a bmber otrrsisG. BT BCft'BT HOBBIS, K. T. In tho c;»riy settlements made Vwk*burjr. M;s3, ihvre was n misoi want of * a,v i > , or! ,ls. bci right* nn 1 weak li’ a f ba ““*/ y °° , rt . 1 The v must be recorded within six months of gam.ng, nor s«™d ‘o ha^^uaint-' any season will serve. We shouldadv.se ••/as against every man,’ as theirs Was. * kl ' l n,e 1 ’ . -.. -j i r ul ,j )e bar before which they were to f rom the date of their exception, or, ns the passion for play ,bu . q Farmer to start as early as the first of This class of things cannot be *!. in »»* «"? n, one narf 1 stand and the Judge with whom they were law says in so many words, they shall be ,ed w.th h» own I.eart be tegm •* £ _ (rave , ond transpor , a ,ion art. the long run, to enjoy mud. happinfe, but ; «? ; cna 0 nl u “!i. er . suffice it to be confronted, were of a far higher char- ;il )j,idgcd fraudulent and void against a grccsto bet at ie a . prospect of .hen much dearer and the journeying with thevmske up the deprivation bver t ving:° I ,JIu t s,re 1 n o lh ( on i ho olher * ® ,u nn ‘i ‘ P teMh"n For, as they sat in the ' su J b * n , purchaser or mortgagee ; who and his soul took f.ro attfr. a fnmi | y less agreeable than in June, which themselves very f-.st, when they gJat £ '**» ub of.S friends, two J them ha- £. complied wi.h the provision of the law immediate gam £! month we would suggest to Mechanic*-- This accounted for .he uprorious 4g>og l ' *”* lbe ,'‘ b , ~ Y’‘ „ d vin>» .heir wives and children present —as The following is a section of the Act ol (he with sharpers, look nd-The larmer of limited means who expecti ~t Damon’s house, and for the freu| as-‘ defied them affair was taking, Damon walked del.bcr- gee. 8. No deed or mortgage, or dc, vantage oillhe P^'P ~anc > J , P r fam . crop of his own this year, may also do poet oflheir eves, and the pokebcrrycar. crcl > his indo '•' ) f . ,h e v ate’.v up to them, drew two double barrel- feasible deed, in ti.c nature or a mortgage, His lady | without bein'*’to wait. Hs will find work abundant IB fct of their noses, observable on dawut,.' ,u " last - As ‘ ’SnfiJ I vnchJrs pistols from his pockets, and with right hercafler to be made, shall be good or suf- .ly '‘vent it.- Haying and Harvesting almost anywhere sequent. !”* wn * TJhc ' 'Ynd left hands, for he was ambidexterous, flcicnt to convey or pass any estate them-. able to form any «heme «o £ A volume might do written in am.«.r Nobudv ever fought there, howevu for , to c,nc,lwuh ec, h ' . shot the four through the b~art before a for life or vears, unless such deed leac- She advi»cd wi. , f ~ fe! | owsbip to this question and not exhaust it. Br»f. the proprietor alwavscmnmcnccd bis,sis It as pst midnight. The sultry aim CVC n a word could be interpo- Unpledged or promt, and recorded with- , time * nfc f."*®" j was easily seen, lhit' ly—There arc good locations cvery " b *lF‘ with the avowal ‘that he had a chatter ««» r.cr bottoms, occasionally heated by F ,« month, rfer the date hereof where tn(in hus- and energetic capable workers c» M»«J la sustain,’ and made every one jliis one othosc breaths that so uuxp tenby Vengeance was never more sudden or such lands lie. ,a s mind'seemed thL lo be fixed un- locate betxxxen Buf&lo and P.tobu^ guests surrender bn.fc and pistol inhis «ncct te travel, rm a summer mga. gave , The four young men, all in the Thc first section of the act of Marchlß, b, ,j mn ; ( , i;ne(] lhcre r o re, to on the East and St. Paul to lnde f™“* keeping un.,l .he end of the spree. oviderte of a coming storm. The bite of P of , he croU)l of horr „ r .stricken 1775 , provides that all deeds and convey- al cvmWj . u .1 -^ v (Mo ) on the West Far nnore depends Thus while cvcrv public mcctiiat lho mGquitoes that choked thc very air m P ihe furv of the citizens, the d.s- anC es .shall be recorded tcithm six months let him pu . , he be', the man lhan the place. ,lke o'd C i'ts r^s:lcuftiu'T ! n^| I ' l^ t clouds, were distressing beyond all endu- of * must be conceived ra- aflcr \ lie nation of the same, and ex-Make measure, to prevent the pursuds be q of Hlioois and Southern W» nd ~-hhin.* iher.- never was a ditHtv r3n " e . aid as the ha.l naked body ol their , her t t,. scn bcd. Damon was borne to ,„ ess :y declares that -every such deed ing fata! • , B eenl i Pman consin very well, but therei ts very mud» nft d hesort-,t"b.iii»ii'- thus corrolmraii pnsonerhung backward m its lamtncss, , d in due tim(; upon trial, and oc- : and conv cvnncc which shall not be proved ■ Accordingly, cv J 0 g , d land yet U n, mp roved in Mwh^U». nfthe sor al D 0...-, us co ro m . h „ s£ri^,rb |oody skin, torn loose by .her J> M ' of justification ! ! alld recorded as aforesaid, shall be adjudg- was a ccnslant atendantaUheriazaa in ► nnd cycn in Southwestern New York Milton s “Devils v..ib .he cevils d..n< j wh; ,! is , e?i we ' c qui!o hi dJcn by .her t ul!M onl " C scon ' } | r T f^uduknt aml vo{ ,l gainst nnv subsc- bios ;he understood ne .her th. nr,. o , $j orthwcs , ern Pennsylvania. A farm hold concord; men ~n‘ > black, forms. What should .hey A SINGDLAB STORY- ’ qu^nt’ purdiaser or mortgagee for Valuable ! sharpers, nor ev6n the rdlowed strokes erofafnr [ e means need not go even, be question Whether Milieu ? suggcsts?n of Dr . Veneer can- Jwrence, of New Orleans, has ; Consideration, unless such deed or convey : connoisseur, yet still he played The con- : Du , rise r ,ofind land worth l ' ? a °K , 10 >3 'Wilder indcd lh" ’ not be entertained lor a moment; Itiorca- ; m i s3 in.*, and no traces could | nncc be recorded ns aforesaid before the! sequence isc '' o , us .’ . 31 , buying and cultivating; but.he in ,he town o Wduer .roded^ the f (|er may readily UM# what it was F.- “ l J> 'although the opin.on is, i prf . villg and recording of the deed of eon-! equipage, h.s f.e rlrTed vS, ; more children than hundreds of dolla«. stanual firmot Fulmcstoc*, Bever*y , na j| v if was decided ihat Damon should * fo «™ a , lirdert -d and thrown into the ! under which such subsequent, or moveable •■natcoudbo partwl ~ wisel y g 0 far enough to have disUUB produce and wiaa-.via.. Ki-iam... V ' renwin han»ir.'* there un.il mornmg and lh h Th „ Orient Delta of the 17 ih ! nuVchaser or mort<*ncee shall claim.” except a repealing watch. I g . S[K . C ii!ation, so that he can buy acc«- substantial firm ; lor vv bile al! otm.r 1,; —; P "u w,H seCn bv Ihc foregoing .hat cv- ; upon this oceasmn was , Wc la ‘ d ot , or sect, Government price res smashed v...h;:u. oli any Tq remairi thelc among the mosquitoes !“ • nnd savg h comes t(orn a highly re- 1 erv t nD d-ho!der or morigagee should have ; lie was even mean .n a f -| w - e Foc good Mechanics and Artisans, we COB this cslab.iv.oTi ;ii - n I ‘ c ? .1 Far more kiml to have adopted the shorter, ‘ I' - ; ,nd .hat the veracity ol; jjs deeds'or mortgages recorded m due man, wo sa > r or j • but this-sider Wisconsin and Illinois States ha dollar, an.,, r-;:.:, ku.de was ,It, ev of lho Doc:arX aod !e, the whom they received | onJ , hu3 secure himself against the ,ces in order to turn .« f beat. Chicago is now growing w„h rtn- -ta- ‘ ” ." a * moul d of the canc break cover us dead— u unquestionable. Says thc | strin gent penalties imposed upon negli-! P rudcn ‘ repaid, refused. mense strides; Milwaukee w dou *g ; nNew\or;;;o,.u # I|ooderc i oudiwerebankin „ opon ev. the siory i ; was no cxpccinuoia of bem repata, re. SQ afc a hundred places m ihcse two States. ofplate—Tne ii..-.soh-.J jistreceivedi ;detanJ the rcgulatorslhurricd to the ( De ; '- - oQe of Mr La wrcncc's most! ° to lend a InHhmg, allegi‘"b B ,'For a good chopper, digger, driller or mi - remittance of lands on nccoun. of sod > across in time, barely in time, i 1 . . , d f number of! A Flat-fjoted C’axdidate—Tne fol- lotion agams lendin B . H _ o h wan;s lo earn money by .hi nog cotton, to the very handsome amount '' i ' n,,rna ' c friend,, who had or a numne ,a l of „ can did a te for jus- last lurious with the continuance of d wn ges, we never saw a belter four thousand doll m. li was duly lock ; ;l Fevcr and Ague is apt to prevail m ~wn solvency. But when the store t P arou3ed lhe lire within him to # sl • “ e on laTsaturday.tight, about 10 as a candidate for Chief Justice of Ander- answer He.>u J ari-i 3 » countries when first settled by c.vU.xed unlocked next mornu.d, the safe sad horrid a|lacl;s . Tho dashof eoldmm ’ tjcforc 0 „ y O J O had t he least in- i son countv, at ihcensu.ng August election. iy—finding the 1 - n „ vef for . people. The breaking up of ‘he soil ha*- sstts r'dt^rir P^ toJ^ .... fed the Co. into the s.rect, the Co. screnmN J, r ; way th esc cords, vengeance' , y ,ho Request of several per- run the race solitary and alone ; hut if u> ; they m,i ga ; d .almost puir.fied with decaying vegetation inqfire, murder and .Hcves, nil >" - I d „ iroil3 let .hem pitch m-.t .s nt prevented ol h s passion an of somc sort are almost mcv. abk toknn,; Who left the store last. P«>p!«»*« "[ naw . to ;, ra i„, and har- ions, he asked her, “what deep. I stand flntfooted, consequences. We believe Wisconsin 1« crowded in from all parts, to liud F. g r,!, P-L ncd i. is v t . rv tectli to gnaw m the very “ „ s i ste r v> She immediately re- hump shouldered, upon the phitormof ircc „rft. ( d lore.i. ’ enterin'* her ihe more free Irom them than nnv other in'* in his chair, B-cutting up .he most bound him. What a d “ three in n^fight | rig h.s and true ln poll- lent to h.s V' him w" h hc7u7u. country ns new as that b but .I cannot be trsvagantp intomimes,-audtlicCo. dissol- = j from his lungs, as thc ’ j "Du vou“ koo-.v any ol! tics lam opposed io the Li gis.ature i apartmen ,s i if( i n . vv hiie he exempted from them. They are far more wed umsl uncontrollable angui, fa It ’’ ve what an ex- m r ‘‘Yes ; one of them u Mr. Law- j favor of Texas and her citizens. Oppo- al leadc “. e 33 exempt and ’ prevalent in 111.n0,5, and indeed every ■wa3 a pitiful sigh’, ‘bat ofii.ir was. The 6 sprung from the hollow them o .h cri l don’t know ; one is a I S ed to telegraphs, i. e. on thc nmeexten- answered htr - j.iother western State; even Minnesota suf- Ser.of a man’s fatl.ng from grace ocv- now first sta, re nee ; he ruhcsj « k ;j e ‘ r ‘‘ ttboui * right , up-and-down, all-over ( sternness ; h.s . d ‘ | S n^ ,t^ lU f. g‘ 0 , av • fers by them. Wc believe they are not cr excited half so much distress in ihc n ’ w ;, h |. um .,n blood, and with h:s right ' c j “ , lbe3C two mi-n are striking Mr.! rail road man ; but not all of the twtn y tered wit in» .»,u 'i per haps vo’u known on Lake Superior unless carried hearts of the actors as :he loss of that mo- ex « C r.dcd towards .he Thunderer’s ’ W hv don’t somebody help j second stripe. Finally. f ® Uo " f d,!ee 1 „’iu£n't k'lTw ‘the news I have to telf; mv ;‘here in the system ; ,he P U f° b^ r „ of .'^ 155 Amcn°st the lookers on. and by far ,e death to or death W., 1 you e,,t JjifnJ hu, one, i^dead, hshrewd smile, and vwchsafed i:i»s hi» , bc , e , , s j de nD d at a run reached the -...kinn his vvaich, and the oth- j feet good humor, remcr.iberm b . -.ipg *,Yhere you nes broken up and subdued,ond.lktf.r pe - opinion, ‘That it was a juicy ihing P tun- A hll f in ile up stream brought him 11 . ; £ po cket. He is taking j baaut.ful little «wg "hich I s,n B,^ ST |Jj *|“ J bis ‘ sln ’ tc no ’. bU tl!ed upon plesupplitd w.th relatively that certainly meant son,e.hmg,ai., )oairmh3iis( , onJ wood yard, where a "^^ nk ° btlla oul of Mr. Lawr e uce's| bly well. cantd -‘‘^ l1 IQ a ■ - pardon, says she, I,dcep presume .he mosls.cMy though none of the bvstandere. urulers cod bklff wil hoot oars, was .astenco lo ke ,. nuW he is taking some gold. Thcv j &c. hop- ere o r ANTLEY . rLa :iv thou-hi it' was, at least you have cl- .portions; of the - Meantime What! Great rewards were forthwith.of-, |hc by chaio Mtd lock. Tearing u| * k - , ugL . th . r now ; now they pick face. A- D- t No> o turncd he, as W este.n New York.novv fered to induce lhe thief tobe licnesl. Tbe ofr rasfenin;:-, regardless cf oars, he Mf up and carry him mwards R. h T .iuu*khs Three distinct shocks ! Slire and yo o ond I are to he misera- “ m . an )'? lbat less fertile. temptations held out * C r "d do no P Ush f nfF ' all i. and I 0 «e a thousand pounds more i 1° bv aDV onJ’eLefffid l^r nnd yperm. - ■ his r,wk house, in a h, S h s ‘“ s ® ° *j b du !-there is a great number of passengerson alan alarmmg rate, and crca- than 1 bavc , Q pay .” Thus speaking, h " bim for t y wo yea rs from the, anfrerewfi.nsk as ? , T hss c*«iin..cd for nmro than a n»n.h, u lyuirJ . an j among the pas«;ug..r» I ace j no|lltle consternation among the asto- took a Luv frantic steps across tlje room. j™«. P , ve uqieve that is stilt pleased. FahnestoCrf.Bev y • , riDg which time the strong mi the iwo men who killed ha sl niched inhabitants ol that region. They W ben the lady had u lutlc enjoyed his per- case , though Preemption acts havo yer heard of their mone_ , , *J i hung over his bed by day a j- ’g- ihrcw him iui mo river. B , were f e lt for about twenty five miles e- plexitv, “No, my dear,” cried she, “you,i bv j; m i tc d in their efTeclivefi^ The ambiguous language used b > A' upon hopes of delicious revenge nff hiswatch; tlreyare both better dressc WC :e accompanied by a noise £ a , o f osl bul a frifle, nnd you owe no hiog ;;6 ' *\Ve, however, most decidedlyM 2££?w*. ">? 6*■»»■f.i’J'tM «*«taJ<»keo pi-«. rto»»• p"iH™, o r,wifak i- •»>• “ J 1 •».">w,««w each dayl tha‘ something wus nnd devised their projec so better ot Mr. Lawrence vvasp.e*«i, t |, c ir I Cf « Fellow ’’said thc latter, “I don’t know , Q yo u, from whom they were unjustly-ta-, daims most of iliis under St like a man who has smclt nittlesnokes, • was n , difference of a,,naea company were pretty free in p:issin 0 ihcir Fell , , finishing the ken ; I onlv nsk permission to keep my , : f p surrendering swamp Sore, immnly held his head .he |hefn M ‘o the amount of the provo- mallef . a?d all bigger fool 8 | jewels, and to keep" yon, my greatest j which mcludc them and walked by. w,!c > to “V lo * nonc ns *? *',° jJj//. wa s ciforous m there denunciations o m - , ex P f r j cn d ” replied thc Quaker,^“thee jel from such dangers for the luture. c r r j re? neci : . vely» Thailand, whether owned irtmatted these suspicions, counsele i vengrance should go. ® u ”’V -. tbeso um as a humbug. Little did they thvseif’’ ! prudence had the proper effect, he ever of- n D^on 0 r tiie S’.ute, is quite fertile, Iplpatteo . f but | a ug!ung at; horrid siim total; but the details, these , lorrid sce ne just described, was ac- forgeltes. thy sell. f ter retained a sense or his former th L ,; m bered • bul Chill* he -conSnued his daily walks,' i d cons ideration, and who of «ho li llbal monu . nl perhaps being enact- • VVell, Pat.,,ro d.on t quite aill yo j‘ for the smallest “ are ra Lr common there,esp* ShStirddence than the usual tools: d^omed (car sbou!d leadi the way in The ‘hen no with ,hat briekba, did he l {^“ or amusement. ! ff-STw!tori, j'Kl wuh noome _ „ bow i e and two brace i Drocess ; otl ofghosts ? And should th'.y . • i so a re[nar kab!e fuetthat two steam “No, but I wish he had ! , 1 e * h „u i» nnnreeiatin!7 in valuo te wai suddenly seized from behind;blmd- of her husband’s return that her j at( , hour on Saturday. N ° a ? x y , lawyer by keeping out of debt ,th - m . irried un! ii there can not be found ,n | her central location, access to ibs great SSfendeooivnd ‘o « /S’litSlteighbors did n«t sds^t»»- The > manifes;ed by hu on.d Monday ogogue by vo , ,ng for hones, men, ; Uircc of lhem a sound man or woman-! of Cincißnal - lood piusburg. pro.- be was hurried l y rotveC ?, [ f our lynchers discovered tlwl Damon .morning; when, be ° 1 ” hatand ' P° verty by be '°S * Bdus,r *° * . j One has sore eyes, another scrofula, a ; imity !Q the andalroost unequal to the opposite side before he freed himself, but finding no evidence tint, lhey i llsll tuted search for him. . J* ( Tue „ ew . Lutheron Church in. D«tl«* , hird is idiotic, n fourth w blind, a fifth eJ ]- acU „ ies for ,ranspor,r.lmo by nver. lfceSradowiof aoided wbal fate was c°n* cyer made bis escape Irom. .he: olber arl ,cles, with‘ || , aW , Ohio, was struck by hgh nmg on , o sixth with a head about, n|l( , rai | ro ad9 insure a OMMt templated fcrhim- ... „ ntnr , cane-brake, they agreed that ho mus| have] wero found on the leveernih‘ . f ; .Monday .the 13th Feb., and il> steeple ul-. thu fcize ol - 0 turnip, with no,.one out of j fa - d ; ncrcasc in population, production rs. S t. they concealed ihegtuhy trict. All then remembe j ud most wholly destroyed. .... | the number exempt from physical or men- d wpal|h | u ; SCO her population will foufinaufledhiml»lfo«^ eb^ tbro .i “ rvofhisB udd-.odiappearance.Dthcir il h CI r Tdebe are several vessels detainedl in defecUl Q f aonm kind. Yet tins lamily > four millions, and we doubt Si*d. tied him to “hollo® tree, and I roore than one convert in that company. of for want of crews. Wa- |ie;seY eres to intermarry with each other, :^ he , her IBore tban onc Staro will theo b. corned the .object°f ‘h« r t,-„i Mrs.’Damon caused no advertisownt} & Irtxv Ed.tob—Hon. John Went-! ccs s2o a month are paid. jwilb these living monuments constantly: nhead o , twr _ them, easily recpgn « n ? hjJt 0 be inserted in tlm;town journal, oBenß,,| cd : tor c f ,| IL . Chicago Democrat, it; b frj-The qualities of your friends will bo - before them. j .■■ . . v Jvert : se - MV4 voice, to be Dr. Veneer m ? P* .. ,hemn large reward for the discovery o e;• • dbas : ll3 | siddalotin that city, 96 by j lbose 0 f yo ureßem:es ; cold friends, cold, “A lawyer, (s>id Lord Brougham, in a, r»«*n*>rallw conceded to be^^tnse —“““ M fejj&iif- irmly Whip*.' fbar horrid wstromeal** “W 5 --Inl-rr-' "~'r ' , -T;'iii-;i.r> •■ jj .j TV.I '" " >, * ,< * rW ~'l ■ " '""" ftM j V m ■’ -m • A correspondent ri" ft • (I fl- A . . 'interesting queries, which we AiteorfieUt R«bwc«i.iSMS\ "I |J 1 healthiness of the climate? :/ “ fiEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. * ag-tin. tt *