VALUABLE PROPRTY jgjfc: - Aft Fffihr.&ft© m r|;>HE subscriber oilers at private sale, '.p. three lots, situate on Fhilbert st., in ,the" Borough ol Curwensville, with a splen did NEW TANNERY, supplied with n fountain pump and every other necessary convenience, two dwellining houses," in good condition, with other out-buildings, and one stable thereon erected. The property is in good condition, being Well supplied with water &c., and will be disposed of on rensortnble terms. For fur rier particulars apply to J. D. M’Knally, Clearfield, Fa., or to the subscriber on the premises. S. 13. TAYLOR March, 4, 1854.-Cin. List of Petit Jurors for Moy Term, 18)4. JOHN Lilz, farmer, Beccaria; F F Coudriet, lumberman, Covington ; Wm Williams, funner, Jordan; Jns Mc- Ghee, farmer, Bell; Adum WJiceland, far mer, Burnside; A M. Gill, farmer, Brad ford; John Long, farmer, Burnside; Oli ver Conklin, farmer, Lawrence ; Jos Lon don, farmer, Boggs ; Benjamin Babcock, carpenter, Clearfield : Daniel Fry, farmer, Chest; James Graham, (of Isaac) farmer, Bradford; JosPostlethwait, farmer, Brady; Geo Ellipgor, Jr., farmer, Brady ; James Flanagan, farmer, Bradford ; W C Foley, fentleman, Brady; David Hoyt, clerk, ‘erguson ; Grjer Bell, farmer, Ferguson; Abraham Goss, tnrmer, Decatur ; Joseph Ilcnth, fa.rjrier, Fox ; VVm L. Risher, fnr- JP per, Goshen ;G W ShofT, farmer, Wood ward ; James McMurray, farmer, Burn side; David Gearhart, farmer, Decatur; James Jolrnsun, firmer, Jordan ; Jns Elder, farmer, Bell; Mutthias Hollopcter, farmer, Xfnion ; Bamuel Fullerton, farmer, Lnw-j renco ; Matthew Caldwell, farmer, Fiko ; A G Welch, farmer, Lawrence; Benj’n! Baird, firmer, Bell; Bcnj Bonsnll, farmer,! prndy ; Wm Mitchell, farmer, Lawrence ;' Andrew Addleman, farmer, Lawrence ; —i Wm. Bridgens, farmer, Karthaus ; John Hoover, farmer, Mori is ; Jacob F'rnntz, ,carpenter Brady; A T Scriven, ph ysicinn, | Beccaria ; E. R. Livergood, farmer, Gosh- j en ; John Byer, farmer, Woodward; Josi Peters, teacher, Curwensville ; J 1' Bloom, I farmer, Jordan; John MehafTey, tnrmer,; Burnside; Joseph M’Clnrren, farmer, De catur ; George Wilson, jr., farmer, Boggs; ( Joseph Lytle, farmer, Lawrence; Andrew; Crods, inn keeper, Boggs. List of Grand Jurors, for May Term 1554. ITOHN Swan, lumberman, Beccaria; — £■ William T. Gilbert, blacksmith, Bell; David Flegal, Jr„ farmer, Boggs ; Conrad Ginter, farmer, Woodward; Dan’l. Liv ingston, tailor, Curwensville ; John Hauch cnbury, farmer, Chest ; John Orr, lum berman, Bell; T. D. England, farmer, Pike; Benjamin Carr, sawyer, Girard ; J, F. Lee, farmer, Bell; Jacob Koons farm er, Gjrard; M. A. Frank, tailor, Clear field; Wm. Miller, justice, Covington;— John Rider, farmer, Covington ; Mordica Livergood, farmer, Girard; G. W. Rhcam, saddler, Clourfield ; Edward King, farmer, Burnside; Reed Alexander, former, Wood ward ; Joab Rider, fqrmer, Covington ; J. A. L. Flegal, farmer, Goshen ; Joseph Logan, farmer, Decatur; Edward Wil- Jiams, farmer, Ferguson ; Abraham Hoo yer, farmer, Jordan ; Silas Munn, farmer, Union. ' i Estale of Hpviil Sneketl, Deceased. NOTICE is-iheroby given, that letters ol Administration have been granted to {he subscribers on the estate of David Sackett late of Clearfield Borough,. Clear field county, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately, nnd personshaving claims ngainst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. PHEBE SACKETT, > A , , GEO. SACKETT, i A,lm rs March 14, 1854.-0!. ' ~~K STEAIIHAW MILL LO W FOR CASIL Steam Saw Mill which has been JL in successful operation at Fostoria, Blair co. for four years will be sold for SopOOjcash. Thi9“mill is in excellent con dition—has cub within the last four years, five million of foot of lumber ; the owner paving cu( off all [tis timber is anxious to dispose of her and will sell her for one third of her cost. Any person wanting to purchase can see her in operation at Fos toria, on the Pennsylvania railroad. Ad dress, G. Fostoria, Blair co., Pepna. G. A. MADSON, Mnrch 15, 1854.-2 m.-pd. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP citizens of Curwensvillo and JL Lumber City nnd their vicinities, will take notice that the co-partnership of Monteliusi-Ten Eyck & co., has this day been amicably dissolved, by B. Hartshorn I taking the store at Lumber city, and A. M. lljpfltelius, E. Montelius & VVm. Teh Eyck taking the store nt Curwensville.— They continuo to do business ol the old stand, under the title of Monte (ius, TT-n Eyck & co., where they will be happy to wait on all who may call on them. The bpoks nnd papers arc left in their hands for settlement. Curwensville, March 15, 1854.-2 m EING extensively engaged in the ruanufacluro of paper, wo will pay f° Country Merchants and others having rags for sale, more than the present mar ket prices — Cash. , JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Manufacturers, Philadelphia—Nos. 24 and 20 North St. Istst. below Arch, between sth nnd oth March 15, 1854.-2 m. ON Tuesday night last, a small Gold prenst Pin, of little value to any ppe ownei 1 . The finder wjll be reward eq oh returning it to the subscriber^ 'V "11. B. BWOOPE. February 10,1854,-tfi |i]L®©k to Y®imir]lmtoirfflottoji|j , E. l. miller, M Purchase Where You Please l 8§ S U .HS;“! • him promptly altoidcd to^Ai'dreit. jsQ-4 Cboti F. o.,Xh«aifleid county. April 4, 1d64. Si , “' { ®P lea f ulo '° r announcolo^ r g ' T. JEFFERSON BOYER. JL old menus, thnt 1 nm prepared toMl piiYSiuiAN-cnn b« found at hi. oiiioo m uitiiers. CHJsell nil kinds of f irnoprloq *■ , HIJKiI, ClotihoM county, f"n., when not nbionl on pio UII lIIIIU3 ui viroeillts feiilouolbuiineti. „ SeiUcmbjr». mS3. cKJirmn any other house this side ofPlill.i© —~~ wudelphin. Call arid sec prices Doh’JIP MOSSOP & POI'TORFE. OC *, , " P rlas ' Uonl d}j RETAIUERSOFI'UUE.ONaNDDOMEdTIOMJSR rannsInke the place, at ihc corner onno-Si' av uiiandise a i.iauuaa-on tiio wntiidoni mu- ihc Pennsylvania Hail Rond LM ““MS' WPU,II ” lno u'—wd.p.. gjpoi. Goods delivered at Tyrone two|yj PI. P. THOMPSON, MUliys nllcr purchasing. Mind lhat I® pfIYSICIAN-Mny b. found eilhornt hi. otlke.nrniScc. gtocup McssTork, Bacon and Tobacco, B ,b..Sr! J,,h1,1el ~ Curwem,lll> ~' th,,1 ‘ nol *Vyiiito Lead, Oil, Ropes, &c. All®' SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, Mol which will be sold nt a very low® nmi mior undsnoi: MANUEACTimER SJfprofit for cash. J. R, EBY. M *. A M Harrisburg, Feb’y 8, 1854. ££ HR. S. L. COBLE, ail pllYSlClAN~re»id.nco oao mileand a half south cnit ol r. ~W^ v ai ? I dumber City, on the Kjd*o Load lenrttnr to Now Wath* I THE CRYSTAL PALLACE, V LYMAN S. PIIELPS, S abouf .o close, and so is A. M. Hills ! OlOrC. JiClllg (iCSiroilS lo close out Rvcrul yenri viperieoco in tho bo«ine»*. mikes mo i. lts i°i *n ii r .• ■ foolconliileni lhai I oan r«,n lur (tor.cral inUdiclion I would Ills SlOCk 01 goods, 1)0 Will sell tor the rca- Uwelure, Uiu Liultv icoidVwn ihnreol public patronato. ,i„ nnsli f«4 1 • rT i Corwren*viPo No», HI IH.iS —-3 trm. dy cash lor cost and carnage. He lias on - , - —— hand a splendid assortment of all kinds of CiP.O. B. GOODLANDER, r... i • . , I^7AOU \-MAKl)K—Lnlhersbure. Work done to order goods usually round 111 0 country Store. — Vy or shod nuUm*. nnti on goodtermi. Dee iltf.'ol, Some good pieces of Dcoskin Cassimcre, A. K. WRIGHT, a choice lot of Cloths of almost any and (VI erciiant anu extensive healer in mim every description. Beautiful Cashmeres, • nIK-* 100 "' 1 -,,,^0^ and some of the latest patterns or French WILLIAM BLACKSIIAIRE," Merinoes, and a largo lot of Calicoes, piAiiiNET anauiiAiHMAKEit.nn.i house & sign Giurrlinmq IWdiQ nml Slnfirinriri; v I’AINTEK—onn door soul hof llis PrekbyUrion‘Jliuroh, vjiugiiams, noons unu aiauonnry, Hoots seoondmret.eie.iriicid. p*. aihii u». ism. and Shoes, particularly ladies wear'bf - r-p-rißni? wiTQnv AII°W r { n n ? nd C T’. cl " llJ^ n ’ s Hoods, p [iyal(;(A^£ R L i; arul um.Erts- All VVOOI Uelancs, oaltinotS, Iwcods and *• UUKO, when ujlnbicnion proiorsionalbminei*. Flnnncls, Hardware of almost every kind, - ioi> no. ihsu. Qucenswnrc and Crockcrywarc, Fancv JOSEPH 11. DRL/TII, nrtlrtlrtc Prtrtfo n „i |„r. ii j • ' OLAUKBMITfI,atNE\V WASHINGTON,CIesrIieId co., articles, OfCIltS. and Hosiery, OCC. ; 13 whom nil kind* of work II done IU hit Jineol buiinftat.n The subscriber is bound to sell out his 1 lh< ” h °™""“ lic «‘■"- 1 ro °“ r*•( it »«d shoe mak ek, second urea, nenrir oppn> ic offeree, under the title of Smith & Brown.; r . .. We are readv to wait on nil our old friends JAMES HOLLENBACII, and customers, and ns many new ones J ,'as will favor us with a call. Just give us' HENRY LORAINE a call at the old stand, and we will con- IJ II \ 31CI AN nmi DfltiGlilSC, on Msrkoiitreal oppotit<* vinco you that all wo have told you is 1 .. h » _ap,i.i«. ihw. true. We have n large well selected j JOHN VV. SHUGERT. stock of goods, and will sell nt wholesale W^' l>N r m ak „ er ' ° r Third nmi i.ccoit uma D , • . , , Xy. VW Kepaiiißg donn lo order. Apnl. 16. ’6J. or retail T as we have said chcnpsr?lhan , OTr , rT ; nr . c » you can buy clsowlicrc. Lumber Yirain CihU. KILIL\uDS, and all kinds of Produce taken in ex- change for S°°ds r j THOMAS SHEA,' Curwensville, Jail, lull, 1854. j 1 * lr '«Uiinmeiii»ielyo»eitnelWOce-Clenrhnl.l |t _ i Notice. The subscriber being desi-: FREDERICK ARNOf D rous to settle up his old accounts, (which ,vtEnciiANT end produce dealer. Loihonborj his old friends and customers having un» I ITI »» *51?,“ I Jan. Gth, 1854. ; __ a p hi 17. ibsj j I —l7 —: I DR I<\ ANTES CANFIED. * ' * JOHN IyLINGER. |lAVlNG,t)archnifdthe property ami tiiuaiin* ol Dr,G. F BLACKSMITIIING. J ..r PHENOII Vila!. Kln J' vkilnuJ) in ce"no' ionrla.'l! subscribers respectfully inform - ,0 " B the residents of the boro’of Clear- SAMUEL ARNOLD, field and vicinity, that they have entered | iVI o?Mra*yoo"» l tT , ’. IPa.UlJl;li 1 Pa. UlJl;li UEAL A?kMj^raJ'° r '- into copartnership, and intend carrying on n adl’ hi at a ttt the above business in all its branches, at ' T anner-a.u.. ,iu hta.ndu uuVw.-’.,iii, the old stand of George Orr on third Pei-siusn. street in said borough, and they hope by ; GEO. W. UHEKM, strict attention to business, and bein'* con-CAonLEii.iiAKNEssa thunk manijkauturkh stantly furnished with a good assortment j ,Jru * s,oro !»«□. au, i«yj. of iron, to be able to give satisfaction to| GIBBONY F HOOP all who may patronize them. Every cf- : ijavino ci>» n «,]|,i. rmi.ienoa .ron. i->ooh*i’io to ic r . fbrt will be made tn have MiPtr wnrl* rtrvnn » in Morri» towrnhip. leiptcll'ullT olT»*r» Inner i *in uv umuu iu ua>L> illtir »» OTJ*. none rroumUng community. Jane 1853 according to promise, and in a substantial ! “ ““ —- manner. Country produce of all kinds 1 JAS. B. GRAHAM, , i • . ' I . , , ! OUST MASTE.t, MEUCHANT „,mI nUAI'KIUNLUM taken in exchange for work—and cash *■ beh—Uiahamion. Uraiifuid lonumim-. never refused. 1 _ I, " J 37 ■ N. B. —Our shop will be open from daylight on Monduy morning until 4 P. M. Saturday of each week. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS ALL Collectors previous to 1853, w/l take notice, that if the whole amount of their Duplicates arc not paid in full on or before May Court, they can positively expect to pay Sheriff’s costs immediately after Court. And a number of Collectors for 1853 will bo dealt with in the same manner if they do not attend to this notice. Wo are determined to have those outstand ing debts County collected in or der to make cash payments for all liabili ties in the future progress of the business of the county. By order of the Com’rs. G. B. GOODLANDER, Clerk. Clearfield, Feb. 5, 1851. Clearfield Pottery. FR. LEITZINGER, respectfully in forms the public, that ho constantly keeps on hand a good assortment of fancy Pettery wnro, such ns Crocks, Dishes and Stove Pipe Collars of every convenient size. Farmers if you want to buy cheap, give us a call at the Clearfield Pottery, near George Qrr’s Blacksmith Sfiop. Country produco will bo taken in ex change for ware, nnd a liberal reduction made to wholesale purchasers. January 11, 1854—1 y. Terrific Slaughter of the Russians EBy (D©mMnn©all EfUoQtaS AND the cheapest, bpstnnd largest as sortment of Boots and Shoes in the county, can bo found at R. Glonnans’ cs tablishrtiont, two doors west of A. M. Hills’ stole. If you doubt it pleaso call nnd bo convinced. No purchase no pay. ~ R.GRENNAN. February 1,185'4’.'“" 7 L. JACKSON CRANS, AT 3L AW, OFFICE, adjoining his residence o Second Street Clearfield, Pa. Hav ing charge of Judge Burrettfs unfinished business, Judge B’s. chants will find their papers in his hands, and obtain from him such information as they may desire. Fifty Bushels of Beans, O N hand and for sale at Smith’s Cheap Store Curwensville, Pa -Jan. 25 >54 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD 00. C. KRATZER, VfEKCIIANT and, UJMUfcll DKAI,EII-Comer of 1 iTI Krunt anJ Locust streets—CleftrOoUl. 1 WM. P. CHAMBERS, WHEELWRIGHT, CIIMKMAKKH. niiJ HOUSES! SIGHN I’Al.NTElt—Gurwemvillo. B. F. STERJ.ING, a AAKNKSS MAKIiK. n»d JUSTICE O TltK PEACU—Curwensville. Dec ir6l J. L. CUTTLK, 4 TrUKNEY AT DAW ntnJ DAN') AGENT. Oflico ad -3 jo:n:dg l:i»rerdeuce, on Market *lreei,C'ea'lft?ld. March 3, lbc3. L. R. CARTER, AGENT for the title of 81UVE8, MIDL-GDAUDiG and CASTING*} of nil kinds. Al'o HAK IID >N fit N AIDsS, Thre«riiog M tcliitiei. I’lpwi, Agricultural lwpljuiont« Uu on tWaoDJ street, oodcr he I’.intina (MFioe. nih 17 '6B It [HARD GLENNING, BOOT nod SHOD MAKDR, can he foun-l at h's ah op t »vt doers east ol li e Foil Utlice, where he hm (rots’finlly ol hand a targe mien meat but hoi homoaod city muntunctore July b J. D. THOMPSON, BLACDHMITH, Wagons, Baggies, &o„ fto.. Ironetlon ihort notice, and (he very best stylo, at hisotd atand it. u>e boroarh ol Carwentville. Deo. HMbfiS. THOMAS MILLS, COAOII AND BI.EIGH MAKER, on Third fret. I>» tweeu Market anil Locait, Clearrield, Fa, Aprillti, ’sd. lIURXTHAL & BROTHER, MERCHANTS and LUMBER DEALERS. Wco'lund foil Ollico, Riadford tp.\ Cleaifield cd. April 17, VJ, M. E. WOOD, PR YBICIAN—May always be found m hie reVdonce in Curwensville, when not professionally absent. • - Dou. 1? IB; a. LEVER FLEGAL, BDACKBMITH, Lulhenborg. Fd . will attend io all busi ness lohii Hoe, anti will also furniih WAGONS. I)UG <»*!*JS, &o . very Qheap, and manalactorcd In theiM-sl style, and warranted. Aug, 7.185 J.—y, ISAAC SMITH, VTFRL'HANT. AND DEALER IN LUMUER AND ill Country Froducegenorally—Blateitreet. betwceoCberry and Locust—Curwemville. Deo. 80.1851. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. fIION-FuUNDEUS— ’Carwen.ville, An extensive assort raent ofCasUngi mado to order. Deo. W, IBM. THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., MERCHANTS, and-exieniivo dealers, and Manufacturer* ol Dninher, fluid Mil't. July UJ. 1862. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth ol Lick Run, 6 miles from Clearfield,— MERCHANTS,andextenslvo Comber manufacturers. June 18, 1863. JACQB BILGER, tsjga COPPER, TlN,and BflEE't 1 IRON W Alt E 111 AN U FAC- TlfUDß—Uarwemvl Je. above the old foandiy, on the north sldoormain •troot, whore all basinets In hit line D done uom a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms Country produce taken in exchange for work —Sept. J?, *53 O. B. MERRELL, fTOPPER, TIN & SAEET IRON WARE MANUFAC- Kj TUREu—Oq Seooud street, one door south of A. K. WrUHi’isto.e—Cloirlield, . Deo. JRI, ibol. WM. T. GILBERT, BLACKSMITH, at Ilopowell, Uelltp,.at the Cron Roads leading irom M'Gbees Mill o New. Washtneton, and from Cbestoreok to the river—where all calls In his line will be promptly attended to. Maroh 8. IBStf. DR. R. V. WILSON, HAVING removed hisofllos tools new dwelling on Bes ooad stieut, will proroutiy answer ail piofesslonal oalls 1 us tnreujiara. Dloaille'd, June istts 1H54. AFFLICTED READ! ion tit., between Spruoe and Pine; rhilalelpma. Pa. INVALID 3 are apprised that Dr:KINKGMN conftnos liu practice to a particular branch of medicmr, winch en iace« hit auii vi'Jed attention, lie oantioni the nnfortunate against tho abuse of Mercury.-; thousands are annually mar* onraliard oulofltlo. Ucoont nfllicticns aru pro.npily ostia, finished. TWENTY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in the treatment of a class it it n work eminently teqairod. ns a means of reforming tho vice* of the ago in which wo livo. Also. NATURES GUIDE, with intoi for ihe Prolongation of Lire, just from the Press. A ic.ter with u remittnuco of 23 o. nls, or tho value is post ■ tamps addressed lo—Ur. KiokHm Philadelphia, Pa , will teenro n oopy of oill or of tho above bo«ks by ret j rn of mail, or U copies will bo sent free of postage for $l. Mo ikielicri, Convened, Travollins Agents. file , loopliod wholesale at ih" pabliiKor's price*, which admit ot a large profit. KSTAI.I, LETTERS MUST BE TO^TPAH). Doc. 21’. IKS I FALL AND WINTER GOODS Alt* STUBS < )DS. all wool and PL \IN DEIANE. CASHMERES. DUE'S SI I.KS, ol all kind*. SATTENEis. HATS. CAPS and 11 )N ft ETS. A l jBO—A large and well selected ilrck ol READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRUGS and Tales l Medioinm of every kind lit JO TS and SflOL't. ihe best ever brought to I h- cohnty.— H AUDW All Eol all kinds, such ns IKoN. HATHAWAY COiiK STOVES. PARLOR STMVB3, PIPE of every sis-. N AILS. ST I K EH, anti 'TIN WAKE, ol every kind.- SPERM MIL. LAUD MIL EI.AX SEED DIL. WHITE LEAD. El UK PROOF* PAINTS ol e*cry oMlor. GbArfS. CAN DLE 3, Bp«r:n and la’low. R( h *Kri and STA 1 IM.N Alt Y. HARNESS. SADDLES aid UHIDI.ES. and every other article usnat’y kepi in u country stoic, Lumber. Gram, and country produre of every kind, taken in exchange lor gods. CurweusviUe. Nor. d. 13.3 -tf H. D. PATTON. Nno Store ! New Store ! ! POVVKLL, REED & WEAVER A HE just new opening at holr new STORE- ROOM i n the /V. b„roiu h ol Clearfield, one of tho largest and best assort* meets of >1 LK( *H ANDISE ever brought t) the county, and wbicit they now oiler to tho old outtomersof Bigler fit Co. ns well a* lo the public at iarxe. upon such terms as cannot fat I to give eutiro satisfaction THE LA DIES will find ai their Store such a selection ol C23CDCDc£IS3 At they Dover taw to Clea firfli befor<—and ui for DRY «»>u|is. geu-rahy, and GROCERIES, HARDWARE, UU LENS vV ARE, fil o . they cun not be surpassed citner in (jtiahty orchcouoeis. who don’t believe it aro invited lo call anti be convinced WM. p.iWEf.L G L. REE!). J E. WEAVER. Clearfield. May Cl, iPbJ. JAMES I-I. LARIMER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Wll.f. flirt-nil lo hmire.i la iho .eveml Courl. n( Ultar heid and Centre counlia*. Ufli'ieon Sec-o«i Street, one door nirih of the residence ol John Weaver. REEERENCES —Hon. JAMES BURNSIDE. Be lelcnte lion. JA MES T. HALE. a., A fJ CURTIN. do. E*q.. do. It. It PE TKIK E>. Ei u,j I u ct> ugdon Messrs DRAKEfit IUiCUTUL. Pi.U’a 23. llioi ly. DAGUERREOTYPES. saia* ipturiaNFajisroia© RE-M'fcX Tr Ul.l. V annua nc.>s (o «h? I, API US nn*l t; |;N. TULMEN of il*© Uofouth ol (JLEARFIELU and vi ctory, that ho has opened a Miniature Dagncrrcan Gallery On SECOND STREET, ono door oorih of Powell & Co’» •'‘tore. Call and examioospecimeas, cases. pri c» Sio. CievlMd, November 23, ISS3.—tf. 11. BUCHER SWOOPE. A££* ttgHBSHBS? &*£ &&W L'OKM KKLY of 1 1>o firm of “SCOTT fit ftVVOUPK,’ 1 l Dual ogdon I’a , wlf niteml fa:th(nlJy to ail i rofets 'OOJiI tnwinru ontruse 1 to h i euro by tho citizens cl t.'iohr held aud mlj >ining coooiie*. Ollics next door to, and over Ei i. Wrigley’i offico. RKKKkKNCES.—Rrv Dr. M’Leud. John Stull. Krq.. Hon Geo. Taylor, on«i Hon. J:ia. Gvvin, Hun tmgilon.—Hon. iVin. P. Sehnell. anil Alex. King. K*q.. lUtllord. CJon. Wm. U. Irwin, Lcvumoiwi. - Hon. Simuol Cuhui, Uolluinj üburg. Gen. William Ayres. Harnwhisrg. Cerrwiull & Orwell. No. 211, Murhrl h , Philadelphia. October 27, 1853. Dec. Hi', 1851, Ao Mj MULLS V* T OULU reipectfollj Inform h'» f lends, trod ihopublc T T rentrial.'y. that he i.ill continue! toatlend to allcsils • a the hue ol Dental Operations, Ai his office adjoining hi* dwolllrg in tho borough ofOlenr tiuld. tij mV) be found at notify nil ti .aes in his sioie In the v on ouil of t ie Muuilun hooso. Artificial Teeth Imerted on Plate or Pivot, nod warran'ed to give entiro * ntii faction. EXTRACTING TEETH done without danger to Ihopa tient, and with but liuie imln. Teeth FILLED and CLEANSED in n proper nnd icfentif lo manner. M TAVERN STAND M IN CVRXVENSVILLE, Pa. THE subscriber proposes to 101 l at PRIVATE BALE,his LARGE AfiD CONVENIENT HOTEL in the town ol CURWENBVILLE. known nsthe AiMoiraofaM IHConsoo It is lilualod on the northwost corner ol State ami Filbert Street:,nnd in tho centre ol the boiineu part of'he town.- Toe bouse is 45 by 48 feet, two stories high, u-ih a bate i.ent, and is ever/ way calculated for a public bouse. Thor •is aN so on the premites n largo and convenient stable, together with nil other necessary buildings. 1 he property w ill be sold on the most favorable tormi, and for farther Information application may be made either to the subsciiberon the premises, orto W, A. Wallace,alClearfield Juno 11,1863. ISAAC BLOOM Jr. HEMPHILL’S HOTEL CLEARFIELD, PA. rpHE subscriber most respectfully informs theclt zons o X Clearlleld county, and tho travelling public gonerally. that be has taken the above named HOTEL situated nn the corner of Fiontand Market streets, in (he Itoiough of Clear* fi-M, where bo will at nil times bo prepared to accommodate thoso who may favor him with their ouitopi. «No pains will besperel by theuroprlatortomake hisouslomorstomfortable, nnd hi* home n HOME to those who may stop with him. HisSTAULE will be carefully attended lo—aud his TA BLE and UAU supplied with the best tho market will afford. WM. J. HEMPHILL, August il, 1853. * (Darts of the Union mast be addressed,postpuid. May k 7. f«53 .-ly. ItOBBKT K, WULSII (Ofl®©]k is Wailtffllla Malkaffo I! AFjost received from New York and *&• 11 Thiiadelpliln. a large aud sp'endid as* sortmcnl ofJ E WEIU Y—consist log of Ln dies Gold Breast Pms, Morning Fins, Cufi x w Tint, [Ribbon Pint, Also, Gentlemen’s If w / Fino Gold Pins, of'diH'erent shapes and |Y a sues, Fino Gold P3or Ring Drops. Into sty'e y and Thirty Hour ('locks. Fine Small Spring Clocks—oOThonr and 8 dny—Musical lost mrrents, nnd s g real vuMy of too nur,eroot to mention, nsarill) k-.-ot by Jewelers. All the abovetneniioced wananied goon, an i will h-i «ofd nt the lowest profli ■ bu* his to.m* are CAS/| Wutchci. Clocks and jewelry nearly RE TAIHEI), ‘iad V/arranted foroso year. jy (D *6^. ;\ew Stoß*e 9 At LumbcrviUe Clearfield County Penn'a, MMNTEILUS. TEN EYCK, &CO. b g leave foinform thoir friends, and the oommnn Ly in general, that they base opcne.l their ft KW STOAIL. in the above u-inieJ place, where they have and mten 1 krci-ing on hand every vsrirly of good* u»u.illy kt pi m a cou at ty a!or.- t kitoo a* Do G-'crip'ion nxpDufaomred to measure aod order, on the shut lest notice. I* ©a*© c : vn i hem n ca I at cither placo. and sec Fioir pretty hd«l C;l EAI' (.'iini)?*, us they eharg© nothing for n ilt'iii Al.<> all kinds ol produce, lumber, an i bid«js tak»n. in et* unnove lor gfoxls. MON f EILUB TEN LVCKfitCU. Uurwunsville. Bout. It), l££3 fllllE Bobscrlber would : nform the citizens of Clearfield X county and ihe public generally, that lie has JUBT HE* GEI VED nod is NOW OPENING, at the S'o’chouse lor* loorlr occupied by Wing U Gctchel, at Mormdglo, a Large, Splendid ij Cheap Assortment of Goods, consisting of every style and quality i f Dry Goals, Groceries, Quccnsware, Cut lery, Hardware, Bools, Shoes and Bonnets, Confectionary , Clocks cfflS3 a Groceries , Hardware, Drugs . PatcntMcd icincs and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Boy 5. 1 Be 3. Allofwhich will l>o sold at moderate prices for cath.'or ex changed for GRAIN, .LUMBER, &o. Our neighti r* wv rrspcctluily ask to call, aod assure them we intend doing liu sinets at as low ralos as cash purchases will aWow. JuaoJ4. IWJi-ly. CHASE & SWAN. STONE WARE si esa tFsi ® ilment of taze, on a °KEFEKJfc!iicK3 —HliElctllauer. WM. IUGLEB.HurIi. tints—Hon. KI.LJ3 LEWIS, Lnnouter-G. W, WOOD. WAtiD.Wllkilinrii.—J.O.KNOX.t'rsnklm-J.C.MONT. OOMEHY, rnlladalpbia. . AllpanonibaTiaabatiaeu with him. wlllioJiii abtanoe, appigrlo J.DIDDLE GOltDON.whu September till, 1853, TUE VEGETABLE EXTRACT NEW GOODS. HENRY SWAN Town Lots dr.i.b. MARcnisrs CELEBRATED CATHOLICON,’'' For the reliefaud curre of suffering Females,- Ars. jfltUndipro-tmffleit: vo.u./ffl* , roiittooiatlve powcra ' fe 5' V'V'O' / l» all lh« dlimSEi ' M {{ '-1> V " ///■ yUobillirecommit ' orthewan Prolan. ofthe Womb,—Floor Alba.. or VVliliY,£[ Chron a laßamatfoa— wyßssaafiKfe &«3!: tlon, «,o,wlibfllitheir oooonmanjia* eT ,|/i; (Lancercxcopte bo matter flow severe or .°/n!P w i? B ? wamllne \ ibt Catbollcon far toroutet othet runs* dlei.inbelntooroce-. tain--!ess exnectUive Rod feavios theijtrm in & better Candida, I - (free) contain, ioff ample proof» front the mostrespectable toorcei.oHba beneficial rainlu of ill aie: tosethe* wUMeUeu from hiehlx experienced Physician*, wbo have aiedit In am! apeak from their own observation!. REFERENCES. P.II. lIECKHAM. M. D., Ulloa-tN. V. Ij. I>. FLEMING, M. I>.,Caßan(foJgao, N. Y. M. 11. HILLB. M. I).. Rocheater, N. Y. D. Y. FOOTE. M. D.. Brraoni*. N. Y. Prcf. DUNUAIt, M D., Bnltimon, Md. J.C.OIUUOK.M.D-. baitlmoro. kid W. W.REEBE.M. D.. New York Oitr. W. PRBICOTr. M. O..Coeoord.N. H. 1. P. NEWLAND.M. b. Utloa.N. Y. i Rev. C. S. BEARD, Glean Springs, H. C. Pamphlets had gratis at thestoreofO D. WATSON. AmH. Druggist Clnarfleld. fa.—Also sold by T U. MILLER. Uell#. fonte, W.H. HACKE. Kittanning—SAMUEL MATf*ERN Meohanlcsville, and by most leading druggist* in adjolaisif countie* " Loller addressed to care of Mr. Curlie Hatch, Agent u( Rovenna, Ohio. To Dr. MARCH ISl.:—t hnre been ten year* troubled with female Complaints—prolapsus.u*erL nod all theatteodjna difficulties; at time* rendering my life most miserable lhave had the attendance of tome of the best physician*, with but little success; the mpu they could do wa* to relieve—a cure was out of the question. for five month* before commencing with your medioioe, 1 had not been able to porform any la> bor, could walk but a few itepe at a time, and ecnrcely went out of door*— in »noit. \ was completely prostrated, both, in body and mind, and expected to drag « nt the rest army day* in sedering and misery. But. reading your advertisement, I was induced to try your Invalo&ble mediolne called Uterine Oitholicon, ai the last resort. 1 had not used it a week before IMt like another woman. Ur the use ol three bottles I was enabled to perform all the labor for six in tie family with ease, and could walk anywhero in the neighborhood without injury. Nothin* bat a seme ol my duty to yon and to the afllieteJ. has Indu cd me to state my case to tho public. 1 cm safely roaommmd tho preparalioa to all thote tottering likemisolf. (Signed) Mrs. SARAH A. UISIiUP. Proodom, Portage Co., Ohio. Deo. 27,1859. cyj. n. MARCIIISI fit CO.. Proprietors. Central Depot No. 804,Broadway. N. Y. Sept. 16, 1853.-6 m PLEASANT HILL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield, }i!lE undersigne -1 respectfully announces to the people ol Cisnrfiehl and tho adjoining counties that {.tilill ooutu. uosto uarryoii tneoaove businessat his extensive eslabliil. meet in ihe borough of Clearfield, and is now prepared to manufacture ail kinds of Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. HisCaitingsara no* of a apor'or quality—equal, ifootiu any other Is the State—ns he uses none bat the rer (»#it material. and employs none bat the very bestol workmen 11 is MACHINE SHOP, With two superior TURNING LATHES, driven by steam, s now in ■ticceufulopernlior. and nnder the manaremsot of a practical mechanic—where almost any article of machine*! can be FIN IS H ED in the very best style, and no short notice. lie he* now an hands n large assortment of C stings, such as Sft )VKS of vnr*o i sizes and patterns, PLOUGH IKONS, WASH K E rj'LLS, &c., £to.. which ho offers to sell low tor <;ash, or on a reasonable oredit. iie>is now casting, from he most approvod patterns. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air light Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wini'd’s celebrated Plough. AalolUindiof HOLLOW-WAKE. SLEIGH and SLED SOLES. WAGON BOXES, &c lie intends (los ell on reasonable terms, and trusts that the ci: izem of ihe county generally will tind ii to their advantage io give Inin their costom. CAriH will always be preferred— but the highest pnoci will bo allowed for Country Prodo'e and OLD METAL. Ashe gives hit et'nldishmeoibii person*. I supervision,a lorders for moiA will receive prompt atlenllop, dav/d litz. Llcarfitl 1. Nov. 28,1851.’s Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root. T.IIH is a PURELY V EG £ PARLE COMPOUND, toien. t.dually prep->rej from Roots and lieibs ol the tiutor-u Medica. no J bus gained the universal reoutation for tho lojiowioc ctieou, viz : Kegiihiiing r.ii.l Strengthening tho iiver and Digrs* live Organ.-, and rlenaing the Sto much and Uowclh, am] ihu» curing all Bilious Di«etisci, L ver Coniplaiuls, D>a* itpp»la. Indigestion. Coslivsn-ss. Pi'es. Headache, fever and Agna Jnnaiito'. N-u*- . 10l Api>ctil3.&c , andoaoilDg the lot mi to nou uli urn! support every pail. PUKIKV ING THE ULO >D—And thus caring all Humoii, Lolmfous L'rn. t:oD», Sor loin, Hall Rheum. Eryiioelas. lleid, Looker Pimp e* on the inco. Blotches* Clouts, funi'tn, Maraud'd Di»e »»s, &c. It Ei- U I. URGANB-And hg ttuauiiug (hem to perform I hair proper fuhetion*, prevoating andcatioß many painful and aaugeroui tlisemes Strancth • tiing >ue. nnd oan say that! a all respects it is admirably uaioulaled to remedy'ho oloss of Diseases for which it 1« de signed. It ii especially valuable In INDIGESTION, and bi its at ecdum tvmpiomi. it exoiLs to hpnlthr action the MVEH, removes Torpor, and inactivity from the OHGAN and st ruulaiM h< altby aa'ion ia all the system. Asa DEI'U BATOR or porider ol the Blood tt has no superior. Provieeno-, K. I Jan. I 1953. DAVID UOLME6, M.D !*rep.irc?d by C, MOKSK & Co„ no. 446 Broadway N. Y , ond sold by Druggisis and others threughoqt th is und olher eounlicß—(’. D. WATjSON, Agent, (.'leurfield Pit. Muyso,lBs3 Medicines worthy a place in oil Families. Being Prepared by a Regular Graduate and Physician of 30 years Experience. f \R. J S. ROBE is an Honorary Memborof the PhiJadel s “ phia Medical Bocicty. and araduaied inlbid, from the University of Pcustylv&nia, under the guidance of tho Iru. lyeminent Profe«sc» Physirk. Chapman. Gibson, Coze, Jamrs Bstd Hare—nom