M'QpJtyp ,s 4 e,grbuO!iU apsiirped tho qiL| presented .in i!)u. letter olj : /Swjretary' Miircy. lo iWCheyolw Hulsc-j. the llouso passed a res. olipljori ordering,the priming of a. hundred . tbonsfljrid cxtra copies of .the abstract u f lMt.,census. The nuinbur should 1 hfljfg 'been,increased live/old,..nsit j 90 -' fjjjtjrjp that lias cost jlto people n huge sum! of ./rtonyy, and should find u piuce i n c.v- 1 eiyMirpiy in the Union. I Jan. J 3.-—Tito Senate did /mt|, •fybidayi, In tho House, Mr. Drum nsfc-j Oder a resolutioninquiring into ’ tho’expediency of equipping a vessel oti cnijb.pf tlfo pppri? of Now york, Boston and' .tp render ussistanco in coso.ol'i d/spfttpr commercial navies; hut oh jqclion made, the resolution liesovdr.i An important bill, securing IJIO right of; to the children ol'umerican cjt- j izMuj.tpni out of the Uttilcd Stutes, wnsi ttj-lgay reported by Mr. Cutting from the j Cjqnugtilieo. on the judiciary, rend three| times,'passsd,and scnt lo IjieSenute. Thej Ijouso • t.hen went into Committees of thoi whole, and tyr. Ewi.ng of .Kentucky, nd-j pressed (ho House in opposition to tho lev-i yipg of tonnage duties, or in other words, m favor bi" inleiiui! improvements by the! General Government. Tho House then , rejected the Senate bill relating to tho ap- j Or poiltfjnent of the Assistant Secretary ofj ihet.’Treasury, after amending it sons toj ifafcr its ppcratiou until a vacancy ahull j 'Adjourned till Monday. 1 ■Tite.-.news from the steamer San Fran*' cisco, though not as bad as many nnticipa tedjstruly awful. 240 souls wore swept! from her deck, and many died of over ex. | eclion.: Shu was disabled in the-storm! oatbe23dof December, nnd continued] tdl tho Stub, when she was relieved by ; the fillips Three Bells'nnd Atlantic, of Now] York, and abandoned! or, ns one report! snysj scattled and sunk. This disaster ] willgive O' strong impetus to the project of the Pacific railroad, as it shows] ibatevenin time ofpeacc.t lie track byway pS- (Cape' Horn is a very unsafe military fauki loss OF THE SAN FRANCISCO. “ u ." j New Yojik, Jan. 13. San Francisco was lost at ?ap t ,on’the slji of jauuary with 240 lives. ije Jm/k flimo Bells has arrived at Now Yqrkj bringing 100 of her passengers.— Thp ; ship Kelly for Boston has also some ofjbeV. passengers. Others are aboard ofj Antarctic, bound lo i4verpo.ol.7- captain and crew were saved. • SECOND DESPATCH. u New York, Evening. -Tlie 'Steamer San Francisco was found-1 •kid dt sea, and 240 lives lost inoluding and \vife, Col Washington, j fcJWfe'Smith and Capt. Field. Onoltun-] oredshd forty'oP the passengers saved,] arrived Hero to-day, including Major Wise, j jileut. Winder, ’Col. Gates, Major Meo-j Shtf Col. Burfe, Capt. Judd, Lieut. Fre ntj Lieut. Looser, Lieut. Van Vort, with nll tho ladies t|;al were on board.—- life troops saved, wero divided betwetn fared teasels. Tho 240 wero lashed over pdard rn a gale on the 23d inst. IUIKD DESPATCH. Ten o'clock, P. M. u Ail .the spars nnd sails of the Son Fran pjhcQ/.weru. blown away in a gale on the 84jh u)t. At one o’clock, on tho morn ing of the 25th, the engine stopped, tho piston rod broke off, and left the vessel to tally uomqnngf;able. tho seas striking tre mendous blows under her guards’, tearing up tho .planking fore and aft. Both sides At the sango limo began to leak. The troops, wero then organized into bailing gang*. i&t9 o’clock, on tho 25th, the sea struck Iba vessel amidships, carrying away both itacks, all tho upper saloon, sta ying the; quarter deck through, and wash lDg.ov&rboard a largo number of passen gers, j including Col. Washington, Major Taylor (ind wife, Capt. Field, Lieut. StaUb,hwo ladies, names unknown, three jeiyU’utos, names also unknown, and a hundred and fifty United States troops.— Aube same time there were killed—Mrs. Brooks, waiter, barber of the boat, and Packet* the carpenters brother. ihe 28(h the San Francisco spoko ihe* barque Kelly of Boston; bound for Wow-York, who lay by her until threo A’dlbclf in the afternoon of tho 29th, when lhey ; 'commenced relieving the former of ! Ssehgers.'Ono hundredand’upwhrda gOt onhoard, consisting of rqun, women andfchildren, including the officers before ifdponed, with their families. Among tlio Utimber were Capt. Judd and wife, Lieut. Fremont and family, G. W. Aspinwull and •JiL. Graham. ' ■’ At night tho wind increasing, with Aqaalle; the Kelly left go her hawser.— Oft'the morning of January Ist tfio San Francisco spoke ■ tho British ship Threo Bells, which luy by her until tho :3d, when ihe-‘boats of the latter came nlongsideof On the same day the ship] Abterilc, from New York, hound for Liv erpool bore down for' tlio San Francisco. On l Wednesday loth ships commenced •lakmg off the passengers, provisions and tfater. t - sunset oniljo Oth had all tlio pas pie tigers on board the two vessels. Tho pext morning the officers and crew were taken off, Captain VVitkips being tho last pinttoh the leave of the'vesser. ■d-’TboJThree Beli brought 220 souls, in ■fcUtding troops, officers and •MiimenOfSan Francisco.' *, ; >Phera were eleven deaths among the Afew'of the steamer from the limu she Ws'diiublcd to'the Bth, including two qjvho Wero \yasheJ overboard. ' * political feqturo of the presept Legislature of this State is as follows.— Senate,' 18 Democrats, 14 W bigs, and oiie Native. House 1 bf ReproSentutivek, Democrats, 3 lion. J.;P. Hoyt, Ferguson townshjp; ,T. 11. Fulton, Girard township; J.B. M’jEtJ* ally, Esq., Clearfield Borough; Hon.,A. K. Wright, Clearfield Borough ; Hon. 0. R, Barrett, Clearfield Borough; G. P. oy*> licit, Lawrenco township;, Thojpas Rosjj, Curwensvilfo ; Gep. J.; Fiitton, Curtyens* ville; Edward I McGarve’yr,' Kpjtliaus tg|