- ■ = ~ Y r '" "TT , pf .p ttjt Jllto h for Tefm. 1854. - ‘ AFFRAY. ‘ i LATE PRWI EUROPE. ’ ' Tl-C.is«ircr»s Sales . j 45 1-1 John Sky ran, l 2‘l to(ift 1’ Robert Fox-, - ' 112° "IfOHN lutz,'fai' mer > Bwcor^i Wiliiamsport, March 22. ARRIVAL OFTHE ERCNKI.IN. A “ 2“SrSC ■* »l ' WMnM ‘ An ttffrav,- which - mav yet prove fatal! New York, March 29 -The American TVTOriCp 15 hereby given, that ngreen- j „ 30 ' Wnt/Sonsom, ’TO7 t 433 153 T. P. Wharton, 28 13 Jj *«£' m . A dtw WJieeland, for in ite consequences, occurred on tho oppo- steamer Franklin arrived at this port this: Lie .to an Act of Assembly passed T s// 64 David Ziegler, 4 08, .420 \l2O Henry Drinker, fBO AM. Gill., former, Bttg- side oftho river from this place, on afternoon, from Havre via Southampton, the 3th day ofMarch, one thousand eight lerguson Township. , ' 240 William Drinker, 15 0.8 »» l ™j *' farmor , Burnside; Oil, Saturday afternoon lost, between some‘ She sailed from the latter port on the hundred and, fifteen, entitled an Act to 320 John Stinernetz, 13 04 43 William Hogerty. 254 ° r<l £ ■ fiu “’ cr , Lawrence; Jos^qp- Ssmen, Who in stress of wind and weatl.-, 15th inst, Her advices are, .bereforc,amend nn act d.rcct.ng the o^ Q U ng 210 Matthias Slough, !» 04 . 15;1 . r , Peter Henry, 50l B oggs; Benjamin Babcock, £hod pt up at the tavern or Billy Mor-j three days later than those brought by the unseated lands for taxes, etc. hedol owing 433 , H 3 Gaorge R OSS) 15 03 . , 40 Hugh Ralston, 509 * Clearfield : Daniel Fry, farmer, S and a number of Hibernians, who had Africa. 1 tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield co 132 J o l m M. Smith, 5 20! o CO C. &P. Lowdon, 15 47 ™T cn ' j; mcs Gr aham, (of Isaac) farmer, not quite recovered from'he celebration of: Tho Liverpool cotton market continues will be exposed to public sale ot| ou y , U)0 John Swan, 400 05 34 Benjnmin Wilson, 422 - >j. j os p os tlcthwait, farmer, Brady; St Patrick’s day on Friday. The Irish- dull. The sales did not average more for arrears of-taxes, aho Court house in Wileys estate, 3 45! 48 115 Mary Connell, 3 l 7 Ceo PHincer Jr , farmer, Brady ; James ®cnt ng hSV™ .1™ Ijo.i.y, dro,c ,1,.n MOO bclca clcily. ~ ' *.***>+. »« *> t: J “ K^2S^,L«*.-Wc»U». ■ 0 r b a or i «nn Fridav nicht' Flour had declined one shilling to 18 day of June next. ln i> William Wilson, 4 <0 1 fa ’ n r>nuid Hovt. clerk, “ " si so. a v -”r f «»; IS? !i 0 » SSJSJri, IS”«SS S t t >«f. Si:.ssc "SiiU H .„ .« sss . * s rntus Finding his life in danger, ho drew Among them are Gladistanc, Bond & Co.. ‘~O L. B. Hamaker, , d 34 13C0., in tho borough ol Clearfield, on Mon- • .■ Matthias Hollopeter, farmer, arid shot ono of his assailants Manchester; McGregor, a \voollen house, | 48 110 Robert Wilson, 437 4183 990 do do 34 09 , dny Ulc i slh ,T oCS day the g™ r . JL^- in tho shoulder, and one through tho hand, and Harrison, Warwich & Go. . ,1 n, ° imi!° fi 25'4238 947 do do 43 s(3' nesdny the lv|h of May ncxl, fdr tl 0 p roncc Matthew Caldwell, farmer, Pike ! the ball'glnncing and also slightly injuring! The British squadron, under \ ice Ad-, 99 128 Peter IV ier, ‘ 3Q ()o do Ir> 40 'pose of receiving subscriptions o i p - Q Wp | chj f nrmcr) Lawrcoce ; Benj.n his headf AfteMhis desperate resistance,! miral Sir Cnarles Napier, weighed anchor 43 1-.8 M,tchel 1 oulz, 3 1 ; 330 do J 5 91 ! 10l stock of said/^P Anc ' n„ird, farmer, Bell; Benj Bousnll, farmer, ho was allowed to escape without further on the 13th for tho Baltic. , l.>B <8 John I.ink, . (ln do 92 ihc store of Charles R. roster and uor m Mitchell, farmer, Lawrence.; molestation. On a statement or the ng. The review of the fleet at Spit head, by 100 I-redr.ck Ilublcy 6 U ~34 -0 do Jo Pcrksr , in ,ho townof '’''''df "Xw Addle,nan, farmer, Lawrence arava od circumstances of the case, by , the Queen, on the 10th instant, was a 20 1- rcdrick Honmnn, 1 - William Potters, 39 83 county, ot, lie Ist, 2d,and 3d of June nex .V Rr iJ gcn9> larmer, ICarthaus ; John ffil osd his party, before Justice CaJ j magnificent aflair, and wns witnessed by 118 55 50 William Bausman, 3 ~0,0 990 j() ~ -ben aportion Mon is ; Jacob Fran.,, vert, they were allowed to depart with nn immense multitude. o* P , *3 Q 7 100 H. Denvcnport,' * I attend 0 rcc . - p 'carpenter Brady; Al Scriven,physicinp* their rafts without tho institution of any i The fleet will sail first or VVyands 50 100 do do 3 , J anVcs Wilson, *O9O of said company. Rcccnria; E. Ri Livergood, farmer,Gosh £», s s JJ !S f* nr. "T‘ ■* “ the annual meeting of the conference, held R ussi „ |, us ordered the immediate : issue 500 James McGhee -C 1- lO.lu -W ■ 1 fi7 Will mm Irwin, fnPnUen’ Joseph Lv lie, farmer, Lawrence ; Andrew in Baltimore on tho 13lh instant, the caso of notcs f or the sum of six millions of silver 350(5 440 John Nicholson, * 5 19.% 1« 3 J 402 Boynton, Bhow Cross, ipn keeper, Boggs. of a preacher, named Stephen Hildebrand, nlbl( , s- - 49 John Ross, 228 19 18 115 lb do do ’ “ James R. Graham, R.chnid Show, ’ .„‘, _ charged with seduction, was disposed of, Several Russian war steamers ro,ap.- Borough of Ckarjidd. do 100 , ‘ 0 J f)S Commissioners mu o )cr!j. VALUABLE PROPERTY by deposing him from tho ministry, on a ))CnrC( ] in t | ic Bltxck Sea on the 10th or, 14 Out Lot, 3 -•>» ‘ jo ’ f, 74 IV, ’ ir( ' ll ~ 7 ’ 18 ’’ ’ fek At whcA, ministcrinl confidence was made T | l ,i„„„reclioi, csisi. only ilm.ugl, the JlSa •*" - ‘ -W •'*' 10 ~1, ' , r™.oraU E lerm”,. fountoin pumf and evory Ml» r ccri “ or, “ c "‘" ! ' SS ?r: s!s ' " w n„ M „ L„X. '' v:s**-^ Altogether, tho conference here done ~| omUo 00 „diiion. not having « <vn»lc fa Leorgc Hontimn, o JJ. 20 0 J. O. Ridd.-r, J«' ! !111,; ™“'’'A' i'.'.Vi'J', s'lov. n f.,r wood end und one fohlo thereon creclnjj r z ,&s*'r nsainst a female who would stand in 0 | Bothnia, ' , , .i n ( i n f, o l , , on n<i nssorlment of Holloworc of nil kinds. ; S. B. TAYLOR, u virtuous community. Every ground. The nrmamcnls'at Cronstadi have boon do to n ,■ do to *• ‘ Thrashing Machines, (’ider Mills, P r ** ifi r ,4-Gm must \je avoided op which the shadow of j ncrcnse d and several batteries have been 1) t»» r V,ar-i Snvdcr 0C" J ' :,G 190 1° 'u 39 7‘ > ' Nails and Iron, of every description, con- „ '7* complaint may rest. Much ns we arc op- 'constructed at the water level. Tiic gar- 132 BH.ba.aS.ijdu, « h« 2O W ‘ 0 d .° no 03 , o ‘l on band. Orpha"** Coiirl *>nlo. to the death penalty, yet we should rison will also be increased. Twelve thou-, Bradford Toumhip. 4229 9(k>123 do do ~ Orders for all kinds ofcastings for Grist V virtue of an order of the Orphan heart’ll v approve of a law that would inflict san( ] m Cn have been drafted for the Im- 102 35 John Campbell, j* 40 w3O 728 112 do <0 478 and Sawm lls, and Engines complde, from Court of Glcarf.eldcounty, there will ns tho penalty on every clergy- „ erinl Gimrd . ' 159 Matthew Forccy, 0 >J> 4225 740 do do nnd ‘ sc power, will be thank- be exposed to sale at tho house of John maif wifo’ wns guilty on an indictment for Orders have been given Air the construe-; 123 John Nicholson, 8/ 9 486 ,, 0 90 \\ ilhelm W 1 onk, - j on - f j promptly attended to. Oraucker in the Borough ol Curwensv,lie seduction ,ion of two hundred additional gun-boats.. 2 00 Blair McLanal.an, 790 4aoa 35 do do IpV \,t kTn Js of country produce taken in , n Clearfield county, on he 16th of Apr. aeduettop. , - v , 4 tr ' mpobtakt fbom CinsA.-Iroportnnt: 90 John Campbell, 714 5003 100 William Powers, 4 fil 'V k '" L ' n c,?n"s and cash not refused. ncx t, at one o’clock I*. M., all tho interest Sad and Fatal. Accident ■ j 1 lulc ‘. ldvlC es have been received by the 140 Susan IW.or, 1° fj 4997 00 Wilhelm W illmk, 1 i.cxciung L R CARTF.R, Agent. 0 f Miles Hartshock. deceased, (being an morning about 9 b’clock, says the Pcnnsjl.- .420 Aaron Lcavy, 22 20 4807 50 do do 258 r .11 Ann 5 1854.-1 v. " undivided moioty or hair part) of in and Vania Inquirer of the 9th instant, Mr. .os T|, e imperial fleet attacked Shnnglmc on 207 Jasper Maybind, 13 80 - ol j2 990 William Powers, 31 0 car ie , P ■ • io a certain tract or piece of land beingpart Blackwood, well digger, descended into, 5 ,i pj al)uarv The action lasted the' 238 52 Francis West, 12 01 5001 do do 12 i_ LIST OF LETTERS. :0 f n larger tract no. 5782, surveyed- on well at Eleventh and Lombard streets, (o - , insurgents batteries 48 Slnymakcr, IJo 507!) 1041 80 Moore & Delany, 3o 89 p anaul inn in the l’osl Office at Clear- warrant to John Nicholson : Beginning at tho purpose or walling it up. fhei earth euMrc day ,anu b ; m j. & Wm.Sansom, 3 0.» 5()64 9 90 Wifliam Powers, 18 9. Q n line of no. 5781, thence along pear the surWce wns very loose, and coin-j 'cc . t tllc | n . ( Q Aaron Lcavy, 13 250 James Wilson, 1 i UC ob B Bilge, Jos. , tho same north l j degrees east 183 per. menced to fall into the well. It soon he- ; los dines were g P 1 William Sansom, 3 96. 4a3fl 300 do do 2013 Emmons Ames, J fe c n . t er, to a post ; tbenco along Unds of John Me came evident lhat the ground was caving 92 do do 7 2:> Jordan Township. George Cops, William C. Crea, south degrees east 16 perches to ill, and Mr. Black wood seized ihc rope,and —j Lawrence tp„ on the 2Sib , 145 Thomas Forccy, &34 33 , 03 \v,||, a m Hunter, 3b 38 Jacob ■ fi, - RensnllaerOram, 3, a post; thence along land of J. R. Bloom, had ascended about hnlt way to the top, U ‘ J f in , c b, ld of Mi lc hcll and Mrs. Kline.; 40 do do 208 Susannah Ward, 0 3-1 Cnthn Julu * C „ Kur!, Joseph Earl, south 14 degrees west rche3 .‘“ when a general caving in took place, 1C - U ";’ ,I, Q wnsbin Clearfield county, on ; 105 A. K. Wright, 773 ~3 3 15a Dall , c l Smith, 30 45 ih"" avis, .U,hn D . s t ones; north 884 degrees east 72 perches unfortunate man was precipitate o ie. x\ Catharine WniGLF.s-i 100 John S. Kylnr, o 3 200 Silas Wilcot, M OO 10 ’ 1 , rj’ t Hamlin, Philip to a post, and thence northli egrees bottom of the well, and was boned nbve. ; the 17 I, ul. , Mr ”; J A ™ A^ n(hi nnd 2 7 ; 150 V. B. Holt, 7On 100 SamU nl Scott, 700 Green NJ. perches t 0 a pos ,, thcnce along land A number oGworkmcn immediately enga- ' V , O " shc las a member ofthe Methodist 85 Wm. Grnhnm, Jr., 33- j 97 -, 0 Silas Wilcot, 14 39 ll W. Mulleor, Win. S. i ofThomas Bloom, south 874 degrees east ged, with commendable zeal und energy, day . and a firm adherent to do John Graham, jr., 33/ 30 (i William Wilson, -o 20 ■ ‘ " M on i m ’imerv 3 Miss K. C. Og- 50 perches to a post; thence n B m the effort to dig him out, but did not sue-! Episcopal C > , „f ,h 0 snme. 100 Anron Lcavy 2Go 200 (i&M M’Cormick 14 90 hn ,j • - » Tonn’tban Peters, Loret- of Daniel and Miles Hartshock south 1 cccd in renchini the body until an hour he pr.nc pies* R p akc : 14fl J. Cope, 5 71. 120 W. 11. Robertson, 10 04 "s, urn)bu r y : Peter i degrees west 183 perches to, a post, and nnd a half had elapsed, when life was ex- In her la . . . 80U | ghe 100 George Moore, 700 100 Jonatlinn Jones, 5001° 1 * Fdward W. Tit- 1 thence along land of A. B. Reeds h r«? 1 wh.n ..»u 5 75 mouth’ was wide open, but it soon • • W i nt a consolation Ibis to her children and j Bradi/ Township. ig44 513 <)5 Morris Ar. Stewart, 28 <’ 2 dorf Wm. A. Young, Jacob Zilcox. percllies to the piost on p 8 The deceased resided in the neigh She was the wife of William a - 4 2 50 Jared Ingcrsoll, U-a f)7 , 0 200 Casper Wistcr, 1120 inquiring for letter in ibis containing 111 acres a p of Fourth and Christian street Wrielesworth doc’d., nnd mother of the g>2 4 3 j 3 do do lo 0° 4 qq Peter M’Donald, 5 GO. . w :m ~ic as c say they are advertised. a llownnces. pnnfirma very estimable man. Oneoft ■ -j YVrigiesworih. The funernl ser- 4g2 ;iQB Wm. Kirkpatrick, 15 i 0 100 James Burns, do JNO. H. HILLBURN, P. M. 'I bums.—One flur ? a3 eaua l narrowly escaped being buried mMs cf- Rev. „ y |be thor of tins ™ 363 David Kennedy, 10 20 Georgo Mead, 200 5 J? 854 . .ion forts to recover the body. rommunicalion from Rev. xxi. 4. 155 258 Casper Stiver, 13 1-> 7 awrencc Township. - annual payments wun Johx F’ijKoai. 5082 518 Joseph Fe,Ton, 26 41 Roberts 6; l’ox, 504 List of liratlil Jurors, for Muy Term IH3-I- • cured on PrgTrET NEES, Adm*r. .5861 670 JOll nB. Smith, 34 1, .00.1 Wm . Montgomery,l2 08 tjoHN Swan, lumberman, Beccar.a;-. 5877 ) 9t 3 Wrlliam Rovd, 5 91 J William T. Gilbert, blucksmilb, Be , ----' n«nTMfRSIIIP 15879 l 1() j. Henry Wykopt, 53 0b 52 114 Rudolph Lit/., 277 David Flegal, Jr., farmer, Boggs ; Conrad BLSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP -5881 ( nr y Vvarnur & Davis, 5 00 (3i n tcr, farmer, Woodward; Dun 1. citizens of Curwensvtlle ona 5880 J IQ4 Leonardo Wright,! 1 o*l .innsion, tailor, Cur wensvilic ; John IJuucn-1 B Lumber City nnd their vicinities, 323 331 24 AK. Wright, 188 rn b urv , fanner, Chest ; John Orr, lum-, vj]l |nkc 110tic0 that tbo co-pnrtnership of 300 100 25 j as . B. Graham, 195 | )CroliUli Bell ;T. I). England,.farmer, I MonlcllllSi Te n Eyck & co., has.this day 195 7* ... -Pike; Benjamii. Carr, sawyer, Guard; J. , )ecn amicnb |y dissolved, by B. Hartshorn ->OBl 13 ■* r > I Alt art 009 F Lee, farmer, Bell ; Jacob lvoons Im m- the store at Lumbor city, and A. do r 1 (3 31 " 3 ‘ 3 J! ci', Girard; M. A. Frank, tailor, Clen r-, £ ntdius, E. Montclius & Wm-Ten 524 4 ' l ,?, SSC %r ’r R 5 field ; Wm. Miller, justice, Covington;— iE , tak j lhc st orc at Curwcnsville.— 218 ir >o Christian Musser, 3 Rider, farmer, Covington; Mordica|“J win B sti |i continue tq do business no 8 2°, C S;:’ .V U. er& ooo,} a «» or, a : W.Hhcam, d( upder the tide of Muutc -2'2 1 " I''! 1 . , Tn 57 saddler, Clearfield ; Edward king, farmer, | liu Tcp & C o„ wherp Ificy will or w’ n A n SmUli’ 874 Burnside; Reed Alexander, rarmer, Wood.j b v l0 ’ wuit on all who may enfi nn 330 125 A ’cf ’ 3, ward; Jd.ib Rider, farmer, Covington ; - tl ,rm. "The books and papers arc left in 409 130 VillininS..., 3 . Goshc n ; Joseph | hilndg for scltlc me n t. 100 24 Wm. M.bmiih, 9 •J.A- Decatur; Edward Wil-, CurWensvi || c , March 15, 1854.-2 m. 4«0 32 do do do ~t " b ’ F,.,-mison ; Abraham Hoo-; 90 ■ John Palmer, 513 jam _ Si)ns Muntli former,' A STEAM 84W MILL LOW FOR CASH. 407 86 M tlliam I, - ~ Dnion. - J ripHE Steam Saw Mill which has been So \m 'is W »!. .1»«'!'! N»!'. f"®'"' ;r i" Z"“'»mt F »ow'r™ ,M .0 S' N ItU Francis Jubrnstun, 14 11 lo subscribers on the estate of Dnwd dmon i the owner !m M 2 “ Backed k„c of Clccrfiold llc-0u.1,, Clc.r-! 1,.c mdtan of fcMof lacjbcr, .£» V, 183 gtephen Kingston,U 40 ,• | d CO unty, deceased. All persons in- jbaving . d m set | | )cr for one 30 0 John Fry, Jun., 12 60 dcblcd losuid eslutcarc rcques.ed to mnkc j, cr ‘ op wanting (A 38 0 Thomas Fry, 1» 3 <> payment immediately, and persons having tlunl her cosi. £ F al 164 Bernard Gratz, 12 13 c | a j ms against the same will present them j purch. p nn c V | V aniq P railroad. Ad -170 Blair M’Lanal.nn, 11 08 prHperl y dress GA. Madsou, Fostoria, Blair co., 06 31 Samuel Miles, 84- PHLBE SACKCI l, t dm ', a ure.»s, v. . 95 143 Samuel Miles, Jr., do GEO. SACKETT, $ Tcnna. A. MADSON. 40fl Jacob Wcitzel, 39 57 March 14, 1854 -Gt. | . q- 4 _o m _n.l 382 Joseph Simmons, 30 17 .«. AU#A \/ 1 Mnrc, l 223 Simon Gruty, 15 15 RUNAWAY. - “ ICACIS WAITED. 217 " Casper Haines, 14 76 . LL pclSo ns urc hereby cautioned, w-»jS,N G extensiv'ely' engaged in tho 436 114 Robert lO 8 () uguinst harboring- PATRICK GOR- g-j man ufocture of paper, wo will pay 431 114 Hiram Gratz, 30 30 MAN, as he is a lawful indented Appren- jto Goun , ry Merchants and others having 0 0 0 John Nicholson, 920 ,i cci to the Boot nnd Shoe .trade. Any |>er. • fof snJe> - f „ ore - ( / taft the present »k*r. 244 James Smith, ,8 25 son harboring him will be held responsible, /. rt ' „ • : 10i-» 125 William Morris, 684 p Ol . |,; s t i mei which w ill not expire for two JESSUP & MOORE, 100 Robert Morris, 815 years and three months hcnco. Paper Manufacturers,^ 128 Reuben Haines, 15 39 U. GLENNAN. 1 Philadelphia —Nos. 24 nnd 26 North TOO John Swonwick, G 80 i March 25, 1854.-3 t. 1 uu,. below Arch, between Othandeftl. ■*» „ J -,„ F * r '°; v ’ 10 * ctoverieed ' '■ - 593 ;. ”' 3 “ 4250 fiOO James Wilson, 1 4 851 announces 1° tho citizens of Tne finder will be rewards 1 qoVi 109 do do 8 13 ; field,'-county, that lie; has on hand. nt Ins but ttio ownei. ■ , r !her '« e ° 100' ■ : Daniel Hartshock, 5 39 ! residence, a large quantity of Cloved Seed, ed on re urn ? R SWo6iPE^ : ' h ’5O David Irvine, '3 24 ( March 20, 1803.-4 t.-pd. Imtoutant Decision.— Judge Ksbor , , delivered nn °pint°n nt ut journM BSepulliicaili, n^Conslabh —‘Ski ved ~ i.M cer, W«ta»d.,. %»■ TmnnllvTJr ‘return on oath,’ or ‘served V V. Moore & Clark Wilson, at the low by copv/&c.,isnot legal. A return suf rate of 9l a year payable ,n advance Start id enable a plaintiff to take a judg- !f no t paid within three mon hs 81 2o 'l, .ent by defcul,.ought to■ .bowththe- ■ bo ch-ngod i R^ouSlr 0 Pro<lueing “..sorted at the rate of r V nri nat sdmmona ,0 the’derendant, and 81 per sq „arc for the firs, three .nscrt.ons ? StimTh” contents; or second,- „„d t w C ntv-f.vo cents for each additional, ! nf °leTvin S Lr a COPY ut bis duelling house in i!lserl i on . A liberal reduction made to the nresence oC P ope or more of hisi fapily lhosc w ho advertise by the year. or neighbors. The return of the Consta- enniMr ! J °-£ harwhere theLty has not been j ONE PRICE CASH STORE,, brought within the jurisdiction of the Jus- , B splendid assortment of Spring nn urn t* m Y n B 3dSop to his usual variety, he has| docu pot the lapse a , arRC lot of Ladie’s Dress Goods, such as jU r irdavB iW. ! Plaid Silk, India Silk, Plo.d Lown, Broch. ( hiPORTANT To ToDACCo UsEiw.-We' Shawls, Silk, Crape and Gossamer Bon observe the following item>< lho«Steuben- ; large lot of Carpets, and floor with great avidity by the smokers “ l ' „ew sly lea if Dress Shorn .cheaper llona . c«ae to which delirium appeared toj.^rd^lßo!•__ Shin induced by forced obstinence ff®® QjltMfr-. , , „ from tobacco, and was relieved by its subscriber offers at private sale omplwimeot.-' Another similar instance wns. HOUSEnnd LOT, situate on the cor tharofti mtih 'tyhoso 'skull had been t. of 3d an d Locust sts., m the Borough phined oh nccodnt of fracture, and "K,, C | earfic id. Said house is two stones subsequently became raving, but, being ah, f ron iing on two streets, Cvcntyby loved to smoko, was soon relieved and, with a good well of water at rupidjy ,recovered; . _ . I the door. For particulars app yo . • 1 r.i(^tiUea ; ri«mb e rbffunny thinp.h>jve M Bnal , or to the sobsor,bor on the belaid about the Nebraska Bill, buUh. S|pretnises . p - F P. BJTLUI. isdecidedly the be?* wo have seen. W ( Clearfield. April ,j>. l9od. P • _ j IrpcVit from .the' Nfto Hampshire Tele- ! j began to indicate that. Subscribers Hiave nowjn store geir ’ had got a pretty severe. cornp i e te Stock of ng ,J^ \ di-übbirig at the lute election, one of the tTn-, tains> j. c . t which they offer y Mon . > lerrrifiod was explaining the cause to un-, pr i ces wholesale and retail. . : » t i 10 | to.he Nebraska bill ;^ nt is very complete, the I sTJiB* Nebraska:bill,’' said the intelligent, both French oronoriiori or| I sAvereitm;:‘lhere’.s money, enough tnthe fnanufacture a largo pr P. • ■ . | I ■'dnn't:'ihey. pay. , our goods and can sell at .»ho Ip | 1 ; V Paper Hanging doMt q 4toc^Dt^ 1 rnonument is FiiS-SFfPhil®' 1 the mcmqryof Jack-, N. John Dunlap, 16 88 James Herd 5 10 Casper Stiver, 4 47 Joseph l'erron, 888 do do do George Gunter, 510 Christian Lower, 28 70 do do 20 96 G, A. Weaver, 5 10, Burnside Township. HI Christinn Stake, 000 311 T. Spnckman, 10 04. 298 Rebecca Brown, 18 80 433 1 f>3 John Fordncy, 04 02 158 Philip Thomas, 809 12J George Rosa, 0 35 310 Fredrick Kuhn, 15 49; 103 Jno. Cunningham, 8 42 | 98 6G John Giaff, 5 00 ( 209 Peter Graly, 9 81 | 219 Jacob Graff, 1' 22 j 315 Tlenry Musscr, 10 11 223 Jocob M. Smith, 14 40. , Chest Township. ! 433 153 William Cook, 28 02j do do Ebenezerßronham,do do j do do George Ross, do do 416 30 James Page, 17 40 416 48 Henry Feree, JO 00 433 153 Henry Muster, 26 40 433 153 David Evans, 25 32 C'ovingtpn Township. 125 Morris & Stewart, 4 20 250 George Mead, 419 500 Morria iSrStew’t,' 003 d° d ° 55 27 08 do do 918 . John Keating, •■■■■; Decatur Township. 195 Joseph Harrison H 27 360 David Kephart, 20 07 73= John Kctland, , 3 3,7 433 153 Jacob Cox, 100 C. Kratzer, . 90 .118 Joseph Humblelon, o a 239 24 Thos.Edmunson, 13 25 '6O 60 do do 333 167 134 Hugh Ely, 9 2o 33 120 Wm. Montgomery, 1 07 35 60 Thos., Edmonson, 1 94 "io Benjamin Wilson, 50 .5 1891 5367 1000, 1893 3649 1891 rjf { &•**; , • ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers