.14 VII llll , ... i I , I. n iii" hi .li t i. , v., k, ihf 1 1. - I., ,! ,. i If " i li ill li n V.ll It 1 1'. nil' !'!! .1 II.- t-l flil. 1 r II . Hi s And v 1 1 lie i .i-ilv I" .( . I hi. hnn , An. I a k.,1 n pi m y f. r their n i I 'li, li" !" I Miiil, "you Miii t ii o. i f I ."ii iii.iiii.(. i'i ml i Why (iiv j.iur lniii..'l livilirr'," ivi.t .' Ur l.rlici'i lock c! in ji.il I'" Ho'm-l'y l it pall thill li , A li'Jl s(..1o mil his I J C , I t h iti ;;li t I Iui. I him i n the hi;1 -1 thou; hi l.i.'il told a lie. At lencili ho simho in iitivvnn hue, -Ami midst the word.- ho wept: "My hither romi in cumin;: limnc, lK-' mot wilcl nut hi;" ih hi. ''Ami tuoll.cr rbilo i-lio slui'.vc'l anil lUc,', . On our colli i'1-lliir ll.ii r, Would often full ns in hoi' ! U', And tell in Christ Was pour. "She said that lu would pile us bread, That liu uoulii lake In1; Hurt, When our licit mother should bo ill ml, Ami luoui.li rin i; intu iiu-l. . . . ''She said Iiit .-pirlt would nut die, J : nt often wii'i iiv In1, Anil often, to", wcM feel her ui;;!i. 1 . Though In eternity.- ' ' 'And finco she ilioil." tho j-ale hoy naid, We've found tier word wero true, At nipht we see her l-y our bed, JIlt l'ueo of brilliant hue. ."All round our little room shell tread. Ami I'-tiiy Kunetiuics till light, , . I 'll no ! her spirit is not de ul, J: lie's, with ut-a'.l IhciiiiphL "And often when we sub mill Ml'i Ar.'t think w-c'Jl never sleep; A soli hinnl wipes the Ijiuf .l cy; We ti-el we most r.oi. iioi. "Anil n ilenr .Tmnen nml littlo Mary, k Ard I lire on nlime; From ili"'r to ilw.r I bi " nil dsy Fur l ivad to r firry hune. ' 'Anil whon no bring fniio luoat', We mvo it nil iho night, 'flint mother when cl.o enmes nniy eat, (r ghnhlen nt I'm tiht. I'n& .i, kin! sir, I nke!-n cent,'.' Tie Juiteriiip boy keit on. ''T'i help nmho nt:t mir weekly rent, Till futher can eiMiie limne. Ainl so the latler'J hoy k:u riht. The rent was for the denil ! lli mother lived with him nmiu'ht. Clor-c by her tbililreu's be l. . ' i Turn not away tho stricken poor. With harsh and chilling sir) i Think whiu they hover round your door, "i'iii Christ who mimI; them there. D . inn awmiuMiww HARROWS AND IIARnOWlXC. Thelcrm harrowing lias almost become . vnonomotn with disturbing the surfaeeof iie soil, nnd therefore is often used to stig , ,.st iucli disturbance, where tools oilier :-ian harrows should be tho implements sc ripted to bring it about. . We have before iind occasion to refer to tho faults of the harrow, but from the number of articles vhich met t us throughout tho agricultural i.rcss, we feel inclined to cr.ter more fully ;p.to o description of tho imperfections of ;iiia implement. Jt will be remembered that live harrow jiolb is nn inverted cone, nnd cannot be ,;sed without compacting ccrtnin portions ,if tlio soil, from this cone entering the s,ptl jioint downward, ossisted by the weight fJ ,!0 frame, often multiplied by its velocity ivjicn bouncing or jumping over the sur face of the soil. iNo implement could be mora incorrectly shaped than the harrow tooth for the purpose for which it is inten ded ; and every practical gardner knows, i hat ho may harrow soil until he renders it so hard as to be unfit for culture; where as, if a cultivator be used, the teeth of which are broad at the bottom, end small at-the top,"thcn the disturbance of the soil continually assists lo mellow it. Let those who doubt this fact go into a snuff factory nnd observe the manner in which bladders of Scotch snuff are packed. They will find that the tool used is the same thape os a harrow tooth, and by means of its ,isc, ten or twelve times the bulk or blad der of Scotch snuff is compressed within it. F.vcry time such a cone enters the mass, it forces tho previously contained particles outward, leaving nn opening for pew quantities, nnd this is repented until tho ball becomes so hard that it cannot be pntered by the harrow tooth itself. This principle is active in degree with every tooth of every harrow when in mo tion. Boilers nnd cultivators will bring nbout a better state of soil than harrows. The latter should never be used, except as a comb or rake for scraping off loose ma tcrials from tho surface of the sod which are intended to bo removed, and then the harrow, if. used at all, should be extreme ly light. There nremany other tools, such rts various kinds of horse rakes,, which plight be used with greater propriety. V wish that some of our implement makers would prepare a proper tool lp fake the place ol the harrow. Jt could rendily he done by forming curved teeth, with iho points enlarged, flattened towards the line of travel, nnd tho necessary nmount nf strength secured in the upper pnrt of the teeth by greater drpih and less width. Such a tool would clean tho sur- face equally well, nnd nt tho same time act ns a cultivator, nnd not as a harrow to the soil. Willing Fui mrr. 03Tho politeness of Americans lo In dict is beyond nil praise. A lady can travel nil over tho Union, nnd never once 1111'. in Vl ! i ...... iu iiiMint:u. 1 1 snu isuione, uisiaKcn icrny ended in Iho bitterest or ngony, may granted that she is obliged to travel with-fbetter bo imag;ned than described.' nut n protector ; she may bo goins to join Let friends in a distant State ; or buisnrss rnav remiirc her nresencc: ihev know nnt. tint) nsl: not why she chances to bo alone. nnJ ,,ml w'1" nn ncl 10 prevent false nnd 1 i Iratidulent issues of stock in land, railroad, (kTA quaint writer snys--"l havesectr and other corporations.' Every Slato will woman so delicate that they were afraid to. have to do tho tame thing, and it is nbout ride, for fear of tho horso running awny, ' time. afraid to sail, fo: fear the boat should over- 03An editor who never thinks twice cct afraid to wnlk-for fear the dew mi-lit before speaking once, says that the dress full luit I never saw one afraid lo gct(es worn by our ancestors in tho Garden pwpnH. - - tifEden were made pn-ae s. "I hi i ph- ti'W," f o-iiv d n V.inn lfii-1. ill. I tnkiii:! f'itv in '''' "'"'i i Inn.; 1.1)11 fii I In- lliilV Uri' I' 1!"W''. Tl,. i ii I. iv j'l'.Wih ill I y, iii i;l iui iiisli ii' j,i iio, vi i nli il n il Mil, l imtil, V, till t 01 lli't t. 'I'll'! fn I III ' HI l li. tlli rs ill' l' I tlkllti" i'i I'; - :l! Ihc 1 tni ever, I'll li" In. I il II ,1 IV I i i II ftlltli'il'iiliii '. II, (' il li I . ' nl ll.l I'VMl lire- Ilil) ', I UJ.M nf ll.l vw.u K-iiii'i I'WII I 'll C- t.M.k iiit ink', IluS lit i I 'o II Wi lk llllil Mil (lii!l liV III" Inlilc, ! I ''It Ls .i n;t!it In li ivo n l.(iiiir of one's ' low it," liu niiiii S.iu!, l;iKiltL n sal isf irlut y 'bith'V nl' liii liitli rimrtrrs. The cold train hrnt ntiinil 'ihd wimlows, nml Ik; ;lliout;lit lio fell rcully gralvlial fur liis pfes- ciiMtiiiuiid.- "Now if wcouly hntl a piano," cxclaioi'i . i .1 . -e: i I ieu lilt; viio i "(!ic mo music of your own kwcM ! A voico Mom all llio .Innns in rn ulion," lie -" lucci.irtd coiiiiiiiti(.'iiiitni v, ijcmUi.s icciiniij - I sec out dieanpoiiilinciil thuUhis wilit's !li;it)k. ! r.,liirnii ill, I ir,l Imninli. fliimn mill, bio I t "vt ii, bin wo wan: onciurour incius, said l'sllior, "Lft our friends come to sen us, and not harp 011 a pinno," exc!;tinil tiiu liushnnd. "But, Gmiru erry bmly litis n pinno, now-n-days, we won't go tinywltoro with out seeing a piano," pet'sisiod his wife. "Ami yet 1 dim t know what wo wantj ono for yoti will havo no ti mo to play on one, nnd I don t want to lu itr il, 'Why, they aro so liishionttlile I think our rooms looks nearly naked without ono,' j "I think it looks just riht." I .,f .1:1. 1 ..i.. .... 1 "i 111, UK 11 1UOH3 icrv ll.llvgil IVC Willll a piano, thockiugly," suid ts'.her rniphut. ienlly. - '1 lie hushnivJ rocked violenily. "TIlC lamp .Sfliokes, my dear," said liownerii liehascoiiHlintlyouhuiidalaien.soi-luieiil after a Ion?; panse '"When are you going to get an astral lamp ? I IkiTc told you a dozen limes how much wc needed one," said Esther pet tishly. 'Those arc very pretty lumps I never can see by an astral lamp," said lier litis. bund, -"Those lamps nro the prettiest of i the kind 1 ever saw thev were bought mi -- Boslon." "But, George, I do not think our room is complete without nn nstml lamp," saitl Esther sharply. "Why the Moioans nnd the Millers, and many oihots I might men tion, nli have them; l am sure we o'j"ht too.' . "Wo ought to, if we take pattern by other people's expenses, and 1 don't sec any reason in that." The husband moved uneasily in his chair. "Wc want to livens well as oihcrs do," said Esther., "Wo want 'In live within our means, Esther," exclaimed George. "I am sure we can nllbrd if, ns well as the Morgans and Millers gnd Thorns wc do not wish to appear mean." George's cheek crimsoned. "Mean ! I am not mean !" he cried an grily. "Then we do not wish to nppcar so," said tho wife. "To complete this room; and mnke it look like other people's wc I want on astral lamp. "Wc want Wo want, muttered the husband, "there is no satisfying woman's wan'sdo what you may, nnd he abruptly left the room. Ilow 'many husbands are in a similar dilemma? How many houses and bus. bands are rendered uncomfortable with the constant dissatisfaction of'a wife with present comfort's nnd present provisions ! How mnpy bright prospects for business have ended in bankruptcy nnd ruin, in order to satisfy this secret hankering after fashionable necessaries? Could the real cause of many failures be known, it would be found lo result from useless expenses to answer the demands of Uishion, nnd what will people think? My wife has made my fortune," said a jjentlemun of great possessions, "by her thrift, prudence and cheerfulness when I was just beginning." "And mine has lost my fortune," an swered his companion, "by useless ex travagance and repining when I was do ing well." What a world does this open to the in fluence which a wife possesses over tho fu ture prosperity of her family ! Let tho wife know her influence, nnd try to use it wise ly nnd well. Child Utsa bv tiik T!ei). A very distressing casualty ha9 just bcftillen the family of Mr. George W. Brown well of this place. Ilo was at Grand Isle on the fourth, with his wifo nnd infant daughter, passing the dnv at Mr. .1. Wcsi's, his fath er-in-law. In the evening, at nbout 7 tj'clocl;, tho child was placed upon the bed, after which the family snt outside the house to wakh tho fire-works in operation at Plattsburg. At riiuo o'clock Mrs. Brownwell retired, nnd missing the child from the place where bhe Ind laid her, looked on nnd under the bed, where she discovered her feet hanging to the floor nenrly, between the Led nnd iho wall. Tho poor little thing was extricatetcd, but too late life was extinct. She had rolled between the bt'3 nnd the wall, vhero she was suspended bv the head becomeine- fastener) nevt tn thp hod rill iho l,ml I nin it ., ut.ur.iii, me neu U(.tr, necessarily n way several inches from the wall, owing to a couple of caseposts pro jecting irom mo laitcr. I lie clnld was one year nnd three months old, and the .'riefof ils parents, for whom n day of OirThe Now Hampshire Legislature achieved ono good thing during iia session v ..i la ui -.v At :i d jv 'J. l;U n.l'.ii HI,,, I.' ,..'1 I mini, I nit,' i '.! ii-, I',i.. il in I I" ' im i iii In l.tt. . ii h I u ill t.' 1 1, I", tii h I , no, 'iii II,.. I.e V, I ... I, A''., I'vx i'i,, i.. nml vi'ii iil'ie- t H le, IIM'I III I till, 1 till, TIUVMP.SONS, I1AUTMHK, V ). I Iui I oiliiili ik, 1'iirw i'Iim il'e. An eMiii'iie 1 ii ' i I im nl tit l ,! tni n,.., in or.l.r. J mm iui.('i'.u, "ii ami Mire! 1 1 mi !iaini Hirf uri r. ( 1ll'IIT. ' V. 'I' in llfii n ille. nl. o i liui old t'litlllilry. "Il tin' .nil n'le nl' Main niei t, where nil bii-ine- i In bin I, lie in thine up in n ninkinaiilili.i iiuiimer, mol on r,.t mnaliln tei un, I'ountiy ,i,.,lin ii tak' ii I" i X i liainte tiir work, Sep. 17. lt!l. n li MIUMM'.M.. ,),(.r l iu , mill Slice I Iron arc ,M;nin- !' ' . ., .. I liir;urcr. on mm mivi, one mmr conin oi - u njihtVi i .r. , cbariui,,. l1'"';11- ; -r CILIiKUT. ' inclttniUi 1 ) i r".' It w nt llnpeirell, lie II tow nship, nl t.!ie In leiuliiiL' I'rom Jl'tleeV Mill to .New Vllhimrl.'HI mid from ClieKt creel; L. tho river, v.Iikic nil u-.Mi 111 bin linn will be promptly iilli nil-1 i ed to. iiureh t, IM..L'. T AXriKli"" nn'l Curlier, lir.nnpioti 11 ill.-', Cleai field I'liinity, I'a. keep eiii.-t.ii'i!y 011 hiiml 11 "trtnicnt i f leather. Cash pr.ld lul' lllllif-. Jlfiv IS, 1 .1.-in. : ' THOMAS MILLS, 1.;arli anil Siriii fll.ikrv, "ti 'Xliinl I . ... ,1 J " .-In "en .Markd all April. K,, ii-,;,;. I...e.n,l. Clearf...!.!. I',, B. F. STIiULLN'C, S" adillp and llnrnri-M Maker, ntiit Justice of! tlic l'i-a(;.-,CiireUfiIle. Jici. IK lSj. UL UlCHAUn GLFN'NING, llnnt nil Shoe Maker, can bo omul nt his. 'Vi. J -'bop tljrco il'itim w est of the Mansinii House, ' 1 buth i f iinine and city nriiuil.n ture. jnly X, ' J. D. THOMPSON, I)larbmllli, YVafri-in, Ilinrlcn, c.,iic., ironed t on short notiee, nml the very bent Et.vlo, nt hi.M 'Id Mtinirl in the bin-oii;;h of Cureii.J illo. " I lfee. "St. K.riit. - : IIOBJSRT McNAUL", rn uuirr, rt the old Maud in Ciirinv;;ie. I'oc. "S, ln.il. GEO. W. BIlIsEM, Qailillef, Harness-p. ad Trunk M.iiiiilactur- IT, on Second strct, immediately over C. 1. W!,,v"n'" 1)r'' ft"--. He :;n, i.-i WM. 1'. CHAMBERS!, lici-lwrl'-lit, ( hair M ker nil House and Si-fii I'alllll-r, Curwensville. Kc ;s, is;, . THOMAS SHEA, 7asiiiosai.is taii.oh. in 'i-huiv'- K.nv.' on-Mar- ket street in the room fnrmerlt wenpieil liy I V m. Uodehnuh ns 1'ost tltliee, Hen. 211, IS.'il. AL. sciinkll, rilailor, I,uth,-r,-hitr. will Jo hi- O'k jll.-t T.S ' JL p pood and as heap as any li-.ber Ii llow. i ' I Jicc. S IsjI. JAS. ALEXANDER, OaiUtlrr and Harness) Maker, in bb k3 on Market street, near Merrill' lint llee. 2!, ISil. now s'.i.ip 1. JOHN II. 1I1LBIJRN, T 1 riot nnd Shoe Maker. C..,.,,,,,! tlm.,1 n.,l.. i o,p.,fitc A. K. AVriglitV rtore, Clearli'cM. I'a. April I o, IS., 2. ' JAMES IIOLLF.NBACIT, 1Iarksmith, on Thinl sire.'l, between Mail, it and Walnut, Clenrled, Fa. April In, Sj2. JOHN W. SHU(5ERT ra?"H Maker, corner of Thinl mid I.ceust J street. ClomlieU. April lli, liv2. liepiiiriugdoiic lo order. GEO. RICHARDS, I Uslil'iiiatile Tailor, west of Shaw'r How. up stairs, Clearfield. Dee. ;:o, ISO I. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, irtVa";oti Maker, Luthrrsbury. Work .lone I T t" or hT on short notice, ami on (rood terms. Deo. 2'.t, 1S01. JOSEPH II. liRETH, 1)l;u ksmilh. at 'New Washington, Clearfli hi coitniy, where nil kinds of work is done in his lino of business nn the shortest notice nnd nmst reasonable terms. May 211, lSSa. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, rpatiner and Hoot and Mint .M-iniifactui-er, J. Curwoii.-villo. Dee. 2., lsjl. I ...I II. I.I. , , IIU IHJI IIIIUI J Yd sli lli vi) t ii It iLia, HURXTIIAL & BUOTIll.R, Mervliiitilsi nnd Lumber lleiilrrs V.'nod . land Post Office, Bradford Un)nbip. Clear fiebl ootinty. April 17, 1S02. L. R. CARTER, Veen! for the sale of Stoves Mill Goa-rliio;. . and Canting, of all kiaiU Al o, liar Iron ami Nail", Thrashing machines, l'biw.a, A ri'ieultu ral Implements, Ac., on Second ft reef, uii.br the printinic office. March 17, is.',.".. SAMUEL ARNOLD, "l rrrrhant nnd Produce Dealer, Li.thers- 11 1 bill);, Clearliold county, i'a. JAS. B. GRAHAM, T)ot Masl.r, McjtIihiiI,! and Dealer In X I.liinlK-r. tlrahamton, Eradl'ord tunnsliiii. Dec. or ie-,i FREDERICK ARNOLD, f'rrrlinnt end I'rodi-.cc Dealer, Lutlier: burj Clear l.i 02. , Id comity, I'a. Apr.i IV, A. K. WRIGHT, ' I rrii.itil and I.xli'iisiye Dea'er III I.ltm- . ji bcr. Second street, one djorsouih of hisre-i- i deuce, Clem -field. , 2'J, ISO I. C. KRAT7ER, rei rhnnt and I.un.her Dealer, crm r of llL Fmut and Locust .streets Clenrtiei J. liec. 23, Ul. M03S0P & POTTO RFF, Tnt,ltllPr.nri.wi.r.. tw. ...... r-lVehandlse and l.b (Hol s, on the west side of if - - - ' nml -iic. hut- -...nn H ...I 1.. . - .. ...,. n.i-.-t maiiji oppusue (110 tiuit liousc, Cleaiful'l, Tn, ' Cq,. t ,s.,;i, ELLIS IRWIN & SO X S . T the moiuh nf Lick Tiun, five miles from IV Oeai field, MEKC1IANTS, and cx.-msivc nianmncinrers nl J.ttmbcr, f JIIIT 2.1, I, , of u. v, irii.eTt.11, ,,-, "... i see :n 'J?Z?1$1 V ? f ;..!! I i a in- j ,.i'aiiiem,ouno ii.i.-.n, u in a jp uj mi a i via & . I A I . ; V I Al ,, ..Ur iili'imliv! li I I, lil, ion on heriiiol rn. i linliel'l, '. i .liinr l.l'il. . , I .iosi:ni it. m rnai.j.-i . VtT'illM'V M'l,. "ffi'-e on tbi en'l iil , f , ,n. I Mri el, m-ii-ly oj o'lie the itme of A. ti. Wili'lit, ill ulti'li'l fr.ni'iHv I" nil bo-lni' t ' enli n le l lit hl erne, t h-m fli lil June 1 1, Is ' I. i m. i:. woo i, 1)!i.,li l II. iii.i v nlii y be found at hie irHoliHi in l'iireionille, when not r,liiHiii llv nl ...iiU Jif. It. Ii i". ii. i u: c n i : 1 1 k u ti i I . 4 Kuriicv nl l.nw, furnmrlv or tlm firm "KfiiTt A Hhhi ii," lliiiilinif.bin, I1., will nr 1 1 ii 1 1 (nilliliillv t,i nil ,ri'fi'"-i"iiiil liiisiiie I'tiltii'l e-l l.i hit ean In th eltiienn of I'lemtli lit nml nil eminllcm. Ollloo 1iel ilimr Li, mil over - '..,, U il -l,ir' nil), i. Oi l a 7. IS.VI. r-n. 'pj (HIMJONV' r.' IlOOr, ; TT VV,N" DK-tl bin icHileneu riMin Vreueh'. If" ll.i to K v 1 11 v i ille, in .Munin linMii-liip, re- I .,,( 1 11 1 1 v oiler Iim cervtccit t't Mm nirrmiiiiliiia l"""",l,l".v Jlllll" 1 11, IS.'i.'l. JAMlid BIUDLH tJOHDON, 1 4 TT'Hi.YKY AT T.AW, Im, removed his officii 1. to tin' room ndjoinini; on the ca Jt the liruij ' M,e ot nr. i.orain, ami win n-vore iim w 0 in. ti lili ili lo the prneliee of his profession, Ilo jn.-ij . h.Koniilteil ill AVun n luifl (In mini. , ' Jan. I.j. IH5 1. ' 1 ' I , - . 1 i-. " . ' ' - '' J. L. CUTTLH, '' . , 41 ... ..4 1 .... :il I.uiv nml I anil Air.iit. ntTien I .,i;,,i; bis r,i,lo... . ti,,t,..l ir....L 11 Mar I itanield. .March .'!, lxjil. WILLIAM A. WALLACE '('fl"".V nt I,mv, Ofliee ndjoinins; hi re ilelieo on Heeond Street, oppoyito tho rcsi-' U'in-,1 or nov. inkier, i icai neiit. April 17, 1 DIl F. ANTKS CANFIKf). TTXAVIVtl Tllll.,ll.f,d Iti'n nri.n.v titiil t ln'-.l!..,,' 'AVI Ml pure J 1 of !r. II. F. Hoops, tenders bis prof sinal ! sun ii-Of- to tho citi7en of Fronehville nnd i ieinity illliee one Moor cast ot I.uU s spire. June ?, Ix.Vl. ' 1 , i i - , IIKiNUY LOUAIK, IlllVhiriftli ami lru""l.t, on Market elrcol, ' I' i.i :. i ....... ,.i e. .i.i oi,i,s:to his residence, Clcurlield. Apr.l HI, ISj-J. , , - , . II. 1 THOMPSON, 1)hj sirittii, may be fuund either at his ofHee, or ut Heotield's hotel, Ciirwensville, when not prtifcfsiomilly absent. ' lcc. 2'J, ISil. GEORGE VlLSa, 1)hvsii'i.ui, may be found ut bis office in I.ii ihersburg, hcu not ubieul vii )roli innul bii.-in.-s-. ' Feb. 2, li2. T7J. MeCULLOUGIlT VTTOltNF.Y AT I,AW, Clwirfiebl. I'a., may be found at the ofliee of t i. It. !tarretts tidjoii'iinjr llm i-Uiro of W in. S. Moore. De'ds and oilier lejrnl 'i';l''"ii'"l e.vecutcd with promr-tnesi. hnd necu ri"' - ''" Mav SI. ISil. DR. Si L. COBLE, ' 1)'i vt-lciuii, residence ono tnilonnd n half pouih i a-1 vt 1, limber City, ou tho Kid)e- road lulid- i f,w AVcsbintrtoli. repiieoll'ollv ..(I'i.i-s liia r- vie. t-to the Mirroun'iling coiuinuuitv, Dee. 2:t, :S. I i 1 R' K- U 'LS0- , ;rMIEniibseriler orern alpiivaw fale, n yalua A IMJ removea his oincc to the now dwel- ble farm situate in I'cun ti.wn-hip, Cleiuiiehl lin?m Second ftrect, will promptly auswer ! ctv. coiitnininj 127 n.-res and aijowauco, with all professional '.lis as heretofore. ..-,.,, lu, hun.lred acres cleared and In u cood .lune Hi, lSjiJ, E. L. MILLER, (jiU'veyor, Bell township, Clcariiolil county. KJ AM luisinesi" entruslea to linn promptly nttey.J d to. Addrciw Chest V. 0., Cleaiiiebl comity. April -I, 1S01. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, 1)li sician, can lie found at his office iu Lutoers lmr, Clearfield county, I'a., when not absent ou profcssiouul business. Sep. B, lsj:i. List of brand Jnrors for Sept. Term, 1S5I Hernir'ia. Henri- Whiteside, Farmer. Ilia'li. (ioorgo Krincr, Farmer ; Frcdorick IIolloieter, Fanner. Jlnruthti. '.Vitliam 1 1 u t ton, Farmer. Cori'iijl in. Samuel Drudford, Farmer. VU nrjirUlC. Whilchill, Carjieiiter ; lillis Ir win, Murehunt. , Vi-yimou Philip Evcrhart, Farmer. (iiiniil Anion Krise, Fnruier ; Williain Murray, Fanner; Fbilip Amis, hiiiubennan. onon Isaac Dunlap, Former ; Maj. David Wise, Farmer. Ktiittimit Win. Micliaelf, Farmer ; Oliver Moore, Fanner. .tucrcHf John I.nrimore, Miller. Morrin tieorpo Keains, Farmer. 1'iKf Abram lilooin.Sr., Fanner: tieorpe Pineal Fanner! tillhert Sfolicld, Jdun-kulit; Jusejih Dai ly, Farmer. h r Charles Cleaver, Farmer ; Ainog Uile, raruser. Y.'oniiunril M'illiain Kephnrt, Farmer. ., List of Petit Jnrors for Sept. Term, ttii 7iycort.i. John "iVebb, Jr., Fanner; Benj. T. Wright, Farmer ; David Cree, Farmer. nV..y Duvid Melty, Fnnner; ltenry Kuarr, F.-umer; Joseph Dale, Furnier. itfml t'ttril ltti Itiiliin Sto,.r.L mn If K illnv . H.,., ltower"k, Farmer: Patrick Ciirlev, Farmer Jacob JT.ilar, Farmer; P. Lounsborry, Farmer. Jluru;U 11. Kinjt, Fiuuicr ; James. Dowler, Merchant. Oeorge Walters, Tumicr; Thomns Canij t'l-ll, Farmer. ".7.',' Alexander Adams, Fanner. ('Iii nt John liyera. Farmer. Ctn'rti'l'l Henry Snyder, Illneks inith. Cmi-i v lurtllr 1J. F. Steiliii).'. Justice. Jirymon .loliu l erpiison, I nrnier. (lirinil Adam Sjiikcuinn, Farmer ham, llliu k-milh. ; Thos ra Jiinlnn (i. H. (ialer, Farmer. Ku. tlmui James Curlcy. .oK-renr .lames Dau-Lcrty, Fnrmer; Freder ick (lulich, Farmer. - ' - ilurrii David Dale, Fanner: Isaac England, Farmer; A. Hunter, Fnrmrr; J. W. W ilhelin, Far mer. I'il.r Isaac Caldwell, Farmer. Van John T. lrvln. Farmer; Isaac Kirk, Far mer; Thomns Moore, Farmer. II 'wsira Matthew M'Cully, Farinvr. ., TKOirTMAX Ai ItOU I'.. C1 II A I It MAKKIlS, IIiusk,. Vc.x, axt Oiina- f ukstki I'aintphs, 1atfr lUsoKits, Ac, Hespectriilly mniounco to the eitions of Clcnrtield foimiy, ami the, public penerally, that they havo continually on hand at their shop on Market street, one dour cu.-t of the Jow store, in Clcnrtield, Fa., . . lani'iy m i uairs ot every desiTiptinn, to ...inii u.(iv, uivue ino iiuonuoa 01 uiu.e ilosirous of puielu.,;., Clmirn, SoUeen. Ac, will ho made (.order onslioit uiilico. and on iho most .e..,.,,.; I ublo tei ius. They are h,i preimred tu do all kinds ofllou louse, 1CMS. I i-i'i-r jianp Sl.rtt I 1 rn n,nn.., I'n. .. - A 1, 1, in a worKnian-iiKe manner. (,. .I.':, i . 1 1 om itieir lonir exnn lien.'e in the Inmnrss. thev feel .ii.l n.T., .1... will l.,i ,.1,1. i ,n,i., r . . , r w 1 mi y fav h n wlrnre'?, ? liomnj liiv.tr them wi.hn hare or their patron- "'" r, 'y- I f smtti.p. 1 nr 'tlEE siibsi-riber ennieslly requests all jiersous M. who have unsettled accounts iwith hun to como j forward i'ltmediatcly and muke Setlleinent, as his j health will not permit him to continue tho lilaek- i-iiiiiiiniR nusincss, ann no Is ilo.nroii. ofolos nir nil !. P-dhlB. Wilfh- instimtcd tiEtHUJE W, OltTt. ri.., r...1.l M.- ni i.t . I Olll, 111 OI II I I I .III I, in IH' i. V III Hi: I'M' VI, I U I InkK tietll ll, i'llil til mnlt'ltll' 'OK to em old n li n l ', tliit I inn yr n d to n il nil Vlnl ol I ill i il I li 1 1 " i lnniir Hi mi nn v nllin lieiiie lbl ibln of IMillnd' li bin. t ' ill nn, I .,'. pit i.. Ii'.ii I ml-liile Hie lin e, nt llm corner i,pii llii the IN nlii"! iMinin Hull l'..i li ,.., II" in I- lll lil el. , I III 1 U"ll l 0 tliiv" nfi 'r pnii ba-in r. alnid tluil I keeii M, ..', , !! .m.aiil 'l,lr., lUi'r,' I.r,v), 1il, ,'.7.., dr. All f whli II Hill be fid nl err l" prnlil for (Wli. .1. It. mv S i I S ! s i llnrii-i.iirc Feb. , IUI. 'L2I. h tin ii.i v"i nn il ltMs ti VKIN(;. I Mil? mili-eribi r nonbl ri'"n I 1 1 1 1 1 v Hiini'iinm l.i the cili- r.i'Hi of Clearfield County, mid , 'Uie piil'lio iieiieiully, thnt he linn , 1I111111 net'il the l.ii-ine,ii ol tA II- I IiM'MI AN1J IIAKNFS, M AKINii ut bin frUue chop, where he will piineliially ntleiid to the onli-n of nil n ho may favor him with a share nf their cim-' toiil. lie inleuiln In keen (nod noikineii. mid will heaper lliaii liny other hoii. lie tenders hia IlinnkK for uikI liivom in the Hoot, Ann 8110K lii'Hl I nk.hs, nnd would 11l.11 iniike known thnt ho will cuii- tiiine to ntlend to nil Limine. ju that lino on tlio . . .. . . . ,..11.1. . , 1 ttlioi leyi noiiee, nml IH iieieruiineii in cn co, i.i.r I than iiiiv nnd all other.. J. II. J 1 'A I..--, Clearfield, May It), ISil-.liil.. VMI'AP.I T lniiri-KlV AT PR VATK U . ... TI II K subseriber otrers lit private rale,' .1 rl I I.iiIh. i!liinte on I'hilhert "ireet. in the 'linroii''h of Curwensville. villi n pulenillii XKUr jTANNKllY, rupplleil with n fouiitalii pump,' lijnl j ' 3 ' .- . ' . ' ',""''' ''" ; T!"' ' "" '''', li'--UV I I'I'" property is in jf'"'l condition, liein"widl ; jM tre ,tee i t.Vcry instance disel-e,l, i huw ,.iiiplieil with.wat.-r c. and will bo iliiposetl nf; miiv could it bo trn.-eil to phvsicul disinialilieatitin on rennniibletenns. Fr further particulars apply lin, their atlendnnt disn.pointiiieiits. Apply tlnu . t.iJ. II. M'Knally, Clearllel.l, li., nr In tho fub- hilu it I, .,.,, limo. in onler lo linv rmir i.nVim,... seriber on the pnoulses. ' . r?. J. J .11 l.oii. March 21, lS5J-l',rn. ' ,"' , ....J rii i iu. ii 1 ii iKi-i-i-i -iv . i ll.l.AKl 1 "I I IMtl. IiT. 1.1' l.FITZIN'tlKIl, rospeetfully liiforins the 1 i pnbli lie, that he const.m'lv keopD on band i f-'ooij assort mei-.t or J-alley yin 1 1.1; i yt A It I., also i ik...Al.. 11:1 in. i'i. h C l.i iii.i, iiiii , ii nil 1,11 r i i j 'it i. on il i s ui v e, convenient siie. Farmers If you want to buy oln-ap, (five ns n call nt the Clearfield l'uttery, near tit-urge tin-'fi l!!nek.inith Fln.it. ' ountrv pruiiin-o will ne tauen in cxi-lianjre lor , vvnre.nn'i n noerni rt-UUCtlou luailo In. w liulesale 1 pureha-ers. ' ', .In,, II 1HM--1' FAIRBANKS V A T I1 VT I I' A 1 P 2 ' J OUrt li I.O,; l'lbll at their wareliouso j,i, I j :in .nariici r-i., iiiUHiieipnin, ItailroM l, Hay, Coal, nnd Farmers' !cAI.l-.t-, fet in any urt of the country, bv eiii.rieii..jl work- men. and on chortcM notice. April 12, Isi-l-ly. johv'1.. r:rrr.r..' A Uuriicy at and I.aud Axrut, will ,,v.,.t;..., ii.n Uduri i'..,.i, ,.r ;'i..ri;..i.i and F.Ik counties, and ntknd to tho payment of IllV.'il Oil UlL.liUl.,1 1-LlllIj. ... 1 lti f n iic t, Ui Fxet lleuev, Villiaiu Hitler, j ltarrisburg : Hon. F.llin T.ewis. I.aneasLer; t. V. j Woodward, AVilkesbarre ; J. C. Knox, Franklin; J. C. Moiiltmiery l'liiladelpliia. j All persons having business with him. will in his ! absence njiply to.l. liiddle (iordon, who will attend to the name. " Hep. 2S, 1SJ2. Viiliiiilili- Farm Fur Knlf. I slatu of cultivation, bai in r a house and burn erect od on each end of the farm, and two od orchard? thereon (rowinir. There are also two (food Coal haiiku on said lann sii.poseil to extend over ubont fourteen neles, lieinj; about Cvo feet in deplh. The farm is situated in the centre of mi excellent neighborhood, the lilen Hope anil Little llald Fu gle Turnpike, pii.-sin-r through tho oeutre of the same. A (food tillo Hill be (fiveu. For furtlier particular, a ply to tho subscriber on the premised. ItlCIIAUD DENYIR. . May IS, lo54.-3m.-pd. Wall r.iiui! Wall I'apcrs! rfni subscribers hnv now iu store their com JL plete strti-k of 'oiVr Ihitfiiiflt. Curtain, if r. which they offer at very low prices, wholesale and retail. Our aneortuicut i very complete, comprising all the uunlilios, both French and -American. .Wo uiauiil'iiotiir" a larpe proportion of our lioods and can sell it the lowest rales. y-vr PAPF-U llAXtilXOilone in the country at City l'riccK. FAlliasil A llOl'till. " April 0, ISOU-thi!. - No. 4 X. Fifth-H l'hila. froxn W'AltK MAM'KACTOKV. 1 IIE tubseribcrs resreclfullv announce to the citir.ciis of Clearfield county, nnd tho public pencrally, that they have commenced the manufac ture of Sluio Vnre, one ni,7r enf or f.xthrnbvrn. whercihey lire prepared to furnish STQXE 'A ft efiinl to any manufactured eNewucr, nnd on rca- onatile terms. - - t . .. iSVore Pipr Coflitr constantly on hand. Orders promptly n I tended to, mid a lihcriifdh cniiut mnde to T. hi'lcfiilc ptiri h"cr. M. J. TTITtTETL An?. 2d, 18.iiS-ir. ' G. W. l'ORTEH. TO Till: I..l!)insIK CI.F. tRIIF.I.n. ' ritltE Fiihscriheri would respectfully aiinounee to .L tho I.ndiea of Clearfield, and vicinity, that ""'J nre ""Kit! ln ! MILLINEHY AND ! 5,-,J1 1 A-MAhlM business nt the Itcsiilcuco of ! J- - J"n"- vvherc they will punctually attend in uiu unum in iui iim may lavor iimiii Willi a nliate of their cu-i.iin. Their work will he made on tho .litest J'tittliiuiut ami Style. MAKIA JANE JONES, ' LYDIA JANK JONES. May II, 1001-1 in. ! J. '! Estate of William M'Crurkcn, Sr., tlrrrased.lt'riVs-'1, ' ,,,,,-, - jy. ETTKKfs of ADMINISTRATION onthe es- A"S' 1 lb 'I ' J ta or William M Crackcn Sr., lato of Hell DAVID ,OH VS IVN, towm-hip .Clearfield rounty deceased. l,Uvins been -l-rT0UI.D r.ee.r.iPi- M,o,.c(. t the pranted to tho snbscrther Ml fersons kn..w,nR! of Clear-ield and'adjoini, ;: eonncs thi:t Le Uiomwlvni ndehted to niud estate will make-pay-, ha, fitted up and opened out a I'I I.Lif JK'I .!: inentumortialely, and those havinpchvimsapiiinst in the town of l'hilliii,h.irp. C ntre county IV the enno will present then praperly aiiihenlicated Bd f,v cpared to ,m,ndnle all !,' ron ,"r',;Ul,'me,lLWM.rCltACKEN,J,, A.n'r, Vl ' : 1 3 ll , Ferguson ttiwnshlp, June 14, lS04.-Gt.-pd. 1 CAHIXrvr AMI CHAIR M A KIM.'. ' r flatter Jonat TETTEHS testjuueiitary on tho estato of Jotoa, I" ""w mannfiicturiiip all kinds of CAiJXi.1 J than II. Smith, late of Hell Lou-nil, ; C'lnu. WAVE, II im ftlinn in ilimtfl nn f;t.i tt .f w-riM't. count,y,Uvo beon gruntod to tho nul8crllorfi, U VprHins kuowing tbompelvoB ind-Jitcd tu aiii esuao will muko immediate payment, and those hnvinp claims ntninst the same will present tlicin! properly uiitlieniiented lor settlement. ! ' 'iTitlAS CAMPIIELL, Er'i: r-AttAJl 1'.. Sjvmil, E.rvHtrij. .uoii lowiunip, June z, !;4.-tU.-pd. - - ri 1 Fxtll r, ! Wl'l. A.li li'lllim trn rlre'd "T0TICEI3 11EUEEY GIVEN, thnt Letters 7 - TonUimentnry on the estate of William Ad- illiiimi, un I... r UIL. , ... .., ""' ""'i " ' i lonnsnin, i lenriieiii - 1 .i.. . , . . ,""'".' , 10 m jaw. neen (rrnntea Ulc "niner, li.TllielsepiKieror Clearfield coun- '' A l""n" '"'injtH,hemeelve. indebted to said estate will make payment immediatelT, and those haviiiir claims will uresent them nrooerlv IT Il,l,U,VI J11IIIJ.I.MA.TI, jr., I . ANDUKW ADDLEMAN, Wij'm ' liOHEHT noss, I l'ikctp, July 3, 1S04. . lX'Tiii;it.iu;it iiotp.i CIFntii.KW 1 fiVii lii'fii.nTi-Tr, T tem on Till U , i . , i EI.LT,011' "ry J len,lion will be paid to render travel ore and other... comfortable who ninv nive him ,1 oiiuiii in tin , ,, , , , , I r" ' " v mi im w, iii i V I i tii ii i.. i :'ii M ', I II, klVLI I I, to.iier ol I hli.l ,,, ,,,. ,ix h mid l ine, I'bilnd. h bin. I'. 1 ',V VM 1 1''" I'H I'll. klNKH.IV """""J i'' I '"" " I'M II. nl,,! tmimh ,, ,IM ,n inn, l,,., ..n,.n,', . , ,iihvl,., Mi. nili.n , cummin, the iii,..riiiiinle dunlii I the nl,.r ,, ,Mrr. iilll lli.llliiilil.. me ti I. 111. M 1 1 y linn ,i.(,., ,-, lit ". Ileenit nHlii li'.llti nin i ri.li.i.llv eilh,.,,.!.!,, j TH'FM V tMM UK I: I'I I; I i:n , , fc In-nlineiil of t litv nf ilo-en-en bllliMli, m j l.i, nil I i ii 1 1 id illy uiideintnod, lln i nnbb il lr. KIN. K I'M S, ( Auilmr ol B Hoik of Helf 'n ,-r ali in i In pitiv IIihI nine li liili i, the 11111.11, nf n, .,,,,', debilllf, li.eal slid coii-liliitii.niil enkiirK, niml j nml plivitii iil fiiillorilill, nin l.m i iiblo In rliin hnliit, f..rniiii) the ni'.-t n ere!, jvl ib ndly nml (uin I tiii ui nitnie"! ir misery nun prt'iiiniure iinriiillii TAKK rAlt l ll I I.Alt .N(l ll'i:. llwro I, ,i, evil Inibit noiiu'liiiien iiitliilni d in by boy. in null tilde, ollen jrrow iii( up illi lln in In manliood, wl which il' not refornicd ill due time, not only ),,...,.(. l,i:rlimii nli.itnelui (11 nintriiuniiiiil 1. n ii , t,-I.i tvei riw Ion reiic of prolrin ted inridioii, hiiiI ilo. inhtalinjf ntfectiom. J ew of tlioi-e who ivn ny In tliii periiieioiie prneliee nie uu are of i,t. r(. j qneneei, until they find the liervoiif vv 'Inn rhallt r. i ed, feci Uiie ami niiiieeiniiili!,M'j feuliuL-n in,! rnne fenrH in thu mind. The nnforluiihtu tlutr htrei ! .1 In "men feeble. unable to labor with n. eii-lom..! vi..",r, or In noi U 'it. .1; ... , . 1 , . ' . J ; nix inioij iu nnv , me nwji in inrny mil weak, ho ha dull, irresolute, and ni;ii''i.s in tiH.it with li 1 enertry than iisnnl. If ho i'luflninpat" himself before the prneliee Imj I ilioie ilp wori,l, nml enter niiilrini'ii.v, bis marrinci) iis 11 1 1 liu i II 11 1, and bis eenss tells him that this it. ciiiiHed by early f"llies. These are e'liislilerniiiin nhii'h fhoiihl awaken the utteutioli of those siini. 1..-1.. -i, I , llll I A J3 reiiiiied tho fullilnunt of mver.,1 eomiii j, 111 or.ier Dial it may really l e t lie ciifi ol mutual liappine.. onl'l the veil wliieh eov.rn uiid relived irgiLiiitation ro-brucd, roviiilied aud nUeullieued. Kemeinber lio who plnceH himself under Ur. Kinkelin'd treatment may religiously coulido in hit honor as ncentleinan. and relv iinon the ussiiinnrn. that tho n'crcl of )r. K.'s paliuntc wiU never W llinelonei-I, I Vounjf man let no falie niodeety deter you fmra j making your case known to one wlin, from iiliirn 1 1 i mi and respectability can certainly lu ll iend you, Too ninny think they will conceal the w-crej in their own hearts, and euro tlieniseh es. A Lie, how olton is this luUil delusion, uud how many a pronj- isinjf young man, who nii;:lit have been nn orna ment to mcicfy, w faded from tlio earth. Stricture of tho uretha are rapidly removed by the upplit utioii of fi new thereiiculical lip. 'lit, Ii.-nl only by Ir. K i -IV'oakie-ji nnd constitutional dc- '''"'y promptly mired, and full i i(f;ir restored. ('umltrv j,u alidciiii hnby Killing their ca.-n j explicitly, together W illi ji Tl their symptoms, j letter, eiHliwins - li-nilltiiDce Pr. K.'s inedii inn, appropriated neem-fl'iiply. Fiuwardrd tiinny j'nrl of tho Fniteil M,iX.vi, and packed "eure liolu ttiMit'ff or i-ttriittihf. ' It iiull! VntiUi and Manhood. A Vlsorous Life, t't l'reinaturo Tiath, Kink, din i n fcH'If-l'rei-ervatioii Only twenty -live cents. 1 1 is a work eminently required, ns nmeansef j re""'"'S " vieeum ino ugn mwimu we live, A'ntun't (luiih, with rules f.,r the i,ri,luii''ation of life, just from tho presn. A letter with n rcniittaneo of Iwenty-fivo cent, or the value in po.st stamps, uiblressel to lr. Kin. kelin, l'hiladelphia. I'a., will secure a copy of either of tlio above books by return of Mail, or 12 eeiics will be sent free, of postage for JI. Iiookucllcrx, Canvus:-ers, Travel',ii(r Agents, 4c, supidicd v hole, sale at the pulilhci'n prices, which adnfit of n iar;i) profit. ' ;ir"All letlcri must he post-paid. JAMES II. LARIMER, ' Attorney and Counsellor at liUW, "TTlLL'ntteiiil lo Tiusincas in the ffvernl Curls M of Clearfield and Centre counrics. (Ifficenn I Second Ftroet, uai door Hortli of the residence ef John Weaver. J.'rfrrtHtet. Hon. James Dnrnsiile. Flon. Jnnui T. Hale, Oil. A. (1. Curtin, James MeManiis, Esq., Hclbfoiitc It. 1!. JVtrckin, Es., Huntingdon Messrs. Drake A Uocutol, I'liihnlchJiin. Dee. 2.1, lS5;i-y. A CAKI). VM. HIELr? Would respcelfully, inform hi i friends, nnd the public generally, thai he still continues to attend to nil calls in fhe line ef ItEXTAL tll'lUt ITIiiVV nil,:...m. ..!:.. !..:... - j hi, dweillnp, in the l-oMujrli ., Clcnrfiel'd. JIc ninv be found til nearly all liinoe in hi? store iu tho woit end of the Mansion House. . Artijieinl Tilth inserted nn pinto or pivot, nnu warranted to pive entire satisfaction. Extracting Teeth done without ihinircrto the patient, and iiii hut little pain. Teeth filled ami cleaned iu a proper and scientific manner. Mav 5, S5X M tIOX HOI Si; CM.AItl'll:l.ll, Pa. rriUE subsribcr w.mld respectfully inform tlic JL public thnt he has taken the above old c-;,li. lislicd ttand, recently occupied by Mr. Saimiil Evans, and entiroly re-lurwislied nnd refitted it in such a manner as to render it f ocoud to n Ik ii-1 i: the ("nniy. Tho F.Alt has been slocked wilh the Hi best lienors, nnd the TABLE will always: be siin- plied with tlio best the market can nifortL Extensive Sablin.ij.otiuehed to the premise,, unJ attentive hostlers always in attendance. He respectfully asks the public In pive him Uial, fi-tliiiit HfHurod Uiat h ran render sntisluc tion. JuU.N" LIVINGSTON. Ajnil It), ISOi -tr. III.MIMIII.IM IKIICL. rinllE snbsoriber most rtsnet fully informs' the I. citizens nf Clearfield comity, and the Irnvcllinj: puolie penerally, that Le has taken tho nl 'if mincU lintel situated o- the conier of Front nml ! Murket strertu, in the boiouuli of Clciirficld. trhere t'v "l" '" " nuns k prcparcit tu acrniiiiuoilalr i 'hose who may lavor him with their custom. No lUllllH vill 1 .t tfrmnJ V .1.. ...1 ... .. , - 1 . 1.'.. ji ' . -j ,M, in.,i uiiir in iiniM- i:i, Miiistouiers romtorj,-ihle, mil hia fcomo a h( ii:e to j those who inny stop with him. I Jlis STl'.l.L will 1 carefully atiendcd t-.;:iJ nin in iu r. nn.t HA ICKupidied with the best t!,t ! TiH nd Fcuirth, whrrt nil kinfli-nf irnrk " tis lino vill he nuide in tlio lMt pty, mul on ,t"o most fitvoruhlc terms aud on UiethortcKl noliei. . 'i ns made to order on the shortest notices Pec. 2, 1S02. !PIIMj CJtKDM U TCdT r.ive,l .m.l ,.,..., , n i- . . 1 J VV'C' ' 4 S7 vr I , . J ''' ( A')". "plenili.l a- j .....v. . , .. v. i iniiuiri ti ditiop to hie usual TnrietT.be h ns a biri-e lot of Ladies' Drens Hoods, such an Plaid Silk, lndhi Silk, IM.S.I I..-.- 11 1. - II l ...i, " "i 'i"i o i uiwi.-. ritK, t. tape mil inusn- ti . . . , . . I 1 . . , v. ' ''. o- iso. niiirpe lot ol f ?" Ooor Oil Cloth, AVihy. wlti cith inif, nnd nllVfr now llvlei of Dresn Shoes, rhenper than e ver. April i, 1SQ4. t , C. KItATZEK.r i Estate of M'illiain llcphnrn, Deceased." IETTEHS OF ADMIN1" ritATIlTV. on the f-'-J tule of Wni. Hepburn, late of Fcnn t"o'l,:!i Clearfield oo., doeeused linvinir been prnnted lU suhscrilvers, all pornons knon inj ihrmnolves iud'1'! ed tn said estate will make payment immedi'iiel.v. I anil inose iinrinp claims ntninst the same in ' lham jroporl v ...,1he,,.iene.l f.r selen,e, i 'l AM I TiniMemiV I . , . t "' o1. 1 '. HO l10' I Ailmr. ami innse iinrinp claims tains t the snme win rrr- seHlenienl. S. ('. Ill I'll! H V i v fi m ivi Ai!. 4, fj-j lt, jii.-iy i.i, i.iiM, June 11. IS j t.-fit.