Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 02, 1854, Image 2

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r.Ah i n.i , in; . ,
I " ' i ' I I; i ' !
H II I I M MP. I I ,i, , , v ,,
I "it i I I i. mi: ji
.'I 111 MUll K III ( K, ( ,v, .,. 1 1
Ton t'AN'ALOiMMl ,. MM Ji
III MM . Mol t. ,v
I, I
n wnii ii in m.
I wl i i ''i" i', i:'i r nil 1i . r
l' III" f, t lint li,,v, ',ul M ti . .f t I, ,, , n !!
" I "I II? ill I plrple, 'J'tl' ) ' ..f l-llf t . I
,'nWi'l W-t. I l,i nnj im lli it it I new, ! ,'
nudum no tl.,ubt m i) :.iihm.s!1 will ! liui
I,IW. V frlltll fltlf
. ... i ... .
i ll miner r l 1 llril . Hi
. i , i ii
! "Mill I i will ,M I , M '111 '
I l!i' All,,
I ! i inih
llinl ,1 pn.
I , I'"" rui.
d iit'.nt-r.i'
( IVill till'
ii ii limn i -hi -ii ii utii, diiii, imniiiiLi j i
filn IliM lliHuid 1!rrli) iitnl r,m.
'I'hr- f.illi'W inr hiei.i.i.t el i n ' lirn
tli"" ilr t'nri'!! I ,im..h h t ,,,,,, 1(
i.ll.: i
About 7 ('Vim k th. rnoriutu! 1hry,mr
MVS n HM Xli'liVK Vll.
V -T'Mti Hrriilm, In i Wk.
it ,, (,. 1.1 ft It, ; , ,! ,,. .
1 . . ... . ... ... -
I . ti . t.i r ,i r. k i . . .i
V,,. J I.. i. nn "P.. - . ,.m .v ' . '-M "
.mi. i""i,."ii '. ni" ""'"' etT.r-rr. I. jlt'' ,N V v
m.. . Ml . Ii...... L . .. V .. . 1.. .. I
, rn i i.i n ""L'- I'lnn i .I i . 11 ' n ( v i mi i n ,,,.., nt rrmivii;. u ...
. . . t
fil Miiiilinlinn roVpnv, M i,irfrril .,,.. M,-"i'
...l.l.. I.n'i.1,,111 . . .... . ..c i... .. " Ih loul of Vniirift iith !ivi'. it'll i i;Vi ...i.i. ,,v"
' ' ' 1 l t liiy mmh mi iii. Mii'i'i t I H' in,' III ' nn i ti fi i ( ii v Hi ,t j
Ti e l.n- of r uiiim.
It rr. ol
pin linnlil f,.-i t ill, In, ,1,,,, I,;,,, n!i, il, (. limy i , i! p, h Si llli il n"
IlitD tin' lii'l l. Hut iho iH'i.iili. i nut liii'. i-i.inl lli , I n r.wi ! ,',mi it,,. I .,i
prt it no mxiii, Bivl limy Will i!ciii,iti, ( ith- c ImiiiicIi. of li.oln . uh tho crriit Cnilrnl
'111 III!'
.1 Willmm Pool, Iwm iK.toriou pn.'iMv ,inS ,,'" ''r "' r. rV rr Irm, S.-.n Hni , jt, " r'"v "
l...-h ilw Vi..n.l1 ofb-.ih PamoMmitic. Pr,""M nMknily n4 'lm-n V!v .n.rWJ, ,:B.5a tl.e Lv 1 '
1 1 M'fr nri.uii. ir,i,ir.l n.l,..,l,l..... . , . ' v' "'nt' ol
The pric fighter mot nl thr City I11U orrf1 h" " ' rc P- 1 h" rofjW) of our ',, .(llrv r J
Ifii '.i ... ... 11,. i... vv iron tank KiiftrnAcHl aMt. . .. . r. .. i- . ... .. . '
r hit , iiiuRn iirfxi tn i ,,r,u, Hti. hi t ............ u.i.a ,1, , Br.i, n rint.j i .m
.. nt"""iirra writ an ni1 1rtirM tiniicf In era lliorliiur or n ili.n,,...r.,l l.,L..,.i .tp...l .. ;u - 1:1.. t .
'. r.nirary.ariewiii4w4 M.i.hi.i.1,,,,, .... . ' -. ,...,., , Bj , ,m CouMr...'.r.,.
.11 ii iilit.'upiiuu. , I In re t imcxiMiso forthm. TlicCovrr. i . " .
1,' .,.J.. K... .j . i ... ivt. IMI lll:.II.M. lMIIMITI.'t.- All Hll!' Il"ll 't t III
. I. miiaiTipin Itrrlrr lli rllhrnhiinii.ti... ..f. il r n t .-. . i . I
ili-li m-ti-Mmirt tin. nuMUi,.. m.v r..n,i...,r ' " ,u" """""'J 10 CliotvSO till) in',.1 inli-rpolinir mill ur, "n( 'Icllml, i nvin r tU in.
innt nnn nmntitT Hint nav IipkI sin! !!k iii. toi. i..i,;i Ii, hI,Iim n !i.t ,- ,-i,iiic in ili Mi ih
i to Ink tl cir
in w r., rs 1V1 ui III" nl'irn. to whirli llii v nr, ili-
n- r- ft. thfv At'ohiM ri'rpiiifil, until hum V tl ll!i,"f,S 011 llicir hiilo.
. t'1,1 tin ir l'ii! nii'l it.Ii' -nl lli.'u ilinruiiiin I .. .
i. ir iihi,Pri. ii..v .ih.r I.U.T. niihiMit ' '"' ,,rh " ,"',vnM vp7 "i"" irom 1 j.i.c. ..r...i. i,u I,.,, ,. ..... a im.i mi'if, ilmt lm vould bet one thou. Washindon Star mti
il't'irmitlir III liuMi.lmrt ml ll,i i. ,, .............. 1 ,1 I ...' te.t t r .. I. .. . . .1 11. ... re... -i.i . . .3 . .
,. ., .. ' : -., "I-uiLir uusin-. ii nicy ronio muoro in? ici- i-'ri ii-iif , i in,' m- ir.-, i ',' . mti. raiM-i i't- mm unuaii io iiny inni no nt bbeto
flit Im tlifc' luninT iliriTlicn. niv ui-o ,., .1 i..Mi J '
-i!.i". . ' !nlf, their doom will to vnrv noon jettled i1'' ""'' ! t-.!-.-i....i.w"i'--
- - - ',.f , !.. .ui. pii,iMnr m.iv r
I tlim unlil n'l ari-tinfff tiro i,t.
lt'tiiti-iiil i ri' M'K'fil nr rifiim U
nnJ lio will imit them with all iheno ml
5. Tho Court hnv iWiilril that rrfticlnj to I'iIi
niti'..i'(ri t' tli ollico, nr rfinoMii Unl li'tM
tln'iii iiii 'uil.'d i I'tiili'oou vf fruuil.
).ir.r,n.t'.x,-!, ..-.-i. .. r, fv.ited hv iron .illr hnh raw iu .u, h ,
Iitr.n3 tho conversion, Morrlsv id -lhv kwk very ivx-rly J-vw. - (ottfs liprfl ,bc t,tota bnoU of tJs,
thnt ho could "liek Torn Hvrr or ttm n:h. i '0 lioraca rt Villod. It u a'a-fd that .nj V.,;- 0-r, ; v. r' lM
. ...a t I'lmr.'li. ri. ,.r...,B w,.r. ,1.,, f,.,nnlo " nM.o.7 - J'w.l replied Ihut he could do l,0,,,n, wre ,lhln ,he of cratic r-arty-aml every e:ictmcut of
'jini'il' rru.ii i!io IViiiHt iMf.i,. ;,.(, u.11,.11 rf t-l.o nothitm f tlwr kind, w hrrcupon Min-ritwy ,he ch2mu character, which has ctitd tod',.
1 liiin.i. im,i- r i!,. . .i..,i. ,. i I'nm'ijuii. !v.ttr- reiterated ilmt ho cotil.i do no, and liatj The SiAXifc U-ou.rios(.-TlM'SrsC,etb9 Nk.'0 and Uighi the proteriit
ashinglootaraayi: . peopie, ong.nated itb ihs Wh.
Letters reached tao J.tTeirnt lmut or Federal rarlv. and u vixl.-A .
whi. him (Poo!) in any kind of a fijjl.t. (foreign) inihis cur this morning," cm.',h Democrat at the firit oppottuoitv.i.
. . . I ...d.t v . . I., t i - . . ., . If .rf . 1... I'.w.l linn.ii.1 titl..l it A.,t,..l il,. K.i 1 a a a 1. . i r L
,tmJ tiono know this nj well 1UH the ! ' -. t uhuhi. u uic ui-i, aim, ln uy ue uwi urerpooi steamer, wbjci, o "c utvoriicwingmeasurtji
U'i.! t ,t..- w .i i . "... i'tak'-uw-reivt-r il.t -t i,,.otr . -t .K'ij-vUiK tl.r told .d.irnssey that he would meet him at ' make it nositivelv certain that the kU.-See,(jrio!a, the Alien and S...!.iirJ
L :bn ,2"' V TT 1 ,,,,r t-:1:' '-.. l.he CI,rUlorhcr street Dock the following 'graphic detc. Fuhhhed o England,' or act. chartering tho U. S
0WI1 Him I pies CUtire V coneon i'i ,i Wv bvmu ., . Uliin.,. I,, ii.. i, , i" in. , ,l, :,-r..;nr. ..i r '..i....i. T.. hi : , & . .. . . u il .t.. n- .i r. . V
. ' i i -ii, ..hi, i,- iii , i u mis isry conoernioir lite jsnanisit r
itiopo, uy ttio Uiscustjton ol side ujtirs to ri n "" " .' iauui.t m th. o'. ji cted, u!leg,ng that he had not the men-' w JmjIIv decer.ti
ti'i.i.l l) .. . .. ..-.I. IT . .. ..."
TUP M TV nu nmini-n me
. . m "iMiii. ihopo, hy tho discussion of jiVc usurs Io f forf.-fii.m l.ifh ha.
vo re.publiMi Iho p. weedm of tho!cUyCt a division in tho IVn.ocrmie. ninko i,"'",'a,i'""'f "", Uil"1 i,..1 ike t-
UvniOCrutiC Sttinding Committee, in or,lnr''ru:.. .1..-; I r. . . loml In.-n.lH .. .11 rhtltlnii mmilarl alllii-J.
.ha.ftvf.rV,...l..r,l.- I i. ... ' ; ,UMDO",U "Kmra m',,mC5,i"Hr it,,., give ,,, inly rfl'ff curlli
' " i""V.'"J "u' pnst, and never yet succeeded very well, can oUut.l.
no npporton.ty of knowing the pnrl ho iSuow lhrv succt.cJ )0W, remains to
snanish reroltion, arc "! r n foictmti.u.snd il
-. I . i i
,1... ... . ... I i . . - - - - " . . .
.......v.. t,.,.,ry W11J1 lll01 uesiucs iiiai mere weie loo Deir career, vp to the verv bt adrice peep, nd loD;r since repudiated b
, , . T man'') friends in that vicinity. I ia Paris, tad been remarkably swecewfit P-Ww eP'tcD. Dut why particularized
001 ,lltn ollereJ to bet even fifty do!-, iodecd. Wherever his adherents Lad ris- tvery ucprej.idtd, iinttiicnt citiz. n, or
Mars to fifty if Morrissey would kt him en asthev Ld don in mine mor-r.L.. every party, roast at once coneodu th.
cxpccled to perfoimin thn nnnron,),;.,., i ' n . . I -J "l ,wu w "' "ace oi raceung. wor- tIlan tte ttlearaph lold of they bad so Ur ru:nii..ness ot ux ansoriion.
i .no io perioimm the opproailnug bo seen. P,ut wo rather expect the un- f thin .li.ui.t, ln0 , ,,'t known ih' r ssev nrccd. nnd the monev wn filared -;,;. i li-i - .., T ih.r..n. m.,,
'U'"l,Cul C,"1VUSS- Tho Committee havojconqucrnbld democracv of the old Kev c!,ri"" r'"' ,u'u' '";:''-""" "it, Jo.ier.uu hi-i' in the hands of Mr. James Hj-hcs. IW The imprcwion in Cnh and French 1 corrmencmK to wke nn ac!
, ... vi 1 uiiu Hi Hi UIJU III OULII IliOlnnA .Mntn v in it f hn 1 1 ivt a ,.,v, n ...111. - - ..-ii.. wi II (l I ill u a Ii U I aun . illU 111 lllslillll. HI d I . rt r n rvu. . t L a 1.
niutiv fiMn.i 11111.11 un; iium U'lllt 3, Will IJM 1 . . v vwvi u as avail, 11 nn it'n 1 1.. I no I.. I!.--.... t..l. 1 - . . I 1
",,,, . 111 uwMiiiiuuMj who found to be ubout
may lw dissiUislled, wuhanv iust cause of ik, nm
i.Mtcu lor many jetirs, as to tho ic.Yf of iwo or thmn timps n.l it.,. 1 Tiiif stvt rnvcrMfniv ' rissev l.. finht nr.-,n;L- -;'.tr,r m-M . ??..;..- o. t .. - r i : : n
making nominnlions ; nnd some dillerence willing Io do it nmiin. nnd nain. as olVn Mrtsra. t r sporting houses duiins the erenios Railroad I!ouf nnd iLirr c:ir Lntknats and the cunning euisea it
nlso exists as to which system should it is in darker. lour Qinxressional District have f'xci the 6rTj ,,cuv' Uls vcrc n,ulJe ast0 tLc resul4 hae n 3e:roved bv Cre los JriOu,. f they are peculiarly exposed to dan-rJ
itimo nnd plnco for holilin" the Tis:riet l'"-"u,m r; inrec tinn-J Ur.. are rentier- " " of'Ce a li sup u taken, how stl.
,r'M .k.. 1 1-. ..m rw'T kxi r l in noiiEirs. in w nn ... .
w." .t, , ,l UC I,.. , . . . . . - ' ... .....v, w U UJK S.CaiUCI " t rjnam
bout ns wide awake us thev , 7 L : n, i ". " ZuJTn-u TT , TS' V ' , "mC,,,ld certainly mas, that Lis aims .ere! cooperation ; and it i, the more imp.
i f - rri ii". '.iuu uni. iuull,
Nt-w5 of the intention of Pool and Mor
adhered to this fall, owing to 6omc irre-u-
larity in tho result when submitted to the
people last full. ,. The Committee now,
however, proposo n-method of settling the
question, which, if properly attended to
by the Democrats o( the .several distiicts
on the 13th instant, cannot full to he sutis
(nctory. ,
We cannot refrain from calling the spe.
via attention oftheDemocrats of our coun
ty, to the great importance of attending
their district meetings, ut ihis time. These
meetings are seemingly of 6mnll import
once. Put as our's is n representative
government, and all power must emenato
from Ihe people, these primary meetings
may be aptly compurcd to the fountain
head tho very Bourco of this power.
How very important is it tlfn, that the
jtcopfc should attend, each man for him
self, and exercise his important and "inal
ienable Tights" at these meetings.
.: - The offices to be filled this fall, ate few
and of little consequence, so faros regards
cither honor or profit a Commissioner
being the must important of our county of
ficcs; but beside these, we have a rep re
. sentntive both in tho National and Slate
Legislatures to elect, and Conferees to at
lend tho district Conventions, are to be op.
pointed by ourCoupty Convention, which
js to be held on tho 19th instant.
But these meetings should be well atten
ded especially tit this time. Heretofore,
the organization of the Democratic party
of our county has been about as perfect,
nnd conducted with as much' harmony, ns
perhaps 'in any' other county in tho Suite ;
tu:d we believe that if confined to other
counties, with as much advan'age to its
propperity nnd honor. That Buch har
iimny and unanimity will characterize our
efforts this fall, depend entirely upou the
interest taken by the people the Dumo
rratic voters in theso primary meetings.
If they are generally attended by the old
veterans of our party, ns well a the hosts
of the young Democracy, all the cunning
ehmes ond devices of Whig loodors will
be in vain, and our triumph will Le ns
grent ond complete as ever. ,ot these
meetings demand the thoughts and the
attention of every Doniocrat, ond let the
best nnd most reliable citizens "be appoint
ed as Delegates io the County Convention,
whom neither bribes can corrupt nor fears
(Uortn,- end our noble county and glorious
principles will be equully sustained.
The Steamship Africa, reached New
York, on Thursday lust, with advices from
Liverpool to tho lOtli of July.
Breadstuff was on the decline, as was
also the provision market. Cotton had al-
so slightly declined.
onterence, nnd some of them have ex
prosed prelerencc for men. As'vet 1 have
: heard no one named itt Clearfield. , And
j although we lutve abundance of material
i for the post, 1 nm one uf those w ho do no!
deem it politic for our county to urge her
Ichiims nt this juncture. Our fellow citi-
!zen is again a candidate for the Gubcrim
At half-past six o'clock tl .lis morning a dJ lioustlcss, and il is rroorteJ ihrcrdim it is that they arc reclaimed from tt,
n.i ti, . ... . . -
cronu iiau us-semuieu on Amos siret-t wtiarl persons were ku:rd. error ol taeir ways.
in iv i mi nrnv I t r.t . , r t... I l..m. . - ... . l .'
"""-j- "v.i. iUiu uui i ' iiiu.aiic oaiiv a empnaiicni r
nave teen less llian three tunured per- jubuj lt .1 rr.iSf f lit. tste party for you ti" nun. . Its creed is iu
sous. pri-M-ui uunng me progress oi itie 77. a, ju:y -'a. SliyorLonrad aecorJancewitl, tlie spirit and pro -res3 of
iiclit, consisting mainly of tue "inwy, kvCc a Fpeecli to :!e police lb.s nfvroooa ; tLe age its doctrines are based upon the
uiiu me iiieuus uijj aumirer 01 1 toi and ccc;aiu l-s iLf.'.ica to cHe ute
Uternsca eternal princi:tes of truth, and thev muit
-lie ai.i&ifc- rcar-.ess of lla rececl d.'ainj aU rrciait in Uie end aeamit nil f.n.
, little before seven o clock, Pool drove cjsron cf :Le Supreme Court. ! position, na matter from what qurttr it
The war news .was quite important. tormJ (-',inir' utl(l(-'r circumstances that will
It was said that Austria hud
Russia to e vacuate the principaliti
in a month
Tho .Cholera had bioken out
newed violence at St. Pctorsbur
raninc at a fcarfu rate in the nlliml fle.-t ..' , ,.. . ... """".J.'uu 10 il,P ,nn ul, f,- nn V. ..,7-. a. ! l'?i9nnif.
100 ofthe French and English troon: " ,! , IrT,... ,d. .'' .l The inmd S W -PwtST
. 1 ,',,r """"ii Jl lie I MSilT CUUUI ('S. . . . .." T
had joined the Turks at Rutschuk.nnd a 'their "sweet voices" in support of Gov e,ves- ancJ tlie cro" 6 'med a ring around
a pitched battle was dully looked Tor. ' D.glcr, nt the corning election, is it fuir that m , "Vr 8 "Ile VUTZ JUrns.y
J J . 1 ... - illf"f'( ... rl in r hnt.n.. , n .!,.. mm
on mine crouna ID a Ji 'til aarnn. nrnl . urnnn S,nn !-.. r If. I.i-
iiinmn.,-.! ; c,iu.ut ua CJ" ""'ves.nna coruialiy - , . EvraJo- .Vr.L'TSJ-n. T'7 - -'-.'
- u.,..M-t i'i.:i... 1 1 .. oii.Jiiiy uuntiiifus Jtiorr ssev mice ins - - vnan in n.arr m iw,i i.,i- ii,.
cb 'Willi. ; the ',ernocra,ic Dnrlv 'f Clenrfi,.!,! conn, v "I'l'''ce, nccompanied by some friends. Z' "'pwieot day, thrash good and lhr ..h
Iconcede the riht to ench member of tha 1 .V'rr? wcre ,no or bottle-holdu- ""A" Ir, t!?- t!" .J?'3 lh Democracy
with ' Party to ume his claims onon. and l.av,. I.i. ' " ucinS tuers:ooa tire IrgM we; to be . ... - - -"'J"c'e"1tae stoo-i by tne country in war and ia
ltn vvus ' rights n.'spec.ed4.y it ; yet, 1 hold the prin-; "Ul , " ' ,wa r rul'-nt UH" Wcbeer ha iiV !hi e i ,,a uni,yoe ni ,n "W uc-
..iw us , , , . . .1.. ......... ... ,, . ' . . tlie uavant"e ol course, lieintr in lovor ol -... 1 1 ik, jmurii,o ics,.!,.,,. ,
" J I
selves, and the crow d formed a nn; around : 4 J ."T fJufa cU n-
mtw j4, j'jn 2?. ii to-ai Btim-
..u.,.ioii.u,lL,ini 1 . 1 . .. - Iter m J1-ST' : .h. m.. .i. . v 1. 1
40,000 Turk, had crossed the Danube ' Uo, ..1; been If .f
at Giurgevo, who were opposed by the 006 ' ",'r " '""f 'c, ol L :n." on it. ' el.oler. !
p ' II lv ' irressninn. nnd 1 i, he sh"ii . Hn -n n't . ...
Uussians, nnd defeated with a lass ofubout ! not he to the serimis d.-trimrnt of our c..n-'. . . lhiM nude 8 fdot t orrissey.
(00 killed nnd wounded. ' didate for Governor? Tim district of w hich ""V! "."I" movement caught
Tho allied fleet was last seen snilin"to- lnrni " P,,r! hoc 11 in exi-Jenec but
him around the leg j,nd threw liim on the
ton, and every ism that has attempted to
stay its progress. It bis conducted our
wars, ua.'tttercd and expanded our com-
1..- M.r - - ti! uiiiuuui auu cauaiif, in r' r r l lr" ereeI our terriKial limits, elevated our
character as a NvJon throughout the world
acJ infused new life util encTv into the
"-,, i Surritr,n ITd.ian jt -f i; dowiirroJiea subjecU of Jcspiis.n and
iLI;I.Lt liTlII: JI.fVJirtSrt icw-ty imut; the -Nations ot the ,d
ini . 1 .. t nnn t ,nnnrp!iiirinii inrm n H I r t
",u '.u"-ring uo nan. 1 . . ' . V V ' and beat lmn with fist, cualnir his
,.. , ..... , htCP
Another rumor says that Russia will not
erwie have equal c.tuims with us, nnd
Ue ilien jumped on Morrissey
cuUiiig bis
Marrirsev al
n it . . i 1 . . . - . .
"wu. ah a. i mis rias oeen accomn.
... . -r
quit vvullachia, and that Austria has for 1 when we consider our position ns to the
theprcscnt given up the intention of pence- 'pencral cnnvnss, 1 for one must admit thnt
ably occupin" the Principalities. they are nt this time greater. Whilst 1
Accounts from Trnnsylvania state tlmt-i .t's.'r
the Austrians and Russ.ans were concen-!fuir nnd cordial deal
traling large forces on their re-pective counties of the district lipon this suhi-ct
e I .. .rn 1 ;. . - .
The Cholera had
les, in France, and 100 denthsure report
led to have occurred -in n single dny
in a shoc king manner.
leng h cned out "EnorrkT when Li. ,0VnsL
rriends Uilerjered ond ex'.ncs'.ed Lim from ' -
. 1 . . . to on. 102 in 1
ins i;itpi-jnam posuion.
.lodco Conrad mtiv he n vnrv irnnH Rtiiv.
. J ' J t v
O Pr.T r-tt7-.T I i- r
ihis cxnrnajiitty re rta.-JJ br tbe a3 i . J ,tLe.Dv-'raocr'ltiC Plrty 'a httlo
ooun-emrii! tIoh ;ic -f r. I5 'hm halt a century, aqd that loo in
P. Sarys, a reietioflWr Pro-ii-r! . Uce 01 a T10icat U(:ltoa opposttioa
uJCTJier-l TT ,t .. : ... ......
inCa-b.l-.;Rm.-'-T.V. ! .,UJUi. tu-.u, woo is j jsi toui CD
m. 0.1 n... - - - . . 'iter.ri? tn buv r.r n-t,t,r.:. ;n.
... cui ur :i i e ; i . . . .- . . . . . i j - - r "w
Mouisseyrprangtohisreetandeixan. . , .1 1 . h.iJ pooler well before he take, a ste
1 : . : : "ni ne ..... -. ... .. . . ,
ice .. as rear'r . 1 . . . , ,
a ir V..J1J i.:'"Ti 3 r- r i..... . - '
10 oneoi ins tnenas. -, , M- . ' I tht a'T sr.,-? ...rr - r ,.r
v n. . ' ...
w it one of Pool" . p - . . " 01 iifcj. wrU Lnd hL-n in the aame-nlarp th.-.t
T1 r l " lJTIi mm - Mti .
1 lie tiiiul 1 . ... . j . "iAn'iaiamiT. Frp.,;iiim n, i'.ti-i,,.,.
now became general, and for a time Ibe lTJT: ' lfcjf'is,n Lve LrXd tf.
Idf'sir mninlv In tv, ,. ...i-m 1
i t-nt ,v in. un u i L n n. . .... . . . j
... r . . . .... Pfl Ul r. "J,,ll!inir 7 ,nr, , ... ...1 I . . .
in gooa itiith, unci with n hope that i , . ' r'-- Lad l-ea En-rifre-i
j with 'the other IS"; 'J: .','r.; ""a's as tU
will have its influence upon n far more im-! , ,5 rul D".D,n L;s roct -r Jcxasiaa iarx.'.L1 . lE P"11 Know Noibingism inclu-
. i i iuii: nr iTiiiiiii h ni , i m w it iarv ta a . . - - --
brokenoul nt Mnrsril. onnm n'ner to uie partv tliun the oflice -r , , , . , . --
uroKen-nui at ftlarscn- . , fnrnda knocked htm do
" l-t- ' -
! snv
The latest Accounts fmm Rnnin snv trinl
the rebels, under the command of General ' 11,t'mo""l,ic Pnrt.v- 0l'r ndvice ' '" j oet MorrWy dreading
1... .....1 ...- fuiiu, 1 u,s very nu-iierous - Ar-w- i-,J, 1- ... 'ici toraslvirttimearpTiTnt
',,l., ,t,., b--,!.:. .... r .. I Th,.?l,;.t..t.. ..1 wwciaaww caiiel tte ecacin. in
U Donn d. were near Almnrrn nnrl il,"t . ti t, . .-l J 41 . - .
e, crneK. IM'W uave.n Jir' inrpr i por-. innr
rpirrntlv triuini.luu:!
I: t no to be found, but those who
ere'i and cecuved bv i-s tcachic
they hnd intended to carry on a prutrnct.i Wo consider that advice kind nnd con-' Morrissej
ed guerrilla wnr. isidcrnte. I hose whu imagine, ihcy fwe ; driven rai:
RlimorS of nefntilltinnB M-ro nftnln nllMnl a split
representing that n conference of tho four
poviers-iMigmnu, r ranee, turkey nnd ; Indinns did ho had taken a white man' The police, however, did n,t arric ,r,-,! "J.
a .. I . it .1 i . r .i - r - a. i ifiiar rjw
m,sl-mm" snoniy do Held lor the, prisoner, lie promised to go -with them ", time aficr the fight was over; and Z" .v,lT. ' Bw ! tte rreat Demot-ratic ntrtr
nlso s!, th-v ri'iK'ar jd knew " - . ; tv- ,, -...;.
. r . Jii3ia) naoraiEy. w i-. .r .
. - . . . . i A
isiucrnte. i hose whu imagine, they twe ; onven rapidly dow n toward his boose in rxlei -llk rTi
. !a splTr-in tho Democratic party, should Leonard street. TihJ jumped ou board ,i J.i' .
' ke.p ther fingers out or the crack, or they ! small bout and rowed out into :he middle ZZ bWi" I
lr I will he very npUo get caught, t.s the five- of the river. .ff' T
A , i- .. ; i i . . ' .. -nn... , ... . bv iter Ci:ajnrT tVixn.; :Ls (
purpose of considering tho Russian propo. pinconbly if they would help him split a lo , w hat is nls
sitions. ho vvns driving u wedge into. They i vpry Tittle
,iT Vi J j ,
Wka tLeSrro.:Ler t11 LVe s'rME t'r),anJ 40
i was tJ luJl "rc to apparency in me ney-
CT,:aiocftVlMa! iat Led i not f1 - F.rPerity- may cliange
i-d--Trl i-"-i"iiK'er; lor me principles ol
are as nncnaa-
le about tin- FU, t.or Las ik re
all chipped their fingers into the crark , hecn any uttttrnpt m.ide i. arrest ibe imr
. i .,i . . . . . !', . . . . . . '
nnd pulled each way, when the white man ; ties. The dihgraeelul i.Ckir lusted oi h
ciscctwered ikat ibe waf bat as Vtrv wl V e lt'r, caufToa our young men
iwdoo Vi-tb ia3 -,-.4 .k.. . -aia.nst tte u.s'irns ot the common enemy.
. . - . ' --M. . 1 ..
common enemy,
Two violent storms visited our county 'knocked the .wedge'out und 'had them nil.' !'-'' minutes. M
Ini'l ll'Bo lr nnrl . I . I. ..(. .1 ' . : MUJ rl i .in tin, . n lurl . II.. I . Itintll ITV1T In p -n w. ...
- .i Iirvinrr indrlv... .vn,lM ;nlM,u. r,. ' U,,H ,hv ill ,Lri. ,.,:. ;1 r mlurr o, Jje Brl.JK cocsex! Bcc-rher
uumugu io uie growing crops, tiirowin" . J . .. . o " ;""""- ; .u..wwi1Uiuiu.- oi rosde ejc3.
.a.r ,:;Med oi lu m, -j.Lli xj., ail - u ; ia hateier g-se fce may appear. It is
.nina-i com- coTiiie lacks aJ leea .iwaied .laa:tm?t to beguile you to your ruin;
T' T' c r mtef ofibe b--; .urcs courted fcr-:Lr : " l-f-T0J hoiIJ "Angled ia the net
much valuable timber, and in Brarr ' m lru htg fnends ,er fight LUes place fcf S,?k, Linerly regret it to the latest
hip, killing severa cattle Tl'"" ' frcept.hlo crack yet, we ad-j Murray .s . larger m.n iliaa IW - rfliei JfJaj ef your lives. Soe of you nay
-,',: t... i,. V.T 'lem", bu cautious about putting Toul .9 e.oted a. bring one of the ht if to , b . ?!! Saw!, at .J deride our feara-bit rctnem.
will not u.e very UeM. roogbnd-iumula figk- rr.r.r.Lrir we speak from what we have nio
era in me eou.nry. itVaV. 1?,' "'1 "fcistory - you know, is
I .ere ,, an . m,ng Cj lie rTof1te - tob,S lh "philosophy teach
the ti tends of the respective ruriies. nd W aact. - . I .
"bwict WMTMikS was UMTia sm. r : "-"r u nmnv
dy townshir
r ... t , , . i
inoi. iuu in jciriinn invvnumn nn tiii. .1... . i: . '. m, .
... ,,., ., hjui, iHiger-i inio ii. i ne wecl.e
urday ttm JJd ult., almost totnlly destroy. , soon be knocked on!. The D,-nio, r.iti'
ing several fields of corn, uprooting nnd ,artyt is too touh nnd v,. ii ..enj, tl. ,1 to he
breaking down trees in nil directions, and ' Rr,it : ?(1 1tl'osu;vho tr-v '1n (i" ;t v" ! '"'!
doing great damage to many orchards,-.J til t 1 .J 'T
l i- th-.t a number offii-bt
"ii! of .his I'fjrav.
. . v m& ., . m . j, j. v jyr.a i L .
swii, grow owroi hi-id a Jary lac their political hopes in
tcr a ful eiaaiajMiua eX eacts anJ cir i 3 r ac "hat has been, umn be
the hail fell in great quantifies, accompo.lir..vl 7V. L ' ' ter 'aasme'sWactaJ dr- ' - i tn, kmj
nied with tremendous wind. I L-LL ' Fqi b Df.4d Plesqxs AKP . Jic.-Ta c-rrmganiritefr InttUgencer.
rnt , .... . (tr"Thn Ww V.irL- 7'i ....... ;.. .. it. ..,:..' Tuetiiinv l:.nt n fr-tiili.ry.-r. r.. r: tfce liaeBSfrf eamae lit i.r-l i ,
i ne seconu was on iMonduy the 4ui. . ., r V '""""? ... j ,r . b "V "' 1Mr 'fc-" -.m-.- j .1 , rmifATOM.-A prr
n.i iiimniic. ....u mcwij j.inimii, una - . .7 T jna nas ucea g"mg the munds rt t!;e
lion ofa ., . . "" una. I pen rut;-. stntm? that a Rivs?-noi-irii.
Til 1 M , .... 2 .1 . - . "
1 J 1 ,, . ! l" l" Jl-U' "l IIOUUH II lllllllir
.uiiu uuiku uicr uio wesier i nnu snutn. .: ...:i. ...... .i... . .. i . ... i . .
i ... i. . . - i liuur,, iiui ionics i ik ji ni irv i-mii- tr. i ,. iw uru tiiui io miiKe rxnr
p., u i no uocs not seem to be a very pro- western portion of Brady, extending into extmvnnt mode oflivinc nnd asks: : I'uho somewhere in thnt vicini-r The Corner anaie :i Uhn J&lc drrosi "ed'fr,
( awver. A nhort tiniAn-n ha l.A r . u: t. . .1 im.- . . . . I.. . . . - - . Ciw -v.; j .. .. . J' .
- " 'fa" j "-nn lowiiMiij). xi commenced north ol 1 nere are wcio strip f i.ny d.wn the n"l,!,u WHS "nui up, ana jor sorat
u mi eiu-accpiir over to court, lor violating the Erie Turnpike, near the Jcllerso
the The offense was tho sell-( and pursued a Southerly direction
mg oi liquor on tne &autath day. Thojit crossed (he P.inxsutnwney
rune un, Inbi.ti I, rr,1P i. ,,., r' . . J! j. .1 . ... " -!"'" . 1 u
............ vw.v.w ...w -uun wnun 11 mvergen to m aouilirast, cjiotid. We know families wluwe clothin- cors whikev,
... .. ...,i U; ca tyi, unu uie nearly a mile in width. The crops on scvrrul thousands nnmmllv. We hpnrH proxiimtv
discharged, cn tho ground thnt the selling tho farm of Mr. Schwem wcro entirely "'e li,no sin,' r ' man who tun"' victims. A man, bis wife,aii3,Wi imTaij rrwde. 89 sit pice aajjthe statewect ofj Kepliu-er ticket and
oT liquor on the Sabbath was only n vio-i destroyed, os were those on several otlmr Tn'fe";00 or throe dnys ui a fush- children, were quite dead, iih only ibe "wwe"' ar.fstc-x a.x. Tie freFt a-ct of the railroad' at Canton,
latio.. of the low prohibiting tho following I farms in the neighborhood, ,n,e ofvhicl, Hi"! ti "'f , , " ? ' J"g to an inimatita of their untimely S?" Hit,C,?u:,; aWrfngthat the afcole story is false in
of any worldly employment on that dahelonged to persons depimdi,, 17 'Z'Zl
and lor which oflenco the law (of 1791) upon these products of their labor for sub- "-ore of fashions added to tno lineihn!' Sttilhl Bt InfWe. .-jr-r. TW LoJ a lrxZn .kjt.wil, TKa -K.l
The license law.sistcnccthroughihccon.iiig winter. Whole "'ensures these abysses. A fine house' r.rriALo, July t7. The deatbs at lite 'if? KWTT"' m foa, ,! i0.r was a vile culumny, started bv some
. . a 1 - 1 a a r
Ck,w ,i. ..j .-.:T. :' " ,rr,gnt lrain o cars at
reason w wnr fantcB, Stark county, n this S.-n'a. ;,.
-, i -'"- - , ...-, - . .u..", iiwi iii a Miori rime a
v, sat up.,n the flaor, and in close d lif pa la 'Cot hoik pnest called and took it itiT.-
nty lay the forms of iis four onfor- "Tffl a tWcars. Tls SfenX: The bst ori alCTtamrf contains
provides n fino of tat .
mtiiirs no provision for tho Sabbath. i forests were felled to tho ground, nnd not ,mvohC" u ,.JA Corros rt'uwir.g ' oor House, yeerdny, w-ere rrporittd at 3M lVe psrtjes w re W deposed person in order to increase
r,,... ...i .. . ... .. . . . : .
. i t i . y-v . . .- '.w..,u i.,u:i tuiiiiiti'iK i mrp.i u n 'i ii, out iiri niiir.iiii in inrmwT irrft
Next Re prmestative. Tho llrrh.i.; ""U8,,,L" """'"'"J- une iniormnnt says more rrmpniftcent show. The t...., w he nsrert.ui..-d. Tl.e nnnrrf rWll-i-v Aurnst terra o t. jn.
rrnts of Elk county, instructed ikir-d'ele.i n nft"r lhc "toru, ,mil ''7 on l"rtfrotn bricks tosands:oin ; from wind- ! night, and passed rrsolmioss dra-' . fimi
tales m luvor of the rcnnmiimtion nf i , ; l"c ferouna 10 ,,1; "''P11' 1 Irom C to 9 m- marine ; Iron, a silver service to - '"g nn foiw reform in the
v' , 1 . . .11 rn -1 .'' ,..
cues: nnu n corrcsnoni ont. t .., " '
Cai twm, Esq. fijr the Legislature, nnd ;
Ingenuity is hard nt work, ol the House
! Au;ara JltZa. The ' deatbs ir VTti EJ ceje se L.3 im iV
tu ul tlie Susttension T.ridrm vener- -S Cca! aotiiifc5 1.
I a. ... . I I I. .
. . ' " .-p- im...,i .I,.... . . w.-ii.-w is puiojjiu lotfn-v wonieu. A w !iii- M
i in .i i i r . f i i ! . loiunii UI31UU itjij jl luinii i'h. r i nri'U . ' - - -
... uus l learueiu win also; '. longer, ami be sure wv shall h.h: our ci- cholera m the Sunsion T.rid. W.
pominatc him, his nomination may bei "'""y l'w- lurt' of ice ,,UfB with ten dollar bills, nnd'drink dis y, were seven-allon the CanldsidL1
considered as acillud, without Ihu moctin-'iT, CT d 1,10 nt-xt da-v und ll'nt many -iulved pearls for a dinner bevernge! I "
r au stano. were qutte an inch in rhulem , thK n,,inin ,, ,,.. ! ... Jn( tiftn.
uiamater --......un. atuiaiiuu.ic.
i.arer esc caarjs at tSethe ammosi-y and prejudice that already
exist between Catholics and Protestants.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Hoa-aiais Death. A man by the name
lt.l m.. V mm r . t r.
ujiTf w matins aat si vm; sxicJbr Vs
li act; JkClure, cairw to a erv bornble death
ysrixy aiferoocn, in Manchester. It
(tprears that be became enraged nt his
of district Conferees."
iS.iVVei,rjo our itibscriberi will excitne ourj
. Vf T iT'" of korse. .nj t oat rf hU wsgoa and kick-
i,a na Caaia tku. ,er k.t w.d at it. fc,, .;,. f fc3 imm-.
rM"' fcrtti. .ol..rof Ihe m m.ou ' B-rliou.ari.. 1.... " T" "i 7?" .t"" ..r.C
. .... . . i M..v.u,oU1,iDU miicii rcsui
'to politicians, niajr be found.. i ted ftully.
mr than wc can do.
WasEi.ctok, July L-Ah m 1 -IT.?fc,!rle.S" wh-ch tramped
TfDOrtffl ItiM a ti.rr, m.,., .... -a . r , . '
j . w-i a. a.JMt CXSaXShl. . . . .
i.ALTi.iioiit, juiy Kau ': :::::::rirjr-:A rrw,? t a nu. k ::.r ;n .;r . ...r.
K-wAavKmes-...W. BVn 0 room to eij-ht deaths by cholera in V ,. 12' '"T. ,OU' ?a,a la CSt-i Ct I"!
The pre-
ed to live, -w --.-.1 .1 'arwas aua tApired. Coroner Lowry will hold
- m'-lKl "raf-coe. a aT,M crctt the body.-i'. Vi,.