ASSASSINS OF ARKANSAS. mi 9&VB AND XtJTIIKNTIC HABBATIVG Of the Celebrated Fayetterville War. : Fayettervillo;' in Washington County, -Arkansas, is beautifully situated on an im mense platoau of the Ozark mountain^.— With its purling streams, delicious climate, pure nir, and brilliant sky, one would sup pose it a village fitted to inspire feelings of devotion, visions of poetry, and dreams of innocence and Eden. Alas! that the hor. jrible facts of its past history should prove Ihe pleasing inference from its topography an utter and glaring non sequilur; for there is not a street, or corner, or dark al ley within its limits, which hus not been the theatre of murder. There is scarcely of old gray limestone in its public square, that has not been more than once reddened with human blood. Let me daguerreotype the clique of le galized banditti I Let me paint them tq the life, not in rest, but in action, as I saw them on that dreadful sabbath in July, 1839 a day that will long be remembered by the people of Arknnsas, under the awful name of the “Sabbath of Murders.” if; ■. fit Mftch, It is eleven o’clock; the sky is cloudless; I the sunlight looks divine ; and a gentle breeze from the northern pruiries fans the bosomofthc ntmosphere, bringing balm on its wings, and delicious coolness. Almost the whole population of the country seems to hove 'urned out to-day ; for yonder vast court-house; in the centre of the public square, Is crowded from floor to gallery.— Hurk ! hear you not the ringingchorus of hulf n thousand voice's sending up on high the solemn chaunted hymn—n tribute to the Universal Father! Hence you may' know it is the Christian’s Subbnth ; and they uso the forum ns a church to-day.— But they are not all at church. See the door of the greut log grocery to the west, and only fifty yards (roin the place of er and praise, stands wide open, ns it in defiance of the luw and scorn of God. Go enter, and tuke notes of the sceno within. That portly massif flesh tjnd bones— he of the smullgrny eyes, lit with u cunning twinkle, like two coals of fire the oily ground of his fat fuce—is William McK. Bull, cashier of the Fayettcrville Bunk. In a shurp, sinister voice, he is directing the others how to do Kl th“ work well and quick ly.” Ho carries no weapons himsell ; for although a man. of amazing strength, he never fights, being a deacon of the Cum berland Church. And yet he is the soul ofthe Fayetterville clique ; he does ulltheir thinking. As a politician, his influence is unbounded ; and hence the current prov erb in Arknnsas — “As goes Bull, so goes Washington co.; as goes Washington county, so goes the State!” His name was ufiixed as a signer ofthe Constitution, and prefixed us compiler to the first code of laws, for digesting which he received five thousand dollars. He has grown rich within three years ; and his farm add slaves, lies a mile west of the vil- logo. Behold that tall, slender man, dressed in the extreme foppishness of the fashion.- You seo the hill of his bowie knifu gleaming through the snowy ruffles ol his shirt bosom; he is busily engaged ram ming home ti double charge into the bar rel ofn superb Deringer pistol ; hisfingors, glittering with gold rings, tremble nervous ly— it may bo with fear, or, perhaps, it is from pain—for, as you observe, his face is considerably lacerated. Big Tom Wag noncowhided him yesterday for insulting a female, and his companions or the clique will avenge the affront to-day. He is Mat thew Leeper—receiver of public moneys in the land office, a colonel of militrn, a lawyer, and a duelist. He, too, has acqui red a large farm and many slaves—some of whom, it is whispered, ure his near re lations. . , That handsome gentleman, leaning against the counter, with such a sleepv look, is the District Judge, the Hon. Joseph Hoge. He remarks lazily, in a thick, hall drunken voice— . “Bovs, l don’t think it will do for me to be seen among you. You know 11l have to preside on your trial.’, , ~ ••Very true,” said Ball. "You had bet ter go into the back room, and take a com fortable nap. The sound of pistols will woke you in time for dinner. You notice the small, hook-nosed youth in the corner, with that hang-dog counte nance. He is fixing fresh caps on 'ho tubes of his revolver. That is Mr P>e nsants -~ a mere boy in years, but a,hous “ ndy , h old in perjury and murder Hark. he speaks in tones of piping treble P “Gentlemen, as l am a sworn of ficer I’ll hang back at the outset, but help you if you get in a hard pinch. “That is right,” said Ball. Behold another of these twelve apostles and missionaries of murder, a perfect mountain of horse-like muscles, his brow stamped with the impress of drun^ enne e , B and desperation, as with a d ' e \ He , r ° e ‘ and swaggers across the floor with a bra - dy bottle in one hand and a double barre ed shot gun in theother, swearing through a storm of hiccups his favorite oath. “H— und forty lnjins, 111 make their ta This Sanders, Major-General of all the Arkansas militia, a very da "^ ou man when drunk-that is to say alwaysA But who is that tall, hungry looking] personification of fumine, with the corpse like face, nnd.all his nerves quaking with the imagination of the peril about to be in curred. That is the Clerk of the District court, B. H. Smithson, an arrant coward, but a very supple tool, notwithstanding- uaturn next to the three brothers—- the Shelleys, Bill, Alf, and Ripley. These are ownors of the grocery, and the most famous fighters of the clique. Bill, the el dest has alreudy slain his three victims ; Alf, the second brother, has killed two ; and. Ripley, the youngest,, though scarcely eighteen, has earthed one. They are all choice specimens of mere physical ergam zatioti, and one may, read, the word • horn- ENGLISII HUMANtTY. ... The Chinca Islands, it is well known, contain large doposits of Guano. British vessels,chartered by English subjocts, Have for months past been engugod in transport ing, by the cargo, the Chinese Coolies to these islands, and assigning them over to\ the Peruvian government, as bonded slaves/ for tho period of five years, during which time they nro amployed in getting out Gu ano for the foreign market. Tho.iaboli tionists of our country, and those who dro banded with English prejudices against the institution of slavery in tho Sduth, may find in tho succeeding account something to cool the fervor of their laudations, of English humanity. A letter writer from these Islands says : ___ ; “The Guano is dug by Chineso epolies icide’ in the lurid light of their eyes.— the horrors of tho drama. That dark-eyed I 'B'llC Fjirmcrs’ Cohllllll. WORK! \i (J RK . or laborers, who are brought here by Eng They lilerallv bristle withweaponsof death, girl of the ruven tresses, and the oriental, ~' ~ - , , I have seen and heurd of people who dish ships from 0 ree p . or 8 °,* See how silent and stern they stand, ban-, style of beauty, clung, as it were, in dy- „ Indian Cobn—A correspondent of the tho ht it bcncath them to work-to cm- live coarts. The poor fellows are made, to queting as it were on visions of blood. ing convulsions to the bosom of her lover, Country Gentleman P l '>ntedhve»cresor tl , cmso |ves industriously some.use- believe that they arc . ff q The last three of the dozen need but a kissed his cold lips, and strove to staunch “rn a" l«nd, ■ onellll&rent po J»nso« -htch fu , labor . Beneath them to work ! Why, engaging to servo «. ?, “S'ner dav id a brier description. They are also three the rod current that was issuing from his crops had been cultivated the year work is „,e grent motto or life; and he at a rial (York shilling) pet day, and a brothers, the Coulters, sheer Ws, ruffians, side. She spoke not, she uttered not even P re ™. He says. who the most, by his mdos- scan y allows. ce and common stabbers-the bullies of the a low moan, but gazed on eyes “Thocoryn ‘>--I-'P I « r ' d ' vth P 0 - try is the most truly great man-aye, and ,s * rrmncrv like one oppressed with a spectral dream. ta,oes »hdprevious season, was the best, . g lh(J mogt distinguished man among his mines of California. However this may Suddenly .».» f.oo appeared in i '° p^ b | r f n ' h " v “ beo ” h “ 1 ",‘yjßSili.f. w. g .j b 'l f;»; o. 0,h.; inX =$ trh iwra„ Hush .he s coming, said the emtssa- the lurgo or ie eye , 0 C' ur rv wus next in quuntity per acre, but falling , , lfl , b t wi j| no t work, neither shall heKder the original contract to lubor for five ry, in « whisper. j Southern summer-Margaret Gurry. consider , lb|e H short( / t ' lle lwo p | ul3 n | re „dy j‘ ®, *n idler is a cumberer of ' the/ 1 years ; but who is to know how far this Immediately a thumping footstep was Recovering from her sudden swoon, she ; d nnd near | y equalled by the!® -J d weury curse to himself, fos! contract, if such it may bo uuiied is adher heard approaching, and a young man o , knelt for a momen. wuh one hand on the jcce BoWed , 0 oalB t |,o previous year.— G m Zll around L Benen.f'cd to ? Tho fact is, .he poor Chinamen gigantic lorm entered the door, and saluted breast of the husband, and the. o liei on P plowed in tho fall was i * .■ ‘ , work i Why, what buV[arc sold into absolute slavery—the worst the company with a bold yet frank court-, the neck ol her brother ; then raising her * J P cWcn by worms> „„d ! dhs. ory mt bring forth the Cud most cruel, perhaps, in tho world.- esy. A genome model ol the back-woods,' streaming lacet w, 1, a look of u. alterable |Q com|iarud wilb .hat ! * ByQr n || oW D s him to bolero are about eight hundred or tho un us generous as brave, he turned to Locper despair, and shrieked he wildl cry of the - heBpring . Lastly, that on the P d with any a „ nm ment ho may foilunute creatures at work on these isl and said | alhetst into lhe vault oljleaven- E uckwlloat gro lmd, which was so situated made-of Jrk that he may have , nndV at a time; as fast as death thins “Matthew, Sol Tuttle tells me you want "Hop. •>.> “ nd > " e - lVlllt lho cropB G f the previous year along-' cflbcle d_what but this raises man above 1 then! out, the number is increased by im to drink friends. I’m willing provided you ! Then she bounded to her Teel, gave a sjdo it wfire on one side grass, and on one; . , , e creiltion and, under Providence 1 portntion. The lubor is severe, much moro own you treated the girl shabbily; but frantic leap towards lhe triple murderer, s ; de potnloeS) nnd the third side corn, yet j surrounds hlin w ; lh comforts, luxuries and so than that of our negroes on our south- Wiv be you didn’t know he -wus my fell prostrate before him, and exclaimed in from [ht) time the co rn came upon this | refine , n ents physical, moral and intellect-! ern planlntions. They are kept hurd at sweetheart. tones of terrible entreaty, inexpressibly ~ , 0 ., h0 lime of ,h e harvest the corn., b i ussin „ s V The great orator, the great work in .the hot sun throughout the day. And the big bufTalo hunter, ns ho was ntournlul, like the wail of a lost soul— QS fl le sick | y yellow colot, nnd very! and ” he great scholar, are great work-, On tho middle of the island they are task generully called, held out Ins hairy hand. “O, mun of blood! Shelley ! Shelley ! gmnll sjze whi | e on lhe , bree sides afore- ’ men Thdr vocal ion isinfiniicly more'ed, euch one, slfong and weak, alike, to “Como to the counier, 1 ' said Leeper, in Give me buck my husband nnd brother; sn - id> lbo corn was dork gretm, rank and | ubc , r j OU3 lbun that of n handicrnfiman; — dig from u hill and wheel to the mangne a hollow voice, “come to the counter, und give me faith nnd hope once more, and | uxur j„ nt . q'ho yield from this plat was nnd lbe stu dent’s life has moro nnxietv rns five tons of guano each, per diem, we’ll all drink.” will believe there is a God | twenty bushels or nubbins per acre. than that of any other mun. And nil, Guano is compact, like hard clay-ltko They ndvuneed lo the bar, and Ripley Then I said mentally, ‘ I would not bo tJe - nce { conlQnd) that of all common ithout lhe perseverance, the attention to loam, and as dusty when dug as ashes. Shelley filled their'glasses. Tom Wag- that assassin for the dominion of all the the worst l 0 precede corn, is buck- rou , industry, can never sacceed. Hence On the north ftfond it has to bo blasted for non, unsuspecting, did not observe .hut pla nets the diadem of lhe slurs whea , the number of mere pretentions to scholar-, the steam paddfe. It has to bo wheeled Ball and the Couliers look their stations; But ho, the unfolding, fiend laughed a r . ship, or those who have noi tho strength from a , hundred V r^ 9a q °[ n direct I v behind him. ; IIW . peering chuckle in her face, and wi- Sowing Cohn 1-or f’j dugl| y , be rcn i scholars, but stop mile; the nature oClhe labor may be con- Leeper raised his gloss, and fairly his- ping his gory knife on h.s sleeve, shouted : springi l sowed about ihree acres , J o - nd Qre Bma[terur9 _ a shame to ceived. The ChineseNvork almost naked sed ibroimb bis teeih— I “Como, boys, lei sgo to the grocery nnd , intending to cut it green but, " G’ ion ! under a tropical sun, wheVe it never rains. “Here’s a funeral toast to those that do- drink ! Three ruscnls are dead and ourj wing to the favorableness 0 th ® [| Be nca.h human beings to work! Look; They are sfonder figures,W donot look S e rV e ii ” ! counier shall be free for u week ! for grass, but one acre was cut—lhe other, (he gnrreti ■ strong. Negro dnveis—jhe most ugly At the same inslnnt Wognon found his! And the clique nnd their nil , lwo we ro cured for fodder. I h ?, vu no \ whcro tho gc . n ius of immortality stands loqkmg blacks I ever sail, are stationed arms pinioned in the hug of Bull and the joined in a mad spree that lasted till the jdoubt .he produce from .he one ; 1 hjs work wllh Q ri uneffacea- among them, with heavyjhongs, which I pu.1,.!! a.o mrazle of 1.,. ; , SP | CV UECLINITIOS. j!" n!Tpll.w'.'iid j SoCr,*™«» on“iSfe. ssui'S3.s™-:SSis: -sse “Ho I lor another cap I shouted the , com|nended r<)r Moyorn , ty in Hagers- pleted s then run 'the roller over .t and it. follyi idleness nnd use-; ness. The fact that some&fhe Chinese baffled assassin,. poo i|v felt in 1 fo' vn publishes the following spicy decli- ne eds no more attention. Wo. put lhr< j® ', Belter to wear out in a year than almost every week comnrui sqfoido foes- And Mr. Sheriff ' nation in the last Chronicle. It is certain- an d a half bushels to the acre. I would cenlu cap e their fate, shows thdtrueW of the his pocket and presented the mur j, y t 0 lho point: T . - prefer putting it on a piece ol ground that B , h human bel J g9 , 0 work ! Why,'case. 1 was told that more than)fifly had wuh a fresh one. I o , r v ... nnner was not to be seeded, in order to save labor i„„ r,n,.rt nnr fields cloth- i killed themselves durinfe tho year. I hey immense sirengih into one mighty t-f urt, o n “ 1 T l "“ wiihout feelinu at all in- ,and let it stand until dry, then bind it in | c > urc ' . u\Vo'rk out yoursalva- water casks slung on poles, between two, and shaking off his |? es ' ®P r< oul °f he door, amilruly ran for his lile , ?i „ L.-n imrnded ns a comolimcnt sail it. Cuttle oat it with great avidity, ™“° n ’ * 1 well ns in barrows,take wcightsakSgqther He was the fleetest fool-racer m the val- "o. have been m . |k when |fcd on , y ._ Gentiles. - S disproportionate to th^leni^(form\- lev of the Mississippi; but he outdid him- I ihisinsinnce is naramounUo ull VVe propose putting down ten or fifteen Increase in the Price of Newspa- T|)ey , ook u „happy/ns well they may.— self that duy. It wus more like flying ihun (whic n P / acres this spring and calculate lo savo two PK rs.—The Philadelphia Bulletin in speak- W(J know that the (Chinese are strongly at running, while the dozen gave others) • rol(r by l!)e opernlio n. First, in curing hey ; ing c r tho prospect of an increase m lho ■ tached to lheir nali U soil. Wretched and mad chase in the rear - 7 w^" Iy . P ls ° S I ln form . correct cunc | us fo n seri- there is almost always difficulty in pro- price of newspapers, says that for more bu |f. barbu rous' us ihoy may be, dark as were fired at his buck. The Shenffemp- ty to nninion that to nre curing men, even at tho highest wages. — lban a yca r the price of paper has been be their soul, they still have human tied a six barrelled revolver and Genera Second insieed of mowing forty or fifty steadily increasing, and instead of exhibit-. p eebngSi nn d lam not so constituted that 1^ Sanders let off his double barrelled shot , side over tits par icuur com jg acreS) we wdl bavo them lor pas.ure, i ng any symptoms of decline, threatens “ cau witness the injusticeiof their sufferings gun. For several seconds it was one con- be apo i J ’ which does not impoverish the land lilto , s ij|i future rise. In part, this is attributed ; w j,hout eompnssicm-—wiihout indignation, tinuous roar. Bullets and leaden slugs flew still worso, wt ou • consc j ence mowing. I think there is no crop which to the enormous consumption, which has j h QU , lt to be made known whoroEnglish like hail. One shot killed a colored wo- | Second--I ha o ™ con b bet(Rr than 80Wcd increased the demand beyond the capacity |aw p b revuils , that these poor creaturesare man drawing water at the public well, nor harness necessurv in this ware Republican. of the supply, but in part also .o the diIII- deteived anl j sold into servitude from another pierced the glass window of the sale w ,y ,j t . pub | ic - ; j cully in obtaining rags, in foci tatteis arc iwb j c h they almost daily seek escape thro court house, nnd broke u man’s arm with- day lo secure an election to any p PoTAXO Rot.—Our agricultural cx. i Qt premium . Old clpthes grow scarcer ev- deu|h) by Englia | imen . It is not domestic in three feet of the minister, just reading office. t 0 dluco changes abound in nrticles on the cultiva-1 ery day) a Blran gc phenomenon, especial- slavery ‘ in which they are placed ; they bis text; and a third put out tho eye of a Third— \ have not lhi c B P tion of potatoes, and the prevention of the ; )y these limeB 0 f prosperity, when every . wore nul born slaves ; they are not pro bo 2 bosom of its mother, at the myself uncier g hands with rot. But these recommendations are no body buvB tw i ce as many garmen'si ns they lec(ed by any | aWB ; there are no women di< two hundred ynrds. But Tom Dick and Harry, or shuke hni 80Un der than the potatoes themselves. AH wer e. accustomed to formerly. W ithout mo| lgll)ern . their condition is worso than W ill escaped unhurt, and left h.s every scaly blackguard a he imminen perceive of a positive character on old clothes there ore no rags ; and without. h ottbe crl minals, exiles or prisoners in nursuers far behind. ! rlB^ o( more nn,fodco to in- the subject, consists in the refutation, by , a , os , no paper. What will be the civilizod na tion. It ought to be every- P “Never mind, I’ll catch him,” cried Fourth—l have not P lhc production of some stubborn fuels, ol | resu | ti it would tukc a second Solomon to wl)ero known . Americans, yvho have to Bill Shelley, as, pistol in hand, he unhitch- quire into the state of overj man she of - lhe disease, and of every , teU . Certainly, if the price of paper con- re roacbes of the English for .nst.tu ed a horse that happened to be in the way believing lhat . l ° n D w| e d?m of the condi- remedy yet proposed. One writer says , inue;j l 0 advanc( ., newspaperdom will find , (iong , ntuiled upon them, and which they and thrust his foot in the stirrup to mount, nence through a I ® d “‘ ’ ° ld be that he treated a field in a certain manner ilseirin a tighl corner. People by some , d nolavoid have a right to reply, that and thrus G B bro th- " on of ‘ he bowels wouldl be travel remedies, of the efl.cacy of s(range perver sity, expect to get their jour- j |he worst slavcry that, exists among the But that movnen , C J from (he ing to distinction through a very disag - hnye beon fu ,| y convinced na , 3 ° t ‘ he o | d price, no matter how much ldvi , ized nal i on s of the earth is maintained er-tn-iaw ol Wagni , bri . , able channel. _ Qg no , hj of tho ro t appeared-but for s wiU adv anco, or tho price of paper | b British subjects, who transport coolies court house, and, se.ztn 0 j Therefore, Messrs. Edttors,you will per lhG fnct (hQt b anolber fie |d, cultivated en- fise _ Y et if the increase continues much Cbinclla I B l nnds . - die, he said . Tom’s ceive tl,at > having neither the tncltn it n, different, turned out just us sound | on „ er a po i n t will be reached with many j . “For God s sake, Shelley, p [nor the conscience, nor the constitution, y from disease. newspnpors, where the cost of paper alone' Beautifui. Sentiment. Ihe b • life - : ’ ..■ . , _ nlnst Currv’s nor the coura l? e > nor the P alle, ' ce r9qa:sl 0 The lrulb i, that the whole theory is a m consume nearly the entire net recipts ; ( foi extruct below is from the pen or th Shelley thrust hls P.f 0 . 1 a 8" "/! ad Q L for the contest, I would not,, be likely to g , _„ olhing is rea ||y known for u an d in BUQ h a crisis, they must either od. H on. George S. Hillard . I confess that side, and discharged its load - ; get enough votes. If I ?? uld 80 [ v ®. certainly about the disease except.its ex- vance their prides or stop altogether. increasing years bringwiththem anD fire into his heart! , . ! follow-cilizens in some position that might . y . i ts destructiveness —nothing —. ..'creasing respect for men who have not The latter, without a groan dropped 10 i be ntla i ned honorably, lam frank to admit fjt causes or remedies. Oirlt wus examinat.onday incur school,.; gucceeded in life, as those words are com the earth a corpse. thati without regard to profit it would of- wha ‘® , continue , 0 experiment and we had ‘read, spealt, —told the sounds of mon)y uged> Heave n is said to be a place “You have killed him, cried Lorenzo | ford mB pleasure to do so. But to put my- Paa P ■ eof the rot may some time be all the letters that had sounds—said the, for , hose who not succeeded upon D Pollock, one of Curry s friends, ln a , self in „ position in which every wretch lhe true “ u Meun while instead of lead- ‘breviations’ and ‘mortification table ' vl ‘h- earlh ; and it is surely true thnt celestial voice of despair. . . I entitled to a vole would feel himself privt- discover . * prev enta. out missing a word—und then wore ranged es do nQt best thrlve Q n d bloom in the “Yes nnd I will kill you.’ exclaimedl: q ho]d me onder 3pociQ i o b llga u„ns f «ng »« ■^ aad ifejle to prow completely or. the floor in front of ‘visitors to be look- ot blaza of W ordly prosperity. IH-auc- Shelley, with the distorted countenance of | u)d bo g iving ralher “to much pork for ! ,ve ™ lg “ r would ralho r advise them to ed at and to answer such questions ns they oeM Bomolime B arises from n superabun a demon, as he unsheathed h.s bow, «- k " ,Pe * n shilling.” I therefore most ,ne *° ’ f na praclicab | o , other vege- or the teachers saw fit to ask. Where was dance of qualit i e s in . lhomsel, ' es ” rr fa ”i d and assaulted the unarmed man, whom ho decl > the inte nded dishonor. " u '' s “ • uncer P tain potato. For the John Rodgers burnt to death ? said the con3cienCo 100 serts.tivo, a taste too fastid instantly hewed down in his tracks. Yours truly, John W. Boyd. _.. rnoso n f feeding to animals, this will be teacher to mo m vo • j oua a self-forgetfulness too rotn » Wngnon, also, in his flight, had recog- . -■ - f ? nlm, ether Ixoedient. Except for couldn’t tell—lo the next-no answer-, modeBt - too relir i„g. I will not go so far nized imploring voice of Curry, and A bashful -fellow who nvns about to found thnt will not' ‘Joshua knows,’ said a little gtrl at the root m(o ’ ay< wilh tt living poet, that “the turned in time to see him fall. Then.;ci- et mnrr i e d by a minister who re( l u,re °“ f more profitable. New York of the class. ‘Well,’said the teacher, if wgr | d knoW s nothing of its greatest n' en . ther distracted by the horrors of his B,tu -1 responses, resolved to make himselt per- rot, nr ® ' p Joshua knows ho may tell. ‘ln the fi-er, bul there ara forms of greatness, or at adon or supposing that the tiger-men were | fec {' in , he respnnseB of the marriage sor- Evening Rost. Bnid j oshua , looking very solemn and wise. of oxco i| enC o, which ‘die and make nlrendv sufficiently gorged with blood, he vico; but by mistake, committed to memo- iv^-When a returned ambassador intro- That was the last question. Wo hud “T I no sign,’ there are martyrs that miss the ventured to come back nnd throw himself (ho ons wers on baptism ;so when the Kj Jameg u Spanish noble of erty t 0 make u || the noise we pleased f or , p alm, but not. the stuke; there are heroes on his knees by the dead body of his sis- c | ergymnn asked him “Wilt thou huve meon m telle C i, but covered wilh jewelry, fi ve minutes, and go home. | without the laurel, and conquerors with* hmhand. „. . this woman to be thy wife, Azc., > tho , amie CXC lnimed, “Hoot mon, and ye mind phrases and cant terms, in the 011 l ,h e triumph.” . Fatal to him was thonct. R'P ,e y sb «- bridegroom answered in a very solemn of So , omon *s importation-gold, pen- muu)h of uny one , nre ,,o say the least, in, ■ nothillg can ga(U lev knocked him down wltba I f! , ?*> , r o ,!l tono :“I renounce them nil. cocka ond apes. exceedingly bad taste; but when they Tull Pen erou9 spirit than to be placed stone; nnd the humnn-devtl. Bill, do ' ,b The astonished minister sat , ftj-The ‘H IB “Czar” is a corruption of. from lho bol?u tiful lips of un apparenti lady, t 0 lllion by P mQ anne9s, it i* purely, atelv lifted up his arm, ns he lay uncon*| you aro n | oo |. i.aii ,hUT Htpad the word “Cmsar,” which was originally | , bcy dea | n death blow to preconceiv ~•» . bebo | do n to one of iu /own, scious on the ground, and plunged the long .. To which he replied : All this I stead- d utfo. „f honor by the grand idoas 0 f that lady V refinement, and croafo A j fob h d g uering blauo up to «ho bill ID tho seat fust , belietfo ” S and recently assumed by the cm. j a discord in the listener’s oar which tt re- ca!,br o Cb..r.«^».« of life. . q hhnlh Penn’a. Puoup WoBKB.-jMessrs.Bing- ° orB of BuS sia. ’ | q uires many vl°w yusimg vojoas oTlo«. « b ®“ *XWve- tho selfish nntf.apr^, Then suddenly broke upon the Sabbath ham Dock have proposed to ,he Pe ““j. don’t wish to get angry ..never to restore toltsoriginaily delicate con . ly 1 f vu | g(l r humanity. air two shrieks—two wild wa.hng of tQ , eaBo the main me of wi f h Q b | ockhead . Remember the q^Twolrishmen were m f e®“?s : to ; d of n fna „ remark unutterable yjJJS f the public works, and f dufler the razor, the more you cut your- for stealrag a cow, and the other for steal-; Jj^ bsenCo o f min d, who,dining onha. Curry and the beautiful bottomed o. b | dollurs for the use of tt lor ten years. 80 if and swear. - ing a wa‘f, b - .. , . •„ a ghabbV^■'repast, with a frieudj, fimcieff non hurried from the court hqu , j do as4he look- at fofegrnph reports that, the New “Mike, said the cow stealer, one d y j n y hl9 P to wn House, iiiiJ » they hnd been attending • .-p hus-Uhe bright-side of things! For while t y k g en ate has tailed to pass the prohibt- ‘'whiß o clock is tt] «f«h hnnde • aDolonse for iwoii swooning on the corpses or hus- he uis lhree ti(nes fo Jaw oyer the Governor’- veto, «Och, Pat, l haven’t myjvatoh handy, apologtse tor i band nnd lover. . , n : PO r t he digestioni ” f Xhe melancholy mrin don t t - tiWirt therolbre cflTectvialjy killed, but I think it is milking time. The sorrow and rrenzied despatr ot tna utg - bereaved females heightened to madness I even reitsn «• V.y « r . ' Ctcttfielfr ftemiWfcfttt A WEEKLY PAPER: DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. / . * , - Sun (DHo&ffHoMs ©\r©iry W©aliim©sdlffiiy M®ffaiag Iby IBsim®! W. M®©ir© OHsurlk WfiHo®mu Volume 5, Clearfield, Pa„ April 26, 1854. Number 14.