• • ' C MARRIEAM happiness and Competence. wny is it; fiptlAT webrhold ionic. In tho tniiit'lnh of M 1(0. broken' inhtulth.nml iplnu wbh a cnmnliontion i f alltnonli, depriving them of tho nntver ler l)« >njoym«nt oltii# »t«n o«« nyhen t brilcul hea Ih, buoyniuy Wiplrju.'.nd happyletenlly ofmmd. analog lic.n o oondi. aim Ofhealth ihnuld b. predominant. i M.oyorihe c.V.gj ol h.rintleil«*«at fin porhnp. yoara >.fon, nUi cdilhood; or lb. Tint year. or her mirrls.n— «rg in Ibelr origin to lightni to pnii Uuno UiU. " \ ; Ifl AFTER YEARS. "j Whin too late to hobaantilled by our (t.orrlertgo.’wo'oak r»Bct * Bt>UrD ' r*Kt?ltb6 luil'comeqn«fec« of ©«!■ wa.pttoften givetb pofteta in earlr Ilfalha JcnowlcujKeiwe olt*m in nfler yenre, Ami whn* da/iacd wo .night hav* basaapa'ed, if lbs i do*l- W*a UtmlyJponoiieJ. it Is ! MEANCHOLLY AND STARTLING Vo behold Iheiickdcsi aodgtalTerlnsr epdaied by in my a sv] r p T« r-fflflayyp&ri. (mm caatof'iimplaanti eontr&mblo eauly :Wp*dted-H>r better sUll-uotiuearrail, if every ■ ■ ' WIPE AND MOTHER HfeenedthtinfarmbtlonointiioeO innlU’le vo!ann.(iy4hin Jbejelvhofall) whii’li would iporeto tieneli ' * • f,# " AoiltoherhnjbTUidilieonnitiUt toil am 1 noiletyof mio«l -■feoauard? dcvotvloi: tipon him from ikhneiioi the wife, WtibMl«ldn*hiin thaopportan ty ofactiomaji tlmt oompo. |*»oe which hi!»>xeriion« are entitled.! and the no»««!cn ol jrhtoh woold secure tho hsppicruorhhiuell, w.ilo and dm.' ■' * BE~URB THE MEANS OF HAFPiNE33 flif Mooting i&'fme poiretml or the koowlerfjre, tho wnivt W which hot caaitil th6*icknos»ond povertr orthoaiannt. * i< VjewJofeuebcomequcncci, ttowifoor molhcritcu&atpU If Ci.eh+gJectsto BvnilhctJelf ol trial knowledge ip teipecuo Witll, whloli wonld iptuo her maoh guttering* heihemenui M.btppioettcnd prnpeutjioticT bur umUand cooler npoo i«r children dial b!e*iina ttbovo all price—healthy bodler irilhhMUhr miadi. 1 That knowledge U contained in a tittle folk tnUUcd * - v TUBM*IUUEI>WOMANS i PRIVATE JUGDICAL COMPANION. BII'DR, A. M. MAUItICEAU, FRQfFBSOII UP lIISEABES OF WOMEN, DodJluodtcdlh Edition,SSmo.pp, 250, PricelSOcts, ■ fhatuaiband. hat oHher hat or will obtain It, at hat of will 4»err'bo»t»ml whohnt the love nail allecUunot hiiwnoai }WMXuU°wom cof.iy hwt been yE-N IHY MAtti within tbo tail low months. *’ CAUTION TO~TIIE PUBLIC. 1 • ' ' UH NOP DEFRAUDED. , Bay’no booh union Or, A. M. Moariccaa. 119. Liberty FlrtoLN. Vlion the litle page, and iheeniry In JhaUlerk’i wtftaemithelnokqfthe title pace: and bur only ofrespecta. afaiaad.baa eabledealeat. end tend bjr inaitaed nddrntOr. m 7 U. Maar.eean, at tliere are tpurlout and terreptitioet J* , SBif»oie l oeeS o romain *onlnro-«ied upon saliecjt to vital eWMtAPOaee, their bealiU and their haptenett. a raraphlet pfTbltly Ijt Payet containlne extracts, with 101 l lids care, amd abbt'ladexorcontenu, will be tent free ofcharge to even fcattartho (Jailed Etatvt.br addreiiay, po,t paid, at heieio. W’On receipt ql.filly CetiU.yir Ono Dollar h i thufin*’Edition.eiirabinding,; “THE'MARRIED 'WOMAN’S PRIVATE” MEDICAL COM PAN IONr” iaaont, (mailed FREIt.) to ony pnrtoi Hie United Staten. ' All letlcrs must be post paid, and : pddteMtd to Dr. A. M. Mauricenu, Box 1224, Netv York City.' Publishing Office, No, 129, Liberly tt New York. ' FoßSaloy Blanch nndCrap. Harrisburg; i gwirte, Bloomeburg; J. \V. Worth, Lebanon; J. W, Tttmffiger. Monheim; XL W. Smith, Huntingdon, H, McDonald,Dniuniown; J. M> Baum. New Berlin qf'ltLtMj;, Reading; E T Morse. Cronesvilio, N .Y.j'R'POtocder, Brownsville,! Wcnl? and Stark* Karbohdnle; Eldrcd and' Wright, Wllliainspori; S Tfuck, Wilkeabarre; Geo W Earle. Waynesboro; K Croaky. Mercer: S leader, Hanover; S W Tnylor, Utica; R P, Cummings, Somerset; T B Peterson, Philadelphia; John iieForge, Millord. Pa,; and in JgairYorb City by 6trlnger and Townsend, Adrr> yrtSe, Sherraan"& (to. Dewitt and Davenport,Barnes i Ca. i OFPICE, 129, Liberty EtreeLnear Greenwich 'MtlfD ,18M—e'm. Tedlelnrs worthy a place In all families. fifing Prepared Ly a 'Regular Gi aduate jßUUkPhysician of 30 years Experience. /tf’kß, J.B, ROSE is an Honorary Member of the Philadei* If'pbln Medical tiocletr, and iraduntod InlUiU, from the IMmttny of l , ontt»ylraoia, under Jbo guidance of the Ha Iv«|UMat'i > mfetsors I’hyiick. Chapman, tiibion. Coxo, APfra ted Hare—namti celebrat'd fur medical science. iHmii solitiiad by thousands of hia patients to pot np hit be now olian to ifea public a* the resalt oi hit fnMttu&forilii prut thirty years, lb* fol owiDg valuable (Family Arnicine*, each anaintml trva'ipecifiodueniei k £lfUtt ALL NERVOUS AKFEO* lONS-Hr. 4. Rose's Motor* and iuvicoratlag Cordial.—The Greatest Hisoovery J* Medical Science. —This astoniihioa Preparation lor raUtnit nlebiUtoted by oaro, labor, stuqv or piscfev.oets I'ke a ciatcn. It five* strength and eppeute, xiltfvpouoiaa treat iovlsoreling. properties. For Heart Oiseas.*. ell Nerv&u| Affections, Flatulence. Unit Barn, Restlessness. Nnmuaesi,. Neural tie, raiiinz Uie f»Mtai,tadtivinf oower to the wbol% system, it .is almost |l|||OßMiQtia dsifteoti. So cents a bottle. nr?l '..y YHE GREAT PAIN CURER. ttOVOD SUFFEH WITH,ANY rAIN.-lf you do you inUfindlmmediate relief by mine Or. ROdR'S FAtN CUR* * 'he only prrparmion which caret almost instantly, fwo Throat. Rbeomalum from Colds, l’oins ja the Stile, moki qi Limbs; Face. Car?or Tooth Ache; fctomsoa or Bonrali* Rdp or Uaok ; Btitl Ne k. Urimos, Corns, end nut vUiaa. Wherever yoo have pain, ore the fain Curer. Bale ■U nil eyes, price 23 end d'J cants UoUtes, ' KOB COUGHS. COLD 3. CROUP AND WHOOPING COUGH—tav bast Cough l riyrap ia the wdfld,—Dr. Rote's ywgbfitod Cough gyiap. gives Immediate relief to the wont vovgh. whether or proceeding frpm e cold. It lUaftasy irritation ot the Lungs, and fortifies the system •imnit future attacks. in bottesattUceiTsand $!. • A/b)fpte& are alio llatdeto Croup, which dangerous disease fluid* Immediately to Dr. J. b. tiose'e sever railing GROUP pYRuP. Price fcs cents. < WHOOPING COUGH, another complaint, always worse Is’ooJd and damp weather. The afflicted will find relief in 100 aMof Dr. 8, Rose's Whooping rough Syrup. which oh irpie relieve* and provosts the diseases. mob a* inllamßtioo ffthe Lungs, Dropsy m the Chert, and Consumption, Price 00 oaau-per bottle. . i ALSO,-*Dr. J. B. Rosa's Atteraliveor Blood purifier. Dr* •♦two. RbeamatloCompoond—Compound extract of Dacha, JufioLieimtßt, Ctrminativo Balsam Woiu> Killer or Ver milage, Croup BytOD. Golden Pills, Pile Ointment, Tetter or Healing Ointment, Lye Ointment, Eyo Water, tiireoathen 1m Ptaiters, French n,ecifio, Infant Cordial, Acouitio Oil, fitoxlr of Opium, Liquid Hair Tonic, and Female Specific. V Ailurenhove preparation*, with DH, DOSE'S MEDICAL ADVMBRio persons la sicknms aodm health, to he had or KDMU&D'E. BRENNER, Morrisdale. OleaifieU count*. H# D. PATTON, CnrwenrvlUe, undof Dealers generally |MoBghout the Stole. juneM,lBoß—fra. v-O-U. WATSON. Agent. Clearfield Pa. FIT! FITS I FITS! i*he vegetable extract fcPELEPTIC PILLS. Fbr jhicureof Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and hllJNervous and Constitutional Diseases. l t»EH80N8 WHO ARE LABORING UNDER th!i dl.- “"SfcW malady will Sad Hid VEGETABLE ELEPTIU PILLS, tobj^tl be only remedy evordhcoveied far ctlring Ep* '^RiePilUpossess iipecifictiotfon os thonervous system; 000. although U>er are prepared nspfeol&lly for the purpose 01 Fits, they will be found ofesperial benefit icr al. per* eons afflicted with weak ncrvos. or whose nervous system has see* prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. In ;hhfo*!coom;damla,or diseasei oflong standing .sapuinduced .fraenronsaes* tney ore exceedingly beneficial, .'.Price 03 per bo*, or two boxes lor |5. persons oat of the Clty.enolosine a reraitton-r, will have the Pills sent throogh the mail, free or postage. For snJeby BETII b. HANCK.No. 108, ISALTIMOURfeT.. BALTIMORE. Md.,towhorrorders from all naits of the" Union most be nddHtsed,postpaid. IfEltlfiagg.L’S WffEL, . . CLEARFIELD, PA, rjr'KE snhicrihhr'most respectfully Informs ihecH'zcns of X Cleaiffelu county. and tho traveltimr public goacrstly. that be has taken the ttoo vo named HOTEL situated on the corner of Frontend Murkot streets, in tho borough of Clear, fl-dd, where he will at all limu bo ureo&rcdto accommodate those wbo may favorhinr with their custom. Noimiuswill am so*!* I by the nroprietor to make bis customers comfortable. 000-hSJP®f*SO HOME to Ibotowho mny slop with him. LfDsSTAULU will bo carefully attended to—and huTA DLLaau DAD loppiied with the best the market whlaifml. WM.J.IiEMPIHLL. it FOUNTAIN inn. ' Ml m an Oa pa. QD U,a & ol< * ‘lMciiyioo ' • ; * - BrlaWw. r, m Important 9o Fnrimers. • Silver Medul awarded to this Mucliino at j the fair of tho Aniericun Institute, N. Y.» !•' Cict. 1852; a Diploma at tho Franklin Institute, PJrilutlciphia; First premium at I the State Fair,' IJrica; First premium at j .tho Rensslncr, Co., N. T., and also at i the Columbia Co., N, Y. Fair; arid a | Diploma at tho Westchester County Fuir ! jsjew York. . , niCKOK’S TATKST IMPROVED CIDER HILL. IN thepreient arraorem-ntof thi* hfeh'y approved ‘tod valuable Mill; tho labor I* divided by urmninnK n lulling i.yiindcr la lueak ihoftnple*. and then de Ivor them to tho 'ln*ofOyi'oiPru bo reduced 10 pomn«o. 11/ ihli nrrnnee ttn ru i he woik (i i et formed loiter And with much le»» labor. •; ■_ t o Prp«»i* orramtod with & much loftier ictcw than for. * by a very inseniotw device ilia moot the baa is it Pi'crt'f d v. ilb nnd tho“i ub mude.tp open at the »nrao tlm? «, d r; uleft clear, aud iho work can be donewi'h much 1.0 In’i r than by ilmoM method, /i’he Cylinder* are cov Ted w ith heavy then Zmo, boih on their ferlpheriej and end ; t c » Obd in them I* airanced * j tu not to swell, nod ih»* vvlto'H work in the Mill and rrtaa nvu'o in tho voty belt : nud uraosed wilhotpeciai view io their durability aodiorvloe. - - • - . ‘ No farmer. who uiei the MlHcarefally ami Rcco’dmvto direction* will hodlmppoinmi; hnt.ru the qihorhwxi he will find this ooa ofthe most valuable and eilicicnt machine* on hi* farm, , The machine i> made to ton by koito ifeam. or hand pon • or, ami when the npule* are grr and, n small boy of 14- vtorfc ofoeo can pretithe pomeoj * ith ea»o, , ..... r Tfiii Mill i« av an anted aaperiortoany oihei PortaM* Mill in ' rziitenco; ami tho proprietor i« toad? at any lime ton Inir 1 notice being xivenitu lestii with auyl’ortuulo Milt that if 1 solan infnnocment op It . • i VAHMUHtt, EXAMINE Tilts NEWLY IMPROVED i MILL. UIiKIKEYi.U DUY ANY OTHEU.-Uno .tent i udvanlogo of this machine oVur all other* it. that it Will not I choke up. andhardoryoltapp'ei can bonroabd.aßdyoUbo ; 'CyliodonuiltalwDjiiemaio cleailn urindioa oidor. ; Ail order* wd! he htled 1 itheorder irt whloh th4ycome In, and periont warning them had bctteriend their order eurly, •ndtthte ntw but tune, Mid whe.ethey want tho milldellv. I Thli Mill, attended by two mon. will; whoo properly wo*- cd ncooralr.B to ibr»oUnm nuketrom six to twelve barrel* or i older a day—and will urind olouq by hor*o*powor, from IPO ! lotfflb bushel* ofapnle* u day. ,•. .. . . .. , I The price of tho Mill and Prei* it ft?, delivered. KsooU ( loot thl* I* the newly unproved Mill, Having very many applications for morepsrUcalar deicrip* I tioat «f the rise. &o , ol my MILL, than li cop* I mint'd in tny ctron'nr, l wou d hero teujaill, thotlle whole 1 Mill weigh* but b 75 pound*. Ist'Ji by 3 feet’.naan*. and 4 f<*l 1 high, nod can be taken unywhcreuua wheolbaifow with con -1 vevlenco. Below ivlij bo 'obod a faw notice* and leooirraeo* dntlonioftho Mill, many other* having been latulaid. Th* it to certi'y tlmt t purchased of A, H RAHMAN, one ot fiiekiK k’i raicnt Cider Mills'end P;es*.lift fall—and I can confidently wombat i have ground one buibelof app cs per xninnlo by hand. 1 inve nlio boon uiinc aider for th© lau *6 yean, anu 1 made the bowl c.deron thi* Mill I ever < : rank. Centre Lino fa , Aug i’tf, Hte3. VMLLIAM HULL. I MR« w -0 HIGKOCK Pear Sir— I purchased one of yourimprovod cider Mill* al the fciiaio Fair at Lancnsler, To., last year. Birc« theft I havoiet'ed itiireclouilj’. nnd mutiay tl surpasses any rnnohine, for Iho udnioiq it U Intcadtd lor. that i havoevor seen, aid t hava ex'imimUa a f qd many, i e fore pnri h&tme nnd linro. li* couilrurtion being simple it, never net*out of orucr. It surpasses ray matt innguue ex** pectatiqn. Conld t not procure nnoih* rone. I woo'd not pul with mine for fo«r uaiei tbepiioe oftbrm. ft* t know it* vat* uo. Voufitraiy. CUA3. M. CLARK, Ohio* May I, IBSJ. A tdreu your otdi r* to thetinderiigned Agent for Clearfield County, A. H BAUMAN. C< rare Line. Pa. or L. K. CARTER, CiemCeld. Pa. Cleffle-d. Peo’ember 9,1853.—2 m. PLEASANT BIS 1.1, IRON FOUNDRY nml MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. nndenigcei respeoifii >•announces tolhepeople ol 1 Cte&tfieid and tho adjoinc counlle* mat hestili co. Kin. a .»* to oarry on the Above at hi* ex'cnilve establish* mentinthe borough *>r Cieailield, and it now prepared to manufacture all kind* ot Castings used far Grist Mills, Sate-Mills, and all kinds of Machinery. Hit Catting* are no* of a nperiorquality—equal, ifnottn Eerior.to any other ia tho Slate—p» he met no*.e bat the ver e*t material, and employ* none but the very beitof workmen MACHINE SHOP, With two taperior TURNING LATHER, driven by steam. i»nowin •(tocasifblotrcrattoo. and under the management of apraoticnl mechanic—where almost nay artictooT machinery can be FINISHED inthovery belt stylo, and on short notice. fie ha* now an hand* u iarce nnortment or C-stingi, ruch aeSTOVGSOf vario’ ssisesand patterns, PLOUGIi IRONS. WASH KETTLE#, Bto., &c.. which ho offers to sell low for Ca»h, or on a reaionable credit, lie it now catting, from be moit approved pattern*. HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. ALSO — Fa?icy Air. Tight Parlor Staves, Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, Wini'd’s celebrated Plough. An-1 all kind.of lIOI.LOW-WARE. 91-EIGH anil SUED BOLES. WAGON BOXES, So Ho intends (tor ell on reasonable fermi, and trait* that the cltlxeni of the county generally will find it to tbelr advantage togivohimtheirotfitom, CASH will utwari be preferred— butthe hizheit prices wi'i be allowed for Country Produce andOLOMETAL. Ashe civestmettabtishmenlhiiperional tuporvuloo,all order* for work will receive nrompt attention. DAVID UTS. Clearfield. Nov. 19,1861. STONE WARE TUE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully announce to the citi* ten* of CVearUeld county aad tbopabtiogeoeraliy, that they havecommauced the manafsetory of S J ON C WA one mkeeast c f LU'J'IIERSUHUGH, wteie they are prepar ed to furnish an article of STONE WAKE equal to any man ufneturedelsewlime,and cn leaspnablo term*. STOVE FIFE LULL A US comlan'ly o» hand. Orders promolly attended to, and a liberal discount made to wholesale purchasers. M. J. POHTtK. • AugosfdU.lSs3.-3t. G. W. POHTEU. Splendid Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. Isaao Smith.begs leave to inform his friends and outto men. thathebasjoit received a isrro an t spleojid nsiort meat of FALL and WINTER GOUDd— which it Is his de. termination to dispose of at pliers tliatosnnot fall to please. Ho invites the partioolar attention of tho pabllo to his LARGE AND WELL DEI.EC TED HIDUK OF READY MADE CLOTHING—aI»o the uileatjon of th* LADIB to hu stock of DREdS GOODS tiimm ogt fao . GROCERIES by wholesale and retail.—LUMBER and all kinds nTUKAIN token in ixcbaage, and tbs HIGHEST MARKET PRICED allowed. DJAAC SMITH. CurwoDiville Oct, IRth 1853. A YOKE OF OXEN FOR SALE. TilKbobsciiber cilen for sale a YOKE OF GOOD Yoqqj OXEN. Penous wishing to purcha>e will call at bis reiMfcoce on the east side or the ou,Quabaana, two miloi aboveCiearfieid and see for tbemieives. October 37,1853, JOHN 8. HOYT, C g"kN E orTWo good J'JUKN EYMKN TaU URB. will be vJ slFonJedsleudy employment and liberal wogerduringlho winter, by applying to the subscriber. Clearfield Dept. THOMAS RHEA JACOB BJLGER, COPPER, TlN.uud BURET IKON WARE MANUPAU TURER-H7orwentvi 10. above the old Foundry, on the north side of main street, where all business In bis >ioo is done npm a workmanlike manner, and ou rosionablo terms Country produce taken in exchange for wrrk bept. 17, '53. SETTER VPi THE Books and accountsofthe laloFUmor VVALLACE £t HlLl*b.o/e now in the hands of jAb. WRIGLKY, L*q., for sottlemeot. all penoai having accounts will please attend to them without delay. SeptemberiM. 13i3.—Ut. WALLACE & HILLS, %¥aßited. Inn COHD3 STUVE-WOOD OUT. Apply l» IUU O. L. REED. Olearrioli], Jape 15, 1858. Yn®llnimf3 simcffl ’.Aiias OF A GOUD'QUALITY, for sale at Isaac Pmilh’sHioie, Curwemvillo, Pa. JuJyh, 1853. , a A Joitrneytium Cabinet-Maker. A GOOD JOURNEYMAN CABINET MAKER, will be ntlordel libora! wages, and constant employ me t by ap plying imiuediatoty to JOHN GULtCiJ. May Ut, 1U53. §tomew^B?e. At Iho Store of tRWIN AND SMITH, n targe and good assortment of btane VVore. October bth D6B O. B. MERRELL, COPPER. TIN & SAEET IRON WARE MANUPAU TURKU—On tStonvl siieet, ono door sooth of A. K. Wright’s sto.e—Cloarftuid, Deo.ilH, ibot. GEO. W. ORR, DLACKSMITU—Ia his abw shop on Third Btrertl lonlh O Maiker,Clearfield,Pu. 61ayl,ib5J. SAUSAGE CUTTERS,' A SUPERIOR AIUICIE, just received and for »aio by L. R CARTER. . beul, 15. 1853, rairallon. ALL persons ka;.w‘ i • uro YALL'b tiELF-SETTERS In the county ol LT.ulLId, will please come and settle the use of the Utirht wiur L. R. CARTER, Pi Cleorlield, who ia nuthor,eed b/trie to make amicahlo settlements for the same, butt vvi.f ue instituted against nil persons ntgleot. ing this notice. ' ROBERT LYTLE. Juue 11,11*53 ALL penoni wiih-n-to nnrohnie Uichls and Blocks for Upruht end Circoiar Saw-mill* will calf on L. U. LYr -1 tar who I thi'day uuthoriso tomattocontractsfortbo same, jfaoe tL-Pd,-Um ROBERT LYTLE. caixwmjcDsi. • ALL persons are horeby cautioned nednst pu'chntinga .cerium note given by thesabioribar to.VViilsam Hoi ion. munng [or about KLhty ispllais. datpd somewhere botweea .and Ncvember, 1893; as I.bava never reoely* edvoluofortbesame. 1 wjUnut pay it uuless comoelbd by * Aoamuuhdma^ New Store!, New Store !! ■ sr- '■ | POWELL, REED & WEAVER';• * A REjotl now opening at heir new BTORE-RQUM In lb* t\. boronsh ol Clearfield, one of tho largest and be»t asporl* .marts t f MERCII AN DISH ever brought t* tiie bounty, an»o fiW-pPEN FRONT DETACHFO LEVERS—from *lBto *-o—LAFlNElr—from *lofot!s. FinoiSHallTDAY Watohet, from Bto Id Dollars, Fine Cold Watches, ttl to4o dollars. Ailof tvb'ch he wi I warrant fur peilect time-keep ers. Alio a large M»ortmcutof Bpeutaoles. Fob Chaim, Veil Chains. Hard Chaus. Penknives, Pocket Book*. &o. CLOFKH— Eight Pay andl hiity Hour Clocks. Fine Small Sprigg C/ockt—£(Th(inr end Bdny—Musicni lumuirebts, nnd a grant vnricty ol ariicles too numerous to mention, oanalli boot tiv Jewuleti. Ail the übovemenrioued wsrianud good, and will h* sold at tho ;owcst protii * but hi* letm* are Wfitchu. Clock* and jewelry neatly RE PAIRED, nnd Warranted foroco i tar. jy iy'63. A CARD. A. Mo -.IK EIL 3L 'S lespecifollf inform hi* friend*,and theoubl’c gencially, that be i.i.l continue* to oitead to all call* in the line ol Dental Operations, At hiidlice adjoining hi* dwelling. In the borough of Clear, held. ll* rally Impound at ne'Jty all time* in hit ttoiein the He*tend ol tae Man.ion hocte. AvliPtcinl Teclli Inserted bo Plate or Tivot, aad warran'ed to give entiro intis, (action. EXTRACTING TEETTiJ flono without danger to the pa Lent, and with but lutle nain. Tteth FILLED and CLEANSEDIa a proper nndicientif Ic manner. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. “Tho greatest good to Iho grehtest number, 1 " 18 o point at whloh poiitidnns tialetmen end philanthro pists have laborrd long and hard to gain. But it is now c'eirly demonttmted, that that pilot can bo fatly attained at ti e store oi A. M. fiILLB, in the west end of t*-e Mansion ilouie< where he li jmt opening one of the meat attractive and fathioneblo L<»i’d OF GUODB. which oareaiid auen* lion in buying could select for any retail establishment. Feeling confident that bis selection of GOOD 3 will please blslrieadf.and the pablio generally, be would invite them to call and examine hi*STOCK OF NEW GOODd, fevenirthey do not ihmk proper to bay. Kccolkct we esteem it & pleas ure to show our goods at any lima. For variety of coon* we can vie with any, nnd lor LOWNESS ol PRICE DEFY COMPETITION. *Ti»u*ele»i to name articles, and labori ous indeed lo enumerate ouri. SuflL-e it to say, you will find over/ thi-c on hand umallv kept in a country Store, all of which willbe sold VERY LOW. Augustt’C, 1853. A.M. HILLS. INDIANS! INDIANS! WAR WHOOP Sf WAR DANCE. mHE greatest variety of BOOTBaad SHOES, !*adietand A- gentlemen's Congress gai'onof utlde*crlolloni. that has «ver been offered lor public sale in Clearlield county. The proprietor Hi'Ur* himself that of 18 year* expert nee in ihe BOLT and SHOE busiao**, lint bo oannot be deceiv. od in tho selection of goods in tne djty, aad miem * keeping a well assuited ROOT and SHOEpTOREia fa tare. All persons wishing to get rid ol* painlul corn* caa do so hr. cailm, n, U. GJ.ENM AN’.i BTOHB. eait mil ol lbe Fostplnee where you wilUit.d him ren*. y and willing toren. der the feet tvU the camtort that can be given tnem. Advice cretli. U. GLENNAN Cleaifleld, July B. 1853.—Sra. AA * NEW AND CHEAP C^eiS3liA THE undersigned would respectfully Inform their friends aod the nub.icfoaerally that they have oiteaedaßiore ut BLOOMINGftJN, Formerly known as Bloom's Black, smith fcjhop.ClearfielUcoUßly.Pa.. with anew and splendid aisorlrr.oDtofUKOUEKit.y.DßY GOODS. READY-MADE CLUTHINt;. BOUTS and fcUftlMEß lIATB,- CROCKER Y.fIARDWARE sad CUTLERY, VVOOUand TIN VVA RE, DUUGcL MEDICINEB,'gro, se'coted with groat caro la tho Philadelphia Maiket. which they are prepared to sell at rocs! astonishing low prioes. Our friends, and the pnbjio in eenorar ore invited to call aod examine our nook. LUMBER,GRAIN,and all klndsol bouotry produce ta keota exchange for Goods at tho highest market price, and iheo&shm nr. oa»e related. REX fit BLOOM. Jane 114,1853. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To sell Pictorial and useful works for ’54. WANTED in every tecllonof the United Slates; active, enterprising men, to engage in iheialo of some of the beat Books published in the country. To mono! good address, Sostessinea sraafl capita of from to SICO, such induce lent* will be oflh'ed t% to eoabletbemto makelroui IIiREE to FIVE DOLLARS a nay The Books luiblrshwj by ns are all nsefai ia Deircbar&cter, extremely popular, and command large sales wherever they are offered.—For fnrfhnr pariloa'an, address, (poitute paid 7 ROBERT SEARS, Publisher,No. Ml, William »t., N. Y. Oclobsr 0. 1853 ©albaimcalb.& (Dk®Eff MsiHsfimg. WOULD rvsotctfully announceto the oituoas cf Clear. field ami vio.nity, that ho is now manuiacturing a I kinds of CABINET-WARE. IHi shop is situated on Market slrfiot, betwroo Third am) Fourth, wheip all kinds of work inhlr lino will ho made in the BEST ti V Y LB. aod oa the mostFA VuLABLE TER M ‘ and On the shortest notice, mudo to order on thesbortesl notice. December 3, 1853. 11. BUCHER SWOOPE. FOKMUULY of Iho firm of "tiCOTl’ U oWOOI’E," ilant o,don To., \rtll nitead faithfall, lo all prore.,- ionat bQilQci,entiurei to h , core b> the oilizeot of Ulenr tioUl ami oiljolnlni; coum.’ai. Ullic, text door to. anil ovai £*.i. Wrißl.y'i olinifl _ KKh'KiiEiMCliS.—Ucv. Dr. M'Leod, Jolin Scoll. Ehj,. lloii Goo. Toylor, anil Hon. Jaa. Givin, Ilun tiiiydoii.—Hon. iVm. I*. Schnoll.'and Alex. King, Eeij., Bedlbrd. Gon. Wm. H. Irwin, Lewistown. - Hon. Simuol Calvin, Ilollidayaburgi Gon. William Ayres, Harrisburg. Gcrnnull & Croawall, No. 211, Market si., Philadelphia. October 27. ]853. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. A&'V&818 WM&W' <2S>SSl 1 Of 11. D^/AHDNrCurffcnsviilc.Fn: Al.AKRBasMellMtcctetf itock orDRY GOODS and GUUUSIt USB. JL.AUIt3 OKESStiOODd. atl wool.and TI.AIN KEI.ANE, UABIIMtUtia. DUEda BILKS, of all kind,. BAITENEIB. HAT3/OAP3 and iIUNNETo. , ALSO—Alar,anml wirijie.'ectediteckcl KEADY-MADE CLOTHING, lIUUGBaaa Palett MedioinetoToverr kind .BUO i'B and 15UOE8. tha best ever Oroitcht to the county.— HARDVVAREoI all kiuds. mdi as IRON, HATHAWAY UOIiKSTOVEH. TAIILOK BTUVEi, Ell’Eof o*or» .lit,, NAlL4,£PfKErLaotriTN WARE.otcvery kind.—SPERM OIL. LAlll) till#-. FLAX BE ED OIL, WHITE LEAD, FIRE PUUOb PAINTS ol every collar, GbA&3. CAN- and Tallow, BOOKS and bTATiUNAKY, HARNESS, SALULfcIS anil HR IDLES, and every other aitlclousoal'y keptina countiykto.c, Lumber. Cram, and country produso of every .kind, taken la exchange lor.goods. Curwemvillo. Nov. 3.18i3 tf. 11. D PATRON. " Goods. AT THE CHEAP CASH. STORE. IRWIN ANDBMITII HavoJust-recelvedhuew ondsplen did assoitmentol goods of every disoriplibn, suitable for thuieaion—to which tney respectfully, invito tho attention of Ml who wish to buy the host and most goods tor the least move/; Call audcximiceouritock.—lßWlN AND bMITH. i ’ctober fith 1863. KS“C2}a&<3&<£»a T HEiubicrlberrespectfully clveinotice tbat hehniploccd his Djcket,and all notes and paper* thot were in ills po»- soisioa ns Justice or the Pence, inlho hands ofJ AB. WRIU LEY, Ltq..in tbemuDnerdirected by law. He also givesholice that all bis books Bpd nccoonU for & in w?i , i??f ofNovomberldM Qr< , q allo left wtUl N r WRJOLBY fox: settlement, who is duly authorised to mod take rMelfUt iotlbeia^,-. . D.W.MOQRB, PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Maobinc, Pattern and. Blacksmith Shops, (D]laipn®m>. Paw THE nndwilgrei) wo»ld announce to the oilfxoot of Clearfield, and adjoining counties,thath»hoscj.encdn roomonSecand street, tn tho borough of Ccnrtioid, near the store of Leonard & Moore, whom he IntMsus heobing a GENERAL* ASSORTMENT OF CASTINGS, warranted to bo mudorfihe belt material, and at prices that cannot rail to please. Tho following compo on hands: FULTON'S HOT-AIR COOKING UfoVB, for either VVnodorCoal This Stove haa probably tho largostlntio. duction ofonjr other form of stoves, it haa soptrieded In' nlm-it every cooniy.tha well known Hathaway and Zfog. leralovei. It is easily understood, and tho Ones belngso arranged that all can booleaned Without any trouble. T*.e peculiar form sad construction is inch ai to ronderiltho moat durable of all stoves. Numerous testimonials coold beodded, bat it iidoemod anreoeisnry.) » IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING STOVES-atfroralS to IfcO. . PARI.OiI BTOVES—for ollherwoodorooal. AIK-TIOGHT do SALAMANDER do a boantlfalCoal Stove. VAdU do EGG do TEN PLATE J3tove*—very cheap. MANTLE GRATES, with summer piece*. A large variety i 0 fo flßlnghoe. COMMON GRAI Ed, all sizes, P^lft.A N ft,ttis w AMENTAL i RAILING • HOLLOW WAI!E: OVIiN MoIJTII.S : ol ' 11 8,UAR, KINGS fir liafii.UOAD kuKA. 'fJ*BRB, a sow article, COHN HIIEU.KIIS.OOKN AND COII MILI*P» wnrrnntod lo grind 16 Bus. Ears pel hoor,- HLACKbMi'J II TUYERES. the best in use ; do, MAN DRILLS nnd TIRE RENDERS ; * * Together with tho usual variety of articles kept at Foundry Establishments. Also, Made to Order, GlllSTand BAW.MII.Ii GEARING-havin* decided!* the larneititook. and bet variety ol patter. lol any r.latrll.h meni in western Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGM. SHAFT . ING—targe and small.ofcast or wroughtiron, HANGERS, DKUMHnnd I’ULl.lEd; Kosooud other approved Water : WIiEELHiWOUI)and IRON LATHK3; MANDRILLS forCironlarSaws. WOOD BORING MACHINE*. Constantly on hand und for sale, FANNINI) MILLS. THRESHING MACHINES. PGN NUCK’B UELKHRATED CHAIN DRILLS. tic. do. Screw-Cutting. Any sized Porew, with any desired numberof threads to the loch, otlhersq are or V thread. Urnsi.Coppor.nnd Babbetl’sMotal Castings mode to order. m Nathan myeks. March 4, IBoJ.—ly. To [Mill Ohikih. TEE undersigned lias nppolntel L. R. CARTEU.\oI C.enrfield, ni»ag*nt for iho sale of Costings, who will receive bills for all binds of Mill Gcuring, and ofner miiehint\ ry. Persons desirous to contract will do well to coll und ex-\ amino tho catalogue of Patterns, and spesmronsol tho work, r bolero making Qngujrementselsewhero. Costings will be tlj livered,if desired, nt Clearfield, and wnirnntcd so bo madeol eootl material, nod fiotah*U ion workuinnlibo manner, (lav ing iu tunning order FIVE Superior Lnthus, and other ma chinery in the same psooorlion employing nono but the best workmen, nsinntho very best Pig Iron and Coot, with many other advantage*, ho tlattershimiolf that hi i work will be done as well as In tho best city shops, ana on tho shortest notico. Forparticuiars.caJlon Mr. CARTER, Agent. NATHAN MYERS. Morcb 4.1952.—1 y JOHN M. CHASE, ftiew StOß’e, THE understated respectfally inform the inhah tanti of CleailLtdlocoty, that they iiaveopened n dPoKK in IPs lowu of ANSuNVILLE. In Jordan township, at ths iniersecuunef the Glen Hope lurnidk* with tho Chess Creek rufld, and offer for salon fait supply of C23^cE>ouml Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot. mUI3 la a PURELY VEGETABLECOMPOUND, rcier. X titically riepated from thebe»t Roots and llerbi of the Materia Meuicu, and has gained ibe universal reputation for Inj following ellects, viz : Hcgulaiing and Strengthening lho liver and Diges tive Organ*, and clcnuing the Stomach and Bowels, andthni curing all Billons Diseases. L ver Complaint*. Dm pepsia, Indigestion, Costivcnvss, Pile*. Headache, Fever and Ague, Jaundice. Nausea, LonoT Appetite, file . and causing the food to nou lih nod aupport every pan. PURIFY INGTJIK U LOUD—And thus caring all Human. Outaneoui Eruptions. Scrofula, Balt Rheum, Eryiijtlai. Scold fiend,Canker Pimples on the face. Blotches, Ulcers. Tumor*. Mercurial Disou*i, Cancer*. &cc. RECULiTINO TIIEESCHETAKY OROANB-Aud by enabling them to purlorm Ibeii proper 1 unction*, preventing and caring many painful and dangerous disrates Btrenclh ening and the Nervoa* Bystcm. thus Allaying Ner voua irritation, and caring all Diseases of the Nerve*, such 01 Hjoierin, Naraleia, Cramps, be.. It is universal in the euro of all FcraaloComplainis ns Weaknes*. general debi'ity, Irregularity* Ob tractions* Swelling ol the Feet, cimbs. Joints, bo., oausmt by weak ness; a".,). LIJNO and THROAT COMPLAINTS, snob as Co.Us, Congbs, Asthma, Consumption bo . also, Dropesy. Having in ado use of the Compound Hyrup of Ye’low Dock Root, prepared by C.MOUSE b CO.,oither ou selvtsor oai families, and finding It to be a very salutary and efleotuul preparation, wcuomoitobcerfully rojommsnd Itto the public as n very vai sabto medbine. . £ Bourne, Esq .Cashier of ihe National Bank Providence. R. 1.; A. VV.BpoQC3r. Ksa , Cashier. Urne Rook Bank, do do ; Rev. VVin. A. Phi lips, Kev. J. U. Richmond. C. B. Janes, editor Providence G«n< Advt. Wm. Field, M W.G. M. Cyrus Fisher. M. E. H. P. James Ua'ohimon. G. 8. Den. V.J. Uutei, Hoot Ueoj Colbv, and ona hunired others ol the most respectable lain Hoi of Providence. Tills outifies that I have for a number of years been ae~ Quaiuteu with the. composition and mode of manufacture of MORSE’S COMPOUND BYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROUT. 1 bavoaUo been acquainted with its tnodus opo . aodi in d irate, and oon say (bat in nil rtupeots it is admirably calculated to rerardy the class of Diseases fo' which it I» de signed. It iscspccittlly valuable in INDICKBTIUN, and ai* its atesdant symptoms, it exoiCs to healthy action the LIVER, removes Torpor, nud luuotivity iroru tlio ORGAN and stimulates h alihy oo'ion (a all the system. Asa DEPU NATO It or purifier ol the Blood it ha* no superior. Provideno-*, K. I Jan. I. 1«53. DAVID lIUI.MKH. M ,D. Prepared by C, MOKSK & Co,, no. 41G Bioudway N. Y., und sold by Drqgginta and ollicra throughout Una and oilier counties—C\ D. YVATSO.N, Agent. C’leuriioM Pu, Muy* ; .0,1853. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ® r I 'ilE subscriber offers at private sale, his valuable FARM. X situate in Bradford tuwnihip ( Cieartield county, one nod a ha’f miles from the janotlon of tbe Union a.d •* now Shoe and PackervUieturnpike.otCeorge J. Kyims, and one and a balf miles from Crafiamton—containing One hundred and ten Acres, with seventy acres cleared and in an excellent state of cultivation, with, a bearing Orchard thereon growing. There is nlso;a comfortable Log House, nnd'a large frame barn erected thereon. For further particulars apply to thesobsoriberon theorem iset Per.ous wishing to mike loquiry nod obtain Info.ma (ion by idler, will direct to Graliamton, Clearfield county. December 10, iWX—if,* • JOHN lIULT. '.CAUTION TUB following properly was purchased by me. at Sheriff Bale, aad loaned b> DAVID MICHAELS, viz : ONE OBEY MARE. ONK TWO.HORSE WAGON, 1 LONIJ BLED. I PLOUGH, l COOKING STOVE, l BET HOUSE UEaUA which 1 hereby caution all porsout pot topuichase or meddlo with, ISAAC SMITH. December 1,1853. CIIAUNOY HULBEUT.Witb WAINWRIGHT,HUN TINGDON & FLOYD. Importers and Wholesalo Deal erslin FOREIGN er. DOMESTIC DUY GOODd.No 153 MAKKETSTREET. Philadelphia. U&3- ■ - * ■ / , July 'O 1853—bm, Cooking Store For. Sale. 1 A GOOD laooml-haua OUUIUNU STOVE Tor tain. ohson for oasis orinexohangeforHAY. Enquireuttbuotllce. • Clearfield. September U 3.1853. Bounty land and pension Agency. •: Charles Tucker, Washington, D. C. AITORNE Y Ter ololmanU'nnd Agent for obtaining Rev. oluiiunarv, Naval, Invalid, and half pay BUUNTY LLAND uneuriof pay* extra pay, &q., for Mil .itary aad Naval services. ~ Bounty Land obtained for tho widows and heirs of Volun* leers or the IJpxat ltevplatloa of 183 d, and extra pav obtain* ea for tho»o\yt)oietvet(\ia the U. B. Navy.Ou ihe coa.t of from IBlHto IBSJ. Address jgIIAUuEdTUCKER. VVashington, D.O. • C&OKIN' OF tho MOST APFItOV rion«l&t4«iS. TtJl Oloaif.etd l)«p 3, '63- 7 6 STOVES, ,1 “ . iZH. OABTIJR. iAfewb J • *" 1 A . I DR. J. B. MARCIUSrS CELEBRATED CATHOLICON," For the reliefaud cure of suffering Female? itstands preeminent for lU oaratire powers Id all the diteaies for - which it Is recommen ded.uiaa!lrdUledt'*i£. MALIS Complaint*.— Of these aio Protap* IQs. Uteri, or Palliog of the womb j—flour ", Albas,-or Waites;— Chroma ti flamatlon— ettd Ulcemtloti of the \ Womb, Incidental 110 v .; morrhage orf’locdiug. 1 Painful, Suppressed—: and If i i g u for Meoitrfl* tion, &o, wiib alitheir accompanying evils— (Cancortxc*ple\)no matter how severe or of how tom: standing* The Cathollcoalar •oroanes olbet reme dies,ln being more cer tain—for eiuentlve— and leaving tbesvtlem fn a better oondilioo. L „ _ pamphlet (free) contain intr ample proof, from , the mOit resoectoble sources, of the btnelicial results ofilt me: togethe*wit!i fetters from highly experienced Phytlclnnl, who have used it Jn llitir practice, and speah from their own observations., . P.D. lIGUKHAM, M. D., Ihioa.R. Y. ii. 1). FLEMING. M. I),,Uannndaiiue. N. Y. M. 11. HILLS; M.D.. Rochester, N. Y. I). Y. POOTHSJM. D..Byra6axo. N: Y. Prof. DUN'IAR, M D. .Baltimore. Md. J.C OKKIffLM.D-, Baltimore. MU W. W. REESE, M. D., New York City. W. PItIMCOTT. M. U.. Concord,N. H. ' J. l\ NEWLAND.M. U. Utiot.N* Y. • Kov. C. B. BEARD. ttlenn Sprl»«i, S. O. Pamphlets had gralisat lha storeoru D. WATSON, Ajr't. ! Of iicffiat Olear field ra>-AliO soldbrT U. MILLER, Hello- ; roDIe?W.II. IJACKB. Kittanninir—SAMUEL MATTEKN, | Meohnnlcsvil/o, and by molt lending druggists in adjoining , counties Lciler addressed to caro of Mr. Curtis Hatch Agent nl Hovenna, Ohio. To Dr. MARUUlSt:—lhnre beoo tea years t otiblmi with Femulo Complaints—prolapsus tuerb nod ail the attending dillieiilties; at lime* rendering my lifemosi misetabje I have had iheeUendaßceof someul tho best physicians, with but little iQocm; the mpit they could do vrai to relieve— a o to woe out of the rjueaion. For tiye months before commencin': with ynurraeihulnu, 1 had not been able to uorform any la bor* ciolrt walk bato few tlepe at a time, and ecaicolv worn oatofdtoort— m snort. I was completely prostrated, bah in body and mind, nod expected to drejt • ut (ho rest ol my days in iuDer(nc aadjnitery. But, reading your advertisement. I was imitfctcLlo try your invaluablo medlcihe ca led Uterine Caiholicoota* (ho lnsl irson. 1 bad not used it a weok before 1 full l.ke aaothirarbroao. By the me ot three bottles i was enabled to perform all the labor for six in t k e family with cate, and cor,| any p&rtot etherlhi houieor barn. To tbota who detira to precore a (lOMti FOH LIFE, tbit Farm oilers inducements not to be' excelled in the county. The (nod it or good quality* high') productive, and well adapted for bolb gram and *ra*t—and itii located in the midst of a popoloai and indoitrloui settle' meat, conveo'ent to a good market, good gristmills, and a good school. gy Forfatnrrparticolara apply to either of Uieiubicri bera. or to Moses 'Vise, on the premise!. The property wilt be sold on ti e most reatonablo terms and awarrunlee deed gins MICIJAEf* Wise, WibUAM WIJE. Id >bu heiri ofCoarad Wuo, deceased. September *3, l&>3. —If. iisr© sriaw ©©©©So At Lumbefvillc Clearfield County JPenn'a. MONTEILUS'. TBN EYCK. & CO. b e leave lolnfoim their Irteuds.and the common.la in general* that they have opened their NEW STORE, in the above named place, where they have, and intend keeping on band every variety of goodi atQallv kept in a country store, «ach n* Dry Goods. Groceries. tiardware. Queetuwaro, Tin Ware. Ready Made Clothing, Hats nrd Gaps. Drugs, asd Medicines, bo.. Sc They would call particular attention to i heir stock ofIUJOTcS and SHOES, which i* uosnrparseJ Uy any in the county.— As they manufacture all their own stock they cuu warrant ail they tell to give tulutnclioa. They will lake in exchange for Good*, all kinds of HIDES . LUMOEU of every descriut'oo, Produce, be Th.i*y also continue Going business at the old stand inCu*- 1 wenkvil'e. where tiny b&vealioj'jstrceiyed u Inree stock of • NEW COOLS, ami qio low prepared to l’d fc c!lOfc>» acd are prepared to suit all who may give tin m a call, as to, iixo. qoality ami price. BOOTS and SHOES of every de senutioa manufactnredto measuie and order, on the shorten notioi. Please g've (hem a ca'l at either place, and see their pretty and CHFAP GOOD' 4 ,as they charge nothing for a sight.— Ahoall kinds of produce, lumber, and hides takm, in ex change fergoods. MONTEILUS TEN EYCK & CO. GurwiosviHe. Sept. 20, Wall Papers! Wall Papers! THE Subscribers have now in store their Ijomplete Pal Stock of Paper Hangings, Curtains , ij-e, Which they oiler at very low prices. Our assortment is very complete. comprising allthequaii' ties, huth FRENCH AND AMERICAN. We manufacture a large proportion of ourgoedi and can sell at the lowntiates. IST Paper Hanging deno in the Country at City prices. PARUISII Cl HOUGH, f , No 4, North fcTfrTU Sired, Philadelphia. September 22,1853 —Bra. liflOjOOd Feet ol hemlock Flank Wanted. PROPOSALS will be received by WM. COLDER jr, President of the Harrisburg and MiiLutown Turnpike rqqd company, at Harrisburg, until the tiileenth day of No* verhber. for bOO.CUJ leetofhemlock plank, three inches thick on. Wiiksbarne—J.O.KNuX, Frank iin—J, O.MON I’* UOMEiIY, Philadelphia. All persom having buvincsi with him. will In his absence, apply to J.DIULLEGUIUJON.who willalltndlo Uiesamo September W, 1853. v t Four or Fivo School Teachers WILL tiud employment by making application immedi ately to the School Directors of Brady township, Nov, 10.1853. JOSEPH UNE3. President. ' WM. 'l\ GILBERT, ' BLACKSMITH] ut Hopewell, Bell tp.,at theCrou Roads leading liom M’Ubeeg Mill o New Washington, and Horn Chest creek (onto river—where all calls tn his line will ho promptly attended to, March 2,1852. rp(tß Bol>icribar would Inform the cltliam of Cleatr.old JL county, and tbe public yenemlly. that ho hu JUBT iu> OiJlVliU, and iiNOW OI'KNINQ. at tho Btotebooto lof met|yoocupled by Wine ft Getchel, at Moriiulalo, a' Large , Splendid Cheap AuottmentorOoodi, cotuitllnrpfoyery style and qnnlllycf, , _ ; Dry, Goods, Groceries; Queenstvare, Gut-t' French' fttirrsV '* ' lerni Hardware Hants' fthnps hurl 'PHE inbicribrr bat on hand VftENCHBIUIB, UIMi eery, jrxutuu/ufc, JJUOCS, O/lOCS alia ~ Ji or vaiinna whiqli ho will wot ton Ito hi Sonnets Confer! innarn " ofuoutetlorquailty.anjatroUonablopiitoi. ' T jjunnLis, Kronjecnonury, Often by mall promptly attended to. W. iI.KEPNEi Clocks Watches. H«ti»bßn»Oot.(t.t»M-Bnu>, AtBO, a Ininoand well leiectedetock of Kc(ulyiMadc Clothing, Drugs tj* Medi cines, fa., fa. 1 In short nU kinris'ofGooQsuiuoily Koplin a Country Store. Alforwhioh hels determined lo sell OH *“ wva» IN-Ot o^^ Morriidalc, Nov. 10.1832. * W?fWSSBai REFERENCES. Store, WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL. NEW GOODS. '.<&&TOH<2)£rc, ■■ VALUABLE SAW-MILIi.property’ Timber, Timber iaritLanjL Iron Ore for Sale j . ’VO. 1 .-rr}',*!? half u»it or » trust* uatoon IWoifiannon Cre6«, l|»'e [St'« 0 J, l ii l JiV u amlClooififW oounliei. i)ou of thl. tractJiinintuu"* aailoartof.ilwell ilmUor.J vrlthwllftapfoa a’adadjoiningtlioalwvp J"i““ , . b com < 2 Mill, l'ha Sia Mi/o Kao and theThro? ASthaS cl.%?*' an Ulenlf ol Trout) empty Into too Motbaanonwithin® each ol which oiljrdf omone to twoxoodmiU#i*tß)Y'fv tt ' Ii a lint ta's cowlr built UontaJ Saw-Mm.){| fV« LhZf** thi. tract, ontbe power of IhaT/irta: MHoUnn! twkS bike leading fromUiearfield to llellelonte pastes thrn«.ia!iT tract, The distance from thlsplaca to UnlovUr?ls?lff Haiti EaulePJaukKoed, Id miles, To Julian KnfL£, a A Hannah I-urnaca about 14 to lb miles. The dlugßetiV.P river bythe road or 10 miles—to the mouth olibeeilik wator. aumilca. Thera ii a Vela of Iron Ore on this Trod, . And within 60 or 60rod* of Water pdwnv TbUli (ki&tttv spoken ol by Professor Rogers, in bit Geological ueportarinM wfaerehe sayi. mlfai northeast of Tfailipibiirf ‘at ikT Turnpike, lathe red ihtleof formr-lionXl, Irataidlatjif/hl: low thocodgfoffierateoflottn6UonXU.'*'&o ei his remarks by saying,’ This place tl worthy or a fnnfc- Investigation,” miUMiOUB UOA 1 , DEK ardabuodfliv* in the neighborhood Tdo Terms will bo made easy. and an iudfiptustf'* trti* givoa. Apply to the eabsorJberitx mips south of CurwreZ villa, near K/oit (lilt Post Omoe, Clearfield cobnly.lV-S to JUUN H. TllUUAi?.Uolonrjl!e,.Centre couutf, JT [Fleming I*. 0.. J-or to Dlvid Ibfger, who mldes patki prmi.es, *> " Psaw-ILxigo' fibs?.,©3ifl(3», I will alio sell from FOUR HUNDRED 10 ONETUOUI, AND good Haw Logs, which Will cola good dealcJPustt Lumber, tiaidfuss-are about ono mite above Ur.Jjmif atilou the river hill.end about US miles above Ur. Owttf m il. The rivt-r is wide here, and they can.be drive*. J tawed ol the above mill. There logs can be pat ioto tkk river for lo.i than $3 i'O per M (eel boaidi.al any time. WILLIAM O. 11UTLER. Jane 10. 1863. ; ! ' " v* . Tno ‘‘Lancaster loteilxeDcti’Vwill insert the above lfci» times omitting the latter pelt relating to iaw'/oi*—tadthl •M,iint»n Hemourat" will insert that put of the above rcJitiM to thotalß ol'saw logs, three limes, and send ihfeii bilhtotkn othce. - - Epilepsy can be Cured l LAKH’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, For the euro of Epilepsy or Fils, is performing msr, wunJcriu! cures than any oilier mctliduo yet known or before ilio public,. Price five Dollars A Bottle. The proprietor has in hie pniiessinn anmornns ccrnficstsL curratrea rhu ASTOM3IHNU AND MMACULOUi CURE?) elbotej by this m'dicme.end directs attention i# I bo following cslr. to auuie those who are so UDfortunattle «tIS cted WPh the lenr.bio dUeavehcretoioreregarded meat able,Unt LAKE'S preneration. Is almost Infallible iri'its Curd From Firs. Brooks , widow of Maj. Jot. Brooks, late of Conneaul, Ohio. Mr. Z. LAKE—Sir: Fleaso send mo onotUr . hottleof Fit MeJicicn,®* I do not like to • without j hand. Wheat commenced giving the-Medians’2 I £dg*r. hehid from one inlh'eefils per day,, Me Jim new tsken iheraedicmeover fife months. ac Wholesale and BetnU Grocery, • S s c S W.O. ED V, having made arrangements to carry on l S the WHOLESALE OROCLttY UUSINESd in fbib V C adeipbia, the subicriber will conlinoe ro Keep at tt«e c C corner n| Market and slb st*i. near the PENN. UAIL ? ? HOAD DEPOT, a fall end complete nudrtmentol ? S GROCERIES. lIACON,LARD,ROPES, TAR, IR* S ON, NAILS.DRIED FKUIT, nnd ail the leading or. V L UclwinUade.—Thant luiiorDauiatur*. he would s«k J r bis old patroos to give him a uall, as bait prepared tb J .i sell et price* that cannot foil to please. S S February lb, i863,—1y„ J.B.EBY.”' S Fashionable Tailoring 1 . c O > Qa.<2>E£El<3l£3 Si3oac&3i* RESPECTFULLY announces to tbo citlien* ol Lists heM coq o :y, ana the oublio generally that be continue 10 c .V fy /?£ lhe abova bnsioessai bit OLDtJTANL), above in* I o>t (Mlice, whe.e he wiilal ears be prepared to waitoa a I wno may lavurhira with a call, (la bat no band a well *elj*oied auortment ofOLUTUtLCASyiMEUEiiaedTBiM* MlNtJif, winch no will warrant to be of good quality. aad wi Ibe told very tow. ilia old oastemert are requested toroa tiuue their pairor ace ai.d at maujr now one at mai had it convenient, ai ho that heis prepared to forshk the material nod do the work in proper manner. July B. 18£3 THOH. 811 EA. M TAVERN STAND ft IN CUR WENS VILLE, Pa. ... ~ TtlE lohicilbtrcnpoiet toitll at PRIVATE SALE,kb LAlftiE AM) CONVENIENT HOTEL in the ton of CUUWEN3VILLE. known a.lha ™ Amofflofflia M<3>isib©° It ia litoated ou tbo northwest comer ol Elate and Fllbnt Street*, and in the centre ot tne botinmi part of he town.** Toe bouse U 45 bjr 48 feet, two stories men 'wth a ba e<«st* nndiioveiy wqy calculated fera pubKo home. Tber'lsife soon the premises a Urge end convenient stable, together with ailotherneceisary b tidings.,' lhe property will be sold on the mpst favorab'e terms, aid for farther Information application maylbe made either toiba tnbicriberoatho premises, or to W ;*A Wallace; at Clearfield. Jane 11. IW3. ISAAC ULOOM Jr. EogSanel I Whipped, Tariff or no Tariff, TUB inbscriber lUtends keeping on hand a large assert* meutclißON and NAILJd. which he will rell on Uig most reasonable teims,allho Iron and Foundry store adjoin tng Leonard At Muoro. K. CARTER, Ageat. Clearfield. Deo* 6,1833. • STRAW GOODS—SPRING 1853/ T THE Bnbio'iber ii now prepared to exhibit to Mcrob.aH and Mainers ms usaal heavy stock cl Ladies' anu Mil* in' " • - STRAW AND SILK IiONNETS, STRAW TRimtINGS anil V) ARTIFICIAL FLOWERSi, ■ Palm.lear.Paa&maaixl every variety of ' sumoikr. hats For Gentlemen; which for Extent. Variety end beantf ol manufacture, oa wellni anUbrmlr clou prion, will befMM unrivalled. 1 .. * • ■< • TUOMAB WHITE, . * - No. 41 South BeoopiJ Street, Philidelphi*. Febrnary 10,1858. . • Notice* ;; ;; Notice ii hereby xiveo that lhetiillpwlnn'nrtlittt«»»,!* ponenionol SAMUEL VENDER. of ilell towukla! aro icy property. Tin, ooeipan of gray hone,, one twtt bone waeon nod harem, one cow, one tot of, iQnare llmbtf, Uoo. I7tb 1853.-pd. SI ' JAMES Id. LBLLf,' ‘ F° r Ml Rent. '• “ THIS Dwelling part oHuir CLEAR? JELD ACADEMY Apply 10 ' .J H *v J. B SMoENALLV. Clearfield. April e0.1f63. ?' MACKEREL. SHAD.' • ' CUIiFISO.SALMUN, Comtantly rn band nod for uM IiKRULNU. FOUR, by. J. PALMER.« CO..