The announcement that Mount Vernon is about to pass into the hands of strangers in blood to the Father of his Country has p roduced a profound sensation througout the country. This feeling is described with truthfulness and eloquence by thoed itor of the New York Times, whose own heart but bents in unison with that of tho nntion. He says: “On the scroll of Amer ican nannies there are many eminent for valor, goodness, and intellect. But there is one pre-pminent. It stands before sill others. It ,ib installed in tho place of highest Honor. It attracts the greatest amount of admiration and love —the least sum of envy. At its mention tho Ameri can sentiment knows no alloy. It is the property of no State or section. Degrees of latitude or longitude do not affect it. It belongs to tho whole nation. In any pop ular assemblage, anywhere between >ho oceans, an allusion to that name touches tho heart, and wins enthusiasm and com pels applause. Monuments have ascended to commemorate it.' Our ablest orators and writers have reserved their best pow ers to illustrate it. And ns the events with which it is associated recede further and further into the dimness of the past, an in creasing sacredness gathers around it.— Each generation gaurds it ns a holy trust, and transmits it to tho next. It is tho em blem of truth, valor, integrity, modesty, goodness. The broad historic pngo of the world shines withaio greater name. — All nations do it homage,' “ But the bones of Washington are in the market —Tho subject of purchase und sale—to beTtrnnsfered from specula tor to speculator by deed of quit claim— perchance to adorn a museum, or grace the shelf of a phrenologist. They aro al ready purchased by a company—joint stock. A great speculation, no doubt.— j Tho noble patriot must labor in his grave to fill the pockets of those whoso freedom he devoted his vast energies when living) to secure. | “Tho tomb of Washington! If human association can consecrate a spot, that place is holy. The flag of our country floating over it should proclaim its owner ship. The nation is its custodian. No individual or company should barter for or own it. Or, ifit i 3 permitted this compa ny take i», then sell the declaration of independence for an autograph; put up Bunker Hill at auction, and gather the bones of all your martyrs and heroes, and knock them off to tho highest bidder. And again : “Let Philadelphia and Penn sylvania, if they will, and as they have, neglect tho grave of Franklin, and permit tho patriot-philosopher to slumber in a de- Jortod and unsough.for nook, amid an un onscious population willing to clutch the ,nst benefits they derive from his munifi cence, foresight, and reputation; but reluc tant to erect an appropriate testimonial to mark the spot where lie lays. Lot Virginia permit the desecration und defacement of the monument that covers the dust oflfJef ferson. But no Stale or district can clhini to own our Washington. Virginia dedi cated him to the nation; and it will bean eternal disgrace if tho nation does not spread its protecting regis over his tomb. — term., >looch some nade. Josta, id ac- o tho vhen dter. i em. Aus ro ho >f tho nt in I rof hem. mcr- itrinu •villi jst at com- i into com cou- > the ild go land Fhoy Hero ndop- e was ied to at. De in the :rican is was d cap eman- ig pre i, with s ship nd i ti lted to >y tilt: ito tho it with it our sc, but Id ness' >y our tnives It lit) ■ the ■lrtish Is .will eating ilantic la no- b tv b* New York has laid the corner stono of a o f‘ lo monument to his name. Baliimoro long •> a .y c i ngo sent up its tribute of n shaft high into the clouds. Every State, Territory,, und j quatc c ity' is now contributing its quota to the eftcc ! ' L towering offering that rises in the capital! States t t 0 i es tify the | o vo and gratitude of the pres ided- 1 cnt generation ; New York has sent her npous | highlv wrought and chiseled marble j New npris- 5 Hampshire her enduring granite, and Cali- ourvoung sUter, her rock so richly a , with’gold; and even as we write, W Inch Wlf r }j, e v i B ii or to the Palace of industry does ghcmt I pot f ee i his duty complete, or his privilege ranee. j cn joyed, unless*he drops his mite towards \mer- j | the national memoriul. All this demon n arc V etrotes the sentiment of universal properly in his name. And whilo wo shoot thcso permanent columns into tho air, to link our humble efforts with his undying mem ory, shall we permit his bones to pass from hand to hand—to be advertised and sold, perhaps, under the sheriff’s hammer; to be knocked off for taxes imposed by the country he saved—or to become the r have oboe rr.u^ o ma ulties. Jnited •prove s anil subject of speculation and the magnet of eceive dissipation 1 God forbid !” ieeident on the Bclviderc and Delaware Bail road.—Ten men killed. Tkenton, N. J., August 3. —We learn from Lambertville, that a frightful accident occurred yesterday evening, about sunset, on tho Belvidore Delaware Railroad, at Bull’s Island, about nina tpilcs above that place. The particulars, as near as they can be gathered, aro as follows: A train pf ten platform cars, the locom otive being in the rear, was convoying to their homes a body of two hundred or more laboring men, who had been engag ; pd on the raijroad and on the repairs of r the Delaware Division of the Pennsylva- I his Canal. Just as the train approached 4 Bull’s Island, a cow jumped on tho road ■ and almost under the platform of tho for *l ward car. This car, together with the I five others, was thrown from the track with t tho utmost violence, before tho locomotive 'i could be checked. Some of them were 5 overturned and others thrown upon end, ;; and their living burdens were hurled to* gether with terrific violence, some under the cars, others among the wreck, and all in frightful confusion. U The train was backing, the locomotive I being at the rear, and it was only going at the rate of eight or nino miles an hour. — i The road at this station, (known as Bull’s | Island, but now called Raven Rock) runs along ah embarkment some eight or ten j ' f eet “high. The cow which caused the 1 ca latnity was not seen till tho first car whs I upon her. , She was cut Entirely in two, I and eight of the} cars were thrown off the! track with terrible violence. John Conroy,' who* was so mangled, by the accident, has since died from ‘ his injuries. This makes olpyen fives lost. v e Teel Jour- •cans ' our o not mem- Land Son fever- en of n= for [dan bein' (that A |ed imb levy sm fnot not [but lee. MOUNT VERNON DIED.—On the 2d instant, in Law- j renco township, Isabella Viola K daughter of j Allen and Susanna J. Mitchell, aged eleven months. . '7 To the dark ond silent lorab. ' \ . g«n I ho«tefled from tho womb, 1 \ Si-otre iho down of life began ' x Uro I measured out my span. I no smiling pleasures knew; I no gay delights could view ; Joyless sojourner was I, Only born to weep and die. Happy Infant early bless'd, ltert, in peaceful slumbers rest; Early rescued Irom the cores Which inereaso with growing years No delights nro worth thy stay Smiling as they seoro. auu gsy; Short and slcltly are thoy all. Hardly tasted ere they (all. All our gaiety is vain; All our laughter is but pnin, Lasting only, and divine, As on innocent lilto thine. In Goshen township, on the Bth inst., Mrs. Mary Ridtml, consort of Lewis Rish el, aged about 30-years. \ FIT! FITS! FITS! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPELEPTIC PILLS. For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps,and all Nervous and Constitutional Diseases. PERSONS WHO ARK LABORING UNDER this ilh lieiiiog malady wiJ fiad the VEUfcfl ABLE ELEI'TIU lo be tbs only remedy over di.coTwred lorcunns Kp ilepi r, or Tall ing Pits. Ihoie Cilia possess a specific aotion on Ihenirvoni system; and. although they are prepared especially for the puroote ol curing they will be foantl of eipouial benefit 'or ah per •ona afflicted with weak nerve*, or wbote neryonj system ha* been prostrated or ihailerei from any cause whatever, la ohronlcoomplamii.ordiioatgsoflong.staudiDg, tuparmducod by nervousness tney nro exceedingly beneficial. Pricv 13 per box. or two boxes Jor #5. Poisons oat of Un chr.enolosiu* a remittance, will havo thi fills i»nt through tl.e mail, free of postal. For inleby ribTII a. lIANCE. No. IWJ, UALTIMOKKaT.. BALTIMORE. Md ,towhomorders from ul naite of the Union moat be addressed, po A paid, | May i 7. id&3 ly. OCTOBER ELECTOIN County Commissioner, WI3 are authorised to snnouooa that WM BHIDOENPof 1 Kurthnu* towtni ».>. i ll be a cundntale for the otfi.e of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the eosntua gentfnt eko'.ion io October next, subject to the decision ol tbs Domo oral to County Oonventiuo. AcraitlV, 1853. County Treasurer. B or* outhorired 10 that JOHN W ol Cieatfi«!wni liu. will bea candlume lur ilia ot flee of COUNT Y CUMMISrIUNRR attbeonming election. in October uest, subject to tho deniston <•! the Doin* ooratic Coouty Julv *»9 t 1853. Hsw AdlvoffltasiSiiHia/imSSo Daguerreotype Likenessrs. WOULD rtspearfully to t ire u>*ies and mm ol Claufivld. end vicinity. » het ho h\s btrer up * room, audit ireenared re* e w:u « LILK NLSdIW. eucoidiac to the LATEST and MOST AI'PKUV ED STYLES ofih« Dttuueiieolj pe Art. ‘l'oose rruiiioe t ic'urei should cull soon, n fit* itey wi Ibe tfini:cd. Ko. m» oo »d »tre*»t, over the of fice ol Jas, VVijtiloy. £»q Aucoit Ij, IboS. Dickinson Seminary, Male and Female Williamsport Lycoming County, Penn'a. KEV. TIIIIH. lIOWMA.V. D. L> . 1 riocmal HlLolnl Id or.e «>f 11.0 mu;t bj ia lisas. AtgQiUa. 18,3-If. FAMUEL AKJRAY. Estate of Thomas Fentou, deceased NOTICE Is hereby guen miul mium.. .0 Ai*roicu.ret J on upon tho ustnie of l iii' r i.N IUN . .to of Aan towcihiu ft eooo'y. djeeare i. hn» > Usm itutue i to the subioriber All persous bavin* c umi» against nii-l emi* are hereby requested to present the nir.e ' 0./ u ittif nticairJ lor aclilemsbi. and those mdebtod to (.be rems aro nj'ijed to pay tho i-roo vtiihuui delay. Aigort, I’d. 1888.—*1 R. P TAYLOR. Adm’r HEAD THIS? David backett's cabinet »mi chair ware UOCM.od Second s'leet, opiipsi'.ePowallft Los., store, whore he hat on handail kinds ol CABIN KT WARE and CH Alllrt, such fci M AHCIi. lEV Mid WAI.NU 1 CH AI RS, WIN nOll CHAIRS. KUCKIKO CHAIRS. ARM CHAIRC MAIICCNEV H’IIINC seat CHAIRS. SKTI Ets ei.d LOUNGES—VIAUOiIONEY. WALNUT ANU CHERRY lIUKEAI S. DRESSING BUREAUS, TOILETand PICK TABLES. END. lIININC nr.d BUEAKEAST TABLES. CENTRE TABLES. FRENCH nod ITELD PI'SI BtD STEADS.D ESHSooii IR lOK CASES. (ITIOMANS. fco Anjr pinion wishing :o boy will do well to Dive him a coll m he is determined to sell o>ver rhtn the sanao aruo eicm ho hod eliowhim io the coiioiy.-CUPPINs moilo to oiiIm„«» the 11.0.1011 nollco DAVID 3 .UKCI I. Cleatfitld. August 5. 1t53 Public Vendue. APULIC VENDUE. Will bo held nt the? late re»idenaa ol Anthoor luatzer, deed'd., io Pike towoihiu.. on HAT UKDAY lh« iXHIi of AUGUST, UfcB. I'horife will Cf*mpt. nl. j st O li. Btinar, vs A, Gois &A. Bhaw. Mahafror. vi j KZZtMW***" v*. Vavi*arsons'fie H. M. Llnipy. Wm K llionm Ti John l a ohin. lleTo-ii’a &tw.. V« WimamPhillipr.rtal. J & CJ ,I |i' Piiner, vs Thomas ft John Mays. Thomas Woods VI I. Mshnflir ft D Miiohall. WillSmlDm*. « Wm. Haslet’s Admt’s. David B Gibsoa. v. Sihs.bervef ft Bioom. j”c? t ßronn(f, nton ’ ” Au ast 1»L 1858. , . • JDr. Jitnies Ifoocke, s~,riBGEON DENTIST—WiII visit CleaiDsld in a few S wMks.lo remain lor a shot! time only, for thapnrposaor aLlondinirtoa!l bntinoi* iahU proiewion. July 23, lba?3—tf« . • Wanted. -|QQ CORDS BTOVxJ-WUOD UUT, eed f“Va,nald. Joao».lEB3. . , V Ya®lsmS' simoil Asasaird©®^' fVP A miOD QUALITY, for sol. at VJ CurwoniviHa.Pa. . ■ • ■ —. ■V EADY-MAUE ULOriIING ol'almoatexaty dexoiiptton • I fti. o ttW , ‘ o " or . SMITH ft IRWIN, & Frcih Supply of Sallna Bolt, AF PVPEKIOR QUAI.ITV-Fdr sala by „ ' u „ L 8 ». 18-J. ’ Good News. c£L®^illlll®o HD.“PATr*JN. lift* just returned from the Eastern Cl * ties, with a Fre*. aod iplenitid aisortmei.l of Goods, consisting in part ol ©iß'ar ladies and Geniltmei-’a Diets Goods; Cloths, Cas-lmeroa and Veitioss. Hnls.vpi. Uouutts ned ribof* l ilk and Cashmere Shawls, Hosiery, Trimmings and Notions, Sj-c. MEN’S READY MADE CLOTHING. Hardware, Glass. Paints a id this. Hlwet Iron Z uc, (rou Nails ciad spike*. GROCERIES AND Flttli, Ced irwarn. Vinwero, Lookiog Glaue», Clocks and Baddleiy Hook* and stal o:iary. Drugs and Paieat Medicines. Cook Btove*. Two Ilorso VVneoni. and evory other articlo usually fuund tu a Co.iolry _ „ _ Please oa!l at the CIIF.APBST CORNER, and exemtuo my stock, bffore purchasing elsewhere. As I am determined to sell at Wholesale or retail, cheaper thunonyothor establish ment in the county. 11. ]>. PATTON Curwemvil.'o. Marta 18',?. A CARD. M o he il il s WOULD resi'scii'Jlly Inform his friends, nud thopulilc xenviully. tnot hn t.l'l coaliuues tu nUend to cl! o.i li la the lice of Dental Operations, At hi*efflae adjoining his dwelling in the borough oft'lsv field, lie ru«y he fount] at neuly all limes in his s.ote in the we.l end of t.iu Mamioo hocso ArliOcinl Tcctli Duelled on Pix!a or rivot. aod worran’od to give entire falls taction. EXTRACTING TEETH done without danger to the pa tient. end with hot little pnin Teeth FILLED aud CLEANSED la a proper and scienl.f ic manner. „ 10 . 0 rley o. 18.8 INDIANS! INDIANS! WAR WHOOP 4- WAR DANCE. THE greatest variety of BO'l’l'S acd 811 'Ed. I.adiosaod gei.t lemsn't ' ou.'tci cai'ors nf a l l *rri it ions, that hus bceii olfure.l ( o* public sulo in Ciemfield county. Tho proprietor - nee in tli a B‘JL'l and SHOE u aimed. t list h* cannot bo deceiv ed i;» the selection of uonds >n tno c)tv, am! intent e Leeptng a well as«u«ted HOOI and SHOE o'l'tißE in future All punoni wishing to gel fid of painful coins c&u do so n F catPog a* K. GLENMAN'd SToKE. vast end ot ttc Pott t Ufica wlifrn you will (It.d him feu y and wi-lmx tores, der ihs fevt all the ooniiort tbnt can ba clvm tnem Adri<« eriiii. R. GLENNAN. Clyatfield, Jnty 8.18&3.—8m b23sillc^ a AT A GREAT BARGAIN ; If AITLIfD fO.'t SOON. \ VERY va'nab.'flMlUa cad TIMREH PRt»PEK»Y. .1. it nal- aq Cifailiald U»«ek. Ucaihci.l Co . I l * .• uaata n teg a Gfi*'. M.T. Saw Mill, uud ••▼erul Dwc l and ltiiuruTcd Laud Tim t'rouorty it worthy tho a'lonlioa Of tho* j engaged to ihi Lombsr Uoiineit. aud wist b* aold at a great bargain. ALLEN u CLALtK. j/ |9, W-lm, 8-*.Bo. 8d A*. PliiM M VALBABLE SAW MILL 9 And 250 Acrc« of Timber Land For Sale. I*HE Hnb»crtbt-rofl*r»fo' latehi* SAW >IILL. and TWO UUNLMEDanU ElTl'Y AUKEd of LAnD wo'l cov rted With WHITE PINE TIMBER of tbo belt quality - Tho mill it boilt on the waters of the Mahoning Cuek, to Brady township, near Luthors>>urg, and between the Bo • QUchaunu and vVaUir.ord Turnpike aud the Paa«u*awney t urnpike There ii olio a good NEW iIOIJdE, by id ft«t. aid on excellent HTAIILE on tho iond.—This is a good chunCf Tor tho«e who want to mama Drotituble inv.mment I>iru» will U»- Hinds emy - F?rfu-lliPi pn,ecuriri cm q ; . I i JA-y ,■ .‘'s i* aAN > . Uiuilli! luus-irllier. 'll,01" l . . JolyH. IfM Pill DEIiIC'KZKIGLEK B'aMilifMKrSUiv Tailoring:. =O 3 0aSi a RL J'L auiionutos 'o tiiu cituons ol Clear* field couo y.ria'l tho pub'io gpn«r«lly that ho cuntmues to erio on tli” hniiiim> ot hi* uLU rti'ANi), übore ti»“ ['on t >tlluc» whore ho will ai *ays be prepnreil lo wan on ftil Who may l/ivor him witn a unit H« has on hand a well »t*ionicd ttAioHmeot ol t3li< /TiIB.(JAFSIM nnd J illM MIN >5-, winch »i> I wuimnr. to be ol good quality. and wl jba sold very low His oM oust* men aiu leques’ed to >xin 11 uuo thrir patroi agu u..d ai many new one as tnui und it courfDient, us lm *it*ure» lueai that he is prepared to furnish th* milertal and do the work in proper ~ , r .. July y. IBSB THQ3 H.ILA. Altcsition Regular* ! YOU will moot for parade duil. al the (own Hull,m the Rurough ol Clear- fl' 111. DM The 13th day of August next, at 10o’clock, A. M. Koch member will pnivul(> lumiolf with Ton Hounds ofblnnk ('urlndgfc. nml tic in oil> -o punctually nl llio liour, willi Ins imnß anil equipments in good order. The motnbots will nppoar in ivlolo pants. . By order ol Cop. Wallace. ’ D. I'. UTZiVILER. O, S, July 28, 1853. JOHN M. CIIABK, HENRY SWAN. New Store. mHE nr.derrUoed reipectfally Inform tha Inhabitant* o I cieatfieHcoonty. that they baTaouened a bIoRL tu the towu of ANBuNVICLH In Jordan lowftihip. at tbj Intersection ortho Ulea Hope turnpike with the Chou Creek road, and offer for tale a (ait mpply or fiDnagy C^}-cE)CE>c£IS3 O Groceries, Hardware, Drugs . Patent Med icines and all other articles usually kept in a country store. Ailofwhlcb will be told nt moderate price* for cadi. or ex changed for GRAIN. CUMBKU. &o. Oar neighbor* we retneoUoily aik local!, aadasiura them we Intend doinx bn linen at a» low rate* a« cub purchaioi wi» a**ow. June 24. Wl3 ly. CliAgE a. SWAM. Estate of Isaiah Fullerton, dcc’d. NOTICE LS IIEREUV GIVEN, Ifaat Loner* of Admloli tralion on the ei»ate of liaiah Full* rtoo Into of iho Borough o(Ci«ill«lU.C;oa:fioIdoo u niy.Uoceai©d.havabeen gittnuJ to .am. will iiifwnttlujra dulr auUi^Uo^^Jor^lUemont.^ Cleaifii-td, Jalr V, 1853. r-iIIA'INOY HUL.HKUT.WiIb WAINWRLUIiT. HIJN MARKET BTREET. fbiladolphla. 1«>8. Joly U IbSS-lim. B. M. Stevenson, & Co. ALEPEUBONS are NimFIED. Thotthe BOOKBofR N. Biavemnn & Co., are la niy handilo; beUltmont at well at those oi Jaiuss ». Htevensoß* tbo stir* V *ALii*penw>u» who haveliad da alines will pie jjeio'tlothoir eccoaou wHhontdelay. 3. B. flrbNA>4*Y. Joll 11 IBH —Gt.' Atfy, &q. Estate of Catharine Baum, Deceased. NOTICE f» hereby given, that Letters ol Administration have oeea cranted to the eubichber on the Estate ot CATHARINE UAUM. lateot'Bnrn'Xdetow&itip Gloarfield eoonto.Meoeaiod. All persons Indebted tosaldestetewefo* S2rllrf open el lIA LF PAaT FIVE, A. M-, Performance ? . •■ to cmnu.tinco at bIX. No p •stpunemint on ocuount ul the weir lu r NEVER was sooh an opn r nnlty olLrud in CTJUV% FNS. VlLLLloerorily iheeyes aod mind f irio LI IvrLEiVONBYl v rLEiVONBY COLI.KOfIONvS from tho ANIMAL. VEHKI'AiILE, nn.< MIN CIIA L KING l)‘ »M . of evry oouoi ry on tire GLi >BK. can there bo toen. I will not attempt a cotoripiion—for hod I Hi* vuoabulary ofa Dow.jr . 1 would fall far Jiortot doing to my COMPLETE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT. Such of the aadienoo who, alter soleoiing such nilioh , s as they wish,can purchase them ut a VERY LOW PKIOE. Yes, at a small Advance on first cost. To be convinced that tho above Is iho case—give ns a call Comooao. com* all.—Admiliaooo freo— children hell price, I CorAeoiville. ftiny a 7.1858 —Dm. 13AAC SMITH Dheap Cash WM. A. MASON, CurwensviUe, HAB just returned from the city of Philadelphia with a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswnre, Hoots & Shoes, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Aod everything eke uin.illy )o »t in a Kotul H'cre. *and all ui whioh will bo sold POK on as naiocable lerinj at can bo hud elsewhere in theoou my. THE LADIES Ate particularly ln call bud eiamlte hts slock ol bonntis, Lac«-i, Lawns, ond other Fancy Arnoics bolore porciistlng ou iietc, us they col cot fad 10 biiplea.od with tns svlectiom. thefHIKAP OAPH STORE oq Stale •‘reel, ouu Ur or wm. of Moult Du**. Feu Eyck 5* Lu's.. Cur went* i'le, M ty i.U, I K*j —it. W. A. M. New Store ! New Store !! POWELL, REED & WEAVER AKLjUkt nowt»penirg atlteirnnw S'foKE-ROUM iuthe Uhi jit; h ot C en'fiHio, one oi th« l«ri:* it nn I bc.t .murt uietita ul M CK‘ 11 AN DIME t vor brougn* i < tno coouly, hjiil wbui, thrty nu'v oiler to lire oUI ouktonioi* of U.'tflct ti Co. as w<-il a* io the i cblio at li-r.o. uuo.i I'.ttns as (ail in give n.t re .aiiwffi> tiou THE LAPiI.M >vill tbc-ir L’toiu sacli a tslcction.o Ai tiiey never sawbefor&««aud as (or DRY Genius, gaa-rnl HAHDVVAKE, UULLNSvvaHE. be sarp utud eithor tu auali’y orch-npue:*. -,i.- v • , , t2T Timso whotlyu’t b«!b##U arc invited to call aod be W°sI'°PoWKU. O. t REED. Jr. WHAVER. Cieurticdd, May 51,.1853. NEW GOODS. subscriber wou! 1 retu>n hi* sincere thnnks, for the J. very liberal suppoil he Lai rtcoiveJ *mo-> be li am bcuo io buiinoi* to this place, and Lori lesye to reform bis iiieod* and the pubiio gcnora'iy that ho h ■* j j t .coeivpd at lilt old stand ou the OoUNEII UF PKONI cn.i CHERRY Siroct, opposite the Episcopal Church, a large anortmoni ol Hmsoiinblc Goods, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Queensware, Hardwaro, Cust, Blis ter and Spring Steel, Caps and , Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, Ready- Made Clothing, faints und Oil, and every tiling elso usually kept in u country store. A pronHielo tell cheap, i« of little advantage looti' ca-lo* rr.tu oulevt theie i* tonvtuHiw pro >f oivcu, but he tie* ’lw ttt’jilaotmo of knowing that hundreds era convinced of that lac 1 ., ju w- ..llii t:*b bill of evidence tu livery ti ewo make July l, 1803. C KKAT7.rU C^a&CS)dQS3 a NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE. r IMIE undesigned would rwpectfnlly Inform their frioodi 1 and the generally thet they have opentd & Store at ULOOMING TON. Lormorly known at Ulooiir* Black irnllh Shop. Clearfield oouniy.Ta, with a new and splendid auortn eat of GKOOEUI LB.flR t»< >UUS. READYMADE CUir iINO IIUUTi and SHOE.*. rUMnER HATH. t:R> JCKEUY, II AUDWaUE and OUTLEUY. WOOUend TINWARE, DRUG*. MEUlClNEd.fitc.seeotcd with great caro In the Philadelphia Matkot which .hey aio prepare I to urli at most csioouhing low price*. Our friends. and lbs public io tenora* me invited to call aod examine our stock. LUMBER. GRAIN , and all kinds ot couutry produce ta kon in rxchanyc lot Goods d tbo highest market pr:ca. nod the cash in nr. c&ta refusod. REX it BLOOM, June 84, 18* m!« u k e . MURPHY & SMITH naon'-.uce to it--ci'i-ent of Clear*.clJ that thev uni iri'iiinU-lo ids BUGGIES, WAGONS,^., i the Ixjrnurh of Cnrw'''isv!l , ». at the '-Id L'coauiy, where ;i w.’.ik in Utah lua w l.i be U me in U>*j very host manner, td ua llu u'("i fAo-".t) '*"»■ _ GRAIN CRADLES, A superior article wth also be maaufuctOD’d nod sold aheap. AIJSO—AII RETAILING done louder on the shoiijU no' tiQfl J Y U Ml l 111' lli, W a. cMITII. Ourwcnsnl e. May 5 19:3 Urn—pi. M TAVERN STAND ii. I.S CVRWENSVILLE, Va. r r'H E inhso.ibtr t r jpotes to sell at Pill VATE SALE, his 1 LARGE AM) CONVENIENT HOTEL in thotuwn ot CUIIWENSVILLE, known ailliu AMfflffaofflEi ISl®Tsas©*» |l is titaaleti on l»w norihwoi- cor >* r ol St He and f’llbjft 'treet.. and iu ilio enntro ol tne buiincis panot be town Too bouse is 45 by 49 feel, two stories neb »ib n ba e ent, and ii every way calculated for a public home. TborliaU so on the premises a l.rce and convenient stable, together with all other necessary b Odious. 'I he property will bn sold on the mo»t favorable terms, and for further luformadon applioatum may be u ado oithor io the so'uciiberon Use premises, or to W. A Wallace, nt Clearfield. Juixill. 18*8 HAAC HLIIOM Jr. A Desirable Taveru Stand and ftjfo FOR SALE OR RENT. f| HE subscriber otters lor RALE or REN I, his well known A TAVERN oTaNIJ.od theSusquehnnua and Walerloid Turnpke. abou h«lf way between GurwensvlMeand Lath, ersburgh —dho , s uew and largo. 89 by 4Ufoet, and well buiiodfor a tuviu locacou &10. The Farm, contains ISO Acres —ss of which are cleared, and mostly in meadow. Tnore is ayoans and t jriving ORCHARD o»the promises, A BAKN and STABLE, and all nacauary out housos. For furtoer particulars anpty to L Jackson Cians Lloar-* field—ot to the subsertbor on tbo wnrp Pnnl{ July lst,lbfy.-tl. ALEXANDER COOK TOWBt irOtS adHE subroriber Infurms tho:o who ate tleiiroas of puiobas I to* TOWN LO'l’d that he will uLposeof a number la the towu of ANtiGN VILLE, tho location of whloh ofiors areal inducemenUto Morhanut and otUexs, •lluated as it is in s good agrlouliural oruntry where an abaudauoi of employment can be procuteti. The GLEN HOPE .aropike from TYRONE (JITY pissoi through it, and other improve monte ato contemplated , , . . . .. Application lot losinay bo made to the wb«ilberon tbs Diem net. lliihni BWAIt. . Valuable Lot at Public Sale. THERE will be exposed toPUJII.IU BALE, at the Court Houjein theilorouehof CLEMlt’lELll on iheHblrd day ot bEITEMURII, USJ, A'J OWN Lf/A*. situate in the boiouth ofOLEAWtiELD, a dkn»wninthe plot thereof as LOf NO.aJ.lato the estate ol W 0. VVe'.ch, l.sq,, dec d. It L located in the must ploasaut port ol'suid boroagh lor a private residence, ami the title Is good. _ . . private is. jaMEBT. LEONARD, \ Esccutori ofestate wm. a. Wallace, jot' w. c, Welch. July t. 1853 —to VALUABLE DOUBLE SAW MILL And NINE Acres of Land for Sale, nnflE Bubtcriber will tell on roarouabte terms, that well I knowo large DOUBLE HAW hllLL.situauion tnen*- er betweenClcarfidld and Carwonivillc. tcgetbqr with nine acres ot laod adiolning, on wbicli theietserected. besidestbe MilL ONE DWELIINO IlOUdE.ond KVftJUEN, a largo hpaBLE. together wilb.other neoesiary baUdiDgi, , -■ d&sr jsiasr p&rtlo “ ,, ” Jung kl. los3.“^stn.—pd. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF CLEARFIELD CO. GEO. W. RHEEM, • SADDLEH, “HARNESS Sc TRUNK MANUFACTURER -On Heoond itioat, immediately om U. JU. Walwn’i Drug SiOfß ll«n. «0. IHB'J CHAMBERS & KLEPFER. Wheelwright & chairmak'ers. Ao.-Undj poll. t'lkexOwaihip. Deo.lst 1 . 13j1. C. KRATZER, Merchant and lumuek r eager—Cor»«r or FrontundLocuit strceti—Uleuiield. ~.r , l?cc. IK6L JAS. ALEXANDER, SADDGER AND HARNESS MAKER—In lilinow chop on Market urMt.neuAJeitcU'clioiel. Dea. £19. 1331. JOHN H. HILBURN, BOOT and SHOE MAKER, h'eaoart itrect, nearly oppoite A. K. WrlghUi'oro, C!sarß6td.Pn. April Id. leoil. JAMES HOLLENBACH, BLACKSMITH, on Third itreel, between. Market nod Walnut, Clearfield, Pa. Aoriilb, 1&2. HENRY LORA.INE, Hl] VSIOTAN acd DRUGGIST, on Marseutroit,opposite l hit rcildenee. Clearfield. Apiilld. liL;., JOHN W. SHUGERT. WAGON MAKER, corter of Third aud Ijocoil itreet. Clearfitld. Kepalrlcg done to order. April, 18. 6J GEO. RICHARDS, FARHIONABGK' TUEuII-lVeit can ol Shaw’, Row uu ata ri—Clearfield. . Deo. all. IBG.. O. B. MERRELL, TIN to BAEET IRON WARE MANUPAC- O TL'KEK—At Ueiital'i old tiand on Mantel itreel—Clear fuld, Dea ih\ ib->L THOMAS MILLS, POACH AND SGEIGH MAKER, on Third ••rtet. >. O uveeo Mnrkrtand l/onnrt,Clearfield, Pa, Apt)**"* JM * HURXTHAL & BROTHER, Merchants anu lumber dealers, wooJiawi Po.t Office, n.nrM'ord ip., Clearfield no. April 11, uJ. I'l. I*. THOMPSON, PIIYBICIfIN— Mny bo found olthor ul Mi ollice.orotßcp. tiild’i iioll'i—Curiuouivillo—ivliou not not profenionally ahunt. Mol. DR. R. V. WILSON, HAVING removed hit Ullice lo hi* new dwelling on. So oted »troet, will prompt‘7 answer tu qalls. na hercioforo Clearu.eid. June lb lsoß. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, TIANNKK .nil IiUOT and SHOE MANUFACTURER— -1 HurwesTill. U 'O' Al. MRS. ELIZA IRVIN, Extensive ketmlek of foreign and ikj ureitio Mmcbandisii —East end ot Statestreet—Larwons „.la. Lieu. 30. ltul. FREDERICK ARNOLD, MERCHANT ami FHUDLCD DEALER. Lolheribotj Clearfield co., t‘c. April 17, 1817. DAVID SACKET, C~V. BINfJT AND UIiALK MAKER. Looust it., between J iicooniJ and Trued, Lki.rticld, Fa. April I'j. IWi. A. L. SCIINELL, ' |''AlLOU—l.uUieriburr.— will dobu work > i»t as rood tad X oa> oibur le!l»w. i."J. tSol. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. A Tr< )UN LY AT LAW. OlHec adj jiqidu lii» residence on /V ttcoooii street opposite the rmidsuccol Lov. Big eithvur- HatJ April 17. IsSa DR F. ANTES CANFIED. nAVlNf>< *urclia»icl the jToptny and aitirauoa of Dr,G. F. lIOUP-H. u.miuri hie prokasional ior-icei tc- lh~ ci iaeni ol i’UKNCH VJLLE i J. D. THOMPSON, BIiAULBMITtI, Wqkoih, Ilujle, at huo ! d »tand iu '.ue bjfOojti «'f LarwHOJvillc. Dec vU.lfcfiy. LEVER FLEGAL, RJ.ACKHMITH, l.ulhfuijurc. Pa . w»,i attend it* nil buil- Ut*«> to h r I*llo , u»'! Will u'u> lihqiili W AGt Ift 8. Ul ■ («- I he , v-.-iy c:h*c{ , and mauul act tired in the style, find A'i*. 7. 185 I.—y, ISAAC SMITH, Wl'.U :II A NT. AN 11 DrfALMt i.'l LlJMfl ER AND Couutrv Prod oooaenai ally—Slain itreat. bet wood Cherry and Locust —L’urrtoiitviLi:. Dec. DO. 1861 THOMPSONS, HARTSOCK, ua Third Strcit. loath Mattel, Clearfield. Pa. filay 1, lwB L. JACKSON CRANS, A TTORN L Y-AT-LA W—can lo found at the offij© form or)/ occupiou b> G K. Uarrett, on Second Street Clear- Held Pa JaneB. iB6S-pd ; DR. GIBBONV F. HOOP, HAVING chanced Im residence irom Krenobvlile to Ky» lari villa iu Morrb township, letp.ctfully often bluer vloei toihos rrodndlugcoairaonty. June 18. 1858. JAS. B. GRAHAM, POST MAST ELI. MbHUIIANT and DEAFER IN LUM BER—Grabumtou. Bradford loownsiiip. Deo 87. 1851. DR. S. L. COBLE, PHYSICIAN— residtoceone mile east of Clearfield Bride©— will attend to idl calls on tbo shortest notio*. Sept 16. 18>fl. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, WAQO .-MAKER—Lutbeittmrg. Work don. lo order onihaitnotioe. and on coodterms. Deo 88, '5l. A. IC. WRIGHT, VfERCIIANT ANl> EXPENSIVE DEALER IN I.L'M left HER—Second street, 000 door south of h(s residence— Cl .arfUld __ Peo 88,18*1. WILLIAM BLACKSHAIHE, CABINET and CHAIR MAKER. &nd HuUBE Sc SIGN PAlNTER—onodoor eouib of the Frmbylerian GhuroU, Sococd street,Clearfield, Pa. April 16.1838. GEORGE WILSON, PHYSICIAN— May bo f -und at hiioifiae in LUTUER3- HUP,G, when uot absent oa prufeuloaal business teb lid. 1853. AUGUSTUS WEItMAN, CARPENTER— can 1). f.nod al hii h.w ibooaMrtljß curqerof Market and lbrrd itr ate. wfieie WIND.JVV aASU.aad other work, la hi. Ilpd will ne mappluctoied la the beat style. March JOSEPH H. BRETH, 15 LACKSMUTI. et NEW VVASIIINKTON.CIenrfIoId co., 13 wherooli kind, of worklidoqolu hi. linaot buimriioa tho ihonoit notice and mo«t reanranblo WM. T- GILBERT, nLAORBMITI|, In Bell (ownihlp. at the Crete Hood. D leading fiom lil’Glne» Mill o New Wiuhlugtoo, anl (tom Cheat creek to the Iriv.t—whara all call. In hi. I jaa will bo promptly attended to. March k, HUP. M. E. WOOP, PHYBICIAN—Mar alwar. he fonod ai hli la Curwenivllie, when not profeiUonaiiy aUw»t. t •v r IJeo. SM. ISiL MARHIAUE. Happiness and Competence. WHY IS IT ? , Til AT we be]mid mso? fsiuolai. i&awn in t»i* of Be. broken m hrulih.nod spirit* with a oompriMtio* p diieunatd ailmedi. depriving them uf the power lor tba enjoyment ol life ai an nan when (bysloal faea tb, hao/*«O7 ot spirjti,*aml happy serenity of mind, arising fxom ft ooa*- tion ol health should Ua predominant. Man/ or the caosse ol her sofleringsat fife: —txrhrsr* yarn before, dur eg girlhood, ot thefnii years of her nuni*.f«— weio In their.origin to ligbtasto passunno i-ed, IN AFTER YEARS, ' When ton lato to be brnclhied by'onr knowledge.'we'oak back end maum, tod regret the lall contaqaenoe or,oer ignorance. What would wend often give to possets In eftrir life the knowledge! we obtain in after jean. And wha* daysnftd nrghiofiongnian wc .right havo bee* spaced, if Use know!.' edge was timelylpouciied. itli ' MEANOIIOLLY AND STARTLING To behold thesUkness aad,»anbrlngendnred brram ftwlft Krniany yean. from onutei simple and cflntrolanle easily remedied—or better still-not Incurred. if e*cr/ , WIFE AND MOTHER l PoitoiJtd th 9 Information oontaloed in a little voilim«.(vrithlu tbo reach of ail) w Llch would spare to heneff YEARS OF MISERY. And to her ha iband the constant toll and anxiety of mind, oooosiat'ly devolving lrim from sicKneesOf the wile, without cd log him theopportnu ty of J C( inlnpi thatoomp** tonoo whioh hrh are entuletl land Ihe M»ie«»tettor whiuh wonld stcore tho baplJiarit of htmirlfi wire ana curl, j rcu. SE'ITRE THE MEANrt OF HAPPIJUUA Cy becoming In timo poite*fed ol the knowledge, lire want of whioh has oaoicd'tlie.lckoenood poverty of tnmuaaru. Id viewSof moh ooa ectrencei, no wife or mo* hern eoin:r«i if i(.e neglects to avail hertalf ol that hno -sIhJ re tn mspfcr i« hene'.f, wbloh would spure her nioch solbrine. hi ttif tnrnar ol happlneta and piripr-dtyio her husband, and coder mum obildrcn that blesiiag abote all prio t »—healthy »u tltm tohheir peace. their health and tieir happineu. a Pamphlet ofThirty ul*a*e« conlamim: oxtraoti. with lulimiepwe. and olio index ofcomenu. will be sent frooofaharge to era;/ pail o' the L’e.iod Suu» by addming, pu.tipa d, si bere.n. frirOn reci'iPl of Killy Ceom, v ur Ono DoJlor lor iho lino Edition, c.irn binding.; ‘J’HE M VRKIED WOMAN’S I’IUVaTE MEDICAL COMi'AN ION." is ■Bill, (MAILED FREE.) 11l Uliy purl ol lll*' United Smtea. All lellors must be pod paid, end lo Dr. A. M. Maiincoau, Bis 122 - !, Now York City. I’ublialmig Office, No, 129, Liberty «l. New York. .... , For Sale by Blonch and Crop. Harrisburg; J gwnrte.-Bloonisburg; J. IV. Werlli, Lobanon; J- W Fariningcr, Maiiheiin; 11 IV. Sniill), Huntingdon, S. McDonald.Uniomuwn; J M- Baum. A'ow Berlin. 11 A l.nndz. Heading; E T Morse. Craneavilie. Ol Y; II I'Crucder, Brownsville! Wentz and Starks Carbondale; Eldrcd und Wri»lil. Williamsport; S Tuck, Wilkeabarre; Oeo W Eurle. Woyncabrro; K Croeky. Mercer: S Leader, Hanover; S W Taylor, Uiiea; II P Cunimingß. Somcmel; T B Fclerson. Ftdladclptiin; Jotin l.cForge, Millord. I’a.; and in Now York t'dy by Stringer nnd Towniund, Ailri. mice, Sherman A* Co. Uewdi nnd Davenjmri,Barnes & Co. OmCE. U». Liberty Street, Dear Greenwich. May 20 .IfcW-Cm. Medicines which never tail to give Satisfaction And ore used by many Physicignj tn their Practice. OH J d UO^£isan HonoraryAwmberof IfaePhtladelpoia Msdio&l Society, and graduated Jo IM4) from lh# uol ««tinr of Poonijlaany, nudof ths trelv omio*mtl iof««or\ Phvaiok. (iibton. C’oxe. Jameiland JUre— oome* caiebralob tor medical »cleoo#«-attd having bad dwly tetaf' couwcand contlkl atloa with tbow diiUomiiWl l hyiioioni, leanictinff die put up bis Preparation!, ho now oflan to the the rciuli ol hi» exi eiionce for tbo pa*t thiily jrtau. tha follow in* ratable Pa mly tnopiolaai. each 000 iuited to a ipacibe dueato. Dr. J. S. Robo’j Norvoua and Invigoroling Cordial. The ( dliooverr la Mealoal Sciancw—For all Noivou. Ooßdillonot Iho «r*tem—Heart ilisaae and Neteoui p?aln'B° The aitoelihlas and lioppr efleCtofDr How .Net. eoui Cordial, for diuaaa. of, I alpi tatioa. Namh a°» Tremor ol the Maielei. Hearlbnrn. natal.ncr.Pnln la (he Face. Wakeralac... IDiUeueea, o. for Mina or Body worn down by care, labor, or ttadr. ha, induced many phyilulan. ton., it in the.r practice. For a weekeo mentation Itii a «ood reilorer titoocopietely retno.e. from thV.Dtem al lootvott. irnlationi. andli atraottlmirace moTinPjrapi I and happy .float. The weak aed ihe notrou. ore frrqneatly reetored to poffeot health belom ntiuf one bM le. Frio, flllycenti. SARSAPARILLA BLOOD rDRIFIER. A valuable Sprinjr Martlcin© fur Paiifrißß Gib Blrwd l« to bo found In DR, UOSE*dSAUSAPAPILLACOMIOUND. 'i'hir preparation t» mad© of l.resh HoaJorai i^araaparilln. aad cumbix-cd with oi»ler imreUienti to render It tin Blood Purili^rmade. A»Spnni»ad Summer MeJioiae.oi Driftk-U it pateiable. reireimmr and medicmal,». ti alliu efli ca*iouiin eariohiuc tl»o Blood, outing al bkin.Lruptljoi and DueuiM ttorofulouißotei. Veaerual Dt«eauj».anUund ui bod Lfl'eati uDoa tbe conttitution. Dro.iioal wol laji. Ulieoma tlim Me.curv, Bu.i. Old Sorti. Kidney tad B adder 4(leciiou», Kcd rattiDf up a weak and broke* conjUtUdoa iroainny oauie.-Prioe »1 fot qont hjitle.: tJceau fonmall • l>l, “' e, bO YOU SUFFER WITH ANV PAIN f if you do. ate l)H. FAIN CUBER. .It cure# Toothache Sore Throat E*r ©cbe b’ Bca in B few minuui. it ourct rjuicklp. Pale Slom. Bowo” Outo* Chilblami, Uorniand any irritation oa fh.f.S)t U acii Ilk* a ebatm for Paiai In tbe Sid©. Limbi, or Bock, and limn Uhcumaliitn from a iQddeo c:»IJ it it magi can a IU ell*cu —lo bcttlei llSi and ia oenU. Liver Diieuaca. Dyaijepsta. and Billuns Habiii. t; TOUI |j va , it deraufcd vour «klo will ? e J ?. w •. ueuiltt and bdlioui coudlrion of ibo eyftini wjil * ,ro ' i uri.l b» troub ed with cold le©t. variable iloo of ipsiiti. Hy taking Dr. ko«E»ri oelebrn ed Railroad or ADti-IBiiioui r»i ; !,iou will 100 a find all tbeatrovobadaymp* SSI di.appAr The? eivelUeuath andnohne*. to ih©blood. U he'eanio Ih.y ,o ahead ol all other Piliiiu Uirir food otleoli. CSTKREB FROM MtfiKCURY, „ .. ALSO —Dr J. Uoao’© Alterative or Blued Funh er,Cough Syrup or Expectorant, KUeum-iJtc Com pound Dvspepiia Compound, Compound Ibxtraci of Burlin', Tonic Mixture, Astringeut Compound, H ur Tonic. Thick,Magic Lmiment.Carnnnalivo Bj!®an». Woim Kilter or Vermifuge. Croup SvrtiP. Ooldou Pills. Fcntnlr Pills, Alterative or Family Pills, Hilo Ointment’Tetter cr Healiug Oinimont, Eye Oint ment, Eye Wnior. S 3 rt ii E lhomng Pinaiere. French Specific. Infiint Corbinl Acrouclic Oil, Eleur ol O.t' ium, Liquid Hnough Syrup. nml Female Specific. ttrwi'-A NEDIOAI Alt the nho»o preparations, with DR, UO9I B NEOIIAI. ADVICE.i lo perauni lo .mantra ami la hiallh. le he had ol EDMUND E. BRENNER. Morn,dale. Lloatfield ooeni». II D 1-ATTUN, Carwen.vllle, anil of. Djaler* aeaerally throucliout tho Btnte. jnuaiik.lSSa-Tm. Hose’s Componnd Syrup ol Yellow Dock Boot. 5111U8.. a PURELY VIOeVaIILE UUMPOUNu. .ci.a tificaily nreniro.l from the best Looti aud Usrbi ol thv latara Modica%nd baa galncJ tho univenal i©3Qtaiiou lor UegultHing und"tftrengllioning the liver and Dtgt a tive Organs, and clenaing Hie Siomat h and and tho. curing all Bilbo. Dnaara*. U'J™ Uj®?''SUVrSal T ortaANS-^adby ivc Kul'i nlho "c u'ro*oi' all f'c mu 1 o Ctttn plain! s. " Waekaiw. genera! dohllily. lirerularlty. .Objlyactloaif SiohiDc ol tbai'ert. L mba. Joiaia, Mo., caywd by weak nc« oi.“. LUN(! ami TiIKOAT UUJJ 'I.AINTrf. snob a. Übida. Congh.- Anlima, Uoasumnuoo tio.. ulw. D/opray. Hav'ng mvia me oTtho Compound Hyiaa of Yo lo* Deck B*ot, prepnred "y 0. MU it HE A CO., otlltei on lelviu.oroar ramiflu. ami findiae II lo ban voiy aatutary and nflaotwl preparation, we uomoit chcsrthiiy rcaomotind It to the pnWta “e" K'JrL'l^.SffiSr.heNaqynalßukiPjeW-JJ. RTi.LA. Wj Spencer. E.q . Cathlor. Lime Rook Bonk. do. do: hev. Win. A. I’lrl UjiJ. IW'/wm’iS WO M“ UymlWe 4 , 1 M fc°f sVcl V.'i fia“ra. Doct - . Boej Uolhy. opd one hnu j.ed other, of the m ThLcS b .' e th"t' l'cvi Vo? anSmbtr of year, bran an-. OAV.D u“fiLMp,M n. f PrepareS by C. MORSE&Cu„nu. 4I6Diohduiay N. y.. anti buIU hy DruggisH and othera thraugbum Ithi. and other Jtmliesic. O- WAfPSO-V. Agent, I Clearfield, I’n. MaySo.lßsa.