THE REPUBLICAN. \ extract on, en» CLEARFIELD , DEC. 17,1853. ifieresot iiMhig rlo mo- A serious disturbance look placo at Erio Pa. on Wednesday'last, occasioned by the attempt of tho Lake Shore railroad compa ny to alter tho guago of their road to suit tho guago of the road with which it con nects. -To this the citizens are almost unanimously Opposed, and have heretofore protested, in tho most solomn manner, threatening to use force, if necossary to prevdht it. On tho commencement by tho company to widen the gauge on the 7th, cannon were fired every district tho ppoplo together, and soon, a concourse of some 700 or 800 men wero assembled and fell to work tearing down the bridges, add raising tho track from the streets.— At last accounts the mob had everything in their hands, and had fairly driven the company to tho wall. All this will prob form ably a smart bill of damages for the city and county of Erie to pny heroafter. li; has. | them, ' Into geo stowed; llongo^' py ih*: Iga ex irywo Bed to fcunlly E cat ■rorg. Hseptl ■ two ; Bsjtus ■«hb Natives hnvobeen holdingmeot ings in some of the adjoining townships, and if nil they say on the subject can be believed, they certainly'have been rather successful in their efforts.* The majority of persons, whigsand democrats, who have enlisted under the banner or avowed their determination to enlist, may be sincere in the matter —but wo apprehend that the great actors in the sceno arc morcly en deavoring to doludb ana deceive—that it is their object to distract and disorganize ns much as possible the democratic party of Clearfield county previous to the next Gu bernatorial election. VVeare much deceiv ed if the cloven foot of whiggery does not ere a year rolls round, step forth from be hind tho curtain, and democrats will when it istoo late, discover the erroroftheir way. But, should they even bo sincere in the matter, those who may enlist under the Native banner, will discover when they viow their position, that they are standing upon n contracted and slippery platform, liable to be swept off by every passing breeze. Tho Natives in this county cannot aa yet be recognised as a pafty The planks of the platform are shattered and disconnected—each fellow has mounted* one. On soine of tho planks there may be found quite a number hanging on to both ends and to the middle. Thus they are and appear to be destined to remuin so unless some finished workman can be found who is capable of joining together tHeshat tered mass, nnd when this is accomplish ,ed, we opine lhatbut few wilfbo willing to mount tho platform.* irate'’ I B 11$6 '• D)f UWJ | pvcr; 1 isid- ; bbjt : ed a [{of'" IOCt- ■h*: rarpo seed- 1 ’ (hjfti |»yso lit hi 3 fort of irtnth iffl by i-'bepn ' isSire-;- total hr’ film- : r, cold hi* war 1 ejr, ns iii his ich,' in ‘dFhis’ 3 that ; operiy r it i op- Pork and Bacon. —It seems that the JPiork trade of the west is much more favo rable to buyers than last season. At sev eral points the supply is much greater than the demand, and prices are about 2 cents lower on live weight than last yenr; wo remember that last fall our dealers here had to pay 10 cents for meat green out of the pickle, nnd yet in the spring bet ter meat was offered at 10 cents dried.-— r While on this subject we may mention that the Pork packing business of the west, is 6oon to be greatly reduced, in consc qence of buyers taking the hogs alive on the Rail roads to the eastern cities, and there performing tho business of packing and salting. yepra aiybut I cabled [hough amidst lealtht bicfered li year pspect k- (east uhtivo [at was [iierofy ■not to' t noirv> : Local Question. —In n few weeks the Legislature will tpcct, and hence we hope tho peoplo will set themselves right before that body in regard to Loose Log ging, by sending petitions so numerously signed ns to put to rest the unjustifiablo assertions that a largo portion ot them nre in favor of it. Special L c S' s^a l* on as long btjen the curse of our State, as some of thoso Boom charters demonstrate, ob -tained under false representations and constructed 100 in a way and manner not dreamed o£by thoso who granted it. public are respectfully invited to examine tho call, as well as to nttondthe Bail Boad meeting, which is to take plqce in the Court House next week. We think the time has now fully arrived for the peo ple of Clearfield county to move in this matter. We know wo have the shortest and by proper exertions we can also dem onstrate that we have the mostpractiicable route for the Bail Boad connection between Philadelphia and Erie. Hence the impor tance of a good turn out, that ap oxpres- Sion of tho people may be had on the sub ject, and the ball may at least bo set in motion. in tho lodorn Et tho rbon, other, mo of idem j was lated edVo OirAnson G. Phelps, Rsq., of New York, and principle proprietor of tho lands lying in, and north of Goshen, Girard and other townships of CJearfield county, died recently. He is spoken of as a man of great merits ns well as wealth. He. had been to European pursuit of health ; in .this ho (ailed, npd died shortly 'after his return. Lumber. —In numerpus instances tho owners of timber and sawed lumber rafts, in our vicinity.hnvp failed getting them to market thus far; and generally dospairing hovo commenced securing them from the ice, die., by replacing-theim back upon tho "banks. This process in ttye lire of a lum berman is a hard one, unknown to tho un iliatod. Qoeeb.—Our hunters say that the Bear und Racoons killod in this county this fall; nro so poor as to bo worthless, notwith standing everything, thoy subsist is unusually abundaut! What docs it njcan? : tttrFrora the time of tho publication of our'last paper until yesterday, wo hay o been absent front our post, this papor'has consequently been published by Frnnlr ajid Font, with the exception of some little as eistunco which baa been rendered, them by way of preparing copy. OirHarper & Brother’s great book cs ; Tablishment in Now York, has repently boon cntirely ppnsumed by fire. The fire originated by the careless pso o/camphpnp. throe* quartersof o' tnillipn. ‘ $ hr RIOT AT ERIE. ‘ ' FROOBBWMS OP tOBRT.—Dft.,S,‘IBS. ; ; Joseph Smith, vs. Jsaac McKee. - Re plevin for 43 sticks white pinetimber.—- iWcridant claimed property. The plain tiff to rebut tho evidence of defendant, a I judgment in ejectment between tho same parlies, offered evidence of title tot he land in himself at the time the timber was cut. Rejected, execution filed, and judgment for defendant. Hale and Crnns for Plain- tiff—Curtin, Petrikinand Wallace for deflu Augustus Laconte, vs. Girard township, appeal from settlement of Auditors. Ln conte as Supervisor erected a bridge over Deer Creek, for which ho was not allowed in tho settlement, on tho grounds that it was near his own property, and for his own benefit, and on a road but seldom us ed. Judgment for defondant, SS2 18.— Grans for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant. Joseph Green,; vs. James Thompson.— Plain'.itfclaimed for a lot of mill irons sold defendant. Tho defence was .that the agent who purchased the irons had excee ded his authority. Judgment for plaintiff, 77 12. Curtin and Crans for. plaintiff, Wallace for defendant, Pie’rco’s Hairs, vs. David Miclmels, con tinued. Samuel Clark, vs. Silui H, Daily, set tled by parlies. W. & L. Hollis, to use, vs. Jaff. Thomp son, appeal from Justice of tho Peitce/ Af tor evidence had been heard plaintiff takes nonsuit. Crans for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant. Thompson & Eglcman, vs. Reed &Mc* Collough, continued. JosinhW.Smith, vs. Parsons M’Glcnsey, & Rawle. This was an action of eject for 2 tracts of land called Casper Hains and Jos. Matslock. The defence wasthat the lands are marks on the ground sever al miles distant from tho land plaintiff claims. The court ruled that tho defend ants wero estopped from denying that tho land adjoins land mentioned in tho returns of surveys and patents recited in ndeedof partition between the parties under which; plaintiff and defendants claim, and refused ' to receive evidence on tho part of the de i fence that the land claimed by plaintiff is not located as plninliff claims, and the title to land claimed, not to be in plaintiff.— Judgment for plaintiff under tho charge of tho court and exceptions filed. Smith Hale und Linn for plaintiff, Wallace and Curtin for defendants. Conrad Baker, vs. Ann nnd Jos. Ames. Ejectment for" fifty acres of George Wes colt survey. Defendants claimed under tho Christian Neff. After tho evidence was heard, the parties ngeed upon a line.— Wallaco for Plaintiff,(Hale Crans andCut tlo for defendants.' Lipton uso of Hoover, vs. Jas. M. Leon ard, promisory note —no defence —judg’t. confessed, Crans for Plaintiff, Wallace lor defendant. Thomas Woods, vs. MchafTy &z Mitchell. Ejectment to ascertain tho division lino be tween Samuel Roberts and Henry Musscr .surveys. Judgment for Defendant. Ex ceptions filed. Halo nnd Crans for plain : tifF—Wallace for defendant. Thomas Wilson, vs. Thomas Woods ct. ill. Ejectment for part of Joljfl .Groff — which it is alleged Sam uel Roberts,survey. At the sugßlglion of the court a juror withdrawn. \jpfinnlly and Curtin • for plaintiff Cfansmhd Halo for defendants. David D. Gibson, vs. Seligsbergor &. Bloom. Suit brought on n promisory note. Defence —want of consideration. Judg ment for plaintiff. Wallace for plaintiffj M’Enolly for defendant. I Joseph Lines, vs. John Noldcr. It np- j peared that David Horn under whom de fendant claimed had purchased by parol three acres of land in Brady township and made improvements. The plnintiffulledg ed that tho improvements (which were in sight of plaintiff’s house were not upOn the giound sold, and also that ttys contract wns rescinded. Judgment for defendant for land without costs. Exceptions .filed jo oharge of the cou,rt. Wallace for plaintiff, Hale and Crans f^r,^ef^ndaflt. Amos Bonsai vs. Da.vitf JHorn. Appeal from a Justice of tho J’cocc. After tbeev idence had been heard defendant confess ed Judgment. Swoope for plaintiff,Crar.? for defendant. T. & J. Jiaysvs. A. M. Shaw. Plaintiff s demand grew out of a sale of lumber. No defence. Judgment for Plaintiffs2l2 00. Grans and Curtain for plainer and Wal lace for defendant. i All other causos on the list were either settled before court or continued. Akoujient Lrsr. —Augustus M’Clain, vs. Wm. H. Henderson, and Boynton and Nevling, vs. same. M’Clain filed a Me chanics Lien against Henderson,and Boyn ton and Nevling suggested of record a claim. An amicable reference was enter ed into by the pnrtics-*-exceplions wero filed to tho award. Proceedings set aside. Crans for M’Clain, M’Epally for Boynton and Nevling, Wallace for defendant., D. Smytton’s Adm’jv, &c.,. vs. David Michaels and Robert Michaels. Cortiora.- ri by defendant. Proceedings'affirmed. , I John Carson vs. Mnbnipg! 'Certiorari by,defendant—and Carson and Sloan,-vs. Manning Stevenson. Certiora 'ri by deft. Proceedings ip each case af -1 firmed. Gordon for Plaintiff,. j for defendant. - * * •'%s I 1. Smith, use S; Graff, ys/ S. Craps— (Landlord and tenant case. Ru|o to shpw cause whv costs paid by dell., should not be rofpnded. , Costs directed to be refund -1 cd. M’Enally for Plaintiff, Wallace and ! Crops for: defendant;; :: .W; 1 Epbriam Newton,, vs,, lapses, Milte r ,=°j Ini.’ Appilcation t. 9 open judgment entered j for wabt of de/cffec, i absolute j and judgment opened. . .M finally lor plf., Wallace for defendants. Jame? McMannua, vs. F»«heUnd Pier : ces Hoirsi Notice for new trial by ;No\v; trial granted. ; . Wallace for defendant-. t -L- 1 I Samuci. Taylori.!ys.;;lfOna Smith-r .Report of Auditor;: ‘ Law points . rosoryed ' for the Cmut.'’ ’iTJio 'paftiiwhad puroluwed several rafts inij»iiWor«hift, kn«i ! Wore the | MARTWSi-Wtks platoon the 16tl» partnership ’debtK hOll bednl paidi r siill was .ihp.jßev. finuchenbur.y,, Mr. confmented.". The court;decided'thaf'air^v m . R'/lfarrJ to Miss Maria JatteJoneb, payments growing out of the partnership all/of.this piaW V, transnotibns should be settled in lhisac-| 'Abcomptmyirig the nbovo notice was tho tinri, and that a nolo given by plaintiff and printers fee, in tho shape of a largo and owned by defendant before suit brought, 1 delicious weddingcnke,forwhich all bunds and upon which suit had been brought, an joined in Wishing tWn a : loi>g, '-happy atid appeal taken,and suit discontinued, should ( prosperous life;: ’ be allowed ns nn ofTset. Judgment for de fendant 807 89 with costs. M’Enolly and Curtin for plaintiff, Wallace and Cntns I for defendant. David Crowell vs. Isanc Shiroy. Motion by plpintifffor new trial. Refused. M’En nlly for plaintiff, Wallace for defendant. Tlibs. Shea, who sues as woll for him self as for Clearfield county, vs. M. W. Lleb. Pedlar case. Certiorari .by deft. The Court decided that nothing but a sum mons in debt could issue against n pedlar under the act of Assembly. Proceedings recorded. Wallace and Swoope for pl’f., Petriken for defendant. Benjamin Bloom, jr., vs. W. H. Bloom ct. al. Exceptions to entry of judgment. Judgment opened. M’Enallv for plnintiftj Wallace for defendant. WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Washington, Dec. 8j 1853, The Democratic members of Congress met in caucus on Satuntafc evcning t ,.and nominated Hon: LinjfblWd, of , f6rSpea%x: John W. Forney, A. J.' -pi&radRENNKR, also of Pennsylva nia, Sergeaht-at-Arms ; Z. W. McKnow, Doorkeeper, and J. M. P. Mi On tho assembling of Congress on Mon day morning, all the obovo officers were elected—tho two first by ballot, and tho others by viva voce. The Senate having selected its officers at the extra session in March last, that body proceeded to business at once,, and each House adjourned nfter 'appointing committees to wait upon the President and inform him that they were ready to re ceive any communication he was prepa red to make. On Tuesday the Annual Message was sent in and read to a crowded audience in each house. It will be found to bo an entirely business document, but a small portion of it taken up with the discussion of those political questions that has so long occupied the attention ofthe public. There is enough of this, however, to show that I tho President still stands firmly upon tho principles avowed in his inaugural Address. Alluding to tho present tranquility of the I country, secured by the measures of Com promise in 1850, he says, “That this re pose is to suffer no shock during my offi cial term, ifl'have power to avert it, thoso who placed mo hero may be assured.” The present Congress has opened under tho most promising aspect, and an indus trious, business session may be anticipated. Our member Mr. Curtis, was early at his post, and in the allotment, or drawing of choice of scats, he had tho good luck to sucure one of the very best. Mr. Drum ofthe Indianna district, was equally for tunate. Indeed, similar good fortune seemed to favor several other Pennsplvh nia members. But little business Was transacted on Wednesday the 7th, besides the eleettion of Chaplains to each House. The Rev. .Mr. Milburn was elected Chaplain in the House, on the 2d ballot;"and the Rev H. Shrivcr, in tho Senate, on the third ballot. Both these gentlemen uro ministers of tho Methodist Episcopal Church. Their com pensation is generally abdut S7ootho ses sion. Gen. Armstrong, of the Union, was al so elected Printer to the House of Repre sentatives for the present Congress, to-day having received 12G out of 217 voles on joint ballot. The utmost harmony and good feeling prevails among the members of both branches of tho National Legislature, and particularly between the Democratic mem bers and the President and his Cabinet— not the first sign of of disaffection having as yet made its appearcnce. * * * • >ynoNG.—Foronco my Gay and Incom parable need’nt think a man accustomed to the Luxuries of tho mountain rill, and venison stakes, would waste his time on such .vile trash as Lager Beer, and Flan nel Sausages. Our friqnd .so.ods regards Arc., hopes tho lVm| and H. Lorain. • ■■■< \yiUG MEfeTINU. 1 " , j •Tho Whigs\)f Cfearfifeld co. tiro request ted to meet at tho Court Houso in the bort ough of Clearfield or) Tne?day evening the 20th of December/for the purpose of appointing delegates to tho Whig P>tatq convention, and to transact other businessi Many Whigs. Clearfield,iDdo;;7th;lBsa.:.-i AKTI-LOfi MBBTIMi. , , We n re, requested to anqpqnce-that an Anti-log meeting-will be field'inthe.,Cpprt( Houso in this pluce on Monday evenjngofl Daiafhbdrrdurf. [Centra papers notico.] 1 ! ■ 6s3i£is*ecirullyl4 r ormi the people of PENN* YILLEand vicinity, tlmi tie has last opened afieth ord ml! soferled nMortmen* n| SEASONABLE GOODS In the eb-ve medtiontif place,'prriUrnolng every thine omnl ly Kept in ooaotry store*; Ml of which he will exchange for cash, country produce 6t0., on the mail reaionable term*.— The public are respectfully laViied to call and tee. |ko.lrithHW . WM, A. MVSON. No* Ice li ho'ohy given that the following article* now in . possession cl SAMUEL VEUDKft, ot.Rell township, are my property, via , one-span of gray horses, one two* hone wagon and harncti, one OJW.oneiotof squarotimber |ieo.i7lhlB>3-pd.Bt JAMES M. KELLY. A/flpertont ore hereby cautioned aeamtt nnrohmg Vproml J% sory aotegiten by me to JAMEs f«l. I.EUNAttI). call iDjffornmnly 1 never reosived vnfue for llio same and vrill not pay it unleit compelled by lew. ’ D«-o 17th. 1353 -3 . MILES QREKM. M A VALUABLE FARM M EPCUESI ®,£S,QaEB. Til nsubscriber pflers for sale hi« faim situated obouloue mile from Perinville—atnutdlXT**FlVti trmdejwel, good end in a good «ate ot cultivation. Titero a*e about thirty live acres of woodland. Tho imprtvements | ase A Tivo-Story iMg House, Ncic Frame Barn, 40 by 50 feet, For the Republican On! Lonnv. Together with other ouiballdlags. an Orchard fa TIU 1 • irimr conteli lag e ch dee variety of applet, peach* t, plums. &0..h0 ■ For further rartioulari enquire of L- JACKSON CH \NS Cleaiiieid, oi Die iub»criber oa t*i» premmt. MANLEY C LONDON. December 6ih. 1858. M FOUNTAIN INN. M (L/® C£> til © HI1 8 RESPECTFULLY aunouoces to his old friends end the put lio in general, tnat hohas taken the well known old Tiiimi stand Formerly occupied by WM. LUMAUOO, on the Erio Pike, i*twe n I’hillipiburg ana Cnrwetisvillc. where he will be happy loiee his olu acquaintances end os many no* comers aitmy f-.vur him with u call. THE FOUNTAIN INN. Is largo and in good order. oon<* tiinius a »ulli lent number ot well luruished parlors and chambers, end every o«h‘ , f no rfetinry for (bo most comfortable accommodation ol rrevetleit. I’ll E TAHLE AN D IlAKlt will b* well cupplied—Die for. m?r with, the de'icacies the teuton nnd market off.-rds—ibt tatter witirtne choicest MINER Al. drinks. THESTARLINU attached to the Fountain isio is large and will always b ■ prov ded with Ins best ot Provender. THE FOUNTAIN INN lioneof lb* mo.t pleasant time the* on the Erie l*»fce. and the pro.«»jptOf fWDectfolly invite* n call from t avtOert nfifl Other*, confident that he wil. bj&b.e lo viva satUraoitoo to hit ctieaU. BoerilowDi'iln. Dec 5.185.1. ~ \ DAGUERREOTYPES. mi a* L> fciH’l£t.T FULLY aoßOunct* ro th» LAliliSß and I»KN* IV TLtSMISN of the Mdrough or CLEAHUibLD and ti. daily. that he has opened a Miniature Dngucrrean Gallery OnSECONP HTRCET.Ibdo V'orr.north of Powell & Cu’i ga»te, Call and o*amine«pecirt.e »•. cu*e», 2(0. CleariitJ. November 23, 18-53.—tT. M VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. m 'iMliSinbioribefoflen at prifato inle. hie valuable UAltlM. X eitcatein Uradford towmhlp.Otaarfield aod a haT mile* from the jaoedoo of the Union a d .-now ehosaod PaokerviNe turnpike, at George J. Kylan, and one and a half mile* from Oranamton— containing One hundred and ten Acres, with seventy acres cleared anil in an excellent state of cullivaiion, with a bearing Orchard thereon grouting. There is also n comfortable Log House, attd n large'frame barn erected thereon. For further particular* apply to ibe eubteriber on theorem ite* Pereone withing to qvike inquiry and obtain infer tat tlon by tatter. Wilt direct to Giabamion, Clearfield county. December 10,1863.—if. Hose’s Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot. THIS isaPUUBLY VbGtsrAtfLBCUMPOUNt>, »C«en titiaxlly prepaint) Trots »be berl Boot! and Herbs of tne Medica, aad has gained the universal reputation Tot IJI4 following elieci*. via: Regulating oml Strengthening the liver and Digps* live Organs, and cfensing Iho Stomach and Bowels, Bad that caring el! Bilious Diseases. Lver Complaints, Dys ptpsia. Indigestion, Costiveavcs, Hekdaohe, Fevor and Ague, JaaatliQa. Nausea. Lust of Appetite. £lo , and causing thrt fo» 1 to ouu ish nnd suupqrl every part. PURIFY ING PHEULuuD— Aodtbai coring all Ilomots. Cutaneous Krdptlons, tirrrofula, w alt Rheum, Erysipelas Scald Head, Canker. i'irapws on the l&ee. Blotches, ulcers. Tumors, Mercurial DLe evs, Oanoersrtfca. y " REGULATING THBEtiCRBTARY ORGANS-And by enabling them to perform their proper function!, preventing hndennog many paiafal and dangerous diseases Strength ening and quickening the NilrvoutdysUm.ibaialUring Ner voutdrriia ton, sad coring all Diseases of the Nerves, inch as Hysteria, Nuraltia, Cramps, iio.. rt is universal in the cure ol alt FcmnloComplninls &• Weakness, general debility, Irrega.'arltr, Obtructons ' tiwehinauf the r'cet, Limbs. Joints. &0., caused by weak i nets; alia. LUNG and THROAT COMPLAINTS, toon as 1 Co ds, Coughs, Asthma. Consumption 2za . also. Dropeiy. H nviog made use of the Compound Syrup or Ye’low Dock H wit, C MCKtiE U CO.,either oo solves or oar families, and lindin* it to be a very salutary and effoctoa! preparation, wenomosi oheerfully recommend U to the public asa very vaJaabte msdicifte. ; .„ K Boom#, Esq..Cashieroflhectktlonht Brink Providence, a. I.; A. W.tipvnoer, E*q , Cashier. Mmsßack Bank.-do do: Rev. Wro.A. Philips. Rev. J. B. Richmond n. V. J. Bates. DocL-Becj Colby, and one bundled others of the most respectable fb®'l»es of Providence- This certifies tittlH hare for a number of years been no attainted with th» compo’ithn and mode cif maoulactore of MOIttE'S COMPOUND aYK(/P OF YEILOW DOCK HOOT. 1 have pl«o been acquainted with its modns opet* aadiin d state, and oan say that in all respeote it is admirably c&loalated to remralr the clan of Diseases for wb ch It 1« de signed. It is especially valuable in aad ai its at endant srmutoms. il exciUs to healihy action the LiVEK. removes'l‘orpor, and inactivity from the ORGAN and simulates h-althy ai'iotj in all tho sysiem. Asa DEPU KATOK or purifier ol the Blood u has no superior. Provideuo’ ,H» 1 Jau.) DAVID HOLMES. M D- Frcpiretl hy (.*. MORSK & <*o„ no. 440 Broadway N. V-,nnd«old by Druggista and olheni thrcugbqut this nnd other touulierI—O. 1 —O. D. VVATSON, Agenl, Clearfield I*n,- ' Mny^.0,1863 CAUTION. THE following property was DQrah&ied by me, at Bherifl tittle, and loaned U DAVID MtCIIAELti. vi* : ONE GREY MARE. ONS TWO.tiORtiB WAGON. 1 LONG tiLLi". I PLOUGH. I COOKING STOVE, I SET HORSE GEAR 4 , which l hereby caution ail persons not to putchose ci mtilillo with. JHAAC SMITH. Deoenib.r 1* 1£63. GHAIJNOY IIUI.UKUT.WUh VVAINyVRIGIIT,HUN TING IKJN & YLUYI). Importer!»ttdWholMal« Deal ,nlin FOOKI'IN w UOMEBTIO UIU GOUUS. No 16S M/tnKltt WTRISET. Pbiladolphlo. Itfa3- Joir.U ies3-Hm. Cooking Stove For Sole. AGOOH COOKING BTUVB for lala. ohoap' furcakh or in exchangerorHAY. KoQuire atthlsouloe. Ci>arfiebLBentem*mf Hi. 1833. ; Bounty Laud and Pension Agency. Tuckek, YVasiungton, D. C. AlTtlmkEY' Tor otolma'nti. and Aront for obtalniar Re». plßtioanrr. Naval. la.alld, aad Pair par FISNSIoNa. U.jUNTV I.I.aND par, extra par, Gc , Tor Mil. ‘ ta lioa2tT t Uxml ob’alnSlbr tlie rvldowj aad litlrJ of Volan lean or tl-a laxai It.volullon of lt»i.*nd extra par oMain ed for those klroo served ia the U. ti. Navy, oa tho coast ol Californiaand Mexico IVom itilG to IB&J. - rtddrel[*,' CiIARLEa TUCKER. Waxhingtoo. D.C. REGISTER'S NOTICE; STVTOTICE is hnreby given, that tho following acoonnts 1\ hl'yo been oxommojl and patted by mo. and remain riled * r» injbi* offije fo; Ihn inst«;Uou oChhlrt. Intateo*. n. And a-'f others in any othe/.way intarastnd. and will ented lo the next Cuarfieid county. tobshvld at UieCoarkUoose.latbdi Borough orLlaailtehl.uD Tiieidkf t « rjbth day ot Dooeaibei.sext. for ,confirmation find aliowahua. , •» il •; , The Acpouat of Jeixe JToßon* John Uyera ant| BamotJ Wehvfer. Administrators of'Jonarfaaii . • w •* 1 WILLIAM PORrER, Register. Clss»Ft«ld. Nor» 2J. 1863. • ’ ; i ! •- •For*'''Mi Fentt ., Til i)wbVffnz, part ol Ia LEAUiEL 1) ACADEMY; I ■, v. J. BJHoENAELY; I ,! : , French Hurrs* anbioribrr bss on bind FRENCH BURR« MILIy tilDNEti of various eUes, Which be jvUl ui 4w ( of a superior flud.Lty.wd ftfreaxpnahie pjwes. ’ tj rtf on by to. U, KhrNt^|r BAILIKOni . . IINESOIgmORYOPCLEARPIELDtO 7 LYMAN.S. PHELPS, : So, tavern! rears experience in the business. makeeine el confident that 1 can rthdor general tamrjiclioa I would erefore, thankfully receive a f barn wu«viMb.'Nov. It>, ISSB —3 mrt. 1 _ l V GEO. It. OOODLANDEU, IXIaGU'-'.-MAKBit—Lntlnritinrc. Wolkdoncto «r.|«t VV oa then nolle*, and on good tmint. ; ■.•llavyw. A. K. VVIIIGtIT, (VIEKCUANT AND EXTENSIVE DEALER IN .I.IIM ill ll£U—bccjfid fctreov.onedooy lonthol Mi reuiienoo— Cl ftrMolil Deo i». 18jI. william BLACKSHAIUB, CABINET andUllAlUMAKßll.and HOUSE ft SIGN I'AlNTJSU—onedoor south of the Presbyterian Church, •to/***»3. VTERCIIANT ANI) LUMBER DEALER-Corner ol ,TA Prunl and Locurt streets—Clearfield. Dec. 3°. IPSI. JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDLER ANI) HARNESS MAKBB-ln hit new shop on Marketitreet, near Deo. jU. 1851. B()( )T and SHOE MAK EK. beeond stietl. nearly opposite A. K. Wrlshti s'ore. Clearfield I'a. April IK. lßsi. LACKSMTITI. on Third street, between Market and \j Walnut, Clearfield.l'a. Aprillo, iBod. HENRY LORAINE, OH YSIOIAN end DRUGGIST, on Maraeistreef, opposite L lii* residence. Clearfield. April lU. 186‘J, IXTAGON MAK EH, corner of Third and Locust sfreet. r V Clearfield, Repairing done lo order. April. IH. *SU FASHIONABLE' TAI Luß—West end ol Shaw's Row on s : .afi—Clearfield. Deo. 60. 185.. TIIOMAS SHEA, PASIIIONAHI.K TAlLOR—lnShaw’i How, on Maik.t street, immediately over the Post Oce—Clevneld Dec ad, IHM. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT sod FKOUUOE DEALER l.u'honbor, co., Pa. Ai»rii 17, Ibda. DAVID SACKET, /"IAIIINBT AND CHAIR MAKER, Locuif it., tiotwnn C/ Second nod Third, Ulearfieid, I'a. Apnl 18, IWif. A. L. SCIINELL, I^AILOR— Luthersburg.—will do hia work jail as good and . as cheep, at any fellow. Dec. iiil, 1801. JOHN ODELL. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. A TrORNEY AT LAW. Office hilleiidencs on c\ Second itreet opposite the roaidenceof Gov Die er Clear field _ _ April_l7. 1W»»!_ DR F. ANTES CANFIED. 11 A VlN(l»iiurchaied the property and situation nl'Dr.G. P a I H'dl/M. tender* hi« professional service* to ill* oi'ixens of PKEnGiI VILLE and vicinity.—Office ono door can ol | 4 ,,, l 7.*' S'nre. June ‘J4. 1&53. SAMU ELA RNOLD, MERCHANT and PRODUCE DEALER. Lotherstmrg. Cirftrtield county, I’a. April 17, ihoX, ROBERT* McNAUL, TANNER—AUIib UED STAND ia Culwo..,»il!«. 1 I - IC. M ISVJ. GEO VV. RHEEM, SADDLER. HARNESS fc THUNK MANUFACTURER Second stieet. immediately over C. it- Watson's DrneSjy- Jinn. BO.JHSi) eUAMBERS & KLEPFER. ~ fXTHEELVminiIT & CUIAIRMAKERS. ter.-Urul, VV port Pike iQwaahlp. *6B, J^jt. L. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW— can be found at th« office form erly occupied b/ G. R. Darrett, on Second Street Clear ft*M Pa June 3. iBs'l—od DR. GIBBONY I*'. HOOP, fIAVING chanced his residence siom Krenchvhle lo Kr* a 1 Mofiii township, letptotl'allf often huser vice! tothe ■QrroupdiiiCOofiimuQitjN June IS. Jb63. JOHN RObT. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MASTE.i. MERCHANT nnd UEAfEH IN I.UM UiiU—Grahamton. Bradford toownibir, IVo ff 7. IHSI. DR. S. L. COBLE, PH YSICIAN—retidcßoeone mile east ol Utearfield Bfidce— will attend to *ll call* ua the shorten notice. t?ept!6, I8»3» WM. P. CHAMBERS, 1X7(1 EELWRICHT. CIIaIKMAKER. sod HOUSE Ji VV BIUIIN PAINTEU-CurwßOiirill.. , „ ... Ilec.dH, IWI. OADDLE St AAKN ESS-MAKER. Bud JUSTICE »r rliß I’P A.CK—(lvc iW *^*6l J. L. CUTTLE, ATrOKNKY AT HAW and LANH AGENT, Office ad io ntdc hisrcs’dence, on Market street, I feld. . * . March 3.1853. ' JAMES BIDDLE GORDON, ATTOBNBV ATLAW.C'eatH-ld. Tb—mfli twoomnlied in French or GertdaA. May Id. Itwfi. AC ENT for the tale of STUVEti% 6IIU/-GEARIKG and CASTINGS ol alt kinds AIto.MAR IRuN fit JNAlbd Threshing Machine*, Plow*, Acncultural Implements {to, on ttedomi street, under ha IVintinr Office nili. 17 '63 BOUT and SHOE MAKER, can be found at hs shoplwo doors eastol the Post i »ffioe, wliero he tins* ovt’auily on liood a larie assortment b jthel home and city manasseture. July 1853 __ J. D. THOMPSON, BLAOLSMITH. Wacom, Bugsies, flic.. flic . Ironedon abort notice, and the vary bs»l style, at huold stand in tu6 borough ofCarwensville. Deo. t®, lbiM. COACH. AND ttLEIGH MAKLR, on Third I'rect. be tween nlatket and Locust, Oieaitield Pa, Apnltd.'Mt HURXTHAL & BROTHER, IIyTERUiiANTS oon LUMtIHR DEALERS, WooMand ItA I'OU Office, Bradford tp . Clearfield co. April 17,’0i1. PHYSICIAN— May always be fonail at his residence ie Carwensyfiie, when not proftssiouully absent. Deo W. 18511, LEVER FUS.GAL, BLACKSMITH, Loibersburg.Pa , will attend ioallboii ntssinhtsline,and will uisulurnish WAUONB, UUC UIES, bo., very aheap, and tuannfaclnred inthetwst style, and warranted. Aug. 7 185 I. y^ ISAAC SMITH, Merchant. and dbade 11 in dumber and Country Prodooegendrally—Btatesireet, betwosn Cherry and Louosl—Gurweniville. Deo. Ell. 1851 THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, & CU. IRON-FOUNDERS— Ourwen»ville, An extensive anuri meal ofCauings made to order.. Deo. lid. IHal •THOMAS H. FULTON, & CO., aadexteuiiY* dfcaieu, and.-Maaai'actu ETAILkiK* OP FOREIGN AND UOMEdTIO MER- JtV CIIANDidE j aadROUX aaddHOM MAN UFAUTUgEUT EM?*-IRVIN, " r """ EXTENSIV ) RET VILER UP PORtigN ; AND.DO' meslio Mfl 1 ~Ca*tund oLitUestreet— Ceywnn vple. Jl#c.3o. 1961. C. KRATZER, JOHN 11. IIILBURN, JAMES lIOLLENBACH, JOHN VV. SHUGERT GEO. RICHARDS, B. F. STERLING, L. R. CARTER, RICHARD GLENNING, THOMAS MILLS, M. E.» WOOD, TBIE GIi.©JBI3.. The Official paper of Congress attd Nevfs-, 7 ' paper for the . People. . I» w11ll»t«nb. the a tetter orOeJi We»hio«tnn to Da*id StVwul, deled New York. nth.or March »JBO, that tho Ide4 or inch • aa I propoie roaktiha Globeoriglnatcd.ln the sinUotiibe Vaibw pt\*W Country; llatnid t .. -.a ‘ ■ i* iVI •‘it it *o bn Umantetl that Iha aditort of Iha uuHrnat C>» eaUea in the Union do not more eonerally wiawoonnui (inland otttoUiiigiheir paper* with •uuniity And oaldociamation. whwh ftw would read tlthny were-nppnkaii oflbeconUotO publish fne debate* in Con grata on; nU**e*it national question*. The principles upon whioli IhtdifiniUl of opinion aritot, at well as tho deohiont would than -wait rally bi'tore the public. on ! nilord tha bait data for ittiudfi meat. I tipark 'i Wriling* or W uhington; vol. 30, p W The Daily Globe oriel ihe CungrespionolGlobe. . In lurrenibitn* my inte’e*i|« the organ of n pollilasi D nrty, I cherished IheLunmte of eoitlnoing tneContrestiftn- Bt Globe, and iriXHSibfe, In time. tr.perfecl it in ft foil history of the arrrjon f Congress, tfiyinc the debate rccnmldy MA fat v with In pioceediog*—all stamped with Ihe vent? otan ofiUlal roourd From tl.o pu«go in the ettei of dtajirftl Washington, I havo quoted it will be peiceiyag Ihftt Ho thought ihi* office ini*ht beouinbioed lar BCw«i>apor; anti it li cerium that the avidity oi the puuho ei«ltni»ori ant hind E « l ,«lw w[oit» to the weightier matter which mar bo celled Gottgift*- *'°|i a IfniTnicceeded in my pnrnme of perfecting the oflhoflebtite* in Congress and giving them IbsP J?j' , [_V,hWe I l oow propose to lead them noroai. in CanucctUa withtbo newsoilhe Joy. In *uch Imleu. eliall oatarrlp lull and QOOB rLie intelligoice tent from tho sent ot Government in ftnr other firm whatever. It will even Mtiolpato thf wwttf eewi forwarded too Do* within two hundred[ end fifty mtUu by telegraph nerore thoovcnl* thoi t»an*mi tod ail in tbe nv«n>ing pntori. (for insuioceot the °JJf, f Vntk.lUm Globe coniatuinc tnem w II havoro-ched iha pon office ol that city hy the Express Mail or the previous night. Ihe process by which thu will oe effected 1 now lay belorft will have a corps of tix’oeu Reporter* In Centre** ♦ eccli In .uccoesion will t «ke notes duriac five mioutei. then rturr, oieo'tie tlv’m lor*, put them slip by slip in tho ha®d* thai while the debate is eoingon in Go®* eresi, itwillhouut ia ijpe. and In a lew minute* alter it- 1 * endcA it will bn ia print. I by this means be en*blod ta •end by the Express Hail ofo oTlock l\ M.. tor theKftst, Wettand Noilh.nud hy ihob o'olock P. M. lor tbeoouin. all ihe proceedings ol (joncrets up to the ord rary near ot adjournment. Thai the accurate debales ol Gongi**» wm reach tho c.lles tw o hundred and fifty miles from the Capitol before their daily morning piper* am in circulation. T he miscellaneous newt I »had becaretul to gather irons 'emote sections of theoontry hy to’egraph. I will obtain from tin Executive Depaitmeou.lhrooßh tflnlaWt'urces. the mailers of moment transacted in them, aad, through nf*nts employed lorthu vi or pose, all theoity aaweof cooaa uuenco in sufficient time to be put into the Globe nnaronliea in the lispro s Mid iraics. In this war 1 h?R* ,pcfcat * a new era in ihe dissemination of new* from Hitherto no newspaper has ntemptnd to gWoj counts orihinirsdoae at Washington hobiretho pohbonua* *t adistmce had received Us first impressions from Irroipon slhietelegrai hio dispatches, or by le'ter writers biased uy pe* Ca Waihi*n2ton has now become so great a centre °!r JjSlitlei Inters*! doriag all »hr year-the Lx»cuUvn Oepxrtimmti and ihe information collected by them aven the process of Cons rest is of so m U uhi mpor i a n c«Uj th» Interests tfevery seer ion ol the country—lhat I snail cosun* tie the publication of the daily paper ft view to become the vehicle of the earliest and oorrtCt '"ifis n'oart of my plan to reduce the orlce of /1 *J?"sITaSSSI to hall lhat ofsimilar daily pipors ; and thus 1 hope [oesteca its oircoiatioo so as to lurite advertisements. ■ w,I J p r’’ , * h advcrtUt-raenti of the G.iveromeni, Tosubscribers iln Jhft ci. ties 1 hope to submit such terms as wIM ladnco them to vertise their business in every village thronghoßl thft JmihjJl where tbe Globe is seat daily uoJ-r the !£■** o| L'onrreu all of whom taka it. and soma orthem ft large nnmr i b# rhe < ffitniia , i l n or lha new Adminstretfon and tb* new 1 Congress portends muciohange in he oiorsoof public fti* fairs a* the result o! the rest »es *iu». Many which were brought op in tbe last Congress wemlaid over by the Democratic m: j >rity to await the cr&l’O Executive. Tiro new motMeling of the tsnfl , tbft ftftw land system; tbe question of giving homesteads, ana maainc every man a freeholder, who may choose to become onftj tno approiim.iinn of Ihe Allentloaod I' e neuo»- el railroad acroi. Ihe lerrour. ol ihe Unloe i ref'Jf Army. Navy, and civt offices—all these greet quetUoni, witU a Iboutaod minor ones, deeply aiiectine moltitndes «v{**“ and every slate in the Union will now being matured by toblic opinion, come up for the Government • d® ol * l ®®- I'ticsfl new i'soe*. oo operating with oil ones, comiog■up Jo be ditposeo of by uew no or* on th* scene* at will be opt to modi y greatly, if not niter essentially thft pfttty orgaa xa ionsof the country. . To these elememt of interest another it likely to ba Inlrodn oed by the Interposition of tne agitations of Europe. Attw newly forty years ol peace in Europe then ** *.■ leissKts that now se> tniiraoght with tendencies war; and ir war corals, in all likelihood there will toch nnivenal change hnt the United plates oan bft dly ex pect loescaue lu vortexf In'ieed from late vvenU It 1> appa rent lhat onr Govefuraent is already drawn into European difficulties. These circuinstnnce* aredreuntod to draw ine public mind towards the next Oongtcii much ex»ectft- U< The DAI GV GLOBE, will be p Ufcd cu fine paper double rn« al sige, wiih siaaU type, (b.evier and aoupareWJ at nve d wilt a'so be prtntcd on a double royal si eet. in book form, iof»l ‘laarto «t«. ®»ch namtier contnii nxreetr paces. The Congressional Globe proper will boroa e opof the proceedings of oongre*« JJJttM fanning debates a* civen by the reporter*. Tie which merabeu cm-me tui wrhe out themselves 'viti, together with tbe messages of »hn I resideut ot the reports of the Executive DepaumeaU. and hy Congress, be added In an Appendix, t subscriptions for the Congressional Globe and erulely. But this has not been found satisfactory. ‘®**®°ch islit rave an inojmuiete view of fhetraniactioniin Congren, and therefore I hnve concluded not to sell lhoin i . apftrt,^p^ t i®; ering that neighbor* can have the advantage ot them both oy dabbing In case individuals shall find it too onerous to ba at facMila c the circulitiou ol thi CongrMilonat Qloboand cheapen it to subscribers, ingress passed last year a jolftl res olution making it free ot postage. I annex It, a* tbe taw nay not ba aceeribla ’O posiaiisteri geaeralty. Joint Resolution providing 1..nh0 distribution ot the tawi ot Congret* and the debtie thereon, . i.„ .rn* With a view to the cheap circulation of the lawtorcon. #rrs» and thed-»bates contributing to the frne tmetprefttmft thereof, and to make free the communication bet *een the re* preseniatives and tho consliinent bydies: nr Uo it resolved by the Senate .and Houseol ReprescptaUvei or tbe United State*or Atuerick in Coa*r-*- aaemded. lhat from and after Ihe present ,eo' bU. the Congressional Globe and Appendix is seullor half the cost of so much c upposiUon. prcsi-work. and naper. This I can efl ad to do. lm»nnon as the subscription or Con. tress oo vers the cost of oimoosition, aa«i this enable* me to saU lor a little more «hnn tho cost of press-work *®® pawf : * l •quires the salaol about W.WW cop es togeimbursn U otbonlv werosold. ibec«>st of each copy would bi about |ICI. The debates la the English Parliamant owl ® l bo ® t ,** e J f * en time* 6» moqh as 1 charge subscriber* for the Congie«i. equal i« quauiny. and as well reported ®® < * p ' , ?£ p * Ihe next aetsio* or 0 »ogre« w;ll b• i» long one . ■ «J believed ihiCcngressionKlClobo for It will reM)i 4,(Mj royal ■ qnarto pages, as the last loag s-mion mile , ao*l th« ijog oue beloro that male J W royal qotinopoge*~4oar ara«| j ..Iran each .(rMioa. b.parelal to hi. «H 1 ll>. number, recmvorl b, I will .oplil, that m»» | in (b. mail.. Thu >'»>k looreaM. In valne ai crow. o:d Tho lir»t.'.*veoloOß .rdooua will oow oommam ihrre timai, nhd .ome of tho tob-.edaaiil one. twice, ihou o'ifionalsubscriptlon price. .i The lubsoription price lor the C ingTesslonil Globe (fnc.u mg the Appendix aad the 'awi) ii *»* dollar*. Compute indexes will be oat and forwarded to the sub sonberasoon aiur tU-> seatfon is ended, • Subscribers for the Hilly should have theli the 6th. and for the Coif resstonil CJlnba by fho l&J her The money nod iccnmpanv an order for either wr Dailv or theUongrestlonal Globe. Hank notesourreut where 4 aobicriber resides Will be received at £ RIVES. Washington", October 12. ft&3. Medicines Avorlliy a place in nil Families. Being Prepared by a Regular Gradual< and Physician of 30 years Experience. I.U.J R ROSE tiaalloooraiy Member ol lh, fhilad«l « * phl» Meffioil aud «raduaretUa 18J). fra™ ‘V, of rsßß.jlTßßia. BBd.rtb. (tnidanoeof tbetru |y eminent Professor* Fhyiwk. Chapman. Gibson. Lose. Ham-namrscelebraDd formrdical solence. being solicited by thousands nt his patients l ® £ ; PropvTatlons, be now offers to ihspobho hi* fxperrono fbrthe unit thirty years, the fol owinff valnablo « 9 AtWOMON^IJrJRom*. Nervous and InsigordtiDg Cordial.—The Craftiest DisoOTery in Medicai Sdenwa—This asionuhmir l reparation * oT , rt l*J*h any wsak constitution, debilitated l>y oare. lat>or, study o duStHl No Y, Uruues, Leras>. and ' hd• blftins. WJifirave>?ou have pain, use the Pam Cnrer. oat* to all afitOTprioe Ll>s.«L aud 5U coats b rfllef, FOR CUUGHd. COLDS. CROUP AND WHOOPINL COUGH—th* bjit Cough Syrup in the vtotUl -Ur. Rote » ce'ebrueti Cough eymii. Sives Irumedlute relief I JJ.r OI 7. • IoQRh, whether ConaUmptive or pmee vlme Irey • co*d. It alloys any iriltttioo ol the Dangs, and L| ayuinst Intnraattacks. In bott « at Wod« • and Children are also liable to Croup, sn-lisols dno*irro«* gwjuuj u !)r. J.B. Boses nevei luihni LUUUI another a! w an wrtrv\ in cold and damp weather. The Ltlhctod will liud laluif In the use of Dr 8. Rose’s Whooping • oujli Syiup. whloh ol- bfeyaat. the d rearer of the Lungs, Drops? in the Lhnt, and LonsumpUan, price Rosn’s AlirrMivf o- Blood purifier. On orniio hh*nmntlo Compound—Compoand exlrNCt or Bueno, KiticJdeiment, Camnnatlvo-.Hnlsew Warns Klllnf Oi Vw mil* ge.Cioup t*yrau.Golden Pills, Pile Otnlutent,. HeiliDg Ointment. Eye Olutmenl. fcyn iij plifer*. French o,.ectlic, lelnnf Cordial, AoouetliOiJ, Elexir of Opium. Liquid Hair & ntl «mal« sD«Q|n3 3l—v