Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 28, 1854, Image 4

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In a particular vicinity ol Missouri, n
nuriugo was agreed upon, between the
ivored son oIdTRN-mer of no in - msidera
■ e tnflucQfiPs and the belle ol lh<‘ country
round. Of course, ihor/t/rof the neigli
inrhood wen: in a I tr>n >ln uvr-Kvery lliTno
‘■'ns there, and every thing a|H
I 1,,' 1:,,;, .-.1 W.t - MV Ml |, H
Tii,. M« t o i-1. i ill |
Hul tin.t digniturv, to whom it was de
•igned to assign the Imin t -jf iikislcii of the
marriage ceremony, had not airive.l; hat
r-ist then some one spoke aiui said
“1' har conies .S.piar lien liancinti.''
Quick the lights were liimmed and . v
oy thing [nit in place. As i;ei il, an,':;, tv,
agit.iluan, and j »y, wi 1 re depleted on every
lace, and Mr. loin \\ isdoin, the lion., rai.ia
host, walked cut to meet the lru;o.'ahlo
>'|iiar, to welcome Inin m, in.piiie ol his
lien 11 il , the lie ws, ,V r.
The >Si|uar wais a good-huiiiorcd genii, ■
man, hut ho wascln, llv eelehr.atrd lor lai-
e 111s, astuteness, h .ainine, Are., :rt Ins non.
jdnus township.
“Well, said the host, “H, n \ou have
iicen elected, hut you had a close tunc ol
:l; my vote alone saved you. You trait
;iim one vote onlv."
“ That is all, Ivan,' 1 replied S.joa r lien;
“hut the next election I'll lick him. There’s
.00 use in talking, Mr. Wisdom, wi.hout
..sing the corn l-r-e-e -1 -y, little sly
scandal and lying—fiat's all the chance.'"
“Alt, well, that’s all over, and vuu ire
die magistrate, Squar Ben, so come and
ft's go in and sec what the young folks
wish. Indeed,, Sipiarlien, are von aware
dial you arc expected to say the rea-C
-,N ,ny
Benjamin Bumrum now began to see'
the a win I responsibility of his office, and
(o 'tremble from centre to circiimlereitee
mr lie had never ollieuitrd in that interest.
mg capacity
him the justice to inlbrm Imn of the part
he was expected to perlbrm, or ho could
have prepared, lie made no preparation;
had no form nor could any hook he found,
high or low, having the marriage evrem i
ny. lienee liYtako it “oil hand’ was the
only chance. An unlortunato aed '\\cru
mating test lor the newly elected ‘S.pi.u,’
I lie company was now arranged mto a
*■’ rescent. Ihe tbjua r was a! his place, and
in, came the parlies principals and sec
onds— the gallants each hearing n candle,
which evinced the extent and luxuriant'
range in that neighborhood. - Wjiii much
assurnneo and dignity, the Sipiar looked
around, and whole ages ol learning seem
ed rushing through his mind. He thought'
over every thing he had dreamed, hut all’
in vain. There was a suppressed titter
nil over the house. This admonished him
he must say something, and, in an ngonv
nf desperation, he began— ” ,
“The Slate of Missouri
romrQand \nu to ’’
This did not suit. ('nulnsion and wins
pering perplexed hint the more.
“Give him a chance— give tlir- Squar a
chance,” said a strong voice from ilie door.
The “Squar” mndc another etilut—
"Be it enacted, bv the Assem
bly of the Stale of Missouri ” ,
The ‘Squar was again admonished, by
tittering, that lie must proceed 'vith some- 1
thing. In agonizing desperation lie hegnn :
“When in the course of human events
it becomes”—
Here he was tom bed by Mr. Wisdom.
Alter <i pause lie hegnn aguin—
“Our father who ail m hrawm
“He*s repeating til'- Lord’s praver,"
bays c»ne. The ‘Squui raised his hopeless
vision to the ceiling lor a short tune, mid
began anew
‘‘Know nil men by these
Here he was interrupted t*v a
noise, ami a von e from the rmwJ, 1
wrilinu u died. Au-tiu he essay ed
“U'ifness my h ind and kml, thii tin
"Hus concluded it —he will certainly go
on wiih the ceremony," * mi several voices.
"In Ihe name of God, innen," he ngairi
began. Laughter from every direcuon
some swearing.
"He is making his will,” said one, “I
thought he would not live long —he looks
prodigiously sad.” The next cßsay of the ■
noble learned ‘Squnr' was— ’ .
"Oh, yes 1 oh, yes! come into court
and” .
“Arc we to have court to-night ?” ejuc.
plated some one.
“Oh, ye 9 ! come into r.ourl r ’ replied
another from the door. The laughter was
It may he supposed that the Lrirle and
her partner were somewhat hors du comhaf,
especially the former, but water and suit
able aromatics were near; and Squar
{Juncum was her Iriend and nenr by—he
was an untiring man; and alter ousting
his eyes around the room, he determined
to try again :
“To the Constable or any oilier lawful
officer Greeting ” I
“Lbt’s go. He’s going to have us all
arrested,” said several. Here a gleam of
light flashed ever the Squnr's bewildered
and forlorn countenance. He ordered the
parlies positively to hold up their right
hands, and in a solemn voice he said :
“You and each of von, do solemnly and
truly swear, in the presence of the present
company, und of tho President of the U.
Stales, and in the name of the Constitution
of (ho United Slates of America, that you
will perform faithfully,nnd as often us you I
or each of you may wish, all and singular.'
the duties and functions of husband and,
vyife, n« the case may be, to the best of'
your skill and ability, so help you God.
Amin!" ' \
“Qood as old Rye! Old Kentucky fur- j
evdif!” oxclnimed the grateful Mr. Tom
Witfdom, “Como gentlemen,” said he,
we will drink with Squire Ben Buncnm.” ;
“Agreed !’’shouted the enthusiastic and
happy prowtl; j
.«-'W«niylanco all night till brand daylight,
Afid go home with tho gala in the morning. '
kmmkht it, » r.rsii,
/ UJ><K AN I> WATCJI MAKKK. hn« juPt re-;
ii'im V<**.v V-il. and Philud'djdua, n - •
■ t,! - 1 ' ■; ..1 I a t i tUMI I 'if JEWEL!' V - -con - : LEVER FLEUAL,
l l.yl •? O;,M l:r-'a»i|.!n.<. Mournm* Pins. . T > lacksmltll, l.ntli.Txl.urjf, Pa.. „il| nttmi.l 1..
u i f n* . L:M. •< Pii.«. iL-iil lmium** fine J 3 nlltmMncM in his line, and wij! hNo furnWh
••'.d li-. dil.crmi -liiipo- luid m/.ch. lino ti'>M Uug&io*, Ac., very cheap. nihl wnnulno-
L '» r H 1.1 < DiMj Into -1 vU« o! .Limy Lind turod in tin' best Hfy],?, And warmiMl.
nnd fM -'i - . Mrn-i tefy. I- H i nl’'. liur (Ldd 1 7, IH.V2.
•'til <!.»!d U It T'Lniu.s, >’)! vrr Ten ami ‘ -
1 -l.:. IL.i:, r kni Su-nr■ TunjfP. am., THOMPSONS, IJARTSOCK, & CO.
''' ’ , 1 !' n '' r "‘ n 1 <>r '» T ion lAiumlers, CunLiiM i 11,.. An
' ’ " -"'T' lr ‘’, U ‘ i C.MiN,, Ml.rillir.
i,.. w :o si:,; ■
’■ ' L’ .i : ■.*l" : ‘ii"‘ Wntcht*, S:UI i IAf’OH n|T(M,M>
V.-i Cliiiiiu, Uunrd Oti-ii.-. IVr.- A ‘'ll ' I-’U>,• I r\. <■ 11 Hi-
I . . P'K-k» *L•< ! lo In "i I.i Mile nf Ahuii «h'M i, nit I ii-mm**.'-- in hi«
••••..mVmv nn<l thirty hour Clock., j !ll ‘'' ""
■ -mi ,'I, |... i.., ili,tv |,, ~r .•!-!,» ,l„v . I r <‘uti.iv t 1 t.'l;«-.i in ,\ ■
Ml I. ,t„. iiiii.’ly mti. I ‘ '""'I-' 1 ' l " r "" rk - S, 17. 1
’ miu-i m- l, in, 1,, n.- u-nullv I >'|,t I'V 1 /-) i. .ii. Min iirr
All I 1 I- 111 ,11,' „li„i:,',| i ni, !:'* iv„ r I U. ». AII.KKI.LL, . «
I. 11l I Mill 1 ><■ m.I.Mh 111,' t,mv.i ~ii".. / <0|»l»«*r, i in. and Sheet Iron U'arJLMaiitl
/'•* V. Jl.’l lit « r|i,f|.. Jtll-I Lu*( II !*CI\ 1111 Sot uml *fl ffi. oijo tluOT soul h ~i
.! •.» ~|rv hi,,,'.. I. I•• n i>, I lt ~r .1 A. K. W.iyhfw (It f I*'». | v'. ! .
'I 1 * V
■-•■..-.I -i
...... { ,
1000 COOl) II \HP \ I NS M \ 1)1
I> V I: I VIM; SP.VI-w A\[) r A -TI \t! S .if nil
) i i.:m t ! i.• yft - \ i: ami ii \KD\v \ h [■:
"i ‘ »i: f; I. ....... l A M.h.m
( .iHi hi u !.. i. i! 1,, i. [< oIM i• ’ i 1 1 1 /ai <■ t * In-
!•' 1 ■ ■ 11 ■ • \m' ' '*- "k M<• \ ."t .1 • llrrt-rif : t
<. 1 M ra l• l "al.i man !• r. < a <•' aI-! ■ - \ i | *:. r!-.r S; v
I*r n ■ mi.l .in.| r*«n I, .\ in • I'la t • -n| .1 iIV.-ri i: ; m/>
)i i ii I*.* i., r U iM - r ii i il ' : ;Wii]i r. Wan Ml.- I runs K<■ (
lU- ..f a!! -i/i •», an-l a l/u<v a- > ini' ni "I 11 «>!!<• \\
W nr.- t,r nJ! U,A\I •
AI mi. Tit coin \V .M v ■ imm s. i'im hMm i Xtn'i*
n'il /1 >a, i■ |.■\ ■ i v <t.'*M fit*. -t« i >.h‘ tn i! |M . n hand.
1 ir«l-• r« f«»r nil K<i■.I. »• f ( .i-jiitj-. fVr <Jri*t ami
Sa a Mill.-. Ai.lTli.t'iip-. ...rrj].l' h . iMniTitlv
Imr*.. j.imvc r,V.\ ill M ifc,.iikui!\ tv. ..laml]n n: ]. t
Iv a 1 I y.
Ml I.lm I - -jr i 1 -11 hi r\ } n.■ 11 m■ i■ lak < n ii, .■ ,■ h..
t. ■ t i :■ -I i aml ''"ml, \,,t /,
f). atli.-M. A|*i 1 * |v ,; Iy
j t'.ViK-' - l,akt*N \ Compound
i.» ] >■ ? loj iniu ■! ih<«p* u <-ij'l* rful t*ur>*> (han any oth* r
inril•« in<‘ l.nooii! I: i- jm i tlv *afe t«* Lake?,
it. It y«-it up l n<>; -;i'infior lining «»u«* boltb
tin* in iiM'V \\ iTI l*o iv|i:ihli-<1 ; if run able to jin'
"Ho Im.ijL* will I*l vri \ i-ji In tr\ it.
c i'ii j .11iii m /. i. vk K.\ M»\. r •(,
iI, r, i(
>'•!'! !■ v i ! i V» f i ♦ • ,|i. 1 l**n rfi• !1. T\ K \ rn»•! .i
!.!«•' ;»l - . ?• l I’ll i!i i>* I 111 jr.
I. i' 11, • ■:1 .11 r_•
M iv ?|. !
M:n (i(H)hS AT Till-: ( ASII stohi:.
-nl.-rri!. r ha- r.c-i \ e.I a
L "ell I I"! -I «». |; - I < . 'MI IjS' I' JI ! n:< -t e \ .
IV it." -I -uitable t<- Ihr "I*:t *n whmli In- ,»
"tl at extremely low |irt*-«*>». Mo p--pe« tfu!-
!•, ill \ ill .* the i-i in< 1n n i I :*ll who wi.-h in Imv
good Mt n i«1 wni (hr h-we-t juices eat] ;i I the -ion
of the Clienja-t
Country produce of aliuoHt evrrv description
taken at market prieof- in exchange for goods
I't-nmn- wi-hing to pur/diuse, ami rerene a fair
equivalent fur their money w ill do tv cl I to give him
a call.
Remember the *ign «.f |he II I\A RKST MiM > f >S.
'•n Market .-urei t. ami rail and to* eonvineod that
there if* truth in the word*- thereon inscribed.
.M iv :m. is.ii. w. v i itwiv.
an n \ a i» - it v w
Ul< |[\R|> SHAW A Su.V. Wu „U re*|.< rthtlM
4n I -in i (lie public that liny ha\rju-l opened
at K. Shaw old -land in the Rnrotigh ol tloarlu-ld,
a large ami Nell m ierlod Mock o| lio'-d-, .-mluM.-
tin- .mm-'.ii among wind* ina) be found. lh\
• i I-i n c lea t\ aj iet \; ( lolhing, llui d w are.Mueeti *
ware. 'l’m wan-. (iroceri*-, Urugs lJoiuiets Mat-,
l ap*. Root.- ami Shoo.-. .t c.
eountv, I
ii l \ d.|\ :tii• l inv if** pet>i»it * w i-It
tnv <«. ).tir- Hum* In 'all all>l examine their rl<>ck.
t ’l*‘at lit-Id J ttl v 1 > 1 1. ir.
|)KMAININK in l Ik* HHU’e nt f'lenrfiehl
I 1 Juh M LvM. •
H«m.j. Agm*n. Mr. Patrick Brien. Jnfejd:
Hu' k. .!**•». Mure**. M irtin ('»lhelm an, J»cph < ’mu t
<«• " I•iw ;i l. .!«■-. Jim »*r\. .1 itlin K van-, A If. Kiim
"li,. , Irvlnr !. Mr. France. I*:i“crl<f||a Fi;ilert‘-ii.
I‘mM. Xavier i-ra in. Mr. < oiMpre. <':tllou i m
Krilli-t. I•>;***•• (l-ioii, .le*-c Harter. Orvil Hnvt, 2
* I •'!«*■ x M >u]”. John le-iie-ii. .l-dm L«iek/»i-I. ( hurl.’
l.i til it i-’itm. 11 :x rri »• t |,nnli. A. J. I.anieli. K. (
.*•! -illi i g i. Hi. 1,. ml r Mi•.i * 1, J,,.. F. AtaUcn. M t
Wnll. F.e !. ,t.l N. Moi rj.. M,tr. |.
Mill- Ilm ,i ■ i xj <; lint %. Mel, 1 11 >i, Heii*.*. . p
>.»! -; ii. I I. '•i.t tie I. Ina *•. < . Sli ir k s . Jam- St • 1
Ivu l >ll ii |»" -1 m . A. K. Mniier. 2; 11 11 ;t 111 T.-11. i ■
1M v. ; i I V . 11 1 /< 11. Mtm Ann V «,u ne. <. M ~u t , ~
. i\. .Kill's 11. 1111. HI K\. I’. M
IMF I 1 l.\ I. h a e<Mw| inn \i m. t liar r\, r v
*!loi||,| L'"< “1 * wherever ill’ . ph 'i*.
Hit I *ll i ill hi h--I hll v t«" •ha-f il S’ t,< f,.i e I li< \ a *
• t't'Uiiii u ln‘i'l’ ||m*\ can he l.e*M -iiilcd. 1 w».to
rn-•«! r**#j>cr f fn|}y lux it- all Madia* in pa r s i-uln r <■
call at K. <, Ie 11 it a> i J m -re. and c Miiriim hi* ‘■pim
did a.-C-ni-tineiil id V'*"d “ that • <n> »<,t \ >«> excelled ll
<h i J t-eetwn «d I'iiiiitrv f«*r f 7/A* I/\VA'.s'.s', dtuahil
it> nrpt)|e. Will <• h e.. moW*, of Melt tl cm ■’ 11 l» ,< >t:
«•! ail doM-rifitiunf aitd price*. Ladle* nnd ilenllc
men’: l gaiter**, 1..*V5- ntnl virl'> Ih.ol .|ioi * an-l gui
tor- . < hildicn of all mje ran he accomodated
H < 11. K.N .S’ AS .
Jur.e '>l. I**M.
ItAVk NOTH 11.
T F the aubacribe • inti ml to nuiko application
T T to thv in \t Legi.dalure of ihe CoiniMtmwealth
of Pennsylvania for an ad of Assembly to incorj i)
jute u Bunking Cuinpan.., with Hanking and die
cr-unting pnvile^c. j , to Ho called the • (’leaiht Id
Bank,” and looutod’at i.hc borough cf Clca/lidd,
with a fapiud ttuck of SH'U.UOO.
A. K. \VrijrM, ICratier, Fllis Irwin, J. F. AVca
\vr. \Vi|liam Irwin, Jtdui Pulton, J. W\ Stnitli, .1
H. MeFnall\, dk:’. T. Lofnmrd, Iliehurd Shnw.
J;iincs M. Orahuin, .Joinithuii iloytitun.
J une 2u, if*., i. (hn.
he Lnion, will puldiah ih
above one month, ami “eit-l HiM to ihi* (,(]:(•••.
Til K ftpl .Mi did 'lf : !l Ilf f'lothyr. ( 'll ‘ iin o r e?. V. *d
ingp, 'Prim4<c, recently jmrt ha.-cd hy
the subscriber, whicli ho will sell or make no to ■ »r
-tier, in the mi-M fn«hionnhte and durable manner,
ut hi* Htore in ‘Fhuw'> K,iw.‘ The material and ‘tit*’
warrunted. No for >diou ing hi.*- t-ctMitil'ul
ami cheap
lie woul-1 iMfurin tin* trade in f’lejirneM that he
ii the authori/.eil agent tor Hei ore',-< Jeindon and
Peris Fashions. THOMAS SHF. \.
(.'leurtiehl, ,lul\ Ids l.
fnili: t'oCNTY COMAIIisriIONUKK, of t.’leur
1 Held county will receive proposals for building
u Bridge ucroriH Olie 1 -! creek at or near Hill,art
Tozar’a in Chest township, on Tuesday, tho ltMli duy
of iSoptatahcr next, ut Ihoir ollioo in CloaWiuld.—
Plans and f-pciLnniiond will be exhibited."
(’oinmYs OlTieo, f ('oiinninaionerM
Clenrtitdd May *2O, 1H53. )
Attrat —U. M. t.’*>OI>LANpKH, (,Tk.
July U,
SHOUT announces to tho citizens
of Clearfield und vicinity, that ho has again
commenced Hho manufacture of Boots and Shoos
in the Borough of Cleurfleld. Ho can bo found in
tho shop formorly oocupied by Thomas Shop, up
stairs in Shaw's row on Second stroot, whore ho is
prepared to do all work In his lino, and will bo
pleased with a call from any or all of his old cus
tomers and as mady now oncB as may see fit to ex
tend to him their patrouago. j
Clearfield June 28, IH&4*
1- K. «' \lt I I! !t . \
i*ri lira ii
1.. C. KI.I.KH. TniM-lliiu oi- m:ti i:km
I ..idles und (.enthTmu,
lO nKUIGfc.
I>i urksntilll. nr Lh.|n*nrll. towu-hi]*. ni ilm
) fj'-' I»• in. | - ii-mf iny | r.,111 M'«J t*»> V ,\| 111 in .v
\\ a-!, iii ”i' in. nii-I J i ••in i In*-r nv«k t 1 • tin* ri\«r.
viln-re nli cn'U in hi- Inn* uili h- ) m • »11 >|>r t >' jilloinl
•■‘l.h 11 - I I li
'\\N" K l! ;tti'l * 'un h r-. (• r:i m | >n 11 ill r 'l■■ .i r
ft linl'l '•'•Hilly. l’-|. I. »••• |**•. • T i -till 11 A I.h It ;t I:. • :i 1
ji -.'*'• ifii;«*n| of Inntlnw. r'nOi ].;hd 1'...- |jj.|
May Im. I >., |. dm.
(l.iiirl. .mil Slcl'jli Mukrr,
' in Mu, |::i. ■ 1 1.. .<ii-|. 11,<,i |,,.| I, 1',,.
A|, ij! !<;. nr,i>.
Saddle and IfariM-vs .ln dire if ft ttornoj ut law, Oflieo adjoining his
the Peace, •'urwoit-•• ilhy' ]>••'*. L’*. 1 s', 1. \ d* -, n*i* nn Sofund Street, opposite lln- r< .*i
t S 1 • I•• >i• ** of • I"V. I’i o!cr. ru-urth-ld.
Hoot and shoe Maker, nn I,»> t..und ni hi*
-lioj, three dno|> V. • r I (hr MniiSnli Hu.lM*.
n hi'r.• In* Eia." i on-ian 11 \ <>n li:iml uI m :i --•, t (in •• n t
hot ll h"!ll l' a till I 1 I \ (U. ili tl I';,. | H 1,.. .1 i,| \
Blacksmith, \\ hj'-hi-i,
*hi -h"ir 11 ' •i i r . a 11 1 1 lli
•t-i -iiui'l in fli*' 1...,11lt11 *•!
>. u\ UIIKKM,
, Harness uml Trunk MaimUr l ll r
f •'• * i* ' '•r<>ncl .* Ir* «t, i iruiir*ltn! -I v i \. r ( . I
\\ .I r-•rI I », , > tl*l., ,11, 1 v jL’.
\1 lu'olM riltlit. Clmlr kcr ii<l llou-c
T T and l’ainU-r, riirunm die.
J:■*, i.v.l.
AMIl'iN Mil K T \ IJ.n It. ill
ki-r >tn‘* i it) th«. riM.m |,,nm ilv ij.i-.l I %
Win. Hoflc-I.nii'rh it* Pn-t (Mliiv. |K r. I •I.
r I allur. I.n I Iht>lhi r;'. utli <ln hi- work jiM n
£ ami a- < hi*a|■ a- ai.\ nihrt i.-lh.u.
I»it. L*S.
A. H. Ml \ W
Saddler and llurno* .Maker.],: M, »,•« j
"Ti M'lrl', f -Irert, n, r M.-i f< I!'- Im-i, !.
Hoot ami Shoe Maker. >.. ..pd *... i. i.,* :t |ly
• ’Ji I" I*i t e \ K. W, I f,- • < ], I. H;,.
A] r:| 111. 1^
JA.MivS Il()UJ-;MiA(
HlackMnlth. -rt 1 hud vir. .. t t,.
alyl Wit 1.. tl<. I'll ■ rt’ <■ j p-,
Apr/ l<- I’* .2.
A\ r -'lahtr. . ..111.-I ..I n-ir.l uni 1.1
T f .“Uei-t. hleurliohl. Ilep.iii >u ’ dune m. .’pHo Id. I'd 2.
'MM*. < lelirthd.!
' ;K< ». !!. (i! I' iIil.AMM'.i:
\\ r " Makrr. I
» ... id. . «.ri -1 ... -
' joskimi ii. imi;m,
1) l;i< kv/nilh, at N• w \\ .!*h,i -i-m;, ( i.wirfi* '•!
> < ■ *»iu»v. j-I: k.n<l> >•! wt,rl» i.- in } \*
r I'H-’innv- .11 I*.o ;m ,|
Mu v L>«. I “ ■
'M.t M-- i ■ rin-.
r I and Hunt and Shot: Manufarttircr.
JL <'uru .n.' \ ilh*.
ill mui vi; \7 illuj q
nruxTii \i, & iißoriiKii,
Mt-rcliant* and l umber l)t»ul*»rs, \\\„„\
Im'd lit ttd I< > I • I < 1,-„,
Aj-ni I 1 s
lu'l-l »miiitj
lor tlu* salr ol‘ Stoves, >1 HI (»<*u
iin«l ( n|' nil kindf*. Al.-n, liiirlmn
iiiml Nuil«. mitrliiiip.-L I’lmv-, Airnpfiltn-
J ill I m]*|rii|Onty, Ac., uii ScColiil ftrrct. under (ho
priiitiM<c ofliro. Murt‘h 17. isj.’l.
Merchant ini.l Produce Dealer, I.iuhors
1 'hlulicld criuiitv, J’u.
F' ! »l Miller, Alcrrliuiit.i and Dealer jn l
Dumber, (Iriiliauit .n. llrudford toivnidiin. 1
Do,. 1851.
Merchant and Produce Dealer, Luthers
I'III J' Clearfield count v, I’u.
Aj iit 17.1 s:.^.
Merchant and Mxtenslvc Dealer in Dum
ber, Second street, one door south of his rCßt
iHiViVe, I'lourlield. Dec. 21), 1851.
Merchant an.d Lumber Dealer, corner of
Front und Locust streets, Clearfield.
Dec. 29, 1851.
Retailers of Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise and Liquors, on the nest oido of 1
Kocuud street nearly oppoalto the Court House,!
Clenrfield, Pa. Sop. 2, 1853.
AT th«'mouth'of Liok Run, flvo miles from) SETTEE UP It SETTEE UP It
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, ami' extensive FTIHE subscriber earnestly requests all persons
Manufacturers of Lutnbor, | JL who liavo unsettled aocouote with him to come
July 23, 1852.
I, O. of O. 1«\ !
CLEAKFIELD LODGE, No. 10d, nioots in tho
socond story of the Mansion House, ClonrUeld
Pa., on Tuesday evening of eiudi week. I
Clearfield, Juno 14,1861
W.M. T. (’.lf.lil'.RT,
,IO!l\ RISSIIRf, A m
dr.. .Ir. i i <, i h ■ l l
.I<N A (
<;rco. RICHARDS,
IP IB <g> IP ifi 8G» S'® ST 41U>« E~- —— — ™ Tt ,=“1.,.., ..
s ,ookto vour INTrnEST * 5
L 'i tAN ,'• • , • S TJURCIIASE WHERE YOU PLEASE! S corner of Third and Union «t’», between Spruce
TTORNEY AT LAW, odlcn niljonnnß 1,18 SJL I tnko great plcaauro in announcing S | B nd Pine, Philadelphia, Pa.
re-iidonco on Second Street, Gleui bold, Pu. S to oljr - o ]j f r i e ndp, that Tam prepared to soil' ? INVALIDS aro npprified that DR. KINKELIN
Juno 1. Iso L S all luntlis of GROCERIES ohoapor than any confines hio prnctico to a particular branch of moilU
TORFPH H M’KNAT TV' S other-house this side of Philadelphia. Call ( cine, which engages bis undivided attention. lI C
. ~ ***' ! * J I ’ A 1,1, i . and «cc prices. Don’t mistake tho place, at . cautions tho unfortunate against the abuce of Jlor
-4 1 i Oltp\ EA A I I.A \\-Ofiice UN the east side the corner opposite tho Pennsylvania Rail S ! cury ; thousands arc annually mercurnlizid-oul of
o| i'ecoiid Mreet. nearly opposite the store of Hoad Depot. floods delivered at Tyrone S lifo. Rocont afflictions aro promptly CSti’Jigui-lK'd
A. k. W right, will attend promptly to nil lm.-ine- s two dnve after purchasing, Mind that I keep S , TWENTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in tho
entrusted to his cure, (’lea,■field Jtfle 11, S Mv*v l‘nrk, liuc-on, tuul Tobacco, White Lend, p . treatment of a class of diseases hitherto competed
\f P UWin t (,il ' be* sold at / nnd imperfectly.undorstood, has enabled Dr. KIN.
JVJ. Ij. \\ UUIJ, j a very fmv profit for Cush. ; KELIN, (Author of a work of Sclf-PreFervntion,)
n.may always I,*- found ut hi- residence S DEV. Sj to prove that nine-tenths of thtTcnoscs of nervous
in Curw ensville, when im( prnfer-ionnlh ab- S Darns! urg, Feb. S, 1851. S debility', locnl and constitutional wcaknese, mental
Dee. 111, IS.'»2. |q| ryyy^rryy/yy y' an< * physical- Huffering, nro trncenblo to certain
/S- . habits, forming tho most secret, yet deadly and fatal
If. MJCJIRR SWOOPF. KADI)!,! NG A\D IIAKNRSK MAKING* 'springs of doinentic misery and premature roortulity,
V Hornes ;t!, formerly of die lircu of /ry. fIMIE subscriber would respect- j TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. — There is nn
‘•StnfrA .Sworn," Huntingdon, P., will at- I fully announce to tho citi- evil habit eomotimea indulged in by boys, in soli
tend ftiiihfully to all professional business entrust zons of Clearfield County, and tittle, often growing up with them to manhood. un d
cd to his care by the citizens of Clearfield nnd ud- tho public goncrully, that ho has which if not roformed in due timo, not only begets
joining counties. Office nc\t d»ts to. and over commenced the business of SAD- j serious obstaclos to matrimonial happiness, but
K-q. Wrigler’s office. Oct. 27, ' DMNG-ANI) HARNESS MAKING at his Shoo | gives rise to a series of protracted insidious and de
shop. where he will pmietually attend to the orders vnstating afTeotions. Few of thopo who give way
DR. OIHRONV F. IIOOP, of nil who mny favor him with a share of their cup- to this pernicious prnctico nre aware of the con-o-.
I I WING changed his residence from French- * om ‘ Do intends to keep good workmen, and will qucnccs, until they find tho nervous system shatter-
Jl v iIU- to Kvlursville, in Morri* tovvniJiip m sell cheaper than any other shop:* lie tenders his ed, fool strange nnd unaccountablo feelings un i
,-jM’Ctfully offer.-* his services* to the surrounding thimks for past favors in the Root A*n Siiok Brai- vngtio fears in the mind.
community. June in. ik/.m nkss, and would also make kuown that he will con- j Tho unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, j*
timie to attend to all business in tlint line on the unable to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply
shortest notice, und is determined to sell cheaper, his mind to study ; his step is tardy nnd weak, ho
ban any and all other*. J. 11. JONES. ;is dull, irresolute, and eugages in sport with less
Clearfield. May JO. I^.W—Tm. f energy than usual. ,
1 If he emancipate himself before the practice Ims
done its worst, and matrimony, his marriage
Is unfruitful, nnd hisVensc tells him that this x
caused by early follies. These aro considerations
which should awaken the attention of those simi
larly situated.
MARRIAGE requires the fulfilment of several
conditions, in order that it mny really be the eaixe
of mptual happiness. Could tho veil which cm ei h
the origin of dometditMyrctchcdncss berni-ed. ami
its true source In every instance disclosed, in lo w
many could it bo trneed to physical disqualification*
and their attcndnnt disappointments. Apply tin a
while it is yet time, to hare your mxtrting
and relaxed orgnni/jiliorl re-braced, re\i\i‘i*’d ami
Remember be who places himself under l»r.
Kink-din's treatment may religiously conlhb- in hx
honor as a gentleman, and rely upon the ns-urain* .
that the secrets (.f Dr. K.'s patients will m ver bo
Young man -let no fnlse modesty '-n fi -ti
making your ense known to <<ne who, from ••dura
tion and respectability can certainly befriend v«.n.
many think they will conceal the -eerM m
the-ir own hearts, and cure themselves. Ala?, b-w
often is this a fatal delusion, and how ninny a m 0,,,
i.-iug young man. who might hnvo been an »rna
m-'iit t<» society, lias failed from the earth.
Strictures of the urethn are rapidly removed by
tli“ application *<f a new therapeutical agent, «'• -!
only b\ Dr. I\. M'oakne.-s and cou.-fituti->na 1
bility promptly cured, und full vigor restored.
Country in\ aiid?* can lux e— by stating ih-’ii - ,io
explicitly, together with all their symptom-. p ( r
letter. en< losing 1. remittanec—J»r. K.’s me-li- im-,
aj.proj.riafe<l aeeoi dinglv. F(‘rwurded at \ p,,rt
of the I’nited State*, atn* purkcwl *eoore f. 111
« litnt’ujf <»r y.
Head!! A'outlt and Manhood.
oi. IL o
V'l AT I,AW, ha." removed hi* office
l«i the room adjoining mi the euM the jjmj;
valuable property at private sale
be consulted in Fnnrfi and Utrnmn, f’l’MIL subscriber private sale. 3 l*y*jL
l:*n. l.‘>, l.v'd. situatu on I’hilbert Flroct, in (he Jn3
borough of ('urwi*n;• %• ilie, with a splendid XKW
TANNEK V. supplied with a fountain pump, and
o\ery other neec-sary convenience, Ttro Dtrtffiny
f/t, in good eondition, with other out-buildings,
and one stable lln-rt*oii erected.
I he property i* in good condition, being well
•‘applied Ac., and will bo disposed of
on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply
to ,1. H. M'KnaM\. (’lcnrliebi, Jht.. or to the sub
ib**r on i he prom i
VUonir\ al Law and Land Agcnf, office
Htlj'iiiiing hi- p on Market Mivet.
< '• March ‘A,
H.W INii i-nndutscd the properly uiid .-ilundon
"1 I , r. h. K. 11 < if»pp, tender* his prfifc.-rioniil
•• r\ i t-, I hcjiil i/.**os of Frcrndn ilk* and \ n-ioil \.
1 •• “in* d i-.r .*:im of Lou's Mire.
atlfl ~n M:,rk»- *tr..t
. ••I . In - r. - ; d-*»»iT « lenrli'-ld.
-l\ Ot I'
j-ril IF. ]
11. !’. THOMPSON,
11 \ ci;ill, ti: ji \ he fr>ni:i| *>ifh«T nt h:> *fTn7\or
-IfT- Imti-I, < tn u ium ’IN-, u licit n I
J'or, IV, I.
1 11;< iI \
1) h \ *drlan. nvtv l»e found nf hi.- office in Lu
thei-Li.i;-. ui.n. i,. I:i >it lon j,rnf.j.f!..|u,l
VTTMiNKY \J LAW. Ocu field. Pa., may L.*
ut flu* i > (Fi (•»* (if »«. |{. Pam-n. adj«d nin \*
rimv ..f Wm.S. Momv. I>eed.« and ..ther le^al
P!i\ sirian
- -a. -i -I' LiiruKw City, on tlii? Ki-liri* rojul lcft»l
n»ir t" N'-w Wn.-li imrc»u. tfullv ofl'cr? lii< n-r
\ i< r.- (•< the e«*intnuiii tv.
J)c\ 2.’t, ISj.’C
UA\ I N• I nin.nrd I* i office to tin- new due!
I:np “II S»-.M, ||( l »trr<‘L will j.-ci.ipl I v iiiimv, r
;.!l (iM'l • - -1"i;a I , nil.- a.' Im*i'‘tcL'iv.
.Liu In.
Sin*W’*,or, Hill township, Clcarlii I<l ct-nnty.
\:i I• 11-ill r> v .•Tifru.-'icl t o liiui promptly ntt**n«l
■•‘i ’"• \-iilrt *' ( lit t I’. n., r!i nrfii M < • >tint \.
April I. !v»l.
'icJati, run hr fomi'l at hi> fifths in I,uihrr
l rh arti 'M r-unty. i'n., whrn n**t nh-ri.r
St*p. y, jKj.x,
“II lillMiit "*:
List of brand Jurors for Sept. Term, i.
fit. |{i*:irv WHfF»mn**r.
lirn'i'j. - tic-rgi' K;vr.iT, Fainur ; Fiihri-k
//> \\ ii| a i , Ijt, ii .?, lajn, i |-
' 'i. m n't hi- t . U i .irprntrr F‘‘ • f r
u in. .M-y - Imni.
/• ■ / u*<> i • 1 ’!111' •> I! >» -h hll. Fa rrr.i'r.
•i.mtl Arno- Kn-**, Kni'H:«r: Willinn: Muirav
I arm»*r I‘hilin Anti*-. I .imp “p rnian.
■ I**iui<■ huriijMi. Farmer Mm I'hvm
A • < rt Ktt •
I j*: mor.
I.'itm »(/•#.. -John !.»riim>r*\ r.
[‘il* A ! >rji m H l«>oni. Sr.. HarnrH'r GfM , p’i’ ( Ti'n> |
l-’iirmiT ; Sfotii'M. Men-Imni : Hs
!_v . Kar in, r.
f’< »n■ - ( h:u s Clnivi r. I';i j .*. * . . An."'- !!•’..
n i frit* r.
H > </ <tl i{-
. List of Petit Jurors for Sept. Term, IS I.
lit'-rnrtn. Jtilin \\ Mil, Jr.. Fanner; i{* rr>. jv
Wiij;li(. Fanner: J)nvid i ret', 1-aitnrr.
/ //•<! t/y --J)u v vl Wrlty, Farmer . U<-mv K nur:,
I 'ii'miT ; Jimoph l>ale, Former.
Ili nr//.<<•(/• IJonjamin .Spuek niiin, jr. M iJlrt ; (i t-“.
l!«.u. t>.h l<, Kitmior ; Putiuk Cuili*>. Farmer.
J Kylar, Farmer ; K. Lniin.-Wn v. Fnriin i.
linm*i(ie —R. Kin#, Fanner; Jhuu'h
-(Jeurge I'urmer; r.ini]
11,u -
Ml, 'Fanner.
ffojtjs —Alexander Adams, Farmer.
(.'hait —John Byers, Farmer.
ClcarjltUi —Henry Snyder, Hlucksmith.
('uni t-tm tile —H. F. Sterling, Justice.
Ftr,/uson —John Ferguson, Farmer.
(iirtxrd —Adam Spikemnn, Farmer; Thus Ora
ham, Blucksmith.
Jordan —(». H. Oalor, Farmer.
A'ur/Ar/iM--Jnmes Curloy.
Lawrence —James Daugherty, Former ; Freder
ick (iulicli, Farmor,
Mnrrin —David Dale, Karmor ; Tstiae England,
Farmer; jyHnnAor, Farmer ; J. W. Wilhelm, Fur
mer. , s
Pike —lkaafc Caldwell, Farmer.
Pt.nn —.rulln X. Irvin, Farmor ; Isaac Kirk, Far
mor ; Farmor.
Woodward —Matthew M’Cully, Farmor.
CIHAIR MAKERS, llousn, Sion, and Oiina
Rospoutfully nnnounco to tho cUkodb of Clearfiold
county, and tho public generally, that they have
continually on hand at tlioir shop on Market Btroot,
ouo door cub! of tlio Jow Bturo, in CloarDold, Pa.,
a groat variety of Chairs of ovory description, to
which thoy invito tho uttontion of thoao desirous
of purchasing. Chairs, Settees, Ac,, will bo made
to order on short notice, and on tho inoßt reason
able tor ms.
Tlioy aro also proparod to do all kinds ofHouso,
Sign, Ornamontal Painting, and Papor Hanging,
in a workman-like maunor. From thoir long oxpo
rionco in tho business, thoy fool satisfied (hat thoy
will bo ablo to render general satisfaction to tliose
who may favor them with a shnro of thoir patron
age. Juno 7, 1854, —ly.
forward immediately and moke sottlomont, as his I
health will not pormit him to oontinuo the -Black-1
smithing business, and lio is desirous of olosing all!
his aooqunts. Legal procoodings will bo instituted
against all who neglect this notioe.
| 1 Cloarfield May 24, 1854.
!j ttu< 1 Hccu
AJav LM.
rfM»lt?ncy <»m»
Wi'i. M i h.M‘i v runu ri . '>l> v* r M • r r*-
\\ iliiarn ktphnn. Khihu r
.Afit r ■ h 2 L I v d I >'<u>
i h I:A l< hi I :hl> I’OTTKIt V
1.1. Pi XI N 0 Llt, rcsjH’cifuily inform-* (hi*
|'iiMi<'. (haj It(* runMantly kee|i.« on hand a
L'. --d a-,,1 Fumy pmttkpy WAP!-:. nl->
( i>•i • n •. hi-ln«, anl St »ve Pij.r C.,IUr» “f cvitv
-•'••“ - :i « aII ni i ii<* <'h arfi' M Pot ttoy, tma r
I >ri % Phi' k oi,: t h sin • [,.
(’••iirl. y pn-Ln " uill 1 hikon in hnn;'' 1 f r
W arc. ai d u j;|.**r:t! rvdm Oun mad,* |n u in k-yah
I *ll <■h 11 > • i *.
y-r-r-r FAIRMANK’S
/ Ai '•!.!» nf their warehouse N«».
/,£»; ,r> :i<i M->k i S>.. Pl,.!,nM,d.ia.
P:ii 1 r < ,I. Hay. and l'!irim i rs‘
l.l . set in any j-nrt nf the
,'iJi.tiN. I\ t* vpcrit iu, d wmic-
iIOH.N h. ( l TTI.IL
Vttonuw at haw and hand A:rcut, will
I >r:» .• ii i c in 111-- scirij'l l oiirls nf ( liai liidd
and L’l< (• i;r,i» —. and atnnd In the ja\im-nt of
14 1 x*•.- i n itll' ai<*d hinds. $T\
!{•■(• rcnrr*,— Hi« ]•]mm llcjvv. William
Hart■•.shurj; ; IPm. Leuis. Lama.-ter : (». W.
W ihm|huni, i l !%■*.• 1 >arr,* :.L <Km>.\, Trankliu :
•I. MnUi^nlnrr\ Ph il.idt Ijdl in.
Ail jMT.ti.i)' ha\in:: Im.-Mioss u ith him. will in hi'
ahsiMiro ap}»ly to.I. Piddle Onrdon. v Jin u ill nlfrml
to the .'iiuir. 2>. 10.*2.
Vulimlilc Furm For Sale
''nili v miKx i ;i.-r -.St
1 h 1«• I a Mil - ! ..a I•• in
• ■ 'un! \ . ,s i, i•, I IVI i.»r.-«-n:id a I,i u< . . n »i.
ih.nit *• i 1 •• ImtCdi.d ai i* 'i'-iited uni in a
'la !•’ *d » nil ■ , a ft. u . ha \ i n - a Ir on *.• ar, i i.a ni ere** l
■ d "i: o ~ h ci I I'.-- fai :u, and hw. “M'hardj
thrf.o.f! ;*r-i«in - 'Picpn two <rr,nd C(.a|
Paid!‘-«*n sai l larra -1;j• j*« >d tnrx'rrid ovrrnhfmt
fmirtcn iumm. hciii2 ahniti Itrc Ic-.‘i in dc|dh.--
The farm i • ‘•.m d m th- « • nn.- ~f ~ ri c\c llci.t
nt-i-hh... hr. d. (I e t;|. n 11 m .• and F.ifilc Paid Ivi-
;!«• Turnpike. tbr h lliv torilif of the
nmr A ifi h <<! 'ltit' u i■ | Kr -jvpn.
h•'Tliill h« i | •.' it u! 11 ,i j' j l l yt ■ il.c ui.-.-riht r
Wall I*;i|H , r.'*! Wall IV-ipcrs!
fTlill-. >»<nMv in -i«.ro their • "tij-
JL r 1 !"--' *"I f ('..-(.’hi*, iic..
H hl.-h f-.r \H\ I- W )•! \s li <>! *.• >*il*■; • 11 < 1
.i 11 ih** <jnull• i>- 1 l'ii i t r!i and Amcnnin.
" •• m n :. «r ■ , -1 p, ~j <. rt •< n -t tun ,1.-
if 1 .mi • I . p .« • r r;» t» •.
]’A I- h K liA.XftlX’ti done in the country
«t « n\ ;*,! i" darkihi a idti.h. '
-V| ' 1 ‘ M. No. 4 \. Filth -t I’l.ihi,
skim; u \hi; ijwit'.u iohv
r|MIK mi like |-| ).■ r« r< ‘•j - .-tfullv ;i rll ■ uneo t< > ihe
| t-l t Irtnf it' i cMiniv. Mini ihe jiuhlu
gen .*rn! ly, 1 1 tl. t \ Lav. . m.m <1 t ht‘ nmnuiai-
f’f f|.' \\ I • .. • r ./.v,' ~t' f, mf,, r 7 ,
wlMTf'lli-'v ;,r« j-n im cl t< • ftijnn h V'/Vj.V/’ lit/,’/'
■ injjl in any niMhii::t. , wht re. and m ivh
n rd‘ t•| :■ !»> jll \ .'itf.'nlr l t... j,p,l ,i ill
« <Mini mud. ;<» e I• • -i—:»N- pi,;< ha-. -r.-.
M. ivv; if
to Tin: i (
f |I|IK Hih-i-nhei*- umiM te'-pei l**
1 the I•!i**.*- r>l i h;irfndd, and \iriiiitv, flint
they Hf in trio .MILLINKRY AM)
MAX I l \ .MAKING 1 n' i tier sat the i< 1 <.* Ii (J *.• of
Mr. .1, 11. .I<in> , *‘, w her** (hry u ill punctually attend
,tn th»* ord<'i- all who may favor them with u
share of their emt-un. Their work will te made
«’U tlu* l.(itrti t dbfi i•:'if- nnd
Mav 24, I6M tin.
Estate of Willium MXrueken, Sr., deceased.
J tat«f of William MTrackon Sr., late of Dell
townahip. (.’leurfield county, having been
granted t-o tho suhscrihcr, all porstitifi knowing
tkeinsolvo* indebted to t-aid t*FtaU* will make pay
ment immediately, and thoae having cluima against
the nano will present them properly authenticated
for settlement.
AVM. M CRACK K\, J r., Adm r,
Ferguson townahip, Juno 14, 1H64.--6t. -pd.
Estate of Jonathan H. Smith dcc’d.
lETTERS tcKtamentary on tho oatato of Juna
j than H. Smith, late of 801 l township, Clear
field county, have been grantod to tho subscribers,
till porsons knowing themselves iudchtc4 to said
estate will make immediate payment, und those
having claims against tho samo will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
SARAH E. SMITH, Executrix,
801 l township, Juno 28, 1864.-Ct.-pd.
Estate of Wm. Addleman, sen,, dec’ll.
Notice is hereby given, timtLottorß
Tcstamontnry ou the ostato of William Ad
dlomon, son., late of 'Piko township, Cloarfield
oounty, havo, in duo form of law, been grantod to
tho subsoribors, by tho Rogistorof Cloarfield coun
ty. AB porsons knowing thomselvos indebted to
said estatchwill make payment immediately, and
those having claims wMI prosent them proporly
authenticated for settlement.
Piko tp., July 8, 1854.
tention will he paid to render travellers and
others comfortable who may give him a call.
May 18, 1854. .
ale. a \ ulna
T ; . I ‘ HARD i'K.VVIIt.
C. W. PiHd'Klv
A \ Life. .>r I*r«*tj»ntor** T>oath. Ki:.k*i
Stdl’ l’r«»M-rs alioij Only twenty-th <• - , i,i
It iii a work i*niiiu*nlly rv.juir-d. nV a ~f
refni the din o! tin* a in n'-nL u. In,.
A I so.
wit!; ruii i‘,r {!.<. j r«•! u
••!' Hf<*. ju>-1 ffi-si; tli*- j-n
A lr(t**r >v i 1 1 1 n ivin it l«i lire M tw< wtv-Si > i »•«
« l till* v.tine 11. J,..-: U'MI •.'--I*.l t‘< l 1;. Ki!
•lin, aii a\\ Iti.i. I’n.. u i!J •rcmv a •.*' > nhrr
'i( the nl»ov«‘ I»y return of Mini. ».r J» •-«■[* i«*n
will !•< -cut IV*■ 1 | fur s\, 1?. „]:>■ I in*,
('ain iiTrue**). uc Ay<*nlv. *t<*.. . ujml.«•*! a l ulr.
ml 1- at the juihL-lie. > prie*..-, u hu 1. a-lui.t • ! a lai. j
1 r** it.
All letters 11. ii ; i>o *ji>h paM.
JAM!;.- []. I, ARIMKR,
AUonwy anil CouiiKcilor nt,
W! L L Al ll ini li> In:.-in.-•• * iti lln* .-i a! < * r:rf-»
■•I <’li *i nn«l < Vat re i •>nnf ir-. ni],. t
>ccn:i'l tim»r m tin* iv.-i-U nr* 1 <•}’
• John U t ji\ i r,
l.‘‘ - lfi.ii, .Lime." Purn'-idc, J.iuio
'l*. Hale. ( i-l. A. G. Curtin, Juim*->. L-n.
Ih• 11 *•! • 111 f‘ ■ - R. I>. I’riri‘kii:. K-ip. —
Mf-' - rs. Dr.ikv A Bcchtol, Philadelphia.
I»• 2J. |v;,;{ iv.
A ( Vltl).
VM. HILLS Would ropei tfu l!y infuri.i hi-f
• 1 1 am! the puMii- y r i ii'-rally. ;ii. > lu*
i'"iit!iiui',' tuuffi'iid to uli i l( t).' "t*
L/-:.Y7\4/. or ERA TfnXS, at hi- -.Mi. . . in,;,., :ing
hi.- dwelling - , in tiic Ixirough of < 'lrarl'i-M. 11 «• inuy
hv !i'ur.• 1 af nearly all timcrfin hi> .-t-iic :n the \uv-t
end of lh '• Ma n.-i-m 11. .u*e.
warranted i ntu*Mitinfuction. K\ir:u ting
I' • !'■ d■•u« > "It MI.HI danger to llie juitient, m -luilii
, ' i,, d r t"- pain. J,, th filled ,mi 1 cleaned in a proper
and M-i- nt i manue'. MaY 5. 1.-'O-'l.
mansion not si:, c:i,i:aiU'li;i.i>, i'a.
L eiih. r would rvf-peelfully inform tlio
-M. puhiie I lint In' ha- taken (lie ah", , old e-t.ih
l,“‘i,d land, irectiily tiipi•-«| hv Mr. Sanutfl
L\un.>*, ulid etitirelx re funiirhod and refitted it io
“in h a manner a* to n inter it tceond to no Inuo] in
•he < minty. '1 ho RAH hn s been stoeked with tho
Lent lifju»*r-, nnd the TABLE will ulwav.* ho Mip
plied w»ih tlio bc?t. the market can afford.
Extend', e Mid Ijng alinehod t*» the puim. and
a Men •j \« ho.-tli r.“ alw j- in attendance.
He re-pectfully ft'k.“ tlio public to give him#
imil, hiding alined that hp can render oatidac
A p-1 i I! 1 . I c 6 | if
rjIHK Mibhtribor inort rcopcctfully inform? tho
■O. citi/.en.“ of Clearfidd county, and the travelling
je generally, that he has taken the nbeve
naYned Hotel H)tuat4wl on the corner of Front and
Market eLreoU, in the borough of Clearfield, whero
he will at all times bo preporod to accommodate
thoso who may favor him with thoir custom. No
pains will ho spared by tho proprietor to nmko hit
customers comfortahlo, and his house a home to
thoso who may stop with him.
His STBLE will be carefully nttended t<> —and
his TABLE and BAR supplied with the bed the
market will afford.
Aug. 11, 1852. WM. J. HEMPHILL ,
WOULD rospectfully announce to the citueßl
of Cleurflold and ailjoining counties thath*
has fitted up ami opened out a FrDLIV J[oVSsi
in tho town of Phillipshurg, Centro county, PPi
and is fully prepared to accommodate all who m#J
favor him with a call. Feb. 28, 1854-!y* ‘
"I OHN G ULICJI would respectfully unnounce U
the citir-oiis of Cloarfield and vicinity,
is noxv manufacturing all kinds of ('AB/yKT i
WARE, His shop is situated on Market 6tre<ft
between Third and Fourth, whero all kinds of woij
in his lino will in the best stylo,
the most favorublo terms and on tho shortest
Coffins made to order on tho shortest notice.
Dec. 2, 1862.
JDBT received, and opening at C. Kratiert
ONE PRICE CASH STORE , a splendid#?'
sortinent of Spring ami Suimnor Goods. In
dition to his usual variety, lio has a largo lot d
Ladicri' Drees Goods, such as Plaid Silk, India Sißb
Plaid Lawn, Bracha Shawls, Silk, Crapo and
iuer Bonnets, Ac. Also, a largo lot of Carj3ctt t
floor Oil Cloths, Ready-Made Clothing, and All ft*
now styles of Dress Shoes, cheaper than over. ’
April 5, 1854. C. KRATZER
Estate of William Ueplmm, Deceased.
Letters of administration, on tho u
tale of Wm. Hopburn, Into of Penn townwf
Clearfiold po, deoonßed having boon .granted IoW
subsoriberß, all porsons knowing IbomßolvesicilW
ed to aaid estate will make payment ImmedUWi
and thoße having claims against the game
snnt thorn proporly authenticated for sottlement
June 14, 1854.-61. ■ ->