Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 05, 1854, Image 2

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PqU Goveunou,
William bigler.
! For SunttMF. Judgk,
' '' i- V ‘ '
For Canai, Commissioner,
Wo luyjo neglcctocHor iho lust two.
issues of our paper to alter the number an
ljiO(Ppt-si(le. This sjiould be vol. 5 no. ip.
it' OCrTlio Communication signed ‘Kinder-
JiodJ;’ shall appear next week.
Girin consequence of nearly oil
hnnds employed in this office being sick,;
and unable to work* no paper was issued |
last week. Other pssjstnnco.lms bebn pro-j
,curfd, however, a)id the sick ure recover, j
ing. ~Qur readers may again expect to.
receive the Republican regularly.
We have heretofore cXpressscd ouri
views briefly, but very decidedly, in favor
nf the bill for organizing the territories ofi
Nebraska and Kanzas, as it passed the
Senate of the United States on the morn
ing of the 4tli Instant. We did so, because
we felt that it was a just measure—just to]
(he Southern States of ibis Union, who are'
equal partners with the free States : n all
that belongs to the Confederacy, and just
also to the people who may go nnd make
[heir homes in this distant land, as well as
iri strict accordance with the theory of n
republican goverment, W n would be glad
if there was no difference of opinion among
our countrymen on this subject, and that
from ocean to ocean there could not bo
found a singlo advocate of Congressional
iriterference in the local atliiirsof the terri
tories, but that the question of domestic
slavery, as well as all others not inconsis
tent with, or repugnant to, the Constitution
of the United Slutes, might be left for the
people of those territories to decide as they
may think best. ThU, in our opinion, is
the view which nil should lake of it. Uul
because they do not, is no reason why we
should quarrel with, or think unkindly of,
any person, be he whig or democrat, for
'thus differing with us, wc have no right to
assume, as a settled point, that wc ure
light, and they wrong. Let us rather
reason togother, without either passion or
■prejudice, and by this means, those who
■possess right-thinking minds, will eventual
ly come together und all think alike.
1 he Nebraska bill proposes to establish
two additional territories, preparatory to
YhetT admission into the Union as indepen
dent Commonwealths. This territory is
divided by the line of 30 degrees 30 min.]
north latitude. In 1820, an act of ( on-j
gress declared that slavery should forever'
be prohibited north of that lino. I his ef-i
fcclually excluded the people of the south- <
,prn States, from going into and occupying]
this territory upon equal terms with their j
larelhren of the northern States. It wnsj
the demarkation of a geographical
linp of division between the north and the ]
pouth—a step against the adoption of which
the great Washington breathed his lastj
breath. , The present bill proposes to de
clare,.Altai law of 1820 inoperative, as it
does the old French |uw of Louisi
ana, which recognized the institution of
slavery, nnd thus leave the people, who are
to compose those new Commonwealths en
tirely, Tree, either to adopt, or to reject do
mestic slavery. Is not this fair?
If (he tables were turned, and the Mis-j
*■ souri Compromise,instead ordeoiaring that'
shall be prohibited north of that I
Jine, j)nd said that slavery shall exist south
’bf!vit;.aiid tho south, instead of being in
the minority in Congress as it now is, was
JaVgely In tlio majority as the north is,
jyouiti we hot demand y-lib loud voices that
ibis, arbitrary restriction, or districfion,
■ should be removed from our statutes? Tho
Constitutional authority is as much want
jrig in 'he one case as it would be in the
.The Constitution gives Congress
to legislate upon the subject,
! hn4.(he act of 1820 was only passed as the
mobt expedient method oFsettling the ques
tion of ofMissburi as a slave
pthte, which at that , time impiipently
threatened the pcuco and stability of the
Union. The south accepted it 'then, and
have submitted to it ever since, though in
jloing so they must bayo felt that they woro
submitting to a degradation which, wo are
very sure, would not bo submitted toon tho
part of the horth.' Dp we act justly in do
(hnn'dihgof others a submission to which wc
yvould not submit! Had wo not
rathelr follow tlio Christian rule, and "do ns
Wei would liavp oihers do unto us?'*
But, say the opponents of the bill, it is!
a scheme for the extension nl’slrivory.
und ll)ua : increasing tho
.of slave States. This is a mere
assumption, without a single fact to stis
,jq,in it. oJJut a ; vory small portion if any at
that region is adapted to the produc
* tlWisthaf fender slave latfoir profitable 1 ; and
or.nature, qro muclj more eflcc-
live in coi,(rolling matter, timn nny (liePennsylvania The iho follow
human effort Besides «hi.s, the populn- during the latter part of March, wo pcrJof an orgamzahqn ol Nat.,e A in rogard to the naval contort winch (
lion of the free States being one4ird great, ceiyo that a prohibitory liquor bffl pass#* or “Kn reeeh^l^ ll^. 0 . 11 probability- shaplly commence on
or than that of ilw. slave States, n \l JLL btoeJiatenco in'that section,! lll^ ia ; lho fl rst 'time, also will bo'
emigration (o these territories from the old rial difference in the Jwo lnljs. TlO * use''of'some very appropriate, 1 f(Jl . cecl seriously 10 try her power on an.
States would give those opposed to to; submit the question to a vote t , ru(bfl|l remarks, which element where she hitherto has held less
a preponderating majority, to say nothing of the people, and-ifa mojonty ot the peo- correctly to our own! than a secondary place. She is to meet
of the foreign emigration, which would be pie shall declare ngarnst the traffic in or- nnJ whicll wc copy , by, e,uipned for the,
added to - the anti-slavery party. Hence dent spoils, the law is to go in oc e . of show j pg that this is not the onlyj nd of dentil' and destruction. From,
slavery has not the remotest chance of The other proposes to take a vote ol the - wfcere (ho \yi.igs 'are fishing for• t f lis po i„t of view, the struggle is plainly,
being introduced into either of these tern- people upon the bill, ns a recommendation . . Nalivo Amer i Cß n bail.'most unequal. Science, sktjl, experience,.
, nr j os to ibe-next Legislature to pnss the same. —. , . , superiority In every mnterial respect, ns
Tl.l-so ~r o lira views ,h, T„, .1,0 Seem,. - -J. »
question, and sftno of tlife reasons why wo u i,.. and was to have been sent ,0 11,0 it _,| lQl n sccrot poliiical association.-has j The newspapers have already de-!
ihi nlc the bill should pass Congress, and I louse for concurrence on tlio Iho follow- '| n | o ]y been established here, for tho pur-1 SC j.jhctl the fleetr-such a one as old ocean
find no opposition among the American ing dny, since which time wc see no fur- poS e of bearing on local and State elections. novor vot aajy-,—reatly fo move from Spit- j
nfeople Even if it was certain to increase thcr trace ofit. But it is altogether prof)- This association wo aro lnformcdi: is asc , iead th n Baltic. Every improvement (
jibe number of slave States, we could no. able that the Senate bill will be concurred >T°" HSLS dti, i» 1
oppose it. The people are sovreign. They in by the House, or the House bill by the Qnd to P, j(j Calho |i c rc |jgion. That Xhe Ba | lic ’ is , 0 P be tho the- j
aro the source of political powor in a re- Senate—mid when concurred in, rcceivo [t bng o ,ber objects in view is also to be Rtroof * lho mar a t imo struggle. ThoreGrcat:
| publican country. They have the natural, the sanction of the Executive, and the p res „med from iho fact that mos o nc | Brlta ; n W R[ strike home into the hearts of
! and Conslitutional right to decida for them- temperance men, and friends of the rum- Whig wire-pullers
<«<m «W*cr Ihov shall, a,.,„n',a aflbrJeJ .» oacellen, oppo.Cumty lo ta |, ,o ca.cll fehy | ><“*«» »°» J 1
>„o,. To„i,l,l»lJ,his l „i,il®llf,odonb. display ,hci, ,„a»g,l, », ,l» prolong „„j „**„(*., M
• tho intelligence and the capability of the i ng October election. brio sufficient confidence in the honesty , f gjjseg> und o , her sinu || cr crafts, j
ipeople Tor self-government. fcr We hope our citizens,'Kow that the bo e Ssfiefthatnoißy “ lccent uknsC ’ S .° me lWC |'; e nun°d '
| tis a sectional question, why it should initiatory steps are tnken for the construe. gccrc , po |j t ; cn | organization, having con-; u lar fp cl Blzc aro * c '!?[!!!'* o'?. n Get !
(be opposed by the nnti-slavcry sentiment or t jon of a railroad to connect this place with c(JU | cd anc ] [here fore unhallowed objects lo '° g l U J v | l^( , n 'i l V o H ? e y e l r ’ must be deficient in
the norlli, nnd, if the South really desiro , ho pu b|j c improvements, and not only so, ncco mplis!i, can over flourish and succeed ; g[ cami . ll|ps .’ o |-. warj being few, if uny,|
the extension of slavery into these territo- p ul [Q s(X . uro t 0 Philadelphia U»e most di- in our midst. The very idea is repugnant i screWB _ T be ships are in J
rics, why this bill should meet their appro- recl commun ica!ion with the Lake trade, to our political d ™*. n “ bv | general heavy and unmanageable, and the j
bution, and receive their support, is past wi|) n 0( „| low ,he subject to be neglected. ~c Bad, indeed,rausV?™* witnout experience •« .working them
our comprehension—for it will prove to be Lc( (hfi compljny be organized, and sub- b{ . |he plight,of our opponents when tlmy ; ““ sO Yn h!ir^veaiher. o 'As'to fighting, the.
the most thorough clench to tho extension scr jp t ; oll books opened lorlhwiib. 1 his is rusor t t 0 such discreditable tricks to lm ‘' m( , n i)aV( , „ ovcr f nct fd „„ enornyi the gun-]
of slavery that was ever adopted by the (ho only nica ns by which toaltract the at- ( peso up.rn tbe people, and retain a last no n , arksmun) thc o fii oer g, even,
j American Congress, and will not only ton ii, in „f capitalists, and when public al ‘ '[’i /'/ .i'„°| l | b c ' f r o7r'^liors!:,'Voo't^-iii. 1 of ' the higher grades, ignorant of actual
'make free State-sol' Nebraska and Kansas, k>nliol) is once engaged in it, and the im-, “ vcrv ’ ( . o „f,d enl, as i t service-, and probably not one of them is|
I but, setting a precedent lor all other terri- p or trmt advaniages fairly set (brill and mi- WolJ | ( | something little short ol a m phm un rn lbo 1
! lories now possessed, or ilmt may be here: dcrsioof i ,| lO work will be .more than hall: „,, rr .„.| L . galvanize the ' AJmirui Count’Hayden, xvas.
■after acquired, by submitting tLc question com pleled. Just make l'lnludelpliia me; - Whig p",> and picsuil n rpuiH.nt |, y p, |- lbi and had gained bis experi
to thc choice of the people, will confine r ban is, nnd the stockholders o I the (-enti a I l’ nl1 , ((J l ] l , 3 j,,| Kl ( C j| S once .a nd knowledge in Ihe Last Indies.
Islavorv to its present limits. Tins does Rni | Rond sensible of tbe fact that ibis road ' deparier os ' ' 3 " ‘ ' The old. Is in any encounter at sea, great or
isay much in praise of our fores#., pu.c SCC uro them a perfect control of tbe ’ lU “' are against Uussia.' Pc-!
itralion and intelligence as a nation ; but trade, despite lbo elTorts ol all rival 1 t'LAßlllfi l'(U'XT\- ' le'rsburgl'ffie Government must be aware
it is nevertheless true, if the history of the Cl i, ( .s „nd companies,nnd nothing moie w ill 0 p R ia absolule inferiority of Uussia to En
'pnst atfbrds any guide (or the future ; and p c K .q U i rc d. gland, it being impossible to suppose that
this is just now beginning to be understood Russian Cabinet is wholly without
, ‘ , . n , Kp The Elk Advocalt , of week belore last, common sense.
by " 1C snu "'- aiiu , ! ,e,, I c ° " C mU?t . " i„ U,o temporarv absence ol i's editor, con- Shou d .bo Emperor resist the tempt.-
surprised to see this bill, now so hi ,e .■ .' . (]tinolh( . r mts{lll an ,i M : ir.=,h attnek upon linn lo meet the English in the open sea,
assailed bv tire abolitionists, just as wuim- , . , ;u ,J ( 0 confine his operations to the dofen-
J V opposed bv southern men who really our worthy rcpresenlaln e m lit- ‘ sivr, aml in Ins naval movements avail him
desires such extension for ilia vcrv reason lure, and the nomocracy ol Uo.irlie d s.df of the advantages of his position for
’ . r , ' : . countv frpncrnllv. We hope the iricnds Hcfeuse, he nnsht to ;i certain extent cqonl
,l„ul,c repeal of 1 1,0M,,»«ar, Camp,oo»a r ;
will prevent nny increase of the uumbei ol
such stuli; cr hold vi\hcv the editor of that
paper, or the people of Klk county, in anv
MR. CURTIS AND NEBRASKA. way responsible, lor we can assure them
We learn from r. paragraph in a late : that such scntiincnH nnd feelings are not
number of the Elk County Advocate, that : entertained by nny body besides the writer
the lion. C. lb Curtis, our representative. of this article, and a very small clique
in Congress, on the occasion of his recent nround Ridgway. The next time tins el
vish to his home in Warren, Pa., made a fieious intcrniedlor finds himself in iheed,-
speech at the anti-Nebraska meeting held torial chair, and imngincs it to he the s>i
there, in which lie avowed his intention to rred desk, where men who mistake tin ir
uid in the defeat of the bill providing for high and holy inis=iun, arc too apt to men
the organization of the territories of Nc-' die with other people’s business we won.d
brnska and Kansas. We are sorry for'advise him to pay n little more respect to
this ; for, having some faint recollection qf : truth, and to remember that even nil edi
the sentimentsospressed by this gentleman, 1 oriai chair has a reputation to sustain.
when canvassing the district in 1853 lor ~~7| ■ ..... r.,.t In tl.n
. b following notice we hnu in tlie,
the pos'tion ho now fills, winch we under- •, i c, ~ n f ,i,,.
1 . , Philadelphia United Slates Gazette ol llu.
stood lobe perfectly sound and truly na-- 1 •
1 • 3ist ultimo, which we copy for the inlor
tionnl on the subject of slavery, we were;
induced to believe that Mr. C/s predilec- 1 matl ” n ° our renters.
. . . . c .• |a. 1 <■ Tttronc, Clearfield, and hue had
lt,ons wore decidedly m favor <>lih.s 1 .11, ( w _^ cc is hereby given
\ and had so set him down, nnd intimated to c ornm j ss joncrs named in the Art
Wur readers that such were our impres- c l la rtoririjg the Tyrone and Cleai field Rail
isions. If, therefore, Mr. Curtis goes against ro ad Company will ntten.l at the Room ol
Nebraska, under the impression that his the Hoard- or Trade in the
I i -i • i Kxch;ni (T o» } InlacMuhia. on cdnos(].i\,
j constituents are hostile to it, we Imve no, nm) F rj f |„y, the 1 9th, 30th, and
Inbjection. But if his own conscience of April, between the hours of 10,
ijudgment approve the measure, nnd liis' a. M., nnd 4 P. M., for the purpose of rc
-1 immediate constituents, —the people of the ceiving Subscriptions to the Stock of said
isinglecounly of Warren only—arc against Company.
jit, weeannotthink him justifiable in taking. Mllgnzule a ..d Codey’s
l.hc opposite ground in tho absence of any, A ilf nro nlr , luly oi.our
|S im.lar expression of sentiment from W(j i)l(vc l.cretofore spoken highly
,other six or seven counties composing blicalionSt nnJ weennsnfely say
district. Until a representative ,s fully , numbcrs uro not inferior,
satisfied as to what ore exactly the ™hes! sup(srior l 0 formi;r issu , ;3 ,
of his constituents, he ts bound to act ac-i ■ (he m()Sl bcaiJli f ul t . ngrn .
cording to the dictates of his own conscience | y - s> an(] inlcrcsli[lg nl)l ] US uful mutter.
and judgment. When ho does understand; .
. .. , , , , i (KrPrinting paper, has of late taken a
their wishes, it is ns clearlv his duty to be | •
, , , ' , . ! most unprecedented rise, or our pa per man
governed thereby, pven if they arc in op- 1 ' '
post.ion to Ills convfclion of who. I, ri s l,u'““ boe ” «• "T"
W. 1,.,0 lliorofoTO either bhvmg fu.m-heJ «„!,
r , .i-ii ,n supply such ns the present number is is-
Mr. Curtis heretofore, or else we think he I 11 } 1 . .
r sued upon at the same price hcretolore
is wrong in oboving the instructions ol an, . 1 . , 1 , .
. . , ’ r , . . charged for an article worth at least s>l
isolated portion of his constituents, com. b
. , ... . ... lorSl 50 por bundle more,
posing about onc scvcnth, without waiting . „„
1 , a , . , ho following are the appointments
to hear what may be the opinion of the re- °
. . . 1 made by the late Methodist Episcopal nal
mutning six-sevenths. , ■ „ *. , . 1
. , timore Conference, for this county :
i We can very readily perceive how n . • -
I i i . n mi . „i,„ 1 New Washington—C. G. Ltnlliicum,
man may be opposed to the Nebraska bill, D M c f enrfield _ A( . am Bauch
and yet bo as good a Democrat ns its most enbu) . yi R A Bathurst. Knr.thaus—H.
nrdent advocate. .It affords no test of any Gy McDaniel, pne tq be supplied. Siqna
-1 man’s democracy —nor'would we make it honing—Nnthnnicl Shaffiier, Nathaniel
(such a test. We only refer to this matter Colburn.
inow for tlie purposu of showing how wo; p A xal Accident.—A fatal accident,
!pame to class Mr. Curtis with tbc friends resulting in the death of a man named
of this measure. b'redrick Kueppor, occurred on the level,
_ , i) n the Portage jload, on Monday of last
i On Monday ol lusl week, tho .aveiling 1 wcqk, Thp'qnfprlunate man, it appears,
i house of Mr. Christian Potto,fl', of this' e°‘ °n '!«e locorpotiyo pt Johnstown, and,
.. ..... , ... ••• ' when turning Coyles’ Curve, the pluco
jplnee, wn_s discovercq to bo oh fire. where ho wished to stop,attempted to jump
.alarm wns given, vyjien the citizens - ,n doijig \\hjch lie jnissed his footing
Ibled in large numbers,Who were not long'and fell .back with his . head upon the
|in extinguishing the (lames.' No serious track, the whole train running across his
i ,-‘ , mi r • ■ i head and shoulders, crushing them to
dumngo was sustained. The fire origina- * . , n , • , r ’ .
, , , ° ;atoms. Iho unfortunate man is said to
ted by a .spark-. Hilling, fronri the flue upon j )uve been a jissipntej character, and was
(lie roof, which wup fanned into a blaze by considerably intoxicated when the acci-
Ihe passing brebze. ' ■ • dent occured. —Hollidaysburg Staiitlard.
siuvehoUling Slates
rs “
Tlio Democrat of the 25>ih ult., says/,
lint Shorill' I larnm, while on his way from ]
Catfish, on Salurdny morning, rit “the ;
c'awn’s enrlv light” on horseback, direct
lor home, niter proceeding about ball a |
mile, fell from his horse, mangling his face ,
and head in such a manner as to render
life nlmost hopeless. Three cuts arc found
on the back of his bend and numerous culs .
and bruises on his face. Mis under jaw j
was at first supposed to have been broken,
which is now presumed not to be so. His.
face is much swollen, and he complains ol ■
bruises nbout the shoulders, lie isun-.
conscious ns to how he been me wounded..
Suspicions:! re entertained that some person
unknown knocked him from his horse, as
trncts were to he seen in tho snow, behind,
a tree at the place and a club was found
near bv. The iirst recollection he has ol
his whereabouts wns-when lie ennui to the
house of Mr. Sharp, some disttmee from*
the place of the disaster, -where, ho was
kindly received and attended to. Mis
pocket book, papers, keys, Ac., seem not
no have been disturbed, perhaps owing to.
the fact that he had but little money will)
; him, having failed in making collections as
' lie expected. It may- be that ho vv as throw n •
from his horse, but that seems unlikely ns,
! he would has some knowledge of that and
Iso many wounds woiiid not have been re
ceived. Perhaps he cun tell more about
it when he recovers more fully liom the
Execution or Jewel. —David Jewel
was executed m tho jail yard, in the city
of Pittsburg on Friday afternoon at 'J
o’clock, in the presonce ol n deputation ol
several hundred persons. I
At 1 o’clock, tho Sheriff in formed the
prisoner that the lime had arrived toi the,
execution. The executioner, who was dis- ■
guised, divested the prisoner ol his irons,
und having pinioned his arms, the Shenli
escorted him to the place of execution.
(11l arriving at the gallows the prisoner
stepped lorward, and thanking the HhciilP
for his kindness, begged him not to be the
executioner. Ile then read his dying do
duration, reviewing the proceedings of the
Court which convicted him, and denied
having committed any premeditated mur-j
dor. He had never known his victim be- (
fore he went with a friend to redress that,
friend’s grievances.
Heated with drink, which had madden-;
cd him to insanity, he had no recollection
of what transpired until after the fatal net
attributed to him. He concluded by ad
dressing his young friends, praying them
most earnestly to avoid the intoxicating
cup, and cordially forgave ally-ns he hoped
to be forgiven, feeling confident of the
mercy of God.
Thu clergyman then prayed, in which
the prisoner joined audibly. Tho execu
tioner then adjusted the rope, when the
prisoner at this juncture requested n prayer
from tho Sheritf, which was made by bim.
Jewel then commenced a prayer, during
which the Sheriff gave tho signnl; and the
executioner touched tho lever, tho unhappy
man was in nn instant suspended. His
neck was broken by the fall. After hang
ing half nn hour, his body was cut down
and placed in a coffin, to bo buried on Sun
day by his friends. Jewel displayed tho
utmost firmness and resignation through
out.-*- Hollidaysburg Standard,
OCrGovemor Bigler,! of California, sets
a most commendablo example of reform in
the matter of gevernmont expenditure. .He
proposes retrenchment to the extcnt,ofs37l*,
700, chiefly from salaries, among which ho
reduces Jus own from $lO,OOO to $4,000 !
We think wo see tho Legislature adopting
the proposition. 0,/.. ■
frS”Mujor S. R. Hebbie, First Assistant
Postmaster Gene rah dip,4 in Washington
city on the 23d ultimo,' of n pulmonary
complaint which hatj long affected him.
“We, Nicholas, I, Ac.
“Wc have already informed our beloved |
ami faithful subjects of the progress of our (
disagreements witli the Ottoman Porto. i
“Since then, although hostilities have
rommeneeJ, we have not ceased sincerely 1
to wish as we still wish, the cessation of
bloodshed. Wc even entertain the hope
that refiociion and lime would convince the
Turkish (iovernment of its misconceptions,
engendered hv treacherous in.sligntors, in j
which our beloved demands', founded on
treaties, have been represented as attempts
at its independence, and veiling intentions
of aggrandisement. Vain, however, have 1
been our expectations, so far.
“The English and French Governments;
have sided with Turkey, and the nppear
anco of the combined fleet at Constantino-;
pie served as a further incentive to its ob ;
stinuoy ; und now both the Western Pow
ers, without previously declaring war, have
sent their fleets into the Black sen, pro
claiming (heir intention to protec t the Turks
and to unyode the free navigation of our
vessels of war for n defence of our coasts,
j After so unheard of a course among civil
ized nations, we recalled our embassies
from England and France, and -have bro-
Ikon off all political intercourse with those
“Thus England and Trance liuve sided
witli llic enemies ol' Christianity against
Rus.-i i, who isconihhuing for llie orthodox
tu nil.
“But Russia will not betray her holy
calling, and, if enemies infringe our fron
tiers, we are ready to moet thorn with the
firmness bequeathed to us by our forc
’ fulhers. Are we not the same Russian
■ nation of whose exploits the picmorable
of 18I"2 bear witness?
“May the Almighty assist us to prove'
this by deeds. With this hope, combat
ting fur our persecuted brethren, followers
of the faith of Christ, with ono accord let
all Russia exclaim : “O, Lord, our Re
deemer! whom shall wc fear ? May God
be glorified and h;s enemies be scattered!”
“St. Petersburg, 19lh('21si) Feb. 1854.’-’
New Counterfeits. —The following
new counterfeits have recently been put in
circulation :
Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.
Go’s altered from s’s. Vignette on upper
corner of left end,three figures, one hold- j
ing a staff with cap of liberty on top —an-i
other holds some blades of grain, and the
third a compass. On right end a female
holding a globe. The true 50’s have fora!
vignette two females, with a shield between j
them.' Fairmount Water Works at
left ofoneand ship on the right of the other.
Penn on right end and Franklin on left.—
Head, of Washington betwqpn names of
officers. : , i
Harrisburg Bank, Harrisburg, Pa. —
s’s ultered from l’s, relief issue. Vig
nette, a marblemason at wor.h. •
Farmer's arid Planter's JBahk, Balti
more, Md t —2Q'k spurious. Vignette,agri
cultural . implements, sheaves of grain,
railroad cars.
(£rA wild goose was-shot on the Sus
quehanna, near Harrisburg, Ifist week,
which measured 3 feet 7 inches aerpss the
wings, 3 feet 6 inches from the bill to ihe
tip of the tail, and weighed, when dr.esspd,
15 pounds. • •
Extract from a Speech of Gov. Bigler.
Gov. Bigler, in • his speech delivered at
the late consolidation festival, at PhilpdoF
pliia, alludes to our State as follows:
• Pennsylvania, it is almost useless to soy,
is rich in the elements of a great and pro*'*
perons Commonwealth. She is rich in the
variety and in the oxhaustless resourcescjf
her mineral deposits—in her coal, her irop,
her copper, her zinc, and other less pro
cious deposits. She is rich, and yearly be.
coming richer, in her agriculture and
manufactures —in all the industrial pursuits
known to our country—in Her railroads and
canals, and in every element of prosperity.
Her growth, just at this time, is progressing
with the vigor of youth. As ati evidence,
let mo remind you that her per centagri of
increased population since 1840 exceeds
any other Atlantic or old State. She has
also excelled in the productions of wheat,
of coal, of iron, and in many of the mantf.
Ifactures. How she has broken from the
i moorings that once bound her in a quiet
and dull port, is most strikingly illustrated
in the last nnnual message of Simon Sny.
der ; and all that I am going to pay ofthis
1 period will be familiar to the distinguished
gentleman on my right, (Mr. Dallas,) anj
i him on my left (Mr. Rush.) That patriot
'and statesman “congratulated the Legist
Hature and the people on the fact that £
I bridge had been erected over the Rtisque
' hanna river” —that a “turnpikerond \va»
! winding its wny towards Pittsburg, then a
I flourishing village”—that u similaraycnup
! was being constructed towards the north,
j And by wny of flattering the mechanic*,
the fact is stated that the bridge overthe river
had been commenced nnd completed in the
I space of three years! [Laughter.] I need
'not make the contrast between the condi
-1 tion of the State at that period nnd the pres
ient. Ho is dull indeed, who is not deeply
impressed with the amazing- change.—
/The most vivid imagination, in the day*
of Snyder, would have failed to paint the
realities of 18f>4. [Applause.^
On the completion of these turnpiko
roads, dawned the era of broad-wheeled
j wagons—superseding the use oft he pack
' horse in the buisness of transportation.—
i 1 do not know whether any of the mer
chants here present have witnessed tho
1 loading of pack-horses lor the west, but 1
'do know that there uve many who have
!had a hand in londing the broad-wheeled
1 wagons. After these came the cailal boat,
and ihen the iron horse. What is tocome
‘ 1 next 1 will not dare to predict; but I stand
' prepared to give countenance to anything
that imagination can describe, ns a future
work for the inventive genius of the “uni
versal Yankee nation.” [Laughter.]
Pennsylvania, I sincerely believe, never
saw a brighter period than the present;
never enjoyed n higher degree of prosper
ity, or n largpr share of confidence of the
world; nor stood higher in the scale a!
moral, intellectual and political dignity.—
And I sny this, gentleman, in no vain
spirit of bonsing, hut simply as a truth.—
I do not mean to say that her work as a
sovereign State has been complete—that
there are no social or political defects in
her condition; nor by any means to inti
mate that the great work of elevating tho
masses by education has attained perfec
tion. Whilst much has been accomplish
ed that is I onornble and useful, there is
still a mighty -work to he done before sho
will reach the altitude amongst the other
powers of tho earth that God and nature
have manifestly marked out for her. —
That her future will equal the most
sanguine expectations, lean see no reason
to doubt. That may grow greater,
belter, wiser and happier, as she becomes
older, is my belief and prayer. [Prolong
ed applause.J
Tup. Whip Candid.\te. —Well, “the
child is born, and his namo is Pollock,—
The Hon. James Pollock, of Northumber
land County, ex-Member of Congress, la
the Whig candidate for Governor. Whv.
exulting peals will ascend from the Whip
in different parts of the State! The hig
bourse voice oC the mammoth city daily
will lend in tho hymn, and the shrill email
notes of tho mqdest country weekly will be
heard in echoing tho chorus. How the
types will rattle and the heavy presses
groan—to tell tho people all the virtues of
this new champion. It is not unlikely that
lithograph likenesses of him will he hung
in every bar-room, in every mill and smith
shop, and upon the most conspicuous tree
■at every cross-road in the State. He t®
not a military hero—indeed hisyate in
I Congress in favor of the expediency ofor*
! dering our troops to retreat —proves him
to be far'from brave. In a late campaign,
the Whigs learned that military heroes aro
not acceptable to the people —with their
characteristic shifting, they have gone to
; the other extreme —in the selection of their
|candidate for Governor. Mr. Pollocks
, retreating vote would give the lie to any
J one who would claim him as a hero or oven
I a bold man. Mr. Pollock is reputed to ho
j a gentleman of more than ordinary nbjjity}
a good speaker—and socially very agree*
’able. But did he possess each of these
j qualities in a much nipre eminent degree,
ho could not be made the Governor of Penn*
, sylvania. —Pennsylvania Patriot.
young Clearfield friend, who
didn’t eat thVoySters, says the Hollidays*
bur" Standard, illuminated our sanctum
with the light of his smiling countenance
on Monday. He has been‘‘down the Sus
quehanna on a raft,“ arid looked ns hearty
and verdant ns a thrifty youDg pine sap
ling. Ho reports C|earfield county 0. K.
on the Gubernatorial question, arid offered
to bet. his “pile” that she will roll up twelve
hundred majority for the “Cleurfield Rafts
man.” May her tribd increase! , f
that the lust words of the
great, arid lamented Clay wore—' ‘‘My
mpther-7-mother-Lmother.” , ;
- fl£rA man must govern himself, ©rote
be ft)fnh\ily» end his family*
ere he be fit to bbcthh government oftM
Cofhmonwealth. ' .T