THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, OCT. IS, 18M The Repreientatlre and onr Poiition. In tho hurry of printing ticket* for the two candidate*, hand bills, &c., and issu , ing n paper last week, we had not time to give our reason* a* fully a. wo would de 'sire forthe cour*o assumed by us on this " question. We shall now endeavor to give ' our reasons more fully for refusing tohoist ■ tho name of A. S. Arnold to our.mast head |nnd to rocogniso him as a fairly nominated Hcandidate. : First-, we had been informed by those Kwho had a right to know, and who wo fficould rely upon,that according to an agree- Btnient made at a previous Convention, that flciearfiold county Was to have the member this timo. But aside from this, tho pro- If’ceeding* of the two Conventions proved H|ipost conclusively to us that Alexander Ucaldwell was either tho choice of the dis quiet, or that there was a gross deception practised by tho Conferees of Elk and M • #titi'bned 'the _ pjfii'pn^r^LlCON Wislnture to give ua redress, and have CELEBRATED CA l hul.ivui'm , T h ofo]lowin g documents which w py bee g n ungucceS 9ful inconsequence ofama- there liefaud cure of sttffer+g Females. from the Wayne County fleraW, will show : orjty of t j ie members having favored the _ ' rJ! , l i?° d „m P ,?;.TowVr! the estimation jii which opr fellow citizenj mon oyed men, who have as we believe, Gko.R. Barrett, is held by the mem- kept a committee of borers at Harrisburg MAlVtCoraplolntt. bers of the Bar, and others ortbat county, during the session, as the poor success en- - composing part of the Judicial district over terprising men whohavo improved the nay composing pun u ioat on and the water powers of the sa d | (jhroiiiji\>fl«n»un»- Which ho has presided. | s osh(lnnon crqe k and its tributaries, nnd “The undersigned, members of.the Bar haye petitioned t j me ufier time in vain, in and Court of Waynecounty, appreciating d icn tes;and whereas, there has been very , Ir i* * the manner in which you have discharged, | iu , e lurIll)er got out of the snid creek for (SnCw*”")#® the duties of the high station which you* he last threo years, nnd in fact not ope iTC,™ i'«m Snji! have occupied for a brief season among us, I c t having been got out. during tho last would tnkc this opportunity of expressing Spring, ns the .loose logs took all thefloods. d7nJn Ibeiacmoiw«>t 1 beiacmoiw«>t our regret that you are so soon to leavo us, | 'Therefore, being deprived ofourConsli* nmiienvi>ii!.o>rTf.N.W - Waller, John Mclntosh, T. E. Grier, R. Resolved That we will not .support any . & 0. M. Grcpell, S. G. Throop, Earl Wheolor, m an for office, who.>vil) not himself P4ojp ‘,";,tuntoworc d watsos. aj'e W H Dimmick, Wm.Jcssup.F. M. Crane, t 0 g{ j head and beers, in opposition to the . u « el^ SViVa^'icVf Kw.’nß.w-rtAMcrH-MATi'eKN. G'g Waller, T. IL R. Tracy, J. Wood- non b t fo s 0 f loose saw-logs out of Moshon- io* i. «*«»« ward,' A. Willis, H. B. Bcardslec, Hiram ] non creek nnd all or any small streams ndJroß!clt rare u r Mr. CunU Hatch. Di * 9 either in Centro or Clearfield counties : 1 Agent nt itovcnna*oiiio. Honcsdale , Sept. 13, 1853. nnd wo will support no man for olTice who j M t o« . Gentlemen : —Jour kind note or yes- would be likely to deceive us as a member a,a.;.*.; «““yftp Sf d S‘HiSvh h o ll » hn«r been received, inviting mo to a did last year. - unit *®.“«»Vi-7.? n S, D n « FOTffyemontb the honor of a seat on tho bench, has given ■ and John Beck, to stay at home, mind their satisfaction to thopeoplo of your county, J own business, nnd not annoy the legisla tes been approved by those who could't U re all winter long, ns borers, best iudgo of its correctness, affords mo Resolved, That .the proceedings or this the highest consolation my-heart could de-1 meeting bo published in the Whig nn sire. b With the adjournment of the pres- 1 Democrat, Bellefontc; Republican Glear ent term of Courts, our official relations field ; Tribune, Lock Haven ; Republican, will cease, but I shall live in the hope that Jersey S.hore;Penn’a TelegraphinndDem. I may long qnjoy your.personal friendship. Uotyjfff Harrisburg ;; on 4 the Luminary, I could not feel otherwise than grateful to Muncy. H. GROE, Chairman your citizens generally for their courtesy D. M. Biioeii, Secretory, and kindness, but to you gentlemen, with whom I have been brought in such close connection, I desire to acknowledge my deep obligations. That ; I part- with you oil on terms of friendship affords pic a sat isfaction that none but myself can appre ciate. Yours truly. g. r. barrett. To C. S. Minor, S.E. Dimmick, and others, Ilonesdale, Sept. 14,1853. Hon. G. R. Barrett The Grand Ju ry would take this opportunity of express ing tho high gratification afforded them by the very able charge of your Honor, and would requost a oopy for publication. Thev will further state that they arc much pleased with the manner in which the Court has dispatched business and dis pensed justice, and they beg leave to as sure his Honor that his short sojourn among tho citizens of Wayno county, has gained for him a lasting plaeo in their af fections, and they are confident that his departure from among us will bo a source of regret to all. O. STEVESuN, Foreman. W. F. Hulbept, Clerk. (And signed by all the Members.) ANTI-LOG MEETING. At * meeting held at Robinson Fear s, Rush Township, Centre County, on the 24ih of September 1853, Cupt. H. Groc, was appointed Chairman, and D. M. Bil ger, Secretary. Cyrenes Howe, John Ammorman, and Thos. G. Snyder, were appointed a Com mittoo to draft Resolutions, who reported the following, which woro unanimously adopted : .. Whehkas, a large number of the citi zens of Contreapd Clearfield Countios have been engagad in lumbering on Big Moshan non Creek and its tributaries, and have orected and put in operation EIGHTEEN SAW-MILLS on said streams, sevoral of which liavo two saws, and have cost a great deal of money, and we have no other way of getting to market than by the navigation of the Moshannon j and whereas, the said lumbermen have expended large amounts of money from time tojime, in clearing out obstructions from sa|d crook, so that they wore enabled to got a largo amount of timber and boards to market; and whereas, the navigation of said creek was greatly damaged by the great Fnll Flood of 1847, nnd as the said creek, at a heavy expenditure was again cleared out and made good by the owners of saw-mills and by timbermen, who were very successful in getting- lumber out of tho said creok for n season or two; and whereas we belive tho owners of large bodies of land near Moshannon creek, viz: tho Portland Maine Company, nnd a few other individuals who now wish to monopoliso ."and control tho said creek, by floating loose sow logs ; and whereas they when requested to assist in clearing out the said creek, refused to give one cent towards the same; and whereas, a set of men from tho State of ; Mainer within the last three or four years, i have been putting in and floating loose saw logs-in such quantities be to damage dams, , schutes, and bridges,'aqd also cause other obstructions, such as bars and rocks, to fill up and destroy the channels which had been made : and whereas, the'saw-mills on Moshannon have frequently been prevent ed fVom'operating for weeks, ini conse quence bf the gorges of suw-logs nbbvo and below them, preventing them from cedingiheir own legs to their mills; and wherpas, thd men principal owpers : of: these loose logs have placed such moA«t thahead of the log-floatingas toprnvjwt iw eonfcgetting ing the log* as security for damages done. MARRIED.—On the Oth insf., by the Rev. James J. Hamilton, Mr. Lewis W. Ten Eyck to Miss Isubella Hartshorn, all of Curwensville. On the same day by the same, Mr. Jos. L. M’Neal of Clearfield county, to Miss J. M’Creighl of JefTerson county. At Vbo JJod. E. Heath’s in Pittsburgh, on Saturday, October 2d, by the Rev. I. N. Baird, John Hastings, Esq., to Miss Anna W., daughter of Chas. C. Gaskill, Esq., of Philadelphia. On the 3d of September, by the Rev. W. M. Bloom, Esq., Mr. Jacob S. Gearhart, to Miss Susannah Roles, nil of this county. FIT! FITS! FITS! the vegetable extract EPELEPTIC PILLS. For thctureof Fils, Spasms, Cramps,and all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases. LJERBONB WUO ARK 1-ABORINO I itH.lai m&Jftd t will flod ibe VEGETABLE LLbrTIL PILLS, to w ih»ooiy lemetlr •T«rducoreied for conn* Kp aipecifio notion on Iheamour lyrtam ; 'a.J"uninihUteT e,epr.pareda.pee.allr for the potboie of CBliir PiuAhe/ will be foonil of oiptolol bnnafit fol at. iper sona etQioled with wel* nerven, or whoto noiroui .rittni ha. bean pruetraled or rbalUted from any oauan whatever, la chronic complatale,or diiaasei ofloacttandlßK, auptnadaoed by aerrooiaeia they aro nncendinfly bonar nT*'. Pilov #3 per box. or two boie* for *i. Perioai out or th olly.eaolorlaa a remillan-w. will t>ave tba HHI. w-at throoih the mail, free of poitaee. For mlo by Bt,TH a. It ANOE.Mo. IK.UAt.TIMOtt£»T.. BALTIMORE. Md-.lowhoinonlera riora all uaria of tba Union mutt beaddrauart.poilpald. Mat hT !>■*» —lt Mow AdlvoirftusoimioiattSo Splendid Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. I i&io Smith begn.lenee to i»rorro hi' *'■«>'» “it I mers. that be ha* jutt received a iar*« and »plen jtd anort meet of VaLLi aod WINTER it It bit de termination to dispose of at prio« that oiaoot lafl to pi***. Hm irviiei tha naniouiar ailaaiioa of tha pnbllo to bit IjARGB ANI* VVEKL SELECTED STOCK OE KEAIIV MADE CLOTHiNG-aito tha alteolioa of hit stock o7DRESS GOODS tumrn m» 810 . GROCERIES Lir who.enleead l>UMUBB»nil»ll WndiortlKAlN ■ oi ">• U IBAAO BMrn“ Cux)»e**rM® 1843. STRAY. whita iDoli. Tbe owner it requested to ooma forward, prove prope-ty. par charge, aarl lane her away.or jlw wli h. din- Doted ot according to law JAMLSA, WUUUo. Btady To.. Oot. mb 1853. New Goods. AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. IRWIN AND SMITH HavaJoit itoeived a«*w aad iplaa dhl assortment ofgood* or aver? ditoription, suitable for tha teatoa—to whioh they respeolfuUy tovl'e the attention ol •it w hn with to buy tha batl and most coodtlor the l«a»t mwey SK««nl«oor.tock.-IRWIN ANO bMITU October olh sopj* §tone ware. A l tha Bun of IRWIN AND SMITH, a large aad gaod anoitment of blooa Ware. OrtolmClh 1165 List of Jurors, Petit, for Dee. Term, 185*. 8 C. Fleming. Carpea'er, Brad, tp —JiwephOweni, Haw y.t.Gonheit ip. Amo. Ilnltoa. Teacher. Burnildo Ip. De.ld Milobe:l. Farmer. Chrst tp. D.oiel Brubaker, farmer, Ua 100 tp. G D. Cnlberwood, Farmer Bocoena'p. Win b. ghaw. Farmer. Goiban tp. Bvn*l Widoarlre. Farmer, l ean loweibip. JamMOurrg, Farmer, Che.tlp. Uai.Ooawag, Farmer, ttoetoxton In. A, W. Heath farmer, Fox tp.— Johtt Hawit, rarm.r, Hbitoa Ip. Inaac Heu, Farmer. Boggt ID. Joe. Golllngiwonh, farmer. Penn ip. Ihomai, Farmer. Boxg. tp. Bamoel Morrell. Farmnr, Morrli Ilenw KaPbart. Farmer. I ecatu; tp. Geo. ga llnrxar, Farmer. Brad, fold tp Geonto Kylar. Jr., Farmer, Bradford tp. Joiepli Htltee?Farmer, Bogan IP I. W. Graham, Farmer. Gonbea to. Ja. A. Bloom. Farmer. FUa ID. Joreph, Imeieh f ermar, l.awr.noa, lsm.Tata. Farmer,Lawreaoa. Philip Lxborde, I Farmer. Ualon tp William llegariy. Farmer, Becoa-in rp.- Jobn Browa. Farmer. Moron In. Bolomaa Balia, Farmer. Lawreeor towanhlp, SamuelHeaderroa. Farmer, Woodward. Jorepb Po.ter. Moriinlp. G. M. ?homnron. Fnrmer llradr tnwnrhlp. Jnu. Linen. Farms!, Hlttla IP. Jnn Yolho «. Farmer. Karthaon tp. W. 11. Hoyt. Farmer, Hanlon tp.- Thompniaßcid, Farmer. Gonheu tp. iinao Kline, Farmer. Bradford lownihlp. October 6,1E61. LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in tho Post office at Clearfield, on the Ist of October, 1853. Aiotw Ueejatnlo, Brown Eli. Bntlsr George. CnllanJob*, Coder Mils Mart arel.Ciotman Jara6*,Cuurtney UmUiUM, Davldion Joseph!!.. Dunlap Mm A. A.. D xon Samuel. Ed* wards Mia Barth. Hoodlandsr Margaret. Ureeor Geores. Garber EiHtoorl Hagen Pa'anck, HaytC. A. Humes U P » Hare John ii,' Hemphill John, Henderson Kep hart 'Kanner.Miu Catbariu* E*« Koauer Mrs. Barbara. J.wMoUtndy Edward. MW Matthia*. Mormon Pat lok M able AH«*.liniaiMUsUatbaitoa. Kumbarjer Jwt ,:; , , , BOOK AGENTSVVAKTED. To 'seli vstfvl rmrhifor ’B4. WANTED in e*«ry vnrtionorth« I/n!led Slate*, active. ■■leiprUhw-mMetfc-MirMWUH**** l * of some of the bast OooUpoWhwi* Wfouatr/* To bbcbol *oodaddM«s, exiystnely popular* and eommand iarsa salas wheiever: Uay October f, 1019. Valuable ftSeal Biaiale AT PRIVATE SALE. M ■ &l. M M... klow A FA-RUB OF 106 Acres, iJorwenitUio. ud knownntlho fVise Farm,. The improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good stale of cultivation , a Large Dwelling-House, a Large Bank Barn, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop, and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and most productive APPLE and PEACH ORCHARDS in the county. Thi. p All 51 it well supplied wilh aioel'eat we ter o Barer r&ili»K Bunak cloio to the door, «nh other, m aitaited thej USSR*** »■> • wariaatee doed kirea. lAbehtlf ol the btlr* of Cowad WUn.dtousM. 1 September ktf. IfckiWtf. ■ . New Store, srmw .©-©©©So At Lumberville Clearfield County Penn'a, MONTiSILUS,TEN EVCK.feCO. b e l«*re 'o.nrorm their friend*, and the oooiojuo.l# »■ leuera l, that uier h„. opened "air NEW BTOIIB. where (hey have. and.,nleD4 k«w««ssh \lDrt Good*, of «ood» a«ualir kepi in a country atore, taoh a* Urj t.ooa« Grocerle*. Hardware, Qnoeniware, iiniWw. n«ue Clothiae. flai. aedCau*. Drace. and MeJUne*. »«•« otu. They would call jiwtioalaratteution to their etnek ol OCOTd earl aiIUES. which U oniofpaeeeJ by any ia couaty. A* (hey manufacture all thefr own eloc* they oan warrant all “{raaaffsassi r«a«i.. .« ** .tend in Cnr dSoi’rird^ h .\'oi l^pV;r l^^,\iwVf^u n.d nre prepared to •nil» Inr&PX/ Mi*»K of orirr di piMt. a-.T. them a ca'l at either place. , ( h ! ir ti ?K U I red CHEAP C.UODH.aI they char«e eothiea Corweaivllie. tiept.'ld Vail Papers! Wall Papers! r r , HE Palwcribcr* have now in »lore lh«lr compile Tn! X tjionl ol _ , . » Paper Hangings t Curtains , 9 *c, Which thay off»rat »ar» low yrioai WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Oor auortmcnl i* rnry colddl«U, oomorinint all lh« qinli* Un.boih rREm;n AND AMERICAN. Wa vim factors a laris proportion of oar aocdi andean ln No 4. North f U'TH StwnL Pbiladsiphla. Saotambsr 31, IttSl —*m. ■ 600,000 Feet of Hemlock Plank Wanted. PROPOSALS will bs ieo#iv«d by WM. COLDER jr , ymidant of the. llamabarf aid Mul TninwU road oonaiiaaf, at Harriaborr. lattl tha UOeoslb dar t, Ttmliii. foi MO.OUO (oat orhnmlook plank, Ihian Incktilhlck and eight loaf, A lio, IWb.UJU faal °IIW;J ‘T bvLf ‘hick, not mil than iiaia.o leal lon,. obo u«ll»erad at Cnx at 10tan. Daaphia aountj, on Ol bnforojhe^lu of JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Land Agent, WILT, pi.ciloolu lh» Court! of bbJ EJk otunliM. and aUe*d to lot pajmant of laa*4 on "VuiKEIIENUtS —DliKlcel’.uor. WM. I **QEEH, ll.rtll borr-Hon BlIuS I.BWIB. L»»MUI.r-0 W. ««{Oll. \Y aKD Wlikibeiria—J.U.KN'-'Xi riaßkltn—J. C.MON !• OUMEUY, Philadelphia. All pereooi harlot bniiawf with him. will in hli abeeaw. applj lo J.BIDDLKGUKDON.wI.o will attend to Ihaiama September «rtl. IBM. Three School Teachers Wauled. Til RGB PIiIWONS *j alifieii to TEAOHE9CHOOU will find employment and *ood wait*. t>y applylo* Intnadi* tie f to the Sobool Direotore of ttvJGUB towoibip. need apply who are not in poiies'loa of a good hni ith adu eatlon—qualified lo leech Reading. Willing« Anlhaatlc. Gaglith Grammar. Geoafapby. &o, * I. L. BAIUf 12T1\ Seo’y. DAVID ADAMS. Pro’t. September 211, 1858.—8 t.—pd. , . >• : • For Sale, . A GOOD MOO.d-h.uJ COOIUNO BTOVI! for ..It, ohf.p forowb firineeohanxefoillAY. KnqairaattbuoUioe. Claaifleld. September SW.lßil, __ French Surra. eobicrlbrr hu jod htmJ FUENCH BGIHIrWILL I STONliduf varioot »i*cj, whioh bo will warrant lo oo a faint-trior qua'liy, and hUetuonablg PMoae. wI?PMPtI Order'by mad promptly alunded 10. W- 11. IviSrWfclv. Ilarritborf. Oct. fl, Isi3 —Gmp. , ~] Estate pt Samuel Bradford Deceased. \ NOTIOEIi h.rebrrl!.. Ih.t lilUrt oT Adnlalitnllan b.»» bM. «r«nt«l to tn. iubicdiJ.ui on iho .itnto Hi id ford. lot. of Oojlncton' ip.. Clmlhbl “VW TV. COUTJIET. • Admt**. nuorSeM.ont;n iya » ■ ■ ■ - - -, OAUTI^I! 'eaiiio* for iweaty*tifO dollar*, daiMt*«pi#*)bt>r lit IW»i and payable aett epifor, ai NoenwdwnWn lor Vb» T« S»‘ y WRK&t&to Shaw.' , ■■» For The pwdiisc p«t ot-iTcLEABdBi.D AOAOEur: * ,pr,l9i Vu.MoEitALL.V. ClearGnld, April W, t r M. in , f 111 , *T •‘■'•'^AiterAGS. Happiness' anacempetcnce.: >i, ■ it! • - ... ■ WaW«fl«i|!S!SSate|, ol apirUa»aud happy eoreavtr or mind. anting 11OW 0 ™ I lion or health ebould be predominant. h'.'carWl Many ofiht Oktjena other•nfloiloit at fill peinWVJJJ b*ron>. fluting elilbood. Of thefint ycata S’! "I* netaln thoirorigiuiolliihtaelo paoi nano.Kelt, e . l. IN AFTER VEAH3, ' When lodlata to be hetolltted tiy'oot khowlJlia. «• ook backend * mouin. and re tret the lull oon.iqa.nco or on/ IC Wmt C wojlld wonctofton' glT.topoa.*.* l ln akri ' d “ w “ SISSt l aSd STXUTCrNtb :•* ,^i^. l .o. t o...d.h.tnror ra ,Uo.oa«t.lnodln.dml.»ola<»o,C*Uk»*:- {hi iVach ofttll) which would apnro Id haneir YEARS OF MISEKy. i..j • And ,o h.»ho.h»od •*}«**{ J, “ OS:URH TIIK MEANS OF HAFHNR9* .t iSESsSst^SS SSSSSSSSSSasa* • mrk •nuUed THEM WIRIEUWOMAN’d . PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. py DR* A. Me MAUHICKAUj * • PROPES9OR uP UIBRABUB OP Ono.llomlrcdth Kdition t 2Brm>.pp, 250, r ‘ ro Slolf OFIOipWH . , >*»> L ! b '"T «• BE Blanch aml.Grap. Harri.berg; J gtrarje, Bloomsburg; W.^WeNl^.Lolißnon^d^^ S/M'cDonalti.t"niontown; JM- B “ a £ r^n e ”,d?tf « H A Land*. Heading; 1- T^ 0 " 0 ' X" .G Wrkl V- tl P Crocdcr, Bro\vn«ville! 'Vent! and StajKr Cn'r bond ole; Did rod ,n.l Wn S li«, g Tuck-, I Wilkc*b«rre; Oeo W l'-prle, \\ ay, _. p i r Croiky, Mercer; S Ucadcr. I.latioyor; V Utica- 11 H Cui/ioung*. bumer»td. I «* ‘* | e l *W'* Philadelphia; John Leforgq, MtMord. Pa.; Bndkw m«u.- Vnrk f'itv bv and I own*en«. Ao.fl anro, Sherman"* Co D.vfl, and U.venpurl.tJanu. * Co. OFFICE. 119, Liberty Slt»U. »»a>oi»uwtl>*|, MafSO Medicine* Which never fail to givc SalUlailloi A iid ore mod by m«nv Pliyuicioiuin ,liel {, IsSfSSHS^^# fSi°*oloolil*i r i*idj m.pioi.M. «»diou« «oit•»*« . Muicki. UtaUbata. ?•“. P‘ D '.* 1 f, i ,‘,„ N \v*i!.r«inra.. a«nw.t.«,« Ipsiisliiis: lSr.X“"?irito,iS?SV"r«t bffiW. Olio, ... M «i. prtos fmyoanu. SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PDRIFIEB- . MM (>S?» oVmo.-FriSf»l for an ui b*tle.: 60 ful Mttt b ‘ , ' ll °Do VOU SUFFER WITH AMY PAIN t rTo'.Von.T. n U°”i' , oh!ll>lmn“ (Join. »id onr li.iUlro.lo. i £'rJv± sss.- itixg I, ¥on , ij tot i> deranifd vour ikin will b« \ \o\ ow » !>•• sss^assTSssss^s S3ESh^“” CTFaEB FROM MKKOOBV. „ ALSO.—Dr j itoso * Altoielivoor Wood PurfU- I er,Cough Syrup or Expoclornnl, Khoum.Hc Cob ' pound Uj'.pcpMO Compound, C'oinpriiml Liirooi ol i Burlin',Tonic Miliure, Anlriiigeul Compound. Hurc Tonic, Thicli.Mugic Linimeiit.Corminuiito •J,*'”"' Worn. Killer or Vermi(u,o. Croup byrup.CjO.deo Pill.. Female Pill., Alier.nyeor Mindy {. **J Ointment 1 Toller cr llooling Omlnion , i)« OiiU. room, Kyo Water.’ S.renglliomng 11«»;«™, It it IW Specific; InTant Corbiol Accou.lic Oil, .K.MIf Offer | iuro. Liquid Uo*r Tonic, Whooping Cough Sjrtup. ' “"luKo* .T.pmnlloo., wHh DR, IipSF'dWJRDtpAL • ADVIdUKto p*rion»Jtt iio*aa*» apdin ksaltb,U)tia ftnMUNU Li P UUIikSNEU, Momulalo. U U I’ATfOM, Uorwenirlii*, tad of ibrooihoutfUdiaU,: : . ***» Jj, Hose’* Compound Syrup of Idlovr JJofik.BxW. mti 18 u . rUItEL.¥ V litf tTaBL.E t;uMl*rii4r ( :uuUia;Otivtty (rflim tna IJKUA6I indii:mulaiee hM hf*u»]6o In All the e/«tem. AiAmVO UAtUUov purifier ol the BUmI iff.Wß'i.R *h» h^*‘ yraKpeDof* lif t i 4IIAVIII HUbMIiB, 3IJV oiJrcrtifddiUy C. MQIWI’. AOtSi, no 416 Ni V , ; .»J .U ‘l W Jinjl ; nltirfH Hit* olid t.iltff Vu' ijfi.B—*•• O, VV A \ f®- 1 V Ps.rfl li Vd. jloy to, lw3