TME REPU3LICAW. .could IIP! .crow a t nor dot an ii n it ; thm Uspoket,, a syl| B blc hLs semiments, and would be received with acclamation bvev ■ory true democrat." Is it any wonder'that i * ,S | !‘ nmss n,ec| ing” was postponed ? And linvc not (lie friends of both the State TORRIiY AND RUSSIA. and National Administration rpason two powers are engaged in a war '!° b ° prOU , d *V> d c°un* ■^r^h6: : firsp' blood has bcenS nnYriw j ten ““ cc , of suc, » languished patriots? vo beei^victorious t XV « sl >°V»d add, that Coi. Clemens ful- SS L forces have been drilen bnelt Tml >'l P'*?™ lhe Pierce’s '.the behgtront armies are now in w’ititer' AlJmis, f QMon ' admitting that, with respect quarters, divided bv lhe waters of ilioD/jn r| t tO ! flp ” O - nmcnls ’ b ? ' mu - v I,nvo made “mis - 0 «**• The Js,erbio" 8 au 0 so ,l, :f D ; , |ml ITaS “ P ? n ” war is the .boundary line between- i • • . . j . . ’ but wa ' ,uro ogamsl And Turkey, the such causes the possession of two Principalities, i mate Tusbess ofirsT * he taken from them as they allege, wrongful, friends ” opponents-not „ s .y by tho Russian government, and to es. tobtsh tho Dnnuberivor ns their bqundt\/y. Can any one believe that, after that q/tes. ■Stoh had slumbered for years, it -rflone caused so saddening n war to break out, Without previous negotiation or preparation ■r-Thero is more in that wnrihnn a mere boundary line, onho value to eiiher nation oftwo smallPrincipaliiies. All Europe is alive to it. It is discussed in the Capital of every nation, and much interest and feel tog betrayed. Kossuth, when in this coun iry, predicted with great confidence, that .Within two years the powers of Europe Avou!d in a Revolution, the re- Wit of which would 'be to extend the area 01 freedom, and not n few who listened to 4Be powerful and convincing arguments of Jfiai greatman, now ask whether that war 4ie» already been commenced. If 90 What a proud day for Hungry I Per’ l «tfps a proud day for the down trodden ! people of all Europe. With old nnd worn : out governments that have long since lost ihe confidence of their people, but n slight, Rhock ts necessary, io betray to the world ? heir rotten condition. The attack 4s iecn made by the Turks, and they have lhe sympathy at least of other nations, i' ley mn - v aid and *r?£t * ~A tleast ! I,ereis no probability I hfthnir H° P ° g ; eCln ,F 10 Dn y ,crms I liussia canno( . nor! wdl njH agree to loso any of Iwr territorv; .indeed it would be cowardly in Nicholas 1 Sid S’-T 1 ?* nnd nV!,i,ab,e rorco ,o! -y»?ld nn inch of ground. In this view of/ case, the war must go on, until a peace 13 c °nquered. The day Iras gone by when r,° n | Ca | n sym P n,hiso with another, *nd cooly look on without giving aid in r»7- 'f »« ",c mof a nalion, hill be done as the acls of. individual citi- SKhor beh u ° nd " ,0 ! r S over nments ■Will either be held responsible, or assume ♦heir injuries and wrongs. Nations w.V hng to embark in such a conflict, will find cause for such a course. May not, in the °‘ Kossuth all Europe become in volved in the war, nnd if so, who will ven fure to predict (lie result. . The American people, Strange to say sympathise) with Ipe lurks in all their movements, nctwith pmnding they are at war with a chrfstian , Miron. They would sympathise with any piovement on the other side or tho water >hat promised a general Revolution, and .to ameliorate the condition of the people ,py bursting asunder the fetters ibat en flllfve them. When that day arrives lhe Wrs of our people will heat will, painful $? Sd /P it St " ndnrd ° r freedom rai -M nnd a republican form of Government e< 3 llal 10 our own, to nil who pCgoge in the conflict. . Since writing the aboic, la'er news as »ures uathat hosiijii lcs were renewed on the Black Sea, and that a hard fought bat tie poqieofi* between the naval forces of i b mv lons - to which tho Russians pnye been victorious. The inas £reqton both sides, but a.ucl L l Vt ' ry pa the pan of ihoTurt, -Tfc awes ‘ to be 1,14,1 r t L k ‘ 11,0 nej *> news *ta mill r l “ n a “ 9ck 0,1 Co '>- CLEARFIELD, DEC. 3 M?ST"i JKTWo paper will bo issued from this '-'4! rj^ cc untd ilio llth of Jnnuury, JBG4; i counly linvo been steadily gaining strength.; 1 ™ 1 be is doubtless (ho same individual who] and committed I* 8 ' vcrotwioc ‘•end [citing. C roenr ( i n ?o V ?hl. B p ol ''' VO, ’' sr ' oft W.tlun ,ho last, five years she has dou|l.qd ; .bat the naturalization la,vs ofCher Sulnll la,poBsa S c - Among is ieriif tat l,er Domwmiic majority and this .ll,l n °i3 only require n foreigner to remain have resumedSr SmS, POw ° M come alarming to the few among us who, 111 that state for "the short term of six into the nvn . r ' lc buildings to enquire peace, and that ihr>v h, ° n '“.favor df have loolted with great anxiety alter the month «'to entillo him to vote. The edi- the fumitml 10 "^ colleclin g together a formal protocol nnr rCC°B"i -interests of the whig party. Every contest tor oftho Banner, who pretends to bo la- an d nnnJ • ,° r Geor fi e Washington tunco of nres'ervintr it" P m ° Unt lm P°r." lias only prove their weakness, i boring for the good of .ho native cause " r °° m in tb ° arranimSof nnd to establish more firmly, in themindsof Blve38 lve3 publicity to tho above intelligence Imn r ° r '< 9 preservation.—Af. measures hnvo h« U ( T’ °? thi3 busii, the people that their party is iti error. In corcerning the naturalization laws of 11/i. f' dot ? r .f olution9 "oro offered Lnfercneo oli o (aken .’ obolda joint a-fmr contest upon principles of Govern-, nois > a " d alsoendeavors »o say somelharn I rnS^J 1 0 on . lho 1 resident’s message was nothing frlcommissioners.;.•;, As yet,/ tal policy, they have learned nt length that th,n 8 s concerning us. W 0 pormit the re fMr ill’ i ßnd f B ,P° cchfla "'em delivered by tl ,iL matter ’ti ’" 8 trans .P ,red touchiW they must always bo beaten, and hence the marks of the editor and correspondent to !i r v- r,Bbt - of - 1 enos 3 r|vnD '°»«nd Mr. Bat. n ™ r ’ , P'pP°3«tiou, howbvjsrt effert to ‘'humbug tlie'people,” by raising,P ass f° r wl>nt they are worth. We do not at Vir^ ni ”» ,n roplv ( 0 Mr Gerritt Smith ° S ra spcd file Russian par. a new parly upon the ruins of (ho oldonc,; fecl disposed fo dirty our fin-rsbv mod Now } ork > a ” d at half-past three the m.l n’ bu , 13 u ?f av ° rab ly looked upon W under the name of Native Americans. It d'ing will, such characters. 0 It £ suffe Irn ndjo r u /" ed ( 'H to-morrow morning I rf, 1- ? 1 pr f SS nnd . P art y« w ''o ffiitife 1 should bo enough for Democrats to know clont f° r us to k now the’source Dec * 23 -No business of aon. “> claim that to enlist under such a banner, is to "hence .such productions cmcnatc i “ ,le ‘ C3l " ns tra nsacted to-dav ineither ■'£)/“ mor ,°' han . ,h ? statu quo anti abandon principles for which thev have; ' . | ,,ouse *, The debate on the nieisaeo was I • , y , lns,st lhat lho Present dpj- : con tended for more than halfa century.; WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE r . C3l,med ln House, and speeches were' • sbodd bo se,zed to obtain lift I It is to attach to themselves a weight of; WaB|» K o< TON , Dec 24 185') I ° l,v ‘ !rcd h Y Mr. Philips, of Alabama, and I fi?..-0"W 0 " , of tbo Danubo and Blai* political odium, Hint will cling to them; Our national metropolis was vi S’l by consent, by Mr. Bayly, of Virginia and !?i! ’ d ‘. ho abandonment of all 'Ru'sft' long offer such an organization will have n v cry impressive streak of winte/ihc fiV'i' a, pi ar . , - >r * wur boih branches adjourned iofn'” 3 Turkey. In tho absentia 1 died and its memory been forgotten. ; d nv or 'two or this week nnd 8 . j over Christmas till Tuesday ** * i ly symptom that tho Czar will abatij Apnrty witl,out principles, creed, orob- oven ice could bo found w t I,o Ut ° nu b>s protons,ons or tho Sultnp recede, d , ject to attain save to proscribe a largo and '‘rouble. But for the (a St ihi RAILROAD MEETING. u ‘ P , roSpcct P res °nHy a PP°ars of ri set; i - Cols,'i„o P le papers of the 04, b «,^ the honest portion ® tho'DemocraticLartyf; Chris, aUlU ° ,n IS ny they e,-e r bad' n'n/"-Sc ,a, ion w'ifhlt | deceased f ! ! Asitt * RulkntXr 8 U,2°S^? imprudently abandoned. But, a uoor, "as referred to the CoSj itL n ™r bo Hon B 11 ,alr ; na ‘-’ ft ' r - Gral,a ">. ?° mp “f Baza B id . i( ' Armenia, but wore squalled remnant of deluded followers was I Affairs, expressing, ho thanksof L’on^ 8 " 'ole of the vf M T" 8 bfo " tll ’ r,ed be "! en bnck - The Russians also failed let to honour the name, and they having 1 10 Captain^ln-nham for hf. ° i Lill The com- '" 'lim attempt , 0 retake the fort Sa ill administered on the of the defunm duct '“ tho Koszta uffeir a t Smvrn"' °'| s J C!l0lut ' 0 « < i through 11. B. | N 'Miolns. The Russians were also defeat, party, have offered themselves ns the on |v authorizing the ,n, ’ °? d I wl, H, ,v Uq 'J reportcd lhe Allowing.! 0,1 "car Areska, in nn engagement it ““Political mar 7 manufactured and , P. P.mrt"r P,Cd ’ »«me magnitude, which took ?la°e ol .ho Ince l blgbest b,ddcr “t every efection Ca ptain a suitable sword - the fcallnnl PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS. Tilc >’‘caving a numbir ism'Vnd «"n *? om,m ? ta . r y on the patriot- The Senate transacted'but littfe busing, " ", nnEA9 i( ' a of theutmost importance w °™dcd on the field. .. r ’ . P l ,can principles of American 10 -dav,nnd after a short exemiiv ‘ 1 not only to the peonlo of Western Penn'i . The I urks havo also captured Aklial a 6 lior[e,CLuli.o session; sjlvania bul Iq tljc s,aie at brgni IS", i ,n „ G “'C»- ’ ed their la-i’nn l?h' n n ? at>nCr brea,b ' ! 1° the Senate, on Wednesday two im 1 31 r be COnslnic(rd< ' on "cctui'Mhu ci-! \■ 10 R|JSS ' ,l ' |!> aro so hard passed in unbolv rrnsoH^ thosotiliatjoinctl in these I porlaut subjocts were introduced if Li' / of Phdaddphia with lake Eric bv the I Im’• ha ‘,— ’°°° troo i’ 3 lla 'c been sept : unholy crusades would willinulv blot (hat! important to the nation nl f, * u °' bu “ nnd shortest route—and wlnrnL v'° " ,c,r re,le '- part life from mcrnoriVs record.! leas » are of a character to tesf?!, lms bee “ fully ascertained that the rut ! -% Submarine Telegraph, —Two coni- ’ Americanism a!’l W " h ' h °- Se ’ Qro N " tiv ' u mocrac y of that august body °Tbo ol" I'' 0 Penns . vlvania Railroad, leovi„°i I>a "'? s 01 Wallacliia hiilitirt have deserted , but to din nn 1 ™ nr ™ n,!lm - They live "as a supplement to°ho act of lastM “ 01 ' bc ° ily o( Tyrone, to Lake Eric S'n b,,n P° rtanl mformanon to Omur Paclm. | 8 , 1 r, ° K4 »^ nd *t prohibiting dm circulationlf TT ,y pracli - but .he nea m t’bv ! 1 ~C' -T' 1 "'' ml ‘ he « a^a " 9a ra.y: l wZ^Vr rre A ,on -- n IMS deaaa “na,ion than L M '^ b,cb lbe barbor at Brie can be readied IrV from sick a “ d dliaA | not nil mve N thn° ?™ nc ™ s - Do we aa "Iso to prohibit tho circula[fetw>f’,hn ' htre bcln S only 185 miles of railroad to 5 'L‘ A 3ma Turkish a 'camer, tfta fi from Foreign Pa rentin'? a’lT ’ desccnd I La -'P oratlon small notes of tho various ci 1 naade,lh . us ( ° seci,ro for Philadelphia a! b nlr ’Li n P tt,red b y a Russian ship, | hoDnened ro hr. k £ e 7 And because wc | " es of the District, which are now ni | ,al r proportion of lhe lake trade, and to! . n Pu . rklsb fr'S :|te comim? un mtucked | , ° f 1?° "*« ioTdtv^l''"‘"T 1 ” nd Wto “ k I "ould deny ,heLrS,7deL m"’ l ™ IT 000 tim ° ' fbc I fS| ro " 1? 1 ,! " ns : vlvoni « aad Columbia undn3 '"gbteameon both vessels drew 8 /t,TJa1 P nru r ;;elZfe„ Cribo finally to the highest | predate and ihn r •’ eso poorly np. j B |; hi ict of Columbia, in favor of ih . • c | n g found not only practicable but bioldv cd > aud P ai( l regularly. H Faction Btbuked in High Places dflnce - WO forgotten Tl!-.! na f P ° n ' I lit ffr "f 1 t 0 eXCCOd S2OQ .°OO. Mr Pol j 1 er,harefor « I U nrd Beecher, wo find tlic following I !„£• r™^;Tofe phia,styling Ihernselves “ Naim,n/rr ' standard of liberty? VVIJn n c m ’•° f Maryland it docs not 1 ' 'ho construction of said road believmn sr M ' B , lWt &od has done “ grandly .I Htari’S/n.i'isr A..,e riu „. s , prad -v | •mguished democrats, among whom were ■ Dul afe wc not bound as ft nation to Ie an amend ‘" ,IC ,0 dravv “P such |l’'’ r ' loaof lh c trade and travel of the great' Hot tent .' n (| C °' npar,son ' vilb the meanest I General Cm nnd Hon. Jeremiah Clem JUSI lo ' vard3 all our c j.,W l fin ? An i l ' I tha ' 13 now a,nloat wholly cnnrSd l " „ ,hn L t evor B,u P id 'y gazed upon I •»«, inviting iheir presence nt a “mass '? on ll '™ l to take up arms in defence of' lion ortKlf'" the furtber considora-1 b - V^ ew Y ° rk - 8 , hl lb ° force °f God’s heavenly I /t? eC | ah’- l ° b ° hcld on l, M°bday evenintr, Government they JuVeno hand inmaki'" row "as p° s , ponc d umil ; That wo respectfully iav,te' s ,„ r ?'l 1' processiotl of glittering I ttto 19h instant, at tho Clemens Museum H - vel »ro roquoZd to , " Th, V ■ I atlen "° n ° r capitnlists to this route i, if’ r'' Dg ' n 6pnce - and ia I fbov d e H hiU> h ‘, heir le “ er oP iuvitation I Pbe 3 P iril , op our institutions rirbid t standing'thiLT^" 11 ' quiet ’ not ' v, ' lb - irnnorfaL 1 during my official term, if I have power to | avert it, those who have placed mo here j may be assured. The wisdom of the men I who knew what independence cost, who had put all at stake upon the issue of the C°n?£ a, ;Y ,r r ggle diS P° Sed ° f " 10 SUb. f r ‘ " h,ch Irefer . 'n the march of pow wc ari” roSPCrity Which ,la9made what Hero is full assurance that during the official term of Franklin Pierce, the com. , p measures are to bo regarded ™ l douE? Lr r° nS \ nnd Wo hav ° little J' " dunn S his whole life, their re poaa Will bo maintained by every ac: of h,s. 10 lho P arl y who elevated mm to power* “Hards and Softs.” A division of the Democratic party o! New York has taken placy, and there seems but little hope at present of recon ening it it , 3 moro of n pcrsona | lhni| po.itical fight, and seems to bo waged for the purpose of ascertaining the personnl popularity or political greatness of a few men. If New York can afford to carry on such a contest, at ihe expense of sacri hsing the principles and established usa ges of the party, let them do so. It is a in which they are most interested. VVe have fromi the beginning fondly hoped l)at no other State, would be influenced by them, or tuko sides in their ouarrell Uio Democratic party have been gather mg strength, andean elect a President without the vote of New York, if they will allow local divisions to destroy her'influ ence and power ,n such elections. The temnor Slb,e CaUSe of division had a temporary existenco in other Stales bin ,'vhen the common enemy was ,o bo me (and defeated, attach, nent to the time |,on »'“» U»ir O.D dffi.’ -JN. S', . . 2 " 1 " presonl >t»onelvo. 100. to-™ N„a b £4' 0 £r nnd d lS or gan 3 or freo aoi|o| "» of State we would have no difficulty in deci. ngwluc , \yero entitled to public svmoa '■y..but we fear the contest hafe/S lost i.s national character. We shall her/ *oer, keep clear of that fight Snd SLi our Democratic bre.herenof Zaidtv stone to do likewise. *i°y' imuL'!'- 11 R- rnish ft , ffeo licket Mp «be long looked forNttfivo Amnri Americana SwSteJ"' 1 NpUvo .can preamble and resolutions adopted some" ' iyatwesl , time since at the meeting in this place wimim , ’ mnde their appearance here lost week in NiTIfE AMERICANISM. the columns of the Philadelphia American Hpw long and to what extent can tho unner > 0 rnbbitl Nativo Amerciah paper people of Clearfield county to g elhor wi,h « communication, from some There never tvas a time when such o i smart individual of our (ownt tipn could be propounded with more pro- wko * tnistaking his simplicity for intelli priety than at tho present momepf. With 6 ence » ant * his impudence for shrewdness*! tllo growth find prosperity of our common undertakes to give us particular thunder, country, the Democratic party ofClearfiold .Who the writer is we do notpretend to ;advocated, and ■ -j ..• . jPettit and Douglas, oppemed it," waHkftr f 'U ly passed The country at large nmy not? o >jec o t ns, but they did not demand it. i Later from Eurove fat •*"*• ** ’U As an cm ply |h would , 0 , Europe attC f S^ and .f Gen. Scott needed more Jay titan ‘ Ero/L™ano/TZ'n* F° Ur Po^rt '?+****** . ***». m ZISr^SSS fbo House spent another business day Tl ° \ ’ ■ - » wh£i,\ trini f " r : ,ibßl > Mnasillon,, / tho blain°tT Bp,nlua,ls(s ' vo, '° concerned, „ a t , oriley offered Jo .prove hr I “ c ° mn) ‘Hco of spiritunlisls, that a medium | made raps involuntarily. Thig w as T ? ijected to by the clefendant,. who insisted k ihat if tho plaintUT wished to pro io lhat § r r og > b ? a? f bodied and untrammelled by flesh blood and stomach,” to teslifv “ in tho matter Thl y 61 r u & pcy ' objection Th ° court sustained tho . ft I is aays:—‘TJioro I iho Mouhf tr 00 taro in regard to i United ‘Shall th? 4 point ( ?r Xw'nw.own iet’fifth* ' 1 Ejfe The end will ba that the ofspeeulutorg.^ 0 P “ Cpd '‘ n U, ° possession I Ur,*Sli\v QS3 '9 onTen, 'on of tho friends J