I*ol i'tu'i \"\ 11 " l ' / To lll*' u\m (if i’ciiiisy 1 vniiin. every election (Jistrict, appoint your vigi- / MORE TROUBLE FOR POLLOCK. Arrival of the Pacific. /rum tin■ p/nimM/iimt An/im. it;,■fall'll,, hu !,! ‘T;; i "'l'l' 4 ' following net iu regard tn a I’m- Inneo and other committess, prepare to | A week or t« lie Free Soilers FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. KNOW-NOTHING ASSOCIATIONS. 1.,-^.V-.'. k'.'lC Ir.'.n" V'ifn«.i.-i l Vh i„ Vi»!. Uibltniy Law was paS£?d by the last Leg. got out the vote, do your duty in accord-j of Beavcr COU rtj cd Mr. Pollock, New York, July 24. Weoecnsionnlly One) in the columns or a I‘i.v'lrr ..|.|.ti...l 1...- i„t„ ,-ici.v islniuro and approved by'tJic (lovcrnor, to nnco with the magnitude or the measure, i ~ American nnr The American steamship Pacific nrrived Whig journo glimpses ofproper principles N'' v'f" 'i 1 ' 1 ""' 1 " 1Tl ‘<'tr'-'s" wit: / and it will he sustained by a 50,000 ma- an(i wniß American par- , ■ at s ; v o’clock with Liv- wl,lch should not bo lost sight of in tho 'l'l' i-' V-nm-T"''' *"r’V*-'7-""" i AN ACT for the suppression of the man- jority. *y h e *d a convention in Allegheny county, p|> * . dn)cs (£) j-> t j, jnst.—Four days general scarcity of that article in tho i* o John ,cades to induce tho convention to throw place since last accounts. *** » reforcnco ,0 «"<>*.Nothing Asso. nnd,ml 4p.‘ r „U !h o, ' d ~a' 'V,"C «ITro* > a,io« ««.. oi* l.u- • « A. oo ‘ Mr. Bradford, (the Native African can- Tho Baltic .loot had temporarily with- c~ : , . V,, J, , | ■ . . . people. I',. IJ. tluestings, J. I stuck, v , , , drawn from Cronsladt “YVo suspect that it is an organization n-iiai SIS m ill 1 T T ' rTT" And terras, I. is represented that a ; Wm. Nicholson, Wm. 11. Jones, . .d’date for governor) aside, and declare PruBaia that opuses Catholicism, and Catholics in vasses Tlrt- Whies a Ttl , i'TT ' ln '° c nt ! inb(l '- ir, ' ot 4 mn .i nri 'y of,b F ’ c:,,(l(lrs ,- llens/.oy, [for Mr.-Pollock. But it was no go. The , |ad scnt n special envoy to Austria, urging general, who are running for office. If fixTlu-u' iiiei'iiuiiv^for 1 '! mi r•' .hr s'l'lo '‘' < ns 1,1 lb ' H commonwealth, are deeply J: F. Bird, M. D. American pnrty knew them of eld, and that government to refrain from further so, it ennnot have our sanction, inasmuch invention, oMhcy* wj| | loU'Th id r'.dTlnd ''"'p®**®* 1 , ”! l . h pnBSae ° ° f “ Gov. Bigler 811(1 Free Dlseuttsion. i indignantly repudiated all these whig stops with France and England, but rath- as we deem it wrong to persecute any one nof 1 '!'"' 1 n'‘\ v 5; • «. 7- -*7 , r4r,"' r) “ T nvcn ' °p-o“ n ” now ” so " ::r 1 “ “ ll “" 15 n s °: ,er rT m )" 1,0c " y Au,,ri » l,nvin s-"» in "" n ™° r|,,u " Co "“ ,lic ; ir “■ Bill James Poltnt k the 717,/.. enmli. "" ! V " ll ' c "' lo b - v ni y ,ins (l 1 petition*. lcl tlu ir i..a,iin K , l,ra KS i.,g U-a.k-m embrace tho ,° f 1 ltl!,bur K l ‘- al 'J' , " ch siml ''' l en ° rts " cre sia countermanded the advanee of her nr- , (crests of their faith, and act unitedly at (Inventor i\ n ntnmC, „t the nn ' l C) ,rmon '"; f " ,r '; s J thr'roforn here ..flVrd. The Jiemoeruev are pe- made to soduco them into the support of my into Wallachia, much distrust was every clecton. llow far this is true, wo (/, v//,. -mined in '• ‘''““t™ 'll the eVm , v f , in | lllv i„ K us the sinking fortunes of whiggerv, which again excited of her intentions. .know as little as we do about the Know- Phihtiitlphiu, o,; the ccctiinx <1 th, lUlh Tor'mov!Z7lh °'f f( 'cn "‘ ,ir , "“ 1 vi, " liual " , likewise failed, and a resolution was adopt- The Russians ore no| in a hurry to. Nothings. Wo cannot but hope that our r.; srJrtte STS % sjr I rjVJET; s:.tii',«i,;.l orgiini/.alimi. James Puiloek, v null 'l n rir h M ! |.r«s touching t| lo iiitenlions cat out of tho bag, and to have greatly b,s line on the Scroll, for_ strategic reasons. a tree and enlightened community. on entering that secret order, Sworn:, Ist. .1' „ nn ,,,.,i' ~|„n l; n n' ;* )lw • ,of Cov. Bigler, tho Democratic candidate . alarmed Ins fr(tmds. It is a curiosity m Considerable mystificution exists in rela- 'Plus open, patriotic course stands out /A u'uuLl nut cute (or tri ajiputn/ to ofj.cc ,* fl U nnk Immn i!n mwl inwn ' n l * iC cnnvnss, lor the uflicu ho Tta wav, and has stamped its nutlior as a *‘ on t 0 ! ! 10 ront owers. in hold rolitd against tho policy pursued ..»» «'1» »,». Co",’ •!•" ' ety Ocmbe" no”; “ so iil.l y ~n,l fuiiliMl, (Hied, .ml k m,J .1.0.gh.k,. „ ??■'"“ h “ “«r,IT"? ,l I ”.' Vl,i “ ‘"I’"” f /,// ine mt.onii in, my oi uuobci nc\i to k d j u , IC | u , ,i iu b!o attacks bavc , . ... and it was expected that a fortnight would n s tlicir-ciimlidato for Governor ot the G/. lie u-ou/U not vole Joe or anoint Jco «h,nl!on!’l t" i b -n repeatedly made upon him in Unseen-1 liul ‘ lO an ™*°* ' nk ; Cn J om before the next phase of the nego- State, who is a member of to antj ouut who he,'a val in the doc- M |.,ij nn 'i. Mn( | ....m I,it, n nnnnliieiim- 1 noction, 1 have deemed it an act ot justice an article in the I Inlndelphia Daily Sun, nations transpired. lhat association which the Eagle says tnaus of'the. Roman Catholic Chinch, " m ~r in. .v c- L/ Ii ?«rT ™ for t«« 10 llim na “> tho democratic party the most influential Native American pa- Uiero is no actual war news, excepting cnn not have its sanction. Not u Whig trhether Lorn in this country or clmeltere. mC( |j f !j in | sm-nmenttU meeb’inic il and QllJ llle people of tho Commonwealth, to per in the country, is a bluffer. It is a no- nr J action at Guirgevo, on the sth of July, journal of this city has dared to utter one :W. lie would not. vote for or appoint /uirm ’ , give publicity to the annexed letter, ad-, ico to tho W hii-and notice too from "hen 'he rurkscrossed the nver m force, word in condemnation of this attempt to loofin e antj man whose, father teas not Lorn ON " Tint the officers authorized I' l “> n.o for tho use of the State Ccn- j . t 0 * h .. . , ! ’ . an(J w ' l \ lh , e Russ.._ans a battle mingle religibn with politics, and kin tn ihn count) o and'a believer in the , T‘ ~ , oI,IL, r' nutlion/.e I CommilUeo. . hcad-rpiartcrs, tllfit if they desire a victo-. ensued, in which the latter lost 500 in kil- die in our happy country, the I,rileful in uur> Lounutfy an u a uukcu in int | )V j aw j 0 J Kl | c l clrclions in each ward,: ' , ... ... I , . r ~ . . XT • , t n .i nn .i w . )Mn ,| (W | r r . • •, i * » P . ~7, L’eoU.±lant. religion. bnmimli -ind 'owns!,in in ibis ( ornmnn. The public will discovcr 111 this commu-i rv this full, they must turn Natives and led ami woumicU. fires or sectarian intolerance. Ihe U big Tlu >e aro tin; facts with relation lo u . n .,i,[i ~r e horeliv direeieil ,m,l rrmmi'il tiicnlion another exhibition of that honesty, take a Native candidate. The Sun says : : J' ie Russians still occupy the Danube party in this city is totally nt the mercy ol Mr. ’Bollock. Will he dure deny them/ ‘ hc ’ |. l( . e f lV ,.,|'| >y | aw j n s( . V eral sl| iecrily, and fairness of purpose which ' ..The 'Daily News appears in a new Uank, from the Alnta downwards. this midnight cabal, and the Sun taunts its They arc susceptible ofll.o most abundant ( |j slric ,J f„ r the holding of tbe general elec- lms so . mud ' ‘'»sn.,gu W |,ed the course of suil oftv[)l . am | ln | a . s occasion lo read lo ' concent ram ween 'varim'"and ■! l,a ‘ hencc,or,l, 1 ,h . u and com inceing proel, Ihe time, the ticmg in sn id districts, on the second Tues- ,ts n, " h, ' r "« the various responsible |msi- , ils |>o | ilictt | ivicnds a lecture upon their dm s ? " h , o " 0 « it" Ja™ nnd groat W|„g parly of the State must look place, the circumstances in connection .j. ty of Qbtobcr next when thev shall hc 'ions with which the people have honored tics l 0 ,he press ; and in the course of its 1 i“, . ?' ,' , l ° ,l,c Know-nothings .for support. By with the uilmission ol Mr. Bollock are all niy . r;tl ns nn election board.'lo receive bil »- li,gler is mllmg to meet Mr. ; observations, it says : ‘the Whigs of Phil-1 of beam, on the 50G, ult ‘bu! .‘"Ti mC ," ' , , ' B . '° f'* " known in tins city. Ihe members nl the (Vom cao |, ,|,);dificd voter of their snid dis- I ollock or Mr. iiindloid, or both the oppo- addplmi bavc just come out ol a polilicul |h( . r( , js , , f 5 ’’ I,U 1 ' ! rol | n lounlai "’ bllciJ ll;) 11 ls - Kiiou-Nollniig urgaiil/.aiioii clriin him ns (rjcls |ir |. (l( | , nnU ,,| „ r written on the y ' lllol ‘ candidates, before tl,o people und , Col ,t es i gloriously nml are nbout I.' r om Asia there is nothin,, new • «ith all i ntolerence and wickedness, the liieir candidate, and as a membi rol their (U i ts j,| ( . i “IVohibitoiy Liquor Law," and 111 -scuss the various polilicul issues ol tho entering upon another, which they now F„ m i Tm- Sr vt , c W»»°—Tl.’o Ii is . V,ll o l ,arl y must JrMw " s v ij«l subsistence order, m 101 l .'omiminion will, all Us pro- ,| Eckels in I'mor of the nronosed 1 011,1 1,1 su ch discussion ourcuusc, tbe, confidently anticipate will result 'in nn • ?'.„.»«« K > m thc present campaign. I heso are tho scnp.ivc Ideas. If Mr. Pollock . leeted, e.JA, J„. „f wcmD, —o. ,-epubl ,ca nisn, and tyuth, ha,noth, j C q UQlly g ,- orioUi vLory in tins Stated it;;: J ’T’ mC "' r< ' aS ? nS T'? " , ° 1 j T,‘“ f 0, ‘ f] instead ol thc Slate C.ovcrnment la mg llFor ~ i ,j g j lory lj;iw ” and ,n S 10 f< -ur. Our principles have only to ■ This is news indeed! The coolness dis- ~ s ./- l C ".- V b °"’ bel ‘^ C f “ lsC "" d hl,lro,ls a 1 " 1 conduclcu on I lie broad, open basis ol tho lhosc P pp,,«.. t | ,| K . p m no S( .,| | :t u’ shall l,e l ' ,l0W “ 011,1 uudoislood, to he properly j , nycd by lhese w |,igs in appropriating x,,'n ~ inHnedmtel v , invo IrT" C ‘ ‘ S ‘‘T I - l,< . i,n l ° “ 10,, . ,s Cuiislilulio", and the equality of all mm cn|ltain V„ ,ho im.de the words, - \-.must'''M'PH-'aa'.cd. Very respectfully, I American victories to themselves is amm , j “m civ, ml doin 1, g ° r . y wl,ecU l " 8 ‘vrunmcal car.- undor that sacied instnunenl, the direct- n i . r i ” . n . .1. KLLIS BONIIAM. Whv—the Wliii/narlv hns no nhost - “ ls . s , 1 co, '‘- | l'‘>le the op., J |,ey uuro not deiiounco the nnti-Ameri- s r s W * y imi •**7 .!»««.««« i» .US. l«M. « cily,...J no me h.. n»ro ».c.ilily op. 0 ‘k'iky ZT illirf”'”'. mis ’uU - J. Ellas Bonham, F,7 lb o return judges, who Dear Siu 'The mannerof conducting nnd other \Vhtg organs. It j ro0 p S j, 1(0 Russian territories during llie arrow modit strike a (lull lliey do not de Horn Mi. lel lock is swoin to deprive sh . lM ens( u nru | cor[i f y o || Iho v01 ,. s po |. . , ;, I . lPrn .,, nr , n ] |, ls i 0 | )Sl - rVL (: ° v - R'b' lcr 1S 10 be Relented, it must be nP(lflt i-, ionq ° ° mI P MI MrIKC 0 buU ,l,( > do 1,01 Ul ‘ one portion of our fellow c.izens ol their | cti in sni(l coun(v or c > y , lo thc of b X“ f o l w m, X'X XX’ »>y other than Whig agencies ; upon Z™ CuThv-ised as his reason for S 't ° '’"T v f „ vv , - cquahty ol lights because they do not |ho Secretary of the Commonwealth nt J , have dimnei ire Xon I m ai’ «l,at founda.ion the confident anticipations lllt H r u Sf Xoislad. 1 Ins is the present position of.be Wing worship (,od t.o same manner that be Harrisburg, directed and transmitted m" , idimy e nthcs.l'ctn of “another glorious victory,” are based “ X c “XhXX" X’ .T ir" ? / ■ ‘'"m’ “f does; another, because they were not lhc same manner, ns thc votes for Guver- X nos °s.‘E wc cannot see. The Whig partv is about .XiXnVof l'vncindii,M, i-, t i ", Ca " f ‘f 1 ’ L”i,: s,? n ° r t ’‘re u \ «' ,iro ""' d m ,r ’v , j, siinr?c ral niti: ;i: not native to the country or nny have ni !'^ d ’ ontl ,lu - aOlll becrctnr J b,lall 0n . 1,10 You will remember that when travel-: cnnsylvania up to the hub in the nine, works at tho Salma mouth of the Danube, victory in our cily has been purchased at EX Severs ZnfwZ rcli.Gm.s 1,r . ,11ay ?' Ja ™ ary TT*’ “ 1U in 1 deprecated tin. «"•* h !m sc\r cannot extricate it. nflcr ft sh(l resislnnce . ■ : X d', nrmi-X “d for iSu‘ I X fiiilln Thisis obenreae ! communicate the said returns to the Leg- .. su , ropillg sys!cm “ ns ~a Me to manifest l ' cre ' 9 > bu 000 "k.ch can put KusBlA ._ o „ , h c Ist of July there were is sll || ! dishnnoHn tho pri. .".h-s cd oil the soil of old Pennsylvuin nnd l ' ,laUllt ‘' 10 bc fl P cnctl and counted in thc aud weighty objections. That I embraced d° wi ‘. hl -. nsc l emocrncy, nnd that n, ioO cases of cholcru ut St. Petersburg. and nalionalit vof the \V°hi,. ud Z; ted to ho orced o. X same manner the votes for Governor are U raore as a matter of necessity than uf Americanism. I hrough its agency Gov. o ,ner Pacha says that the Ilians "a Xd J ckfiXXepnnc I e nmmpieu io ac loiceu on nci u.i/.cns by opened nnd counted, and considered ns thc c i. o ; cc The onnonents of the Democrat- l! '" lcr c,m bc defeated, but it will bo no , . o--. 000 durin.r tho onsnrcessfol i- l ' to ueu nu mepnnui net, ol (lie. means or n sworn secret society. How p ,., y( . r oft | lc voters of this Commonwealth i c pnrtv had commenced the practice in Whig triumph. Americanism recognizes j c „ c ' o |’ " D unsuccess Know-Nothing Associations, still they are will the hones, yeomanry of the interior ' rt ., a ' liv(! to tllo p ro |„bi.ory lirpror law. and ~, ‘and he -i" both the old party o°rgani- Pmm S. ux -The details of the Scan ""'"F !° * ,r ,° S ‘ ra ! e ,hcmsc!vL : S - a ‘ IIS relish such an attempt to make aliens of >SEtn , ( , x ;i . That aU llu . 0 7 C( . lion lavvso| - jJ ' “ p.p, but to "' ,icl, ier Whig or Democrat, and -J XXXou ale cifii'tim but H U f P ,'7 ~- C ° °, ! C 'T7 y their children, nnd ostracise them Irom the State nreseril.in-. -hu hours nr onenim. , . V in cnrrvim' out its nrmcinles it accents insurrection arc conlliciing, but it is victory, in the celebration of which, they .lie benefits of civil and religious liberty ?‘ ml cXm Xc Sti c X mil ol vies "’"7 T ' bt ' ,r °" " , cl,o!iCn Way - A tllu ai< | ' of U'l,„. or De Sa, indiscrimi CCr,a , ,n "'7 ° msurgems were , nan,tam- wi || p | ay the SCCOII(i fiddle. But the dose The Star-chamber of F.nGand, and the Z ,cnV l""‘dlllil 7oiiX !he d 7 alternative may he again present- Ame ricrm.ism Hected DcmlraTic l| ien,selves, a though the country docs ,' s so nauseous that a portion of the party Induisitorial institutions of o'her countries, fa q ( | expenses o? pnblic uion and 7’ ’'' ' C "IT ,b ' t, ' ,| i l IU p !> °,(’ouncilmcn in heretofore Whm wards the llot rit | o in ll "-' ir ,QVOI -. One report says has already sickened, und before the day are justly reprobated hv all lovers of thc , ” 1 c nst - A pbJlic.Uion, am, be regarded ns uuthoniy, Judge I ullock, ' ' ~ . ' . vni 3 wards, tin i|,o rebels were retreating towards Andal- 0 f election a still i.reater number will he rK ofcS-Scc but on lo hcv 1 holdm F °' lhC g, ; m n al Ul ’ u “'‘‘be most prominent and talc,ted of,""- * lh yth "'’ b ,nnd the same power can usilli , iH j tllc ca „ ol s 'iX Xllacy 'ho gi ot cons itncc . out now Mo thc > Mil- Uiri) of same, nnd all other matters inci-, ,| IC oin)os i| mean didates has already de- - swce P every vestige of lhat party Irom our Privute dostmtehes from Si,no stale ilm 7 , , V I't-mocracy ol .tie .cr in practical consequences from thc or- j , ,| 10rcI( , be and the same are d.-ela 1 P oi,lll p (-unUiUuti. , lias already M.. It is worse than folly lo misrenre m , , patches Irom bpntii stale that Male cannot he defeated by James Pt/llock der of Know-Nothings To b-sure thev j r m , , dcC , tcrmined to canvass tho blutc by holding /' ' 01 - L IM 'in lolly lo misri.pre- M a | n ga had pronounced in Invor ol the in- url( | | ad K nu w-NolhiiiL. confederates if ocioi mimv aonim , lou sui tuev red applicable to thc election above null- •> series of nuhlic of mcctim.s °, sent tlx; true issues involved in the fall sur „, alld and that Valencia wool, l ,1. nnk , , r g . comeutrait s it deprived a man ol he ns well as liberty. ori J‘ ‘ l m 7uo,nlBc• v I before rcard Campaign. The result must either he an foHow '’7 ‘ JUI -X f ‘ eld ' U,Hy a « I,,IISt " ,,S I hat was a leatum of .he same barbarous SErrloN 4 . Thnt i( shil || bo the duly lh e Democratic candidate as subiec’t to‘.hc- Americanor a locofoco triumph-no Whig ‘ at w ~,cn P ,)Wt ' r °"d ago in which their organization existed.- oflhc s | K . n |fof the several counties of this , casumof h s fHels as far ns the per- <''» l,l '. The steamship United SiatesyTrom As- journals iii our cily, and to the Hon. ingism, of I*s-1, of which Mr. Pollock is -\ n d tlie State Temneran-e (’ nvnntlnn of political aflairs, ut such times after tho G’operriican system pinvvall, has nrrived ut this port, brio ging James Pollock, a member, is identicl in all its features 1,;.-1, m ,. t 11.....; a ° ./.’T.'7* l i' 0 " a, ’d P‘ accs ln lbc -^ latc as > na y bo deemed u fastronomy l.egnn to be generally under- California advices to tho Ist instant. with the most barbarous crusader;, of the ~•1.1.' . ‘' 3 V 0 ’ ° n W'i7 l"'°P rr - stood, ull old Connecticut farmer vvsnt to 'Pile mining news coiiiinties lo be of lhe Me.nTAMTV of the Crrv.— I lie u liolb middle agr s. ° l‘‘‘. lll '' lol ' I have no opinions lo disguise on nny |,is parson with lhe following inquiry: .most favorablu character, .and the crops «umhcr of deaths in the cily during lhc r .1 . .n" mg ro-.iMiil.oiis . subject to be in the least nlh'cted by the 1.11. ,1,, , | lP |,p Vr , were vieldino larxelv past week was 4tt2, of which 13!* were Whig pany and,iscniubda.eCMr, Poke,:k, forced a ddihren, ,ssue%pon .S: 1? XrXXThXi'XX!: ' r >’ lb -r,h moving round the sun *” iio ;^ et ' a^S‘ ion S “ n ““d ; 'liounil' ha'XaiGfi’o, t rEdv clr!- 7r77Xl XcXde77X p ; iFbuf;;,; 1 T 1 ’ 7 [ ur , aS - I,o T bl ;\ ,h,; C f C V or, | U ‘: • “ 1)o ’>■<», think it is according ,0 the Much excitemmi. occurred a, nn elcc-T bd - 0 -re *U ,_ehole,a, infantum HI, by Mr. Darsie, the Whig nominee for Canal der the circumstances we wil «(7eon«id ' ) r " C ‘7 ' 3 ‘‘ b ° ll , 7- 1 I,LSI(i ' - soriplures. If it’s true, how could Joshua bon in Sun bruncisco, and severe fighting ch ' ,| ern morbus 1 Ihe deaths bv dys . 'oioinissioia. r, is nofu native of this coun- or it a final test of our s, c „ •Xn,l is olhc, ? , . ac,s nrv nu,Wrs " P ubl,c F 0 "'! command the dim to stand still P’ and shooting nt ihe polls ,00k place. were 29 he week previous t J,e try, and lienee he is to be superceded by pol , 0 cei n, and m passing upon their wisdom, «Umph !*> quoth ihe doctor, scratching There had been a large Chi-• deaths were 413, the number of cholera •vi o r. in-. . • 0 J « 1‘ * , juslire ann , ° m ,k P rtn ; irm nN casrs 09, of cholera ininnfnm, H.j. A Mr. opicer, of tho Nuhvc American Stale llrsn vnl I haf ns iho ouesfion of IVn. * u,\ r, J i • .1 . w neua * Joshua commjiiuuJ lhc sun lo mse emigrants. . . r.i 1 r .«r. r.\ • 1 .* 1 1 /• 1 i' \, 1 J ‘ a 1 » ii'U iu? UK 'jucsiion 01 110 to all the facts and mlormation lhat can s i nn d mill hn v* f.Jm nC ihr wi.fnn i/,,,,. comparison of thc bills of mortality ol iho iicket, and a member of the hibition is based upon the -allLctioi.s of an he thrown before them I shall therefore 1 how oul 1 ,tIL dillcrencc. A cnange in \ .. r r ri , i , » liiiis)ivuji. ,nt most carntMi) ncom* slni> by speaking lo our party irienda in »> llrnv\ qunpv in.r n\ nod it inn hnd nrm> atmosphere by the late rains, mav rc lion, dieieloie, foi lhe cilizens of I endsyl- mend to its friends thre.ighout the -State, tiat, wuv or if preferred' hv nicotine v - ‘ .. .. , ,■7 s .. - ° 1 . . . ’ ducc the number of deaths v-ania to decide is, shall the fire of regions , 0 organize atoneu in their respective coun- hu |., ( . P, d | oc iV before ,| e neo’, le Tv Timm ,“7 wel1 * dl,) you ever hear that he ed San Diego, and report their whole numt * r T* I frp'Tfr «< «l ,-onJn.Ui, i "““ e " Sa ‘ n ' '.MkeJ ' l,o l,'f ;V ‘° ' n ‘' ,t:aaC lbc v . ol ° lav< ? r °J ‘“l>'cs, past and present, State and Nation : action in this country does San Francisco from Guoyumns, with the Cholera .n Maryland.—From mfor mi -'n ‘ , n , btrl °'d ( - 1 prohibition, hut to cariv it by u triumphant |,| „ rca t und a nr, a 11. This I urn willing |iu| c io lift uo any who are concerned in thirty three nrisr.ners Inielv kclv.-.I nn.l im mnllon received yesterday, we bear that c > ■' t, xx ,h r ■ jury rr c "T, n,y r ,l,c b , allu, i b,,xin (^u ; ber nc v- 1 ° j ° to ,bc -d l! iu;:dT r;;:r,:: 3 : a Ts2lz 0" ,m * l choiem i» 8 appeared Xhei o w. r sec Ii! nl ! the pre-senec qf a spirit alien to ho adoption by the vote o .he people hmi.cd nbili.ics, und during the con.inu- 1 ra lity. Politics, indeed, regarded as the ‘ The Sandwitcli T-Vrom the of Dorchester county, an entire fami f • ° o .|' , 7 s ' ltll | lOnS ’. alld ° lbcso . rc:,u,ullolla b . v a, ‘ cniph.Uic major- ancc of my health, which, thank God, is : study nnd pursuit of the true, enduring Sandvvitch Islands we learn that a new *7 hav,n K died of lhat disease in the Inner ft" a> S ‘ ie’T, 7'X „ nl ' !‘7. '-.>M.,.orlant to the best interests ol now e.vcGlent. ! good of a eommuni.y_as the application falilF I,‘X P art °f lhc last week. The family was HidiYYo •( iv'-rir I A ul '7' r r ium . a 1 ll " y ''7 U!ovc d '°" 1 ! no "' Very truly, your ob’t serv’t, i o r grout and unchangeable principles to ture, roduciim the existing- dukes oneSialf name d l)ean , and consisted of husband, Vln l e into . Star (dmmhers, wealth ;we therefore urge upon the friends WM. BIGLFR. ' public alfairs-is a noble sphe eof though, m\7k.Ts -' X^XT 'Vrinc sco , ar- wifc and two children, who partook hear he o the e g,,’ s opimous of a poriion of good order, that they take such mens- - ji nd action ; but poht.es, in its comnmn k.-ts' eeuerTl!' ! uic. Sr was lily ofcrabs <>» Frida y. «nd in less than - hntfdfr rVr■ N n L 1 -° .Ti UraS m 1 “ :l , r ics pc i -l‘ vu counties, boroughs, Tuesday afternoon last, a street sense, or considered ns the invention of easier, Gallm-o and Ilitxnll bcim- Quoted fort .V-e*f! b > '‘hours thc wholo family was vis ,7 ° '7° tbl “k' wiigo.iiia: . cities, wards uud districts, as will secure fight occurred in New York between Mr. temporary shifts as tho playing of u sub- at SlO 5Ua Sifo 75 Pulcv rlcrlmc,l i- “'• Tl ‘» • l "s°f to be Silenced on the part ol the U higs of temperance and a prohibitory law, thut Journal personally oflensivo to tho first | P ' S Chatmiw at 10c Hums 16 ill f V ,-1.0 1 S Asiatic cholera, which has heretofoie pro w,if, tbn .-ryol Au.i-Nebraska and the they make this their only and great object named gentleman. The result of tliecom- - - . “‘.VX CrUi,l ‘ CtJ bu ' ved so destructive in the nothern and west adviinee of s a ery by thu cstnhlishincnt at thc October election, that they sutler bat appears to have been lhat Mr. Mcng-! 03~James Pollock, is an Abolition ° 0...., 2 .,, ’ I vtmTi r.-i-Mo<• 'Pi rit ern cities. —Baltimore American. nl the pTUiciple ol sell-go.vernment m the no other issue to interfere with their cflbrts ] K . r ’ s fi.rchond was grazed by a pistol ball, j Lawyer of Northumberland county, a «>d , ; n TT, J p , ~7! ‘ T 7 ■ leiritormh governments ol U-uisns and in ibis cause, und we warn them against w hj| c his opponent was severely beaten is the Gubernatorial candidate oPGreelv, - ,g L ‘ s , c ‘ b nuvc Ol &nll rrancisco Cholera at Sr. Louis.—The St. Lou- Nobrdskac ! permitting themselves to hc draw n into en-, a b o ut Ihe head nnd shoulders with a riding! Seward, Tom Corwin, nnd Fred Doug- „ rom lc P? r 8 J Ghpper shipsi boa j 8 Republican 0 f the 18th insb. snys t-r -■ OiMi.i;aliowfcv6r, wilt not satisfy the pco- tangling alliances, with nny of the poliii- w |iip knockod down—kicked and jum-! lass, while William Bigler, tho Clear- . ! r ° m <- ow 7 or 5 ’ ( -' our 00 Leon,; wo expected, tbe health of tho city im ■ They tmk from the Whig candidate, cal parties of the day, who desire onty to pod on. Both parties were arrestod und 'field County Raftsman, is the cnndidnto a !!„ „.T.iTT.1!„777? 1 OSIO r7L S TM a li n0 i r i_i. aU ' P rovet i greatly within the last week. Thu an admission or denial ul ilm use ibis great, popular, and growing cause, hound over to keep tho peace. Ii is gen-!of tho Farmers, Mechanics and Working-, ine ’ a,,U scllooncr > lrom 1 niladelphin. who | c num bor of deaths was 282, against I apachincnt to ,he Know-Noth- for tho advancement of their par'-izen cni .||y thought unless friends interfere, a men of Pennsylvania. Let every man i New Orleans, large numbers 0 f 605 in tbe previous week, and the cholera ( -f! l o n Mi i >! I.< I' >■. Governor Bigler is views; to the successful carrying out by resort willTjo had to “pistols and cofleo j before ho enlists for tho campaign, decide citizens, it is snid are acting upon a recent cases 138, ugninst 210 the week before. V 0 f the demands of'a majority of tho voters, fair- themselves the “Republican” partyu,The j tinuobi to prevail iii this city, though in a'nrm as a bracelet. Dr. Burq has, by in- tnlie i,s P laco * fJthf'e df POmisylv.-inia ; and we now ask Iy ox pressed at tho ballot boxes; nnd wo Sentinel iuticnntcs that, the experimont'is j tnild form. • vcstiarb willing to .ml in elect-' anco friends, that wenro satisfied that any may serve Ihe purpose of h rogue for aG: OiTiV. bashful youDg Ipfly sayothe re o * j f rom cholera. We believe that this prac- last wco u_hv ihe roncurrent 1 action of ittg hint to the ollico of ‘Governor ol tins; one of the distinguished gentlemen who while, their very multiplioitiy is often'-a n l B l>9 cargos a paraspl, is.-thut tRe pun is }, ico orj „ inated jn i B49> liulim' Onlhrnkh nnd his mumrinles is l fo? llioin -docicici aro candidates for Governor will prompt-,circumstance to bring him )io justice atj o^^10 masculine gender, URci shp cannot * , ( k. lit 1“ tiljpu t " Philadelphia Argus, ily give bie sanction to such n law. Inst. So mote it be.” The Sentinel ,wit|»ptand ils erdoiftt,glance?. , - j The Cholera at Wheeling- j mnn who is always as cool «? I . s-tiill i-iu; -"-‘"-rj-i- i Agnin wo beseecli our friends and follow saya that the banner of the ./Ropublicnn” .- ..(Kr'Prospority 'itoo.ioften -has tho samo Wheeling, July 22. —ThorS'have been a cucu mber must, we think, bo about as I *' J9ng-t]ressefi,^^lre- ( citizens to rally, to tho-polls nnd lo carry purty may bo known by thd; J 1 ~1 s W}} e l} u Pa resolution of s tha Ltigisluturo by a ternato black and Avhite. i7Nathinglcould ton auDutoh mariner* .ivho frequently ties . tho past three days. No new cases aro CCrA man had better bo poisoned in bi* I . ,i. , ; } clear aj;id decided..majority. }n be pioro appropriate, i . ’j up the rudder, gets drunk and goes to sleep, .reported,- .* blood than in his principles, - 1 ■