•snS&Pdr" juXRMBIM' “ /'■ gavplness and Competence. ■- 'k s ; * WHY IS IT* .T. JEFFERSON BOYER. ' J 1 ■ * > V-pHYBIOIAN- M „ b, ib.ndatlii. Olliae in EUrilEbß, *«fff crfi'da m tu jle(nn!e».t hnloal lion i;,, bnonancr MOSSOP & POTTORPF P'ormiid, anilnn f.om a ooadi. MLKKSUI Csi luiiunrr, Hub (•rntatlhihoqlii ua iitcdomlnaDt. n ETAIL.ERS OK KOIIIS.UN AND IJO.viJMTIC MER- MaUvUhncauaiaoiboritillerlnstatrin —noihrtnieatt! *-V OHANDIrtE St LIUUOHS-On tho wnt side or ried wy-M, < Q*ioft jlilhopil, or ihafitti year* of her miiriicH— ! oailetre*! nearly opposite the Court House. Clear.ield* Pm. irmlatbtfr onjrin to ttghtasio pnnnnno J.<.d, joept tid.ißoß. wtSliwiu.'U'l® Sly,., ■„•«*!' “ £*£•»•*«! mourn, and reiral tho full comeqaeooe of oar; OHYBICIAN—-May bo found either at hit ofljce.oratSoo «*lS? 00# * * • 7 i r fijU'ahoteJ—Ourwemville—when not oof yrofeuioaailf Wfcntttonld wo natoften rlvmo posttta In earli Wetbe‘ah**»nr. . ■ Deo w ihai. obtain in after jean. And who* days and JjjJjjdwyiMjnUlvwe iKioulpß'cti, fftho»noAl. ”’ fcEANCIiOLLY AND STARTLING NfedidJtttesloknasaand.iufl'arlDff endured by many a wife ur mvar yeaifc. Irom came* simple and coatriilable easily JltMdieJ oibetter Hill-notiucafreJ, if every / . * WJPEAND MOTHER . . \ IJnaMedtlnilnroimation contained inn little votuma»(witbin pw feteo of alt) W bfoh toofild ipatoloticpeii YEARS OF MISERY. Aftdtofcfthßibaaa theoonitSDt toilani' anxiety of mind. ieojutrUf ftevoivioc upoa him from tioanestoi tho wife, withMlfivietbira ibeoppOftoD'ir olacqairmg thatcompo* UIM which and (he poumionol JrMobwoaidecCQfe the faappiactiof himieit, wile andohil, " SB'URBTfIB MB&NS OP HAPPINESS Br heeeiiMfa lime pomtied or (he knowledge, the want pf whiob ©aawtflM itukaeuana povertyol thboiandi. llf*l«ir?4fiachcOD.iqoence». nowifoor motheriteaxated if a«,enVtflii;tsioavatrh'ti»3lf of (hat knowledge in reipectto MvmiVWBIQH tooQlil apart ber moob idflaring* be the mean* of4«»pln»if and amM’ityloher earned, and con Ter upon Mr MMMI that bleninr aboro all prioo—Jualthy boiliei TbalknD ' ,lo<, « >* Contained in alitila %• .( THEUAERIEUWOMAN'S wfIUVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. . BV DB. A. -M. SIAURICEAU, rI FRQ£HB§OR uP UIBEABE3 OF WOMEN. Pne.tjufidredlh Edition,2Bmo.pp. 250, i’rico 00 cls, ‘(On fine Whilo paper, extra binding, 81 00.) > 7 if iMVpublished in 1847. ami it is not SURPRISING OR WONDERFUL juQQakferingthat EVE/2V FEMALE, WHETHER i MARRIED OR NOT, cun hero acquire a full i knowledge of the naipfo, character arid causo ol t htreonipjaints, with . ihe various symtoms, and | that nearly i HALF A MILLION COPIED j Should have been sold. It:U 'lmpracticable t.* convey folly the vftripn* subject* ! raaUdol.M taey are of a Dftlßrp *;riQi|y intended for the, aittiwil of those cdhUtaplAUa* mariiaite, hot no female health, aadtbai beauty consequent upon ( Win, which issoconduatlvejo her own happiness, and (bat i if her has band. bate 'herhas or wnl obtain it, as has or will iverj'btubabd who has the love and eOeciiuno! his wife at' leaitt-jrtbatol fcn ownp*cuuirry im *fovotr.e«t. 1 r Ur'WAmJd Oi'UNK[lUrtJ.Kt JTHUUdANDCOPIES- tiLLN i ftY MAIL within the last tew months. } Caution to~the rupLja ! ; ‘ " DEFRAUDED; 1 Bar DO book unit 11 Dr, A. M. Mintiowi. 119. UScrt. ‘ ptTHLN. t .. Is on the lilie care, and ihe entry in theCfeik’s | VfllMOfe the Dick of the title pace: and boy only of respects. ntoaetLhpft rabledeaie&i. aodtend by mail and addresser. Sk* M. Maor.oeaa, as there are spurious and serreptiliooi iairmfferiifntaofoopywrisht. . - Thatatpit n&id ratafia .uninformed npoh •olj.'cts so vital onheir pence, tt.elr health and taeir happiness, a Pamphlet! orTbirty UPaves coatainine extiaots. with tall title pace, t bod alio lodes of cooients. will be sent free ofoharge to even i yartoftlie Hatted Statoi by oddrauuc* post oaid.es heiein. / {GrOn receipt of Filly Coals, Clap Dollar luri ;he fine Ktltliun,extra binding,; ‘THE MA KRIKD ’ WOMAN S PRIYATE MEDICAL COMt AN'; lpiS/Msqent, (mailed fake.) to any partol the. polled Slates. Ail luticra mu»t be post paid, ami I addressed to Dr M. Mnuricecm, Box 1224, New York City. Publishing Office, No, 129, Liberty el s»w york. ; Foj. SAtEBY Blanch and Crop- Ilarriuburg;, * ivrsrts, Bloorasburg; J. W, Worth, Lcbuppu; don, nrmiriger. Mauhcun; H \V- Smith, HimLcrlin . McQoaaM,Lnioniovvn:.J M* Baum. A&evilio, N l A Lands, Reading; E T Morse. jTaud Siarks R P Crocder, Brownsville! VpWillinrasporif S Cbfbondale; Eldred apd Wtfrlc. Waynesboro; R Tarb* Wilkeabarre; Gea,'Hanover; 8 W Taylor, rrrosky, Mercer; Somerset; T B IVtcrxon, IJtitsjli V CdrU'LoForge, Millord. Pa,; and in Phil«delphia;/by Stringer and Townsend, Ada- NpW Tortin &. Co. Dewilt and Davenport,Barnes 1 pnpr* Si* i * 39, bßrty ® lrwf * near Greenwich Sedition worthy a piateiu ail Families. peing Prepared by a Regular Graduate and Physician of 30 years Experience. nß.Dfin aad appetite.! poMßssesjrreatinvixoratiap properties, for Heart Uiteano, ail Nervojs Affections, Flatulence, Heart Barn. EU.Ueaiaau. Rnmbow*. Nenralfia, raising the Ipirita, and Kivi&a power to the whoi* system, tt is almost prttaoaioui in .U effects. to cents a bottle. THE GREAT PAIN LUKER. DO YOB SUFFER WITH AN Y PAIN.-lf von do yon wUllad Immediate relief by using Dr.'RodiJ’d FAIN CUR* BJL' D * the only ptrpiftUion ffbfcb tftrei almost instanUr* BOfeTorou. Rbeomstum from' Cold*. paias in it* B*de, fMefc. or Limbs {Face, liaEor Tooth Ache; Rlomsca or Bowels. B de or Bock: BiltTNeik, Bruises. Corns, and nlni olatM. Wherever vouhave pain, n*« the Pain Cum. Bate to oil ages. prloo 25 and battles. „FOB COUGU3 COLQd.'CttQUP ANb IYBQOPING COUGH—t.nbait Cough Ryrup'in the world.—Dr. Russ's beleprtfed Coaib Syrup, gives immediate rslisr to the wont Ooofb. whether Consumptive or prtfeeAd'Qg rrom e cold. It allays a*y irritation of ihs Dungs, and fortifies the intern hjglMt mure attack*. la boUasat&Ocen sand $l. Children are aUo liable to Croop, which dangerous disease yields fjniasdia'sly to Dr. J 8. Lore's nerex fading CROUP oYJBUP. Price kaoeett ' wHOOPiNGCOUGH, another always worse iaooMaaddamp weather. The afflicted will find reform thg use of Or. 8, Boss's Whooping‘‘uugn Syrup, which al* ffeia raflsves and prevents tbs diseases. suonat loflamatiou Of the Lun«s. Dropsy in tha Curit, and Coniumplioa. Prior SO dents per born*. _^!ALJSO.—Dr. J. 8. Rose** Altuniivx or Blood paxlfier, Dys pepao RheamatioCompoand—CompODfidextiectorUunhu. pligio Lfoiment, UaJstnj Won? Killor or Vet milage, Pills,Pde Ointment, Tgueror ' Hailing Utetmest, Eve Ointment, Ejre Water. Btreogthen* lag P.atfon. Preach ri.ecifro, Ufant Cordial, Acoustic Mil, EiexUor Opium,-Liqaid Hair Toole. aadPemale Hp«ctfio. • Alltbe*Uore preparations. with DK. UOdE’3 MEDICAL AUVIREBio pereottiia tiasnesi aad in health, u> be had of EDMUND R BRENNER, Moriisdal*. Clonfleld cueut*. H 7 1> PATTON, Uorwensvllle. and of Dealer* generally throughout tie Sinta jane24,1053-?m. D. WATRUN, Agent, Clearfield Pa. , PIT! FITS! FITS! TUB VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPELEPTIC PILLS, figr thetureof Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and 0 Nervous and Constitutional Diseases. DEHSOSa WHO ARK LABORING UNDER tat, ;b.JAfc«iceii3|WKKALdiinkt. “ Tottot*l. ffl r.r’ -IcI• r. 11 r I nr.,ilj t-i'> i i lorge nnd h> prov.de.l ,v!-h tlr-*licit ul t'rcvr v,dtr. JJjaE.FfiUN ; ai’< itiNi ionud'" tha, itii«i pleasant aitui. I dflmeoathvErl-j nadrre pro.“ v k*o' it.*;.ef'tfqpy 1 uud ot):t‘frf. cjr.SdtfPt tha'hewil, taabta itfiifJiatUraoUMj tohu KUo3'a- ' \ flotjytSwnr dn.'Dao a.llgd*., ' jOHN;OnEI - ,J ' »* tB» ; r. ; ?MJTH (UKw IS. | BBBIBES3 MEBCIDftY OP CXB‘#lEtP C,y7 r SAMUEf. B. TAYLOR, rfUNMER mid ROOT and SHOE MANUFACTURER-* I i;niw Walnut, oleaifield.Pa. April Id, IBSJ. HENRY LORAINE, .p olile PI) VSICIAN aad DRUGGIST. on Marketer*- it&f, hii toililence. Cleaifiald. Ap* 1 jOHNvv.sHur ß^j£; o> , ttr „, I*/ AGON MAKUII. coio.r or » Oldel. Apnl.lb. '6a. ■■ W *""*~-^ , ”IftARDSr v*EO«.I,UR Weil end ol Shaw'* How pIAaHIONADLE^ 1 * Dcc.00.1H5.. up t.a'/<— " 111 ■ iHOMAS SHEA, (HAIMjB TAlLUfi«'laSl)aHr , i Kow, on Matktt lAfut. immediately over ibe Toil Oce«rCiBiifield Deo &. 1851. 1 FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant tad puuduce dealer. Lmh.r.tmre Clearfield CO., P«. Apiil 17. 1839. DAVID SACKET, CAUINET AND CHAIR MAKER, Locuit belwuea Btcatd tad Third, Clearfield, I'n. April 18,1837. A. L. SCHNELDx r jPAlLOß*— Lutheraburg,—will do bis work just at rood and A e» cheap, oi any other fellow. Deo.YiMßol. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. A TrORWEV Al’ i.AW. Office adj lining bitresidence on XX becyudiUeet opposite thereiidenoeol Gov. Uig.eiCiear "old April 17. If*.* DR F. ANTES CANFIED. HAVlNGrooroharedth. proptriy tad iltnatloa ofDr.C. p uor i rtv. 1111 «er-icot It thi ci iz.ai ?’» RVILLE tad noloii/.-Uffioa oat door .rut of •d '/'T-J? 10 !?: Jane 94.1853 SAMUEL ARNOLD, (IfERCHANT tad PRODUCE DEALER. Laihe-rbure. ITI rv..r(jy|d ooogt».Pa. A.r>rll 17. |KS:t. ROBERT McNAUL, T'ANNEE—AUho _/LD STAND in Curweosvjlle. _ _ iw.w t«fi| GEO. W. RHEEM, GADDLER. HARNESS ft TRUNK MANUPACTURER - l UnSreond it.oit immediately otot C. D (VaLon’t Draaoiort Pm. 80.185 a CHAMBERS & RLEPFER. isriiEELwaitiiiT ft ciiaiumakers. ft..-u,id f >i uoit. rik..owi»ih:p. Deo. 89,1831. DR. QIBBONY F. HOOP, HAVING chanced his residence srom Fre&cb«itle lo K>- iartville.in Morru township, isspectfnlly offers hitter vicesiothes -rroundlnf community. June Id. lbo3. JAS. B. GRAPIAM, MBBUUANT asd DEAFER IN L.UM REU-’Lrabamton. Brndfuid tojwushir, Dec. 37. 1851. WM. F. CHAMBERS, HOVBE * ' llcc.2*. 1861. B. F. STERLING, CADDLE fc AARNESS-MAKEII. and JUBTICE .r IHK BEsdE —l.'srweniviHe. Il»o lb, ibSI J. L. CUTTLE, Attorney at law ami lan*> agent, otfice nd. join us hisrtfcidcflce. on Aleiketstrsct.Ceailield. March 3.1853. L. R. CARTER, A qf/u:/®* U»«l?of BTOVEB. MILL-GEARING nod EAsriNGo ol nil kludi. Alio. UAR IRON tc NAILS Threshing Aleuhtnes. Plo\>i, Agricultural lmpioment* mo. on twoom iueet. oeH«ir he Pnatier nfflee n>h 17 RI HARD GLENNING, BOOT and SHOE MaKEU, can be foond at b-a shop two doorieaitol tteFost uthce, wherobohos uoaitantly on nandatargo aiiortment bjthel home and city mnntuactnre. duly p. IrW J. D. THOMPSON, BLAOLBMITH, Wagom, Ruggiea. fitc.. A0..-ironedoo •hurl notice, and the very be»t etyle, at htiold stand ia u«a nnrnueh or UnrwwDsvlllo. |i#o ftf IWW THOMAS MILLS, ANDoLEIGH MAKER, on Third ,'rcct. be. V/ tweeo Market and Locuit.U.eorUdd Pn. Aprillti''6J^ NURXTHAL & BROTHER, JVTEttCIJANi*o ana LUMBER DEALERS. Woodland IvA Port Office, B.adiorU tp. Clear field 00. Apilli7, *&a. M. E. VVOOP, PHYSICIAN— May always be foond at his residonco in Larwensfille. when not proraulonally absent. ‘ • • li«*o. ly iHsa, LEVER FLEGAL, BLACKBMITII, Lnthorehare, F« , will attend iosllbnii. neiiinhiillno, and will alio fninUh VVAUUNU, BIJC triLS. tlo . rery cheap, and mnnofactored in the out itylc. and wnnnsted. . An*, 7.185 L —y. ISAAC SMITH, MERCHANT, and dealer in lumber and L.A Country ProJooeeonoralljf—Btateitrcoi, between Chan* and Locust—Curweosvjlie. Deo. 50. Ibsl. THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CO. IRON-FOUNDEUS—Cniwea*villo, An extoniive assort meat ofLasuugs made to order. Deo. gy. 1861 THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., M E °iLur e ?^aid 1 ii < i^ n,lvo don “"- ELLIS IRWIN * tUilio * tottl . l?o Lumber manutautatfiii. JACOB BILGER, C“nfiFt?iil. 1 "' * nd S'HBLTIRON WAREMANUFAO -xi.ifi: ~ i i u f >r ‘ a > r ‘ It. übpvo Dm old t'oasdiy, os the “ •Ideofsinln I'reet, tvheie nil bnitneii in bu lino li fone i U^,! n . a wuf k tr tntnike mnnaer, asd on ronionabje term, Country prodneetoken Inexubanco for wr>k —Bept JJ,’o3 ,0. B. MERRELL, C b» Crosi Roadi fromChe.ioruek in ~° Wa,hi t *ton. and bo promptly attended to er *” w bere .11 cell, in hie line will * March 2, Loi3*' DR. R. v. WILSON, ' HAVING removed bit Cltfloa to Iti, new iiwatlin. • „ ‘teas ” rrs ;, jCourl Proclamation.; ~ - IA/iIEIIEAS.Tht Ht'nornbleJAME3BUßNBlDEi!'*e«- * v i‘J«sJ^“?f®. of !l>oLourtorCommon Ploti el l|)» &«!)• Iwoth Judicial Diiinot. oomoomd of the oonnilee cj dW •,Rl?iI e n r M,V!iS! fl 2' •"'I the Hon. RICHARD BHAW acdJOHN P. IIOYT, Arrocinla Judyei in ClenrlieVl county, tiiveluued Ihjlr preoont U.arlnj dale the THIRTIETH m December, lb33tnm» dir.ated, lor in. hnMlptora COURT CP COMMON PLEAS. OKPIIANB'CiJUR’f.TiUHRT OP quakier sessiono-. and uourt p ovrrland l*? 6 and oeneral jail i>e;.REkV, oi Cletrdeld In tad fiir Olttrfigld ooaoty on Iht THIRD MUN DA a of februtvy. boloflhotfUth day ol' the month. NOriOE 19 THEREFORE, HEREBY GIVEN, To the Coroner, in nod Tor thaoonnty prcieatf.tid. to appear lahliown propel penoa. with Roll,, RooorJe. loqolyitl mi. Examination, tndolhtr Renuuitiranoei, to dj Ihoie ihlnji winch hit rttLetn hu bebatl apnutaius to be done, and Jurors and wlinetssi ate required to do then and there attending, without leaye, ai thairjjeril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield i hit 27th day of Oct., * > ear ol 9 ur Lord one thousand eifht hundred anJ rtriy Uuee, and the Havanty.nioth year of Amuiicnu In dependence. r 01, in. r.m- POWELL, Rberiir. Sheriffs Olfii e, Cleiifield Jan., 25, 1853, A VALUABLE FARM jjj THE subscriber offers far sale his farm situated about one mile from Ponnville—abfatHlXT Y*FJ Vl3 acres cleared, undMgood fence and in a good rate ot cultivation There areaboQUhiitjr-fireaorei or woodland. Tho improvements are A Two-Story Log House,, New Frame Liam, 40 by 50 feel, Together with other outbuildings, and anOrohard in full bearina co&uili.ijit achjlce variety ofapplet, peacht s,P.umi. £t0.,&0 For further r adioulars enquire of L. JACKSON CRANB Clear held, or tLc sub.cnber on the premises. . ~ iu . B HANLEY C LONDON. December 6th 1853. - JAMES IL LARIMER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. WILL* attend to basinets in the several Courts of Clear paid and Centra coantiei. Otfioeon Second Street, one door north ol therciidenoeof John Weaver. HEFEUENCES.-llon. JAMB 3 BURNSIDE, Be lofonte Hon.JAMEST. MACE. do. Col A. O. CURTIN. do. JAMESM'MANAS. Esq.. do. It. B PETKiKEN.E»q , Uontingdon. . . Mesin.DUAKE&UECHTOJu. Phil'a Dfoß(nber23, ISo3 —lf. DAGUERREOTYPES. HUB. RESPECTFULLY attnounou«totha LvFIELD and vi- TLEUEN of the Borough of CJ r olnity. that he has opened & ri n ii„«„ miniature l)a^r oo ' r \ or(tl or J w y ell Co .. On SECOND STREETvOcimeai, odiei. pri.os Bro. Storo. Call and examh3 ( 18J3.—tf. Clearli.'ld, ; Ncm ore ' ew St° re ! t May SO. 1853 Deo. 39.1851. JWELL, REED A WEAVER REjuit now opening at heir new STORE-ROOM in lire t \. bol ° l ’f, h ,,Vl,V' c . n ' fi .®!V.'.9? ie ul »oe tnrgrst and best assort* ments tf MERLII AN DiSE eve# brought t j the ooonly, and wbioo thoy now oiler toiho old customers or Btclcr 6i Co. ss well a* to tho publia at lur.e. uoousucb terms ai cannot fail Copivo entire saliilnuKon THE LADIES Will Undm their Store toch a (election of £s°siOQ,

s? QaCDCLicAlea nc,tr ,tw iB cietifi.il ni for DRY onlli&aSSYA'l’i. «»fi GROCERIES, haudwahe, ttUEENSVyARE, &0., they oanoul be sarpussetl either in qaaliiy orcheapneu. rSTThcue who don’t beliey.it oreinyited to call and be ooovinced. WM- fCWELL G L. REED. J r. WEAVER Clearfield, May 21, IPMI. NEW GOODS. THE subs or] ber would return hii sincere thanks, far the very liberal sopport he has recslved since he has been in buiinejs in this place, nod bees leave to inform his frionds end thepublio genera'ly that ho his jaa received nt hu old stand oa the CiJUNEH OF FRONT and CHERUY Street opposite the Episcopal Church, a large anortment of Seasonable Goods, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Queensware, Hardware, Cast, Blis ter and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Ready- Mode Clothing, Paints apd Qi|, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. A promise to tall cheap, is of little advantage to oar ou io mm ooleu there is convincing proof given. Oat he htu *ho satisfaction of knowing Ibat hundreds are convinced or that fact, as *ve oiler the best of evidence in every sale w- mnke Jnlyl. IW3. O.KUAIZt.U. KOtlDit r as. tVEIiSiH (Dfl®olk tfe-WaitoJu MakciPo 'tcLi.od Irom New York .ad II I hiiadeijihle. n large oad splendid as sortment ofjEWEitUV-con.LUQgoriti. dies Gold lifomt Fmi.M.iimng Fins. CnlT- Pros, j Rib >ou fins. AUo, GenUemen's true oi dufereat soap** and itstai. FiroLoid Ear King Drops. latesty r c Rings and Drops. BreceleU E‘ ne C 5- ld l ’ en * Pencils Gold Watch Keys. Silver Tea & Table Spoon*. Butter Knives. Sugar T.;egs, and Tbimb:i*s. Indies Fine Pard Cases. Port Manin HI! vpr PATENT LEVER. HUNTING CaHE WA ? lcAEi~fros • B lNLc)—from s 4 u to $l5. Fine EIGHT HAY |B ® Gold Wiituhei. bb io4o dollars. All of which be wi.i warrant for txxfact time-keei -9r Spectacles, Fob Chains. V«t c ? “ »*-»kp*/ee. Pocket & Q . LItOCKH-Ligbl IJjy and Ihlity Houi Ciocks Pina Small Spring Clocks*—Kdfhonr and 8 day—Musical rustruireou and f«o»*hL V j nell ( °* “•‘Orwous to mention, usually M5 t AM J hI f *!Xr . A ‘ , . lb ? abjv ®«en»ioned warrantedgooif CARD hi* form* ani Mf&DSd wl l^ c r^vAV.’^ lr, r;r a '^ RE - A, Mo HEILM ("* flood., .Ell the public lalbelum of r ' U h ’*.U coniinnei lontload lonllcatli Dental Operations, h.'m*'P 1 * dwolllc*. in the boroo*h ofC'leer “ mt'end onVeMe'Srmn hno”"'' 1111 ““ J ““ *• Arlificial Teelli I action ’° n I ’ ll ' oorri ' ot .nnil vratian'ed to civeentiro :aui. tu“ ro d t ',l,h3Ul da ‘=« 10 «>“» io cnancerl Eail?ii ow *A 1, .W KlJftndyi ’ A TIUNAUY. aad BKIDLEo, and every other article nioal'y kept in a country sto.e, ln lj .«n b .o r i, G s*', ,, iso n d l .. COUn, ' y kind, taken a. 1823 —tf. (|. D j'ATTON. bookTgents wanted! " 7b sell Pictorial and useful works for ’54. ITT ANTED In every leollon of the United State., aotlve. n , n ttlcjpiUjoß men, to eDk'iue in ’bo ml. of urnte of the beet Bookipnbltibodin the country. Tomenol rrood nddreii. im.ll capita, of from «9n io •ICO. mob indnoe. iTAVE DOLL f ARBa o?y"“p?o D b 8 t UU,ramak °‘ to “' rUREE Tho Rooks published by ns axe all useful in tMrcharecter. ex'remely popular, and command lame sales wherever they are ofTenMl.—For further particulars. Address. (Doiiara nniH \ ROBERr SEARS, rnblliber, n" |!«I. VVdllnm it. N“v 5 Lctober y, IoA2 . * £3f&Mm©r(& MaiMmg. JOHN OllLlcn Wrw 0 l i e,oecl,u,Jy announce lo the oilizons of Clear, kinds ui* 8 tlanil l^al manuicoturlac a l CABINET-WARE. Iliiibop ii litnatodon Market itreet, between Third and th»“lti-STHVv l i ll i' Wnt 'l of .V! 0 ' 11 hi. lino will bo roadMn and*o “kdon Pa . will attend ('aitbfull, to allorcdnin -1 *? bl * ?AS? W ,h « btuzoni ofC’lcnr- 9 ‘ - ° fflC * BUt doo ' to ‘ “ d OTO ' .. RKFKIiENCES -Rev.Dr. M'Leotl. John Scotl. b.fq.. Hon Geo. 1 oylor, anti Han. Jaa, Gwin, Hun tingdoN.-vrllon. »Vm; l>. Schnoll, and Alex. King, fcetq., Gon. Wra, fj. Irwin, Lewiatowii.— lion. Samuel Culvin, Holliduyaburg. Gon. William Ayrea, Hurrisliurg. Gorniiull & Croswoll, No. 211, Murkot at, Philadelphia. October 27, 1853. ** Stonewall. xa. asiottment ofntjoo Ware. October bib 1253.^ ■’ A CARD. *dey 6. I8»3 : PBNNsIHON FOUNDRY;; Madilui!, Pattern aad lllaekspth Shops, • -■ (DtoatojUj, ' ! ■ THE uudsrslgnsd would nnnounco to tbt nltlzsnt of Oliaiflald.und uUjoiulgg oou&titi, thatlia hssofan.d u to&moußecsnd atrcot, in the borough of Ulanrfiald.nterlbo itoio of Lsunant S Moore, whole he Intend* keening a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OR UABTINUB. tOarranled to he niadeaftbe beet mnt.ilnl, and at oiicei that oanaot fail to plea,a. Tha follow ln« corapo>ep~ltofiheitockonhande: Pultun’s hot-air cooking stove, tor either Wood 01 Coal Thie Store line probable the iargeet intro. llaotionoTanx other fotmol etoeee. it hue eupeneriedln alm'tt ovary con air, the well known Hathaway and Zlsg. lerstovcs. Ills easily understood, and the Ones being to , amused that all can be cleaned without any trouble. Tee peculiar form and construction Issuch as to rhnderittba mottdurable nl all stoves. NuraeroUeTeillrposlalicould be odded.batlt le deemed anr.eOeiiUry.'L * »■ ■ IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING lB tO . PARLOU STOVES-for eftherwood arooul/ ■ ‘ r AIR-TIGaHT do SALAMANDER do u beanlifplConl Store, VASE do ,t fit TEN PLATE Stover—very oheap. MANTLE GRATES.witheummer oleces. Alargevarlety 18 to US inches.' • COMMON GRATES, all eleea. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL BAILING: HOLLOW WARE t OVEN -MOUTHS: GRID IRONS, WAPFLE do. SCALE REAMS. VVAGON UOXEB.SLEIGH,SLED fit UORbOLES.UAB KINGS forltafre,ROAD ftCUA PERB, a new article. CORN BHELLBBB,COBN AND CUR MILLS, warranted to grind 15 Uni. Ears per hoar, BLACKSMITH TUYERES. Ihe best In me ; do. MAN DRILLS and TIKE RENDERS ; „ Together with tha usual satiety of niticlcskept ut For Establishments. 4 lso, Made to Order i GRIBTnnd BAYV-MILL GEARING-baviiuZf establish largesttlock. and best variety of paltersfOUH. SHAFT, rnentin western Pennsylvania ; MlLUon, HANGERH, ING—larre and•rnatt,orco*tot wroiunrapproved Water IHtUMMnnd POLLIES; KoteandllKS: MANDRILLS WH EELS; WOOD and IRON IG MACHINES, for Circular Bsws, WOOD nn d f or aa | C) Constantly onJy 11INO MA ciuneb. pen fanning Ml LI A, X’£l) GRAIN DRILLS, fito. fito. NOCK'S CELERf ew . Cutting< /. with any detlred nnmberol threads to Anyilzed Ssq- are or V throad. the Inch, eip'er.and Baiibetl's Metal Caitlngsmndetoorder. Ura» ' , v NATHAN MYERS. .a 4,1850.—1 f. l i Ita’s Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot. mHIB it a PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND, iclen. 1 titically Prepared from the best Rooti and lleibe or the Matann Mcdioa. and has coined the noiverial loputation Tar tho following effects. vis: Regulating and Strengthening (tic liver and Digee* live Organ*, and elchsing (ho Stomach and Bowels, and tbot cariog all Dillons Djseasos, Liver Complaints, Dys pepsia, in.ligcuuon, CosUvencss, I'i'et. Headache. Eever and Ague. Jouadioj. Nausea,LossofAppelile.fcc . andoauslne the food to noariih nnd support every part. I’UKIPYiNGTHE BLUOD—And thus coring all Humoit, Cutaneous Eruptions. Scrofula. Halt Rhenm, Erysipelas, gcald fiend. Canker. Pimples on the face. Blotches, Ulcers. Tumors,Meroarial Dlikimii, Concert, &c. KEUuL tTING THEB&CRETAkY ORGANS—And by enabling them to perform their proper facetious, preventing and oaring many palnfoland dangerous diseases Btrencth eninc and quickeniog the NervoosByslem, thus allaying Nor ; vousjrntaiion, and curing all Diseases oftbe Nerves, such aa Hysteria, Noralifia, Cramps. &c.. It is universal in the cure of ull FernaloComplnints as Weakness, general debidly, Irregn’arlty, Ob traction*’ Swelling oi the Feet, Limb*. Joint*, fito.. censed by weak ness t also. LUNG and THROAT COMPLAINTS, soon at Coids, Concha, Asthma. Consumption &c , also, Dropesy. Having m ide aso of the Compound Hyrup of Yellow Dock R»t, prepared hy O MOUSE t CO..citber oq Mlvesoroor families, and finding 11 to bravery salutary an'leflbctnal preparation, weuomostobeerroliy recommend Ittothepobho as a very vaJsabls modioiae. E Bourne, Esq . Cashier of the National Bank Providence. R. 1.: A. W. Bpancer, Esq , Cashier, Lime Rook Rank, do do.; Rev. VVm. A. Phi lips. Rev. J. B. Ricbmoad. C. 8. Jones.sdltotProvidenceGea. Advt. Wm. Field. M W.G. M*. Cyrus !• isbar. M. E. H P. James Htrchinson. G. 8 ITn, V. J. Rates. Doct. Heni Colbr. and one hundred others ol the most reipociable fan) lies of Providence Tbit certifies that I have for a camber of years breo ce* duajnted with tht oompositinn and mode of roauufacturu of MUHSE’B COMPOUND SYRUP OP YEILOVV DOCK wiK/r., shave olio been acquainted with its modus ope.- aadno d seaio. and can say *hal in all respects Hu admirably calculated to remedy the claw of Diseases for which iiiido* signed. It is especially valuable in INDIGESTION, and ni its at eadanl srmplomi. it excites to healthy action the LIVER, remotes Torpor, and meet.vity from the ORGAN assn *jt imal a f •• batlby ao'ion in all the system. Asa DEPU RATOU or ponder ol the i)l-»od u has no superior. 1 Jan. I. Ic&*: DAVID HOLMES, M. D -1 ropjred by C. AIOHSE At Co,, no. 44G Broadway N. Y.,unU,oa Second»tle«t.oppoii'oPowellB: Co’i., itoro, h i?i.l l A k .'“i* of CABINET WAUIi. naJ LUAIUeL inch as MAHO POST BED* STEADd.D ESKSaad BOOK CASES. OTTOMANS. Aajr pailOß wiihiug to boy Will do wall to (iaa bim a call, os he is determined to sell *ower than the samenrtie'e* can bo had elsewheroin theCoQuty.-~COWINs made to order on the shortest notice. DAVID SACK i-rrp C|eyQelfl t Angost 5,1C63. VIU SAt ' Al7ri • MA Desirable Tavern Stand and Farm*** FOR SALE OR RENT, fll T* TAVERN KTAilfif 'fjSAI.E oi RENT. hi. well known IY-u ®JAND. on theßusuuehanna and Waterford S{S?.h t# n?° m !f i^S. y balfrcon Durwensvilleend Lutb. crtborgh.rrTho tNOUdE is new andinrge. BOby 40 feet, and well suitedfor a tavern location / ' #BU The Farm contains 180 Acres —ss of which are cleared, and mostly in meadow. a ! !uKN , KKS d p i,1,1 ," ,[ ,! mi;I,AED ' l> thopranuici. A J? A r ?,?“ LIABLE. and all neoesiary out lioosai. fiAfH r i?r th .?. r *Pl»|y to L Jackson Crans. Clear* field-'Oi loiheiubicribcron tha promises. Joly lit,ißsd.-U. ALEXANDER COCK England Whipped. Tariff or no Tariff |“J'LS>a““ft Mwm. ,,,11 “ ‘' < " l ‘ nd t ' oUudr,,,orc • ad j° in - CleailMd. Deo. 5,1833, l “ B ‘ CAKTEn - A *«nt. Bounty land and Pension Agency. Charles Tucker, Washington, D, C MisftXßK?*'* of p,,y - “ t,a vaj - rot - L Addwue CHARLES TUCKER. W«»hiii«toß, D.C. For Rent . Tapplmo lloll pß,toll “° ACADEMY Cloarfield, April SO. 1X63, WAINIVEH I !HT,IHJK- IaiIn&RuifU’N S l HiXu'JS p ?! tt . nßna w boleJale Dtnl- SuKlfnimm rr 't:V 4S , T 1,9 GOOud.No 163 “ “ihW: 1 ' Tbiladolpkiu, IBoK. - Cookteg Stove For Sale. A GOOD Mo*ad-li«Ld COOKING BTOVE for tale, cheap DB. J. B. MABCiro i VAIUABD? sAW-JBlli PEOPERTf . cELEBRATJsp catholigon, | Timber Landa*A Iron Ore lor Sale?? •nV i!i^S a J!? acdClearfisfu coanli©»..'Mott of this imw i. ink. w2m*l^ Wonf fthdiiftrtofll well ti«ib«ftd with Whiu^Si 1 ! aaier.or more. Tb.ro fi «reat^l.rp OW L“?:fe«3Sa "JJife.orfloodißi; Oxnk ojl.rillna toffluienl powor (or * rpiS l 'iJ!*w3s EWol, UnppreueO.- Mill. W*B£ Milo Brio OBd tho Thro. MilrJ.VJi *?H£I aioploaij'ofTrooOomptj Into tho moihonow,i ( ,'!j r *K -tlon, &o.w dißlltbelr woo,«l wolch aflOrdfiamoßo to two»ood min . ooponiDanrli>( eoilo— ltd lint row nowir (milt Goorori Bow-Mili.“A TfftJKi! (Conctrurapte (.} no aot;oa tbo powor or iboThne Miloßn. matter how torero or plkoleadm* fropjOleufiold to Bolieloala nT.JI.JWho.’ ofhpwlopg standing. tract* The distance Irons inis place to lUiir.PWnßa > Tho Cothollcon far Oold.EtclePlonkfond°l« nillM, To Jo iioopoJMS tfi •arunltM olhetrpmo- Hannah tnraaceabout 14 to, Ihrollet, Tho d i dipt,ln UelaktwjrfeoprT ambribaroauaor to mile.-to the mouth bri&*'HM< tala— lan trafor.Udinllci, Thero It a . lotftrnk^J rB Bd ■- ''Vein of Iron Ore oh tills Tnti SaS^&S^9tSl^S I".- 1 RKPEEENCEB. ci blOremorki briorlne, ••Thl« jplaeo It JroilfinrWW . P.B. IiEUIUJAM, M. n., Utloa.N. Y. . yOAii anU tUfifJSSt I*. 1). H.KMINO, M. O.',Uanaadaif no, N. Y. hi n is,d? e j!?„ bo< . bo 5 d , , D.'vVfoVjl ( e‘%'. DiB“acnra.‘N. ?: i!p° a ;.^, l M| l .°fmV~f b *.°'^i*'n l ml >V ll^^l^wi^' W. W.UEEBB. id. !>., Now York City: [Pltmloa P. 0.. J-or to Darid Biller, who retidot'iW W.rREWOTr.M. U.,CoocoM,H. n. ftmttot. , . - ”■*l, ; ■ SfIAW-EflOgß'. JT®a» SalisivSi Pamphlets had eratisat UieitoreofC D. Ag't. I wilTalioiell from FOUR HUNDRED to ONF r rtiri»ir' Druggist Clearfield. ra.—Alsd sold fcyT D. MIDLER. Della. AND goodtJaw Log*, which will cole rood fonto, W.H.UACKE.Kiltanaiae--SAMUELMATI : £RN. Lumber, da id foci ore about one nrie aborelir **B*s MeahanlcsvilJe, apd by molt leading dfuggUti in adjoining mflldn the river hill, and aboot XX mitesebove M» counliei. m:ll. The river is wide here, and tacy-can bed/ii!? 1 * Loiter ntldrcssotMo ’forc 0 r Mr. Ctrlio Malt!,. ftELVataftSV? !i. M%te,d C .?u. b Agcnl alHpvtinia, Ohio. . n .. .... Wll.lialug.&i'tlm"! To Dr. MARCHISI:—t hare been ten years Doubled with TiiLVij«u«sii#»r ta>;n i.. *!'<' female Complalnts-prolaysos u.eri, nod ell tho atlondioc timer the LJfewi difficulties; at limes rendering my life moit miserable i have -»r ,nt*n had tho attendancaof soraooF the bait physicians. with but r o thM«nU rtoftbeaboversljffi. little sncutsi; the mptt L.cg could do was to relieve—a o .re iW, ,a *° ol * aw ‘P* l * tuag*. ana lead then buUtiS was out ortho qaeition. Fol five month* beforeoomrnencing _ * ~ with ynurmedicioe, 1 had not beeo able to perform anr la* bor, o-'Uld walk bate few steps at a time, andecarcolr went pQtol doois-imnoit, 1 was completely urosliated, buth in body end mind, and expected to drag at tbo rest ol my days in suffering rfnd misery. Uat. read lac >our adrertlscment. I was indcced to try >oar Invaluable roedio.no ca led Uterine Cstholiooo. ni the last resort. I had not used it a week before l felt I ke acotlnr woman. Hr the uio oi tbiee botile* l was enabled to perform all the labor for six in i e family with ead>, and conld walk anywhere in the neighborhood without InUiry. Nothin/ bat a sense ol tny dotr to you and to the aOlioled, ha* indu ed roe toitatoin# caio'olhe publiu .1 otn safely roootnenend the preparation to a*t (hote snfTarinc lixe muolf. (tSi/ned),. Mrs. BAII MI A. U-SlhJl‘. r reed otn, Portage Co.. Ohio, Dec. U7,183'd. IS£J. T. MARCIIIHI &C'J..froprietore. Central Depot, NoTcOl.DroaJway.N. Y. l5, Id3i.—tiw Valuable ICeal Kslale AT PRIVATE SALE. M _ A A TUG Idb'oritw'i.ia bchalforihehetno! Conrad Wit*, late oiijke townthip, Uleaifidld oouatr deceased, at PKIVATB LBthn following well known and valuable IU2AL liSl ATEcoaiitiin* of A FAH6M OF 106 Acres, Situate in Pike tnwnsnlp,Clearfield county, on the main road leading irura Curwotuville U> TjrruOu, fuar mile* horn Carwcstviilo. and known uitha Wise Farm. The improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good state of cidtivation, a Large Dwelling-House, a Large Bank Barn, Sjrring-House, Dry-House, Shop , and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and most productive APPLE and PEACE! ORCHARDS in the county. This FARM.it Weft supplied wilhjucehent water, a never ratlißk bpnng Qloieio ihedoor, y/rfh oJienso silaa.ed that at a little water could Afe oonveyed ti any oarloi ?» 1 /a.7*‘A*?!,> Br . n * To (how wbo iletire toprccarea (10MB FOtt LiKL,lbn Farmlbtteri inducement* not to be excelled in tbeconnty. The (Vhd I* ofgouJ quality, hiab'y productive. and well adapted (yr both grata and rra‘«—and ill* located lo ibe midsiola populous and industrious settle menf, convea oot tu a good market, gooJ grin mill*, and a good school. fSTForfii tn‘r”articalar* apply io either of ihi*ub*crh bars oi to M<«ek A ise, on the premise*. The p oporiy w ill be told ou l* e moat reasonable term* ami awarraeteo deed gives. MICHARI, WISE. , WILLIAM Wl b halfol the heir* ol Joined Wiie.ilecearsd |e.3—if. undenif .e * respectfully annonaces lolheceople ol Cieaifielu and the adjOittinc coa&tie* l&at hestill contio as* to carry on tueaoove bonce:* ru buexie&sive establish* mentioibn ooroufb of Clenrfield, end is now Diepated to aaaoffctuie ail kind* of JOHN HOLT Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. »iii ra«tiotf» are no* of a upero: quality—equal, jfnouu peiior,io aur o>h«»r i* the Slate—.* heaves nouebut ine vet bo«l gad employ* none but (ho very boat ol workmen MACHINE SHOP , With two superior LATHES, driven by steam, is now in successfnioperaliob. and uuder the manasemeat ol ?- p » ra^LMiu7su h *??* l ®“'.'r h * ie •I"* 0 * 1 oa . y a'ticlaof machinery can be 11N18HED to Use very beat style, and us shurt notice. luortmrat or C s;'«jgi. such wsiuiSrriM Mizesend patfems, PLULGH fttONti. ,7 AoH KBrfliEH, Uo.. £tc.. wnch he oilers tosellfow for Gash, or on a reasonable orediL Ha is now oastmc* from ha most approved parerns. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. APSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wiard’s celebrated Plough. BUSUJH Bn ‘ l 6LEl> iJe inland* iloi ell uo reasonable terms. find traits that lbs ciUzeusul ibe county *oaeiailj> will find it (3 their edvan'avt to ctveh'm their custom. CASH will always Dcprereried bDt thnhuhai' prioet wrill b* allowed ibf country product and OLU M£TAi* As he xivrshi < estahlubme at his personal •uperruion.a.l orders for* ora will receive u rum pi uLLeuiloo DAVlli LITZ ‘ Clearfield. Nov. i£, Igfil. SiCSQi amsi (t&sc&o, qb> 0 TIIE bUBSCRIBEBB respeotfnlfy annonnoo to tbo citi nans uTUeAibeld county and the public raetmllk, ihnt »ooy have commenced the mnnulaotory ofbl ONE IVs HE. one miieeast. | LUTUERsbUHUH. wr.ero they nr< pYv&fr Hr.m^ii i, il ,l V rlicle WARECQUaUoany mui u wnvVwSjmofew*. ll . o ,? reasonable terms. tn^)V E PIPELULLAItti conitantly on hand. J Inters promptly oi tended to. anda liberal discount made lo wuolesjie purchaieri. m j purti/J abbmi ai. i853-3t. g! w*. pouter . Splendid Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. I ‘l°?.. t>'k«l«ro to iDlom bl.fiiowl. anil cu.to t mars. lh&l uuh&sju*i received n lores and splendid auort* and WINTER GC^OD*^—whioh If is in's do. termination to dispose ofat pnuee that otnnol tail to piesxa r S* 4 ’?**.aiteaiha of the publ.o B'IUCK Of HEADY MADE LLt »TIIINC*--aUo theaUcutioo vtHtva LADIE to qis stock oi Dates LUOpS itimm nga GRUCEHI&B rti J kri I | oie,a ? aod r>l ®*l*“ , CuMUKß and ail kinds on*RAIN S^£i? exci,,l ? I<0 » 8041 HIGHEST MARKET PKICEB •‘iSSftM.W. Oct. 13th 1853. 811lTU - A YOKE OF OXEN FOR SALE. 'pllEScb.cilbcoHan forialo a YOKE OR GOOD Yonnc k tiAhN, Peixofl. wlihlaf to purebata will call at hi, nuliUmo. on tb o eait Ldo ol tho Soiqacnanna two mila. aboro Clenriold and tea lor themtolve«. M ° “ Oolohorff, 1863, :. JOHN B. HOYT, f NEW GOODS, f|\HE Subscriber, would Inform*lfao citizens of Ciearf.eld tattlr occupied by Wing & Golchel. nt Moribdiio. * ® 1 Large, Splendid $ Cheap AuortmcoiorGoodi.oonilitlnrofevery.tylo and qnallty of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qiteensware, Cut lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes and Bonnets; Confectionary, Clocks &• WatcheSi. ALSO, a laifeond well iciectad .tockof Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs $ Medi cines, &c., A-c. i. ■ AliMrlSlofk n*? d i or< i?f li d , , u,na l/r. kQ tJtlu a Conntry Store. ' Morrl.dafr, Not. 10.185 A *• BBEnnSb. J. U. MoENALLY. Caution. the use ol ihu Uiybt with Ji. H. CARTER 'iS whoi#amhanjodby mo to raako ammiblo i^wnmurf; A*r!' to Purchase Bights ahd iiinnk. f,., Uprirht and Circularßnw>ihills wiil raiinn i u, 2r *V u, i PLEASANT BABEL IRON FOUNDRY nnd MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. STONE WARE Epilepsy can be Cured! 4 LAKE’S VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS For I lie cure ofKpilepsyorFilß.isperliinnirignTjt,;’ uui’Jt riul curtrsilitm any other medicine yet Uimvvn or bWiiro ifiu jiuMic. i Price Five ttolla&f A UoUIr Tha proprietor hai la hit p nieui ra nameimri nii’ratira thoAtm JNI3HINO AND MIIUUULoQ 1 , «l*«dieJ by tui. in d.uioe. and directs mteotJoaiJ the Mlowing only, to aware those wbo are *0 ontotaaiisS b« bill cted wi.h thj terr ble ear. aid, and faa< had dtioeirS rcati, which barn b an very Ireyuent. and retr Ue.Un,i_ lubi.con.i iniionanJ mind. Hard rod,ofUo'l.ri oai tu ei lor maucinalo ••CUUKFITs.*' bat nothta.fi rellovtd bun until ho uicd roar medicine hnUIUtS I'ui.Ly hkOow. From Judson London, Superintendents the Ashlabida County Infirmary.: ’ Mr. LAKlC.—flfnao: aoiiil ine a lew mor, boit.oiotjour “I Ithl dicine;” I 0117 not nre.l it. bai tkrn ..hi to koep it on hand Korn m- diofne ba.Uooa iroidS* 1 nave it to Mm Jn.u l)a.,uu ; ,b. hathid lit, (crtKiMM^ i b ‘ t * v^a; il*e Qeatle, wlmn bot (gar raanai nu r “‘j"tothe.u.lcco AlierXhS the modijurea (awdan. .be aid a lino crop dr ——■-rS‘l SUl ‘' l ' l l l '* c'«l rn.com. alauiM she and her lather o incur with me in an, ii,e that .* b!SL Iba medicine bar nt will wora nperiectcnre. I alua.ntT mciicine to Mm Jane ilendenoo and A,i, Oa lr. Wbßtu halli ••ntojtdiilj.roinnumbei 01 rear.. Their IECI * believe .hemedtoitie will ha.etbe feot. Uacbmonar hoa bean oipcnd.l br the liirndtaiXl ab.reoaieot, for drc'ounr, aillo n> purpeta . Thntai.l wnalelt lor root medicino to i.airoira.and I can cbeaSl recommend it a. avaloabla dto tvair. Kriiwc:Tull!r!r.l 1 JUPSON LANDt>9.“ 1 Soperinlecdeut AihlnliolaCo.tcnrala. Prepnrcrl anil mill ol ulmlraali. IiyZ.LAKK.CS iH-nu [, Oh.u.— bi e. VVHLLI.K, Truvellmg Arren I I >y *e- U WA'l'.:o r. Uleailield —tr. K. AttMHl Lotheivbarg and also nt I'h l'ipibnrg.—tf, . ' > Wholmle and RetuU Rrotcry, 1,1 s , Qb\aQa^*^| , < WaO. V, h&vi*t X mice grr&uaeirem* tAi.nirtM^j SU..WHObtMA,.^n K ooeKvlil?ft%§^7a^ Vj acJelt hia, il.e »üb.cri .er will continue to ktepatOiX S ffoAU UK.ViT , A ,, r.^ ,l, *- ,, * !,r V }tn. a .lt.rfi. a .f 8 . * flBO ''°mpbie fttiorluißßtailV p (jßUohlilbS HAI/GN',|ji\riU.KUPEii TAK S UN. NAILS. I.RIKII FAUtrlem. „u{u S >» trade.—Thaoklul lor neat fanct., ba wcoUI-iJI k uitciJ i>atroct u give hi». a call, a* he u pituucdwjj ? 4elUi nncettbut ennrot failto uieass. • v February id, )y J.RiEBT Fashionable Tailorihgij| .*o(dc'i»tfiDer*tie/eqal4tfdtlS| tinue tfaetr pairor age a. d a. msuy new one i»* iq&» faSa coorentegt.&B he atturet mem >hat heii pieptred to ftaS the aad do Lie work in proper u)anb«r. *V3 Julyß. 1853 M TAVERN STAND it I.X C l U I YEA’S VILLE, Va, TllE lobsc'ibtr nripoiea to tell u PBIVATE HAret* l-AK»:u A >1) (’O.NVtMKNT IJuTKLiaUi.i3 orOUUWKNSVILLE. known a. Lb. ‘"“W i 'H®ms(E)= : ; :v ], It li Mlaaimi on tr e northwest cbru»r ul buw and PlflH' 'licet*.und |i»»hc centre ol me business part of batavi*'-’ Tnaboave i*4s by 48 leet.twoitorie* b.gh «ib a bi*a.gtt' bod u every way calculated fur a pnbllu booie 'Tbef«&X> ■o on the premises a l.rca and convenient itatu*.uiisC( with a.I olber necessary b ildingt. _ **^fj ’1 ho property willtmaoldon the raorttfl»oi6blaterauli»* ? iQF foiibet tfaforu.a ion be u ade either IO'M tbo premises* or to W. A Walhce.stClearidfr Jnne 11.1 boo. JiAAC tiLUOM lJr i New Store* -- I ; <&stld sriaw ' At Lunibervillc Clearfield County PtntitL , M9^ , . L H 8, ti ?» B*CK. ft CO. t».(l*»ni»bPi I Ibctr Irle&dt.aßd rbe common tr to jren«raL tbilS* . oaveoponod their NfcW 6TUUK, in the abor• aun*d% ; ! >*hbi*tbt»y hove. and>Dtend keeping on handevui YtiM 10l good* luuallv kepi in a coootiy store, such w Dry u«d *9 bmmww sad order, on thirSty ( , nnrt r (Wap a 8 * M'Uter Piece, add tee thiiiitiS. ; i /u?n.ii ,^ r i Gt i oud .'“ Iheroherf. noidi.rfoV»l® * Prodnce, lombcr, aa-l htd.t iHkitoMU I cb&Dce for sonde. MONrEILUS TEN JtVCK.wn ' Corwentville. Bept SO.lea ■ . French Utm**. '|.'*Efe o ' l r hu »■ tend EKENCii BUOB.jM(Ui “ BrONEd of rarioee Him. which be will winut tell oraiMperiorqaßilljr.aadatieruoDablopiioM. :> j-j Uraen.br ms.lurumpilya'ieiidodld.: VV■ lI.KEP^eK ilarrubnir.Oct.e.lxa—tifflo, ••ZZ MACKEREL. SHAD, - ,n rntm/iNri B pohk )N 1 CoMtoJi» oa heed pid HAMS. ANDEIDE&, Muleittiraet Vrh£r ’* >1 ‘ fcHOIIiDEKB, ' ““TJini aViFI MHU LAUD AWE cIIBESUe, Ndr.B.lBS3“issr U V W ’; m u Town Lot» j p,tmF.'ii* uoafo " OUmM b » ! ‘! • ABioovUM.joß*S).ira.~tf. "tt. : :j , ; JOHN L. CUTTLE, ~u .^^ rne !/ at I*v> and Land f w‘t& Pfawioola Uw«»wiaf Caqit» orwwv 1 ” ■ 10 tMtwJßMjqr .' ill- i «?pt»m»e: ».'»»%• '• "' • '"