VALUABLE PROPERTY 4U£ At, O@ill®o- -: s0 || a u );i n ds of Groceries clienpenM ibontain pump and every otheV necessary |2i lhr ,„ nny ot | )f . r house this sido ofPliil-!$ fionvenicnco, two dwclliniugAliouses, in c„ll and see prices,’.'.jUon’t«s dood condition, with otlier out-buildings, n ,j S |i,|so the place, at the corner oppo-ejil and one stablu thereon erected. die Pennsylvania. Rail Road ; Tho property is in good condition, being £&. )ob Goods delivered ut Tvrotio tWjJs wellsupplied with water &c., and willbe s&i ( | ays n n or purchasing. Mind'that .disposed of on reasonable icrina. l urlm - Mess Porkj Baconmwi Tobacco, Iher'/ apply M’Ennlly, .^;\viii to Lead, Oil, Ropes, Ac.' Alls-; Clearfield, Pa., or to the subscriber on the j$ o| - tt |, ic h will be sold at a very lows> jJre ibises. S. 11. TAYLOR. i„r cash. J. R. KBY. March, 2d, 1f154.-fim. j, Harrisburg, Feb’y 8, 1854. j$ ““ J “™" ,Mlh ' ,w ": ** „ &KBfflMHBBoSB®®dl 7|[ OHN Lltz, farmer, Recearm ; 1* 1’ jJj Coudriet, lumberman, Covington;— THE CRYSTAL PALLA('E , Win Williams, farmer, Jordan ; Jas Me- TJ S about to close, and so is A. M. Hills Ghee, farmer, Bell; Adam Wboeland, far- j| Store. Being desirous to close out mor, Burnside'; A M. Gill, farmor, Brad- [us slock of goods, bo will sell for the rca ;Ord ; John Long, furnier, Burnside ; Oli- dy cash lor cost and carriage. He bason ver Conklin, fnmier, Lawrence; Jos Lon- hand a splendid assortment of all kinds of dqn, farmer, Boggs; Benjamin Babcock,' g oods usually found in a country store. — caVpnntcr, Clearfield : Daniel Fry, lurmer, Some guod pieces of Deoskin Cassimcre, Chest; James. Graham, (of Isaac) farmer, u choice lot of Cloths of almost any and Bradford ; Jos Postlethwait, farmer, Brady ; every description. Beautiful Cashmeres, Goo Ellingor, Jr., farmer, Brady ; James an ,j SO me ofthe latest patterns of French Flanagan, far mor, Bradford ; WC. Foley, Meririoos, Jnd a large lot of Calicoes, gentleman, Brady; David Hoyt, clerk, Ginghams,/Books and Stationary, Boots Ferguson; Grier Bell, farmer, Ferguson; particularly ladies wear of Abraham Goss, farmer, Decatur; Joseph Shoes, Hu\s and Cups, children’s Hoods, Honlh, farmer, Fox ; Wm L. Risher, (hr- a|| Wool Delanes, Sattinets, Twricds and mer, Goshen ; G W Shoff, rurrnor, Wood- Flannels-, Hardware of almost every kind, ward; James McMnrrny, farmer, Burn- Q„ o enswaro and Crockery ware, Fancy side; David Gearhart, former, Decatur; articles, Gents, uhd Ladies Hosiery, Ac! lames Johnson, farmer, Jordan ; Jas Elder, 'f| lo subscriber is bound to sell out his farmer, Bell ; Matthias Hollopeler, funner, en |j [e stock. A. M. HILLS. Union; Samuel Fullerton, farmer, Law- Jan. 5, 1854. rence ; Matthew Caldwell, fanner, Piko ; -—• A G Welch, farmer, Lawrence ; Ben.i'n CITIZENS OF fLEARFIELI) COUNTY, Jlaird, farmer, Bell ; Benj Bonsnll, farmer, f B''AKE NOTICE, that u new firm hns Brady; Wm Mitchell, farmer, Luwrencc ;' H been established in Curwensville, Andrew Addleman, farmer, Lawrence ; and with it a determination to sell goods Wm. Bridgeus, farmer, Kartltaus ; John cheaper than they liuveover been heretofore Hoover, farmor, Mortis; Jacob Frantz, offeree, under the title of Smith A Brown.- carpenter Brndy ; A T Scrivcn, physician, Wo are ready to wait ort all our old Iriends Pecctiria ; E. R. Livergood, farmer, Gosh- and customers, and as many new ones en ; John Bver, farmer, Woodward; Jos us will favor us with a call. Just give us Peters, teacher, Curwensville ; J F Bloom, u call at the old stand, and wc will con farmer, Jordan; John Mehafley, Inrmer, vincc you that all wo have told you is Burnside; Joseph M’Clarren, farmer, De- true. We have u large uod well sGcctcd gotur ; George Wilson, jr., former, Boggs ; stock of goods, and will soil at wholesale Joseph Lytle, former, Lawrence ; Andrew or retuil, as we have said cheaper titan Cross, inn keeper, Boggs. you can buy elsewhere. Lumber, Grain and all kinds of Traduce taken in ex- Ol’i|>hiU»s change for goods. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans’: ° SMITH A BROWN Court ofCleurfteldcounty, there will Curwensville, Jan. 11 th, 1854. be exposed to sale at the house of John. Notice. —The subscriber being drsi- Drabckor in the Borough ol Curwensville,, rous lo sott|c up his o , d necounts / which ,n Clearfield coumv on the 15th ol April hi 9 o id feie nrls and customers having un next, at one o dock P M., al the interest SPltk . d ncc(Umls wi n p| e - ist . t: ,ko nolicn.) of Mijcs Hartshock, deceased, (being an H: , vint; lo he from home the greater undivided, moiety or half pari) of in and purt ofhistime, personswillniall limes find :o a certain tract or piece of land being part hu p ., r;nrr Thomas Brown in the store of a larger tract no. 5782, surveyed on rpad |Q w ,j, onyou# 18A AC SMITH, warrant to John Nicholson : Beginning at j a[) g (b 1 65-1 a post on line of no. 5781, thence along 1 Ihe same north H degrees east 133 per. George Our. John Klimieii. to a post; thence along lands of John Me- ; BLACKSMITIIIKG. Crea, south 87} degrees eustlG perches lo , r| - HE subscribors respectfullv inform a post; thence along land of J. R. Bloom, § lhe rCBif | otltB 0 f the boro’ o’l Clear south 1* degrees west perches to flo , d and vicinilV) lhn , lb bavP PnlP red 8 onc9 , aort i egrees cast - perches j n i 0 copartnership, and intc'nd eturyiug on to a post, and thence norm li degrees east , he abcj ' vc busine ' sB in nl , its branc | lc ° nl -—perches to a post; thence along fond lhc old stan(] of George Orr on third of Thomas Bloom, south B*4 degrees east Blrcel said borou h , * nd llloV h . ~v 60 perches to a post; thence along land strict attention to business, and being eon'- of Daniel and Miles Hur.shock south 10 stanlly f urnis | led with a good assortment degrees west b 3 P e f rc A hM D “* a P“>., und of iron, to be able lo give satisfaction to thence along land of A B Reed’s heirs a „ whn mav pulronSze b „ )(M11 . Every cf . porth S.BJ, degrees west UO and five-tcmh forl v . be m ', lde to have lheir worl - J unc perc lea to l c post an , .nee of beginning, acc ,, rd i n g promise, atnl in a substamial Containing 111 acres and 11 perches and miUjricr .° C i unlrv prodllC(; uf u „ 1; „ ld , allowances. . , , ■ , , . m „ taken in exclmnce tor work —and cash lerms.—One third cush on confirma- never refused lion of sale, and the balance in two equal N B _ our e wi| , u fnm , annual payments with m.erest-lo be se- d Nht on Mond ‘ murnil ' l)ntl | 4 j». cured on lhn premises. o . 1 r \ J i » n t>ai » TPnr , 8 . , i>l. outurduv or each week. Margaret nles, Adm r March 15, 1854.-is NOTICE TO IMLirrOKS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.""" ,A LL Collectors previous to 1553, will f ¥>HE citizens of Curwensvillo and C. , n< j ) !' cc ’ if'lie "hole amount JL Lumber Ciiy and their, of D ”P llca J,' ;s " re P" a! ™JuU™ will take notice that the co-partnership of or belore M,1 > c L\ ,lu '- v Li,n P os ;! ,vu - v Moplelius, Ten Eyck & co., has this day “P* !C ‘‘ H P">' 8 c 'f ,s 11 nl > been amicably dissolved, bv B. Hartshorn , ‘ (,er , Cu " rt - ,^” d " ,, I ,,rnb ! J ol U / !!uC,ors taking the store nt Lumber cilv, and A. lul ISo3 ' VI bo de ’ llt "" 1 m ' lK! SJinn M. Montelius, E. Montelius & Wr». Ten "? micr 'hey do not attend to this notice. Eyck taking the store at Curwensville.— >Ve are determined to have outstanu- They will still continue to do business '"S due the County clk-clcd in or nj. the old stand, under the title or Monte. der lo casl ‘ P il if m '' ,lls nil l.abil,. liua, Ten Evck & co., where they will I,BS 1,1 ,hu fulu, ' u l >ro K r,:ss of 1,10 business b. happy to wait on all who may call on, ol * h « ooi.niy. By order ol the them. The books und papers are left in | „. U r VuV^^’ Iheir hands for settlement. ! Clcurfidd, fceb. o, \Bo 1 CunuHifavillt*, Miirch 15, 1851.-2 m CSeiarfficM Pottery. J STEAM SAW WILL LOW FOR CASH. j IjEITZIiVGKR, respectfully in rpHE Steam Suw Mill which has been JL forms the public, that he constantly 8 in successful operation ut Fostoriu, kcops oil hand u good assortment of fancy Blair co. for four yeurs will be sold for Pettory ware, such its Crocks, Dishes and SlOOffcash. This mill is in excellent con- Stove Pipe Collars of every convenient ditiun—Was cut within the last four years size. Farmers if you want to buy cheap, jive million of feet of lumber; tho owner give us a cal] at the Clearfield Pottery, having cut off all his limber is anxious to near George (Jrr’s Blacksmith Shop, dispose pf her and will sell her ftn—ontr*”' Country produce will c ho taken in ox third of her cost. Any person wanting to j change for ware, and a liberul reduction purchase can see her in operation at Fos-i made to wholesale purchasers. toriu,onthe Pennsylvania railroad. Ad-| January 11, 1854—1 y. dress, G. A. Madson, Fostoria, Blair co., Penna. G. A. MADSON March 15, 1854.-2 m.-pd. Ifi/iils WAiWaSM. EING extensively engaged in the P& manulacitire of paper, we will pay Merchants and otliors having fags /or sale, more than the prescjit mar • het.prices —Cash. ' JESSUP & MOORE, Paper Manufacturers, Philadelphia—Nos. 24 arid 26 North Si. Ist st. below Arch, between Oth and 6th. March 15, 4854.-2 m. I£aCpjS3tJ 0 4~krjf;.Tuesday night lust, a small Gold Rjf Breast Pin, of little value to any one ,! .'.The finder will be reward-: ed'p'n returtiing it to the subscriber. r T ! r - r '‘. ; j H.B.SVVOOPE. Terrific Slaughter of the Russians By @®HailDiiua©oil iriit&afcsS AND the cheapest, best and largest as sortment ol' Boots and Shoes in the county, can be found at K. Glennuns’es tablishment, two doors west ol A JVL Hills’ stoie. If you doubt it please ,<;all and be convinced. No purchase no [my. R. GLENNAN. February 1,4654. L. JACKSON CRANS, ATYOTMY AT LAW, d OFFICE, adjoining his residence on \J/ Second Street Clenrfield, Pa. Hav ing charge of Judge Barrett’s unfinished business, Judge B’s. cliuiits will find their papers in his bunds, and obtain from him such information as they may desire. Kijty Bushels ,of Reams, ON hand apd for sale at Smith’s Cheap Store CurwensyiHe, Pa-Jan. 25 ’5l BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO. | E. L. MILLER, SURVEYOR.. IJuJI townthin Clearfield county.—All bn «ib< *» nr,UU‘l< iJ l Inin promptly aitOLtltd to—A« tlrcaa* lie.l f* I C tn'lield county April 4. lbo4. T. JEFFERSON BOYER. OIIYSICI AN—an bn 10-ji.ii at hi* i in LUTHERS. I. Ill'll Co i il.olil Ooucly, l*a,, uoi olxant oa ino irKUonnf *»n*ia« »i. Hi j'U n.b.*r 9, IbtU. MOSSOP & POTTOKFF. r> irrAii.i'.K-' ok ko i> -mimmticmkk i\ L'HANUIaE u HUI.Ln.S~I >n i|.« w< at «»f mc o :.u *uc*fi n :n;iy oW> kkc* tut* Court lie ;to. Ulnae u-id. l*o. .Stl’l ad. -8 »3. 11. P. THOMPSON, f>H YBICIA N—May In- iouuii h. r r.i t.ii «;i!w;r». or at Sen- C li I;n.»; .-I—Ciirwn .visa? —svlu.-u u.n aft proftfauonnlly j.l, , i,t. lira lO l»’M SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, a'AVr.'KH. nr,.. 11l inr »,1.1 .'llnl, MAM'K.uri’HKEi;— I i iirivrf'.iT li,-. Die Vy.|..‘l DR. S. L. COBLE, !.) H YBICI AN—reaid. cc*j ouo «» half unlli rrut ol i l.unib-T t 'ily, jQ th* -Mill'd i.0.-ul Irailinir t» N«w Wuih* ce’i.a, r- .oH«r« ».i» it-r -ei to tho atm rinding cr.rnmnni y ILo. iM. IH»3. LYMAN S. I’HELPS, Cil,nr|\ /iMIIV.-tllll -M a K Lit, Uur.teC'V .Ili Vn - J W> irlis ka m! < ’lijirk*. n» '.v|y rt*y..irrd Mid W AttKlvVl’' l,J\ ;i'V.n:i 11 r. f» * XjM-»ic-rt-o In tan b»i»ir p «k .‘DAt'-i-- in** ''eolc'Uil' •11 ' - :■' 1«•.i: ; u iet ti-’.ii.i: e'Hl , l lion tw.,uiP h.iiti i'-, I *i i.:u' iv n I pulti.c pßirou--i:'.'. id |h \i p^, CEO. I!. OOODLANDER, • ly" A f "‘ > •-t\ K n .V— J ,t' h**' ’mu \* •ik di in- I o nrlai I V «• t: * I*'-*' rr»». n »*/? on ir•»'«! •'»** * I - 1 A. K. WRIGHT, \a t-::.t- am* i x n-;\siv i: in: vlhh in elm ft ft ?:it —S-.ciHi-t it.nvj.. one iVor innth cl - lii» residence— Cl.arlijd l)co iH, Itiji. WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, I tABINC.r n,.1.iU11. .>IAI>.| t( an i II -tIIJB ft SION \_/ f’A 1 1> I*i .f' —on*! c! -/t«’Ofio Uhnrcb. Joe Jfcii •' m* t, Uk’ irlo d. I*-. April 16,1853. GHOUGH WILSON, tJMYSii i;.'.- ,M;,> i-e ( otiil at In* ulhoc 'B LU f'H ICRS* hUUC. It hca act abttut oa prole;«iuoal bii»in«?i». I*eb 1853. .FOSKPII H. imKTII, 19 LACK?* Wi n nl ,N l.\V ASIIJN** l'>.N.ClnarfioM Cf\, J y w |*pf n i> fcndi of work it go 'o id lot l>r<4t of u tho ih«l moal r«»» trouble C. KRATZF.R, If RfM-fIANT AMI I-1 MIII.H i I.ALGII—( 0:001 u .IJI l-'fvnt t.n.l Luc in 1 ftrcclf—*'ietrt JAS. ALKXANDISR, J A [>l >J. KR AM) lIaK.N).SS .M A Khii —J u li'j nr«' > tjmi’ 3on M nrket iifit.. near Mprfpll'i ho <*l. l)u;» : r .’. JOHN H. lIILIiURN, H< >• JT and et ll' )xi tj AK 1' K -pi* -*pilroi l. LU.r'r Tjinotth* A K. 'V n» !.u • orr. tv sc uli .»•«!. I*j . A|i ;11 In. I JAMES HOLLENRACII, J- I.AtvK.-'MI I 11. .»n Jli.ul kir«et f l>*u/eoo .Vark-t nn-1 1 * \» a iil t t U rltpM |*a A;m•i I • , ! HENRY lor mm:, , jll D,\ir.(i>( »* r o;» notit < i liu fi-ii 'ro'i' 1 -!. A 1 ■* 11 it). I - *!-, JOHN W.SIIUGERT lA7AIJUV MA K Lit. cnrue I. u:.i S'f;—Cu*ufftl<). THOMAS SHEA, if ASHI< »NAHhh Talip flow, on Mark ' ttfrct. iiurned-a..’!* o\e. 1,.e Fun t ) o'lhold _ I ipc & 1 •"> I FREDERICK ARNOLD, „ URL a D,l rK.JIILLLOc.Ai.LII l.ul he-1.-jrc irJl Clrarfi**’ * orf.i. April 17. l u :j A. L. SCIJNKLL, 1' A I LO!« —I. tit lier» burg —-m is. do l.u tv..:». j _»i «> nail Oi cl*p;ir. bB) other fp'low. |»i»« di*. i 1" ! WILLIAM A. WALLACE. A Ti l >UN !. V ,v 1' I. A uP.a. K mlH?; Lu profrcsioaal u*f m-p* Jr. lh* oi 17 *i-» *1 PK K.NCfI v r l uhU tod tijioii >■: »Ui-*e ouo d.» u pnu ol h* • l "/. ■»’ ■. J J lp '„4, l> jj SAMUEL ARNOLD, \ f ofl'.'MA.N 1 f.nil UK' »L)l.'Cli 1i1.A1j1.,1. Iviill.p-nNuic 111 * 'ip-.r *i• io?*t M \.-ri-:.:. mi;h- iiaM «•.«, dlai'BMN m:m L lUviL — tr.toh. Itrd. 1 jid lo nv uttni . !).•<• J 7, 1 3!. ' WM. I>. CIIAMKERS, 1 fr H : KLU ItiLnT, CM .11 .11 AKI.K. auffioe ad 4 jO.O.UC J.Hlct deUCe, OU M-lktlt airt-UI.C fillt* «I Mu:oli 3.1Hi3. L. R. CARTER, A (* DN I" for thctaleof STOVKS, M i l.i.Ui N<) acd 1 AM'!M. 'ol Mi. ki..«u Ano '.All ■U<»NU N A 1 I,*'. Th'«* .V i Vin t ri..\v», Ai'rr ti i. t. r;G i au.ici if ct • •*n •Jt.llr;; tio I*. 2lt d C ‘ * 111 Or* n h 17 ‘t.'l RIHARI) CLEWING, B 1 'DT tibii MB ih MA 1\ Nf\ .cun .i t.u t. /• rI. s »It >j. t -x< t i t •.«- l*«»4t • -Uji;.-. r * J.v ; .; i r t: :.lI r df :: tind *. Inrit •* *i.,; •? ru* utl>i It ol Imj u»- uu.t i iiy ri ~n ns net it n* J I / J. D. THOMPSON, II L *.| In |, «» it ■,♦ . Nt , i.O . I'oiihli-l L) »li*trt "t‘Uce. atiu M.o Very Jr.t i.yle, 1.1 liiioM .t 0.., ,D Ue.’mromh *1 1 m trrr tv t le. i m ;*P.I THOMAS MILLS, AND MAKt u, uit Third fc 'r.U. lit i wee*-M .xfcwt und Noea , C.t.i :t* Id Pa, Aprill'.. ’r J HURXTHAL & BROTHER, n 1 uu.t LI'UJUt I'j Ai.hU t. \ laul J-iJL I’o i ' Mliee, IDedlo'R tp . ITi * 11 ii«*t.i ru. April IT, '62. M. E. WOOD, rj> f! VSICJ AN May tilwur* be Ruud m hh res'denco it* K l.'tirv,t linin’, when uot proietoonally absent. Dec V' IKH. LEVER FLEGAL, BLACKSMITH, l.niheftuurg.Pa , nt.l alien'd i 'J :ill !rart• id !«<» liuc, efti will fnrmsh U AU'.'NS, 111 (i- Glti." &n , voiycheajt, and irmnulaulurt-d inthcu-si t'.yle, tiuil «riifrnnit«l. A'»C. 7. 100-L —y, ISAAC SMITH, MLRi.IIANT. AiNLi l»4';ALt;il IN L.UMHI3R AM) Cyua’rv Pro 'ttectf'•ntrally tituiestreet, l>civ,««r. 1 Utoi/y and hacui'—' i)eo. lu, Ibal THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. lUfiN-i* I •i*or\vtfo vilto. Att «xt!to>t%'- niter! m»*ni :*t iTn*i >ng tn nin >i> order. |)«a. id. *“^l THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., JVTPKNi nad eau:ii*'v© d-alera. auo vln».iilueuirei* ill .. l.n.fH. Itjly LM. rb'.J ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the rniium ol Lid Uuo, 5 uiiiy* I’tom M bUCfiAN i'd.audoxleciivo hum tier rn'inuiaaibrert. Jane lb, IB6J. JACOB BILGER, T'tOl PRn.TlN.ttnii oIIKLTiKmN WAUEMANUFAO- V-/ I uULU—CurweiMVi le. above ihe oui ruandiy, co iho norm tldeoi main street, where all Itutmeii io hi* luu li Coae □ uia a workmnoiike manner, and on ruatonuhio fsrru» Coactry prodoca uh -o iti ux Imngo lor wprtt —Sept 17, *63 O. B. MERRELL, ptOPPEU. I'l« h SAUET ttlOM *V Attn MANUFAO Vv 1 IJUhil—On Hccjcd cirett, odo door tooth ol A. h. Wrif la’? tio.e—Ciearlisld, .bol. WM. T. GILBERT, B!IiA<;KSMITi] t cu rlopewtll. belitp. at theCrou Roadi . leadingTroti Mill o New Waihmeton, ami Trom Cheat creek to tne. iiver—where u!l caimn hit line will bq promptly attended 10. March li.lßoil. . DR. R. V. WILSON, [lAV(ttp lemond hii offiai tabu new ou Sa- U oobil «r«ct. will pronuul]. tuwnt all piofenioiißl oslli SaaTialsrora. . . VltatfUld. Jnaa IMS IHJ4. | TWF.STV V i-JAKB Hl*’ EX''KIUENUP. in the treatmoot i 1 ol n aim*dr.ones imhtriu mvrjootcd uud imperfectly an -1 drill- oil. luu ennhhi I)' KIN K I'iU N .{Author o n work ol , , n<" vou i»r stem shaite/cd, t> o’ r.i range qu unnooouu tn't t* I;-*’lrrind vague fears in the orn' l . 1 Tbs tin fnriunaio ibu» afleoled becomes fot*bV, is ucaDlo 1 > I.lbm w " h not utro.’iH n v igor, <*i to l>u i.ond to »lU*!y ; , hit eirj) iv irvily ned unuk, bo u duil. mo'o.uto nod cngogi-J : \ iub -nil wth loss than mual. li he Miinnupnio hiiM«-il Inioru tho practice hns don** its > ! went. find enter maiilihouv, In* •: nr-Liim in nnfrnitluj, art-* ' Ihn sense Unis Inin ih-tr this it r'ttii>»tl t.y onriy tollies. Them ' or.-1 (iiuideiuiioot w Inch i Jiouh! a-v rw. c n '.he attention of thoio similarly sitiint'-d. I I’o-.v ys. i “Will fclill 111 SltßW'f {( ,) V. Drt.. J>, l»\ . 1.. c i\ H. 51 AFFLICTED READ! j rIIDADBLPIHA MEDIUAh FIOUHE-Eitablithod £0 rear* m.o by hr, IUNKKUN, corner ol Third aad Un- ( ion *t*., between tipruco And Pino, Pblin4ol|)hia. Pa. , INVALIDS aro apprised that, I)r KINKEMN confines | hh practice to n particular branch of medicine, wmch ea- Rflpr-s hu und-slded nlicntlon, Ho cautions tho iinforinnato ' nff ji’uit ilio nhuicof orctuy ; Mionsandi urc annually mur* I iniraCzed ouiof 1110, Ileconl afUlotions ate prornplly oxtln. 1 gnuh-Ml. | M A Hill At Jl2 Mr unfrirt ibe fulfilment of leveraf condition?, jin miler that n mny iriil> he the cause nf' mutual hap pi it on Could tho veil which e.nvr n the of'inn ot d.-mmliu wrptohod* ne*» he iaped. ami Ps tme son ice in t veiy iti, latino d<>clows.l. ' iii how many co *ld it lie i raced to pbyilonl dogunlilioutiop: i*i d heir o. li ndaii' ointin»*iit« A i-piy then tn'e I’.!» yot Mi.n* (n or u l«r have your tins uirc and relaxed organi -7.5-iutt Tb'need, rovtulicd and >u« uglbcned. n MPMiU-lH he- who plnc>i Imnsrll under Ilr Kh'htjlin’* •i» ii m* ill may rrl'cimmly cobOd*- in bi.» tumor m n een uu 1 m 1 y iil r n ui'i in uci'. ibftl ibu ricthtH ul lit h s pli tlt-of s v. ul neve r I- duclosed. *. ii'inr nine— t>? no filso raodody drier you from innpmtr vnir cue i;mi'Tn in ni" who 1 rum ed ucit'Oa a nil re* i*c»:*U" b'lry cm, cwiurtly b-Timnd *&a. Too many th.iik tb-*y will o- n-vni tho *p-rnl In thur fwn b-ni's.und euro ll.rinudves. Al s.iow oiteo is t- u a intal d Inion, how mi* r « i»r< mtilrc j nonir man wbumichl ha* e been an nrm m'oit to society* hoi fado.l from Ibe earth. H'm ta-M rftbo r.-ttirn r,re mu-iily rrmoveo ti* t!m nppli ca-ion of a new ibcraprotical aaenl, u*ed on-y by I Jr. K 'Vrml- n* t* and const lmionnl dubiiiiy piomplly curod, tud full * njoi rcitortd r;ni'N'n;V can have—by stalinr thoir c»«p endiciily. toeeUirr wish n! tb*’ir syinji* nm. p*»r letter mc’o sir..’ a ri-mittaiicu— I it. K’s medicine, npt'ro.oaied aooordui;' ly -tOi' port "I the I'niod States, and pacM-d liotn IJAM A*« Mor (Jf 1 Itl< )SITV Rend!! Youth uud Manhood. A V.gorous l,ifc. or Pro uu u.c’ De.rui K'cik*’lin on Se’f Prti motion—t » iwonly-fiveceoU, Ii is a work eminently iPo f'r«-rs A it* U-r w‘it r. r**nit*i.aoc*' *T i i cat*, cr the vnlneja po*i t!on ll is n> drc»."l to —Mr lv , *ik» l in PhiluLlphia, Pa . wir it co ter. o,' i rii;ti'iH of 'be nlmvp hod. i by ret , rn if inul. or I - u v: .m will lu* s vt.l lr-K’ of poilnae for ♦ I. <; ,uvni*-i'», Ti nr e I rr» ■> A; - i*u'B , snpplipl u ho.'iN-ile at '.be i>itl,u«' 11’. uria:*. wlurb admit ot n large prr tit rXTA' I. U‘ Iff. It* M '" P Hl2 PO 'T PAH). FALL AND WI NT lilt GOODS Of 11. li. PATTON, Cirnvcnsviilr, i’n. 4 I.AK'iKVnd r.r-'l •• If c'.P 1> ol **K V U'MifiS nrd .A f.U. J- if. 1 ' ID *l. \IM< - S Mip •. (I’l w OU. r:u S Pi.Ai.N 1 11 .!./•. ,N Iv I *\cii;*li K • 11 it I. •• 11. K ,o! all knoU .sa i i KN h It*. It A iS.’y od,i tl >:* '*■ t, f.->. Al. • i—A 'nris* «»•< 'w. !. *r-!c.*tei! iL i i t ill L\ I * V-M .*, l)(; I ‘ l.' 11 '.I N < '•, I* L l G ' P,m-» I Med ic- tor*, of e% «;>• k IQ‘* it 1 > l';- »i rn! .*» i i U. ibe !i <•-1 t\ i r IK-) u t ':! to * h i u:.’r H AHDvV Alt •; -I- r.n I' iuds. 111. h n IK » . it \l;i A AA V I () ■U*•l * ' w . I'.V li I,illt ■ ' I' l * V I,S, PI l’ h. ot eve»y , ■/ , N \ 1 1. ‘ .-i'| T\ t ;?*, nr it ’I iN V\ AI*K. o’ every Ii m>' SI i .K.M * 'll., i. s i: '» - .. I'l.'.X SLlii) F||„ \> IJI I K Lb-\l». I'IKF. PKtr'il' ry rlll*. P i»« i iiirr*.i up! best (Kt j".* m *?.*» * I v * t- It 11 A r*« t' IS |; i ver ti*fi'.)giit tr I r. 6 couuiy. and *v lilt 'li r > 1,, w • r t, 1 li«) i,..l e titi;j»iers of if ,uln ti. ITo »w- - I * 'c 1 '•■«» t u ;■' .. i i.-. r.e. n,-on such Unn» ns who' iuiOi' rive i-r.tif" vu l nln ,, lion Uil. I. A v, i,i lin 10l t ii-ir Store nnch a *<•!< olion ul S J vJ23CDQL>ciUs3 •*. they unvn »r.w in ('i t a»,'i,l bo')'—and a* lor liKV t l» milt, geu-rnly, ntni I.PIIi: 1 , li A liftWAT* f*. LL'o A lilt. Co , ih e > oaur.i;! be kbrp..»tcd tilhtr in oroberipnei*. Cy" Tnosa who don’t beij, veil arc invited lo call and b« | COQVI9CP I l nv.m. i’i)7/r.u, i.. iu:i:d. j r. weaver. f'leartield. 21, JAMKS 11. LARIMKR, Attorney and Counsellor at Laiv. ntteuii ' > ' tj»! ue»» m ih *» it- *><»,• n I Court* ol \ 'lt-sr !":•?:«! htlfl t r M p IMIII I !lj C (Ml .^eui»Uu !*'l(tl'l. ODo ioor ri'im t«l Ui< oct* ol J'-lia VVeivrr. iitn;Kr..NH, v-M(,i. .iami;' uriJNsnc* - Hun .UML’ST. HAM. - , , it :: l'L i r ii. • i .j , 11 i ußou M *;r» I; t».! hI. id. iw.* 1 1 J l >i , i i.’j. P-o» rn’ipj * JJAUUERRCOTYI’Ed l y l) I'r.* TM’I.I.V MT.nn j,,- % w t ,J, \ |<• j-.-* nn li. I.N IV ri.KM l.> n; Hie i -oron r<» ol I ! .KAHl’l OOf) u:iil H uui'y. Uuti nr i ; n Mininture Dugucrrran Gallery i>n sict'M \ n ‘.-i k t-1: r .... •• t . , t i.i I ..wotj L iv* : lo.’o Cuil 'iU'l * Minn Of »i>Mj:iriO j- Oa«t t. || M ei fci'J. Ofu| j..| j, Mvrn> 1■» "< —. ii. Hiii ’ill-lit swoopk. j," KMi.iii.v ui .it ii-:. ..i - .ii rc: v.nopi:.’ ■ 11 uii’ nn ' u f'ii .w I n ihc.i 1 a.O»i -i i. vto *». I i rol e** • onai hu’inuki «-i:tiu» ». I In li.« on.e to I lie citizen! of ( he'd an i uitj.ii ulr. y ca it.oe». Ollier. teit thof 10. and t>v? ui i vv-oic i • -r.- -. KDi I.S—Hr v Dr. M'J.eod. Jn!iii oil. Iv f|.. Mon (*■•'«>. ’l’m slo r. a n> 1 11 .iti. J as. (j v\ i ii, 11 un loitidon--[Jon. tVm. R .Srhttrll, tint! Alex. King. Bed lord. (Jen. Wni. H. Irwin. Leuistown. - J 4 m*. timif. Ca I v in, 1 101 l ida | a burg. (■ tMt. Wi II min Avrrw 11 urnshurs (?*-mi; u!: pu h! 7 V *:* p',-. ’i! I, . h« e . ill coal iu u.-t t.<:n U a.! toi. '1 <”t » u: tlibu 01 Dental Operations, A ■ Nil rUit-t m'j .suit'i' lo* d tvr Ihaj: t. Ih. harnoch o( !'l ii -I.i lie it.*- ; i>«» ■<•!..» i.« oly u!l ti -n iu h.t 1.1010 11. 1,10 v.oilcu.J ol l .v M.iu;ii>a Junto Artiffrinl 'S'ectla Innntetl on Plile 01 I’ivot. cud r/airan’.cd Iu *;ire eniirt- c:u taction. J’.\ iKACTINd TKFIT;' do-tie wither.! dungti to li»» pa lieni. nnd with hut nule pr.iu '{‘■rsih KIMiLD acd CJ.D iu a pto;> r r and icieotif -10 mauctr. TAVERN STAND M 0PC2203. ©3js^.EEa22a 8 in emu i.nsvilu:, r,i. r rMU'’ fn:-o«e« to »»•') at PIU VATK KALI', hu X I AMi h AN J» TON VICNIKNT fK/l’liL to Iheiowc o! known ailha Amoirioaum M©ms©= It u 11l Haled oa i c SK>f»( cor >» r o! aad lilbati Mi ret . i»ml in the contrr* oi t;.o biunu-is uurt oJ Hu town — Im>uh* it 4'j by leot. iwo nun.* inch «ih a b:t o cut, and i-every wny calculated f>,r it pub'ic home. 'J her •ji nl» ,i n r,u premise! a I .run mil convonieut utnblo, together f with ml other neci'tiary b lldi ngc. i lit; prop-.rt > will l>« toil] on ilia moil f avoiftb!© termi. and for further informal Inn nwiicutiou may bo «*ii hor toilu* ■u‘JtcMi>‘*ron the i>rumu«t,orto W, /\ Wallace, att'lcartiold Juu6 It. ISAAC ULDOM Jr 81 as si a* si a L’s hot &a, CLEARFIELD, PA. r I" , IlE subscriber moil respectfully informs thecit'nens o X (Jlaaifiolu county mid the travelling public cencrolli. thnt he has taken the above named HOTEL situatedon the corner ot f'tontand Merkel streets,in the borouch ofCiear ti -Id, where he will ot nil tioi. s be prepared to aucotnthudato those who may favor him with their ousu-rn. No [min* will ba spore 1 by the proprietor to make bis customers comfortable, end hi«Jtouio n HOME to thorn who may stop with him. HisSTABLE Will be carefully intended to—and hit TA BLE aud UAK supplied with the best the market wn| afford. WM. J. HEMPHILL. August il. it)SSJ (OaTbamolt n»iwh<*r 0. DAVID JOHNSTON, I SX7'UULD respectfully announce to me utiiz'tis of Clear- Epilepsy can be Cured! DR. J, D. RIARCniSi’R ; LAKE’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, ! CELEBUATEt) CATHOLICO]^,.:. For Ilia cure ol Epilepsy or Filu, is |lerlomooB more j Bor thcrclicfnud ClirC ofsuffcrin/rFllmalei i won Jurfttl ciitch than any oilier medicine, yet . ‘ * known or public. 1 Price five B»oIlnrs ABetlle.' 0 (f y% A ' f&TOSSS2f mne proprietor has in lifs puiieiilna n"!, aV'VJ^mn*-« ' v - HAM?Comulotnt« 1 I Purmtintf rho ABTMMSUING AND MIRACULOUS ; *•' •> 01 CJl'lEd ofleotod by tins in 'Lome. ntnl directs attention to ; . .- pn». Utan, or Kllh£. tho Inllovvuis only, to n»»uiu tbnto who nro to unfortunateilo , *:%<.-■ ofthe Womb ~ri!£.*t b-' iifß ottid wih the iHrnhlo duean .ereiotorerc*nrded Incur- c v Albas, or Wt h!H. nl.le, f:«l La KJi'rt prwnn ion . , A.* , g./. Ohronfo h almost Infallible in its Cure . , f { tqiyß" •, • ; 'WUlftgStiftl From Mrs. Brooks, “widow of Maj. Jas. ' ; A. v Brooks, late of Conneaul, Ohio. . I^4 .Mr. Z. LAKE.— Sir: Ficaso Bend rao nnolher (U»ri««trao,sJ?,|!Sj botllo ol' Fit M*;il ctBO. m 1 da not lil-.o to do wilkoot Hon £*-’. •,:Vm v . of how log! Madh" hand. When I coma* iced riving the Mrdicina .o n. «ui , .'i Th# OwhnlSUir**’ tide •r. be had r«m. un« >■> tlnw fils nor day. 110 hu now JSSiL oth«,l£V ink. n t lie median * ov»?r II vr months, nr.d hns ha i, I think. v&fjßts/i^ fSi»he«,in beingtnhfSl* but two !;.» In tlir.l iitnc, tin.l those very .lifibt. Hu body and • , ,7) A dain^-lesi mini! nro vi ry much improved nnd by li.e bfcisin* 01 God, 1 . . ;T?t; 'r***i*f**£l i ??fW Jr? and leaving iVatis ®i (•.•cl that 1 ini niuihume will restore his hotly and mlod tothetr gflirrtfi’llitis -V** I fy _ l*.. ■ *BSltiaj w mod activity. 110 ta tfa >cars mil, nod hot hnd fits over Id i«,u nmULnln n namnl.ia. /r years, wiiii.h have tnca very frequent, nod very deitructivc ; Ln nil in«ere*tetl cell ft pnmpbiot (free) ooalaii, to Inc oniititniioD nnd mind, Hundreds of dollars linve breo . loir apple pjooi, frfrni Urn most rriocctnuia ionicM;pf IB4: e>r«o'* lor medicine to ‘CUIU2 I lTrt. M but nothin* bus i henoheittl }i* ,'°f J r JU*,J. V JS j» i? e ft / / OISJ ~l i l . v,,lhln, until he a.ed ,out 7n" pc" h Horn th.l?awn ob.ervnHo", ‘ '“' ir *»““«•» Lrom Judson Landon, Superintendent cj p.n. heijhham, m. n .Uiim.H. y ui the Ashtabula County Infirmary. {- ‘ f V. Viiuis/M i!> ’ Bnoh“?t“°r d fr*v < ! , - N - Vl - i Mr. Z. l.AKK.—lMeube : hciuJ mo n few more ).V i',^*W? ie '* N *.V* •! ' tmificr of > o<\r 'I it Mt.licme I may not nreriit, but think \ O'-.t. iul.l to koap it 00 baud. Vour mtdiolue hnulone wonde'i w ‘*M 11* rv. *• I ,-,vo it to Mis. June irniatio ; *h. has hnd fils for s;»i W. V ÜbMfc, M- >• Vork Oly. , bnuiL'lit nn hi hnvini: in* muailn* whoa but fonr ycuso'd 1V wn Vi ii ii.^Fv’ • wl.i. •.c.ut.lnnl l»b iMifhi .i«t 10 Ihv Alter :akm« J• 1 N ■f. ’IS'J ; “J.. 1 ’- 1 !! lc ?- ”■ J■ ih * laeilictno n Ir-.v days, the had a cod of r.icoilot. and Key. L- o. K lakij, Ulenn oprlnss. tt. C. . , ■ ■ hed o;> 111 jllp rr HI; • bad Pis et s> nipt arm nluvoit daily. f’ laid lisri craMs n« Ihu t lore of (! D. VV ATHON At • : Sho and bet ftuber eynour with mo in sn>ine ltint v.c bidrevn n.-ufijni Clunrfl'dH ra.—Also sold by T , i fio ni‘cy cjold do was to rsliore—a oof# - nemil. Ohio.—ii I’.WKLIvKH. Truvelling Agent, 'was out ol lh« fjoettioa. lorme months before oommeiici6|. Ho dby C.IJ WA T-ON. U:-arlio!d -K. K. AUNOLI). ' * vh yeur m-ti.clno l had r.ot fcrtn ab’oto parform 5Dy la. * Luthnr.tmre and nlio nt i'h l ipibu^-Sept. y. 1863.-ly. , bor, c rul-1 walk bota lew tlnr-s at a lime, and ecaicelv wo«i . , ... ‘ uui nf doo'i— In imrt. ! was.completely prostrated, both in mm a mb « rivr* * body find rair.d. and expected to dra* I Dtthorest of tnydayti P- Ilf I- I I f H I I • •in »«i fieri atr and m‘*.-rv. Ibit, rrndinc j our advertiiement, I' 1 * ■ ■ ■ B 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ w ■ •.vr;.*. induced to try yenr invnlunblo medioine called (JtetlMi TIM 2 V i'KJKTA It 111 J-XTRACT <>: fmlicon. at the lust rrson. I hod not u«ed it a week befop ns »■> v\ rn rfi ii t t i n 1 ielt I. f.o snot Icr sodisd. Ityl he tise ot three bottles 1 was 4 , VKI j Ih lilt; rIIJ li N t '.ciib'td lo perform aIJ ihc labor for tlx in t-o family with J 1 1J IJ 1J 4 ± J V 1 I LUO) ta -e. and cocirl walk nay wherein tho wltboat’ bar theutreof bits, bpas»is,(jravips,and - fVhin* Pul nootn of my duty toyou erd lo tbs .. _ T *' is, 1 ■ / ■ T-k • !.«■ *ndu /:d me to state my case to the poblio ■l : <1(1 j\(‘fV()US find Constitutional jjiscascs. c-o«at«ly recomnuod the preparation in cllthoie suilanar, dsn Miis-if. (wrned) Mrs. BAU Afl A. IHBIIOP. ‘ I! WHO ARC LA ID iH I N(J UNDER tuL dis- Krcodo r. i’jrl.ut Co., Uhn. Deo. 27.15jJ. :♦ mi ! wobidy wi.lfin-l the VtiGK'l AIILK GLEtTIG CIF*J. *t. M A U CO. Troprietors. Central Depot. I* 1 1.: ,H, in t>(- ’h. or.l, ovor diitovcrcil loroonnsbp tt. V . tb-nt.lS, W3».-Cln Uei*i y. or ladin* t rs. * _ ___! *■-• , # i hs?s« I‘iils r**>sse:r nipeciHc nrtioii on »he nervons system . Had , nlt'io jL'H i::cy arr proi arcde»pcc;ally lorthe pnrpcis of ciinny Ept rh»y w:il he loan 10l e»p<;jial bun*>fit 'or nl.per sons ulllicii-.i v. uh svr-nK uvrvet. or whose nervotn »vsli m hai b>«n tiro* i rleuor:ijti vniß.e/ dim no* o' l ;n;*ianin i,c: r t *•> eiccr-di*>;:t, >••» i■ f i'.’ T. >• r i I* n *»* lor s a. IV. mat ont of I h ■ r******”■ "•s~<™'r«oti..o»,.i*ir .. i» >i|| * •. 1. 1 1 . t it /, i'livE2'B' BJ.' riv „ • and all kinds of Machinery. , L , t > uJ ■;. r ffo ||;, nm no *of o n pernr qn nlity—eqonl, If notiff #1 1 A“ j ;i»t r« >: -iv. (! rom Nrvr \ *»rk «r.,< any oih*ri> the *M ate—.•* he use* do up bn t itier #t ii l’hiioot*ij'>. v, hi -!. K*->». hil ver Tr ; i U TeM |le l;n» :io» on ka-ui* n larce 0*601101661 of C •iinfi, inch t-v>Oßc itutur Knivc; Snicrir Tolj:«. and m H I'< iVI-:< .'f vnr o i C7‘i 'nil potter it. Pl.Ol (711 IKONx*. Hun*i. i» iii ’•'’J I*.re ‘Nr-J < 'mm. IVr Von a. :»V A»iJ Kv. Ti fc.c.. &0., wi.iuh he otlors totolFow for I'A'i INI l.i'VbK HI. VI |Ni'a-. 1 ; VV«V r VHf!*>—f'oai- V»h. or on a re&vmnbb* credit. JJo is now c&ninri from «J' »o e 1 f «PL*< fi.i'NT I TA* Ii f U LKViibS—lrnra j ,e mo “ n > proved -ml crni. , 1 HATHAWAY cooking-stoves. : ! ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Ml '/noM 1 ru'.r'fits',w£l, *! >. ' L T ine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, WeiuiPs celebrated Plough. ■ ii.,..u { w-wahb. sleigh blew. •' a IVt.' I.ct ( <1 in.-lf. rl M,u u m Jv )L • ' v .v'< l 1 . • I! 1 .UO fAl'ltun. . n.l V,,i lin'iio I i.-.r'! ' ' i'r |**#3 I!" »«.»." ot. •. tton*l.;ototßH. nod tmli lh»tlht ... . . :ii izwit* will hud uto then orir*nta*e . „ m nir.-I:im tt.L-ir custoir.. L’AHII will ulwan be pieforred— • tiai in* lit'l.fM imcci wi los allowed ivr Coanlfy Produce nndOLUMirTAU Ai hr rir. ihn c» al.lHlimenthiiparsooal' cim) c,v , ’, u“" ‘l w ‘" '“"W 1 ® 1 ' At Lianbcrvit/c Clearfield County Pcnti'a. - lr- ' l,lll . l l f. v r *., <• • ...1 .IP1•t. .< m# /,n h-nH 1 i i iie.Mu' f't.ia ilr UcA Uools nod lieibs of Sti» .y c ., u u o.osll, k.M ,n u conui.y ”... .Uh n. lily G;.oJ. ; ' ,c ! ««»• 1 > lio »»" onol nootatioa b> G.oU.‘i"“'ii U «» s you.rA^/. , ’oaV , M l rdl'i!n-^'&s.r l i?c* H-«nlr.iti.t; no I'tioninff the liver ond l'b» mi'd cs : i-..n i'j « ari-attoti lo.hdi; »• -cn ot ,i \ u Orijnii*. ami cltMimng the fitomach ond Bowele*. ICO t'Mi H.y.. w !,:**», i. 'mititrr/*'! h: .ioy in the atutty - . L(J Ca/ , C(: ~;i Hi'ljus i>.»c>aj*i. L vex Complaint*. Li/** As i n•’) ( < t<-vo l.* iiri- *.i| i tiesr n.n 1 iic r -..''n v ::rraoi ai* ll# j, r! i| |n jigci ;oa. i;.'vjhv uirts. |*i‘es. lieadaohn, Parer lad' thrr ‘i o: . Avne j 3 ui.t..c'. .< »\. \ . fo«» of A mmiito. fio . and causing. • • w *l’"■ • * n • ird ? In; («r.o J% c.ll L i c;. i 1 11 J (j,» (oon io ••»i - ii’. n: ii u i:»or ererf (• rt< t , I 111 •:t. i r. i-k m-f ',»n. I r,i: •• a*, u j i' i Ail i 1 'lj 11 H) •* J »u—And UiuicafjatuU llomois,, I 1 ' •> i ( r.'. r . c i.ff n- »’ . i.if (..ii j' nn .io Lu " . uat.-cut I* rntom, hrr -Inlr, Son KliPOin, Eryiiimlas, • wm, -\,l . w, -rr i'wy !• iv ■* t,i, j >»i r c«i xed n I : re r r.t j i.'pL./fni :u c!•a' t. n<-!ri*..c; • r j' tJrn f ._ .Mt-rcurMl t«t, t>oy?rs. tarj. ■ M.t..-, i IU I»nr«hn%tra) nt hr lowest t fieri i j*'.’l iAli i ll!:UiM'KliTAft V ORGANS-And by f r r,- m t'C‘ r s .jry Ie ?i< »• o<• «I u- >* of et'-xy i.n ..-riaz :.od quickeniag ibn i^mrotiaSrsiem.thQiallarißcNoi* . .np’i* ci• »l n ..ic‘ a ;t'. :: T.ri iicruii pruor, cn iht* shnlrst von* irmniMn. ucti cu.-icg all 1.-isoasea ol the Nerves, aaobgl! " IV* H ' . ... ... • ' ? > ’.era, W n r:»l. u, i. ramps, kr.. »'*# r ‘*^i r A V ' n 'i r,t " l 'l p ICf, ‘ R ? * r thrtr i' r* *•r j. u,,, v< ;.-'il iit i lie r uro of ull Female Com pi ainlt.; ■n.l « il.Ai -L).'', H* tbv> cb«rti- nc.iimg lor r. ... . , , , . ... f .. \[W. n:i kir.H t*r lumkir, hdl I tifc. n -r. 'yoibnu*. goniTi UflU Hr. Irra;n,arlty. Ob IractiOM* furwmi.ill., flop.. l-0.l lit -.eitis u.= i. 1.1... j-od t:lA.i COMPLAIPtI». mot. M Co.d*. t.cotDS.'Asih.-rr. U .cfcir.plicii ice . olso, Droticiy, lie 'eljn'.c CM K.J \A/ Mr.v of ihr* Fyrnp of Ve’lotv Dcct IS sJ» , *’> <' Mo hi (JO., mi box oa aelvnomor nmr ;' 'i I !>"t v.:,:)’:! ,1 r-r. ” in'> Ml U'&rr end cll'cvtual I <•, .-.'v .. i(|ii.-i.j r .i • t . - .. t. h. I;.-. .! 1 r. i - ••' icoointmud UlothopQbko rnVrij uccii h.lbv \\ :cr i»'t ,\: i,. J* mV.V^I* I**' 1 **' lL ‘ . i. 10-. .* . I .ft; 1 in* l -vr of: he Na' ional D snh Proridenou.: * It.!. W. , d’itliicr. iarae Kook Back, do.. / /n*/r/) stfi-x sl-i *i ■ s* s~» «o ; r.iv. Wm A. Phi lu>». Kev. J. B. Richmond. C. 8. JLjCII foi) LCIX Cit (L (1 LsUeCID J:>i*ok. I .'wVi. ! i nc« (its-Advt. Wm. KioM.M W.C, ; * 31.. C) rai f ,Htn. J\! IJ H. P. J:iine» Ilo'ohinion. t». fl 1)<0, A»»i*r.tTi' i.: ut (jO;hh , r t -1 ovuiy si >lk guQltt) * f v J. ]jcrc«, 11.) j liet.j L<»lbr. nail on a bundled otheu yl (fcp Dry Goods, Groceries , Quernsuare, Cut - iTw WES*. of to. mv /cry, Jlarihcarc, Hoots , Shoes and ■ va.ujwDa«E Hnmirt'i (''nnlrrii/inn r-tj K- *o'l . I Imorthn l.?pu anjo voted with its modtif cptr uu/uu rs, nonary y a 4ti j lo ,j AD( | cau 4a> r n»at m mi rMpecuiiuadrairaW/ Clocks 4* Watches. oVculntm! to rommly he da*» of ’’!'«»«t<*'»’lV£ h I jJV . / iijn.-ri. U u oipecin! l y » alumM* t•' INXJIOI3. TIOW, and *t» AUM>.« larpoan:! up,; ,r noch of qi nsdi.n’ n *xmtn to healthy action Ihh tj .. / 717 j 4l • t-\ f 71, r 7. i.lVi.ii. i-»ti>ovf»B l .;r;,o’. r.ts'! m.ic'ivity Irornlho ORGAN t IvPIKUJ’ (JfotJllPiZ) Drugs iy JVTffll- nf .I it in,; ,'i-» h. «l'h> a !'r:jn io all tb? >y»ipra. AiuDO’P i.„ f„ ilAl'Mt or; nnii« i «.i ii n-i no anpenor. mr . * ( inrs, c)*r., <)v.. r •v ■ tMi-. h. i jm i dav id uoi.mcs, m.I). In H: mi . ,J i>. IP. I*U. JO,,s M> t . # . 4 k«T HY 9WAN Medirtofs worthy a place iii all Families.^ rniiK .1 Being Prepared by a Regular Graduate 7,.' a"“S-4N vVi'-r.’iT'.- and Physician of 3 0 years Experience.. itn!i rlic/hf* I°. !. u ' *V\r '* lll ' 1 ! *° Liuu k.r*rck = ;R J S !t< )*K uan Honorary Member ol llie Pbiladßl* loud, itDil <.Ucf to. tnl'. u u Uui-lyitl • cradomed ini «, from & *1 b rjpo, r«=r\ r?r\ riO f'pfv>miy i»! t’cnctyharin under rho puldance of Ihfltri '—SU> d/ licensed Piofckwm Pl.iM’k. Chapman, (inroo. C«f,> CrTOCPriCK 1 IfiTfhnnrn l)ruu c I y ,iJf'ut IXfr/J Hare— nMtut eokumtrd for tmdieal icieuce, . . US, liarawa/C , uru^ % l UUnilMCa . helu# IolirlUjfl b t|,on, o : H lB of hi. patient. to putopiiU ictnes ana all other articles usually 1 relation*, beuu-* ofr.-n u. th? public m:,o rnuit orfc\ . . J expanenc lor ihj putt thirty year, the fol.owing raloaDf»i /cent IH a country Store i :»ieJio;nc.«.u» and tn» i:;or.:tit?g Cordial.—The (»regie, t l)i»O0T*t/» cbatij-H.l tor tJK.MN. LCMKiiK &c. Hnr tcrgbli ■rt vc in f : deuue —Thua*ioai«liita Preparation forriiuir fy»,'HMh.ll> a>k i.,crul, ur.'l c.k«.uro them wo intend l«u any vvtak ccm.utu'.inn, debilitated or cart), labor. .tody Of sim-iu nt iir ow ra'oi a« oaih purcluu-'j *.v l ll n'low ; diieaie. ucts I‘fco n o .«»rnj. It give. .trcticth atid appcU‘#i .lur.'- Jl I" j ly. CilAtjC 4tt?7r'AM. > one! |iof creMjnvi?orat|-i» T prorcrtici, f < — - -- lor Hoart Uiieoi. l , all Nurvone AfTeolloni, F/atuleoCO/ £S TP &I FT %Af A r~M ller.rt iiuro, Ru t!o:;ii'»«. N a lobnesr, Neural lia* raiiinf the Si |LJ i\a r W w riP iptnii. and giving power to tho ’>vholo •r»lcm, it.lialfflOil umpculuu.ia ti client. So cool. & battle. ••• ite.y n. is:*. sii££siDaiQaiFsiC©^l;(S)l2 a s ! 'o \ thi: grkat pain curgr. r ; j , B , lIK MTHruihEltU te»ufctr»n> nsnoonce lo tho c»lr j f)'> YOU HUFPLR VVfTil ANY PAIN.—If you dorOß i /cm :il • If'irliunl c uicty.uud the pnb'ro jreccraliy, that : willlind immediate relief l)) Dung Dr. RUSK'S r AIN CUtW they have cw ..meuc'-d t*.n Mcnufuetory of «J UN E VV,» UK, I Ell. It s the only ere partition which cutei almost instantly* onwmiieea.' I I.KTII ER.-!> I' Kt, (i vm.cio ihoy are prrpar* Sore Throat. KbfunvUiHi) irum Colds, Jhe tildai «'•Jo inrrinh so article of STUNK WAUK equal to any roaa- Back. or I Jmbi • Poos, Knr*o,- Tooth Ache J Stomaoh w a fan' un*<| tm* •'•heie, »:n il nn rentonnl.lo lerim Bowels, ft rfe or Blok ; Still Weak, Broi»ei. Corns, ond Dldw STt »Vfi PIPE' t U.i, A constantly oe hand hlaioa. Wherevor you have pain, 11 me lint Pam Carer. .ftyjf •| ,r «ior* t*ronn*ily intended to, andaiibornl discount tnndcio to all uses. price Vi/i. 2o and 60 cenU bottle*, 1 4 wliolei-ile purotiasyri. UJ. PUKTI'H. PUR CUUGtIS (JUt.DH. CROUP AND VVHOOPftyft Aozuii -b IHo3 dl. G.W.PORILU. C()IUJH-ln? best Dottgli Syrup in the world.—l)r. Ho*Vj ' ' * "■ • | L'o'ebrated Couvb Syrup, give* to tbo yflw r u B i t.'oo&h, whether Ciin.umptivo or proceed'nc from a cold. K Avy fV 00 JSLiOy Q/9 a allays any irritation of tho Langs, nod fortifies the MU*® IMJK mbscriber inlurms those whotwe desirousof purchas- i *t*'n*l tnturealtnofes. la bott cuflt6Uoen*« and 91. j ing lOWN LUTS Hint lie will i.i»poteof a number in Children are nl»p liable ro Croup. which danjierottigwf*’ the town of ANBON VILLK. too location of which often 1 yte'dumninhy ely tt> Dr. J. tf, Woto o never faihof CRUUr ureal inducements to Mechanics and others, situated otit is l SYRUP. Pricoliscn®t* , , , ■ 'J* in a uood ORricultural ojuntrv where ao abundano* of i COtK'i/. o Hp^ o J!,mfff , J a |si l ft rt^J^imWil nnpli!>’m«Dt can In nrouure-l. Th« (JEEN HOPE •irnpik, i cold ond damp wcaiber. Tho atuidKd will find J.IIU'* from l VUONE CllV nu.e. Ihroneb it. and other Imp ov“ I u “ P< Dr - B N Hw * t V uX P d n |f,n«. Bh .nnT l , !. P merits ere contemplated. way# relievos and prevents the dtseatei. saob as JaflUßMies Application for lots may bo mode to the subscriber on th* bonus. Dropsy iu ibe Chest, and Coniamptioo, *hijij Diomuot 11 I’rj ic v wvv a n W conn per batrio. .... _ „ Amonville.Juno 2). ‘ BVVAN. Alj3(> Uf . j B.llom. i o; Blood pnnfler.Drti _ _ peptio KlwumatioComnound—Compound extract oriJcchff.. i , . ■ ' ' i Music Liniment, Carmiuative Balsam VVou»Killer of \fi* Bounty Land and Pension Agency. miro/ ! o,croopßrnr ? .!;oidonpm..p l i,bimmeDr. nucur ° 3 i Uoilm* uiotment. Lye Uinlmept, Eye Water. BtrenutMM Charles Tucker, Washington, D. C. t n * 1,,a, i??* J FTOn , i, I 0 v l . or ? nl t'ordiai. aooi \ 1 * * ;EleiuofUpium,Linuidllalrlonic.andl‘omal«Bpec'nc, i AITORNEY for claimants, nnd Agent for obtaining Rev. i Allthenhove prcparaliooi, with DR. ROBE'S MEDICAL oluiionary. Naval. Invalid, and half pay PENSIONS. ADVISER lo persona In siclneis and m health, to bahw Ot- BUllN'i‘V LIAND arieursof pay, extra pay, &o.» lor Mu* i EDMUND E.BUENNELI, Morrisdale. Oleatfield ootjoty. itary and Navniscrvicei. |U. D PATTON, ( 4 qrwensvllle, and of. Doalen feojrfcly* Bounty Land obtained for tho widows and heirsof Volon- , throuuhouttbeStnlo. junaiif,;» tcers of me Texas Revolution ol ik3d. and e«tra par obtain i G. D. WATSUN, Ascot, Clearfield Pa. fur those who served in the U. S Navy, oa ihe coast ofT Cadioroia and Mexico from IS4?> to LSS3. Addicts LHAULES TUCKER. Wflihinytoo. D.O JOHN L. CUTTLE, '3j?oa<3}J±a.SiS3 ES3Oa'OBW* : -Attorney at Law and Land Agent, WILL praoiicam- ilia «LUt*rANl>»#yPTj!) Lin c< omw*. ond cuatd to too payment of tbxe« on tli-PoslOllhjd, whom ho will al va'yt Wpropared tb wiicoj* uy*pa»ed Jamli.— aM who may lavor him with ft coil. 11* hn» oo hawr^-TOU KKKEUKNUKB—illal;xoell«se)r, WU.RiULER.UarHs* Uurrf—Uoo ULLI3 LLWia. Laaoa&ter-U. W, WOU1). MlN'.a. wbiurt no wili b« of *ood Qoalljf «ner miinner,,, K vl Septera&or W/W5B. '\ j W**. loin). ‘ " .. w9 s t I ’"“’_, FLfcASA.W BBSBjL IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield, Castings used for Grist Mills, Sav:-Mills, ff'ashionablc TailoriiiS<