VALUABLE PROPRTY j >i'HE subscriber ofTers at private sale,’ 'JL threo'lots, situate rin I hilbert st., in the Borough ol Curwensville, with a splen did NEW TANNERY, supplied with a 'fountain pump and every other necessary convenience, two dwellining liouses, in good Condition, with other out-buildings, mnd one stable thereon erected. Tho property is in good condition, being well supplied with water &c., and will bo disposed of on reasonable torins. For fur tjfor particulars apply to J. B. M’Ennlly, Clearfield, Pa., or to the subscriber on the premises. S. B. TAYLOR. r March, 2d, 854.-Cm. . List of Petit Jurovs for May Term, 1854. *¥ OHN Litz, farmer, Bcccarin ; F F of Coudriet, lumberman, Covington ; Wm Williams, farmer, 'Jordan ; Jos Mc- Ghee, farmer, Bell; Adam Wheeland, far filer, Burnside; A M. Gi|l, farmer, Brad ford; John Long, farmer, Burnside; Oli ver Conklin, furmer, Lawrence ; Jos Lon don, farmer, Boggs ; Benjamin Babcock, carpenter, Clearfield ; Daniel Fry, farmer, Chest; James Gruhnm, (of Isaac) farmer, Bradford; Jos Postlelhwait, farmer, Brady ; Geo Ellinger, Jr;, farmer, Brady ; James Flanagan, farmer, Bradford ; W C Foley, gentleman, Brady clerk, Ferguson; Grier Bell, farmer, Ferguson; Abraham Goss, farmer, Decatur ; Joseph Hfenth, farmer, Fox ; Win L. Risher, far mer, Goshen ; G W Shod) farmer, Wood ward ; James McMurray, farmer, Burn side; David Gearhart, farmer, Decatur; James Johnson, farmer, Jordan ; Jas Elder, farmer, Bell ; Matthias Hollopeter, farmer, Union; Samuel Fullerton, farmer, Law »ehce ; Matthew Caldwell, farmer, Pike; A G Welch, farmer, Lawrence ; Bcnj’n Baird, farmer, Bell; Benj Bonsull, farmer, Rrady ; Win Mitchell, furmer, Lawmncc ; Andrew Addlemnn, farmer, Lawrence ; Wm. Bridgens, farmer, Knrihaus; John farmer, Mon is; Jacob Frantz, garpenter Brady.; ATScriven,physician, Beccnria ; E. It. Livergood, farmer, Gosh en ; John Byer, farmer, Woodward ; Jos Peters, teacher, Curwensville ; J F Bloom, farmer, Jordan ; John Melindey, farmer, Burnside ; Joseph M’Clarren, farmer„De ,-atur ; George Wilson, jr., farmer, Boggs ; Joseph Lytle, farmer, Lawrence; Andrew Cross, inn keeper, Boggs. List of Grand Jnrors, for May Term 1851. TOHN Swan, lumberman, Beccnria; — William T. Gilbert, blacksmith, Bell; JJavid Flegal, Jr„ furmer, Boggs ; Conrad Ginter, furmer, Woodward; Dan’l. Liv ingslou, tailor, Curwensville ; John Hunch bnbury, furmer, Chest; John Orr, lum berman, Bell; T. D. England, farmer, Bike; Benjamin Carr, sawyer, Girard ; J. F. Lee, farmer, Bell; Jacob Koons farm er, Girard; M. A. Frank, tailor, Clenr field ; Wm. Miller, justice, Covington;— John Rider, farmer, Covington ; Mordica Livergood, farmer,Girard; G. W. Rhenm, paddler, Clearfield ; Edward King, former, Burnside; Reed Alexander, farmer, Wood ward ; Joab Ridor, farmer, Covington ; J. A. L. Flegal, farmer, Goshen ; Joseph Logan, farmer, Decatur; Edward Wil liams, farmer, Ferguson ; Abraham Hoo ver, farmer, Jordan ; Silas Munn, (armor, Union. Estate of David Sackett, Deceased. OTICE is hereby given, that tailors wAdministralion have becnjpnntcd lo the subscribers on the estate of David Sackett late of Clearfield Borough, Clear field county, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately, and persons having claims’against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. THEBE SACKETT, >. . , . GEO. SACKETT, \ rs March 14, 1854,-Ot, A STEAM SAW MILL LOW FOR CASH. THE Steam Saw Mill which has been ir>'successful operation at Fostoria, Blair co. for four years will be sold for @lOOO cash. This mill is in excellent con dition —has cut within the last four years fivo million of foot of lumber ; the owner haying cut off all his timber is anxious to dispose of her and will' sell her for one third of her cost. Any person wanting to (jurchase can sec her in operation at Fos oria,ontho Pennsylvanra railroad. Ad dress, G. A. Madson,, Fostoria, Blair co., , Pennn. G. A. MADSON. March 15, 1854.-5 m.-pd _ DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. TpE citizens of Curwensville und Lumber City and their vicinities, yrill tnke notico that the. co-partnership of Montolius, Ten Eyck' & co., has this day been amicably dissolved, by B. Hartshorn taking Ihe store n't Lumber eity, and A. M. Montelius, E. Montelius & Wm. Ten Eyek taking the store at Curwensville.— They will still continue to do business at the old stand, under the title of Monte lius, Ten Evck & co., whore they will be happy to wait on all who may call on them.. The books and papers arc left in 'their hands for settlement. Curwensville, March 15, 1854,-2m. -’‘IVEING extensively engaged in the ''tfß-'. manufacture of paper, pay to'Country Merchants and othors having rags for sale, more than the present nutr- Jc’oi;di>i at* soriaienl ol'J EVY ELK Y— consMimr of La ora j >dXioi-J-<“OpEN KKUNT I»[•'.TA' ll£l> LEVISKd-from! »18 to •UO-l.APiN.Kt'—froru #lt)fo 11 s ) Fine t.ltlll Y LAY Wbichet. flora bto lo Dollars. Fine Cold Watches. Ur lo 4i* EPELEPTFC PILLg. For the - tl«t»ty, or fulling Fin. 1 bore Pills oottete DtpeciliD p.ctioo on tho nervous syi’cm ; and , ultnougii they are iirepfiredejj.ooially lor llio purooto ol curing I’iu, they will bo loun I ofeiju-dul bjnti'it tor nl. per sontufllicied with weak nerves, or whose nervous si stem hot l)2oo prtrtuUfd or sliait.-red fr<arls of Uiearlield and hik c< unties, and uttoxd to the paymont of taxes on UrspuleJ lands.— . KEFEKENUER —llisExcollency, WM. RlOl^Eß,Harris* burn—Hon. ELLIS LEWIB. l,ano»sior-0, V/} WOOD. XVaUI) Wiiksbarrio—J,o KNuX,Frunklm-J,U.MONT* GOMERY, Pniludelphia. , \ All 4*or«on* havinsr business with him. will in hik absence, apply U J. RIDDLE GoHDJN.wlio will atteau lo the same depttmibor l/B, 1853, r TXUE BUHBCRIHEUB rtspoctfully announce lo (he oiti* X reus of Clearfield county and the public neooruHy, that they havp oommonced tho mauufuctory of IS I ON E WaREi ono miioeast ofLUTDERHUUHGII. wnorethey uro prepar ed >o lurnisli an artioieolaU'ONE WAUE equal to any man ufaciuredelsowhero.and cn reasonable lertnt. STOVE FIFE LOLLAUH constantly on hand. I Orders promptly al tended to.' and aiilrcra! discount madoto wiiolciule purchasers. M.J.FORTKK. AUBUiti3tl.iW3.-3t. . G. W.FORTEU. (Fashionable Taioring;. ~ .'CPQa.cbpEEi.QifiS RESPECTfULA*. an nouncos to the'oitizeni ot Clcar lield county ,nnd Um public conerally that he ountinuei to carry ou the above business at bis OLD HTAND, above th.'Fast Ollloe, where ho wlllal vayi be prepared lo wait on u'l who mny tavorhlm with a call, tie hat on hand n well celooicdatsonmentol OLuTUS.OABtiIftIEHEd and TRIM- MiNi'B, which ho will of cood quality, und wi.i be sold very low. Ills old customers are requested to con* taae their palrocave and as funny t new oneas may find it conveniences bo assures them that he is prepared to furnish the materials and do tho wotkin proper inaUDot. ' JulyH.lKS. / \ -T /WUJS. BIIEA. LIST OP LETTERS Dissolution of Partnership NEW GOODS. FIT! FITS! FITS! THE VEGETARLE EXTRACT^ Bounty Land and Pension Agency. STONE WARE BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO. - • e; 1.. miller, •PURVEYOR. Hell townihlp. Ulcarflnld conn(y.—AH bn- O .ine.tetlruitfd li him promptly —Addreu. i;lini P. U., Olcuifiold county. April 4, mi. T. JEFFERSON BOYER. PHYSICIAN— can bo fount! nt hit Ollico in LUTHERS UUKG. Clearfield ootjnty, Pa., when not nbient on pio fcwloen! baiineu, beptemberD, lhpd. " MOSSOP & POTTORFF. RETAILERS OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MER CHANDISE Sr LIUIIOHB-Un Iho woitiidep!M«- end street nearly oppo.ilo the Court Homo. Llcarltold, Po. bout, *!d, *bi3, - '" _ _ _ H, P. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN— May bo foanU either at hit olUco.orfttSco. fioliPihotel—Curwenivillc—whim not nolprofe*iJnnally abtpnl. Deo.Jg. *qu»« mANNEa.nmI UOUT andSUCE MANUFAOTURER -1 Curwocivitlo. ” a /L!?vl% DR. S. L. COBLE, PI! YSICI AN—reii'dr noo ono mlloonil o hair loulli eoil ol Lumber City, ontheHldao hoad leading to Now Wash malon. fptpecllully oUort hit icrvicc* to llio lurrijandlnfi communiiy. Deo. «U. IO3J. Clock and watch maker,- Uurwon.vtiio. I’n.- Waiclie. and Clock, neatly topnucil and VV AttUEr-. 1 - ED. Hoveral year* exporionce in the butmett. maket roo feel conlidont that 1 oan render general tnllifactlon 1 would ihorefuro, thankfully receivoa ihnroot public palronugo. Cunvoiuvlllo. No*. Id. 180d.—3 mo. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WACO V.MAKER—l.nthoriliurc. Work done to order nn ihort notioo.nnd on Rood lorm. Dee -a. »L A. K. WRIGHT, 11 urchant and extensive dealer in lcm 'VJ HER-Scoond ttreet. one door .oath of hi. rosldonce— Cl urlleht. Deo -lib. IBM. WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, /'IAIIINET nndCIIAIK MAKER, and DOUSE feSION l_y PAlNTER—ooedoor .oulh of Hie I'rcihylerianChntoh. Second .Irc-et.Clenrliold. I’d. Aiuil 10. lUD. ' GEORGE WILSON, PHYSICIAN— Mar to found at hi. office In LIJTHERS -IIURU, whan not obient on proreulonn^bntJnnijj^ Joseph h. bretii, rji LACKSMITH, at NEW WASHINGTON,CIearfieId co„ iJ wlu-ro all kind* of work u don* in In* Jineol bunnetson iheibor.oil notice and pio»t raaionablo tcroijL -x MERCHANT AND LUMIIEU DEALER—Coiner of .Vi Erunt and Locust Itretlt-Clearriald. Den. i?R, l*&t. JAS. ALEXANDER, w'ADDLEH AND HARNESS MAKER—In hi. new ihoi' Cy nn Markelilrcul, near Mcrrell'i lioud. Dto ITJ. lenl. 11 (HIT tad SHOE M AKEK. Saeond ilre.t. n.nrli pniKiiilo A K. WrlahUa'orr, Clrarliold. l’a. April 16. Hind. JAMES nOLLENBACM, ; n*ACKrtMmi, on Third »treoi, between Market nns3 \,T EKCM ANT nml riIOUUUB UEAL.IIK. l.nllin-.Durf i.l (''rfir r ielil couctr. I’d. April 17. H5'J. 'PANNEU—AIIbo -EL) STAWL) in Uun»m.ivilln 1 Pec.-y.lßol GEO. W. RHEEM, SJAIHH.r.R.UAUNESSSI THUNK MANUI'ACTUHEII k.® —On Second it.eet immediately over Of l) Watson’s Drug Sioru Deo. Bb, IH6*J. nAVINCi changed hi* residence ironi French' i.!e io Ky* lartvtlla. jo Morru towoship. lesptotfully oflers hie**»f vice*toihe•»rrounilintcominon'ty. June I*s. 1863 JAS. B. GRAHAM, OOST MASTER. MGHCIIAN'I uod DEAFER IN LUM L BEK— CrabanitOQ. Bradford loowmhir*. Dec. 37. 11*61. \VM. 1\ CHAMBERS, WM EKI.WIIIGHT, CIIMHMAKKIt. end lIOUSEC SlUliN PAINT iiR-Uurweuivlllo. l)ec.B“. IM. OADDI.K S AAKNEBB MAKMR. and JI’ATK.'E O I HE PLAOE-Uurwonsvillo. Deo tfJ. 1861 J. L. CUTTLE, a TrORNEY AT LAW and LAND AGENT, Office) ad 'a jo.uitls hiiiti dunci*, on Maikei street,CmiDcUl. “• Match d,lBod. AGENT for IheinloufßTOVES, MILL-GEARING and CASTING* ol all kiuds. AUo. HAU IKON it NAlGr*. Th««*hlug Machines. Flows, Agricultural Implement* Uc on tWcoun street, under he Printing Ofliue. mh. 17 to BOOT and BHOE MAKER.oan be found at lus shoptwo doors easlol tbePust Utiico, where ho has constantly on Bund nlaree mioiltnoot both el borne and city wannsauture. J.- D. THOMPSON, BLAULSMITII, Wogoni, Ungclei, &e.. bo., fronedoa «hon notlco. and the very best style, at hiiold stand in * I*o borbinrh ol Carwonsvilie. Dec. iiH.lfcoy. COACH ANI) SLEIGH MAKER, on Third street. bo tween Market and Loousl, Clearfield. Pa, Aprilio, 63 MERCHANTS ana LUMBER. HEALERS, Woodland PoßOllice, Bradford lp..Cloarfield co. April 17, ’oJ, PHYSICIAN— May always be fonnd at hit residence in Curwonsvllle, whon not professionally absent. __ Dec. RL 1863, LEVER FLEGAL, 7 BLACKSMITH, Luthersburg.Pa , will attend ioallbusi* net* in hnline, and will also furnish WAGONS, BUG GIES. &0., very cheap, and manufactured IntheUest stylo, and warranted. .. Aug, 7.186 J.—y, ISAAC SMITH, IV/TEUCIIANT. AND DISAL.J3R IN DUMUBB AND IT A Country Prod acegenoralry—Statestreot. between Cherry and Lponst—CurwensviUo. Dec. £O. 1861. THOMPSONS, CO. XBQN-JFOUNDBRS— Curwexnvillo, Ap extensive assort* meat orc&itiugs rntido to order. .Deo. 9d, 1851. M THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., GUOIIANTS, andextonsivo dealers, and Mauufactureu* of Lumber, Haiti Hills. July 33.1853. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth ol Lick Run. 6 miles from Clearfield.— MERCHANTS,audexteniivo Lumber manufacturers. June 18,1863. JACOB BILGER, rtbPPEIt { TlN,and 6IIUKTIKON WAREMANUFAC- K/ TUKEK—UurweasvU*.above tboold f oundry, on tho north sldeofraain street; where all business in his lino is dune uo in a workmanlike manner, and on rousonoblo ijuitu*— Country produootaken lUexchango for work ftept. 17, '6B O. B. MERRELL, r-lOPPER, TIN b BAEET IRON WARE MANUPAC- V_> TUUEU—On Beoond street, one door IOQtiToIA. K. Wrightssto.o—Cleariidld, Dea.23. iHjL BLACKSMITH*. at .Hopewell, Bell tp., at theCroisßoads leading from M/uhce* MUKo New Washington, and iron) Chest creek to tlio xivet 4 -rwheie p,ll otlls in Ins lino will bu promptly attended to,. March 3,1833. DR. R. X. WILSON, HAVING removed bis ollDt to fils new dwelling ou So*. cood street/wilt prdraotiyAnswer all piofessional calls as hereiofpio. ' ‘ C VlpilUold; J«S4. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, LYMAN S. PHELPS, C. KRATZER, JOHN 11. lIILBUIIN, HENRY LORAINE, JOHN W. SHUGERT, GEO. RICHARDS, FREDERICK ARNOLD, WILLIAM A. WALLACE SAMUEL ARNOLD, ROBERT McNAUL, DR. GIBBONY F. lIOOP, B. F. STERLING, L. It. CARTER, RICHARD GLENNING, THOMAS MILLS, HURXTHAL & BROTHER, M. E. WOOD, WM. T. GILBERT, AFFLICTED READ! 6 TWENTY YEARSOFEXi’ERIENCEIn Ihotroalmont fntittS raiicry and prmnataro ihoitali.y. „ ... T’a u p. pa rtigHljAU NOTICE.—There it an evil habit toJ*-lu.olitud.,dltoaKrowingnp with them to manhood, and which it not reformoJ la une llrno. notonly ber!euN. IfAfliAWAi CO »K STOVE-?. PARIAUt OT‘iVES, Pll’Eof every is*-. N A ILS.SI‘I and TiN U AUb.ol every kind.- bPLHM ii!L. LAUD OIL FLAX SEED OIL. WllllE FIHE.PROOF PAINTS of cury collor. CAN iiLES Srerm and 1 allow. DOORS and HFATIONAKV . HARNESS. SADDLED a id UtUDLES. anu every oUier article asaal'y kept lu u country tto.c, Lumber. Grain,ntf-1 country proJu:eof every kitt!. taken in exchange lot goodi. Outwent*tile. floe, y 18.3-—tf. New Store ! New Store ! ! POWELL, REED & WEAVER AUbjtut new o;>ftn!pg tit heir new STOIIIvRO'JM in the Uuro.ikh oi Cvii’Lei':. one i>: the larrrett pud belt iueiiU 1 1 iltillCllAMJldl-'. ever broUKhtl? the county, and whioo tlic> now oifrr to the olu cmtomeriol Htcl{-t & Co. a* wt ll n* to the ptibhc at Inrie. fcucli tcriui a» cannot fail to cive entire tr.mlMJron THIS LAUlbc* will find ot their Store inch ft toloction cl CS3CL>CDcQs3 Aithoy never saw tn Cliarfiil ' buf.irr—and ru for DRY 1} eooirnlly, mil tj(it H AfIDYVAKI*. Ut’KIINSWAUK.itu.. I bar cannot be mrpnnod either in qnaliiV orchem-ueii. „ , . Thoie why do a l hc!jjr? it arc tr. vutd to call and tc /."‘"foWeX.I. O. 1.. HELD. JF. WEAVES. Clearfield, May 21, Itfail. ' JAMES 11. LARIMER, Attorney and Counsellor al Law. WILL aticnti to buslcen tu thf *ereral Court* of Clear lie Id and i 'eulm cuun ie*. (llli jo oa bcc >ad oirtcl, one dour north ol thoVoiid«nce ol John Weavef. UEITiBLNI LS.-iJon. JAM UUKNSIDi:, Bo lolor.te HALF, do Col A G Cl 'HI IN . do. JAMhSM’MANAS. Ftq.. do. U. U PKTUIKHN,E»q /Hanlingdon Messrs.UKAKElk IiECiU OL Phii’a Drcrm’icr 28, !S5’J ir. DAGUERREOTYPES. '| > Lirl'lit TfIMiLY Uflnoutjc.s tothi LAOIES and G L r L IV T LIiSiMN of tho Motough of CLEAHKIELL) ar.d vi ! ciui'.y. UmL lie liat opened a Miniature Dngucrrcan Gallery OnSEGO.ND STREET, nac door north of P,Avell Sc Cj’< Store. Call end cxam'ne specimens. cases, i fee. Clcarfi-IJ. Novetnbor 9J, If. Hav'us injilo nsoorthe Comimuid Sjrup or Vo'low Die* Rjol, uiopof«Hl hj U MUaSE ti UO.. cither ou iel/tior on; lamiliot. noil lindlaa ii to be n vcr .alutarr and olleotaal l>tLua«Riiou. ivouomoo ofceerluhy locominanii uioujc ,'nbno oio very valm!'if tJC'iij'b«. !•; Hour.»o, Ksn . cJ-iSfiiur of tho NdUnnnl Bank Providence, R | • A W Syjucer. Cm , Oaihier. Dime Rook Bank. UO. du ; itov. IVa. A. I'i.i hi... K«». R,'«»,«»<>!?• A-£• Jonc«. iditnr I'ruvi J« live f>*n. Ad vt. V\ m I ic|J, M M. Uynu Fisher. W K. 11. I*. Jame* Ua’ctuawo. I«.S !/•#• V J. Buies, boot Becj Colby. and on* huuatcd Qtneri ol tt.e mo*' re»peotab!e f’uu liei of Providance^ Tiii* ccrufiw tlml 1 have lor a narabor of yettfi been ca* qaainuni with Hh oompoiilmn and inodo of manufocW MUKdU B UOMI'OUNU 3 Y Rill’ or -YKI.I.OVY U.JI/h ROUT. I liavonUo been ccqtniiUed \*Jln its nodni fn*** n.dlm d na.e- aed can .ar that mall ' B V , &’ r t ‘HT; oaloalated to icm.-dl' ihscla.i m IJ,ii.i: to. y. blch it, (16 «iVnnd It ii PtneeiaJU laluabfodn INDKtLr aua ei ju aiendan'. *yrapiomi. it exuiti-i LIVLU. rea.ovci I nrpor. and laactivjtjr from *Afl and atitnulatea lir-althy action In alltbe iratero. Asa DM U UAVitH at nu ri »ii- lot th® Blond U hat no tuperior. . iOorlrfUi*’ LI. I Joo. I DAVID HOI-MCS. M.n. 1 Prepared by C. MORBK & Co M ao ( .44G Ututuhvny N. V .nmlsold by Dr• iggihle ond others llircuyhuUi this nn J other counlie* — ( 'D. WAT SOM , Agcid. Ao Mo 22 31IL Ed § i (;l,,nr,it ‘ lil . , ’"v -1 •L..**y*?d‘ , . & . 3 -.- 11. BUCHER SWOOPE ATP tfgkJßSfflS'S Jkff 2L&W i/UUMEKLY of the firm of * 'SCOTT & fcWOUiMV ! l lluoloßtlod I’a , w'll nttend laithfollj to all urolnu iooil Im'itin* HtiiruS'D 1 to h » cHft* bj th? uli/.ens of Clear field and Rtlj nuini^.counter. Uflloe next dcor to, and ovur ■ i's.t Wrielev’s oliin*>. I RCl’Ki* KiNCKS.—Uc*v. Dr. M’Leod, Jotm Scott. Taj.. lion CJeo. Toyior, atnl lion. Jus. G win, Ilun** Oi.ngdon.— Hon. tVm. I*. Krhnell, omi Alex. King. lied lord. Gen. Win. ii. Irwin, Lewistown. - ; Hon. Sirnuol Culvin. IJoilitiay slmrg. Gon. Willinm ’ Aj’res, Harrisburg. Gurnnutl & Crosv\p||, No. 211, i Market et . Philadelphia. 0‘ tober 27. J 853. A CARD. IA7CCLD rosi>eotful(y inform Id* fdends. and ihopublo Vv cenctniiy, that btsii'l ooutiuuci to attend to all oa field and attjoiojnjz that he hat tibiadiap and opensd out a PUBLIC HOUSE. >o tho tuwa ol PbiiPpsborf. Ccdtrd county, hud Ik fully prepared to aocommodate aff who may favor nlm with a -ifam • pd. CELEBRATED CATHOLICON,;3I therelkfaxidmie of suffering FemalaM ,rv 'lttlandip^Blaeitl AV \\ \\..' '>J J ‘••Ip all the dlieoiw.rttl /h'* r' ’ **• //, which Uiifecettimtitl A/#- ■ iW<*v • f-;: »rih« Womb,-Float I aiom. or Whltea;- I X'-X' Chronic infiamnlloa— , i#.’ i <•■ '. tad Ulceration of the ■V;7v ' Womb. lno|destame. . •!- • ... v morrhos* OrFloodiiif. :i\. ***}& rate - J ■ v^V'”. mntter how severe or ' '• -orhoirlont ttaodiiV • M» cwUcoa A* I •MtpaMM'*. Kilitr 1 ." Jx-1 dlci.ln bciDß marc car. *-ssOa jv A tain—!cn oxcaaiiita •Basaßaaisßsa >f n Bd . h BBiSp£a&!l££ all Intercited call and obtain a pamphlet (free) eoniiH. inc ample proof, from the moil ruOootuble loarcci.ol ibt, beneficial rerm lt» of ite me i tocolhe’with letter. rrora hlebl, eirnariencod Phytlolnni, whnr havo.nrcd it Ip Ifitlr trecUtt 1 and epoals from their own, ebiomiUOM. . I .uErEnip>StEa. r.n. ii ngitii Afi". M7']).,'i)uca, n. y. 1,. B. FI;EMINO. M. ll.,Uananilpii-n*, «. Y tu l>. w. i>..UananOau--....... i« 6t. 11.1111.1*3.Wri).. llochcitcr.Fl. Y. D.Y. FOOTE. M. I).. Byiacdjei N. Y. Prcf*. DUNUAU, M D.. Baltimore, Md. .1. (j. OHUIOK. M. l).,:Ba(tlrtora. Md ,W. W. U12E812, M. I).. New Yofh City. W.PIUS mo it leading drosiHU In adjoi&iag countici Letter niidreesod in care of;Mr. Card* llaicir, Agent at Hovenna, Ohio. « To Dr M AtfclllSl :-t have been.tec years doubled wltb Female Complaints—prolapsus o.cri, nod all the Attending d.f.icultiei; al umei rendering my life uaoii miserable than f hid the MUiDdnoce of somo of tho bo.t physicians. with bot {. : littU success; the mpst tney could do was to relieve—# c r 4 wn* out oflhc question. For fire m-rmiis before coramenclbj with yourntcdicico.'l had cot been nb'.oio purlorra a&y|p> bor, could walk hot o-few step* r.t a time, andocarcolr weal : outofdoois-insoort. 1 was comploiely prostrated, bpth tq body and mind, and expected to drug < ut the rettoimy day* In iiiHering and nrterr. Hof, reading your advcrtiictneai,! wm induced to try yoor Invalaable medicine called Uterine ; (jit hoi Icon, at the lait wort. 1 had not b*cd i*. r week before I felt Jikoanother woroun. Br the u;e of three bottle* l wm onnbied to perform all tho labor for tlx io tie family with eaie, and could walk anywhere in the neighborhood without ininrr. Nothin.: but a tome ol ray duty to you nnd jo Ih4 ufll’c'ed, ha* indu ed mo to state m 7 caio'o thepubho 1 oon tfcfdy rccommand tho preparation to all tho*e sofleriiri like miseif. (bined) Mrs. SAB All A. BJSUUl 1 , Freedom,Portico Co., Ohi". Dec. L7,185J. tsri. H. M ARCiUSI h. CO.. Proprietor*. Central Depot No. ?04.Broadway. N. Y Soi»t. I*. H>»- tPLEASAiViT EfIBLL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. i'HK ‘ wrcctfully nrconr.cet totho people ol ' i Cl.'arliold-nnii the udjoinmc counite* that hmtill cori.t, u '# to curry on tne a;ove buitoo * at hit exien*ivti establish, rneni in Ihe borough of Clearfield, and isnow prepared to manufacture ail kinds ol Oustings used for Grist Mills y Suw-Millst and all kinds of Machinery. IHsCnslinasaro no- ol a uperor quality— equal, tf aotm any olh«r I* the Slate—re he u*e* nouebnt the ver h-»t material.andemploys none but the very be»tol workmci ,I '* MACHINE SHOP, WithtwoinperlorTt;K'»lMJ LATHES, driven by iteatr, it now in sticocnlnlopciatto: and onder the ro.ißai’emiTrt r.t aurac’laal mechanic —wht-re atmotlany.article of mnchinoiy can be FINISHED in t bn very best stylo, and on short notice. lie ha* now an hand* a late© assortment ol U «.iuc». »uch nt STOVES eff var.o sstznaod patterns. PUOI (»H IKONS. WASH Kb Pi‘LKB, Lo.. 6ic.. wnio‘> heotfen toselllow for Catli, or on a reaianahle credit. Ho is now caitiuc, ft cm be roost approved pat'erm. n. i). rAtroN. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate a?id Coal Stoves. Also, Wanrd’s celebrated Plough. An-lnllkind.of HOI.I.GW-WAKE, BLEIOII am] SLED sulk*. w Aitus. Bsjxea. so , Me intendf lii.s pH on reasonable 'erms,, and traits that II i ciitzensofthecouuty general!) will mid it to their advantage lo five h;m their ctnto.n. CASH wit) Hlwnyt be preferred— but the 1-i G»p»! prices wi : l allowed lor Uountry Produce and CLU MiiT \l* A** l*u gives hi establish me-1 Ins personal supervision, a-1 orders fur w or* will at'enhoe. riearfieli Nov VP.t Kr l _ _ MoiC’s Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root. mills u a PURELY VHIJEI’AULKOOMPpUiNIF, .ciem 1 i.fioally I from iho i>«**t Boots and lleibioltho riutena Medion. and ha* caicel Hie uaiversal reputation lor •he luilvwiiitf elfdJts. t u : Hoguiaiinu umi Strfngthomng the liver and Dig***, live Organ?, and clausing the Stomach and Covvoi*, i-nd ihu* curir.T ail Bdloui D..ea*e». b ver Comylaiau. Dy* peusia. ln.hgf»uon . CosUvom **. IVc*. HuaJacbo. rover ana A«{ua. Jaunurg!. Naui*j, Uo*sol Appetito.&c , andoaminc tho food to non i»h md tdppcrl every part. PUKtFk INI* i'iJBBUU »AJ— And tbu* cnriac all llomoii, rptaceous KiuptioDJ, Hcrofaln. Halt Ifheum. Scald Hoad, Canker Pirap.ei on tbs laoj. Blotches, Ulcer*. Tumor*. Mercurial Oi*o ta», Uc. . „ . . L 1 RKUUU Ci'tNU TUKBfeCiiETARY ORGANS— And by enabllae them to perform their properJtunclioaf, Pte/caltag and curtus maoy painful and .nine nnd quicknninetlie Hervon.Srrt«Bi.tbui«lliynirNet. vou* trritaiioD, and undue all uitesut ol the Nerves,sacuti Hy leria, NuraLia, Cramps, fitc,. ' . It is uiuverunl in tiie euro ol till r cnrqlcConiplauili* as Weakness, general debi'ity. Irrecaiarlty,.Olq tructioflp I Sw’tiißirct tho Fe. t, bimba. Joiuts. ito., caused by wreas oc*»; ml-, LUNG aud THROAT COMPLAINTb. suob as I Co ds,Coughs. Aithma Cor-tumptiun Uo . also, Uropesy. LAKE'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, For ilio cure of Epilepsy or Fils, is performing more wonderful cures llinn uny other medicine yet known or beforo lire public. Price five Do I ars A IBolJie. The proprietor hat in hi* pastci'hu nomoroni oprUfioalM. narratiuc rho A6TGNI3JIINU ANI) MIKAL.LL.OUa GUHKd cflided by thii mwlioiae, and dirool* attention to the following only, to auure thotowho are so unfortunate iq bo r.ffl uted.with the terrible ducajoiicietoforeregaruea incur* able, that LAKC’S preueration. # . Is almost Infallible' in its Cure ! From Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jos. Brooks, late of Conn caul, Ohio. Mr. Z. I.AKK—Sir: Fleasp send rao another 1 danot like to do willioot iton hand. When 1 commenced giving the nJodimne .qrnyrou LCdgar, he hid from ono to th*ee fits per day, lie haj,nAW token theinedioina over five months, and has hai, I ttiux, but two till in that time, and those very light. pli bedy end mind are very much inioroeed ond by the blessing ol Goa, | jeel that the medicine will restore In* body and mind !to {tail wonted aotivity. He it US yean old, and has had fit*overt* yuan, which have b;en very freauenl, and very deslrucuva lo hi« conirtutlon and tniuil. Ilticdredf ordo'lars have ueett emended lor medicine to “CURIS FFW.". but nothing haj relieved him until ho used your gafioKS From Judson Landon, Superintendent if the Ashtainda County Infirmary. ) Mr. Z. LAKH— Plcnso: send raeafpw mors boltteiof your "FitfiTtdloinel mar nol ne«4lt. buuhl.h ,af o i tokoep itoalmuil. Vourmedicine haidone woutlorl/- 1 gave it to Dliss Jane Delano ! ah® ha* had fits lor kti featy brought on b? having ilmmeasle* whim: bat four veaiiad whiohcould not be brought °.ut to th#*orfaoe. j< A.fior taking (he mediclue ft few day*, the bad a fine crop of moaslos. and hmhad noliissince. Shehad fli.soiaymiitoraialmoitdqU* Bho and her lather oonepr with meingayin* that we believe the mediolne hasorwili work 1 atiogavotV# medicine to Mui Jano Henderson and AiU Ce'ty. who pave badlltsaimostdaily.foranurabcr olyearil Their fitfhavo ceaied. and 1 believe the mediome vrfll bavo the desired of* feet. Muob money ha* beonoipended by thefriends or the abjvouu ienufordociotlDgohll to no. pnrposo. In* cure waalelt for your medteioe to perform, and ( can cueerWfy recommend itat a valuable dnoovery. Respectfullyyourr, ; JUDSON LANDON* j Superintendent Aahtabula Co; infirm try. Propnred ondeold at wholesale by Z. LAKK.Coh*. .ncaut, Ohio.—‘E; ,F. WELLER, Travelling AgebJ* Sold by O.D. WATSON. Clearfield.—F. K« ARN/UJrf* Luther»burg and alio at tWllipsborg.— l»3d.—ty-^ ; Clever Seed'" ' 'iS°CE>333L m Andrew cross, of Boggstownship, announces to the; citizens of Cleat field,"’county, .that fie hoe on. hand,; af™ 8 residence, a largo qunntity pf wbjch ,\yil,i fa dispo^on r^ofl^ letermSf March 25, 858.—4tc-pdi , DR. J. B. MARCIIISI’S Epilepsy cau be Cared!