Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 11, 1854, Image 4

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Our telegraphic despatches of jester
duv, contain an announcement of the death
of "the two persons mentioned ns wounded,
in the following account, which we pub
lish so as to make the dispatch intelligible:
„Lasl night, at übout 10 o’clock, the in
habitants in the vicinity of Marine Hoc
pital, corner of Western row and Long
worth street, wore alarmed by a loud ex
plosion, and shortly afterwards an alarm
of fire was raised as proceeding Irom the
Hospital. Upon entering the room ol the
Steward, Mr. J. H. Allison, where the,
noise of the explosion was first beard, a
sight met tho view of the spectator which
beggars description. The furniture oftho
room, and of the bed-room adjoining, was
scattered in a thousand frugments, llio
walls of the apartments riddled ns if with ,
a battery of iron slugs, ond the mangled
and mutilated bodies of Mr. Allison and
his wife lay, one in tho front nnd tho oth
er in the back room. Tho lady had her
arms literally torn from her body, her
skull dreadfully mangled, her flesh being
torn in ridges from her fuce and breast.
When we lell, Dr. Lnngdon was in the
act of amputating what was lell ol her
arms. Notwithstanding, however, the
horrible suffering she must have experien-;
ced, she appeared to bo perfectly sensible,
and frequently made motions understood , .
by those in attendance, for water. Mr. l ijove la Nature.
Allison’s entrails were protruding from the 1 Natur „ ,-,ui ofluve—yoa, all things speak
abdomen, perfectly mangled, his face burnt or it from tho bright host of stars that night
“ A Jr i nn,l nlt.uTolhpr his Ny nifrlit, like an embattled army, march
m a dreadful manner, unit nltog< liter ms Ul( , w „ rlll , lown tho luoam „t flower
appen ranee wns shocking to behold. l-e -phot tho morning wind. SoimdimoH it darts
was attended to by Drs. Baker and Jud- Across tho soul, us a bright .innbonin Hurts
kins, nnd while they were enduni.ring to m . ((r ,|,o .ustorn hills;
administer to him, the wretched man in nI j 11 » r a swept imdndv,
piteous accents exclaimed : “Why is this ? u linger- r. nu t tlm heart, and brings a joy
I have never done wrong to a human bo- h.'thet wT rZ-.u’»,7r Kr'.^^'iiro.
ing ?” And liuvo oarh thought nnd p?nfdon so suldimod,
Most probably before our readers glance So till'd with **th--n ;>1 hunynm-y,
at tho account of this catastrophe both will u;i»i't , ..^l'
be dead, and it will be a mercy it it be so,. eu rih boutlie= wt n| Kurd mi:<> heaven,
for their sufferings while in existence must, Here, a? upon this nm.-.«y hank I sit,
. ... 1 Methink- love sings to tur from every loaf
t>o terrioie. , And flower I gaze upon. Its gonteolcst tones
A fer minutes before the explosion took > Mnk<) ei .,, oes in my honrt, nml I rejoice,
pluce, some ono rung the bell of the estab- [ iioeam« all other thoughts are full of joy,
ishment, and upon tho door being opened, - At. ! surely feeling is not ours alone
iiaiiiiis.ii , t ~ I V? II I i Hut eireuhite- through all this mighty world,
a box was liandod to Mr. Jonn Halter, A „ lir ,. through tlio heart. Such is the faitl
brother of the Principal, who handed it to, [ believing in my inmost soul
the Stewardess, Mrs. Allison, who took it ’ That nothin;- lives nr moves in heaven or earth,
, , | ■ . • Hut is u thn*h of that almighty lu-nrt
to her room nnd ihen thu CXploSlO \Vhos<\ strong pulsations stir tho universe.
CUrrcd. Tho soft low wind, that, like a tdiild nt play.
The fatal box contained a bomb-shell or Toys with the thick-leaved b mghs above my head
, , « i.i , ft ,1 lfl I And kisses every leaflet in its sport,
» torpedo, and was doubtless meant to ties-, u c , lu , luont , vit |, fl .„| lnK fruln ( ;„d :
trOV the whole premises ond its occuponts. j And this bright stream, that over mo*s-greon stones
From the frairmcnta found, wo judge that, (Jiidos nt n.y feet, how liko n living joy
. . r , ” |- , . \ u oh nut 1 Throughout tho live long summer day it sings,—
tho infernal machine UlU:> ■ * Aye dnneing to tho music of its song,
iix inches in diameter, lhe ii*'nd whoi A. Maudfiay
fanned this diabolical oct has nt present j
but the full cry of an enraged
community is on his track, — Cin. Enq
Envy.— Dean Swift said with an inge
nuity of sarcasm which has never been
surpassed: "I never knew a tnun in all
my life who could not bear tho misfortune
of another perfectly like a Christian.” —’
Akin to this is the famous saying of Rocli
fauchat, that “In the misfortunes of our
best friends, wo can nlwuys find some
thing agreeable.” Theso are hard say
ings and not much to the credit of poor
human nature, but there is little doubt
they contain “more truth than poetry.” —
The fact is, thore ore few offences harder
to give thau the sin or prosperity. “£ T CW i
er forget,” says an old writer Q( ,
the world, “never forget lhg f on ob j ect of
vancement you havo b^ ulgtrippcd jn tho
envy to those you [}{' c jt reproach to their
race of life, an' or ca p ac ity i which they
want of eijf e » “True, ‘tis pity, aod
ne ver Jj ’ t jg iruo.' 1
pi l '' -
Followinu tiie Loiid. — An itinerant
preacher travelled along the north western
counties of the Slate of Illinois. Ho was
mounted on an unimtil whose appearance
betokened very bad keeping —the mere
frame work of what had once been u horse.
Riding up to the door of a country ton,
he inquired of tlie landlord tho distance to
the next town. The host coming out, was
so forcibly struck with the appearance of
the animal, upon which the querist sat, that
he walked twice round the animal before
giving the desired information. He then
asked :
•Who might you be? ifitsn fuirquestion.’
•I am a follower of tho Lord,’ was the
•Follerin’ tho Lord eh?’ demanded tho
boat. ‘Well I’ll tell you what it is, feller,
(eyeing the horso again,) thero is one
thing ceitiin, if you stop often on the road
you’ll never catch him with that hoss !’
The Frenchman and Yankee. —A
Yankee and a Frenchman owned a pig in
co-partnership. When killing time came
they wished to divide tho carcass. The
Yankee was anxious to divido it so as to
mat both hind quarters and persuaded the
Frenchmen that the proper way to divide
it was to cut it across the back. The
Frenchman agreed to it on condition that
the Yankee would turn his back and take
choice of the pieces oiler it was cut.
The Yankee turned his back, and tno
Frenchman asked—
“Vich piece vill you have, ze piece viz
ze tail on him, or ze piece vat ain’t got no
(ail on him ?”
“The piece with the tail!” shouted the
Yankee instantly.
“Den by gar you lalco him, and I take
zeozer,” said tho Frenchman.
Upon turning round the Yankee found
(hat the Frenchman hud cut ofTthe tail and
stuck it in the pig’s mouth.
did you ever have nnother
wife besides mother ?\
‘No my boy; what possesses you to
ask such a question,?
‘Because 1 saw in tho old family Bible
where you married Anna Domini 1845;
and that isn’t mother lor her name is Sally
scholar who “fell into a reve
rie;” last week, was immediately taken
OUt, «od, it js said, will recover.
Thoro’fl niagio in ft pretty foot,
And well tho ladios know it—
And flbo who has a pretty ono
la pretty suro to show it;
At times you too nro mnrtyrod by
Tho nicest little anklo,
That shoot an arrow through tho oyes
Within tho hoart to rankle.
Of enurpo yon turn your gnzo asldo
And nil your blushes stifle.
I'or woll you know she's not aware
Her skirts nro raised a triflo.
But should you think she might porohauoo
Havo on n loosened gniter,
Your fingers itch to piny tho part
Of honest Indy winter.
Though Initialized till he is crazod—
Stark tend wilh wild romancing,
That witching foot along his hrain
A thousand waltzs dancing,
The while it merely lightly pats
As thoughtless she may move it—
No juodrst jnan would daro to dream
There in a leg above it.
Hut when it trips across tho stroet,
Through wind and mud, and vopor.
By sheerest accident you sec
11 n\v beautiful the taper ;
Ami as it steps upon the walk,
Amid the crowd to minglo, f
Two roguish oyes look up and say,
“I wonder ii* she’s single!"
But 1 would have no Indy think
I fancy her a s< hemer,
And hog her to remember that
Tho poet is a dreamer ;
Ho soos what others do not see,
And seeks for hidden beauty—
No pretty foot can loro him from
Tho path of moral duty !
Who nrt thou that coinplainest of thy life of
toil? Complnin not. Look up, my wearied brother;
sec thy fellow workman there in Clod's eternity—
surviving there; they alone surviving—sacred band
of the immortals —* elestiul body-guard of the Em
pire of mankind. Ever in the weuk human mem
ory, they survive so long ns saints, ns h«*r»>o s , M,t
gods—they alone surviving; peopling, they
, the unmeasured solitudes of time.—
\ f*" 011 ‘ l !° An....', morning
oml, ..I lluonnn \ i 5,.., »“>'jYorm of a thirty-inch
compliments Boon come ... £ lie|u|(l an( , , mriuil i(
: "''L 1 - Kl ‘“' b IT, I "'"S'- “Howl* mother!"
| self in tho earth helm; ~.f Ujo JivU isll t „ w ,„ v
, claimed obi nuke X
, i • »i* •
tilt (firm/ r pot* ‘
.riA.vnoon.—To pcc a delicate woman
clutlieH over a washboardTroro morn
ruut>irand a herculonn yentirnutm measuring
1 '.U rolls of lace and deliento ribbons/would make
a Pawnee Indian laugh at our assumption of chiv
ohl luilv, whose son was about to pro
ceed to tlto Black Sea, among her parting admoni
tions, gave him strict injunctions not to batho in
that f*ea, for eho did uot wish him to eooio home u
If a girl think* more of her heels that) her
head depond upon it hlh* w ill never amount to tnueh
Bruins which settle in the idioes, never get above
them. Young gentlemen will plenum put this down
Somebody says that a pretty woman is
brilliant poem, full of rhyme, Hcntiineni, and tdl
fnunner of Illustration?. When •’bound” in
amiH slio increases to several volumes.
An Editor in J.uj..— Tho Georgetown (Ky.,
Herald come* ton? dressed in mourning* and upon
looking for tho funeral appearance wo find that
the e li'or has been committed to jail by some mu
nicipal tribunal for refuting to leiiifg u/ierj he got
hi* liyuor. — Cm. Enq.
Espann, of Madrid, announces that the
polico have authorized the public representation
of combats botwoen wild animals at Aranjeus. —
Thero is to be a fight botweon a hyena and a dog,
and another between a bull, a leopard, and a pan
his plantation near Charleston, S. C.,
Mr. T. It. Waring raises Cashmere goats, which
soom perfectly at home, and apparently like the
climate. Tho weight of their fleeces is about
equal to thut of tho host kind of sheep, and tou
times as valuable.
MetiiodiBt Piieaciikrs' Salaries. —According
to tho regulations of the Methopist Church, South,
single men aro now to be allowed $l5O, married
$3OO, bosidus family and (travelling expenses for
children under seven years of uge, $25; over sev
en und under sixteen $4O.
<22&-Tho ladlos in Lyons, lowa, by neodie work
and assiduous labor have earned monoy onough to
buy a bell for tho school house in that flourishing
town, and they now propose earning a school li
Singular ip Truk. —lt is stated that tho cholora
at Boston this yoar made its appearance in the
very house in which, in 1849, tho first fatal case
British Parliament has passed an act
making It a finable ofTenco to every parent or guar
dian, who neglects to have his or her child vucoi-
I noted within four dnyß after its birth,
i #ZB*A watchman named Simmons shot one
I Roonoy in Utica, last December. For this be vrns
* arrested tried, wlion tho jury brought In a vordict
| of not guilty, and blamed him for not firing sooner.
I brooding of salmon in Scoilund bus
boon completely successful, but tho young fry
have a very strong propensity to pass out of the
j sluicoways into tho river.
1 j/gfr-The city Councils of Washington City havo
i appropriated $lO,OOO for tho statuto of Washington
I in. front of tho city Hall.
| Tho Saratoga Daily Sentinel says tho num
; ber of arrivals there, amounts to oight hundred or
' u thousand a day.
'• A rascal broko into Dr. Cheovor's Church,
in Roston, a few nights ago, and stole tho Bible
froth tho pulpit. It is to bo bopod that ho may
it. v
has been discovered in great abun
dance just under Evansville, Ind. It is proposed
to tunnel tho city in order to got at tho mine.
j tho neighborhood of Carlisle, Pa., har
vest hands are being paid $2 50 to $3 por dny for
I the very .best cradlers ; others less.
| i2SO-Evory fault left uncorrected impairs self
reliance, for how can a man rely upon himself if
| he habitually fails to do what Mb conscience bids?
' JS&* A life of oonstant employment is tho only
safe or happy one.
I western papers complain of the grtat
scarcity of beef cattle. '
Bladtsnilth, Imthorßl.urg, Pn., will attend to
all business in his lino, and will also furnish
Wagons, Buggies, Ac., very ohonp, and moliufuo
turod in tho bust atylo, and warrautod.
Aug. 7, 1852. ______
Iron Curwousvillo. An oxtohß.vo of ti.ndo to ordor.
Doc. 29, 1851.
Conner, Tin ami Sheet Iron Manular.ltirrr,
Ciirwen-villo, iil.ovo (1.0 ohl foundry, on 100
north si.lo of Main stroot, whom all liusinosß in his
lino is done up in a workmonlilto lnim.ior, and on
ronsi.ii.iblo terms. Country pruthico taken in cx
ohango for,work. ■‘’'-'P- l®''''
(-topper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware Maiiu
i facturcr, on Second street, mm dour south or
A. K. Wright's store, Ch-irliold. [Doc. 29, 1851.
Blwksmltll, .it llopowoll. Hell township, nl the
Cross llonds loading from M'tloo'fl Mill 'o Now
Washingloo, and from Chest crook to tho river,
whoro all calls in hi- lino will bo promptly I'tte'.d
od to. Mlirlll -'.. ISj2 _
TANNEHS and Curriers, (irampion Hills, Clour
fiold county, Pa. keep coo.-laotly on hand uo
assortmoot of loutlior. Cush paid for hide-.
May 18, 1951.-Om.
C loach and Hlclgh Maker, on Third slroot,
j bolreuon Murkot and Locust, Clearfield, I’a.
April 111, 1052.
Q addle and Harness Maker, and Justice of
the I*cace, Uunvonsvillo. Doc. 29, 1851.
Boot and Shoe Maker, onn ho found at his
shop throo doors west of tho Mansion llouso,
w ~oro ho has constantly oil hand u largo assortment
both of homo and city manofuclurc. July 8, ’s.’l.
Blacksmith; Wagons. Haggles, Ac.. Ao„ ironed
on short notice, aod the very host stylo, at his
old stand in the borough of t’urwonsvillo.
Doc. 29, 1859.
T tanner, at 11.0 old Bland iu Cu. wen-ville..
Dec. 29, 195!
Saddler, llnrness nnd Trunk Mamifuctur
er, on Second stroot, imniodiatcly over D.
Watson's Drog Hero.. Doc. .10, 19.V2.
TT7 hcclu Chair M kcr ml House
W and Slf-n l’alnter, Convene. illo. I
Dec. 28, 1851. |
JjtAsi.ioSAßi.B tax. on. in •Shnw’s ltow,'
. ket street in the room formerly oce.r' ’■
Win. ltodobntigli ns Post OlTico. Doe. 2’
ritallor. J.uthorsburg, will Mo "’* l ""
| pfM»(l ami aw cheap an any *
Doc. __
Saddler and llnrness 'laker, in hi-now -Imp
on Market street, no' Mem '» ' h ' ,t ' ! '
Doc. 29, 1851.
r)00t and Shoe Maker. ml street.
> opposite A. A- Weight's store, Ue.irl.cld. 1 :i.
April 10, 1.8:-t.
Blacksmith, on Third "tree!, betwe.-n Mniket
ind Walnut, Clearfcd. l'u.
April HI.
■\TfaffOll Maker* corner of Third and Locust
V y street, t ’K*4rliclcl. Kcpuiring done to order.
April Ifi, lS^i*.
I fashionable Tailor, west of Shaw's Row. up
stairs, Clearfield. I>ee. 3U, I^sl.
llTfi agon Maker, Luihcrshurg. Work done
\ V t<* order on short notice, and on good term-.
Deo. 29. ISM.
Blacksmith, ut New Washington, Ciearfield
county, where till kinds of work is done in his
line of business on the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms. May 20. 1K53.
fTtauuer and Boot a)id Shoe Manufacturer,
I Curwcntnillu. Lh*r. l>.>l.
m U 9 IB Yf 11? 11 lb UJ a
Merchants ami Lumber Dealers, Wood
land Post Ofiico, Bradford township. (Mom
field county. April 17, 1K62.
A gent for the sale of Stoves, Mill Gearing,
and Castings, of all kinds. Also, Bar Iron
und Nails, Thrashing machinoH, Plows, Agricultu
ral Implements, Ac., on Second utrcot, under the
printing olfico. March 17, 1853.
Merchant and Produce Dealer, Luthers
burg, Clearfield county, Pa.
Post Master, Merchant,'; and Dealer in
Dumber, Orahamlon, Bradford township.
Dor. 27,
Merchant and Produce Dealer, Luthers
burg Clonrfiehl county, Pa.
April 17, 1852.-
Merchant and Ox tensive Dealer lu Dum
ber, Socond street, ono door south of his resi
dence, Cloarlield. Deo. 20, 18il.
Merchant and Lumber Dealer, corner of
Front and Locust stroots, Cloarflold.
Doc. 20, 1851.
Retailers of Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise and Liquors, on the wost Bido of
Socond street nearly opposito tbo Court Houso,
Cloarflold, Pa. Sep. 2, 1853.
AT tho mouth of Lick Run, five milos from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and oxtensivo
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 23, 1852.
Ty/I'ERCHANTS, and Extensive Dealers, and
jyi Manafaoturers of Lumber, Bald Hills. I
(July 23, %85l I
i» m m gmo-B a <n>a a ifa» 1 _ ™ IL". IT. ~?!?« -. I
A residence on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. 3 d ? a ,choice selection of SUMMER
Juno 1. 1854. GOODS,(suitable in ovory rospoot for tins oom
JOSEPH B. MEINAL.L.I. county tn the mountain*- , ~ f
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Oflioo on the onstsido To ttcm t ~, enumerate or doscribo my lot of
of Hocond 80-cot, noarly oppomto tho of ru Now ‘ (loods w hioh 1 ofTcr to tlio publio, would
A. K. Wright, will attend promptly to al business olto othor 100 biliorious an undertaking for mo
ontrustod to his caro. Cloarfield Juno 14, 18u4. at the prosent time. I would moroly say that in
irv' wnnn the lino of Ladles’ Dross Goods, l defy competition
M. L. WOOD, oitbor in prico, quality, or beauty of stylo.
Pl.vslcl n. ranr always bo found at his rosidonco ftlu l Shoos in the groatost rarioty ; Hnta amt junp
when not professionally ab- tl ,at cannot bo boat; beautiful Su.nn.»r C» ®r
Dee. 19, 1852. nn d fancy Sattinetts, togotlior with all kinds ol
- I>RY GOODS which nro usually roquirod in tails
, IJ. BUCHER SWOOPE. market. ,
A ttorncy at I.atv, formerly of tho firm of Some l’ 011 " 1 hinds ;
/V “Scott A Swope,” Huntingdon, P., will at- a mco solee.tion of yfyAA.V.S l
ffini faithfully to all professional business entrust- articles in no small f
Ksq. Wrigler s offleo. Oet. 27, 18a3. and sy'o-f goo,lS f 1 h»»o J , com parrison
!,f prices and quality dth n,, y
HAVIN'!! olmngoil bis rosidunco from French- 1 , 8M
villi) to Kytursvillc, in Morris township, re- Clenrfiold, May__» _
spoctfully offers his services to tho surrounding . DDIsING AND HARNIdSS MAKING.
community. Juno It), 1 Dill. ' _ rpilE subscriber would respect
—jWa I fullv itini'Mini'o to tin* ciH
JAMES BIDDLE (JORDON, zona of‘Clcnrllclil County, nnd
i TTOKNKV AT LAW, has rcinovml bis office the public generally, thnl bo lms
A saSKEf
cjSßWttaws "
• ,lin ' '■’ ' ,ell clicupor tlmn nnv oilier shop. Ho tcmlors bis
I I TUTTLE thunks for past favors in the Hoot AXI> fiiionUuni
’ . off|./ nkbh. mill would also make known that bo will con-
Attorney ut I.nw and Gaud ARcnt, o'" • tl|)1|() nUf . n ,i u, all imsinoss in that lino on the
adjoining bis rosidonco, or| Mnrket Hro. , ■ H i lorteHt notice, nnd is determined l<> soli cheaper
CWtiulicM. Murni •, * • tlmn anj ami all otlmrn. J* H* JONI'-H.
(.'’loiirfidii, Muy 10,
Attorney at, (Minn, adjoining' 11 "
mi Soi-ond Street, opponir ,llu ruH !
tit,non of Uov. liigler, Cloarliold. i
April 17, lH. r >2.
UAVINO pnrrha.iod the ~r nn.l ».t..ution
of Dr. U. V. Hoop., 1,1.-, professional,
.. iviri'.i to I ho, of Seurlmllo and , immly.
Offier I tilt* iln'tr Ciisl of Ln* H f ' l,,ro - 1
June L\
IJhVNlrian and "" Market -Ireel.
oppoMlo hi* ( loarfiohl. |
April Itl, 1K.02 |
I'lhyslclr’ l ’ 1,111 >’ 1,0 f"' 11 " 1 ,, ‘ tlu ‘ r ,lt ~i!l or ;
bold, C’urwunsville, when n«.i
!>««■• 2M»I. |
. -,i vslrlan, may ho found at his offioo in I.n
I t'hershurg, wl’n-n not absent on prnfoa.-ional |
Feb. 21),* 1H52. j
t. j. McCullough,
VTTUKNKY AT LAW, Clentfirlil, l’a., nmv he
f,iiinil lit till) offi Hi. It. lturrett, niljoimmj
IMfnV iif Win. 8. .Moore. Uuimlm ami other leoiil
iiMrumriits executed n iill ]irom|>tneaa nrni aecu-
May 21,
Physician, residenco one mile ami a half south
fiifl of Lumber City, on the Ridge road lea-1
it,to Sow Washington, respectfully offers his ser
vices to the surrounding community.
Her. 23. IHfnb
n AVISO removed his offico to the new dwel
ling nn Second street, will promptly answer
all professional calls as heretofore.
June K,
SurvoNor, Hell lowu j*lii|». Clearfield county.••
All l.UMi u'»* eiitru.“teil t-> him promptly uttemi
«*il to. A-hlrero* *'}i\*s«t P. 0., Clearfield county.
April 4, 1 S, f »4.
Physician, rail bo found ut his office in Luthors
burg, Clearfield county, Pn.. when not übsent
on professional business. Fop. lb 1853.
TIDE subscriber lost some where in the neighbor
hood of John Patching or the (’berry Tree,
in this county, on Thursday the 11th of May, 1854,
the stun of One Hundred und Thirty-Six Dollars,
consisting of one $lO note on the Hank of Danville ;
two sltt’s on the Miners’ Hank of Pottsville, Pa. ;
one $lO on tjje 'Vest Branch Pnnk. Pa.; nnd one
S2J gold piece*; together with other notes on ilitbT
ent Hanks of this and other Suite.*.
There were one hundred and thirty six dollars
in notes independent of the $24 in gold.
Any poison finding th*‘ rbnve mmiev. nnd de
livering it to the subscriber, nr leaving the same at
this office, shall receive the above reward.
May 17, LSS4-3t.-pd.
THE subscriber earnestly requests all porsons
who have unsettled accounts with him to come
forward immediately anil make settlement, as his
health will not permit him to continue the Black
smithing business, and ho is dosirous of closing all
his accounts. Legal proceedings will be instituted
against all who neglect this notieo.
( leurlidd May 24. ISA I.
Estnte of Marlin L. Hoover, Deceased.
J estate of Martin L. Hoover, Into .of Curwcns
ville, deceased. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the estate will make payment to her
attorney, (L. Jackson Crnns, Clearfield,) and those
having accounts against the same will present them
to him, duly authenticated, for settlement
May 24, 1854*3t pd. Administratrix-
THE hiibsaribors respectfully announco to the
citizons of Clearfiold eouuty, and tho public
generally, that they have commonced the muitufac
turo of Stone ware, one mile east of Lutkersbury ,
wherothey are prepared to furnieh STOME WAItE
equal to any manufactured elsewhere, and on rea
sonable tonus.
Stove Pipe Collars constantly on hand.
Orders promptly attended to, and a liberal dis
count mado to wbolosalo purchasers.
Aug. 23, 1853—tf- Q. W. PORTER.
WHEREAS, my wife Catherine loft my bod
aud board without just cause or provocation,
all persons nro thoroforo cantionod against harbor
ing or trusting hor on my account, as I will pay
no debts of hor contracting, after this date, unloes
compolled by law.
Bradford township, May 24, 1864-3 t pd.
THE subsoribors would respectfully announco to
the Ladies of Clearfield, and vicinity, that 1
they nro ongagod in tho MILLINERY AND
MANTUA-MAKING businoes ut the Residence of
Mr. J. 11. Jonos, whore they will punctually attend
to tho orders of all who may favor them with n
share of thoir oustom. Their work will bo made
on tho Latest Fashions and Style.
May 24, 1554-4 m.
"TTTHEREAS, my son Jambs has left my em-
W ploy—ftU persons aro thoroforo cautioned
against horboring or trusting him on my account,
aa T vfill pay no dehta of his contracting after
daw, unless compelled by ,
S f I Into great ploimuro in announcing Jj
S t„ our ulii friend.". that I am prepared lo Bull ’
S nil kind" of (IKOCKHII'R cheaper than any
S other houso thin aide of Philadelphia, t »U
l and see prices. Don't mistake thy place, at
the corner opposite tlu* Pennsylvania Kail S
S Hoad Depot. Hoods delivered nt Tyrone S
S two dnvs after purchasing, Mind that 1 keep S
S M,*h f’ttrk, Hatou, awl 7'nhnt‘m, Whitr Ltn l, >
S ()if t Unpt'H, <{r. All of wliirh will be sold at
l' a very low profit for Pash. V*
Jj * J. It. KIIY. s
Harrisburg, Feb. K, ISS (.
[~o] yyyyyy' sj~s\Q\
riAUI-; Hihmriher ofTer" at private sale. 3 ink
I.otN. IMiilhert "truot, in the ip*3
In,rough nf I'lini eneville. with a splendid NEW
TANNERY. supplied with a fniilitiiili pmnp. ami
every other necessary convenience, 7Vo Dirt-llim/
//,„m, «, in good condition, w itli other nut buildings,
and one stahluahcrenn creeled.
The property in in c I ei.mlitiun, hi'ing well with.nnter Ac., nnd will he ilinposeil of
mi retiHiiimhle'crmH. l-'or further purii.-ultirH apply
In .1. 11. M'Knally, (’lnarfi.-M, I’u., nr to the Huh on the premieo.-,
.Mnroh 21, ltw.4 Om
IJMv. DKITZINCKK. respectfully informs thr
pulilic, licit !i«' keeps mi hand n
piinl ini.s<>rtment ofFaii'-v ptiTTl*,K\ WAK E. nD"
('rooks, Dishes, uml .Slave Pipe Collars oj ••v. ry
convenient huc. Farmers it you until lo Imv cheap,
nivo us a mil itt tli-* Clearfield Pottery. near
Orr’f> Blacksmith Simp. •
Country produet* will ho taken in exchange tor
Ware, and a liberal ro-lii-'tion mud** to n li.-10-iil- 1
.Inn. 11. I ' . I ly
/ (a C-01,1) Hi illi-ir warehouse No.
/ ijv- O 2411 Market Si., Philadelphia,
/Railroad. liny, I'mil, mol Farmers'
S(‘ A I,IIS. pot in anv pnrt of the
‘ '** country, 1> v rr. pcncm-fl a ork _
mon, mol on fhorle.-l notice.—[April 12. I'.il ly.
A ttorney at Law ami Land Agent, will
j\ practice in the sacral Courts of Clearfield
nnd I'lk counties, und attend to tho payment of
taxes on unseated lands.
/{rfmtu Hi.* Excellency. William Bigler,
Harrisburg; Hon. Ellis Lewis. Lancaster; G. W.
Woodward, W ilkesbarre ; J. C. Knox, Franklin:
J. 0. Montgomery Philadelphia.
All persons having business with him, will m his
absence apjdv to.I. Riddle Gordou, who will attend
to the >«‘p. 2 s , I*'a2.
spiunc: coons*:
T f<T rereived, nnd opening at Kratzor's
fj ().YE PRO'E ('ASIf STORE, a splendid ns
n&tmeutul opting and rin miner Goods. Jn ad
dition to his usual variety, ho bn« n largo lot of
Ladies' Dross Goods, such as Plaid Silk, India Silk,
Plaid Lawn, Ilrocdia Shaw Is, Silk, Crape and Gossa
mer Bonnets, Ac. Also, a large lot of Carpets, nnd
floor Oil Cloths, ltrmly-Mndr Clothiny, and nil the
new styles of Dress Shoes, ehoapor than ever.
April 5, is;,4. C. KUATZER.
TITOVER L'LLMAN, respectfully announces to
ItL the citizens of Clearfield, nnd the public gene
railv, that he has just received andisuow opening
in the borough of Clearfield, in tho office formerly
occupied by L. J. Cruns, in the south eud of town,
a large ami splendid assortment of READY-MADE
CLOTHING, which he proposes to sell for cash, on
as reasonable terms us they can bo had elsewhere
in the county.
Purchaser? nro respectfully invited to call and
examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Clearfield, May 10, 1854.-tl.
Valuable Sale
rriHE subscriber offers at private sale, a valun-
X bio farm situate iu Penn township, Clearfield
county, containing 127 ucroa and allowance, ' itb
about ono hundrod acres cleared and in a good
state of cultivation, having a house and bam erect
ed on each ond of tho farm, and two good orchards
thereon growing. Thero aro ulso two good Coal
Hanks on said farm supposed to extend over about
fourteen acres, being about five feet in depth.—
The farm is situated in the coutre of an oxcellont
neighborhood, the Olen Ilopo and Little Bald Bu
gle Turnpike, passing through tho centre of the
samo.—A good title will bo given.
For furthor particulars apply to the subscriber
on the promises
May 18, 1864.-3 m.-pd.
“IT7"HEREas, Daniel G. and David L. Smith
\Y gave to Joaoph Yosey, a promissory noto,
calling for $ll6, payablo on the Ist of May 1864,
at which time they woro prepared, andaro at pres
ent prepared to pay tho samo whon presented ac
cording to agroomont, and heroby mako known
that thoy will not pay interest on sold noto after
tho time that it beoome duo.
Covington township, May 18, 1854.-pd.
Wall Papers!
THE subscribers havo now in storo their com
plete stock of Paper Hangings, Curtains , t£o.,
which thoy offer ut very low prices, wholoaalo and
retail. Ourjnssortmeut is very comploto, comprising
nil tho qualities, both Froneh and Amorican.
Wo manufacture u largo proportion of our Goods
and oan soil at the lowest rates.
PAPER HANGING douo in the country
at City Prices. PAKIUSII «fc HOUGH,
April 5,1853-3 m. No. 4 N. I'ifth-at Pbila.
THE Hlgbost Prices ip Cash will bo paid by tho
subscriber for a quantity of Door Skins.
May 31,1854. MOYER ULLMAN.
Philadelphia medical house.—e».
tablisbod 20 years as> by Dr. KINKELDf,
cornor of Third and Union bFb, bettreon BpracJ
and Pino, Philadelphia, Po.
INVALIDS aro apprised that DR.
confines bin practice to a particular branch of medio
cino, which ongngos his undivided attention. E(
oautions tho unfortunate against the flhttso of Mcr
oury j thoußnndfl aro annually taorcuralizod tut of
life. Ilocont nfllictioUA aro promptly oxtingnlshedi
trontmont of a class of disonflOß hitherto neglected
and imporfoctly understood, lias enabled Dr. KIN.
KELIN, (Author of a work of Solf-Proaerratloj,)
to prove that nino-tontlis of tho causes of nomu
debility, local and constitutional weakness, menliil
nnd physical suffering, arc trncoable to certain
habits, forming tho most secret, yetdeadly and fatal
sprincs of domestic mlsory and premature mortality,
ovil habit somotimos indulgod in by boys, in loll
tudo, often growing up with thorn to manhood, oaf
which if not roformod in duo timo, not only begeta
serious obstacles to matrimonial liappinoas, hnl
givos riso to a sorics of protrnctod insidious andde
vustaling affections. Fow of thoso who give way
to tliis porniuious practico oro awaro of tho coats
qtioncos, until they find the nervous systmn shatter
cd, feel strange and unaccountable feelings and
vnguc fours in tho mind.
Tho unfortunnto thus affocted bocotnoa feeble, if
unable to inbor with accustomed vigor, or to apply
| his mind to study ; his stepfis tardy nnd weak, he
1 is dull, irresolute, and engagos in sport with less ?
i energy Ilian usual. ' r
If he emancipate himself before Hie practico hoi t
! done its worst, and enter matrimony, Ids marriag*
is uufruitful, iiml his sense tells him t lint this is
1 viiusetl hy early follies. These are eoimiilorationf j
I which should awnlteii the iittention of those simi
! luriy situated.
MAUKIAUE rei|uires tho fultilment of several
conditions, in order that It mny’really he the caoso
of mutual happiness. Could (he veil which covers
tho origin of domestic wretchedness bo raised, and
its true sourco in every instance disclosed, in hew
many could it bn traced to pliyeicul disqualification,
nnd their attendant disappointments. Apply than
whilo it is yet timo, in ordnr to have yonr unstrung
and rolnxed organization ro-brneod, revivified and
Remember lie who places himself Dnder Dr.
Kinkolin's treatment may religiously confido in hil
honor na a geiitlninuu, nnd rely upon the assurance,
that the secrets of Dr. K.V patients will never b*
Young mail —let no false modesty deter you from
making your ease known to one who, from educa
tion und respectability can certainly boiriond you.
Too many think they will conceal tho socrot in
their own hearts, and euro themselvoH. Alas, how
often is this a fatal delusion, und how many a prom,
ising voting man, who might linvo boon an orna
ment lo society, lins faded from the earth.
Strictures of the uretha are rapidly removed by
the application of a new theropoutienl agent, used
only liy Dr. K. Weakness and constitutional da.
ifility promptly cured, nnd full vigor restored.
Country invalids can have—hy stating their ca*«
explicitly, together with nil their symptoms, per
letter, enclosing a remittance—Dr. K.'s medicine,
appropriated accordingly*. Forwarded to any pnrt
of tho Li.ited States, and packed secure from
' or curiosity.
Read!! Youth and Mauhood.
A Vigorous Life, or Premature Donth, Ktnkeli'.t n
It is n work eminently required, ns a, no tins of
rofonning the vice, ot the ago in which in* live.
.Votore's Guide, with rule, for the pr-d-.tigstieu
of life, just from the j **, ss.
A letter with a r* tnotanee of twenty t.. * rents,
or the vnluo in p**-*t stamp.--, ad tro sed ' * o'. !\;u
keliu. Philadelphia, l’a., w ill -.-our** a via ;. -*t -atiicr
of the above books by teternof * , ia copier
will lie sent fret- of postage t< r t?l I,.** kseli-rs,
Canvassers, Traveling Agent', .to., s.ippi,eo vvliulo
sale r. I the puivlrhcr s prices, who li a a lingo
?r*«y-All lottors rnuf be post paid.
Wild, attend to business in the several t ourlv
of Cionrfield nnd Centre counties, llfiieectt
Second street, one door north of the rei-bleiies ot
John Weaver.
lirfemice*. lion. James Burneide, U*»n. .Itnici
T. llulo. ('«>!. A. it. Curtin, James McManus 1-q.,
Bellefonto—K. IF Petrekin, Ksq., Iluntiu 'h-a—
Messrs Drake «t He<*htol, Philadelphia.
Dee. IflaJ-ly.
AM. HILLS Would respectfully iuf.>rm hit
# friend?, nud the public generally, that It
Mill eonlinuee to attend to nil cuila in the line of
IH'.STAL 01* ERATIOXS, at bis office, adjoining
his dwelling, in the borough of Clearfield. lie may
be found ut uuarly all times in his store in the wed
end of the Mansion House.
ASVIjCTfeD KfcAl>i
Snlf-Prewrvation —Only twenty-five cent.
AUornej- and Counwellor ut Law,
Arti/irinl Teeth inserted on plate or j»iv< and
wirrnnted to give entire satisfaction. Exlri-urinj
Teeth done without danger to the patient, and with
Inii little jmiu. Teeth filled and eleaned in n i-r
nml scientific^ manner. Moy -
Till: flub*criher would respectfully si-'' ■*
public that he has taken tho above old . .1
lished stand, recently occupied by Mr. >::
Evans, and entirely re-furnished and refilled t s'
such n manner ns to render it second to no hotel/
the county. The BAH has boon stocked with til
hem Hc|Uore, and tho TABLE will always be flip*
plied with the boat tho market can afford.
Extensive Stabling attached to the premises, as*
attentive hostlers always in attendance.
Ho rospectfnlly asks the public giw- bim*
trial, feeling assured that he ettu render s»tisfac>
April IP, 18j4-tf.
fWAIIE subscriber most respectfully iulhnns ike
J. citizens of Clearfield county, and the travelling
public generally, tlmt ho has taken rbovi
named Hotel situated on the corner «f front uud
Market streets, in flit* borough of ( leurticld, wiiCl®
ho will nt all times bo prepared to act••luu.udfltt
those who may favor him with their n;?u,ni. 6*
pains will bo sparod by the proprietor to nmke hu
customers comfortable, ami his house » home 1®
those who may stop with him.
His STBLE will bo carefully attended lo —ond
Ibis TABLE and BAR supplied with the best lM
: market will afford.
Aug. 11, 1852. VM.’J. HEMPHILL.
WOULD respectfully announce to Iho either
of Clearfield and ndjoiniug counties that h*
has fitted up and opened out a Pl'ffLK- ll&vSti
in the town of Phillipsburg, Centro county, P*i
and is fully prepared to accommodate ail who nilj
favor him with u cull. Eeb. 28, ISM-ly*
JOHN GULICH would respectfully iniiniiincet*
tho citizens of Clearfield and v. ■ ’>■ ty , that l*
is now manufacturing all kinds of ('MUSE*'
WARE.' His shop is situated on Market sired
botwoon Third and Fourth, whore nil kinds of tvork
in hie lino will be mado in the be.-t \ K*. nudoa
tho most favorable terms and on the shortest notitf*
Coffins made to order ou tho shortest notice.
Dec. 2, 1852.
A Voidable Tract of Land for Sale.
THE subscriber offore for ealo a valuable tractof
land, eituato in Covington township Clearfidj
oounty, containing 94 acroa nnd ullownnco tri|“
about 40 noroa clonrod, and in n good stato of cul
tivation, with a young orchard thorcon growid&
and a stable orootod thereon. '
For further purtioolara apply to tho subacriM 1
in Covington townahip. WM. MILLER.
May 18, 1854.—4 L-pd.
ON Saturday the 3d instant, in tho Borough d
Clearfield, or aomowbero botwoen there w>
Fhilip Hevonor’a In Huston township, a P o !** ’
writing, or doed, from Osgood ami J*
& 11. Mix, for lands in Gibson township, and d»W»
throe or four yoara ago. Any person Ending J*
tonne and delivering itlo the in UlPjj"
townahip. Elk county-, or to Robert Wallace p
Borough of Cloarflold ahull bo reasonably re war .
b HENRY Ml*.,
Clearfield, June 7th, /