Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 28, 1854, Image 1

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    ■■ fffpr - ... .... ; .-J
! .. gjumiMUtf: —The; lark i revoking thfc
chitlot of tbe'Franklin; Qanal Oempony,.
mui? it the' daty of the <3ouernpr. to lake
such- measures as might be necessary to.
carry iW provisions into effect. To per
form' iho 'duty thus imposed upon, me,. I,
repaired, immediately to tho city of .Brie,
-and the seat of government on.
Thursday morning last.' 1 embrace.this
, esj|y opportunity ofcommunicaling toyou
thft «SuU B * ' " ”■■■■■ ■' •
i - 'On the second, instant, I caused, in copy?
r *ofith» »y together with a. CQfUMnni^
i notion reis*jrmg to its provisions! to be pre«|
stmwd'-to the,President and PjreotorMf
- the FranWin;Canal Company ?-and irnfhe-;
- glutei? l • thereafter; took, 'possession of: the'
... rfttmfid o^itned,bv said Company, in the
«une,pf the Commonwealth, and appoin
ted WilHam F. Packer, Esq., tosupcrin-
k *d
S' 1
•I*-- „■*
r f -'' m ■
operations, with the power to se* siblo-route in'tho State. !
jtotituqh assistants m 'ght be found no* In 1844, the corporation wad created for
pessary; ~, tnb purpose of-improving the French
Arrangements were subsequently made creek division of-the Pennsylvania; canal,
with-tto Cioavela n <fi Painavillo and Ash* j tho State reserving: the, right to re.possess
tabula Railroad- Company, to stock.and|eaidcanal atanyiime thereafter,byre*pny*
uM.aaid road on terms and conditions jingthe company tho amount of monoy
deemed just to all parties interested, ; and expended iti its 'improvement, withsir
advantageous to the public. The business per cen interest. ;
tbarefore, has been fully resumed. oa the . In April, the company was aur
entire line from Cleaveland to Buffalo, and ihorjzed to construct a railroad on the bank
will hereafter, in my opinion, be transac* of said canal, and to extend the eamofrom
tpd in a moaner more advantageous andjtho head of the canal north ,lo Erie, and
ogreable to tho traveller and transporter, south to Pittsburg; the Legislature ex
(Mtl at any. former period. ; pressly reserving the right to revoke the
The accompanying correspondence be* charter of the company, should tho privi
tween the officers of the Franklin Canal legekgranted be at any time “misused or
Company and myself, together with the abused.’' The company made no attempt
annexed copy of the contract with the tq improve said canal, nor to construct the
Railroad Company, for stockingitnd using rnilroad from tho termini of the canut to
the toad from Erie to the State line, will Pittsburgh or Erie. In, 1850, however,
exhibit to youths details of my actions they commencedthe construction of a rail*
under the law road from the Ohio state line to. tho city
. If affords mV unaffected pleasure, to in* of Erie, parallel with the lake, and near*
form you, that notwithstanding the violent «» a right angle with the route assigned
controversy which had been maintained to them by the Legislature.. ' .
Tormonlhs pastj between tho railroad com- They wore early adertomshed against
; panies and the people of Erie, and the rais attempt, .In ISSIi the Pittsburgh and
higb dogrce oC excitement incident to such p ri ® railroad company; intituled proceed
* coatest. I Encountered but ings against the Frahklin canal company t
ty in accomplishing the objects of the law. >n the Supreme Court; on tho ground that
No serious disposition was manifested at Biey had no right to construct n road on
any iime, to resist the authority of tho the location Which they wer 0 attempting
i State. Fprbearance and prudence ap* to occupy.
{ peared to distinguish the conduct of the . In the spring of 1852, tlie Attorney Gen
t mass of tho people, as well as the action oral made complaint against said compa*
? ©fall the parties directly concerned, in the ny before the’Supreme Court; in the name
i adjustment of this unpleasent affair. of the Commonwealth; and prayed for an
t - Whilst; therefore, it is hoped that the injunction tq restrain the construction and
* settlement of the 'difficulty in the manner «fo of sa,d ; railroad; ,The;.op.nion of tho
; just iUdioated may.prove satisfactory, the Court “TtS—Sr ‘S
: restoration of peace and quiet to that com* 1853, by Chief Justice Rlack ; and
:• rauhity; will doubtless be n subject of grat* whtlst the injunction prayed for was refu*
elation 1 throughout the country, as. it cer* on tho techmcal ground,that the Com*
baldly Should be of gratification to you and monwealth could not, unde* the law, give,
: the Other authorities Of the Slate. With eecurUy for demeges the views of the |
an unfaltering determination on the part court literally annihilated the rights of the
; of the peoele of Erie, to maintain ihoir company to construct a road on the route
4 rights before the courts, and to insist up* which they were then occupying, and in
$ on measures of legislation for the promo* this.opinion he■ Circuit Cour ol.tto United
tion of their welfare, I feel assured that States, at Pittsburgh, has fully concurred,
they are equally prepared to restrain, and The Legislature of 1858 repealed the
if needa bo to resist iny act of violence to law requiring tho Commonwealth to give
persons or properly, or other acts in do* secumy fordamages.andthereby remo*]
; ved the only obstacle, m the way of a final
■ reg ion 01 the law, decree against the,company,, in tho case
' The claim of tho roie m pending. But inasmuch as the rail.
c ijy:° r 1° - # '® road, in tho meantime, had been completed
;-rliecr> thus,.maintained, tho inquiry na u* an( j tho. only, effect of the deoree would bo
: rally arises, shall a grant for a. roc e* [Q restrain the usoof the road, it was deem*
i tween these points be made, and ot» what ed propef tt>await the meeting oflhe Leg*
!*?*? DO , ialaturer the only power 1 that could prop.-
j’-expresalng the that the grant j and permanently disposeof this con*
ishoulchbo made, and as promptly; ns tro ' - f
4 convenient, and; thus. P ut . ■*« *?®HS,W r The LegislatnnTdid eel, and by virtue
I at rest." The. State should certaiffiy do of the reservations contained in the char
; this, or, .pay tq the stobkbolders of the (dr n j rtady fef arre d ,«>, revoked and an
l Franklin'CanaVrCompany, a fair compon*. nu n o( j o Utherights and privileges granted
I Ration for jto railroad cunstructed by them, to -. BWd .c om j )any> . :This railroad, with all,
end; Ithep it hersel f. Of these propositio s |t» appurtenances; is,' therefore, in the pos*i
| T inclined to prefer the former. gession of tho State, ahd its operations Un
a -Should the grant be made to a corporation jer the direction of an officer of her own
|r'i«ai“-6oiiditiohr;(ad; be annexed as will Belecl } ort« ; ; ; j
i " meet the wishes of ijie’people of Erie, pro* , brief,history will be sufficient, itis.
f . riiote. their welfare, extend the business fo vindicate the Commonwealth
lr qnd uifefuthbss of the harbor at that place, charge of having misled this
I ' and advance the’geheral prospenty ot the com p an y t by indulgence in their manifest
[■ ’'State, 'without subjecting travel or com* .{ DC i; na ti o n to assume rights not granted by
L merce-to mw than an incidental or una* j aw Those familiar - with- the subject, I
' Vy'qfdablff'inconvenierice. ," ' .' am confident, will agree with mo, in opin*.
r * ' Jlmohgst.the conditions, should .bo one fon, that the attempt on their part, to usurp'
! requiring this road to connect with t lhe the right has delayed an express grants
harbor, ftt Erio; and isuch other terms a 9 The company were admonished at every
\ ' tho * Gprieral Assembly may deem right 4tep, that they ijvere transcending their le*
? ' i |ina'prape'i“. ‘ t, ' V : . ■ gitifoafo provioco j 'but the only effect
i* ‘" *wito these remarks, under other ,dir« seemed tq 'be to stimulate them to greater
i < curo?t«h c 6 a » my duty pi'g lll closoi ' But Ipdignity to the State, qnd increased fatal*
i' the maniieat~ misrepresentations . tvbjqh i |t y ;in the consummation of their-bwn de*'
t !i Haye : _cnqracteriied the of this structidn. 1 ‘.v;,
' unpleasant controversy iu certain sections It’has been frequently alleged that the
f qflhe country, have induced me to pre. state, in her controversy with this corpo :
r rehf».biricf fl atatemenidf: the.fqpts qr tho ration,; wastictuated by a selfish motive;
’■‘’'SiWj'hsft defence dp jhe'Statoand tor rep* that shq desired to interrupt the tmnsit of
v; ;.peraon’B iind tonnage over that part qfher
’ “Tfce Commqnweqlfh hua had po con* territory,.; \
Vr tot ( 'sto,bcen iqqli,ned tot authorities long since hqve had
lo intSfere: their rjghraoir jutefesto; a final decree against; the company, uM
tr to unneewwily interrupt the trayql ,or restrained the use ofthe roadf and it will
also beppreeivedj thatassqqq asehpdid
1 s*;refreCtojry creajqr? of; M
ovm.'%Wch‘ had mewt palpably ‘'mlsujbd iareable td the public, were its
cbrpqwTpd thtftodpManib l * et unurthe as?embted apd diq*
oowek tlwt h*d in* posed qf
»fflXSrfffilrighte SeminMfdqnmiL^r |f propbriy! PrUdqhce«tPdn|uB»
'BdTpypr-this tod not granted the right to make * rciqd
pot, >yjll 9*ertB«l»fe* maqptMd*
construct kfIOWP Ai;
F* -
»l)TLE8? ;
’ •!>»** Ittii
-ound; 1
itaritie yet '•
lions o«nific*>*i f
leuU.altßDtloß if
[so ttoionaatt#)j|
kiitcjajdeil sacik
I Cure t “ i
f Mdj: Jai,
Hil, Ohio.
■ml mi) anulUr
■ uc'a witboo' it m
■ lieditunß ,ontiM
■w’dfcjr. If* has *«*
Had ha* hai/l thtiL
Wtum blvstfs* ol
iKMIt and mtad lolhdr
■d sail badfiliQTiiU
fc,*»d .WdutmcUta
«*■ of dolus barathea
bat hoUiiar bit
bedl-.uaa. hasii*ctfaitr
>uperiutendent if
I Itifictnary.
InU mo a lew more
lay not Brc.Hl.tidl ibtik
lcn« bat dime wbadtn—
Vbaihad bit follbf jaajl.
bl»B but. fuir J«at»d
thaiatliue' AlterTtbltt
I'.ao utou of mfaalevaae
m I) nviomi BlRKMrduir.
i> te> me ihkt *e Man
leolcur*. I clue tv* t »
ltd 'Aiii Oa'l t. Vbabtn
01 yeart. Thai rVilti bin
will bate the deiirtd #■
del by the liirMiailhi
m i>ori:«*a ..’«* •*»•
■no. ami I can.obccrtHl
*ei)r. Brunei fullir »(,*«,
UlldON tiAtlOUn, i
Mhutbala Co, wfinadft. -
{.Travelling AgeM.
irlieUl -tf . K. AUN.IU),
ar*.— B»pt. V.lbjb.—Jjt
iffiU flroe'eijr,’ v J
aoretreaii to*«« it*
tv Bltet(VHsMarhii."'¥
Matmoßfo Ktepat-LtaC
l«r J
romplrla at*ofiia«atot*j
.xßtl nil iheieadiacarv \
lit sSuD ItU tk\
|li. ash* IS piepattd ioVr
9 pltatfle " • : ?
; J.K:EBY \
u >ct ihe'at liana'ailSf
lo be of *oo3 quality. g*4
ju jcgri 4te tea
ly sew ooe b# me* fTSTTJI
mi Jm U uitpaiMU foraUk
►ruper oiiiOb*r. '■-%
\ TUOiM3:lfi^
\VILLE, V4,:\ f
ill u PBIVA-fl tULB.I*
[ENT UuTEL j« lh.W*»
MUltf ‘ '■ *' ■ *
001*11/ ul tiialo- ud fillet
luilnwi part of bwiamlfr
l/iea tuih wUi'c-bs-c-oMf
imlilio hoote' TbOfU.W’
icon valiant ilotua. Uietbf i
• tmrt Inoiabla tiimi. and
r Isaac uuuauui
k&2 CdutitijJPeisj£>
Etc CO. b<ilik*B‘lolßf*n»
t, fqifee above moot idM«<
►l*r ©*hi*itn#f# jwf
h tlore. (DM ft* Uif CWjPh
ie, Tia W*«f. fitttfj WJI
L aod Mftdiclae*. &<’*£!&
lob to Jidf Btace bi tIuJIW,-
B;,x/5i h *w^©
booth aUkUd<cf
Piodttce.Aa/o-r i^uML
Kec at tbti oJdiiiftd it yin
hut i *oeif fct ft firte «W«M
Spued loiei; «w
Mssd order, ob l&a»halfl|i
k pIBOO. BBd >M liUUßpftj
bail# Bomißr.fOT ».WfC
iurosh«»d«^'tf# i &
; j.>al&jm£*ov,cs
iiOtjSbß *¥'
[ho art deairOßldOrMj
-Jtt to the FntnkHa Canal Company.
2b ifr ,*SWMW aiid :JR^ire»r^a-
A WfiEktv MampY. ANg; and Domestic iNTEiMGENcfi.
;,v-1 ; PmM&rihojj-. fish.--flltragfoig pf'- ' WaEtfl&tsadtiiy 'Mpmikg<hy'&mM~Wo Mmm & #nlle®m.
Valutne «,
farcorporations for the protection/if the
public, db it would alsb bo useldsb to ginint
additional railroad chbHefd.vtJnderbuch
d latitudindrian ConstructionJ aa claimed
bythoFranklincanal a|.
ready .in existence could occupy every fea-
? * : Clcnrfiel<l,l»n„ Feb’y. $BB, ‘1854.
Wq* it opt, tosaythe .l<sQst of it, prosump-,
tuotis to conclude that‘the State would
confirm this fraud upon her rights ?' Would
it not have been the port of wisdoni to
have'rested quietly until the Stdte hadlc
golizedft route ..from Erie ;west ? :1 kijow
that the affirmation.of this,,is held by, gen*
ilomen connected ip. interest, with the rail
roads. To this unfortunate movement,
tnorfi than to any other, may bo attributed
a degree of excitement and resistance on
the part of the people of , Eriecpunty, for
which they arid the State nuthorities have
been so much censured.
' The citizens of Erie and the present
Executive have been condemned for a leg
ing that there should be a break of gauge
at Erie; and I must.beg your indulgence
on this point for a moment. ' ,
A demand for an unnecessary break of
railroad guage, and the consequent tran
shipment of tonage nnd passengers, it will
be conceded would be nn.illiberal exaction,
and an improper interruption of tho.Com
morco'ofthe country. But such is not the
position of the'question at Erie.■ The ne
cessity, for a break of guage between the
West and the Atlantic cities, results from
the policy ofNew. York and Ohio, nnd not
from that of our own State. The rail
roads of Ohio are uniformly'four feet ien
inches wide, and those Of New York, four
feet eight and n half inches, except one,
which is six. feet in ..width. A tranship
ment is therefore inevitable. It must oc
cur, and the only question is as to the
proper point. After nll*the I
have'given the subject, I must again re
■ peat what I said in my annual message,
that I can see no reasons founded in pub
lic policy why-thn-broak ohoutd ooour at
Buffalo, that do not apply with equal force
to Erie. - • - •" V
: The impediment-to trade irndtravcl will
bo alike nt either point, with the advan
tage of greater unoccupied space at .the
latter. Nor have I been able to discover
why it is, that if a break of
entirely Unimportant, there should be so
! much solicitude to have it at the city of
Buffalo, or to understand how this city has
escaped the execrations so freely heaped
upon the city of Erie. If a transhipment
at Erie be so prejudical to4he commercial
interestsnf New York, why .is ndto break
qt Buffalo equally 'so? ■ There is now a
break of gauge at each, and not
strange that whilst .the latter city has com
plained of Erie, it has failed to discover a
similar obstruction of- trade and travel in
its own vicinity. When:this,shall have
been removed it will be time enough,, it
seems to me, to complain of Pennsylvania.
To illustrate this idea still more forcetbly,
suppose it were possible 1 to force that nar
row Btrlp'cfterrlbiry eastward-for ;a“few
miles, and permit NewiYork hndcOhio to
come.togetherat Erie, then.where wcmjd
be the break of railroad guage, and who
wbffid be at fault? When the capitalists of
New York commenced tho construction of
a railroad from the city of Bufialo west
ward, differing •jn width from., the .other
.roads of that state, they had .determined
to impose upon commerce the ipconveni-
I ence incident to transhipment. 1 Solicitous
Ins lam to facilitate intercourse between
the great West and the Atlantic cities, and
| to maintain a liberal policy towards neigh
boring Slates, I have been unablo, to dis
cover a reason, in public policy .why this
1 unavoidable transhipment sho’uld noi occur
■at Erie. Such d position is- not; wanting
iin courtesy or our neighbors.
Now, York has selected her policy as to the
width of railroads.. She desires to extend
them westward, arid Pennsylvania is wil
ling lb admit them; Within her limits. 11 Ohio
on the.other hand desires to get .eastward,
and Pennsylvania extends to her an equal
degree of courtesy. .The latter State usks
1 do 'advantages she is willing to extend her
roads to Ene,‘ and meet'New York and
Ohid'oneqiial-lermsi bn herdwn territory;
Surely no want of courtesy
in.this positiqn. Eovvey(?f tpuch she may
regret, the necessity for a* transhipment,
she ha* not the poWer tb’obviate it; ';
-But bn the other hand it is demanded
that a guage of railrond, unusual to Penn*
pylvania and New. York both, with which
neithercan connect, should p#tend from
Ohio to the city of Buffalo, on q lino' a
mile and more south of the harbor of Erio,
and cut|iing,oirUie chances of Mttneption
wTtli the'Sunb'ury and Erie, in the former
nt-'the latter.-*; This afrangeinent may an-'
swee the.owpere;of the road better than the
public. It bps bepnpasigneef as,nreason
for this policy that Buffiiio is a greater city
lhanErie,that tho former should be re,-
garded as tho eastern termini of the wes
tern butenes*; * Atlantic cilids will dcaree
ly be .wiU|ng';to pdopt Uusidea,;. c, ■ .
I, however, regard the connection of this
Eakb Share road, and Sunbury and Erie,
add Uta- Wtabnrg and Brie
the lake, at thebsrborofErie, q* : vastly
more .important to the Si*to and the, P,ity
of Erie than the termini of tho gauges.
Thai harbor htErie iaoneofthesafeatoDthe
lake, and it* other natural ndvanuige* are
not surpassed* It can be connected with
(he' Atlantic’ giikik by- a ahortorand better
I railroad coiijihdnieatiotf than any other,
|*»4 itneedqbtotblqtiiidaceitinpo*^
T»vaio to anticipate of*
•/ ; h ¥ • > .- A iT v. ,* •; V
tho vast.prpducts of the country in that
hdrbhr,''unless facilities be afforded ’to
transportation to and from’ it. Nor is'it
any more rcasdhdble to present ’ the con
dition of buisness in the harbor, at this timo
as an argument against the construction of
such facilities; It would baas sensible; to
expect tp discover full grown corn, in the
uncultivated forest, as to find the vast pro
ducts of i the bouritrjr in d hatbPr from
which there is nomeansbftransit. The
natural,advantages of, this ...horbor. ;hn,yo
been thu9 for rudely rejectedbut this pol
icy, I nh) confident, cannot be longer
maintained. The increasing business bf
the country will demand the use of this
eligible spot as it necessity; as lam also
enfident, the connection of the lakes with
Philadeiphia by railroad, will distinguish
nri era of renown growth and greater pros
perity to thecitv of Erie nnd tho surround
ingcountry. ■ ■• ’• 11 |
I have approached tho discussion of
this subject with much Teluctaoco, becauso
of the unpleasant feelings which it hns ex
cited in certain sections of the country. I
have only been constrained to do so by a
sense of duty to the, Stale in her sovereign
capacity. Witji tho controversy which
has been so vigorously maintoined for a
year or more at Erie—with tho crimination
and re-crimination between the railroad
corporations and > the citizens, between
conflicting interest at Cleveland, Erie and
Buffalo, and tho peculiar policy that each
may have used to accomplish tho end.- in
view, I have not felt required to intefere,
nor to correct tho various' misrepresenta
tations of my official acts in reference to
tho Intodfliculties. nt.JSrift;..-I -hava -fell]
most concerned Tor the State and her chr
acter. For Pennsylvania, the birih place
of the declaration of Independence—the
prolific mother of brave hearts and stout
arms, ever ready to defend the country
fjgninst forego nggresion—rtho bulwark of
pur national strength in domestic coflicts-r
tho Keystone of the Federal Arch, ; and
the unfaltering defender of the constitution,
she willUsk only what is right; and submit
to dothing that is wrong. Whilst she will
never yield haf rights to tho usurpations of
creatures of her own or suffer tlie. ,inva
sion of her sovereignty by those of another
Stated slie will never make dn unjust or
lihrcosonnblc demand upon others. Claim
idg her rights and seeking to premote her
own ,>e.vcry pToper. means,' sho
lyill eyor, xejoice. at the prpspect of neigh
boring Slates, : ond advance ihoir interests
by* every just mennsia her power.
. ExEcuTmrCuAJiBES, ■ ? •
Harrisburg,,-1854. )
Newspapers —-Hp.o is a clergyman’s
opinion of newspapers: Rev. Dr. Eanlel
Baker, of'Texas; says 'lie has tra velled
through a groat, many Slates,,mixed with
tho people, cdpyersed, at the: Country fire
side, and preached; in ,the open forest as in
the thronged city. Wherever he found
odwspapters ' he- found intelligent people
whom heeouldlalk or listen to with pleas
ure, and among whom his’rgood wdrk
prospered. As a general thing where a
newspaper is not taken, liq could in
the slovenness of. the household, the igno
rance of the children in civilization be
tween those who do lake newspapers and
those who do not, that the traveller in the
country will bo pleased and entertained
by tho one, while he will despise the other
without knowing the cause to wnicli the
difference is attributable.
. fiirThe extreme modesty attributed to
females of the present day, appears to have
been productive of some benefit to married
men.' We heard of a husband yesterday
who has thereby become master of fiirf
house again—a matter he has been unable
to accomplish' foif several years past. On
a alight squabble in the morning as to who
should wear the pants, the Wife got the
best of it,, and putthem on, when the 'gude
man’ suggesting that the buttons had.eyes;
his : wife’s 'modesty , was so shocked that
she burst into (ears and pulled tho pants
right off! ' ; . .
j Coot:—How indifferently an , act of
politeness is ofiep-*eceived js .aptly set off
by/the following .atory: “An English-and
a Gorman did alldn his power to draw
his company into'conversation, but to no
purpose; ai one moment he would,, with a
superabundance of politeness, appologize
for drawing his attention to tho fact that
the ash of his cigar had,fallen on his waist
coat,.or a spark was endangering his nee.
kerchief. At length the englishman ex
claimed: “Why can’t you leave me alone.
Your coat-tail has been burning = for the
last ten miputos, but I didn’t bother you
about it," :
The immigration into lowa,'the present
season, is astonishingahd - unprecedented,
fottfaites*. alter day
noise are Jinetl with,, cattla and wag<>ps,
pushing ontowardst|iia prosperous State.
a point beyond Febrja, during a single
morith, seventeen hundred and fbrty-thrce
. wagons had passed, and all for lowa,
: P, T.’&rauihahd ; JohnN.Genip,have
each given: slo# for the : friendless obit*
dree picked un by Mr. pease at the T>ye
Toipts, Now York, t j.. ~
.> -M > *
"tit : */• i •>
' k. : ' lortlltßepublican..
| r . ,
‘ A great question is now beingdtscussed,
a question of mbre Tcnpoftance than any
other which lias been before the country
a measure which ifttdopted, it is believed
wi!l. v confcr ,on society und the country in
calcolablo benefits, and on the other hand
if it fails lire, mischiefs Which if is intended
tcirprevent Will bo continued and porpctud
fed. . ”!
-/Thequesiion I bore allude 10, is——Will
the people through their representatives
chact n lay intended to' eficiitualiy pre
vent the manufacture and sale ol intoxica
ting liquors in any forni, except ob
provided in the proposed law. ' This
question seems to be agitating ihe public
mind,not only in our own state ,but throbjjh
out the Union. The time hns, or soon will
come, when Vvo the pcopleof Pennsylvania,
must decide this! question for ourselves.
We may no longer remain neutral or in
different to the great issues depending on
the success or failure of this measure. We
must choose sides whether wo will or not.
-Wo cannot stand aloof and say it does ri6t
concern Us; as wo all havo a deep ahd a
biding interest in the result. Let us then
consider well what we are about to do.
The responsibility is on us—wo.cannot a
void it. ,
And when properly and calmly consid
ered it does seem to mo that never was a
question submitted to an intelligent peo
ple on which they might * so easily make
up their miuds as on this. Reason, com
mon sense, and tho experience of mankind
all cooßpiro to prove the pernicious conso
quoncts attendant.onjhq use of intoxica
ting liquors, and if tho people wore called
to voto on the naked question, stated some
thing like this—‘ls the use of alcoholic
liquors injurious to individuals and society,
or— not ?’ ■ Wo might suppose that a
universal affirmative would be thqi answer,
and thus be led to think that there would
bo little or bo opposition to; the passage of
a law prohibiting the traffic in, and sale of
intoxicating liquors for the purpose before
mentioned. Yet such is not the case.—
There are those who are opposed lo the
passage ofthislaw, and it would be strange
if it were not so. All great reforms in ev
ery oge.haye had. to ebalChd Ugainst op
position until the light of science, end truth
gained the victory over ignorance, preju
dice, and error- And. tholemperance re
form is not,siugular in this respect. Yef
Jit will nevertheless go'on and -ultimately
triumph in spite ofall that demagogues and
party politicians may or ogainsfit.
A little while;ogo, ahd it wits as a cloud
“no bigger than a man’s hand.” What is
it now? Why it is spreading over the
Whole face of, and is about to
take precedence over till other questions.
The people are .every where becoming
wide awake, and seem determined to -rid
themselves of the baleful influence of tho
traffic in intoxicating liquors. Societies,
Conventions and publications are bringing
forth light on thisquestiqn-r-Chrjstian min
isters are calling the attention of their
hearers to this great moral reform. The
people are speaking at the ballot box in
tlieir choice of representatives—and last,
not least, the public press, that mighty en
gine which weighs so powerful an influence
over the public- mind, is speaking, yes,
speaking against this accursed traffic,
When I say tho press, i rpoan the inde
pendent press, and not the political party
newspapers of the day— most of this class
are silent on thoaubject, nnd why, because
a blind devotion to moro party names and
usages is with them above every other con
sideration; They, fear, that the agitation
will pr may disturb or change tho relaliye
position of the present political parlies by
bridging a now element Into the elections
that might sunder party ties, and, break up
tho-present organ! zatiqn, which exists on
ly for power, place, and plunder. , These
party presses would have us bolievo that
tbe.'queslion pf prohibition tpas npt a po
litical one, and ought not to come into the
elections, qnd are sustained in this course
by office holders, offico hunters, and par
tizan politicians. Nqw, Iwouldusk these
Gentlemen, what arepolitioal questions ?
’erbaps for ab answer you will refer us to the
platforms of the two great political parties
made at Baltimore; and what will we find
there? Why, that both are made of about
the same kind of lumber, and some of it a
little rotten too,
I do not recollect exactly what the Buffa
lo platform* was made of, hut think if was
ofa dark kindofwood, and bad that peep
liar odotir about it .that belongs to the ne
gro race. You may. fell OS that (be United
States ,ißank,. Subtreasury, River and
(larbor improvements and whether “Nig
gem” be admitted into tho new territories
or net, arc political questions.
| ami ready to admit that ait these ques
tions;,have relation lo the internal politics
of the state or nation, yet t contend that
all Questions which are the subject of po
sitive InwjVare political, only aifihring in
degree or importance from 'he conseqen
co3 to ensucTrpm • tlw enactment of: any
or each particular law. . J
-' Wo have then here a political question
of the first magnitude, and so grant i* the
ohango or reform x» be brought ebouf byj
tho are advooatmg.ihat the ’
taka lh» responsihil
i*y; t!i*lqw, 'seems'about ioAty
pa# from the usual ’ course "of*'lbglsidtfoih
and ask the people (o ratify iheiract before
it shall have the force of law 1 . Tlitisrtw.
king it 1 a political question, and no coin*
mon or ordinary' ono, andbelievedby
tnany to bo of rnbroconseqiien’ceto
lure well being of society . than'qlliotheit
political qucStioni pihVvtogother; : '" i
The popular will as shown by. politics
and meetings, demands thq tihaptmdnir of
the prohibitory law, ahd w'e tljihK that thd
legislature by passing it at ottceandabso
lately, would be but obeying and carrying
Out the wishes of a majority of the people;
But it is knowiv that there are some mem
bora of the legislature, Who, althoughthey
may bo well convinced of the evils result*
ing from tho traffic in'intoxicatirig liquprq,
drb yet of tender conscience, and will hdj
go for an absolute law "regardless of' de
nunciation from any quarter.” Those
. men wish to: shill ti)o responsibility add
I refer the question to the people. - Be it So
, —we do not fear the result of suChrefo'r-
I ence.' Give us then: the daw, a special
I election, a fair field, ahd no favors 4tid
, |God defend the right; i, • i! ’ '
Number «*
I mighr.go. on and describe the evil# of
intemperance resulting from tho'/ UqUbr
traffic, but it is unnecessary. IfyOU ttrtint
the evidence* iho proof, go to the Jails,-thb
Courts, the Almshouses and Penitentiaries.
If you don’t get enough there, then go to
the home of the drunkard and you will be
satisfied, . ;i '
■ Now what arguments have been or ’coh
Uo brought on the other aide 7 ' Who'; wilt
venture to Bay that the use of Alcohal'di*
any of its forms ns a beverage is übehoflt
.to mankind? Why do.not the.opponents
of a prohibitory law send out their .chain*
pions openly and boldly to proclaim to the
people that they.are about to bo v deprived
of a grentgood?. Deprived of the right'of
getting drunk by the 1 stoppage of .the sale
of intoxicating liquors. Gome on then yo
friends of the rupn traffic—rdon’lbO asham
ed to stand up to the work.iike men.. Wo
are ready to meet you in_ any. court —'be-
fore any tribunal, or at the bar ofpublib
opinion. If we fight we want some body
to stand up to us. : >
And now Messrs. Editors, as before're
marked, the time has come to take sides.
On what side ,will ,tho ‘Republican be
found? Will it rpmain silent,? .
take no part in the mighty effort that is now
being made to jrid| .the State frotto the per
nicious influence pf this degrading had soul
destroying traffic—-to redeems the wotld
frpra the greatest curse.known 4o, civiiitW
man? ■. ■' ; vat
Horrible Attempt At Sciciob T-Abput
half-past nine o’clock this morning, awftita
woman tinmed Margaret Feenv.rebjdihg
in a dirty, dark and dismal celfer.amphg
the colord population of St, Mary's: street,
above Seventh, attempted to commit suicldo
by chopping her head off with it hatchet.
The woman is an appalling spectacle of
the effects ofUxceMive ruin dritikinganU
otheif ! di*Bipati6ir.' u Sho laid herself down
on* tho filthy-floor, and cut two'aprvdie
gashes in her neck; In ‘ the : wildtfessr of
despair, she commenepd beating hersiifoa
tho head with the pole of the I hatched ph4
inflicted a number of
She hecaihC exhausted, ahd'hergroaWfkl-.
tracted thb Inmates of tho upuer part if -the
house; Several officers of taepolkih tfwl
her conveyed to the elms hoqi*er Vil i“ 3r
There are those high ip power and place,
from whom woitavo a right: tp expoct nn
expression- of opinion op any .or all pf the
great leadingquestionsborore the,country.
A crooked and doubtful;.policy,,-(or.ex
treme modesty if you like it.-, belter}; b#»
prevented such expression of ppini.on.l6fl
this question where the constitutional Jigbt
existed to give it! Tovßuch I would say,
bewnre,i thp hand.writing, rnay he; on: the
wafi. ,‘jfbere.aro editprs .aisn who doubt
less have pti opinion: on ; this liquor, tjues
lion, who may be. too mpdpst to.intrude.
thdir ppculiar vioiys ftriptbs/s, or wHb’rnay
be restrained by political,party cohsidefft
tions from making their opinions pubjjp.
Whether you Messrs, .editors, are of'this
number, 1 leAvb for yourselves to say. ‘j
i have no desire tp dictate to, 'pr,’say
What course the ‘Republican’ should take,
but as one of your subscribed would like
to Hove your views on the subject, as wCll
as nil the information you pan furnish in
relation to a question"of ’ser mudh ‘dohife*
quedee to each and all of your readersV 4
Curwenavillo, Feb. 10, 1554." •'
Foreign News— Late Arrivals-— The Amer
ica and Canada ate both in,.- Bet thpy bring
no news decisive, of the question of wnr or
peace. - ■ .■ .: '■■■ -i
A battle is reported to hflvobeen fought
at Knlafqt, in which the Turks 'arß repre
sented as victorious; bitt the report: needs
confirmation. a • ,cl
The Canada brings Liverpool datcojo
the 4th inst. The Queen of England ripen
ed parliament in person. Her speech irv
reference to the eastern question is.moder
ate —she will still persist in her efTortsio
secure peace, but she nevertheless advises
an augmentation of the military and na
val forces/ .The reply of the British Min
ister to the i nquiry of the Czar, as to;4ho
object of the combined fleet in tboßlSck
Seu, wap not considered .satisfactory .by
the. Russian Minister, and his.oarly dtipar
turo was looked for. It is rumored that
tho. Russiap fleet .has been dostroy.ed, bm
wo place no confidence in the report, .ft
is a|sp, said that 9fl,QQ v o french troopSibave
been ordered to the Danube, buf this weido
not credit. The allied fleets had rejumed
from the Black Sea to their former anchor
age in Bay, Col. Pejn, a French
officer, pronounces the Turkish army Pfl
tho Danube capable of keeping ihelßus
sians in check for a long time, hill;;
thuy arp deficient in cavalry. ; ; : n
There* wqs very liulo chqnge inthe jtpflr*
kets, qnd, ou the, whole, wo ere os much
in the dark as over, pur own opinion,! 1
there will bo npgenoral.,tyqr r ;•.,