DISCOURSE. ' t*T—B»sulic*in vorri''t!;oi»"‘preuy eyes may roll riiirm%M will dance yourselves to dnm fiction among the goats I —You may guz kfe wine harp, but you’ll want a drop of V)»tsr. to cool your tongue hereafter I— jffiflTthe prophets say, “Conte here, gam itjftfs, ppd teach us tho long odds I” ’Tis if they, do. Will martyrs rant, and Wear, tmd shuffle. and cot with you ? No! The l Wartvrs are no shufilcrs. You will cut down in a way you little expect.— I JStlCifer will come with his reapers and Sickles and forks, and you will be cut Caslfa Stare. TT r 7li. A, MASON, CurwensviUe, [ f AS jtut relumed r ram, lit? ciljr of riiilodolphla with o I I luleudjii eiiortmeni of Spring and bummer Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswaro, Bools & Shoes, j Hats, Caps and Bonnets, j And erorytlilotf olie niu illy re.t In a Krtr.il Hmro. ond all, o, w 1",,:, w" b. .„:,IFun CASH on a. r,«», .Wo t "„ a , „ urui be hod ul*i»wherc in iliscmt nt y. THE LA. VIES Are particalarly requeued to call and examine Mi stock ol : Uoooou. Man, and other F.iiioy Articles beloie purclioupp cuewnere, at they cannot tail 10 bopKiaied with a is It-leni ion*. ' eyitM..u«oi tii-emiAi 1 UAyn storm ohsi.i? .>„»> ouHiiforvrei of MomeliUk*. lin Eyck £i Co’s Uurwen.vill», M%y bU. 1853 —if. W. A! M. I Nt w Store ! New Store ! ! POWELL, REED & WEAVER Alt Kjo.l now oppnlpjr nt holt new ST' HtU-ROOM In llm borotich titCtotofitid, ooe i»l IN* Inruefl and hott n»oorr morn tf M LRt,HAN MiyK <-vor brought to the county, nnd wbicu t hoy now ofter to the old e-ntnmere of Higler ft O*.. tu wmi a» lo Iha public ni Uuoatuch terms a* cunnoi (Si Ito give eel*re anhrfnriioo THK LaDILS will find nt their Ptore snob a icleclion o <353CDCL>ciJ^ At they ocvnr law In C-laarfiol - boron*—ami at for DRY (.UO|>,4, qenpral y. ami <• K()i ’RRI ICS, HARDWARE. UrtiKNSVYAItK.&u., tboy cannot be g-jrpauod eilfttr ni qtinb'y or oh«HPro!|. who Han’t belLva it are invited to call and b« i. VV hi. P* »VVJCLI.. O. L KERO. J F, WEAVER I'lpatlieM. M-iy liberal support he ba» r«*C'nved • mo.t he li ti b«n*n id buntieu in ih>« place, and brus 'eave to inform tut f'riondi an.l thapub'io gi nern'ly thuihe htjit received at hit old itund oo the LK ( F FRONT and OHEHK Y direct, oppunie iha Epwcopal Church. a targe auortment of SfatiOUiiblCvCioodif, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Queepswarc, Hardware, Cqat, Blis ter and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Bools and Shoes, Ready- Made Clothing, Paints and 0.1, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. A rromUn In mil cheap, it of little ndvantate to on’ oo.lo m«i» nnleti there it coovinciar i-roul »rireo. put h« hn« bu taimm.tion of knowing that hundred! nrj convinced of that loot, at w* otlai UiO bast ot evidence in ovary iaJ« we make. Joiy I, 1833. C. K KATZ Ml. 6ood ft’ews. <£?= 03= tS3oasi , C3vF'®£3 Xcw Confectionary and Grocery Store, Cn Water bireet opj osite iloinpliih'a Hotel, on lliii't. old corner. r ] , lir ebnre wonM reateerfn ly inform the publ’otha he .4. !.»• jail received l>u new stock oi STRING It SHMM CR IHJ' Mta. contitUui of a larger aiiortm> o. ol Ci>olcoM'>tiiiil* , «. Nicknuokt. bod fancy Aim lea than ever cr .t»ed the Alio. £b«ny Ridge, intidea rfocMedty the bc.t Mid oiicftpctl lot oi > OKOCKIUKS, That cur little bare hat been tUmd op with.—oon*t»tinc of Sugar. Cotie*. Moinsua. (lice and a manlier oi articlea *<» • naraatoui to mention. am decidedly the bail auortment of J.IQUOK.S Ths* th; city oaa afford. Hit let cm ora onah. and country produce take* la rjtrluuxe fur gocxli. I >r whioh (be higher market pricot will penairi. Coma ono. come ail. C enfie tl, July TJ. IHSJb J. R. PflA W. ISOBEBST IS. WKBnSSa (Dlme-lk is W&ikilh M SiESITo 11 Adjust reLvivffd liom New York ami #ll Phtiado'nhlA. nlarcfnait splendid as •imtnooi Kt.U Y—eontiitiag of La dles Gold Hteisl Pins, Mnrn>ng Fins. CnfT "tni, lKtl)!»c»n Pius, Alto, Geutleraeu's Fmo Gold Pin*, ol di'lcraet shapes aad *ioi. FtueGu'd Ear Hmf Drop* int*> »tr-e of -l.*nnv IJud Iticgt t nd Drop*. liiccelet* Ftnrer H übs Pine Gold Pena &l Pencils Gold Watcb Keys. Fifver Tea & Ttiblr H|)ooot Uuttcr Hntrei. Sugar Tnnjrr., ned Th mUlm l.atli'*a Pine Clard Case*.. Port Monifs. SILVER I’AIIiNT I.IiVEK, lIUXTIMU «Al*U WATIIfIUS-f-om >0 ♦ :!+-( IP KN KKONT nErACrtEII LEVERS-Pom Ctito 4E0 —LAPIN EP—from floto f 15. Fin... MOIIT lIA V Watches, from Bto 10 Dollm*. Fioe Gold Watches. 80 io(0 -Inim t. Alt Ol which ha wi I wnintnl for pe tect time-keep ori A'sn » Inrire H»*ortro»;nt r»r Bpectsc!«i. Fob Chain}, Vutt L’tJSfni. G»rd Gha nt. Pankuives. Pocket llnokt. &o. Eitrhi Pty aotl Ihnty Hoot ('locks, PiseFmnll dpitsi Gk>T#mon’toned war»anu*d rood nwJ will !)■» cold nt thu lowcit s bat hit te m« are t/’ABiG iQT Watolios. (/locks aod juwelry neatly U£- PAIP.EO, ond Warranted for ol* tear. \y '63 A CARD. Ac Mo lERLS tei;;fcllully infoitu l»»i f.leud*, t.nd tltepnl) l c V V -eoe-al y. that he »ti‘l onatlnuee U» aitemi to t»ll ua U ;a lUa ai«o ui Dental Operations, Ai hts office adj nr log hit d wnlllr.i; ; n ilu> birottcli of < llnar It eld. it umor bo loti qd at nov ly oil it jjcj mlt • note In t lie * end ol t e Mna>tnn ho' to. Arliticinl Teeth loiertet) on Pli'e or Pivot, and wrarran'ed to fivo entire * nti • - KX t’H A(Tri»V(/ TfiP/Til iljiio wltlr.at dinaet to tha pa uent. and tvtth toil tittle pnio Teolb PIGLGU und a proper andtoienlif uj manner. INDIANS! INDIANS! WAR WHOOP 4 WAR DANCE. THE greatest variety of UOUTB aod BHOEd, Ladies aad rtantlemeo's f onarets cui ert of all that bti eyerbaan oil'eretl for pohlio rale in Gleutfield oounty. The proprietor fl I’ters himseirthat of IH jei/i expari-noe In the UOO'I' Qnd SHOE bu»|ae;i, (hitha canaot be decoi v - ed in the selection of kooili in th« cilv, and mienrs keepioa a well allotted ROOT and HtfOE *TI)RE In futoro _AII persoos wiihinz to set rid of painful coma con do so hy calling ax U t GGENNAN’A HTOKE. east end of tiio Post < Hiice w,hara you Will liud him tax* r And witling to re»- del tho (cot uli ibo comfort that ran be aivt n team Advise ptiU. kTulennaw. Clearfield, July fi. 1853.—3 m M - V.UIABIE FARM M Pi’ivatc Saße.^o] rpUE xnbxcnbei oißu fur sale, a small farm, xitoata on 1 Clearfield Creek, one raPe ami a qrvtiter below Olfterfieid bodge, and three noil a half ruibt nbove Clearllrtid Town— nine on the road {online fnm (Jiearlmd to Gl«nrfi<>ld RiJdge oontalnine TWENTY-FuUH'•ere*. LIGHTI'/lIN of which are o.'eirod, with a tcod I'.’arns H0U315 nnd tiARN and other seoesxarr baildmgs erected Iheroon— and a young ORCHARD therein glowing. Pmd land abounds with 'MMK COAL and STONE WARE ‘'‘LAY. and it situate in a plcasnuttaod convenient section.— Pu'ictxion will be Riven on the lit day of April lsf4.—For lurther pciticn.sn apply to the sobtcrlbei on thepiesilxes. Autrnxt id. J853.—1f. BAMUEL AROHA Y. Four School Tcnchcrs Wonted. MAf.E TSACHERB, well (.Qilifled. Will be cm* p>o/« ojJ whereby the oon itiulioa haa become I'afuvb’ed, are all txrnteii with sucoo:*. He who ptioet hi miall onder the care ol Dr. k.,mar r-li. 8 iouil> conliduin hie boner am geutUruian, an 4 confideni y roly Cipou hit tiull aa a pbytican. Til UK PARTICULAR NOTICE. Voting nv-u who hn v* ini-i i«d ill -*-n‘ov'-» by a c trtnin prrc tico ir.duJf «•*Q’=> s W.f'. EHY, itaviug m-stlo tociurron S S the WHOLEMAIjK GROCERY Uf:bINES3 m Hu!- S S. ndcßhia, tho Bubsuiiuer will contmao *n k£££3.s}S3 GS3Qacs»e3i a KE'*f’EC'PKtILLY annonacet to the'cilirrns ol Cltfnr field coaa;y,ußd tho public generally limt oontinn. i lociirty tin ihe above hntlupsi at bis OLD SPAN 1/. abavu inn post Ofliov, where he will ai vayi be prepared to watton a'l who may laror him with a citl fl<* has on hand a well •elrtjitd assortrueul ol CL( -THB, OAKcRMER ES and PRIM MIN J* 1 , whten bo will wHiraut to he of good quality, nnd wi.l be told vrry low lit* old cistr mrrs areiequetred to con unuc thrir patrotage a..d as many orw ouo ut roav find h coo vemem. &« ho ttsiu'es iiiotti that hots prepared to faruitli the material and do the work iu proper tuanner. July M . THOrt. R-IKA. Jlny 5, 18 3. IMPORTANT TO TIIE PUBLIC. “The greatest good lo the greatest number,'’ I A a point at which politicians stalcsmen and phllaUhro pun have labpr«d long f\nd harJ to gh n. Dal it is now c early deruouitrbled, thal that p dnlcan be fully eU&incd at Uestole of A. M. Hli/1,8. in the west eudof ( h o Mansion Ilonre, where he i> jni onumng one of the most attractive and IntMoaable LCTd OF GOUD3. which oara aul ntten :ijq in buying could teloct for ony retail ostoblishmeut FeMing contiddot that hi* xelecllou will p!easo his tneDfjt.aarl the pnblio genoraliy, he would invite them to o-ili and examina bis 3 I\mjK Uf N EVV CUUD3, even iftbey do not think proper to boy. Recollect w* csteom it ft pfeox uio to show our good* at ony time. l*'ur variety of good* we ior . LUWNEStJoI PKIGE DEFY COypLTniUN, Fix us- lost to name orilolox, and labori ous indeed lo snumeruie gum. fcjufJi :e it to «uy, you will lipd every tbisc on baud usually kfptma o-.untry rilote. all u which willbe told VERY LOW. August 16,1853. A. M. DILLS. STONE WARE f r , llE BDOSCRtHERS reipeotfully announoo to Iba oiti- A zenx of CleaiQeld ooualy and the publio generally, that they have oommeDood tha niaoufsotory ofD'i’OA 15 WARE, one miieeast cl wnerothey are prvpt>r< •'i io furnish au aniole oftiTONE W AUK equal to any man on reasonable terms. Orders promptly m tended to. audallbaial dlsoount made to wltoles tie porchasen. M. J. FORTKK. August 1$ 185? —3l, ; 0. W. PORTER. Valuable Farm nnd Timber Land 2£ : dkV l&m O ®’SAIL tßn FpUB subscriber oilers for sate two valuable truols of land A situoteJo Karthbns township. Olcnrffflld ccur.ty. ona of yhioh coutnins ONE II UN UItCSfJ ACREB. well hdaptod to faTming, u Ith oboiu FIFTY aoroi o'catcd aril in a good state ■ v orchard growing lhoreoa, abd UOU3E thereon eteol d.—Theothct tract contains oi a I V acres, and it well on culmrii I tr lumbering purpdtes. abuandia. with wh:t« PINBTINBBS, and oalr dl.tant about »n mite, irqai tba ba-qachasaa river,—Bot rathei Dai t!onl3-«sDol/totho»bb.onbo/onlho ptcatliu. Ang, IS, 1833.—at. WAAOO.M’CUJSKYj Chhiii Piiiiijps. A CHAIN PUMFB. whfoh thsy axo propoxed to filau ova DtUinoueiatfoa on t tepremliesofapy oraljpartoaodetiiinf tha same, on ihon notice and raaioutbla Urns. 'p&pxsunsz&Siss Clea-flold. May 4. IMS. KKAD. October f 7. |H6d. I y WEWGOODS. fpnfi SubiorlbVy would inform the oltlxeos of Cloarf«eld 1 bounty, and tho public federally. that lie has JUST RE CEIVED, *nd Is NOW OPENING, at tho Stomhnuio Tor* moTiy oocupltd by Wing & Getohel, at Morilidala, a Large, Splendid inform their trends and tho publto generally, J, ‘ oto bmtneiihipwith thorn* UENJ. llAiiloJiOuN, who having narchn*no;o p.u of iho stook on hands FULDhN’S HOT-AIR COOKING STOVE, for either Thu Stove has probably the iargait inlro. duottoo of any other fo’mol «:i»e«. It ha* iuprr;cd«U in aim'll overy county. the well known hathawnr nnd Zi*g. leritovui. Ilia enuly underwood, au«l the Uuei being to ntranged that all can ho dunned without tiny Iron bln. Tnc peculiar form and contraction u aucii us to reader it the moil durable ol nil ktov»*» Numoroai testimonial! could he oddud, but it is donated an' eoettnry.l IMPROVED PREMIUM LOURING STOVES-al from IP to #2O PAULOR STOVE3—for either wood or coal. AIU-TIGGUT do SALAMANDER do a beautiful Coal -Stove. VA SK do EGG do NINE fc TEN PLATE Stoves—very cb^ap. MANTLE GRATES, wi'hiummer ptecei. A large variety and mpenoi finished Grates I tom Id I© BS inches. COMMON GRATES, altsw.es. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL RAILING; HOLLOW WARE i OVEN MOU PRS ; GRIDIRONS. WAFFLE do SCALE REAMS. WAG' >N HOXES.SLEIGfI.SLED fa BUEoOLEtf. OAR RINGS for Rafts. KOAD SURA. FEUS. a dmv ariiolo. CORN SIJELLEIiS. CORN AND <'<)H MILI*S, warranle I to grind 15 Uui. liars per hour. RLACKaMITH TU VERIM. ihabeit in u*e ; do, MAN DRILLS and TLUE UENDEU.h : Together with tho usunl variety of articles kept at Eoundrr K»tablif hraenu, Also, Made to Order , GRIST and SAW.MILL G E \ RlNG—having decidedly the lnrgi*tt itock. aod best variety ol rattsraioi any esiablith in cot in weetrm Ptnasylvaaia ; MILL DOGS. SHAFT ING—largo am) •mall.efuaiit or wrrughtiroa, HANGERS. DRUMSand PIJLLtE? ; Hote and other approved Water WHEELS; WOOD and IR"N I.ATIIKS; MANDRILLS lor Circular Sawi. W.JOD HORINO M AOtIINRS. Constantly on hand and for sale, FANNIN.; Mil.l*.. THKUSIlirin MA.’IIINKS. PEN NOCK’S UDUaIHATED GRAIN DRILUS. fco. Ao. Screw-Cutting A&ftizrd Rorew, with nay dotitoil number ol ihrendi to the Inch, either iq tire or V t|>M-,d. L'ra*«, Cupper, auil Rabbcli'a Metal f?a»tioe« mod* to order. Nathan MVJ-ma. March 4. IBuJ—ly. To iVfiill Owners. Tf'K uhdtroirnrd li.ii nmo Dlol b R. CARTER. o r Ouiiieifl. Ini n*-u> Tor ■ hen»|r*of Castings, vihowi'i rtcmv© 'ini* lor a.I kin«!» o! Mill Gearing, and uiiict n iclwm rjr. rrrtooi do»iroo* io coDtrAcl will Ho Well to call and oi* »■ nrnc ihn uaial j-up ol iu*» and specimens of ih'< woik. mik.ri* .‘im ;K--ini’nu i.itevv how. Uoxlirfii tvill to d* Uvnipi., tt Ut-ii'ed. r.l (,‘iea li .' d, acd wa'rfta'ted u; to m-idool good materiel, and hui.Vd‘a a wo'knianiila manner. Hav ing m i u uni r.tf order I'IVK Suitor Lubes. aud other mv liin» y io lit* unu,.* puio-ifio n • mtiloHn* - none hot lb* t> l workmen, buna Uv very toil I'jg boo and Coal, wjiiuuao} other ndv milages. he tUncn himvdf thtt hii work w |j be don* a* well ru id U.u tosi city tho.it, ad : on the thor uii uotice. For purticu'urs. ca‘l on Mr. u'ARTER, Act nt. March 4. IwV.Jl w V.J —1 p JOHN M. CHASE, New Stoß*e. TIJE tiodeniflre-J rei|t<*cil illy inform llu lahati tints rf rn-mti. Id ooi.ti'.y , ihai thHj- have o-.tned a hi- nth m lha town ol AN&> ureluuei will n'low Jiiaol.') Ha3.-Ir. CHASE & SWAN. KKAD THIS 2 David sack KTr’.s cant net avi chair wake KOtJAl.on Second atreet, oonoxi'o Powell tz t,'o’( Here whore ho line on haul all kmdl of OAIIIN ET WARE, ami AlKtd; "‘Ob ai MAIIOtJ IKV and VV AI.MJ f CHAIRS. WINrtOH OIJAIRH, KOCKINOOHAIKH AH At CHAIKA. MAIHJi.NI-.V SPK I Nit NI'.A I'CHAIRS, HUVrtKH ard Cot WiES-ViAIIUHONKY WALNUT AND (JIIKHKV llllitl.Al It IHILSMKt; HOIIEAI >S. Toil.ET had PIER £M>. IHM.ni. end IIKEAKEASI' TAKERS OEM RE TAIII.BS. EHK'IUII and EIEED POST HKD M EADS.I) ERKSand 111 ll)K OASES. l)Ti OAIANS, Ho Any iienon wlihtni U> buy Will do well In xive hioi a call n< he ii delatmiucd to tell ower than the inmearlic'ol o-rn be bad eliewbereu the county— OOfI'INS made to order on the ahoiieii notice. DAVID SA' RET I', i learfndil, Aototl 6. IWyt. BE fliiM I*BB B BBOTaiBe CLrAKFIKLL>, l 1 \ 'I'JIE •nhicnbfi man rM(»*otfalir luformt tott z«ot of l I OadMu couuy find Uio imvellmc Publio «*oo/»lly. th«i he lin» iiiSco the above named HOT£l < ttio.-iied on th»« oernci of r tout anu Market ttrreti, m die boroaeli of Cienr ll Id, where ho will el nil lime.* bo pn oared t-j iiocommodm»< Uiois who may lavor nim with their can. ni. ,\o umm will u-j »l'Gie l by the proprietui to make hu outturn )n uninJottable, aon ht* home a MOM b to (hmu who may itop with inm HuSSlAlibb will bo m.te.uljy attended to— and h«* TA l>ijb ami UAU tuppJieu with .ho bon the market wnl elt rd WU. J. ilEMi’lilLL,. AllfiDll il, IPjJ. STRAW GOODS—SPRING 1853. nrUB t uluU'ibe. II now i.rt’par.a U> riblbil lo M.rubMili *, anil Dliliuen hu u.ual Imuvy iiouk ol Lldl t .' u n- Mu- STRAW A\D SILK iIOSKETS. STRA ll' TItIMMINUS awl artificial flowers, ralm.lnnf. Panama and avery vaiiaty of SWIMEK HATS For r»ni'imtra : which Tor Extern. Vanity and baautr 01 tnanmacLufa.an well a. uniformly cloie pilcti, win be fuun.l unrivalled. „ «« . „ TUOMAB WHITE. February 10. mt " 3onlh Bicoml Sl,Mt - rbilndclpl.ia. s A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker. A &W,V.. UK I NOTICE li hereby gj,en, that lelter. or Admlnlitration upon lire eilrno of THOMAS fLN I ON. Into of Term cownihlu Clearfleld ooanly, decenind, hayo bean cranteJ 10 Lha subtoribor AH penoae bavion olaim* again. t rai l e.iute wQneiled to prerent the in me dnTy authontioated roriettlemenr, and tboae indebted to the same arenotiSdd to pay the tame without delay. Aupo.tr 10. 1853.-et. D. P.TAYLOR. Adra’r. Tilt lubicrlbar retpeotfully gixcinotice that ha hai placed bn lipcket. and all notei and pnpen that were In hi. poe. Jn.Hwoflha feaca. la the hondi ol JAB. WHlG ***** • Lrq., In ihaumoner dircoted bp law, HeaUo give* notice that nil him book* and account* for Mr° wftir 1 } pv r J' ,0 f No, o“bur l!l5l ar,i nl.o left with cIL-Li. t Y f ’ *? tlement, wholidoly nuthorieed to * jn®? Brn 105 l| COt PU ,o ' ,h<> U Wl MOURE. W:QIU(L‘fII. 100 CORDS BTO Vlj-WUOD CUT. Apply to ClegiPeM. Juan IC. m 3. _ lj ' MtEO, amdl AdofiuM'odjiiiiis : Ofi*».«,g Wy ' h ' ,aU, : al : A Fresh Supply of Snlina Salt, ' r\P SUPERIOR QUALITY— For IaIo by ' JblfSfl.lK*.. . A. M. HILLP. Joneisfißji. . .. i Bjarra s irwik. HERR IS YOUR REMEDY ! nOLfiVWAY’s OINTMENT A MOST MIBACDLOya CURB OP BAD ;LEQ3; AF-i Till « YEARS’ SUPPBBINU. . (’struct of n I.ptfer from Mi VViltimn do ao. Sheuom* meitcedhx weeks ago, and strange to r(l&tf,.ia novna good I hdallli. liorteri are painless, vynliopt team orscor, and her i sleep eomd hna ondiitnrtjqd. Co ald you /invo wiiuotiad tbo ; talUrings of my wife during tha|ait43 years, and o’lDlraat them with heTPrrrehloDjojrntentof hoatthvjroU wmildindeed I leol delighted lu having boen the means of so greatly alluvia • tlnn thoiulfcrlngsof aiollo\v criatore. (Signed) WILLIAM GALPIN, A PERSON 70 YEARS OF AGE CURED OF A BAD LEG. OF THIRTY- YEARS’ STANDING. Copy u! a Lqtter Irorn Mr. William /Ybl»a, Kuiltierof GusOVona. of Hushcliire, near Huddcrsßelti ! duteii Any 31st, 1851. i ; ToTrofewot HOLLOWAY SIR— 1 mitered lor a period of thirty yean from a bmt lee. the remit of two or three dufrmmt ncoidwot* A|Gaa SYorki;' aocampimied by icorbniio lyroDtcmi. I had rncoarteto a I 1 verieiy ol rnedioal advice, without deriving any benefit,) 1 and W«» told that the Lg must be ampotaUiC yet in oppo- 1 I tilion to that opinion, your Pula and Ointment haveefl:oi>o, and forluna o it wn« 1 did go, for in lhi« than a month a perleot run* was rf leou-d. and the* benefit that vj-imn other briti o.in of my ffiintljr have donvod (rom thrjr amis roally asionishiru:. I now rironglyreoiimmeapUteu to nil my frLada. (Signeu.) m , FREDERICK TURNER. These Pills should touted conjointly with the Ointment io the following cates Bud Lops, Bail Bron-ls, Bnrnn, Bunionp, Bit© of MuscljoKk-h and Sand Flios Coen bay, ChiegO'fool, ( hilhlmns, (TlsnlnirmJh, Gorm*, C’uneera. f’oNirnch (1 and stifT Joint?, F.b'pliontioars. Fistula*, (jimt, Glnnduiur SwellingH, Lumbago, Files, Itheu. timliHin, Scolds, Sorn Nipples, Sore T'ltroula, Skin dikcqhcb, Scurvy, Sore, heady. Wound?, Yovik. M.iUi m the esinblichmenl of TroTem* HAL!,f)WAY, 241 Strand, (Dear Temple liar t.nn ion,) ar.il by nil re«peotnblo Uruggiaie and Donion in Mr'l.cine* throughout Iho lliiiish Kmpi'e. and of' 1 ojo of the f.l nued io Pols el 8 : )ic . and #1 61m ane-'i. Wholoaala by tb« principal Deor hou*ei in the Uu.on, uua by Messrs, A. IS. & 1). BAN DR. £T York. Tnero it n cootide.'&blc inving hr taking the larger iir.es. N. ll.—lhro<‘t on« for gn iltnce of patients in overy disordor ajoalhxe l to each Pot. (jot. 11. lb6J.—ly. Silver Mednl awnrded to this Machine nt the Fair of the American Institute, N. Y Ocl. 1852; a Diploma at the Franklin Institute,Philadelphia ; First premium at the State Fair, Utica; First premium at the Uensslaer, Co., N. Y., and also at the Columbia Co., N. Y\ Fair; and a Diploma nt the WeslchestcrCounty Fair New York. MDROrs PATENT IMPROVED CIDER MILL. IN the present orrancerumt of tbi* Mgh’y approvod hrd valuable Mill, iho laliur \» dtvidrd by arranatag a cuUing cylinder to break ibe apples, and then do iver them to ihr to to r'duceU to pomaco. il/ this arrange nitiit thr wo>k is i-etfoiracd faster and with mnch hi* lab .r. Tre Press is arranged w.th a much larger acrevv thao for merly , ith i by a Terr ia>cn:out dtvtcj the ate ol the bag is dispensed with and (he Tub made to on«a attharamn Ut> the t.ul.’i Is left clotu. hod Ujo Work uan ba djne wyh much lea lafijrthan by the o!d method. The Cylinders art cove red will) be ivy abet t 7.u-o. but is on t licit peripheries nod rod' i ti e w ood io Iheru la arranged so at not to swell, ano ihr whole work on the Mill and rnts nu> e in Uio ven but maener. and arransed uiih especial view .olbci> dorabihty acd service. No r'orrao*. whn tires Ihe Mill carefully and nroo'din? to diiccfiQat wiii to disappointed: hot. on tl.o other haaJ he will find Ihh oie of iho most valuable and ellicter.l ruacbints on Ms 'arm. Tbo imchlae is tno.lp fo run !>> horse sleam o* batid po-* - •jr, ftQ.i whrn t|ie rjiiplet are gmood. a small boy of 14 Ttgn of ere can oron ihe pom*- ue »* ith earn. i ...v vui. in, , »tnr w'J n mi cat't. 1 his Mill ib w an anted soperior to any othe. Po table M ill la , • siiteu< e ; and the piowitior is read* at nu/ iiiuh (uu lair . i.rj-icc bving eivea) to tfU it wlth. auyj'Portablo MiU that u ! Lot no ntrlnKemeM «,o it i I AUMERR. EXAMINE THIS NEWLY IMPROVED M IX. iihiOUKYoll BUY ANY UTULU.-Uuo crent advantage of this ir.a:hiae over ah others is.lhM Uwdli;»l I choke up, and bard o: soil qpp ei uao to giouod, and set tlu* - Cyhiidem will always trin&ia vleario gnndirg cider. AH orien w.l; to iilirtd i . tbo older in which they bjnio in. . nnd >er»oos watting liicm had better sontl their order e*ulr. nndkiato at what tm,e, xml nrhtce they want the as I lietiv. erwl NATIUN UtKRR. HENRY SWAN ’l*hi» Mill, «tlo«(icd bp two men. will, when prop* r ly wo’k* ppow«r. f rom iW lo Mi 1 bu»hid* oi u flip. 'i'fi*- t ri-:«ol the Mill and fres* !< sn,dtlivcp*d, U-*cot 'e*:i tliu 'i the nt>wly impruvid .Mill, Having very many appllca'lom fur more nrsrO-uhr iVicrip i.-oaiof t|.e »lxs, &o . ol itir aewtTUßti Ml Lb. limn i> con lalnod in my o.rui'a:, l would hut* remark. that Ue who!«* M .1 but il-. pcntda.is Dp a icel wjuurc. amt 4 lift h*fh. arid can h« taken anywhere on a wheelbarrow wi'li con secii-cc Holow a few notice* and tccutrmea daliom of the Mifl, many o'.hen having bi.-en mlj*ladl 'i hi* ft to certify that iptmJ.atu! of A. fl B Al/SI AN. one o' Hlckork’t Fiiont Cider AJifii and Fret*. la«t lell~and i cm contiaently aiierttbail have urooodone batholof apo-et per ruinutu by Imnd. |h. ve ulto been utioff oidor for the fact k 5. wan. and I maitn tl e boil ca’eron thu Mill t ever «>raak. Centre Cone Fa , Auc lk>, 1853. VVILLI AM UUinL. MR. W. O iJICROCK Dear Sir—l pnrehased ons of yr.or traproved cider Mills at the titaie Fair al Cnncatter. Fa . fait year, tiince then i h&vetctied iltfitu lazily, and mo«t tay it iur(iits*ei any machin*. for tba purpotelti* intended lor. • hat 1 haveever loea. and i have examined a good many I e fore petciitiinr and unce. luoonctraction bfiag timple it neT'-r eeU cal o( order. It turpauet my cnoit tunuui a ex* pet laiioo Could I not proouru another one. 1 would not part "i'll mine tor lour noiea ihu price of them, a* I know iu vai aa Vourttfu'y. CilAft. M.CLAUK. Ohio, May I, J 552. A Idrrtt your ordtn lo the und(*r»fgnp ; J for Cloatfieid A.H iiAOMAN. Ccuiro Line. Fa. (J.earrieJd. Bfpfi*mbtr y. 1853.~1m. Valuable Real lisl.-ilc AT PRIVATE SALE. fi* m a m THE .übtorlbon.in balialfof Ilia b.lno! Con. jd Wna. Inle of Fiku township. Clear field ouurty ilcociaicd, at I'KI Va t SA Lb. the (ollowm« dM*.OT»ued well known and VQ.Dz.blo itLAL Lfti’ATE. comixlius ol A H-WRira or 106 Acres, ' Kttnate in Fihe lowninip, Claarfi.dd ctmtily, on the mein rojd loading irorn Curweiitvillu to I'j rvnii, four mile* Itotu : Cu: »vt-us vide, and know uui the Wise Farm. \ ST/te improvements consist of about 75 acres of cleared land, in a good state of cultivation, a Large Dwelling- House, a Liugc Bank Barn, Spring-House, Dry-illoilse, Shop, J and other necessary buildings, together with one of the largest, best selected, and] most productive APPLE and PEACIi\ ORCHARDS in the county. i Thi* FA KM it well iupplied wflh excellent water, a never failing apnng close to the dor»r, whh other* loaUna.ed that ataliU e expjn*o water could b* Conveyed tfaiy nartof th ®f B wbo to precore a HOMt, FOR LIFE, tin* tarm nflor* inducement* not to be excelled in the oounly. The J-.ad it of good quality, hixb'y ' prodpotive, and wed adapted for both grain and irra*i~aQd ! it ti located In the audit ol a pqpulou* and Indus triooi settle* meat, convenient to a Hood market, good grin mills, and a 1 good school. “ ' . “ i ty"For lu tnrr particular* apply u> either of »h»*nb>ori beri. or to Mo*a* VV i»e, on the premise*. .. The property will be sold on the most reasonable term* and a warranted deed given. MICHAEL WitfE. • , . - t .WILLIAM Wi.AK. i. Lonrad Wise,deceased. Janaary 12, IBid.s»tT. . . . VALUABLE DOUBLE SAW MILL: ‘ And NINE Acres of Land for Sale. r |MIE hnbicrlbcr will tell on reoronable Uimr, that well 1 known lame DOUBLE BA W AIiLL, situuW on lheT»*. er betweea Cfeornd d and Corwctjtvil'o, Lgolhor with nine aoreiol (ami adiotning. on wh chinerblfereciwr) betides the WW IIOUBE, and Hn?JHEN! a lame BIAULK. together wit!) other necessary boildinut. I 1 or leiaii and Other portion tar* apply to tbn subscriber real. ALtXANDRR BRAD. For Rent* 11 THE pwolilns partol 100 CL&ARFiELP ACADEMY, Apply lo" ■ ui.arflaW. An.il CO. 1f53. ' * WcE; -J E til port a sit to Farmers. ~.i ■ THE .• - - , Ofl. EVERY ONE (US ".Qjwfa .PUYSipiMI T J§PP® fssss&l imports®®* lo married peocW* lo tnocr ora tern plaUat^-fcigj 'wiciiAU YotJkb.KD;i ‘(■tno (wire, b«ii«h»mo4 i»n! AEBCUU»fc ltmu tmß? surly Buts, Let bo toSSj roab or.nouen eewi lmn STS lrift obit*hiM" u 'r tieftSrffi Without* reading tU ’ POQRm A EBCW L Arl It Couth-, fdln iftbr bide. hi inti the whole train. or lliidSS eb^!? mofrfcdvdr th&ke nboai to b» matrtfld, fcnjr impUdltoeaLiaS' tbfi truly uieful book, as ithas been,theroeansofsaWaTfCT sanrispf opfortonate creatures froth.the. Mf Jfiwaof dgmjT* Ej7*Any person-leodißS TWb'NTV-PfvJß closed in b loiter*' will receive oftbis Wortf or livo oopfes will botont lot One Dollar. • • Address, (post |ialojr*jqe^j ““ MACHINE SHOP, ■ With two superior TutLWNG LATHES, d ive* by »Uabm i« now In tuoot'fifblopftrntion. ami under lh« turtnagenuaTar a practical racohaniq—where almost any article of msoblaiwi*. oan be FINISHED in the very best style, and op short toilet, 1 lie hat now an hands a larae assortment of C the®! a* STOVES of vnrw • sites and patterns, FI.OL’Ol! IUONdJ WASH Kbri’LEH, fee., &o.* wblcb ha oflan to call lowft* Cash, or on a iiuontiblu credit. Ho is Bow ctuiiog, froat bo most approved ptilierns. • HATHAWAY COOKING-STOVES. I ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves) Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, r,j Winrd’s vclcbrntcd Plough; Anil ell Heritor IIOI.LtJ W-WAIU2, SLUIOH OI)J BilEO, aOI.EB.WAtJONniJXEB.no v IJo intend* jios ell qn reasonable teups, andtTqitpthatfa citizens of Ihe county gene'ally willrind it to lheiradva*uij| tn civs him their custom. CASH will always Da vreftrttM hot the hLhtni puces vrjl| be allowed for Country Proddo* and OLD Asha give* hit e*tablithm*atbupersOaß tupervuion, a:l orders lor wort will receive pmmpt aLtentlaa. PAViu Lirz?t ClearDd J, Nov 18. 1851. r* CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. a' T’UE EXUUCItsKS in THIS IntiTITUTIOH inn, ot'ened cm MONDAY. the ¥3tn ltut. coder th* nhnt»J ol JAMEb BIDDLE HO ;N. A, M. _ " Yho object of Uie T'aiitei it to nlaoethe Acedfoiy apoft* ihe looting coo'empiated by the original (oandertot ihola-’ ttjiolion. 6y tllering to tho youth of Clearfield county' tiL 1 p.-,rtunUe«of receiving the benefit of ft - Thorough English nnd Classical EdncaiioD. j 'As w«bbi tuo 1 muau|oc« ol iluoitnantary lnitrncuoo. .* Rates of Tuition COMMON ENGLISH DEPARTMENT—Embra oi»s Keadiug. Writ dr, spelling, Arithmotio, Geography, English Grammar and History, per rijE highek English department,. ..■ .TSoS THE DEPAfiJMENT S?M I3r joi»i!« ue.lroo* of aoyuiriog the modern laoga&gci w tb t*'ol*otdee i roajWtpii a* a.i kind* of oouttry produce, tnch as CHAIN o( avfte ilrsonptinn. BevMifdcs, Calfskins, lumber. Uatk.Teilow, &o . nnd qren c list la oath would cumovery naiuly. We win n so, (utniin (.atlume.rt with lead* made Hoot: and SliOfL Gears. Ilaroass Collan. Bridle*. Lines, B&dJtei &0.. oasJwn tioi o». and ai ihe »nne prices which thoy would li*v# tipsy tho rrantilac. u r*ri tftltey bonirbt of then Humeti makes*! ' .’)>-aittkor*. ;id J otners. will pUaie ca.l and examine oil MnyilU |H33-«m. JOHN HUSBELL fc-00, • Laulion. - Am. p.iton. kuuwo lo u.« YAf.lS’tf BKL.F-SETCEItf i a ibe county ot Clearwilt please come and sett!* he uio of the Kirhi with L. K, CAHTLU, ftl CJearflehfc oho I* authorised by ms lo make amicable cetlletneoU sol ihe same, tr ait wi.l be militated against nil itersoei neglect' inn this oohe*. ROBERT LYTLES June D, lb5J < t ALL pcr.ont wi«h ; riT to purchase Rights and Clocksfoi L piirlil and Circular Haw mill* will call on fLCagr ler who l t hit doy auihcrlso to mciocootrnctt forth#tamer.' - June 11-pd.-tim ROtIEKT LYTLE* ; EaagEand Whipped. Tariff or no Tariff. | T’HE vßlnariU*' iat«ndi keeping on band aMarce AMoft 1 tnont of |H( *N and pfAftJd, which he will »wi OTrtW moil icoionable tejjui,at Urn Iron and i'VjQßdrjr atori adMOp Inc Leonard & Moore. U R. CARTER, Aff«iJ.; P'purfialll IV" R, |WSI Gs»bfim'< o Q the shortest Police. , tycOFriNi made to order on the shortest tsottae. Deoemhev 9. 1868 . M TAVERN STAND M OPCDUQ. 6i3^.0a51S s ; J.\ CUR WENS VILLE, Va. THE tnl.io-ilicr rrtpnrei to «cll at PHJVATB J, BAfcB.kii t'iiitva.uiV! HO>IVENIENT IL/iLL id ihvtvwa oi tA RWKN3VII.LL, Known althe " r Amoirno&m M®hib©“ it is lituated on the nnrthwot’ corner af State and Eilbjrt *tieet». uod in the centre ol'lbe business part or he town.** 'I ,ie houre is 45 by 48 fed. two sxuriei h'sn wih s ba q.,d«’J. It u loealrd 1U ilia mou ploaiantpart of laid botoaan wr» private roiidmcn,and ttis ttthrhruootf -1 ‘ we Cg3tdDaD>!,H»Ptotrnlf* inform'ehslrfWSii TISjVAKB.IIRufIH. MKp|p|Ntrrt is.. uiMtfldmnn oais In ihe Philadelphia ftffiSaSSaga&S^