Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 09, 1853, Image 3

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    Fnun »he Penn»yi*ani«n. From California — Arrival of the Georgla.
EALIROADMUBDEft. New YohKi Aug. 80.— — Tho steamer
Thefltli of May, 1853, with its ponder- Georgia Arrived Inst night, with the Call
ous load of horrors, may well be termed fornix mail of U B US * ls, » an< J twohund
4he St. Bartholomew day of this countrv. red and ..fifty passengers. She brings $l,-
Wo shudder to recall Its gloomy spectre 300,000 gold qn freight,
from the forgotten pash A railway train,! The New Orleans Bee gives account of
heavily freighted with, humanity, plunged the operations of the Howard Association,
headlong ipto the yayrpjng njjyss of an The number of patients treated by the As.
open draw-bridge at-Norwalk, Conn. Wo sociation to the 20thy is 4554 ; of these
All remember foe pierqipg wail of anguish 2201 Were discharged cured, 723 died,
that went abroad through the land—how' and 1600 were under treatment. Tho ox
an indignqt, press thundered forth its do- penses of tho Association per day were
nunciations, and Railroad Directors quale- ©l5OO. In proving nurses and homes for
ed lest the slumbering embers of popular' parentless infants throe hundred nurses
■ Wrath should burst into a flame. In a are employed. Among tho deaths are John
I Month the .excitement had passed away, H. Graham, of New York, and L. B.
l and n 6 tokens of the fearful massacre Hume, of Ulster county N. Y.
[ wore visiahle> save tho grassy mound ofj Mexico dates to tho Oth inst.,nre receiv-
I .earth beneath the cypresses of New Eng-' ed. An order directing the pursuit and
I lahdVqoiet burial places, or the vacant' punishment of deserters from the army
K/Bhairs around tho hearthstone of many a has been published.
home. | The establishment of a bank was repcTt
ilark the sequel; Public opinion do- ed unfavorably on.
ided in peremptory tones that the au-1 The blacl: vomit existed at Acapulco,
sof this unparalleled carnage, should and many deaths had resulted. General
brought to immediate punishment.—; Manuel Villodi died of the disease,
conductor, Cu as. H. Comstock, was ! Dates from Texas were to tho 10th. —
sted and held to answer the charge of Tho Rio Grande Valley had thrown nenr
ulaughter. He hits been tried ana ae- ly tho whole veto for Pease for Governor,
ted. Every nrt that lavish meansand Dickinson for Lieutenant Governor,
tenco could command has been brought I Quarantine has boon established nt Pen*
is relief, and Justice, drawn by the sacola.
hen poot and orator, stern and unre-| Tho Now Orleans packets havo discon
ing as the unyielding marble, lost all tinued their trips.
terrors in the presence of the culprit’s The first bale of Sea Island cotton was
ping (fiends and relatives. received at Savannah on Friday.
••Ah' too convincing, dongerootv door Five deaths by yellow (ever occurcd at
|H;\ in nomoa’o eykv, tho lyaipatfcixing lew." Moble OO tho 23d.
We regard this hollow* mockery of a
|f|rial, as an outrageous attempt to defeat
ll'tho ends of justice. Lot us calmly review'
. tho affair and decide for ourselves. The
f'l' sceno of the disaster is a bridgo over a
■mall inlet of the Sound, with a draw for
[ ; : the passage of vessels and steamboats.— j
; i Its approach is around one of those short
curves which all experience. demands
i should bo avoided by railroad contractors^
Tho bridge is invisible from a distance.—
; A steamboat had just passed through and
the draw was still open. Tho train from
i New York coming up at the time, with
| unusual speed, as witnesses before the
I: Coroner testified, and in utter disregard
| of the the ball that signalized tho draw to
1 be open, dashed into to the chasm, and be
f tween fifty and sixty lives were lost. Such
; in brief are the terrific facts of the case.
It has been clearly shown that the sig.
■ nnls were correctly given, and in this
I case at least, no blame can attach to the
. bridge-tender. It is admitted on all hands
| that the arrangements of the board are as
| bad as intolerably parsimonious mis-man
f agement can moke them. But we cannot
f divest ourselves of the idea that by far the
'<? greatest degree of culpability is with the
; conductor, acquitted though he be by the
verdict of a Connecticut jury,
f The conductor of a train of cars, holds a
situation of responsibility inferior to none
that wo can conceive of. In his hands
the precious lives of passengers are placed
and his first principal concern should be,
to secure this perfect safety. It will not
do, when he is charged with the neglect of
important duties, to plead that he was at.
tending to Borne minor mattor, such for in*
stance as collecting the fares. Comstock
may have been, os a general thing, a care*
ful and prudent man —sober, watchful and
intelligent—for his own sake, we sincerely
w hope he wus—we have no reason, to be
;; % lieve the contrary, and we do not dosiro
| to do him the slightest injustice—but this
I. we do know, that he was not in a position
I to see that all was safe when the train was
|. approaching a dangerous draw-bridge,
| and for this neglience he is accountable.—
if We doubt not that in his own conscience,
| Chas. H. Comstock believes himself to be
I the murderer of fifty human beings. If
f so, nothing could add to the severity of his
' punishment, for the verdict of the jury
; only saves him from the merited penalty
i of.a violated law—“it cannot minister to
• a mind diseased, nor pluck from the heart
‘ i a rooted sorrow."
' Ifanyone will take the trouble to ex
amine the records of our criminal courts,
j he will find that it has been decided over
j and over again, by just such verdicts as
this, that wholesale homicide is not murd
tr. We are tending to the idea that there
is something praiseworthy in a steamboat
.... explosion or a railroad collision with its
; scores of mutilated victims. A court of
j justice rings with huzzas and congratu
; rations, when a verdict of “not guilty" is
| recorded against the author of a gigantic
■ murder. To-morrow may bring us news
'of another mighty massacre. Forms of
friends at this moment buoyant with joy
ous life, may inn week be bleeding corps
es on some of our great lipes of commup
‘{cationsand travel, and what redress have
,Wei None! for ini this great lapd ofqurs,
|it js settled by law that railroad corpor
' capnot commit murder.
{ . T The Yellow Fever at New Orleans-
New Orleans, Sept. 3.—The number
Mpf deaths for the 24 hours ending this
"f Mornirtg was IX6, of which 87 were from
•Sfevor and fl unknown. Tho number of
fijeaths for th® week was 955, of which
llk>4 were from fever,
it whole number of deaths since the
r May is 9,544, of wlrich‘7,2l3 were
jver; ■■■■•• ; U;,! ’ " 1
V ObleAns, Sept. 2.—To-day
ed by fostiqg and prayer. The
were nearly all closed, and business
Uysuspended. The weather through
day haa been very sultry. The
r of deatha by the fever to-day was
pigg aeyenroore than yesterday.—
lidemio; pow, begins to create hayqq
fthe better, classes.
iJoßilvScpt'. B.—Tha in ttys
'ST, which is a very
ip incrtase.
Ikt'O. T.’ Woodward, convicted of the
Wba s tity;ptt'la» l Friday."
(Krlt ia stated that lowa is rapidly in
creasing in population. Tho whole'-ialer
ior is said to be full of settlers. A hund
red emigrants were' met in ono day, recent
ly, by a traveler. 034,250 wore receiv
ed at tho land office in about six weeks,
over and above ail lands entered with war
rants, which will reach a very largo
amount. Tho entries were all by actual
Nvicnsz, Sept. 1. —The deaths in this
city from yellow fever daily average from
13 to 15, and tbepresent population of the
city is estimated at not over 400.
Oir’Liverpool, with 400,000 population,
is yet without a daily newspaper!
MARRIED. —On tho 4th insant, by the
Rev. John Flegal, Mr. Isaac Woinright, of
Jefferson county, to MissCatharineßishel,
of Clearfield county, Pa,
DIFD. —On the 80th ult in Penn tp.,
Clearfield county, Pa., Mr. Lewis Roberts,
aged 64 years.'
For thecureqf Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and
all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases.
” lEila, unufif *l'l Audit.. VEUETaBLE EI,ErTIC
PIMA*, too. lb.oali reaMdr av.Mwcarend lor carlo. Kp
il.pi7,ermilßS Pi*.. . . .
Th«. Pill, poam (tipadna utioa om tb. B.nrou ;
lid. th*r *.* ut.r»™d..p*cial!ir for th. purpo.. ol
cnrt.i Vtu. they will b. found or «ipml«l ben Jit loi at. mi
■oh ifflict.d with wank narrei, or whom n.rron, mint fcu
bi.. iirueiraled o, .haltered from .nr ohm wbalrr.r. Is
ohronleoomplamu,ordU.MO.orioni(ilandliif, lapsrindncrKl
Prto. S 3 P« bo*, oi two boiM to •». Pm*®** o»toT lh /
118. BALTIMORE tT-.BALTIMOBB. 61d..towhomorder.
from nil null orth.ll.lon manb.addraMd.|rt»tp^d.
N.x 87. ISM .-l». ■ - ■
Mow Aol’rsirllaeojinaomtlco.
Important to Farmers.
Silver Medal awarded to this Machine at
thoFairof the American Institute, N. Y
Oct. 1852; a Diploma nt the Franklin
Institute, Philadelphia; First premium at
the State Fair, Utica; First premium at
the Rensslaer, Co., N. Y., and also at
tho Columbia Co., N. Y. Fair; and a
Diploma at tho WestchesterCountyFair
New York.
HICKOO PATENT IMPROVED CIDER HILL. ■nsac&trtfor UU hl*hlr utpraTid «»d
nlDDbl. Mill. lh» Un, U di»l<Ud b, uidkid g • cotUn,
UftDdaftabmk tbeappU., and'thDß,w th.m to tb.
lowerCrliDit-r to b. raano«l to pomac*. Ur UUumi.-
mrat tb. walk i» p.ifwowt futn aid with m»ob Iwi labor.
Tb. Fran it amarod with a nach larctr .crew thaa for
pwflr. aad br a.sry iarealaa, dario. ta. ou of the bar ii
diiDMtad with aad tba Tab mad, to op.a at Iha lama time
Ua Uidw lalaAdaar. aad tba work oaa ba doaowt'h
much laaa labor thaa br tha o!d method. Tba Crljaderi are
covand wiu heat, .beet Zloo. both oa their paripbarlu and
•ad. I lhaweod la them h atraaaad » aa aot to awall. aad
thawbolt work oa tba Mill aad Frna made la Urn trerr boat
maantr. aad anaa,od with tapaoial view to Ueir dorabilit,
i«i) eervloe*
Ho Farmer, wbo asea ibeUiU carefully and according to
dlrectioas will be disappointed; but. on the other band be will
find ibis one of the moet valuable and efficient machines on
Tbe machine Is made to ran by bona, steam, or hand pow
or, aad when the applet ate§mnad,a small boy of 14 years
ofage can brass tbe pomsoe with ease. _ . MIII .
This MUt u wananted superior to any other Portable Mill In
existence t and the proprietor U ready at any lime fon lair
notice btiag given) to test it with any rortabla MiU that is
aUraaUx. or thn maohia. all oUcra it. that it will aot
ohoka ap. aad ba<d or aoft applet oaa b. iroaad. aad rat tb,
CytiaiUn will alwararemaia cl.aila tnndior order.
Alloidm will b.allwl I. th«order la which U.r oomala,
aad parua.waiUai U*m had Uttar Mad U«ir ord«r oar r.
aadttata at what Urn. and wbaratbir waat tb. ullld.lir.
Mill, attaadad br two maa.will, whan proparlr wdk
adaooordlca ta diwaiiaa,makalramila totwalra barrel.of
aider adar—aad will triad alsaa bj boraa-powar. from IN)
to ‘nr , . l pHoa of°tha , £{l| , | amd'Fraa. 1, ♦W. dell»trcd. Brool
laci Uia latk, aawlr uaprorad Mill,
Havlaa v.rr manr appUoa'loni fat more parllcolaT deaorip.
tloa. of tba ,110. to . ot ror now CIDEK UILL. ihMi la tjja
talaadlamr olroolar. I won Id bare reinaik. ,hM, “aYSSIf
Mill wriitb. bat UTS pound,,!. UK or « iMt.aaar.. and 4 hat
hiab. and oaa ba ukaa aarwh.r. on a wbaaJbarrow wlUooa-
Ya* l.rca. Balow wlllbaronad afaw aoUeta and itoommaa.
datloa.ofUa Mill, maar otbore baria, beta miulald.
TbU I, tooeHifr Uatlparohared of A. U. BAUMAN, oa,
rear*, aad 1 maxia Ua bait order oa Uii Mill 1.. or draak.
Centre Line Fa, Aa, W.186J. WILLIAM HULL.
MR. W. O. HICKOCK :-D«r Bip-I parohaaad oaa or
roaitm prorad oid.r Mllta at Ua Buta Fair at Laacutor. Pa.
lut rmr. Biaca Ibaa 1«i»d ii.fficlnkllr. aad taart tar
it aarpaaiaa aar maohlat. Ibttba purpoaaltla lataadadlor.
that ! hareanr area, aadl ban aiamlaad a food maar. ba
-a»d , &hlo,Uar..lB S X “T ;
Co A aM,r ,0 "" d '"AVu to
Clearfield. BwUmbti 8. laH.-im. •
Fonr School Teachers Wonted.
nHraiOlAH-OM l!» feandiu Mi Offloi in LUTBEBS.
opporiu Uw Owit Hoot*. UitartW*.
Wrilbl'l »W.c-Cli»ihil<l. Osj.W. I»l.
Epilepsy cap ,be CuredJ
For the cure or Epilepsy or Fit*, is performing more
wonderful cures than eny other medicine yet
known or be loro tho publio.
Price Fire Dollars A Bottle.
efleoled by thli msdiome, and direct*, attention to
be following only, toassurothoee who are so unfortunate to
)• hfll oted with the terrible disease heretofore regarded incur*
able, that LAKE'S preneratioa.
Is almost Infallible in its Cure!
FYom Mrs. Brooks, widow of Maj. Jas.
Brooks, late of Conneaut, Ohio.
Mr. Z. LAKE.—Sir: Flenio send mo another
bottle of Fit Medlclotte at 1 do not like to do without iton
band. When 1 commenced giving the Medicine .0 nr ion
Edgar, be had from one to three fit* per day. lie has now
taken the medicine over too month*, and bo* had. ( think,
bnl two fit* In that time, and those very tight. HU body and
mind am very raooh improved and by tke blessing of Uod. I
feel that the mediome will restore hts body and mmd to their
wonted activity, tie I* 89 year* old, ana bn* bad fit* over 18
yean. Which have been very frequent, and very destructive
to his oomiiHotion and mind. Hundreds of dollars have been
expended for medicine to “CUBE FITS." bat nothing has
relieved him until-b« used your . Kop*?"* ll '
yourf, POLL 1 BnUUIto.
From Judson London, Superintendent cf i
the Ashtabula County Infirmary.
Mr. 2. LAKE. —Please : Bond rao a few raoso
bottles of your" J UMidlclne;" 1 may not need It, but think
safer to koop it on hand. Your mediolne has dona' woaders
1 gave it to Misi Jane Delano 5 »h» bat had fits for 88.yean.
brought on by having the measles when but fo® l ..***™.® 2
whlohooutd not be bionghtout to the lorfoo*. Altar taking
the madioiue a faw days, she bad a fine oroo or meatla*. ana
hashed noliuslnct. tihe bad fit* or ■rmptomi almost dally.
Bbe and her Istbsr concur with me In saying that wo b«ha*®
tho mediolne hat or will work a perfect co re. 1 also gave the
medicine to Min Jane Henderson and Ails Catty, who nave
bad flu almost daily, fora number ol year*. TMf lUshave
oeated. and I believe tho mediolne wjll haw the desired er*
feet. Uocb money ha* been expended by the fdandioftbe
abjvapa'.leau for doctoring, all to no purpose. Ibe on«
was 101 l for your medicine to perform, and I can cbeerluiiy
recommend it as a valuable RespeoifoUr youn,
Sapcrintsndont Ashtabula Co. Infirmary.
Prepared and 6nld a! wholormlo by Z.LARK.Con*
ncaul, Ohm.-' E, F.WEJLXKR, Travelling Agent
Sold by C.U. WATSON. Clearfield.-P. K. ARNOLD.
Lathenbufg and also at Pb Iflpsturg.—Sept. H,18M.-Ir.
ALL persons are hereby a oil Hod not to lru«t any poison
whatever on my aoooout*unleislh«y haven wntienoi-
Ia Q.U.oUlTli.
September 3d.. 183 S« _____
ALL persons are hereby oaotlonod against purchasing a
ceit&lapromisary note, given Ur ge to Joseph White,
calling for tu CO. datad Augost 80, 1853, #5 tp bs paid two
months niter ate, and the balanoe to be paid on tne lit ol
Aptll 1814. •* 1 never received valno for ihetame and am de
termined not to par it aal«»comp*lud by law
Ben umber Xd. IBSg-pd. JOHN <3 B3TEB.
sm'ta&ir miaaiNNaiß®
CAMBtolberevidaccaof the tobtoriber
in Lawrence torraihlp. Clearfield co.. wp. jwiuy cjgiv
about the lit nt Jane lan. a DAKK UR IN
ULKIIEIfKEU with a white itripe down
bar fora thooldsr. pait of her face it white. fti
Hhait »aot>c*ed to ba
The owner i» mow lad to come forward. wte.wrtjA*rafie
grove property, pay chargee, and take her away, or the will
* diipoeeil of according to law
BeptfttbarSd. 18i3.
THE Cooks aad accounts of tba late Firm ef WALLACE
& lIILLB. art sow In iha bands of JAtJ. WHIG LB Y.
C4q,,for sattlsraeat, all persons having acoonati will plsa.e
attend lothem withaut delay.
September ltd. l8>».-8t. WALLACE & HILLS*.
Filth Volume.
WM. REEDY .Colporteur ortbe Amarloao Traot Bocletr,
bat ihe FIFTH VOLUME of D'Anliitne’* History of the
Hvlbratlion./or safe. Pr.oofiOoenla. The flvolumee $2 to.
teptsmber 9,1854.
"The grealfst good to the grouted Dumber,"
Id a point at which politidaaa statesmen and phllactbro
pula have labored loot aed hard to gain. Dot It U now
clearly demonstrated. that that point can be felly attained at
U.e atora of A. M, fIIULS. Inina waat end of tVe Mansion
(louse, wham hel» io*t ooeelog one of tba moat attractive
and fashionable tail'd OF GUOD3 which earn and alien
lion in baying coaid aetectfor any retail establishment.'
Foiling ooafldaat that bl> tel action of UOODd will please
bis friends, and tha pnblio generally, he would Unite them to
call and azamina hla STOCK OF MEW GUUDd, area if may
do not think proper to boy. Hvoolket weaateeoa it n plena
me to show oar goods at any time. For variety ofgoodswe
can vie with any, and lor LUVVNES3or PRICE DEFY
COMPETITION. *Tia airless to name artidee. and labor!*
one indeed to enumerate onri. Ruffi *U to say. yoo will find
every tuLgoo hand naaally knot tn A Cvunlrj Etore, all ol
which will be told VERY LOW.
August l«.1B&3. A. M. HILLS.
THU BUBSCRIOER9 rtspsotfufiy annoanoa to the otU
aaas ofClearflald copnty nod the pobMo ««n*rxii», mat
they havecomtnauovd the maanfaotory ofBTXJNB WARE,
one mUeeastcf LUTHERBBURGH. wntrethey are prepar
ed io faraish an anicl# of BTONE WARE aquai to any man
nfactnredolMWhere.and on nasoaabla terms.
Orrlsrs promptly attended to, and a liberal discount made to
wbolaule parobanau. M. J. PUIITKK.
August IBSS —Bt. O. n. PORTER.
Estate of David Dunlap, Deceased.
NOTICE Ii herabr tim. Utt I.Uon of Adainlitretion
bare beaa .ranted to tba .abaciber oa tb. a.tata or
DAY ID DUN LAP. lata of Bradr tl’.. Cl.arfiald conatr—all
nmoai iadtb'ad to laid .atat. are reqaaitad to make par
moat Immediautr. and panoat banal claim, wilait tn.
ÜBM will preanat tbun propclr aath.ntloalod fo, Mttlemant.
WABtMVLFN from Iha subscriber, in Jordan townshio,
Cloarflald conuty,oa thaSlih Iast..AGRBY MARC,
■even yearn old last spriog, 17 or 18 bands high, a small scar
on tha right shoulder, nsar tbe point of the shoulder—one hind
foot bare, with n small oiack la tbe tame.—Tweaty-rive dol.
lan will be given to nay parson rttnralag the mare to tne
subscriber, or FIFTY dollars tor the Mare and thief—or ear
nerioa giving inroraalion where one or both caa be had will
be libera!!? rewarded. ALFRED D. RNAP.
August <6,18*8.
Fay Your Licenses.
Mrrcbants and Tavern Keepers witl oblige tbe amdanlgn«
ed by lining their licensei-especially thoee who arede
liaQuents Tor tha year IBfig. If they are cot paid by the Bept.
Cou.l.ioits will be toitituted without farther ooticeoi indnl
gtnoe. t. G. MILLER, Treasurer.
Augast 1858.—1 L
Fashionable Tailoring.
gnprtn enm SS3o£ic&si a
T> ESPEOTFULLY announces to tba 'citlieos of Clear-
XV field coun :y, and the oablio generally that he oontinues
to carry on the above business at his OLD RFAND. above
the Post Office, where he will aJ eays be prepared to wait on
a'l who may lavorhim with a call. Ila has onhandla.wall
•eleoted assortment of Gl//niB,OABBIHUBEB aad 1 RIM*
MINGtf. whioh he will warrant to be of good quality, and
will be sold very low. Hlsoldcustomersareieqacsted tocon
tinue their patrotage a. d as many new one as mav find it
convenient, as be assures them that hois prepared to furnish
the material and do tho work in proper meaner.
July 8. IW3. THOB. 8U EA.
New Store,
mnE und.nitaw) rrepactfallr Inform U« labibltinti o
1 Ckarfi.ld conntjr. that U.» haT.ooen.d a BTuRB m
ta. town of ANtSUNVILLE. la Jordan townihip. at lh.
lat.naotion ,r Ih. Ulan Hop. torapika wIU U. Chau Orrek
road, and offer for sale n full sapply of
Groceries, Hardware, Drugs . Patent Med
icines and all other articles usually
kept in a country store.
rapwtlollj atk local!, aad areata them w» latoad dotna ba
“ CMh PDtoh “" elite SWAN.
David sack Errs OARiNE-r aad chair, ware
ROOM, on fieoond street, opposite Powell & Go’s., store. band all kind, of CABIN ETIyARk. ana
CIIAIRB. soon U MAHOUNiiY nsd WALfiUr cllAlßß*
Any parson wishing to boy wiij do waU to give him n call,
m ba Is4atarmlnad toaall iowar than the same artlc’ns can be
had lb* oonatf.—COFFINS mad,i u» ogjer oa
Ua ahattrel aotlca. . DAVID BALKETr.
ClaarbUd, Aagaat {, lEH.
Estate of Isotoh Fullerton, dee’d.
TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lcttm of Adminta
N tretloa oath, carat, oiatiah Falliiirt o alai.ortb«aoroo«h
ol Clearfield. Ciored. Id <»aar.deoeaK^,ba»abe«n«ranUßlto
the sabsorihar. All frewftff* inaeqtsH to said estate will make
payment iamediately/and those having clslmz Mjjjjf
tana wUI pireoatOumdotr
CliatfUld.-Jolr O. 1853.-et. ‘ ‘
Jaljr U lBSs-<ia. . ■
Chain Puuips.
D&tiaonomUoß on t4* piimUnor id, ol nil ptlwia dwum
Sale of Beal Estate.
■ * DY virtue ©finidry wits of Vend. Exp.. D*Mft
XI tied oat of theGonrt of Common Plana ofWW
Clearfield oouaty.aadto aa directed, will oe u«Aw
SidrvMbW h M B sir
next, atlo’deei* p. m M the following danoribed property*
to wit;
BY virtue ofa writ of VeucLExp..lssued outof tbe Court
of Common Flense ofClearflald county and to*
ed. will be exposed to pnblio anle at this same lima and place,
all the following described piece or parcel ofland, vltuate tn
Boegi township, O earnsld county, via; Traot in the name
of Christian Lattice, containing fcftaoies 150 perches. begin
ningnl a post, then N. 43 degrees, W. fiSSI perohaa to a post,
thenoe S.B9de«r»ei. W.fiMper.toapott,thtaceS. 40<eg.«
E uaO parents along iio6ottractln.nom«cf John Byers to
a post, thence N. & uea * E. 869 perches to a post, thenoe N
lUJee. E. MO percheato the place of beginning* with ndou*
bleßaw Mill. Three Dwelling Hcucsi, aStableandoutboos.
ea erected thereon, and abom 4 arm clearad.-Alio, oaaoth
er trnet in thsoameof Joseph Bomo. bngtnnleg at a post at
tba corner of the Christian Getting tract thence south to dee.
east ISO perohea to a chestnut, thence couth 10 deg. wait £9;
oarobes to atones, north 8U degrees west 881 perohea to a post,
thence to the place of beginning *95 perohea. containing four
hundred acres endlOpeschei,adjoiningtbeUamtinaGetting
tract. Seised and taken tn exeontlon and to be sold at the
property ofFattoa. Smith b Slovens.
BY virtue of a similar write luuod oat ofthesameooart,
and toma directed, will be exposed to public sale at the
tame time and place, a caitzitt.trnct or Land situate Id Brady
tewnthip, Clearfield connly. ooMalolngTOQaores, bounded by
land of David Hum. Thomas Carson, George Ellinget and
others, with a hewed log house frame barn a Foundry nod
other small oat buildings erected thereon and ab>niBl) acres
otcared. heUed and taken la execution and to be sold as the
j propeity of Peter Beyler.^^.
BY vlrtaeofa similar will,lssued ootof the sameoonrt
and to medirectod. will be exposedtapuMosaJe at the
•ame time and plaoe. the following described property, viz:—
A certain piece or parcel ofland situate In Beocoriatownship,
GleaifteM oouaty, bounded by lsntLo Patahln. Phillips and
S here, containing SO acres with about five acres oleared.—
lined and taken in execution and to be sold os the property
ofJonn B. WiUts.
BY eirlueofa similar w»l». issued out of the same court
and to me directed will be exposed to public sale, at the
: same Urea and place, a Ortain Traot of Land situate jn
i Lswreaoo township, Clearfield county. Fa., cootalotnglW
cores, wrh a log bouse and barn erected thereon, and about
10 acres clea’ed, adjoining Uadi of William bliaver. Titos.
Powlesand others. ' , si(fd andiakon in execution and to be
sold hs the property ofLibbeus floorer.
BY virtue of aslmilar writ Issued out oPiha tarns court, and
to me directed, will beezposod to public sale at the same
lima and place, a certain piece or paroit or lan.l situate In
Morris tcwnsbiu.Clearfisld ooonty. containing WO acres, with
no •mprovement, adjoining lands of Jamos Allpott. Rejoin
and others. Seize i and taken in execution and to bo sold as
the property ofJames Lobman.
BY vlitoa of a s’milar writ luned out o( *ht tame court.
aad to me directed, will be exposed to public tale at iha
same lime ead place, a curtain plaoe or pare*) of lead situate
inChest towmshJp, Clearfield coQotf icontainlag 107 acre*,
be ng part ofa targe tract survejediu the name of (leery Buf*
Bn. and bounded as follows.—Beginning at n Dost by hem
lock thence by land formerly owatd by E. Price, sooth ln3
perches to a post, thenoe by remsieieg part of the traot 7o
and four tenths per. to a haxxls, thsnoe si ll by the roraalnloc
part of said traot south 11, west, IBJ per. to ah*mlook; thenoe
south 40 deems, east LUper to a post and plaoe of bsgm
nlag. Seized ao<* taken (neneouVou and to be sold as Uu
ol David Miohaols.
BY vir'ue ofa slmilrr writ Issued out of the tame court and
to modlreoled. will b« exposed to onblta sate at ihe tame
time and plaoe. all that orrtnin piece nr paroel ot toad, situate
——— Clearfield County,ooetaioleg 80 aeres. with a log
house and l> (stable thereon erected, adjoining lands or(J*o.
Ross Mo«es Wise and others. Belxju and taken tn eisoutioa
and to be so.d as the property of John C. Richards.
By VIRTUE of.ilmllirwiii luned onloflbo lam. oourt
aad to me directed, will be espoied to pnLlie sate, at the.
same 'time and jfUoe, a certai* ttact ofland sitnate In Fenn
townshio. In Pvaavifle. C>eartield County, bounded by John
Stull. EUsha Fenton, nndthe Glenn Hope Turnpike road, with
a bouse and Blacksmith shop erected thereon. Retard aad
takes tn exccaUoa and to be sold as the property ol Henry
BY virtue of tuadry writs or Fieri Facias to me directed.
will be esp'ssed to publto sale ai the Court House in the
bor ugh cfClearfl Id on Mo&dar the 19ih day of Beotember
nsxL at 1 o’clock p. m.. the following mat estate, to wit j
WO acres ofland in Bell township. ClearlTetd ccnaty. Peon a.
bounded b' lands of dames UoGh«e on the Booth, by tbe
Basuoehanna River on tbe West, and George Johnion oa tbs
North, with anew Few MtU. a Frame House and Frame
Bara erected thereon, with about 4 core* cleared, beicedand
taksn In cxeentlon and to be sold as the property of 1 homes
C * mobt " “ d ,ll,ml ° POWEL.L, Eh.,iff
Sheriffs Oflice, Aug. 19,1858.
Notice u unor ,i»«». u,»t ih, foiiowin, kcomi,
have been examined and passed br ma, and remain filed
of record in this olQoe for tba inspection of hairs. Isgateei,
creditors, and all othen in any othvr way i>l*ta»ted. and will
be piwenlsd to It e nsitUiphaos’ oeurt of Clearfield Couaty
to be held at the Court house in the Borough of Clearfield, on
Tuesday theZOtb day of &»pt. next, foreontiimatton and al»
or tha Hein of Bam
nel (Urns, deceased.
The account of Abraham Byen, Admlnlttrator of tha aitata
° el-oou in llartihom and Elizabeth Welch,
Adminlitmtofioflbe estate of George Weloh. d^ea^ed.
The aoeonnt of John Drauokcr.Gnardlanof Minor children
of laaao Drancker. of Brady township deceased. „ ,
Thv account or Josiah Evan*. Admlnlitrator of tba estate
of Zabuel hli’ler. late of tba Boroagh of CerweniyUli.dec’d.
WJB. PORTER. Register.
Register’s oflice, Clearfisld, Aug. 19. 1858.
tE>22^CE>33iC^!^ <a
Hannah VVinlerniir.'j In the Common Plena of
bv her nevl fncnd Clearfield county. No. 35,
bavid YViniernitJ, } Feb, form. 1853. Alias
va. | pcena in Divorce a vinculo
Joieph Winternilz. J mntrimuni, returned “Not
TAKE NOTICE. that too art rtqnirad to Appear m lha
Co art of Comwo« rlosi of C'eatflald oonatjr on lha
the complaint of HANNAU bar next
friend David WfntemiLx. andabow oiqm. Ilanr yoo bate,
whr aald Hannah iboold not bt Divoroad frua the bonds or
Bh.riO'. Om=»,Clc«rfi.!J, Jan* IS.ISU -pd.
by her next Iriend. David/PLEAS of Ctea'lisfg Conaty.
Wietemita. vc.JOJKPH I AUa» subpoena for Divorce.—
WINTERNITfc. I No. 85. Keby. Term IMS.
TO Joseph Wintered* the defendant and to all other per*
aoaa interested. Yon will please to take notice, that la
pursuance ol the Commission limed nnt of said Court and to
me directed. 1 willoa Saturday the 17th day of September.
A. D. 1b53. at my office, la the Borough of Clearfield, Clear*
field county. Pa.. p>ooced to bear testimony la this cate and
rednoe the same to writing. to be retd la tvidonoe upon Ibe
trial of this cause, of which the parties will lake no Ice
Aof ait 19.1853.—1 a
Court Proclamation.
VV dent Jadffv ofthe Court of Common Pleat ol the Kish*
teoaib Judicial Do tiiot. composed ofthe ooomiee of Clear,
field. Centre and chalon and tba Honorable BICIIAKD
SHAW and JUIINP. lIOkT. Associate Judges la Clearfivld
county, have timed their preoept bearing datetheTJllUTY**
FIRST of May. IMS. to me directed lor the boldine ©I a „
At Clearfield, in and lor Clearfield oonotr, oa tba THIRD
MONDAY ol Sept, aeit— being tbe 19th day of the moaih
To the Coroner. Justices of tbe Peace, and Com ablet in and
for tbe conaty of Clearfield, to appear In their own proper
parsons, w»tb Roll*. Records. loquhliioat, Examioatioasaod
other Remembranone. to do those Ibintt which their onion
and In their behalf appertain to be dona, and all witnesses,
and other persons, proeecntlaf in behalf ot the CommonwetUh
acelastany prisoners, are required to be then and thereat
Ceadiov. aad not depart without leave, at then peril.
Ponctoal attendanoeof Jnronaad VVitnetsN will hereafter
bo expected aad required oa the first day ofthe Seisloei.
GIVEN unde* my baud at Clearfield, thiifiih day ofJanJry,
in the year or out Lord one ibontand eight hundred an
Fifty-three, and the Seventy •ecvenlb year of American In'
dap.ail.BO.. WILLIAM POWELL, Sheriff.
Stwritr. 001 c., ClMrfi.ld Abb.. Itf. 1859. -
A Valuable Farm aud Timber Land §§£
THE tobsariber often fur sale two valnable tracts of land
situate fa Karthaos township, Clearfield county, one ol
wbloh contains ONE HUN DEED ACRES, well adapted to
farming, wilh about K 1 FT Y acre* e'eared ard la a good state
vf cultivation, with a thriving orchard growing thereon, ami
a FRAME HOUSE thereon erecLd.—"lbeothsi tract contains
SIXTY acres, and li well calculated 1 r lumbering purposes,
abounding with white PINE TIMBER* and only distant
about UK mites irons tbe Soquebanua river —Kor father paj
tieutu'iaoplv lotbeaubscriberon
An*. 19, 1853.—8 t. ISAACO. M'GLOSKY.
Daguerreotype Likenesses.
IXTOULDretpoctrully anuoaooa to the ladles end Gaulle*
W men ol Clearfield, and vicinity, that he hts title -up a
room.and is prepared tnetecute LIKENESdEL according
tTSiLATtar .ad Modr Atpuuvkd arvLta. ofth.
Dbißßinotip. Art. TBom wiihioi plolam ihould onII tooa,
s> fiu .tar will In llmutd. Hoc mi oa ud .troot, 0.. r th. or
fiodofJai.WH«l«7.Eia- Au.B.Hl. IM3.
Dickinson Seminary, Male and Female.
Williamsport Lycoming County, peitn'a,
REV.THOS. BOWMAN.D. D.. Prlaotpal -Situated In
oaa of Use most baautifni, healthful, moral and refined
towns of the State—pouessiag extensive buildings, grounds
andappaialus-harlJgafaU aad accomplished baardof in.
itiactloa. it otters at the smallest possible cost* every facility
for n found, thorough, and Christian education. .
Total expense. p*r quarter, tor all regular bills, from <33
to #3O, acootdiug to season and studies. Moderate extra
charges for the Cream .ntal Branches, ibe next year will
commence, August 85.1809. By order ot the Tr nstaes.
August 19.KM.—pdu . 1
ocrAt private Sale.^rp
3iHE subscriber off* rs, for tale, a small farm, situate on
Oeatflstd Creek, oaa mile aad n quarter below CUaifleld
iidre. end three aad a half miltt above Clearfield Town—
islacdntne rotd leading from Clearflaid toCieiifield Bridge,
in liwrehcetownship.containing TWKNTY»KOUR *cree.
EIGHTEEN of which are cleared, with a good frame UOUdli
and B ARTi and other neoessarr buildings erected thereon—
nnd a young ORCHARD thereon growing. Said land
CLAY, end » situate In a pteasanUand convenient section.—
pJSeasiSi will bo given oath# Ist day ©f Apffl
further partkn*aiahpply to the tab orlbot on Use pro oiihs. "
August 11. R£B.—lT. fIAUUBL ARUUAY. ]
Cheap Cash Store.
WM. A. MA;SON, Curwensvitle,
HAS jntt returned r/omjlbo city of Philadelphia will* ft
splendid aitortmenyoTX
Spring and Suirnne/Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods/Groceries, Hardware,
Queejisware, Boots & Shoes,
lints, Cops and Bonnets,
And everything else nsuetly kent In a Retail Store, and all
oi whioh will be ao!d FUR CASH on a* mmol able terras a»
canba had elsewhere In thecouaty.
Are perticulftr'y requested to call aid exatnlne blaitockof
Uonneti, Laces, liftwpi, and dther Fancy Artioice before
Kurchesiag elsewhere, aa they cannot fail to be planted with
is selection!. _
Reootleot theCHBAP CASH STORE on State street,
one dtor was. of Moatehoi*. J’en Eyck & Co's.
OnrweruvHle, Mir a®. l«si -if. W. A. M.
New Store ! New Store ! !
A REJoit sow opening at heir new STORE-ROOM in the
/V baionch ol Clearfield, one of tbe Iruceit and best assort
ments of MERCHANDISE ever brought to tho county, and
which they now ofler to the old customers of Bigler fit Co.>
at well nt te the psblio at lar*#. ooonsnoh terms as cannot
fal l to five entire satlifaclion
THE LADIES will fiod at their Btore snoh a solectioao
02 CD CD cQ S 3
At they never saw In Clearfield beforehand as for DRV
GOOD;*, gentratty, tad GROCERIES. IIAUOWARE,
UUEENSWABE.&o., they oannot be sarpasied eitbor in
nanltiy orchcftongse. ' * ....
• ryThon who don't believe it are Incited |o call aod be
wm!"powell. o. l reed. jr. weaver.
Clearfield. May S1„lP0l
THEinbioriber wouti re'utn hUsincere thanks, for tbe
very liberal support he bat received siioa he has been in
botioetsia this place, aod best leaye to inform bis Oreads
and ibepobliot enera'ly that he hat ju.t leceived at hU old
stand on tbe CORNER OF FRONT and CHEERY Street,
opposite the Kpuoopal Cburoh. a large auortaeat of
Seasonable Goods,
Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer
ies, Quoensware, Hardware, Cast, Blis
ter and Spring Steel, Hats, Caps and
Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Ready-
Made Clothing, Paints nnd Oil,
and every thing elso usually
kept in n country store.
A promlie to mII cheep. !■ or Hut, odrutot. to onr ooito
ni.tß onle.. ther. U cOßTfpcior pro.ire., dot h. hi. Ih.
.ollil.ctio. of knowler that hondrad. an ooa.iaood ol that
fact, u wo oiler tba boil ol ..W.ooa la eveir .ala wemake.
J 0171.1863. 0. KHATZhB.
Good News.
<27= 333= e S3
New Confectionary and Grocery Store ,
On; Wslor Bireet,opposite HemphiliVllolel* on Hilt's
old corner*
THE above wouM respectfuUy Inform fhepobUotbaJi be
ha* just isotivalbli new slock ofBPRING& BUMMER
consisting of# larrsr juwrtiufn. of Confectionaries.
Nicknackt. and Fancy Aiticlee, than ever crossed tbe Alle
gheny Ridge. besides aeotdediy the best and obeapest lot ot
That onr little bnrg hat be*n stirred op with.—oonthtlaf of
Sugar. Coffee. Motassre. Bice, aad a number or articles too
numerous to mention, and decidedlyihe ba.l assort mact of
That tbe city oan afford- tils terras are cash, aad country
produce take* in »xchnage for goods, lor wbioh the highest
ourketnrioes will pe naia. Coot# oqo. come all.
Cieorfieid. jolr lb, iMie J» B. BHAW.
<& Watfflla Malkoir.
#ll APjuit r*o«i*®d Iron Raw York and
11 Phtiadeiphla. n lanra and aplendid as*
•ortmanlol JKVVELaUy—conititins of La*
diet Gold Ora Ait P»m, UomiAf Pina. CnlT-
Pina, ißibbon Pint, Alto. GasUamau'i
Pine Gold Pint, ol dirfereit ihapa* and
uxat, Pita Gold Ear Kiot Drop*, latactylo
of Jeon* Lind Binfi ana Drop*. OitcafeU
fiDtir U<na*. Pino Gold Pen* ft Panoili.
Gold Watch Kay*. Oliver Tea & Table
Bpoone Bn|Uf Knlvtt. Boiar Tonis, and
Tbimbte*. Ladies Fine Card Casas, Fort MoniH) SILVER
Sts to Sw-LAPINE6-from $lO to #l*. Fine EIGHT DAY
Watches, from Bto 10 Dollars. Fine Gold Watcbr*. V) toiO
dollars. All of which ha will warrant for peifect lime-keep
er*, Also a large assortment of Bpectec!es. Fob Chains, Vest
Chains. Gsrd Ciia ns. F.nkoivei, Pocket Books, bo.
CLrOCßß— Eisht Djj and Tbiity llom Clocks. Fieeßmall
Bpri»g and bdnr—Moslcal lustimrenU, and
a areal variety ot articles too numerous to mention, osoalli
h«Dt br jewelers. All the abovameoMoned wananted stood,
and will be told nt the lowest profits bat his term* are
CASH, ity" Wntchea. Clocks and jeweirjr neailv RE
PAtGtED, aid Warranted for oaa year. D
<&. a MI o Eft XIL 1L @
WOULD reipectlally inform h»s fiend*, and tbaooblio
eenernlly, that b« sJil coaliMoet to attend to all oaili
in the line of
Dental Operations,
At his ofice adjololof his dwelling, in the borough of Clear*
Qald. tie may be foaml nt aa*rls all timae in Ins store la the
veil end of toe Mention hooie.
Artificial Tcclli
Inserted on Plate or rivot. and warran'ed to give entire satis*
EXTRACTING TEETH done witbont danger to the pa
tient, and witfi batliitla pain.
Teeth FILLED and ULEaNS&JIu a proper and scientif
ic manner.
May 6, 1858.
TUB greatest v&rlotjr of BOUTS and SHOES, Ladies and
gentlemen's Congress gai’ersofnil descriptions. that hat
erer bean oirared for pnbllo sale io Clearfield count/.
The proprietor flitters himnlfthal of lb /ears experience
(a the uOUTaad SHOE basinets, tint ho cannot be deoeiv.
ed la the selection of Rood a is tne cits, aid lateare keeping
a well auoitad BOOT and SHOE STORE in fntore
AU persona wishing to get rid of palatal corns can do so
hjr calling at R, GLENNAN’B BTURE. east end of the
Post Oflloe where jou will fibd him res’ r and willing to ran*
dar the feet ali the oomfort that can he glean them. Advtee
gruU. . K.ULENWAN.
Clearfield. Joly 9.1853-Sm.
And 250 Acres of Timber Land For Sale.
iMiB Sobicrlberoflarsfo'stlehiiSAW MILL. aadTWO
HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES of LA«D we'l cor.
•red with WHITE PINK the l*st quality
The mill U built on the waters of the Mahoning Creek, la
Brad/township, near l.uthorfburg* and between the do .
QUebanaanad Waterford Turnpike and the Puoztutawnej
Turnpike. TheraisatioacoodNEW HOUSE, Wh/ 2d feet,
and an excellent BTARCK on the laud.—This i* a good
cbeeoe for those who waul to make a profitable Investment
Terms will be particulars eaquire of
L. J ACKdUN CHANB, Clearfield, or of the subscriber.
Brad/ tp.. Jul/8, It^3.—6t. FREDERICKZKIGLER.
Trial List for Sept. Term, 18IL
JosephBmlth. u ihuU’a.,
Tnot. Wil,.n. ti Thom*. Wood, and olh.rn,
Ella, Ir.ln, Adm’r. vi ivtir Man,
William 11. Bloom* v» Pat.. Bloom*
William VV. WUioa. >• William Bloom*
Amo. Bobhll. vs D&vid llora.
wm.Danker. vs Bimon Borabaoab.
Emanuel Donor* vs EUaa Hard
Thomas P.iler* a«. 01. v. 11. U.Bmlth As a Bow.ll. flro.D. vi Pika town.hip.,
Jar,mlsh Milas, v. Union Towiuhlp,
Gommonwaaltb. , U Jam., Jfohni-0.,
Johaßandsilia* ; vj llotaea fatob%,
Pearas’t llaira, va David M.obaola.
Wflholm b Wtrtt, . „ «* j- B. Moorv.
J.G.Milaa. M’Uoawell’a Ek v« Manor Event. «t. aL
J. & Q. 11. otloor, va A. Coijb A. Bba<r,
OoDiad Bokar, ■ va AmoabJoieph Amu.
Cnmwlntttb Mahaflir. vs Jacob Bilker,
David Orawail; ‘ va ltaaoßhdar*
J. W.Hmlih, va Jaa.Pariosu 4t H.' M, Uqto*.
Wm. F. B oons. »• John Pa ahla,
Ueaartr’a Bavoalon. vs William Pbillipv, at al.
Barns. V. Bam,.
J, b. a. Il.Silaar. va Tbomu b John Maf a.
Thomas Wanda. va T. Mrfiaiif b U Miiaball.:
William Kirn*. vs Wu. Ha.ltt's AdmrV
David B. ti(haoa. vs Biktibar. tr b Bloom,
jonalhaa Baraton. v. tiataasl Powell.'at. at.
J.U. Brstresa* va J. 8,-Mourn sW. 11. Uaoit.
An.list lai. lUII.
Happiness and Competence,
; wafts it?
THAT we fwhpld many remnWe.ncnrcall tbe
He. brekeala health, and spirit* wife ■ oampUdatfea or
discreet and allraenrse-deprlyiag theta of Ore pownt for te#-.
eojoyMsat of life at an rate When physical, buoyancy
ot spirits,*and happy serenity of mind, artilng from ftopftdiv
tlqa or health should be predorahnet. .
Many ortho causae ol her sufferings**! firs'.—petnaperpva
before during girlhood, or the first yearn ofhet
were in thelrongia solightaeto pattoaaoilufu,. .
When too late to be benetliled by*our knowledge, 'we’oob
end mooio.and regret the fall oonseQueioe of.oar
‘whM.wqnld wo nctofloo .Ivotopotm. i» earle IMelto'
koowfetleeiwe obtun la aftor IM». Aad wha* d.«aa4
Brabteoftiyripun.wa«l«ht hat. betaipotod.lftUA*h
•dfe wa« umotylPVnM*«d. 1*“
Tob,«ilcknM»»ad,»nir«rln.tlidorod b.raaaT ajrlfa
for many years, Ifom oaom simple and ooatroUble easfly
remedied—ot better eUlHnot leqnrmd. If even
years OF i|I3EBY. . ,
And to he? hnibai)d tin conitant »”
wuSJ“ n (!f>lof r hlmtls.oppJrtqa't»oracqnlilai^itloomp^
sg ;u4E tub means of happiness
ifi“aaniaoutoa»a!iS!SSfo!fdhaiTiaMtl.d,,4a '.“^“1“
bervelf, wbioh would spare her innohaoffering, be tbe means
of bapploeia and pmperityto her hu»*»aud f and ©onrer open
lies children that blessing above all f doe— healthy J9JJWJ
with healthy minds. That knowledge-is oontplned .In n little
wo.k enUtied
One.llundredih Edition,2Bnto.pp,2aO, Prira OOrtt,
(On fine while paper, oxtra binding, 81 00.)
Kirrt publislied in 1817. and it is not
Coniidoring that KVE/JY FEIVMLE, WHM lIKR
MARRIED OR MOT, tun here ocqttlro a lull
knowledge ol tbo nature, character and eauao ol
her compMnJt, wiUi the carious syratomk, and
that A M[LLIOJJ COMES ,0 .1
Should have been sold, . ■ ,
It U impraotlcsblo to coarer Mil th« *V. I !!SL. , £ l r
mated or. a. th.r are or a aatota ktrioUr la 1 *"I!*® 1 !*®
raarrUd. or the ooatemplatl.s mwiiwe. bat ad
deelrons of enjoying health, andtnat beanty qoMequt»t<amp|a.
health, whioh I. to coadaoUee to 2
or hot tmiboad. hot e<thei hai 01 will obtaUtt. MM* or *lll
eTeir ! hoibaad whobei tbalove aod alloctlun of hit wile at
heett, tnhetol hi. owapeonatfiT lotoroTemeet. „ .
ufWakus ofonehunekisuthousandooi ies
bare beoo SENT R Y M All, within the lait few etoatta..
But no book uak» Dr. K. tf. iul. cud,’.
6ire«t.N. it.. Uoa lb* till® pa*•. a n d the entry Ia XMUMk*
Offlo® oa th® t*ob ofth® till® pm® : M 0 UujoaJj •
bl« andi«a4 brmaUOd ®fldm®Ur.
A, M. Uni oea®. a* tbvra apariPM *ftd *®n®pwU®i»®
l °Th!S nnlafbnaod upoa iahj*cti “
tohbSr swie®,U»®lf b«aßh and thalrhippmiM.ft
orTblru if Paso coaialnln* ftiUßOi*. with lalUUlppft*®.
and alio index ofcootenU, will bfttoni fr®a
partbflb® United addrwlo*. poitpaid.** b®>®ift.
83rOn receipt of If iUy on '** i°'nH*T»
ihc lino Edilion.eitra binding,; -HiE MARRIED
ION," Isooni,(mailid free,) to, any. parted |b»
United Slates. All lelloro must bo pool paid, and
addressed to Dr: A. M. MauncooU. Bui 18i4, Now
York City. Publishing Oflico, No, 129, Liberty*.
New York. ■■ .. !•> iy :
For Sale by Blanch ond Crap. Harrisburg; J
Qwarls, Bloomsburg; J. W. Worth, Lebanon; J. W
taHoiogcr. Moukcim; U. ‘YV. Smith, Huntingdon*
S. McDonald,Ufiiqotowo;4. M* Baum, Aew Berlin.
II A Land*. Heading; E T Morjo.’lSranosvilie, N
Y ; R P Crocdor, Brownavillol WelUi and Starkai
Carbondalo; IJldjtod and Wrijhl, WfllUWoportt 8,
Tuck, Wilkcsbarre; Goo W Earle, Wyncsboro; H
Crofky, Mercer; 3 Leader, llanbverj 8 WTwvlOf*
Unc»; U f Cummings. Somerset; *1 B Fetoraao.
Philadelphia; John LePorge, Millord. mau in
New York City tiy Stringer and rowmend. Aur|*
anra, Sherman & Co» DcwiU at»d Davenport,Barnea
office, 129, ÜbKty StrMt.
tfaySO JSSS-fta. * ♦' ' ' • 1
Medicines which neyer fail to give Sathtoetloa ,
And ore used by many Phy.iciam in «h«ir Frocjiee.
DR. i B. aoSEU O0 Honorary mtmbaroftbaPhil»Wi>ta*
Uadlcal Bocwtr. aad (rodoated In IIUO firm Uw Ool
,enitr or F*»Diylranr, under tba Hole amlaant Piofbwor,
Pbaaiok, Chapman. OltooiuL'oxa, Jamaaload i
oalahratab loi oadleal teknow-mod h»iU» bad J«lr latat
ooorta and conaaluulon »llh Ihoaa dr»Unt«Uh«a PhnklMa,
moaetiaa dluaiaa or all kind*, and iba im>Mr ramadiu
thnsTOr ud ba.aa aelioitad by Uioanoda of bta pai|aa«
ootap bl« Piaoaralloni, ha now of)an to lha pobllo.raiba
malt or bH axpariaooa for tba put thirty y«r». tie follqw,.
Idk Taloabla Paniir mtpiciaaa. aach oaa •ultol to a ipcoiiio
Dr. J. S. Roae’a Nervmi* and Invigorating Cocdig
TbaOrealaat dlicorarr la Uaaieal ooianoa—For all
Oo.dltioaot tba lyitanj—ltaart .tlaaaaa and IJatroai ,Co»P'
Dlaln'a. Tba aatoobhial and happy aflactof lit hoaa aNei-
Soul Cordial, for duauaa of iballaail, Palol tatloa. flomb*
aeaa Nanralala.Nar»onß Tremor ol tha Motels,. Uaarlbnia,
ISalancy. pSd In tba PaoerWakafalnaa.. BaaUmaaw, or
for Mlnp or TSodr worn .down by rara. labor, or alndio baa
IndOMd mS» bbjilolona totue It T 5 iWrpnctliw. for a
weak ooairitntlou It la a good ra»|orar jit oomplotaly ramovea
rromtbaanum al laarVona Imlatlont. and U aluoatlmiraini
looa In iu rapid and happy eflaot. Tha weak and tb« »a>'on*
ara lrcqo.nlfr realorad to perfect haaJtb bafoto uric a oaa bat
ta. Pnoa fiftyoaata. ■ l >
b.v.Wi>rH D^^^
Thlr preparation it rqada of fresh liondarai tjartaparilla. and
wmbRIS with otQw Ingredients to mdit Itth/jW bee.
Blood Forifiermado. Assuring *nd Bummer Medielae.of is palatable, refreshing and meclclna!, UjinUoelß*
oadooi in enriching tke Blood, ourinrolßkin BraDUt»o« nod
Diseasee Boitfulousßores. Venereal Uite*sni.MdnDd Its baJ
•rToota opon lha constitution. Dro»sic&l BweUngs. tthruma-
Usm lroo Metcurv. Biles. Old Borne. Kidney andlj addot
Aftectloeta and itiilii op ■ week and broken ©onjUto lot
fro man/ o » ass.—Price $ 1 for Quart tultles: Weems foreman
irroa do.owim. RtWß'o FAIN CURRB. It cam
Too tone ha. Bora Throat. Ear acha Ki ti fTN eck, .or Pai ® i >
p, M i n • f aw minates. It onras tioioklp. Pain la the btoa.
ao h*orßo wets, O u°e”Ub i I blai na. Com san d
iha foot It acla ilk* aohnim for Pain* In tfioßkla. Limb*, q#
Back, and from Rhaomatum fton • aoddo# oohl. *1 tamu**
eal la it* effects*—ln bottles Utf andfli oeati.
Liver Diiewee. Djripopeto, and Biltone IldUtin.
B TM«?flsa«?mSd KA^ROADPII.LB bpoaOM tbaf co
R| ([> .
ALSO —Dr J Robo’o Alterative or Bloml P.mlc
cr.Cotigh Syrup or Evpectorani, Rlionmeiic Cum
pound Ujapouaio Compound. Compound Eilracl ol
biioliii'.Tonic Mixture, Aalringoul Cunipcmnd. Hiir
Tonic Thick,Mngio Linirtenl.C-'orminMive BalAtm, ,
Worm Killer or Vermifuge. Croup Syrup. Uoltlcn
Pdla. Female Pills. Allorolivoor Family I'Mla. Pdii
Ointment'Teller cr Healing Oinimenl, Eye Oinf- ’
ment. Eye Wnler, Strengthening Piaiuere. L.fenej,..
Specific. Infant Corhial Acroiutic Oil, Llexir ul Op~
ium, Liquid lli.’> Tome, Whooping Cough SyfUp,
al Alt ml’ibo" . S p P repamiloa.. n»h PR- UOaF'd NHDWAI,
AliVldßß to paraooa la aloanaja aid m bralib. totwbad of
EDiIUNUjE. UREClNEli.Ylorrildila, Claaifltld eoaaty.
H. D PATi'ON. Catwaoivllle, aadof , Daaljt. ayaarallr
throuibont lia Suit*. jaaakl.llftl—fffl.
Mose’s Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Boot.
X uQcatlr prepared from the best Roots and tlsibjofthe
Matena Medlca, and has gained the universal reoatttioa by *
(irgliiaTing onds’irengltrening lit# liver and Digca. '
live Organ*, and clonaing (ho gicvwh on? Bowala,,
and Ihu. eortnn all Billon. BUmuga,-
pepsin. La digestion. Oosuvunsts, Tries, IWk dno he. »™ * *
Ague, Jsuadios, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, ttc . nadcsuslog
•“fu Tlfo™gl'SumX> V °W ttt'a'oarinf all Hamm,.
Cutaneous Eruptions. Borofuls, Walt ilbeoia, Er/»ii>elai» ■
Scald Hwd»Vaeker. Amp as on the face. Uloicbes, CnoecA,
mißbfin* U«n io paffdsm Ibstr proper faDoUona. oravaalma
aad enrini manr painful and aanaarona dirnwa
rainnand qoloisalen UwMarvonadraiam.tlininllariaf Net.
voun ivmailoa, andenrin,aUDtoauaaotUuMaivm.auchas
llrdaHa; Moral,|t,tiamp«.bo-„ _ . _ . ,
I, in umvrreal inlhs turd of oil FegiolaCuaipl'lliilS.
~ vVMkatf,. tonatal dabl'itr. liroMlatltr. Ob.tracUoor
BwaUlniol Ibaßaat. Umba. Jolaia. bp.i oapradbr oroiltK -
nasal atoo. I.UMO and TIIKOAT COMBLAIMTB. toon a,
00. d,, Coucba* Aalbina. Ooniqmpliun bd.* klio* Dratiaar- 1
llavla, mada ata of iba Compon.i] BribP atYa'loW Boot'
propaiapoa. leooinuijad Utotliapnbls<(
**B Boomoleki .OMhhirorihaNa'loiiainjßk Provld»BO»*
H. 1.: A. W.Bpancsr, Bio . UaihliH. Lima l(ojk
do i.Uav. Wm. A. Phi lioi. Uov.
Jonaa, vdllor Brovid.noa Uaa. Ad'U -Jra!. J*«IJ. oj .I}.
lZ°‘ olraato bja. as, .
mad stimolntes h«a3ui/.eoiioo la all thei/suno.
ttATOU Oipuriflerolttfe Blood Ü> TT
Eroridenoe* U< l Jinn. t. IdU DAVID B*
. t* by C, AiOUHK & l«o„ pu* W 0 lMtiMlway
N. V .epilaQld by Dr'iggistl.and otbfrsAbrPdcfi.oiu
this and oihbf cuaniie#'-f'- U. WAFfiO.i.
i AW