I mivj'Miwr or iRuiowN. j H.c IVtmiitht in nrriM'l M " , Voi" M 'li'luy evening tlm i2i inoini', l-fnipna tl"' i"te1ll;tcm'(MrilHl tip. 4 finiri.''" ' 'nn ''"!li ortlreytotvnon the 7 inib uh'im by Urn I nit.'d Niut, liii.o. vnH nno, conminnd.'il by I apt, Ilillin,1 winch li.nl nrrived nt ,Nnn "Juan d.l None, on tl 11 tli inst. in iwriity-ono day from' ,Yw 01 U rommisWoiird luceitle certain i liirti'Hiltin between Amrrirnn citizen mid t!io loonl authorities. Ilia authority end residents if (ho r ,'"; , .7 , tM "r lown refused to nmko the slightest apology. King, r. che,n,.twi..,. j,ini;,, Ml..M; "J" Alter giving ampin nnio,.niv no reply .niv in? been reeoivcd, Captain f lollms on tho lh instant, issued a proclnmntion to the' mmt rimmrii witting. t III HHt! In fITVtiMll ItnM'tO, OlP V rmiK iv l mmiiMii'n i irnt i I'iri tuns.. .. . . . . iht. ..ih .ImIj. The 1,. I! Vh. .?? h"i1.cd m w,n,.,,c, ,, , , . u I'tniM'tniifi "miui'oHincr of vliun nf the Den,. mill,... of Vigilance f.,r (he respective tuti..i Candida.. ", . .1 . U"n' t..wr,.ht and boroughs, were i,ppoii,e, . ' n .', ,h "I County Com,,,,,.,, ..,m..-v. v. Miiuin. Frederick vvur. j.,i, " ' ' """"'-""'"'u.tihf I. In. ' -"it -vouiiit convention. " ' -; A. M.-tlhee, Win. T. ll.lhoiL J, W ( mii.lii'll, t'niil. Ueotg.. Wallet. " j i... j t ' """'I'lJ "unly iulii..i i .i .. .......,r,.-,,I,r niiue, au. Livingston. Mm. """Iri.lgo, 11. Spsekimin, Jr. ii "fT '"'"K- Si''l Arnold. Ur. J. V J VUdllMs I I II 11MUIK, Mil,, xt o ... . r . .. "'" "I 1 Icaiilel.l, as .. .....j n-i Q t'cinueiatic Comity Coiucntl, lli iclion of (ha T. W. ( lu.k A lUt.ii, W. L. Murc, John L (.,y,K.C'UutPrl, Hr. F. 1'anQelO, J. l)au. 11 ' 1. Rr Hndinih,.,! hi nnnn,,,,... u n it... V" (1::,)rH':,i':L -f" v.. .n rL "",ofCo",.Tr""''"-i-'nor,.rci.1, crulio l .uuiity Cunreiiijun. nuihoriiies and residents tlmt unless nii !t'r. apoly was mndo by 9 A. M., on the 13th, 1 1r L"u'rZv 1 vl ' nx- J- ! Ttomtuou, lLoi,u"""i"i,r of -''-tiiJ county-, ,' 1...11 X...i ' , Wr. II. P. lhnipw.n. lvl 8t.iMt. .acliou ,f (b. liMnul,r.i. t....V-. "rKnr fttllhorirrJ In ..,n,.M,.. tin..... he should, without furiher notice proceed to bomtmrd ttie town. No npulogy came. On tho morning of the i:ttli the inhabi. tants ofiho town leH.and look to the woods, leaving all iheir properly behind tlium. At 9 o'clock tho Iwi'iity.four hours having expired, wo hauled abrenst of tho town and opened u firo upon it from our starboard Lattery and continued for several hours, every shot Inking effect ; we shot nwny their thig-stnh", and down came tho ensign'; tut the houses boing Iraino wo could not do much injury; therefore wo censed fir iiig, and sent a party on shoro to burn tho tmvn, and in a few hours tho whole place wus in ruins. Sun Juan is now ono heap of smoking ashes. The authorities have been taught that our government will not allow her ministers to be imprisoned with impunity, and also that the commander of the Cynne is the wrong man to bo trifled The II. 13. M. schooner West India Company's Mailsteamc and a lintisli merchnntma 1'tcutnr Juhu llui'li. M .i'i , . Ow jiT'0" rU'r Bt'11, C"Ur,S MoCr," k". T'wi. till III T iilijfct to llm Ctlou of tho liln.mr.tin . 1 . uiiir t. nnvrnlimi, .. ' July 2(1, 1MJ4. r imtfkorifrd .n...... 1.....M UM, tTKi k , . -...wu.ii v ..til' ..... -" tunny 1111. am u i...n luimiit. rr the office of Count e oh 1 1 nml nl.n.i ,.l,l... - . . : i i I'lf.irflclcl county. July 12. ' COtlT PROCLAMATION. rd, Josoph "1IT HtftEAS. Tk llom.ml.lo JAMKS Ul !t L. T i. :,fV hlL,;,Es1-. l'r-iaeiil JndKouf tho Conn iKcj, Johu of louunon flou ,.f thetweuly.nfih Ju.lioiul Di8 fox Jul. MoorhcHd, J. T. Untidy (!irar,l-l . .!., Hijrt.t, J.,.. Kylur, llcti. C.rr. Ghcitl. W. Urul.imi, Th.iuipson Hou.l Vul. ll.'vi.nor. E. M 1 .,,.. JurJnn Cunrad DnkiT, tloorgo trlturd, J A'artA,i.Vin. Iiridgcnii, M'ui SrhuiirrH. limn ll,lii, Milci lu-ud. it'iCXiiuu t,.r ou,,"un' - w ''' Juhi S!"rri F. John.n. A. llil. T . I Z V" ' ,e l 'V " f My. Uutt, It. Denver. ' - "W ' '"'ou. tor inc bol,llns of , ( mirt of Co.,,. 'Ht KJi Bloom. John w.1,.1. t.,. , ,.JS'te.:ni,frit,'f''t'' ie ' ' 4uiiihji, -.!., vtiiirufi wyHranu Jorminor, hd1 Court of . .oh reter i,.inrdo, jr.. Elian Horn. H omitnnrA ll W Ul...ir ti ... ".vuun, jiuuiuu iionutron . '..' . . . f . f-.Y.V tl tntii f tp rni (ti' til .r In. rum. titit ..rrt ill nil till. (if.,itfl fof whl' h It in frriitn IllKlldH M itllly rnlli'd t rmnlr tV J .!... Of th...e ttrtt I'B o t. p f 1 Ti nt, nr KnlliiiK ol i lie Wtunli i Fi.t -oit A 1. 1 11 , or Vhitt ii , I'ltttiitiir ItM.ATII)t AMI Ikhihtiom OK TMH W'OUII! IC. IIKNTAL llKHlltR. R(nliiliiiii rnpusliu ninriiliniiilit lo Uif r .nvtitntlon of Uif I omitionn i nil h. ll.ni ( uiitmonwfiillh, l. n d tint utiini-v in rnlm. Ii.ll I... itplilifd iii (Jits purpos fur wliil h the .Mil iav It tifrtms 2. To pity the puldlc dcl.t of the Com- Sitnkcy trl,.t I r -"" "I tMIIW nd JOHN P. UDYT . . V. Imvn i,iyii,..l .1...- . bctirin,. .l,.t.l. vi v.. .TL-I. l'!'1 1 n t..i.. .-...-.n. wan j.ruvt'rv. Bl I enrt A .1 ..n ....I r I!'vr.?i'l.M,?!,n'-V' "'' .' THIK1 MOX11AY of . Tl,eforKoi,,Comuii,,oo.VreI 18lL 'fll'p- o vtui mwungi l tlto Democrau of tUeir rtner- f, tTl 1 -7n l v1;''1 'l theU"UBl P'f hoU- f-r tl.c .aid county ! c "irftol to " L C uumuurot " ', ncoonu, lufiuuniou., Kiaminatinnn. n.l es of the same, laying in the harbor at .ta KCT llll" Tho Cyano sails for Boston on the 17th instant, and takes Mr. Fabins our Com mercial Agent home. Officers and crew all well. tlif lilll nlfo to i t'otifer- On luohon. Where,,,, Thcro has let-n mmdi dif-f-rcneo of opinion at to the modo of inukiiiK our count, nominations, via: Whether wo coulinue the Vi tnjutr, or adopt the Cran-jord, PvMem. The Standing Committee, having aloue in view the concert and harmony of the Democratic party deem it proper to make the following rccoumu-n-dntinn: That the Delegate oflhe oeveral di appointed on the 12th of Aiurunt nexL 1 cntiticl. I at f,.llwi. Bradford 4: Hnidv i - Lawrere 4: Morris 3; Pike ; and all the other diftrieii I esch. OEECON TERRITORY. State Government Qvestiok. Suf- ficient returns have been received tocna. l!e us to slate tlmt this favorite project of "ame tilu''' intru,,td as to bi.0i ystem .i rv i t . . ' ItV of the leniiM.r..li. ..f ....!. A , i uumam aemocracy has been voted that a fluRi .din,, m ?""': .TV, finwn hv n nrim mmn, in-r .1.. n . ' D" ..."jviiij ui uiu iiucinen cumm to oe nem on thc'lUUi ol uregon. Indian ArrAJi:s. Cen. Palmer.thc Su-p- rintendent of Indian nfTairs of Oregon mid Washington, hns just returned from a visit of two months among tho Indians. He informs us that he succeeded in gettin" 'till the Indians ia the Rogue river vicinity to go on to the reserves under the treaty, witli the exception of the Tipsev's bund. F rom Deer Creek and Illinois riv. cr the Indians have all removed, and there is now no tribe or band between Jackson- vi, te ami Crescent City. He found tle Indians on the coast rather quiet. On the Corjuille river, however, there had been fume disturbance, in which ten w hites and several Indians were killed. The real murderers were afterwards found, and af. lcr tiial hung. He left. Mr. Parish, Indian agent, with his purty, at Port Oxford. He met two hundred Port Oxford Indians in council. The Chief complained that the utiles ill-treated their women, by coming nbnut their lodges in the night, and in case of Jcninl would threaten to shoot them. At Gen. Palmer's request, Gen. Woo! has tiefhehed twenty-four meu for Port Oxford to keep the rowdies quiet. lie Uiiuks the number of Indians in the Port Oxford dis trict ditcs not exceed 2,000. Licit. Mcllen and Pah tt Safe. A rumor was put in circulation thut Lieuten nnt Mullen and party, who were engaged in the Northern Pacfic Railroad explora tion, had been killed by the Blackfoot In dians. We are glad to be ablo to state that the rumor is without foundation. , leave, at their peril OINt.N under my hand, ut Clearfield, Ibis 27lu duy or July, il, Jeurofour Lord one thous and eight hundred and filiv l-mr.iuid theaeren-eiity-niiith year of American Independence. WILLIAM I'OWKLL. Sb fT. Clearfield St lect School. V BOTE would announ-v to the citizen 11 r fl..4:..i.i . .... , , .... v.iuciu ruuiiiT, mat tie linn nommeii. v' -.: i.,Vi v:.T BV-m-j-i- mnnm-rmiml-m' JB H knit. HP Kliutil i n v . ' v "v 11 - i ai.i r v i pip i I, , '""""'A"' i:STnt;.VTioN, Jc. n.ncnlih, an t det.t which inn v hereafter l.e w. I nil their itceoitipnny.ug e, it., (Cancer exec,,, coulmeted in cum, of war, lo roH'iny.sjo,,. .,,. ltd. ni.tinitter how severe or of how long stiinding. ' pre insurrection and to redeem the public d.l.l. ll.t I admit.-on far siirases other remedies, in ' the Legislature shall al their next se..'i.n alter the being mine cerl.ilii. less evpensiv... and h aving the adoption of this section into Ihe Constitntiou. pro- in n neuer eonniiinit. BU llltcrc.te.l VtilD tiv nw l.ir I ... ,.r,..i;,. r . .i..L;.... Hreel eoittniiiiiiLr him-' wliieli .Tmll 1. ..V...1; . 1....I .:n .i... ..:.i . ' nle nr,H,f fr...n .1.; .... .. ' , A . ....... .. "'" ' " ". ' "." "e sum puone . . ' ; - . - - ...- i'iin .o in.) "'. no wuotty pain, to conM.-l Of nil Iho net an ...iu ll.iil re.-ults of its nsc ; together will, letters Dual inoniuo from th.ipolilie works and sl.ks own iron, highly e.tpeneneo.1 Physicians, who have c.l Ly the Coiumimweiilth, or any other funds ari ue.l it in tlmir practice, and speak from their own sing under ni:v revctmr law now existing or that mrlTeve.. 1 ""1V '"'"'ilier enacted, so fur as the samo may l.Lr IjKhNCi.,-. P. II. Pwsiiam. M. !.. Ctien. he re.piired lo pay the interest of said del.ts semi t ii V. J ,, K-"l,i10' I, Cnnan.luig.1.1, X. i . annually, iui.1 auiiunliy U reduce the principnl M. It. Mti.n. M, l)., ItoehrsLT, X. V. IK V. thereof l,y a sum not less tliiin five hundred thou r"iT,K' n , ' ' rr",,,U!"'' N- 1r,,f- ' "d dollars, increased yearly hv compounding at ". 1- 'il"'r. M l. J. C OimtrK. M. J. liul- a rat of not Ic. than f.,e per centum per annul,,: 1 1 more. ,11,1. . W P.kksk. M. J. Xe-V,.rk the said -inking fund rhull ha invested in the loons Hty. Vt.PitKssruT. M. 1.. Concord. N. II. J.I', of tho Clltllt.lOl.lVi.ultlk Ml.!.. I. u....ll ... I...J K, .... l .. I'.:.... v v....' .... - v. .nsiuivu ......, jura. jet. t.. r. iroin iiuio lo timo In UKAItn, tilenu riprings, f. C. . law 1 aniphlets had grali. lit 'HI It I l(. Ill lll. K AMI V AT til MAkin I,.. In.i ,.. .ci.ed ft,,.,, ,,. ,, ,,) I'hIU.I, ,,,a, , v ;l"tgen. ...ii;,ls,..riii M ui;w KLIt -e.m- -;-'" o, , ut.l.l Hres-tplm. Mri.ii.g Pins, ,tl,',"", ''" Al'- 'I'Hcnie.i's due Hold Phis, of ilidcl. Ill ,l,i,c. .I.,. ... il. .1.1 t Im i.f .t..nttv i ..... 1.1. . .... . " . '"' ".Kit iticle thereof, to wit. , ' """'''".''"i ' ''rHinir,fiioMI..MPrna, .. . " . '""'" '""'l Waul, Chain., Kilver Tea and Piiorosmo, ,, vo ar .mun xt. ''' Hotter hniies, Sugar T,.i,r. "ml P intosL The nggregsl, tioimtnt of detlsheie. hidin' line Card Cases. Port Monies. Hrt. reontrs. ted hy the Coinmonwenlth shall never ; '''rf'" a'f l-,trr at.'i Cnsr ll ot. A.s, f.i.m Cieeed Hie sum of ve hundred thousand dollars, j ()" "t'' - l. .r. from 18 except in case of war, to repel inva.inn, suppress;'" '-'V'i'm.s, from 10 to $ jj line H,vkt Iny insuireeliou, or to rede, in the pul.lie deld of the H '. from fMuflllj line tlmii .,t,, fno hacllol I. i'e.tiy f. ,V.non a,t lUior amis r.Vseen Ammhljl .(, Ilisl ).e l'i,liilig amenilinent. I,e and the sane ate I erl v pit,p,.sed ti.r vo.iMiiun.in i the i omncnwealili, under l-ar llinr l.,... . i". 1 aiid In eeiii.ln.i.v Mi.lt lli tin., it!..... ... ... ......... ... .! r 'i' ie manner lo he urovided hv , .un i on lioruon oi ino at. tk. off rm.t i.ii, i.. at t!m storo of C. I). M'nt-1 applied to tho payment of the del.t of live hun- son. Agent, Irnget. Clearfield, I 'a. Also sold hv leading druggists in the priueipul ton us in the ad joining counties.. JK-f i. V.. MAHf'IUSItt Co.. Proprietors, CemiiU Depot, J101 Itrondnay, X. V. T dred thousand d.illnrs uientioncd in the first see. tioii of this article, hut the said sinking fund shall he applied only to the purpose herein specified. I Pki-tiux 3. The credit of tho Commonwealth shall not in any way he. given or loaned to or it, i aid of uny individual, company, corporation or os 1 soeialiou, nor shall tl.c Comi'iinnKcallh hereafter j bectttno a joint owner or stockholder in any iom , puny, association or corporation in this Coiumon- r.eaitn or elsewhere, formed for iiv i.r. paction 4. The Commonwealth shall s.tine tho del.ts of any count v. citv. Iioro.o.h ,.r ... i I " School in the Town ll.ll. H .,.,i.i ,...... ! . n.ninri """ " uimscu mat tie can render irener. . . ! a u.ajort- ttl satisfaction riu.tr gen. r- womaa ellt,.r lllU, llje ,,.,, nl.ligntions ..i muri ied reier, tu , KATES PEIt Of 4HTEIL ' . 0 ,"","u, r"mli."s ,l,e ,,(,('K'1;T AISCL LPIff". . , I'riniar.- v...,t;.i. i . . t-ei no ...to kUUerii. tnoii a tiiickiueil Lool- .. l'u... of August, I Arithmelie. li.o..r..,.l. i- " ! ' Pide, restless nights, nervous feelings, auj ' for the future aeth.n ..f .I.a nn... J. F. WEAVER, Secretary 1 llin Knjrli'h llrauches, including ,M Clearfield, July li, lj4. ., L e'at'l Iht nnmhfV of Delegates to which each district: V- "nu J'".n""SP".v. ill.- (io ; :i no '. hds, and jilank, 12 00 (ii, Oil 14 00 (a. lis 00 2.1 00 (.,, 30 (10 7 00 H jO 7 it (u, 9 00 8 00 f,(. 8 JO 2.1 00 30 00 2i 00 f,L 30 00 IJ 00 fa, 20 00 13 00 (,l IS 00 20 00 fa 2 Oil 15 (10 IS 00 XH 00 (y. 30 00 14 00 (-,(, 20 00 14 00 f 22 00 2 12 W 2 2S 0 00 (a- ib 00 J j 00 (J) 30 00 The Cicarfifld ieadciny "WIL b opocned on the FIltST day of Kcp- temlwr ucxt, under the directiou'of W. A- Campbell, A. U as Principal. The Institution will embrace both a Male and a Female Department. It is desired lo have the scholars present when the school opens. RICHARD FHAW, July 28, 'i4. Prctideut Hoard of Trustee!. IMiila.lelplila Lumber Market. CurrMrii v r7y from tiirMfi lirpurltr. Uuty 20 per. ,ent. ad. val W. P. 1st quality hy iuseclion. White Pine culls, Whit Pine flooring planed, Hemlock logs. Hemlock wharf timher, Hemlock Seantliuir, Flooring, Jersey planed, Step hoards, N. C, Heart Sctg., X. C, do. river. Flooring. N. C. Step boards, Shiuglii, Odnr, per M., Shingles, Pine perM., Shingles, Cypress, ( Lath, 1J inch., per M., Staves, White Oak pipe, Hoop", conntry, w York Lumber Market. Timber, White Pine, per cubic ft, 00 1 arid 00 22 Timber, Oak, per cubic, feet, 00 2.'. and 00 38 ! Timber, (. Scant, per M. feet, $?.0 00 and 40 00 MiI.l.lMi KF AT COST. Hoards, Jf. Ii. per M. ft. clear, .17 ill and 40 00 TIM1E fuhscrilfr intend, to dispose of his entire Hoards, X. H. 2d quality, per M. 30 00 and 3i 00 J ,(l,ek of Heady-Made Clothing in short order Laths, Eastern, S 50 and aud to do M will sell them nt . Now i. ,hl the whol, up by their physicians, be ait'ither moment with out consulting the AISOl'l. A PI I'S. ' Have the Younc men a h.. f;ir..,.t i t . i n"""ied, or llme alwut to 1 n. acrid any iuip.tii- teaching, may have an opportunity of -bripi te ' "T,"" "r" " I"" ing their idea.- preparaJry for cxamin.tJou uu-! "'a ,nu"nra f "vl" hft"J.'" " unfortunate der the new Seliotd law ; creatures from the very jaws of death. liFemnle. admitted. July H '.-.t-t ! "' ",rt,,, ,",;v"'-nv" ''E,T .-.. u. 'enclosed in letter, will rece.te one coi.y of this work by mail, or live copies- will be -em for (Jxi: Dollar. Address, (Ht paid,) DR. Wfl. Y(I'X(1. No. 1 j2 Spruce Strcel. Pi:i!a,klphia. July 12.1S51. ly. IMK"1X1H VOritSI-.I,!'. the 1'ocKET a:sci .Aril s.- OR, EVERY ONE HH OWK PIIYS1CIAX. iltR FITTir F.liit.m with (Wie Hundred l.'n-W travincs. shoniiiL' Diseases VW and .Mall.irniutions of the township, or of uny corporation or association, un j.iu,..ii i-jat.-ui ... t-tt-Fv -ra r... .1 muifl ..live occi. coniracteu to repel inva shape and form. To which ' "ion, suppress insurrection, or to defend the State is addod a Treatise en the in war. Diseases of Feuiules, being rnofOMTlnx 2. To BK article XI. of the highest importance: l-mhihlti,,,, .,,W..-, S..h.;. TU Lc-isluiure sliall never Hutliorire anv comi ty, city, ln-nml! (r tuwn.-liip, l.y rote of its eiunfl ftr fit ht-rtriwi. tit ..,.n,n.. a .....t, I. : t a WILLIAM YuL XU, M. D.'Htoek comminv. association . .no,,,,..;.,... Let no father be ti-Iiaincd to present a copy of raise uioney lor, or loan its credit to, or iu'aid of any such company or association. E. II. CHASE. ,y,,;j, M. MX'ASLIX, ,S-AVr'.,te Knatr. 1" Seniitn, April 28. 1851. Kesolrc.1, That this resololion puss. Yeas, 22, navs. 0. Krr... .v.,.n ,1.. r.... i tram of Hy,p pticsi-ns:tioiis. un. 1 given : T A Mllit'INF CI .rV b. married pcoiile. those conteinplutiug riiifc. Hy r to mar-1 to 111. All of winch he will warrant lor perfect time keepers. AI"o, a largo assortment of Specta cles, Fob Chains, Vest Chains, (Jitoid Chain., Pen knives, Pocket Hooks, Ac. CLOCKS eight-day aud thirty hour Clock, (Inn small spring Clocks, thirty hour and eight-day ; Musical liislruiuenl !, and a great variety of arti cle, too numerous lo iiit iilioii, as Usually kept by Jewellers. All the above mentioned articles war ranted good, and will be sold nt Hie lowest prolits, twl Ais trnut ore CosA. Watches, Clocks, and Jcweliy, neatly IIk.'aiiifu, and warranted fur one year. July 10, ln.,3. ' l(MH) ;(H)I H WMJAIXS MAPI-'., 1)Y BUYIXO STOVES AXD CASTIXOS ..r nil kinds, nt the STOVE AXD HARDWARE STOKE ailjoining Leonard i Moore's store in Clearlield, where all kinds of Castings Hro to bo hnd on the most reasonable terms, such as C. Ful ton'. Hot Air Cook Stoves, of different sizes; Iho celebrated Salamander, (ucoul stove,) Parlor Stoves for wood and coal, Nine Plates of different sizes, P.afling Stoves, Sled Soles, Sleigh Soles, Mantle Unites for Wiutcrand Summer, Wuuflle Irons, Ket tles of nil sises. and a largo assortment of Hollow Wuro of all kinds. Also, Tuiifsiiino Machinm, C'im;h Mti.i.s. .VuTs and Inm, of every description constantly on hand. Orders for all kinds of Castings for Urist and Saw Mills, anil Engines eompleto, from ono to forty horse power.will be thankfully receivedaudprompt ly attended to. All kinds of country produce taken ill cxehango for Castings, aud C'uA .Vol Itrfufd. L. It. CARTER, Agent. Clearfield, April 5, 1854-ly. ATTi:TK)X KIX.I LARf,! 1 "VTIC will meet for rade drill ou Saturday ' J. " 12th., of August, 10 o'clock, supplied with 5 ; rounds of blank cartridge, and all your cipiipmonta in good order. ' 1 There will be an election held at the Court Houe ' on .Monday Jlsl day of August, at S o'cloek, P. M. for the purpose of eleetiug Company Officers. Hy order of the Captain, D. K. ETZWEILER. O. S, July 27, 1S44. Shingles, bunch, IS inches, 2 r-0 aud 2 Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats drain Market. Phihhflphia Cleahpield. fl 1 68 1 73 01 (a. 1 05 75 and 78 57 cents, fj 25 1 I (i 1 12 62 cents, J 37 1 25 ini:n. I , time Ut eood bareains. and all nercons wishing in provide good clothing with a small amount of mon ey will io well to call immediately. He has no respect for persons, therefore, first conic first ser ved. He ha. a general assortment of COATS, PAXTS. VESTS. SHIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Sl'SPEXDEKS, 4c, with an assortment of fine silk and other hats. MOYEK VLLMAN. July 18, 1854. In Ferguson township, this county, on the 10th of June last, Sarah France, daughter of T. H. and Hannah Davis, aged 21 year, and 0 mouths. In Stevenson count; Illinois, on the 23th of June, at trie residence of bur son-in-law, J. Hunter, Mr. TV1SII1XGT.3 TERRITORY. The columns of the Pioneir and Dem ocrat ara entirely filled with the Laws of Mosca Thompson, aged 73 yean 4 month, and Ii the Territory, and the-names of officers I. "J?- frmerly .eiawn of MorrU township, clear- , - ' field county. Hi. sicknet. and death was oeea- flpointea to serve UriUI me lirsi general i,med, it i. believed, by overexertion of travelling election. Ext ITEM tT AT DtLLINOHAX BaT. By the brig Tarquina.uhich arrived on the fth of June from Puget's "Sound, we have ipecived the following : It wrre understood at Whitbev's Island MHO MAM'S PICK'lti:f Purviatieo's stock is uow cotn.iete, From Utile cares, very neat, I'p to tjiose of largo dimensions, Suitable fur high pretensions. Come on. Ladies! come on, tlentsl Come on. all e men" of sense ! And get iuipres'ious of your faces, To show lour friends your many graces. The dress i better to be dark. P.ul brown on red is just the mark, For then the contrast fairly shows, Hdwceu the person and the clothe. It's well enough the snn should shine, A. this will serve to shorten time, Rut if it don't and cloud? bo rile. He'll l;ike yonr picture to the life. Those little sinners, 'yclept babes. Should never come 'midst clouds and shades, l!ut w hen toe mi.e.rch of the skies, His shining role put? on, arise And bring your . .., lo me, And.brigbteMyictures you will sec. . Another theme the mue suggests, To put all gloomy duuhts to ro Such honest mot as scruple feel, Lest wicked craft fresh from the den, Shuuld be invoked in place of art And made ...ct a w 'tr part, . Are told with conseicme clear of evil, We have no dcalinc with the rfer.V. Clearfield. June 11. 1H..4. In House of Representatives, April 21, 18i4. Rooked, That this resolution puss. Yeas, 71, Xfs, 20. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK. Clerk. Skprktamv's Office, I Filed April 29, 1854, c. A. KLACK, Secretary of the Couimouwculth. rxxxsri va.xia, s.- PK.citETAitv'n Office, 1 Harrisbiirg. July 1. 1SS4. i , 1 I do certify that the above and fore Seal. going isa true mid correct a copy of the . I original ''Resolution relative' lo n umemluicnt of the Cunsittution," as the same re I mains ou file in this oflicc. lu testimony whereof I have hereunto let my I hand aud caused to be affixed tho seal of the Sec- reiarv . orucc me u.y and year above written. C. S. LLACX, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Journsl of the Senate. "Resolution Xo. 5r.2, entitled 'Resolution propo sing amendments to the Constitution of the Com-, luouwealth,' was read a third time. On the ques tion, w ill the Senate agree to the first proposition, the yeas and nays were taken, agreeably to the Constitution, and wore a. follows, vli i Yeas Messrs. Eucknlcw, Darlington, Dursie, Furgmnn, Fnulkrn.L Friek, Fry, Uoodwin, Uulde mnn, Hamilton, H. D. Hamlin, E. W Ilatulin, Ilci-ler. Hoge. Jamison. Mel'linlock, MeFarlund, Piatt, Vuiggle, S.u;er, Slil'er. and M'Cal 1 ker 2i. ' I So ihe question was decided in tile affinnaU've. ENLEPSY OR FITS CAN BE CURED ! ! IVIDEXCE STRONGER THAN CERTIFI j CATES! Lake's Vegetable Compound is performing more wonderful euro, than any other medicine known I It is perfectly safe to tukc. it. If you are not satisfied ufter using one bottle, tho money will be refunded ; if not ablo to pay, one bottle will be given gratis to try it. Prepared by Z. LAKE i. SOX, Conneiuit, Ash tabula Co,, Ohio. E. F. WELLEK, Travelling Agent. Sold by CD. Wal.n, Clearfield. F. K. Arnold Luthersbiirg. and also nt Philipsbnrg. May 2J, 185. M:V (.(Mills AT THE CASH HTORK. frillE subscriber has just received a large and L well selected Block of GOODS of almost eve ry description suitable to the season which he is selling off at extremely low prices. He respectful ly invites Iho attention of all who wish to buy good Ooods at tho lowest prices, to call ut the sign of the Cheapest tioods. Country produce of almost every description taken at market prices in exchange for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fuir equivalent for their money will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of Ihe CHEAPEST GOOD.?, on Market street, and cull and be convinced that there is truth in Ihe wonls thereon inscribed. May 31. 1854. W. F. IKWIX. IIICItARDSHAIV, A. H. SHAW, WAY PTOKi:. 1 ICHARI) SHAW A SOX, would respectfully ! inform the publiuthat they have just opened at It. Shaw's old stand in the Horough of Clearfield, a largo and well selected stock of Goods, guitahlo to the season among which may bo. found, Dry Goods in great variety; Clothing, Hiirdwaro.Queeus ware, Tin-ware, Groceries, Drugs, Bonnets, Hats, Cups, Boot, and Shoes, Ac. They defy competition, and invite persons wif.li ing to purcijnse to call and examine their Block, Clearfield July 3, 1854.-tf. OLHIi;il MIMT.IIJV ACAPKMV LOTTEIt .'.' (Bt At TBORiTT or toe State or Alabama.) Cvndrttd tie llnrana phm. Class C To be Drawn on the 2Plh of July. CvriTAl. : : : : : Sliei-iif's Sale. i "I J V l ir'ue of sundry writs of Fira Facias, ismed : f f out of ll.e I. ourt of ( omioou Pleas of Clear- held c..untv, ai.1 to me directed, will he exposed' "L" , n rw,urrlnS npou ll to public sale, at the Court house in Clearfield, on , ,b ' ?1'"1,ltl"n'' 'he first prnposi : Saturday, the 2l'd dav of Julv. I.si4 at 2 o'clock i v '" v" :. , , j P. M., the following desribed real estate : Lot I SA Messrs. Ahrahnm, Adams, T OK IKTTKltsJ v I) EMAIXIXG in the Post Office at Clearfield 1, July 1st 1854. Hen). Agnon, Mr. lioyd, Patrick Brion, Joseph Buck, Jos. Burge, Martin Cathclmiin, Jacob Crow!, Geo. Dewitl. Jos. Emerv. John FvHIlS, A If Vrnm V . I. ......... 1.1. ii ... rti: t t ....... ' I .. ii..,,,, t.ressweii, iienaricKs, I """r rry.anii, air. nance, rasuaoella fullertou, j Kinier, Kunkie and Skinner 0. I Lucy Faust, Xnvier Fraiu, Mr. Oampre, Calharino On Uie question, will tl.c Senate agree to tho Jritrin, Isaac Goon, Jesse Ilarter, Orvil llovt, 2 I usnn,l nrn,i...;.;..n l.n . I . , Til... 1.:..- 11 1...1 ts.i , i ' , . f-...w, ...v ., mm ..a., s were uiKen i W",1M 11,1 j. i.e.ioH.., ,.imuua iii. Jones, i en- Bsreeaoiy 10 tne constitution, and were as fol I lows, vii : ! Yeas Messrs. Burkalew, D.trsie, Furgnson, I Fonlkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Haldetnan, B. D. Huinlin, j E. W. Hamlin. Hen.hricks, Heister, Hoge, Jami ! son, Kinier, Met'lintock, MeFarlund. Piatt, prico, j (J.iiggle. Slifer, Wherry, MeCaslin, Speaker 22. I Nats Mes-rs. Crat.b, Cresswcll, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkie and Skinner S. inequestion whs net 'rmtnediu the affirmative. Journal of the House of Kenreseotiitit-e 'The question recurring npou the final passage .sition was agreed dolen Roule, John Lemon, John Lockard, Chnrle. u. isiniuieum, Harriet l.ynch, A. J. Jjinich, E. C. Mullion, Richard C. Mead, Jns. F. Mulleu, Mr. Wrill, Richard X. Morris, Matilda H. Mills, F. O. Miller, Hiram M'Gliuey, Melchoir Ruuss, Rev. P. Sahin, J, L. Stahel, Cha. C. Bhirklcy, James Scott, Earl Simpson, A. K. Stoner, 2; Hiram Tolbert, Edward W. Titr.ell, Mnrv Ann Young. A. Montgom ery. JOHN. II. HILBI KN, P. M. July 3, 1854.-4t. . on foot through a cold rain, change of climate tr The deceased had been a memWr of the Baptist Church for over 20 years. He died with that hope that buoy, up the aoul in death which reaches be-, yond this world of pain, sorrow and disappoint- I menu - He talked more or lest every day he wa. with n of dying the first remark he made after he arrived on the 10th day of June was, "I have lliat the people of Bellingham Biy were come out here to die with you." He had bought a .thrown into considerable excitement, ow.j ft,rm ri"r to hi toki"' '" ing to bo anticipated attack Irom a body ol Queen CharloH's Island Indians, and a call had been made upon the acting Governor : : : : : '$75nO :::::. 5000 " :::::: soon " : : i ., : : l.MO In all. 233 priies, amonnting to : : 30,1M.'0 Tickets $5,00 Halve, and Quarter, in propor- ,eo, Iniundcd by land, of Jon, tion. &Q.A11 eonimnnieation strictly confidential. SAMl'EL SWAX, Agent 4 Manager, Montgomery, (Ala.,) June 20, 1854. Ladies and (;cii(lcttir n, T BELIEVE it a good maxim, that every person should nurehase roods wherever tl.v nln..n Atlterlt. P.ill 1. ..... .1 1A ... 1 i ' ... ,. ... . - - - i lu,-. P....UK. no, ..i.v ioo nasinv neioro inev as- N... Ij in the borough of CnrwensTille, with a dwel-1 , , ;..' "'K""'"' "".vu. JHisn, llyerly, certain where thry can he best suited. I would ling house, store house, stable and other out hou- i J, 1 ,,' l'vlu. Carlisle, Chambcrlin, Cook, ; most respectfully invite all (ladies In particular) to ses erected thereon, bounded by lot late the es- , .n0' tu,"V"". Daughcrty, H.yis, De Frances, ! call at It. Glennan'. store, and examine his splen tnte of John Scot on west, Stephen Graff on cast, I , ""n'"S 'l'ert'. Eainger, l.htred, Evans, Fo-1 did assortment of goods that rnn not he excelled ill the Erie Turnpike on north, also 75 acre, more or ' Jf ' r-v,(. ''."'"'me, Gibbony, Gilmore, Grey. this .cction of country for C1IEAPXESS, lurnl.il-le-s of limber land in Burnside town-bin. Clearfield ! .,.r!',?m' I an"llon. Hurt.' Herr, Hiestand. I ity or style. M'hich consist, of Gentlemen's boot. onathnn Snyder, KiU-h-1 "'I'l''. ""rn, Ilumtnel, Hiinsuiker, Hun- of all descriptions and prices. Ladies and Getitlo- jacKmo, u.ii?orc, hnighl, Laurv, men's nailers, hoy. and eirl's boot. shoe. n,l en aud others. Seized and taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of Isaac Smith, william Powell, .ser.vr. June. 2lt, 1854. FIUII SiUMMr.R t;oois. Estate of Frttlrick W. Shornin dee'd. r Mils .utiscriuer nas yust received and l. now I 1. 1 J r. Its of Admiiiistratit.n on the estate of X ojtening a wen seieciea lot oi iry t.ixwis. i.ro- i J J r. v. Mioeuiug. deceased, Diitolntinn nf Pirlarrthin. . . ,. I J. t'fiii.iK eu .e.ec.eu u tu iry t,ooos.t.ro- i j j t. tt . fiioeuiug. uereaed, lateof Jordan In mTIITIni i. k ....Ii. mr.n .n .ill k V i n .1 mnr 1 1 ... 1 SI.. . Ti i 1 .... ' . ,....v .-- . " . rr,,r., iiM.i.nr. vu. snare, nix.... mil rows. ijcarucM ciuntv, Having t'cn eriin ed to the sub- W .am.... 1,B I.M ,i.r,nnsl,ttilirf,.r..r(.T I 1. L ... 1 .... t. r . ., ' ..... .. M r . ., m j-fL- h- ' , ... i , , ,. , , .tn" "'- "J"... ... .10 j.orougii 01 rcru.irs, unpersons ui.u-i.ted to said estate will o iiuuis u ou9iu.li iii'.... ii.c.i uv.w.v. , ,ng m'lween uie unacrstgnca is wis uay aissiiivea 1 icarncld. fcrson will find It to their advantage make lavinent mmedial.ly and the.., havimr Tt r -r .i. 1 x u:r. r -.1... 1 1. i ...n..n, tl. kn..k. .,r !, firm ir i . j J: , .v . 1 ... ..; ' . ting A HQ BOll Ul UIIC Ul IIIC licau UtllUia U. Iliai : ...un.." . -...p. .. -0 . ... . .. , ...u .....v m ho .111 uisjn.se til ll.r.Il ou CI irilioli id born recenllv killed bv a U'lule in the "'"d of yeorire '.-Orr. by whom all tho fair terms for cash, credit, or in exchange for lutn- ly iriuelua been recently Kllla Oy a W lllie apcounts re bc aet,led, be having purchased the ber, either at rcU.il or wholesale to soil dealers, j innii nt'ar jiympin, utiu 1110 atiaca wi iui j interest of Jo tin Hunger in us outstanding mc- WM. I.. MOORE, 'ihe purpose of revenge. These Indians, counts, tire realU- brave, and are much superior! ia intelligence to any upon the north-wea-tcru const. ' ' G. W. Orr will tetile all the firm lel.t,' GEOKGK W. ORR, . JOHN KXIXGER, 'aearficld, July 25, I W. Clearfield, July 19, 1851.-tf. The American IlnanlitiiT House. riHE subscriber would inform the public that ho JL claims against the same will i.rerent them Kroner- au'iheulicited for soltl. inent. MARY JANE SII11EXIXO.) 1J. F. SHOKMMi, Jordan towuship, July 3, 1S54. AJiur's. Estate of Garland Irvin, de rcaitrd. TATf-T :. i .1 . . . J-Tl,. L...;nM. .Ill h.r..ftsrk. carried on bt 1 I l w:,..." :i ,X iv . ncrr-.y gn en tnai letters 01 atlmin- 'v :7Z7i -Ltnvw.n i.;.,.u .tr v",;,.,iL, . v ,f.:a uy. ' ' te of ari.Ud irv ter. Hunt, (Lehigu.) Linn, Magee, .Maguire, Man.lerfield, M Ckmnel. M'Kee, Miller, Monaghan, .Montgom ery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parm- .ee, raMi...re, fattcrson. l'ortcr. I'ulnep. l(nr. J lius. Roberts. Rowe. Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Simon- ton, Muitli, (Uerks.) Smith, (Crawford,) Stewart, Stnckdale. Strong, Stmthers. Wheeler, Wickleiti, Wright, Zeigler, Chase, Speaker 85. Nayi uone. So the question was determined in the affirmative. ' On the question will the House agree to the seoond proposition, Ihe Teas and naT were token. agreeably to Ihe provisions of the lOUi artiuie of me i onstnulion, and are as follows ; Ykas .Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Bur ton. Beck. Beyer, Bigham, lloyd, Caldwell. Cat lisle, Chamberliu, Cook, Crane,' Cummins, Daugh crty, Davis, Dcegan. De. France, Dunning, EJitig er, Eldred, Evan., Fry. finllentine, Gibbony-, Gil- moro. 1. ray, (I room. Gum. Hamilton. 1i.....nri It wasal.0 Slated that UDOD the Sa n' Ceo. W. Orr at the old .land, who invite .11 In, old U:e Soulh end of Second street, Clearfield Pa.. ' 5 .;l. ... "!j il. i Hillier, lii'ii.le, Hunsccker. Hunter. liorti J..7 Ju.n ( lVlivuc) Islanu on armed body of PT hi . 7" " I"""? .e' which be ha. fumi.hed and fitted up ... the most ho, pran,Vtf t the mWrihers. Ail persons in I Ki' K.ni1"' '-"T. (I-chigh,) Lowery, A , .. . ," .....'i. I can make it convenient August 2, 1854.-.HL , eotnforU.ble manner for the accomodation of trav-: a,.,0a . :,, m.t. :,,: , . ' . 1 " " (Tioga.) L,nn, Mmree, Maeuire. Manderfield. Me- STRAY HORSES. ellcrs and permanent U.ardcr. j hvin)r rUimf wiI pr(cn, , ,T aMhfa j "i'l, X Kee. Monegh.n, Montgomery. Moore, y aucuuvti . - . , ,, w,r,,j of Clearfield . """B oi.s.v,.m.,,uD nonse con-, tlcaU,a for actllement. 'uul'' rarae, lannlce. fassmore. sand, to prevent ihe seizure of sheep be-' . . twi.t ih.sr.h j..ir. It. M. n,r"" """: ". wcriy manner. JAni r.iLr.rR. Jr..) . . . ; ""rn' 1 lr """". nibcrts. i;.,we. Sal- t . . . . ' . where all nu.ot and neace lov.ne net... e. wlio w.9v 1 ...i.t. s A.lm 1 Curwensvi!' ?. July 3. 1 ;4 fit. pd. tcrs. Children of all ages can he necomodated. It. GLEXXAX. June 24, 1854. IIAXK XOTICF- WE the subscrilies intend to mako application tothe next Legislature of the Commonwcaltli of Pennsylvania for au act of Assembly to incorpo rate a Banking Company, w ith Banking aud dis counting privileges, to be called the Clearfield Bank," and located at the borough cf Clearfield, with a capital stock of (100,000, A. K. Wright, C. Kraf7.er, Ellis Irwin, J. F. Wea ver. William Irwin, John Patlon, J. W. Smith. J. B. McEnnlly, Jas. T. Leonard, Ruhnrd Shaw, James II. Graham, Jonathan Bovnton. June 25, lHM.-fim. tSThe Harrii-biirg Union, will publish the above one month, and send bill to this office. .seventy-five of these Indians had been pla ced by Governor Douglas of Vancouver's July 19, lS54.-4f. longing to the Hudson Day Company, by . one heavy act and in good 1 eondiuon. 7 or yea-. t.(U 0wj(J csn fi'n( . ( J.,,,;,,, the U. S. Colfector. This is one of the ,",aln' 7 '."1 7'. " ,ZZ . Jolix s. Radebaigh. disputed Islands, and some Clashing Ol U- j the. face of either of them. Any person taking up llloritV between the OtllCISIS OI me l0 aaid animal, or giving iniormation 10 etu.er 01 ine ; suoscntHtrs ncre luey can De touna win oe suiut bly rewarded. j WM. A. WALLACE, J. M. NICHOLS, Clearfield, August 2, 1854. cove rn me tits had recently occurred, since which time Governor Douglas had mado nn attempt to arrest the U. S. Inspector. The Colleotor, Col Eby, was absent on a visit to the Island, and when theTarqui rtn cnilorl wsl rlnilv ex nected to return. It seems verv evident by a A Trnns of Advertising DVERTISEMEXTS are inserted in tie r.c. Oriilar DnnanMnliuiis. Tia.ie. scoit, Simonton. Smith. Smith, (Berks,) j Smith. (Crawford.) Slockdale, Wheeler, Wirklcin, j Wright, Chase, Speaker 71. ! Nats Xo.'srs. Adams. Baldwin. Tie.n. n.,i. Byerly. Eckert, Ellis, Hart. Ilerr. Horn. Ili'.in,l' Blacksmiths, Look to yonr Inlrrrxtt. nHE nndendpned offers for sale his well knnwn hy the year. glance at ihe X Blackemithing establishment situate one half mil E '-proof of the Pudding ii chewing the M CornK Miller, Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart' X Bar." and the surest wsv to get cl.ean eorf Stroiic. Stru hers. Zeie-ler HI ' ' . ..1. . it t t. ... w .-. . toe question was decided in the affirmative. SerBrTARv's Ornrr, ) U iRittsarno. Julv t tti. f A particularly Urge! TA'.Vrjt, l"l.7.l, '.V. ' ' ) I do cirtify that the above and f. ., . , ,i, m B; channel be. ! mile east of Clearfleid Bridp aearfleld county. published maps, that the maio channel oe , Mw.( tween Vancovers Island and the main,ftbeforilTaih)rort;boemaker.. j broi land runs tlirouuti ine ciraus 01 uu throwing San Juan Island into American Territory. It is estimated that the Hud son Bay Compauy have here 8000 sheep in pasture at this time. For further information inquire of the undersign- ed living on the premise. SAMCEL B. DILI.ER, Boggs township, August 2, rS54.-tf. ' li.lflllS. is to , l on A M llllt s; ,1.. publican, atone dollar' per square. l"or the! "11M f,,n..r ' ! first three insertions and twenty -five rente for ea h Where he is just receiving a new recruit of almost .....loom meeiuou. ..... unrr uiur a s'.ia.e. fverr thing in the trade line. itu i.trniwinriii inpriir,. 1..1 irss nmn a ..uiinr, anri well s.Ieetr.l stirk of r.. kl.. I, 1 i A Liberal reduction made to those who advertise Trimmed BOX X KT. an.l S;ik l.i.l pi.j. in.. '.t ! ' I Siik, Watered Silk, ank Fauey coloured Silk Msn- T ... - , , tillaa, wit in Ihe latest and n"atct stvle. Also, a ! Tnree Lots for sale. jsuperioriot f c.ixgham i.Awxs-i,iik nih. j 5, and 2fi, in the Mossop plan, in the Bemeinher at the REti EL AO. borough of Clearfield, all eneloed. I July 12, 1854. For terms apelT to W. M. BEEDY. Cnrwensville, June Jd, 1 S 54- pd. Jl'ST ariuvi:i. THE .(ilendid stock of Cloths, Cassiincrra, VeFt iiiS. Trimmings, 4c, recently purchased by uie sin, senior, w hich he will sell or make up toor dor, in the mot fashionable and durabio manner, at his .tore in 'Shaw's Row.' Tito material and 'fits' warranted. No charge for showing hie beautiful and cheap goods. He would inform tho trade in Clearfield li st he is the authorized agent for D.-vere's London and Paris Fashions. THOMAS SHEA. Clearfield, July 3, 1S51. T Adjourned Trrasarcr! Kale. WHOLESALE RETAIL CASH STORU -V. SELL i TTROSK f ITV. CO., LAM) WAItll ANT LOST. I A land warrant issued to the rubsrriher for hi. - Aerriees in Ihe war nf Ii.. Kfwn Inut mni it u - - --, ... ..... -1 ... H i 1 i-l A court bouse, in the borough of aearficld, on MOX- Should the warrant have been found the person onl- Lvr- ""V t",T ""'r- J"'.T 12 pd It TO ItltllH.K III 1 1. Ill .Its. 1HEC0UNXV COMMISSIONERS, of Clear- field county will receive proposals for buildini Bridge across Chest creek at or near Gilbert . coin!, i. - i . " , jowr s u uoesi to. iisui p, on i i.csriBy, me lyin aay ' Jln.iL !L,...;Vf keU n "J H."-J I''"' d speflction. will be exhibited. the ConstitnUon of the Commonwealth,"! 1MmKiiTl7 IA! i'FY Comm'rs Office. 1 Commi,iiecr Clearfield May 20, 1853. AitfiO. 11. Coot.j.AVDrn, Cl'k, July U, 1S54.-IU 1 w ininrnvirri Rkl.T. nf I nwtlsd Ltndi my intention to make a.ii.l.eat on la the fuia. 1 " v .nicm.-n ii,i liuici wear. A in Clearfield eountT will take place at the .loner of Tensions f..r a duplicate of the same. ' wP'rior qnalii. m.1,1 very cheap for (,. of a the same appears on Ihe J on roils of me two Houses of the General Asem bly of this Commonwealth, for the Ses sion of 1S54. Witness my hand and the Seal of said offiee tin first day of July, one thou, and eiht hundred and fifty four. C. A. BLACK. Secretary of the Common wealth. The Insurrection ia Spain a. rtiun niruni. in t.ije vtrvi:uui vi' WASHISOro?!, July 28. Intelligence pxy, Sept. 18th,tl0 o'clock, a. m. t which finding the Kme will please return it to me. HOOT AXD fHOlX. 7RANCIS SHORT announces to the eltitens of ITcarflvld and ricicily, that be has again commenced the manufacture of Boot and Shoes ll has been received here by the Africa, from time all the tracts bid off at the former eete. and ran be of now.se to any other person as a cniwir ' . , MM .,.,; ihnt the insur. fr aieh dcede have not been lifted, will be re- ha. been entered In the Und office to prevent the "1ITILL responsible sources, stating inatine lnsur, iwaing i,f pa""' i empi rcction in Spain was spreading in all dt. - JOHX McniERSOX, Trs'r. ' ( CTRrs THURSTON, di.telyto ii rectKtis. Treasurer". Office, July J4, 1854. Jordan toanhip, July 12, lrM. f.u-pd. 1 Jonrnrjman fibincl Sakrr TILL be afforded liberal wajes and constant loymrnt by making aprliration imme- Ihe ubscrilr. JOHX GCLICH. Clcarfif M.July S, l-5t. tf. tit le. Cheap for cash. -an excellent ar- July Z, l!54. fllvR FOR SALE, at tho Elacksniilh shnn nf i the Borough f Clearfield. He can 0 found in M. Urr klii.ger, in Clearfield an excellei.t r I the shop formerly occupied by Thomas Shea, nn stairs iu Shaw's row on Second street, where he ia prepared to do all work in hi. line, and will be pleased with a eall from any nr all of hi. old cus tomers aud as ni.dy new one as may see fit to ex tend to him their patronage. Clearfield June 2 1 451. li:i.K .kst AM I.I). TiIE Highest Pr.cs in Cash will he paid by the rih.rril.er for onfft;iv of Deer M in. May Jl, 1-51 MOVER I'LLMAX.