Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 31, 1854, Image 1

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    ®i« fi :« m b W «#
ii’no.’l r.'; i:':!;//!:’;. 1 :/' f : s;;qiv’ ! - r ! , , r , j, i. •' ’ : ''' . ' ' — Lli -“
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.J ... • ) I ,[ I • ; i lt j ), Ij
A W'LplvUK f rAruti» l UDLIOtIUiU Hi vbciAUPlouyj O* **V Tr • ywauw., ■ **- » . - I —'- . - • , , 1 f
•pi ■ —- r -- : . '"\t~ Vi 7 5 il paid within nine months and if not paid until tint evpirntion of the year® (W tvt ec nrg. •
26 if paid within three roopthg, $l. 50 ifpatdwithm &, 3 > P . ' ; rr
! J , f ,
*•' ’W • ; •• : *‘. 1 ■ -' '
f ! "Well, well; ho gos : ; coin you d fa*: a heavy candlestick wielded by the old hag,
Inanor'l’* '• • '. ! - . , T
I V Hero again I ventured to remark, that , When rfly consciousness
'it depended somewhat on its nature, but, found myself in my ow j 0
1 saw from her impatient mnnrter, that she ing house, myhostnndhoste y
wanted no trifling. Before 1 finished the attendants My unndwas c earth,> jo.
sentence, she interrupted mo with a fierce- ment 1 looked about ™,andl 1 * fi .
rf «ceedi« 8 ter l.nte- S“f ,hn. blow. Ire
'°“?l,2 „SllVnwD; quiet.l hurried, aolred to keep my ”'™, c J“t«u«n.°pro'
lyl but so strong that all the furies in certam what l could of tl ' osobse^®. P j
h-11 can’t undo it 1 Can you do it,?’,’and ceedings of the n.ght J Jpon inqmry 1
dha. fairly glared at, me : with impatience. who ted
fc, NZ soTutew, Harry,, lhal my legal led fund. r “! h ».‘Tfttlltefor £-
education was obtuined entirely, in a sur-: cmn, and had also left “ * e ‘ , alono
draw a will which, although I could not more graittudo «h«n °ur P” (v
fc Sll b St
men. «»}V“ “ ,h ° P ‘ i “ f '" Tm” fully" ou"” 8 '
dollars for y.our • nights work 1 she ex . Doha and nun Hubbard.”
Cl Tndtamazed and bewildered as I was,) M y first act was to conceal the, letter
1 Tound myself at the neighboring corner, beneath my pillow: my sec ° ndC of y
stepping into a hack, before the starthng hust and tender him the .Mount of my
bufJotrifortable words, “One thousand dol- bonrd bill; to my astonishment he told
far. for your night’s work I” ha* ceased m 0 that my compan.on pa.d “/l Utfle
Sing in myears. My condoCr'ess- fol- , e(l , he letter. U seems I raved alj «
lowed me and without orders we were rat- about my unubth.y '°P a y nTLhusb^d
tied furiously along.the streets to the —! i wus unconnous, and tht h “® D .
Hduße then the largest hotel in the city, j o f £)ora (for I hod no doubt it was h
My visions of one thousand bright dollars broo glit me heme) had “^ e , r ai ' | ' his my
kept'my tongue bridled, and 1 was led in fncl an d paid my bill. Added to y rf
silence'up two flights or stairs into a suit wound wn3 not severe enough to need
■Of rooms comp-rising parlor and two bed- any s'urgery more than• offe y cre J
rooms! The porlor, however, was occu- kin( ] i nn dlody ; so when! b
pied by a bedy in which lay ‘an'old and (which was soon,) 1 had only my
£SSmy W-** » ? “T£. .“t.T.ra’.SS
p Tho old man’s eyes brightened up, and • nrr ived on that eventful nl 2 h, ’ tht ''.”
on me for, moment, .^mhby
S -’»lf you can draw thy will, do it: quick I ano iher conveyance and hadlts
now for I must save my breath,” rooms ; that the old man s body was rrn^
I turned to the table where I found pa-1 med iately boxed op and shtppi 2(l .
per 'peris, ink, and everything necessary ; norlh under charge of h.s rnan-servan. ,
and' bv the light of two sperm candles in (ba t the old woman went °f. . . ,
h”,.7.nipte"<»“' i ' ks •»“ ">■" fi \" n ,^ h VrXSi. P »?re ■?« j”
ly rSfc’Ate JM with the detail., my worthy ho’,. his kind M, M
„„ in focr do l remember Item I bul U j Jfe, 1 moal .ay ttal they ne.e».
is enough’ io say that n targe amount of hinted at, the matter, nod aave
SSoTIte “STanM teea the, victim of
i ; PROFESSIONAL SCAR. I win tp “my good nnd fnithful housekec- 90m 6 broil, and avoided nnnoj mg m y
ami courts) f°r olher%iMi^cH ,:® 9 I ! ' XKoro wtjtssomeilting like a .chuckle to T 9panishlan dlord, whose
tbe door of a'modept litilo qfe | qg j and #* Bt '? rn l one week with him without,a; dingle Amort
?ck,:io'tl,i?^ n,ed H*»M*r**Sl position, when I heard my host call-
Srd bill was rn'be JJJ-'fJ£ j Americapo s -AtnerJ
’-Sp fee? ,^^Wßl^PSt.^o^f l 2ois Ob.' ' Ca £boking from my wtp(lo\v, 1 saiv a fine
S vyaited in : t htnccompli9bm^ 6 (W bordy Reiftleman attending;to his luggage,
' THB lilf ItE M'TIIAT D.ED.
I am.aloh'e'ih injr chamber now, 1
Abd’thb midnight hour, Is near;
And-the :fhgot’s .crack) nnd tho clock’s dull tick,
Aro tho only sounds, I hoar. i
And over my so'dl in its OOlitudo,
Styocfc foolinga of Sadness glido,
For my .heart .and oyos pro full when I think
Of tht( little boy that diod. ■ /
X -,Tont one night to my father's,hoiiso —-
V'cnt horho to thocionr ones all—
And softly I opbnodtho gardongato,
And-softly, the door of tho hall, •
My mother oame out tu racot her son—
She ktssodmS and thon sho sighed,
And her head fell ’on my: book, and sho wept
For her little boy-thatdiod. •,
And: when I gatodnn his Idnocont face,
As still ana cold ho lay,
And thought what a lovely child ho had, boon,
Abd hhtiroobn'he must docay;-
"ObDoath, thou lovest tho bonutifuli” .
Ip tho woo of my spirit I cried, i
For sparkled tho oyos, and tho forolioad was fair,
Of thi.litlio hojr thbf diod 1
Agaih l wiiTgo fatlior’s house—
Qo home to the dear onos all,
And sadly I’ll opon tho garden gato,
And sadlyl thu door .of tho hall* ■ . ; '
I shall moot my motherbut, never moro,
WltH'her darling by hor Bldb j
But shell kisa mo and sigh, and woop again
For tho llttlo boy that diod.
I shall miss him when, tho flower's eotho, • n
In, tho garden whoro ho placed;;, . ;
I shall miss him iporo by tho flrosldo, ,; .
When tho flowers bavo all docayod;
I shoil see: his toys and hisempty chair,,;
And the horte;Uß qsod to;ride • •
And thoy-will epoak, with a silont spooch
Of thodlttlo boy.that died.
I shall eeo'his littlo sister again '
With hor playmattm about the door j
And I'll watoh: tlid xhildren in tholr sports,
Ael.nevor did beforo.j. i • ■ -
And if, in the. group ; I soo a child
ThatVdimpled and laughing-cyoa,
Fll look-to sso Ifit.may not bo
The. little boy that dledf-:. .
We shallgO homo to our Father’s house—
To our Fathor’a houso itr the . skips, .....
Whoro tho hope of our soul shall have no blight,
And ohr lovo no broken tlos. y ' .
Wa shall roam, onitho banks of tho, rivor of peace,
| And bathe in its.blissful.tido) * ,
And one of tho joys of otir heaven shall bo
The littlo boy that died:
And thereforo; whon I ain sitting alono,
And tho midnight hour is noar ;
When tho fagot’s crack and tho dock s dull tic ~
Are tho only sounds I hoar.
.Oh, sweet, o’er, my soul, in BdUtude,
Are tho-feelings of sadnoss that glido, ..
Though m/heart nnd oyos aro full when 1 think
Of UioSfttlaboy thatdloa, ~ . j
li' " ■ mr uitb. * • T • <• 4 w •
AtliltU Wt doth gently g' lio ! _ ‘ _
IU fwebt a eoul i Sin gu dea tho holm.
And iteors for Pleasure's bnscloss .
Obscuring, with hisjcweUcd bands.
ward; but I would .not go. „A »# J
’■winded 1 ini-lniy'cpVi i y'rd.;sdd°rtd «nd a
t ‘tMrdi ; dnd : Vn'6'rd, i t)ut'3o light that my he ,
•2pg pifivtedfmy hunting ihc^,—,
; n’d thett'a’TrfdO ’ fleUchte • fcnofck;,-, IcOm-.,
lid ‘h’. with a calm,
*SU ; dUhdugl l
J Siaid. : iiP«akibg?f : f 3 ho» .--p‘ x’ Jlhn i;‘
you Ot® a lawyer i «*»« . • ® ■
&W& |f 'SiKwy^R^ ol^^
'ifesiiM 1
ma Q
' to Ihonk
but ‘bbnetUh my 'sombrero,
i. r ; met>bolore, Sir l--how gla
ftij M d the word "Dora;” J J!iP re
obw:i «•.-<•’• <-s-'-'- • - • • ."
I ' rnVFßNftft'B VlStO . the precedent this bill wouhl
You may well believe our re-union was J VI,. 'Hoi be overlooked. If
'inrat pleasant} and after dinnor was over, Of the. bill for legislation bo onco begun 1 wherbiffft
••• * 1 wore out enjoying the sea-breeze,! , several brought against the ten f «* ' d j. *n, o railroad’ftnd canal C*ipV
Jhole storv waTiold g nie. I will not to end i lhe nct 0 f 16 50 qg^iu
give you the details of it; it was long, but and the Ohio railroad, for viol xng again; and w ilh mo re , confidence ,
the main features of it were about what I small notv law. , lhan oV er, expect to bo again absolved^
had surmised. Dora was the only child) A h \\\ wa3 passed near the Close qf the t iglaturo . Other corporations
of her wealthy father; her mother died ;lato ses9 ion of the Legislature, releasing ec j ua i favor with quite as much]US-
When she was a mere child ; old j certain railroa d and canal company ffW lico ii- Individuals will have good
had remained with her fatlier in the capa-1 the penalties incurred.under theilpw °f compla ; n irtboy should be punished wheh ,
city of a house-keeper, and had, while , i B 5O, prohibiting the circulation of notis co^oratlon3 arc not. If th,s *" l j v J -
was away at school, acquired as is of othor States of a less denominalion.than { k {j 6w nol on what ground wp f ,
rrenernllv the case, complete influence over fivc dollars. The Governor however re- sg girJlilar act g whenever “PPM “£•
him Dora was wood and won by a poor fuses to g ive it his. sanction, and haS writ- eXtend great indulgence. ,
clerk; the father would not listen to il; an ten out hi 9 objections to it at length and, ond lRnUy t 0 corporations
elopement was the consequence: the old | f)l6d them away with the btU, in thp offic re)ier to the destitute individual who m Y
man in his rage broke up housekeeping, i o( - tbe Secretary of the Uimmonweahh ’bo arraigned for passing the only note ho.
ond taking old Angeline with him, bud j wilh instructions to that officer to (leliver hac j. It would bo better to repeal the
sturted fonhc Sooth. Dora followed him ! bolb to t hc next Legislature, tmmedia y (han lhu9 t 0 [n fl e with and de S™ de ’
with her husband, although she knew ho aner its meeting. The following are his j ob j ect t 0 this bill for nn ° lher /®“ ;
would not see her, and although ho had rensons ; O „p r v'® 'he penalties it prop see
always been hard und unkind to her, yet Thc ncl 0 ( 1650 upon evor y | nro a | rea dy sued Tor, and I,o r sul, i 3 arc
she knew be was in the last stage of con- ( . nrpnra , ion that passes a foreign bank J pen ding. lam bound toi infer h s Iro
snmntion and she determined, if possible, 0 |- | css denomination than fivo dollars a. wo rds of the bill. All legtslnti
to be with him when he died. At the time 1 „ y „f -five hundred dollars and U P°" | terferenco with the regular adminjuatio
of his death, they had been following him v individual a penalty of twenty-five , iustice it muBt bo conceded, isw«>P 0
aLut a month from place to place, keep-> do „ arB , t 0 be sued for and recovered as ( J . g calcu , a , ed ,o exercise « W
in „ concealed from him, aud eluding even o(hcr dubtB nro recovered, and half to h , cjoua upon tls morals J.,
lhe keen eyes of Angeline. When Dora , lainliff an d the other to the usoofthe h(jg cXciltd complaint where * er jKvil
anDeared in the room, it was only because £ whero th e ofTenco ,s commuted \ \ nnd bnB .generally produced evd;
“Kan servant, wlm had been with her T ,, J 0 blll now under consuleva ion does goo(1 ., Th leg.slativo nnd judicial
tC and who ns vou remember, left the oSo t 0 repeal the law °r la.iO. nor UnenlB of tho governmentrnustbo
K when 1 entered, had observed their )“ s , b e r o anything in it from which . can I ? ratad| and each allowed to pet
nrrival nnd bad kindly gone to her and in- bo in r er red that the General Assembl> bo- i(g runulions without
formed her that hec father could not live | icved j tB influence to be evil. In my • p rom tbe ot ber. Tho one indeed is •
an hour; she was entering the room to sidorD ti o n ofthe subject 1 start, ‘he^r?,, , ed [0 do tho duties assigoedtothc other.
nUn one last eflort at reconciliation, when ■ h lhe aSBU mpUon that the law forbid-1 t hia bill the legislature will step n be-.
r v Ke fearful words of her lho circu l a \ion of small notes , S cen a judicial tribunal and its sOUo«.
father’s curse caused the outcry and de- ,h 0 other States is a necessary aqd whole- an(J j Q substanco say to the court you
M cr husband, who followed regulation, and that the penalty tor\ syapend yo ur delibornttons on th»9«
found the old man dead, Doru in a KoUumn is required to give it force and^JJ aso Examine the law, and stop.
’mn senseless and old Angelino in n bct VVhen the Legislature was dealing investigation of the facts, for wo ha
:rs y r ß A supposed. M
will together, raving nnd cursing bko u | uct which they found m fo,ce ’, hearing the parties—without knowo? »
bedlamite. He and the man-servant put JUBt and nec essary, they wouldundoubt facti and cnrin g forthoaw Andtl jS,
JhTold man’s body into the bed, took Dora \ v have rcp oaled ,t at once und lo ever. df|f , nfit becauso we change 'ho law on
in her room and while the servant kept B u i jhe bill before mo not only contains no ,hc suit was founded, fo:r we th
K nier AnSne, he took me homo in alauBo of repeal, but expressly prov-daS and Sl llutary, and it sha f .notibe
fearriago {he rest vou know. “ s t any Interference which might,m-. . but we into r fere fot■ th.s^
1 havm onlv to add', that, whenever I air ils future force. Here, then, is a law, mere , y as a matter of special fav ri
the J n 6 , b , practises . lare and after four years of experience j QD de gra4aHon of the law.
der «"v »«Btruc«mn, and who “ nd 6a a nclioned y by another. Shall; pcrnici^us _ tendencies or tl» p«t
law w. J. although he does all the BUC h a law beexecutedl To ask the ques-1 j proposed to be established q o
:T)S. DoSi .'nd from certain answer it. Theaflirmahve must held Q
b n o^n.,’s looks and bright blushing on my b tho universal .response. \ a „ d cer tuinly above the most W
“" . ‘ daughter’s cheek when ho e vils, l b ThU hiU declares that ‘'where several duQ , 0 transgressors,
« — l ""' “lor iX r.hei; $
with costs of all the actions to the timo ol f or ,jieir relief. . .
The consolidation, and all other penalties tQ bo h - oped that the
heretofore incurred whether sued for or no , , p (ho use ol tho currency, which iiplelid
b, remitled,,
6 This means simply to legalize all the of-1 \ of „ 10 railroad twpW g
fences which a railroad or canal «>rnpany ,: and P indiv idaa,s, to tniroduco sma gqld
mav have committed except one. | and Bi | vor «>inlo channels of Circulation,
But why should one offence be reserved ~ fiden ,| y believed, would £ ccomp ish
for punishment while the rest are remit-1 thia de3irab end . The fact that thj hd
ted 1 If the law has been violpted an bun.. - ioln Slo t o 0 f Ohio at the late session,of
drod times, and each tipac under the same, J legislature has interdicted the dwu
drcumTKs, the excuse which should, no , es nQI , ssUed by her
free the party from nipety-nme penalties t ( denomination than tqp doji ,
law be' right in one case, it is right j (- a cotnm bn effort tp njmo 3 .
I Ss. add if it be wrongin any it is Jeer, lho way of the adm-ntsl-rahU
cruelty to let a person suffer under it qt all., , aW „ f 1830 . Such an «»
Ru* the bill not only creates this d,d ® r " 11[eve would succeed in nearly all P
enS between similar offences committed by . nnd SUC ceeding would «e#®
the same corporations of » particular class, * wholeso riie influence
and all other corporations, officers, brokers., f lhQ cuj . rency the
companies are to bo favored b y tho rights and rewards o r tabor. ,
ty which this bill provides Alio thor per., : . ;
S °r “S'lSfictymKaTe theconsequon: Tnt , B
“which their ntisconduct has drawn and professional fdme ddeand.d.e wuhaU
n them Tam sensible of the impor. thin ‘ 8 eo rlhly. Nothing of a J
i 3"£pWi«ta l " ,h ’f l^lo 7
r U3,lC cenc o e° is blind toiilldifferetico between! vo j d ofoflenco before God and mQa ' ls an
Tno p /if incurred nil) by Thero is noliving wiihout- it,
V»:l r “' “d U ! ,.M V »»'■« nnd holjs him ,Q H»tto-J
" «<Serian9.praprehensions ere entertauied y n „ a - nst her statutes. She has g cr i p turds desertbe-^'p. •* t.. j,j
respecting the safety of Capt. C?J! ,naon » f. ’ nU j' ne a and shall nof execute I She hap. .rfflic « ,on "f r "? ns l '' l,v . , “£ 1 * u • ott |-.of>hi*
vvho 'weht out toßhqrmg’s cqm- » sb ail not perlurml If tljC the world. uc b . fA.™ birc ] 0 a f'' B U his
nonv with Cant. IVlcClqrp.. foi | t p .. Question was cfyel,. unjust or pro per. ofth . t . j
Sir John Franklin. Seach 19 . tlje?e could bo rib 'objection? to US happiness, und_nwuy,TuL f
madri for hirp as well as the long tosvS a(l d a full rofnlsslori of «he purposes of h,s crest,qn^Wmur.
John, both on the CoSson 1 penalffes incurred, JJpt ft?. 9™*
jihVcjibp'? o P. r p 5 for °po yeariJpPfpr- .. i'. - 1
The Rev. Dr. Cummings, the learned
theologian and brilliant writer, delineates
most beautifully the glories oftho Millen
nial Sabbath, ns follows;
*‘lt will bo a day oriusting rest. When
the night that is far spent is completely
exhausted, and the day that »IJ S
fully come, then there shall be P ol^' '
The earth shall have its Sabbath, which s
lost by our sin. Man shall have his ,in
its intgrity, and purity, and banuty. Cod
rested on the seventh day from all his
Iwolks. and hallowed the Sabbath and
blessed it. I believe there is not a beast
,SX field, nor a'fi-h in the nor a ,
! fowl in the air, that has not a rrght to
jtho Sabbath, and that shall not >' et havo .“|„h or ,col. There ia »«*« « b » rer
the workshop, nor a toiling m' .
post offico, nor a clerk m the counting
house, that may not claim the Sabbath. |
Next to God’s word, God’s Sabbath is the
right and privilege of man. Infidelity
Impugns nnd denounces both, by God s
Zee we will part with neither And,
when that last Sabbath comes—the hear ,
wearied with its tumultuous beating, shal
have rest; the soul, fevered with
shall enjoy peace. The sun of mat
bath will never set, or veil his 9 P I «
a cloud. that grow in this,
light will never fade. Our earthly Sab-
IBs Ire but faint recollections of the
heavenly Sabbath, cast down upon the
earth, dimmed by the transit of their rays
from so groat a bight, nnd so distant a
world. The fairest landscapes, or combi
nations or scenery upon earih. ure but thc
outskirts of the paradise of God, oreeam
ests and intimations of that which hesh •
yond them; and the happM Sabbq h
heart, whose every pulse ts a Subbath bell,
hoars but a very inadequate echo of. th
chimes o n< l harmonies of that Sabbath,
that rest, ‘where >ve ‘rest both day
night,’ in which the song is over nc" ,nnd
iet over sung.’’ -
T ' '
yjfrei ikoXto <s> as r.-> ■> i
,{5 <j.'UX->
iv •
.v v.<n\.
rtf-fi, daSuv lately uppoarod; it,
w i&B,SO ;
.visible W;P°fe vft.cii rt'c4