Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 08, 1854, Image 3

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    . the AMAZON.
We are indebted, says the-Pcnnsylvani
an, to M; Mason for a copy of
I the first pnrt of tho exploration of the Val
ley of the Amazon, made under the direc
tion of the Navy, Department, by Wm.
t Lewis Herndon and LnrJner Gibbon, Lieu
i tenants in the U. S. Navy. Tho voluma
I boforo us is from Lieut. Herndon, and
| does high credit to the energy, science and
talents of another worthy non of Viginia,
■following ip the footsteps of tho distinguish
ed Virginia Liout. Maury of the Navy.—
Scto »r I ’S | M*raopmmmmm-
by henutiful and valuable maps in a sepn- Tho melancholy duty devolves upon U 3
tato volume. We have been very much of announcing tho death of Gen. Robert
interested in skimming over this book,and, Armstrong, the propri<&||bf this papor,and
•8 the subject may bo pregnant with future our associate in its management,
events in tho commercial progress of tho Ho died last evening til 7 his
,United States, our readers may not regret own residence in this city,
a brief notice of the contents ol tho work, solacod in his afflictions by mu|a|uf.'liis
which we find in the Evansville Enquirer, ' children. We are in no state of mmd to
of whoso labors'we avail ourselves. j prepare anything like a sketch of his life.
«■ Lieut. Herndon was ordered, in 1851, relations with him since our boyhood
to explore the Amazon and to report to tho have been of a character so intimato and
government any observations which might uninterrupted, that he was more than our
be deemed useful, in enabling it to form a friend. He died nt the age of sixty-three
correct idea of tho importance to the Uni- of congestion of tho brain. His health for
ted States of the free navigation of that riv- ]Bomo weeks had been frail, but until yes
cr. He was to discover every thing, go-jterdaymorninghisdiseasewasnotregarded
ograpbicni, political, social, commercial, as threatening a fatal issue. His distin
&c., that he could,concerning tho country guished and gallant services in the war of
on the banks of a river 3600 miles long. 1812 are matters of history. Ho was the
He was to start from tho lake which is the bosom friend of Gen. Jackson, and the
fountain of this vast stream, and trace it man solecled by him as tho depository and
toils mouth where it spreads to a widthnf keeper of his sword, It was our fortune
160 miles. Lieut. Gibbon wus to accom- to be selcoted hy Gen. Jackson to deliver
pany him. He was allowed a cook, an to Gen. Armstrong this invaluable legn
interpretcr, and a servant, and five The noble qualities which endeared
■and dollars were placed at his command, him to Gon. Jackson were his stern in-
In obedioncoto these instructions, Herndon togritv, his cool courage, his sterling Judg
and his party left Lima, in May, 1851. ment, and his dovoted patriotism. In the
Jt Thence, on mule-back they travelled to several responsible public trusts, civil and
ft Farma. military, which he filled, these noble at-
At that point Herndon deemed it advi- tributes marked his conduct. He enjoyed
f Bablo to part with Gibbon. He himself! the unlimited confidenceofPresidcntsJack
struck the river Huallngc, and floated;son, Yap Burcn, Polk and Pierco. Ho
down it, until, by the junction of other! was as amiahlo nod attractive in. the pn-j
% itreams, the Amazon is formed, and down vatc relations of lifo as he was fearless,
s§ that stream to its mouth, a distance of 3,- honest, and faithful in tho dtschnrgo of his
000 miles. The entire voyage was per- public duties. — Washington Union.
formed in a dug-out canoe, end we see j F. Johnson, formerly Attorney j
I, here a remarkable example 0 r energy— Gcnera | of Pennsylvania, and afterwards, 1
; this American floating with a few Pcruvi- for B£)me |imo) ono of edi , ors of lho
ans down this vast ana lonely stream. Washington Union, died in that city on
. Gibbon diverged to the South, reaching (ha j oli f ingt
t SSSr'Am,™tKicS .1.. o.ta a., -id, bo W
i **** system 1,3 s ££
iMO SOomen oxplorcd klono 11.0 6rcMßr ; to .pook H,o Ito h, (bt ho bad no oppono.
| Son of Peru. Bolivia and Brazil. 1 Gib- »«* «' w™—'”S ■»"■ t
r bon’s report has not.yet appeared—Horn- <Krln the legislature of Georgia, lust
' don's is now before us. It is in tho form week a bill wns introduced to change the
of a journal of distances, topography, pro- name oT Mary Dolly Doxy Ann Lewis, to
ducts, the character of the people, inci- j Mary Dolly Doxy Ann Lapp,
denta &c. IJenl, Herndon tells vervj We wonder they don t alter tho Dolly
plainly and clearly what ho saw, but wo,to Ortho —and make tho lady orthodoxy
do not find that his narration of the Valley | at once- .s*.
of the Amazon realizes tho flowing con-. Quick Wokk. —Tho distance from Gw!
oeptions wo had* formed of its diamonds,} c i nnn tti to Philadelphia is now made by
mid its pold, its spices, drugs, dvo stuffs, j ra il ro ad in tfiirty hours ! Verily, “times
gum, coffee, fielJs, cocoa trees, and a thou- j a j n { aa they used to was,”
' sand other tropical productions. i _ -
There is very little population, and very j Friday, Saturday and Sunday
J littlo cultivation on the Amazon. The peo-j Susqueiianna W as in fine running
i }«*"
- purchase food in that splendid valloy.— rafted embraced the opportunity of start
r[ n 6 bme cases, when he approached one of ; ng t 0 ma rket. The water has since fal-
I tho wretched mud houses, the female oc- j cn and tho river become too low for run
-1 cupant would cry out to him nada hay but tho lumbermen are busily
Jt r there is none) before ho would ask Tor B,u o > .... n ,u n
inythirig. Tho people care very little fur engaged m preparing their rails. For the
money; thoy are fond of nothing but last ten or twelve hours it has been ram
sleeping, smoking cigarets and drinking! j n g ) and a flood is expected,
very vilainous rum, made from tho sugar j
, cane. This climate is most enervating
1 and tho swarming insects in rich exubor
: ance of nature are extremely annoying.
The native population have little more
I sense than monkeys, and make no pro-
I gress in civilization. The women suckle
H monkeys, and ip some cases, tt is said have
fU monkey husbands, Th° toon are simple
H as infants. They are religiously inclined,
H and this is their only virtuo. .
■ Lieut. Herndon speaks with enthusiasm
■ of the future prospects of this Valley.
■ Were Brazil to throw open the Amazon
■ to foreign commerce, the emigration he
I Bays, could not follow her giant strides to-
I. W ard 9 wealth and greatness.' The Vnlloy
■ 0 r the Amazon is more than two millions
M of square miles in extent. Largo ships
■ mav sail thousands of miles ; artificial ca
m aaJs would open to the steamboats thous-
I nnds of miles more. The sod is
■ tile teeming with all tho productions of the
I L». r™.«
I and Bhrubs of the torrid. Lieut H. thinks
fat the-citizens of the United Stales are
inore interested than any oilier nationi to
he free navigation of the Amazon. Ships
,ailing to and from the Amazon pass hy
rnrvfry doors. Nqw York the half
way house between Para and Europe.
The trade of the Amazon is estimated by
Lieut Herndon at two millions of dollars,
and he is satisfied that the establishment of
Bteant navigation would greatly ..increase
rhU amount. Saw mills and cotton gins
More of the peculiar products of tho coun
tn euch os vanilla, spices, drugs and co-
CO? wSuld bo produced, if there wore a
ready market for them.. Brazil and Peru
fcfv/eSred into in engagement to
ntiate money for building up l a , file n “" l q b .° q ( ‘
nayjgation—but what tho world wants is a
free navigation for all nations. ,
There can bo no reasonable doubt that
the opening of this magnificent nverto the
ininmerce of the world would vastly tn
bo out. or Ike wondwpii. ro=ulu k nllcl P“‘
trA under the present auspices of that
SuntrV The people are made ot too m
&Xr?tuffto hold out a promise of much
activity Through the Anglo
iSmt and Yankee settlers, extraor-
Msults mi°ht ho developed, but
wWtolabor would not suit that hot climate,
and tho Iridt<»rtf flre ” tw '
lieut thinks that our planters
Ker with Ihetr
thif caw, they would' work a revotelonm
~ 1 ` •,4 j
z • cAr ' ,
• 4 ,
more ways than one, Tho. Valley of the
Amazon would shortly be the political as
well us the natural sister of tho Mississippi;
and that wholo country would be annexed.!
There is no telling whore ‘manifest desti
ny* may not load American enterprise.—-
But such a result as the Americanization
of the Valley of the Amazon is not yet,and
cannot bo for a long timp to come. Before
thp temptation is strong enough, its com
merce must become moro valuable than
two millions of dollars.
Richmond Enquirer,
MARRIED—On Thursday the 2d inst„
by the Rev. Samuel M. Cooper) Mr. Wm»
Irwin, to Miss Rebecca Hartman, all of
Lawrence township.
On the same day by the same, Mr. Ed
ward Albert to Miss Cross, all of Boggs tp.
DIED.—In Allegheny city, on the Ist,
inst.,Mrs. Mary J. wife of H. A.
Purviance, in the 24th year of her age.
The deceased was the eldest daughter
of Mrs. Margaret W, Purviance, ahd grand
daughter of the late Judge Hamilton of
Washington county.
j George Lippard, author of the Quaker
City, died in Philadelphia, on Thursday
week last, in his 31st year. He was the
author of many novels, the last of which
is now in course of publication in the Sun,
day Mercury of that city.
Orphans’ Com** Sale.
SY virtue of an order of iho Orphans’
Court of Clearfield count y.thero will
be exposed for sale on the premises in the
Borough orCurwensville, in Clearfield co.,
on the Bth day of April A. D. 1854, at ono
o’clock P. M., all tho interest of Abraham
Hartshock, deceased, at the time of his de
cease, in a certain lot or piece of ground,
with the frame house and stahle thereon
i erected, situate in the Borough of Cur
wensville, Clearfield county, at the north
east corner of State and Thompson street, |
containing about-fifty feet on State street,
and being about one hundred and eighty ft,
deep (of ibttl width) to an alley. _
Terms.— One half cash on confirmation
of sale, and the balance in ope year with
interest, to bo securedbymortgago on the
premises. -\
| March B,lB§/1
Estate of George Johnston, Jr., Dee’d.
LETTERS of Administration having
been grunted to the subscriber on the
estate of Goorge Johnston, Jr., late of Bell
township, Clearfield co„ deceased, all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
matte immediate payment, and all persons
having claims against said estate are re
quested to meet the subscriber at the late
residence of the deceased, on Saturday the
twenty-second day of April next,.with their
claims properly authenticated for, settle
~JOfWf M’MANNUS, Adm’r.'
V March *"
LEGi6i.ATBRE.—rn the House ontho23d inst.,l
Mr. Caldwell presented three petitions for a prohibitory
liquor law,
The prohibitory liquor bill camo before thehousQ on the 23d,
end was defeated.
MrvM’Kea, from Dry Run, Franklin county, for the erec
tion of schutcs and platforms in the dams of the Susquohanna
and Juniata rivers, to permit the ascent of fish.
Mr. Foster presonled a petition from the Centro county bar,
praying for the consolidation of the Bupromo Courts at Harris
burg; also, onofrajm the members of the Clearfield county bar
Of similar import.
11l tho House, on tho 24th, Mr, Mr, Davis submitted a now
prohibitory liquor bill, being substantially tho bill of Mr. Gook,
excluding tho right of search clause. Tho bill was made the
special order of tho day for Monday tho 20th instant, So it
will bo seen that tho question is not yet disposed of.
Justice Done at Last. —Tho lion. Thomas W, Dorr, of
Rhode Island, has been restored to his rights as a freeman ,by
tho legislature of the State, The act depriving him of those
rights was the most high-handed outrage over perpetrated by a
political party in this country. Mr. Dorrhad beenolected gov
ernor of the State by tho people, who rightfully considered them
selves the sovereigns, notwithstanding tho old monarchical
charter denied them their rights. For daring to comply with
tho wishes of the people, the whig parly of that state, tried Gov.
Dorr for treason, deprived him of his rights as a citizen, and
imprisoned him ns a felon. Well might tho parties who did
this act be styled Algerines. Tho deed might have suited the
atmosphere of Algiers, but was nt war with all the principles
and Teclings of this country. Wo rejoice that tho foul disgraco
has been wiped off our country’s escutcheon, and tho rights of|
the people nnd their champion have been vindicated.-2?to At. !
Washington-, Mnrch 3, UP. M.—Dr. Gardiner, who was
convicted and sentenced this morning to ten years hard labor in
the Penitentiary, for fraud on the government, died in prison |
this afternoon. It is supposed ho poisoned himself with strych* j
nine. Ho reached tho jail, after tho passing of tho sentence, |
about half past 11 o’clock, and immediately sat down nnd wrote:
a letter which ho handod to his brother. He then called for a (
gloss of water, and after drinking it, 101 l into convulsions nhout
12 o’clock. Ho continued in this stato until about a quarter
past 3 o’clock, when ho died. He declnrcd his innocenoe be
fore his death. The Coroner summoned a jury, and held an
inquest in tho case. A post mortem examination takes place
to-morrow nt 10 o’clock.
Georgia and the Nebraska Bill. —Tho following resolu-j
tion has been unanimously adopted in tho houso of delegates,
of Georgia, and with only three dissenting votes in tho Senate
Resolved by Ihc General Asscnibly of the State of Georgia ,
That opposition to tho principles of the Nohrnska bill, m rela
tion to the subject of slavery > is regarded by the people of Geox
[gia ns hostility to tho South, and that all persons who partake
jin such, opposition are unfit to be recognized as component
j parts of any parly or organization not hostile to the South.
A Religious Hyfocrite. —James Cowper, (says a Baltimore
dato of March 1,) who professed to be a Methodist minister, and
figured in N. York lost summer, was brought before tho Mayor
oftßichmond on Monday, when Rufus Read, of South Groton,
Mass., proved that Cowper hnd married his niece, Miss I*letch- '
or, under a false name. Letters from respectable citizens ot,
! tho north, accuse Cowper, who is an Lnglishman, of all sorts
|or ofTences. Rend started north with his niece, and rejoices in
! her escape.
David Jewrll to be Hung. —David Jewell, the convicted
murderer at Pittsburgh, who was recently respited by Govern
or Bigler, is to be Hung on Friday the 24th March. The Gov
ernor signed his death warrant on Monday.
Washington, March I.—The House at 2 o’clock proceeded
to the election or a Printer, in the place of Gocterul Armstrong,
deceased. Mr. Nicholson was elected on the first ballot, recei
ving 122 votes out of 203, the whole number cast.
Receipts and lixpendltnres
F. G. Muj-eh, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in oc-,
count with said County from the 13th day of January, 1853,1
to the Oth day of January, 1854, inclusive : «
DR. To ain’t Rcc’d from Collectors for 1853, ? §4708 63;
and previous years, J
«« “ of jury fees and fines, 217 00
•• “ Rec’d from owners of unseated lands, IUo 04
m u Balance at last settlement, 104 50
« «< 0 r road fundof 1848 and’4o tranaPd to Co. 38 66
«. «.«. Balanco due Treasurer by County, 364 68
By am’t paid Jurors, 8000
«t » “ Election officers, 028 «“
Constables, 2 H
Premiums on scalps, °°
Assessors, 6
Commonwealth costs, tZ
County Commissioners, : 16® 6®
Repairs, *§? 8 *
Prothonotary Fees,
Printing 140 OUi
rrinimg, 07 ro
District Attorney, “I
Jail 00 86
Talisman, , 8800
Court Crier, , / JS JJj
Refunds, I 2 ”*
Tipstafis, l*
Inquest Fees, 08
Justices, 0000
Weights and Measures,
Cl’k to Commissioners, 147 7o
Auditors’pay, 46 ®Q
Road Views, , , . . {Jig
Interest orders redemed, - -
Exoneration, * BO 08
Miscellaneous, 208 '
Percentage allowed Collectors, 2 „
Treas’r “ on $4,807 62atliperct. 72 11
*t m pnying 0ut55,165 87 ? 77 49
at lj per cent. j
•r «
u “
<i a
1854, Jun’y 6, Bal.due Treas’r
F ft Miller by County,
By -Amounts dJfrm Collators for 1853
I&FJX™ Sea 5 ' 8151 5V m H
1848! Lawrence, PW'P nto9 > x 52
“ s* ;£a*ss. eS
Clearfield, . David Litz, 17 6J
Rn _„ s James H. Tumor, 18 40
Burnside James M’Ewep, 634
Woodward, aW.Shoff, 22 70
Chpßt Elias Hurd,> 0 *4
Bradford, William_CraWm,]r. 6 09
Bell,’ Henry Breth, ,80 g'
Clearfield," David Sackett, 85 84
Burnside, John Yoiing, 62 00.
Ferguson, Wm. M’Cracken, 15 41
Jordan, . David Williams, 315
Morris, Jacob Wise, 3 60
«• Pike, Job England, ® 33
« Goshen, ' \ W ‘'JJ
1852, Beccnria, Samuel Bfioff,
Bell, John Smith, 0 39 .
Bradford, Bazel Crowell, 43 10
Burnside, David Smith, 46 63
Chest, James Curry, I 1 *? 7 *
Ferguson, James Wiley, 4 89
Jordan, Jbhi) M. Chase, 87 23
Pike, Wm, Caldwell, 129 18
Clearfiold, R. P, Ward, 790
Curwcnsville, John Askcy, .02 61
Beccaria, John .Weld, jr. 100 04
Bell, John F. Lee, 100 16
Boggs, Cornelius Shippy 8? 67
Brady, Jos. Lines, 194 61
Bradford, V. B. Holt, 120 19
Burnside, John Myers, 190 12
Curwensville, John Patton, 37 61
Clearfield, A. M. Hills, 16 10
Chest, John M’Cully, 124 06
Covington, J. B. Gormont, 68 18
Decatur, David Kephart, 90 31
Ferguson, Jos. Moore, 08 27
Girard, Bernard M’Govern, 15 20
Goshen, W, L. Rishcl, 30 08
Huston, P. Brown, 42 10
Jordan, Enoch Wise, 120 27
Karthaus, Edward M’Garvey, 85 00
Lawrence, Jos. Shaw, 390 71
Morris, O. R. Oilier, 197 84
Penn. Moses Owens, 148 30
Pike, Jos, Caldwell, 415 03
Woodward, James Alexander, 131 14
Duo from unseated lands for 1853, 1800 00
Ain’t of orders outstanding,
By balance due County,
F. G. Millmi, Esq. in acc’l with Road Fund for 1852, 63:
DR. To Bai. nt last settlement, 3631 01
roceivcd from unseated lands, 408 17
CR. By ain't paid Becoarin,
u it n I* Bell,
(ft (ft fti
(I (ft (i
(( (I U
K (ft «(
(I (ft ft( “
u fti «|
Terrific Slighter of tlie Ruul&ttt
'i i@y (DiumMmodl FEo©4p2
\ A ND the cheapest, best and largest as
" - sortmentof Boots and Shoes in the
Bal. dee Road Fund from Tress r . - | C ountv, can be found at R. Glonnans’es;
F. G. Miller, JWf* ** , , . tnblishmenL iwo doors west of A. M. Hills
Rec’d, January 6th, 1854, of F. G. Miller, three ir you doubt it please cqtl and be
and twenty seven dollars ond twenty three cents, in ol (convinced. No purchase lio pay.
««■**.*-*. 1 *•«**«•
F. G. Mili-eh, Esq. in acc'twith School Fund for 1802 53
Dll. To ain’t rec’d from owners of unsealed
lands lor 1852 and *63,
“ bal. at last settlement,
CR. By nm’t paid Beccaria,
»• •• « " Bell,
tt <• >• «* Boggs,
a it i< >• Brady,
ii ii “ “ Bradford,
it ii •< “ Burnside,
ii u “ “ Chest,
ii i, •< *' Covington,
• I n <t Clearfield,
• i i* •• “ Ferguson,
a ii “ “ Fox,
ii •• (* •• Girard,
h o “ Goshen,
ii a ii •> Huston,
u »< “ “ Jordan,
it it •> “ Kartlmus,
ii ii •< <■ Lawrence,
ii •• “ “ Morris,
ii ** « “ Penn,
ii I* •* “ Pike,
ii H « “ Union,
i ii •* •« “ Woodwardt
55ag 11
Ral. due School Fund from T(eas’r .
F G Miller, 91SS 85
Reo’d, January oth, 1864, of F. G. Miller, one hundred and
eighty six dollars and eighty five cents, in full for the above
balance of school fund. M>raEEßoN>
Wo, the undersigned. Commissioners of Clearfield County,
in the State of Pennsylvania, having examined the account of
F. G. Miller, Esq., Treasurer of eaia County, for the year 185 d,
da certify that we find as above stated—and the amount or out
standing debts due the County, to bo Five Thousand, Five Hu*
dred and Fifty Six Dollars, and Twenty Three Cents. _
Witness our hands, this oth day of January, A. D. -oqq.
PHILIP HEVENEB, ) Commissioners.
Attest—G. B. Goodlander, Clerk.
85,539 11
We. the undersigned, Auditors of Clearfield County, having
examined the accounts of F. G. Miller, Esq.. Treasurer of said
County for the year A. D. 1863, Do Report'that the accounts
are as above stated—that the balance due F- O. Millor by the
Countv. is Three Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars, and Sixty
Eight Cents, and thaf tho scud F. G. Miller has paid over to
his successor in office the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty
Seven Dollars, and Twenty Three Cents, balance of Road
Fund found due by said Treasure*;,. and also One Hundred and
Eighty Six Dollars and Eighty FiVe Cents, balance of School
Fund, due by said Treasurerr-rand also that the amount of out.
Ending debts due the County from Collectors and Unseated
Lands, to be Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty Six
Dollars, and Twenty Three Cents. . . n
Witness our hands this sixth day ofJanuary, A. D. 1864.
• G. W. SHOFF,)
C. KRATZER, y Auditory
B’. Qoovixudsb, Clerk.
10 79
13 00
9 68
3 98
8 29
8 48
15 78
$3950 23
90 13 Bal. due
-193 38 “
1 03 “
8 05
70 48
10 84
54 01
122 44
21 30
34 59
14 94
00 89
3 62
01 48
32 18
602 05
§93 93 Bal. due-*
99 41 “
42 90
41 20
20 08
< 12 07
o oa
41 15
3 68
38 89
1 45
65 23
143 71
4t 07
39 ‘49:
VW 70
69 92
873 97
IA9 Ihe-Repiifellcart; "
; h published' every Wednesday, by D.
8 65 W. Mocmr. & Clark Wilson, at the low y
74 Dd mte of SI n year payable in advance.—-
0 02 If not paid within threomonths®! 25 will
34 13 bo changed. If not paid within six months
20 03 $1 50. If not pnid within nine m6ntM
4 00 ,SI 75. And if not paid within the year
41 33 S 3 00 will bo charged.
73 40 1 Advertisements inserted at the rate of
8 72 ’®l per square for the first three insertion!,
83 14 land twenty-five cents for each additional
101 52' insertion. A liberal reduction made to
77 541 those who advertiso by the year.
78 19 1
ii 40:
03 03,
95 87,
24 40 j
67 60
17 57
13 02'
2 05
30 59
53 86 'j
17 58
62 72
48 88!
124 19
52 6.2
1225 84
85550 23 2759 22
1600 00
81129 78
41 81
3 10
209 16
4 28
7 33
33 72
12 00
3 94
327 23
802 66
§lO9 84
950 98
81060 82
14 92
1 50
2 47
11 37
49 70
18 09
28 04
1 57
10 96
4 34
2 00
46 11
180 85
873 97
81000 82
]L®©lk 4.©'
JT (ako plea:
JL old friend:
nil kinds
®ihan any otliei
Madelphia. Cal
jjjSmistake the p!
igjsite the Penn:
gtjipot. Goods i
sldnys after pui
«»keep Moss Poi
|§Whitc Lead,
sgjjof which will
for casl
ALL Collectors previous to 1863, wiU
take notice, that if the whole amCTWt
of their Duplicates are pot paid in fiiu on
or beforo May Court, they con positively
expect, to pay Sheriff’s costs immediately
after Court. And a number of Collector*
for 1853 will bo dealt with in the same
manner if they do not attend to this notice.
We are determined to have those outstandt
ling debts duo the County collected ioor»
j dor to make cash payments for all liabui*
| ties in the future progress of the busines*
lof the county. By order of tho Com n.
' G. B. GOODLANDER, Clerk.
1 Clearfield, Feb. 25,1854.
ClearffieM Pottery*
FR. LEITZINGER, respectfully in
forms tho public, that he constantly
keeps on hand a good assortment of fancy <
Peltery ware, such ns Crocks, Dishes and
Stove Pipe Collars of every convenient
size. Farmers if you want to buy cheap,,
give us a call at the Clearfield Pottery,
Inear George Orr’s Blacksmith Shop.
! Country produco will bo taken in ex
change for ware, and a liberal reduction
made to wholesale purchasers,
January 11, 1854 —ly,
February 1,1854.
NOTICE is hereby given to all per
sons, not to purchase or in any way
meddle with tho following described prop
erty now in possession of A- Wnrfen, in
Brady township, as tho same belongs to. i
us, and are only on loan to him, viz • /
One two horse wagon, one bay horse and I
harness, one bay maro and harness, ono
cow, 2 steers, 2 tons of hay, ono wind mill,
lour acres of rye, and 12 acres of wheat-ip
the ground.
Feb., 15th, 1854.
HE stockholders of the Snow Slioa
j and PacHorvillo Turnpike RoadCojn-
Ewill hold on election at tho Court
io in Clearfield, on Saturday the 11th
day of March next, to elect a President.
Treasurer and Managers for snid Compa
ny By order of tho board.
J AS. T. LEONARD, Sec’y,
I Clearfield, Feb. 28, 1854.—2vv.
alt ‘EastWo
HAS removed his offico to the room
adjoining on tho cast the Drug Store
of Dr. H. Lorain, and will devoto his
whole attention to tho practice of his pro
fession. Ho mav bo consulted in JtencA
and German. ' Jan. 26,
At. 3LAW*
OFFICE, adjoining his residence ciq
Second Street Clearfield, Pa. Hav
ing charge of Judge Barrett’s unfinished
business, Judge B’s. chants will find their
papers in his hands, and obtain front him
such inforrpatioin as they may desire,
mus'uUao of PatlWHhip.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
partnership horetoforc existing be
tween J. Y. D. Murphy, and W. H.Smith,
of the Borough of Curwensville, was dis
solved o» !h. 29.1. of Jg, v
Curwensville, Fob. 15,1854.-3 t.-pd,
A FARM on the river, near Curwens-i
villo with about ninety acres of clear-.,
ed land now in the occupancy of Benjamin
Moore. For torn?? apply, to t
WM- IRVIN, Curwcnsydlo. ■
Jap., $5, 1,864-rTpd,-
■ •
ON Tuesday night amall Gold
Breast Pin.onittle value to any obe.
but the owner. Tne finder will be reward.'*
ed on returning it to thd subscriber, "v. . '■
I°, i854.-tf.
Fifty Bushels of Beans, .
ON Hand and for sale at Bmtlh’» Ct>e*p
StotoCurwensviUo, Pa -Jan. 25 's^.