„ ■ UABIUCAU Happiness and Competence! •* »» -. *■ i - - . ; . WJIYIS IT I , rTHIATW. behold manr femiilci. eosrc.ln iha mcrldl.n of Jff'lE* .PM. .plnuwlih a oomplloationcf d.pitvla, them of tlia Dower lor Ibe 81 »■ *«» '»•'«» t hr«lonl ho. th, Uaoraatr r,ROFBSBOR UF DISEASES OF WOMEN. OH».n«ndrcdlh Edition,?Bmo pp, 250. Prico 50cta, (lT"\hile paper, extra binding, $1 00.) ff jfirat pobliabod in 1847, and it is not .WMJftPfIISJNG OR WONDERFUL CMWleringihoiEVE/JY FliftMLK, WIiIiTIIKR t OR NOT, can hero arijuiro a full >9tMWledg« of iho nnjure, character and cause 61 . t-tier complaints, willi' 1110 vufious eymloms.and . filial nearly . - HALF A MILLION COPIES Should haye been sold. Jf.lftiatpnurtliiabls to Conroy fullr the Tarione inbjccti mettd.of,»» they ere of a milo.o ilriailr Intended for the , gSWvS'Aboie contrmplatinn merrinee, hut no female ? B *V*** oTMjoytaf health, aoutbat beauty eonieqoentnpon ftwltb, which la so csndacHretokerownhnppircii.&nl that m hwhmband. btu cHhorhaa or will obtain it. a» ti&tor will *VffT7ottiDaad whohat tbolovo ami afleoticmof hit wife ni baiirt.rrthatol hi* own peooatrty lrao*ovmi,ert. . Ui'JVAMM OPOaNK|jUMri(KI)TIiOUSA«ND COPIES birt tih.S riJV AlAllj within tb« lot few moat ha. f CAUTION TO~TIIE PUBLIC. '<•. L be NOP DEFRAUDED. ' A Bnf no book unleu Dr. A. al. Maariccai. UP. Idhertr etvset,n. * .. Ison the tttlo pace, end tha entry in IhaClerk’a Unoeon the back orthetltiepaae: and bp.y onlrofrerpeote, b*»*» sent, (mailed Free,} to any pnrlot the {united,Slates. All letfcre must bo poet paid, and ctddrbssed to Dr. A. M. Matirieenu, Box 1224, New Vork City. Publishing OlTico, No, 129, Liberty el New Pork. . For Salk bv Blanch and Crop, Harrisburg ; J dwaVfe, Bloomiburg; J. W. Wcrlh, Lebanon; J. W, Farmlnger,Manheim; 11. W. Smith, Huntingdon, S,’McDoheld.Unionldwni J. M> Boom. JVow Berlin II A Land?. Reading! E T Morse. Cranesvilie, N y.;‘R PCrocder, Brownsville! Wentz and Starke f’etbondale; Eld red and Wright, Williamsport; S T|»ck, Wilkesbarre; Geo W Earle, Waynesboro; R Otbehy, Mercer: s Leader. Hanover; S W Taylor, jUftetf R- P Cummings, Somerset; T B Peterson', Hbilidblphie; John LeForgo, Millard. Pe.; and in Nsw.y° r k Cilv by Slringer and Townsend, Adm ■Hce,'Sherman & Co. Dcyvilt and Davenporl,Burnea 'JOFFICE, 129, Liberty Street, aearCroeawlch, iraywjssa-tim. ' fiedCciats \?ortby n place in all Families. fieing Prepared by a Regular Graduate efftijl Physician of 30 years Experience. ROSE tiaa Honorary Member of the FhUadel * Madioai sJocietr, and jrmiQ&tei into. from the UalrertUjr of I’enniylTaoia, under iba guidance of tbe'ru rrjHPUsent Professors Fhyilrk. Chapman. Gibson, Coxa, jJamrs and Hate—names celebrated for medical itlt*Sfl r «OllaUoti bj thousands of bis patients to put up hit Fftpunlions, be now offers to tbs public at the mulioi kit fortes past thirty year*, tbe fot.owing valuable *»d Ineigototinf .CordlaWThe Greatest Disoorery fa-Medicaieclenuo.—This astonishing Preparation for railing Ml wuk constitution* debilitated by oare. labor, itudy 01 oiswte. acts rke a o larm. It (ires strength and appetite, and poetesses treat layicoruilog properties, Heart ulseis?. all Nervons Affections, Flatulence. UeartfiarQ.&ailiesMiesi, Numbness, Ncnral.ia, ralitoc tbe ktnnta. and airluff nowtt/ to the whole system, it Js almost fauaeaJQUi /a .ta ijfleota. to oenu a bottle. TIJE CHEAT PAIN CUfIEK. J>OYOfl SUPPER WITH ANY PAIN.-Ifroo do too vrttfflftd Immediate relief by win* Dr. (iutlE'S PAIN CUR JBB. It • the only preparation which caret almost instantly, BAM Throat. Rheumatism (rota Colds. Palo* in the Side. Bank, or Himbs :Faoo, liar Tor Tooth Ache; titomsoh or Back: BtHlNejk, Brahes,Corot,and<'hii> Dialp*. Whiircrcrrotrharonain, uselho PninCorer, Safe ,1# all iffei; prioe VA}&. 23 and W cents bottler, S r OOUGHS. CODD3. CROUP AND WHOOPING H—tisbeit Cough tiyrop in tho world .—Ur. Hose's ted Door h Syrop. tires Immediate relief to the wont Uooah. whether Consumptive or proceeding from e cold. It tlla£ia*y iriU&tion of the Cungt, and (ortlfos the system •gainst Intare attacks. In bottesaUOceo’sand $l. Children are also liable to Croon, which dangerous disease yield* Immediately to Ur.J.b, Bote's never fauiox CROUP pYRUP. Pricefesc*nts. •WHOOPING COUGH, another oomololat. always worse la Odd andl damp weather. Tho afflicted will find relief In Qians# of Dr. 8, Rote's Whooping Coash byiap. which ai« nreara (tlleves and prevents the diseases, snob as loflaa&lion hr the Lttng*. Dropsy in Use Chest, and Consumption, Price EQeentsperbotiio. ALSO.—Dr. J. 8. Ross's Alterative or Blood purifier, Dys pwoo, &hf nmalio Compound—Compound extract of Bocha. Hallo Liniment, Csrminativo Ualsira IVotm Kitleror Ver milage. Croup Byron. Golden Pills, Pile Ointment, Tetter o> Healing Ointment, Eye Ointment, Eye Water. Strengthen- Ik# Plasters, French S,pcifia,J«fant Cordial, Acooitfo Oil, Eiexir9f Oplam, Liquid Hair Tonic, and Female Fpecifto. ' preparations, with DR, KOSR'fl BIEUICAL aodin lieoUb.tobebad of RLIRtiNI3LI« Morrisdale. Cleatfleld oouniv, Hr'l).-JPATTON, Cnrwenivllle, andof Dealers generally CSfOaxhouttbeStnte. juneM.lB63-7ia. '£L D. >VA*DSON. Agent. Clearfield Pa. " FIT! FITS! FITS! V v. » 1 xu'b vegetable extract EjPJBLEPTIC PILLS, For ihetureqf Fils, Spasms, Cramps,and all NerVous and Constitutional Diseases. PERBONS WHO ARE LABORING UNDER tbli dl.- trwrtngmalady willflod llio VEGETABLE ELEtTIU HD*U?»lo be theonly remedy ever discovered foroarinffEp. falling Fily. *«wcp PiH* possess a sped flo action on the nervoos system i ■juUAlthoagh they aia prepared cipecially for the purpose ol eitt.Birite.they will bo found of eipettai benefit for alipef fonaapiioted with weak, nerve*, ot whoso neryous system hai pera protiraie-1 or sheltered from any cause whatever. In OMOiUooompra'nti.ordlionioiorionaitou'llDg.soprrinduced Df nervoosheis they are exceedingly beneficial. .Pilot per box. or two bone* for $5. Persons out of the cily.tßoloiinx aremittani'e. will have the Pill* tent through Forinlebv BKTU 8. HANCfi.No 108, BALTIMORE, bid.,to wbonoorder* Robi.aJl parts or tbo Union must bo addressed, port paid, Blay W. 1053 .-ly. ■ *- bemphih;» HOTEL. V / CLEARFIELD. PA. ■TPHI3 robicribor most respectfully Informs theolt'zeni of Jt,.Cleoifiplu county. and the travelling public generally.' Ihatbehhs taken tho above namert'UUTEL lilohUdon the bptiWof Pioutand Market streets. In tho borough of Clear* RftM,where he will at all times be prepared to accommodate those who may favor him with their oustom. No pains will P**P*fnl by the proorihtor to make his customers comfortable, *®mi ?V»?ft ttUMR to thoio who may sjop tylth him. n. I?® . will'bncaialully attended to—and hi*TA» DLL and ilAtt supplied with the best the market wlilalVjxd. •KJWn-liaara.- • • wm. j. ilemtiull. Jjfcv' ; fountain inn. M i Qa m a a a T? BpPEGTFUMiY annodocu lo liii old f>fanili and th* IV pnblio io fioaeral, UiathohMUkeutlia vroJi kao”2 old br WM. I.UMADOO.on llio Elio ril-o ® na t Carweanlllo, whole ho will be v4V(^rhim I ; t ';r^'!;“ 05,nDj *■ «?•■' »•» al» S!&^si"iSq"r!f.“ril. , iS^ a ' y f °'V too,tc » , p |r ‘? ,u * u °i SSSSSSSSIHrS^! tlJeio»UieE l iU^' l ik l . , ?l ) iiV 0M ° rll >* moit |)l«aunl liloa wi&wSaSs •= Ho>e«lowniMp. Den 5. igrj. JOHN ODEI,L. jR 'fuuhuth«ioj!^f I IHMO d Wripllo» ,SM T :t “7’r § V B^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO ,T. JEFFERSON BOYER, . . v f>HVBIUIAN—can bo ft and fit ldi Ullicnin LUTHERS, JL tIUKW. I C'a ut:Q i) county, t'« , when not nbnent on pi<>; fetslonal batmen,' September. 9, 1853. ' MOSSOP & POTTORFJ'Y RETAILERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MER UIIANDISH & LUUHIHS-On llio woitiM.or t-.u: ond street nearly opposite tho Court llooio. Cioariiqld, Pa, -• | Sept Ud;ißs3. . .*• .• | fi. pTfHoAirsdN,' PHYSICIAN— May befoundolthoraihU ofllce.oratSoo fLdd’i hotel—Curwomvilio—whon not notprofetiionally obtont. • Don. till IHSI. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, Tanner. «nd uooi'pm shoe manufacturer- Curwprsvdln. ' ; Dr-o £9.1851. DR. S. L. COBLE, : PH YBICIAN—resid.nco one mile *nd a half south rntl o! Lnrnber City, on tire it (dee Hoad leading to New Wot h* it ffoD, respectfully ofleri hiiservlcco to the torr'Undmg community, Deo. VJ, IB>3. LYMAN S. PfIELPS, 't C COCK AND WATCH MAKER, Ourwantvilln. Pa.- watohetand Clocks neatly repaired nod VVAwRENT' ED. Several years experiecce (u tho bounrti. aiikcsme fool confident that t can n n.ler toperal sail* faction 1 would tbsreloro, tbankfully reoeivna ihnroot pnbllo patronaue. QiifwrasvUift. Nov. IU. 18)3—3 mo. ,GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WAQON*MAKEU— Luthersburg, Wotbdoneto order on short nrtloo. and on good terms. Doc 2U. ’nt, A. It. WRIGHT, Merchant and fxi'ensivf, dealer in lum HER— ttcooud street, ono door south of his reiidenqo— Cl artiftld. Deo 29.1 Hit, WILLIAM BLACKSHAIRE, CAHINET andCHAtH MAKER, and (IoUSE & SIGN PAtNTEK—onedoor south of the Presbyterian Church. Mrest.Cloarneld. pn. Aon I Hi. 18VJ. GEORGE WILSON, PIIYfIICfAN-Mny to r. and m hli office In I.UTIIER3- iHJRG, when not absent on professional butinoi*. Feb «().]859. • JOSEPH 11. BRETII, Blacksmith, nt new Washington,cioarn.id co.. where ait kinds of work is done in his line of busiofiicn the ihoriest notice and most renonablo terms. 1 May 90, 1853. C. KRATZER, fl/TERCIIANT AND LUMUER DEALER—Coiner of XTA Front and Locust streets—Clearfield. Deo. 29. 1851. JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER—In hlmrw .hop on Market street, near Merrell’s hole!. Deo. 29,1551, JOHN H. lIILBURN, BOOT and SHOE M AK ER, Second street, nearly oppoi ! lc A. K. Wrishts store, Clearfield, Pa. April Id, 1852. JAMES HOLLENBACII, BLACKSMITH, on Third street, between Market and WalOQt.Cloflr/tald.Pa. apiHle, ittji. HENRY LORAINE, PH YSICIAN and UHtfGGIST, on nt* retldenco, Cleartield. April 16. 185 V, JOHN W. SEIUGERT. MAKEII, corner of Third acd Lccast street " y Clearlleld. Repaiiiny done to order. April-16. *63. GEO. RICHARDS, rjIASFHONADLE'TAILUK—Wc.t .nd ol Slinw’i Row i. npsiatrs—ClearfielJ. Deo.vO. 185.. THOMAS SHEA, FABHIONADLB TAILOR— Inßhaw'a Host, on Market street, immediately over tte Post Deo 29,1831. FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant «nd produce dealer. Lnth.nbon Clenifl«ldoo.,Pa. April 17, ISSJ. . DAVID SACKET, /CABINET AND CHAIR MAKER, Locust si., between v Scoond and Third, Clearfield, Pa. April It/, lbsx. A. L. SCHNELL, TAILOR— Latbersborr.—will do bis workyjitasgoodaod as aheap, as any other fellow. Deo. 29,1851. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. A TrORNEY AT LA W, Office ad j Maine his residence on oeoond street opposite the residence oJ Cov. Hi e'er Clear Held. April 11. 1852 DR F. ANTES CANFIED. llAyiNGsoorcbaiedtho property and tituatlo# cfDr.O. F IJ . * * is. n d .®% b professional »er- ices to the oi Ireas of PHENCiIVILLiJ and vioinity.—Otßce one door etui ol M'TZV Htore. Jnce24.lEs3 SAMUEL ARNOLD, JITERCIIANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lnli.ribnr*. Ivl connty. Pa. April 17. |Boa. ROBERT McNAUL, TANNER-AUheOLD STAND in Corw.ratill.. Uv. 2d. 18.0 GEO. W RHEEM, ' ejADDLER, HARNESS ft TRUNK MANUFAOTURER rr —y® Second street, immediately oyer U. D. Watson's Drug Slor. Dm. 80,1852. CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. |*7UEni.WRIGHT Sl CHAIRMAKERS. ftc.-Drid* • V po:t. i*lk. .onrathip. Dm. 22,1851. DR. GIBBONY F. HOOP, HAVING Ohancedhis residence srom French*ilfe lo Ky* larsville.in Morrii township, lespiotfully offers hi*»er vices to the smoandlng community, Jane 16. 1853. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POSTMASTER. MERCHANT and DEAFER IN LUM u£lt—Grahamton, Ur&dford toownibir, Dec. 87,1351. WM. P. CHAMBERS, WIIEELWItIdHT. CIIAIRMAKER. and I10USE& BIOIIN FAINTIIu-Ouiwana.itla. B. F. STERLING, SADDLE & AARNESB-MAKBR, and JUSTICE TUB PEACE—Cmwecsville. - Deo BV. Ifcsl, J. L. CUTTLE, Attorney at law and land agent,omea ad. joinidg biiro'JoDce, on Market itreet.C'le&ifjeld. _____ Matoh 8,1853. L. R. CARTER, A GENT forthoiaJe of STOVES, MILL-G EARING and /*. CASTINGS ofall kinds. Abo, BAR IRON Threihlog Machine*. Plows, Agricullora! Implement* do, on Htconrt street, under he Printing Oflloo mh. 17 *h3 RICHARD GLENNING, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, can be found at h'i shop two door* caitoi the Rost uitice, where ho bat coii'antly on haudalarge assortment bathe) home and city m&uusacture. jQlyn. le5J J. D. THOMPSON, BLACLSMITD’; Wagon*, Haggles, &o„ &0.. Ironed oft abort notice, and tbe very boat style, at hit old stand in toe horoogh ofUorwcusvilfe. Deo. -B. IMB THOMAS MILLS, OOACri AND SLEIGH MAKER, on Third .tre.t, bo \J tweenMarketand Locust,Clearfield, Pa. Aprill!),’6J. HURXTHAL &, BROTHER, anil LUMBER DEALERS. Woodland lfX i > ottOlllee,Diadfordtp..Uloarfleldco. April IT, ’6'J. : M. E. WOOD, PHYSICIAN— Mavalwriys bo found at hit reildenoo In Carwentvllle, when not professionally absent. Deo. 18. 1858, LEVER FLEGAL, BLACKSMITH, Lnthersburg, Pa , will nitend loallbuil nei* in bit lino, and will ntaolorniih WAUUNS, iiUL uiBS.&o:, very cheap, and manufactured in the best style, and warranted. - Aug, 7.1934.—y. ISAAC SMITH, Merchant, and dealer in lumber and Country Producegenerally—Stateitreot, between Cherry and Loooit—Corweofvil/a. . lJec, SO. 1961. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCIC, & CO. IKON-FOUNDERS— Uutw«n»ville, An extensive assort' meat of Castings made to order. , Deo. yB, 1861 THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., - MERCHANTS. aadextensive dealers, and MaaoJaciureu olLorabor, Halt! Hull. dulyd3.lbsd. EJLLIS IRWIN & SONS, A Tthomonlh nl Liu* Run, 5 milej from Ulearlletd - xIL MLULUANI o,undextouslve Lumber tuinalaolareis. Juuolb, ibfiJ. JACOB BJLGER, Cqi'PEtt, TIN, and SHEET IRON WAREMANUFAC iUKLK-HJijrwenivue, above the old Foundry, on the north aide of roaln'itreet.w hero all business in his Mae iifoue up in a workmanlike manner, and on raaionublo terras Country produce taken In ex- liange for wrrfc —Sept 17, *63. P. B, ftJERRELL, nqPPER.TIN & SAEET IRON .WARE MANUPAU ,V, \ UUEU—On £>tuuod street, one door sooth of A. K. Wrjghl's ito.fr-Clearliold, Deu.Uß, »BM. WM. T. GILBERT, J>HAOKB!4ITII t ac Hopewell, Uelltp., at the Cross Roads leading Horn M'Uhees Mill ,o New Washington, and rom Chest creek to the rW«r—where all oallslu his lino will be promptly attended to, March ti. Itca*. I)R. R. V.. WILSON, UAVINQ ramovad hit ofilc, to bin new dwelling on, 8a« an heretofore. • Ul.arllteidrJioeiß. 1863. i'K \ Court Proclamation. r ..; WHEREAS. Tho Honornbi.jilHltA DlfßNEj'nEJPr*i. 'tldeot Judgeof theUourtOf Common Pleas ol the Eifth. tertoth Jodloia! Cfetriot, cotnifused of tho ocuntios oC CUar field Centra and Clinton, aod the Unn ( KICHAItD PIfAW. end JOHN P. IIOYT, Auociaid Judges in Clearfield county, awteaw TEKM NER AND GIJneRaI, JAIL DEUVEKV, at CJearlield. in and forOlearfiehl county on tho THIRD MON* PAY.of February, being the 20 th duy of tho month. NOVICE IS THEREFORE, HERBDY GIVEN. •* 1 To tbo Coroccr, in and for tho county orCloorf old, to appear in hliown proper person, with Rolls, Records, Irqulmi ns. txamioatlon* Qcdclher Remembrances, to do thoso things Whlch hls t flljd in his belmll opDertams to be done, and Jurors and wltneisss nre reqatred to be thon and (hero atCondlng, and net deunrt wiihout feayo, at thoir uorii. GIVEN under nry hand at Clearfield, (hit 27th day ofOot., in tho year or tiur Loid ono thousand ouhl hundred ana Siftyih ioj, and the vcdy.xxie.tl) year of Amorioan In* epcndcnur. V WILLIAM POWELL. SherUT. ■ Sherifi , » Cill. e, Clearfield. Jan., 25,18511, if- A VALUABLE FARM ® subscriber oilers for solo his form sltnntod nboatono X mile frou Pennvilie—aboulßlXTY-FlVEicresoleared, outDrgood foucoaod in a good raie ol oulttvation. Thoro oreabouttlitly tlvoworcs of woodland. Tho iinproveraeats aro A Ikvo-Story Log House , New Frame Barn, 40 by 50 feci, Together with other outbuildings, and an Orchard in fall bearing ooutoli lug ath.ito variety of apples? peaoh4»»Piami, Sic., do Forfhnher radicnlars enquire of L. JACKSON CRANS Clear field, or tl osobioriber on the premises. MANLEY 0. LONDON. Docsmber 6ih. 1E63. JAMES 11. LARIMER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL attend to basinets in the several Courts of Clear field and Ceutre counties. Oflhaon Second titrect, one door north of the roihlcnca of John Weaver. ' REFERENCES.—Hon. JAM Cd fIURNSIDE, De iolcnte iion.JAMEST. HALF. do. Col A. G. CURTIN. do. JAMEHM’MANAB. Esq.. do. R. B PETKIKEN. E'q , ilnntinedon. Messrs.DRAKE £c HECJITOL, I’ml’a Decemlmr23. 1853 ly. DAGUERREOTYPES. MIB* IPISriBVHiiSrOIBo REBPELTFULLY annonoo.s toilis LA HI EH and GEN TLEMEN of tI.T Borough of CLEARFIELD and yi cioity. that ho has opened a Miniature Dagacrrcan Gallery OnSECYINI) STREET, one door north of Powell ft Co's Store. Call and examlneipeotmem, cues. prLcs &o. CleirficlJ, November 23, 1853.—1 f. Ncic Store ! New Store ! ! POWELL, REED & WEAVER A REjoit now openlpg new STORE*ROOM in (he C\. boronth olClearfiold, o'he of the Inrxett and bast assort' ments if MERCHANDISE iver brought to tho county, and widen they now oiler to the old customers of Bigler ft Co., as wdlasiothopublioat force, noon such terms as oannol fa! I to give entire satisfaction THE LADIES will find at their Htore snob a refection cf CSaCDCDcJJSS As they nevsr saw in ClearfielJ ho fore—and as for DRY GUOIH, generally, and GROCERIES, HARDWARE, UULLNSVVARE.fto., they cannot bo surpassed either in quality orcheapoecs. gy Those who don't beikvo it nrolnvited to call and te convinced. WM. POWELL. G. 1,. REED. J F, WEAVER. Clearfield, Moy 21, IFft’J. THE rabscriber would return his sincere thank*, for the very liberal support he has received tinea he has been in hnsiaefsin (hie place, and best leayo to Inform his frfofids be hit ju«t received athis old stand on the Corn Eli Or rnoitT anu cttEittiY aireet, opposite the Episcopal Church, a large auortaientxrf Seasonable Goods, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer ics, Quccnsware, Ilnrdwaro, Cast, Blis. ter.and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps.and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Reauy- Mado Clothing, Paints and Oil, and every thing else usually kept in a country storei A promise to sell oheap. iiof liulo advantage to our c;i.to* rati* unless thete is cotvioiior proof given, but he has *hs satisfaction of knowing ifaat hundreds are conviecet] of that fuct, as wor flertbe beat of evidence fn every sn’e we make. July t t IK&3. C. KRATZMt. KOBGRT IS. WGb^ll Waliolh Malkoffo #I|APjQ»t received from New York and II Pbilade'phln. a large and sp f ecdiM233E; Of H. D. PATTON, Cprwensviilc, Pa. A LARGE and well selected stock of DRY GtJODS and GUOUKKIES. LAUIbHIIHESS«iOODS.aII wool, end FLAIN DKI.ANE. CAHIJMERBS. DI)£«4BILKS, of all kinds. HATTENETS, HATS, CAPS and UONN'BTS. „ AL3O—A larcaand wellseiccted steeb cl READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRUGS and Patet t Medicines of every kind tIOO l*S and SHOES, the best over brought to the coQutv.— HARDWARE ofall kinds, such at IRON, HATHAWAY UOIIK STOVES, PAULIIk STOVES, l'li’K of overyVr*. N AILS.HI'IKEH.andTIN VV A RE, of every kind.—Sr Eli \1 OIL. LAKDOIL FLAX HEED OIL, Will I’R LEAD FIRE PROOF FAINTS of every colior. GLASS. CAN DLIiS.Hnsrra and l allow, OOUKH and STATIONARY HAUtiESS, BAEDLES and IIBIIJLE3. and am" oier articleuiual'y keptina countiysto'c, Lombnr. Oram, and oounvr ptoJauo of evory kind, iaken ia exchange lor good*. . Cniweninllo. No., 3. IKl3.—lf. . 11. D PATTON. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To sell Pictorial and useful worksfor ’54. WANTED In omy itcllon or tbo United Stale,, nclivo emeipriilni men, to eagiaoin tba mlo ofinmo of the ocit Uook.pobllfbedinUißcountr/, Tomenolgoodndilrtu poitoiilna n tranll cnpitai orfiora ,15 to »IPU, moll In.locn. tTF!vE I DOL O LAHBVna°y en o?n b p , ,! 1, “ mU> mSko ' rora 111UEK Tbo Hook, pnblulied by ok are all oiefnl in Roiroharaoter extremely popular, and command large laie, wherever Urey Publuher.No. 151, William it., N. Y. October 0, IbM. * ©aMmo.lt «Sk ©jhafiir-MaMrng. JOBBK GEJI.ECBB W'V , ,'' LI r . E, “fctfu | ly aanounceto the oliixcn, of U'oar. xinu,ot' tt vlolnlt y, that ho i, now manuiucturinnai CABINET-WARE. lliaihop I, «Hanted on Market etrect, between Third nnd fh^“i , iS«T«VvT , J‘ 1,,d l or ? orK in hi, line willbomnd.ln tunl Ou^he^horfert’^ollce? 1 ty COFFINS made to order on theshortest notion. Deoeniher fl.’ihda. H. BUCHER S WOO PE. C7ORMDKLY of the llrm of **SUOTF a oWoUPG.” ««««fi‘i, n i l ‘ n ? don . will ntlend loithfatly to n‘l urofess !SSrt L« U i l L I, « fc ! p .°Rus'od to Ins carp by the citizens of Cle&r 2--. u/W^ 0 nln .s Cilice next door to, nud over *-»*/• .wrigley 1 * olnoo. Rev. Dr. M'Looil, Jolm Scoll, KfQ.. lion Geo. Toylor, onU Hon.-Jna. Gwin, Hun. tltig(ion.--Hun; VVrn.1 1 . Sclinoll, ond Alex. King, Mq*! Bedford.. Gon. Wm, £2. Irwin, Lovviatovvn,'— Hon. S,muol Cnlvin, Hollitlayaburg. Gon. Willinm Ayrea.Hnrrlshurg: Gormiull rfe Croswoll, No. 211, nJnrliet at., I‘lrilmlolphm. Oetobor27, 1853. Stoneware* At the Btoro of IRWIN AND BMITII, n larta aad rand auoitrqjnl ofstone Waro. . , ’.OctolrMhlS y Vi'Al- * * i • -'i .‘i. ■-.» .<;las, Fcald llend.tjankor. Pimple* on tho laca. Diotohcs; UJcors, Tumor*. Mercurial Ditchce*, (’/iao«r». &o. KEUULITING TIIBKSCKETAUY ORGANS—And by enabling them to porfotm tboir proper facetiae*, preventing andaaring many painful and dangerous (litea/oi Htroneth ening and miiokcnin* tboNervouari/itcm. thin allay mg .Nor von*.lrritation, and curing all Disoaio* ol the Nerves, mch n* Hyieria, NuraUia, tramp*, £te.. It is universal in tho cure of all FcrmleCnmpluints ob Weakness, control debility, Irregularity, Ob iruction*- Swelling ol tho t>< l, Limbs, Joint*, fito., canted b/ weak* net*; also, LUNG and THROAT COMPLAINTS, inch at Cold), Cough*. Afthtnn. Consumption &o , alto, Uroposy. flavfng mide nia or the Compound Syrup oT Ye'low Dec* Root, prepared hy C MOUSE 4* CO.,either on lelvooronr fatnille*, and finding It to bon very r.ilutnry and ellectnn: preparation, weuomo*tohcerfully recomuund luothepublic nan very vali&Me medicino. E Bourne, Lta .Cnjhier of iheNaddnal Dank Providence R. I.; A. W. bpvßcer, Kiq , Cashier. Lime Kook Dank. Co do ; Rev. tVm. A. Phi lip*. H®v. J. U. R'o’imoo't. i’. H. Jone*. iditor Providence (Tee. Advt. IVm. Field, M. W.G. M.. Cyras Either, M. F* 11. P, Jrmet Hu cbinioa. l». 8 U n. V. J. Date*. Doot Herj Uoiby, ami one Luudicd otLor* ol the moil retpoatable fara ho* ot Providence. Thl* oerlifk* thid I have for a number of year* b:en ro Kted with thi composition and mode of manufaotnro or HE'D COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK UOUI\ lhavooUo been acquainted with in modu* rpo • andi in d iin'e. nod can *ay that in all roipecU it in admirably calculated to tem;dy the clan of D'scatrs fo' winch it 1* de* V«**‘L It l«6iiH.cially valunbioin INDIGESTION, and n\ Hii at eedanl aympiomi, It cgclU* to healthy notion the LIVER, remove* Torpor, and lanctivity from tho ORGAN and tl'raulite* h alihy no* ion In nil the iritcm. A* a DCPIJ R ATOR or purßier ol lha Blood It ha* no totmnor. I’fovidencr, It. 1 Jaa. t. ItuJ. DAVID HOLMES, M P. Prepared by C, MOItSR & Co., no. d 46 Dioadivny | N. Y., oml soft] by Druggieis and oiherg threughout this and oilier tuunlieg—C. D. WA’i’N’ON, Ageiit. aenrfiold Pn. MnySO. 1853- M VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ® MIE tobicrlberofere at privata tn'«. hi* valuable FARM, X lito&tein Uiadford townihip ( ('lraifield county, one and a ha f mile* from tho junction of the Union n d > now Shoe and Packervdie turnpike, atGeorca J. Ky .m», and one and a half mile* from Cranamton—oat&lnintf One hundred and ten Acres, with seventy acres cleared and in an excellent state of cultivation, with a bearing Orchard thereon growing. There is also n comfortable Log House, arid a largo frame barn erected ihercon. For forth* r particular* apply to iheichtcrlber on the prem ice* Per.on* wiilnce to mile Inquiry sod obtain info nia lion hy letter, will direct toGrahumton. Clearfield ccooty. Drcembei 10, lbW.-tf. JOHN HOLT. To Mill Owners. TJ'E andtnigned ha* appointed L. R. CARTER. r( Ccarticld, nil agent for the tats of Callings, uhowif reosive bills for oil kinds of Mill Gearing. and oi.ler machim ■ ry. Persons dmtroui to contract will do Woil to call and ox* amine thocatalogoeofPatterns. anil spccioieniol'tbe work, bolero mtkieg engagement* elsewhere. Castings will be clj liverod, if desired, at Clemfield, and warranted ,o be mad«of good material, and finish'd in a woikmaaiiso mannor. Ilav ingintDQDtDg order FIVE foperior Lathes, and other ma cbioery In the tamo proportion, employing nose but the best workmen, mlngtho very best Pig Ir.m ond Coal, withraani otheradvantages, hanaltershimulfthalhu work wiilbodont ai well as in tho best city shops, an t on the shortest ooCco EorparUcDlari.caiion Mr.CARTER, Agent. NATiIA.N M Y EB3. March l. 1852.-1? JOHN M. CHASE, New Sftore, THE nndcrticned respectfally Inform tha inbab'tanti ol CleariitM totnly, that thoy haveoponed a STOKE in tha towu of ANSuNVILLE. in Jordan township, nt tha intersection ef [ho Clan Hope fnrnuik* with tho Chess Creek aau, ami offer lor idea fuilsappty of ODCPg?* C^ca>CE>cOS3 a Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, Patent Med icines and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Allofwhich will bo told at moderate prices for cash, or ex - chanced lor GRAIN. LUMBER, 6:0. Uur neighb n we rispccrioiiy o:k to calf* and axiom them wo intend dome bu iinris at at low rales ai coth porchnstl will a'lmv. Junafll. 18yj.—ly. CHASE & SWAN. May 6, IR : 3 RKADTHfiSj' David saukett’s cabinet ami chair ware UUUBI ,on Bycond itreet, oppoii'o Powell fa CoV, noro, whoto he hm on hand nil kind, ol DAMN EV WARE, and CHAIRS, lucb aiMAHOG.IEV nnd WALNUI’ CiIAIUS. WINSOKCIIAIHS, HCCICINOCIIAIUS. ARM CHAIR-*. MAIIOI.NEY tfl'lflNG SEAT CIIAIHS, WEITEEA nrd I.OUNOLS—MAHO'IONEY. WALNUT AND CUKURV IIIIRBAt.H DUEStINQ UUREADH. nncETVnd I’IKK I Alices. END. IIIMNII am BREAKPAST TALI,US. CENTRE TAIII.LS. EBENCII ami EiEl.l) POST BED STEADS,D ESKSami It. JOK CASHS. I ATOM ANS.sfc Anypereon wiibiny to buy w.lldo well lo eivo him a call, as ho is doterprined to ta'l -o.ver than tho same aniu’oi cm te had eliewhere In Ul3 onunty.-CUi''HNS mails to onler on Ihe .lmrlLitnctigr. DAVID SACRIST T. Clearfield, Augast 6, 1C53. M A Deslrublo Tavern Stand and Fnrm«*m FOR SALE OR RENT. 'l' m for 9 . A t' E or 111. well keowa J. .TAVISHN BTAND.oa theSuciiuehnoDa and VVr.terfotd loropke.abou »df war belweoa Uaiweesvidoaod Lutb ersborsn—lhe t HOUSE *s new nod largo, UO by 40 feet, and wellstmcdlor & tavern locat ou &o. ’ The Rum contains 180 Acres— ss of which, arc cleared, and mostly in mcadovv. a n h * r i?H ay ,°2st nT* A-’ ,i ’!. n: \! ,RCIIAKU on lliepr.mi.o., A It AUN and dfAllLb, and all necetiary oat houses. l;or farther particular* apply lo L Jackson Crans.-Clear* lie d— ot to the sobidnber oa tho premhes. July Jit.lBfB.rli;. ALEXANDERCDCIC JEiigfland WMisped, Tariff or no Tariff. Tlin BQbioriber intends keeping on hand a lurgd assort* raentoflUuN and NAILS, vvhicli he will rtll on the molt reaionnblo teimi,attho Iron and Foundry ilore adjoin ins Leonard £t Mouro. „ ■ L. It. OARTEU, Atont. Clearfield, Deo. 6, !BoSj Bounty Inndlmd Pension Agency.-• Charles Tucker, Washington, D. C. ATTORNEY for claimants. nndAffont forobta ; nlng Rev. oiurionnry. Naval. Invalid, and half pay TENSIONS. UuUNTY LLANIi ariearsol pay, extra pay, Cto ,I‘or Mil. itary and Naval services, - Bounty Land übtainedfotlho widows nnd heirs of Volun teers of tho Texas Revolution ot R3b\ and extra par.obtuin-. eS. Navy, oa the coast ol Cnliforniaand Mexico from IBltttn IBM. Address CHARLES TUCKER, Washington, D. C. For Rent. T Apply to linl I ’ a ' t ° l ‘“ J ' JJjEAKfIEED ACADEMY ' Cloatlteld. Apt|l2oVlf63. B DMoESALLY. C I Wy ( i ?l, ! 1 Y« I i 0 ,!l B .?v tt .T < 'S Vllh WAINWRIGIIT. JIUN- V!t Tl SßflUl}. M 1 L.’.V 1, i : .!." l|lo,u ' r * ““'J vv i.oletalo Deal' r)' S « DR* GUUJS.Nm'Ua MARREJ’STREET. Ehilutiolphia, 18a8- JulyUlBsJ—dm,. - v t . • Cooking Stove Por Sale.- ii yJ A GOOD «aaoed-haiuJ Guy KING STOVE fonale, cheap I , plcMflflJll. DR.J,B. MABCJUSrS ; CELEBRATED CATHOLICON, . Forthefclicfand cure of suffering'Females r ititamJ»p r e-rmicoQt „• for iti ©arnlh eu/owgr* lu All t!i© Uiioaic* for . whloh it iirecoromen deti.nirmlly cello© ITU* , MAl+fi Complaint*,— OfihciOQio Proldp bu>. l/tcrl, or railing oftfro Wwnib,*?FioDr - 'Alun*. dr Whltei;*- -.Chronto liflamalion— n Add Ulceration of the Womb, Incidentalllo 'o> - n morrhage or Flooding; Jfuinruh Bapprei»«tl-* \ a lion, &a,\rM) nllthoi! cocomuuDi’lcß ovi'»— (Cancen xcSpto >,) no mutter how iovcio or cfhoW loot' itanding* The Catr.ollecn far tifff,in betas more ccr. tain—leu expensive*** and leaving tho mtern ln a batter condition* tat all interested call and obtain a ppmphlw (free) contain, tag ample proof, fiotri the mart rcioectatpo tenreet, of the bcnollclal mniti nf its use: tojrctho' with tattora from highly experienced Physiciana, who hare nsed it in their practico, and apeak from tbeir own obiorvatlopj. HISPUfiENCfiJ. P.B. J| BOKHAM, M. I)., Utica. N. V. i,. U. FCKMJNO. M. i>., Uannadniyoo, N. V, M. 11. lilt,LB.M. I).. Hcoheitcr, N. V. D. Y. FOO’i’K. M. I).. byroctuo. N. V. Prof. DUNMAR. M D., Baltimore, Md. . J. C.OMUOK* At. D t Baltimore. Md W. W. RiSEBE. M. !>., Now York City. \V. PRESCOTT. M. O..Conoord.N. 11. J.P.NEWCAND.M. b. UUon.N. Y. ■ Rev. V. S. 13KAKL). Glenn Bprtam, B. C. Pamphlet* had gratis at Iho iforoofC. D. VVAT3ON, Ag'l, ttitiggut Clearfield ro.—Also sold byT 11. Hell?, fonto, W.H. lIAGKE. Kmsnning-dAMUKI* MATTKUN, Meohaolcivillo, and by most leading druggists in adjoining oounliei, Loiter ruidreaacd to care of Mr. Curtis Hatch, Agent at Hovenno, Ohio. l'o Dr. MARCH 191:—l hnfa been ten years troubled with Komalo Complaints—prolapsus .mer*, and all the nttendins (i.lHcnltics; &t umoi rendering my life most mitoi&blo there had (ho attendance of tome of th<4 bo*t physician*,' with but Utile suecrti; the most they oould do was to reliovo—a cto wruoutoTthe querlion. hoi fiye motdhi before corhtuenoing ! with your ined'cino, l had uot booa nb'o 10 perform any lav bor, or-uld walk hut a few stops at a time, and ecarccly wont oat of doo s-in snoit, 1 was oomplctoly prostrated, both in body nod mind, and expected to draft < ut the roit of my days in su tiering and misery.. Rat. rending your advertisement, I was induced to try your Invalunhlo rnediclDO.caled Uterine CMhoticoa, o« tho la.t resort. 1 had not used it a week before t felt hko anothrr woman. [Jy (he me ot three Untile* 1 was onabled to perform all the labor for six in Vo family with eaio, and oonld walk aaywhero In (he neighborhood without injury. Nothin* bat o sense of nr/ duty to you and to the cflllcteu. has inuu. ed mo to stato my caso to tho public 1 o*o uTely recommend the preparation to all thoro suffering llbemlssif. (tfisned) Mrs. 9AK MIA. Ui£?llL)l > . Freedom, Portaro Co., Ohio, Deo. 117. IBSJ. 857*J. O.MARCIIIrfI & CO.. Tioprietora, Central Depot, No, JO4, Uroadway, N. Y. Hopt. Ji, ladJ.—tfm. Valuable flSeal BSslatfe AT PRIVATE SALE. -M M M TUI. lahtcriben,la behnlfoflhoheirsolConrad Wire.late nfpiku township, Clenrfrold cousty deceased, oiler at Pill VATM 4ALCtho following desor.bod-wcll known and valuable REAL ESTATE. oontiitinc of A FAGSi?3 (HP GOO Acres, .•'ilnnto In Pilro towr.srdp, Clearfield county, on fho main nod loading itemCurwemvitlo to Tyrone,i'opr miles Irom Ctirwensviilo. and known a: the IVtse Farm. SThe improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good slate of cultivation , a Large Dwelling-House, a Large Bank Barn, Spring-Ilouse, Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and most productive A PPLE and BEACII ORCHARDS in the county. This FARM is well supplied with eloelirrit watrr. a never failles Spring clo e to the door, whh others so iitua.ed that ntihttlo expsnso water could be oonvsyrd t» any oartol e therihe homnor baru. To thoso who dtiiro to preoure e liOMb rOR LlhL.tlut Farm oilers inducements not to be excelled in the county. The lan Jis of good quality, highly productive, find well adapted for both stain and cra's-aed 11 it located In the midst of a populous and indailriout'setile* mea\ convenient to a good market, food exist mills, and a food school. fu tnr r niirlioolarj epplr to cither of tbosubicri ben. oi to Motel Wise, on tho premises. . Tho properly * ill bo told on Lfe mo it reosoQSblo terms and a warrantee deed fifm MICHACf, WISH. , , WILLIAM WISE. 4 Id b. half of i l>e heir* cl Conrad Wnt, deeeaced FepiembenP, IW3-tf. PLEASANTEfIBLL IRON FOUNDRY anti MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. rUE amlcriisre’ rrspeaifallyannonnefs tothoneoplo ol CiraificJd aad tha adjoining counties that hestill cunt in. ucs to carry on tho above baiine»i at his extensive oilabiith raeutinlhe Dornoch of Clearfield, and is now prepared to m'lnafacinro ail kipds of Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. HisCaitlnrsnre now cf a up.r'or ir> s? a THE SUOKCRIHEHS respectfully announoe to tho citf* xam ofUeaifiold county and tho pubiiagenriaiiy, ihat they havecommeuoeu tho manufactory ofSJ ONE WaHE. one mnoeast. I'EU'i’H ERHIHJKGtI, where they oro prepari e«Mo lornish an article**! 81'ONK 'VARI3 onualloacy man urrrr'nrc.delie'vhere.and cnreasonableterms. •’ fcJPO Via PIPE UOEEAKri constantly uo hand. Order* proraoily attended to. and a liberal discount made to wholesale purchaser*. M.J.PORTKU Augnstiltf. 1853 —3t. G. \Y. PORTER. Splendid Assortment of Fall and WinterCoods. Jiaao Smith bees leave to inform his friends and cuito. 1 tiers, that hohasjtnt received a mrro and splcnuiti asiort moot of KALE and WINTER UOOLW-whioh it is his 1853. Avoauin. A YOKE OF OXEN FOR SALE. THEBDb.oiibcc oiler. for solo s YOKEOFGOOD Yoon. OXEN. l’.noas wiihlne u> j>urohu.o.wm call al hi. rosMtnoa on tho a ait tide ot Iho Snrqaehanno. two mile. aboveOlcarfielU and sea Jor themielvcs. . October 27, 1853. JOHNS. HOYT. rpild Bahioribor would Inform tho citizen. or CloarOhJ anill,l6 P"lilio neutrally, ihat hohai JUHT Rfc. CEIVISJJ, and is NOW OPENING, ut the Storehou.a “01. merlyoocupled by Win* te Getohel, ntUoriitilale.a .. Large, Splendid 4* Cheap AzzotltneniofGoodi.ooußiilincofov.rystylo'and'qaalfiy of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Out lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes'and , Bonnets, Confectionary, " ; ' Clocks Watches." " “ i ALSO.a lartannd well tclßctedtiockof' l ; Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs if- -Medu cincs, if-c., if-c. i .In short n’l kinds of Goous usually .kept in nConntry Store! t l ,®. 11 Gf-torminart Ip lelillllEAi'EK THAN UVd GU Ut,t'Oßli OFFERED IN ODKAKFIEDD GOUNTY, ~ . . EDMOND F. BRENNER. ? Morrlsdnte. Nov. 10.1802. , ...€aaUonu . . L. R»tCAßrlSltf e «t-01earfle!d £«S3f».i *ae *»t»a* tvm\m WMtAMJSfcS 0 m “* OO S.OBERT Ey“eb: auroairei oihet remo* STOWE WARE NEW GOODS. § VALUABLE SAW-iittiL prupertX Timber, Timber Land and .' Ivon oi'e foi\Saler T , i l EAt’L ! dTATl'';!L! h ' r ‘»'o w ‘«^crib e ll. la feel wt-Mi this tract, on the power of the Three gs foir I wilUlsotellOom FOUR HUNDUED to ONE TiHjlJgj /\NU coodbnw Logs, which will,out a good deal el Pams) Lumber. Bald loss aro about'one mho above Or. fioyrfc c.llloD iho river hill, ami about HA miles above Air. OireV* m il. The liver is wide hero; and they can bo driven, 6f sawed at tho above mill. Those iota can ho put lato the river for le:s than $3 CO per M feet bonds, at aUy lime. ' Jnna lit. 1853. ' • W»U«Ah U. Tho '’Lancaster InttlPgeoccr” will,lasert.the. abova thfee tiroes, omitting tbo loiter past relation to saw logs—and the “Clinton Democrat' 1 will intertill'dp;rtafibe aboverelating to the sale ofsaw logs, three times, am send their bilistothia office, - - ; Epilepsy can be Curod I Lake’s vegetable compound, For Ilio euro of Epilepsy or Fite, is performing mor, wonJer/ul cures llinn anji oilier,mcJirino yol 1 Known or beforo iho public. , > Price Five Dollars A Bollle. The proprietor has in hit poiieulrm numerous certificates. narrating rho AbTOMSIIINO ANJ) MtUACULOUd UtJKES cildoto l by tnU oi 'dioiue, and directs attention to tbo fnllowint; only, (o at*a;o ihoio who are so ODforiDnau to ‘jj vfil oted wii h tho terrible diieate ticrctoforeregaided Inctti able, that LAKC'd preoernlion. Is almost Infallible.in its Cure I —O— Front Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jat. Brooks, late of Conneaut, Ohio. > Mr. Z. La lOC.—Sir: Fleaso send ms anoller bottle of Fit Medicien, as i dooot like to da without it on hand. VYhenl commenced giving the Medicine .oiayse* Fdgtr, he had fiom cno to three fit* per day. Ho has aoW uk«n the medioine over five months, and has had, | ttuak but two Ills In that timr»and tbo»u\ery light, fits body anil mind are v< vy much laniroved and by tho blessing of uod I feel tbauho medicine will restore his body and mind to then wonted rctiviiy. lie is 13 years old, and has bad fit*over Pi years v which have bren vory frequent, and very dettmetiva to Ins conil tutlOD and mlna. Mocdmls of dollars have boon for mct tciceto "CUKE FJTB." bat nothing hm relieved him until ho tired your medldao. Kespeetfallv yours. PULLV BUUUKB. From Judson Landon, Superintendent if the Ashtabula County Infirmary. Mr. Z. LAKE —PJcnge: send me e few more bett’esof year "I ilMtdicinel nay cot need it, but think safer to keep it on head. Your medicine has done wonders t gave it to Miss Jane Delano ; she has fits for 25y«us, brousbton by havina Ih© mcaile* tvhwn bat foar yearso'a wbicbcunld not be b.oughtout to the surface. AlUrtnkiag Use tccdicice n few dajs. she had n fine crop of measles, and baihad no lit* since. She had fifs ersymptorri* almost daiJy, Bheond her tether concur with roe In nylng that we believe tba medidine has nr will work a perfeotcure. 1 also gave t'> medicine lo Mi*s Juno Hendenon and AilsCaity, who hare had llisa’moit dally, for a number olyeau. Their (itsh*va coated, nnd l b3l:tve the mediemo will havotho dotkodsf. feet. Muoh money has been expended by tho friends oftie ab:vara ieuti for dertorinc, ail to no porposa. The cars wt* Iclt tor your mvdicino to pesform»and i can cheerfol y recouimend it ns avaiuablo 4isc rve. y. Kespeci folly vonrs . . , -judsoji LAflOon; ' Bspenntendent Ashtabula Co. iutlrmary., Propayet! and sold at wholesolo by Z. LAKE,Cot}' neout, Ohio.—E. F. WKLLEK, Tmvcl/inff Agent. Sold by C.D. WAT£Off. Clearnold!—K. K. ARNOLD. Lothorsburg end also at Pb liirsbarg.—Sept.y.lßiy.—ly. > nnd Retail Grocery, S s s_£^sitr»iipas3lfc)\33.ap©‘ 0 c l' W. O. EBV, hirmz mij. arraenm.nl. to carry on S S iho WIIOI.EdALU OROUpav IIUBINEBd ie fhi" C s Qdclthia. tho subicriherwill continoelo keep at the tl T corner ol Market and Bthß's. near.thePENN. UaIL ? J IttJAD DEPOT, a (nil oad compete assortment ol v S chock hits. (lAcorr. laud.kopes/tau.ir! W S ON, NAILtJ, DHIKD FHUIT*«ud all the leading ar* \ c tides la trade.—Thankful lui ururfavon. ho would ask »? t bis old patrons Ln give him a call, asho is pieuarwl to ? p tell at prices that cannot fail to please, S > i'ebjuary ltf. iBc3,—ly. j U.EBV > IFasEiioinaP.de 'H'niloiring, c gSHi-\r^iyt a REIPECITULEY announces to tho citizens ol Clean fieldcoap:y,and thd oubho cenarully that haoontino** }2 c ?/ r J, n .V hoa l mvo , bnilae, ** t OLD STAND. nbote tbM ostOlilco* wheeoho wiiJal vay* he prepared to wait on a. who may lavor him with a call. He has SXI fg^^S-revirgi. IN CUIIWENSVILLE, Pa. 'I'UIE sabioribcr proposes to tell at PRIVATE SALE.bit 1 LARGE A.eO CONVENIENT HOTEL in the town of known &s the : Amoirnomia H^Tmo©- Hit litnated on the northwest corner of State and Filbwt Streets, and inf ho centro of the bunnois part of-ho town Too house Ls 45 by 48 f*»et. two stories mtb. wih a ba(«ueaf, ; :jdi«ovuiy way calcnlated fora pnbllo borne. Thermit al» so on the piemises a large and conrenient stable, together with allother necoisary b Udtncs. , *1 he property will be sold on the most favorable terms, sad for farther information application maybe made either to ihe sabicnberqn the premises, orto W. A. Wallace,atCJeaifield. Jane 11. IBaB. ISAAC BLOOM Jr. Mew Store, iiSTID SRJRW (a-^E)^OID3o , At Lumbervillc Clearfield County Penn'a, IVIONTEILUS.TEN EYCK. & CO. h'gl.ay.roinfom hTA their irtcjnlj, and tba oouuDun.ty in general, that they bavo opened tbui r N E\V BTOKE, in tLe above named plaoe. whurotliey hAvo. aod mlcnd keeping on hand every variety of goods uiually kept in a country store, such a* Dry Goods. Groceues, hnrd wote. Quoenswaro, Tin Ware* Randy Made Clothing, Has._QPd Caps. Drags, nnd Medicines. &u„ tte, 1 i ‘?? r ,J?s o . a .lH ca! particular attention to their stock ol BOOTS and SHULS, which i» nnsorpatsed by any in tbecoonty.** As thoy man afa cl arc all their own stock they can svaiisnt ill they idl to Rite setisfaciioo. , 7A?r,?fi ,t ? k 0 in exoh °a*« Tor Goods. all kinds oTRIDC& LCMUERcI every description. Produce, firo i hey also continue doing basinets at the old stand inCar* SSimm , r.l\siro #,h *. y bavoa^oiil *tr».cei»ed a large stock of NEW COOLS, and ere now prepared to sett at wholesaled rciule. (in soil porchascia) at the lowest prices. They else keep at the old stnnd n very large stock ofDOOTd fc SHOEtJ. a®dnrepreya:oi.E, (ha loowionof which o!l«u Kr.« Indoccmenu to Maohahics and otbeis, sitnaitd Mil is eut)ll «*iioiiltui«l]. pjnntrjr s»h.m an abandua. »t HOPElarmplka meat? t^ roae * 1 aati °th« («»««. At^o&yilje,Jqqe3o ‘ 5 JOHN L. CUTTLE, .: Attorney at Law and Land Agent, WILL preuiiQo ip tho several Courts prClearfield 111 Llk ccnntloi, nod nttaldto toe pajment of taxee oa Upsetdod iflnds.— ) Ajlp.rstros haviO. baiindi with him. will In kl. .hMnod, ' «ppl» to w!llUUndtti thtMoa Eaptamberi». 1543. .i'-v'Ui «i’"'v' s 'T3'-' ; ;