Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 11, 1853, Image 2

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    /rii , cvrr!l ' annoying occurrences have ta-. cn as to the true boundary lino between our on ibe other, to llio distant realms of Asia, articles now taxed, and especially such ns
House of-jienrc'ietittitives'' ‘ V " “ i ° r*| at *° at * h'vann, or in ilia vicinity ol territory of New Mexico und the Mexican ; J n,m deeply sensiblo of the immense enter into manufactures, and are not large-
Tlio interest wiih liir-h" it ’ t 'he Island of ('nba, between nur citizens State of Chihuahua. A former commis- responsibility which the present magnitude 1 |y, or at all, produced in the country, is
flic Republic nniiciiviio tfo- °°- , ‘ nish^rijn horities Considering sinner oftho United States, employed in of the republic, and the diversity and tntil- commended to your candid and careful
Cnnirress nod ilm ' S g 0 !P I ' 0N ", II|I . V ol ! ,iril °d lo.onr shores; running that line pursuant to the treaty of tiplicity of its interests devolves upon me •- consideration.
ston of ’llic dutv imimsoil’?,nA °' CCn " l - v "'S> ns . ll * ,oe . s ’ ,n ~M> ,r ? ck Guadalupe Hidalgo, made a serious mis-Mhe alleviation of which, so lar t*s‘relates-! You will find in the report ofolfre Scdrc-
Prcsidcnt is ore of.ihn iL,. “?•?”' ” ” CW r t , wccn so . m . <! ol prmc ' pi .' l , ‘''Ucs.-i-iind take in determining the initial point oil; the jto the immediato. cpndtict of llio public btf-;| tarv of the-Treasury, also, abundant 1 proof
their capacity to renli/o ilm i,„!, C 7.i° f 'l 10 s . u Sf«W s .'.‘gdanco Yvuli which _ (or- j.ftuf Grande;; but,; inasmuch- as hi3>iicG*i, si ness, is,'niy-reliance'pn the wis-.of the entirmhdequacy oftho present fis- 1
roundore ofA „oliii,- n 7 ru-, !' 4 ,° 'f urs< ?» purticuhrty that with tlm .sion was filenrlyra departure from • the dbjdoninnd patriotism of : : Houses Ofjcal system, fo meet all the, requirements of
complex nnd svmn/eirienl ’ y< UMre “n At Sla ‘ cs ’ 19 ,hc f° S»'«KJ‘-‘d, a rcpeiu| rection for tracing tjiq boundary contained Congress ; and, Secondly, in ; the directions the public seryico, -find v Uint,” while nrc
forent brandies of thAmvrmn rA A' llot l of s . l,< ; h °^ may well be op-j illthat treaty; it was nofconcurred in by aflbrdod me by the- principlesV public 1 perly administered,-it operates to the ad
h certain extent indenerd „ i,V P' ohcndci. As no diplomatic the surveyor appointed on the part of the policy, affirmed by our fathers or the epoch vantage ,of the communitv in ordinary
rho dul es ofa i nli| P e o other, ,s allowed between our t ons,, at Havana United Slates, «liosb concurrence was nc- of 1798, sanctioned by long experience,: ’
r _ to *l,e -nme 7, ‘,-' C "A i.' o !?*"' [ind ,1)c C.iptnin-Ciencral at Cuba, ready ecssnry to give validity to that. decision, ■ and consecrated anew by tho overwhelm-1 r resirtictfullv ash vour attention to sun
intelv uniter l,i,A! -1° |,o " cr - ■ bottu- explanations cannot be made, or pronipt tjiis goVcrpjpent isijpheoucludod, tlip/pby Jiing.yoicc of,the people of |ho,U, Slates, [dry suircestionb in'- the
Ij I | I wl’ r | man I Sl |- , ' ( ' l toss nflordod, where injury has resulted* but Mint of Mi.vicb takes nllUiereiU view' Recurring to these princfplOs', ivliiohTon- settlement of esnccinllv ns re
lugl , and none so-humble, In the scale ol All complaint on the pan of our citizens, of the subject. stituto tho organic basis of union we I S ° tl , *A , accoun,s > especially ns re-
Mil all od'ic’al !2°mm ST” racn“ S? 5 ™re'lmcliTo ? ’T™' ori ' u -' l ljrli<liB B Whvccn Ilic l«'o Iho iluhiis if life federal governraenl, «c»|.; roforms ,|, O arl m i„i s „„ii, o actioo 0 f | lia
if ~ ; 1 , mem, and then ich.ricd to tjptun.. bpain --republics. • Qur Munster in .-Mexico busied in, or entrusted to, its three grenHld- 1 demriment which nro indicated hv thn
'f • i U ■ nn ' !”,i 'b cnce , c i f8 n ' c vcTcrs to her local authorities in (,’u- 'ample, instpucljons t/* adjust lhci». /; Nego- 1 pnrlmonls, the legislative, executive‘and i Scoreeirv also-to the Onvrross made
• ir ’l" “ B ovcrn ' 1 ms oignnizei ,ha fpr invustigatipn, and postpones on on, tuitions li.ayd' been 'opened, but sudieient judicial, yet tho substantive power, the pop-! ; n j) 0 e/nstruction of marine 0 hospitals
s .1,0 solo reliance ol the con cderacy, and SWC r 1,11 she has heard from those, author- progress!,as d'ot bcr',l nin'de Iherelh to cn- uiar force, add; the do fgo capacities for so
-5 d r ,OP lt i itU % , , ... . and material exists in S Now'
f ° ' , s P n tons and lo avoid these irritating and vexatioup Impressed wiih the importanco of main- tho respective‘SlatQs, which all being off Yorh lieretnfore nmvidedfiiVhvt'onoress-
UieTc'cTiiU 11 r° P ouer 011 Oll b. h'tt'd, and delays, a proposition lias been made to tninidg nmirnhln reiiitions with that repub-i t|icntselves well constituted republics, ns L n ,i _j_ 0 . ,-niircndv succesSfuf nro'i
Uic assaults ol personal ambit.on on Urn provide for a dine appeal for redress to lie, and ofyiclding with liberality tobll'her they proceeded, so they alone a[o capablel w
• i r . , iho (, hv our consul, in be- just clnims, it is rcasonnblo to expect thnt ol maintaining, and perpetuating the Amur- r ;,.i,, i.rtehr.i ’
Ihe ,n crest, ol which I have spoken, is half of our injured fellow.«:iti/.en.s. ll,th- 'nn arrangement hmittmlly satisfactory to dean Union. ° • vonr niton.
I*'*' 1 '’ 10 r °ui an lOijuirmg, sell-govern- erto, the grn enimrnt ol Spain has dcclin- both countries may he concluded, and n] Tho federal government litis its Appro- : ,: on , V ;|| D |J imnortant recommendations
nrT p D 'iV U f U } )l css> lo cn!cl ' ‘" l0 ,u ’y arrangement.— lasting friendship between them confirmed priato lino of aolion in tho specific and lim- p rom t i. e of War and Navv I
, n n P , e, l-T’ by UnBu " c ?»- P"'“ deeply regrctt- and perpetuated. 1 • i i, C( | powers conferred on it by tho consti-. “m Mlv sa isfie A that Navv of'thS
h ~1 1° ,l,lons ''' ! 1 FOVCrn l lore |g n cl; for wiihoul sortjo nrrajigfjnicnt oi thid. Congress hnving provided fof nfu I f mis* [ufjoi.*, cjiiplly as lo Ihoso ihings in which, rr « :is riot in a condinoii ol'slrcntrth and i
fro 9> N lO now 0 'ga'ions resultrng kind-, the good unuerstnuding between the sion lo the States of Centrnl America, a 1 tho States havo a common interest in tlieiri ( p |t ,jp, ) v n s - '. c v .j, tu,. o|lv,!,n: 0 |lv ,!, n : I
rom a sudden extension ol the field ot cn- two countries may Lo exposed to occasion, minisjer was-sent thither in Julv last'. As’relations to ono another, and lo forei-m ■, 7' y cownon ™™° lw B"**
lerpnse; by the spirit with which the Hold al interruptions. Our Minister at Madrid vet he has had lime to visit only one of governments; while the groat mass 6f l "7 and other interop
has been entered, and the aina/.mg energy is instructed U> renew tho proposition, and these Stales, (Nicaragua,) where he ivaq ‘ interests which belong, to tho. cultivated ; n,, 0^ 0 .! f T" it
ail i winch its resources tor meeting the to press it again upon the consideration of received in the most friendly manner.— men, the ordinary business of life, tlm ISccretnrv the \ resnep^fnl'lv
ctnun sol humanity have been .(level- Her Catholic Majesty’s Government. It is hoped that his presence and good of-' springs of industry, and nil tho drver re M i, m ; f im,, ,u„ \.'t VI „/| nP
®? 1 • , ' Tor several years Spain has been call- liccs will have a benign efiect in compos- ■ silied personal • nnd domestic nlfaira of so- - c . must nlw-ivs ho' Jlnr.tnH iviil Mils
Alujough disease, assuming nt ono timo ing ific attention ol this Government to a irig tiro dissemions which prevail nmong'cioly, rest securely upon the general ro* l‘\ .\.-J * n , . . ° l . 1 ,
.the ehaineteristics of a wide-spread .nnd claim for losses, by some ol her subjects, them, and in establishing still more inti- served powers of tiio people of the several' '.P- i, ~ ‘ , e,es »oa a nucleus aroun
uciasiatmg pestilence, has Icit its sad tra- in the case ol the schooner Amista/l. This mate and friendly relations between them Stales. There is the ellbetivo democracy 1 „!i „„ - lU ,'i° L *V L ' ei orco3 ° u nulloll -
ccs upon some portions ot our country, wc claim is Ijclieved to rest on the obligations respectively, ami between each of them l of tl,o nation, and there the vital essence : ° ' V',-" 3 1011 r (an S cr > 4u i rc»j
,have still the most abundant cause lbr rev- imposed by our exiting treaty widt that and the United States. of its being and its greatness. ; augmentation or mod,heat,on, to adapt ,t |
enmt thankfulness lo God for an accumu- cunlry. its justice was admitted, it. our the vast regions of this con- 1 Of the practical consequences which l ;> l.mits and
lahon of signal mercies showered upon ns diplomatic correspondence with tho Span- linent, nml the numher of States which ' lluw from tho nature olYliu federal kov- !i°,*r °r. ° T Col " l . rj J lll ) 1 condition of
as a nation. It is well that a eonciousness ish Government, us early as March, lb-17 ; would he made accessible by tho free nav- 'eminent, the primary ono is tho dutv of ' C “.I!* P ‘ , S ,C °(. 1 ,c con ‘.
ot rapid advancement und increasing nnd one of my predecessors, in his annual igation of the river Amiy-onj particular at- administering with integrity and lido-lit v "o' 1 ’ 10 nccc.ssuy of which wiM appear ,
Btrougth bo habitual y associated with nn ; message of that year, recommended tlmt tentiou has been given to this subject.— tho high trust reposed in it by the consti- 111 conunun,c ‘ Ulons 01 the Secretaries .
ki i , SUn ‘ SO , •°f dc P entic^ cu u P on Hitn provision should be made for its payment. Ri;azil, through whose territories it passes tniion, especially in the application of the ° , ']*, nl 'j • • ln!o . nor - 1
Who holds in Ins hands the dost,„y of men In January Inst it was again submitted to into .1, ■ ocean, I,as hitherto persisted in a! public funds as drawn by taxation from n „ B^ fn ‘ n,s ‘™ ~onp of ho Vosr-oJTice t
onto na tons. "C’. Congress by tho Uxecntive. It has ro- policy so restrictive, in regard to the use: tho people, nnd.uppropriutecl lo specific oh- r -i° r ,i * C ' 3Cn en r, 60
Recognizing tho w.sdoin ol the broad eeived a fimnahlo consideration by com- oft hi's river, as lo obstruct’and nercly ex- jeeti by Congrcsi - I appily L have no Sc- 10 f OS9 ,' c ?P cnd . ,llir . o . w,,s
- pnnciplo of absolute religious tolcrelmn mi.tccs of both branches, but ns yet there elude, foreign commercial intercourse'willU casion to suggest any radical change, in “o cvc ' l . 1 ni,l ° iunl rci an . d I
proclaimed in our fundamental law, and has been no lit,til notion on it. I conceive the states which lie upon its tributaries and ' financial policy of Iho government 0 Oursis U.ousand sev Cn hundred and f,( y-s.x
rejoicing in tlio benign influence winch it that good faiif, requires its prompt adjust- upper branches. - Our minister to that;almost, ifnot absolutely, the solitary pow- J 0 "'^ 5 ’’ a " d - th° gross rcec.pU (lurmg
lias exerted upon our social and politcnl mont, and I present it to your early and country inns.ructcd to obtain a relaxation ler of Christendom having a surplus reven- i t,lc . l ‘ am ( 0 P en J’ five mill, on nine hundred
oond.uon IshoulJ shrink.lron, a clem duty, favorable consideration. of that policy, and m use his efforts to in- tie, drawn immediately from imposts on . I,oUsa " d sa ''en hundredand
did I fud to express my deepest convict, on, Martm Ivoszta, a Hungarian by birth, ducc the Rrazilian government lo open lo : commerce, nnd therefore measured by the l‘" ‘ > ji s * O ' V "'S 'hat the cur-1
tlmt wc can place no sure reliance upon: came to tins country m 1830, anti dec for- common use, under proper safeguards, this! spontaneous enterprise and national pros- rCVCn , U ,° K fa ! lcd ‘° ll ‘f CUrren '
any apparent progress, ,1 ,t he not sustain- cd Ins intention m due form of law, to bo-tgrent natural highway for international purity of tho country, with such indirect of d^ r f ne,,t b >! tilo .
B t r y, l^f line “m" f ' C colncai ' lllzt ' nofthcL,| ' llfllSl;ll < )S - After trade. Several or tho South American j relation to agriculture, manufactures, and '' ° T l* 0 ® -t ' V ° thouMnJ ““ d tl,,r y
great truths affirmed and illustrated by ut- remaining here nearly two years, he vis-, slates are deeply interested in this attempt tho products of tho earth and sea, as to L Ti USC 3 W “ a | h ’ !
y.ino rev cation In the midst ol our sor- iicd I’pikcy. Wlnlo at Smyrna, ho was, u secure the freo navigation of tho Ami- violate no constitutional doctrine, and yet;- H s^tcm ni ? d laW3 > ,ed
rpwfor the aflheted and, « has forcibly seized, taken on board nn Aus-zon, and it is reasonable to expect their vigorously promote tlio general welfare _! '° ll, ' s J e , sul ‘- aro fully explain
keen consoling to sec how promptly; trian hrigof war, then lying in iho harbor co-operation in the measure. - Neither as to tho sources of the public 7 ,l,e , rc P o, ' [ ° 1 1 lhc Postmaster-Goneml;.
ter made true neighbors of districts and ■of that place, and there confined in irons, As the advantages of free commercial 1 treasure, nov us to tho manner of keeping ,T f on ‘ cuUs ® bcin ? l , hc enormous rates!
CU,es separated widely from each other, wuh the avowen design to take him into intercourse among nations are better un-. and managing it, docs any grave 00..™°. havo compelled to j
ill r g | r i t ren E \ Ol ; ,he dolni,llons ef Austria. Our Consul at derstood, more liberal views aro generally versv now prevail, there boL a general i P r ° l '. rnad scrviro rendcred b X radroad !
In Ml ? er rT ’n ,Ch Un ; ,eB i Sm >' rna an - d at entertained as to tho common rights of all! acquic ? cence in the wisdom ofihnLscnt „ r , n
nil hearts, in all parts oftho Union, when j interposed for Ins release, hut their efforts to the free use of those means which nn-!-system P i 1 * lO "* tll( 3 (t-T orl 1,10 I° st ‘
ikinger threatens from abroad, or calamity j were ineffectual. While thus imprisoned,, turo has provided for international com-' Tho report oftho Secretary of the Trans-1 7*°' I ° enc,a | l °‘ lbo ,nco ™ u | n " d ejc PC“-
1? -I r ■ Ingraham, with the the U. S. municotion. To these more liberal and urv will exhibit, in detail, iho state ’ y mails,camcrs u '.' ll bo foulld pu ‘
cowerslvlvi^linil'^-rTnnl^n 0 " 3 farc *g” St. Louis, arrived at Smyrna, enlightened views, it is hoped that Brazil; public finances and the condition of Z " nd n cbarQCtCr 10
tl 1, fh f r ' anSri ' “ ,lCr » nf l u,r * n S " R o circumstances, will conform her policy, and remove all various branches of the public service ad-) '■ l ° mand ' llL ' lmmcdialc ac,lon of Con B njSS -
With so ftfon i!" 'o! 10l 101 w ni' T r CaSC ’ "‘""i tlu \ CJ,cla3lon llml ’ unnecessary restrictions upon tho free usej inhered by Hint department of the -rev- ' „ N V me !P us nnd nu S rant (nu6i u P on lhc
some ol them questions ol a disturb- Koszta was entitled lo the protection of; of a river, which traverses so many states crnmc'nt. j I ension Bureau have been brought tolight
If-o nL 0 ,! I r pcn .1 116 ’i’ Ut lher ° lh ' H nnd took energetic and and so large. u part of the continent. I am! I ho. revenue of the country levied n i i ' v 'thin the last year, and, in some instun
nfte ndnS V ° ,ha ' ‘hesenwy- prompt measures for his release. 'happy to inform you that the republic cl! most insensibly, to the o„; ces : ™ riled P“«» sh^»‘B inflicted ; hut,
'* For some years 1 nasf ('ri-at Hrlin' . ' L'lder an arrangement between the Paraguay and the Angcntine Confcdcra-i from year (o year increasing beyond cither i ;> nlor '“ n^, v, in others, guilty parties
so ho^rst'nrticlo'of the con von* °, f lho f tu S ‘“ los and °.l A.ifitrm, Mon havo yielded to the liberal policy still;.ho mte resist tho prospective wants 0 f • Jaj'O escaped, not through tho wantofsuf
so construeu tlio lirst articlo of the convcn-, ho was transforred to the custody ol the , resisted by Brqzd, in regard lo lhc navi-aa- t thaacovernmeiil - ficient evidence to warrant a conviction,
l^ 2011 ' 01 , Pnl ’ 818 ’ m consul-general at Smyrna, l.l,cre' bio within their Aspect "er ho-! "TScSof the fiscal year ending b(lt inconsequence of the provisions oil
IV7I r°' a !> onor remain until he should ho pi, posed of nos.' Treaties embracing this subject,, Juno there'remnined in the existing law's.
|shLgSdttoShZyX C |fre°’ I?’ th °s "'“'re! agrccnM ’ nt f 7 f onsld » of, among others, havo been negotiated with, treasury „ balance of fourteen million six - From llio nature of those claims, tho
sorted for ncirl’v -i aimrir-r J’ i- ; * rcsi>eUive governments at that place, these governments, which will he submit-; hundred and thirtv-two thousand one lmn-l remoteness of tho tribunals to pass upon
subsequcji t' to 'the data of that t 71 ' UrBU ;‘ nt t' ‘ 7 i tcd l ° 1,10 al lba session. . dred and thirty-uix dollars. Tho p«V,Hc <, and the mode in which tlm. proofis,
TJic United States have never acnuiosccd TI^K n °| V T I3 "Y 10 t lU | U 'i b ‘ A > lc ' v , -’ ra ” ,:h Rr “‘nmorcc, importaut, revenue for the fiscal vear cnding r junoi° f necessity, furnished, temptations to
inlhis construction but Imvenlwnvs rhhn 1 I L | P r °„. Aus K ‘ S udc ,bo to tl,c !I k r fnultural interests of the United, 30, 1653, amounted to fillv-cigl.t million 1 cnmo hsVe fi een greatly stimulated by the
SES™r n "S ° l Ul ° niof -7. W ,0 ,. 100k P« rt l»as. a few years past, been'nine hundred and thir.y-onJ thousand ei»ht I obvious ditliculties of detection. Thedc
they ' 3 rall p a< ' loaa s .'t b »' grave com-, opened wuh Bern. Notwithstanding the hundred ami sixty-five dollars from C u S in tho jaw upon the subject arose
ijojf. With a vTcw to' remove nil ditlicul P j 'Cgardmg koszta ns slid his sub-; inexhaustible deposits of guano upon the toms, and two million four hundred and ■ apparent, and so fatal to the ends of jus- 1
tics on the subject, to "xtend the ri-lits of ' |CC |r J 'o ""’i" 1 ” At ""t ° bl,n » “nds ol that cimntry, considerable dtfii- five tliousnnd seven hundred nnd ci«ht - tkl -’> tl,at y our early action relating to it is 1
our fishermen beyond thehmits f red hJ " l"*'V7'?• ' are experienced u, obtaining the dollars from public lands and other mis-. most desirable. ° ,
tho convention of IHIS and lo reculate 1 10 A 3 c o nn government its rc<juisitc supply. Measures have been tn- ccllaneous sources, amounting toirether to t During tho last fiscal vear, nine million
trade between the United States nnd the I dTsavowuf oHho rcmovc 1 1,,Ci ! 0 to sc si.My-one million threo hundred nnd thirty-- ei S h: hundred nnd nineteen thousand four
British North American provinces a neim. '' n -' *r •,1 11 1 * r,< ' > ll ‘ l j sat-tenru a importation of the, seven thousand five hundred nnd seventy-; hundred and cloven acres of the public
tiotion.hns been opened Aviih a fair pros- 1 Aref'TcmiAdAutiTA'°tho 'caso f' 1“' arllrU '- ] .“ lol ' l; [n-ntcly, there has been a four dollars ; while the public expenditures' lan<ls have been surveyed, and ten million I
pect of a favorable result. To protect our'm the conclusion tint Kos/t-i was 3cnous CoUiston between our citizefts, who for the same period, exclusive of payments' ,l,rcc hundred nnd si.xty-ihrce thousand
fishermen in the cnjovment ortheir rights, j without len.xl nullioritv at Smyrna • ttmi ■ 7 C hmca lslnnds . '“ r "- : ° n aC( - ,ou nt of the public debt, amounted tonight hundred and nincty-ono ncres bro’t
nnd prevent collision between tliem°nnd ! i, n n . re,': a ? , 11 ” ,ld . l h a l uvwnauihonUcs stationed there.: forty-three million tivo hundred and fifty-1 11110 market. Within the same period, the
fyitish fighermcn, l deemed it expedient to'Austrian hrigof vvnr tlm time ofi f °‘ ‘' C oul, j n h ras j committed l ay the. four thousand two hundred nnd sixty-two i snlcs hy public purchase and private entry
station a naval forccin that quarter during his seizure ho vv-is cl<’/hed with the nation ! " '! I ? ro,n l >ll >' d< -' mu " lJctl b y oun dollars ; leaving u Lntnnco of thirtv-two ' nmounled to one million eighty-threelhous
llio fishing season. °!nlitv nf itn’ I'niip 1 4i,i. • 1 na| ioii-• nuni.--tei at lama. I Ins subject is now j million four hundred nnd twenty-live thou-, nnd fi ,ur hundred nnd ninely-fivo acres;
Xsmbarmssiug questions have also arisen 1 acts of our otliccrs undcrVho'circum.stnA | Ul 'l'’ r aansk<J, ;' rn " o1 ’- and lbere 13 reason to 1 sand lour hundred nnd forty-seven dollars locatL ‘ ,J llndur military bounty land war
between the two governments in regard to 1 cam A ‘ 7, o(]cr «“Ic-: of receipts above expenditures. rants, six million one hundred and forty-
Centrnl America. 0 Great Britain has pro- 1 !'A m,lL ' n !' m y ‘oTictigneved parttes. . This fact, of increasing surplus in the thousand three hundred and sixty
posed to settle them by amicable arrange-1 mid a compliance with j| ic sevcial demands for ' f * V n °i °. n '' ut P l '' o ,' o l '" b . nl [ 1 tens ury, been mo the subject of anxious aa 'es ; located under other certificates,
ment, nnd our minister at London is m-' ofthc 0 fthc Fn peror of Austria has been de ' i-'' 1 ".' 1 UCS ’ ba ’' n r ° fe,ar ‘ 10 P ° I ‘- lCn : c ° nsldural ‘ ol ' nt a ve '7 car, y l ,criod °l'niv : nmc ,ha t ,s '''' d four hundred and twenty
structed to enter into negotiations on . ha-' ° lined Aus.trm has been de- afo.i.s are exempt from any cause ol se- jadministralion, and the path ofduty in re- 3a ven ncres; ceded to tlio States as
suliject. ; i.' of ' a nlor f it „ ccoun . of -l- .. nnnf , ; riq "* u'fcfluioluae tn our domealic relations igard lo it seemed to mo obvious and clear.' swamp hinds, sixteen million sk-liundttd
A commission for adjusting tho claims' lion nnd my views in regard to it I rofier ! tl J^ ‘ ,nv ? a S ltatcd : nnmoly ; first' to apply the surplus revenue! ond eighty-four thousand two hundred
of our citizens against Great Britain, and) to the correspondence between thet'linmo' lit 7 hcrcto.ore, are passing away ito tho discharge oftho public debt, so rnr' and fifty-three acres ; selected for railroad
slnndc,rd or i--r sand
it is in many respects, desirable that the! n proper occasion occurs he’appl’tcdand cn ■ to 01 “(I! K T*' 01 tllcso objccts.the first Ims been in the: The total amount of land disposed of
Loimdnry lino between the United Btntes! forced, ’ Pf ’foilhrenf 7/- .T- 7 P 7 ,bc , C oH , rso of nccomphshnicnt, in a manner - " ithin the fiscal year, twenty.five million
Itnd the British provinces in the northwest, j The condition of Chinn nt this time ! Uninn^ ° cif ’ hc!r dpvalllon . , ° !I. lc aad to a degree highly, satisfacrerv,- The I,,fcc hundred nnd ninety-two acres ;
aa designated in the convention oftho 15th renders 01 !" prohahfo t , 1 t r!’?-f'fo' Mll ° 0 MOU,I ‘ °'' P " b,ic debt - ol ' rdl 'classes,' which is nn increaso in Quantity sold
of June, 1840, and especially that port,! change will occur in UiaT vmst e “>2" i N vdfi.e B 1 nst, t" t, ° ns ,, was, on 11,0 4th of March, 1853, sixty-.“"d located under land warrants and
which separates the Territory of Washing- 1 which will lead to a mere unrestricted in’ 'held 'nliko’so.^^ ld " pC ° C V b °r T" 0 "'I '° n ° n ° l,u P <lrcll nnd niuetyof twelve million two hundred and
ten from the British possessions on tho j tercoursc with. it. TbJZ"I 1 T" d and doflars ; p a /. j.hirty-ono thousand eight hundred and
north, should bo traced and marked. I; that country, who lias hven recently .am 1 - Thi-t now ■, 1 r.i nienls on account of which have been j eighteen acres over tho fiscal year irrime-
Uicrerore present thesuhject to vour notice. 1 pointctl, is instructed to avuil himself dill (mil eonfi.bnf rn d i,m,t > rn . nd oftho mu- nmclo, ainco th:it period, to the amount of; dlil to proceeding. Tho quantity of fond
»-,.h.1 ranco our relations continue on' occasions ,0 openfond exfond SmE't ! 1 ° T'l* 0 " T 7 ttnd tbrcc ! So ' ddufin B «'>« and third quarters
•bpippst friendly fooling. The extensive 1 cial relations, not onlv with the empire of pilA allbfds ' ® n,orcd » l>ap- ( thousand three hundred and twenty-nine j of 18fi 2. were throo hundred and thirty
commerce between States and China, but nith other Asiatic nations I foAhJ adoption olfo 1 I °PPo*.un.ty dollars, leavmg nnpaid, and in the cornin', four thousand four hundred and fifty.ono
, |.nt country ought, it is conceived, Jio ro-1 In 185*2, an expedition was sir to Ja-' l„d uSomSI rrtssi of P oH acres. Tho amount received therefor; was
eased from some unnecessary restrictions, >n. under the command of Commodore Son as " the area emLlnnM l,'V ■ ‘ft 8 !* hundred and eighty-[ six hundred ond twenty-ihrec thousand
Wnf n )ul° n l advantage of both parties.—Perry, for thb purpose of opening ,OB p ßnd i S ® vcn audcightdol-!^ hundred and eiglity-sbven dollars.-
With a view to this object, some -progress| cial intercourse with that island. Intelli. 1 sel Um- in-co’rinection Whh iltlh -r' 1 h ? Be n a y ni ( ? n ‘ s * “hhoOgh mado at I ho quantity sold- the second and third
lKiqbqenmade >n negotiating a treaty of gencc has bce.i received of his pn-i• 1! cWfozA SJ" ™ ,ho F°' vcrs oF , respective classes Quarters of,he year 1853,was ono milli
-comnerce and navigation in,cre, and of his having made known fo! .„i BA •'. ./^ I ° f been Qffc,itod readily, and Jon six hundred nnd nine thousand nine
Independently ofqur valuable trade with'ihe Emperor of Japan the object of Irs vis- ually nrtd stendilv to nVM.'i ft e enort «l advantngfe of the treasury, hundred and nineteen acres; and tho a-
Spain, wc have unportnot political relations it ; i )llt it U not yet nsecrla.ned' how 'far fou shions Tb-V' ac ';- and hav° at the samo time' jrrovby of sig. mount received therefor, two million two
t h t r t^ r ? W, A^ 0 r ° r ncrehborbood : the Emperor wilfbc disposed to abandon 1 ?oeW ul.htym.thq rel,ol*«hey I.hvo, incidcn'- hundred and twenty-six thousand eight
tp the l Eland of Cuba nnd Porto Rico. This first restrictive policy nnd open tlmt tioned nrb how univoriJl bccn W cs -, ,all y njlbided to th 6 mptjev market and to hundred nnd sevonty-six dollars.
i million seven hundred, and scvcMy. e jji
thousand one hundred and twenty acraT
i Warrants hiivo been issued to UOth*
September last, under the net of 1 l,h p ?
ruary, 18V7, calling for twelve aiilli!!
eight hundred apd aeventy-nino thqu*.^
' two hundred:tmd eightyscjrcs; .under!!;.
l of September 38,-1850,: oB d March d,
’ 1852, calling for twelve million-fivo-W
dred nnd fivo ‘.bousand three hundredaS
sixty'acres ; '’malting n total of twenty R'
nrilllibn 1 three hundred and
thousand six hundred and forty acres
1 . It is believed that experience have vef
lied tilts wisdom and justice
system, Villi regard to the public demafn.
in most essential particulars. -
You 'Will percoive, from tho reports
the Secretary of.the Interior, that opju
ions, which have often been.
relation to the operation of the land systen
as not being a source of revenue to
federal treasury, were erroneous. -Tj,
net profits from the sale of the public
to June 30, 1853, amounted to tho
j fifty-three million two hundred nndeigL,
[ nine thousand four hundred and sixty
, five dollars.
I recommend tho extension of tlmltjj
system over tho Territories of Utah xt,
Sfcw Mexico, with such modifications t)
their peculiarities may require,
i Regarding our public domain nscliieflj
I valuable to provide homes for the indiin,
rious ond enterprising, I am not prepay
to recommend any essential change inti
land system, except by modifications h
favor of the actual settler, and an extet
sion of the pre-emption principle in cer
tain eases, for reasons, nnd on groundi
which will he fully depelopcd in the re
ports t<? be laid before you.
I Congress, representing the proprietor
-of the territorial domain, and chargedes
pecinlly to dispose of territorj
belonging the United States, has, for)
long course of years, beginning with thi
administration of Mr. Jefferson, exercisa
tho construct roads within li*
territories : nnd tliere arc so manyanf
obvious distinctions between this cxcrcis
of power nnd that of making roads” willjj
the States, that, the former has never bea
considered subject to sqcl,i objections u
aply to the latter, and such may noiv lx
considered the settled construction of the
power of tho federal government upontfc
| Numerous applications havo and
no doubt will continue to be, maijo fot
■ grants of land, in aid of tho construction
of railways. It is not believed to be with
in the intent nnd meaning of tho Consti
j tution, that the power to dispose of tfe
| public domain should be used otherwis
jtlian might bo expected from a prudes;
I proprietor, nod, therefore, tjiat grantit
! land to aid in tho construction of road)
| should bo restricted, to cuses whore i
would be for the interest of a proprietor,
under like circumstances, thus to contri
bute to the construction of these works.
for the, practical operation of sucl
grants thus far, in advancing tho interexit
of the States in which the works are locat
ed, and at the same time the substantia)
interests of all other States, by cnhancinj
tho value and promoting llie rapid sale of
the public domain, I refer you to the re
port of the Secretary of the Interior. \
| careful examination, however, will shot
that tills experience is the result of ajiul
j discrimination, and will be far from affot
| ding encouragement to n reckless or indis
criminate extension of the principle.
The erection of an asylum for the in
sane of tho District of Columbia, and of
tho army and navy of the United Slates,
has been somewhat retarded, by the gnat
demand for material and Inbor duringth
past summer ; but full preparation forth
| reception of patients, before tlio return of
i another winter, is anticipated, and there
; is the best reason to believe, from the plat)
jam! contemplated arrangements 'xoicj
| liave been devised, with the large exped
ience furnished within the last few yenrsij
relation to the nature and treatment of the
disease, that it will prove an asylum in
deed to this most helpless and nfilicted
class ofsuflerers, and stand as a noblemou
umeut of wisdom and mercy.
I commend to your lavorablc consider
ation tho men of genius or our country,
who, by their inventions and discovcricr
in science and art, have contributed larye.
ly to tho improvements of the ago, with
out, in many instances, securing for them
selves any thing like nti adequate reward,
for many interesting details upon thissubi
ject I refer you to the appropriate reports,
and especially urge upon your early alien
lion tho apparently slight, but really itit
portaut modifications of existing laws there
iii suggested.
Till) liberal spirit which lias so long
marked iho action of Congress in relntiot
to tho District of Columbia will, I Imvona
doubt, cuntinuo to bo manifested.
Undor tho act of Congress of August
31, 1852, nnd of March 3,1803, designed
to secure tho cities of Washington nnd
Georgetown an abundant supply of good
nnd wholesome water, it became my duty
to examino tho report nnd plans oftheefr
ginccr who had charge of the surveys un
dor the net first named. Tho best, ifMt
tho only plan, calculated to' sccuro- 1 per
manently tho object sought, wns that ivhici
contemplates taking the water from tb»
Great Fulls of tho Potomac, and conse
quently, I gave it my aprovnl.
for tho progress and present condition
of.this important work, and for its de
mands, so Ihr as. appropriations aro con
cerned, I refer you to tho report of tho
Secretary of War. ‘
Tho present judicial system of tho Uni
ted Stutcs has now been in operation for
so long-ii period of time, and Ims, into
gcnoral theory and much ofits details, bo
conic so fumilihr to tho country, and
quired so. entirely tho public
that if modified in any respect, it should!,
only bo in thpso'particulnrs which HV>y s 'jl
dapt it- to tho increased extent, populntiowl
nnd legal business of tho United Stntos.-r r |
In this relation, tho organization of •HI