hai, have charafi* ;p ome '' t' VCD, y minutes, iwrtliout n. rctUrnjtrionls, from the Plymouth, ond English "•“ '" Gtn ' rn . l met , That the felWwtng W .itot rr fa ! ■»> !&*•,«* m^'iXE^yetxsz&zsx. account Of’/them.. ■ ’f-r ’ : _ '■ ;‘ I ” ™" . . ncar ‘> 111 tl»o,djrcctlon Of tlio on the outskirts of flip jSottlpipen.t,-t9 keep |ind in ooopntatioo with the provision* ~f the t*nth *• Last SeptembpTrtfte Wy' fb U* i litox i lio **B * l 3 j 1 position, which- .wos supposed to both, the rebels und imperialists beyond do- .nrtWo thorc°i, t° wit. hands of-llroiVutels, ; who libvo coiitinudd be ' fi , " inr g e mado b yos n tumult(j‘ : 'flned limits. They may, and doubtless 1 Pimrosmus i, to nt ahtici.e x.. to hbld it up. (6 the present tirfie,' tfiottilj! 00 ” ,W l $„P)? s pi'vciJi w'i'lhifl.the will, have inhny 'chcolintors, and their! |, -“' T, "- < '• Jh fnKß«-K»to amount <>t dei.u, kcre the imperialists have oyer since- bncti k-t,- 1 - ,: ‘ 1 tlie bosle ß ed were flco-;strugglo may long contmno, but tt is to 0X1 .,. L „, u,,, „m-, vu i„.mired thousand dollar-, boring, it seems, with littlo hope of 9ue- I- n B ,,n ‘ a -slate of. consternation, At that “bo hoped, that so far as foreigners arc eon-' except in os so of war, to repot invasion, rappre" cess, to retake'it. TbtitcaMiVh their * nlorndli . t advance wa 1 ? given'cerncd, farum-cio.., ««• to rod™, tin- ~«Mio d.d.t of tho obji d.Ujey liuj urcclud pijljprioJlwl uncamp. , ;\ . . , *1 IHCnn .Commanilmg. Olhccrd, Grim visaged war lins smoothed his wrinkled from. njniiit'il to tho purjmao lor whi.;h tho debt mn.v lte moats ht evury t elligtble position around i" 1 * wlO o orce responded to with k n ,j so cn d9 this strfuHro, evontful history ! «‘"mnn led, or u» pay mudi di-M*. and to im otlic-r ",0 walls of which were AMERICA. 2 . To p», the puh.io del., of the c,J uli lhc| of A\ small creel; whjcl) I , ,* ... ® k ‘ vo^c y °H ' ' V, "' ~ . mnmvi'ullh. nut! di?btn which innv hereafter 1m? Ly liiO'nice course, und is tho boundary .* < tnusKc ! r . v » ' vhlch , Wus instantly reiurncd 1 OO" 1 lio.iioston travuller says more is a .contracted in enso of w.*r, *;» irpol* invnnton, phj>- ine oi the fori inn Keiitetv-owtc * i b J’ a tremendous discharge of iinaalle. 1 horse in a stable in that city, which is la- proi-s immiToetion and to r«decm tho pui>n« -loi.t, n "If; -4- ' q To.' I loaded with slugs', bullets, &c., IVom the bo r ing under ah attack of hydrophobia,'"V‘ f-K-lnture ehnit u,,.;,- 0,-m .^ionan-,;;th.' On 1110 allet noun ol ihe 3d Inst., sever-I 1 „ , , I - , , . ’ , . .1 r h , , , . . r ,I• I I adoption --I linn m-lion mlo ilir ( oiiHtitnti-.n. pro ol' tlie'-biuKens while Uvltiftw' the r tl , 'attenobments,, behind which the besieged - occasioned ,by the bite of a rubbul dog. , villo )pv i, IW fw . tb ,. c-ation of a .'inking; fund. .... -nfotretia'de-'' wbre fu-e’i o'? ri - cs i )vere croyched, and nwniiing the advance: OiTA mother in San Francisco cured 1 wloou almit not ho aboti.-iu-l nil tin- mid i-oiiiic ulHl piOtni t X\ pri. 11l cyt U( il Otn OHO GI n f 1 1).* necn lln ntc llu iltin I’.rot r i u i r k l • tloltls l»o w holly jtuul, t*i cotidHl ot all llu‘ not an* the small en-,,mpme„. B , and- an attack , 'L' .If: 'T. lmn f,rC ; 'f r hU '° l Bon ° BWconn K b X washing out Miiul int’niin' frniu tho pitldic wtnlisanti slut hf own nv»di. nnrtn n ftl . 1 t , . u l'° ! ! ™ ,r lnrccs » "bo wereentiroly uncov-; his mouth with soap suds every lime he ttl t v (hi« (’omuiono ftilth. or nnv otlioi funda nri ” ;,o h! ,IV- ■ -I l" . V ' y I m(m» to in :MI nief. Mi. < I,„J ..ori. ~ ii. ' : I** -f *w »™ -**. - P"? »-.it—U!.-,..!- -u. .’ i :v-r"iT::;vr- l ;.?KkhPT,'v;.^“,h';r',:"::f. }-' 1 II 1 ll'l 1 1 111 I' l (. tt X t't IS''\ i 1 I'll | sal) IT* Wounds” 1 e/i on rinu ’lt> iVnnri/ 1 » I tie I l I' ‘ OCTOBER Jkla j i annually, find nninmllv to rodtifo lit*' principnl 1 , ' . , • 1 ” mus ' so seriously wounded asMo render the im« * - thoyi*.»r by a sum not b*.-H than rtvo lpimlu-d ll,e nun™ was immediately given, by , mediate, tunpulalion; of one of his lens «" uuM.orlzed io am,ounce .IAVOIt' ™«H«r S . in.-rru'od vrSVIy by c,,ii.p..und.., K at -,n, U l |Mr:ie Sl ;v.lw. happened, to discover eessn r v lor h« „f |,;J ur„ iTT Wn.llEt.M, of M-.uls 1 f0w.,.-hi]., as a ran » rate nfm., Irr. than fiv, p-r .-„l urn p-r annum : attack. ■ Tile eelllemrnt ' WOS thrown! r ■ v ? r f f • ! didatofor the office nf fonuty C..mmi..Mo„.Tnf «'->•»•'» -."'k*"? tnnd 'ball tm Inrr'lrd ,n tl.Hon,,' /.ip,..,,. ) or! ) wt.S instantly killed; whilst their * Oorremtil iw/.-/v U-irhntU't dred llum.uuid d-'llni- mcnlioneil in the llrfl si“> ashore, and defachmytits ol maim, s Itnd :)10PC f or!un ale companions in arms were! may -« r . emi. ml. v»i.. if. a. hds, and plank. J'"" a.itoto. u. -ai-i Mnk.n, fund .hail 'tame I'l! '1 I m'" U L l 1" * disc Jiarging,volley tdler volley into ,he en-! , *'* 88 % . 3 'tLV " l 1/• I I 1 Am 1 1" W . ,T n " ls^'-l « , <:ampmcnt ( wnll almost' Inconcoivilblu ra. I WhUo Pirn- ||. .riT' r.\ OO fa, :jO 00 ••ball iml in .".uy "jy lid k ivm or loam'. Itoor in and hel.l p-tco. ihe Americans under ( „ ( ) lly- A i this junpiure, Passed Midship- li-minek tops. " 700 6h »io .ndivtdua) en.„,,a„y, .•on";.»ti,.n «r the cominattu ut t tiplpm Kelly, Lieut., mnn'drav. who hud cl.a rue of a uuard or "-•■'•-.•k »l,arf tiwt.er, 7'50 Cd, 9o« '•.-•mt.nn. ~..r 'l„.lt-,1.c t ..a,»-eahl. I.emUi.T ’ ..." '' ' 11 F P'l’o o- Hnztnri, • i n( . rc hant sudors, who were stationed at I pt.mrin.; Tt-r-.-v no (a ;to oo k"".v. n-.-m i.-.uun nr ,-nrp uniinn in ihi- ('..mm -n -on reaching the race course dtscbvered that. i|, tt L. S. consulate, hearing the firing, sa OO r pt, .* I.eei. Inline -l.ulj m-v i-r tunl:-u liny .-nun come to a halt wiihul.-gun shot rung,; oil roAd, and lo ndv.nco to several mounds, 1 11 (11 "" i.v. ->iy. h..i -uel. ■■■ n---i y ~.m -. ri: h ua.-n, ihcni, o recounWnre ahd nrres! any move-‘(,-los,, to the Van-f "u-P-- 1 ' ’’ Xcw \ork I.ul.lmt Mailtet. -' r ". ' ' j-'-'-t iiii'nt towards the settlement that might; bn a.'ienrpuiu b.y the imperialists Ai tlua ■ poll;! tho comma iivleV pf the English ;’or- 1 lx-, ttecpriip:'uief) by her lliitlhnic ft! ay. s- I)'b nous'll, j ntted lilt; Amcniun iit lti;c1 1- •nen: when n short ron!«*rrnce look' p! aV ami'llg " ill:*’ Consuls , yud captain*,: (I'l't I'nUgif . Ct)l»i,olL'lHug oil 1 Iw i..pynd,) rupl jt ..agfced lli'iL a tow . sl.'-lls- should/ be • Tired into tho main oil - i:iiii|iineal. -Hlhe, American volunteer liow i'?‘T .'(iiiiit'ihV in titc mean li.ik., Y\i'h. lire ir howitzer, u lew shells w■ . lb row ii liv it iiini (he English fwlil piece*, v-liiitjp'■**.,.({ I'fTH't within that en cunipiiK'iii ; after which, there being no,, iipus of any movement observed wiihin it ’.be whob' ' birr.i' n-Tivr\T<-il Jo the 1e .‘-I \\i'lt’p .itie foreign sctiluow.n', ulnae, pu'r-.ls ncii' nri'Mio. ,1 iii ilie n'glr. The ■ ! rr v (', nnl'i ■! ifilions of 11 1 o i : i p'wia!!-!* bi-irg . dii int'l but tile pom. in ir count t'~ more serious troubles tbit in.ght enriue. i ii'i'» promptly resented mi l checked, the captains of the two Eng- L'li.dl men-of-v. ', - ! r, (be cniTiiiiriiiJer of the I’lymooih, and the coii-uls piesenl. up pointed a-ineetiilg on the morning of the Ith, lor the purpose of ciipecrliug tnea- Miros to efT e-t a renanal of the encamp ments tn a proper and safe d ,; -nnep li'oin tlio foreign limits, ]j it as deterinined in council, as. a in i.'isme of (wifely, tiv't ; he tinperi’ilist authorities should be required to remove the,ii by Tour o'clock in the of- Icrnoon ; arid they were notified, that, ii the v were r it ev eeunlecf et that hour, they would bo 'b-iciged and destroyed by the combined forci; of tlm,English and. Amur teail nu'ii-of-war iu port. Preparations were lire ! e o.i i i \:i g th's dotertninu'ton mtp eftijet. . , V! hu> o'clock, delncliiDtii'.s of nmincK ('!)•] sailors were ihv'iV. n ashore lYorneach of ihc those, ofPlymouth, commni.dud by. Capl. Kelly, Lieut. (iocsl nnd Passed Midshipman Huxtun, nnd ron drttvousrd 111 flVo, gourd, house, near ihc eliun.il, i(i the. tnuldle of llie settlement,; whet' v were joined by the volunteer, hrnvi .• i- . - 1 In'iiiitiy compnuios. A l , three ilu u indent' t!ic combined forces nuin!.*’i:i. : a f. thrdto hundret.took , nplh' ir line yal pi uvji ffpr,hie liuid ol ac tion. On aim lug a; - the n.oc conrsivi halt wits made lor lho purpose cl recon noifoiing lb" j;rn"inl nnd giving tlie im pcrinlistWaii pppohuiiily to red on I. This reconuoisnnue was inudo by Captains K> ily’n’nd O'Callaghnn, the U. consul, ; tui.d,}j;' ’» I .L'o'iif)pl and v ioo con-. | s li, iVorn s, n.o mounds commanding but. tin imdefteet view of ihc r.pirrps. .j^l’ter.. * tie'!a[tse' ff lialfhoui',' thy ipatc, wits| n tuipnd.riDit lilts forces divided lo'attack | d i fie rent jiojnts. .Ajiiiecipans, con spline of seventy-Tiyc iipiripcs apd siiilorji,! uiiif pbpdV.hv’oflty-fi.ve .citizens, .compotfirig ihreiC, idwqdfl.np'.ourveiof t no jmwo.cnufseuio 1110 westward, iUKljfjalj.ji l} ji ripofiy‘UKafiout a lmli('li't?d ,, 'npd I 'lif'y yiirJ.p.lvpp) .(lio^ipvn, ;fiotd; i whU:ltico.rnoi*d I a littlei toi the left ofithec&urse. andexicn dtfd • a'ltvtiW-- ir in ; ’ tv ! $ t rtf igf«.li.Hc, tp |hc.ir! light,' vtyifM 1 ilid ijiigllsli,dctutcliment.bud j liio volunteer ihiiuntr.ycpmp any i amount- 1 Zing in alt to SOO/cOtitltuied to 'i/te! sb^li-. yvurd, and look their jiosilion within how-1 itzer rango.of thq‘iso'dthern eiicftfppfnpnjl. | ‘£jo sqonQi', liftddh.o Amdncijiiisitnkenithetr ■ .portion,than’LieuttiQuost rnude ti reppri- 1 ndizdnce'of 'the ri pfd.siipfly i to, thoi angle •.of theicnftitV'hreasl'ttorks..: Atfour-ojclook Ahabfiro 6pdiv^A' t oW ( *lvkK'- I fh^^;Piy j ntoutli a tvvofve po'und" field; piece,"und the t\yo' howitzers boldriging' to tnc vat w ho. .h u d ga!!ilht ly piacc.d-.lliemsctycs .IM^WO.T' VfCimteip %!Jy.' nlbrwvhtcli,threwtfhh.tr Shells wiih'igreat'pfedisiou into the : rmdfjt hnfthe p% ; Inhmcididfety; poinf.pf nttaok. 1 1 Although i lhc two fnVfs wero'cqvopora- I'tine, 'dt rci.n(i |ca<,-||'.^t}i|i^fitii'thcir.respecliwn)<>ventonls ..i<- .'Mng-l'uii creek,) winch oominiirplcij the iusiJc u| (he cucnmpuicnt, liorti whence the attack was so vigorously carried co ns tag'vd tlip.ibesiogid no lime in rally—to dislodge them entirely from iheir entrenchments, nnd cause their pro eipilnte (light into the country. The A met icnn lorces fought under the disadvantage uf'an erfbWOritly exposed po sition* und being .separated from the ene my's fortifications by tile ; Yan-King-Pan creek, which is impassable ut higji lido, (which was ilien nt the Hoed,) and un bridged anywhere near tlicir point nl'at- tack ; yi't liu-ir mcm.Simt fire drove the enemy from the enqanipment and kepi Iv.'iii i|i cluck while I lie English rietach-f rnents, having crossed n bridge near their-i I'osi'ion, nnd taken and fired the encamp- I rnenl, against which their attack hud been i so successfully directed, entered and fired i this one ulso, without any resistance, ! The conflict ivas of short deration, nndi terminated, in the riisludgeinonl of a liar- i barons soldierv from entrenched encamp-, meats, in such dangerous proximity to the lu reign settlement, llml neither tho lives’ or the property of the community were in any safety. Thu whole number of impe rialists, within the encampments which i were destroyed, is variously estimated, but i by no one at n less number than seven , thousand. The aoereonle combined force no O in dislodge them -was only three hundred! Th; American (lag wnsplnnted by Lieut. I Guest on '.lie nearest, mound to the en campments, where it told of triumph; while the flags and banners, t|ic tents and camp of tho .dispersed enemy, led the flames whose reflected light marie it no brighter than its country’s greatness; and glory ever render it in the estimation, of the gallant spirits who marched to vie-, t.iry under its folds oh'the I 111) of April,, 1554. The* heroic spiiit with which the delucliment led on by Commander Kelly,! Lieutenant truest, and Passed Midship- 1 mpn Huxtun, advanced to the attack, and| tlu irsteadiness unJerlheappalling fire they I encountered, can nor be too highly eulo gized. Nor can I, jn thus narrating * events which occurred under my own im-, mediato'ohsorvation, being in the ranks of’ ! ihe American forces, omit to render great praise to thq giiHantry.of the howitzer com-, , panv, (whose small corps experienced one 1 of thu saddest cnsualities,) who stood itj their pieces liko veteran urtillertsts, ren-J doting effective service during the whole action; urn) who hate received the liil adkuo wledgfcmunts of Commander Kel-1 ily for their Confidence evinced in him by j !pUpibg llt.cpiselves under his command,' and loMheir important assistance irt storin-j I irig the imperialist entrenchment.' I J The hreustworks having been taken,; und the camp seVJire to by tho-English, j (Captain O’Cnllaglian Captuin Kelly to cover his uetrdat'at tho bridge.— | forcesiqdyau* j egfjr m\° toi.lbo right and gai,| lied ,a new pnsi/ionjA .{-qeitodho Americans \ found the British rear-gharri retreating, I , and a Infgc tiody | undnr.tlie eover oi; the ; batteries of-some I I war junks in Sou-Chow .creek. These styfcklMi thV fi'rd'of lho, Atner ; oil).ifiold!pieces and fell back to their, de fences. The main body of the British now ' rejoineif 'tfid ir Was n.c -j kijhwledged 'that dur ’fcrccsf. beirlg ;whap ]' they,.were, iprpvpqtcti, MtP British from lie l ing entirely surrounded,.and' thoir retreat Icut off,' The- actidn hnVitig thus glorious ly terminated, the combined forces morph ed hack. 10 the. river hank, whore they were greeted Avith edthusiastic the pltipping. 7-Tho number of tne impe ruilistst-killad nnd wounded iafiuJikaoWn. ' Individualizing, is.scarcely (o! be,expected jin detailing;.such cven(s‘ ns haye induced feilrPftWbl -oniit. paying j a -passing:complirttent'to iDr, Otis, the ne- hjs tn ;attehdipgtd tne j woundedion the field'ofaction; and to Mr. J-Norris, the iclUYltY’ wha'BritVety acconaparilptl; , fhp;,{qrpes through tho en i' gageinent, ' 1 f/ l-'« k (•■!:'] ;ir;\ - i«Al:< ji «*r • • i• «n. **r ru'*io I'l. 1)0 IS and 00 22 ii i »>• in. .n •• v (nr. •r * >mi i* - < 26 uml cu JiS H nv ?uoh i ompmi v *»r ' irn. (•. Sr:,n*. ]>»t M. fo.'l, ('*) Mini IM no ' J.) |{. I’M A:*K. .W-r/-r ,-M'n Ho-unlP, X. 15. per M. ft. eMir. 2,7 60 and 40 00 M. ,V ’ \ )1 \. '.,W Hoard*., N, K. 2d tjuuliiv, per M. .‘{o 00 ami .’io 00 April 2.-, ! v i. laillif., hufttorn, 2 .>0 and J;,., ,! \.. ! t That 'hi® ri , *idntiM' )>i-a. \> .t-. 22 Siiin Kxtmoi from the .lomnal. ■ ! r. \. *M A(» I ; 1 K.K. Clork. , In ll; lt \ , 20. J-.xtrnct ftoin the Journal. I 12 (o* 1 26 ' \S \l. J V‘‘lv. Clerk T 12 f*2 cent.® Grain Markets, I'llJ LAI>KLI'IiJ A ? I he 1 t*A 1 Of, (rt, l OR 7ft mid 7i’ f.O eenPo MAlUtliaD. ,lun*‘. In at , by .1, \V r . Wiiirht, Kko . iMir.Rft to-Misa Ki.ifcAhETii Lk«,naui>, I toWUsllip. On t-he 15th .Mr. (i laittOK 1. i h of Fashionable Ready- Trimmod BObfNETS,and;6il£, laid;. flain Black 'Sp^6^6^^N^^A P 5f 'm«P Uighpat >r Cash wall ho paid by the , I , W^n..rc B fe _ Sr.f kkt.U’y's orrier. J filed April 2vl» lf*M, i C. lILACK, .Sui-rt-Uu v ol'lh.- < u:nin >u\vonlth /7.Y.Y.V VI. I .IA7 I. ■ KM \ i:*. S ( If- * (I » . I '■ II ITT l-t-Org. July 1 . 1 - •I . i | • —| I do oertin (hut tho above and lorc- St: •> l. ' going i.*' n line und correct a <***|»y of the I —• j original *• Resolution relative; i>» an am'•iidm.-lit • f the Constitution," u?'thc Mime re mu in? "li till iit (hi: idhco. In t ot»i iin • »ti v vhi -in ; .iniondme.il-* to (ho ('"h-titut ion of t!i»* C-'in in.oiwealth,' wap road u third time. On the quo* lion, will (he Senate agree t*» tho proposition, ilit* voa? ami nay- wore i.ik-n. agreeably to the ( oiMimti >•!, and were :i i h "- . vi* : YkAh- I *:• Hi i:j:t on. I»nr p t»\ Fmilhred. l’ritk, Fi;\ (!. viz Vkas—Mc i Kr«. Buckalvw, Furgiuon. K"ullcrod, Frv, O"od« in, HaMonmn. I*. D. Huuilin, E. \V. ILtmlin. i leiulriel, ; . Uci'it i . Hnge. .Tnini .*•"11, J\iu7t-r, Me<.‘Hnto(k. .McFarlaiMl. I’intl. Pri-.'. Slifer.'Vlierry. Mef’aslin. Sj-. iikei -22. Na\ > • \ic.-sr'. Erahh, Ci e‘.-w.dl, 1 hir!ii.g ton, llnmil" n. Knn! ’" m,.| a. S" the *iu• *.**- l i■ *ll \\ i. del i:n in iut he itf.n tiro 1 ivc. .Tuurni. I"flhe 1 ii ’i.-e -T R> l-ri *•’!: I;iI i\ >• ••'f'he ijtie-li'.n i'*otiiii!ig a", oit ino *.nal pa.vsiig** th.- Rr.Mduii'-i: = , the first prop iii"it u a.-ugrcc,l to Uv- U-lloU'2, V Vms- Mes M's. Abraham, AdaUi.-. Al!n rlon, ■Hall, Mart-'U. Bever. Righain. R"jv l‘u.-)i, llyerly, C.tld>'e!l. bills in, i.’»i! Tfyjuobv r liu, C-ok, ('ran (,‘u nun in - . hit ug !i« i: \ . I»a t .1 *■ lia in 11 on li i n ir, E. Nays—non©. S i th" ipie.'-tion wad deicrmineti in the ullinnHiivc. On tho i|ueation will the House agree to the second proposition, the yean and nuy« woro taken, agreeably to the provisions of tbo 10th article of tiio Constitution, and nro na follows; Vi:.m—Mesara. Abrahnra, Atherton, Ball, Pur ton, Heck. Boyer. Bighnm, Boyd, Caldwell, Car lisle, Chamberlin, C«»ok, Crane, Cummins, Daugh orLi. hi.vis, Doegnn, he Prkhco, Dunning, Eding .r,* I'.hiiv l ' 'MV a ns. Fry. Hullontino, (iibbony. Oil tnoro, Gray, Uroi.iu, Huin. Hamilton Xlicsfand, Hiilicr, Hippie, lhmse going. is ft true and con act copy ofthe, { w..—<- | ond “ifAYs*' tuken on tho “Ros solution relative to an amendment Of tho Oonatitation oftho OominonwoaUh/* as tho pnmo uppears on tho Joani 'ls of the two Houses of the Generul Assem bly of tills Commonwealth; for tho Ses sion of 1864. Witness my hand and tho Soul of said office thilfirst day of July, one thous and cigl/t hundred and fifty-four. . ■ ' '■•I" 0. A. BLACK, SoOTotary of the Commonwealth*, < TAR FOR SjLhK, at the Blacksmith shop of Orr A Klinger, in Clearfield —an excellent ar ticle. Choup for cash. July 8, 1854* —. . _ It stands pre-em \\vyvy?f / iaent fof its euro. Vxw'y'r />-/; -tire powers in-all jfjf !•!' ■'/ • the diseases for SL\ \n. .•- .which it is recom i v'mended U“fittnl 1 V ended Frmrtlc Crm jjT*7 plaint*. Of these ” e arc I’ho l A r s u s u™.., or Fain.* <•£ \ uftlm Womb ; i’l.u jT\ ,',V% mi Al. His, or ni tiQ Whites ; t.'inio.vir rf, /I-rPt-AMATma ani» 3 0u;, v.v vi,o v°*' |f jfcKlCtUClHffi . tui; Inci m“Als’fv!.!°ku'c ’ rni' Ssr,l*. AMt 1 iiitt:r;ri.ah M rnstim’Ation, Ac., with nil their woonipanying cViU, (Cnilcor excep ted,) in* nmttor how him ero or ol how lung hUniding. Tlio'Cntholicon fur Hiirpiifc.-'eH other remedies, in lining more certain, le.**.-' expensive, und loftving Hie syMom in n hollar condition. Hot nil interested call fiml oliluin a pamphlet (ireij) containing am jll (• jii'in»l, train lh«* moM rc.-pcctuhlo “ojuroos, of Lho bonefioial results. of it/ use t together with lott<*ra from highly expeneneed Phy*ieiany, who have it in their practi c-»’, un. V. Fi'orp, M. i>., Kvrncitse, N. V. Prof. Di'niiau, M.-D., Ihillimorei Md. J. Onnn'K, M. 0. Hnl tiinnre. >ld. W. W. Rn'ir. M. I). New-Yerlt ( iiy. W l’liK.sM-.it,. M. I).. ( ouenrd. N. 11. .J. P. N i:\vj.a n i-. M, I*.. I'tiru, N. \oih. i£ev. C..S. Ilbum. 4■ It*nn .Springs. H. H. Puinphlem hnd gratis nt the store of . Wnt p.m, Agent, Drmrui't. Clearfield. Pn. Al-o«oldhv lending di nggi.-t- in the jn iin ipal (owns in the nd joi ning eon ni te*. oi;. j; \ i;]iv <>M-: ms o\v.\ i.\N. fifth iviitioiij JL with One Hundredihi /sy/ jGfi graungs/. .-howiug Hi>At*.*;t ni ' ' '' V ■ ' i| 'i" ,r ’ ,n,r '' 1,1 ("Kicini'liilin,' IN" " V v. 1 Mil AM YOHNH, M. !'■ I.et TiO t 'tlll. r 1 a: l.it i ' -.1 t.pr e: nt a ropy ol tV .!>' i‘i. \ i'i.t'r ii chill. Jl may .-five Pin- {'rem fin rni’y grave. T. n y--Miig man m wninan enter into the secret oMitrntiona of married Inc without p-ading the I’tK'KKT J.I'U'A 1.-i no one mlTering trom a limikniod though, J’uin iii,,. S,h-. r..-t'e-< night-, nmmu feelings. »n«l the tv" 11 • ’I• • train of Djnpeptir .«en-ntionj». and '*i'rn nj> Py then* physician*, ho anotliur inomenL with out con>iii ting the .V.-d, FA PIT S. Have tbo mittei *• 1 "t 1h0... iihoiii f.. 1..- fitar.i d i,u\ iuipedi meiit, read th>* tr ll l \ n-'Tul hr ..p, a- it ha - lijoi* lltii nieau? of soring tluniruftjd** • of• untortuuate n t jitun - IV' i,i the i en jav\ - of »le;itli. \-9 Any person funding ‘rwntrv-Kivß rKxrs enclosed in a hdt*T, will rreoive one eoj»v of this wo.U hv tnail.or .ivecopi * will Pe ?enl for 4>vk ,l"un: 'I « f the Senate. 1) KM VI NINO ill 111 I’.-M o®»w at I'l.nv 1, .J ul.v 1-1 ■> 1 - liim.i- Agnoii, Mr. B'jy.l, I’nliiek Biieii, , -U'lU. .fll.S. 81-. l.\ . - ! "l II I'.IUM!:, All", 1.l Oliver Frvl.in.l. Mr. It.iii., I*i: - c-u Jla Kiillui Inn. Lucy I'niiH, Aiivicr Fi.. m. Mr. l i uui|nO.l li’irnie (; liil'i 11, |,u".' 0.1. 111. I larler, Orvil Hull. 1! ; Ji.lin Jli. kr, B. ii'-muni. Jii.iniuii.l M. Juuoh, Wen .i.lien U'.uli'. Juliu I.- .l"tni Luckiiril. I.'linrlop 0. J.ii.Lhi. mu, lluoiit l.yi.i li, A. Bunich, B. C. Miilli'.ii, Hiclinril <’. M 1.11(1. .Ins. F. Mullen, Mr. Wrill. Ilieln.nl N. M >rri-. Mnlil.lu 11. Mills, F. G. Miller, M'Olni. v. M.-1.-1.-.lr Heim, Rev. P. Suliii.. J. 1,. Fln lie I. I'l.ii", 0. Sliirklev. .I nines Spoil, Burl Sinippon. A. K. ,'timer, 2; lliruui To'.l.eii, l'i.livuni \\\ Tu/.i 11, M.irv Ami Vi.mig, A. Miiiilkoiii .JOHN. 11. lIII.IirKN, P. M. 1 ■ ‘ .V.lj O. 'oflot 'K t I'- 1 •'< » ! OLEARBIELD, I,0P&E, ; I?b, lQfi, W oeta;in tbo 'so<:pi>4?tory of Uio, ilausion.Hotiso, Qlottjffteld Pa., on -Tuesday evening of each week, .■ Clearfield, June 11,1851. ht MAKOHISrs - CELEBRATED CATHOtICON. v .r-. 1. 15. MAIU HI.-I «t C„., Prupjiet-r C.’i. ii 1 1 a I l»upot. boj Ibmui vwiy, .\. V. DOCTOR * Ol KSUUT tin: I'ut'KKV .'KSi I'LA l* 11 W bit. UM. Yu! NU, Su. 1.»2 Sj ruw Stuff. Plii!jml« Ij.liia Julv 12. lri.W.—ly. v iiu v, \ i-s a v\c n;m'd n 3.1 T• .*s k ; • U'vr <*• *n:j• el I *. \ |t J-. ilk* -i' » < U.v*' „,i ill*' l'< • I'ir’t !*t-. i'*M«i->nR. i '.vi'. -*j| \.• y/-'n •!' • ! Ana ,i'.i imj»r»!L J "I i'Hi f.c'ce. To .-how )--ui tnondn your rurny grnco - . Tho dre:< heller to ho daik, Hut l»rown "n red i.-» jiM tlx* mark, i ~r th-n the conint»L lairly tibowa. I’.ohwwn the person antj tii‘‘ cietiies. -nn u- uld mi'Hi*. As thi* will ‘■■•rve to shorten time, Uni it it don’t and clouds bo rite. 11 .‘II \ i - i;r j'ii t uic I » tlu* lift. ■j ||- C I'ttlc cv. Should eoiiw 'innl*t - loud* mid ‘ H:t h- J tut v. lon tin monarch •»! tin- nkics, Hi.« filiiiilng r**l.)>• ■> to mo, Ami l»rii:liu-'-t |>i' ton > \mi will see. Another theme llic mti.-e mi;:£CsU», 'l*, put nil bloomy doubts to rest— Such holiest m* nn> rujdes foci, Lost wicked crnH It. Ii from the //on/. Should ho invoked in place of ait And made lo.'wt u w il,v pen, Arc fold with r-' < >nr of c\'i\ AVc Imio no dealing/' with the ’/mV. Clearfield, J une 11. lS«>h I.l*l’ <>!♦* I.KTTI HS July 3. 135 1.-11. ■ Estate of Wjii. Addlcmau, sen., dcc f d X T OTIU-: IS TIKIIKTU' tUVKN, ih«t Uu,-ia TofUnniChbirv f, u tin' c*f»tnto of William Art dleinnn, .-‘on., Inlo of Pike township, C!lo»rli61d county, bine, in due form of law, boon granted to tlrt* >uib e <*rib6rs, l*v the Rcgi.Morof Clearfield coun ty. All persons knowing tbemst’K o« Indebted to Mini osUile will nuike payment immediately, and those having oluiiuß will present thorn properly authenticated lor nr it lenient. WILUAM APW.EMAN. jr..) ANDREW ADPLKMAN. Kx>. ROBERT ROrfd, ) Pike ip., July 3, : i&t>4. tAJYD WARRANT J.OST. A land warrant issued to tbo subscriber lor hi* soivicea in the war wl 1 -*5l » has been lo;>l,und it i-* my intention ,t« make application to the Cnmniis .-ioners of Pension*for n dupliento of'the same.— Should tbo warrant have boon found the person finding tbo snaio will ploase return It to ituv It cun be of no use t > any other person as a •;«'.’ Tbo material anu ‘fits warranted. JVo churge-for showing his beautiful and cheap goods. *. -He would inform the trodo in Cloartlold that bo is the authorized agent for Devore's ;I#ondou.find Paris PashioiiH. THOMAS SHEA. Clearfield,.July 3, 1851. A Journeyman Cabinet Makif WltL be nflprdod ÜbpraVwagoriutd constant employment by malting upplloatlon imme diately to the subscribed. 1 J (311 Np ITI.TOiI. Clearfield. July 8. 1854.—tf. _ J. ; ATTENTION. S subscriber is in great want S JL of money, and as wc this spring cj s have had nn extra' run ofjumbbr and S extra pricns paid to both owners and S hands, lie thinks every one indebted to him is able to pay him, and all those S whoso accounts any part of which |> Ij has been stnnding over six'months, «, S who do not cnll and do so, or at least S <5 come and settle and give reasons sat. i, S isfactory to him for not paying, he S will conclude do not intend to pay nnd will treat them accordingly. S HENRY LORAINE. Clearfield, May 31, . lU< HARD MU \\V MAY KTOKi:. SiiAW A- SOX, would raspcrtfully V inform the public Unit thc;y hnvojuft opened ul H. Shim's old stand in the Boraiigh of Clearfield, a largo and well Helmed clock of Uooda, 8U italic to the season—-ninonir which mny ho found. Pry <»ood.* in groat variety; (Hoiking, Hurdwaro,Quoon« wine, Tinware, < i meeriefl. Drugs, Bonnots, lint!*, Capa, BuoU Jce. Titov defy coni]ctition. and in\ii»» person?wish ing to purchase to cull nod oxumino their tdoeb. Clearfield .July J, ioibl.-lf. folate of Garland Irvin, deceased ,^ T 'OTTCK is hereby given Ihnt letter" of ndmin- J_A| istrntion on the estate of (inrlnnd rrvin, late of pike tp., doeon'-od, have in duo form of law been granted lo the Mihjn-rilnTS. All perpoiifl in. debtod will make immediate payment, and thofffl havim' claimH willl present thorn properly uuthen (i“Mter| fur EOltlemenl. .nruri iitt.okh. .ir.,i , , , MATILDA lltWIN’, j ' ('nrwemvillo, July IT 18j4—tit-—pd. Ladies nnd Gentlemen, JBF I,I FYK it a good maxim, that every person should purcbv'-o good- wherever they ploaso. lint they should not buy too linptilv before they ua eartaiu .v\ here they emi ho host nulled. 1 would ntn-L re'peel fully imilo nil i Indie* in particular) to rail el B\ t,!l**nnan ,J .-tore, end examine hi.* splon di nt (if goods that (via n»/ be oxeollod in this section of country lor ('ill', A PA' ’ESS, durabil ilv ul - .-tyle. Whieh con.Asls *r.**. bo'* and girl's boots shorn and gni t*• r .. Clidd/eii '•full age- < uii ho aceumodaLod. 1U OUKSSAS. dun- LM, l -M. HANK NOTICi:. A\' r } ; . the siil- .'rih(“- intend to make application I* t'» the m*xl I.e;riid« tore ol the Tom men wealth nf 1-Vnusylvunia for an act of Assembly tojunorpo .ute a Bunkffig Company, with Banking and dis counting privilege..?, |„ h„ called the “Clearfield Bank,” nnd Wilted nt the borough of Clearfield, with a capital bl- i ’l-ry. John KHclioqh and cihem. t 1 td -\. ii v« i land i* wi .1 tiuiltmbd with Wliite P.om ,u:d V. j: ii ■ • * *i*T<. th- - laud i - aNo of a good fpmiiiv f«*r fomn.ig pnvptH- «. (be improvements a: a lop dw id Jug hoilve, one .* (ahC l wiUi about 6L*T vn anT'-.s f.h artJ, a!.-o a tin A im: young iipplo Or el ’id. Tyrin'- wdl by umd ’ kn -'vn by applying lo ti;y Duh.-crilur at Alfomi. llltiir <•*>.. Pa. U lI.LIAM BIiCKEK. June.?o, A '. f )!.- pd. -»V. Sale, BV virtue of sundry writs of Fim FaciaK, ie«iiod out of the Court ol Common Pleas of Clear* field county, and f" me dirtutodr will bo exposed t«i puhlie sale, at tin* Court house in Clearfield, on Saturday, the 2*2d dnv of July, I*M nt 2 o’clock p. M., tho following derribed real estate:—Lot No. lo in the borough of Curwensvillo, with u dwel ling liouse. nlore house, utable and other out hou se? erected thereon. Bounded by lot ldto tho op iate of John Scot on west, Stophon t»raff on east, the Frio Turnpike on uorlh. also 70 tu-rea more or le*.* of limber land in Burnside township, Clearfield co., bounded by land? of Jonathan Snyder, Kitch en and oiiicrn. Seizediiud tnlcon in oxoontion and to b '»obl in thy property of 1.-auc Smith, Wrr/BTAM BOWDLL. Sherif. June, 2d. 18.*»4-. ASSIGN lilW NOTICI’-* SMITH nf tin- Thiimigh of ( urwensville, Merchant. having made an nrslgrim-ut to me. of nil Ins bool; nccomiu, notes, judgments, Ac., In ll'liflt fill' the hiMidit of bin Oiedllola, all p(i|>t»ns knowing thentM-]v•«*«• t> be indebted to him will make innredinte payment, nnd thereby nave cOFts. Tboh< a hrving rtuin *- againtd Isaa<- Smith will pro s.oi them .lul't authemiceUul i«-r boitiumeut. The bi *• ii- s will b - k*j.( tin* pri-'. S. .Moon* will l-** in attendance U> make St illrnieltls. 1.. JACKAnN Cll \N>. Assignee June 7. 1851 to HiiimiM nuu.m--.its>. rpitE COUNTY COMMISSION EltS, of Clear J[ Hold county will receive proposal- f«»r building a Bridge aeroHH Ohosl oroide tit or near (lilburt Toy.iu'f in Chest ton u.-diip, on Tuesday, the 10th day "f September next, at their ofTh-t- in ('lenrllelJ. - - Rians nnd spefu-atiotiF will be exhibited. SAM UiiJi SiIOJT. ItOiIEUT MIUIAEI'EY. Oiftee, (!>Miun!ntrs Clearfield May 20. l*C ( ;h f Atltslf —H. li. CoOULANDKIt, Cl k. Julv U. isjl.-lt. itotns and siioivs. 1 FRANCIS SHORT ennouneoß to the cititend of (.'icarlield and vicinity, that he has again coinim-iiecd tbo liiunpfuulure of Boots and Slxoos in the borough of ClourtieM. Ho con be found in tin* shop ihnuoriy. occupied-by Thooios Shea, up stairs in Shaw’s Tow on Second street, whore hell prepared to do all viork In his lino, and will bo pleased with a cull from any or all of his old cus tomers nnd ns nnirty Mow ouu« as may soe fit to ox tend to him their patronage. * Clearfield June 28, 185-1. Estate of Jonntlmn It. Smith dcc’d. LHTTEHHlestiimenlnry on the ostftto of Jona than H. lute of Doll Unvusiiip, Oloor tiold county, Imvo l.oon grunted to tbo subscrihors, nil personfl" knowing themselves indebted to raid ostiuo will make immediate payment, and those having cluill’s ugainst the Bumf wiil pnaont U»om propnilv inilhcoticated for acttlentont. TUOMAS CAitBBEtL, Ejn'r. PA R All E. SJlirnE AJiectitvt*. Hull town.'ibip, June 28, 1851.-ot.-pil. . Eslnte of Fredrick .W. Shoenjiig tlcc'd.' of Adnxicisfmtion .gjiJhet osttflc fit P. W. Bhoening, divcoased, lule of Jordan tp., Olofiriicld county, hating been granted to too iuo eciiborfl, ulLp6rfoiis indebtod.to BaJtt CsthtC will inako poyinont immediately,; and thopo having claims against tho anno will tliotn proper ly authcnlicated fdr tcttlomopt/ '* '* . MARV'JANE BHOENXNG, ) ,a.f.,siiqp^ng,,-. h