pectins t p, Harbmbi&ob, 'March'B. ■otf» sgtegvjvf.j, f V’' •:'•.••■'« '■'• .. r ' ■• ' Stale Convention ,r to pominmo a.’cundidnie far Gove/nor,. Judge 1 efjho Supreme Court ond Canal Conn riffsindtior, met this morning at JO o’clock of jjeprepentatives, pursuant qf the Sjtaie Central Committee. The attendance was very full; ulmost in the stale being fully rep resented. * ■rtjHEm,L. Hirst.' Chairman of tba Cen trot Committee, occupied tlio Gfiair tem- purguapt to a roSolutipn of for tgerjconydntions, .MJ-fjC, names of the delegates were thop •^ljet^pnif-their credentials severally pro- ■ tented. 'y. . • , scat of Charles B. Manly of Dela as,Senatorial Dolnguto from Cites-; Jpelayvaro,: was contested by 4-j but after n lull examin- 1 case, Mr. Manly was admit- 1 tc4*.:;i■; ■’ ; v: I p,fia .motion a committee of ono from | each Senatorial district >vas thon appoint- to.nominate and report ofiicers for the perrpanent organization of tho Conventtou. (Speaker of.tho House) nto-, tho apppitipent by tho delegates of a ; epmmiHea-tQ feport a series of resolutions! of the yipws and sentiments of;, - , . , ! discussion arose, and the. tesplutjop vyqs finally postponed until tlio, gyganisption of the Convention. j $ -Convention thon took a recess un-. o’clock. j at f« - u.. ... NOOK SESSION .f«Fha PonVeption assembled at half past twfllvo olclock, when the committee on the sbleciion'of officers made report. .'(’They nominated Judge Shannon of Al legheny.'county for President of the Con- assisted by ono Vico President irem-each Senatorial district, and cloven Secretaries, ' The nominations werp unanimously ap proVed. c- The President, on tnlting tho chair, made a very neat and appropriate address,) Jteartily congratulating' the Democracy of the stnto upon the spirit of unity and feal ty! every where manifested, He spoke al fib of the hopeful and cheerful aspect of af ihxrsthroughout the country, and exhorted Jnevery movement a careful regard for the prosperity and permanency of democratic principles. • The convention then again resumed the consideration ofthe resolution of Mr.Chnse •■fertile appointment of T a committee to rc ?ort 'resolutions. bit was debated at some length, and on ■being' umended soas to direct the President to appoint was adopted, jc Tho Convention then adjourned till 2 iplelock rafter re-assembling a candidate dot Governor, was balloted for. On first JfaUibt the vote stood as follows: ' Wen. Bigler, • 128 votes. .; kernel's. Bell, 5 do * esiWm. Bigler was thereupon declared tdtitynbmjnaled ds tho candidate of the de •fetJCratic party for Governor. JV’-Hobi Jbremiah Black was on motion '•|Wmiflnted'as a candidato for tho Supreme •t&bhch by acolamntion. •Jo The Convention then proceeded to the • Sfibmliialion of a candidate for Capal Com ■tniissioner. The names of quite a number I Wf gentlemen were submitted, ana the first t ballot then being taken resulted as follows *J '6d:Henfy S. Mott, of Pike, 80 j - J i .iGeorge Scott, of Columbia, 20 having a majority of *-plt the votes cast, a second ballot was had ’ which resulted as follows : '*•- ' Henry S. Mott, 83 ’■' George Scott, 20 1 1 Scattering, 281 **~ : Hdnry S. Mott, of Piko county, having : ‘tt>dleßt' i rriajorityi wa9 thereupon declared •‘nUly pominated for Canal Commissioner, pglld enthusiastic applause, —■■ The President then announced tho com * rnittee on resolutions, (Mr. E.B. Chase, of ’-'Busquehannai Chairman,) after which aj • 'jeccss was taken until 6 o’clock. EVENING SESSION. j * "The Convention re-nsscmbledat 6 o’clock, I whon Ml. Chase, from the committee on| resolutions, submitted n scries expressive! ' ‘plfthe seqtimentsof tjr'e Convention and of 1 ; th6 parly in the present posturo of affairs, ro-nffirming tho established principles 7 pf the democratic creed. : rp|jQ resolutions,'after some little discus ' were adopted. / ' '■ An uhsucCq69ful effort was mad o to in- resolutions in reference to tho Ne- bill. ’ Resolved;'Tlml tho selection of Win- BiGi/dn by voice ofthis Conven tion, os'the standard bearer of tho democ ’’ ln the next gubernatorial contest, is only in accordance with the well esta ”vfj!isficd usages of the party, but a well me ,:,3itdd;Trlbutp to his eminent vvorth, integri ty inqtPtibility. tiis entire administration been"characterized .by an unselfish *^oevotidh ! to the best interests of the people. ■ ’ The Democracy will hail his re-nomina -11 tion With delight, and will ratify the action ' K bfxhldX‘onvehtion by his triumphant elec "fni... " ; •' 1 ■ ; '''' ' solved, That the last annual messngo Gov. Bigler is a public document of '‘‘fenusijir stVength and ability; exhibiting 3 Wtlftho greatest cnndor and fidelity, :the ’“ifctu'tiil, financial condition of the Common, l '•wdnlth. ' In this frank nnd manly exhibit, hiVe'atuSijranee that the public interests ‘“tiffHe.pedplo are entrusted to a safe and exehiiiivo. while thero ip so much of Governor Bigler to ox- nnd pride fop tfie ex, wealth of the slate, nnd tho Ipigh * degree'of prosperity enjoyed by the people we sh‘6uld.nQt..ho 'insensible to the impor »fc);vneo of a rigid economy,every depart ..umont of this that \vct,|iavethcujadrancothntthepubiic mo* rjcj' is not founda- RESOLUTIONS. tion for the confidenctTtiiat public cngago- ■ fSf REPOBIirOAPi. mentswill be cheerfully met by thopco-'. pie. , Resolutely That upon the subject-or tiro currency, iho views of Gor. Diglur are j perfectly sound and democratic, whilst it has neyor been-the aim of the, Democratic party to “uproot entirely thoj system of banking wo have,” it is not less > our true policy to rostrain tho aggregate; amount of capital invested in banking toy tho demands pr a healthy trade and tho; actual business wnnt9 of tho community, and not run tlio risk of great commercial • .embarrassment and distress by an unduo: expansion of paper circulation. Old and! chartered banks should bo re-chartered, ; with great criuiion, and only after a most 1 thorough examination of their condition ; , whilst new ohc.s should only bo establish- ! led when absolutely necessary and demnn- i ided by the exigencies of trade. » ! Resolved, 'fhaUhc ovils of omnibus and , special legislation has become intolerable, ‘and tho former especially calculated to 1 produce inctilcplable mischief and injury * to tho public. We therefore heartily com. I mend and approve tho position assumed! by Gov. Bigler, against this species of leg : islation. ! i Resolved, That in the adjustment of the j I difficulties at Eric, and with the Franklin ! jtianal company, Gov. Bigler displayed; I great skill, prudence nnd ability ; and that, ho is justly entitled to the prai sc of all for bis conduct throughout the entire contro-j versy. I Resolved, That this convention presents j with entire confidence, the narjio of Jerk-! Miaii S. Black as the candidate of the De- j mocratic party for Judge of the supreme | Court. Tho high character and distin- j guished ability of Judge Block aro too well ! known to every citizen of tho common wealth to requiro endorsement by this convention. The time ho has already oc cupied that eminent position, has been sufficient to lqavo tho impress of a great j mind upon the jurisprudence of tho coun- j try, and ho has shown himself n worthy j successor of the strong minds who filled j tho bench before him. j Resolved, That in tho selection of Hem - j ry S. Mott, ns our candidate for" Canal | Commissioner, wo believe tho democracy aro peculiarly fortunate; recognizing in j him ns we do, a man of tho strictest integ-j rity, great personal popularity, and emi nently qualified to pH the responsible office for which he is nominated. Resolved, That tho election of Genornl Franklin Pierce to tho Presidencyj was a triumphant vindication of tho attach ment of the Democratic patty tho consti tution and tho Union ; and that so far his administration has displayed great ability, been ominently judicious and consistent with tho principles upon which he was o lected, and tho doctrines contained in his inaugural address. Resolved, That the public sorvices of the Hon. Jasies Campbell, and tho abil ity, fidelity and integrity with which ho has discharged the duties of Postmaster General, cniitlo him to tho thanks of tho people of tho United Stntes, and that he possesses the confidence and merits the support of the Democracy of Pennsylva nia. Resolved, That the course pursued by ! the Hon. R. Bhoadiiead, our represents-1 tivo in the Senate of the United Stnte9, en-! titles him to the entire confidenco and sup port of the Democratic party. j Resolved, That tho Democracy of Penn -, sylvnnia arc in favor of a liberal dis-, position of tho public lands by tho general | government, and of the Principles of aj well devised Homestead Law, which would j encourage agriculture, commerce, manu-j factures, and all other branches of industry, j by granting to every free white male citi- 1 zen of the United States, who is the head ! of a familV, a homestead of one hundred | and sixty acres of land out of the public) domain, upon condition of occupancy nnd j cultivation of tho same for a certain speci fied period. Resolved, That tho democracy of Penn-1 sylvnnia adheres with' unshaken fidelity, to tho Constitution npd Union of the States; land relics upon the compromise of 1850 las the final adjustment of tho vexed and dangerous question which jhep agitated ! the country, nnd menaced tho existence of tho Union. Upon this rational principle Gov. Bigler entered upon tho contest of 1851, and with a distinct avowal of his adhesion, was triumphantly elected. Ad herence to its provisions was adopted in 1852, as a distinctive feature in the nnlion !al platform, and President Pierce was elected by an unparalleled majority, thus manifesting the popular assent to the terms and conditions of the Re garding it as do as a solemn and delib erate settlement of controversy, consecra ted by the efforts and energies of the ablest and best of both great political parties at tho time of its adoption, and since twice ra tified by the people of this state, we there fore ratify and adopt tho principles laid down in the Baltimore platform of 1852. 'fho resolutions were adopted unani mously. ' On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die. NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD- Tho Council of Philadelphia, on Thurs day last by a unanimous vote, authorized the Mayor to subscribe $750,000 to the North. Western Railroad. This, we pro sumo, secures the construction of this road; as, with other subscriptions previously' ob tained, it covers the.estimated cost degra ding; nnd wl;cn progressed thus for, the amount required |o complete it dan with out doubt lie procured. This road commences at- New Castle, , run's through Butler, and connects with I flic Pennsylvania Central road near Blairs ville. Tho Cleaveland and Malfoning road connects at Now Castle, and- thus a through line is. furnished frome Cleave. ; laud, to. Philadelphia, avoiding Pittsburgh. : Mcrcer Freeman, CLEARFIELD , MARCH 15, 185 Fon Governor, WILLIAM BIGLER. Fon Supreme Judge, JEREMIAH S. BLACK. For Canal Commission hi, HENRY S. MOTT. River News, —for qear a week past, Tho Susquehanna has been in excellent or dcr for rafting, and immenso qualities of lumber have been run to market. Tho water is falling fast, and is now, or will 60 after to-day, too low for navigation. Q3“For the Inst few days wo havo been absent assisting our lumbermen to run their productions to market, and tho paper has been under tho charge of other per sons, who are entitled to the credit of any improvement svhich may appear in tho present number. the recent flood, it is said by tho oldest inhabitants, tlioro has been more lumber run down tho river past this pi aco for market, than over before known in the samo length of tiino. Homestead Bill. —This bill, which has been undor discussion in tho National House of Representatives, for some time past, has at length finally passed through that body, by a voto of 107 to 72, It makes a donation of 100 acres of the na tional domain, in nny of tho slalos or ter ritories, where wo have public land, to each actual settlor, (ho or sho being a freo whito c.itizen and the head of a family,) on condition of residency and cultivation for five successive years. Wo understand that one of tho provis ions of tho bill is—that, this donation is to be forever exempt from levy and sale for preceding debts. Wo consider this Bill as one of the most beneficial measures which has yet been beforo the present Congress—probably al together so—inasmuch ns its effect will bo to provide homes for perhaps hundreds of thousands who are now homeless, and at the same time will ensuro tho rapid settle ment and cultivation of those vast fields of forest and prairie land which now lie dor mant and fruitless for want of husbandry. Democratic Convention. —Wo pub lish to day tho proceedings of the Demo cratic State Convention, which met in Harrisburg on the Bth instant. The pro-1 ceedings, and resolutions in particular,! will, wo think, meet the views of the dem. ocralic parly generally. It will bo sccnj that our present talented and energetic I governor, Wm. Bigler, has been rc-nomi-: nated almost unanimously by acclamation, j only five delegates dissenting. Judge] Black was nominated by acclamation, and Henry S, Mott, of Pike county, was nom inated on 2d ballot as the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner. The Dcmocratjc party in this stoto never was [more united than at present —nor victory i more certain than at the approaching elec tion. Tho feeble oppasition to Wm. Big - | ter of five dissenting delegates and their 'constituency, will, ere thoclcotion comes, (melt awav, and harmonize with the over- I ' . 1 whelming voice of the party, which is | now, and will be, for Gov. Bigler. There | cannot bo a doubt of the election of all lour candidates by a majority of from I twenty five to thirty thousand, at a moder ate estimate. Opening oy Canal Navigation. —The Lewistown Gazotto of March 9, says — MThe Cunal was filled with water on Mon day last, since which n number of boats have arrived and departed.” Wm. H. Ihwin, who hns boon generally spoken of ns the pro, bablo candidate of the whig party for Gov ernor, has announced his determination not to be a candidate for nomination. Post Master Gen oral, on tho Ist instant, appointed Isaac T. James, Esq., a route agent on the Phila delphia and Reading railroad, in placo of John C. Myers, removed. Tho removal of Mr Myers was demanded by a large number of tho Democrats of this city, out of considerations affecting the wellare of tho party, and tho promptitudo with which tho Postmaster General answered their demands, shows that ho fully acknowled ges its propriety and justice. Mr. James is a Democrat whoso political consistency and fidelity have stood tho test of years service in the Demooratio ranks, and his Appointment gives general satisfaction.— Ho will make a compotent and efficient officer. — Reading Gazelle. ■ Postmaster General Campbell: has, in deed, actod promptly and justly in the [ ahovo matter, and if ; has turned up just as |we predicted. U ufould bo q waste of am* | uni lion to extend a “parting salute”, over la few words on d “fallen foe,” as small as Col. John C. Myers! We merely givo |p|nco to tho fact that retribution has unni | hilated a Traitor, who, had hb lived in tho clpys of Benedict Arnold, would have suf- Ifcred an ignominious death ! 'Let his fate ‘be a warning in future to all political l trai \ tors! -~Rennsylvanian , , WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. , 'Washington, March 9, 1854. | The passage of tho Nebraska bill in the,! Senate, will loos bo remembered as one:' of tho most important ovents in the je'gis lativo historv of our country. On day last that body ui<J not adjduftj until about 10 o’clock jP. M., and they sat all night on Friday, taking the vote about 5 jo’clock on , Saturday morning, when the [bill passed by a vote of 37 to 14 —J 4: northern, and 14 southern Democrats, and 9 southern whigs voting for it—whilst ev-, cry northern whig nnd abolitionist, and onlv one southern whig nnd one southern j democrat opposed it. Of the absentees, tsvo-thirds would huvo voted for it had they boon present. ! Tho abolitionists look upon tho passage j of this bill os a “final settlement" indeed, |of tho slavory agitation. They know that I if it is suffered to become a law, the coun-| try will settle down in a peaceful ncquics-i censo to the measure, and thus take away j their occupation., And hence they oxort-j ed every offort in their power to defeat it; in the Senate, or to throw obstacles in tho! way of its passage. They assailed it in ‘ in every shape, lair and foul j but among the most potent objections they raisod, and . tho ono which caused many northern; democratic states men to hesitate, was,’ that, by repealing tho Missouri Compro-, ' mise, slavery would legally exist in those j territories under the operation of tho; j French law existing in Louisiana bofore i its session to tho United Stales. To si-: i lenco that battery, Sonator Badger of; I Georgia, offered an amendment expressly: i repealing said law, which was adopted by ; I a very large majority. The bill, thus; [amended, does no more than givo to the ’people ot theso territories tho nnd i undisputed right to make their own laws. ' Nothing more. Who, then, can say one . word against it 7 Certainly no ono who[ ' believes tho people nre capaplo of self-gov- j ernment, or who believes tho British par- j liament was wrong in making laws for and j taxing tho Colonies against their consent,; and that tho Colonists were right in resis-' ting such tyranny. Your readers have doubtless heard of j J tho tragical termination of tho Gardner' trial. Tho scoond trial of George A. Gard- 1 nor terminated last week in a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was immediately , sentenced to tho penitentiary for 10 years.; This was on Friday, tho prisoner was first taken to the city prison, wbero he ■ j called lor pen und paper, and wrote one lor two letters. Soon after he was seized with convulsions, nnd died in about two hours. The general opinion was that ho had taken Strichnine. A postmortem cx i nminatiou was made, and the stomach i 3 ! now in the hands of a chemist, nnd the re- J suit of the anulyzaiioh of its contents will be made known to the jury of inquest which will meet again to-morrow. Gardner had obtained 8428,000 from the government, on n claim which is now fully ascertained to havo been fraudulent. [ Somo 8200,000 is believed to havo been [secured. His brother is also under in dictment for participating in the same of [ fence. Tho deceased displayed mnny ev [ idcnces of the highest order of talents and ! capacity, had they been exercised in \yorks [of virtuous usefullness. He also acted well [ the part of an innocent man ; for, after his ! claim had been awarded by tho board on I Mexican claims, ho went to Europe, and ! after spending a season there, voluntarily ! returned to this city, where he mixed in | the best society, and had many friends I who considered him a wronged and inno cent man, some of whom even yet assert [ his innocence, ; j Gardner was about 37 years of age.— ; Went to Mexico ns a practical dentist.— Ho there made tho acquaintance of an old offender named Mears, a refugee from )ua ■ tioe, who was the first to conceive the idea of presenting a claim on the U. S. under the treaty with Mexico, for losses sustain ed by occasion of tho war. Gardner was employed by Moars to prosecute hia claim and in preparing the papers, &c., to sus tain this claim, seems to have conceived; the idea of setting up a claim on his own account, nnd for a much larger amount — Mears’s claim being for a quicksilver mine valued at 8134,000 —and Gardner’s for a Silver mine, with tho appurtenances, &c.,| valued at 0ver8790,000. Gardner came on to Washington, and after employing Hon. Thos, Corwin, Gen. Waddy Thomp son and Edward Curtis as his attorneys, went before the Board of Commissioners, bonded by Hon! George Evans of Maine, and secured an award for the whole amount of both claims —tho former of which was paid to the full amount, and somo 8400, 000 on the latter. The fraud is said to havo been discovered by n Dr. Davis, of this city, who was afterwards appointed Secretary of the Board, by having his sus picions aroused whilst overhauling tho pa pers preparatory to filing them away in the office of the Secretary of State—ho (Da vis,) having spent several years in MexL co where ho ntlainqd a kdowledgo of tho true character of Mears, This fraud is without a parrallel in the history of our government, as well in re gard to the amount of the swindle, the re spectability of the parties and their agents, and tho magnitude and ingenuity of the devices, resorted to to accomplish it. Its exposure cannot fail to teach a salutary [ lesson, and to show the people the trnns-j Cendant importance of keeping a constant eye of watchfulness upon their public ser-, vants, demanding tho closest scrutiny intoj their official conduct, and requiring in all cases,/the very brightest oraorof excel-j lenco'/in those entrusted with theso high' responsibilities.' . ; . Q3rA siiip built entirely of zinc at Nan- [ tcs, has made a successful outward and] return voyage from Rio Janerio to that port. She proved an excellent sea boat ip the repeated gales which she.encounter ed. Her compasses were not affected, os in the case in vessels where iron is large-.; ,ly present;, - v ; The Passage of the Nebraska Bill In the Dale jed States* Benatf. 1 The abolition agitators oro in n great rngo ut the passage of the Nebraska Mil, Tho great majority which it has received is like a knell to thoir cars. Let it pass tho House by a decisivo vote nnd their stock in trade will bo occupa tion gone —slavery agitation in Congress at an end. Wo give below the,yoto: | Yeas —Messrs. Adams, Atchisop, Bad ! ger, Bayard, Benjamin, Brondhead, Brown, i Butler, Cass, Clay, Dawson, Dixon, Hun* tor, Johnson, Jones, (of lowa,) Jones, (of ! Tennessee,) Mason, Morton, Norris, Pet tit, Pratt, Rusk, Sebastian, Slidell, Stuart, Thompson, (ofKy.,) Thompson, (of New ! Jersey,) Toucoy, Weller and Williams, j Nays.— Messrs. Bel), Chase, Dodge, (of Wia.,) jßesjenden, Fish, Foot, Hamlin, Houston, jwhes, Seward, Smith, Sumner, j Wnde aniWalker. ! B7 j Against it, Majority for tho bill, 23 Messrs. Bright, Tombs and Mallory, off of whom are in favor of tho bill sent in consequence ol sickness. Messrs. Pearce, Clayton and Wright, friends, of tho bill, wore also absent. Tho following absentees would havo voted against tho bill : ’ . Messrs. Phelps, Cooper, Everett and Allen. So that a full voto would have stood thus ; For tho bill, Against it, Majority for the bill 25 Messrs. James and Allen voted.against tho bill under instructions, otherwise they would have gone for it, which would have made the majority 27, and if the vacancy from South Carolina hnd_hcen filled, the majority would TERRIFIC EXPLOSION- , Hartford, Conn. March 3. At two o’clock yesterday afternoon, tho steam boiler in Foies & Grey’s car facto ry, exploded, destroying the blacksmith shop aud engine room, and badly shatter ing tho main building. Over IUO persons wero in that part of tho building at tho time of the explosion, which was most ter rific, wrenching the powerful machinery breaking tho timbers ond prostrating tho walls and ronf;«burying tho workmen be neath the ruins. Tho citizens and fire men woro quickly on tho spot to rcscuo the sufferers ; nine of whom wero instant ly killed and died subsequently. Many .others nro badly injured, soma of whom 1 will probably die. Tho boiler was a now (one of fifty horse powor, built in tho best manner. Over threo hundred persons 1 woro employed in tho building. The kil led were chiefly killed in the blacksmith !shop. j jFpETiiEn r Particulars,-— The sceno : waif heart-rending. Hundreds of the 1 wives and children of the workmen rush ed to the spot, and tho excitement spread to tho schools in the south district, atten ded by the woikmen’s children ; tho ; school was at once dismissed, in conse quence of the distress of the children. j The victims are horribly mutilated,and] in some instances hardly recognisable.—! At 5 o’clock all wero extricated. Thej i number wounded is supposed to bo over j fifty- A Coroner’s jury was summoned imnic jdiately nnd proceeded to inquiry. The loss to tho buildings nnd machinery is es ! limnted at @30,000. Ncmebical Laws of tiie Sexes —The last consua dovelopes some curious facts. It fixes the numerical laws of the sexes thus: 1, There are jnoic males than females born by about four pier cent, 2. At 20 years of age this preponder ance is entirely lost, and there arc more females than males. 3. At forty years the balanco is again the other way, and there are moretnaies than females. 4. At 70 the sexes arc about even, nnd the ullimato age of the human being is reached without any decided advantage to either sex. Botween 70 and 100 years of ago, there are 15,311 more white women than there are males, being more than five percent, of the whole number. Beyond tho age of forty years, tho probabilities of longevity are much greater for American women than for men. This contrasts singularly with tho fact, that the physique (relative ly) of American women is inferior to that of American men. That fact, as isshown/ however, tells tremendously on womei between tho ages of twenty and fort/, when their mortality is very great. The longevity of some women extraordinary. There are four hi and thirty American womon abo' hundred years of age. John L. Dawson, in the blouse of Representatives, on the 14th ult., made anotoquentnnd lengthy speech, in support of his Homestead Bill. He takes the po sition which eyery American Statesman should avow himself in favor of, viz: that it should be the policy of this Government, so far ns liberal legislation can affect it, to give land to the landless, and breud to the breadless.' With an era.of 1,360,070,r 651 acres of public domain, unsold and unappropriated; it willrequirenll tho learn ing and iogonuity ofhonorablo members of Congress, to ; vindicate their opposition votqs to this bill, before tho "bone and sin ew’ 1 of the country. Ciiaulkston, S. C., March 6.—The steamer Canon arrived this morning from Htfvanna on .the Ist, \yit,hv despatches for government,, detailing the seisure of the steamer, Black Warrior, for on plleged ini fringemerit of the revenpes, haying cotton not included in. her manifest, The Cap tain abandoned, the Warrior and yiepto? board the Fultop, THE BATTLE OP CiyALE. Tho London Times gives the following particulars.of tho batlleof Citclo from n pri vate. letter:— On Friday thoOtli of January, tho Tur kish troops, under tho ordors of Ismail Pa elm and Ahmed Pacha, marched to attack tlio Russians, who had fortified themselves in the village of Citaie, which is about fivo hours march from Kalnfat. The force of Ismail Pacha was composed of threo regi ments of regular cavalry and one regiment of Bashi Bozouks, with six guns. Ahmed Pacha was stationed at some distance from the village, with somo roservo troops, con sisting of five battalions, and also six guns. The Russian force in the villago con sisted of throe battalions of infantry, com manded by colonel Bonagarde, three. squadrons of hussars, and two squadrons of Cossucks, with six guns. The Turkish troops were superior in number; but the position of the Russians, who wore distributed in all the houses of the village, which is of great extent, and which is surrounded by a double ditch, rendered tho attack extremely perious, as = the enemy, well sheltered, wore enabled >. to 'Mrect a murderous fire upon the Turks,., without the latter being able to reply to it. In spite of this evident disadvantage, Is mail Pacha gave orders for tho attack, and threw himself into the villago under a show. • er of bills firedfrom all the windows. At first the Turks received very serious inju- ■ ry; but, although this circumstance some, what disorganized their attack, their im petuosity was by no means checked. Tho; greater portion of tho soldiers, who had ne- < vor before been exposed to musketry, ne vertheless displayed indomitable courage. After a desperate struggle, thoy attacked ■ tho houses, and fought hand to hand with sword and bayonet. Tho massacre \vu9 frightful. The Russians in vain begged Tst quarters. In the fever of the fight the Turks listened to nothing, and slaughter ed without pity all who fell under their hands. Tho Mussulmans of tho Crimea,. incorporated with the Russian army, in vain appealed to their character of Mussulmans No quarter was given to them. Gutters of blood ran down tho streets from this wholesale human slaughter. Toaddtolhe I horrors of the scene, it rnny bo stated that a number of pigs which had been let loose were seen eating the dead bodies. All who could escape the slaughter took refuge in a redoubt at tho head of the vil lage, and thence commenced a murderous fire upon the Turks, who returned it vig orously, but not without receiving consid erable injury from the Russian guns. At last the enemy, incapable of any fur ther struggle, decided on abandoning the entrenchments. A number of Russian troops had already evacuated the place; ivhen a colonel ofTurkish cavalry concei ved the unfortunate idea of endeavoring to oppose their passage. Tho Russians, finding themselves, sur rounded, ajid having no other alternative but to conquer or die, recommenced tho fight with desperation, and in a vigorous i sortie succeeded in capturing two guns, j —It should be slated that tho Turks, up ion the first success in the entrenchments, (committed the incredible fault of not doa -1 troying tho enemy’s guns. While tho battle was thus going on in tho village, twelve battalions ot infnntry of the Russian army, and a squadron of ca valry, with sixteen pieces of cannon, were brought to tho assistance of tho besieged, and attempted to placo the Turks between two fires. Information of this was given to Ahmed Pacha, who directed his soldiers to the point, in order to prevent tho junc tion of the besieged troops. The advantage of position was now on the side of tho Turks, who were on ground which sloped towards tho Russians ; but tho Intter were in three times greater num ber than the Turks. In spite of this ine quality, however, the Russians woro tirelv beaten, and fled in the greatest uis order. Their losses in these two simulta neous a flairs, amount tanearly four thou sand, among whom ore included fifty su perior officers. The Turks had about 30. Q killed, and 396 wounded. Liability of Individual Bankehs. — It has been decided recently in the >rente Cotirt of the Stats of New \ ork hat an individual establishing a bank isli ibis in case of failure to the extent of all iis private property, &c., ns in the caso pf a common debt. It has heretofore been .the impression that when what is common* ly known as a Circulating Bank fails, the holders of the notes can only look to the securities deposited with the Comptroller for tho redemption of ttys notes, and if op exhausting the same they should b,e f° u n.d insufficient for tho final redemption of too whole issue, the holders are the losers.— In the case of Associated Banks, the rules as formerly undorstood applies. Balt. Sun. New York, March O.—A destructive fire occurred this morning in Spruco street. Five buildings, occupied by many tenants were burnt down, with all their contents. Among them, Seth Benedicts oxtensive printing office; tho Independent newspa per, (Dr. Beecher’s) ; J. H. Roberts, ex tensive printers and publishers; J. H. Benedict’s paper warehouse ; H. C. King? leather and findings store ; J. D. Ferry, paper warehouse, and others. Loss hea*. vy- ; -V Tubkish Government. —A letter from Sarajevo states that the concessions made to the Christian population huyo been some thing more.lhan mcro; words. Measures have been taken,to havo an accurate cen sus.of the: population, nncLsccur'o thereby a just, and equal .distribution oLthe ( taxes. More important still is the that hereafter every Christian community shm*. be represented by a member .at. sionsof tho senate. . !; . . OCrA ‘stretch’ of the * direatptg yo«J«t j* heing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers