SS2—?•? SSorffPs S«lf of Real Estate. JlUAde&ifleld county.atidto med.rvced, wll^Deex to pnb.iu.sileL at] fltd cotm noose (other bo;6u*h of Wear field, on BfOmMY the IDihday ofDECEMK. K sexl, utto;l of otcioicment. Recorded Hook K, t Pogatß, convoyed tq Sien aa. mirncr & Owens, Dctb reid rrac's teteaincu lorvoyed In saideol Eph inira Rials,. Ihp-tiijeio all which by conveyance of Lewis Pilmfef fcoatenMiit And Owens, ftouk. K. Pago 53. Thera Is o vrisißtm.'.OM'd etrlliae houseU small houtfl* 4 sibbles thorcoD ► rcolMl dlid ttbCnt In') ncr.*i cleared, FeiZtd amt taken In t’scculloa and to bo sold nr th*» property ol Stewart & Owens. ALSO, 3 V virico-oPnisimilar writ/issuod oat oftho some court, ana to mu'dlfcctrd’ Will bn oxporeil to pnblio t ile, at the •nme itmo and place, a Certain Tract ol Land situato In F ix township! Clfarlidd count , Pa, beginning at q pitch uine corner hf Hits, nnrl Lt no. 4182, thoaco north by lot no. iWI kt*HRJ3. lMi perches to a pitch piue, thenaeoy no. 4311, .forty-two twenty one.) west 23d per. nua Umyrilyo has. dveihiTo'q cottier—thence south on a Une paralel with lot no. 4188, 30V cerchet to the line of lot no. 4182, and tnenca by tbo same east U&J and thirty hnm.'reth perches to tha plaoa of be ainninp—oonttvtnjnf 4aid ued. being fjieoaitrnm mojoly of uo. 4181, surveyed on wArrnot loTton.'J'mw Wilson Sc!x*;l and taken In exuou uQß.'and'to lmold qr the property ol Henry Maker; ALSO, BY virtue ol a limltar writ, itniod out of the same court, and to me diieCled. will bo oxposert to nubile sac at the tame trine nod plsoo. a ceriuin tract ot Land situate in Beo anna township rjlesifioid cduo‘y. Pa., beginning at an nih. •wu'.nt’ftdnr east US6 perches to a hickory, sonlli 8)£ degr ei «*OJt |"a pe'che»,loa post—by the Alexander Dlsta survey •outh 83 dec oast csi>i perchos to n port—north 5 degrees. . ast 172 perchfi Sntveyed on w. rrant io James Ulain, being 'heticonq tnyvay from the upper Itloiu survey, wmoh Ho'.her JS geifftn Nov. 18J0, conveyed to said Ijotvis I'&lraer. Heiz* «1 and token In uxeaUioa. Aud to be sold as the proporty of iiewis Palmer. ALSO, T>*T virtue of a similar vrrtuiumt out ofhhossmooonrt, nod Io me directed, will be exposed to pnblio sate at the same rime and tdnreya Oorinin' piece or bnd situate io Vlrartielu county, coutaloinrH? acres, with asmsll (ou house sad barn thetton ercotwl, ana about 40 aorfs cleartd—adioin ttf tandrof liefo M’Keo. Joseph licit and John Cl.ase.— .^9l7e l and taKoo in execution, and to bo sold os tho property »i‘- Vi m. 31 • ALSO, BY vfrttiqof aVmilar writ iuued out of tho same coart. to n)«4 rectcd, wilt bj ekpoiod Ui pnblic snlo at the sunn time apd c4rta n iwoce nr paruuJ oi land lituate k\ Ha»tm township..Cienriidd county, contain oa 60 aarw. loandsd by Hnd| of H. D. Patterson, Wm. M. Randy and rthe»s: ieltitf vart of lottery nrrantpo. 473, granto.i to TViliiom Mfflil iioving a small house and bara erected there. «a.—h'nxe.! aid (akea in extoutioa and t 6 be sold as the prop. •tty ol X-wuh.t.oyu ' . - ALSO,. BY vlrnooTn simjlfy writ lisucitout'ortbosamo court nnd to me tPnotcd, to oubtio sale at the same 4fre-npH idace, qfl cvrtatu piecw •>: piKjol ot land, situate 4 tewnslnp, Clctirfudd county, i’a., containing t>s , ores, with a hic houm and burn etente.l. with about vUaorvs ci«aT.i I. bounded Or Unds ul John M (’ha*e, Wm | Sfou nad others. , Svitad and toiea in execution, and to it sold us the Cornelias fJrvgo:y. : ALSO, BY VIRTUE of asimdar writ tuned outofthe same coart and jto mcdirrjreil. will bejp*pos«3d to pot lie sale, ot the same time and i.face, a certain tract of land siiueie in Pike cowsahiU. Olearriekl county, Pa. - , ul.h a fog house and trim srectad (pfreoßf epo about sixty i.ciot oleared—bonndad by kiadbl Tnomut M'Paersoo. Gcotgo VVeJ[sh, Jr.,rlec’d. and ethen, cnniainiuc ninety-two nates, ttsued. rakra-inaxesu tioiu and to ba sort es ihe property of Ashaol Carr. ■ ALSO, JT) Y virtno of ft writ of Vend. Exp , Issccd oat of the Coart Xy ci Coirtrmp Pleate county and to medir.ct «d, wiUtwr exposed to public sale at the same time and placo. Mi the following described piece or parcel of land, situate ip Us)l township. Clearfield county. Pa., ocntaining7& acres, with t saw mill, two liourei nod & stable thereon (mated— tuutdcd by tbe duiuuehaeou riucr on.tlre west, and lands ol Havid M'&mcMn. Cauiaian nnd ethers, t'efaeu. taken in olJio be sold as Iho property ofAsephEUts. *' WILTJAM POWELL,SherifT. Bharilf a.Oflke, Nor. 8,1638. MARRIEAU Uappiuess and Competence. WHY IS IT! THAT webehoUl many fenolsa. iTOrealn the mrridl&nof if*, broke* in health,nuu spirits with a complication of diiersesand ailmonts, depriving them of the oowor for the snjoymrnt of life at an sis when rhysical hc» th, buoyancy ot spirits, and happy serenity of mind, amine from a condi lion of htallbshonid ba prcuomioent. M|lnjr of the csUiXS ol hersuilertngs’at first—perhaps yean kefut*. ooiinx ftirthcod. or tha first years of her marriage— were in their crifiu so lightas to pass unnoticed, .! ! I ; IN AFTER YEARS, When too Jofe to bo benotitied by’our knowledge.*wa look lack harf' .inouPD, and regret tbo full conicqaanoe of oar UuontbL Whatwoald weectofUa give to potsesi io earl? lifethe lnowledge, we obtain in nflor years. And wha* daysand urgh'souqaxauu we aright have beea spawd, if the know U yio* tiB»iylpo#«Med, it is ijEANCHOLLY AND STARTLING To behold.Umtiokncsi and.laffcrlna endured by many a wife fermony year<, Irom causes simple acd controlable easily ttmedjnd—ot better still-not incurred, if every WILE AND MOTUER tlieinformatloa contained in a little roluma.f withio tba reach of all) which woukl sparoto herself' YEARS OF MISERY. And to hvthtnbnnd (he constant toil and anxiety of mind, sec nsorilv dcyoipiag upon him from sickness ol the wife, without grv'ng him the upporlunity of acquiring that compe tence which hiis‘exertions era entitled.! and tbo possession ot whioh would scoore the happiness orbimsell, wife andchil. dreo. .• 8B:CJRB TH6 means of happiness f?v btooihfog la time posteucd of the kcowledgo, the want •(which hat cauud poverty of thousands. In v,ew*ofßaoh comeQQhtfcei, nowifoor mother it eoxaied if tt»e neglect* to aviiilbcridlr ol that knowledge in respect to bertell, which would tpare her much totfermc, be ttie mcaat •f happiness and prsspemyto her Rutland, ami confer upon her ohildren that blesiiag above ail pries—healthy bodies with health? minds. That knowledge licontained In a little wotk eatkktl ■ . the married womans PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY DU. M. MAURICF.AU, PROPPBBOR OF UISfiASEa OP WOMEN. Onc.flumJrnlth Edition,2Bmo.pp, 250, Price 50 cts, (On fine White puper, extra binding, 91 00.) First jMiblisticd in 1847. and it is not SURPRISING OR WONDERFUL Conordcring Ihul t-VEfllY FFM-ALLC, WHETHER MARRIED OR NOI\ can hero actjuiro a full tile naiore, character and cause oi £*r Uompldlntß, vvilh Iho various symtoms, and th.M nearly HaJjF A COPIES Shouldi*n agid. ll H impracticable to convey folly the various subjects treats d of. i? they ore of a nature strictly intended fur the amtifcd, or those conlemplatiee mnuiaxe, but no female desirous of enjoying health, and that beamy consequent upon health, which U spcoadnoUre tp hot own happiness. nnl that •f her husband. bm e’lher has or Will obtain it, at nm or will wery'basband tvhohas the love and affection cf nis wife at lhaial his own pocunir ry imorovemetit. UPWARDS OFONFMUNf RKDTHUUSANDCOPIES have been BKNT BV MAIL within the last lew months. CA UTIONTO~THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEFRAUDED. ttor no book .onto Dr, A. M. Mnurlconn. U®. Libnrtr Btrcol, N. ; if J Irob tho title Dace, nndtbeentry in lheCletk’. OMct>anthe.bieXarthe title pate: and bar onlr ofieipeota. DlenmUitmurnbiodokleftr. and .nod bjr mail and add mi Dr. A. M. Maur.oean, aa thero are ipnriou. and serreptilioa. Infr-nectnent. ofcoprwrißbl. ■ That none need retn&ia oninrormed npon inM-ci. bo vital loiiboijr, peace, their head if and taeir hnppineu. a Pamphlet ofTbirty iaPoaea conlninion oxunaln, with lull title pane, indawn,innexul comenti. will be lent tree cf charge to every part pf the Untied atntoi. by addreilpß, port pmd, o. heioia. {CTOti recejpl 01" Filly Uenla.por Ono Dollar lot tbib jnp.Etiilion.cxtra binding,; -‘THE MARRIED WOMAN’S' PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPAN fOrt:,” l*ipnl, (HAILED free.) to ony porlol Iho United Slates. All lotlere must be post paid, nnd mid rested to Dir. A M. Mnilricenii, Boc 1224, New York L'ity.: Publishing Ofliac, No, 129, Liberty up New'YerkrI'’ 1 '’ Fotf oXLl! i)Y Blanch nnd Crop, Hnrriiburg; J Stvapj, £Jloomaburgs f. W.iVVerlh, Lebanon; J, W Fdrmlngol 1 , Mnnhoimj ll.' tV. {smith, Huntingdon, S. Mi'Baum, New Berlin, II A Liutdz, Heading; F, T Morse. C’ronesvtlic, IN Y; Wentz: and Starke Cufbondal.e; Eld rod and Wright, Williamsport; S Tuck. Wtlkeabarro; Geo W Earle, Waynesboro; R Cronl.y, Mercor: S Leader, Hanovor; S; >V Taylor, Utica; R,'P/(!dmmtiigs,'Somerset; TIB Peterson, TblMdelphin; John LeForgo, Mil lord. Pa,; and in NBw-YA»k j u [Court Proclamation. t*7 I B£B.EAa. / tl:e Honorable JAMES UUK.NSinE,PreJ. T,“iriy(Tm4ut(e e bf tfte(£jurt of Gpmtpou Fisas ol iba F'cb. iindlrtkl Lhlrioi, comroicd of tho ecuntie* c! Clfdr, S£? on d tbo Hon. HICH ARD BIIAW. nod JOHN P. IIUYI, AtiocraieJudse. inCicnrflL’M ooontr, blvelnnnJ their precept b.arina daw the TRI UTIL 111 o' Stf!K I A'S , ,!S?i. w ., m ?‘ ll '“o' ol| . lprtheholitlnß orsUoURT S,v!& W ve IA NS> COURT, iXJUttf Ob' lAUARiEK HEaaIONS. AND COURT OP OYER AND TiERJSINaR AND.UENERAE JAlii DEUVEKY, at for D'emanM county on Iho THIRD MON DAY of DoOdCiboj mat—being tho lyth day of tho month. . NOriUl} HEREBY GIVEN. 3?^^i* a a*^e* oo^0 pet *ce. end CoDstebtaf in ond H?wheJd» to aooflM in their ova proper &JS if'Sll&Kt 0 R* co i tl, » Inqulsitioas, Kiaraiaationsucd t 0 0 1h . 0, ° Uliogs which to lluif cilice* it?biur H«lft U ulii,® lai ‘' depart «#Wfe.d a S2e ? ihM'l l i»^^ thrvolMitMtoVont/ eighth imiol American Indepenoeocv. nm -s&sWfSfS? ' Important to Farmers Silver Mednlawarcledtothis Machine at theFairof the Atnericbn Institute,N. Y Oct. 1852; a Diploma at the Franklin i Institute,Philadelphia; First premium at the State Fair, Utica ; First premium at the Rensslaor, Cfr., N. Y.,. and. also nt the Columbia Co,, N. Y. Fair; and a Diploma)ntthe VVeStchesterCountyFair New York. HICKOK'S PATENT IMPROVED CIDER MILL. IN arromrenjentdr this highly approved and vdloeble Mill, the |ubbr ft dtvidLf by arranging a catling uy Under tobreak the apples. and then Ue,lvor there to (ho lowcnrCylimW to bo reduced to poinuio. Uy* this arrange ment the work la perfotmed faiter atitl with much less labor Tte Press Is arranged with a modi larger screw lima for merly, and by,a very Ingenious dnvioe theme of the bag is dispensed with and tho Tub mode to open at the ream time the Cidur Is left clonr. and Tho work can bo donowlih much loti labor than by the o!d method. The Cylinders are covered with heavy sheet Zioo, both on their peripheries and endst UowootUh them is nrrnngcd so as cot to swell, and ibe wholo work on tho Mill and Press matlo in tho very beti manner, nod arranged with especial view to their durability audsorvlce. No rarmnr. who met tho Mill oarofullp and accvdiuc to •lircotiocs will bodiiappomtod: bat. on the other hnnrt ho will find this ono ofthe most valuable and efliclent machines on hisfarm. Tho maohlne it made to run by hotso.steam, or hand po* • or, and rvhen tbnapplei are ground.a small boy oT 14 years of ate oan press the pomsoo w ith-eaio. This Mill is warranted superior to any other Portable Mill in exiitonco; and the proprietor is readr at anv lime (on talr ooticet>eingglvon)ioteitii with any Portable Mill that is cot an infringement on it FARMERS. EXAMINE Tlire NEWLY IMPROVED MILL, BhFOUE YOU BUY ANY OTHER.-One great advantage of this rnaohine over all others Is. that it will not choke up, and hard or soft app'es oan bo around, and yet the Cylinders «vilt always remain cldarin grinding ordor. All orders wl! bn Blind i . tho order in whlob they oome in, anti aersoos wanting them had bettor send their ordor nuriy. and state at v> hat time, end whore they want tho mil) deliv ered. This Mi.l, attended by two indn. will, when properly work ed aocordlrg to d'rec’ions mnhe lk>m sixtotwelva barrels <»f oidor nUav—and will cried alonqfby boropower, froraldO 10300 bushel* ol upnlos u day. \ The.prioeof tho Mill and Press (« 119, delivered. Rjool loot this is tho tewiy improved ■'Mill, Haviog very many applications for more particular descrip tions of the size, &o , ol mr new CIDER MILL, ihnn is con tained (n my circular. I wonid here remark, that the whole i Mill weigh* hut «75 ronods, Is *!>j by H leotsquarc. and 4 feet high, and cao ho taken an} whereon u wheelbarrow with con veeianco. Below will bo 'ound a lew notices and teooraincn dalioDsoftlio Mill, many others having been udislnld. This is tocerllfy that 1 purchased ol A. II BAUMAN, one ol Ilickock’s Patent Cider Miljsnnd Puns. laH Jell—and I can confidently asrertlHat I have around one bushel of app’es per minoto by hand. 1 havo also beori qsidb cider for tho last fe& years, and 1 made tho best cider on this Mill 1 over drank. ConlrnLind I'p ) i\ttg kd, ltia3. V\ ILLIAM HULL. MIL W. O. HICKOCK :-Doar flir-I purchased one of yourimprorcl cider Mills at tho State Fair at Lancaster. Pa.. Inst year. Hincethen ! ftaVetested ittffectUf.llr. nntymmt say it stirpasies any machine, for the Purpose it is infouded lor. that 1 havoovut seen. Bud I h&vo examined a good jpnuv. le fore parthsitnc and since, its construction bring simple H novr r cels out of order. It surpasses my most santuue ex pectation. Coaid 1 not procure another one. 1 would not prut with mine for four times the piles of them, os I know its val ue. Yours trtuy. Cll AS. M. CLARK, SprinaliclaOhio, May i, 1552. A fdress your oidrn to the uoderiigicd Agent (or ClontfioM County, A. H BAUMAN. Ontre Lin*. Pa. or L. It. CARTER, Cloaiiiold, Bn. Clearfiolrt. flrp'embrr B. 18A3.—fm. PLEASANT 188 Ml, IRON POUNDHY and MACHINE SHOP, At Clearfield. THE anderiigood rrspeotfuliy nnoonnee* tothepvople of Cieatheld and the adjoining counties taal heslill conlin oei to carry on the above ’business at hit extensive establish ment in (|>e borough or Clearfield, and it now prepared to manufacture ad kinds of Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills, and all kimls of Machinery. His Castings ire no* of a'uperior quality—equal, if solan any other Is the State—as he uses note hot the vet best material, and employs none bat thevery bestof workmen His MACHINE SHOP, With twosupenor TURNING LATHES, drives by steam, it now is succcssfnlopcration. nnd tinder the management of a practical mechanic—wbtrealmost ooy iwticle of machinery can be FlNttiliED In thevery best style, and on short notice. HrJtM now an bands a large assortment of Cmtngi, such at STOVES ot verroomily attended to. and a liberal dmcoont made to wholesale purchasers. M. J. FOKTKR. AogustatJ 1853 —St. G. W. PORTER. Splendid Assortment ol Fall and Winter Goods. Isaac Fraith begs leave to Infotm bis friends and cutto men. that he has juit received a inrfA anM3 Bjehla and Block*Cot ypir*M and LircalarSaw.miUa will call-pn JL. RiCar* tor’who l this dayeuthoriie to make couture!* fort he *arne. June tl.—pd,-Cm < ROBERT LYTLK. ■A ;T r£}fiH l 8S!??i. l,w t t> *'' nrnioii- rnrchitllns a £uii» 'nULSVMrto Wllnatn Halton. caning (or noagt Eighty Dollars, dated somewhere betwodn boplember. amUNc.Tembar.ltS3; a* I l»“vo Sver reoslV jut v«lu,ru»lbOMw». l wrUma K,, It oalM. comnnllrd bv "Siv. 16, ro-rkW,, ::I ‘ Bauman/ Niw Store! New Store!! POWELL, REED\& WEAVER i A REJnstnowobenhsg at heir the /V bosonih ol Clearfield, oheof the largest and beat assort* meats cf MERCHANDISE aver brought to theaounfy, ana* wbion they now oflar to the old customers df (IlgleiACo-* os well fts fe tho public at larger aioutuablormsasoannol failtcsglve entire satisfaction TJIE will Gntl at their Store each & selection o* 2Spfe.£ElC3»S)* C^'ifver TaACt' Tablo Bpooos. Butter Kuivoi. Bugarwohgs, and Thlmblos. L.ndles Fine Cord Cases, Port Moi.ioi. SILVER PATENT LKVEK. ININTINO (,’ASB VVATdllKJ—from *3l to e'W-OPKN I'IUJNT DErACHCI) LEVEHS-from •18 to *3O— IjAPINES—from *lO to *lB. I’lno tItJIIT DAY Watches, from '6 to 10 Hollars. Fine Cold Watches. HU to4Q dollars. Allof whioh he wi. l warrant for perfect time-keep ers. Also n largo os*ortmout of Bpectnclci, Fob Clmins, Vest Cl.ains, Grrd i;iia n«. Pwnkoivei, Pocket Unoks. tiro. CLOrks-Eiglii J)ty and lliiity Horn Clocks, Fine Small Spring Clocks—3ofhonr and 8 dny—Musical lastiurrouls, and a gieut v/tfiely ol anicles too aumorous to msnuoo* usually keot bv Jewelers. AM the übove mentioned warranted good, and will bt* sold at the lowest profile but his terms are CASH. tST Watches. Clocks and Jewelry nearly RE PAIRED, and' Warranted foroao sear. jr A CARD. A. Mo HIIIL'ILS WOULD respectfully Inform Isis fiends, and ihepublo generally, that he continues to aitend to allculJs lo the lioo el Dental Operations, At his office adjoining his dwelling, is tbs borough of Clear, field, lie m*j bo foand nt nearly all limes In his note lo the west end ol tao Mention home. Artificial Teeth Inserted on Plate or Pivot, ami tvarran'cd to give eat ire sat is taction. EXTRACTING TELT'II dono without danger to the px tient, and with hut little pais. Teeth FILLED and CLEANSED lu n proper and scientif ic menses. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. “Tho greatest good to tho greotenl nurabor/' IS a point at which politicians statesmen and philantbro puts have labored long and hard to galo. Bat it it now clearly demonstrated, that that point can be tally attained at the store of A. M. HILLB, in the west end of the Mansion llousq, where ho i» just opening one of the most attractive and fashionable LUPtI OF OOODB. which and atten tion in select for anv retail establishment. Feeling oonhdeat that bis selection of GOODS will please his Inesds, annk proper to buy. Rroollect we esteem it a pleas uretothowonrgoodset any time. For vanoty of goods we can vie with any, end lor LOWNEB3oI PRICE DEFY COMPETITION. ’Tis Useless lo name articles, and labori ous indeed lo enumerate our*, tiafli.-e it to say, you wililind every tnue on hand usually kept m a o.untrr‘Btore. all ol which will be sold VERY LOW. Augu.t IG. IK3. A. M. HILLS. INDIANS! INDIANS! WAR WHOOP 4‘ WARDANCE. THE greatest variety of BOOTS and SHOES, J*adJefond gontlemen s Congress gai eraof alldescriulions. that has ® y er been ottered for public tale in Clearfield county. Tho proprietor flj'ttrs himself that ol 18 years expetirnoe In the BOOT and SHOE business, that ha oan nut be deceiv ed in the selection of goods m the c|ty. and intent s keeuinn a well atsoited BOOT and SHOE STORE in foturo. All persons wishing to get riti of paininl corus can do so by catling as tt. GLENNAN’d STORE, east end ol the Post Office where you wiilfir.U him rea-. y and willing tore*, urr the feet ail the comfort that can be given them Advise * rMi4 - li. GLENN AN. Clearfirld. Joly 8.1833.—3 m. NEW AND CHEAP THE nndenitned would respect fall y Inform their friends c A® D f ra **J t,,ejr opoaeda Store at ill/)OMINGTUN, t'ortnorly known as Uloom’s Black- 1 smith Shop. Clearfieldcouniy. Fa., with anew and splendid OC^ IKB -UR Y OUODA.K£ADY.MADK ,4 A i MUllTd ami 81JOE8. BUMMER 11 ATS?, H lnd CUTLERY, WOODnnd TIN VVAUE. DRUGB, MEDICINES, fito,selected with areal care la the Fhlladelphia Alarket. which ihey are prepared to >e L, at . mo,t ostontdiing, low prioca. Ow friands. and the p 10 wll and examine our stock. LUMBER, GR A IN, and all kinds ol country produce la keein exohangefor Goods at the highest market price, and tbo c**h in no ciue refused. REX tt OLUOM, June 84, 1853. HOOK AGENTS WANTED, To sell Pictorial and useful uorksfor ’64. WANTED la every s ctlou of tho United Elates, active, enterprising men, to eogageln the tale ofsorao of the best Books pnbltihed id lira country. To menol good address, poassttmenamall capita.of from |/sio iltO. such Induce- f ao s)sr^‘ , AK u . ott ? ,^, . lh. cillion. of Ulcai finUl nut ndjolnioK oonmlnj. OtDo. nnit door 10, nnd ovnr Em. Wnilor'i odlnn. KLl*hul'llYCKS.—Rev. Dp. M'Leod, John Scoll. F.rq,. Hon Goo. Toylor, ond lion. Jos. Gwin, Hun trngddn.—Hon. iVm. I’. Schncll, nnd Alex. King, Enq., Bedford. Gen. Wm. H. Irwin, Lowistown.-- lion. Calvin, Hoilidaynburg. Gon. William Avres, llnrristmrg, Gcrmiuli rfc Creswoll.Na 211, Marhetnt., Philadelphia. Ociober 27, 1803. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Of 11. D. PATTON) Cnrwensviilo.Pa. ALAKOE nnji „ e llMltor«l .lock or DRY GOODS and •■D'IUEUIEa. J,Al)II„-1IJlUia3GOOUa.nll wool.nnd ei.AiN trL .ANU. U/yaHMEUKa. DUEsa BILKS, or nil kind., BATTEN Era. NATS, GAPS nnd UUNNEI'S. ALSO—A Inrionnd nollurlcctod.tock ol READY-MADE SnH mul Potent Mediolnnk of evotr kind .?• ,h » boil Oroneht to Ih, cotintr.— HARDWARE ol n I kinds, such tis IltuN. HATHAWAY JOUK STOVES, FARM lit STOVES, flta ol erarr.7*7. NAILS, TIN WARB,4tivarj.klnd:-B?E f ßli OIL. LARtMJ L' FLAX SEED OIU, Wllll'E LEAD FfllE PROOF PAINTS ol e.rrr oollo}. 01,A83. DLE3, Bpcrm and'l allow, BOUKa auciaTATIONARk HARhl£&?. tiARDLEI? trod BUIULEB. and every , hther articlo usual'y kept in a country store. Lumber. Grain, and ooantry prodneo of every kind, taken In exchange lor gopdi. , ' * GTmvcntvrllo, Nor. B, 1823 —tC Cr^odls. AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I*!irt r< s e^vo< * ftuow and apien. A old nuoitmontplgood* of ovary duoripikn. iultftblo lor the «caiOE.-lo whfoh Ihey re»pectrully Invite the attention of all sybo wish to buy tbk bast and most goods lor ‘tha least mo&og. Calfandcx ifdlCo buntcck.—lßVYiN AND bMITH .* I • - / '-.l ■ :/. -UcloberfilhlbM.': •■'.•■Ox' Shoefikg’, ■: iri lhn bui[no..,to Ln nb.'o ronnder ennnrnt mtljfnoHou. •!” : E. U.PAT*intßSO'jf. ' DB. I. B. MAfICUISI’S . CELEBRATED CAtfHOWCQtf, For thc relief and cure of suffering Females ' * ltitandipr**u»lii«Bt for i(i onratif • rowan la all the diwueifor which ll U wcommefl. • UetMiioallyoalledFiS- U ALU Complaint!.— Of tL«*ojo I‘roUp. Ml. Uteri, or Falling, oftb® Albai. or WftlUij— Chronic Itflamatipa— ajul Ufcorution of Iho Womb. tßoideotal PTo* morrhago or Flooding, Painful, Sapmened— aadlmgalarMbnitm* UoB, &o, wllh allthelr i accompanying ovili— | CCancereiocpta »,) bo mutter how lovorp or of how long itandloffi Thi CatholioOQ tar inrpatiot .olhei rorae* diet,in being more cor tain—!e»< oxpenilvc— and le&vjpg tho«v«tom in a bettor condition I .. Jtnphlnt (free) oontoln in* ample* proof, from tba moit reVoectable lonrcei, of tho brndflolal mntUofile ate: topetha* with fatten from hiohljr expnrieucod I‘hyiiolani, who navo oiod it in their praolice, and speak from their own observation!. REFERENCES. P.n. HECKIIAM, M. I)..Ullo».N. Y. . L. D. FLEMING, M. D.,Uaoomfol«no. N. Y. M. 11. UILLH.M. IJ.. Boohelter.N. V. D.Y. FOOTE M> 0.. Hyracnio. N. Y, FmC. niJNUAR.M 0., Baltimore, MU. J.C OIIUICK. M. D , Baltimore. Mil \V. W. REESE, M. D.. Now Folk City. W. I’RE.IEOTI'. M. D..Cooooril.N. H. i . P. NEW LAND. M. I>. Utlol.N, Y. Iter. U. 8. BEARD. Glean Bpilaci, 8. C. Pamphlet, had cratliat tho itoreofO I). VVATBON. Ag't. Drogfiit Clnailiaid. ra.—ALo laid by 1 11. MILLER, Belle lIACKE. KluanaiDg—SAMUEL MATTEKN, Meohaalcivillo. and by moat leading UruggUt, in adjoining counties. Letter addressed to care of Mr. Curtin Hatch, Agent nt.Rovenna, Ohio. - To Dr. MARCIIISI.;—t haw been ten yoara ttoubled with h’emalalConlpiainU—prolapsus u.eri, and all the ntlondintr difficulties; attunes rendering my life must misotable -lliave had tbeQlfeßdfcncoof some of tho belt physicians, with tmt Jltilf snoots!; the rapst they could do was to lellere— was oot oTthfl qoettton. tor five mouths before commencing with your modiotoe, 1 had not boon alJelo perform nay la bor. could \salk but a few steps at a time, and scarcely wont outofdoors-lo snort, i was oompletely. prostrated, both in body and mind, and expected-to drag r it I’UIVaTK SAMilh'i (oUowina descr.bed well knuwu and valuable KEAL EiSTATB. consisting of A FARM OF 106 Acres. Ritaate in Pike townsnip, Clearfield county, on the main road leading fiom Corwensrilio to Tyrono. £oor miles irom Curwcnsville. and known as the Wise Farm. SThc improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good slate „„No,4.NorthFlrTUßtreot, Philadelphia. September 9a, 1853.—8 m. COB,OOO Feet of Hemlock Plank Wanted. PROPOSALS will be received by VVM. COLDER jr. President of lha llarmbarg Bail Miileritowa Torapike roan comn&ay. at tirmirbaur, natil the lilleoalh day of No. vember. for 600,000 feet of hemlock pleak, three Inohei thick and erght feet log*. A lio, IWS.OOU feet of two by five ioohe, tbioit, aot lou ihan ilxteea feet Inna, to be licitvpred at Cox oitowa. Dauphin county. onor berorolho litof jioy, 1351 September 94.1853. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law ancl Land Agent, Wljlfc praotloola tho aey.rnl Cottrti of Clearfield an! u».™tedda?d, n — 0,1 ““ d ° UOl ' d 10 Ul ” Payraept ofitaxe, on ■Ali parioni having bnilnei, with him. will in hi, ehiimnn apply to JißlDDLEfytJKDOfi.whp will lotba earn, Sopleroburhi). 1853. ' ‘ U.D PATTON. Four or Fivc.School Teachers , W l ibb. fl ,"„ d , e £ p^!r< i n A, b >' m ' lkl ”F aruilioajion immoJi aiely to tho School Director.of Urady tortn.lilp, Nov, IU, 1853. c i.. JQ3EPII LINES. Trocar. WM/ Tji GILBERT, 1 1 ' B F. TAYLOR, Eieeutcr. New Store, Wnll Papers! Wall Papers! Mil Uf Aof ®'3Sf j O. B. MERRELL THANKFUL for tbs liberal palronnje be bM Horeloforo received, respectlally ftnnonncoi to tho publlo that he hasremovod tohia new shop on tho alley. Jo the roaror Mar* roll’* Hotel, when ho la well tapplkd with atock, anali well prepared fill oil order* for Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Ware, AiCHEAP and at GOOD aa can be found inany country town in tba interior of the State. Old Brass and Copper Will be token at the lilgheit prices in exchange for work or ware. . fyMendine done to order. . . 0 .„ ■ • Clearfield. May 4.1853. VALUABLE SAW-MILL PROPERTY, Timber, Timber Land and Iron Ore for Sale! rit||B aubicriberwNlaell lha following detcribod valunble undivided half part of B TRACI’ B »“TjF LAND, containing lOOucres, ormore.ait. nate on Moaliannon (Jrcefc. which la tho lino between Centra and Clearfield countioi. Moat of thia tract ia tillablo land, nodt«artof it well timbered with White Pine. pat The uodivided hull port of a Tract of i"*** Laud,alto situate on Moaliannon creek, and adjoining tho above name I pi<*ceof land, contamg 407 notea, rr more. There la great Water-Power onthiitract,tho Creek attjfding anlfiuient power lor a Forgo and Rolling* Mill. The Six Mile Unn and the Three Mile Run (in which arc plenty of Trout) empty into the Motbaanon on thia tract, each of which ail ird f*om one to two good mill aoata. Thoro ia a Ural rq'e newly built Coe rod Baw-M‘ll. 18 feel wheel, on -thli Unot. oathe power of tho Three Mile Ran. The Turn pike loading from Clearfiold to Bollefonto paitei through lhi« tract. Thn dirtnoce from thia place to Uniovltlo, on tho Bald Eagle Plank Rood, id mile*. To JnUan Kornnot*. «rd Hannah furnace about 14 to lUmitei. The diiiauceto the river by tho road 8 or 10 miloa—to the mouth ofihu utcek, by water. JJ milte. There la a Vein of Iron Ore on tills Tract, And wilhia tfO or BOrodaof water power. T'hiaia tho plr.oa apokeu of by Protestor Rogora. in Ida Geological Report ol iMi, wheroho taya, *'ri(x mf/oi northaait of Philipaburg. on the* Turnpike. Ii the red abafeof formation XI. immtdiaUly be low thocoanlomeralo of loimation X (l £to , &o.—and clo«* ca hit remarke by laying, "Thia place it worthy of a fartlmr' investigation.’' 11l I’liMlOlUl UUA'i and tho tost oi TIM BER are abundant in the neighborhood ' The Tcrnii will be nuwlieaiy. aud un indupnLab o title givaa. Apply to the enbtoriherstx rules toulli of Corwers yille, tear Fruit Hill Port Ulliue, Cloarfield county. Pa.,—or to JOHN 13 THOMAS, l/eionville, Centro county, Pa., [Flemint l’. O. J—or to David Bilger,’who residea oaiho prniuea. lf®ip I will nliotell from FOUR HUNDRED to ONE THOUS AND goodUaw Logs, which wilt unta good deal oi Panne) I/nmber. Snid loe* nre nbaot one mtn above Dr llojt’i a.ill oo the river hill, and aboal U>4 mdoiabove Mr. Owen’t m il. The river ia wide hero, and toey can ba drivun. or tawed at tho above mill. There logi oafl be put into the river forlorathan 92 TO per M feet boards, at any time. WILLIAM G. BUTLER. Juno 16,1E&3. Tho *'l.aocaitrr latelhgencer" will Insert the above tbrae times, omitting tho latter part relating to a&w logs—and the ■‘(linten Democrat" will iniert that part of the above relating to 'he aule of aaw logs.thro? timer, and tend their biilalothit office. Epilepsy can bo lured! LAKE’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, For Iho euro of Epilepsy* or Fit*, is performing mure wonderful cures thnu ouy other medicine yet luiowu or befuro Ibc public. Price Five Dollars A Bottle. The proprietor hat in hia potietsion numerooa oertificatei, narrating rhe ASTONISHING AND MIRACULOUS CURES efleoled by thb medicine, and dirocts ntteutiou to ibe following only, to aituro (hots who aro to unfortunate to brf affi cted irtth the terrible diieaie heretofore regaided incur* able, that LAKE’S prcoorntinn. Is almost Infallible in its Cure ! From Mrs, Brooks , widow of Maj. Jas Brooks, late of Conneaut, Ohio. Mr. Z. LAKE.—Sir: Flcnne send mo another 1 do not ilka to do without it on hand. When! commenced giving tho Medicine .o my ion Edgar, he had from one to three fits per day. Ho hat now taken the mediome over fire montha, and hat bad, ( think, hut two tits in that time, and those very light. Mia body and mind arc very much improved and by the biming of God, 1 feel that the medicine will reatorc hit body and mind to their wonted activity. Ho ia Us year* old, and haa had litiover I'J yeara, which have bren very frequent. and very destructive to hia conit tution and mind. Ii undreda of dollars bave been errended lor medtetcefo "CURE FIT*.” hut nothing hat relieved him until bo Died your medicine. Respectfully yours. PULL? BROOKS. From Judson Landon, Superintendent cf the Ashtabula County Infirmary. j Mr. Z. LAKF.—Plentse : send mo q few moro bottles of your •'fit Mtdicina ; M I may not need it, but think safer to keep it oubautl. Vour medicine husdone wonders 1 gava it to Miss Jane Delano ; she has tisd fits for £ti yean, brought oo by haviuc the measles when but four years old which conld not ba brought out to the turf ace. After taking lha medicioo a few days, the had a fioo crop of measles, acd has had no iits since. Him had fits or symptoms almost daily. She and her lather cod cur with mo in saying that wo brieve the medicine has or will work a perfectcarc. I also gave t,.« rcodluine to Mi*s Jane Henderson and AjU Caity, who have had fiisn'most daily, fora number ot years. Their fits have cental, and I balievo the medicine will luvve Uie desired ef fect. Moub money has been expended hy tho friends ol the abovopa lenU for dootoring, all to no purpose. Tho care writ kit for roar medicine to perform, and l can cheerlul'y rccommand uas a valuable discovery. Retncm fully yours, JUDSON LANDON. Superintendent Ashtabula Co. Infirmary Prepared and sold nl wholesale by Z. LA KK, Cou nrout. Ohio.—lv F. WF.LLFK, Travelling Agent. Hold by G. 1). WATSON, Clearfield —F. K. ARNOLD. Luthersburg and also at t’h lliptburg.— tSept. U, lho3.—ly. J» Wholesale and Retail Grocery, s s GL£<3iU?>ar a 3.S3lfc>'Qan? i £g i o s S W.U. EHY, having made arrangements toaarryon S S the WHOLESALE GROCERY DI'dINLSS in Phil. S C adelphia, the subscriber will continue lo keep at the L i corner ot Mnrket and sth it's, near .lha PENN.KAIL ? K()AD DI2PUT, a full and comnleto msortmant ol » S GUUUEKIE3. BACON, LARD.UOPEH, TAU, IR* S ON, NAILS. DRIED FHUIT,Hnd alithcic&dlog ar* k c tides In trade.—Thankful lor Dasl favors, he would ask t <• his old patrons to give him a call, as he is prepared to ? / sail at prices that onocot fail to please. S S Febroary Id. sBS3.—ly. J R.EBY S raslsionablc Tailoring. c C?C£iCL>SXEiSiS3 e RESPECTFULLY aaoounces to the'citizous of Cloar* field county, and tho public generally that he continues to carry on the above bnilaessat hit OLD STAND, above lh« Post Oluoa, where he will nl vnr» be ptopntert to wait on a!| who may lavor him with a call, iio has on hand n well seleowdasiOTimontal CLOTHS,CABStMEULS and TRIM oIjNGH, which he wd I warrant to be of good qoulity, and wf.rhesold very low. His old oustcmcrsarereqacstod tocou tiane thebr patrorngo nr.d ns roauy new eno as may find it convonrent. ns ho assures tpotn that hois prepared to furnish the material and do tbe work lo proper man nor. JulyH.IB5:L TIJOS. SHEA. M TAVERN STAND M IS CUIi WENS VILLE, Pa. THE .aliicribtr annore, to tell at PRIVAtE BALE hit CONVENIENT HOTEL intlie town or OUKWLNBVIi.LL.'kaowa Bitba Am©ffn©Baim M®iis©° Ills situated on tho norlhwe»t corarr ol State nad Filbert Hreets.and in the centre of the basinets partofiho town Tne housets 45 by 48 feet, two stories high wih n ha»oxent. and is every way calculated fora publlo houso. Ther'isal* l 0 S a PfonjisDS a large and convenient stable, together with,nil other necessary buildings. Ihd property will bo sold on the most lavoiable terms, and for farther information application may be made cither to the inhicriberqn the premises, or to W, A . Wallace, atClcarlldd. JapolU&fl. ISAAC BLOOM Jr. EnglandWhipgseda Tariff or no Tariff, THE snbscribor intends keoping on hand a targe assort* mentofiUUN and which ho will full on - the most reatonahloterms*attho Iron nod Foundry»tor< adioin ins Leonard & Moore. • Clearfield; Doo. (i, 1853. K ' OAI^ pl1 ’ A * ont - STRAW GOODS—SPRING 1853. THE tSubiorihor is no\v prepared to oihibitto MwrcbnnU ; nnd ftlilinorg his utnol heavy stook of Ladies* un i Mis* eei’ STRAW AND SILK BONNETS, . . , STRAW TRIMMINGS and A RTIPICIAIi PLOW ms ; ; , Talm.lbaf. Fnanum nail every vgriot, of 1 BDMMMU-nATB' • ' For Renllomea i y/b|oli fbr Txtaat,' '.Vruiftr. a«d ■ beairtf of maaafacturo.a. tvellaf anlformly oloio price, will bo fuand opriyaljp.j, . i.; ... -j.. '• ' ■ „ . . Tho Mab white. Soalb EeodadSUaet. Rhtiadelphia.,. : BOOKING STOVES, C>aif 3, . . . Agent ft NJjW.'GOO rnilß B»b*tab««Vfoo!a (Wort* \lio JL m«l/«oo»ple4 Large, fylendidfyQh^ Aoortment OfGoodl, uonttuingoWvoiir ilylo oij'qSJj^i Dry Goods, Groceries, . lery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes' Bonnets, Confectionary,, h ij Clocks fif Watches. ALSO, a tarcoadil will Mkclod itock©f-\ rj[ }^ "* Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs cinqs, fa,. sv. : I a short af) klndsbl Gondi'uinall/.kpniin All of wliloh ho iKlotorminO'itdieliUEfHAMilt'/‘iiJLlmftSft e “ °^ u PEJ\N IRON FOUNDUV; S Machine, Pattern nnd IHnelisniith SW," : i 3 a o ... ; :;i TUB ‘ondartiesed woold dpnoanco To tho : Clearfield, and ad;olnlDß counties, IhiUhahaioSSr room on Second street, in tho borough of of e,J*t4 Horn of Loonarrito Moore, wumo ho intends.itm*!* GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP CASTINGS, wtSB> 10 be made of i he boat material, ami at pricos that oauM*3 to i/leaen. TbefollMVln* conpo.op„uol liiostookcafast?** PULTON*B IIOT-AIU COOKING STOVE.:ibj-Sfci Wood or Goal This qtovehas probably tho laraeiilS l dacUoa-of any other Joim of stoves. It hai stipend**, almost ovary county, the well known llatliawujr andyS!? lerstovoi. It is easily undettlood* nod the flues arranged that all can bo cleaned without any troubla y* peculiar form nnd construction ismeh as to ranl pMPsrciol nny meat ia Pennsylvania ; MILL LOGS, HHKVf. ING—large and small, of cast or wre tig at iron, HANGhgx. DRUMS amt PULLf E 3; Score and other approved VViol YVuCKLS: WOOD and IRON GA iIJ L 6; iIANDIUbu ' for Circular Saws, WOOD HOKINO MACHINE*. * Coiistnntly on hand and iorsalo, I’A.N.HfiC MIU.H. TllllfSlHNa hIACUINiid. f£J. NUUK’S UKUKHRATBI* OKAIN DHILJ-S. fcu.^c. Screw-Cutting. Anr*i/.ftl Porcvv, wilh ouy Ur*cr mnolfiji ry. I'crtooi doijinui lo onnlraul will do \w;l lu tail called mine the catalogue ofl’aimro*. and »i*p»:imrn*c.f bolero making cniOjifineuti eltewherr. Csitins* wiijbjw tivpfHl, il rtosiicd. fit Clwartif'ld, and wa .rantH■», bo cood malc.'Jal, and fiimimtl m a wuikraaoiifco ruO-nnar, Usr> me lu laooinir order FiVU riupencr tjtfjcrersi.* chmory in th* sawo proportion, enjuloymn noon bat tlafe* wr,rkroon, mjnelhe very Pis lr<*n fiinl l>nl, ivitlioiiy other ftdVQotni’Cs, lioUaticrihiaju.‘!fthrt hti wort, will bedni ai well tii in tho belt city «l»op>, an ; on tho cboro.t ForD'arttculun,cu!l on Mr. (, Aceut. -» , NATilAtt *1*223; ' March 4. IBSJ.—iy JOHN M. CHASE, New §t©B*C o f|MIE underilsnnd reiptrtfnlty inform the inh.ib'hnti'f! | Cleaifwld county, that Ihojr iiavu onenod a bToRB If the town of ANsMNVIIjLK lt» Jord.m towtuhip, all*; iDtftrieotion pf the Glen Hope tnrapikp with tho 4Jhcsf CrfG toad, and oflbr for sale a full sdpply of ' . C23*c3s>.ciOe3 0 ; Groceries , Hardicare, Drugs. Talent Jilci: icirtcs and all other articles usually • , kept in a country store. Allofwhich will bo »oM at moderate pric-’i f*r cadi. 6 thonged for GRAIN. CUMBER, - &a,, Uar rc|c'*b>ni|| nspecWolly a»k tc t u-.*uro them wn int>i»J duiElbv lioeis at ru lew rales &< cub purchase*.tvitl allow. : :i;TI:Tr JaDei4.lio3.-ly. , CHASE *iJ37YA$i,, REA® THIS? ," 1 David HAUittn-s uaiuhet. nlni ciiaih wam ROOM, on bocortd street, opperi’e I’o-.v; !! ii CoY.itor*. whore he has on hand all kinds of CABIS !iV WAf{&«tfP CHAIRS, each as MAHUG.'CiY aad \YAGNUf .CtiAlfiS,. WINdOIiCHAIRS, ROCKINGOII AIRS. ARM CHAW? MAHOGNEY SPRING nEAT OilAllirf. SHliEl3ktA, lounges-maiioroney. Walnut and ciißßfif HUREALO. DUELING BUREAUS, TtHbEf and VIK* TAHIiCS. END, HIKING nod BREAKFAST TAUWS : CENTRE.'TABLES. FRENCH ar.«l HEMJ PUrif CRB, bTls.\l)3j) ESKrt and BIXjK CASKS, i rTTt)MAN§,6c. Any perron within* lo buy will do well lo Rive as he is determined to le'l ower than I*l3 som>*'ejcjofcs had ehewheia in the county.—OCFMNs matlo to oriffat thrihurteit nclioo. UaVI 1) SALhEif. Clearfield. Attaint 5. RS3. - 1 as a; nr r»as a l L’s esotfJi . CLI:a IiFI KM.), I' A ‘ t: Y 'pHE subtcriber raosl rcapectfolly intbrrui theciltfpid i CbameJu coonty. nnd the travnllmir publics the.l bo ha* taken tho nbovo named HOTEL utoniei o»Uj; come* of Front and Market «irteU, in the borough ofC«» Held, nhnro bn will nt oil times ho proarrd Ij ;u*oojr.BiBdiU iboia who may Invnr him with lb* if *nsu m. Ho tommill, boapnre Iby the proprietor to make his ouc:oru’ri cntnl'tiltli 1 nnn hi* home a HUM Hto (bote who may itjp with h:r* t ll l * STARKE will he uirerull? oiicndcd to—atu) W'CA 4 ' RLE and OAK supplied v. uh the Lett the iruirXei wi.UftnL wm. j. nbMi'iiibif,-' Aucnit U. |J?S3. f. A Desirable Taveru Slain) aud Farm** USt FOR SALE OR RENT. r S 'UK * ■ lucriburnlYrs for SAJ.E or KKNT, hf* \v»lib»ll; X TAVIiKN tr l'Afi l), on thori'pnflitt‘ ma tO\\ N 1/OT6. that he will iwijjotoof ajiombffif me town cf AN6GNI iIiLE. Uie location if wh'.cli cllwit ireat iuuucumenta to Aie;h(intoi kcaacs);S>o : viiMl; SAM DEE H ERFUi.'K, one of the late F ir£. dcaffi tliflM niuever consented to a dUtoluii u. Iflljfll J, irniofBmttr it is by the auto, my lute p#rwft with a design to prevent me irons the oajoymentoi' (brjfl* real estate, nnd »l the pnitoerihin tiruprAy.- -vi brencFmllo Oct. L8.1833.-21: pd. . aAM ti. Uf.HRKft. LIST OF LETTERS, .^3 Remaining in the Post oflico at on the Ist of October, 1853. 1 . Affnew Oenjamin, Dr6tvn Eli. Iltitlrr Qeorjrff. CuiljVJd** Cotler Mus Marcuret.CipsxuaDJames, Ct-tirtoty Davidson Joseph 11., Dunlap Min A. A., lExon tsemaetw*/ wards Mias Sarah, Gooiilaoiler Miss MorflfirfrvGrFKorL’W* 1 Garber Emnnij**! Hpgcn llayj U. A..llnmtiU ilnroJphn.U, Uemp.iill John. Henderson Mr*. Ssr&liJ &h hnrtJohn. KonnerMUs Catharin'* E.. Knanor Mn. Ha|Wjk Miller John J.. MoUrady Edward. Mill Matthias,Him Peiriok, Mable Alton. MiijerMissUatharian, Rum'jargetfcf, sonh fck, Sballor Daniel, Shaw fCw' A.; •ThomHCoivtOW 'teSSejea. 40UM.U W ..m««,i;^ —... — -t{W5S!i 2£ST.Cp. cya>g3^ ‘ i 'TUyirfdTY.Plßona „f - ’ ••• Si IJlIl; II EMIV SWASi'