Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 31, 1854, Image 4

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    . ).*•!«Boyhood in America; ! '
Pihrtow' down' a rtmnrk unoe
,(bkr ’(i" '"h ’
s „o» y o, i 3« •« sagsaua
U K£ tto^S d " X :f riordinQr^ i,n ‘ ion9 ; U -’ V^| lh Tnnoin^ otWf;ftfe'eri; entitled oh AdLib
It u/without precedent inallhistory. than-tK other. Now lam ready .6 say,! united ,W°. r J K°
,oiio « a »,4i 1 „..,0 «Mi ~ ■■» "«»>»' I will show JW
S?2SS2S r,t '"°lS« «. ,1,0 0..i1y besclling o rr hosa of Court house in
mntierr, Mfeti 'advanced beyond the, mid: sin . Let Him farmer go to work at every said county of Clearfield, on the 2d Mon
dle;p^'i(o‘. are called ,‘dld'fogies,’ by their, odd job, and got n good'cellar under his, day ol June nest.
juniors } r and nsdfuliis were riot slang un- 1 bam big enough to'back 1 under Ins cart.| P\ , >p AX
fit for thb very, stredt, it is carried up, into Then let him rfmke a good stable under it;; No. A. r. , , . , g 9.
Congress, and grave legislators accept the! cart his muck into the yard-near tho stable, . A ., m Yvhitmnn 10 17
title, bandy it about in llteir speeches ns a u „d when it is not freezing weather,shovel,; }« « ££lo 17
'ln society, especially in our i„ enough for his cattle and horses over, . 102. 116 Michael Musser 10 17
citi|i|', people'aroscarcely married and set- night. When it is well saturated let it! 4 r( j!T n n 'lO 71
tied in life,fbefore they are on‘tho shady ! drop down through into the cellar. , 14” r. uoyn o ,
Bide’of theirday'and are treated according-. , If hq has .no good muck, take poor , '* • • w ’ .
ly—nnd by whom? Why, by boys and muck. If he has no poor muck, let Him 48 o e ,
gir|s. between the ages of seventeen and go to the side ofthe road, and dig up the Jjo o o 0 '
twenty-one. I hear •constant complaints'-wash oflho, roads out of low places. Let ®' e IT . L,*" r *
of this, nnd my reply is constantly the him go to the forest and dig up the old rot- 4 ‘ 1 u ® P u Z| „» r
Bnme ‘‘lf there is not manly and wo-! ten leaves and Whatever old muck hb enn I J _? " . *j n ’
inunlv sense and authority enough among 1 find. Common dirt is belter than nothing. 1 ■ t/ 6 ,/- 0 ! 1 u U f^' n i on
you to repress und put down such folly,' Absorb nil the liquids of the barn var<l. ° n U „’ q o-r
vou ought losufier.” But this exlraordi* Next make a hog pen with a good yard.’ pkT ,o r»i air
nary deferuhee does not stop hero ; ilex- Givo them muck, turf, straw, leaves or| w'irnm Rmimnn 7 on
terids to-noisy nnd impertinent boys in llio! old ro‘ien wood. When it is well worked 119 , 11 ! ’q 07
strfejbis, in public places, at railway sta- over, cart it out in a heap, where let it re Joh° Bausman ' 6 27
lions.,-and wherever bovs congregate. — main until used. * n “ . ’ . Ia
The'elders say, “This is u free country ; I Next at the back kitchen door, make a 49 108 John Mysincope, 8 13
whnt'right have wo to the right or station !deep vat or curb ; fill it with dry muck. —; ioo ilq iT 1 SOD ’o A no
mors than ihey ? They may insult us if Make a spout from tlio sink to the vnt, and 4.13 15 o n or. noy,
wo-interfere —throw sticks and stones at i fot all dirty, sonp Water run into it. Onej , mc, ‘ s ‘y } -
us—and what can wo do I” It is a fact; pint of common soap will make onrush- 439 1 OSL ’P 'M 0 r’ n h e ’ on io
this language is used ; 1 hnve often heard el more wheat than Would grow , without nmos c oe,
it. Wifh a view to satisfy my curiosity'any manure. ,3566 440 John Nicholson, 450
on',tliis point, nnd perhaps lo feel the pub-! If possible, a farmer should do his own I 49 j 0 ; OSS |. ~
lie pulse, I have put the following q, jes- • work. Especially should he see to. his own BoiougioJ earjie .
tion Ic’hnlf n dozen gentlemen in one of j stock. Let him see to his lambs, his 14 Uutbot, .
oujf cities, nnd have uniformly received tho'calves, his colts and his fences, his every-j ® 0 > .
Baffle answer ; “If, as you are going down ! thing. If ho has a fivo hundred dollnri 19 ~fOt» k U 03
town, you should approach a dfazen boys'horse, kt him sell it—;otherwise ho or his I*l7 Hru aker,
plt|y,ing bn the sidelvalk, andobstructing it, | boys will ride to the Village too often.—, *i 1 v? 5 ****' q«
so-that, you could not conveniently pass,[Let him keep away from the' village until j "j” 80 Jolin * l '° mus ’ 1
which would you do—would you sav, 1 he has got a good errand. He should siij 282 John Halt, o
“boys, you must not gnther here in (his,dowri and calculate to do up ns many er-‘ 125 Barbara nyder, t
wdy arid occupy the walk,” or would you rands os once. j ~66 Joseph Ball, 4 P
getdown off from the sidewalk into the 1 Keep away from horse trots. Keep oft', George Hootman,
street, go round, and come on to the walk'the cars. ; J, 00 Henry Franco, .3 ,4
again, when you had got by 1” And they I If he has anything to sell let the buyer u° 1 tenry 1* ranee, 4 7
alt iaid« “we should go round I” Now, if! come n fleck.— Evening Post. ,? . ~" „_,
mffli choose to abdicate all the rights, nil I - ; 100 Rtchnrd riiomns, 3 74
the proper authority or manhood, they can | As Good as if Tiice.—Some ono wn- 1 119 90 Barbara Snyder, 89-
do «o;-bail must say that I know of no ting from Washington ton western journal I do do do do 594
grtßtrir or more gratuitous, of more peril- gives the following: ! 100 Patrick Dowiin, 500
bu» mistnke they could commit. Men, My attention was called to'an old gen-j 132 George Hootman, 662
can speak gentlv nnd firmly to boys, and tlemen, an offico holder here, on the street . Bradford Township.
be listened to.. But if not, ifeverylhing is'to-duy, of whom there is a story told, sof 102 35 John Campbell, 540
to yieldaptl'give way before tho heedless amusing thnt I cannot refrain from giving i 159 Matthew borcoy, 070
ruih-of youthful impertinence, this will it to the renders ofthe Tribune: 123 John Nicholson, 870
become before rriany years, on intolerable 1 200 Bla.r McLanahon, 7 9o
country «o live in. ' »» John Campbell, 714
ißpjT'rtfe subjedt is too vast to be discus. 14° Susan Ruzor, 10 84
addit/4’iiote. Our democratic deference 420 Aaron Leavy, ' ~
ifflßOffle directions is going a creat deal Jasper ,lav an , j.
too t’nr ; arid our absorption in business is I’ rancts West, 12 01
•uch, I, foftr, that we haVo no time for
many jQf pqr duties, nnd least of nil, for
par domestic duties.— Rev. O. Dtwey.
Noversmjle unless, those who arc with
you con comprehend the Bubject of your
miTlh. There are'some families who ren
der tb’emselvds extremely disqgreuhlc by
the behilr of continually looking, at each
otfafert and smiling at 'some little awkward*
tresS or mishap they may fancy they see.
£&ch.ure .always detected, and have few
retd'- friend s'. Those who visit them de».
pile th<3* Leanness, and tire constantly in
dread ofylieir ridicule.
“I never-like to go to Mrs. ’s,” said
a lady.
“And why ?” . .. : s
:”Because you chn hardly speak a word
before you see indications of unmannerly
mthfa. Perhaps they notice a pimple on
your face—a wry disposition of a bonnet
n||bi>n«. jan unintentional tuck in your
fI&M-~everytbingßeiBtlieni ‘snickering.’ ”
Bucb people go to Ch'irch, sometimes,
oßd ip that sacred pluce indulge this silly
propensity. If the minister unfortunately
substitutes nn inelegant word, they hide
their foolish faces under their scented cam
brics, apd titter. If an old, poorly dress
odj tottering woman, ono of God’s very
little one’s in nngelic piety and childlike
■implieity. comes creeping up the aisle,
With Sbawl and bonnet of antediluvian
head shaking with age, and
llpafw„i>eti'dirig, beneath their weight*.they
touch each other on their “patent” tors,
and simpering, whisper about “Noah’s
ark,” ond then shrug their shoulders, if they, had done a very pretty
! ‘ ‘ s -
Bnnmo on'such social miBderneanbf9,
Jfotch these' iimpering simpletons with
Coats, and hats, and canes, and mustached
orbntures in them called men ; w.hata Ynce
pf fools would bp the consequence ! The
wprld is degenerate enough, heaven knows
without the aid 1 of these simpering gigglers,
hut you meet, them everywhere. On the
crowded thoroughfare, in the crowded om
nibus, where perhaps some new daughter
of Brio,, with her healthy* honest breadth
of face, affords tjiem fpod for mirth. In
the.uieaim cars, passing their insipid judg
ment upon every one who swings a cane
■ DxA.fy la mode, or wears a veil on the
pf the bonnet.
' Olive Branch.
little ‘Eddv’ sometimes says
queer things.t.jnoat lililo boys or two years
•TftjW-do/j A'few. nights dgiv having just
pieqo of pie, of which
bd was his
it« ‘say :bis prayers’ und go to bod.
her-side, he . repeated after
petition,‘Our Fath
wi which Heaven,' etc., until she
jh® ppss>igo,‘Givp us this day our
WrfMfcwbuOi raising his head,
KStf liking inyirito her face, he said ;
* y„ ■pze!—say giu!’
t■" 1
« ladies say they tiro opposed lo
on sabbath, especially
ItUhaoyeiflg, unless they cap bo stopped
t H ii‘« ®mitm ® i E li »am a-g g g i c ; AiQ
.'FlBMMift.. ’ •&>'
. It hrtst Ar tfiote than been
i • 1 “Show oils liovvio maK O
Major YV., some twenty years ago, lived j
in Nortli Carolina, and was the only man i
in his section of country who could read.—!
The Major took a newspaper—theonly one'
sent to that part of Nortli Carolina at that I
time—and his neighbors for many miles)
around would gather at his blucksmilhi
shop every Sunday morning to hear him j
read the paper, and thus keep posted up|
(concerning nows, Whntever the Mnjor!
read wus received with u confident faith
in its truth, very unliko what is ontertnin- 1
ed by reuders of newspapers now-a-days.
It happened one morning, that he got the
papers mixed—he hud carefully preserved'
all that he had ever received—and instead i
of picking up the latest, picked up one
twenty yearabefore. When hisneighbors
assembled, the Major read this, in which
was a statement that the British under
Gen. Ross, had burnt Washington and
were marching upon Baltimore j and also
proclamations calling the people to arms
to repel the invaders. It created the wild-'
est excitement, and immediately n com
pany of fifty ritlemen was formed with the
Major at their head, who forthwith march
ed lor Washington. Their astonishment
on leurning that they had been humbugged
may be well conctjwd. Major VV. was
deeply chagrined nnd never went back to
North Carolina, nnd Gen. Jackson was so
well pleased with the spirit with which he
responded to what seemed mis country’s
call thut he gave him a goo«6ffice, which
lie.has held ever since. ||Bs also said
(hat the North Carolina volunteers never
again hud anything to do with newspapers
I and the Mujor'did not divufge to them the
| real fact of the case.
Howto pkopaoatb Clucciudeks. —Af-
ter the plants are well above,ground, and
have , been properly hoed, 1 cover thb
ground between them entirely over with
saw-dust; thisansiyersa four-fold purpose:
Firsl—lt will suppress the weeds. Sec
ond—R keeps the fruit clean from any
dirt that'would wash upon jt in violent
showers. Third—lt keeps the plnnt mpist
in case of drought. Fourth—lt is a rich
manure for the coming season. .
Perhaps I ought to have lidded that it
makes no difference from what, wood the
dust is obtained. .
[The treatment hero suggested for cu
cumbers will, no doubt, be found equally
or more valuable as applied to strawber
ries tomatoes,_bqll) of which ore lia
ble to injury from cpmjng in contuctAvilb
the earth during hard showers. Salt, hoy,
or other cheap refuse matter vVotild, no
doubt, answer the purpose ad . W6II as saw
duet.] .. ,>.■■■
WoNDßitFpn .Memory.— We know a
young mah. a clcrk in this 1 city,’who once
committed to memory, in rt singtb,evening,
a wliole pngb br the Ne iv, York Journal of.
, Commerce, and repeated the same with
great exactness. In ,lho company of u
, number of Ijierary yountrmen, he. defied
i-apy one' present to rejjenJ.qno.dinp ofpbm
| try from any standard vvqrlcj fhb nexttirjtj
: of which ho eould not rdcite'/and also give
Ltho name of the author,: So hundreds of
; Quotations were hafne'd 1 , onddh- each im
stance the was named, npd (lie
conns2iJffg line gi ven. The power of re
tentiqpiju) (his persons-memory Whs most
reroqj|Bbte;",BB thq above named foci's
| brnrioh: of [ Kftoid /Noihihgb 'ha's
ppruhg dp in ‘, r f ’!/ “’'
Ti'c -Sales "y
SUi&eaVed: Lands for 3c^Sftf‘l 8.3
OTrCE ia: ybßytfiat
48 Slnymnkcr, L 05
100 J. & Wrti.Sansom, 3 05
200 Aaron Lenvy, 13 40
60 William Snnsom, 3 96
02 do do 7 25
145 Thomas Forcev, 8 3-1
40 do do 2 68
105 A. K. Wright, 7 73
100 John S. Kylar, 5 30
150 V. B. Holt, 7 95
85 • :Wm. Graham, Jr., 3 37
do John Graham, jr., ,3 37
100 Aaron Lcavy 2 65
145 J. Copo, 5 71
100 George Moore, 706
109 J. Graham, 5 75
Brady Township.
354 250 Jared Ingersoll', 12 75
324 313 do do 15 95
492 308 Wm. Kirkpatrick, 15 70
1434 303 David Kennedy, 10 20
155 258 Casper Stiver, 13 15
5082 518 Joseph Fcrron, 26 41'
5861 670 Joti’n B. Smith, 84 17
5877 ")
b 79 1041
Henry Wykopt, 53 08
331 John Dunlnp,
100 James Reed
77 Gasper Sliver,
135 Joseph Perron,
do do do
100 George, Gunter, 510
$Ol Christian Lower, 28 75
370 do do 20 9 6
100 G, A. iVeuver, 5 10j
BUrnside Totonshipi
11l Christian Stake, 6 00,
311 T.Spackmun, 19 04|
298 Rebecca Brown, 18 86
158 Philip Thomas, 809
121 : George Ross, 635
810 Fredrick Kuhn, 15'49i
163 Jno. Cunningham, 8 421
98 66 John Giuff, 5 06
209 , Peter Groty, 9 81
210 Jacob Graff, 1122
315 Henry Musscr, 10 11
223 Jacob M. Smith, 14 40
100 Mdthias Slough, $l7
do Jacob Mussersmilh, $ 17
Chest Township.
433 153 Willium Cook, , 28 62
do do do
do do George, Ross, do do
416 30 James Page, ,17 40
416 48 Henry Fereo, 16 00
483 153 Henry Musser, 26 40
433 153 Ddvjd Evans, 25, 32
Cmington 'Jbwnship.
125 Morris & Stewurt, 4 20
250 George Mead, 4 10
600 Morris&Stow*t,S.
68 do do
9,18, John ICeniing,
’... . JQecatur, Township j
J95,,\ . Joseph, Hnrrisori 11 27
306 . pitvid Kophdrl, 20 07
73 John Holland, 3 37
483 163 Jncob Cox, 24 04
100 C. Krntzenf 4 90
90 118 Joseph Humbleton, 6 23
.230 24 Thos.Edmimsoh, 13 25
ii i6O 60. •, do ' do : i ■8 38
167*134 Hugh Ely,: . ; !
l2& win. JVfpptjgof?)erv, 4 6?
t;K 05 . &0 iphbs; Edhitjttsqlti/. 'l r M
id 21 . Benjamin WiUori, 1 .5.D-.
, ,46'; JoW Slcyron, 251
Titos; 1 P. Gope; : 276
! .6 '.Jiilii) Carson, 2 85
nO , ; Wrrr, Snnsom, 1 67
73 " 54 1 Dnvid Ziegler, . 4 08 ;
Terguson Township.
329 John btinernetz, 15 04
210 Mutlhias Slough* J > 9 94'
403 153 George Ross, 15 93
132 John M. Smith* ■■ 529
100 John Swan, 4 00
100 Wilej 8 estato, 3 45
Fox 'lbwnship. ‘
45!5 James Wilson, 14 66
]32 do do 4 60
50 do do . 1 74
330 do do 11 30
090 do do 34 12
600 do do 20 70
900 do do 34 14
495 do do 6 54
990 do do 84 13
057 do do 43 09
947 do do 48 50
336 do do 15 40
923 do do 15 01
20 do do 92
600 do do 27 60
090 William Powers, 39 S 3
44 James Wilson, 10 59
106 B. JJeavenport, 4- 31
200 Jame - Wilson, 6 90
Girard Ibwnship.
200 10 Sumuel Fulton, 230
1889 260 Morris & Stewart, 7 82
1931 549 116 do do *l2 60
1935 530 do do 9 27
1936 103 do do 3 57
1918 115 10 do do 462
doS 100 do do 2 87
536&" 250 George Mead, 3 68
5366 1000 do do 5 74
Goslun Tmsnship. ,
300 Shaw & Mnpes, 10 04
190 S 176 Morris & Stewart, 10 91
5289 330 Georgo Mead, 4 29
5290 488 do do 6 34
5291 1100 do do 14 30
Huston Township.
200 J. G. Kidder, 4 60
195 David Caldwell, 671
4257 888 15 James Wilson, 10 20
4902 420 Wilhelm Willink, 14 49
4231 687 James Wilson, 28 lO'
4234 790 do do 31 28
4235' 989 do do 39 06
4236 400 do do 19 82
4226 990 do do 39 72
4229 965 123 do do 39 23
4230 728 112 do do 29 28
4225 740 do do 28 78
4889 990 Wilhelm Willink, 26 78
4902 55 do do 189
5063 100 William Powers, 4 61
4897 60 Wilhelm Willink, 173
4897 50 do do 258
50G2 990 William Powers, 34 08
5061 1113 do do 12 78
! 5079 1041 80 Moore & Delnny, 35 80
5064 990 William Powers, 18 97
14225 250 James Wilson, 10 04
4236 600 do do 20 13
Jordan Tenon ship
433 153 William Hunter, 36 38
109 Susannah Wurd, 9 34
433 153 Daniel Smith, 30 45
200 Silas Wilcot, 14 00
□oo' Samuel Scott, 7 00
’li)7 80 Silas Wilcot, 14 3l)
800 William Wilson, 25 20
200 G&M MC’ormick 14 90
120 W. H. Robertson, 10 64
100 Jonathan Jones, 560
Ifarthaus Township.
513 95 Morris & Stewart, 29 72
200 Casper Wister, 11 20
100 Peter M’Donald, 560
100 James Burns, do
301 George Mead, 2 06
Lawrence Township.
131 Roberts & Fox, 504
163 Wm. Montgomery, 12 68
66 William Boyd, 5 91
52 114 Rudolph Litz, 2 77 j
75 Warner & Davis, 3 00;
184 Leonnrd&Wright.l 1 94j
24 A. K. Wright, 1 88
25 Jas. B. Graham, 1 95
Norris Township.
103 31 Edward Albert, 6 69 1
421 Jesse Yamal!, 33 64 j
150 Christian Musser, 8 65
300 Peter Yarnull, 13 80
272 16 Robert Glenn, 21 48
345 85 John Anderson, 19 57
330 125 Wm. A. Smith, J 8 74
409 130 William Smith, 23 84
166 554 Wm. M. Smith, . 9 50
486 32 do do' do 27 70
90 John Palmer, 5 13
407 86 William. Smith, : 28 20
437 144 Francis Johnston, 34 70
200 150 John Nicholson, 15 80
80 John Best, ' ■ 3 '6B
154 Hetty Morris, : 10 57
iB3 Francis Johnston, 14 11
150 do do 10 20
' 183 . Stephen Kingston,l2 46
300 John Fry, Jun., 12 66
880 Thomas Fry, 19 36
164 Bernard Gratis, 12 13
170 Bluir M'Lnnahan, 11 68
„66 31, Samuel Miles, 8 42
95' 143 Samuel Miles, Jr., do
466..;, Jacob \Vetlzel, - • 39'£7
882 ; Joseph 3O 17
228 Simon Gritty,ls ;15
217 Casper, 14 76
; '430 114 Robert Shaw' " 19 80
431 114 Hiram GratZ, ; 30 r 36
. 200 • .John Nicholson, '9 20
' 244. Jafines, Smith, . ( :; / 8 .25
101 125 William Morris;, 684
"100 Robert " 8 ,15
126 Reuben Haines, liS 39
100 John Swan wide, 6 8t»
282 J. Furlow, 10 20
; Penn Township, ■
00 '■■■■' Catholic Congrbgj’n.jlo6
Pike Tbwnship, ; ' :.
1 4260. 000 James Wilsori, 14 85
( do, ~323 100, do db ! - 813
16 88
5 10
4 47
8 89
, T ,< • .miwJUfl, -"■ .f . :i .j.niaai '
, »: •■«
~: - .fj!si:no . Oj.WJ'HorttJ"-;- 1 ; '■*
1 ; 00O ado f ' r: :: B'anil Pino, PhiladolphittjyPa.
IWOU iSUU nU* i |’-‘ INVALID!?arc apprised thatpfc KINKBLnr
‘ 1 j flo -nflnfia hie prnctico tola partidular bmuehof
•'.'■ 433 153’ Tv'Pt’ WtMItOW 28 » » C m«, which; ongogos his
420i'|20' i Hbl»iry>Drtok«,’'' 26- 80' catitlons tKo'unforiuufttM'gwostUia-mhu^jjj^fip*?
nAt) ' William 1 Drinltfer, 16 d 8 fl nryj thousands aro’nh'njwlft out bF ; I
340 W ! lnnn '„ ’ X lift.; jaocßfitoffllcUbkialoitinoiiiWyoxiiAgdKfcMA
43 William Hagortyv 2 64[ twentx,’?Jearb oh E^PBPlENCEdiß^tt*,,,
163’ 6i Peter Henryj ■ S 51 1 trifttmont\oi?
,i ft H„„h RhUtoik'j;: & 001 and imjierfoetiy'undOrttbod, cnttblod D;, KW.- 'A
**° ofd■ rSn* 1*47: KEYIN', (Authorof
26Q C. P.'Lowdbll)' lo 47
05 34 Benjamin 1 WilsOlH' 4 22- dobility, locul and constitutional weakness, menUi '
ao uni l Mrirv Orinnell 3 17 and physical suffering, aro trnccablo to ctrtiiS "i
83 03 Itou 7 do & 'BO- -habi&fortiliig <he»iia«t-rt^ye|d^>a4ftg
100 : William W'ilsbn, : 470 i ntake PARTICULAR Notice,—Tharoij^ 1
! 'ann : ’ Tnhn; Morgan. 19 49 evil habit sometimes indulgod in by boys;ihsoll.-.d l
m’PHFßSON''Treasurer ! *»**> «P*ith them’td >
- JOHN M rtHbKoUDI, 1 reasurer. wb [ ab if not rcfprmpiijnduo timoenotonly r
March 24, 1854.’ ■■ • 7 . .serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but’
■ ——-h ———- ' gives riso to a serjes of prptractcd insidious and jfc- “
AV OLD STORE IN A‘ NEW DRESS. j vastatingaffoctionS. ’ Pew’ or thoßo-who girimy
1 ' t, , t,, ! „» ii,„ to this porniefthS practice bro owardiof tho coasts, •
My Blood Rod Ping is on tho broci 0 \o , CoB> nntil thoy find tho nervous system shatter*
room familiarly known as thoOL fi COJu* Aii t feo , slrflngo an d übaccountablo Toolings aid' 1 .
STORE, opposite Hemphill’s Hotel, and at tho - flo f q arg i iß t ho mind.
sign of, tho RED FLAG, thore in no ' °P " "K.11, 1 * Tho unfortunate thus affoctod boc6moa. feeble,J*?; -,
docidodly tho most, choico solootion of o : unable to labor with accustomed vigor. or to apply ‘
GOODS, (suitable in every respect for this com- m , nd study . bis Btcp i 3 f n rd y and weak,W, 8
munity) that has ovor boon offorod for sale in this ;rrOB O am p engages in sport with lei*"!
county in (7m moimfm/U. . , , r' onorirv than usual v ,- , .; it'
To attempt to enumerate or descriibo my lot of If^c emancipato kimsolf before the pmetice hat ‘
on tiro Now Goods which I offer to the publio, t j #i worB t > an< l onter matrimony, his marriage' 1
bo altogether too laborious an undertaking for mo and 1 hls’senso tells-him that this li’ I
at tho prosoht tlmo. I would moroly say th , cau9^d by onrly follies. These aro conslderatiowi ’.
tho lino of Ladies Dross Goods, I defy cotopotition | wb; h obou id awa ken tho attention of those shoL . ’
either in price, quality, or boauty stylo. Boots,»
and Shoos in tho greatest, vnrioty.; llnta and Caps jiarRIAGE roqulres the fulfilraeint or several'"
that cannot bo boat; boantlftl ? or ®" f conditions, in Older, that it may roally.boithe candid
and fancy Sattinotts,i together with tall kind f: f mutua i happiness. Could tho roll which covers...
DRY GOODS which„aro usually required in th,a ( the oi-lgin of domestic SCT et ch od ricsi. bo raised, and
mnrkot. ■» w.«« I its truo sourco in every instance disclosed, id holt” ’
gome beautiful SMS of InoN gTONB d | many could it bo trncod to phyrical
a moo soloction of QXjhEi\pWAltb, i>t all tUnUsj | &nd j ]loir attcnJal)fc disappointments. Apply then-, ,
also, fancy nrtiolos in no small quantity. ■ | Jt ; 9 yot t j mo j„ order to bnvo your unstraur ‘
Tlio above rncntnmod stock of goods will be oL| ro laxid organization ro-brncod, rovivificd ail l
ferod ftr solo at lower prices than tho snrao quality i ”, b d h . v , ;
and stylos of goods have over boon offered in this ; Ko “ lcm]l>fjr * bo wbo places himself under Dll n
plrn o; os a proof of this, I only ask a CO, “P& n ! Kinltclin’u trontmont mny roligiousiy confide in hli,
or prices and quality with any other goods in ti n. tlionor nfl „ geiiHornnn; and rely upon the assurance, 7 ’
A. ni. iiiLiiia. j that lbo aocrots of Dr. K.’S pationte wiR never
: disoloßod.., •' ;j
Young mnn—lot no fulso modesty deter you from,
making’your onso known to one Who, from edfler
tiomand rospoctabillty can certainly befriend ywtrt
Too many think thoy will ,concoal tho secret in. j]
their own hearts, and euro themselves. Alas, how
often iSthis a fatardelusion, and how many a prom- '
ising young mad, Who might have been all tints;M
ment to socioty, has faded from tho earth. V
fitrictures of the urclha are rapidly removed by -
tho application of a new therepeuticni agent, Used ;
only by Dr. K. tVeakuess and constitutional d»;ri
bility promptly cured, nud full vigor rostored. ;
Country invalids can have-Vby stating theiccase :
explicitly, togothcr with all their symptoms, per '
letter, onelosing a remittance—Dr. K.’S medicine,’ !
appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any partt i
of the United States, and packed seenro from,,
dumrtyr or curiosity. -
Head!l Youth and Manhood. -
Clonrflold, May 10, 1854,
— — rpilH subscriber would rcspoct-1
JL fully nnnounoo to tho aiti-'
zona of Clearfield County, and |
tho public generally, that ho has j
commenced tho business of SAD
simp, where ho will pnnoinnlly attend to tho orders
of all who may favor him witlra sharo of. their cus
tom. 110 intends to Jump good.workmen, amfwill
sell cheaper than any otlier shop. lie tenders his
thanks for past favors in the Hoot and Shoe Busi
ness, and would also make known that ho will con
tinue to nttond to all business in that liuo.on the
shortest notice, and is determined to sell cheaper
tlrnn any and all othors. J. 11. JONEb.
May 10, 1851-3 m.
THE subscriber would rospoctfully inform tho
public that ho ban taken tho abovo old ostab- j
lisliod stand; recently occupied by Mr. Samuel:
Evans, and entirely re-furnished fend refitted it in I
such a manner as to render it second to uo hotel in j
tho county. Tho UAH has been stocked with the
beßt liquors, aud tho TABLE will always ho sup-'
pliod with tho best tho market can afl'ord. j
Extensive Stabling attached to tho promises, and j
attentive hostlers nlways in attendance.
Ho rospoctfully aakk ’ tho publio to giro: hint a j j
trinl, feeling nssiircd that he can render entisfnc- j,
ti„„. JOHN bIVINIiSTON. !,
April 13, 1331-tf.
tj I take groat pleasure in nunoanoing ’
S to our old friends, that I am prepared, to sell ’ I
S all kinds of than any tj I
J* othor house this sido of Philadelphia. Call t, •
t and see prieos. Don’t mifitako tho placo, at «, |
S tho corner opposite the Pennsylvania Rail S j
S Road Depot. Goods delivered at Tyrone S i
S two days after purchasing, Mind that I koep S I
S Meat Pork, //aeon, and I'obaccn, White Lead, >
S Oil, Ikip't, <C c. All of which will bo sold at
J a very low profit for Cash. ■ ' t,
J. R-EBY. s
t, Hurrisburg, Fob. 8, 1651.
TAKE NOTICE, that a now firm haa boon es
tablished in Curwensville, uud with it a de
termination to sell goods cheupur than they ha\o
over boon heretofore offered, under tho title of
Smith A Knows. Wearo ready to wait on all our
old cußtomors and ns many now ones as will favor
uh with a call. Justgivo uaacall at the old stand,
and wo will couviuoo you that all wo have told you
is true. Wo have a large and well selected stock
of GOODS, and will sell at wholosalo or retail, as
we have said cheaper than you cau buy olsowheyo.
Lumbor, Grain and all kinds of produce taken iu
exchange for Goods. SMITH A BROIY N. ..
.Curwonsvillc, Jan. 11, 1851... ....
Notice —The subscriber being desirous to settle
up his old accounts, (which bis old friends and;
turners having unsettled accounts will ploaso tnko.
notico.) Having to bo from homo tho greater
of his timo, persons will at all timos And bis part-;
nor, Thomas Brown in the store roady to wait on |
you. *■ ISCAC SMITIL |
Jan. 6, 1854. • <
rpilE subscriber offors at private pale, 3 fcJL '
| Lota, situato on Philbcrt stroet, in tbo S»2l
borough of Curwonsvillo, with a splendid NEW
TANNERY, supplied with a fountain pump, arid
ovory other nocessnry convenience, Ttco Dwelling
Jloutea, in good condition, with othor out-buildings,
and one. stable thorcon eroctod.
The proporty is in good condition, being woll
supplied with water Ac., and will he disposed of
on reasonable terms. For farthorpartioulars apply
to J. B. M’Enully, Cloarfiold, Pa., or to tho sub
scriber on tho promises. "■
March 24, 1894-6 m.
ITI If. LEITZINQER, respectfully informs tho
; public, thnt ho constantly keeps on hand a
good assortment of Fancy POTTERY WARE, snob
ns Crocks, Dishes, and Stovo Pipo Collars of ovory
convenient sizo. Farmers if you want to buy ohonp,
givo us a coll at the Cloarfiold Pottory, noar Qoorgo
Orr’s Blacksmith Bhop. • .
, Country produce wiß ho taken in oxchango for
Ware, and a liboral reduction mndo to wholosalo
THE cheapest, host and largest assortment of
BOOTS AND SHOES, in tho county, can be
found at R. Glonnan’s establishment, throe doors
wost.of tho Mansion Houso. If you doubt it ploaso
call and bo convinced. ;No purchase no pay. 1
Feb. 1, 1854. R. QLENNAN.
• spring goods: :
“tUST rpcolvod, nndoponing at C. Krotjor’s
tP ONE PRICE CASH STORE, a aplendidan
sortmontof Spring and Surnmor Goods. In rnM
dltion to iljis psuttl? vjiMty/ hb lot of:
Ladies’ Dress Goods, such aq Plaid Silk, Indio Silk,,
Plaid liawnj Broolia. SbawW Silk, y r “P'Lj l ? < * i® 0 ? 6 ’’?
mor Jltmicts, Ae. • Alao; a largo lot of C;nfbe>a,-tona r ,... -i.., ~ im ,i ■» u ■."rr.p
Hoof'Oi(Cl6th'lttndy-}la<ie .CToA«flj-in<Paß th»f' FAyrilpSAßl'E ;TAllidlUsP., l;{ vj|
n °A TZEn ' * TmnO&Aß'JfltfA; respectfully
TpE'.aul/?6ribof.s in,.store, their cjiniJ. w Wq b*).wUlJ»iw«j[o bo .'W'it tbjfc.
ploty atook u£ PuftQr .Curtains, ifco., fuKirhiia ;ji s <&.
\»biob tboy offtr atypry i<Mr,p?ipo!>;' wbolt)snl;.‘ 'mid Jo. \voH-bolbOfO(l oteJotthiteit VfiCLOTH* •»* .
rotaii.-.Our.aiiSOrtmßut it vory oomplotu’ comprising
alj. tbo qnaiiUcs, both Froncb.sptl Awariqiur.. - j to bo of go*o4 quality, and ’ r pl
- .-Wo manufooturo alarge-proportiou.of anr-Goodil oifi old ! cuatomora arb rtqUOStod to>oonßnu»w*
and ean eoU'ot thblaivtst rtitbi. rpatrooagd, and ia.m4n.Tßnw QQCT;M>
>ON:fifsl.iit?Wln. dinner;. • ‘ i ” J^WT
A Vigorous Life, nr Premature Death, Kinkclin on
Self-Preservation—Only twonty-fivo cents.
It is a work eminently required, as a moans of
■ reforming tho vices of, tbo ago in which wo live, .
I Also, !
Nature's Guide, with rules for the prolongation'
of life, just front thb press. -f
I A loiter with a romitianco of twenty-fLvts cents, I
pr tho vnliio in post stamps, addressed to Dr. Kin
kolin, Philadelphia, Pn., will socuro a copy of either
of tho aboia books by return of Mail, or 12 copio*.'
will .bo sont freo of postngo for $l. j
Canvassers, Traveling Agents, Ao., supplied whole-,
"salo at tho prices, which admit of a large
profit./ \ 's' i; ;> -
All letters must 1)0 post-paid. ;
Attorney and Counsellor at taw, "
WITiL attend to business in the aovend Court#'
of and Centre counties. Office Off >
Second fitroot, ouo door north of tho residence of I
John Weaver. .
References. —Hoh. Jame 3 Burnside, lion. JanfeJ
T. Halo, Col. A. G. Curlinj James McManus, Esq* >
Bellofouto-rB. B. Potrekin, Esq.,. Huntingdon-:;
Messrs. Drnko A Bcchtol, Philadelphia. , ~f
Dec. 2:i, 1863-ly. “j
Mr. Purvlauce respectfully announces*'
ladies and gentlemen of tho borough
Clearfield and vicinity, that ho hfta opendd-4'
Miniature Dagucrrcaii Gallery on Second sUsCb‘
ono door north of Rowell A Co'a store. Call a
exaimne specimens, cases, prices, <&c. •,
Clearfiold, Nov. 23, 1853—tf. .
Attorney at I*a\v» formerly of tho firm of:
“Scott Swope," Huntingdon, P., will
toml faithfully to all professional business entreat
od to his care by tho citizens of Clearfield and td.*i
joining counties. Office next door to, ond
l?pq. Wriglor'd office. •
Reference*. —Rov. Dr. M'heod, John Scott,
lion. Geo. Taylor, and lion. Ja& Gwin, Huntiflgi
don—Uun. Win. P. Schuoli, and Alox. King,R*p,j
Bedford—Gon. Win. 11. Irwin, Lowistown—lloo.
Samuol Calvin, nollidayeburg. Gen. William Ayw
Harrisburg. Gernnull & Crotfvcll, No. 211, Mir«j
hctjs.troct, Philadelphia. Oct. 27,1852*
AM. HILLS Would respectfully infonfihli
• friends, and the publio generally, that he
Btiil continues to r dttdnd to all calls in tho line of
DENTAL OPERATIONS, -at his office,
his dwelling, in the borpugh of Clearfield. llenlAJi
bo found at.nearly all times in his store in, the well
ond of the Mansion House. '' ''
1 Artificial Teeth inserted on plate or pivoh fifia
I Warranted to give entire satisfaction,
Tooth dono without dangor to the patient» and with
but little pain. Tooth filled find cleaned in a prop<f
and scientific mahnor. May 1553. 1 ■*
: HOim. a
ffIUE subscriber most, respoctiblly inform*
1 citizens of Clearfield county, and tho traveUinjj
publio generally, tbit he has taken the above
namod Hotel situated, on tho' corner of Front*™
Markot streets, in tho borough of Clearfield, not™
ho will*at all timoa bo prepared to accommodaty
those who may favor him with tholr custom. Ho
pains will bo spared: by the proprietor to mako ml
cuetomors comfortublo, and his house a homo 49
thoso who may atop with Tiiin. '
Hiß STBLE will be carefully attended 10-aw
his TABLE nnd-BAR. supplied with tho boot tM
markot will afford. : ...!
i Aug, 11, 1852.
JOHN GHLICH wouldTospootfolly wnioflßfltt*
tbo oitiiong (if Clo#rfield_nnd vicinity, thftlW
is now manufacturing uU linds ot
'WARE.- Itis stop is situnWd' on Markbi'jtrW
botlvoon Third sold Fourth, whsrO ell kinds of
in his lino will bo roado, ifl pjo bept style, aM<>P
thp mpst favorablo torms on the shprtcst nws
■ Coffins made to ordtir on shortest nOlioO.',
V fieo.-2> 1652 J f'lhvi- • \ •V 5««»
v ;i: .. David joiiNfeTON,
jrospoCtfhlly afiuo' dfb'om#
( VV ! ■ op OleMhOld and kdjoihihkebnhßeirftjP"
baa fitted sip andoponed buta i?&2?i-/0 l
l ip, tho towp of,Phihipaburg, Cjsntre/o“jJfeflg
land is fnlly prepared to" accommodate all who
favctf him witls'-alcaUr i: ! ii; Feb. 28,*18