Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 15, 1854, Image 2

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House, feb. 0, 1864.-r-Mr. AFConnell i" '
reported a bill to erect the new county of : » W A siri.\uTo,v, Feb. 8, 11964.' .
of parts of liulinnu, Cambria and Mf - pettier .-—This may be said to be
Clearfield. .r - ' 'f: i'i U‘. ; beginning of the times to trv tlio prin-
House, Feb. 7,—*A|r. Cafdivell read in on ” integrity of*members df Con-
Piece, a bill to nuiliofi?.o .the Trustees of B reB3, ibo Abolitionists are 1 making tre*
tho Curuehsv illo school house 10 sell and rnendous efforts to get up another feroT all
convey real estate. ;over tho country on the slavery question.
Sknate, Fob. 9.-—Mr. Dardc reported ™'ey ere sending addresses and secret cir*
as committed, the bill to exempt coal , and ou lnrsbrodcast through tho northern States
lumber from tonnago tax. which they not only misrepresent the
Mr. Millignn reported as committed, the character of Judge Douglhs’bill for the
J ‘ ; ‘; ELECTfON - NOTICK supplement to .tho act to incorporate tho or fi«» n is6o*ion of Nebraska and Kansas, and
citizens of the Borouol, pf Clear. Sevatp" R t°?n co^P ony. 0 ny. , «>her measures supported by leading dem.
'field; without distinction of nariv are kind. »h» r , b * 1 Kunklepresent. ? cra,s . boMhey stealthily garblo the opin.
fy‘'js6}ifiileij tp .cast fhe'tr‘suffmeo at the'lmv Dauphin county fora jpbs of Jefferson, Jackson, and other dis.
e'ecjjoh ojn Friday next Brnniinu me tho In P ro ,b| ffng tho floating of loose saw. Anguished patriots, inordor(ogive strength
m -‘ he aus * wl *a o ,,h and its tribute, -d credence to their nefarious schemes.
With The prohibiting, or rather, roguj S.S
n ° I,f l uors i» this Commonwealth, lias lies? There lies thodn
e aVfic!d county
SteS ,0 e ‘j n,ho Court House,’
weieorfield, on Tuesday evening of Feb
fttory .tfoiirr, for lh6 purpose ofclecting
SiSK ;° Convention
S ln ‘° ««nd.dato for Governor and I
tflpnl Comfcussionor. ' ■' ' • •
By order of tht Standing Committee.
pnpQf .will bo issued in tho
.of (iio week, in order (hat wc
Wail on cur friends frota
VMj'diiititry ivhb tnay be in attendance at
' W ascertain. jiow their 1
nccpiiois stand with the printer'. Quito n
timber are in arrears on our books—and
'* lil»fe:of tjjd ready' from such would bo
>laiifcfuffy received. • ■ |
'U'iVl ;«
ie:fttjr\ye l ha.vo received a cpmmunjcniion
lft., inking up no less (hon
rix and n ha If pages of paper closely writ
j liy Leo Turner, Mark Ky* ;
Ifk-.Jflfcp.; Pelers nn.d William IJoover,
/wktbg for a placo in our columns. Wo
yet Ibuhd lime (o reiid'th'e nr
’fna. Ponwquewly are unable (o de
plde whetbor wo will give place to it or not.
Jn glancing hurriedly over the pnges wc
perceive the object of tk . tn
give us ‘particular thunder’ for daring to
them for enlisting under tho Nn-
ahd on ot/ompt to justify their!
for so doing. Tho article shall be)
properly disposed of Thai
greni ofthe production alone Venders ■
iisotfiewhat objectionable ;
editor of tho Native American
Banner, of Phijadelphiu, continues to bliz
‘occasionally , v j t h his old
'jPMNPW’T*^''Coward '_{ikp‘ has ever
tifljMJyjiys peglftcted to send U 9 q copy of
W# paper— so that if we ever should find j
disposecl 10 id,e a ’few moments j
■Mm** j(': 0 r n ° ,!c! °g ony of Irs wishy-j
U^^y-“rlicles intended for us, we would!
a Joss to do so for want of a paper.
Come, don’t be afraid. When you have
,Q ®ay oonoerning us send us a
***. *®’may hear you. We will
flpt hurt you bad.
•" bTbis. personage who recently visited the
i gnited States as tho Pope’s Nuncio, to look
fifter certain interests concerning tho Ro.
Church,, we see it stated,
his departure on the 4th instant for
•tfiaiope.-. His visits to different cities
here, were productive of riotous
'he burning of tho visitor
jn effigy, &c. I’hesodemonstrations were
111 P rio< ?ipuily by foreigners—
Oermahs and Italians; who attempt to
JWliy their Conduct by asserting that a
Pa?si; n soldier of that re.
!pW>yC who had been a monk, was sorno
r «roe.Bince taken prisoner at Bologna, had
his head scalped, and his right hand flay,
ed, and was afterwards kliled; Archbish
being Governor at the time,
.they contend that he should have prevent- i
.ed these barbarities. Bedini urged as an
escirso that the tortures were inflicted by
tho Austrian military authorities who
areronot under the Control of the Pupal
.Government, a "d consequently ho could
jppt be held uccopntablo for their conduct.
‘JThej murder of was certainly op
PAlfitgeous pffajr,. .sufficiently pq to call
forth the, condemnation of every man upon
tire perpetrators Of the crime. But Wheth
‘it in the power of Bedini to prevent (ho
or whether ciiargobld to any de
18W, therew|tji, wo do not pretend‘fo know.
. Bpt it would appear tjiat under llmcircum.
stance, some other person might have fill
<*d the mission to better ad vantage, as the
.pre|u'd ( ices existing against him here j n
.Wminds qf pinny, was the means of pro
puling for him ratjjer upenviable reccp.
lions in different places.
. ?flp DjfficnlUes Settled.
. our last issue we promised that wo p P® I®,’ 1 ®,’ Feb. ,7.~G°v. -Bigler* Marshal
would endeavor lo givo place to the com. r 2V I re? , ld - Qml Directora of '.the
: 2w r °VT card A> F ’ jn lhiB
'§ of the native ®®W Suporintendant, regains, The
pihpf communications havo l p ontl ( n . c > t C 4?, 1 " running tlio Franklin Canal
,l»lwn up 80 much room jlmt we have no 1 !^ 1 ,!, r bcc ? c *? c < ,ted - Tho Directors
cptntW for it in this paper 1 rr i d ° r . , lll,e . clrcu <™tancc S> perfectly
•«<& M;; the arrangements made.-
I'-r! last few weeks our paper has 1 J- ••H, 0 * 1 MjPg prevails. Then? arc no
•*eed filled Up considerably with advertise nT?.° f ? ”, y,roubl °- exce P l from
MKjlfi. , After the court however, a goodly! ; ' ~ * ‘
«S‘3?S?T ?! l, hes . 9 wijl. fie removed from bur 1 Narrow tae.
a pd jrowjlt tjbejrebv be enabled ' 3 , Tor A •?«!»• evening the gas
"*♦>refjbiDurrcaijqf. »ilh »"gre»i w , ati . * •“W <t No.huß—lbn In,
-J ‘ across, the street. ,Fivo were
* Biglcr |ms postponed the but P rov ! tJ cnt|n!ly Il ono wero kil
execution pf.payfd Jewell, sentenced, to' v • i
Bt Witsliurgh. tomorrow,until the * , K ;7,7T h 9' Senate of Maltie have
’i; W . 1 &, iv e to his c«se is finally disposed for Ssh W / h si,?T rn<>r ’ Tt »“ vmo stood
t . „ —• »..v-*u ues the danger. If the Whin ■ • . ,
been before both branches of tho logisln- 1 pnrty would provo true to their pledge of t! dolng . lnlbe m “fket.
ture—but up to the 10th instant, no final ! g °° d f,, ; th in support of tljo Compromise of ncter ' ‘ S ° " m ° re ,i,rcateni "g char
action Imd been had bv either house Thol'.k 0, ' lOBO ,err i i, , orica ' v °uld bo organised,! At tho snilincr «r ,tw> n •
however, ,he, ,he Ml wi.l
passed at an early day, will, the chose potenoe, and two more slates would bo j S ' B tkl r° n °!° ° f - 1,10 Four Po ' vers or not.
submitting It to a vote of the people. : add «i to tho Union within less than five J, p ■ I " st ': octcd his Arobassa
.p.„ ;years without having a slave within their! u , , r,s and Lond °n to demand
n 1 reB I 9F P "° DUC ' ,V -Wheat and! limits ; certainly without increasing the I ;„?«!.ho R? ° f ,ho combined fleets
hour command a higher, price in New present number of slaves. ° . lho "lack Sea was intended to aid
York now, than over they did before. All j But the ravings of those fanatics are too i troll i? 7 "inT? V° ° bSerV ° “ B,rict nou '
other productions of the farm, are propon, ofte » mistukon for public opinion, and | demand their nas'no?? ““ ,hoy are 10
tionateiy high. Tho Arrival ofevory stea-• ofC °?gross are made to believe: It is said that tho Car will nm r . ,
j, from Europe ,»*,<■ iamo lhoso L <* P~r Power "
already high prices ; and judging from the, 1 members Will study the S . received
prices of former yeurs, thoquuntity of lust constituents, "thbv will discover that Itbo R,. Q C - afeS ’ Blato ‘baton tho I2th inst.,
tarn,.’, yield, Iho amounl nlromiy i„n u c„« W " "H* •«« .ta
te'd, and tho probable demand of Kurono I ,here 13 bu f htllo difference of opinion' An attempt was mode hv 'r i
it is not unlikely that tho present pri’!.| 1 o oAmerica 0 American C pcopla m^urn^.rK 1° “‘I i ; ank ° f lh °
ces will bo nearly doubled beforonext har- national Constitution? Or what proportion l On the sn^?? 81 ’Toin^‘o° lhousQntl me »-
vest, fhw prospect, then, should induce! belio ''° 'hat it could be made bctterlf sub- 200CossaXrXd7005?°" infan ‘7>
ev °ry farmerTo augihcnt his usual spring j miUcd 10 . “ Gonvention of statesmen of the ' mpn,passed over in "° rk ‘
crops. Every foot ofground that is Lpfca i “«™“®“‘ of; ,K Turkish Sd?. -“n?!^^
ble of producing, should be planted with the various hferests C °of aH To'Stalc^n' 0 ! /'‘l! 111 be ' or ° ° alnlZ ° f lhc trcC3 and
somcthmgfor man’s solo existence. Spring J weighed and adjusted with an almost su-j states that it will bo I
wheat, ,n our county, ,s often more pro- P erna ‘. ural exactness. All compromises | for tho pSrte, if heis£l
duct,vo than winter wheat, and if Hie ear- w « h .*>»‘ instrument cannot, !to act under the orronoouSnSsSbS
1/ spring ts at all favorable, our farmers ’„Spl e B? ft C>,n‘r° a PP roba,,on , of H»o) jhe Czxir will depart from any condi on
could not employ their time apd means to!PCitecl froS onT WT* P ' inc ® hiLfl! A^
better advantage than by planting to their Jof slavery within the States. This is even | Jrovided w'K “rmoS y in h ?vhiS , T“ St
utmosidabd.ty, not only wheat, but all: ?«**nillod by the Abolitionists. And as it • cified that tho Porto considers t o nreseni
kinds ofgrain, potatoes, &c„ &c., as they!"‘' J® '“ h "J r ' ° fa go va rnment founded up. | differences to bo exclusively between S
will bo sure to have a market at douLlo /of ca P abl °, ko - v and Russia, and acknowledges that it
their ordinary prices. ™
l— -ived from.
fin “‘ for peace or
j a given hno of latitude. Would pot such I Tho London Times in an editor!, t
,an net he deemed not only a palpable via- “Wo have strong len n cdl[of al, sayp:
.yet Congress Imsjust os much Constitu- enna correspondent authentic ,7
tional right to pass such n law as it has the .language, which secra !’, .1 \
;10 say that slavery shall not exist north of 1 last bop°e of . eaco has been nddre t ,
such line. It this is so, why not follow tlie Cabinet of Si ' Pc, b ." , ed b - v
i 1110,l 110 , 3ilfa ond sure Constitutional doctrine ?i trian Government Ur “ 10 IIU AuS '
t Jud K° Douglas, by his Nebraska and Kan- j From tho circumstance, m
,za3 bill, proposes to go back to this safe 'ed, it cannot bo Ss UioT 100 ;I
j Constitutional platform. Nothing more.- 1 answer of Russia m formal
jjNTo 'Constitutional rights are i^vaded.-]!^
|No injustice is done. Tho great principle document bo genuine, it is imnossible to
sssrsr or * in w iLv?r
r sxtft
nit™X!deyib r rZ • Hus-
Z IU al,aohmeal ‘° tt,,d IOVC ,br * h «slieXiofLatent ofTnS™
Tho conduct of the people of Erie I>u r i eS ° lu,io I n ,a J ten b y France
within the last few days, as interorc.nd 1 ?,",n | C Br,,a ' n ' 'beforo lam not
from the telegraphic reports, has not had! been LT ° rdorB ,)ave
a tendency to allay tlm feelinrr on that sub- act wSel? h» •tV ’ ,oi : escem S ,hls
jy., or pTopor S. free ' “
No doubt they have acted rashlv- hut m „u r nco Menschikofl whether he
those who knowledge of [hoar flees “the' ‘ he combined
, rogance and domineering .spi?it almost al- cari eonnuS r f Kply , l as ‘ " Yos w «
ways muni lested by monied corporations man” ’° r fig lt nnd dl ° 1° tho lust
have the prudence to withhold their cen’ The Amlm,n,t„r i
sure, certain that such conduct on tho part passports L J “ r 0 ° dea,and lhoir
of a community at least ordinarily peacea tt .•
hie, would, not he so long persisted in with- renewed nflSJf f ot e " gngomen ' 3 'voro
out, serious cause. It is a matter, howev- S 5 Inst Ut ° n ' h ° Il,h » a « d
er, which belongs, to the State of Pennsvl a lo i ’ ~ ,
vania, as an independent State, and there linfdShlS| P pet^h“- Ch ? SCeiv * d Qtßor '
should bo no interference on the part of tho that the Czar bU - rg ’ J , Un ; 131 l, > Btates
general government until it would appear note as inenm Vi t reja<? I ted the combined
that Pennsylvania either refused, .or was' would onlv aUb . * h ‘ sdignil 3 f » asit
unable to execute her own laws. ’ Goro"| t °. direct ""cntion.Vrom
nor Bigler is now at .he -seat of ivar.’lnd To oroi„ nOl ,SSU °f
to suppose that the U. S. troops are, neces clined P |o h ° ' 3 sliU
sary to keep the people from violating the Prince Gortschoffh^pr^ l,o3 p PP oin,ed
law, is to suppose that Gov. Bigler is-aid- to him tho , Pleni,, , otentlllr y. and
mg and comiortmg thp rioters. But Gov Tim haB to n PP‘y-
Btgler is not a man of that cast. He is a EmnerrwTf R n " nouilce3 'hat the
a true Pennsylvanian. He is no verv nar !nJn P mm- ?ia ! aa demaad ed twenty.
ticuiar friendofthese moniedcorooraLSs lr ,h« ° nS , ,h ° Bank WarsqJ,
either, and while he will fnithftiHif preserve! **o War ’
tho sovereignty of our cood old Cnmmr,n e |- iKR ? IDI,E Gaiamity at Sea.—The
wealth, he will be ns caleful to see tho?the I Tayleur was wrecked
rights of the people are not encroached up.! hundred and four^n,^ 7 * 8 and ‘ Thre °
on hy these railroad companies. * * ..< j and lour pessepgora wer(? 103 , t
The Klnrliets.
| Clbarfie; j>, Feb. 14, 185'J.—Wheat is
I selling at 81 50 per bushel, rather scarce
and in great demand at that. Rye, 8l 00.
Corn, 81 00. Buckwheat 75 cents. Oats,
60 cents per bushel. Pickled Pork, 8 and I
0 cents per pound. Lnrd, 9 and 10.— '
Butter 18. i
Philadelphia.— Wheat flour was sold
in the Philadelphia mnrketonthe 7th inst.,
as high as 80 00 and $9 31 per barrel.’
Wheat was sold as high as 82 17 els. per
bushel. Rye, 81 15. Corn, 81 00 ond
81 02. On the,9tb, Flour was selling at
88 75, and Wheat 82 15. i
From the above view of the markets it
it would appear thutthe farmers arc really
the fortunate class. Nothing else that we
can perceive has advanced so alarmingly
within the past year ns the products of the
farm. The farmer is now afforded very
nerly doublo the former price for all his
productions—while every nrlielo necessa
ry for him to purchasocnn bo had at but a
small advnnce on former prices. i
Gheat Excitement.— Quito an excite
ment has prevailed in the grain market for
the pest few days. Every avenue leadin'*
to our city has been more or less thronged
and nt times tho roads about the mills was
completely blocked up with wagons. One
firm paid out on Monday or Tuesdoy over
83,000, and we have no doubt that other
firms did the same, and some perhaps may
have excoadcd this amount. On Tuesday
afternoon there was n slight declino and
on Wednesday-wo believosl,9o was paid
I ‘ or " neat and 80 cents for corn. Mnny
[farmers who left homo with the expecta
tion of receiving two dollars for tho former
article, and 05 cents for tho latter, were
much disappointed, but still consoled them
selves with the fact that alter nil thoy had
received a largo price. Thirty wagons'
were counted at oho time, on the road be-1
tween Stanton and this city, and the Ken-|
net pike presented: an equal amount or!
trave!. Wo cannot say whether a rise 1
will ogam tako placoor not.. On Monday
wo referred to this matter, and wo have
seep po reason to change the opinions then
expressed.— Delaware Republican.
„ M °Nnoe GWfv;-Tho Democrat of
tho 26u1t., suyq: On Saturday last, on
ilnsfimap, by che name of^Timothy
O Liirny, was eomrmtled to jail on tho
charge of attempting to commit murder by
ahoolrng ono ofthe foremen on the fail
road. We htiye been nnable to learn the
cause of this attempt at murder,
Important front Russia. The Emperor
Nicholas bent on War. Terrible ship ;
wreck.and Loss of 300 Lives-Hcavy
Decline in .Consols—Breadstuffs A,d-
I vuncing.
Nkw Vork Feb. 9.-TI.O American
Steamship Pacific, with Liverpool dales to
tho 2oili ult., (being /our days la tor than
Iho previous advices,) reached her dock'
at New York about 3 o’clock.
The Africa arrived at Liverpool on tho
evening on the 23d.
The Antarctic, from New York, arri
ved at Liverpool on the evening of the 23d.
nm? ? porllon of lho passengers
and crew of the steamer San Francisco.
, Ih ° L,v ? r P°ol market for Breadstuff's
\vas advancing. Flour was a shade better
and was quotedlot 43a455. Wheat 12al 3s
6d. Corn <joas2s. There was afr ’ ‘
ij down
east,, having Leon found gui| tv of viotminJ-
SiygV V* y Mulf at that, re.
ccivod tho following sentence : ,
You old reprobate ! The coutf^sen
rWt'ih'rc9‘glasses of your
rascnHy liquor, and may tho tgrd have
mercy on yourstorpach.’* ‘ ' ;(
Arrival of the Paeilic
of offering a Tow hints and suggestions to ' V sad accident fnrri?s
teachers and others concerned in the wel- 3n , ns ’ ,nOM, - v were killM
faro and prosperity of.ho common schools n “ r rg " | nu,^ c l r l winded. . AbofM
,Qf this county. Teachers, wo presume “‘ f ? ,boso *illed were colored
you aro all nwaro of the responsible sta--' 0 °l hm , B VVOfO ' vh “°s.
•on you occupy, and the important duties and Some werKl
which devolve upon you, for their 1 right v y rr ! an g |ec | and so much di B fi
performance. To you is given the charge f '™ B ? n, ?« 58,W0 . ,0 them
of moulding and developing the faculties boa ‘ WQS b °wn >nlo fragments’a o jK&|
of the juvemlo mind ; —it is you who first f° firo °’ burnt to ,bo water’s edge'll
lay tho foundation, and if that foundation , , Carg0 > conalBtin « of twelve WjS
is not good, the superstructure will surely. ™ opcollo . n Q nd other merchant*
full, and the second erection wili.cost more I boat 13 a ,o ‘ al loss - Cm, on^|lJ
pain and <abor than tho first; because tho: red ' T,l °, P as sengers who lost
yro, who has acquired bad habits through I r’ ero ~n l os . tl ) r from ,bo Sou-th, ean ec ,'rf*;
ho incompetency of his teacher, will havol f r m Alabama » end Norih and8 ou tkW y
| to “unlearn what ho has learned amiss,” in'" 0 ’ Tboy ' Vorebound !hr Texas#/
I he ever wishes to become proficient in! Pam f ofC * L T bo officers and
| the same. Therefore lc> acquit yourselves i s £ ved * * be list containing tho nameiY
justly of tho dignified duties which aro in. j lho P assen gers was burnt, so that it $5
cumbent upon you with honor to your- P osslt, l c to ascertain tho names of
selves and tlie profession, you must first ed> , Somo Warehouses on the
be qualified yourselves. You may per-' ,' vero burnl, havin g caught firo froinl 1 -
haps ask, what constitutes a thorough bred boaf ‘
teacher? . .Wo answer education. A tea- , . [bkconb despatch.! 1
cber may understand Orthography in all , ~1 3. now es,imu 'cd that thore wereW
its ramifications; ho may parse the most y .,° l l ,° P llsse ngers on bourd liloGeoaS
abstruse phrases,—he may ho ablo to e ‘ lllor dr °wned or burned to death, fl
solve the most difficult problemsof Euclid: • ba gg a g° an d money was lost amoul
and in short ho may bo thoroughly ac-I mg ,f 80 - 000 - The boat wasJ
quainted with tho sciences und languages' U , ed nl There was on boards
und yet not well,versed in the art ofteuch- ! 3loam ? r nearl y 200 passengers, princi J
mg. We positively assure you that a per-, y cmi g ran,a going to Texas, and elan!
WSWJSS! fflyx-jaa
mind of the learner dlt I- L ° r ° ,l, « l P er ' shed “» The firo next s§3
dicious instrucTn!af y h! ,B f ' ind i u -, rurk ' als ° caught fire, but were haS
that be cannot T, W !^ S ° ° Ut T G r? aped with slight damage. 1
E t ‘.°Z “ B“‘‘ • schoW,' Ztz .7151 lY“' W
iSltal Z lO T" «* •««*. Z eSfIZJ a, 2
V fir* r'S T.'Y «2 ~4,S
HalUMc. ° d ra-ooanood a T.mhc,’. j acre valued nt $300,000, am! immlyfl
S. J or :rv cd °1 7 'l .’r"’**”"'' ~ ssj
1...., «l wmo ,"„,7 7'J| Y"' I '"' l 0 , S “m ,n It c "i'. «■ U» OrtiS
tnar* • •.u 1 t,le youth with advnn- Iroyed two valuable stores nml UM
licro learn in a short time, what would r ~ ; ii
rc( imrcd years of toil, practice and . ,lESTL ' R County. —Tho DemocmH'ali
observation. Bome of you may perhans 1 3 counl y—which lias been set do-tsiii'M
wish to know, bow those benefits are to be IhC | °PP onen,s of Governor BSgle* asoppw
derived from such an institution? We an- Se< b,s mmomination—field theircoJi>f
swer that the different branches of educa. j ‘Y con vcintion last week, und elected ijmS
lion-will fa e brought before the Institute I. le g nloB lo 'he Bth of March convention!
and the various mode? of teaching them ' in3 ! ruo,ln g 'h e mior Bigler for Goveraori
discussed, and such resolutions offered ;“ nd ? ack for Su P r enie Judge. No inf
and measures adopted, as tho circumstan’j c^! rnct,ons wp ro pven for Canal Comaili.
cesof d,c order of proceedure may surrJ s,onor - rh! f “last unkindest cutofilr
g«?st. Tho superiority of textbooks, and I W °, S v 3u ' d }: l,ink p u ght to satisfy the' liub
tho advnntagea.wJiich ono book hns ovev'' COlCne °, <aisa ppointcd office seekers, vyk
another in advancing the scholar, will be °, PPOS , C ■ fc-'mmination or Gov. BiclS
investignted, nnd if necessary a reguhvri * i . e . ir °l , P oSltlon is worse thanusefil
series, of textbooks may bo'selected bvi ntld mduc6 once to groum!'®;
the institute from the best authors and re I ea P ons of 'heir rebellion, and, like smS
commended to the Directors of common!,, men , nnd good Democrats, come up]
schools. You as pareuts are well aware! ,° ' ror / lbe mighty against tho ®
that you are often called upon by the dif. ! P hins -—^ Standard.
ferent teachers, for different school books ' Couuty:— Tlio
lor your children, you aro often put to un- , ounl y Democratic Convention lum:
necessary expense; so if there was a re-. seloct , ed DUis Bonham Senatorial DdL
ular series of text hooks adopted and es- gate i . or ‘ha t county and Perry unaniumt 1
abltshcd throughout all the schools and i ,; V £ nl } a ' Vm - Mntfrcr and l Jofiojb
school-districts in tho county, this incon- 1 yih °ads, Representative Delegates to A!
vemence nnd expense would be avoided I ~ ta, ° Convention, with unanimous itutrou
y the unfortunate und frequent change of! !- lon ? Pt^ r Digler and Black, and instructitw;
teachers. , | for Judge Stuart of that county for Cauk
1 “rents we call upon you to co-operatelCommissioncr
m tins great project; it is for tho best in-1
(erestof your children and tho nmeliora
our common schools.
[air bus-
t Teachers arouse, aroush! from your
. lethargy and cling together us a body, in
I lho di B«”V*- teachers p&es"
Organize, Organize f in every school
I d ls tr.ct and township, (0 discuss [he vari
i ous modes of teaching, and let good re a .
sonmg and a sound judgement ahvavs gov-1
ern you, so that you may udoptsue’h men
sures as will enhance the welfare of the
common schools, and exalt the standing
of tins noble profession, which has for its
end tho instruction of tho youth of our
fin U fh?h- * f ' V,,om are destined to
people h 81GSt ° ffices wit,lin llie gill of the
ive'!t 0 m” CIOSO our wtnairk*. for fear'
we should weary your patience, but wo
from I! " 1 " 7 scon hear a hearty response
hrm T/J SGh , OOl dis,ric ‘ in the county
through the medium of our County 2)a plr
when you may expect (o hear
ugaiii; W r* d
Wolf Run, Deo. 27,1853.
J'California.— The steamship Da
n fror ? Sttn Jnnn, .arrived at
New Orleans 0 n the (3th instant, with Cal-
SoTn dQtQ3 t0t ! 10 ,6 i h ult - Sho brings
freigEf, bUt ’ 813,000 in 6° ld on
lMfivi 1 l' We f ?l t r u° onnec,ed wilh ‘be Sierra
Nevada, which brought down a million in
freight. Her passengers have
made the vpyago m twenty days andhalf.
The deapaches from the Balize state the
Cftltrormp/markets were heavy, from beirm
ia quoted at ®il
°’ y e°Wi .coming, it), andrain
,!,, ■ 1
The Ke|iublic:tai, V ,
: u,* S ,P üblished cvef y Wednesday, by ft
| Vv. Moouk At C/.ark Wilson, atthblov
| rata ol 81 a year payable in advance.-*
|U not paid within three months@l
ha changed If not paid within sixmottlb
2; SO. If not paid within nine month
f* ifnot paid within the y«f
00 will oo charged.
_ Advertisements inserted at the ratß4#f
81 per square for the first three insertMM,
and twenty-five cents for each addition#!
insertion. A liberal reduction madess>
those who advertise bv the year. : ; jsa
is hereby given to aifpef'
jji * on . 3 ’ no * *° purchase or in any M*
meddle with the following described prcf
erty now in possession of A.
rJrndy township, ns the same
me, and are only on loan to him,
Une two horse wagon, on© bny
harness, one bay mare and harness a#
cow, 2 steers, 2 tons of Imy, one wiodpl
four acres of rye, and 12 acres of wlic4s
the ground. ( j’
Feb., 15 th, 1854.
r |T'HE Clearfield county Bible SociHj
J. will hold their annual
-officers for : the ensuing year on
eyemng Feb. 24, dt early cahdle'ligtffA
lha office or Doctor H. Loraine.; -
C. DEIHL, Secretary
l5, 1854.1 •** *
• > * . . . ,rrtj| 1
TPHE Washingtonians will
Temperance Meeting on Motifafm
20thof Feb., (court week,) atearlfogi
9ja light. Addrestes will be delirewisj
The people are; kindlyin?iiedt6atwBw|
;, H v o; p. gulkmv®™
Feb. 15,1854. , toil