THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, AUG. 19, 1858. Democratic Nominations. Supreme Judge, JOHN C. KNOX, of Venango county. Canal Commissioner, I'HOS. H.FOR&YTHiof Philadelphia co. / Auditor General. EPHRAIM BANKS, of Milfip county, Surveyor General. J. PORTER BRA VV.LEY,of Crawford co, £fcs“Tho Democracy of Clearfield Co., will bear ip mind that Saturday the 27Hi of August, is the day upon which the Demo crats of the different township meet at their regular places of holding elections, for the purpose, of electing Delegates to represent them in tho County Convention. ~Georgetown, and its Associations. .Tho city of Georgetown is situated on the ■Northern bank of tho Potomac, ad- joining tho Western side of tho National -Capitol, and, with its surroundingsconery, its magnificent churches, colleges and schools, is one of the most'interesting lo calities in the United States. This is tho head of tide wnter on the Potomac, where tho Chesapeake and Ohio Canal crosses ihe 'riverby means of an acqueduct, which togethor with tho shipping by the river, gives to Georgetown a considerable com merce, which is destined to increase with tho growth of our country. Tho town stahds upon quite an eminence, and which eminence rises still higher to tho north, interspersed with some of the most beau- tiful country seats and private residences to bo met with in any country. From these heights, tho prospect is truly grand, npd is well calculated to make every American doubly fond of his country. To the East lies tho city of Washington, the beautifully shaded streets of which, viewed at that distance, presents a not very inpat likeness of our common country with its diversified scenery of town and country from Maine to'Texas; and tho imposing while pnarble edifices, such as the Capitol, the President’s House, tho Patent Office, Post Office and Treasury Department, to, gether with several other almost equally imposing edifices, looming up hero and there as monuments of a nation’s strength and greatness. To tho South-east is spread out the broad basin of tho Potomac, with hundreds of sails floating to tho breeze, spanned with what is called the Long Bridge;- whore vessels of all classes are passed up and down by means of n draw. To the South and West, tho Ohio and Cbepapeako Canal stretches out on its windjpg voy towards the Apalachian chain of mounloip?) apd the valley of the Po tomac, whilst dye South other heights, equally imposing, rise up, affording equal opportunities for comfortable .country re sidences. But Georgetown is most celebrated for ifao popular and magnificent college which ( wps established there by the Catholics, at ,nn early day, and which is s'ill under their eh&rgb, and is irin most prosperous and flourishing condition. The buildings are quite largo,, and can accommodate two to three hundred students, with every cpmfdrf. Excellent sleeping apartments aro provided, which aro well ventillatedj and where the utmost care seems to bo taken for the Heallh nnd comfort of tho in i>lntes--somo of tho memberr of the fa- Culty being constantly with the hoys',' night and day, sleeping or waking, The library of'this College,'perhaps contains some of the most valuable works in the world, and jjs.ver.y extensive. Hero are some of the .fimt copies of tho Biblo that were printed, wilh tjie manuscript in tho Greek, Lotin and. Hebrew languages. The collection ds yerv extensive, with the rarest and most useful Tho museum of natu ral' curiosities is also extensive; but a person who lias visited the curiosities ho longing to tho Smithsonian Institute, ilow in IheTJatfonaT Pa tent,Office, will not bo particularly interested hero. Still the se lections aro rdrp and in good taste, Tho 1 lh?BQ buildings aro ,jhung, with some of tho best and richest paintings (hot leVier CattlC from the hand of the artist, with excellent' specimens of sculpture, iKe, grounds beJdpgijig tp the estab- are, if possible, qu'tto as iptejrest as thh buildings l themselves. The ip- oWps & large quantity of lam), on tfey have pn extensive farm. A 'jgteep house is attached to tho building, HxvWch is under tlwj immediate attention .of’ ‘iwieof the Fathers, nnd in which nro plants and ebrubs of ove/y climo $' together with ;h\ wnsmrd/ GQfltpjfling -fevorol] a not burn with indignation, while he reflects on.that most disgraceful busjness. Not only ought the .man who could betray tho honor of his country, and compromise the great principles of justice and humanity as Lord Malmesbury did on that occasion, to have heon expelled from offico,; amid tho groans and execra tions of tho people, but ho ought .tO;bnve also had the doors of private, society clos ed against him;. That foul blot on tho national clufracter will never be washed out not even wore tho. waters of tho ocean to be exhausted in tho attempt. The name ofMalmesbury will be ignominious ly transmitted to tho remotest posterity in association with that of Mather— thef victim of an unparalleled Austrian brutality,'per, petroled in the street of Florence; Scarcely lesa disgraceful is the conduct which our' present - Foreign Minister has exhibited in this Russian and: Turkish business- i Tho Czpr has daily and hour |y blustered nnd bullied at our expense '.ever since the commencement of the affair; And not content with offering 'ustWgros| eest nffronts. and literally heaping, his in solence uptmmsi ho ha's now,! in defiando of reiifon&te'rances, and in disregard ofdur entreaties, resorted to an overt act of war against Turkey. He lias marched his armies across the frontiers. He has tak en possession of Turkish territory, and is already, for all practical purposes, exer cising "the power of .n sovereign there.— The no'longer, in point of, fqct, the of tho are; the subjects ofCzar.j An<) yet the persons' ttj whom the of this count ry is confided hciye not'the coUfirgo to re- ! sent tho indignity done to England, nor to punish tho matchless audacity which has planned and carried out this bold .Stroke; of Muscovite policy. If our. Foreign Minister 1 and the Premier had any vestige of self-respect remaining, they would feel heartily ashamed, as they contrast the coufago of the Americans' with their own cowardice —tho prompti-! tude end energy of the Yankee ambassa- 1 dor at Qonstnntinoplojwilh their delays and j indecision. And to make matters oil tho | more disgrucful to England, the American navy costs scarcely anything, while tho maintenance of ours subjects tho notion to an outlay of more than £5,000,000 a year. Tho Americans do everything—every thing, wo mean, which is necessary —to vindicate the national honor, at a few thousandsa year. Wo do nothing, literally nothing, to uphold tho reputation of Eng land, though our navy costs millions. — Look on this picture, and on this. Was there ever such a contrast as that present ed, in this respect, between America and England? How long will our country monenduro sohumilinting n state of things? It is for themselves, to answer tho ques tion. Startling Aspect of the Fishery Question. A Fresh Speck of War — The Fisher, ies the Private Property of the Farl cf Stirling. Washington, Tuesday, August 0,’53. A new clement —most extraordinary in its character, and of portontous aspect — has been introduced into the great contro versy about tho fusheries, announcement of which will cause greater agitation and excitement than havo at ony period hither to been manifested on tho subject. A new and formidable claimant for the fisheries Is in the field. The Govcrnmeht has been notified that an American company —including, it is said amongst its members a distinguished statesman, one of the most prominent bank- ors of Washington, a former Assistant J Secretary of tho Treasury of tho United j. Stales, and several leading capitalists in Wall Street—hialto exclusive claim to all! the fisheries now in controvcry between; the United States and Great Britain, under j title derived from Alqxander, Jiarl of Stirl- j ■ n gand Uayan,Hereditary LioutenanlGcn-, eral and. Lord Proprietor pf Canada and) Nova Scotia, and that the company pro pose testing tho legality of their claim, by fitting out a vessel manned by American seamen, nnd despatching her to tho fish ing grounds claimed exclusively by'Great Britain, or by granting licenses to tho American fishermen ol Marblehead and| Capo Cod to prosecute their business on | all tho coasts of Canada, Nova Scotia,; New Brunswick and Prince Edward’s Is-, lands being moro than threo thousand; extent, in spito of what they pro-j nounco tho diplomatic blunder of lblB,| by which the United Slates, after obtain-j ingfrom Great Britain tho concession of ; the right of fishing on certain coasts of Newfoundland, on the shores of the Mug- j dalen Islands, and the southern costs of Labrador, renounces forever tho liberty of fishing within three miles of any other part of British coasts in America, or of i curing or drying fish on them, i The company say that if tho title to the fisheries is in Lord Stirling, and not in i the British government, he has the un -1 doubted right of transferring it to Amcr ■ ican citizens who, if disturbed in tho right thus acquired, may demand the protection I of tho United States, which will bo bound • to see if tho titlo is good, and if so, to de , fend it. A collision may be anticipated ; should the administration decide to sustain the rights asserted by tho company, the Brit ish government must make large conces sions, or war seems probable. Lord Stirling is now in Washington/ whiihor ho ha? said to have come by ad vice of somo of tho lending statesmen of Great Britain, who thought this tho place most ndvantagoou?ly to assert his, rights. Ho is n man of yenernblo appearance, somo seventy years of age, ofdignifiedand courteous mnnncrs,,and of well established personal honor and integrity. He is nc compninediby, his son. Lord,Starling claims as hejr of his an cestor, Sir William Alexander, of Men strie, Scotland, Viscountpf Canada, Vis count and Earl of Stirling, ,qnd Earl of Dovan to, whom royal, chnrfors) , under the great seal, were granted,, which... were recognised npd ;confirmed by an .act of Rarlimentin tho presenpp of King,Charles tho First. These aro all on record at Edingburgh 10th September, f 621—Original char-, ter ofNQva Sjcpiih. 12th July, of Nova Damus, of the lands, lordship, and barony of NpVa Scotia,. 3d May, 1627—Charter, .ortho country and dominion of New Scotland. ~ (lii | 2d February, 1623—Original charter ofCanada,includiogfiftyjQagueVof bounds op botl> sides of tho" riyef St.. Ldwrcricei and tho Grdat .flakes., . ; These chartdfe.gnvd tfufUarl of Stirling vast political and qdmimstrifliye He, wap rnado . h)s hereditary i oyer tno, wholp ijbuhi lr.iSB.of :; Ndyia,Scpha?ahJl!^C^ijitiJa;,.':'fld ;wns,al?<> midd justico-gfjnoij-a^’ adpu-j : ral, Iprd of, ( jregqljty,' , /arcl.j-Tho ppiwq/, tyaq jpouferyp^ppomhtm of making .atate andi juatice 1 , pf . conferring titiep of bpijor, ojf', coining jrip| i peyji andithp mating .lowa '/concerningdfhe public .state, good, gpvprj I ment of the country. He had the power of appointing one hundred and fifty bard nets, called Baronets of Novia Scotia, who were to take precedence of all other baro nets. Under this power the first Earl ac tually made over one hundr^d'-Jjattonet^; . nearly fifty of thopresent bayonets in (jßenf 'Britain hold tfioir title?front patents gran ted by the first Earl of Stirling. ; I ! The,cjiarters of Nova| Scotia and Cqfi ■ n’da give'to Lord Stirling, his heirs and assigns, the complete right of fishing with in six leagues of the shore, on precisely tho coasts which we have relinquished; an 'extent of coast .of, over, thousand j miles'in length. ' The charter of Nova Scotia, after giving tho boundaries of tho country granted, including New, Bruns wick, proceeds in these words :—“lnclu • ding all and comprehending within the j said coasts and their circumferenc, from ' I son to sea, all'the continents, with rivors, Jbrooks, bays, shores, islands, or seas, ly ing near or within six leagues of any part of tho same, on tho west, north or east [ sido of tho coasts ; and from tho southeast where lies' Capo Breton, and the south ! part or tho same, where is Cape Sable, i all the seas nnd Islnnds southward within i fort}' leagues of tho coasts thoreof,” &c. jAnd the charter proceeds to grant to Sir Alexander, his heirs and assigns among other things, all “marshes, lakes, {waters, fisheries, ns well in'palt water as in fresh, of roya l fishes, ns of others,” &c. (“marresius lacubus aquir piscationibus\ , am in aqua salsa quam recenti tam rega~ Hum piscium quumtilioruni.") The char iter also refers to undertakings which the i grantee may make with “divers of our sub jects nnd others, who probably shall enter j into contracts with him,his heirs,assignees lor deputies, for lands fisheries,” &o. I It is alleged that, I I. Courts of compelant jurisdiction hnvo |judiciously established that the present j Earl of Stirling is lineally descended from , tho first Earl of Stirling, nnd tho real heir jto his titles and estates. j i 11. The titles of the present Earl ofj Stirling have been officially recognised on j the most soleme occasions in England,ftnd : I Scotland. t I It is further alleged that tho Earl of Stir ling’s namo was inserted upon the groat roll of the Peers of Scotland, in 1831, a roll inscribed in the archives of the King at Edinburg, drdwn up by order of the House of Lords, entered upon its register and transcribed upon its minutes. Sinco that period tho Ear! of Stirling has voted again at tho general elections pf 1885 and 1837. His name is also entered on the list of these Peers who competed at these elections —-lists recorded In thd royal ar chives of the Upper House. From these lists results the proof tlint from 1825 to 1837 the present Earl of Stirling, always recognized in his rights, voted during n ’ period of twelve years ns a Peer of Scot- * land, without effective protest.' And also, that be has not only recogniz ed by his peers and, the magistrates and courts of Edinburgh, but that the Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, Earl Gray, the Primo Minister, the Lords of the Commit tee of Council,.in the King’s name, corres ponded officially with the Earl of Starring and addressed him by his title. John L. Hayes, Esq., council for Lord j [Stirling, states that in an interview with] ! the Hon. Robert J. Walker, Into Sccre-j 'taryoftfio Treasury, AJr. Walker said that prior to his departure for Europo, ho hud, at tho requosl of Lord Stirling ox laminod the caso, and although his multi plied engagements prevented his h“ v * n g bceen professional'y employed as council,] as Lord Stirling desired, he (Mr. Walker)] entertained an undoubted qbnviction, which was confirmed by conversation ro lativo to tho case with several distinguish ed persons, during his late visit to Eng land and Scotland, of the heirship, identi ty and legal right of Lord Stirling. L myself have had an interview witlp Mr. Walker, and he informs me that Mr. Hayes's statement is true aud correct. As further developements takes place you shall be first informed of them, The Exeenlion of James Shirley. Hollidaysburg, Pa, Aug. 12. —James Shieley was executed at this place, this afternoon, for murder. At one o’clock, the prisoner, habited in his shroud accom panied by tho Reverends John Stillings and Lloyd Knight, descended from his cell to tho jail yard, and walked with a firm step to the scaffold, which he ascen ded unassisted, and took his ecat on a stool. After singing and prayin g by the cler gy, they took leave of him. Thomas McDpwel, Esq, tho counSol, alko tqok leave of him, when, Shirley remarked that, if any bne else wished to toko loavft of him they might do so. All tho prisoners present in the jail yard then shook hands with him, after'which tho sheriff asked him if he had anything to eay. " '■; V ,1 , Shirley replied—l havo nothing oxcept that I hope to meet all these gentlemen present ip PnrpdisQ hereafter. ‘ I die bettor, than.l taught I shoold. This is not the backing up of tho spirit of the man—it is ttye spirit of God that enables mo to do so.: jf rievjer, iyps ti, bad ,ipnri,. naturally; I wish tq say jilie epuso of all this was intemper ance. f ■ ~ Tfie cap was then drawn over his face wfren ho coiled put.: , ‘Bhbriflj’’j(Mie. sheriff turned .tqflhe.c.ulprit,.whenhe ‘‘ttvill alao'say tlinUytoti, pir, drie map. .God,blessypu.V ' , . Thq deputy ,sheriff then,asked him if’Ko Had, any, to .pjpMj $9 * ! ro|»iiec|, ! N0,,1 hpyq nothing tqep^,bn,that subject, ’’ ~ Atfwenlyiseyen ijrjmptes ppsiope b’cjdckj the 'drqp’felli and ’Jpmes BhSilfjjr wflsJ|nyn4 ched from intd eternity. , A,ll,sigqs‘c>f] life had ceased at eight, minutes after the drop fell. 1 ‘;. Jfdiinspn tKa iciindiddte Fjom lho Richraond £*urain«r, Jul/89. ■ THE MLEX OP THE AMAZQfI. ';' Tho speculation and interest which * htfve been excited in regard to this exten sive region have burst, upon the mind at-, .; jpnost like the revelation of a new world; ~ and a world now to human, industry and ;I enterprise does indeed invito tho raerchant n and the colonist, and offers to both the ; , boundless treasures of tropical exuberance. Up to this time the thick clouds of ignor npce and indifference have veiled thU !: vast and luxuranf country from nearly $ll eyes. Occasionally, it is true, an adveh- , turous traveller penetrated tho dense and tangled forests traversed by tho main cur rent of tho mighty stream, and astonished ' the credulous and the incredulous by tv llie tales-of wonder which ho .brought home with,him on his .return. But the - 1 great valley itself reniain'ed unpeopled, | unused, and almost unknown from the timoofits early exploration by Orejlans; and tho fabulous announcement that it was inhabited by a race of Amazons. Some ~ rare beasts, a few huge serpants, and sev. i, eral brilliant orchidaceous plants, consti tuted, with the , caoutchouc from the 9er., ingas of Para, nearly theonfy representa tives by which its productions were made 111 known to tho civilized world. At length various coincident influences, happily edei- 1 curring in time and effect, are gradually 11 attracting the attentions of Amorians to : the oxhauslioss capabilities of the countrjr. The visit of an American citizen to PAta ’ jand the tower waters of tho Amazon dif- •’ i fused a few years ago a slight and ngreer. 1 ■ able acquaintance with some of the char-' l^ I nourishes of the trnct along his hurried', 1 route; and the zeal and ingenious re- ‘ searches of Lieut. Maury have more re : J cently concentrated regard on the eminent" advantages to bo anticipated by American 1 commerce from opening tho Amazon to;' the influx of colonists nrid tho trade of the 1 world. Prom tho explorations of Lieut. ' Gilliss wo may hopo for accurate, authen- ' tic, and extensive information in respect * to the resources and peculiarities of the great paradise; and thus our . 1 knowledge of the interior of Brazil may 1 no longer bo limited to tho occasional in* 1 spectiori of such rare works as the travels ‘ lof Casteinaq, and the explorations of Von ’ Spix and Martius. ut this lime, while atlQ'n ' lion is draivn to the heart of the southern'; continent, the more liberal policy lately ' inaugurated by somo of tho Pacific repub lies nffofds the hope of access, and invites ■ enterprise towards the sources of the great 1 river, neutralizing, in some slight degree, the torpid pna execlusive statesmanship of the Brazilian empire. The' reports of un- ' told and still unsunned treasures of gold, 1 which aro strengthened by tho conforms- tionof the country, and by tho, known abundance of precious metals in tho neigh boring provinarice, will stimulate ndvon- ‘ turo, and may be, at no distant day, the means of brenking down tho jealous barri-' ors interposed by Brazil to any extensive ' navigation of tho Amazon, or any effectu- ’ al settlement of the immenso and richval- ' ley. At ihe timo, wd havo noted ' with interest the dubious statement of tho ‘ prospective occupation of the Gnllipagos is-.’, lands by Mormon colonists, who may 1 form tho advanced guard and earlier out- ‘ posts of, American civilization in its onward ’ movement towards tho southern continent. 1 We leave to,ihe mdjrp competent hands of Lieutenant Maury the development of tho : mcrcliantilo temptations of Amazonia, and: to Lieutenant Gilliss the moro exact de- ‘ termination of its other characteristics,and only invite ihe curious and diligent re gards of our businsa men, roving citizens, j and curious inquirers, to the field qf nd.>| venture and wealth which expnqds itself, so promisingly to. their considerqtiqp.--> Wo leave to tho leamod and tfavellodi leisure of thesamo gentlemen tho detailed. | communication of the varied productions,; tho natural rosouces, olid the physical, features of this home of perpetual spring,, and shall only alludo to a few of thoso po.-, J culiariiios of tho country which are known, to us by early and long continued, study.. of tho region. Tho extent and the inclin-, ntion of tho great water-shed and of the immense valley fall within tho npprapfP, ate province of Lieut. Maury, and wecoitr. fine ourselves to a brief.; notice of tho*# points which may address - themselves di-, rectly to popular apprehension, and thus elict further interest nnd inquiry.; • Tho main course of tho Amazon is from wost to oast, running very nearly under, the equator, but its upper waters and maiq tributaries pursue for the most part.:* northerly direction. From the great fallfl to tho mouth, a distance of 2,000 miles, if is uninterrupted by either cataracts of rapids, and is navigablo for frigates at aj| or nearly all, seasons of tho year. By thfe Riti Negro u connexion is ’ made with tho Orinoco nnd tho Caribbean sea, which is avuilable for largo boats in, tho rainy season, at which time i a communication bould probably be effected with the Mag dalena and the Gulf of Maracaibo., Thufc besides tho internal communication, ,lwft Outlets are afforded to the north and tbs northwest. On the east tho mouth of tb> river open to the great ocean, i Ut rough tb# main channel of tho Amazon i.ia frequent ly rendered-perilous 1 by tho rush - of (At tremendous tides. The sources oflh» Ucayali intelock with ■ thoso'of the: Par*- guay, the PileomayoF.and thefbederasf (he Rio do Id PUtth;’ furnish An-, escaped* the south; While thdy areat no great dfv tanco from the streatnsUhat!descend ink) the Pacific on the west ; though separated frdm them 1 by, tjtW iritbrvdning 'chdjn ofthe 'Andes, WHdttj'it i8 l( br'dlfbh'.hy s ita :i higbW peak?. ■ !! rf l thd l dountfy :l Wdfe settled by top mdmirmifs 1 . ‘hhd 1 etiterdrising : people,-d WoulfcP’tiit be i: dfffiBWF;t6 i