.C2IIIBIbIIBIPVIBILE4AV lowia|fvp?r layproblf,:; fltjih;;’ • . ■;. ..V;EIRM-6.,' • I .. ; OHti'COfy VBARatM(«l« ; n‘*lWl»kko o ?S(S,d b b» lht»* ta'whoni »raoa»t»f lh» «übio'lplron tno«"». . _| o tb«r>, HSS; 5 ««n»y»: «*»•« 1 ■ LE'i'Tfetl FROM GOVERNOR BIGLER. July 3,1853. Editors (Pennsylvania: ‘ D*Xn Sirs’— Tho following lelter was received front Gov.' Bigler last night, by Committed on Shop Tax. , h Executive Dep’t., Habrisburo. I To Messrs. James \Vesl, Jos. Erskino and E. H. Plummer. • ' t jGfentlenen: —Yours of tlio 21st, was .received during my absence .Worn the seat fif G-overnm'ent, which must bo my apolo gy for the delay of answering it. ' Tho object ofyour communication, you say, is to ascertain tho sentiments oftho f Committee of the Senate upon tho 11th of the net of 22d of April, 1840, I: entitled. An! Act to providofdr tho reduc tion of tho'public debt in reference to me i chanics who Keep stores or warehouses for t the sale of their own manufactures exclu sively. From the tenor of your letter, I i may presume that tho matter in conlro | vorsy has been passed upon by one of tho » Courts of your city, but as to the prcciso f- point adjudicated, or tho (acts which gave rise to the decision of the Court, 1 have no means of knowing. 1 infer, however, fromyqpr language, that thopeiaons now manufacturing exclusively, thus w say. Those who keep a shop tor tho purpose ol making to order for their customers such articles as thoy want of their own manu facture for tho accommodation of their customers, who may not wish to have them made,and those who have the means, in their leisure time to manufacture work tosell to dealers, and those again who keep a store in some retired place for the solo purpose of manufacturing articles to sup ply the stores of dealers, and sell tho ar ticles already manufactured to their hands. I wps Chairman of tho Committee of tho Senate to which the bill containing this section was referred—it was discussed very fully in tho Commitleo os well as in the Senate, and my recollection is clear that the proviso to the section was intend ed to protect mechanics who made and sold their own goods, otherwise the oppres sion upon tho productive labor would bo severe. This is my distinct recollection as to the intent of tho Committee and Sen ate. As to the judicialconslruction which should bo given to tho section, I can, or course, venture no opinion—that duty being properly vested in another tribunal. This I may say, however, that if by judi cial construction the section is mado to embrace any of tho occupations you re fer to—thoso who manufacture and sell their own goods exclusively—it wo “' d seem a harsh .one, and certainly not with iq the intention of thoso who enacted tno I law- I Yours, very obediently, ■ Wm. Bioieit. L ■ Sudden Rising op an f Sweam.—About four o’clock in garter : noon thore was a cry in tho encampment, «'EI want iace !” “the Wady is coming! Going out to look 1 saw a broad white eheot of foam advancing from tho south between tho trees of tho valley. In ten minutes after a river of wator came pour irig along and spread all around us, con vcrtin"our encampment into nnislo of the valley? The current in its deepest part ' was verv powerful, capable of carrying away sheep and cattle and uprooting trees. This is one of the most interesting phen omena I havo witnessed during my present tour in Africa. Tho scene indeed, was perfectly African. Rain had been observ ed lolling in the south ; black clouds and darkness covorcd the zone of heaven; and an hour afterwards came pouring ‘ down this river of water into l, ‘° Pe™' ad-up valloy. This accident of Wady Tin fa-chodn explains, tho scriptural phrase, < “Rivers bf water}” for here, indeedi was h rivbr Of water appearing in JV®, and almost Without notice.— Rtcherthons Narrativo of a Mission to Central Af- f - Pittsburg -Dispatch: of,T«*d*y» «*»** «tbto: a letter to, the Governor,* m°Ptb purporting to be from. the P«litpr of ffipapSiorgiDg. bim to WW ft . detected -the;r.ascf»l!y •forgery,: naihcj author fteeW 3 ’ tft dJftV.ft Itba'ignniant to Carry, lOAt.bift! .dpßtgn, ®9J*r | jtodaoiwoflny 'j?hß;lpiiPs! > ,#lP .ntaJoßßigtriiOnd oshopld! 0 notiberweli Joribinv;; w...:, • i »ofPnp"\^?! n G. e l‘ ‘ jlfoldlrfpctolsifwfflftfW 5 ' k '.mum* Kti -distributed,id pwnM ul P!\?» 11 • itojUWk H>t! uoothekdipd fp. to»j»%o&ta?*PB >■ til r.:i v;!3. ii? «c.> y ; ;i todnatn ftfiti. oil r/’fl nmr L'klSk). (KJ-hi -ioj/f?am\ all .WfiMoil ndi reov.ft . .UKtMr.u Ur,sl {Jl..u >. • r v..-.: ; rot iiy.fsiv.tT V- nti rnm>! \m -wton 'A f I( 'j ... i v«n-; ...h I: . 1 *.H ... I■' l!*t nivm. ■'i": 1.. .1 pil'. I I i'UB .•.« ‘ ' 9 f 1 A WEEKLY TAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE* AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. Volume 4, vFrum Sharpo'* Magazine tor July.) SLAVE-HUNTS IN THE SAHABA. BY IIOIUOE ST. JOHN. From the bondman, trembling undor a scourgo in the American plantations, we sometimes, turn to Africa, the: mother of bondage, who forges chains for her own children. Oftho iron dug from her own mountains theso fetters nro mndo, and the tribes oftho sons of Tubal Cain beat and shape them on her own soil. In the Soli, tudo of those control deserts man keeps tho gato open to his enemy. The sword never found a pnssago thither. Nothing but gold over penetrated tho Sahara. Its dwollcrs were never conquored by an Al exander or a Ctesar, but any truckling kidnapper can corrupt them. It is a bit ter Witness to the broken faith of man with man, to see creatures born under tho pledgo of a common compact and natural law betraying and degrading one anothor ; but the most miserable sight in tho whole dark range of human debasement is that ol the beginning of the slave’s sorrow. Ho is pilioblo when ho has grown old in servi tude,but still more pitiable when tho ank lets and manacles aro new and bright up- on his limbs, when liberty still lingers in his thoughts, like tho sweetest tasto of childhood, and ho is torn from homo, cast ing n longing, wretched, hopeless look bqliind. Remote in tho wilderness of Central Af rica slavery brings forth its offspring. — There, among beautiful hills arid oases, watered by delicious springs, with dato grovea shading hamlets which seem all pleasantness and peace, mothers nurse tho young brood which iB to pine and toil, and perish in tho sugar or“’tobacco grounds of Cubia or the Western Continent. A groat lielt of populous country stretch es across the desert, which spreads over the contra! reigon of Africa, and was by the ancients compared, with its tawny sur face and spots of hill and verdure, to a leop ard’s skin. Four great kingdoms arc sit uated upon this populous belt —Wndal, Bournou, Soudan, and Timbuctoo, whence four caravan tracks lead down ncross sandy and stony wastes to tho Barbary coast. Lessor kingdoms lie around about, each in a oasis of its own; and from all of these come annually to tho sea-trains of captured slaves, to bo sold in iho cities and ports, while others go westward to supply tho traders who ply to tho shores ofCuba. Ivory, ostrich feathers, senna, wax, and indigo are also brought down ; but this legitimate traffic is comparatively small, of recent growth, and never jikely to become important without diminishing or extinguishing the commerco in human boings. Melancholy everywhere, tho slavo sys tem is most melancholy in Central Africa. For, in thoso distant countries, defended on all sides by deserts, and only mado ac cessibly by the cupidity of man, wo per ceive the slave in his original homo, en - joying that happiness which harmonize with his natnre, and is interrupted by tho stealth or violence of the kidnapper. Wo may choose a city of the onco fam ous and mysterious kingdom of Bournou tho city of Zinder, buried deep in tho cen ter of Africa,* it is picturesquely situated amid undulations of green hills, with spinklcs of gigalic knolls. Mondows he around it with fences, and corn stacks and granaries stand in tho open country without bolt or guard, illustrating a reel in" of honor among these “mighty hun tors” of their follnw-mcn. About twenty thousand pcoplo dwell hero in habitations which is scattered over a vast snaco of ground, A conical hill, or a block of granite, marks each soperato quartor. Cir cular walls of matting, enclosing a num ber of huts, mud-houses, denotes tho resi dence of a chioftain, whito irregular clus tors show whoro tho inferior qualities of the population, are congregated. At sunsot oneortwo hunilred vultures fly in n. circle over the city, nnd clean it from refuse col lected in tho dav. Thorp aro two wook y markets,'.when cattle, camols, sheep flesh, fish, wheat," honey, hotkabobs, and sweet potatoes aro exposed for sale, besides mer chandise and slaves. Fruit and vegetables bfthe,pnost cooling kinds are brought from gardens which’ pleasantly encircle* Zinder, qnd thus a strange nation passes a strange but unromantic life. ' . . I’ho great .trade of the kingdom is in slaves, who are classed in a peculiar man ner;"’the men art, assorted into those who have a btsard; tlioSe who liftvp none, and those who have a 1 heard .hog'nniilgrwhilo the women : nre ; valued; accprdinrto 'the size olid shdpo of their bosoms. The bfcst of-lhotngo to the city ofNiflec, to bo.tnore Shipped ffoVi A'mbnca. ; There.!» traffic;in thososlaytW;; ; -whMreex-- chdhiyd for Arnericah 1 to bo-fbund in these markets ffiwo nbunb ontly than thoso of ahy 9thfr cb,unt^y.*— Tile'chiefsiavb hunterd in. these kingdoms nrb, j of cohrse^ 1 ilie Hungs -themselves £&mo ! iJf theiif jgo’but once SsSa'hibhthiflhd I hh\ I vfrTouß , ‘.preenc9s, Mr* word Moslohvy, and ‘h° latcrs, a religious cry covered the shame ClenrHeldy Pa.,Aiig. I©, 18S3. had before) hunted tho Kaffirs or .infidels I There common plan is this: A chief fom ents n quarrel tvilli some town or village within his territories, Upon somo affair of taxation, and captures all the inhabitants. In Order to enjoy this privilege ho pays a tribute to tho Groat Sheikh, or Lord of Bournou. A regular razzia, or slave-hunt in tho Sahara, is perhaps tho most extraordinary of all tho operations invented by man to obtain wealth. F*or somo timo before, there is generally a rumor in tho city that this event is to tako place, and great is the excitement in tho bordering countries un til it is known in which direction tho sar- Icce or governor will march. This vill age is now named and now that; but a mystory usually prevails till within a few davs of tho start. Monnwhilo; small parties aro sent out from timo to timo to steal “a family or two,” in order to bo ex changed for certain nuts which tho sarkco is pleased to like. Then, perhaps a boy pilfors a little fruit. Public justico must bo vindicated ! Ho is sold in tho bazaar, and not only he, but his father, mother and"sisters, and perhaps tho whole circlo of his relations, tho money boing appro priated by the chief. Gradually, howover, tho plan of tho great .razzia is completed. A thousand slaves aro required—so many to bo sent tho sheikh, so many to be distributed n mong tho inferior traders, and so many to bo kept by tho sarkeo. If a common man catches five, three belonging to him, and two to his feudal master; if ho kidnaps two, cafch has one for his share. Thua the whole, population has nn interest in tho result eP'tJrcrdxpcctntion ; and all join with hope and gleo to chaso tho peaceful villag ers of tho contiguous country, and bring them homo disolato and in chains. Five thousand cavalry, and thirty thousand bowmen assemble on a plain near the city; tho drums of Zinder beat; tho people shout; gaudy flags and emblems stream in tho sun; nnd nway goes tho cavalcndo I with ns much pomp and pride as Napol eon’s legions winding along the heights to conquer at Marongo. : After three or four hours’ ride they usu ally encamp, nnd a market is opened for trafllc in provisions. Since no women accompany the razzia, tho men cook and do all tho work. The first advance is of ten made in a direction contrary to that actually proposed to bo taken —for tho (route of tho expedition is kept a profound j socret, so that an unsuspecting population ' may bo taken by surprise. At night, the leader calls his choson troops around him, distributes nuts among them, indicates a part of his plan, and orders tho hour and tho line of the next march. This is made at midnight, or as soon as tho moon rises, when the whole black army is again in motion, dragging its hugo length through date-groves and,stubble-fiolds,nnd valleys and hills, towards some devoted town de stined for tho first plunder. The chief takes care not to expose himself, but marches with a body guard, which sur rounds him whilo a battio goes on. 1 here warriors aro covered with mattrnss.stut fing to protoct them against arrows and spears ; while a number of “generals di rect tho attack, and ehiold-bearers press forward to capturo or die 1 After several days’ journoy the army reaches a country whore slaves may be caught, and disperses itself to tho several citios and villages. Sometimes tho people defend themselves hcorically with their bows and arrows; flying to the summits of rocks and soiling their liberty dearly.— Often, howover, they aro surprised while they are preparing their meals,or dancing, or celebrating a bridal foast; and then the enemy rush in, seize them, chain and bear them unresisting away. If the ham let be girt with stockades, a garrison of ex pert archers may occasionally drivo back the forlorn hope of the slave-hunters, but a second assault is victorious; and-*tho dwellings aro loft level with the earth. Tho hut doors are violently broken opon ; tho insido is ransacked ; the milk-bowls and calabashes are taken, with the bows, arrows and axes; and tho ruin is next un roofed br set on fire, while tho cattle, the sheep nnd the goats are swept out of every field to swell the gonerdl booty. Meanwhile, in'Zindor tho inhpb'tpnts await eagerly the return of tho hunters.— These are sent out todifferent elevations neat tho city, to watch for tho shaddw apd tho dust of tho hbmeward-mafcliing; afmy. At length, after an absenco' more or fess W6lonledf; ; a cry is bdardy “ * coming 1” AH tho population lhrengs out toWrn tho 1 truth, .1(l^is not iii siglit, tlio fruit of hi? ttchievelniipts are visible.' ‘ A tifeng, showing the. way to Uhm'bf nowlylmado slaves; . Hore conteoa^roup of liftib ‘fenrWMr.l^B 'dtibut as : though it ‘ word 1 u Jiohddythen iL siting iof', dragging .tlfe«isolv6s ; olpngi with babes at thqir'breastst then 1 girls ofvirioiis’iiges, some ““"klV’Mobfo. id but biihiidhaadi oiKto’iMa# «}»•!**■ 'iutify; 'tlleU,‘ a ab°RfdhaMkbn'i dtefenbcfcta. I fiis i ng' ,J tiat'rMtii|bi’ ! bW ltien'byht ‘ two' dbiißto ‘'.With 1 tlid : Wtfljjht-bf 'iiittoyfc>i»s dfoof>. heads covorcd with whito .woolnext cornos aged yvomcn, tottering and helping thcmsolvcs along with staves, and after them stout youths, chained neck and neck together, wlio aro huddled through the gatoways, never to pKssthcm but in bdnds. There is joy in Zinder. All'day long tho triumph is prolonged. Following this vanguard—the abject trophies of misery, como single cavaliors, then Ijncs of horse - men galloping ovor the plnin,, then caval ry with drums beating, and then a bedy of mounted Whrriors, with helmets of brass and padded coats, Wlte rharched around tho sarkeo of sultan. At length tho mass of the hunting army appear in sight, toil ing alpng a rolling cunopy of dust, and with it comes the spoil of the expidition, perhaps three thousand slaves. This is tho beginning of a sorrow which is to end perhaps with insults and lashes in a plan tation of Cuba. Some of tho captives takon aro, aftor the general sale, domcsticaicd in Zinder, or a neighboring Bournou city. Almost every householder has ono or two trained who, from tho mothod in which tho irons aro fixed on their limbs, cannot walk, but, when they aro obliged to go about, move along with little jumps. No sight can bo conceived moro painful; but if the people will have slaves it is necossarv for to fottcr them, beenuso there are so many towns nnd retreats near, to which they could escape without difficulty, and whence they could not cnsiiv bo brought back. Thoy are exceedingly useful to their ownors, who enjoy indolgfljßfcnnd comfort through their indual ryJHHj&r this roason it is, that when army returns, 60 much dehgiiUnfEPlno population ns they saluto the nrmywitbtho beautiful Arabic word “Alborka !”—“Mossing!” In tho same spirit tne liuium bandit repeats an invocation to tho Virgin while ho cocks his pistol I Tho slaves cultivate tho ground, cook food, ewoep tho huts, and do all kinds of menial offices for their mnstors,and when they ofTcnd, are punishod with awful se verity by them. Yet they are not on the whole inhumanly treated, and are allowed toenjoy some oftheir favorito amusements. On tho “night of power” in which the Ko ran is said to havo descended from hea ven, they urc permitted to havo a feast, a free danco, und songs;innd thon thoy forget for tho hour all thought of suffering and ore as happy as under thoir native shades. On corlain days too, they visit tho tomb 3 of their dead friends, burning in cense over them, calling upon their names, and praying to be restored “to them and to liberty after death.” Thoy dress very gaily on holidays, and derive from such occasions an enjoyment which seems al most to compensate for the rest of tho year. Many of them aro patterns of fidelity, and after a lengthened period of servico will die for their masters. But tho most unhappy are those who are doomed : to bo sont across deserts, to bo sold in distant cities, and scattered far over tho earth in strange lands. Regular car avans are formod to carry them across the Suharo, to tho market of tho coast. They aro either sold or confided to tho dealers, and marched in tho heat of tho day over tho dosolato wastes of sand and rock, with no alleviation to thoir toil oxcept tbo light ness of their own hearts, and the cheer of thoir own songs. Tho train is ready—it 6tarts; little time is given for adieus, and all tho dear affinities of tho heart, aro bro ken forover. And who shall say that such pangs do not burn as deeply in tho bosom of the negro, as sudden and hope loss partings;‘such as burn young hearts;’ ''burn in tho bosoms of tho most youthful ahd dolicato in England 1 A number of camols with a fito of arm ed men, march with the weary cavelcado ofslavos. Thoy may bo ijoen struggling along tho brown dossort, somo crawling and scarcely able to movo, others urged suddenly on by thronts and blows. Late ly, a traveller fell in with one of theso mel ancholy caravans. It consisted of twenty camels laden with ivory, and thirty girls who had been seventy days on thoir mo-; rotonous, mournful! way. Most of those poor young creatures had performed jour noys on their road from their own happy villages to captivity, which would acquire for any Europeon traveller who should perform them an unequalled renown.— Some of them had little.children slung on thoir backs. Thoy met an old woman who was returning free.to her: own: coun try,; under tho protection of a ; body: of whito men.. No ! envy -filled 'their :sa,d breasts. v Thcy fell upon hor ngnd neplt, weeping and kissing her, rind blessing her in return for the kind rivish sho -uttered, that! the saW happiness, mighli bp iftfltoro tor rill bf-theni; -1 ' -i| i Aw'a!y:thd .caravan procceda over the unmeasured-.desert, tho :camels . pricing along in iet ringa, j one being tied'to .another aridiceaQridiling,;in.thedist«nce l n moving l Irhdss'or ttoDps(’,cspfccitilly:.\vlmh l)tplies\i'hetrdong piles tOiiliaoyfiiiiA solid bed •of rockxonStitutqsf. the.baiis pfj ! the: region, scattered .over-, with vfmMy, sand i Orbl pc ipe'bbleh, except-.when riifftVP-1 tairi.Splasltes'amid its! little grpp.n :primdt6o ( | likad snuip-on thd fojcq' ofade i ftolritipA-T"H Occafeionallyi.tt;v4flti:qB39inHpgO(Of:.rpck|i;l ;m lo T: :i -d.-vo tin o) b»lv?3-.n .’u;- O.ii (U H'Vw*b It:: V'-e ms***. ' f '-.'-J 1c rdt jjfio- P ' P.iD f.’li! c! ’V V,* !-'d i;i ■ UV<. oppoprg on the horizon, and scorns to the believing eyo of tho Moslem, somo aban doned city of tho Jinn. Then a small lake shines liken patch "of silver under some palms, and sbmo pretty red and yellow wild flowers tiro scattorod along the! track; pnd tho wanderer, unaccustomed to beauty amid all its drearinoss, “til linrron dcHortn, with mirprlso, Bees iiiliCH «prilig,.ond sudden verdure rise ; And Blnrls uimd the die thirsty .wilds to hear New In Isuf Wnterniurmuring in his our.” Tile' slaves ns they march, wear scarco ly any clothes, and aro treated ns much like merchandise ns it is possibly for hu man, beings to be. Three or four arc of ten made into n “pnrcel”—a y°. un S: wo man, a young man, and two children.;— Their condition varies, of course, with tile drivers. Somo aro grossly and savagely used, whipped along by day, and made tho toy of their masters in tho camp; others aro kindly treated, well fed, and pennitod to ride in turns. Those with infants in their arms arc behaved to with tender ness and even respect —respect, I mean, of the sort which is paid to women in this part of tho earth. Generally, females aro believed to have no souls, they havo no moral motivo to virtue, no family or femi- nine prido. no liberty of iho affections, nnd nro expected to do wrong if they can.— From woman in such n position what can bo anticipated ? Sultan Ennoor, of the un explored kingdom of Ahoor, told Richard son his ideas on this subject: “The opin ion of his highness of woman docs not flutter tho ladies: he recommended us nov or to listen to the advice of our wives ; if we dio we should bo lost. Tho women wero vory well to fetch water, pound ghn seb, nnd cook the supper, but for nothing else. He never himself paid any attention to what they said : they wero awful tnlk ers.” So much for tho old savage. How over womon in bonds nro not likely to bo tho best representatives of their sex. Hnppy it is for the poor slave-girls on their march through tho Sahara, that they havo light hearts. They sing touching nnd plaintive songs, laden with memories of home, laden with thoughts of former joys, laden with the recollection of the flolds and huts where they spent their hap ■py youth, nnd so they beguile their way. As soon ns the place of encampment is rcnchod, they arrange everything nnd light fires, first for their masters nnd then for themselves. Tho cold of tho desert is bitter at night, nnd tho wrechod crea tures wear littlo or no clothing. Their rations of food are then served up to them; nnd too often the barley-monl nnd wntor which would be scarcely sufficient for one is divided among ton of tho famished and squalid slaves. Thoy may have been on foot fourteen hours ; they may still be hungry, thirsty, weary ; yet, ns tho evening deepens, thoy rise ono by one to tho dance, and trip upon the sand until tho moon grows pale. They beat their uncouth drums, and tho young slaves fly round, often in vory modest and graceful measures, though ofton, too, in figures of quite another character. A pe culiar, hopping step is much in practice among them, nnd it is by no means an un curious circumstanco that wo can traco many of the favorite ncgrodanccs in Amor icalo their origin in tho remoto kingdoms •of the Sahara. They oven havo pfesor ! ved some ofthe most singular of the movo- I monts nnd evolutions, ns well ns many of | tho native airs, so that the spirit of Africa is breathed again among the sugar-canes nnd cotton-funds of Alabama nnd Carolina. In such festivities tho unhappy creatures full into forgetfulness of their lot, and seem as though lost by an indifference, which, however only lasts while tho merriment goes on. Seo them noxt morning setting out, with unwilling steps,their heads bent, their oyes downcast und dull, their faces marked with sorrow, and nil tho illusion of the moonlit revelry passes away, and slavery' becomes again as cheerless and desolate n thing ns Iho Sahara itself. And so tho caravnn toils along, now winding in irregular files along the plain, now crawling up n mountain, now bi vouacking near a well, and on the green fields of nn oasis. As if goos, somo of the victims fail in strength, nnd perish on the road. Tho very aged especially lea Vo their bonds in this manner, half-way bo tweon their former dwelling places nnd tho termination of tho journey to bondage, It scorns a gratuitous cruelty on.the part of the sfuvc-huntors to disturb .tottering ojd men nnd wemen, who have nothing left ofl earth but to die’,'and Who, ifthey wore actually brought to market; would not sell for morn than one chilling, so fooblo nnd usclqss : ,qrq ,||ioy, ~Whqn t,hey ; expire,; a hold.is dug, qr rather.scratched, ip .tho sand and ihOy tiro ih'roWh m. dhd a’ loose stone U.-plofi©tlH>vot ; them«- uN un )hcrs, of euch gra.ves.nlai:k-|ihe tracts, ifrem, dimo kingdom > ojj jthe, sf»h“ ra , tp /B 6 , jcwitafra l' 11 ??, fi [,c ! un jw^?9> i !?w diudoji rfWfl .'Sgftdi .ceased j breathe, npd,.np,mothcr, no, foewfetm., eyq?,SW9;ty .;placeVgoi.Pi, Afl.Wdjstmgutshapjp hdlpck r tWl'd Q = l !PM“ tyj? Idesert : QV " y.n'n ’ 01 !IJ -J i•: J a QM c*M f i ~b MS,*"- Jts&Sm£' r 'aB tt&AS3a£Bg do Hjnoiubt. 1 44»1 do 00^J&mtom.m ft ' do - 705 l d6\ do IbnojKMllW 3, do u monrbi, 400 1 colamoß njotilhl, / ® .dd tt Bidnlhi, ,660 1 do ,tf . .do • .1 '»« ft do 1U mtmthi, 1 8001 do/18 ' • do/•'. w ' A ÜbetrnlredoctUm willbo ando toMoiobanti ond othtOL who adyenUo by (ho roar. , K- Oor uwtotoirculatMirfoTarr oolßhbdrbood.QOdU^yW s , o : aeftrly every tuqUy in ibn coanty—and tbtteloro.nOotda o oOnvdnieotaml cheap.fu6QM for (bo bttiinen.mcn ol ooj coonly—tho merobant. rawled*o ol Iholr locatlob uml'lmilam* \ \W* MiO«*¥ lik4lotutuit**AOard° for •very Meohaaio, Merchant* and Profeiiionnl raan id the concty. Wo bavo Plentycf*oO» withoQteDOfoaohHjirupon ourrenaloat columa*,o«d no man la ftloiUimatobn*lne*» wilJlotoby mlveitfiitiir oxiMoitoir— for,Aiateneralroto,lboinorootlooßiv ■' i ’*i Books, Jobs and Blanks, OF EVEKV DESCRIPTION. PRIHTKOiIN THE VERY UEBI BTVLB. AND ON THE SHDRTEET NOTICE. AT THE OFFICE OF VMS "CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN." Niiinbcr 39. BITTEN BY SNAKES. Fay I TEE Co.—Win. Do\vnrd, Resi ding on Laurel Hill, was bitten oh me firi gor by a copper bend, whilst gathering op tin armful of bay. Immediately after be ing struck ho endeavored to suck the poi son from tho wound, and it ia supposed partially succeeded, ilia hnnd and arm were swollen to twico their natural sizo, nnd tho side on which ho Was bitten be came very painful, lurtting black ond hlu’c He is now much bettor and'thought tto bo out of danger.—A harvest band op the mountain was struck by a very large 1 rattle snake, tho othor day, whilst binding; a sheaf of wheat. Ho immediately drank o pint of whiskey, and worked for an hour, when he look another pint, and worked till night, without either fooling the effects of" the: bito or tho liquiSr.* This would sdom to establish tho fact that liquor though poisonous itself, counteracts the poisonous effects of tho most venomous roptiles.; Spirit op ’7O. —The suggestion that tho present owner of Mount Vernon is ne gotiating for its solo has nwakenod tho spirit of one of tho few remaining heroes of tho revolution. Ho addresses, a letter to tho editors of the National Intelligen cer over tho signature of “8 5.,” dated Columbus, Ohio, July 14, in which he makes tho following noble proposition : “To bo ono of two hundred that will pledge themsolvos to raise ono thousand dollars each (no ono to give more or loss,) ono half to bo paid on tho 10th day of January, 1854, nnd tho balance lobe paid in as the parties may ngreo on ; the property and its sacred remains to bo secured by deed to the peoplo of tho United Stales, and to be under the control of the goverment of tho United States so long as the goverment shall remain a'republican goverment. “And now I pledge mysolf, ns otto of the two hundred, to raise one thousand dollars for the nbovo sacred purpose ; but on condition that tho remaining one hun dred and ninty-nino shall ho American horn and true, and likewiso that no Young , America shall have part or lot in tho mat ter, neither foreign nor American born. The editors of the Intelligencer lias the proper name of-lho veteran, and add their , assuranco that his proposition was made I in good faith. Wo are sorry lie close , the door against Young America. Senatou Douglas. —Our readers may have olsowhere observed the report that tho distinguished senator from Illinois had during his foreign tour, united with the Roman Catholic church. Wo see that the Now York Freeman attaches no ergdij to tho rumor. A letter from Rev. Dr. Teasdalo, of this city, (who was formerly pastor of the church which Senator Douglas attended with his family,) gives the following infor mation. Tho gentleman alluded to is undoubted ly tho Hon. J. R. Chandler, of Philadel phia, now, or recently, at Romo. It is known that his present wife (a very excel - lentand beautiful >voman) is a devoted cath olic; and it is generally bolioved that Mr. CliahdTb’r, having for some timo been a regular attendant with hor on Catholic sorvices, has now united with that church.” We are not awaro that Senator D ou g‘ as has yet reached “the Eternal City.” Terbiblb Death bv tiie Bite of a mad Dog. —Edmond Emmons, of Rtdgo ville, Lorain county, Ohio, was bitten by n mad dog, his own, in tho month of April. Last Friday evening he was taken tjipk about 4 o’clock, when his hand became inflamed and pained him very much. On Tuesday ho died in tho greatest agony, leaving's wife and several children. The wound” had a long time been healed, and ho had lost all fears of madness from thp bite. Ho worked in the field till 4 P. M., on Friday, when tho torriblo malady made iyhoi> "JPSJffJo them ;afior. wds)|jwgy : jj ..hr few vcarsngoy sold .for i .$75: rMoWftify&jfiNf bridg B^ LPP-d., ■y'-.Moa oil; io lauW oift .ip 'id; ot eaiuo-.* »ti erduia