Orphan*’ t'purl Sale 'WJ ,Y virtue of an order of the Orphans’ il' Court of.Clearfield county, thero will $0 exposed for sale on tho premises in the 'Borough of Cyr,wensvilie i in Clearfield co., of April A. t). 18.54, at one o'clock P. M., all the interest of Abraham • Hartshock, deceased, at the timo of his/de cOase, in a certain lot or piece of ground, with the frame house and stable thereon erected, situate in the Borough of Cur jven9villc; Clpaffield county, at the north reast corner of Stole aj)d 'Thompson street, containing about fifty feet on Stnjo street, and being about one hundred and eighty ft. ,|j(eep(bf that width) to an alley, TEHMs.--Ono half cash on confirmation of saje, and the balance in one year with interest, to be secured by mortgage on the premises. r 1 DANIEL HAIVrSOCJC, Admr. March $, 1854,-ts. Estate of George Johnston, Jr., Dee’d. Tf ETTERS of Administration having § jl been grunted to the subscriber on t|)e tistnteof Goorge Johnston, Jr., late of Bell township, Clearfield co., deceased, ull per sons indebted to said estate a re requested to fnake immediate payment, and qll persons having claims against said estate are re* quested to meet the subscriber at the late residence of the deceased, on Saturday the jwentV'Second day of April next, with their jslaims properly authenticated for settle- March 8, 1854.-#lpd.-6t JOHN M’MANNUS, Adm’r. CITIZENS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, NOTICE, that a new firm has I been established in Curwensville, BDd with |t a determination to sell goods /ihedoer than they haveever been heretofore t pffered, under the title of Smith & Brown. Weare ready to wait or) all our old friends and customers, and ns many new ones as will favor us with a call. Just give us a call at the old stand, and wo will con vince you that nil wo have told you is Wo have a large and well selected stock of goods, and will sell at wholesale or retail, os wc havo said cheaper limn you can buy elsewhere. Lumber, Gruin aiid all kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods. ' SMITH fls BROWN. Curwensville, Jan. llth, 1854. A Notice- —The subscriber being desi rous to aett)e up his pld accounts, (which }>is old friends and customers having un settled mccounts will please take notice.) Having to be from home the greater part ol’histime, persons will at all times find hla. partner Thomas Brown in the store ready to wait on you. ISA AC SMITH. ' Jan. Oth, 1854. THE valuable Saw M'U and wnlor power, with two two-story dwelling Rouses, a store jroom, and a large double ]&arn erected thereon —between four and ftve hundred acres of good while pine tim )jer land-indisputable title. Said land isj situated op Clearfield Creek,Clearfield co., | and within twelve miles of Altopa on the Central Railroad, with a plank road to (Unite the two points to bebuilt next sum >per; also within four ana a half miles of |he Liplon and Ml. Pleasant Plank Road already built. The mill has two upright pave, and one circular ,saw —all improve ptents new and good. The creek is a pub lic navigable stream for rafting from the mU1.... For furthor information address the subscriber at McVeytown. J. B, STEWART. February 1, 1854. —ot. ]&®w© <& Emotoim, Jll North 3 cl Street Below Rase, Philo,., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Corn Brootns, Painted Buckets, Willow Buckets, Cedar Ware, Looking Glasses,Clocks, Window Shades, Bristle Brushes, Cordage, Wick, Twine, Matches, Blacking, Wood and Willow )Vare of all kinds at [lie Manufacturers’ lowest cash prices. Jambs Euston, John Ity. Rowe. ‘ February 8,1854. —3 m. LATEST ARRIVAL. Sf 111 W <&(£ <© 2) THE undersigned haye just received a large and well selected stock of gdbd,, suitable to the season, consisting in part of dry goods, staple and fancy, Rea fly-made Clothing, Carpets, Hats and pips, Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, Gro ceries, Queensware, fjardware, Clocks, Prugs,paints,and oils, Saji, fipeapd course, Tronka and Carpet bags, Cederware, &c., which they respectfully inviteihe attention pf all who wish to buy good articles, on a very sipdll advanco on city prices to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, ps they are determined to sell ofT at the lowest possible figure. IRWIN & SMITH. Jan. 25, 1§54. THE CRYSTAL PALLACE, f S about to close, and so is A. M. Hills I Store. Being desirous to close out ms stock of goods, he will sell for the rea dy cash for cost and carriage. He has on tyand a splendid assortment of all kinds of goods usually found in a country store. — pome good pieces of Deoskin Cassimere, a choice lot of Cloths of almost any and every description. Beautiful Cashiperqs, pnd sorpe of the latest patterns of French RfeHnipes, and a largo lot of Calicoes, Glbghaipb, Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes,*'particularly ladies wear or Shoes, Hats and Caps, chijdren’n Hoods, All Wnol pelanes, Sattinets, Tweeds and Ftannejp, Hardware of almost every kind, Gmeens.ware and Crockeryware, Fancy Jmlc(es,Genta. and Ladies' Hosiery, &c. The subscriber is bound to sell out his entire stock. A. M. HILLS. yjgn;; .25, 1854. t ' i, ° '• Fifty Bushels of Beans, aft band and for sule ut Smith’s Cheap . ptoreCtutyensville, Pa -Jan. 25 ’54 ||| Purchase Whei ,g$ y luke (Jeosurp 1® fl. old friends, th ggsell all kinds of §fihan any other hoi Sudelphia. Cull uw mistake the place, frjjssite the Pennsylva gJippt. Goods delivi S&cjays after purcha jfHkeep Mess Pork,' ra\Vkite Lead, Oi raof which will bo raprofit for rash, ra Harrisburg, Fel NOTICE TO COLLECTORS, A LL Collectors previous to 1853, will toko notice, that if the whole amount of their Duplicates are not paid in full on or beforo Muy Court, they can positively expect to pay Sheriff’s costs immediately afler Court. And a number of Collectors for 1853 will be dealt with in the same manner if they do not attend to this notice. We nro determined to have those outstand ing debts due the County collected in or der to make cash payments for all liabili ties in the future progress of tho business of tho count)'. By order of the Com’rs. G. B. GOODLANDER, Clerk. Clearfield, Feb. 23, 1854. Clearfield Pottery. fIR. LEITZINGER, respectfully in forms the public, that ho constantly keeps on hand a good assortment of fancy Pottery ware, such ns Crocks, Dishes and Stove Pipo Collars of every convenient size. Farmors if you want to buy cheap, give us a cull at the Clearfield Pottery, near George Orr’s Blacksmith Shop. Country produce will bo taken in ex change for ware, and a liberul reduction made to wholesale purchasers. January 11, 1854 —ly. George Ohr. John Klinger. BLACKSMITHING- ''I'HE subscribers respectfully inform: g the residents of the boro’ of Clear- 1 field and vicinity, that they have entered | into copartnership, and intend carrying on the above business in all its branches, at j the old stand of George Orr on third j street in said borough, and they hope by I strict attention to business, and being con stantly furnished with a good assortment, of iron, to be able to give satisfaction to all who may patronize them. Every ef fort will be made to have their work done according to promise, and in a substantial manner. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange for work—and cash nevor refused. N. B. —Our shop will be open from daylight on Monday morning until 4 P. M. Saturday of each week. JAMES BIDDLE GORDON, aft ILaiWo HAS removed his office to the room adjoining on the east the Drug Store of Dr. H. Lorain, and will devote his whole attention to the practice of his pro fession. He may be consulted in French and German. Jan. 25, 1854. L. JACKSON CRANS, AT 3LAW, OFFICE, adjoining his residence on Second Street Clearfield, Pu. Hav ing charge of Judge Barrett’s unfinished business, Judge B’s. cliants will find their papers in his hands, and obtain from him such information as they may desire. Terrific Slaughter of the.Rnsslans ] IBy ]Fll®©ll2jS AND the cheapest, best and largest as sortment of Boot 3 and Shoes in the county, can be found at R. Glennans* es tablishment, two doors west of A. M. Hills’ stoie. If you doubt it please call and be convinced. No purchase no pav. R. GLENNAN. February 1, 1854. AFFLICTED READ! Philadelphia medical noueß-K«iabu.bed so ,un a,o by Ui. KINKEUN. coinor or Tniid and Ua iou »U. , between Spruoe end Pine, Philadelphia, Fa- INVALID-5 ere apprised that Di KINKELIN confine* bU practice lo a particular branoli of medicine, wmen en* gate* bi« undvided attention, tie oaotiom the unfortunate e fa jnit the abort ot. Mercury ; thousands ate anaua'ly mar curalized outofllle. Recent afflictions arc prompt!/ extin guished. TWENTY YKABBOFKX' > KUIENCK intbe treatment ofa olatsol dlieases hitherto neglected and imperfectly un derlined, bos eaablo Dr KiNKBLIN.(Author oi a work of Soil Preservation.) lo prove that nine lenthsof the causes ol nervous debility. focal and const'tniional weaijxess, mental and physical suffering, are tractable to ceitain habits, ft-rm inf the nos*, seen; /et doad.’v and fatal springs or dumestio misery sad premature mortal! /. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE —There ii an evil habit sometimes indulged lab/ boys, re mlitud *, oile* growing up with them to manhood, and whiohifnot refjnneJ re due (imu. not oni/ begets serious obttaclesto mainmonlal nap pi nets bot gives riso lo a serl- s of piotracted ins dious and do restating affections. Fewoi those who give way to this per niolous prautico aro aware of tbe consiqueocti. uotit they find the nervous system shaUoxed, fteUtrnegeen unacooun teb'e feeliacs end vague fears in the mind. . The unfortunule thus afieoted becomes feeble, is unable to labor with aoouitomed vigor, ot to apply his mind to study ; bis step is tardy end weak, be is doll, irresolute and engages luidoiTwUD leu ebergy ijiop usual. .... If be emancipate himself before tlio practice has dona Us wont, and enter matrimony, his marriage is uufiuitlul, an-i his sense tells him that this is caused by aar-v lollies, /hem aro coosidoiations which ihould awaken the attention oi thote similarly situated. fiIABUIAGE Requires the fulfilment o[several oondltiour. in order that it may really be tbe cause of mutual happiness-1 1 Could the veil whiob oover* the origin ol doranlio wrewhed- 1 ooss be raised, and its true source ia every in lance duoloseJ. in how mnny could it be traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments. Apply then whl eit is yettime. In order to have your unstrung and relaxed org&nl xuion rebruoed, ravivilied and strengthened. ' UfsMKMDKR he who plaees bimseifaodei Ur Kiakelin’s treatment may religiously confide In bis honor asagentloman.! and ieiy upon the assurance, that the secrets of Dr. K s pa- ■ lieats wilineverbeditcloied. . ~ Young man—'et uo false modesty utter you from making yoar cant known loose who. from education and raspeoiu- j bllity can ooiuinly befriend iou. , , , Tqomany think they will conceal the secret io their own i bear's.ami cure thiimtdver. Alas, how « ten Ist-1»a fMM detail >n, nod bow many a promising young man. who might have buen an ornament to sootety a has faded from the euib. | BiricturFS of tho urethra are rapidly removed bv iho appU-, ca"'oa cf anew therepeutroal agent, used only by Ur. K ; Weaknetsand oonit.tutiontl debility prompt'y cured* and j full vigof restored COUNTRY INVALIDS can have-by statin* their case) exnlicitly, toaethrr with all their symptomr, per letter eno;o. i sing a remittance—U/. K's medicine, approbated accordingly, j rorwaidcd to ony partol* the Uni od Bt&tes* and picked ■ iicTr. Dom DAMAGE oiCUitIOSITV ■Bead!! Youth and Manhood. | A Vigorous Life, or Premature Death Kinkeliu on Self-Pm ervation—(July iwenty-fivecentr. lb is a work eminently lequired. as a moans of reforming the vices of*tho age in which we live. Also, NATURES OUIUE. with rules for tho ProiongaMon of Li'e. just from the press. A letter with a remittance of AS cinls.orthe value is post stamps, addiuscd to—Ur. Kinkeliu Philadelphia, Pa , will stcaio a copy of eiti er or the above bocks by ret ./a of mail. or lucopios Will be sent free of postage for $l. Booksellers, Canvassers* Travelling Agents, &0., supplied wholosalo at the publishers prices, which admit of a large profit. stall LBrjmia must be post-paid. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OP CLgARPTELp CO. E. p. MILLER, OURVEYOB. Util townihlp. Clearfield ooa«t».—All bn o attuut-d ti him promptly attended '?-&?}'*"• Chut P. 0., Clearfield county. April «..>!»«• T. JEFFERSON BOYER. PH YSICtAN—oen bo found at bli Office m LUTIIBBB- U(!R<;.,C;eiri;eld oounty, Pa., when not abtent on pro fcloeol boilneu. September». low. MOSSOP (Sh PO'PTORFF. Retailers of foue.cn and domesticmer chandise a. LUIUORB-llnUie met-idoorßeo. ond itreet Qinitr oppoiite tbe Court Homo. Cloaniold, Fa. Sopt .id, >Bj3. 11. P THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN— May be found either at hie olHce.orot 8oo» Uolti'» hotel—Curweaivllle—when °o l p TCJ e VHai * abwnt. Veo.M SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, rpANNHR and HOOT and SHOE MANUFACTURER- I Oorwor.Yille. Dao.SS.lBll. DR. S. L. COBLE, PHYSICIAN— reeulmce one mile and a half loulh eat 10l 1 timber City, t>n the Kidxe Goad loadio* to Now Wash* melon. reepoeUully often Mi itrvicei lo the inrr. nndlni ocjpmuniiy. voc ‘ * LYMAN S. PHELPS, * riIDUK AND WaTCH MAKER. C'urwen.villo ra.- U Watuhoiund Clock* oeally repaired and WAKBKNI' KD several year* experience) In the bunnfifc. makes me feol confident that l can rtnder woeral «atiifaction I would therefore, tnanklullr receive a inareol public patroaaie. (Jorwemville Nov. Ifl. tßsa «~3 mo. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WAOO »-MAKKK-L.uthenburg. Work done to order on >hort notice, and on qoodtermi. Hec *V. o«j_ A. K. WRIGHT, AND EXTENSIVE DEA.I.EK IN LUM 'VI HEK— Second »um. ono door lootbol hl» rwidenoo— Cl-arlleld. l)eo JB.IBjI. WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, CAIIINET and CHAIR MAKER.and HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER— onodoor eoulh ul tho Prmbyterlon Lbureh. Soooi.d itreet,Clearfield, Pu. A,ml 18.18 M. GEORGE WILSON, PHYSICIAN— Mar he! and at hit office in LUTHERB - when uol abionl on prolinionaUrutinei.^ JOSEPH H. BRETH, mi Af'KSMITII nt NEW WASHINGTON.CIearfIeId oc.. 1} where Ml Modi or work n aoce lo hi, lineal ho,tne«»in tho ihoneit nolico and moil roniunnble 18 - a C. KRATZER, VIEHCHANT AND LUMBER I 'EAl.ER—Corner of .VI Punt and Luco.t .trMi.-Uonrfield. I|jM JAS. ALEXANDER, CJADDLER AND HARNESS MAKEU-lnbunew .hop Oon Market Areei, nearMerr«ll’*hoiel. Deo IHSL JOHN H. HILBURN, BOUT and SHOE MAK UK.Heoondilre.t. nearly ppiioeiU A K. WrUht** ore. Clearfield.l*a. Au.il 16.185 J. JAMES HOLLKNBACII, I) i.ACKSMITfI, on Thud street. between Market and l> W nlnut. (Jlearfield.j > a j _ HENRY LOR AIN E, 1) It YSICt AN nod DRUGGIST, on Maraeuireel.ppporile l hi* reiidence. Clearfield. Aprilld. lUS-. JOHN W. SHUGERT \\T AGON MAKER, corner of Tbil.l and Lr-ceill ■lreet VV dearth Id. RepMtioa done lo order. Apr.l.lB. W. GEO. RICHARDS, FASHION ABLE’ T A 1 LOR— W e,t end ol Sliaw’, Bow no ,tair, —dearrietd. Dec. -8. 185. ■ THOMAS SHEA, Fashionable tailor—taSbaw', Row on Maik.t ftreot. immediately over tbe Poll jyj. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lalher.bnr« Clearfield 00.. Pa. April 17, IBii. A. L. SCHNELL, 'T'AlLOß—Lulher,bori.—will dohi, worky ritoi eood and X a* cheap, a* any other fellow. toil. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. a TrOKNEY AT LAW. Officeadjjrn.ni hiir.i.doßo.on A. deooadbtreet oppo*UetherC4idenceo! Gov. UirefUear Haiti April W, lesi DU F. ANTES CANFIED. j II AVlNG.unrchmedtbo property and riluetioi, of Dr,G. F II HOOPS, teodorehr, profeeironel jer.rcee lo the ol lira, of PKENCII VILLE and erolnuy.—Office one door out ol I LU’J Zn* Store. Joue d 4. laid. i SAAIUEL ARNOLD, I VTEUCIIANT nod PRODUCE DEALER. Lnther,hnr«. | [VI Clearii-id county. Pa. April 11. IBSJ. | ROBERT McNAUL, ! '£' VNNEU-AUhe JLD STAND in Cunt jr^vrlhr GEO. W. RHEKM, CJADDLER. HARNESS tr TRUNK MANUFACTUREn ,3 —OnSecond It.eot. immediately over C. D wnuon e lime Store I*»o. JO. Idrrd DR. GIBBONY F. HOOP, 1 1 A ViNt. ebaoeed hi* r«*idrnoe noni Krencb'iite to Ki ll lartvil’e in Morri» towo»hlp. ioip»ctfoUy olteri h‘ l »«r vice* lolho *->rroundln2 community. June v*. inaa. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MASTER. MERCHANT and DEAFER IN I.UM HER —Crflhamtoß.Bradfold (gst WML P. CHAMBERS, \HT II EELWRIOHT, CU AIR MAKER, and HOUSES W SIOIIN PAINTER-rCurw.M-itl.. 18&1 B. F. STERLING, OADUI.F. S a ABN ESS-M AKER. ««d JUSI'ICE O THE PEACE—Cnrwom-Tll.. !>«- »• ’ j. l. currLE, A TTORNEY AT LAW nod LAND AUENT. Offlo. od il joimdg bisrcs’dencs, on Market street,Ciemheld. L. R. CARTER, A CENT for Ui.aal. of STOVER, M‘4K«EAKINC aad CASTINLS ol all kiadt. AUo. BAR IRON a N AILS, Th-eihiag Maoliiaai. Plow,, AtnenllDral tto od SaMßd.liaat. oadn ho Piiatln, OBioe. mh.lv 13 RIHARD GLENNING, BUOT andSHUE MAKER, can be found at bis shop two doors east ol the Post olfico, where ho has oons'anlly on band elarge auorlmeut botboi home and city manaiauture. Joly b. 18S5 J. D. THOMPSON, BLACL.BMITU. Waioai. Bn,«iei. he., Sio . ironadon •hort aollce. aad the veiy he«t iljla, at huold ilaod la li e borough of Curwensville. Ueo. _ __ THOMAS MILLS, Coach and sleigh makeh, on Tuivd IwaanMarkotand Locuil,Oloairttld. Pa. Aprlllß. od HURXTHAL & BROTHER, MERCHANTS and LUMUEK DEALEaS. Woo.ilnad roB6I. WM. T. GILBERT, BLACKSMITH, at UopewtU. Oelltp.,at theCrou Roads leading from M'Ghees Mill o Now Washington, and from Cheat crock to the river—where all calls in bis jlne will be promptly attended to, MarohSl.ifloJ* DR. R. V. WILSON, HAVING iamoved hik 0(Uob to Hit now dwellin* on. So oond otioet. will promptly •niwM «l|proraulonalonlU Cloaifiieiu. Jonelfi, IBw. ft FOUNTAIN ItfN. Ml c3> oa £Si <3D (£1 ® UUs j r-k annoonoe* to fill old friends and (ho I R pub Win «cM7al, thathehonakenthe well known old j Tavern Stand i .1, ocouplaobf WM. CUMADOO.on tho Eilo P ke, fmtwe.n Phllllplbnrg ana Carwen.vlllo. where ho will bo bopDyTo.cit.U oU ooQUolntnnoei nml #. many paw oomor. as may favpt him with a call. t»ih rtHINTAIN INN.lslatco and in good order, con »«N«ina ft «uflluient namber of well furnished parlor* and* chamber*, and ©very other nojonary for the most comfortable accommodation of iravcllou. THETABLBAND BARR will bo well supplied-tho for mer with the delleacle* tho leaion oud l 4 marketiaff>rd*—toe with the choicest 51INEH AL drink*. THBSTADLINO attached to tho Fountain lanlisllargeand will always b* provided with tho best ot Pro vender.l THE FOUNTAIN INN U ono of the/moit ploaiant tltna- Uon*on tlieErie Hike, and the proprietor roipootluly invite. ■ oallfromt'ovoller.oodothor*. confident thathewil. banblo togivo*all»racllon tohliffuosU. JOHN OHEIjL*. nogffitownihip. Ueo 6.1853. HEMPIBBB>E’S HOTEBi CLF.AKFIELD, PA. rpHE mbicriber moil re«pco»rally iofo'ini Ihe 1 Clearfield oouoly. end thnlrawllln* onb lo keneielly. Ibot ho ho. token Iho abovo namod HOIEU .itontodon tne notnot of Front end Market .treot.. In tho roroJ.h ndd wh.ro ho w ill at nil timet bo prepared to ncoomniodnle Utoiowbo mnyfarorhim with lb el. ou.tom. No onin. will bo .'parol by ihopronHotorlonuiko hi.ou.tomonooinfoitnblo. nn* hi. hon.e n 110 MB to tboio who may rtopirlt 1™ itI.ftTABCE will boooiolully mtondod to—and hi. IA QBE and IIAK .uppllod with the bow Oio nnord. Aaiuit 11.1852. M tavern stand tt IN CVRWENSVILLE, Pa. map Bub.dribtr propo.e. to noil at PHI VATE BABE. hi. T AbllE AND CONVENIENT HOTEBm tho town of CURWENBVIECE, known n.tho Homs®- It it .Itualed on the northweilcoroer ol State and Filbert itieet*. and In Iho controoHhe bo.ineu partol he town. Tne houio i* 45 by 48 Teet. two .tone. hi*h wlh *i ba* j' enr, and ii every way oatcu tiled fora publlo home. J her us al* to on the premise* a l..rce and convenient stable, together with ollother necessary b Udine*. 1 he property will be sold on tbe reoit favorable errm. and Tor further information application roayb# modo cirhoMo iho .utaoribnron Iho proml.e., or to \V, A AVnlloc*. at clo Jonoll.lßiS. ISAAC BBUOM Jr. DAVID JOHNSTON, WOUBII nupectfolly nnooonco to the pil|l;n. or Clear lielU and ntljoinio* oonntlo. that bo ha. lilird Up and opened oat a PUIIBNJ lIOIIBB.n the lownol Phi.lp.bury C.olid county, and I. folly prepared to acoominadnto oil who inn r Invor nlm with a oall. • heb. iJtJ. 1864. ly.pd. A CARD. A. M„ EO Ik Hr $ W'(itJLL) respectfully inform h«. filonda. and ihopuhlo Ktnr.rally. that bei.i'l coniiouo. to attend to oil call, m ihe liu«r ol _ . . Dental Operations, I'm: underaigre * tcipecfolljr announce! loiliewopl# «1 I (\enrfiold nod tho adjoining countler Ifinl kntlll aonlll. ue»tu carry on menoore bo.lna.aal. Imtxiaaiiaa aornliHlk. meal in ilia i>oioD»h of Clear (raid, «o«l la now prepaid Io manufacture all bind* ol Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, ROBERT R. WELSH and all kinds of Machinery . Oltoffilk <& WattoSa Malkaffo #' 11 ASj ait received f.otn New York and [ be»l material. and ewpfoyt uotie botlbevery be»lol vvotkmea 11 Philadelphia., n iarco and tpieadid nt-| Hit . _ wrtmcnt of JBWELU V—contiiting of l.v i MACHINE SHOP y • Pin't, < ’lUib^on . Pocket Hook;. &a. , „ . . .. A m - W iaid* celebrated Plough. ftiHS *a i b?i»w °lioUK§ a°ud STATION Alt Y anJ will b-* »old a* the lowest profit t bu. hit ternn are |l b intends |iut ell ou reasonable icrmi.aad Unite thattfii hi a-*,d ISj and Vver,oihe i UAtt.l. Watehet. (Mocks and Jewelry peatlf RE- oi onke county gen-ally willUodHo Ibeitadrulua rtALUUhH a d anu t»er/ o ; PAIRED. «ad Warranted foroae > ear. \r «9 6d. « k h im their cutto n . CASH will alwai# be pre!*rrnf artide ntoai'y kepi in a country tto.e. . ! - - • ' botth* hlshett pncea wtU be allowed li»C9Mtl? **•» Lumber. Gram, and country produce of every kind. uuen ; nD d OLD M ETAL. At lie give* hi* eiiabliibmeathiiperajekl '"Jnrwannido' Nto ‘il IK3 -If- ... D PATTON. NeW StOl’C, ; .np.ivl.lon.adoid.r. 10, ,o,k . „ „ ' , , iISTID SflliW (a-(Q0&©Qo u,..i,h. No,. >«.>».. ; J\ftW C • J\€lD &10T6 • • Lutnbcyvillc Clecujicbl County Penn u. Compound Syrup of lfllOW Dock Bool* 1 itiinNTi.Mi IN TUN EYCK & CO. b: i leave lo ia r orni rr.u|,s n a PURELY V BIIhTABLB COMPOUND, totti* POWELL. REED & WEAVER ! J\l then Ineuda*.and iho coniiim.it/inienDrai, that Ihoy ‘mically prepared from the b«»t ttogDi andJ** VJ I u liuii, i xlumsxs ' Jove opened their NEW STORK, io the above named place. ltluU .ra Mvdica. and hat game 1 the anivenal rauntalica Tor ARE jail now openleg at heir new STORlvlb OH in the > wheie have, aod intend keeping on band every variety ;l, e following cfleci*. »u; .. . n; boron* hol C>eu.ticld, ooe ol Iho Inrcctl uad best e«*orl- Q f ato ally kept in a pouutry atoie, tuch o» Dry Ooodt. Kecil’ulinC dfrl b' rcttgiltcning IHO liver and UlgH» mend d MEKt’ll ANDISE ever brought to the coo niir. and , Groclsr i ei> hardware. Quotfßiwaro, Tin. Ware. Ready Med- ; • ® o rcau- aiui fleueing the Stomai-h ond Bowel*, whlcn they now ol or to the old outlomertol & ] c , othllie> „_ u a *d Lap*. Drugi, hid NludUnei. &c.. fie. « tI X Jm niUotis U?tea»ee L ver Complaint*.Dyt at will a* io iho poblic at large, quod tuch Uimt at .nonoi won id ca'l partloalarattentioo to«hcn »U>ck ofUUUjd | Ji •o?i?vjn.te 1 Pi»**t Hcadaohe. Kevertad TlfifLADItS 8,.» mok . mlam.oa C 1 CaCDCDc£IS3 1 “Ifi: WV.?«Swh ro, Goodi all kind. orn.tiES j &SLKE: At they oever taw In Cleatfiel I before—and at for DRY LU.MHLtt ul everj dL ‘ ,c /‘^ l }“ 1 Hand in Cur- Scald fiend. Canker Pimp.es on the face. Ulotcho, Ulcen. "ISIr'TtaSS'JKX.'. bolia.a U ar.inail.d .0 call a.d b. | «UJ. ; (.» UnOTSI trV ! ?«'»wf'KlSw WM.'foWELI. 01. HEED. JF. WEAVER, a.d lu -“‘l al l i (^.s'"od tl^ l V!iS of ei’..r*d'.° ! v o'u /1 rri t a ao'n tfc un a e nllu,.ea.u. ol l'h« N..an..achu oaa,fidd. Mn, bUItM. I -» and order, on th. .Uoriut ||h i«-; Fern.l.CompUinU. JAMES H. LARIMER, i Attorney and Counsellor at Law 1 A.-.j.iHady. \ “ e „ U d ; , ‘ 1 0:0”“," CenboooumiM. oih-MonWond Street, one Curweoiville. Rsot. 20.1M3 H flT ; nc , n ide ate of the Compoakd Hjrop of Yellow Dock door north of the residence of John VVeaeor. | Rjol, pieparcd hy C MO.ISB fit 00.. either on •eletiOfoai Mh»office ai'j -ioinc bit dwelling. i» the boroo*h ofl leer, tieid. He m*7 be found nl all Uaiei in In* »»oie iu the *eit ond ol t .e Mauilou home. Artificial 'fi'cclli Imerted on PJj’eor Pivot, aud wairan ed to give en:ne ntii TKET-t done without danger to the pa tient. and with but mllo pain. .. Tiilb KILLfcU anil GLE Ar»dt:i> Id aprupir nmlick-Dllf -10 manner REFERENCES.—Hon. JAMES BURNSIDE. Be lulonlo ! lion. JAMES T. HALF. iln. Col A. O. CURTIN. ■ 00. mill: Sobicrlbor would nform the cltizeni or Clonir.eld JAMESM’MANAS, Bill.. do, I counlr. and ihn Dublin tonerallr. Uml he hai JUS 1 Kb- II B PKTKIKKN, E«1 , lluuuuldon. uEIVKD. nod ii NOW OPEN INL. at Iho 3tori-houi« for- Meura.DK AKE Si UKCIITUG. Pbll'a I met! > occupied b» Wine Si Goichel. nl Mormdale.o 1853.—1». LOVgC, t) Assortment of Goods, conmtioc orerery style and qoniity of Dry Goods Groceries t Queensware y Cut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes arid Bonnets, Confectionary, Clocks f- Watches. ALSU, a laicoond well selected nock of Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs if- Medi cines, ij-c., tf-c. Inihjilo’l kinds ol Goods usually keplin a Coontry Btore. a lot which he Is determined to sell LUKA PEU THAN EV £b°HEFURE OFFERED 'N^AH^PI^^UNTV DAGUERREOTYPES. ipiffi&'yn&srtsuio RiteI’UI.TKUL.L.Y announce, loltu LADIES unii GEN. TLKMEN or Uie lloiough of UL.EAKI ILL.U and vi oioity. that he has opeoed a Miniatare Dagaerrean Gallery On SECOND STREET, obb doox north of Powoll & Co 1 . ritoie. Call and examine specimens, cases, pri.cs JStc. Clear! ieid, November 23. 1863.—tf. H. BUCHER SWOOPE. jkte S'a? mdfcw FORMERLY of the firm of 'SCOTT fit ttWUOPE,” 1 Ilont agdoa Pa.. will aitead faithfully to all profess- , ional business entrusieJ to bis care b> ihe cilixens of Cleat’ lield and adjoining counties. Office next door to, and over j Em. Wnaley’eollioe. _ , . , _ ! REKKIfKNCKS. —Rev. Dr. M Lend, John Scott.; Ksq„ Hon Geo. Taylor, and Hon. Job. Gwin, Hun-1 (Higdon.— Hon. iVni. P. Schnell, and Alex. King. Esq., Bedford. Gen. Wm. H. Irwin, Lewietown. Hon. Sirnuel Calvin. Holhdavsburg. Gen. William Ayres, Harrisburg. Gernfiull & Croswoll. No. 211, Market at., Philadelphia. October 27, 1853. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Land Agent, WILL praotiooin tha several TsJurts of Clearfield and Elk ctanlloi, and altot.d to tne payment of loses on untented lands.— REFERENCES —li it Excellency, WM. RIG LKF, Harr is barn—Hod. ELLIS LEWIS, Lancaster—G. "VV. WOOD- WaKL). Wilksbarrie—J.C.KNuX, Franklin- J, C.MONT GOMCRY, Philadelphia. All person* bavin* business with him. will In hit obtenoe, apply to J.BIDDLE GORDON, wlio will attend to the tarot September 23.1863. ©&Mm©4 Gllmnir MsiMnag. JOHN GtILICH WOULD yeipectfally annoancoto the ollUent of Clear field and viomity, that tie is now munuiactunn* a I klodi or CABINET-WARE. Hlishopii illuatedon Market street, between Third and Fourth, where all kinds of work in hit line will be mode in the BEST STY LE. and on the most FAVORABLE TERMS and on the shortest notice, t7”COFFINi3 made to order on tbeiboiiest notlco. December 9. 1863- BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To sell Pictorial and useful works for ’54. WANTED in ovary Motion or tho United Btatw. notlve, enterprising men* to engage in the sale of some of the best Books publishediu the country. To menol good address, potsesslnva small capita, of from $25 to $lOO. such moots will be offered os to enable them to make from THREE to FIVE DOLLARS n day profit. , The Books published by os are all useful in Uieirobaraoter. extremely popular, and command large solesHvherever they are offered .-Tor further partionlaxs. address. (Donate paid ) ROBERT BEaRB. Publisher, No. 181, William st., N, Y. Oolober 6,1863 For M Rent . »T>HE Dwalling pmt oftno ULEAUtHELD ACADEMY Applrto J. B. MoENALLY. Cion,field, April £O. 1f63. Cooking Stove For Sole. A GOOD second-hand CQOKINO STOVE lor sale, oheap for cash, or in exebangefot HAY. Enquire at this office. Clearfield. September 29, 1863, Stone ware. Epilepsy can be Cured! LAKE’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, F6r the cure of Epilepsy or File, Is “ or ° wonderful cures than any other modicino yet luiovvn or before Iho pubJic. Price Five Dollars A BoiHe- ( SSSiSSSe oblo.tMl LAKE’S pWDomtion. . . n i Is almost Infallible tn its Cure From, Mrs. Brooks, widotv of Maj. Jos. Brooks , late pf Conneaut, Ohio. Mr Z. LAKE Sir: Flcaio sond mo onolhor but two ttt« in that time* and those very light. £}'• kodj j} ni ! mind aravery modi ImoroTedand by the loal that the mediome willrostoie hit body and mind to tbeii ?X\d him a Bill ho u..d ron, medio^o. y KgggJ™^ jfourti . b, From Judson Landon, Superintendent cj the Ashtabula County Infirmary , Mr. Z. LAKE.— Plcnser gem! mo a few more bottle, of youy “fit Medicine *1 raov not need It. bat think infer lokoep It on bond. Vom modlolne heiilooe wonderi - i ghvo it to Min done Delano : ihe ha, hnd fit, brooxhton by having thomeniloi when but four reoii oil which could not bo Drought out to tboiurlnce. After .eklni the medicine a few dnyi, ihe had n fino oroo of menilet. nml ha*had noliliilnce. Eho had filioi lymulora, almoit dailjr Bhe and her lather concur with mo In laying that wo believe the medioino hi\i or will work aperreoloo re. I alio gave tr.» medicine to Min Jane Hendenon and Arii Catty, who have had litiaimoit daily. Tor a nntnbor ol yeari. Their nta have cenied. and I believo the medioino will have the dmlred el foot. Much rooaey hai bden eipended by the riiendi ol the atnvepa ienufor doatoriny« all to no pnrpoie. Iho cum ! wm Jell for roor medioino to porfimn, ana 1 can oheerioi.j | recommend itai nvaluablo LANdI/n 700 ” 4 ; Superintendent AshtabulaCo. infirmary. Prepared and sold at v% htdosolrt by Z. LAKk,Con neuut.olno.-~E. F. WKLLKR. Travelling Agcni. Sold by U. I>. WATBON. Uloarfield —P. K. ARNOIeU Lotheobars oml olio ol l , h < llip»l>urjf.—Srpt. y. IboJ.—ly. FIT! FITS! FITS! THE VEUETAUI.E EXTRACT EPELEPTIC PILLS. For theatre of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS WHO ARE LABORING UNifEK thL di*- tre*»iug malady wi'l find the VE(J El A lll.K EI.Er'TIL to be ibeouly remedy eeor Uncovered lor curine Ep ilopty. or falling i’ii*. , , Ihete PiHi poiteta aspecifrc notion on thenervoui iritom; and although they are prepnredeipeoinllj for the porppM of coriny Kit*. they will be foonJ ofeipejial benelit »ui al. per jonialHiotod with weak nerve*. or whoia noryuiu intern hiu beon prostrated or *haltered frt m ony o.iu*e whatever. U ohroalcooinyl-i nii,or diionei ofluag Handing ,«ap rmduoed by nervousness tney are o*ceedio«ly beneficial. pncj ej p«>r box. or two boie* lor •&. Pe ioni out o» tti ciiy.enctotinr a remUtao-j. will t Pllf■ t lar° uk * the mail free of’PO«ta<»*. For sale by SLIIJ B. H ANLE, No. loS.UALTIMOiIebT • BALTIMORE. Md .towhomoMa i Irom al' "niuoftho Union muit be oddreiied.poUpald, May il. 1«53 Jy. NEW GOODS. Morrlsdal*. Nov. 10. 1853. JOHN M. CHASE, New Store. THE undonisDed respectfully inform the inhob-tants of Cleaifield county, that they have opened a STOKE in i lowu of ANSuNViLLE. In Jordan township, at tha intersection ef (he Glen l)oi>o turnpike with the Chess Creek road, aud otfor lor sale a full supply of Qg>CE>CIE>cDsS3,O Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, Patent Med icines and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Allofwhich will be sold at moderate prices for cash, or ex changed fur GRAIN. LUMBER. firo. Uur neijhb.rs we respeoUolly ask to call, and assuro them wo intend doing bu aimtss at as low ratos as cash purchases will a*low. June 34.1863.—1 y. CHASE Si SWAN. STONE WARE THE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully annonnoo to tho citi* xent of Clearfield county andsthe public f enernily, that they have commenced the manufactory of ST ONE WARE, one miieeast of LUTHEKBUUHGH. wnerelhey aroprepar o pr*-u*iiWi foi iu euraUrnpowtti i»«!Uh« di.t.inri, which it ii reoountfc. uettjuhftltf ctileor? L/rthmat# Prof*n. •ot. Uuti, or niiina A f n bt WoBb j'Flo»« M Ua *> P' H'niulr-I matter bow tan,, Steams sf.r44 AJ55555 rM/tt&iaaff La: - - .jamplilet (rmjbooiuii. Ins ample proof. Irom tba molt reeDectabte tonnSs, of tba beooflolal rainUaofita me: 'oeothu' with letten ft 00blahti axpericncml Phyitclana, who hnvo Died it in ihtil priotlc? nnd apeak from llieir own otriervatioai. -■ REFERENCES. P.D. lIBUKHAM, M. D.. Utica.N. Y. • I, I). FLEMING. M. H.,C»t»ndnieno. N. V. M. H. 11H.1.5.M. D.. Rochester, N. V. I>. V. FOOTE. M. I).. Srracnu. N. V. Prof. DUNUAR. M D., Daltimoie. Md. J. O OKUIUK. M.D-, tiniliinnre. (Id W. W. REESE. M. D.. Now YoikCitr. W. PKB-tCOTI - . M. O.,Concord.N. 11. J. P. NEWLANIJ.M. U. Ulioa.N. Y. Rev. C. 8. HEARD. Glenn Spdnni, B. C. PomphleU had grntl.pt thoitoreofU D. WATSON, Aa’K Dio wlil Clearfield. Pa -Al.o lold UrT U. MILLER? U.lll: fonto. W.H. IIACKE. Kiltnnniog—SAMUEL MATI'iiRN, Mechanic** ilia, and by most lendinjr dingfim ia adjoins* oountie*. Loiter addrepsed to care of Mr. Curtw llaidv. Agent nt Revcnna, Ohio. To Ur. MA.nCHISr.~t ha?e been ten years tronbied with Female a.er, and all the atltadm* difficulties: at uroe* rendering my lifemost miserable lhtvs >' had the attendance of some of Hu* belt phynJans, with lot Utile success; the mpit they could do was to relieve— a o re was out ol the ijoo»tioo. For fiye m inths befure oommsncioa with ycur medicine. I had not beea able to perform earls- '• bor could walk hot a Tew steps ai a time, and scarcely w.ai f onto! doois-ia lOJrt. Ijvas comulutely prostrated, b.th fa ; body and mind, and expected to drax Mit the rest of my days in suHenng and m «>r. Uu‘, readme your advertiiemeot.l was induced to try your invaluable medicine ca'led tileries Caiholicoo, ai the last resim. t had not used it a week before l felt I.ke another woman. H» the use ol three bottles 1 was enabled to perform all the labor for six id te family with ease, and cor.ld walk anywhere in the neighborhood without iniurr. Nothin* but a somo ol oir doty to you and to the a filleted, has indu ed me to state my cate <0 the public i om safely reuommuud the preparation to all tuote sullerlßf like mlsulf. cSi/ried) Mr*. SAKAII A. BlfcHul . Freedom, Portage Co.. Ohio. Uct\ ST. 18jy. ra-J, 11. MARCKISI U CO. r top tit tun. Uaniral Depot. iNo. 201, Uroadway, N. Y Sept. 15, Itto?.—Cm PLEASANT HILL IRON FOUNDRY amUUACIUNU SHOP, At Clearfield. fainibe«,"and'find! nfit lobo n vVr'eaiutary and eU'euteai preparation, nei.otuoii oheerlul.y recommend ll lolhepablio **B Bourne! Liq l *'. U rubier or iheNn'lonal Bank B I.; A. W.rfpancer. Cul . Ueihlei. Lime Buck Unnk.llO. do ; He*. IVm A. Phi lipt. Rev. J. B. Biohmond L.B. Jonei. trlitot Providence (»ee. Advt. V\ m. Pteld, M. W.u. M Cyrui Piilier. M H. U. P. Jamei llu'chlmon. 11. 8 Un. V. j. llalei, Dod Benj Colby, nndono hundred othariollbe mo»t retpeclable Tam Ire* ot Providence Thil certifier that I l.aye Tor » number of mart borar e«* qnainted with tin oompoiition and mode of rnnnniaclnn « MOltdUß COMPOUND UYiiUP OP YeuLovr bout. ! have alio been acquainted with andiin d leme. end can ear that in- all reipeou itt.adoi »Mr “oulalad to remedy be cra..or DrMa.ejfo. wh,ch Hilda riyned. It iieipecially valuable in INDIOEPTION . ana iu at eadant irmpromi. It excite* to bealrlry .q ILI VKit. remove! Torpor, and reactivity Trom the UHLAN - and It.iuolaioihvnl.hy notion in all the ayatem. AanUtPU HATOK or i uritjerol the IJlood it ha* no •op«iioT. , ProvTdeni ,U. 1 Jan. I. ISM DAVID UOI.UKS.M.D. ' rrepured by (;. MORSK & Co., no. 446 Bmatlway ! N. V .ontl aoltl by Droggialß and ollters tbrcugboul i ibis nnd oilier counties—C). D. WATSON, Aged. ! Clourfiold Pu. M0y£0,1853- Medicines worthy a place in all Families. Being Prepared by a Regular Graduate and Physician of 30 years Experience. nn.j 8. KOSK it an Honorary Member ol the FhH»#‘ phla.MMicaltJociety.aml graduated teIBJU, Univeuity of Pennsylvania, noder the gatdaaceof lyeminenl Profmtor* Phrtk'k. Chapman. Gibaon. wf* James aud Hare—ntLm«>soeleb»aU4 for medical itoeoce. Being solicited by tbontands of bit patient* to J rrep.ra'ions. ha no w offer* to the poblio oe tha rnnltCH W» ! f zperiero* for the pait thirty year*, lha fohowlnf valiMlt ; Family Mediuioea.eaoh «iae*tmed to,a ipeafiadu*M*. I Fuft ALL AFFLC* 10NH -Dr. J. Bjf • i Nervou* and Invigorating Cordial.—The Lrealaar Duootw lis Medical Btlenoo.—lbis astonishing Preparation *<*»/*l*J** any wank cuxutitnUon, debilitated oy care, labor. «ooTw * diseiiio. nets Ike a o ietm. It gives strength aad appetite* | and pO'*oMe*creatinvignrattnr prope/tie*. i *,.» 1t i..,- For Heart Oiseasj, all Neryon* Affections, I Heart Burn. Rs*tUs»neis. Numbness Nearalda* foiuagtae | spirit*, and givine uowgr to the whole system, tt.uaww** miraculous in :t* effects. to oeau & bottle* HENRY SW'AN TUE GREAT I’AIN CURER. DO YOU SUFFER WITH ANY PAIJ.-lf too doTM will tind immodiate ttilinf by uiloa Ur. RUSE H FAllyEU* EK. li • the only preparation whicboorei aiito*ii»}t*jj;'. Boro Throat. Rhenmatum Irom Cold., Pctu« ■■ ***sfT£ Hack, or Limb.: t'ooo, Earjor fiwth Ache i hWJKSr Dowel., Bdo or Book: Still Brolie., Cmoj. and no blain., Wherever iron have pain. nia the t ala UU/.r- saw to all a*es. price I2>f. 115 and6o ceati bottle.. FOR COUGHS COEDS CROUP AND_ WHOOFIBO COUGH—the bait Conih Shop in tho world.—Ut; W*2 celebrated Conab Syrap. *lve« Immediate relief to the Cough, wliellier Comnmpltve or proceed-n* Ron. • allay, any IriltaUon of the Cna*.. and lortjfUa the a.alnil lotore attaok.., In bolt e* at buuau i. andO*. Children ore alio liable to Group, which dknaerooi yield, imm.dleicj.l to Dr. J. B. Dote • never faille* UUWf \vHU(JIONG CtjLJCH, another oomplalnt, alwar*W*t* In cold aaSdnmp weather The afflicted will nnfulWle U.e ute of Dr. B. Hoie’e Whooping i oaah Bytnp. wbßb aj wan relieve, end M°veeU the dliearM. .nob at InflamaUoa of the Loaf a. Drop.y In Ibo Cheat, and ConmmDtloa. -P**** I W AlSo”Dr! t J.‘ , B. Row’. AjtctaUvao- Blood patinw. Wjj miiuve. Croup Syrup,Golden Pill., Pda Ointment. TaU**! Healing Ointment. Ilya Ointment, Ere Water. BtraaMW in* Fia.tera. Ftoacli B,euifio. I efanl Cordial. AcoaDW OH. EleJlt of Opium, Liquid flair TOnio. and FemalefgWtWv All the above prepamtioui. with DR, ROSE S MEUIoAI' ADVlßßKlopereaniin iloknei. notlinoealtli.tobaaao ni EDMUND B. BRENNER. Morriidale. Cleateeld ooalt*. U. I) PATTON. Cnrwenivllle, end of Dealer. Ija** 11 ' throughouttbeßtate. „ iuaalH.lßM-^., O D. WATSON. Asent.Clearfield Pa. . Fashionable Tailoring* .> 'CPQaCDJXCkSiss S3Qa<^®* all who may lavor him with * call- Hi bw on *alnotedauonnw&toluLOTllB,OABolAJßtt§ffMji#js|| MINUP. wbicft lio will warrant to bo of good wgHJ'gj: wi.l be sold very low. Hi* old easterners j£3nt , liana their paLoia&e ai.d w many new m ••WrSKU conveniences be auuiestbem that bellpfepydlow, > '^uWlb'“ d d ° W ” k " P ' o, ” r “ ?800. BIIEA.