t;woced'hot die at mi. fimo> / When criyirb. / <-\Vlfon rnbbnj?i* piling nro slmolinp: lul. ’3}ft th?n ttfio'giiifl nrofyll of fAij.d .‘imi.le upon tUc.muu;. < •Wnfen and poft.s nnun flioir jn-ini«* then. r h uol ui 1 in joimjißT, , J vThoti trees me IMfo I with iVnit, 'A t3 dver/yj-orlMimn has a (run, .SCboiliUU' hirvU to f*!u»»t. TilQ girlc then wear the bloomer tir.;s>. Ann half rlistraet Die men: It ifl : tho time to Hveat 11 out - TwjulU not perish then. I voiild not die in nntutnn, When nox; mown huy amollK Mv*rt r And little Tfiga ftre rooting round For something nice to ent. “'Tis then tho huntsman's wild halloo Js .hourd along the Rlop, ' And oysters ’gin to fatten up I would not perish then. I would no; die in winter For one mighj froezo to doaUi, Whon binstoring Horens huoojif around And takes uway one’s breath ; When sleigh boll’s jingle, liorsen siioi i. And buckwheat caker are tall ; In fact, ibis is n right good world 1 would not die at ult. ihw to Winter 11)0 Sheep from i Acres of Lund. Under this Inking caption P>ro. Holmes, d llic Maino Farmer, odors some timely ;.nd sensible suggestions. Ilis logic is good, wlido liis figures nro apparently within bounds. Hundreds of our readers uulu iry the experiment w ithout loss, and to great advantage. He says: U’i have been accused of inducing lar miers to try visionary experiments. We hardly know vvlial meaning those w ho use ihe word visionary would put to it in this /connection, nor do wc care. We have ,'aftji in the following project el producing, loddcr enough on two acres oflniid 10 win ter-one hundred sheep. Hut, says Mr. Doubtful, it must he made v ery rich. Ol course it must. That won’t hurt the land ;n 1 lie least. But how will you do it? In ,'he first place malm the laud very rich.— Manure it generously —plow illlimo iglily .—harrow it in lina— roll it smooth— put on the markerand m irk it into rows three feel apnrt, and sow Indian corn m drills, floe it twice, and after the second lake Vf 1 put sawdust around my trees I would surely kill themt He said lie put manure around some of his trees, nnd kill ed them. I told him I would risk it “uny how." 1 put fresh stublo manure around one row and sawdust around the next; around another tow I put leached uslies ; and the remainder of tho orchard 1 manured with net rotted barnyard manure and in the spring snrend and well planted the ground with corn nnd potatoes. The result was mony trees grew luxuriantly, but thetiees where the saw dust was, grew the best, the bark being smoother and the trees hud fi healthTbr appearance. I will also stute that that par’ of the orchard planted to po tatoes grew greatly better than that part planted in corn. Tho sod was clay \oenn.—,Ex. Dhatu of Unv. J. 11. Canon,i,.— We regret to state that Rev. J. H. Curgill, of church, who had just been SiOftonetl at Montrose by the conference at’ils'fecent session at Waverlv, was kil- led bv the discharge of a cannon on the 4th of July, at Susijuehanna, Pa. Ho had hut a ttliortdjtnp before come into the place to attend the celebration. There were two. ennnon, one larger nnd one smaller, stti- IjbnetJ rieurly opposite to each otlfer, in front pf the Harmony hotel, at tho distance of it rod or two from tho road. The man jn charge of the cannon had applied tho ina|cfjt once, or twice ineffectually to the larger one, and was about applying it ggam, as the deceased, coming up, Ihe troao'.Yafctlicrndd hastily in front of jl.— Af lth jwds ih range of it, it discharged ,3jswtlf)gscp ovpr and over some distance, shattering his left arm, tearing open his hWtef* ond/olherwise horribly disfiguring ■fifS'jier'fibh; He was taken in great agony to,the A hotel, and tmedical aid end other aKnofonce rendered him, but he died in a few hours.— Binskamton Republican: . 1 ’ 1 t 1I i ' I ’ lit I‘l i i id fever, prevails in tho stSturtyrnf Halifax, Va., and several,death •hfyecicoured, -wif»»'.i’l .chctleWv deaths in •gfoofclyn-'last \vecß, - ■ c, . ■jwnar© T’JT-r n.-;-:- £ LiEiVER FLEGAL, Tl lack smith, Lwthersburg, Pn., will attend I<> iJ3 nilbiwinesF in his lino, ami will also furnish Jiuggirs, »te., very cheap, and nmnufac ' timid in tlio best style, and warranted. ! Aug. 7, ih;,2. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, to, CO, Lroli I'Xntntlrrs, ('unvciis; ill' . An extensive ’ ns«orfmont of ('ioHim r y umdo to order. imw. tj, i*m. JACOB BILGER, Cloppcr, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturer, ’ • nrwen-ville, !('><)v«> the old foundry, on the north side of Main street, wherd all buKtiims in bin liui' in dona np in aAVuikmainiko manner, and on ji-nHoimtilo terms. Country produce taken in ex change for work. - l7. O. M. MKKKKLL, / topper, Tin, am! Sheet Iron iVare Maun \j ihrturcr, on Second Htreei. one door south of K. \Vripht\s stoic, Cl«'..irlh'H. | Dee. 2th I'LM. WM. T. GILBERT, I)lack*mltli, at Hopewell, Hell inwnshit', at the y iVe-s Hoads leading from M’ili'i-'h Mill to Now Wiirhingloii, and from t.’he-t creek t• • the rivor, where all calls in hiy line will ho promptly attend ed to. March 2, 1852. JOHN RUSSELL CO.. IXANNKKS uinl Curriers, Grampian IlilN, Cbuir f ilfld county, Pa. )o»ep constantly mi hand an na.-ortTueni ot leather. Girsli paid for hide**. Mav I s , 1*54.-dm. THOMAS MILLS, (loach and Sleigh Maher, on Third street. / between Market ami Lodi t, ( learti* hi, Pa. April Id, 1052. R. F. STERLING, Saddle and Maker, and Justice of the l*eare, Cui ille. Jl-c.l'h, I s .< I. RICHARD GLENNING, I y out and Slioc .Maker, mti L- found at hi? l) •hop three d'.m- we-t of thi Mansion Jlou»", w her** h<’ ha j eouxta.iiiy on hm.d a huge assortment both of'ln ire and . THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagons, Ruggies. Ac., Ac., ironed on short notice, and the'-'n best stylo, at his old siaml in the borough of l\uwen-villa. De c 2 1 *, Dm. ROBERT McNAUL, T tinner, at the old otuud in Curwensville.. Dec. 2b, 16 j l GEO. W. RIIEEM, Saddler, Harness and Trunk Munutuetur er, on Second street, immediately over C. D. W Qtsr.n .i Drug Blare.. Dee. hh. 1K62. \VAt. P. CHAMBERS, \TThecUvrl‘jbt, Chair M kcr nil House YY uud Slg-ii I’ulntcr, C urwtorvillo. Doc. 2' 1 , CM. THOMAS SHEA, TAiLOti, in ‘Shaw’e Hovi/ou Mar ket strool in tbo room formerly occupied by Win. Kodebaugh jib Post Odice. Dee. 2‘J, I*6l. A. L. SCHNULL, nPailor, Luthor«bunr t will do his work iu.-t a X good and n. ibc-np a- ui.v other fellow. Dee 28, 1&61. JAS. ALEXANDER, nitddlt'r ami Harness Maker,in his new B b*..| on Market street, near M«tiell's In.lei. Dee. 2d. Isjl. JOHN 11. HILRURN, Boot and Shoe Maker. S'-ond :»•*•**t near’; M'-'sit* l A. IY. Wright'? store. <'ieartiold, I n a,„.V: B '. 1“*“° JAMES HOLLENB.U'H, Blacksmith, on Third btteet, Leiwieu Ma:i< uijJ Wtilnut, ClearGed, Pa. April 10, 1852. JOHN VV. SHUGERT. *\T' r uffoM Maker, et-ruer of Third and Loeus l n Mi I’lvtirtifld. Kopairing done to urd*.*r April If. 1 *3J2- GEO. RICHARDS, ionuble Tailor, Most of Shaw’s How, uj, 1 - 1 :» 11>, (* l «'* m rfield. l>er. SO, 1 8;» 1. GEO. 11. GOODLAN’DER, r \\ agon Maker. Luther.-burg. Work don< T T order <>u .-hurt noli.a*. nnd on "outl U i in- Ihf. 2V. ISM. JOSEPH H. RRETII, BlackHtiiJOi, at New Wufhington, Olrurfield county, where all kinds of work is done in his lino of business on the shortest notice and most' reasonable terms. Muv 20, | SAMUEL R. TAYLOR, rflmuier and Hoot and Shoe Manufacturer, j ('unvetisviiic. I)oc. 28, 1851. m m m <& ii u* a 9 HURXTHAL & BROTHER, ■\/T*crcliatit« and B.umber Dealers, \Y 1 hind P'»M Offi.e, BnuHunl towimhip, Clrur field county L. E. CARTER, Agent for tUofiulo of htuvos, Mill Gearing’, and of all kinds. AUo, Bar Iron i und Mails, Thrashing machines, Plows, Agricultu-j nil Implements, Ac., on Second stroot, under tho printing office. March 17. 185.°. SAMUEL ARNOLD, j ( Merchant uml Produce Dcalef, Biithers burg, Clearfield county, Fa. JAS. IL GRAHAM, Post Muster, Merchant,j and Dealer Itt Mj umber, Gnihamton, Bradford town-hip. Dec. 27, 1851. FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant and Produce Dealer, I.ntbors burg Clearfield county, Pa. April 17, 1*52. A. K. WRIGHT, Pxteiiblvc Dealer In Slum ber, Second Btrect, onu door south of his resi dence, Clear,‘iold, Deo. 20, 1851. a ~~ Merchant and Lumber Dealer, cornor of Front and Locust atruots, Cloarfleld. Hpp. 29, 1851. MOSSOP & POTTORFFy Retailers of Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise and Liquors, on tho wont sido of Hooond stroOt nearly opposite tho Coart Honed, Clearfield, Pa. Sep. 2, 1863. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AIP tho inouth of Lick Run, fivo miles from Oloorflold, MERCHANTS, and oxtensivo Manufaotaron pf Luinhor, July i 23, 1852, THOMAS H. FULI ON, & CO. MERCHANTS, and Extensive Dealers, and Manaiacfcurors ofLurpber, Bald Hilla. ( J [July 23,1851,- ' ;’V; ' “-y*- \ \ -»v<■ s»V 'ISMffl L. JACKSCIN CRANS, i ! ' 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, oflloo iidjouiinK .bie J\ on 8000 ml Stroot, Clonrfield, Pa.- June 1. 1854. ATTORN ICY AT IjAM r .—OflU*o on tli6 cast aide ofiSoeotid : nearly apposite thofitoroof ; A. K. WVight., will uttend promptly lmainasa entrusted to lii.s rare. CimuTield Juna 14, IH/id. M. E. WOOD, 1 >UyHlcI n, may alwn.y« be foumhat liis rosidenoe J in L’urweiisville, when not pfofessianully nb sent. Dei. ID, IH£>2. : 4 tlornev at l,:nv, Connelly of the funi of ► “S< oTT A .Shcii’K," Jiuniingdon, P.. will at tend faith fully t-> all prufoBsionid businesH ontrnat , od to his care by tlie citizenn of Clenrlhdd and tid- S joining rmintien. Dflioo next door to, and over Lsip ifrigler’a otlice. Out. 27, 1853. HA \JN ( 1 changed his rosidenee from I’reneh vilh» to Kylarsvilh*, Morris township, re spectfully oilers his services to the surrounding community. v ... Juno 10, IHSII. JAMES MIDDLE GORDON, VTTDHNKY AT LAW, hm rumoved his ofTmo to the r<">m adjoining on the east th*> Drug olore of Dr. Lorain, and will devote his whole at tention to the practice of bis profession. Ho may be consulted in French and O'crumn. Jan. 16, IS.U. J. L. "CUTTLE, Vttorncy at iatv mid L,mid offioo udjoining liij residence, on Market street, Clearfield. March d, WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Vttorncy at Law, Ollico adjoining bis rosi d.To : mi Second Street, oppo.-Uo the resi dence of i luv. Higler. Cleurtiehl. April 17, DCj2. DR F. ANTIvS CANFI ED n VYIXC pureli.-i*cd tin- property and situation of Dr. !». )•'. JI oops, .tenders lii.- proiecHionui .‘■'•rviocijo tiie cili/ens ul ]• 1 etich \ ille und viemity. Utlire one eu.* l of Lu!/.'? .-lore. Jon- 2. 1 - >t. HENRY LORA I NT'., Physician mid I )rug;; lit, on Mark-; -t'.ol oj.po-ifi* hi- re id. wee, t'leailicld. April Id, D .0. 11. P. THOMPSON, Pin sicinii, may !.<• Im.nd either at hi.- office, or M Seedidd - hotel, I'urwoiiHville, when not piofi rsioually itl/.-cnt. Deo. 29, ISM.1 S M. GEORGE WILSON, I>"> slciuh. may ho found at his office in Lu tbenburg, when not uh.M.at on profcssioiia h.i,ine ? >. Pel., 20, IM;>2. VTTOKNKY AT LAW, Uearliahl, Pm, may he fotfnd at the "lliee of (L K. ltarrett, adjoining the store of Wm. S. Moore. Deeds and other legal instruments executed with promptness and accu racy. ■’ May 24, 1861. Physician, residence one mile and u half south cuef of Lumber City, on the Itidge r«md lend ing to New Wiifdiington, respectfully offers his ser vices to the fiirrounding community. Dec. 2d. D -4. DR. R. V. WILSON. H .\ \ INti mm-u'ii hjft office to the new due! Lug on j-ocoiiJ street, will promptly iijimg ; all professional call- u.s heretofore. June id. I MM. E. L. .MILLER, Surveyor, p-ll tou i;>hip. Clearfield county.-- AH to him promptly attend ed to. Address U;- *t i\ <».. Clearfield county. April 4. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, Physician. chi be foun lnl hi- «*Hiin liiith«*r«- burg, Cb-articld county, l J n., when not absent on bufrine-e. Fop. lb I^j^. List of Uriiml Jurors fur Sept. Term, 1854. lif rw rin. Henry Whiteside. Farmer. linviy.— George Kiirmr. Farmer; Frederick HolloprPT. Farmer. nit<’kmi, -William TliiMoji. Farmer. /' '• iittifon - Samuel Bradford. Furmer. f.'/t'u/it'.j-C. Whitohill, Carpenlci ; IClli.- li win, M- reliant. l\ n/tr rr/M - Philip Kverhart, Furmer. (j'intni - A in* Kri-n, Farmer; \\ illium Murray, I uriiier ; Philip Anti.-, I.tmiheruian. .[■•nl't n —-I -au Hunlup, Farmer; Mnj. L>a\id Wise. Farmer. Kurthuui -Wiu. Michaels, Farmer: Oliver Moore Farmer. Lttirrcitr *—John Larimoro. Miller. J/ornA—George HcuniP, Farmer. /'»/,» Ahrnm Blo<»m, Sr.. Furmer: George Srnea! Fanner: Gilbert FonfieM, Merchant : Jo* ph I3«i ly, Fnrimr. Fanner. ,-.l William Kephart. Furmer. List of relit Jurors for Srpt.Tcrm, Rif //hthm'.i, -Jolm M.-ld, Jr., Farmer; lb-nj. 11. Wnglit, Funner: l>uvid free, Fartner. Jiruily — Buvid Writs. Farmer; Henry Knurr, I'auuet ; Joseph Bale, Fnrrtmr. ttnu/fvni —Benjamin Sparkman, jr. Miller ; Guo. Ihiwersoelc, Farmer; I'ujUicU Curley, Farmer; — .lae.oh Kylui, Farmer ; *S. Louusbcrry, Farmer. Jlurneul- - U. King, Farmer; James Bowler, Merchant. April 17, 1«;.2. , -4 llr.U —George Walters, Farmer; Thomas f amp boll, Funnur. JioytjH —Alexander Adams, Farwor. Chevt —John livers, Farmer. U! —Henry Snyder, Blacksmith. Curivtnnvitlt —JJ. F. Sterling, Jubilee. Ftryuson —John Ferguson, Funner. Qiraul —Adam. Spikeman, Fanner; Thos Gra ham, BltieknuiUi' „ Jor dun —G. li. Galer, Former. Knrthuui— •Jumna Curley. l.OiCt'ciUi: —JautuH Buughcrty, Farmer; Froder ivk Guiioh, Furmor. J/ornW-David Jdiln, Farmer; Isaac Knglaud; Fanner; A- Hunter, Fanner ;J. \Y, Wilhelm, For mer. Pike —Isaac Caldwell, Farmer. Prim— John X. Irvin, Furmur ; Isaac Kirk, Far mer ; Thomas Moore, Fanner. Woodutird —Matthew M’Cully, Farmer. CIIIAJJI MAKIUW, House, Skjk, and Oiuu ) MANTA'I P.UNTKItN, PaPKII lIaNOERK, Ac., — Respectfully announce to the citizens of Cleurlield county, and the jmhlic generally, that they havo continually on hand at their shop on Market street, one door cast of the .Jew store, in Clearfield, Pa., a great variety of t hairs of every' description, to which they invito the attention of those desirous of purchasing. Chjiiry, Suttees, Ao„. will ho made to order on short notice, and on the most reason able terms. They are also propurpd to do oil kinds of House, Sign, Ornamental Painting, and Papor Hanging, in a workrpnn-liko mannor. Fromthoir longoxpo rionco in the husjnoss, they fool satisfied that they will bo able to render general satisfaction to tboso who may favor thorn with a share of their patron age. June 7, 1864, —ly. SETIXE UP I! HITIXLUPI! DEERSKINS WANTED rpHB subsorihor earned ro.,» 0 .:l. ull pei-aons „ HE , Ilhcßt Prices in Cwh will be paid by tho ± who have unset lletl account* tntb htm to come H«b s «tter for a quantity of ]W Skins, • forward jmm«tba»Oy*Tt u MtoatfdaaMl, m.|m Muy3 1,1854. MOYEJff CLbMAN. health will not permit lum to ooiillmie the TUaoH- - * smithing bufdn-Mj.jiod ho is de>ii*oii!< of closing ail ' . liUTHERSBURG HOTEIE* ’' his accounts. Jiepu prooOudUig* will im iustilutod Jpl tfO'ft GE W, £<>so PROPRIETOR, overy at .till wbo/nogluot this notioo. . . 1 TjptepUoh will be ipaid to travellers jrntf < - 11 1 • GEORGE'TV'. OJtlt; othow obtafortobjo wfiojbayC cive jua a caat* -i 1 24,i«5|: ' ;5 May 18, J 1664. '' ' * ' W '' ' JOSEPH B. M’ENALLY. 11. Bf.IGHER SWOOPB. DR. GIBBONY E. HOOP, t. .1. McCullough, dr. s. l. coble. —Charles Cboner, Farmer; Amo.- Hile, TKOSJTMAN on ««fiM »f laclips’ G qld Breostpiw, Mpurpipg Pins: Aleo, Gohlloihen's une Gold Piuk/if different fehhpes And sizes, fine Gold Bur; Ring Drops, hRQ-Btylp'of Jenny Rind Kings atuf Drops, Brncolota, Fiogor Rings, fino Gold P(?ps, and PcricD*/ GoldAyiitcb Choips, Silver Toa aofl Table Spoonsf’Buttor Knives, Biigar Tongs, arid Thimblon, ladies’ fino Card Caprit, Port Mriniofl, Silver Patent /.ever Jffunting Case . Wqtchci, from $26 In $2B ; OpcH Front Detatchcd%cvera, from $lB in $2O; Afj pint-n t |Yotn 10 to $l6; fine 'Eight Day H'ufrom $8 to $10; fine Qocd Watcticn, $BO to $lO. AH of which ho will warrant for porfpet time-keepers. Also, a largo assortment of Spectn den, Fob Chuinn, Void Chains, Guard Chains, Pen knives, Pockyt Books, performing more wonderful cures than any other medicine known ! If i - perfectly sate to fake.— it. If you are net •oiti»fi,>toro in the r.wn of A N/O.N V l LLE, in .lordan b u mhip. at the int« , t><•* tion of the <»!«‘ n Hope turnpike with the Che?*' Creek rend, and of l- r tur sale a lull supply of DRV GOODS,GROt E p II S. HARDWARE. DRUGS PATENT A!EDI '’INK- and all nihernrtieleL usually kiqt in a <■ oinitrv «tore. All of which will he sold nt mod* rate pri< < s loreush, or ex eji'b put eha w e:- V. ill allow. June _M. hVi-lv, CHASE A SWA X. IN tiie Orphans’ Court of Clearfield county.—ln the matter of the account of Benjamin Harts horn, Guardian of Wi.i. Ross Hartshorn, n minor f-m: of William I la: i • 10-rn, dcc’d. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court to audit, ro-ftuto, imhl rc-settle tho account, and to report the fuels upon the exceptions tiled, will sit for that purpose, ul liis office in the boro’ of Clear field, ou TucMlav. the 25th day of July, at 2 <»\ h>ek I\ M., nhen and where nil* perhons con ccined are hereby notified to attend. Clearfield, June 1-4, 1851. Estate of William M’Cracken, Sr., deceased. Letters of administration on tho tato of William M'Cracken Sr., late <«f Rell township, Clearfield county, deceased, bavin# been granted to the subset ib«r, all persons knowing themselvos indebted tu said estate will make pay ment iminediaUdy, and those having claims against the sane will present them praperly authenticated for fet.llemuut. WM. M'CRACKEN, Jr., Adm*r ( Ferguson township, Juue 14, 1854.-fiL~pd. XN the Orphan*' Court of Clearfield county.—ln the mattor of the final account of Conrad Mor \im\ administrator, etc. of Conrad Morviuo, dec’ll. T’ho umlcrrtiguod Auditor, appointed l*y the Court to audit, re-Male, ami resettle the account, and to report the facts upon the exception." filed, will sit for that purpose, at his office in the boro’ of Clear field, on Tuesday, tho 25th day of July, 1364, at tU o'clock A. M., when and where all peVsons con cerned are hereby uotified to attend. J. BIDDLE GORDON, Auditor. Cloarfiold, Juno 14, 1864. Estate of WUllam Hepburn. Deceased. Letters of administration, -3L-pd. ' ‘ 1 NO. 24, 25, and 26, in tho plan, in tho borough of'ClParfidld, hll'oncloaod. j For forma apply to W. M. REEDY.'’ ’ I' ; OurwonsviUo, Juno 26, 1864.4—pd. tjrCV.' r'_. W. F. IK WIN AI.'DITOK'a) NOTICE. J. DIDDLE GORDON, Auditor. AVDITOH’S NOTICK. TAKE NOTICE- Three Lots for Sole, AS' OID.iSTOBB » A HEW DRESS. ] MY i Blaad Bed-Hag Is on I worn ft'inUiArJyJ* nw l 1 STORE, opposed Homphillß ft.-W; Digit or tho RED PLAO, there is now dpbnifafc bat docldodly the most! choice selection Of SUMMER ( GOODS, (euitablo in avery , rospect for this com- ■, iounity) that has over pen offpr.edi for #o in Ibis i county ui the mouhtdfris. . ( ' To attampt to eaumorato or doscHbe\my lot of» ontiro Now which I -offot to tho public, would J bo altogothpr too lafmriouo an foy; mo | nit thi tinic/ Y would tooroly say that in • the lino of Ladioa' DrcSs GdodsiT'dbfy oottipotltlon f either in prioo, quality,, or beauty of stylo. Jlootej and Shoos In tho greatest variety; Hats and Caps j that cannot bo bent; boautiful Slimmer Cnssimorea and fanny Battinctts, togother with all kinds DRY GOODS which aro usually requirod in this marKof. . i Some bfiautiful sbts of InoN Stone Ware, ai|d n niOo selection of of all kinds j 1 also, funny articles in HP smoU quantity. Tho above mentionod stock of goods will bo of fered fbr Palo at lmrcr jVricefi .tiian tho samo quality nnd'tityleb of goods bavo ever boon offored in thlff plane j an a proqf of this/1 only ask a oomparrlaon of prices und qualify with.any other good* in town. 1 a. m. nrtLs. Oloarfiold, May 10, 1861. SADDLING AND HARNESS MAKING. rpilE suhseriher would respoct- JL folly announce to tho clti nf Clearfield County, nnd ILthe public generally, that ho has coninienced the huainoHS of SAD DLING AND HARNESS MAKING at his Shoe chop, where bo will punctually attend to the orders of nil who may favor him with a share of their cus tom. Ho intends to keep good workmen, nnd will sell cboapor than any other shop. Ho tenders hi* thauks for past favors in tho Hoot and Shoe Busj\ ness, nud would njso make known that be will eon-, tinuo to attend to nil business in that lino on the | shortest notice, nnd is determined to sell cheaper than any and all others. J. 11. JONES. Clearfield, Muy 10, 186£-3ui. s LOOK TO Yorn INTKimST, J» ij s XJHRCIIASE WHERE VGU PLEASE! S ! ' S I T take grenf plennuro in announcing S 1 I S to our old friends, that I am prepared to sell / all kinds of GlKH’KltlflS cheaper than any , t i.lher hmi.-e ihi? side of Philadelphia. Call ;i 1 and see prices. Don’t mistake Uie place, nt j Iv, the corner opposite tho Pennsylvania Rail ‘ S Ruud Depot. Goods delivered at Tyrone S l two day? after purchasing. Mind that I keep S | • S Mrs t / J oe/\ Jlntu a, nwl Tolmcro t While l,end, S OH, Jiopr-M, dc. All "f whieh will be-old at J j 1 * a vci v low profit for Cafh. c ! 1 t ,1. R. EKY. s S Harri- Imrg. P-h. 8, 18;,L S*u 0 j VALUAIILG PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. TIAIIE subrieriber oflora at privato snlo, 3 igaL I fyotn, ciiimte on Plnlbert street, in tho thyS borough of Curwensvlllc, with a splendid NEW TANNERY, supplied with a fountain pump, nnd e\ory other nece.sstiry convenience. Tico bicel/im/ 11<>iiMtn, in good condition* with other out-buildings, und -one stable thereon erected. Tho property )•< in good condition, being well supplied Ac., and will bo disposed of •>n reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to J. Ik M’EuaJly, Uhoirfiold, Pn. t or to the sub scriber on tho premises. March 24, 1864-fiuj. CLEAIt FI K I/D P< ITTK KY. IAK. LKITZINGER, respectfully infonns the public, that ho constantly keeps on hand n good assortment of Fancy POTTERY WARE, also Frock*. Dishes, ami Stove Pipe Collars of every convenient size. Farmer* if you want to buy cheap, give usn call at the Clcarfiold Pottery, near George ( d i b Rlacksmi Hi rhoj*. Country pr>duec will taken m exchange for Ware, and a leducti n made to wholesale purchaser?. . Jan. 1 1. D'-.t UKN I! V SWAV y FAIRBANKS patent scales, /tj O OLD at their warehouse Xe - O 2-10 Market Pt., Philadelphia. Railroad, Ilay, Coal, and Farmer*' SCALES, set in anv port of the conn try, by w.rfc men, and oti shortest notice.— [ April 12f ISM- ly. Vttoruey at Law aud Laud Agent, will practice in the several Courts of Cbuirfield mid Elk counties, and attend to the payinent of taxes on unseated'lands. licfcrcnct*. —ilis Bigler, Han isburg : Tlon. Ellis Lewi*, bownster : G. W. Woodward, WilkoMmrr®; J. 0. Knox, Fniukliu ; J. 0. Montgomery Philadelphia. All persons having business with him, will in his absence apply toJ. Biddle Gordon, who will attend toth** some. Pep. 2S, IS/*?. MW CLOTHIM. STOHE* MOVER ULLMAX, resiieolfully announces t<> the citizens of Clearfield, nnd the public gone rally, that ho has just received nnd is now opening in the borough of Clearfield, in tho office formerly occupied by L. J. Crum*, in the south cud of town, a laru© and' splendid assortment of KEADY-M APE CLOTHING, which ho proposes to sell for on us reasonable terms ns they can be hud elsewhere in tin* cr»nnty. are respectfully inyiled to cull and examine my stuck boforo purchasing elsewhere. <*l t*nrfit.*Kl, May 10. l?v>4,-t| THE subscriber offers fit private sale. n \alun Me funn situate in Penn township, Clearfield count}', containing 127 acres ami allowance, with about one hundred acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, having a house and burn erect ed on oa6h ondof the farm, and two good orchards thereon growing. Thore nro ulso two good (\>ul Hunks on said farm supposed to extend over about fourteen acres, being about five foot in depth.— Tlio farm is situated in the centre of nn excollcnfc neighborhood, tho Glen Hope and Little Bald Ea gle Turnpike, passing through tho contro of tho same.—A good title will'bo given. For furtnor particulars apply to the subscriber on tho promises. May Ift, 1854.-3 m.-pd Wall Papers! Wall Papers! THE sulißcrlbors havo riOvv in storo thoir com ■ploto slock of Paptr Hanging*, C'lirfcuiis, ivsjK'etfully neks the public to give him t) irinl. feeling assured ilint he can render satisfac- Api il IV, -tf iifmpiiild’s hotkl. subscriber most respectfully informs the JL citizens of Clearfield county, ami the travelling public generally, that he has taken tho ahoy* named Hotcd situated on tho corner of Front urn) I Market streets, in the borough of Clearfield, whef* jj ho will at all tiuioa be prepared to uecommodoD j) those who may favor him with their custom. *?s j; pains will be spared by the proprietor to inoko hi* [; customers comfortable, and his house a home to L thoso who may stop with him. ft IJis ST BLR will bo carefully attended to —nude his TABLE and BAR supplied with tho host then nmrket will afford. | Aug. 11, 1862. \VM. J. lIEMPIULL. | DAVID JOHNSTON, WOULD respectfully announco to the citizen* of Clearfiold and adjoining counties that h® has Jetted up and oponed out a PUBLIC HOUSE* in the town of Phillipsburg, Contro county, Pa* and is fully propared to accommodate all who may fuvor him with a call. Fob. 28, 1854-ly* CABINET AND CIIAIK MAKING* j JOHN GULICH would respectfully onnouncoO tho oltlzona of Oloarfiold and vicinity, that D is now manufacturing all kinds of CABINET* WARE* Hie shop is situated on Market strati botwoou Third and Fourth, where all kinds of jrwfr in his line will be made in tho beat stylo, abtH® tho moatfavomblo term? und on tiio shortest notice Coffins made to order on tho shortest notice.! 1 : Dqc. 2, 1852. " : , ' y DOST. ON Saturday tho 3d instant, in tho Borough »of Oloarfiold, or somowhoro botwoon thoiff W. Philip Hovener’s in HustOu township, a writing, or deed, from Osgood and Thomas to' A H. Mix, for lands in Gibson township, and dtd*® three or four years ago. Any person finding-tb*. samo and delivering it to tho Biibscribcrin Glbsoi 1 township, Elk county, or to Robert Wallace of Borough of Clearfiold shall be reasonably rewarded HENRY 3IIX. Clearfield, Juno Jth, 1854.-pd. SPRING GOODS I JUST deceived, and opening at C. . ONE-PRICE CASH STQRE, a splondld eortmentof spring nud Snmiuer Goods. In dition to his usual variety, ho has a largo Iht J» Xodles' Dross Goods, such as Plhid Silk, India tyilli Plaid Xawn, Brooha Shawls, Bilk, urape and Go* B4 * | mtr Bonnots, . Ao. Also, a large lot of. Oarjxt*, Iflopr.OH Cloihit Rt&du~Alade .Clothit'h , jnew stylos of Dross Sndos, cheaper man ever. , ; | eA'pnT6,IRSC 1 C. KRA^ZEU. JOHN LIYIM.STON