i'"!''i'''-'! 1,1 iH'ijinritiii a coenly li' k. t. V (! ('lnl :ilioire th, ir -pint, if we do .lis. l"sf' iIk'"'. Anii-Anierienn, Ami. IJepnhlicaii, !!!l!j(,,':l ;,"'l 'onira.-t. ,! vi-ws of the i,.-. . l":"'.v 1,1 llls l"':''d 'mid oi hfeiiv. -i'liv ism is inly kept up by W ug. ami disappointed Democrats, and designed to l!istr;"'! ui,;l 'bvidi' lb" Democratic party,' . .- . an" 1,1 cmirse no Jieniociat i "uch company. (KVTho weather cnniim,, s 1 . ae li! warm and j variety this week, we would just remind .1 . . "em ;nai we Have Had but three Uavs to gather it Up and nut it lo"clher. , Militabv Klbition.-Oii Monday last on ccclion topk pfire fof o(riccrs of Tnjj , JU:gi lars. Tho ouly result we have l.carj, was (he re-election of Cant. Wai. lack. 1 1 'I'l I. i uli i it n I ii. i ' w ,i ol l ii s. . i lit, i "i a .1 .1. 'i l I n ll .1 -lull t lie; u i i ii a n ii.. i li ' ,1 in. I III I'li'.l, ! t . i , . II inn I . w llloi' l"lll ' Nute of I lelllili l,i! i- I ,e is! iluro I. I..I ilellio. ia I - . N'Mlll I 'ai. I I'.-ltl.l .l.lto. H , . 'Oi l I'l V II ll ! I Wl Ilr:r... (!,. tit. elerh il ( , m i nor i- aliniii -Jllllll la i n il I'm ii'.i's int'i iiilv wns nliiinl (lllll. llalll.'. '1'l.e r .re : 11 new- li lie w hiclt ic:n In .! ow nil; mi Sutnl iv I. ist, In ili;:.s in il In li-; ol tin ' teat (if wi i . mii .' in ihi ir eonl (lowers in Dai-opo I'anii'iilar n int In, in If the lliis.-iiin- nut o. lets V. Illl the coniliiiieil they are certaiiiiv ion- I: i . i i I ii. II 111 I " I I I'l- .1' . Ill 1 ll 'I I Iii li . ' i '. kin;; iiji lor ii in ii vu'loiiis i .vi-1- tin- ri'i'i-i'Mi-ntativcs of a reai party, i;avo sol-'l'lill.-s in Asia. ''""' l,!''l;"'s I'1 "I"' atloth-r, lo ihe couii. tivmul hefuii' the worlil, to hi' Iruo as in- Will li:!ii;,:s iVfuuir a SIju' Slate. I'h" oiveslor ( .'v? as O SHI, a "ellll.lie .n;i-Siai,-r v i .i : " -r oivi-s ihe i i1 t v e r- sioii ofallaiio in Kansas with iciLivuce to th" nlaverv ipieslion : .Mr. Charles 1 1. !!iaii'ci,m!. late of Chi- copee, who Weill mil as pioneer ol ihe first eon oaiil nn iv I,, I'-. f , V,,. 1',,,, ; 1 i ' "K i in. I, rt'Iui ii' d to this city vc-sterdty, bruiffini; very eraliiviui; amounts i'lun. i he i mii raul.i. I h - whole jiarl" were in excellent hi.alih ami .-pin..., looking loi ward etmiid.'iitly to the lull riiaii.almn of lliiir i:j.eclaiii.ns and hopes. They had .selected an 1 locati d tln'mselves on a lieau. lilul siie lor a town, on '.he riht ban!v of ih' Kansas Uiver, forly miles li'om iis liloillh, wh,.n. j,,-v had pitched their tents and commenced the construction of their cabins. They have formed a regular or. fjaniz iimn, of which ihe first President is Mr. '. fuller, late of this city ; and Air. I'l. Jvivenporl, of Huston, is Secretary. Mr. l!i'ansci,nili slates that his ex; ctalions in I'. Llioil to ihe country were realized in every respect ; ami in llm abundance of its splines ol' pure, sweet and excellent wa ter, it larexceeds his anlicii.iti )ns. Mr. Ii. stales that if the emigrants push forward fnun the free S'.iles they will not only sC.,',iil. to iheiiiselvi.'.s, easily and at a .'heap rate, a Inline independence in a most deiif.iitfi.1 climate, hut will also sei ure the new Stale to Ireedom. Jiri , iirt ,,:i:;rtn,: Ji t, . a ll,,' ,s...,y S,'-:,'t .v, Vim ii, i,i,t. cii'i i "''.-, "'.' v'r j'jr j imiimi. amlllir siurr ll'iliit is ilr'n.-.'i'ix infill. t :;ifi: it li j thai '! .' '.'' ;!.' 'f ii-. One saiveliolder in I'raii'iiin, Mo., explored llieeoii.iiry, and sclecied ai laiui, n.-ar where ihe .ow Cm; land Company have located, nlimml to MLs'iiiii and removed his ch'.c.'s, iuclu die' four slaves, on to the o.: ition, ( )n his arrival, fiuditift the popnl,i;i,);i e.itn;:;,; in from the free States, and jud..-.iie; well the eolisequenc s, he repacked his elii ets mid tiviu llii id inn th,' x'tirrs irI: unin tn Missouri. Another from Virginia, who had .-elected a location, on seeing what the character of' the population was likely to he. ivmaiko.1 that he "was not mtc'i a ( il Jtnil us lo in i ni; his siarrs lin'i r." Tlic mortiilily Ihruiirliont I lie fuiin'ry. Am' York, An;:. I!). The in'oi menis ibis week were !H(i, i 1 1 c 1 M . ! I ! if 'J VI deaths I r. mi cholera. Ainuiji, A lit;. 111. Since Wednesday, :bl new oases of cholera, of them fatal, have been reported in this city. A If Or.rnns, Auj. 111. There were Jli deaths ui tlij Charity Hospital, at New Oile.ms, during ihe past week. ( Vm i is'iri, Aug. Ill, There wore n'y deaths, from nil diseases, during ill" Weel. . ILiyim, Aug. 1:). Th" interments in ibis ciiy, ilutin" the week ending this day "r li" were Illl. Thei- were but 1 d'.-aihs hy chnlera. A Mys-i-hrv. On Wednesda v hist as Mr. ( iihiis of this place was riding ihrouh ihe Main Hill (lap, some two miles above town, a woman who was up on the side of ihe lull, pa-liing w li. i Hi berries, van down upon t!.e toad screaming that there was a dead man in the woods. I pon search, ihe I i :.. i- Ion,,. I ;i skeleton in a ho!.' lie. i-.veinihe i-ii -ks. The 1 1, icior en r, ie,.i i h" seu'l homo w.lh luin, and imon "Xmuuii. lien found a !arg" bole, ns if made with a pi.-k, in il,e frontal bone, from which and oliier c;. nasi! is supposed the man was miir, Ii I' d, and eairied tip ihere lor con t'eaiiueii'. 1'roiil appearances it must. have lain there since early la -t winter, ns the clothes and llesh were all t'litPI oil'. Alt ifrsvn'r Jtin'ii -in. LC '1 if Lima 7,-n;iw eoutaiiis n lon:; ,lt's,s,t' h 'J"5 ln'ille; was followed account of a recent discovery of g.ee wash' ra,,k .joyfully consented to ing.s at Chachapaovas.on the head waters, U tI:" Sl',,,)- A youtig gentleman prcs of ihe Amazon, in 'p.ru, by ihe fust paly i!'"1' ul" s"'flimcs deals iu jewelry, and of .North Americans who went to seek ls XV(" kwn in Syracuse circles, jcr for guld on the upper waters of the. Ama- "rnl'J c,'rL:"10!iyi mid the merry cou zon. They found several pieces weigh- l,le ibc usual responses, iug i'i ..ni I to l.J ounces, and other snTal-l A'r the ceremony was over, the lor. 1 hey minii diutely commenced erec- y- tmg houses preparatory lo mining. - ivji 1111 iniiiiu- 111 IIUIl.llO, IIIU Axotiiku Waud Ai t-Aiit. On Monday j ',:,','l'.,'r''',ri'00i followed her, and prcs lust, Mr. Pike, of the i7u, at Paris, Ky.Vj"n ''i claim at the house of her father, who was ihen in Lexington, was assault.! s(,n' bbout hisbuisncss with some ru iy a man named f lournoy, a relative of. Matthew Ward, the murderer. Pikc,alrom ,l10 huly's father. Matters at pres. Ii..l, ,1 . I.,.r .... I.... I .' I.I .. II, 1 r,,,. nr.'. 1.. .. .(..( 1 .. I .1 ivwi him i i uiin (jr s,. hum inuinmiun f Matthew Ward, the murderer. Pikc,alrom ,l10 huly's father. Matters at pres. ew days before, had mentioned that" Ward, c,lt nri3 il It11'1 'JIUJ ""J the. lovely be Murderer," passed through, on his 'msl remains a "wedded maid." The vuy to P.luo L'.c.ks,and hence the assault, gentleman claims her as his lawful wife, l..,i,l i.i.r ,.u. .i... . .t. i..:... the Wil v n., . ....... 1 tic An?rl linl.rirl A.rcMciI. ... A ., . . ... I i eini.t, .vugiiM -i. i no angel v.ia-1 j briel v.as arrested at Cambridge yesterday, ! 'for creating a disturbance, and lodged in,' Illl i V . - - ; near Liberty Street, exploded on Wcdncs. tkv A bridge is being built for the Dan- day, while it was being filled. Three chil vi Iu rond, ncross tho Kentucky river dren, who wcru in. tho shop nt tho time, which will be ono of the must magnificent; were so dreadfully burned, that they have m the world, if indeed, ii Anna n.st k.'j'i.i i .nnn ."i. m-. - ' j n I others. It has ono span of wire from; ! chfl to clifi. twelve hundred feet lontr ' " p I il e !,. I " (I. rinioii ' ii 'I'D W l,t I I (,'t. ll . I,., t, M cotunu'iit'i 'i III III" 1 1 I ' I ' ' I 1 1 . 'i'HI.'i Ii o tin i..l" M 'it') I III" V In ine Mlli llollll ol l-.'.l il liil' lily I ill'- 1'er.M. iIh il nwnv ni tin ir I a . re tiro .i he in if-lmlli I , i it ( rrp. nl. ".hill"' I'olloel, rit !,.. h'l; Slat" 'ellil ( '.ll'ltllir"" ll.'IV.' Iiiiotn ih" well, o' iiio!iloi ni:; n wlir' t'-irtv o!''eiin -vN'iio.i. Not tin Ii ast in. einha i y itoio. siiinn wIih-Ii ihey In r row from tint ne-tino is the cm' to ri'tienl the I'lnoti vo 1 n v n I.'iw. It is of tin avnil that tin- latfi"t s of their I'l'tly, Chiy ntnl Weh, Kir, haw left anion. ' lli.al- la ,1 W iriiiii.'u I i n i.. il, ... lov.'d tiinl 'orvnl, a Hoh inn tL'sliiiinti v 'i;:-'iinsI ;iny nl!eiiiit tit iilietin.; or lejieal- Hi" Ihat Miereil inslrnineiil. t is nl no avail that t!i". W'b'vj Xalional ( 'unvriiliun wlf h iKiinilialt'il (let). Seolt. n hoilv ol' say.-ilions men, nu fi of honor (Imih! less. livi'liials tiinl I fu as a party to lint in-'n- . . i 'i e and substance of that ( omprnmiso. Alas ! so soon, loreettiiii: all, cuiiniiiif failh nothing, consistency nothing, honor iiollung, the ilying voices of Clay and Webster ini'hing tlie mam wing of this lnrv ,M:"",S 0'i''f, l1"11 holy blllldn as tl parly stands convicted ol havum snapped lough Ihey were hut a lope of sand. follow ing closely upon, and growing out of, the position of Judge I'lillne!;, is the significant vole of ihe Whig Ih-hga-tion Irom oer Slate on the question of ie peal. On the l'iIi nl:. Mr. Kliot in'.rodu. ceil ill Cui-ress ii motion to .siisjieud ill" rules that h" might bring forward a hill for th" icpt-ul of the fugitive .skive law. A majority of the whig )eegalion from our state voted, "yea." Ad aim of thrill vo'i'if niiiist tltc jiiojiosiiluii ! On the contrary, twelve of our democratic ll.-Ie-e-ilimi voted "nay." Twooflhem Judge Packer and our own worthy member were a.'isent Irom I he ( anili i.c",,i fr.,, ii.,. i .,,.;i,.i ' t ,, i heen oresi-nt lhe- would . ii oie n, e i iae iven an fiiiphatn: negative as would also the tal eu'ed member i'fjM lierks, had he been iii his sea!. Til" eagerness of the whig members Irom our .stale to open again this once "lilt cling wound" of the country, is the more apparent when we reflect that their vote was given en one of the closing days oi' lli..' .session, ( i.ven at a time v. hen pui. In: biis.nc-s of the ino-t urgent, u.- :!'ul an 1 piacli-a! character was pleading fir their undivided allen ion w hell moments were as ordinary days, and days were as weeks, in actual iuijioi lance. Then, and there, were ilu: v. bigs iixnn Pennsylvania re.idv In .stop the wheels of legislation to intro duce again this apple ofeterna! discoid. Then and there were tiiey v. dling to touch this firebrand to lhat magazine of public passimi which now .slumbers in the great heart of the nation,' but which is ready to hurst forth, like ihe earth's central fires, m a thousand fearful and lava-laden vol canoes. Citizens of Pennsylvania; mark well the parly and the un n w ho would fire your Kphcsian temple, (live them the immor tality they merit thn immortality of hame, of silence, oi' defeat t OirThe I'itisbuigh dntfti; a leading Whig paper, asks : 'Why sli iitM iii.'ri,-:iii .itl.:.-ii-c:iit.. r t...-,.tli, r in )iri lit.- ru i;:ir,.sl I'p.in inlrn-i.iii !.v .lii.-.-i s llll'l OOMII i, iwy l.v mi ,,ulll, f,I' tin ,;'.,.-i. "I 'M .!llll;;ill' j, iii '.li 'llli '! If I',,, o , t ti.-m v il tl... .'.U.ifV -I'ltM-i, of Iv ,f .Tilll I,, ,( nun, , I .-,1,'il :i s ieriii,',. i, iinl,.,i-.,t.-i..1. in., Viumliiu v-. Tie' i i. II :.- I'iilii-lliwll -." However 'ridiculous" the idea i. it is one upon which .Mr. Pollock the Whig nominee for Ciovcrnor has acted. It is by just tins sort ol" '-ridiculous" conduct that he aims to be ( lecled (Jovcrnor of IVun sylvanin. His brightest hopes of political preferment are based upon an act which his own party organs pronounce of "ridic uloiis" character, but it remains to be seen whether these expectations will he grati. fled and whether ihe people of this State will reward .Mr. Pollock for his 'ridiculous' act of o!y mid high handed outrage linon the Constitutional rights of n large body of h.s lellow-ei'i.ens, many of whom are f ir belter men than he can ever hope to be, by niiiking him Covernor ofthis State. )iisiivani:iri. A Mt.i K id.v:::;iAt;t;. Si iiotis Coh.m. ij;ii litis. The Syracuse Sluidurd savs ihat ai Clifinu Sjinngs, a .short time since, a gay party was assembled among them M.s.s M., of Jiuifilo, and l'rank N., of Syracuse. In the course of the evening, g.iyity began lo flag, and some one pro 'posed a marriage. Up springs the gay young Mis M., and expressed a wilhni:- groom gave Ins hndo to understand that lie considered it hiudin.'. She demurred. llll.l sl irlo.l ft. t ... I1..1V.I . .1. . siriiiiug siecimens ol parental lndmnation 1.11,1 lirtr roll.!. ,1n llm .l,.!.-. .v. inuiii., UVII. kl.U l.U ..I. - - Three Children hilled .-i. i ...m,, Jiosion of a Camphcnc Jmhiji. Cincinnati, Aug. IS. A cumphenc tltnti in n liliflirvr'a ulmn r.n 7-, ...... r.uw; uiuu, tiuu uiu man w uo was uiiiiig the lamp when it exploded, named Ruff, is "Wl - - j'VV. IV A W II T W, I. ' I III ll' III mi imiip snih' I I," I al"l Hi ; ,ii i a " i.it' i.. . I 1 1 1 1 1 a i , . ii 1 1 ti . i ii" A ni' ' ' " . ft'- siiii'i ' I H of ll l. ; "i""t Ion ' Hi t ol ill" HI' 1 1. linn nl r'e.iilr ' ll lh. Atl'HI I 'til'' I i 'l il. i iilmi the i ai il III I. fin l w ,', . H linn ton. nn tie i o-isl 1 1' 1 1 1 1 ih eon t j i , i 1 1 il" l.iiii'a! ', an I c onian il':l,:!(HI,Mi." minai.' 'j . . a in I in n i a j. ei lllllev, i 'II I" Till'lll. i'' i'. 1. 1 not 'I'taelii. -il area l htil on ('nth Ics than the entire ei ntinetil of Ilu lope. Th'-y contain a population ni the present time of 'J.i,(liU),lMm', of whom 'J, III'", "(Ml are whites. The rvlent of iis sea-coast, exclusive of islands and rivers to head of tidewater, i.rj,(ili'l miles. The length (,f (en ni' i;s principal rivers is 'Jll.lilM mile;. The surl'aco of its live great lakes is 10,111)0 snuare miles. Tim number of miles of railway in operation Wil Inn its Imiils is V'O.OOtl ami cost oi same (;i)0,000,(IOO. The length of its ennars is ftOOO miles. It contains within iis limits the longest railway upon the sur face of the globe !he Illinois Central whichis7.il miles in length. The .mniial fulueof i!s agricultural productions is !',',. O0(),(ll!0,O0!l. lis most valuable product is Indian corn, w hic'i yield annually, $400, OH), ()()(). And in surveying the agricul tural productions of our country, we fire not only struck wiih their abmidar.ee, but Willi their great variety. Uur territory extends from the frigid region uf iho north to the genial climate of the tropics, nliord ing a linos! every variety of temperature n in! every kind of grain and vegetable. Our productions range from the cold ice and hard gtan.tc ol ihe norih, the golden corn of the west, to the cotton and sugar of the South; and nearly all in sufficient (juaniiiii s lo supply our domestic consump tion and furnish large supplies for expor titiori, thus furnishing nearly ail the value, as well as the bull; of our fnrein com merce suggesting, thereby, the irresisti ble conclusion that agriculture is the great Iranscendant inlercst of our country, an upon which all other interests depends. The amount of its registered and enrol led tonnage is ;, 107,010 tons. The amount of capital invested in manufactures is sOOii.OU The amount ol iis for- eigu imports in Wei, was 6(j7,!'78,(! 17, and of exports :J J"i),f7i),l "7. The nn. nual n mount of its internal trade is SO, 0011,000,0011. The annual value of the pioducts of labor (oilier than agiicfillural.) is Sl,.')(H),0(ll),b(!i). Th" nniiu:,! vnine. of ill" iucelnes o' iis ii.liabilanls is NljiiuO, 01,0.00 ). The value of its farms and live Mock is- .So,i.i)',!,(i,;!,:;:i:'. i:.s min, s of gold, copper, lead and iron, are anions ike richo.-i in the world. The v.du" of the C'll'l pindllfed ill (.'a iiii II l;i 1 is Nl l,lMl);i.. Will per annum. The sin la. e of i's cal fields is i;lo,i;i,' siji.ait' miles. Is re. Ceip'.s Irom custonis, lands, v've., in 1 -.").! w;,s &i!I,:W7.."iM, and its expendi'ures Y nb'J'i.'t. 1's intioii a . I., main consists ol -,17 1, !-:- sijuai'e nines of land. :s national debt is but o;),ilOI), Oil. ''he number of iis banks, at the present lime, is about 1 1(H), wuh a capital of $:!), I,HJ;),. , 000. Within her borders are 1,(U i . ........ t ... si-noois, ii.iiiiu aca.leiiin.-s, Xl.il colleges, ami ;5,-(li)cluirches. (inly one in twenty, two ol' its while inhabitants is ut able to read cml write, and nineteen of iis twenty- :i r .. i -. i , . . one uiu, ions oi wnue innaLiiiaiiis arena live born, lis mountains an highest, and i:s prairies urn amoie' ,i rue most beautiful and extensive upon the globe. riiii'i. A iisu.s. (!ov. ISir.MiR. The re-election of th's geuilciuau is as certain as any event in the future. The uproar and excitement creat ed by the wl-.igs after the Mayor's elec tion in Philadelphia, have subsided, and men have lesiuned their reason. The 'Know-Xoihings," like- all other ephemer- in ircnons, nave nan ineir Gay, unJ are now regarded among the unprincipled things tiiat were, ilmocrats leel asham td to think, that ihey ever doubled the justice and integrity of the people, or lhat they could be led astray so far ns to dis card a la it li 1'u 1 public servant. The ad ministration of Cuv. P.igler has been enn spicious fur the many weighty and im portant (piesiiou; that have arizen, and which have been settled in a manner that shows that there is a strong arm nt tho helm, and perfectly satisfactory to the great mass of the people. In this county the mass of the people appreciate the worth of such a Governor, and in tins town alone we can count many voles he will g(,t in (.leiuher next from persons who never voted for a democratic irovemor be fore. They can find no fault in him, and old Yen. ing will rfiil him up ;m increased majority. Vchuhzo Sjmt'ifor. Ik!'A fatal and most singular accident occurred at ihe Clento Rolling Mill, in South Pittsburgh, Pa., on Wednesday last. It appears that some days ago the brush on tho hill, immediately iu tho rear of the Mill, was sr t on fire, and has since continued to burn nlowly. Wednesday afternoon it rcuched somo lo-s, ono of which supported n large stone, wcMiiu-r, perhaps, somo 300 pounds. Tl.c los were consumed, and the stone bcin" left without support, it rolled down the hill i,t a terrific rate, entered the rear of tho mill where u man. Adam Wcvland. was em- ployed, and striking him on tho head and breusl, it crushed him so that ho died in less than two minutes. The distance from the point of the hill from where tho stone fell to tho mill was about three hundred r..t k..i .:,i. .....i, l.: that it emered ihe building without being ft J Cheats always d.e bankrupt -seen or even heard by any of the workmen. h"1 lhc-v m"kc 10 1'gl't weights vhey 3 J , loose again in lawsuits. Tl:c Central American (llicslion. i OCrlf you want tho milk of human kind- llahimorc, Aug. 1!). Mr Iiuchnnnn's' .ncss lllickcnd into the cream of benevo j reply to Lord Clarendon on the Central ccc, or the cream of benevolence trans I American question, was brought to Wash. ale(J inI thc l)U,lcr of beatitude, all you ington by Mr. Sickles. It is said to bo,Imvc t0 do is 10 fl.v around nnd fi .an able document. (rtrllo w ho marries a pretty face only, ;s jk0 Q jjuycf 0f c)COp furniture tho OCrGov. Higlcr, made a stump speech j varnish lhat caught the cyo will not en ; at Chambcrsburg on tho 7lh instant. ; dure tho fire side blaze. I'iII iik Mi,! ilu uin Viilon Kinvif A' ',-. ih, ',,,., t, ,,,(f, HI- n lime Mi,,. Mjjf .. in On. ni..f i, iu ;ip nr ,n.Wn dn l ni" . f PemtnU-,,,,,, jn ,d0 .-ie" ol io!,.rt l.(i,i,m.U,,,si,pf,ll AI. hi, joined the Kim. Noting nt,(,ron ir.'li div of Jmi" -i!, at the ,,1, i coriief ol inlh and A r. h itr.-it, u) w1 icc'ut i m me t.niowing i i ins hy t,c J,. sM iii lor ol the lodge ; "My llrriiher--Thn Order hi,n now received you as nit'inber, may wiih all propriety Lo considered n secret orprin. i ilioii. It is so seen t in fact, lhat if jou Vere placed hemic n legal tiihunul, atj there sworn to tell thn truth, the whol truth, and nothing but the truth, you couM .not for your life reveal tho name of that band of brothers among whom your nmiio . now stands enrolled : and further than this when you retire from this meeting, yon will return to your family and friends as ignorant as w hen you came, ns far ns tha name of thin order is concerned. "In common with ourselves you "Know X'.i liitiir," and let it he your stern resolvo through life, to "Know Nothing." "The high and exalted duties you owe lo your (bid, yourco,intry,and to yourselves, for the purpose of the preservation of American liberty, requires lhat you should j erve the oath wlneli vou have this nudit taken above all other obligations. For the laws of no land are of higher importance to yourselves and your children, than is that obligation w hich you have just taken, to preserve American institutions hv ihe entire and absolute exclusion of all for eigners, and all who are not Protrsianls, from control or participation in tho atniirs of your country."1 To this instruction the candidate, Mr. Pollock, bowed his assent. Mr. Conrad did ! lie same on a previous occasion. Now, what would be the conditio!, of Mr. Pollock or of the wise. (?) head ofonr I c:ly government, il he should be called in to Court to testify against one or more of "that band of brothers." Observe there is no tpialificv.ion to thisoalh. It must he obeyed whether the objects be legal or not whether the nets and doings of "ihat band of brothers'' he in conformity to, or in violation of the law. Is it not a'shame lesj outrage that a man should be at thn head of a beautiful and thriving city, who thus stands pledged to screen the violators oi the law? Is it not a worse outrage to at. tempt to place in the gubernatorial chair of a Commonwealth, one whose political, re-' ligit.iis and social liberty is based upon tiie most unrestricted principles of intolerance, a tiuie-t-!.'rvinr demagogue, who, for the f a paltry mess of pottage, would i , ins iieeiium, an', piei lae himself before ( !od and man tovicla'o the law of thelund, mid perjure himself m a court of justice ?' Again, we say Mr. Pollock if you don't li. long to this order, take issue and plead '' li'iti't. We stand prepared to convict you before the freemen of Pennsylvania. l'cimsylvaniaiK AMI-MASONIC KNOW NOTIllNGiSM. Wiih a very few isolated exceptions, the Democratic pressofthis State, and through out the Union generally, has taken decided ground against the Know-Nothing move mcnt. Some Whig papers also protested lleaiust It. lint stmrtlv n(lr Mi- PrJI, .-. j"..!' uiui:i,i coiisiuerauie iiumueroi , , i i ., , . n . tne u nig presses inrougnoui rennsylva. nia became sudden converts to its merits, recounted with great joy its triumphs, and encouraged ns much as possihlu the for mation of new Lodges. It is not manv yea is smco these papers were full of Anti Masonic zeal, and throughout many por tions of the State, ihe opposition party was known only as the Anti-Masonic party. . In a lew years more it became the Atiti- sonic Whig party. After aw hile it was the Democratic Whig Partv. Now ii is flic" Know-Nothing party. For tho benefit of its members, and that its name may be suggestive of its character, it is to be hoped that these names will all be used together, so as to read "The Anti-iMason.c Demo cratic Whig Know-Nothing party." This tiilc is tolerably expressive of the incon sistency of the opposition to the Democ racy, but it would be still further improv ed by a few more reminiscences. In 1810, it was the "Hard Cider" party; it notv claims to be the exclusive champion of Tem perance. In l-o'J, it endorsed the com-promio-c measures, including the Fugitive Slave Law ; its c ind.datc is now tamper ing to ail the vagaries of the Abolitionists. In 1 '")"J, its candidate was a warm lover of the "iieh Irish brogue" and "tweet German accent;" in 13), Mr. Pollock out-hcrods Herod in the radical tone of his Native American doctrines. In lS37and in 1"J!I, our opponents passed laws auth orizing a sectarian division of the Common School Fund ; they now assert that they alone can prevent such a division, &c. So if the title of the party is to be nn in dication of its principles, wo must style it the "Anti-Masonic, Democratic. Whiz. K'lv-Nuihing. Hard Cider, Temperance, 1-ug'l'vcNnvc Law, Abolition, "iucn Irish nruc-" Na!'v'e American, School Fund Dmslun Anti-School Fund Division par- ''" liilllc1',"s 09 such a name would bc' " Wou,J '"" i"81' rcPrcscnt a few of IHC inconsistences oi our opponents. renmylvanian. 03-In selling goods be careful and do not sell your customers also. Do busi ness on tho square, nnd do not imagine lhal lhrcc Peck make a bushel, even of -C'V i r