CHIZBfiSQF MEABFIELP COUNTY, SAKE that a pew firm has .CSmblishad ip Curwensvillei jvith-it'n to sell goods cheapo? than they haveever been heretofore 'under the title of Smith & Brown. Wp,p?e ready to wait on all our old friends an^j, customers, and ns many new ones favor us with a call. Just givo us n call at the old stand, and we will con vince, you that all wo Imvo told you is Iruj,. Vye.havo a large and well selected ptoph;,of goods, and will sell at wholesale pr.rptpiU .as we havo said cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Lumber, Grain land all, kinds of Produce taken in ox ch&tfg# for goods. SMITH «Si BROWN, t&rwensvillo, Jan. l'lth, 1854. . •typTipp.—The subscriber being desi rousPto settle up his old accounts, (which hispid friends and customers having up sefiled nccounts will please take notice.) Having to bo from home the greater pajstipfnjstime, persons will atall times find hiiftjpariner Thomas Brown in the store ready to Wait on you. ISA AC SMITH. ' IWp. oth, 1854. fTpHE vojuablc Saw Mill and wator power, with two two-story dwelling hogfes, a store room, and a largo double bajrtj erected thereon—between four and acres of good white pine tim liej|jand~rindisputnblQ title. Said land is situated on Clearfield Creek,Clearfield co., and, within twelve miles ofAltona on the Cehtrbl Railroad, with a plnnl; road to untie'tlio two points to be built next sum jne'r; also within four and a half miles of jhq'Lipton and Ml. Pleasant Plank Road already built. Tho mill has two upright and one circular saw—-all improve-! mdblir new and good. The creek is a pub lie jnavigable stream for rufting from the iniltr ' For farther information address the I subscriber at McVeytownJ; / ] J. B. STEWART. February 1,1854. —Gt.^ v ‘2£®w® ' m North 3d Street Belmo Rase , P/tila., Manufacturers and wholesale ’• Dealers in Corn Brooms, Painted its, Willow Buckets, Cedar Ware, Lobbing Glasses,Clocks, Window Shades, Brjstle'Brushes, Cordage, Wiok, Twine, Matches, Blacking, Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds at the Manufacturers’ )o#Ssf.Casli prices. '■■ ‘ Euston, John M. Roxve.. Jfebriia ry 8,1854. —3 m. -LATEST ARRIVAL. ana w & © m © a® THE undersigned have just received ‘ a, large and well selected stock of goods,-; suitable to the season, consisting in part of dry goods, staple and fancy, Rea dymade Clothing, Carpets, Hats and Caps,-Roots and Shoes, Overshoes, Gro coups* Queensware, Hardware, Clocks, Drugs, paints,and oils. Salt, fineand course, .Trunks and Carpet hags, Cederware, &c.> which they respectfully invite the attention of all who wish to buy good articles, on a very small advance on city prices to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as Jthpßy' safe determined to sell ofTat the lotyeM possible figure. ’ '■ IRWIN & SMITH. '1854. /3ko}?or Orb. John Kunoer. fee* BLACKSMITHIA'G. rMUHE-subscribers respectfully inform jLr. i (he. residents of the boro’ of Clear, fiekitand vicinity, that they have entered into copartnership, and intend carrying on the above business in. all its branches, at the old stand of George Orr on third street in said borough, and they hope by strict attention to business, and being con stantly furnished with a good assortment pf iron, to be able to give satisfaction to alr.Vbo may patronize them. Every ef fort ‘ will be made to have their work done according to promise, and inn substantial manner. Country produce of all kinds jaken in exchange for Work—-and cash never refused. N. B.—Our shop will bo open from daylight on Monday morning until 4 P. M. Saturday of each weok. ■ THE CRYSTAL PA.Lf.ACE, IJjJ nbo’ut to close, and so is A. M. Hills ! jStprp, Being desirous to close out hts’stoijk of goods, he will sell for the rea dy Cosh : fdr cost and carriage. He hason hand a splendid assortment of all kinds of Jfeoods usually found in a country store.— ’pome good pieces of Deoskin Cassimore, lot of Cloths of almost any and every; desciiption. Beautiful Cashmeres, and sorpp of the latest patterns qf French,. and a large lot of Calicoes,, Books and Stationary, Boots ana Shoes, particularly ladies wear of Shoes, Hats and Caps, children’s- Hoods, AH Wool Oelanes, Sattinets, Tweeds and Fiaqnels, Hnrdwapp of almost every kind, Qoeeqswore and Crockery ware, Pftidlesi Gents, and Ladies Hosiery, &c. iThe subscriber is soli out fps entire stock.' A- M- HIJAjS. JaH. 26,1854. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. By virtue of nn order of the Orphans* Court of Clearfield county, there will posed to sale on' the premises in BtlftJside lownship Clearfield county, op Saturday'l he X Ith of March at l o’clock; P. M., nil the interest ofßebecca S. Barto, minor child of Isaiah Barto dec’d., of and in a certain farm or tract of land there sit aita| containing about ojie hundred acres, «uthi.,abptit thirty acres cleared, and a ”ifnW? ouso - arn °th° r buildings th^ipq,,adjoining lands of John Kingnrjd others," bbing the late residence of said Barto, decenspd, at the confirmation of the Sale, ~ Bv orderof the Court, . 'f JAS. THOMPSON, Guardian . smroaty'J6, 1@54.-4t. -i,v , V-* f ij* DIjBBfiTOBV OF CJ.P4BFIELD CO. Being Prepared by a Regular, Graduate j arid Physician of ‘BO years Experience, lift: 4.'8. ROSE i» on iTnnoniy M«mb»foMb» I » I phla Modioil Sjctety.aflU itradaW«lJ» from ih« University of t’ennij iTania.aDdor caldoococf thejrn Iv eminent PrcleuOis Pbv*h;k. I being sollvlmd by thonsaodi of bU tallents to pot op hji :&4 on r^& ! Nervous and fntiforAllftn Cordtal.”*The Creates! llisooyery 110 Mvllcat ticlenoa.—’Thi»u»tooUhioic Preparation lorraUioft i fta> w akconi'Mntlon, dobtliiaioJ by oire. labor. itodyor di«ra o, acts Ike a p rarra. U gives ttrshglli and appetite, and MoiiMieiiroauoylgnWMn* properties, ; i for ll«nrt OiUA«.' a all Nervous Aflwtlons. Flatulenoe. II a'i(tura,Bjule«mtt«. Numbaeat, Neural lift* railing tne iptrit* un-t aiviotf nowsr to tlio whol* system, 11 1* almost rairacaJouila YOU BUFFER WITH ANY PMN.-lf you do TfiQ wulfiod immediate rolief by tulns Dr. RUtiC’S PAIN Cutt* JKU. It sthonnly preparation whiohcuroi almost instantly, 'WoreThroat. Rheamatiim Irom Colds. Pales io (be tilde. [Hack, of Limbs: Pace* Kor!or Tontlt Ache; titomaon cr ! bowels, Bdoor back : Stilt NeA. Bruises. Corns, ami Hiil« I blatai. Wherever you hare pain, ui» the Pain Carer. Bale I to all ases. price i'2)i . 23 and 60 cents bottles, FOR COUGHS. COLD 3. GROUP AND WHOOPING COUGH—tm bait Consh Snap In th*» world.—Ur. Roso'i celebrated Coash Syrup, gives Immediate relief to the wont Cough, whothor Consumptive or proooed'ne from a cold. It allays any irrltatioa of the Gangs, and fortifies tho system against luturonttncks. In at 60 can's and $l. Childronaroalio liable to Croap, which dangerous nieaie yield) imcnsdiately to Ur. J. fcJ, note's never failing CROUP SYRUP. PrioefcSoeotv t , , WHOOPiNO COUGH, anothor complaint, always wone In cold ond damp weather. Tha ifUioted wilt find relief In the nto of Dr. S, Rose's Whooping t 'ough Syrup, whtoh al« waxs relieves and prevent! the disease*. taoh&i lafi&matlon oTthe Lungi. Uropay in the Chctt, and Consumption, Frioo 60 cents per bottle. . . . • _ AU3U.—Dr. J. S. Bote's Alterative o* Blood pnrifier, Dyi peptic. Rhiomatio Compound—Compound extract of Bucha, Meglc Liniment. Ctrroini'ivo Halura Worm Killer or Ver* mirage,Croup ttyrup,Golden Pills, Pile Ointment, Tetter or Doling Ointment. Eyo Ointment, Urn Water. Strengthen* ing Platters, French tLecilio, Ulant Cordial, Acouitlo Oil, Ricxir of Opium. Liquid Hair Tonio. and Female Specific. All the above preparation!, with 1)R. ROSE'S MEDICAL. ADVISER lo penont in lionets ond in health, to bo had of EDMUND 12. BRENNER, Morrisdale, Cleatfieid oonntv, H. D. PATTON, Cnrwemvllle.andof Dealer* generally throughout tbeStnte. junetH,lBs3l—7m. C. U. WATSON. Agent, Clearfield Pa. Epilepsy can be Cured I LAKE’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, For the euro of Epilepsy or Fils, is performing more wonJerlul cures thnn uny oilior mcdiclno yel known or beforo llio public. Price Five Pollai'H A Bottle. The proprietor hat in hit posiettlno numerous certificates, narrating rhe ASTONISHING AND MIRACULOUS CURES eflaote iby thit midioino, and direct! attention lo tho Allowing only, to aituro ihoie who are ao unfortunate to be sill cted -wi: h the terrible riirenia i.erotoforeregarded incur able, tbot LAlvU'a preoernliot*. Is almost Infallible in its Cure ' *0“ From Mrs. Brooks, widoiv of Maj. Jas. Brooks, late of Conneaut, Ohio. Mr. Z. L/\K*S.—Sir: Flenko send mo another bottle of Fit Medlcipn. ai 1 do not like todo without Ron hand. Wheal commenced giving tho Medicine .omYson Edg%r, he had from one in three fill per day. He has now teken the medicine over fire rnonrhi. and hat had, I think, but two tits In that time, and those very light, flit bpdv nod mind are very ranch improved and by the blessing of uod, i feel that the medicine will restore hit body and mind to their wonted BClivity. Ho is «!8 year* old, and baa had file over 18 year», which have been very frequent, and very dastraciive tohitooait'totion anJ mind. Hundred* ofdo lars have beea exceeded for medicine to “CURE FiTd. M but nothing ha* relieved him until he used your medicine. Respeoifn'ly youri. POLLY BROOKS. From Judson Landon, Superintendent cf the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Mr. Z. LAKE.—Please: semi mo a few moro botUesof yonr ’TitMedicinel may npl need It, buithlnk infer to koep it on hand. Your medicine hat done wonder* 1 gave It to Mist Jane Delano : the ha* had fit* for ild year*, bronchton by havlar the raeaiJe* when but four years old whichoonld not be brought out to theiorlace. After taking themedioinea few day*, the had a fine oiod of measles, and hashad noliusince. She bed fiticreymptomaalmoetdaity. She and her lather concur with me in aa> ing that we believe the medicine hat or will work a perfect core. I alio gave the medicine to Mitt Jane Henderson and Atl* Caity, who have had flte almost daily, for a number ol yean. Thou fits have celled, and 1 believe the medicine will have the desired ef fect. Mooh money ha* been expended by the friend* of the abcvopa ienU for aoo'.orlnr, all to no purpose. The cure was !elt for your medicine to porfnrm, and I coo chcorfol y recommend it as avalucolo uuovory. Retptc fully yotir*, JUDSON LANDON Superintendent Ashtabula Co. infirmary. Prepared and eolil at wholesale by Z. LAKE,Con neaut. Ohio,— K* F. WELLER. Travelling Agent. Sold by C.D. WATaON. Clearlield.—P. K. ARNOLD. Lotbenbnrg and also at Pb Jlipiburg.—Sept. U, 1853.—1 y. FIT! FITS! FITS! THE VEGETABJUJ EXTRACT EPELEPTIC PILLS. For the oure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS wno ARE LABORINO UNDER thli itli treating malady will find the VEGETABLE ELEPTIQ PILLS, tobathe only remedy ever discovered for curing Ep. (lepay, or falling Fite. These Pilli possets aspeclflo notion on the nervons system t and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose ot caring Fite, they will be found ofesperia! benefit for ah per* sons affiiQlfd with weak nerves, or whoso oerrom system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In obro&lccompiants,or dueaseioflong standing, snpsriadoued bynerroDineii they are exceedingly beneficial. • Price #3 per bog. or two boxes forth. Persons out of tb* City,enclosing a remittance, will have tha Hits lent tbroogh thejnall,fr,f«of postage. Forsaleby ttfSTH 8. HANOE, No. 108,UALTIMOREbT.. BALTIMORE, Md .to whomorden from all nartsofthe Union mast be addressed, postpaid. May 17.1853 ,-ly. a FOUNTAIN INN. a © Da CQ QD gQ RESPECTFULLY announces to bis old friends and the public in general, thath*has taken the well known old Tavern Stand Formally occupied by YVM. LUMADOO.on the Erie Pike, between Phillipsburg ana Ootwensvillo, where he will be bappy totcehisolu ajquaiDiancff and as many new comers as may favor him with a call. THE FOUNTAIN INN. islarse and in good order, con taining a snfllJent number of well furnished parlors and* chambers, and everyoUwneJottar/forthemoUcomfortablo accommodation of iraveilers. THE TADLE AND RARE will be wall snppllod—the for mer with the deilaacles the season and .maikefTaffjrds—the atter with the choicest MINERAL drinks. THBBTABLING attaohed to the Fountain tsn is.large aid will always be provided with the belt ol Provender.) THE FOUNTAIN INN Is one of the/moit pteaiantTsilna. tlonsonthoErie Pike, and the proprietor respectfully Invites a oaii from t’avel!ers and others, confident tbathe will be able U,,i„..U.raoUontobU*,«... onEJjU Boggstowoship, peofi. 1863. HEMPMItL’S HOTEL CLEARFIEtD, PA. rpHE subscriber most respectfully informs theoltgenso X Clsnifieta county. and rbetravellier public generally, that be bat taken the above named HOTEL situated on toe corner of Front apd Market streets, in the borough of Clear tisld, where ho will at all timet be prepared to accommodate those who may favorhim with their eastern. No pains will be spare I by tbe nroorletor to mak 9 hit oostomert comfortable, and hi* house a HOME to those who may stop with him. HisBTAIiLE will be carefully attended to—and hi*TA BLE ana BAH supplied with tbe best the market will afford. WM. J. HEMPHILL. Angust 11.1853, ■ • DAVID JOHNSTON, respectfolly announce to the c|i|z*u of-Clew W field and adjoining counties that be has fitted up and opened out a PUBLIC lIUCJBE. n the town of Phi Lpsoarg. Centra county, and is fully prepared to accommodate ail who may favor nlm with a calf. Feb. IN, 1564.-Iy.pd. Fashionable Tailoring. o RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Clear field county,and the pnblio generally that be continues to carry on tbeaOove bntlaeistt bis* OLDBTAND, above thepost Office, wherahe will al enye be prepared to wait on all wbo may tavorbim with a calf. He has on hand a well selected n*sortmentolGLvTHB.oAB3JMEllE3 and TRIM* MINUS, which he wil I warrant to be of good quality, und wMbesoldvery low. Hit old customers ararequested toeon tlnue their potrotage and as many new one us mas find It Movement,os he assures mem that belspropared to furnish tbe material and dQ the work In proper, manner. ' . Jufyß, 1868. ; -‘TUOS. BIIEA. \ BOOK AGENTS WAWTEQ. To seliSPlctorial and useful worksfar ’54. WANTED In every s*otlon oftho Untied Btales, active, enterprising men, to engage in the sale orsomo of the best Books published Ia the country. To men ol good address, poftS&iftaß a small capita* of from *35 to 4100, such ladocq* meals will bo offered ee to enable them to mntelrom THREE to FIVE DOLLARS a *ay profit. • • The Books published by uiarealluiefut in thelrcharaoter. extremely popular, and command lane sales wherever they partloalar*. address, (postage oaid ) HUBERT3Ka°B» Fablisher,No. 131. Wilil&iusL, N, Y. October o, 1863 READY-MADE CLOTHING ofalmoslexery desorlptioa for«aleatthestoroof • * jnAt;iB,lBs3. smith & irwin. LETTERS (|P ADMINISTRATION. Nptico is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of David Wil liams, deceased i laid of Jordan tp.; Clear fiield co. Pa., were in due iprm of law granted tq the All persons indebted wilt make payment, those having claims will present; them properlyauthen ticated for settlement. \'V <• 'John M,. Chase, Adm’r. Woodward tp., Jan. JJS, 1854. t 4 • * '% J/ T. JEFFERSON BOYER. / OHYURuiAN—oao be found at his OUlee in LUTHERS, IT unßG„Cleirfieid oonnty. Pa., when not nbwnt on pio. feliional badness, . .BeptcmberP. 1868. . - MOSSOP & POTTORFF. Retailers op foreign and domestic mer chandise b LtUUOHB-On th..w«itild,#rtf«o. ond street nearly opposite the Oouit Houio.Cle&rlieiu, ra; Bept yd,iBs3. 11. P. THOMPSON, PHYBICIAN-Mar b. found ettligml. lit. offlco.ornl Sop. fiild'shotol—CntwenivUle—when not not professionally absent. pea. W 1861.. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, rpANNER. aiid BOOT’and SHOE MANUEAOTURBR- DR. S. L. COBLE, P on* n half «onHi jut ol Lurab.rOitr, onth. Kid*. Bond leadinn lo New Worn logton, respectfully oiTors his services to the sarrrnnaiDg community. Dec, M 3, 1003. LYMAN S. PHELPS, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER,- Carwenivljle. Fa.- Watches and Clookt neatly repaired and WAR RENT ED. Several years experience In the businsss. make* mo feel confident that 1 can rtndor general satisfaction 1 would therefore, (hankiallr reoeivqn share ot pnbllo palronago. Cnrw#*iuville. Nov. 16. 1853—3 mo. GEO. 13. GOODLANDER, WAGON-MAKER— Lathe,.bar,. order on *hort notice, and on goodtermi. Deo 88. 61* A; K. WRIGHT, R/lERCHANT AND EXTENBIVE DEALER IN I.OM ivl HER—Beoond street, one door sooth of his reiidenoe— Cl arileid? De0.»3,i861. WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, CABINET nod CHAIR MAKER, nod HOUSE b SIGN PAINTER—ouo door south of the Presbyterian Uhnroh, Senoed »trnft.Clearfield. Pa. April Itf. tBSJ. GEORGE WILSOIN, PHYBICfAN— May be found at his office in LUTHERS* BURG, when notabsent on professional buiinen. Feb IW. 1853. JOSEPH H. BRETH", Blacksmith, m n bw w AauiNaTON.cieirfloid co.. where alt kinds of work Is done In his line of busineison the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. May 20,1853. C. KRATZER, Merchant and lumber dealer—Corner of Front ond Loculi itr.eti—Clearfield. Doo. 29.1851. JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER—In hlmow .hop on Markotiurot.nesr Morrtll’ihotcl. De 0.29, lbil. JOHN H. HILBURN, BOOT nd SHOE MAKER. HeooD'I Itreet, n.nrlroppoilt. A. K. Wriehtii'oro.Ulevfleld.Fa. April 18.11152. JAMES HOLLENBACH, BLACKSMITH, on Third street, between Market and Walnut. Clearfield,Pa. Aorilte, 1852. HENRY LORAINE, PHYSICIAN and DRUGGIBT, on Mnrket«treit,oppoilte his residence, Clearfield. April 16, 1853, JOHN W. SHUGERT. WAGON MAKER, corner of Third and Lconit street. Ciearfitld, Uepaiiieg done to order. April, Itf. *63. GEO. RICHARDS, FASHION ABLE'TAILOR—W««t end of Bhan’i Row no stairs—Cloasfield. Dec. oU. 185.. THOMAS SHEA, Fashionable TAiLOR-insimw'i now, on Mmk.t strvet.lmmediatelyorertbe Post Oce—Cleaiiield. Deo. 33.1851. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT nod PRODUCE DEALER. Lotbanba,* Ckaifioldoo. 4 Pa. April 17, 1853. DAVID SAOKET, /CABINET AND CHAIR MAKES, Loooll •!.. between \y Second and Third,Clearfield, I'u. April 16,1853. A. L» SCHNELL, TAILOR— Lntlienbarc.—will do bis workyastaa good and asoheap, as any other fellow. De 0.23,1851. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. ATtORNEt AT LAW, Office adirinne his reiidenoe on Beeoail street opposilnthereridenceolGov.BigterClear* Mold April 17, 1862 DR F. ANTES CANFIED. 3AVlNG»uurchmed the properly and *ituaiionofDr,G. F IiDOPd. UQiieri his profonional ier Morm township, isipictfull? cflers bUrer vioestotbe trrroauding oomraonity, Juae IJ. 1853. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MASTER. MERCHANT end DEAFER IN LUM. BER—Ginhnraton. Bindfuid laowstblr. __ Deo. VI. 1851. WM. P. CHAMBERS, Wheelwright, chmrmaker. and iioubeq BIGIIN PAINTER—Cut ill,. m „„ l)to.£*. 1861. B. F. STERLING, SADDLE A A ARM ESS-MAKER, nod JUSTICE THE PEACH—Cnrwentvill*. Pro 88. 1661 J. L. CUTTLE, A TrORREYATI.AWn.iI LAND AGENT, CIS do ad. JolmdgbLre» ; deoc*. on Maikeittreet.Ueaifiold. Match 3 1853. L. R. CARTER, AGENT for the sale ofSTUVEB. MlLfi-G CARING and CABTINUB of oil Muds. Al»o. BAR IKON U NAII.B, Threshing Machiues. Flows. Agricultural implement" tio on Sednirt street« ovrfer he Printing Olfioo mh 17 '63 RIHARD GLENNING, BOOT endBHOE MAKER.can be found at hlsshoptwo doors east ot the Fast nthec, where ho hus constantly on hand a large assortment both el home and city manasactuiw. Julyb. |P6J J. D. THOMPSON, DLACLSMITII, Wagons, Boggles, &0., &o . ironedoo I> short nolle*, and the very host style, at hisold stamlin tigbaroachofCarwensville. Deo. 19.1853. THOMAS MILLS, COACU AND OL73IGH MAKER, OB Third ,’re.t. be tween Market and Locust,Cioartisld. Fa. AprilltJ.'frJ- HURXTHAL & BROTHER, Merchants .mi lumoer dealers. Woo.Hnmi FottOlUce, Biadford tp..Clearfield co. April 17, M. E. WOOD, PHYSICIAN— May always be found at bis residence Id Corweni?lMe, when not prpiestionally absent. l ■ _Ltop. 19 JB6U^ LEVERFLEGAL, BLACKBSUTH. Lathersburg.Pa . will attend loallboiL nest In his line, and will also furnish WAGUNB, BUG utBB.&o., very cheap, and manufactured In tbe pest style, and warranted. • Aut. 7.1851.—y. ISAAC SMITH, ]Vf ERCiIANT, and dealer in lumber and JLtA Country ProducegeneraJly—Btatestreet.beiweenCheny and Locust—COTweaivilla.. 1)e0.£0.136L THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. IRON-FOUNDERS— Catweasvllle, As extensive assort' meat of Castings made to order. De 0.33, 1861. THOMAS H, FULTON, & CO., MERCHANTS, aed extensive dealers* and Manufacturer* of Lumber, field UiU*. JulyU3,l66U. f ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, ATihomoutb ot Liok Run, 5 miles from Clearfield.— MEUCHANTB.andextensiva Lumber manqraotureis. Junelß, tb&J. '' . . JACOB BILGER, COPPER. TIN,and BHEKTiHON WAUE MANUFAC TURER—Curweasvi le. above tbe old Fouadry, on the north sideof main street, where all business in bis lino is done no In a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms Country produce taken fo exchange for work —Sept. 17, '63. O. B. MERRELL, r«OPPER.TI« & BAEET IRON WARE MANUFAC. vy 'i UHEH—On Second street, one door sooth ol A. K. Wrlgbt'ssto.e-Cldtrftild, D 00.83, ifi&l. WM. T. GILBERT, H LACKBMITH. at Hopaw.ll, Ball tp.. at thaCrou Road, i* l.adio, Itoa M'Ghaes Mill o New Waabiailoß. anil fromCbaatoroak lotna ilmi—wheto til call. In bit llna will ba proioDtl, attatulod to, Marob S.liuJ. DR. R. V. WILSON; ITAVING raato.od hit Offiaa to bla new dwaUin, on. n oond at teat, will proaptlj anew*, all pioreuiosal oalla aab.ratorora.. Olearfiiold. JoaelG. 1853. . Cooking Stove For A GOOD oecond-bnnd COOKING STOVE fotiala, aheap tk A VALUABLE FARM -.ggagpoß, ' und*r*oo'l lenooand In a sood iptopt cultivation. Thero nroabouttblrtiMire actor of woodland, The Improvement* oro A TioO’Slanj Log Bouse, New Frame Barn, 40 by GO feet, Together with other outbuilding!, and an Orchard In foil bearing ooatnlnlagacihjlceearlotieraiiplet.PoaohU.Pinßii. raTtlonlam ohtjnlre of L. JACKSON CRANB Cl.»,n,ld.o,.b..ub.cril»rontb|mnm L U« i . ol(ONljoN< Docomber 6ih.lBstf. JAMES H. LARIMER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. WILL attend to burlnenin the eeveral Courti of Clear field and Centre ooontlci. Offloaon Boound Stmt, one door north ofthererldencoof John Woavcr. REFERENCES.—IIod. JAM ES BURNBI DC, Bolelonte. lIOn.JAMKST. HA EE. da. Col A. ft. CURTIN. do. JAMES M'MANAS.Eiq., da. S. U. PETItIKEN, Era . Huntingdon. eetn.DHAKESt UEUUTOL, Pbii’a. December 28, 1853.—1 g. DAGUERREOTYPES. RESPECTFULLY announces totha LADlEtiand GEN TLEMEN or the Uorouih or CLEARFIELD and vl* cioity. that he has opened o Dllniatnre Daguerrean Gallery On SECOND STREET, oao door north of Powell ft Co’s Btoro. Callandexamlneipedraßoi,oaje»,prije* &o. Clearfield. November 23, 1853.—tf. New Store! New Store!! POWELL, REED & WEAVER A REjnit bow opening at heir now BTOR E-ROOM in the boronthotClearfield,oseoftbe largest andbestßisort ments of MERCHANDISE over brought to tho ooaniy, end vvliloN they now otter to the old customers or Older ft Co., oi wellaiiolhepablioat largo, aoonsuoh lermsas cannol tail to five entire satisfaction . THE LADIES will tind at their Store snob a lelccUonol C§3CDCDcD£3 At they never taw tn Clearfield before—and at for DRY UUOlfa. generally, and GROCERIES. HARDWARE. UUEEN3WARE. fto., tboy cannot be sarpaued either in quality orcheapnets. . , • . ryr Thote who don't bellevoH arelnvllcd to oall end bo waLPOWBLL.' C. L. REED. JF. WEAVER. Clearfield. Mar 21, lfttf. NEW GOODS. THE subscriber woalJ retain hlulncero thanks, for the very liberal support he hat received since ho hat been in baiineitln thin place, and box* lenvo to Inlorm his friends and Ibe public genera'ly. that ho hiijdit icoelved at hi* old stand on the CORNER OF FRONT aod CHERRY direct, opposite the Episcopal Church, a largo aucrtmcnl of Seasonable Goods, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Queensware, Hardware, Cast, Blis ter and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Ready- Mado Clothing, Paints and Oil, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. A promise to sell cheap. Is of little advantage to oar cinto* men an loss there is convincing proof given, bat he has *be latiitaction of knowing that hundreds are convinced of that fact, as we offer tbc best cl evidence In every tele we tnako. inly 1,1353. O.KRATZ&R. ICOUSLIM fit. WELSH Glffi©lk <§& Waiteßa Ma&offo t—% U APjoit received from New York and It Philadelphia a large aod splendid at* tortoent ofJKWKLßY—consisting oi'Lrt* dies Gold H re ait Pins. Morning Pins, CulT iy'lv */ Pins, fKibhon Pins. Alio, Gentlemen's //■w • J Fine Gold Piar, of dilferent shapes and nf 0 Fine Gold Ear Ring Drops, late style of Jennv Lind Rings and Drops, Rracelets UTV . %Jf Fineer Kings. Fioe Gold Pens ft Pencils. hjW Gold Watch Keys. Hilvor Tea ft Table "lftUlUp ir Spoons. Ratter Knivei. Sugar Todps, and Thimbles. Ladies Fine Card Cases, Port Monhs-. SILVER PATENT LEVER, HUNTING CaSB WaTCH Ed—from i')\ o IW-OPEN FRONT DETACHED LEVERS—from Bib to s3o LAPINEA—from $)0to $l5. Fine r DAY Watches, from Bto 10 Dollars. Fine Gold Watches. 8U to4o dollars. Allofwhiohho wi.l wmrantfor perfect time*keep* ers. Also a large assortment of Spectacles. Fob Chains, Vest Chains, Gnrd Chaos. Penknives, Pookol Hooks, fto. CLCmKH—Eight Day aonThiiiy Hoot Clocks. Fine Small Spring Clocks—SOfhonr end 8 day—Musfonl nnttotreDii, ecd a giCHi variety ol aitlcles too nameroas tt mention, aiualh kept by Jewelers. All tbeabjvomonMor.ed warranted good, and will h» sold at the lowest profll's bin his terms are CASH. Watches. Clocks and jewelry neatly RE PAIRED, and Warranted forone s ear. jy 13'53. A CARD. Js\. o EiS o El ILLS WOULD res; cctfullj inform Ids filendi, and (ho pubi c generally, that be siiil continues to attend to ail osils ialho lice or Dental Operations, At hLoflloe adjoining hie dwelling, in the borough ofOleaf. Held. UetnU) be loond all timet in hit store In the west rad ol tje Mantlon home. Artificial Teeth laietted oa Hate or Pivot, and warran'ed to giro entire sail?, taction. KXI'RACTINQ TEETH done wilhsot dancer to the pa tient, and with but liilJa pain. Yeetb PILLED and CLEANSED iu a proper aedeoientif io manner. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. && tfSSS s£Sfl33i 01 n. D. PATTON, Curwensviilc, Pa. A LARGE aed well selected stock of DRY (JUODS and GUUCLUUBB. LADIES DRESS GOODS, all wool, and PLAIN DELANE. CASHMERES. DBESSSILKS, ol all kind*. BATTENETS.IIATS.CAPd and DON NETS. ALSO—A (orccand wellsetected stack ol READY'MADK OLO I'D iNG, DRUGS and PaleitModicinciof every kind HOOTS end SHOES, tho believer brought to th* county.— HARD WARE or ail kinds, such ns IRON. HATHAWAY COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PIPE of every Yz«. NAILS,SPIKES,seiI TIN WARE.olaver, klnd.-BPEBM Oil.. LARD OIL FLAXSEED OIL. WHITE LEAD. PIKE PUOOF PAINTS ol e».nr oollor. GLASS. CAN DLES, Sprrm acd Tallow. UIiOKSaedSTATUiNADY. UAItNEoS. SAEULES aod DRiDLES, and every other article osonl'y kepi in a country ito.e. Lumber. Cram, and country prodaaoof every klud. taken in exchange for goods. Carwemvillo. Nov. 8,18T3 -tf. fl. D. PATTON. New Store, iliTlD KtiaW At Lumbcrvillc Clearfield County Penn'a. MONTEILUS, TEN EVCK.&CO. b.gleavelo Inform their friends, nod in general, that they have opened their NEW STORE, fa the abovonumed place, where they have, and intend keepina on band every variety of good* oiaa!lv kept in a ooantry store, luoh a* Dry Goode. Groceries, hardware, Queeaiware, Yin Waro, Ready Made Clothing* H-.ts. QvdCapi. Drae*. nod Medicines, be., be. They would call particular attention tolhetr stock jofBUOTS andßliOES, which L unsurpassed by any ia,tho county.—l As they manufacture all theirown stock they cun warrant all they sell to give satisfaction. v " . 7A?y will take in exchanaa Tor Goods, alt klnfli of HIDES. LOMDERofever/dcicriotlon. Produce, bo ' They also oontinoedoing business at theoldstand inCar* traveoUojustrkcelved a largestock of NEW GOODS, and ate bow prepared to salt at wholesale or rotate, (to suit purchasers) at the lowest prices. They alto keep at (be oid stand a very large stookof UOOTd b SHOES, and are prepared tosuitall who may aivetbrm a oall, as to size, oaallty and price.. BOOTS and SHOES of every de icrlptlon manufactured tonaoasureand order, on the shortest notice. and «ee their pretty and CHEAP GOODS, as theyobargo nothing foresight.- ALo all kinds of prodoos. lumber, and hides taksn, In ex. change for good#. mOnTEILUstEN EYCK b CO. Corwensville. Sept. 20,1858. H. BUCHER SWOOPE. or Ibe firm or ••BCOTT & SWOOPE." A ilantnedon Pa., will attend falthfotJir to all orofsu' ioaal bniineu .ntrniied to hi, care b, the citlseni of Clear* E?i? *WrMe° ofßoa* 111 " M *' oe(t door to. and ovar liEFb'tifclMCES,—Rov. Dr. MXeotl. John ScoU. Hon Geo. Taylor, anil Hon. Jps. Gwin, Hup* tmgdon.—Hon. Wm.P. Schnoll, ond Ale*. King, Emj., Bedford. Gen. Wm. H. Irwin, Xewialovvn. - Hon. Samuel .Calvin, Hollldoyaburg. Gen. William Ayrea, Harrisburg. Gernuull & Cresvvoll.No,2ll, Market at., Philadelphia. October 27,1853., JOHN GPLICII MTOULD reiDeotlallf aanouncetolhe eiiiceni of Clear. *¥ fieUland.viomitr. that beta nowmnnumotarinrr al kinds of 1 cabinet-ware: lllaihopla iltuatedpn Market alreet. between Third saj , i f° B ,Vi!h¥i;!'. , .WU llod l ol .V ork in tla line will be mad. in aßd*onthe B | hoitMt’aoUoe” “° rt l' * v OBABLE TERMS tSTOOFFIHS made to order os (heihorlMt notice. " ■ • ’ ■. December 8,1853. MACKEREL. SHAD, , Skrm J S^bAmi? N ' Oonrtantlr o» hand and for nit Si®. Ma,ri^«- aco - W L «ERBE. Nw .B. lB M^ 1,,A ’ Stone ware ,A*»4pW ßUlTH *6oir^«^ PENN IRON FOUNDRY? | Maehlne, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, (PE&raDm* : IP$U' THE uaderilaaod would announce to the oitlaem of, andadjoining oountlef, tbathe haaopenoda ruomou Setwa J riff ot, m tH» boroßgli of U'earhold, neat the itore of Eoonard a Moore., where heUtend, keeping n GENERAL.AUBORTMENt OK CASTINGS. »»"»■'« lobe madeofthe bolt material.and at prloeethatcocnot fall tooieate. Thalollowlnr compote p.ilof the,took on handi: KtJLTuW HOT-AtR COOKING STOVE, fot eithor Wood ot Coal Title Stove hai probably the larger! Intro, dnottonofanr opter form of rtoee*. It hat eupenededm alin-iteverroounw,tho well known Hathaway and Zle*. reratoTee. Uie.oaiilr uudeiitood, and the Unee boln* 10 arraueedthat allodn bo olcaoed without anr trouble. Tne pacnltar form and conitinotlonie inch aeto reader it the moitdurablo of all itorei. Numeroni toilltponlali could Peoddrd. but It iidoeraodunnecoiiarg.l„.,„„ IMEHOVAd PREMIUM COOKING STOVES—atlrom IB PARCOOK BTOVES—for eltberwood orooal. SALAMANDER do aboautifulCoalStovo. VASE do do NINE & TEN cheap* MANTLE ÜBATES. trlthjiQmmer place*. A laree variety RTul tnperiorJlnTihpd 'ton 18 to 2B inchei. .rlthJu. cod tnpcrior um..— fHaIN ■AN^OUHAfInV I ’ r AILINOj lIOLT,OW WARRj OVEN MOUWSf: ORli) IRONIS. WAFFI.B do.BOAiBSEAMd. WAOON UOXES.BEEIOri.BI.EIi & umjK*SSa.OAR g|NGB IorR»fI*.KOAU BORA. nSßSDHn&ttrilolo. COEN BHEIjL.ERB.COHN AND OOii fiMMfrwnrfnntwl tft grind 16 llpi. Equ pet hoar. niiACoPVFHTUYlißß9,tltobeit inaio ; do. MAN* URUiIffiEuTIREBfiNDEIiat „. . 4 _ . ToeothhrVtiHtho ottml writtf of ortlcloikept at Foundry EitabllihmeDU, Also, Made to Order, OUiBTaadBAW»MILL OEAUING-havlng deeldedly tho Wellstock, and best variety oi ***}*“* ffiS* went in western Pennsylvanla ; MILL DOGS, SHAFT ING-targo auriimaH.ofaatl or wromjbt Iron, HANGERS. IIRUMSand PULME3; Rote and othor approved Water. WHEELS: WOOD ami IRUN LATHES; MANDRILLS : fo." ir«l»iaJW.VwuDD (IOKINO MACHINES. Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNINC Mi 1.1.8. YIIRESHINO MACHINES. PEN NOCK’S CKLEHRATEI) UHAIN DRIU-3. Ul. &«. Screw-Cutting. AaysUed Screw, with nny doiired number ol threads to the inch, eilhertq are or V thread. , . , Brats,Copper.and BabbettsMetal taitinxi tofldato o ro er. NATHAN MYERS. March 4, 185J.-ly. Hose's Gomponnd Syrup of Yellow Socle Boot. THIS I! . POREI.Y VEUBTADf.B OOMPOUNU, «olen. tiftcaily prep died from the bon Roots and Herbs or the Materia ftlodlca. and has gained tho universal reputation for the following elfeois, viz: Regulating am) Sirongihonrng tho liver and Digos* livo OrgauH, and clensing tho Siomaeh and Buwols, andthos caring all Bilious Diseases. L-ver Complaints, Uys pepsin. Indigestion. Costiveness. Fi’es, Hefl-lacho, fever and Acno. Jaondies, Nausea, Loss of Appetite,&o , and causing the foodtonoii'isltnnd supporlevery part. PURIFYINGTHEBLOifU—Audtnus coring all flnmon, Cutaneous Eruptions, Sorofula, Bait Rbeom, Erysipelas, Scald (lend,Canker. Pimples on tho face. Blotches, Ulcors, Tumors, Mercurial Diie'ses, Cancers. &o. REGUL \TING TiIEEBCKErARY ORGANS—And by enabling them to perform their proper tanotions, preventing and oaring many p&iofol and dangeroas disease* Strencth enlng ana quickening the Nervoos System, that allaying Ner vods irtitmion, endearing all Lriieoiei of the Nerves, such as Hy leria, Naralyia, Cramps;&c.. it ib iimveranl in Ihc euro of all Female Complninis ns Weakness. general debi'ity, Irregularity, Oh tracbouf Swelling of the Feet, l.irabi, Joints, fcic., oausctl by weak** nets; als-i, LUNG andTHKOAV COMPLAINTS, snob as Coids,Coughs, Asthma. Consumption &o . also. Dropesy. Having made nso oT the Compound Syrnp of Ye'low Docs Rjot, preparedly C MOUSE s CO.«either ou selvnor oar binilltt, and llndlng it to be a very salatary nnloGeclaa! preparation, weuooioit cheerfully recommendUloibopublic aea very valuable medicine. B Bourne, But .Cashier of the National Bank Providence. R. I,; A. W.Spoocer, Esq , Cashier. Lime Rook Bank, do do ; Rev. Wm. A. Phi inn, Rev. J. U. Kohmond C. 8 Jones, rdltor Providence Gen. Advl. Wm. Field, M W.G. M. Cyrus Fisher, M. K. 11. P. James lla'ohinsoa.G. BD n, V.J. Dates, Dool Benj Coibv,andono bucdicdothorsoj the most respectable fata itesol Providence. This certifies that I hare for a nambor of yean been ee* qaeinted with th« composition and mode of maonfactare or MOUSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT. I bare alio been acquainted with Us modus ope . atsdiin d irate, and can say that in all respects it isadrairably calculated to remedy the dais of D.sewes for which it I* de signed. it iseipociaily valuabiein INDIGESTION, and ei its ateadant symptoms, it excitst to hoalthy action the LIVER, removes Torpor, and inactivity from the ORGAN end ilimolatet healthy ao'ioa in all the system. Asa DEPIJ RATOUorpurifieroltfaeßioodUhasno superior. ProvideDO-, R. I Jao. 1. 1853. DAVID UOI.MBS, M. D. Prepared by (J. MOUSK & Co„ n0.41C Broadway N. V.,and bold by DmggUta and others thrcughoui Hus nnd other cuuniick—l*. D. WATSON, Agent. (,'tcnr/iold Pn, MnyVO, 1853 M VALUABLE FAB HI FOR SALE. S f | MI E subscriber ofleri el private »a!e. his valuable t* ARM. X situßtum Bradford township,ClearGeid county, one and a bn f miln from the j>»*’oUon oT tb<# Imos a d • now SlsiGind Packervilielu nolle, atGoorgeJ Kylnrs, andono a*ifl»atf miles from Cienamoo—ejola'ning One hundred and ten Acres, with seventy acres chared and in an excellent slate of cultivation , with a bearing Orchard thereon growing. Thoro is also a comfortable Log House, and a large frame barn erected thereon. For lurtbr r parlioatenapply to tho subscriber on the prem i;cs Persona wishing to make to®>c£Qe3a Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, Patent Med icines arid all other articles usually kept in a country store. Allofwhluh will bo told at moderate prices for oath, or cx~ changed for GRAIN. LUMBER. &o. Uur neighb*r» we itspectinlly ask to cat), audAssure them we Intend doing bu siness at as low rates as cash purchases will a l Jnw. JuneM. UDJ.-ly. CHASE & SWAN. ! M TAVERN STAND M XV CUR WENSViLLE, Pa. TUE ißbiorlbtrcrepßiei to .ell at PRIVATE BALE. hi. I.AItDE A«D CONVENIENT HOTEL la ihetown OICUKWEN3VII.LE, known a.lbe Arnffliriiissaiiiii M®ms©° It is situated on tho northwest corarr ol State am) Filbert Street*, and in the centre ol the bosineis part of be town TaelioateJi4Sby4Bfcct,twokU>ries mgh wih aba o ent, undisovery way calculated for a publlo home. TheMsnU spontho premises a large and.convenient stabio, toaelbcr with all other Decortruy b ildings. The property will be sold on tho moil laTorabteiermi. and for Tarthor ioformnlion application may be made either to tho tnbiodboron the promises, or to W, A . Wallace, at Clearfield. June|l, (868. ISAAC BLOOM Jr, BEAD THIS! David haokett’b cabinet and chair ware KUUU ,oa Second .Lent, oppoilie Powell ti Co’... »tore. wbmehabai on band all kind, of CABINET WARE, and OHAIBS.inch a, MAIIOUNEY and WALNUT CMAIIW. WINBOK CH AIRB, ROCKING CH AIRS. ARM Oil AIRB. MAHOUNEY BPHINO BEAT CHAIHB, BETTEEB acii LOUNGES—MAHOOONEY, WALNUT AND CHERRV BUREAUS. DRESSING li UkEA U B, TOILET andPIER TABLES. END. DINING and BUEAKFABI' TABLES. CENTRE TABLES. FRENCH and FIELD POBT BED STEADS.D I23 KB and BOOK CASES, OTTUMANS. So. Any ponton wlihln, loboy willdo wall to civ* him a call, eiholidotermlned to Mil lower than the tame arlla'e, can bo ad eliewbetein the connly.-COFFINH made to order on tha •fioruet notice. DAVID BACKETT.,, Clearßeld, Ao,n,t E. 1858. England Whipped, Tariff or no Tariff. • Kost reasonable terms, at the Iron and Foundry store adjoin* g Leonard & Moore. _. ...* , L.B. CARTER. Aient. Clearfield,Deo-6. IBSL Bounty land and Pension Agency. Charles Tucker, Washington, D. C. A TTORNBYrorciaimants.nhd Agont forobtalning Rev* /lL # ciuiionary; Naval. Xnvolid, and half pay YKNaiDNS. BUUNT Y LLAND arrears of pay# extra pay, &o.» for Mil* ItaryMui Naval services. . - ' Bounty Lend obioJoed for tbe widows and hdr»of Volan. leers of the Texas tUvoiatlou of and extra par omu;q. cd for thojesvhoserved in the U. H. Navy, on the coast of Caljfontia&ndMexico fVomUHfito IBp2. U' Addrois CIIAKLBB TUCKER, Washinytoo, DO. - Rent. > pwellin, part ot in. CLEARFIELD AOADEM V : Cl.atfield. April SO. IF6J. ! ' Jnirll IBtB-ttn, t, • .u > 3 - '' ’' ‘ ! ■ jl r ;t j BE. J. B. MABCHISI'B CELEBRATED CATHOLICON- I For titerelicfaud cure of suffering FemataM miaadic'a-iiaUurl fonti enrail..M l ..n ■ in oil.the diiMUIRVI rhioh ii li rrgonai»i' I ded.usdally cftllwi/s’! I MACK Complaints *.* I orUieteafePfuiaVil Mwaiastl end Ulceration oftfcs\ Worob.lncldeataHfi/ uMlrifiilatMtuiiij; metier how fayprsS? \ talnHen treMwi.}!?, . Lei pn mp hl«t (f ret ) cooleh. SX®w.TCtfii^ experienced Physicians, woo hava used it in thiU rrietJc** and speak fiotn their own obierraiions. BI2PERENCKB. rj > P.B. lIRCKIIAM, M. D.. Utica. N. Y. • K? 8 li. D. Pt.EMING, M.o..Oanandaigae, N. y • .. M. H.HIUIdH.M.D.. Hochestey.N. Y. ? -i » D. Y. POOTB. M. D,.flmcnw. N. Y. Prcf. DUNBAR. M D.. Baltimore, Md, • ’* U J.O-OHKICK.Ai.D-. Baltimore. Md ’ W. W. RCEHH, M. D., Now York City. W.PaKiUOTr.Mea.Coooord.N.ll. } - u * J.i».NEWLA«O.M.I>.UtIcB,N. Y. • Rev, U.S. BEARD. Glenn Bprlngs, 8. C. Pamphlets bad gratis ot iheitoreofC D. WATSON. Druggist Ctaarfield. fa.—Also told byT 0. Mll.LER,ft»jjs; lIACKE. MeohanlcsvitJe, and by most leading druggists in EqldtiHp countiei. '.yT*, Lciler addressed lo caro of Mr. Curtin Agent at Rovenno, Ohio. *> To Dr. MAHUIIISI:—t bale been lei years troubled Pemalo Complaints—prolapsus uteri, and all the atiaadtti' difflcoltles; at limes rendering my life most miserable JbsTt' had the attendance of tome of the belt physicians, wuh bn little success; the must they coaid do vrasto relieve-ab-.ft* was ont of the question. Por fire month* before commsadsel with year mediolno. I had not been able to perform aayjZ* bor, could walk bat a few steps at a timet andecareety ni< outofdoors—lnsnort. 1 was completely prostrated, bytbfi 1 body end mind, and expootedto drag cot the rest ofaydam in suffering end misery. Bat. reading your advertitCßnij 1 was induced to try your invaloablo medicine called UttaS! Ufttbolicon, as the last resort, t had not at«d it a weekbefen I folt I,ke another woman. By the useotlhtee bottles I wml enabled to perform all the labor for six in t‘a family »hfc: ease, and con Id walk any where in the neighborhood wittat * injury. Nothing bat a sense ofmr doty toyoa sndtoik afflicted, has iodo .rd me to state my case to the can safely recommend the preparation to all thore soflertut like raise if. (Simed) Mrs. BARAH A. Freedom. Portage Co.. Ohio. Deo, 87,185 J. . r.,. iyj. H. MARCHItfI & CO.. Proprietors. Central Det*T No. 204, Broadway, N. Y. Bept. 16. ■ ——- Valuable Keal JL*(a(c t AT PRIVATE SALE? & M M M;'i TUB boba'foftho heinol C »m ul oTPtketownship, Clearfield cously deutmied, ofltfir PRIVATE SALBlhn following dBi3 water a practical mechanic—where alroo»t any article of mßcniuUf ran bs FINISHED io the very beat *t>le. and on abort potJcN He ha* noir an hands n larae assortment or C igoei. tpefi aitii’OVfOSof vano ante*and patterns. PLOUGH IKUNW WASH Kfciri‘ljEB, file.,&c.. which he oilers to selHowlof Cash, or on a reasonable orodlt. Lie ia now oasung.flO® ho raoit approved pattern*. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stovcsj Nine Plate and Coal Stoves.' A 150,., Wnai-d’s celebrated Floiisju. Anilallklmliof HOI-MS W-WAKE, SI.EIGH and SUIT dULES, WAGOM HOXES. So ' •''.l Hointcndsliosell on reasonable terms, and troiti thallni citizens ollhe county generally will find It to their ad vntltc* to cive him theircuitom. CASH will always D#pr«»rejf*rH boithohighctt .»nccs wiM be allowed, fbr Country Frodufae and OLDMUTAL. AihegiveihisestabluhiuenthiU’erfcwd supervision, nH ordere Tor work will rocaive prompt attention. DAVID ULX j ClearneM.Nor.EB.lßsl, NEW GOODS. /,* fIUIE Subscriber woold inform the citizens J. county, andihepubliogencratly. that be has JUST r.B OBlViiD, and ii NOW OPENING* at tbs Storehouse Jo» meily oocapicd by Wine & Getchel, ol Monlidal*, u j Large, Splendid i\ Cheap Assortment orGoods, consisting ofevery style and meat of taiei W nnatntod landa.— - HBKfSRtNUISS —Hii Eioellency.'W M. mGl.En.lliri* ftttta-Hon. EIiUS LEWIS, bancaitor-O. W._WOM{f GUMEKY, Philadelphia. ■, ■ ■■ ■ ’ .'All pereona having bnalneii with film.: will in bw apply lo J.moULE GOBOON. who will attend to lbaa*®» 5 ’ September!!), 1853. ■ : • French^