THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD , JVLY~2^\sryL KOK (JOVEIINOR. 'VIIiI.IAM UIGIiEH, Of ClturfuUl I'X>U SUPREME JUDUE. H. Of Bnmcrnct County f'OU CANAL COMMISSIONER; HIONH V s. MOTT.p/ Pi he Tfic I>aw of Newspapers. I. Subscribers who do not givo express notice to l lie contrary, uro considered as wishing to continue their subscription. subscribers order tho discontinuance of tlieir newspapers, tho publisher nmjr eontiuuo to send them until nil arrearages nro paid. •1. If subscriber? neglect or rofuso to tako their newspapers from tho office, to which they uro di rected, they are hold responsible until they huvo settled their bills and ordered them discontinued. 4. If pubsertboru romove to other places without inl-uining the publishers, and the newspapers are s« nt to the former iliroeliou, they arc held respon sible. * b. The Courts Imvo decided that refusing to tako newspapers from tho office, or removing ami louv lliein uncalled for, is evidoneo of fraud. Congressional Conference. Wednesday, the {loth August next, is suggepted a- the lime for tho meeting of the L’ongrcssioiml Conferees of this District, aL ilrookville. That day will suit this county. • A uK limk.—Mu issue this number of our paper abend of tho usual day. with the intention «.t putting out another number the last of the w oek, and thus make up for one of the weeks we lost a short time ago. A Fcqt at Practical Natlvism. One of the most proniinont articles in tho creed of Nutivi«m, is in the following words: “That we advocate tho universal toleration of 'every religious faith, and total sepuratiou of all • -vt uriamsm and politics." * Another article of the same creed, being tho 2d, i • as follows : •■That no foreigner, hereafter coming to those 1 nited States shall be allowed to exercise the'elee il \ franchise until he shall have been a resident I: re at least 21 years." Ami life tirst article in this anti-republican faith i- in these words : • That us Native Americans, wo cannot consent i >gi\ e our political suffrages to any other than to iho.-e burn on our soil, und matured among our in- Thi-\ it -hoidd he remembered, is part of tin* pl;i(fnm of Nntivism in its least objectionable I >rm. In this creed. while there is little or noth ing i" recommend it to true ami genuine solid of Kevnliitioimrv sires, is not, like intnlerent Know .Vothinj'ism, directly hostile to our State and Xa i:«-!:.m1 Constitutions. Let us suppose that Nativ i iii, even in this form, was put into practice by 1 1; >' American people, or hy lh<* people of either "f rlii* States. Admit, for argument sake, that Xn !i\i'iii was triumphant. ami that our naturalization were altered to suit the foregoing creed, what *.\ ?i rilu-d an l disfranohi • d It it won 1 1 1 l>o unlawful fur a foreigner to vote h'-rtofa residence of IM years. ami unlawful, ,1-". to \**to fora ualurali/o'l lioreH, or *pent your life uml ill snhiliriuj; the h-re-t, uinler tiie • \tieme trialn ami lianl«lii)»-that tlieeaily settler? I: t l to encounter; it i.* no matter Innv u.-eful to • :-iv, li..\v vultuihle ii member of rommunity, i hw kind a neighbor, or Inav honest iiiml patriotic \ .1,1 m;iv be, nil w 'U\ nrt't suffice--\«m bad not the luck to l»c “born on" our soil," mill honor you an* uulit to hoi,! oDicf.’* Wo could tuuiie ■loten.'* of men in our own coun iv who would bo subject* of Pilch proscription.— of them were the pioneers of those mountain v ilds. They love their adopted country with un .i(Vn tion eipml to that of iho most patriotic native lx.rn. Their loyalty never wup, "Until now, doubt . 1. They Inn o held offices, and never failed in tV 1 faithful discharge of their duty. Hut hetiec , I'th tliiM are to he a j/ron:) ibt <1 r»icf. lleuceiot lb, i ihr\ ai r candidal'*' for office, their own eon.-., lor »• !:..m ihev have sweat and toiled, and toiled and weal, to rear und educate —and into whoso heart.') I!iev have inctdlvd suntiinenlu of the purest patri uot for thru i/ Nativism would !iave the sou say to the sire —“thou m l 'JoreKjn Cji u,' hcHt-c thou Htuit he a/* rnciuy ! * Such would bo a pructicul illustration of Nuliv i. 111. Wo know flint it in custuiuiiry for tlioir loud im to profess a different orood in tlioir o(TorIn to nuiko proselytes. This is 0000331111', for, if they , did not appeal l« n prejudice Hint exist.-) in tbo minds of some, against a certain Church, they , u mild bo deprived of tile co-oporation of at lonsl ilnit portion of their eonfoderntos irAo m o Ihcmt. Iren | /•o-riyn burn. lienee it is the practice of N'atii ists to 11 |i|iro:udi every prejudiced piolostant ivitli the most lolioinont doutineiutions of tbo Catbolie rlnmdi. and to assure them tliat has no aim lioyond the extermination of Catholicity in, the United States." Wo need not remind our rend ers that this is a land of religious liberty, and that as our Constitution expressly forbids Congress ma king nn '‘establishment of religion,” it ut the same time provides, that, “Nn religious test shall eiei U reuilired as n iiualificatioii to uuy office or pull lie trust under the United States, ami therefore, that this feature of Nutivism is moral treaton to that snored charter of Republican liberty. Let no man be deceived. The obligation is as clear as tbo sun’s light, n is impossible to mistakel its meaning, llonce, let all men know, that when they proscribe a mau cm nocount of Ins religious opinions they thereby put themselves without tho nalo of the Constitution. Ry that instrument, we all have tho perfect right to worship Cod ut such ■■ shrino ns mnV bo most oongoniiil to our eonsclon \co3, and ho hT>Protestant, C'-thol.e, or C r eok, wILO attempts to ilopriyo us of this holy right, lot liHu 'be marked as a dangerous onomy to republican Rotates can assure such naturalized citizens that —iiioy.afe grossly decoivcd, nnd that Nativism wants only the power to put all classes of, forolgnors uu dor tho han of condemnation. By Attacking all foreigners, without distinction or sect, croed, or country’they know vory woll would loavo thorn no hope of s"c%s ? . Rut by taking them piecemeal,; f.rsVtho Irish, and then the Uoruiau orlirench, they hope to array one class against tl.e oUiers 11ml tlni* obtain powor and intluouce. Rll! any ' srfsHRSWSfM: SSMSfTR ba. common country, and for,. tno 1' his In. our free and liberal .institiUions wathhold bia tn dignont denunciation of'propositions BO impolUm 1 and anti-republican Take tbo best view of fta tivism possible, nnll.Uiero-ls but j a ommend it to tbo true had patriotw cili»\ e learn by this arrival that llussin is more than ever determined to fight her wny, and to resist the eflorts of her conhined ene mies as long ns she has a ruble or a soldier. The Franklin a)-n brings accounts of :m insur rection in Spain, headed by (ten. n'Donuell, which wn> bodied up'.it a* quite formidable. AItIUVAI, OF THi: MAOAKA. The Steamer Ibiltic niri\cd at Halifax on the isth. with date? from I.ivcrpool to the sth. Her news is quite important. The coipbincd licet was still operating in the liahir, but had ctfc<-(ed noth ing beyond throning a few shells into Cron.-tadt, lloresund, and some other Kussinn ports, which compliments were handsomely uekuowledged from the forts. The ( 'hob •ru bad made its appearance in the garrison at Cron.-tadt. and also in the allied tb*et. A portion of the llus.-ian fleet had attack.-.I three of the British .drips in (lie Mark a oil the Ulth of June, which resulted in a running tight, ami the probable loss of one of the latter. On the 21st and SIM of .lane, hscm iv buttle 10.. k place on the Danube between the Turks and Uussians, in which the latter sustained a loss of *:*.oo men. In Asin, the Turk- met with a -cverc defeat on the lbth of June, near Kutayi. and lost from 1./Oii to 2000 men, Ft cannon, ami ’k> standards. The C’rar’s reply to Austria’s summons to e\ne. unto the Principalities, readied Vicuna on the Ith of duly, and he is understood to say. thnl thccwir nation of W allachia onght to satisfy the rensonn hie demands of Austria, and that lie nil! not re? tire from Moldavia, but hold that as a guarantee for a future condition ofjk*id •». Aiistrin lias ofcn pied \\ allachia. and a conllict was anticipated be tween them ami tlie Fence seems non to be further off than over. From Spiiiu, the nrcount? represent the iiiHiir reelion u? h(ill nml that it »lej>etuis up on mere chance whether iluj lnMir*ri-utf* or loyuliM.- nill triumph. An action took place mnr the vil lament \’ieulxara, in which the in.-urirentu were tleleatetl, ami retreated upon Toledo. The Queen lias thrown herscll'on the protection ot her troopn. many of whom were£ with the insiu K-uts. Pll.i: jt o\\. Wo lik<* to m‘i' moli ih-inK a.* tho following inserted c*«»iis|>i«*ii4»linly in tin* Wliipa lur*, which wo find in the ia /W/y Xrtr* of Tuesday Inft. ftit/lrr rrjrcini hy thr Ku 4nr Xf>thitnf*. — TIIO Wn.-ll in#tnn t'omiuonireaith learns from Philadelphia that (low Hi#ler applied for admission info tlit* society of Know Nothin#.*; hut wax rejected. Tho great est rejection, in however. yet t• > come." Tho Whigs will lourn Hint tiik I'K.M'l.k, and not a secret baud of sworn conspirators, will deride on liov. Bigler’s in October. Tun Cholkii^. —This alarming disraso still pro \ails in all our lurj'o cities, cast, wo-t. north oml south, ami in mopt places, is slightly on the in crease. It seems to bo c.xlendinj' to the Haulier towns in jho west, such a.- Toledo, <)., where 1.1 deaths were reported on the 10th; f’restline, Ohio, 1 where I.H or 20 cases had occurred, and 10 deaths i up to the 10th ; and at Alton, 111., whore 10 oases hail terminated fatally. Only 7 case.- were repor ted in Philadelphia on (ho I'Jlh V A Little iIuTTKH. —lt i.« I» ertllvil Ijiu'stiuii, (lint tho rncrcurj 1 r«»fto higher. mul kept up longer in uur tmvn last wuek. than over it dhl before —thermom- eters varying Crum *.M to DM degree. l *. Several showers passed round us on all si«fcs, until Stitur dny evening, when we were Messed with a slight sprinkle. Vegetation is at a stand still, and un less rain slnill soon visit our coi n und potato patch es, there will he a sad deficiency of these two val uable crops in this immediate neighborhood. * ? _ Towrn’s Ki.ementauv (Jhammaii. — Tho author lias kiudly furnished us with a copy of this ni\t/ bent system uf instruction lu the Kuglish tlrammar. It covers thiit part of tho ground hitherto almost entirely disregarded by works of this kind—for it begins at the betjinnitnj —and cannot fail, in the hands of proper teachers, to lay tho only correct foundation for a complete grammatical education. Fumkiml Kkiimon.—The discourse dolivorod in tho Presbyterian church of this place, yesterday, by the llev. S. M. CooeEK.on tho death of the late Thomas Jl. Fiti.tok, was highly appropriate and instructive, and was listened to by a very largo und deeply interested congrogntion. I j£'€r*Kmnord from Washington speak of a prob ability of the present session of Cougress Icing prolonged boyond Uio 4tU qf August next-that dav having been fixed upon by both houses for the final adjournment. Tho' auiuho is slated to be the proaont peculiar positions of Cuba and the sand wich Islands^ Nknt Conguvksman. —Tho Democrat? .«f7brk ruunty held their County Convention ou'jho mid nominated Hon. Jits. L-'OiLLts, ad tl.nrcon didnto for Congress, this is tho only action oOtho Convention vc are -udvised of. I’iiis nit own in Ci-KAitriKi-0.-Our townsman, (1 j) Watson, brought to-dnr office the other dnj, n'woil-rlpened, full sited Fig, taken Prom a tree in his possession, and which, wo presume, is tho iirst of this delicious fillifever matureiUn this region. H23~A party, composed of most all tho young folks of our town, spent last Saturday on the whortleberry hills. Humor Says they found no snakes, very few borrios, but a. groat abundanco of rain, • - , i «@-Tf wo did not “live In a glass honso,” wo I would most earnestly eall thb nu.cntlon of our lion. ' orabio Corporation to .th. 9 prosont condition or ' Bomo of tho plonk walks. . , tJ" Making Money.—l’lie hot profits iifW Ponn sylvania Kailroad for tho first half of tho Present year is $693,375 dollars, iucrenso oj over $400,000 over'lost year. - i-v • ; ‘*®~Geri; Towson, Paymaster Cion oral oftho U. S. Army, died in'Wosliihgton city on tho 20th ipst. \ : t d' ,t o', LtT^* lIE ’ ITNK Changed,—A few days ago, tho '» big account* from Kansas represented slavehol ders as pouring into this''now terry by hundreds, and uctually driving off with clubs and pis tol? and bowio knivii?, tho emigrants from tho freo for tho purposo of consocrating tbfr new Ftato to slavery. A great change, howovor, seems to liavo I’omo over their tuno already, as will np poar by tho following paragraph, which wo take from tho Philadelphia Daily Nexen : Settlement op Kansas and Nebuas ka.—We learn from llie Council Bluffs Bugle that tho silo of Omaha City, the expected future capital of Nebraska, is now being surveyed into lots. It is situated on u beautiful inclined plane on the Missouri, commanding an exlensive prospect of the flourishing lown on the Council Blufl'side of tho river. Emigration is pouring inlo these territories with almost unprecedent ed rapidity, and during the present excited state of public opinion in the North,whence nine-lenlhs of (hose settlers come, we hnvc the surest guarantee, next to prohibitory legislation, of the exclusion of slavery from their borders. THE LATE FOURTH AT KYLARTOWN. Wbei't the company nrrived on the. ground the order of the day was read by the Secretary, after which tho-.following resolutions wore read and adopted. Resolved, That this celebration shall be conducted upon the true principles of Re publicanism, without reference to nny par ticular political or religious principles. Resolved, 'Flint the proceedings of the day be published in the Clearfield Repub lican. Resolved, That in the Providence of God we arc permitted to celebrate the 70'lh nnniversnrv of our National birth duy, and that we therefore acknowledge our thankfulness In the All-wise Creator for the blessings of health and freedom that wo nqw enjov. After which the Rev. Mr. Bntherst offer ed up a very able prayer. The Declara tion of Independence was then read in a very appropriate manner by Thomas G. Snyder. , Thu addresses were then delivered in the following order, which were highly ap propriate to their different subjects, and were well received by the large and res pectable audience in attendance. I st. Add resscs to the Sabbath Schools by the Rev. John Wells and the Rev. Mr. Bntherst. 2d. Address to the citizens bv Dr. G. K. Hoop. fid. Patriotic addresses!))' Joseph Broil ner and J. B M’Enally, Esq. At the conclusion of the addresses the j company partook of a dinner of the most sumptuous character, for which they were indebted nlmost entirely to the matchless taste and industry of the ladies. Alter which the.following regulur toasts were rend and approved. 1 Ist. The day tee celebrate. ! 2d. 7 'he Vresident of the United Stales. till. The Governor of the Commomreallh ' of J’e/i/isi/lvania. dth. The Mh of Jidi / 1770 —Sacred to the cause of freedom everywhere. sth. The patriots of the Revolution — The small l>and yet living should bo res-' peeled and honored by all Americans. (ith. The Army and Xitrij oj the Uni ted States —'Fite fuilhful guardians of llie j honor and glory of the stars and stripes of' our country’s Hag. 7th. The Memory of Urn. Washing ton —A name hold dear to the heart of ev-' erv American. nth. Gen. Lafayette —The noble French man who spent iiis lime nnd his fortune und shed his blood that the descendcnts of ’7f> might enjoy liberty. The following volunteer tonst wns rend. I!y Titos. (I. .Snyder.— The Ladies — The hinders of our ullectinn 3 , the folders, Ihe gatherers, nnd col Inters of our enjoy merits, (lod bless them. JAS. THOMPSON, Secretary Norn. —The Secretariesndd, in u post script, that they have a Inrge number of volunteer sentiments, but forbear to send tiny more. DEMOCRATIC “OUTRAGES.” The motley crew who mnrch under the banner of anti-domocrucv, arc groaning terribly over the consummation of what they term the Nebraska “outrage.” This is not the first “/mirage” which tho Dem ocratic jiarty h is committed, in the esti innfmtf oPsl^j)iponents. Among those which it has heretofore perpetruted, and for which it bears the whole responsibility, may bo mentioned tho following : The election of Thomas Jefferson. / The acquisition of Florida nnd Louisirfon. Tho declaration of war against England in 1812. The.election of Gen. Jackson. “Old Hickory’s” veto of the United States Hunk Bill. The annexation of Texas, The Mexican war, and the consequent! acquisition of California, Utah, and Now Mexico. GCT“ Why, Sinh, I am astonished,” said t a worthy deacon, “didn’t wo take you into the church a.short time since.” “I believo so,” hiccupped Siah, “unddxgtwcen youj nnd moil was the durndest take in you, or heard of. j Prussia, a man W regarded as! tornpertyie, who don’t get drutVjc more thani four times a week. / I 0O”Thoro were six- deaths by) cholera in Wheeling, fromd'he tojhe 19th of, July. r ,/ ; j population of Washington pity is now ! estimated at 53,000. i WqovU or Milk worm Ims dono consid erable damngo to tho wheat crop of Clarion county. AdjourucdTrcasuier’s Sale. i N AUJOUHNKD SALE of U (18011 ted Lunds /-\ jn Cloarfiold county will..take pleco at tho court house, In tho borough of Cloarfiold, on MON- rl DAY, Sept. 18th, at 10. o’clock, a. Which | tiuio all the tracts bid off at tho formor snlo, and IHK6 tOIS lOr OHMS, _ ■ for which (loods have not boon lifted, will be re, | T\TO. 21, 25, and .26, in the Moesop plan, in tlje iold ~ iT\ borough of CloarOeld, all ench*ed. , T j ‘ , JOHN McPJIERSON, Trs’r, ( For torms apply to Vf. Office, July 31, 1864,. :' : .} Curwensyillo, June 20, 1854.—pd. ’ ». ~*r Ll^ tlJ i ri -. Philadelphia l.umher Market. Currccted tree/./y from Hu kurU‘» Jit-porter, Duty 20 per. cent, :ui. vnl., IV. I’. tuts. n!nt plunk. Ist qunlity b> tirspoelion. , $l2 00 (at 33 00 White Pino cnils, 11 00 © 10 00 Wliito Pino flouring planod, 23 00 © 30 00 Hemlock logs, 7 00 (a) 8 50 Hoinloek wiinrf timhor, Hemlock Scantling, Flooring, Jersey pinned, 23 00 (a) 30 00 Stop hoards, N. C„ 25 00 © 30 00 Heart fietg.. N. 15 00 © 20 00 do. river, 13 00 © 1R 00 Flooring, N. C. 20 00 © 20 00 Step hoards, 15 00 (n) 18 00 Shingles, Cedar, per M., 13 00 © -0) 00 Shingles, Pine per M., 13 00 (in 20 00 .Shingles. Cypress, - ,11 00 © 22 00 Lath, 1J inch., per M., 2 12d(a.l 2 25 Staves, White I>ak pipe, 50 00 © 55 00 Hoops, country, 25 00 © 30 00 New York I,umber Market. Timhor, White Pine, porculdo ft. 00 18 find 00 22 Timhor, Oak, per ruliie feet, 00 25 and 00 38 Timhor, 0. Scant, per M. (net, $3O 00 and 30 00 Hoards, N. H. per At. ft. clear, 37 50 n' ami 7t5 112 00 rent?, 02 ccnl?, M AKIM FI). On the 12t)i instant, hy the ltev. S. M. Cooper. Mr. Martin French, to Mi.-.s Fieo? Schoonover, all of Clearfield ronntv. On the 10th instant, by the same, Mr. Alfred M, Smith, to Miss Caroline Forrest, all of Lawrence tp., this coimtv. DII’I), In tills place, on Saturday evening last, infant daughter of \V. .J. and Jane Hemphill, aged aloud 8 months. OCTOBKII EIjKCTION, r K are a ill too i zed to announce JACOI! \\ \V T 1,11 KI.M. of Moi ri- township, as a can didate for tho office of Counly Commissioner of lUearlield eoaulv. Jlllv 12. ITtI'.SH SI V1311.H FOODS. f I J 11 F snti-ei itier ha? Ju-r -ived and i : now 1 opening a well srlerled lot of hrv Hood-, ti ro eerie-. Hardware, (porn-n a re, it iol,- and Shoes, I'lear lii'ld. Persons w ill tilol it to llleir nd\milage 10. ealland examine 11■ • will di.-po-e of rhem on lair terms lor oa- h, eredit. or in exehange for Ittm her. either at relnil or wholesale lo suit dealer?. H'M. L. Moi>|!K, < leal liehl. .lull 10. I s , |. |f. Tilt* Amcriran Hoarding House. rl3 111-: -iJ'seriher wmuhl inform thopuldie Hint lie A has ju-t com pie! e<] a large new Imihling. on llie South end of Seeoud slreet, ClearlieM Pa., w hi, h he lot- furnished and tilted up ill tho mo-: eoiuioi iaide manner lor llie accomodation of miv eller- and permanent hoarder-. 11 is charges will 1„- moderate, and his house con ducted in a deeeiil. sohtr and orderly manner. w her" all pair! and peace loiiug | pie, who max Clearfield e;m find a temporary ■dioioo." .)nIIx y. HADKII.U till .Iniv ID. 1 >.'»l. tf SI.T,M\(; OFF AT <’OST* fj 3 | [ K suh.-erih, r intend - lo d i-'pose of hi - on Ii re £ stock of Heady Made- Clolhing in short order, amt to do SO W i l l. -ol] lla iii nt r.tnt. Now is the* lime lor good l.nlfg.i 111.. II 10l all persons w ishing to provide giowt elotlivoa eeilli a -m all aoiouii I of moil ev will do xvell lo cull immedialely. He lia.- no respect lor poisons, lloovlore. first come first ser ved. He lias a general n.-porlment of COATS, PANTS. VFSIS. SIIIKTS. HANDKERCHIEFS, S t SPK.N I) Flts, «Ve., w nil an assorlment id' line -ilk nnd oilier hats. Mod Fit CLLMAN. July IN JN'.I. FIT A It V SOI I II I IHN Ml /. it r r/: /; ) // / (II V l IT >or TIN. MAI K'G’Al?\ II \ V \ D f ',,n.t,,, f, ,/ ~n tU- //■ti 'inii jihtn Class C—To lie Drawn on llic 20tli of July. (' v i i r w.n ! n :i 11. pri/<“-. Tn-krt- ?;»,<■«- h"ti. Halves ami Quarter.' in propor w. \ll nnmii.-ali'iT"i -1 11 rll vc. >ti foie n h ul. S\M (■ KI. SW \\. Agent A .Mann er, (.\1:i..1 -I mi." I'ol. WHOLE- \ I.M .f RETAIL c \sn sroit n. /•’. .1/. It HU. o' Hu. 1 1 tin. K till. VLT. kl.«l- "f ii|MTior ijii ilily. m.M very chnip W-v r,,J. I only. Kvery l»«nly lm\> I ln-r«* fltulur Dnnonslralions. «• jn . jf <»!' i!.i« i chewing lh“ Hujj, M >tii»»*/ (iO(/l)S, i- to call on A. M. HILLS, «t tlio / C„n,<, Shu lie i-juM tvf<*i\ini; u now recruit of iilmo.-t '(every thiu"iu tho trndrlim*. A particularly lur«;o [nml well selected stock of KiishionaMo ltcady ;Vriimmjd IJONNLTH. and Silk laid, Plain Dlaek i Silk, Watered Silk, nnk Katicv eoi«.urc«l Silk Man- Villas. all in (lie latest and neatest stylo. Also, a lot of tilXti HAM LAWNS—bilk finish. 1 Heniomher at tho It El) FLAG. Sheriff’s Sale. By virlu« »,f Hinitlry write of Kirn Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Clone of Clear tk'lJ counlv, uml to mo directed, "ill bo expused to puhlio sale, ut llio Court house in Cloiirliobl, on Saturday, tho 22*1 day of July, IHA 1 nt 2 o'clock p. M„ tho following dosribed roul estate: —l,ot No. 16 in the borough of Curwonsvillo, with u dwel ling house, slure house, stnblo and othor out hou ses orootod thoroon. Hounded by lot into the es tate of John .Scot on went. Stephen (iruir on easl, tlie lOrie Turnpike on north, also 76 norm more or le.-s of timber land in Kiirnsidc township, Cloarliold co., bounded by lands of Jonathan Snyder, Kill li en and otliers. Seised anil taken in execution and to be sold as tin' property of Isnao Smith, WILLIAM I’OWELL, Shrriff. -.111110, 20, ISOI. Estate of Fredrick W. Shoening dee’d. LETTEHS of Administration on tho estate of F. W. Shoening, deceased, late of Jordan tp.J Cloarfiold counly, buying bi'en grndtod to tho sub .icribors, all persons indebted to snid estate will muko payment immediately, and thoso having claims against the sumo will present thorn proper, ly authenticated for settlement. MAHY JANE SIIOENINU, I . . . H. F. HIIOENFNH, [ Au Jordan July 3, 1864. Terms of Advertising. ADVERTISEMENTS uro inserted in tho Re publican, nt ono.dollar por Bquuro, for tho first three insertions and twenty-five cents for each additional insertion. Fourteen lines make a square. No advertisement inserted for less than a dollar,— A Liberal reduction muda to these who advertise by tho yoar. ■ - ■- A DR. J. R. MARcmsrs CEXEBKATKD CATHOLICON. 7 ? r »o o oo 8 oo @ 8 50 riwssEn, ash TnttFnri.Au MENsrurATiov, *<*., with nil their accompanying evils, (Cancer excop tod,) no matter how severe or of how long standing. The Catholicon far surpasses other remedies, in being more certain, less expensive, and leaving the systoni in a better condition, Lot all Interested call and obtain a pamphlet (free) containing nm- 1 ,1 o proof, from the most respectable sources, of the heneiicial results of it? y?o : together with from highly experienced Physicians, who have used it in their practice, and speak from their own observations. 2 50 and 2 75 RKFKHKXCEP. —IV li. Prpktiav, M. T)., Cticn, N. Y. L. IV Fi.fxmnu, M. !>., Cnnnndaigun, N. Y. M. 11. Mn.i.n., M, D. f Rochester, N. Y. I). Y. Foote, M. IV. Syracuse, N. Y. Prof. Drvß.\n, M. !>.. Hnlliinorel Mil. J. C. OnnirK. M. D. Rfll timore, Md. W. W. Heksk. M. D. New. York City. \V. PnnsscoT, M. 1).. Concord, N. 11. J. P. Nkwi.\\n, M, IV, Clica, N. York. Rev. (V S. Hrutn, <»lenn Springs, S. C. Pamphlet*' had gratis at the store of P. D. Wat son. Agent, Druggist, Clearfield, Pn. Also sold by leading druggists in the principal towns in the ad joining countio". .T’iT'.T. R. MAHOUTS! A Po., Proprietors, Central Depot, iiUJ Rroadway, N. V. DOCTOR YOI'ItSDM', 77/ E POCKET .ESC! LAP It'S: OR. EVERY UNI! lIIS OWN PHYSICIAN. liim from an early grave.. Let no young man or w.iinan enter into tin* sern-t obligation-* of married life without reading the PtH'KKT /KSt'l LPII S. L.»l no one -ulfering from a huoknied Cough, Pain in tin* Side, resile-** nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensation-*, and given up hv their physicians, he another moment with out consulting the jESC CLA PI CS. Have the married, or tluw about lobe married any impedi ment. rend this truly useful hook, as it has been tha menus of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. person sending twkntv-pivk cents cuclo'ed in a letter, will receive om* copy of this work hv mail, or live copies will he sent for Osf Address, paid.) DR. WM. Nil. No. 1 :>‘J Spruce Street, Philadelphia. July 12, IS.M. Iv. WHO n # \\'T’S A IMCTI'HI-H Purviaiice's stork is now complete, From little eases,'very neat, l p to those of large dimension**, Suitable for high pretensions. t 'oil i c on. Ludic* ! come on, (lent.-! Come on. all ye men of sense ! And gel imprcrduiis of your laces, 'l'-, slit» your friends your many grace?, 'fhe dn-ss is better to he dark, Rut brown on red is just the mark, For limn the contrast fairly shows, Rot w ceil the person and the clothes. It’s well enough the sim should shine, As this will serve to shorten tiirte. Rut it it don’t and clouds he rife, lie'll take your picture l*» the life. ‘ycl«*pt babe?. Should never i oiue 'midst clouds mid shinies, Rut when the monarch of the shiest, jlis shining robes puts on, arise And bring vaur !iu!> to me, And brightest pictures you will see. Another theme the muse suggest.-. To put all gloomy doubts to rest — Sucli honest men n* scruples feel, Lest wicked craft fresh from the FM V S.'in.tmt) Ki:.\| \I.\TNH iti the Post Office at Clearfield July l-t Hrnj. Action. Mr. Boyd. Patrick Prion, .1». *• j.ii Rnek. Joy. Burge, Marlin Cutludinan, Jacob Crowl. (Jon. Dewitt. Jim. Emery, John Evans. Alf. Evans, Oliver Fryland. Mr. France. Fas* nbelln Fullerton. I.m v Fau.-t, Xavier I'rain. Mr. (Jauipro, Catharine (iiiliin. Isaac J«--»e Harter, <>rvil lln.vt, 2 : ,1 1 ■ i Mirks. B. llciiaau, Edmund M. Jones. Wen- Jolen Koule, John Lemon, .Mm Lockurd. Charles (I. Linthicum, Harriet Lynch, A. J. Lnnich, K. C. Mullioii, Richard C. Mead, Jas. F. Mullen, Mr. Wrill, Biehurd N. Morris. Matihla 11. Mills. F. (». Miller. Hiram M'Hlinev, Mrlehoir Reuss, Hov. P. Tallin, J. L. Slaliel, (’lias. (\ Shirkley, James Scott, Fail Simp.-oii, A. K. Stoner, 2 ; Hiram Tolbert, Edward W. Tit/ell, Mary Ann Voting. A. Monlgom ~r v. JOHN. 11. HILDUUN, P. M. July 3, 1*51.-11. Estate of Win. Addlemnn, sen., dec’d TyrOTK’H IS HEREBY (IIYKN, that Fetters Testuinenlnrv an the estate of \\ illiam A 1 \ ROBERT HOPS, j /Pike tp., July J, 1854. * LAND WAR HA NT LOST. A land warrant issuod to tho subscriber for his services in tho war of 1812, has been lost, and it is iiiv intention to make application to the Coimnis* hioners of Pensions for u duplicate of tho Panic. — Should tho warrant liavo been fouud tho person finding the same will please return it to me. It can lie of no use to auy other person as u rureni has licou enterod in tho land office to prevent tho issuing of a patent thereon. CYRUS THURSTON. , Jordan township, July 12,1851.—Ct.-pd. splendid stjick of Cloths, Casstmorcs. Vest i iugs, Trimmings, Ac, recently purchased by the subscriber, which he will soil or make up to or dor, in tho most fushionublo and durable manner, rttbis store in 'Shaw's Row.* Tho material and ‘fits’ wurrunted. No ebargo for showing his beautiful and cheap goods. Ho would iuform tho trado in Clearfield that ho is tho.authorized agent for Dovoro*s Londou and Puria fashions. THOMAS SHEA. Clearfield, July 3, 1854. Mate of Jonathan 0. Smith dte’d. LETTERS testamentary on tho estate of Joik thun IJ. Spilth, lato of Bell township}yClea}r> fiold county, have been granted to tho subscribers, Ml poraonfl UnOWlng-tromselveß Indebted to said ostato will make immediate paymont, and thoso having claims against tho samo will presont them properly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS CAMPBELL, Ex*r. £ARAII E. SMITH, Executrix. Bell township Juiio 29, 1854.-fit-p3. \ j: \ It stands pre-em inent for its cura tive powors in all the diseases for which it is recom mended usually called Etfina/e Cnn ji/oiutn. Of thoso are Pit oi.Ai’Si'K Utkhi, or Falling Fmt or At.Dt'B, or Whites ; Chronic IXFI.AMATION AND Sattion I. Tlie aggregate nmount ofhere after contracted l*y the b'oimnoiiwculth shall never exceed the sum of live hundred thousand dollar?, except In cose of war, to repel invasion, suppress r insurrection, or In redeem the public debt of the Commonwealth, and the money so raised shall bo applied to Iho purposo for which the debt may bo Contracted, or to pay such debts, and to uo other it ao k, or Flooding: purpose. I I.(ERA TI O N OP Tin: Womb: Inci dental Hemorr- ]*ain r ij i., Sur- TIIR FIFTH Edition witli One Hundred Kn graving.**, showing Diseases ami Malformations of the Human Svstem in every shape and toriu.‘ To which is added a Treati.-e on tTry Diseases of Female*, being of the highest importance to married people, or to those contemplating mar riii go. Rv WILLIAM YtH Nti, M. D- |,IST OF LFTTKHS JUST AHHIVUO. Resolutions Proposing.^«f ! i>- Constitution ofdlie Coinmonwen. S::nillv 1. Itcaolccit by thr Snint c and Houltt . Representative* of the Vo/niuonirenlth of Pennsylva nia in General Assembly tnet, That tho following amendments be and the same aro hereby proposed to the Constitution of tho Commonwealth, under and in accordance with the provisions of tlie tenth nrtb-le thereof, to wit: Proposition I, TO HE ARTICLE m SKrfms 2. To pay the public debt of the Cow. 'inonweallh, jtnd debts which may hereafter be contracted in enso of wnr, to repel invasion, sup-' press insurrection and to rcdcoin the public debt, ibo Legislature shall at theirnext session after the adoption of this section into the Constitution, pro vide by law for the creation of a sinking fund, ‘which shall not bo abolished till the said public * debts ho wholly paid, to consist of all the not an nual income from the public works and stocks own | oit i in/ .1/ ii ii i rijptt I Siihmriptitim. The Legislature shall never authorize any conn tv, city, borough or township, by vote of its ritrsvn* or otherwise, to become a stoekhoMer in any joint .-lock company, association or corporation, or to raise money for. or loan its credit to, or in aid of any such company or n>-*»eialion. E. H. CHASE, Sf>< ttl'ce •>/'thr fh.Uhr, M. M "(' A Ijl N, Sfunkee of th» Sinnti. In Senate, April 28, |N.'>4. He lved, That this resolution pas-». Yeas, 22, nays, «'». Extract from the Journal. T. A. MAIIFIRE. Clerk In lloiiso of Representatives, April 21, 18oL- He'.lived. That this resolution pass. Yon j , 71 Nay-, 20. Extract from the Journal. Secretary's Office, / Tiled April 2!», | C. A. BLACK. Secretary of the Commonwealth PEXXSYLVAX/A, $S’ : ! Secretary's Office, I j llurri-hurg, July l, lftj-l. ) ' { —* — "j Tdo certify that the above and fore- J Si-: u.. > going is n true ami correct a copy of Ibo ( ——.— \ original ‘‘Resolution relative to an 'amendment of the Constitution," as the same re j mains on file in this office. . T» testimony whereof *f have hereunto set my I hand and caused to he affixed tho seal of tho Hcc i rotary'* office the day and year above written. ! C. S. BLACK, j Secretary of the Commonwealth, j Journal of the Senate, j ‘‘Resolution No. oil 2, entitled *Re?arlingtoii, Ihirsic, Ftirguson. Foulkrod, Frick, Fry, Coodwin, lluldo man, Hamilton. B. H. Hamlin, K. W. Hamlin, 'lleister, Huge, Jamison, MeClintoek, McFarland, ! I’iatt, (tuigglc, Sager, Slifer, and spea ker— 2J. So the question was decided in the affirmative. Na vs — M esfrs. Crabh, Crcsswell, Hendricks, Kinzcr. Kuukie ami Skinner—o. On the question, will tlio Senate agree to (ho second proposition, the yea? and nays were taken agreeably to tho Constitution, and wero as fol lows, viz : Ykas Me.-srs. Buckalcw, Dnrsic, Furgu. a on, Foulkrod, Fry, Huodwin, lluldeniun, B. I>. ilnmlii), E. \V, Hamlin, Hendricks, Keister, Hoge. Jumi smn, Kinzer, MeClintock, McFarland. Piatt, Price, Quiggle, Slifcr, Wherry, MeCmdin, Speaker 22. N.ns -Mes.-r-. Crabb, t'ro.-vwoll, Darlington, Humilton. Kunkle and Skinner—(l. So the .piration ivii.i ill- 1 i-rmined in I In* a Hi rmnl i vc. Journal of the Hou.-e ol' RcprcM'iitulivcs. "The ijuesUon recurring ppou the fiuul pnssnge of tho RohiJutions, the first proposition in.i agreed to as follows, viz : Mo>.»rs. Abraham, Adams, Alhertuu, Ball, Barton, Brycr, Bighnin, Boyd, Bush, Byorly, Caldwell, Calvin, Cat lisle, (’hamborlin, Conk, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, Davit*, Do Francos, Dunning. Eckert, Kdiugur, Eldrcd, Evans, Fos ter, Fry, Gnllentine, Gibbony, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hurt, Herr, iliestand. 11ii 1 i«>r, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Hunsueker, Huu tor, llurtt, Jackmun, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh.) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Manderficld, M‘( ’onncl, M’Kee, Miller, Monaghan, Montgtun ery, Moore, Moser, Muso, Palmer, Parke, Parrn lee, Passmore, Patterson, Porter, Putney, Raw lins, Roberts, Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Simon tnn, Smith, (Perks,) Smith, (Crawford,) Stowart, Stockdale, Strong, Struthors, Whoeler, Wickloin, • Wright, Zoigler, Chase, Spoukor—Bs* Nay*—none. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question will the House agree to tho second proposition, tho yeas and nays wero taken, agreeably to the provisions of tho 10th article of the Constitution, and aro ns follows ; Yeah —Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Rail, Bar ton, Reck, Beyer, Righnm. Boyd, Caldwell, Car lisle, Chamberlin, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugh erty, Davis, Deogan. Do France, Dunning, Kding er, Eldred, Evans, Fry, Gallontine, Gibbony, Gil more, Gray, Groom, Guin, Hamilton, lliifttaml, HiUior, Hippie, Hunsecker, Hunter, llurtt,; Jack man, Kilgoro, Knight, Lnury, Lowory, (Tioga,) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Manderlield, Mc- Connol, NcKec, Mooeghan, Montgomery, Moore,,, Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke, Parmloe, Passmore, Patterson, Porter, Rawlins, Roberts, Kowo, Sal lade, Scott, Simonton, Smith, Smith, (Dorks,)* Smith, (Crawford,) Stockdale, Wheeler, \\ ickleiu, , Wright, Chase. Speaker—7l. Na^s —Nessrs. Adams, Baldwin, Beans, Bush, Byerly, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, HiJrr, Horn, Iliinmie]/ i M’Combs, Miller, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, | Strong, Slru hers, Zeiglor—2o. So the question was decided in tho affirmative. Secretary's Office, ) II auiubduro, July 1, 1854. ) PKXXSYI VANIA, SS. \ T do certify that tho above and foro > going, iff a truo and correct copy of the —. —') “yf.ah” and “nays” taken on tho “Res- Solution relative to an amendment of tho Constitution of tho Commonwealth, ’C an the same appears on tho Journals of tho two Houses of the Genoral Assom bly-of this Commonwealth, for the fios* eion of 1854. Witness my hand and the Seal of said office this first day of July, ono thous v and eight hundrod and fifty-four. ' C\ A. BLACK, v> Secretary of tlio Commonwealth. . TAII FOR SALE, at tlio Blacksmith shop of Orr A Klingor, In Cloarfiold—an excellent ar ticle. Cheap for coah. July 8,18^4. DEER SKIMS, WANTED. ' TKE'Hißheat Prices in Oashwillbo‘paidbythe subscriber for B.qaantity.hf IDeii'-Sklns." '-[*■ ■ May 31, IBM. ' MOYER ULLMAN, WM. JACK. Clerk.