Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 25, 1854, Image 3

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    SHERIFFS SALES- | Receipts and Expenditures
S”SS”*«taXS C lo“p“w’iS«l“ F. O-M'“f*> E<«- TrenurerOf Cl».6eM_C»uats!, lo oc.j
S (ho court house, in the borough of Clear- Cou . n ‘ »'* h “ ,d JYom the 18th day of January, 1868,
ifield, 00 Monday the 20th day of Febru- 10 ,ho 6th dfl y ot JaouQf y* 1854 ' ,nclu3lVo - :
ory next, at .1 o'clock, p, m., the following ‘DR. To am’t Rec*d from Collectors for 1863, ) g 4 _Q
described property, to wit: and previous years, $
Alt the,right, tkle, interest and claim of " “ of jury fees and fines, 217 00
Alphonzo Laconic, of tn and to a certain “ “ Rec’d from owners of unseated lands, 105 64
.tract of land situate in Covington and Gi- '* “ Balance at last settlement, 104 50
,rnrd townships, Clearfield county Po., con- “ “ of road fund of 1848 and ’49 transfd to Co. 38 00
4ftuiing 633 acres, beginning at a white “ 11 Balance due Treasurer by County, 864 68
pine; north by no. 1890,134 perches toa
post, thence by no. 1891, cast 100 perches
to a post, thence south 82 perches to stones,
thence'east 809. porches to stones, thence
«ou|h 160 perches to a post, thence east
65J perches to o post, thence south 228
perches 100 post, thence west 64 perches,
Thence north 64 perches, thence west 167
perches, thence north 63 perches, west 40
perches, south 2$ degrees west 127 per.,
west 27 perches, north 2$ degress east2G3
perches, thence south 89 degrees west 231
.perches to the place of beginning, being
.out of surveys no. 1892 and 1894, with Uj
saw mill, two dwelling houses, two cabin
•houses erected thereon, and about 30 acres
cleared ; part of the same promises mort
gaged to J. W. Smith, by Alphonzo La.
.conte the 4th of May 1860. Seized and
taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Alphenzo Laconte.
AII the right, title, interest and claim of
Henry Baker, of in and to a certain tract
of land situate in Fox township, Clearfield
.county, containing 495 acres more or Ibbs ;
beginning at apitch pine—thence by lot no.
4189 and no. 4184 north 320 perches to a
j>ost; thence by lot no. 4270 west 202 1
{>erches to a corner; thence south on a
ine parallel with the eastmost line of lot
no. 4272 320 perches to a corner in line
of lot no. 4181, and thence enst along the
aame 260 and thirty.five hundreth porches
to the place of beginning—being the east
most moiety of tract surveyed in pursu.
ance of warrant no. 4271, granted to the
Hon. James Wilson. Seized and taken in
.execution and to bo6old as the property o
Henry Baker.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
William Rowles, of in and to a certain
jract ofland, situate in Woodward town
ship, Clearfield county, containing 113
acres more or less; bounded by land of
Patrick Doliu, John M. Chase and Laport,
feeing purchased by William Rowles and
his brother John Rowles of James Forrest.
Seized and taken in execution and to be
Sold as the property of William Rowels.
All the’right, title, interest and claim of
Rouaher, of in and to a certain
tract ofland situate in Brady tp., Clearfield
county, containing fifty acres, more or less,
bounded by David Wall, George Smeal,
Builyand others, being the same sold by
Jacob Kuntz to defendant. Seized and ta
ken in execution , and to be sold as the
property of George Rousher,
- All the right, title, interest and claim of
X». Jackson Crops, Administrator of Cath
arine Baum, of in and to a cenaintract of
Jand, situate in Burnside township, Clear
field county, containing 60 acres moro or
less, with about 30 acres cleared, and a
log' house and barn erected thereon; boun
ded by-lands of John Patchin, Wrn. Sum
mervtll on the east, and by land of James
‘Thompson on the west. Seized and taken
in execution and to be sold as the property
of L. Jackson Crans, Administrator of
Catharine Baum.
All the right, title/ interest end claim of
Wm. Wagoner, of in and to a certain tract
of land, situate in Burnside township,
Clearfield county ,containing 100 acres and
allowance, adjoining lands of John Patchin,
Jonathan Snyder and others, with a house,
stable and saw mill thereon erected. —
Seized and token in execution and to be
itold as the property of William Wagoner.
All the right, title, interest end claim of
Jonathan and Jonas Snyder, of in and. to
a certain tract of land situate in Burnside
township, Clearfield county, containing
(eventv'five acres, without 35 acres clear,
ed, with a house and barn thereon erected,
bounded by lands of Israel Borabaugh,
McEwen, William Wagoner and others.
: Seized and taken in execution and to be
, sold nV the property of Jonathan and Jo
WM. POWELL, Sheriff.
February 1, 1854.
, ;rTpHB valuable Saw Mill and water
rl: power, with two two-story dwelling
houses, a store room, and a large double
fe&aro erected thereon —between four end
| five hundred acres of good white pine tim*
Lfeer land— indisputable title. Said land is
I situiited bn Clearfield Creek, Clearfield co.,
and within twelve miles of Altona on the
[Central Railroad, with a plank road to |
unite the two points to be built next sum*
ber; also within four and a half miles or
the Lipton and Mt. Pleasant Plank Road
already built. The mill has two upright
mws, and one circular saw—all improve*
Inedts new and good. The creek Is n pub*
Ro -navigable stream for rafting from the
'inilt. For further information address the
ipbscrtber at McVeytown.
.7. J. B. STEWART.
'’••February l» 1854.—6».
i ,cj
i Terrifle Slaughter of tbo Bnuhuu
I a' ND the cheapest! best end Inrgestoß.
{■\ Borimontof Boots and Shoos in the
lS>Snty,canbefbUDdatß.Glennans*e 3;
|@*s:f rftSiMi**-
CR. By ain’t .paid Jurors, 8905 47
“ “ “ Election officers, 928 85
Constables, 271 37
Premiums on scalps, - 153 80
Assessors, 479 68
Commonwealth costs, 887 12
County Commissioners, 169 66
Repairs, 189 84
Prothonotary Fees, 184 74
Printing, . 148 00
District Attorney, 97.60
Jail, ' 00 86
Talisman, 88 00
Court Crier, 29 00
Refunds, 82 94
Tipstaffs, 24 00
Inquest Fees, ' 68 87
Justices, 86 96
Weights and Measures, 216 00
Cl’k to Commissioners, 147 76
Auditors’ pay, 46 50 ]
Road Views, 111 00
Interest orders redemed, 102 80
Exoneration, 165 93
Miscellaneous, 208 16
Percentage allowed Collectors, 223 65
Treas’r “ on 84,807 62 at 1$ perot. 72 11
*i •« “ paying out 85,165 87 1
at 1$ per cent. )
41 |< II
M .11 it
II if <>
(I At II
.a ci ii
ii ic ii
it ii a
ii ii <i
ii ii «i
<i ii i«
ii ii ii
ii if ii
«i ii , ii
ci ii ii
<c ii ii
II c< <i
ic ii ii
u cc ic
i« u i<
ii ic ii
ii i« ii
ii u M
1854, Jan’y 0, Bal. duo Trcas'r
F. G. Miller by County, 8304 68
By Amounts dmfrom Collectors for 1858 and previous years.
Years. Township. Col. Names. Coontv. State.
847, Jordan, James Rea 8151 67 807 75
848, Lawrence, Philip Antes, 700 469
“ Penn, Abrm. Spencer, 304 162
pike, Samuel Spencer, 008
Clearfield, David Litz, 17 61
Boggs, James H. Turner, 18 40
Burnside, James M’Ewen, 6 84
Woodward, G. W. Shotf, 22 70
Chest, Elias Hurd, 6 74
Bradford, William Graham, jr. 5 09
Bell, Henry Broth, 80 42
Clearfield, David Sackett, 35 84
Burnside, John Young, 62 09
Ferguson, Wm. M’Cracken, 16 41
Jordan, David Williams, 315
Morris, Jacob Wise, 3 60
Pike, Job England, 9 30
Goshen, J. W . Graham, 87 60
Beccaria, Samuel Shoff, 18 88
Bell, * John Smith, 639
Bradford, Bezel Crowell, 43 10
Burnside, David Smith, 45 63
Chest, James Curry, 116 71
Ferguson, James Wiley, 4 89
Jordan, . John M. Chose, 87 23
pike, Wm. Caldwell, 129 18
Clearfield, R. F. Ward, 7 00
Curwensville, John Askey, 62 61
Beccaria, , John Weld, jr. 100 04
Bell,, * John Pi Lee, 160 15
Boggs, Cornelius Shippy 82 67
Brady, Jos. Lines, 194 61
Bradford, V. B. Holt, 120 19
Burnside, John Myers, 106 12
Curwensville, John Patton, 37 01
Clearfield, A. M. Hills, 15 10
Chest, John M’Cully, 124 65
Covington, J. B. Gormont, 68 18
Decatur, David Kephart, 00 31
Ferguson, Jos. Moore, 08 27
Girard, Bernard M’Govern, 15 20
Goshen, W. L. Rishel, 30 08
Huston; • F. Brown, 42 10 265
Jordan, Enoch Wise, 120 37 30 59
Karthaus, Edward M’Garvey, 85 60 63 86
Lawrence, Jos. Shaw, 206 71 17 58
Morris, G. R. Dillefr, 197 84 02 72
Penn, Moses Owens, 148 30 48 88
Pike. Jos. Caldwell, 416 03 124 19
Woodward, James Alexander, 181 14 52 02
Duo from unseated lands for 1853, 1800 00 1225 84
Am’t of orders outstanding,
By balance due County,
F. G. Millkb, Esq. in acc't with Road Fund for 1852, ’6B:
DR. To Bal. at last settlement, ©631
•» Am’t received from unseated lands, 498 17
By nm’t paid
«, (< i<
Bal. due Rond Fund from Treas’r
1554.0fF. <2 Millor. .Wroo
and twenty eeveo dollars and twenty three cents, to full for U»o
90 13 Bal. due
-103 68 “
1 03
8 06
79 48
10 84
64 01
123 44
21 30
34 69
14 94
69 89 “
8 02 “
01 48 *•
82 18 **
0 18 “
609 66
CR. By ain’t paid Beccaria,
“ “ « “ Bell,
6589 11
M •> «
Bal. due School Fund from Treas’r
F. G. Miller, 8188 85
Rec’d, January 6th, 1854, of F. G. Miller, one hundred and
eighty Btx dollars and eighty five cents, in full for the above
balance of school fund.
Wo, the undersigned, Commissioners of Clearfield County,
in tho State of Pennsylvania, having examined tho accounts of
F. G. Miller, Esq., Treasurer of said tho year 1853,
do certify that we find as above stated—and the amount of out
standing debts duo the County, to be Five Thousand, Five Hun
dred and Fifty Six Dollnrs, and Twonty Threo Cents.
Witness our hands, this 6th day of January, A. D. 1854.
Samuel shoff. \
Attest—G. B. GooDLaNDEH, Clerk.
$5,589 11
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Clearfield Couoty 4 having
examined ihe accounts of F. G. Miller, Esq,, Treasurer of said
County for the year A, D. 1853, Do Report that tho accounts
are as above stated—that tho balance duo F. G. Miller by the
County, is Three Hundred and Sixty Four Dollars, and Sixty
Eight Cents, and that tho said F. G. Miller has paid over to
his successor in office tho sum of Three Hundred and Twenty
Seven Dollars, and Twenty Cenis, balance of Road
Fund found due by Baid Treasurer, and also One Hundred and
Eighty Six Dollara-and Eighty Five Cents, balance of School
Fund, due by-said Treasurer—and also that the amount of out
standing debts due the County from Collectors and Unseated
Lands, to be Five Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty Six
Dollars, and Twenty 'i hreo Cents.
10 79
13 00
0 68
3 98
8 29
8 48
15 78
0 05
74 M
6 02
34 13
26 03
4 50
41 33
73 46
8 72
83 14
101 52
7" 54
7j 10
11 40
63 63
05 87
24 40
67 60
17 57
13 02
86650 23 2769 22
1000 00
03960 23
81129 78
47 81
8 10
200 16
4 28
7 83
33 72
12 00
8 94
327 23
802 65
81129 78
6. Mulsh, Esq. in aco't toith School Fund for 1852
To ain’t rec’d from owners of unseated
lands for 1852 and *63,
“ bal. at last settlement,
Witness our hands this sixth day of January, A. D. 1854.
C. KRATZER, \ Auditors.
Attest—G. B. Goodlandeb, Clerk.
List of Grand Jurors for Feb. Term A. D. 1854. |
John McCord, Beccaria. Benj. Corson, Brady. John H.
Seyler, Brady. Thomas Forcey, Bradford. Wm. Bloom,
Jordan. Wm. Kirk, Brody. T. R. McClure, Pike. Jonathan
Folk, 8011. - Robert Henderson, Woodward. Geo. Davis, Fer
guson. John Byers, Jr., Burnsido. D. P. St. Clair, Covington.
Duvid Kephart, Decatur." Jos. Rothrock, Morris. Alex. Liv
ingston, Bradford. Wm. Graham, Jr., Bradford. Robert Pot
tor, Beccaria. John Milson, Covington. Lenhart Reams, Go
shen. Seth Moines, Bradford. Robert Patterson, Jr,. Jordan.
F. Brown, Huston. J. M. Cummings, Burnsido. Wm. Ful
lerton, Lawrence.
List of Petit Jurors for Feb. Term A. D. 1854.
Wm. Wallace, Lawrence. John Crowell, Bradford. Da
vid Brown, Lawrence. James M. Pfoutz, Jordan. R.S. Hum
phry, Pike. Johu Orr, Jordan. Jos. Fry, Beccaria. Richard
Hughes, Decatur. Amos Bonsall, Brady. Josiah Washburn,
Huston. John Wilson, Bradford. John Fox, Ferguson. G.
W. Murphy, Curwcnsville. Richard Curry, Pike. Peter
Hoover, Pike. John Kephart, Boggs. Daniel Goodlander,
Brady. David Dressier, Union. Samuel Miles, Jordan.—
James Glenn, Ferguson. Simon Thompson, Curwensville.—
James B. Caldwell, Lawrence. Gold Wilson, Huston. Wm.
Bard, Pike. J. M. Leonard, Morris. Caleb Copenheffer, Bee- ]
caria. John Dillen, Beccaria. Thos. Cleaver, Penn. Jesse
Williams, Beccaria. Richard London, Penn. E. D. Patterson,
Huston. Wm. Wise, Ferguson. Cyrus Jeffries, Woodward.
John Hoover, Beccaria. S. C. Thompson, Morris. William
Blackshnir, Clearfield. Robert Leonard, Lawrence. Arm
strong Curry, Chest. Jas. Moore, Ferguson. John Potter,
Brady. David Shoff, Girard. John McCrea, Pike. F. G.
Miller, Bell. Amos A. Read, Goshen. Bazel Dimon, Burn
side. Jackson Robison, Curwensville. Geo. Richards, Clear
field. Israel Condway, Karthaus.
Trial List for February Term , 1854.
John Patchin, vs Josiah Lambourn,
Thomas Wilson, vs Thomas Woods, et. nl.
J. W. Thompson & Egleman,®* Rcad.M’Colloughfc Robeson
Jonathan Pearce’s Heirs, vs David Michaels,
Catharine Miller, vs H. W. Mott,
John Teeples, vs A. Curry,
A. McClain, vs William Henderson,
G. W. ShofT, . vs R. Lytle,
G. W. Shoff, vs Lytle & Houtz,
David Ferguson, vs Wm. and Giles Tucker,
John Ferguson, vs Thomas B. Davis, ot al,
De Wit <J. Lafferty, vs David Mitchell,
Willianfßloom, Assignee, vs Benjamin Hartshorn,
Benjamin Bloom, Jr., vs W.H.dzl. Bloom,dsMorgan,
Henry Nalrhood, vs Benjamin Lounsbury,
Isaac Fqr.low’s Heirs, VS J. &• J* Leonard,
Cummings & Mahaffey, vs George Leech,
Benjamin Comley, vs W. M. Dugan.
Jan. 25, 1854. WM. PORTER, Proth’y.
AT Mosßop’s old store room, every-night of Court week,
When,great bargains will bo given to those attending.—
Sales peremptory. The goods must and will be-sold, as the
subscriber wishes to close out his entiro stock of goods, A
great variety will bo offered on that occasion, consisting of De
lanes, Cashmors, Merinoes, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Satli
netts, Tweeds, Callicoes, Linseys, Muslins, Hoseries,a variety
of Handkerchiefs, Neck-ties, Woolen Hoods, mid Jackets, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Cops and Bonne|(f,Booka-afidStationary,aod
a great variety pf Hardware, together with Taney articles in
abundance. ' . )
jbrms of Sale mate knownat the opeumfc oflho sales. „ At
the ringing of tlio bell a general attondonco is desired, when
advantageous purchases can be made. <
Clearfield, Jan. 96,4863, A, M- HILLS, Avctitmetr,
$93 03 Bai. due
-00 41
« 14 92
30,09 “ 160
42 90
41 20
20 08
12 07
6 08
41 15
8 66
38 89
1 45
65 28
143 71
4 57
39 29
120 70
69 62
873 97
The Republican,
Is published evory Wcdnosday, by D.
W. Moore &Clahk Wilso», at the low
rote of 81 Q year pnynb'o in odvnnco.*~
If not paid within three months 81 25 will
bo changed. If not paid within siXcnonths
81 60. If not paid within nine months
81 75. And if.not paid within tho year
82 00 will bo charged.
Advertisements inserted at tho rato of
81 per square for the first three insertions,
and twenty-fivo cents for each additional
insertion. A liberal redaction made to
those who advertise hv the year.
$lO9 84
950 98
$lOOO 82
2 47
11 37
49 70
IS 09
rr»AKE NOTICE, that a new firm has
I been established in Curwensville,
bnd with it a determination to sell goods
cheaper thanthoy hnveever been heretofore
offeree, under the titlo of Smith & Brown.
Wo are ready to wait on all our old friends
and customers, and ns many new. ones
as will favor us with a call. -Just givo us
a call at tho old stand, and we will con
vince you that all wo have told you is
true. Wo have a large and well selected
stock of goods, and will sell at wholesale
or .retail, as we havo said cheaper than
you can buy elsewhere. Lumber, Grain
and all kinds of Produco taken iq, ex
change for goods.
23' 04
1 67
10 60
4 34
2 00
40 11
166 85
873 97
$lO6O 62
Curwensville, Jan. 11th, 1854.
Notice. —Tho subscriber being desi
rous to settle up his old accounts* (which
his old friends and customers having un r
settled accounts will plcaso take notice.)
Having to bo from hqme tho greater
part of his time, persons will at all timesfind
his partner Thomas Brown in tho store
ready to wait on you. ISAAC SMITH.
Jan. oth, 1854.
REMAINING in the Post office at
Clearfield, Pa., on the Ist day of
January, 1854.
Miss Elinor Ardery, Henry Bean, E.
C. Brnctt, Caroline Ban, James Chree,
Wm. Campbell, Mary Caldwell, Joseph
Hasper, Wm. Collon, Peter Coppersmith,
Heol Crogle, C. J. Cummings, David
Ditch, Levi Derrick, Charles D. Fuller,
Nathan Gurney, Culharine Hamburg,
John Hill, James Hall, Charles Hollen,
Joi n Hall, Francis A. Hall, John Q. A.
Johnson, 2—Miss Jane Johnson, John M.
Hiller, 2—lsaac Lamburn, Samuel Lam
bert, John Miller, Jonathan Mays, 2
Wm. Mapes, David Miller, John D. Ma
lony, Hayes Morrow, Wilson M’Enally,
Mary Ann Kagaer, Angeline Robison,
John F. Stiller, Adison Stanbury, Isaac
B. Segner, Caroline Smous, Charles
Shriver, Hiram Stiller, Miss Rebecca
Smith, Walter D.Shirey, William Stark,
A. Shcddenbury, Edward W. Tityell, 2
—Aaron C. Tate, Harvey D. Vinton,
Tubitha Wallace, 2—--Levi Williams,
Miss Caroline Welch.
Clearfield Pottery.
FR. LEITZINGER, respectfully in
forms the public, that ho constantly
keeps on hand a good assortment of fancy
Peitery ware, such ns Crocks, Dishes nod
Stove Pipe Collars of every convenient
size. Farmers if you want to buy cheap,
give us a call at the Clearfield Pottery,
near George Orr's Blacksmith Shop.
Country produco will bo taken in ex
change for ware, and a liberal reduction
mado to wholesalo purchasers.
January 11, 1854.—1 y.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed
by the Orphans’ Court of Clearfield
county, in the matter of the Exceptions to
the Testamentary account of Henry Hog
arty ond William Mullin, Executors of
John Uegarly, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his said appointment on Tuesday
the 14th day of February next, at his of
fice in the Borough |of Clearfield, when
and-whero all interostpd may attend.
H. B. SWOOPE, Auditor.
January 11, 185$,- ...
('I AME to the residence °f~ feymoMti
J the subscriber, in Huston
township, Clearfield County,
about the 20th of Nov. last,
a Dark Brown Heifier, with somo white
on her forehead and on her hind legs be
low the gambral joint, supposed to bo about
two years old. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay
charges ond take her away, or she will be
disposed of according to law,
January 11, 1863,
Tbo Clearfield Academy Stocblio'den
ARE hereby notified that the meeting
of the Stockholders announced to be
held at the Acadomy on the2d day of Jan.
A. D., 1864, has been adjourned to tho
office of Jos. B. M’Enally, on Saturday
the 4th day of February, A. D. 1854, at
2 o’clock, when and whero. thoy are re
quested to attend and elect Trustees, &c.
J. B. M’ENALLY, Sec’y.
Jan. 11, 1854.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween tho subscribers under the firm ol
Rex & Bloom, at Bloomington, has this
day been dissolved by M. M. Rex selling
his interest therein to Abrahum Bloom,sen,
The business will bo continued at the
old stand by A. Bloom, Sen.
A. BLOOM, Sen,
M. M. REX.-
Dec. 20, 1860.
JUSTICES and Constables blanks of
every description neatly executed and
for sale at this office. Also, hand bills,
cards, circulars, and jobs of every descrip*
lion, printed on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
Stray Heiffer.
XAtEST Attßl VAb.
sna <& <£>- !£> o*
THE undersigned have Jus! -received
a large and well selected stock of
goods, suitable to the season, consistingJn
part of dry goods, staple and Fancy, Rea
dy-mado Clothing, Carpets, Hats and
Cops, Boots end Shoes, Overshoes, Gro*
ccries, Queensware, Hardware, Clocks,
Drugs, paints,and oils,Salt,fineandcourse,
Trunks and Carpot bagsyCederware, &c.,
which they-respectfully invito the-attention.
of all who wish to buy good articles,-on a
very small advance on city prices to-call
and examine before purchasing elsewhere,
as they are determined to sell off al the
lowest possible figure. v/ 1 - •
Jan. 25, 1854.
George Oitn.
THE subscribers respectfully inform
the residents of the boro’of Clear-- •'
field and vicinity, that thoy hnvo entered
into copartnership, and intend carrying on
the above business in all its branches, at
the old stand of George Orr on third
street in said borough, and they hope by
strict attention to business, and being con
stantly furnishod with a good assortment
of iron, to bo able to give satisfaction to
all who may patronize them. Every ef-> ■
fort will be made to have their work done
according to promise, aod ina substantial''
manner. Country produce of all kinds ,
taken in exchnngo for work-and cash
never refused. . "*
N, Bv*-Our shop will be open from
daylight’on Monday morning until 4P. V 1
M. Saturday of each week.
NOTICE i 9 hereby given that the fol
lowing accounts nave been examin
ed and passed by me, and remain filed of
record in this office for the inspection of
heirs, legatees, creditors and all others in
any other way interested, and will be pre
sented to tho next Orphan’s court of Clear
field county, to bo held at the court bouso,
in the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday
tho 21st day of February next, lor confir
mation and allowance.
The account of Isaac Goss, Adminis
trator of Richard Davis, late of Woodward
township, decoasod.
Final account of Samuel G. Davis and
George Gill, Administrators of Richard
Davis, lato of Beccdria township, dec’d.
Tho final account of Lional Wold, Ad
ministrator of John W. Miller, deceased.
Tho final account of Baojamin Harts
horn, Guardian of Wm. Ross Hartshorn;
minor child of Wm. Hartshorn, deceased.
The final account ofGeorge Roth,Guar
dian of minor children of Godfried Wea
ver deceased.
Tho final account of Conrad Mirwioe,
Sr., Administrator of Conrad Mirwine, Jf,
deceased. WM. PORTER, RegV.
IS about to close, and so iB A. M, Hills
Store. Being desirous to close out
his stock of goods, he will sell for the rea
dy cash for cost and carriage. He has on
hand a splendid assortment of all kinds of
goods usually found in a country store.—
Some good pieces of Dcoskin Cassiatere,
a choice lot of Cloths of almost aoy and
every desciiption. Beautiful Cashmeres,
and some of the latest patterns of French
Merinoes, and a large lot of Calicoes,
Ginghams, Books and Stationary, Boots
and Shoes, particularly ladies wear of
Shoes, Hats and Caps, children’s Hoods,
All Wool Delanes, Snttinets, Tweeds and
Flannels, Hardware of almost every kind,
Queenswnre and Crockeryware, Fancy
articles, Gents, and Ladies Hosiery, drc.
The subscriber is bound to sell out his
entire stock. A. ,M. HILLS.
Jon. 25, 1654. _______
NOTICE to the officers of the several
Election districts of Clearfield coun
ty, You nro required to give the consta
ble elect, notice of his election immediate
ly after said election, to bq held the 8d
Friday of Feb. next, as he & required to
be in attendance in court the third Mon
day of Feb. next, to take the oath of office
agrenbly to the act of assembly. Those
officers having charge of the returns of
said election, will please hand them in be
fore the calling of the court, on Monday
20th Feb. 1864. ,
WM. PORTER, Clerk.
Att4®im®y sr4 3L&w*
HAS removed his office to the room
adjoining on the east the Drug Stora
of Dr, H. Lorain, and will devote Ilia
whole attention to the practice of his pro
fession. He may bo consulted in Ifc&uh
and German. Jan. 26, 1854.
OFFICE, adjoining his residence on
.Second Street Clearfield, Pa. Hav
ng charge of Judgp Barrett’a unfinished'
business, Judge B’s. clients will find thaif
papers in his hands, and obtnin from him
such information as they may desire.
A FARM on the river, near Cur wept.
villa with about ninety acres of clear
ed land now in the occupanoy of Benjamin
Moore. For terms apply to >
WM. IRVIN, Curwenwillo.
Jan. 26, 1854.—pd.
Notice is hereby given that letiars of
administration bn the estate of David WiL
tin ms, deceased, late of Jordan tp., CISM-'
fiield co. Pa., ware in duo form of '.ln*
granted to the subscriber. All person*
indebted will make payment, those having
claims will preseut them properly outhCß*
licated for settlement.
John M. Chase, Adm’r,
Woodword tp. f Jah, 25, 1854. >;i
. : Fifty Bvshtts of Elans, "■■■":
haod and for Bale ut Smith’s Cheap
\/'BtoroCurwpsville,Pa, Jan2V3*
John Kinross.