, , Letter from |> Tho wop \viilcti, dccompaflies,,jhe 1 /ol? mornmg Inwinff imter from Gov.' Lane, /bnibhea, fbr CatiforoWj . i£'ulsSldende of thtf-J mpktfW Asp.m, rmmtrv bver iwhicli 'Atibroy 'm wMityin wit on Monday next. Vt .) v . . . 1 his recent < tour from Sati ; *° i Gen. 'ToßWpt.rr-% 0 .WPPf 1 ‘^A l .Gen !pa rails, that wo havo yet _rie'il.‘ ~* "A Tornel 'had been shot, by .erder of Santa | > 1 route I*.btetclidd with'much minuteness; n nn, is i'ncqrfect,, ultjwns ,Qqn. Robles S== previous ma P 3, of tho. country are correct- who wOB referred to. Who was not shot, CLEARFIELD , WO V. 3d, ‘1.853, j #n< | mnriy pdints'arp’ n,uted which , bul escaped,and reached thb town of Ko-. icaa^i-L 111 "" n eVer before had any place on' pur maps. mQ) on this sidoqf jhollio Grande. Ro- CCrFrorn the ti.no that our last paper. hope , Q ; |p have, it lithograph; b , e9 wnB ,,ho Mexican fietiretary,of;Wa< Las issued .until yesierdoy ..eVoninit, wo . . } he in^rmu ti on ,' o f our leaders, i un 'dnr President Arista, and was banished lave been übsdnt, -during whiclrtimo a .. • - Novcmbe'r 10,1853. . by'Saliva Anna; tiiid says that forty-nine Lmsidorablb number of lettcra l and com ■';■&&&'■# alt other men of stai)di ? g : jo inn n r(ed next y . 1 ,9 Mr Fetlx'X • Aubrey trial ns a conspirator. , , .... n . . Acr-Olncy simll’nppear ,n ”*“ avow J’J vo ™/ rt .quest I now.seiid:you li rrthp ofi New Yoke ELEortoN.-rTho 4Y,. V. •*lfcrThe ,® r bpt . oino Natives«s rouifc•platted from Mr. Aubrey’S notes ' Hcratd says the returns so -far re P e^» •? •*»>* me ; » ,h ° n &'Zt iV won ; und'his reputationfbi* ticket will have on aggregate major,^ Wes^nT nrp onaMa to truth, entitle his statements ,0 -enure crp- ,ovor^Sofls^n.tbo|mm, ® -j k Peak oasSd' d^%dersmnd[ re whicli facts furnished by Mr. Aubrey af- state. ;. . n Ijvere passed, ■?“ "I-,™" published- ford conclusive proof.thnt a railroad, up-, 6ne of the courts, recently. ( on. sss s^' !?•?* “IT A, “» Staror 7. 3. tai o» S ,r«e.c d ;b, .n 0,.. ..-I- » *J* f^ oU “maiofhv of which wero. The Kansas, Huerfano and Sangrodo , easo B i r .n, W as tho reply. w•• If "if Tuo or stuck*ibis-* side of Lock Cristo route has claims upon the public jj s( , id lho y have, in .M«rsqiU«3, flood is more needed just now consideration ; and another route,' 'bmnh Frnnc( , n bank> i p which Wrtmodlhfes afe ? th ' ' o v o r—aS there is an immense qunn-, 0 f it, which has not been spoken °^'- “.’ made tte medium of of cn h,. I hv ol lumber in a bad condition for the. in my Opinion, still higher;claims.- • rh.s T y ic - excha „pe butter for boots, and boots 'i {- J f d . ho Spring Thp weather re- route runs up the MtJrh, a brdnch of to , for buller> CB ndles for cliickens nnd chicjv v and pleasant hpU we have of Canadian, prise* a single mountain nmgo,. c (f ■ cflindles. fining back to *ln which hus kept tho streams ut a follows to the Rio Grande , thence !, . ni «. Rcnublican may not be well mnp forms a part,) will pass mo.e than T" S d w ihVho .PPearanee or our paper tW o degrees South of the Sangre de Or s pl'jased with ih PI ... • a difficult to and Cochutopeo route, and upon a Iqw- Vor the last two weeks, , b ,| m n three thousand 'h'r'i "i"”. SK SK frour readers, and fhosc who are indobtied n nd business ..r the.country may m U «SS^ IT. “n. MM .iMorjhe enn b. Co«,j,„,eJ f nhl« t<> accomplish, our oojt.u. - ,° n,, o rvtsf«rnin fdr : omi ,r rkht ,1-T-I ntw.iM nnd ha hers direcled to this best routes 10 • California, lor rjl' 0 mt t«.S ’ «• ully for It-wM-S" I*’ 1 *’ id days' ufler' they arc due-and ihoso, . VCfII^CAKK^.. . tmu.«wt«r m.™*" o T n ' o t' b t”„"t ;s! Ti^rsK^.r,!. Cm»r.li6niioo .t0,.1d to"r»id » ■'», „oon,,ti|, Tm~, ,to> ™oclvod d.». from SS~ mSSS. logol.rlv- . Tho country appeared 10 bo ,» d doploJ Fur the Republican. Greal | ears Q f a fumino woie nnticipu 'Messbs. Mooes & Wilson i—l bay® )cd „ w j o g l 0 a fnilnro -. f ’ ; ialwiiys considered' that tho Democratic ( ja ro gigli/iglpartics of , party was founded on the principles of a q|l , hQ princ rp U | highways, ond,dm sover- Btrict and liberal construction ot the Con-j uJ occusi(inB die mails had been robbed. Citation. It originated ns n party from i n< ji an depradations continued.-Tw.eUo the diflbrenco between Jcflerson nhd 1 persons had been murdered by of ' liton in the Cabinet of Washington The, lndinnB ‘ . , , r tUf •former conicnding that ns the Constitution: The cbo i ern continued to rage at Jalttpa i 'iirtho 11. S. said thut all powers not grun- d mnn y .deuibs had taken place. Sd to tliu General Government by that !• feidment are reserved,to the States or ■ *th'e ‘ pcoiile, nnd that as no ; power Irnn.ed by jt to cl.* W Umipd. S'«“« Ruik, th/rcfoVe, that'banld whs uhcons i- Itutional. The latter ns tlm heQ f, "Q jfvliich wished to strenothen *he Vvcrnmcnt at tho expense of . the States K Pimple, contended for thtS “usurping of lint power. Under these doctrines the ’.parties have been acting from that t:moto, £his; and unless it cun bo shown thpt there & pow'or granted to the General Govern •Wicnf by Uie-Constitution to pass laws de- our Southern brethren of their Sh s in flny oftho Tcrrittncsot&v D«i id States,.Lnijist cofiunuo to believer£at Collector Bronson' did h.s duty 08 a oc'rat.in refusing to recognize amj man ns : h J Pcmocrat w|io, was. in luvor o. the ' doing any act which ho •Constitution does, not warrent, nnd. sustain the Freosoil inovement by -which'Gen; Cass wns defeated in -*B. »Tou weU know that l.ad it been dbknowledg %d bv the friends of Gen. Pierce , i.faolli Frcesculeia-pWoKt'todefeanum rrtiftn hny thing• clso, . J .rho New, ■j' Iffl'ening Post, wrt'B''ilie, i phly rcspectabld which pretended srt to construe 1 , the Union read it out. of the patty rl.u -■tojiV tho contest ■ for .that construction. Now the Union ns the organ of the lead-) i iiL faction in the Cabinet is trying to write | t it into tlio pitrty again, Freesoilism ami i t L| - .Such a coursu , can never, be recog-j fo ‘nived ns Democratic .’though; it is true a, I Sober ««ay do so ratl.br than. ©Ve W 1 Sir salaries'ns officers as is proveo by| I SSKI'Sp-w, K % MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. Boston; iNov.; lO.^Almost, every town has been heard from, which-gives the whig's a majority 6f05 >n the House of Roirresenlntives. In ihe Senuto iheirap pears to bo a tie, Borksline has not been hoard from, but it is expected Whigs will be returned, which will give a whig ma joritv iti the Legislature. • , l The void for Governor, as Tar m room ed, shows that Washburn has 59,00-, Bishop 34,493, Wilson 28,029, Wales 15,263 and; fcntt9 i ring.;B^p. i : ;i,, , On the new Constitution, tho yoto was las follows:—•!«; favor, 00,199,, Prosed 65,101. Important Rumobs fbom Eubote.-- —Tho New York Times mentions Hmt Louis Napoleon is.. very popular hns Already cornmeiiced imporinnt nogotm T {ions. Ono of the reported propositions of Gen Gadsden th' die pf lion Mexico shal 1 ,C.npcfll tarticle (elev ihh Wiatv' df .Guadalupe, winch . wmmzmnmz ilw'htcstiiig^ho-^lwdwrtt^WrjP l^^*^ ’ Governor ifebitW Df>\ ychrsi‘<"'-*'- ” ' llr " ;; ‘' , " u }%,rft«M.!*w..».»»»• A "“~ MARRIED.—Qn tho lQih M William M. Bldorti l Esq 1 ., ,Mr : W.l ham M. Price,.of Tike township, to Miss. Elizabeth Bloom, of Jordan ibwnship. On the same day by tho same, Mr. John Cathcart, of Jordan township, to Miss. Martha Miles, of Woodward township, all of Clearfield County Pa: '• ** On Thursday Nov* 17th, by Jnmos Wricley, Esq., Mr. William .M. _McKco t ito Miss. Mnry/L.. Little, both of. Morns I township, Clearfield County P«. _ In Union township, on the 20th ol No vember, by D. Dressier, Esq., Mr. Lewis S. Dodd, to Miss Loretta Munn nil of Un ■ ion Mp. —ln Eldrpd township, Jefferson couniy. on Friday Vho 18th instant John Esq., aged y cats 0 nK | nth nnd 3 d&vs. . Mow LYMAN S. PHELPS, No*. <6. tB<3 -"3 wo. ■ __ DAQUERREOTYpES._ N.ir.ai. IRM'-tr. ] _ BEGISTER’S NOTICB. .Tnnpp i. lki.b. trtcn. Ihsi th«,fot!owl«t WB^sis^i < saa;MW«i t(T tIS £U? I tossl , S%^o* , fci'S«V.«l4 fof ®?.%“!^asiasasMSssaß w*ar»», AdnlnUtmtor* BUKrfea. Btf'iter. CleaTl 'lil. N »». 2d 18.5...1 .'•'• •[ Court Proclamation. wHaisa-SiSss S'SvSs&IISSSS - . ROrLUK Is'TnERKFOKE, HEREBY UIVL.H.— S^lssigi > Oflica. ClevlH.i Not, H. lota ■•tei ibi* dale, i . i - • ' GEORGE COES. Nd*«mber W. 1853 -3t--rd- t ' 1 , 1 ■'rt^^sisarCTtscpsy t l.rrerwaitr* Kortby caiit«yti«c! ijti'ChMjnj^a • ,4 H0*.»8. 1853 —St-pd: ■ ■ ;■ ■" ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. fa Mnisc aM .Lot in Qumentvm. Tenn'a. l>V »lr'ttodl«in o-d«' of ft?ft.*,£X"uSSs BER *163. W Ihat oaMam , Lot or Land, situate in tjie Borough olUttv ,'■,■ .Mensvillo, on the corner of State npd ; Thompson Streets, .. ! F s "la«safW^.^# • T»oveitetw*f I 0« 18 &. • 1 - i —' December . . _ ~ .-j v/ -A i! «■''jMiih'lim&rtlW.'."'’'',! . i Job*P«uiMo J ” l.taoM’KOß y. : ! ; jo* pb tfijUh. , ;iTh nuW«otl«t.U. [ , " y ; rI ?.?-l Cubrad’Baktf*; ■ 'l'tvna 800 t... TJ'"‘blUcb.ll, 'fflSEiklSfc,tVwS&A***"-- ' c ' [EdABUS TItCKBB, -J), $ DjUn'i'V V' ■* NU UI«U> or par., «xn» u»j. *«..»< #»“■ ‘l-j,!'; U A'.'i°^" d UUAHo£s m TUCKttfc P.-Pr Sheriffs Sale of Beal Estate. t. l »*iSi.7.i ,, JSM«sS?l'iAtt!>M dan orDCCEWB -K wit. jKSSIIrt 'ArattKriM UnadiibaderoiHW.?* wU ; now Vina aodß.o-a«.8 , 9 L^PiJiKciwguitotmlf. i * £Cu “ y * #h2 f nthJ?’«r i«>d iriwu coaiamiai 160 acre*— ; r «sa‘;£;fe'R "d I ””i. jo •“ t ; h, it4»ffVSTfi! ?.4Uf& S ! isariW | 6acCUUOO ssi n ;j.a r i'oitj;i*o went* oaj.l>. JW 1 .•?• KLy*StffiuiwUh lok^o. SE®S «Sfes.S eefSSS^BSSfisSssr ~, ..i. . ' ALSO, • *KS" i '■ : 'j'l lln* t‘nwn‘w «uS j : !wlW|«> dS,?" ‘.SiiVSttV a n.d IS ’w.inld.at ll* KW» •■ r- .A:AL Sty : cI !,i i,,l{ r»Y virtKtoCatioilai R tomo diractad. *£*,“£ §«i§|sip#s?i »d Ukoi in««StS«n."ntf tX MM «< U» ol Wm.M'Kea* ~: '* V‘£t>v ",’. •''••* 1 rir airtoa r» aod to me d re«Ud» a»M* 0# v*** ~a - n .ami tim» and nlacf. £onta?Q n« W noma., in Hu-lunK’*'"*’J p „'i V?> Failmwn. Wm. M. B««d» n.I a* ih. ?»>■ ALS}Ot • :-. iMMBmg £”SSfiHSHSS'a s:. aold iulb« property ol Oometioa Oxrfgoiy. ; AZSOi r» Y VIRTUE of Bllmilf ' 13 and to •»! land liuuta ' D p,k# uma ilma £«•. '» “J 1 *, 1 ,; 1 wUh » iS|J»ou»».ttd J bv» ton,nib.t>. !i_*« *,q,di olaaiad—uflßftdaU. br sfevw«£ • ray, vine, orß.writ of'■Jaag^Jgff^SSltSmiS.'SL 1 td. wTllhSieioo.oil to pobl o.oloM u> ( orlii>l j ,*, David M ’ Cnw Wa,Oaal m a a a too l n. r. f b EJlla. • ■*« “*»■ « d ,o *" ,a ‘ d Sheriff ■ Office. Nov. 8.185#. M yeloable heal estate at;® ipwia &a m .'o ISpSfS^aii Swfajr Hus 13 ihddsjofDcitviberylQ^, •U »rt distance 'o law. oicwe P,i«l cunuuß. h'-.M* _ , , , 100 Aci'Cs of ■.»««! Of which Sixty Acres, or? Cicafeflj; ; „.d« -U.mta.-Th. Btm.DINO9 *1 Large Frame Iloufce, A Large Bank Bara, A Wood lt»n». • A “SSTr. JJ®2AKK&"uKS& &*&■ i sjftsiyassfuiK:«¥&.*&»■«««“'"• ~i,‘ ‘Polfnrtb*. particular* W* *° £|T! FITS! FITS! Tlifi VUiGKTAtIbIS EXTRACT E PEL EPT I C PILL S.; tor. themreof Fils,Spas7iis, Cra>hps l a7id all Nervous and Constitutional:Disease?. ssssssassaps^ by oer?oo»ae»» ln ® , , tt , l iS'bX!*!*i for •» Peiioo* pot of the Pnow $3 P#f ba«eth«PUUt*fti throoub chF,ea«idll#r tirertiltoA . tt £ T u haNCE**« the mail, 'ii*L/i imuER. Mil '^erhorhojd* lB May i7.18*3 _ I’ittDAN “&IPEBE; 5.T.».18M.-tm. ~ , CS , oafiSfl.ccsi.® i3afi ®* fi3; * TWENTY PIE 'EH of P»p.,l ? .Pl.i. u^'a«i.I PaS;' ■ -Ai M HH>EB. l)issolh(ioii "of Partnership. citaatl.hu bean diwolKd. i Mf «rfn«» «; iIKHIUCK. : Fiench»Ul*i Octott«S»- I*?*’ «*' i i - S3‘ Cj»c»si aAMOEt. fmSßSSS^hfiea^am *aasKUMKaesrii&!+*x., “-V XIST OF LETTEBS,' ' ‘ • i Raining irvjtHfostloffigo^^qrligld; oh-tho ,, H*r« JohM. VK«n*r Mti. llirbun. "awrßflJ.OC'alM't,*-. 1 !^ 3 . ’V ;■ nr:, II .. »;■•'" '’' , 1 S3 , CS>'£fcfU».®a- ! rufotf n*V»Wck«f lb* Weif* *1 " 8W nUMd UkfcreoeiPU to,U»•»»«. U W-| nm».W»i?»i>v iVfeAtjV-Siu'tl'OUl'k'tHNb olilmwuiwr A,»t. "' ‘ "titSO. "' wright, n . 1 r ..- , WILLIAM BLACKSHAIUE, bios ; GEORGE WILSON, m rknvaiPtAN«Ma» xit t asdll hit office l* hJJfUw® I PS. whc»nol»bM«o3 t>rof,aioß> pSg l {S*Kgai WEITMAN, tiA.«U. »«l«Ww VMW 1 * W, .**»• M,rcb »,l#.s-lr, .: :! ..: —— ' ’ JOSEPH B. BUETH, I lb* ■ borieii .Olie. ud oott rtuomabu ter— c. KRATZER, r (MERCHANT ANIi>WMB£H I EALfiR-PO™*' of IVI I'lunl and lioooit V‘*V r, .l°' iiaa: 59.1551. is# mm&Q, MS/ALEXANPEU, Q ADDLEE AI» 1), »IAH Deo.’(S!!®'• ”” 7 JOHN H. lIILBURN, _ f ' „ r JAMES HOLLENBACH, , OLACKttMITU. o» Th..d .tn*. :■ HENRY LORAINE, p»ap& 'JOHN W. SHUGERT. ' GEO. RICHARDS, IAmUONADLB TMbuK--VV.U«dol i ßhj_- ui . 5 n 0 - • THOMAS SHEA, ■ r-iiHlllflNAllLb TAli-OK— Indbnw’o How. °nUtl»« to. t-0.iu0.-^;«rg ld ia5 i. FREDERICK ARNOLD, " > • DAVip SACKET, s .* " ' . A. L. SCHNELL, WILUAM A. WALLACE. DR F. ANTES CANFIED. nAviNo.u.,o! r «j.M'j<7p;,7« d , r ‘ , ‘“t , ; , o“a”in>;«. °' ' v ' SAMUEL ARNOLD, .'■■ I ROBERT McNAUL, •J 1 ANNEB—At tbo STAND'. c..*.«*in. ;iBa _ 1 GEO. w; RHEEM, sassw«a"St»~‘SW® Untßinto »•■ • '. . ■ ■ CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. L. JACKSON CRANS, .• * TtpHN “»^'»’-U*tf''sSs >t , {*^ a Slc;!id , ii!S?wlS. A. »rl, occapiod by G K. Batratt. on fi»M PM ■ ■ • ' • —~—- . ' “ “ DR. GIBBONY F. HOOP, < vioo* tnth«iiiMOPPdl«f conmpprty. *° B,t “ JAS; B.'GRAH AM, _. itu r, t T MEKUHANI nu(l OKaPEB IN I*UM- PvHEa-C»h»Bt»». Bradfuid BI,'KI ; _ . 7 DR. S. L. COBLE, rinvaiClAN—mil#**** ol Oetrfleld Bridftr P'wfffntt.ndW «H “U* o * >b»»boit«»l«°tjjA 18 usi. • \VM. P. CHAFERS, MTHEEIAVKiUHT, CIUIHMAKEtt. ««d HOUSES W BIUUN [)ie g, lgsl- . : B. F. STERLING, "j. L. CUTTLE, ' . ™#n!JNPV *t i.av/V and LAW’ 1 AGENT,Office W- bi»re» : d««, «* Mwlw 3.1M3- JAMES BUNDLE GORDON, A TTOKhEV AT LA vf, y«..Ud. !>-.»««. oo..nU*» A In Funoti dr UTPinn- , L. R. CARTER, A GENT To,tbaiale?' 1 8'fPVb'Sj uMI^KoA«f HAIIi RICHARD GLENNING, ESSSS J q \f b. Ifr6’i-, f • . . , i ....... J* D. THOMPSON, nLAOWWTtt. S?oli«”d“ i«i« bmouftH of^H*** o ** -**• • HURXTHAL & BROTHER, . »na OEALEBB. Woo.jnnA lYr ro tOfScn. n ndfo.’iltp .Cmiflc'd 00. Aimtii. M. E. WOOD, - nnvßlclANv-UiriKli'iTi be »l bUrei aettOe In P l pminul u »nn> iHht . . lever / Br,ACTSMITIL Lnlh...bur«.l'« . *lll and wurmnlw? • . • ' l.— ■, v~ — 7~ ....... ISAAC SMITH, £ t»/rWnrriANT AW* .UdAUU IS II >'UHBEB_»TC nil I*o. »».»«■» THOMPSONS; HARTSpCKi'fiz'Ca ruoN-P< An THOMAS H. FOLTON, &CO , d ' mUnv ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, a Ttho moutli ol Libt Kan. 6-tHIIM frfoni o le*ifield-• A. lUuaibM meMlwwter*. - jpnnmjm; .■; ;v.r v ■• ? •- / ; ; - T. JEFFERSON BOYER. a •tuTlpaniint BiCOUiiin in L»UTHEttB« noii.lii. - 1 " :. MOSSOP &. POTTOUFFi i#• rh in? pokEiGN Amu 1C Mpß* oud itrewi it .'arty opposite we pOßrt Hw*: ra * tfepttt.'lS&i ui'.'Li-.u . ... 1 H, P. THOMPSON, , n j^»|^!saasßa®s& :! HAVING ».mo»,d lu. l?h°?« d or!. t^'.‘ llt, L^wa*J jB »“ e Ilitg - ! , » n ii r. ■ SAMDEt 1 RritAlfLOßjj' **! i »i - , ■ • ~, < ~*** ??• *?.it.is-i b«*rsmBS^m®^ "'**• i : ii ■ '!■■ ‘- Mu - sHUAIIMUV HUl.Bßtr.Wlih wruimSHSffrWjJi: air' ii UK-«, 1 -ua:: iiABBiKAO ■ • Happiness and Competed*** WDfls ITI ■■■•■ 1 SI •utriu.and happyaanalu of®'*?- » n,ln * tma * *- 1 - !»a^JW*ass#ss»' !# ’ •' S«b « “’*• *“ 'wuSSSoift *«*> STARTLING ' •• .1 YEARS or MISERY. issa^JttSSS-.’SSSSgf^' iS-fewS&tenraM BE7UBB TJIE »?AH3 OF « AP *"f* j Cr OMomißi is t line IP O, iSSMMHt*Po**i * of whichb»»ciDiedth«>lcb»»<*y <» *, 1 Mol |,cr laioU^ ! *■ «»&- f « ‘ ,s^ woibbiUlUd Tneu^RBIE „ WOMAN . a I PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. ! ijy DR. A. M. MAVR iceao * PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. One. Hundredth Edltion.2Bmo.pp. “O. Pnce oO rM. fOn fine white pope?, extra binding. »1 » Eir.t published in 1847. and n » not SURPRISING or wonderful CO MAHBI6D a OR V KOT.«»“ haw" a'rqui™ • riu’ """"'VIkF A MILLION COPIES b?«lXwh!ch»»<> cwduuUw* to h« , 0^2 P i t P ,T.“£*or "tU ol her Ltubaad.but• th»f afltolloß of hi«wlf*M SsftMMIIBSEBBOasr Bor eo boob o»l«» O'. tg.b««VrVU l m- ««•{; sa,“fl SddSSIR: S^o/SS'rSi'”--^ io ra a*.".Sd.«WPtibb» infr MW*"“LrfJ'm.’ii h uil»rormed upon rabltcti» Tltbt ofThinr, U l u ,““’ l ," «,‘ bourn IrM ofohart* “ •»•'» KTOn receipt ol ht‘'y mK. M \iIRIED the fine COM FA IN WOMAN’S l*«lVArh. |ol lh „ 10. M." i.eenl. (* , *!f- E , D .. f *“; u M be po.l paid, end United Stole*. A'l *« l ' ic0II)i bSx 1224, New YurkC^.'VubU.lnngOlfiec. No, 129. Libertyet, ay Blenrh end Crop. Herriebuyt^d r h.Hon,.Ogden. S. Me Donald ,U niontow n. J u Cr , noiT die. N 11 A Land*. Heading. L r M»r*r Stark* Y : K F C~cdTI ,B rrd WriaM Willtamipori! 8 Carliondble; Lldred on 3 Turk, Wilbe.borre, Oeo W Ear e y Taylor, f.’roaky. Mercer: M H.no'«r 3 vv I Utica; R P C l un,m,, 1 ,? * I fn«. Miliord. andm rnilad.dphini Juhn LeF* 'JJ, •pownaend. Adn. anre, Sherman EtCo. Dewitt and Davenp»rt|Barnei Si Co. nrnCß. li». ÜbtrtT BltMl. «*uO™«mwittt>. Mar 80 1®63— ——— Medicines wMeh never toll toUitoJj« And are uaotl uy uiony '' o( ,h. Ph.lidtlpaU sss^&sshee SS3^SSfi*£M dTj! s. Ro.o'« Norvou. end Invigorating Coi^ Tb» flr»»u«l dUcojrw N«IMU« Cam -o»«diUoaot iba iy»un-HwJ ww » o f£) f Rost'tN** plili't. ■l'h# S** 0 ! 1 !?.?/. S d . htftra P 1 “do* trout Cordial. roMlirtaiMSi Mtualr». Ut»tU>ot«U .» «»r.oot T«not ot HrtUW;««i« n.lol ? BC7.P‘i“ I o ' l -" F 5 übor.otttudr fc« for Mils* o* it in th» r pf*otto». for< iwliioad “**’ i»d rtnlorti .“ooinpWUir “aiovat . weak U»•L ,*.?L n «. * n a unimottimlraoa* Km the ” Th« wtafc uditoMTO? L o ,“ t :?ad. r^r^»^“V”t« 0 i but btfo=. «.». >* VuifipSllLA BLOOty PBBIFIEB^ H®S\SEvlJsSs. sftjSag Xu"p»^V^‘^ B oid W “"“‘"hn vnt) SUFFER WITH ANY PAIN f I r l o D ."!!.?H^dMrS k “S : p.:. I c r Tooihtob* Bor»ibro*t $V ntm% u aicklp- P«iu it lb# tfto*. sa^^^sstes id£sggg&&s3ffi£ t&WSSSS I , W*■«:.'.‘u»Mik ».dnohn«.t.O»bW. btouutu thty «• ■ hauTor ull oibaf roiin thai/ food•tloott. *frgg£o' r B j Ü b“ft AuSluveoir Blood Pdrtft; ss&fga'Sf Corbml Ac< oii.lic Oil, Kl*«ir«l Op> K Hu0»» prtpaw'ew*'" *rf.. n»»itb. u, M aid « ww^sßSs.saap | >^ t ,i ha v?AWul?A. W l. Cliuntld Pa. lion’s Compound Sjrup.onellow DottBooJ; flUllO a m AuHluoU and U*rb» Of«JJ th.foliowiM »•»: ." 'J' .1.. livrr and Dig**» Ucgulaling°“ d . S i|'"* l !‘® I )!. 0 8 Siomact. and Bowat#. ilive OrWH*i . . V( » Oomplilnu, andlhai cor.a* allHaadaoho. ftnl Md utpila. la*«•>«>•)-iSJa.’tSSlf Apaiut..«° . aadaaoatM waMdiba'd 7”?^”ns| P h"s'c«tlnaall Xomnri.'Marou'vilO.ljfg^^EErA'RVbßOASO-Aadby •ad onn°A"!??J.°?.*thlKwroa»dMt»«- ‘ hß » “darlnjNai- SIMIU,U«Ma at Itta N«.a.. «ch aa it/ tana, i all FomaleConlpUinu. “ Sa£2S5S-SWSs^KfasS^«^»?*« , »*^ a R l.rik »Wilsb4iC*f» • °AL n J \u. ifLoj-ni. pi .‘. SL.*?cSib«?-.55 cmntfim naaTatad »uatß; yf yeoLoW J)>>Vlt jiußoga Syjatrt Wh lu egg b^^i^SWcsss^gA ‘jW.oof.ij. M*SiAttSF & <*>„ na 4« Broadway feaapK*" -^' & -