Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 28, 1854, Image 3

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H ILMAJI BIGI.EII, Of Ctcmfuhl C a \nl u .
HUNKY M. MOTT, Of Pike Co„„/ v .'
That many men honestly entertain Na
tive American sentiments, or sentiments of
hostility to foreigners, we never doubted.
But such men are deceived—such men do
not subscribe t.o the proscriptive creed of
Nr.tivism, that fpreignerss should have no
political rights at all. They are willing
v that naturalized citizens shall have their
proportion of the honors and emoluments
of the public offices—but no more. They
arc not for excluding thorn cntirelv, but
opposed to giving them more than what is
n lair share. Hut through a regular sys- i
tem of deception and falsehood, kept up!
for years by the papers and colporteurs in!
the service of Nativism, they have been
induced to believe that foreigners arc re
ceiving, and arc now holding, more than
their duo proportion of public offices. .It
is not an unusual thing to hoar men crying
out against the ‘d d foreigners monop- |
olizing all the offices, so that a native borifj
Ims to stand back !’ That portion of the;
sympathisers with Nulivism, who are not!
proscriplionists, will be astonished to learn!
what n very small number of foreign born
citizens really hold appointments under|
the United States government. Instead of!
jnoJiojMhzing, they do not actually
what is supposed would be a just propord
/ion. Tho following statement is taken
from a long article in a late number of the 1
Baltimore Sun, (a neutral paper,) for
which paper it was prepared, after great;
labor, as the author says, and for the truth
of which he fully vouches. Il any doubts 1
arc nntertuined ns to its truth, they can be j
readily removed by reference to the Blue
Book for 1 85 1, giving the names and pin-!
ccs of birth, of all tho ollicers under gov- :
eminent. We here sec that, instead of;
foreigners monopolizing the public offices, j
as many have been told, and many believ- j
od. they only have about one-tenth —there,
being not quite -1,000 native born citizens'
in the employ of government, to 401 nnt-j'
urnhzed citizens—many of whom, the wri- 1
ter adds, “came to our countrv when so 1
" t I
young that they have no knowledge of |
any olher'country.” j
List of Officers inf he employ of the United
States, Native and Naturalized.
Washington, D. 0. Amcr’n. Nat. Cit
Sinte Department, 24 4
'Krcasury Department, 401 10
Department of the Interior, 70(3 72
Officers and agents in the
Service of the H.ofU. 40
Post Office Department. 80
Ministers and Consuls,
Coast Survey,
United States Mint
Light-house Bourd, Inspect
tors and keepers, 393 31
U. S. rev. marino service, fl.j 00
Custom-house Officers, 1,837 215
Departments at Wnsh’n. ] ,320 104
The Homestead Bill Passed.
The Homestead bill passed the United
.Stales Senate on the 21st instant, after
being materially amended. Its Homestead
features are the same as in the original
bill (ft oflercd by Mr. Dawson of our State,
in the House, but instead of giving the
land, it proposes to sell it to actual settlers
at the ratooftiil 25 per acre. The land
lying in the States, which have been in
market for thirty years, nre offered at 12 J
and 25 cents per acre. It is thought the
amendment .will bo concurred in by the
fcs“Wo cordially unito with the editor
or the Clurion Democrat, in his request
that the editor of the Jeffersonian give his
readers tho benefit of one of Judge Douglas’
unanswerable speeches in favor of thcNc
braska bill—or any other speech on that
sido of the question. We think this is duo
to fairness, after publishing, os we think
ho did, tho Abolition address signed by
Foot; & Co., —a document full of eriors
and falsehoods. Come, Major, givo the
gallant Democrats of old Jefferson a fair
chance for that ‘free fight’ you talk so
much about.
ttnnct passed during the last sess
ion of the legislature, Justices of the Pence
required ,to return to the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions all tho recogni
zances entered into bofore them (excepting
sucl! cases W'rfioy bo; Settled before them
Under existing laws) at.least ten days' be
fore the comtfftjncement of the session of
the were made re
ttirniibldj f recognizances' entered
into iyithin ten are 10 be re
turned ns heretofore. .... :
We invite iho particular attention of ihe
friends of a prohibitory liquor law, and all • 24 —The Cholera is rn
others, ,h. M of mS” K %
a Committee of Temperance men, und to and 10 occurred on that day.
Sons of Temperance, in another part of l'l ,e place, was being rapidly deserted,
this paper. This committee is composed OiT’A drendful hurricane passed over
or nn equal number of Whigs and Demo- Dnvrcn U nrt > Illinois > 011 lho 24th instant,
ern.s, whose past efTorts in behalf of the Many houses blown down and nine
■ . ‘ 1 |fnen buried under the ruins of n single
temperance reformation are n sufficient store. Three men were drowned.
guarantee of the sincerity of their efforts! OCrTlie Cholera is nt Capo May—seven
now. These gentlemen have justly be- (leulhs having occurred up to the 25th. —
como alarmed for the fate ofthe cause they Ofcourse ploasure parties and entertuin
havo so much at heart, in consequence of, mcn,s wcrc S cllin S scarce ‘
the efTorts of designing men, for partizan I oCv~Thc Daily Ncivs of Wednesday
purposes, to throw tho question into the po- 1 last, contuinsn long article from a Bedford
litical cauldron. Jf their admonitions are Whig paper, übusing the Rev. J. Chnm
propcrly regarded, all may bo well with hers, and the other members of the Com
the temperance cause ; but disregarded j mitlee of temperance men and Sons of
more injury will result froni legislation | Temperance for daring to block the Whig
than could befal it by any other, incans.— of making cnpital out of thal I’rohjbi-
Lot every riian therefore, who attempts totory liiquor question, by issuing to the
turn this question to political account, be public the address which we publish in
marked as the worst enemy of the temper- another pnrt r of this paper. If our readers
mice enuse, for such he must be. can find anything objectionable in that ad
it K.lK<'Ti-tl> vv lliooi'.it v. | dress, or anything but an honest devotion
Xevi-r was Imo .-tric-ki'n .«wnin linin' afiitumiH to the temperance cause, they can then
in Ml. rftnrl., to gain tin' I'Mi'i'.i. i of ' j llS |jf y ,j |is ‘ „ bus -
his charmer, tliau tho \\ hig loaders now are in
tln-ir coi|ui>ii v with tlio NativistH, Ai'olitioniit.i, Allhough men are accused for
-10. lln ir jai|>i‘rH ('man unilor the weight of Ah not knowing their own weakness, yet, per
olition amt Native iloiinmnu, with n-areely nn | haps ns few know their own Strength.—
allu.-ion to \t lug priiu-i|>li'-, and all lor the )inrpose |[ j s j n mcn ns j n so j| Si where- sometimes
ot gaining the .«n]ipnrt nt im-tinns in their there is a vein of gold which tho owners
thirst for ollioe. tint they are without eretlil with hnow not of
nil n| Nativists and Abolitionists have (
tried <hom in days past, and were both do
coi\od. 7 hat wan tho fiiit 11 id tho \\ big*. They j Pursuant to previous notice, the ltenioeralie
now intend to follow the example of tho Indian. * < lnndin«r Committee of Clearfield county, met at
anil tlio ii will 1,0 (heir own fault «'l"arlield on the loth .Inly. The folhiw'ing Coin
,» .. . ..... , ,» mittees of \ igilanre fur fhe rrspeetix e towu.-bins
our forlorn Whirry. Jt m1.,-1 I* dm mt„ ' aiu \ were appointed :
sad straits, indeed, «hfii its lender einhraees 11 r•* * fiteem in .1 . ,\\ i hI. i'l e tie rick Sljnff, John
In their greedy thirst l'.. r power, they lent a wil
ling hand in bringing these agitator.- into iinpi.r
taneeand notoriety. They linn snrrordrd in rais
in?: a w hirlw ind, hut they are not aide to din-rt the
slt-rm : and mi inglorious defeat now tares them in
'he face, for ft is n<>l at all improbable that their
candidate will e.nne tod////../ /«•*/, Sin h a fate
wt»uld he a pnhlie henefd, as it would he a saluta
ry warning to all parties in future, to preserve their
integrity, and never to dr-erl or eune.-ul ibeirprin
eiples, nor eoallesee with fueti.mists.
'I he owe it to the patriotic meml-crs of
their party—and it affords us pleasure to believ e
they have ninny »urh- that their papers should
not he entirely <m rupied in the ud\atieemcid of
the "t"nix." They would have people forget that
there evor was a \\ hig party among us. Not a
single i|ue?linn of discussion in former routes!-
will? the im ineihle hemoiTry, are e\cr alluded to.
These, with tho names of their vampiished cham-
pions, are “unwept and unsung •“ and even the
honored Clay ami Webster, who used to he so po.
tent with this great ‘conservative’ party, are ijuite
••Kcirvij'ii “1 ri.-h I’nlUulir
their whole attention, (’an t you pve us .some
tiling about the Whigs, gentlemen '( There trnn
once n party known by that name. Can't you give
us cuiiio account of their achievements ? What
was their object, about which they used to make
so ntui'li noise? And where did they go to ?
\ "ii had better let these Atm riom* alone. You
will burn vour fingers with'lhcm, for our word for
it, you will be cursing them terribly as the army
did in Flanders- before the election is over: and
afterwards, you will be saying that tin* Hcinoerats
are a pretty decent set of fellows, but these infer
nal Natives are worse than an army of thieve.-. -
You can’t wed the Nativ es. lhat’s certain and the
Woolly Heads can’t save you. So you are a gone
set of coons.
45 00
37 00
The Whig papers have repeatedly asserted that
(i o Ilioi.rit was afraid to iletine hi- position upon
llio \n r it»ucjiioMiuiiJ' in i.'.-ue in tho | to.“rut jiolit
Thov have j;ro\vn vurv mul
have .“omo of thoir reinlot> hull’ inclinotl to tho he
liofthnt f<»r unco in tho hi-tory »f tho I>oumornlio
Ural C(j|jU\*t
parly, its candidate* and shrunk from
u public vindication of their time-honored princi
ples. and i\ an aecount of their stewardship to
(masters. lhi|sn this. (hoy Imvo euught a fnr
Inr, ami mu*, too, tlint will pn»vt» to be a very ugly
ruslomer. In another eolunnu will ho found the
eorrespomb-neo between llov. Hkji.ku nml the
Chairman of the State Central Committee, hv
which it will he neon that (Jov. Hitler in both rea
lly ami willing to discuss all questions at issue with
either or both of bin competitor*, when, where, a*
often, nml in such manner ns they may choose.—
Hero is a chance for you, ye boaster*. W ill you
‘•faeo tho muHic?” Wo hope there will honolmck
in/-out now, after .so much bragging ami banter
ing. Come on, gentlemen. Como out among the
people, face to face, w here there is no chnnco for
(lodging—no • hilling nml cooing,” such ns you
now keep up with Nativists, Kuow Nothings, Free
Soilers uud Abolitionists.
Educational. —From tho curd of Mr. Rote, ns
well ns that of the Trustees of our venerable Acn
domy, parents and guardians will be gratified to
learn that there is now a fuvorable prospect of good
schools being opened in our village, under the
most fuvorable uuspioep.
“In time of pkace/' *fcc. —Tho ‘‘Regular*” give
notice that they intend to show themselves on the
12st proximo—ruin or shine.
Judicial. —Sheriff Powell sends forth hta pro
clauintion for holding tho September term of tho
Courts of this county, and wishes all persons In
terested to take notice.
.the great dofeuder of Catholici
ty iu the United States, is said to* havo recently
come out a Nativist, aifd undertakes to prove that
Nuthdfrtn was first started by Catholics. If tho
Iteverond Doctor establishes these facts, we may
soon expect to see some of tho tallest kind of scam
poring uinong tho Nativiuts of this region.
Toe Weather. —Wp havo had another week
Almost entirely without ruin. The earth is so dry
and parched that vogotnttfln In this neighborhood
begins to woar a very sickly appearance. As for
corn and potatoes, both of/which gave such lino
promise of abundance d few weeks ago, thoy aro
now almost beyond recovery.
■ Coiittereiicd;
Wednesdiiy^tKe^ is atiggoStcd
nsYjfettmo for the mooting of tho Congressional
Co&ferees of this District, at That day
suit this county.
• l :V 'vV^rl'-C^vV - ' -il VAlii.
Their name.* are never heanl
Mi.-.-ouri ('onijiroinise,’* At., Ac., occupy
IS A <;<>Ol> !)(><;.” tCr.
New Advertisement**
/><// A. Mi 1i1..-.', Win. T. < JilK.-rl. W
('uinphell, (iij (. Ceorj'e Walter*.
//"'/ >t* —J. A!. Shaw. t;j]|, (}. S Ijimmo 1
I’•■nne He.*.*.
Kline, Alex. Li\in«;*ton, Wm
H. Sparkman, jr.
Ilrmly —(J. \\. ljoii£. Samuel Arnohl, ])rV'tJ. T.
Hover, Jaeoh Kun(/.e. Janie* Ziegler.
//a rn> — J. M. I'uinmin-.-'. .lelin Vnuii£. K. W,
Kins', Hr. rhe.«mit\vo«nl, Jume.x Mc.Murrav.
t'U.nt —l». S. To/.er, in. Tin ker, Klia.* Jltinl.
('lcarfijiii —(.'lark Wilson, \\\ h. Moore, John 1«.
Cuttle, *Ks«|.
('<n inifinn— F. Conte»'et, I>r. F.Canfirhl. J. Han
('h > I-- r viH> 11 a\* -1 Fleming, ,1. I). Thompson,
Hr. 11. I’. Tln<mp*on, 1 *«• v i Spieer,
Ihf.itnr John Mils'll*, Jo.-eplt M r (’larron, Jol.n
/’« / n- t i i ier l*t*| 1, i MeCraekeii, Tho.*,
t t Well.-i.
/’«*.*- .1 »•>*- M"i»i.l. I. Untidy.
(iiiiu-ii - 11. J, Jo.**. Kylar, ('jin-.
(t •mlnn - -I. W. (iiuliniii. l‘ltoni|i.«nn Head.
JiuttuH —\ill. llevotiiT, K. M. Limnii.
JorJtut —(\>nrail liakor, Kiluml, Juscjili
A ui t/ntuh - Win. Wui. Sankey, John
Ao inu « c^ —.T. Tb McKnnlly, John .Shaw, jr., Ilnr
man ltowles, *Mile« Head.
Mnrn* S. C. Thoiupcoii, C. W. K_)lar, John
11 *>«»\ or, A. limiter.
l‘>nn W. K. Johnson, A. Ilile, J. 11. Segner,
K. Dam or.
i’tk'— Eli Bloom, John Welch, John Dunlap,
A. M. Dale.
I nim i Peter Lahorde. jr.. Klias Horn.
Wood word —(l. W. Shelf, Thomas Hcndor.-on.
'flic foregoing Committee.* are hereby requested
to oall meetings of the Democrats of their respec
tive dirtriets gi\ing as timely und general notice
ns possible—to he held at the usual places ol hold
ing the (lenoral Kleetion. on SATURDAY the
l*£tll of Augu.-t next, nnd elect tho number of
delegates to which they are respectively entitled,
to represent them in the County Contention to lie
held at Clearfield, on SATURDAY the IDtll of
August, to put in nomination candidates for the
various County ofiiees to he tilled this fall—also to
appoint Congressional and Uepresentatixe Confer-
ttn motion, II //riv'i*. There bus been much dif
Terence of opinion as to the inode of making our
county nominations, \iz \V hether we continue
the 1>- hijot' , or adopt the fro wj< System. The
Standing Committee," hating alone in view the
eoiieerl and harmony of the Democratic party,
deem it proper to muko the following rccommen
dalioii :
That the Delegates of the several districts, to he
appointed on the 12th of August next, be at the
same time instructed as to which system a majori
ty of the Democrats of such district may prefer, so
that a final adjustment may be made bv (lie Coun
ty Convention to he held on the IDth of August,
for the future action of the party.
J. I\ \\ LAYER. Secretary
Clearfield, July IA, 1 S.‘> I.
Ajiporlionnient of Delegates
The number of Delegates to which each district
i* entitled, is as follows llriulfoid I: Hnulv I:
Lawrence -1: Morris M; Pike ; and all the other
di.-t i i ct.- 2 eueh.
The ui' Newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to
tlie contrary, are considered as wishing to continue
their subscription.
2. If subscribers order tho discontinuance of
their newspapers, the publisher may continue to
send them until nil arrearages are paid.
fi. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their
newspaper- from the office, to which they are di
rected, they are held responsible uutil they have
settled their hills ami ordered them discontinued.
4. If subscribers remove to other places without
informing the publishers, and the newspupers are I
sent to tho former direction, they are held respon- j
5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take
newspapers from tho office, or removing and leuv
them uncalled for, is evidence of fraud.
Philadelphia I,umber Market.
f 'm rci'tett icrrkty from Hickneli* Hrpiirtrr.
Duty 20 per. cent. nd. vnl., W. I*-. lulh, ami plunk,
lei quality by inspection. $l2 0Q (ii, 33 00
White l’ino cu 11.., M Oft (a. 10 fttl
White Pino flooring pluneil, 2.1 00 to SO till
Hemlock logs, 7 00 (ui 8 . r >o
Hemlock whuff timber, 7 50 to 0 00
Hemlock Scantling, 8 00 (a) 8 50
Flooring, Jorney pinned, 23 00 to 'to U 0
Stop hoards, N. C\, 25 00 to 30 00
Heart Sctg., N. C\, 15 00 to 20 00
do, river, 13 00 to 18 00
Flooring, N. C. ' 20 00 @ 20 00
Step hoards, 15 00 (ii, 18 00
Sltingles, Cedar, por M., 18 00 to 30 00
Shingles, Pino per M., 14 00 @ 20 00
Shingles, Cypress, 14 00 to 22 00
I,ntli, 1J inch., per M., 2 12}@ 2 25
Staves, Wliito Oak pipo, 50 00 @ 55 00
Hoops, country, 25 00 ® 30 00
New York I.umber Market.
Timber, AVliiic Pino, per cubic ft. 00 18 nud 00 22
Timber, Ouk, por cubic foot, 00 25 und 00 38
Timber, 0. Scant. per M. foot, $3O 00 und 40 00!
BoarcbyN. H. per M. ft. cloar, 37 50 and 40 00
Boards, S- H, 2d ipiulity, per M. 30 00 and 35 00
T.ittbs, Eastern, ’2 50 nnd
Shingles, bunch, 18 2 50 nnd 2 75
< Grain Markets.
Pnrr,AiiEi,rHiA ; Ci.EAitriEt.n.
Wheat, 81 08 @1 73 $2 25 @2 37
Kye, , 1 01 @ 1 05 1 If @ 1 25
Corn, ’ V J.<)76 anil 70 Jl2
Oats (‘ (2 57 cents, ‘ 02 cents,
V? '
On the 22d inst., by the Hev. I*. S. Nollin, Mr.
Wm. Caiik to Miss Mativ Jank Luzieh, both of
Oirnrd township.
WE nro authorized Jo announce WILLIAM
ALEXANDEIt, Esq., of u tlio borough of
Clearfield. ns a candidate for the oflico of County
Commissioner of ClenrfieM county—subject to the
action of the Democratic County ('(invention.
July 20, 185-L
are authorized to nnnouncc JACOIi
y\ WILHELM, of Morris township, ns a can
didate for tho ofiicc of County CominiHsioner of
Clearfield county. July 12.
yy SIDE, Esq., President Judge of tho Court
of Common Pleas of thotwenty-fifth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of the counties of Clearfield, Con
tro and Clinton—and the Honorable KICIIAUD
SHAW and JOHN P. HOYT. Associate Judges
in Clearfield county, have issued their precept
Hearing datethe NINETEENTH ilayof May, Inst,
to me directed, for the holding of a Court of Com
mon Plejis, Orphans’ Court, Courtfof'Quarter Ses
sions. Court id' Oyer and Terminer, and Court of
(loneral Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for
Clearfield County, on the THIRD MONDAY of
SEPT EM 11 Kit, next, being the ISt h day of the
Notice Is, therefore, hereby given.
To the Coronor, Justice* of the Peace, and Consta
bles, in and for the said county of Clearfield, to
appear in their own proper persons, with their
It oils, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and
oilier Remembrances, to do those things which to
their offices, and in their behalf, pertain to he done,
and Jurors and Witnesses are requested to lie then
and there attending, ami not to depart without
leave, at their peril.
(tIVKN under my hand, at Clearfield, this 27th
day of.lnly, ih the vonr of our Lord one thous
and eight hundred and fifty lour, and the seven
only-ninth year of American Independence.
Clearfield Select School.
C. HOTE would announce to the citizens
y y • of Clearfield county. (hat h<« lias coalmen -
eed a School in the Town Hall, and would respect
fully solicit public patronage. Emm long experi
ence, lie Hatters himself that he can render gener
al sitMartioji.
I'riinnry Hrnncln*^
A riliuiu'lic, t*«*«»^rn|>liy A Kn*'. (irutnnwir
Hi-li,-r Uramlir-, iiirln«lin:' Mnlli
fiii.'itnv, r, on
ir'Tmitn ami - - HO
'•mi;' men who have Imiiiutlv hern 'Mijjaj'oil in
may have it n nj>].«irlmi il v of
injr llieir i*l*»n•*** preparatory I*.>r examination tin
tier tin* new School law.
\ Females ii<lmillc«l
The Ciearfield Academy
1"' opne nc d on tin- I'll’ST day of Sep
T t teniher 11 c\1 1 under the direotiou of W. A
(.’a»iimi»:Li., A. 11., iif Principal.
The iiir-liluti«»n will embrace l»oth a Male ami
a Female Department.
It is desired to have I lie scholars present when
the school opens.
July 2*\ \jl. President Hoard of Trustees.
A IT I: \TI C»X It IX; 1 1 1. A Its!
will meet for parade ilril! on Saturday
X 12th., of August. It) o’clock, supplied with j
round- of blank cartridge, and all your equipments
in -rood order.
There will he an election held at the Court House
on Monday 21st day of August, at d n’eloc k, l\ M.
for llio purpo.o uf oloetiuj; L'oui|mliy Officor..
l!y oriior uf tlio L’Hptiuu.
I). K. ETZWEII.EIt, 0. S.
.1 ii 1 v 27. is:, l.
r|AfW«: subscriber intends to dispose of his entire
1 stock of Heady-Made Clothing in short order,
and to do so will sell them ot mw. Now is the
time for good bargains, and all persons wishing to
provide good clothing with a small amount of mon
ey will do well to rail immediately. He lias no
respect for persons, therefore, first come first ser
\ ed. He has a general assortment of COATS,
SI'SPENDKRS, Ac., with an assortment of fine
-ilk ami other hats. AiUYKR ULLMAN.
July IS. lsj|.
!. O T T E l! Y! ! !
(Hv At Tiiuitm ok the St\tk or alwiama.)
t'unductrd on thr Ilocoim j>lon
ClasyC—To be Drawn on the Mill of July.
C \ OITA t S
:::::: 1500
In all. 2JS pri/.cs, amounting to : $.‘10,000
Tirkits $5 r OO- llulvt., ami (Quarters in propor
if*. All connnunientioiis strictly confidential.
SAMUEL SWAN, Agent A Manager,
Montgomery, (Ala..) Jane 20, ISSI.
fIIHK subscriber lias just received and is now
X. opening a w ell selected lot of Dry Hoods, Hro
ceries, llardwtire, tjiiceiiswure, Hoots mnl Shoes,
Drugs. Ac., at his old stand iu the Horottgh of
Clearfield., Persons will find it to their advantage
to call and examine as he will dispose of them on
fair terms for cash, credit, or in exchange for lum
ber, either at retail or wholesale to suit dealers.
W.M. L. MonHH.
Clearfield, July ID, IHol.-tf.
The American Hoarding House.
f’I'HIE subscriber would inform the public that lie
I has just completed a large now building, on
the South end of Second street, Clearfield Pn.,
which he has furnished and fitted up in the most
comfortable manner for tho accomodation of trav
ellers and permanent hoarders.
His charges w ill he moderate, ami his house con
ducted in a decent, sober and orderly manner,
where all quiet and peace loving people, who may
visit Clearfield can find a temporary “home."
July ID, 1854,-tf.
Terms of Advertising
VDVKRTISKMKXTS ure inserted in tho Re
publican, at one dollar per Square, for the
first three insertions and twenty-five cents for each
additional insertion. Fourteen Hues make a square.
No advertisement inserted for less than adolia\
A Liberal reduction made to those who advertise
liy the year.
Three Lots for Sale.
NO. 21, 25, and 20, In tho Mossop plan, iu the
borough of Clearfield, all enclosed.
For tonus apply to \V. M. REEDY.
Curwonsville, Juno 2fi, 1854.—pd.
A lund warrant issued to the subscriber for his
services in the war of 1812, has been lost, und it is
my intention to make application to the Commis
sioners of Pensions for a duplicate of the same.—
Should the warrant havo been found the person
finding the Fame will plcuso return It to me. It
can bo of no use to any other person ns a cot-rat
Ima heou onterod in tho land ofiico to prevent the
issuing of a patent tkoroon.
Jordan township, July 12, 1854.—fit.-pd.
Adjourned Treasurer’s Sale.
AN ADJOURNED SALE 6f Unseated Lunds
in Clearfield county will tako plnco at tho
court hotiso, in tho borough of Clearfield, on MON
DAY, Sept 18th, ut 10 o’clock, a. m.—at which
tiino all tho tracts bid off at the former sale, and
for which deeds have not “been lifted, will be re
john McPherson, Th>,
Treasurer'* Office, July 21, 185-1.
•• •■Atf- « .r
M A It It IICI).
\V 11. 1.1 A M IMIWKI.I., Sh'ff.
duly 2>q ’ j I—tf
i)u. j. i). MAHciir.srs Resolutions Proposing Amendments to thr
cßr,niinATnin:ATnoiJt«N. q nstilution of I lie Commonwealth.
SE,vr "’ s It™'‘■"l >;!/ »>' '*/
,;.. >,. „tl /it'i)t'cncii(altt'f’H tj t/iv Lit/niinmirtaltfi of I riiitnyit(t
tho diseases for ,l '" rr "> "" '> Tl *“ l ,l ! l ‘ f " lluwll,, J
uliicli i( in recoin- amendments lie and t lio same nro hereby proposed
nictulcil usually ,0 ii' o Constitution of tlio Commonwealth, under
culled Female (’em- nml in accordance with the provisions of the tenth
Of these ar,k ' k ' 11‘crcof, to wit:
nro Hr o I. a p s f h Proposition i, to rk aiitioi.k xi.
I trim, or I'ttlliiiK Faction I. Tito amount of ilolds ltcro
oftho Womb; Fu* after runt meted by tne (.‘ommonweiillh ylut 11 never
or K-t or exceed I lie sum of live hundred thoiumml dollars.
Whites ; Chronic except in emu* of war, to repel invasion, suppress
Infi.amation and insurrection, or to redeem tho public debt of (ho
l ’ i.ckr A T I o N op Couintonwealth, and tho money so'raised shall Im*-
tin: Womr: In’ci- applied to the purpose for which the debt may he
m:NTAi. Humour- contracted, or to pay such debts, and to no other
hack, or Flooding: purpose.
Pain f v i., Hu p - Fkctios 2. To pay the public debt of tho Coin,
i-nrsst't) and liiunnri.Ait MKNSTHfatiox, Ac., mini wealth, and debts which may hereafter be
with all their accompanying evil.., (Cancer cxcep- e.mtrarted la ease of war. la repel invasion, sup.
ted 1 no inalter how severe or of haw long standing, press insurrection and to redeem the public debt.
Tlio Catliolieoti far surpasses other remedies, in the Legislature shall at their next session alter tho
being more curtain, loss expensive, and leaving tho adoption of this section into the Constitution, pro
system in ft better condition. Let all interested vide by law far thr creation of a sinking hind,
cal! and obtain a am- which shall not be abolished till, the mid public
pie prmiT. from the most respectable sWros, of tlio 'lehts ho wholly paid, In consist of all the net an
benelirini results of its use : togotherWith letters mini from the public works and stork., own
from highly experienced I‘hvsiriut/ who linv/ ed by the Commonwealth, or any other funds nri
nsed it in their practice, and speak fVyiii their u/n sing under any revenue law now existing or lint
observations. .A A may he hereafter enacted, so far as the same may
itliFKltlixCKS —l’, n. Pm-KIIAM. XI. D., l.’ticn, ~v required to pay the interest of said drills semi.
X. V I, I) l-'i niiMi, XL D.. Cunnmlnigun, X. Y. mmunlly, and annually to reduce the principal
XL 11. Xln.i.s.. XI, I>., it.. Chester, X. V. D. Y. thcrcol by a sum no. fess than live hundred thou
I’o.irr M. 1).,' Syracuse, X. Y. l'rof. PixilAlt, sand dollars, increased yearly by compounding at
XI. 1).,' italtimorcj aid. .1. C. Otuiii K, XI. D. Hal- n 'ate of not less than liie per centum per annum ;
tin,ore, Xid. W. XV. Rkksk. XI. D. Xew-York the said sinking fund shnll l.e invested in the loam:
fitv \\' Piifssout M. I).. Coneord, X. 11. .I.l'. "I tin. Commonweaitli, wliieli slinli lie eiineelled
Nkwi.anii M 1). I'licn X. Vork. IU i v. (\ S. from time to time in a manner lo ho provided by
Hkard, (Slonn Spring?*, S. C. law ; no portion of tho Hinkiug fuml j-liiill otor *
l'nniplilat.i Imci gratis al tin* ft'.ra of ('. I). A\‘al- np|ili€Ml In Ilia ]iavnialit of the ilel.l ol' live liun
snn, Ajjanf, I)riiKK<' , l> fli-arflalil, I’a. Alrni .«nM l.y 'lnal tlinuannil ilnllnrH iiiniitiniinil in Ilia hr.-l -oc-
UanlinK <1 in>;Ki-t.- in the ]>rim-ipn 1 tuwna in Ilia mi- «>f lliis« arliala. Iml Ilia xni<l "iiikiiiK Ininl i-liall
joining applied only to tin.* purpose heroin hjn»**i.
Skition The credit of tin* Commonwealth
>hn 11 not in nny way Ik* gij»en or loaned to or in
aid nfnny indiviihml, company, corporation or nr-
DOCIOII 1 01/HK I',!,!* . socinlion. nor .-hall the Comnn/riwcalth hereafter
THE EiX'KET .ESCf'f.AEIES: heroine a joint owner or atoekhohler in any com
(ill. FYFKY (>XK HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. pnny, or corporation in thin Common
mllK FIFTH Ivlitiou wenith or cHcwhere, formed for nny pnrppge.
X with lino llun.lnnl Kn- Ski ,i " v Tl ' l ' < 'nnimniineiillh mIimII never n
living. .“lioHiiiK Hi.-, ■mm-.- MU "'' ll "' " f ' in . v ‘■‘"‘"'y. eilv. 1...r0i. K l. nr
I .Mniri.rinntii.iiM ..r the n-hi|.. "r nny c.r| 11 ..n or »n
-]|liman Sy.-lriii in cv.-rv .-lii-li ili-l.t.- huv<- 1«m-ii (-••ntrni-lffl (■» r<-|»vl nivsi
xlni|.e and Win. Tu which -nl >l ■ rt-.-t- in.-urrci'ti.m, nr In .ief.-in! the
i< added a Treatise on the * n u,ir *
]>i.-rn.<r.- of Female-. I,ring ruorosmos 2, to m: arth i.k \i.
of the highest importance Ertiliiltitimf .1 /iinirifia/
to married people, or to Tin* Legislature -hall never anthorire any eoiiti
tho.-o contemplating mar- tv, city, borough or township, hy \ ole <d it. ; <*it/»*ns
riage. Hy or otherwise, to become a Mock holder in any joint
WILLIAM Yt>l'NC, .-took company, association or corporation, or to
1.,'1 nn iMilu-r 1... MMl.Mim-.l In ~r,-M-nl a cn,.v af n,i "' m ' ,,u . v '" r ' or l "“" nr in iti.J of
Hi.. .K.'Cl'I.A I'H'S m hi- r1.i1.1. It mny.-nvo ■»ny su.-l, ii.v '
him frnm Mil I-Mily yr.n ... Let in. ynnnj; nmn nr '■ ■' ''''/ "- 1 ' " ,"""•
woman enter into the seen*t obligations of married , A ‘ ‘ ' ' ll n J 1 " ‘ s ' ""t’ ■
11. M.UU’lflsr .1 Co.. Proprietor?,
Central Depot, .‘JO | Hroadwny, X. Y.
life without reading the I'Ht’KKT .KSt-l I,l'll S,
in the Side, restless tiighK nervous feelings, ami n»\s, K.Mrael from the Journal,
the whole train of Dyspeptic sonsulions, and driven 1* A. MAtll IRK, (Merh.
up hy their physicians, ho another moment with- , In House of Representatives, April 21, Mol.
out consulting the JKSt’l KAIMI S. Have the Resolved. That this resolution pass. Vein, 71
married, or those ahoui to he married any impedi- Nays, 20. K.\trui t from the Journal.
motit, rend this truly useful hook, ns it lias been
thu means uf saving thousands of unlortuunlo ( SKi nKTAiD n (Htii’K, [
creatures from the very jaws of death. 1 riled April 2S», IM.VI, J (\ A. IILAI’K.
person sending twkntv kivk cknts . Secretary of the (.’oiumonuoalth
enclosed inn letter, will receive one copy of this /'/;y \',s')7, ]' 1 | ,v.V •
work by mail, or live copies will be seut fur Unk * ' Skchetary’s Ovnrr )
A'l'lross, (post fmill,) DK. AVM. YOCXC,
No. l, r »2 Spruce Street, Philadelphia.
July 12, 1564. —I y.
Purvianre’s stork is now complete,
From littlo cases, very neat,
l'p fo those of largo dimension*,
Suitable for high pretensions.
C’ome on, Ladies ! come on, (louts'
(’< '•M ye men of —•
otno on. nli .**ollBo !
Ami got impressions of your faces,
To show your friends your mim v grace*.
Tho dress is hotter to bo dark,
lUit brown on rod is just tbo mark,
Tor then tho contract fairly shows,
Ilotwoon tho person ami tho clothes.
It’.** well enough tho sun should shine,
A.** (hi- will servo to shorten time,
Hut ifit don't ami cloud.** he rife.
Ilo’ll take your pictured*! tho life.
Those little ainttrr*. ’yolopt huhes.
Should never ooino ’midst clouds ami shades
lint when the monarch of tho skies,
11 in shining rohos put.** on, arise
Ami bring your Htth- «*/«/'« to mo,
And brightest picture.** you will see.
Another thomo the muse suggests.
To put all gloomy doubt.** to rest —
Such Inmost men an scruples fool,
host wicked craft fresh from tho (/*•"/,
Should !<o invoked in place ofarl
And made to not a wily part,
Are told with ruiisrience clear of evil,
We huso no dealings with the '/»•«•//.
Cloarticld, .Juno 11. Iha-I.
Shei-ilPs Sale,
v , c , •. r I* • • i .'■'«* theiiucMion wiif* determined in tit* aflirma i\e
1) t vi rim* of .utmlrv unis ><f run ruu:i«. lv-ued . ‘ . .. . ~ ..
|< .. , .• .. ~ ~, . lM .Journal u| tin* ImiM< of Representative.-.
■ > out of i lh‘ ( mirt of < ‘iniiiuiii IMea* ill < li-ar , , r . . .
.. , , . , . ,• . , ,| i , . , Iho uue.-tion rerun-ini' upon the linal pa.-.-aL'-*
livid county, ami to me directed, will he exposed ‘ h
, ... *, , .. , , i | „ "i the Resolutions. Ihe hrst piopo-ilmn way a-rreed
to puMic .‘‘ale. at the ( ourt linucu in < learlield, on ‘ 1 n
1 . . . . ... . . . . . . It ll> 111 rf \1 7 •
Nitnnluv, tin* 2Jil ilnv ol .July, J *;» lul 2 u oloek v .. .11 . , . ,
i> %. .. .. 'lll 1 . . 1 , ik vs - MA liranmn. A Al htl'-ii, Ua .
I’. M., tin* followin'' ile.*»nhe«l real estate: —Ja>t 4 * ... . ,
»• ,• • . 1 1 ? ... 11 -.i j 1 narton, Mover. Miirham, Movil. Hvorh,
.N o. Ij in tho horoui'h ol ( urwensv tllo, >v itli 41 n\t ol- .... ~ \ . h , . ~ •,
11 . 1 .I, 1 .1 .1 t alone I. (ah in. Inr i.» t namhei- 111. look,
Imi' lioum*, More InniM*, Mal*le ami other out mm
. 1 .1 t, 1 1 1 1 .1 . .1 < ram*. ( mainm* Pauj'ierty, J»ii\ J)»» I*rancor,
ereetoil thereon. Mmimleil hy lot Into the tv ... I ..." *
, , .r . hnninno, hokert. Minjror, hhlre.l, hvaiis, I’os
late of John M*ot 011 wort. Me men (.rail on eaM, . ,r.. ..
1 *.* tor, rrv. tiullonhuo. (nhlionv. (lilim-re, (n*uv.
the r.fio lurnnike on north, al.-m u aeren more or ~ . ~ .. • ~ . ’ v
k W „f ti.i.lior !,i.itl in Ik.rusiik kmn.-hip.
I„„„„k<l l.y lunik ol' .limiulinn, Kink- ‘‘"'V'.' "■PI' > • H„n,. llu,mn,.|. I ,»,»,*■. Ilun
1 .1 c i 1.1 * .• 1 trr. Ilurll. Jackman, kilmTe, hnii'hl, Lauiv,
on uml othcra. M*ue<l ami taken mi execution ami , .. , . .. %l * .. ..
P, ko 8 „kl a. tlk pri.p.-rtv of Is.uu- <■ V.'.r w" s'""’ 5 '""’ ■
WIUAAM I’OWlihl,, Shrrljf. ( MKeo, Mil or. Monaghan Monl^mu
- M i*iv, Monro, Mo*or, Muno, 1 aimer, I aiko, 1 arm
.Juno, 21'., IS.'. I
Estale of Fredrick W. Slioening dee'd. '
JKTTKKS uf Administration on tin* estate of Stoekdulc. Strong. Strufhers, Wheeler, Wickloin,
J F. \V. Shoening, deceased, late of Jordan tjWright. ZcigU-r, Chase, Speaker—So.
Clcnrlield county, having Iveen granted to the sub- X.u.h none.
seribors, all persons indobtoi} to said estate will So the ijnestion was determined in the affirmative,
make payment immediately, and those having On the <{iicstion will the. House agree to (he
claims ugainst the same will present them proper- second proposition, the yeas and nays were taken,
ly authenticated for settlement. agreeably to the provisions of the lUtii article o‘f
MA lIV JANE SIIOKNIXG, I . . . the Constitution, and uro as follows ;
H. F. SJIOEXIXG. j s * inr • ■ Vkas—Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Hall, Ilur-
Jorduti township, July J, IS3J. ton, Heck. Heyer, Highnm, Hnyil. Caldwell, Cur
lisle, Cliumherlin, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Dnugh-
Estate Of Garland IrYin 9 deceased* i*rt.v, Gavin, Deegan, Dc Frame, Dunning, Kding
•m-roTnip I I • .I*l.. Cl- Fldrod, Evans, Frv, (iallentine, Gibbouv, GiL
IV A • '.'-r-yv «' vi ; n n ,„ ri , ,; r .Jmom, llii'.ituml,
VVr ' "Y the .-..t0 of.Oarlaml Irvin .Into limjol , 11.u.1.-r, It.,rtf. Jack
id Pike ip., deeeusetl, have in due lorm of aw vsi. * . ■ ~ . . . ....
i .1. man. Kilgore, Knight, Latin, (Lehigh.) l*nwory,
been granted to the subscribers. All persons in- \ i m m • « ( . ,• u » f
, , , , ... . . ... * , . ( Imga.) Lmii, .Magee, Maguire. MamL-rhcld, Me
jlvl.UMl mil makr .miurJiHU. pa.vmrnt. ami Co ,, |uv| Xt . Kw , tf,,,, IIM 7 Aloaru.
mv l‘ rL,!,e,,t lhum 1’ r,, l^ r! -v aiitlii-n- Ml ,„ or . j,,,,,,, Pu1,,,,-,*. Prtrlu'. l-arm 1...., 1-aMu.ora,
ticated for settlement. u .. e t
i> r i’i < i,' n t t l utterson. Purler, Haulms. hoberl.t, Howo, Sttl-
MATiini i p \v ? i'v r * > I AdnCrs. ; hide, Srotl, Aimimton, Smith, Smith, (Herks,)
... A . ' * . . * K Smith, (CnWlAnl,) Stoekilale. Wheeler, Wieklein.
(, Jul.y IS,-I—(.L-p.l, Wrl K l,t. ClX\.»-t..r-TI.
ii o m n n«i. o u«na Nays—Necsrs. Aflams. Hubhun, HeaiiP, JlnnK
Ocular Demonslratious. Ilyerly, Eckert, Ellis, Hurt, Herr, 11..111, Ilummei,
THE ‘‘proof of the Pudding is chewing the M'Coinhs, Miller, Poulson, Putuev, Sidle, Stov.
Hag," and the surest way to get cheap yood Strong, Stru horn, Zciglor - ‘JO.
<iO<)l)S t is (o call on A. M. HILLS, at tho So tho qiictdiDn nuts decided in the affirmative.
*'(>!•{ Corner Storr” • Seoiihtauy’b Office, I
When* ho is just receiving a now recruit of almost Haumsiu uu, July I, j
every thing in the tunic lino. A particularly large J*KX,ys YL VANIA, BS,
ami well selected stock of Fashionnldo Heady- | - —] Ido certify that, tho above and fora-
Triminod HONNKTS, and Silk laid, VHiiii Hlnclt ' < skai.. [ going, is a true and correct copy ufibo
Silk, Watered Silk, nnk Fauey coloured Silk Mun- ( •—' J “vkas” and “nays" taken oil the **Hos
tilla.i, all in the latest and neatest atyle. Also, u polutiou relative to an amendment of
superior lot of (J I Xfl II AM LA WNS—silk finish. ' tlio Constitution of tho Common wealth,”
Hoinomber ut the JtlClJ b'LAd. . ! us the sumo appears on the Jouni-ds of
the two Houses of the lioncrtil Aaseiu
hly of this Commonwealth, for tho iSes-
Htnn of ift.Vl, ,
Witness n\v hand and the Seal of said
I office till? first dny of July, one (houa
M. HEU* <(• VO., i und eight bundrviHind fifty-four,
tviionk ciTv. * - j " A. JILACK,
ALL Inula of (loiitlemcuuml Lailica'wonr, of fcocrotnry of thtCCoimnomroaUh.
superior quality, sold very cheap for Vush 1 ----- - - 1
only. Everybody buys there. July 12—pd. ■ HTI^ 1 yorv p ALE, nt tbo lttnekamith shop of
* . M. Orr A Klinger, In Clearfield—n» excollonttfr
tielo. Cheap for cash. July <1,1854.
A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker
•TirriLli be afforded liberal wages 'and constant 1 DEEK SKINS WANTED* v -\'\
T T employment by making application iiimio. rjlllK Iliglicxl I’rlcoa in Cnsh will bo pnid by tlie.
Uintely to. the subscriber. . (lUtlC'H, X subscriber for a ipunitity of. J)ccr Hklnp.
Cleurlielil, July A, 1854'.—tf, j May 31, 1854. MOVER ULEMA'S.
r\’ ■&'
i Harrisburg, .July 1, IS/»|.
I'- —* — i Ido certify that the above nml fore
Skal.. \ going i w <» true ami correct u copy of the
• —') original “Rcsnlution relative to un
amendment of the Constitution,” n.s the same re
: mains on tile in thin office.
In testimony whereof* I have hereunto iet my
hum! and caused to be affixed the seal of the See
| rcturvV office the ijny and year above written.
; * C. S. BLACK,
j Secretary of the Commonseullh,
Journal of the Semite.
j ‘‘Resolution No. 502, entitled * Resolution propo
i sing amendment to the Constitution of the Com
mouwealth,’ was read a third time. On the ques
. tion, will the Senate agree to the first proposition,
the yeas and nnvs were taken, agreeably lo the
Constitution, and were as follows, viz :
i \kas —Messrs. Ruekulew, Darlington, Dursic,
Furgusoii, Foulkrod, Frick, Fry, Ooodnin, liable
man, Hamilton. R. 1). fTamlin, K. \Y, Hamlin,
i llcister, Hoge, Jamison, Met "lin. McFarland,
I I’intt, (juiggle, Sager, Slifer, and MCusliu, spun*
. ker—2.‘s.
So the question was decided in the affirmative.
Nays—Messrs. Crubh, Cresswell, Hendricks,
Kiuzcr, Kuukte and Skinner—f>.
1 On the question, will the Senate agree (o the
second proposition, the yeas and nuys were taken
I agreeably to the Constitution, and were as IoU
1 lows, viz :
j \ k.vs —Messrs. iiiickali'w, I)ar>ir, I'ur^nson.
Fuulkroil, Krv, Hooilw in, Ilaliloimm, 11. i>. Hamlin,
' R N\ Humlin. Heniiricks, llristcr. lE.lnmi
son, Kii)7.i*r, MrClintork, Mi Farlaiol. I’i.iU, Frioo,
Sllfrr. Wln-lIV, Mr ('asl in, SjjrukiT L'2.
•Vu s Messrs. CraMi. (.'resswell, Harliuglon.
Hamilton. Kunklr mnl Skinner—<s.
July 12', mi. j
. usd
In Senate, April l^.»t
WM, JACK. Clerk