Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 25, 1854, Image 1

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    lluriicane,~AI Iuriicane,~A Talc of the Baekwoods.
tho foot of the Ozark mountains,
> tho rocky slopes extend tar into the
ated settlements, and at no great dis
from the banks of the Mulberry,
, foamed and roared against tho sharp
i of ice with which tho extraordinary
a winter threatened to imprison it,
white' hunters wrapped in
blankets, along tho stream, and seem
bo looking for a placo whore, tney
cross 4° the othor sidoi (
ey were two powerful looking fcllo "?>
ay walked otrwilh thoirrifles on their
der?, and tho elegantly Mged > e gg*
lhe closely fitting andcarefulyso
occasins, showed that they had nssu.
the iialiUs of tho woods and wore not
r“S beeu n'tra vc rai ng ho “west- 1 to an immense tree, that had previously
order to find out fallen, another oak that fol across . only
districts to pur-! served to save him, and it guarded him
nost favorably sttua other continually falling branches
M onhem tTast said, ns he and smaller trees; but now, as soon as the
ll1 ,’ ‘ntir searching is of no use—you first most pressing danger was passed, ho
is here too jumped up and cried, filled with terror to
'for us to find n tree Ijfing across it, h,9^ ro ‘ h l r b : rothe r Tom-do answer. Tom.
jiTirstf <Ar~ r b • -* “* i
a-trees, it would not bo long enough to your been wc „ for him if
.w.» ». bjs±wSt’!if , dS.3 ! A-r;i
f JjJced to look for bears; there are suro to f’? s ° l ° b • d P benoalh Qn P immenso oak,
ijt ‘oTwim o° ro =s T S»J™te ‘to“i will nM wife* of
nbout,’ Tom replied, looking all round him, hunter. s J od near him DS if
i£ c „VSn ir«muS iik e .netbo-, h.»„ .«t «f BiU ’
■fircomping here, for you ,h ° s '" y "'tUs”” worts b roko iho charm ivhich
"father told us once about such a place. . I neso o Bcioua brother,
i .Nonsense 1’ Billed, laughingly. ‘Can „8 he threw
"rstream b r “nJ Sga® himself with groans on the mutilated body
aplenty of wood handy, th °
‘ jfurnish famous poles and the bark there Y " inB e> ,’ nd it is so cold.’
i 3 first rate for a root / r shall havo a few
Tom made no further objections , the ’ crie( j ) QB bfesprunghas
ispot looked too inviting, and lhoy_ we™ soco , lhQrQ n m j nu te\ongpr, and
1 *oon engaged in raising a "“S 1 * jJ® J e T [" ,J fel P b some ashes, and then hblp you up;
i that night,at least, which could afford them erU . a p ’ at i en ce and in wild
| refuge against the collecting storm. Under only back to the still burning
8 :S e ßosh«»d»<h« £*“ S/ e 'l h ! ?C did not notice the
blompUshed. .nd. the next l»lf /““* “3 "i, Lite which dole over the
I both under their quickly er , ct ° d . f . P o f iho unhappy man, as he begged
I 'watching the pieces of meat boiling on the P," H e hurriedly col
| %, etrnngo how eld it h.s Z
9 -turned,’ Tom at length broke tho silence , arm w sll f rt h ° nd hands—he did not notice
2 .-‘only look, the water in tho tin pan is fro- bu n A back t 0 b is brother’s side;—
2 -2« n quite hard, and the wind has c opp 11 , f j rift . woo d i av around, and in a
I Suite the northeast; it blows confound- bright /cheering fire glar-
I .cdlv sharp, too. ■ . tlm Ride of the tree, under whoso
I mi. -w- *■ M °” ,o,b ““ d
I Tel; ‘I am tired, and want to alive ded with a shudder the
§ a couple ofbeughs onthe before ‘ JSJ™ mttdly lH reW himself
I Jyj turn .in, andl the first awake to-mor- hundred men could
I jow must rouse the other. tad not have raised, and tried his utmost
. Midnight was past, and . strenc th on an impossibility.
1 And now, Bill dc yee teolly love
| -masses of clouds, had however college of his brothers hand
! together from various quarters dark y. g . speak he could
1 : threatening, they brood f d ° ver b o o)c nn dl no t, for tho tears ho hod suppressed with
» ; iing forest, and the state y ( i m difficulty suffocated every sound.
i bowed thoir leafless branches, os if ‘Will you do me a servico! Tom im
m fill ond ««rmopoolUr h.m- ( , Bl| whiipmd .„ service I
';”SP = 9i P cto haris-js
riblo winter storms wa p tore ‘You promise to do it 1
i unchained hurricano howled and to ? (hQ hunler as u e d in terror.
•ough the narrow mountain ravines. bcgged; .and
.BilU’ cried Tom, springing up uj nor- cnd (q my 9uffe rings.’
rn—‘Bill get up ;wo daro not lie two, l tTom r: the other cried, as he sprung up
3 how the old trees quiver, an y j n horror. . »| bo un .
inr, there’s one of them cracking ( p ut nn end t 0 m y sufferings, '
.Hnllol’ Bill replied, as he quickly bappv man entreated. , ‘Bill, brothser.
H Joff his blanket, ‘has it caught us 1 evor loved me prove it now Do
U Tom, lay hold of the roof; I’m bless- J lcl me perish here slowly and horn
l“ y i „rny.c ifi. «* m W
His fear was not entirely unfounded, for m cried .j y wiU re furn with assistance
their resting place in a second, d Eorro wfully shaking his head.
;, ?md of howliig stom. Tbendt sud- ““ tack, if you brought fijy.go.
lound of tpq no whole earth were w iih vou, what help could they give
foundations; far, far away £ ’ tUigh3 are shattered and
Ln i c?mc; at first indistinctly, with a ncoreBt doctor lives m Little Hock,
hollowtound liko tho crash of a thousand hundredB 0 f miles from bero and whUhe
nearer and nearer it roared, scarce Uno w tho direction. Bill,.will |
RnrSnc itd and terrible overthrow and |et m 0 fi o here for afte. ,
desolation all around. . wards see mo perish miserably - |
a « AdmiHhtvGod.rahurricano!’ Tom cried, k oW „ fife, Tom, and you shall
Almighty. Tho hurricano raged further h h brother fell upon his knees
4Si?Snd : destruqtion,; but silence,grave- Bill! nQW suffering, you would
“ rao 6
BlifrlDg. an 4 the .catoof vatf rl( jd-don’t nmke
■ ' , ■ I 'l'
Volume 5,
Clearfield, Fa., Feby 25, 1854.
‘What did you lately do to Nestor, when
the bear had tore him so terribly. 1 '"
‘I shot him;’ _
‘Ho was your favorite dogl . ,
Bill only nnswered with sobs.
•And you loved him more than mo i
Tom now asked, almost reproachfully.
‘Oh! why did I not heed your warning
when wo last evening reached this unhappy
JpolT why did I not avoid the decayed
trees, that threatened us on all sides (
% 1’ the unhappy man interrupted him,
‘do you mean to free mo from my tort-
U ”l wfil!’ the poor feltow sobbed on his
brother’s neck. . ''
They held one another in close embrace
for a long while, but when Tom tried to
unlooso his hold, his brother only he d
him the tighter. Day at length broke in
Iho east, and the sun shone on the chaos
of wildly scattered trees around.
' >Lct us part, Bill,’ Tom whispered, ‘bo
11 Tie quiotly pushed his brother back,and
ho at tength stood up.
‘Welt then, be it so,’ he said. I see
you are right —it is impossible to save you-
I know too, that' I should have usked the
same of you in a similar case; and you
would not hnvo refused me. Pray to God
for iho last time, and pray too, for me,
that ho may forgive me the murder of my
l>f Bill tottered away to fetch his rifle, but
returned in a few moments with a firm and
steady step. With his gun in his foil
hand, he swung himseir with th'e right ov
er tho scattered trunks, and soon stood
once again by tho side of his brother, who
looked affectionately in his face.
•I am veady,’ the latter said with a
smile, doCpqßremblc, and God reward
you for your kindness—good by .
y He offered his sound hand ns ho turned
his face away. . , .
‘Brother!’ the tortured hunter cried, m
agony, and threw himself again on his
breast Once again they held each other
?n a close embrace, till Tom entreated
gently* «
‘Do not delay any longer.
With a hasty bound the hunter stood on
his feet, raised his rifle to his cheek, an
lay the next moment unconscious by the
side of tho brother he had shot.'-
What more have Ito tell Shall I do
scribe how he awoke and piled brQnch ° n
branch upon his brother’s corpse, so hat
wolf and D panther might not fasten their
creedy teeth in tho befoved remains—how
he tottered away and wrestled with death
r„r months in tho wild dreams ot lover,
r ttv nursed by friends 1 No! enough
Sto .oSulSi Hi. brother', blood
covered face did not long trouble him in
his nightly dreams, or cause him to spnn
in terror from his bed and try to fly-on
nn oxDedition against some plundering
Creeks a compassionate bullet put an end
m his life! and bis friends buried him
, i,o foil But his memory has been
SrtSSA neighborhood, end
"hen a bonier comp. « night and turn,
nri inouiring glance towards the giant
uunks which menacingly surround him,
hen a gentle prayer parts the lips of even
the roughest of the band, and he
‘God preserve roe from poor Tom s late.
Reason Foa Prolonging War. *
Knickerbocker tells the following story
which is far from being incredible.
Among the number of gallant spirits from
Indiana who volunteered during the war
with Mexico, wit's a Capt. B. lie was in
Gen Scott’s line, and was made Quarter
master at a port in Mexico, where he .was
discharging his duty to himself, and pre
paring to comp home u richer, if no a
better* man. The intelligence that Clifford
had arrived to open negotiations for peace,
found him dismayed, in tho midst of his
lucrative operations, at the prospect of their
speedy termination. He determined to see
ihn Commissioner, and did see him.,
| lhB .nS said he’, -Mr. Clifford, that you
I are sent out to conclude a treaty of P° a^;
II am a'poor man, sir, and have a large
family at home, but I’m u good Democrat,
str • I’m as good a Democrat, sir, as any
man, and my father a Democrat be-
mo. Now Mr. Clifford, I’m. the U.
S distributin' agent here, and I’m making
I h power of money while ‘h‘s_ war lasts
| iest you hold on a spell, icon t you ?
/ t/ n ’ t U barely possible that somo such
create, wars of conquest l _
(WWhen vou hoar a speaker using
JSS lo rib and f W»-
'in rammlly, make ajryoar mind ih»t m
ture forgot to put any brains under his hat.
Steep Words are generally pilea up to cov
or tho lack of Sense _in him who utters
them. Short, sharp, crisp words, and goo
sense, go in'.tho'same company, as notur
l ally os girls, nonfthsei beaux, and another
now bonnet. 1 ;
(vyit is said that the Pennsylvania girls
and Pennsylvania horses are ver y unl '' t ? ;
fo" a wonder 1 The horses are sly, skit-
ISi, and hard to catch; but.the girls aro
i ns tamo aa kittens, and oa bold as lions.
I They flock round a fellow like sheep round
iXsolt trough,' and have to hodmen oft
with clubs.
! .f’.H .K-
of Washington.
The revolution was over, Eight year s
conflict hna ceased, ami the warnors were
now to scperatc for ever, turning ■
weapons into plough-shares and their
camps into workshops. Tho spectacle,
though a sublime and glorious one, was
yet attended with sorrowful feelings ; for
alas! in the remains of that gallant army
orpatriotie soldiers now aboul to d.sband
without pay, without support, pov
orty and disease, The country, had not
the means to be grateful. _ ■
The details of the condition of many ot
the officers and soldiers of that penod, ac
cording to history and oral tradition ware
melancholy in tho extreme. _ Possessing
no means of patrimonial inheritance to fu
back upon—thrown out of oven the peril
ous support of u soldier at the commence
ment of winter, and hardly fit for any o h
er duty thuu that of the camp—their situ
ations can better be imagined than desen- j
bCd A sinole instance, as a sample of the
situation°cf many of the officers as rela
ted ofthe conduct of Baron Steuben, may
not be amiss. When the main body of
the armv was disbanded at Newburg.and
the veteran soldiers were bidding a part
in" to each other, Lieut. Cql. Cochran, an
n»ed soldier of the New Hampshire lino,
remarked with tears in his eyes as he
shook hands with tho baron :
“For myself 1 could standit» hut my
wife and daughters are in the garret ol
that wretched tavern, '<mtklj have n 0
means of removing y , ,
“Come, come,” said thHdron, “dont
give way thus. I will pay my respects
to Mrs. Cocluan and her. daughters. _ |
’ When the good old soldier left them their i
countenances were warm with gratitude
for he left them all ho had.
In one of the Rhode Island regiments
were severnl companies ot black troops,
who had served through the whole war,
and their bravery and discipline were un
surpassed. The baron observed one ol
those poor negroes on tho wharf at New •
burg, apparently in great distress.
“What is the matter, brother soldier t
“Why Mnsterßuron,! wanta dollar to
get homo’with, now that Congress lias no
further use for me.”
The Baron was absent for a few mo
ments, and then returned with a silver |
dollar, which he had borrowed. „
“There it’s all I could get. I “ko it.
Tho negro took it /with joy', hailed a
sloop which was passing down lho rl '£‘. l °
New York, and ns lie reached the deck,
took off his hat and said—
“ God bless you Master Baron !
These aro only single illustrations o
the army at the close oHlm war. ndeed
Washington had this view at tho close of
his farewell address to tho army at Rocky
Hill, in Novomber, 1793. “And now be
ing about to conclude these his last public
orders, to tnko his ultimate leave in a
short time ofthe military character and to
bid a final adieu to tho armies he has so
long had the honor to command, he can
only again oiler, in their behalf his re
commendations to their country, and lus
prayer to tho God of armies.
“May ample justice bo done them here,
and may the choicest of heavens favors,
both hero and hereafter, attend those who,
under divine auspices, havo secured tnnu
merable blessings Tor others.”
“With these wishes and this benedic
tion, the Commandor-in-Chicf is about to
retire from service. Th 6 curtain of sopa
ration will soon be drawn, and theniilitu
ry scenes to him will ho closed forever.
The closing of the “military scenes, 1
am about to relate: w ,
New York had bceu occupied by Wash
ington on the 251 h of November A few
davs afterwards he notified tho President
of Congress, which body was then in ses
sion at Annapolis, in Maryland,—that ?s
the war was now closed, ho should con
sider it his duty to proceed thenco and
surrender to that body the commission he
had received from them seven years be-
T(io morning of tho sth of December,
1793, was a, sad and heavy one to tho
remnant ofthe American army in thccily |
of Now York. Tho noon of that day was
to witness the farewell,of Washington,—
ho was to bid adieu to his military com
'rades forever. Thu officers who had
beeiHyith him in solemn council, tho pri
vates who had fought and bled in tho ‘hea
vy fight,* ’ "underiiis,orders,.. were to hear
his commands no longer.—Tho manly
form and dignified countenance of the
“great captain” ,was henceforth to livo in
their memories. . , ~
As tho hour of noon approached, the
whole garrison, at the request of Wash
ington himself, was put in motion, and
marched down Broad street to Francis s
tavern, his head-quarters. Ho wished to
take leave of private soldiers aliko with ot
fleers, and bid them all adieu. His favo
rite light infantry wore drawn up in lino
fncing inwards, through Pearl street at
the foot of Whitehall, where a bargo wns
in readiness to convoy him to Powell s
Hook. .
Within tho dining room of fhe ffivem
were cathead tho gqn|fajsji»d fi
gbrsfheir farewell.
-. u '
Assembled there were Knox, Greene,
Clinton, Steuben, Gates and others, who
had 6orvcd with him fuithfully in the ‘ten*
ted field but alasl where were others
that had entered the war with him, seven
years before? Their bones crumbled in
the soil from Canndn to Georgia. Mont*
cbmery hud yielded up his lifo at Quebec,
Wooster fell at Danbry, Woodhull was
burbarously murdered wlrlo a prisoner at
the battle of Long Island, and Mercer fell
mortally wounded at Princeton ; the brave
and chivalric Laurens,. alter displaying
the most heroic courage in tho trenches ol
Yorktown, died in a trifling skirmish m
South Carolina ; the brave but eccentric
Lee was no longer living, and Putnam,
like a helpless child was stretched upon the
bed of sickness. Indeed tho battle-field
and time Had thinned the ranks which en
tered with him) on tho conflict of ludepOn
dencu. ' .
Washington entered tho room—the
hourof soperution had come. As hrf rai
sed his eyo and glanced on the faces or
those assembled, a tear coursed down his,
cheek, and his voice was tremulous as lie
saluted them. Nor was he alona.—Men.j
‘albeit unused to tho melting muqi),’ stood,
around him, whoso hands uplifted to cov
er their 1 brows, told that'the tears which
they in vain attempted to conceal, bespoke
the anguish they could not hide.
'’After a moment’s conversation, Wash
ington called fur a glass of wine. It was
brought to him. Turning lo tho officers,
ho thus addressed them : ;
“■With a heart lull of love and gratitude,
f now take my final leave of you, and 1
most devoutly wish your latter days may
bo as prosperous and happy as your for
mer ones have been glorious and honora
ble. Ho then ruised the glass to his lips,
and added, ‘1 cannot come toeachofyouto
take my leave, but shall ho obliged, to you
if each of you will take mo by the hand.
General Knox, who stood nearest, hurst |
into tears and advanced incapable of utter-1
anco. Washington grasped him by that
hand, and embraced him. The officers
came.up successively, and took an atiec
tionato leave. No words were spoken,
but all wus the “silent elegance of tears.”
What wero mere words at sue!) a scene ?
Nothing. It was tho feeling of the heart
—ihrillmg though unspoken.. •
When tho Inst officer hud embraced him
Washington left the room,.followed by his
comrades, and passed through the lino of
lioht infantry. Ilia step was slow and
measured, his head uncovered, and tours
flowing thick and fast, as he looked Iron)
side io side at tho veterans to whom he
now bado adieu forever. Shortly an
event occurred more touching than all tho
rest. A gignntio soldier who had stood
by his side at Trenton, stepped forth from
the ranks, and extended his hand. !
“l'urewell, my beloved General, fare-1
Washington grasped lus hand, in con
vulsive emotion, in both of his.. All.dis
cipline was now at an end. Tho officers
could not restrain tho tnen as they rushed
forward to take Washington by the hand, i
and the violent sobs and tears ol the sol- 1
diors told how deeply engraved upopaheir
affections ( was the love of their comnian-j
At leng/h Washington reached the bargoj
ut Whitehall, and entered it. At the first
stroke of the oars he rose, und turning to
the companions of his glory, by waving
his hat, bade them a silent adieu, i heir
answer wiis only in tears; and the officers
and men, with glistening eyes, watched
tho receding boat, till the loan of their
noble commander was lost sight of in the
distunce. —IV. Y.Jour. of Com.
When Bonuparto died at St. Helena it
is well known that hie heart was extract
ed with a design of being preserved. Ihe
British physician who had deposited tt in
a silver basin,among watcr.jretired
leaving two tapers burning besido i) in the
chamber. He often confessed to hid fnunds,
while narrating tho partidul/trs, he felt]
nervously anxious as to the custody ol
such ft deposit, and although he reclined,
he did not sleep. While lying awake, he
heard during the silence of tho night, first, _ „ Y Sil , p wbeck.— A state
a rustling noise, then a p ungo among the | " d for , t he N. Y. Daily Times
water in tho basin, and then the aggregate or 1809 human hyes
a „ object falling with a rebound 011 lhe J . "“"J “ gj ri „ g tho year 1853, by the
floor—all occurring with the quickness of, I « 33 vessels.- The largest losses
thought. Dr. A. sprung from bis bed, and wreck t on lhu ship Nc3 reo, 300
the cause of tho intrusion on bis repose | were Annie Jane, 304 on the ship
was soon explained. It.vvasan enormous, E ve |yn,’ 150 on the steamship San
rat, dragging the heart of'Nnpolcon to his t i lo B amo number on the screw
hole. A few moments more, and that g , • Mars | la l|, 120 on the steamship
which beroro hud beou too vast in its am- [nde n e ndehco,i‘l4o on tho ship Stafford*
bition to bo satisfied with the sovereignty l)ire P nn j 103 on a Dutch steamer
of Continental Europe would have beu>|‘ ■ Zee T i, o whole number qfyfi*
found oven m a more degrading position I vessels ldst during tho year, ncoordragjo
than the dust of Cmsar stopping a b - Bluton , cnt W as 110; besides 20 fish
barrel —it would have been devoure as Hid. Jw |„ the
supper of a rat. / |loss of life, us given above, ‘ho Jos* “
hoard coasting vessels is not
Theso, it is thought, would raise the total
10 JiS-Mf. David Freed, of Huniiogdon,
has invented a machine forpulhngo! brt*-.
ches. • The most ingenious contrivance
to jerk tvman out ot his
duroys was a pretty httlo piece of calics.
is charitable to ,
many of those who go. to church merely
to enjoy a quiet nap, arc likorttte old wo
man, who prepared for a comfortable
snooze directly alter cioming to church,
having perfect esnfidence in the minister,
and being fully satisfied that bgi.would
preach the right doctrine.
•' i l Don't Recognize Iver- —She’s a Working lilil.
, Such was "thb exclamation or a pert .
I vouhff miss, dressed in silks, and fino hn- .
nn old schooUay
acquaintance, compelled to labor diligent
ly to support herself and kind mother.
YVo happened to be close at handand fur
thermore, possess a slight knowledge o - -
the nernons in question. Thus informed, -
wo wero astonished'at the remark, and
with difficulty' restrained an expression •
which the heart dictated at that moment.
The author of the language which heads
this sketch, is by no means wealthy ; cm_
the contrary, her mother (for she is a half
orphan,) ah industrious, w°rthy lady, hdg ;
a means of obtaining a livelihood whidh
wo will not particularize: suffice It to say
U istnorablo. Tl.o
allowed her own way m life, ' and by
sociation has acquired ia Sheaf- • «
must despise in any individual. She aU
fects to bo what she is not; she ffir •
tho ease and grace ef an adept, and treats
hearts ns idlo baubles, fit only o P • P
fancies. She scorns poverty, andl
up her natal organ at tho poor 'Vorfong
girl, as unworthy of recognition by her Id
dyshio. She visits concerts and public
places to attract attention, and, to gain
[his enviable notoriety, resorts to
devices which always She
fact an ‘airish young woman —to use * .
homely phrase and deserves to be censo
red most severely lor her conduct. ,
The poor working girl, whom she WOul
not recognize, is likewise, ha!f «ph» n wh
and bv force of circumstances, labors tep
hou'rs daily to support herself and mother
She passes ourollico daily, on her way
and from hor work, and always
bo happy and contented. She is not asha
med to acknowledge hor condition imhfe,.
andnevor feels half so m ? rr y “ 3 'm »ntl
hor engu-rements. She is a dutiful, and
fovin- daughter, affectionate and genetou*
o her co-laborers, and generally respect
hv them. She Js in short, a high mind
cd Intelligent and' respectable workttfg
gir’l-than whom, not one can bp found
more worthy tho approbation of
ciates And yet, she is not recognized by
“Miss Impudence,” because. shosa work
: " cirl. VVe would rather have that
working girl for a companion through Ufe,
than our would-be-great lady for a day.
The one is to'bo loved the other to be de
tested This is do fancy sketch drawn
foom imagination. It is a true scene from
every day li Albany rranscnpt.,
dumber s*
Stop m7PAVun.-Tho following re
marks arc too good to be thrown to tw
side, without at .least a passing notice.
They are true, to tho letter, and ; suitdA
to all localities. We are of opinion that
| tho weakest capacity cannot fail to under.
whai notice
ncrsons have of their own importance,
they seem to imagine they a« f u ' l °fS
necessary to the onward roll of our little
world, and that if by any menus, they
should be shoved out of tho Way,- <He
screws would be so loose that the old ana
chine would no longer hold together, W? 1
; 0 r course, if such important porspMgos
lonlv say to an editor —‘stop my paper*
I the whole establishment must go to pot in
stunter. Wo have oftdn laughed in-OUr
sleeve-though outwardly wo looked grave
ns an owl—when one of those regulators
of tho world has marched into our editori
al sanctum, and ordered a discontinuance
of his paper. And it always does us good
to see how the starch is taken out oflnjn
while tho editor smilingly replies, Cer
tainly’ sir, with tho greatest pleasure,
just as soon as l have entered a hundred
or more names which have bcensent in.
The mighty man wilts down hke tll< ?
rolive’ of a whipped spame hand he shrinks
away muttering to himself;
afraid that stopping my paper has not ru
ined him after all. _
These swells who stop their paper on
account of some miff which has found its
way in their, aro sure to watch
tho time of the next issue, thinking thfct
anotheenumber will lmrdly
nearoncei'npd they are ‘o
their neighboiFs-eopy to see if it does apt
contain tho editor’s farewell address to W
readers.'-. ;
Tun Northeun Route to tjie Pacific
Governor Stevens, in n letter dated Olym
pia, December sth, states ns the result of
his exploration, that the success o the
party in finding a good route, * aa no \ ™
lhan he hud anticipated, tho country hro
out bein'' well wooded mid watered, ad
mirably adapted to settlement and
lion, iurnißhing inexhaustible supplies 61
wood and stone, for building mu'enate,
and tho rivers and streams being such
to be easily bridged. His party discover
ed in each of tho mountain ranges two pas
ses presenting no serious obstructions, find
through which a railroad may easily be
construed.. Ho adds that the amount of
tunnelling would ,bu small, not probably
exceeding two milesin the whole louto,,