Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 12, 1853, Image 1

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    I 14 .Hated we.klr. B« Cl«Vtfi«l4. p»... bf 0. W . MOURE
• * Cl.sflBK wilSwv P«P»I*«or. »t the lot
'lewu* »«i» .-••
i - .••!' t- ‘ '.
if not within six months. ; •»»
K /v-*j»Tho aboirp tartar at* ai llboiM a. *boj» of nar other
Jj oenatrrpipilißthaHlttta.lwidwlMbeeiMlea.
’i do liicontlnoßßOowlll tmltowtd
,Jt> .oBPBid. , • U.'. .'••-* “ ’ •"
:'l .’oitmiiton nenleotlß* to notify H>*iP | J whorr
i «* *»
leafinntoFthe labtoilptton monoy. a to other.,
f *S#o.«*mW «*•«*» «al , fbWfco»*-* h *
ißTieourpoiiwie. ■ ■• -
f Or the History of a Splendid “Bnwt lip.”
I ••Outof buisness, are you.. Ned • Wpll
bad,” said Mr. Joseph Murdock, n
to his nephew.
I “Decidedly bad.”
“But why did you leave Brown and
mith ? That is a good concern.’
“Salary was too small.”
“Better than you got note; at all events,
eplied the worthy old gentleman-, with a
oak of displeasure.” • ' -
“Couldn’t pay my it.
“Not on five hundred dollars! and
►Uncle Joe,” ns ho was commonly called
icld up both hands in asmhhShment.
“I am in debt at this iiUnbnf,” returned
with a rueful glancear his uncle.
“And likely to bo. Of course you don’t
ixpoct to pay your debts by wandering
ibout the streets?” . „
“ I expect to find buisness again.
“You do not expect to get five hundred
dollars the first year, do you?” „
“I intend to strike for a thousand. , ,
“Striko 1 you won’t hit it.”
“Perhaps I shall.”
“Ned you are going to the deuce, as
fast as high living and. dissipation m gen
eral will carry you.”
“Why, uncle, I’m sure you don t know
f me< ” „ . T
I “Sit down, Ned ; let us talk it over. I
I- want a young man in my office, and per-
I haps wo can make a trade.”
\| “Thousand dollars, Uncle Joseph, and
t Ned Murdock attempted to look sly.
§ “Not out of me, Ned.”
I “Can’t live on less.”
|* “Better die then. 1 want a young man
I to assist my book-keeper, run oferrantls—-
1 “An errand boy, you mean, and Ned
| f e it hurt at a sligh put upon his dignity.
I “An errand hoy, then. My clerk in,
I tends to go into buisness himsell, one oi
? these days.-and if you are attentive to buis
! ness, hero is an opportunity to advance
I > yourself,” and Uncle Joo looked seriously
§■ \ into the fnco of his nephew.
W l “What is the salory?”
f ■ “Four hundred, lor the present.
k i “ I should starve upon it.” ■ . •
'1 “Live within your moans. When l was
T 1 of your age, I lived on two hundred.”
I 1 “Times have changed since then.
i “What do you pay for board,Ned?
, “Six dollars a week. I board at a ho-
• Ihk
[ avert
r; urn-
M t*ch
[h® IV
: 7 tel.”
“Six dollars a week ! Ned, you are era
. | Z y» and uncle Joe’s eyes stuck out “like
i ‘ two tallow candles.” , n ...
| : “Two of us room together in the attic,
|. so that thoy board us low.”
I “Should think they did—low for them
*4 but h=gh for you. Costs you a hundred
i for clothes, I suppose, don t it!
It “About that,” replied Ned, evasively.
“Do you goto the often.
“Not above once a week, except when
there aro stars on. 1 ’ _ .
“Not above onca a week 1 Ned you nr
an extravagant dog; you will die in the
“Pshaw 1 Uncle Joseph, you are old
faB «lf it is oldrfushioned to live within
one’s means, to pay one’s debts, and wear
nn honest faceilien-thank p°d!-I
old fashioned replied the worthy old genii •
man, with considerable spirit.
“1 mean to bo honest,.to practice all
vour old-fashioned virtues. ,
' “Yon can’t do it, Ned, on five hundred
dollars a year with your habits.
“Can’t be honestl”
,«No it is not honest to run up a bit, at
your tailor’s which you have not thei abil
ity;to pay; it is not honest . to get in debt to
support extrnvegant habits. .
“You don’t mean to say that I am dts.
honest Uncle Joseph risked the . young
man, -with a blush on hia cheek. .
' “Well, well, we won’t talk nbourt/wt
now I want a young man, and it you
haye a mind to lay aside your extravegnn
-ses, and go into roy office de'erm.ned to
stick to your buisness, I will see to th
f 6 “What salery ahull I have, Utiole Jo-
hiiripted, the first year,”: replied
Uncle Joseph', firmly. • „
“Butl can’t live on that. ‘ • . .
“Yelvbu can.: Leave your hptolpnd
board in a private family. Quit the thea
ter and the opera, dnd-:pay. as you go.
“But mydpbtsl”; .' ,777 )V ;
- “How much do'yoh owe; _
! “About two hundred, and'fifty do. law,
VP “Uncle Joe scratched hisffiead, contra -
! ted his eyebrovVs, apd lopked decidedly
Neds&id hd, after ti
few moment’s consideration; “I.cpu'd ea
ifiilv ceryoli 1 otit 6f• the dcrape, provjopd J
saw ally hope of amendment on yout part.
You ffito’t eyeit cay:thttt.ypu wilhreform. ;
* »-‘TvTbe. spriops,.jUnglp, ;Jogeph, I,POP ,t
fjAv l oan. must; hyt yon j
L? it im
| MV
111 .
ilwfic W> IR^Mitiwk
Volume 4,
The letter was from the attorney of|
Miss Mary Marker, a maiden aunt of Ned
Murdock, formely residing at the West
It contained the-intelligence of the spin
ster’s death. The lady happenning to
have a fit of generosity when she made her
will, had bequeathed to her graceless neph- :
ow the sum of ten thousand dollars. I
Here was a god-sond, and Ned leaped
up six feet in the air with astonishment
and delight. , j
But tho worthy stock-broker was troub
led} for although he was a broker, lie was
a good Christian, and had the welfare of
his nephew near his heart There was
something about the youth, he liked, not
withstanding ho went to the play and boar
ded at a fashionable hotel.
His only object was tho reformation-ol
the young man, whose ruin and premature
decay were foreshadowed in his daily habits.
His proposition to employ him in his own
ofiico was merely a stratagem to obtain a
hold upon him.
This legacy seemed to step between
him and the accomplishment of his benev
olent purpose.
“What are you going to do with mis
money Nod?” asked ho with a troubled
countenance : I am named ns your gunr
dian, you perceive. .
“Bah, guardian ! I am twenty-one next
week Uncle Joseph,” roplied the young
man, unable to conceal the elation the as
tounding intelligence had produced on his
m “True; but ibis legacy may be tbc ruin
of you, Nod.”
“You nro absurd, Uncle.
"I am sorrv your ’aunt died so soon; 1
wish she could have been prevailed upon
lo live till you had como to yenrs ol dis
cretion.” , ,
“If I had known slm had intended to re
member me in her will, I should certainly
have expressed my desire that she might
have lived forever or some such liyporbolo.
“What arc you going to do, Ned 7 It is
rather a serious question.”
“Timo enough to decide it when l get
‘''“So my advice, Ned ; settle yourself
down in somequiet position, get another
clerkship —-don’t go into buufhess t.ll you
D ro more experienced in the ways of the
world. You had better accept my otter
and take your first lesson in learning to
live within your means.” . , ,
“Be an errand boy on four hundred do -
lars a year, when 1 have ten thousnnd dol
lars in mv possession? Did they do sc> in
old times 7” and Ned bestowed a good na
tured sneor upon his quiet old uncle.
“Thev learned to creep before they
walked. If it will make any difference, 1
will give you the same salery you receiv
ed and Smith’s.”
“Couldn’t think of it, Uncle Joseph.—
A thousand would not procure my servi
ces, now'' ,
The stock-broker sighed. Ned was as
good as lost, in his opinion. There was
no hope for him, and much as it troub ed
him, ho saw no method of preventing ie
hour longer Uncle Joe tried to
prevail upon his wilful nephew to adopt a
prudent system of living, and preserve his
capital until a favorito opportunity occur
red for investing it. . . . „
Ned was resolute. Visions of balls,
operas, theatres, fast horses, and a rich
wife flitted before his excited imagination.
The sum or ten thousand dollars appear
ed to be inexhaustible. In vain Uncle Joe
reasoned that its possesion was only equ.v
olont to an income of six hundred dolla .
Ned was sure of being worth twenty thou
sand in five yenrs, and fifty m ten. I
never occurred to him that fast horses and
[lie opera could not be supported without
encroaching upon the principle.
While thoy wero debating the ? ue3 "|
tion, Torn Murdock, a cousin or Ned, en
ter < e ih h , T o om C ” said Ned, “hero wo are, I
had quite forgotten to inform good uncle]
that you too wero out of buisness.
“Is it possible I” cxcltiimed uncle Joseph,
‘‘both out of business. 1 hope you have
not been foolish, Tom.” .
<iNo, uncle, Tom is. never foolish-one
of your dignified boys-proper, and ail
tliat sort of thing, ’’ replied Ned, .
• “My services were no longer required.
You- know I oply supplied the place of an
other,” added Tpm. . ~ „
“You have been there three month .
“GrT'thirty dollars a monthl” added
Ned, “and saved piopey ot s that.
M ':?.h«gitT£ins *****
and you shall have the plaqe. .'
L -And Tom toek thfc iSad-
I stead of adopting hi«»'ohclfc , » excellent ad-
Clearfield, i*a,, Aits- 12, 1853.
vice, moved down two flights at the hotel,
rode out to Porter’s every day, and went
to the opera evory night.
In duo time the legacy reached uncle
Joseph, who placed Ned in full possession.
In another month, a large gilt sign,
bearing the “name and style” of a new
firm—E. Murdock & Co., astonished the
mercantile world, and Ned wns no longer
out ofbusines9. ~
The dignity of the new firm—the Co.,
was merely a flourish of the artist’s pencil
to give eclat to (he thing—demanded that
the senior partner should have a wifo.
Fortunately fotf the felicitous carrying out
of Ned’s idea on this subject, thingsKhad
for several months been progrossmgTo
wards this event. J
Our young merchant had paid his ad
dresses to tho daughter of a mercantilo
j man, reputed to be wealthy, and now that
“ho had come to his possessions,” tho re
I was no obstaclo to an immediate marri-
A house in a fashonablo street was pro
cured ; ihecage being ready,tho bird was
caught, and Ned found himself tn tho lull
enjoyment of life. Ned was no niggard,
und things went on swimmingly. Dinner
pnriles, and tea parties, and evening par
' tics folftwed each other in rapid succes
sion. ’ .. . i
Money flowed like water. • Notes on
three six and nino months were given.
Ned said the business was bound to pros
por —like Richolieu in the play, Ned said
there was no such thing as fail.
One hair of his legacy only had been
invested in his business at the commence,
ment of the operation. Six, nine and
twelve months did the rest. But his house
keeping afluirs absorded the other halTm
loss than six months. His from
a rich family, ho reasoned, and must be
| supported in stute.
At the end of those six months, when
the first of the notes became due, Ned
was not a little astonished to find that he
lmd nothing to pay thorn With. Ho look
ed over his books to sea where the ten
thousand had gone to ; it was only oust in |
tho balance when weighed against Ins
business and his family expenditures.
Bad debts and unfortunate speculations
stared him in the face from every page,
and Ned began to be a littlertroublecr. A
dim consciousness that he had been going
, too fust, crept into hiso mind. It was a
disagreeable reflection, and w'hen ho went
. homo to dinner that day, ho dodged round
. a corner to avoid uncle Joe.
In the meantime, Tom had acqu.tted
himself to the entire satisfaction or his
uncltL The head clerk had left, and bo
had been installed in his place. Living
within his means, indulging in no fashion
able dissipations, tho futuro was bright
with hope.
One morning while Nod was P°" d ® r ' n 8
on the unsatisfactory state of his affairs, »
neighbor brought him the news of the fail
ure of his wife’s father!
Ned was horrified, for it must be con
fessed that in his present emergency, ho
had based some rather extravagant hopes
on the Tact of having a rich father-in-la .
It was a heavy stroke to his philosophy.
The vision of a rich wife was suddenly
and voilenily exploded.
A five hundred dollar note came due
that day and he had been thinking of drop
ping into his father-in-law’s counting room
about I o’clock, to see if he had -anyth,ng
° V The thought of applying to undo Joe
occurred to him ; but the worthy old gen
tlemen was too blunt by half, and would bo
likelv to tell him some homely,truths.
The day wore away with vain dovisings
of means to extricate himself from hts em
barrassments. The note was not pmd-
W The 1 next day,people who had long sus
nected that Ned was travelling to fast, be
gan tosee with a clear vision the true
Ktnte of the enso. 4 . n . _
Before two o’clock, Ned was in Clin
CCr «How’s this, Ned V’ asked uncle Joseph,
entering the counting room.. , .
••Don’t mention it, uncle— dep t men
lion it! .Before y ou \ } s
own that you were all right, and I was
all wrong?’ replied Ned groaning in spirit.
••I did not come to reproach you, Nou
far from it. I gave the best advice I was
capable of giving; but asyou did not deem
it advisable to follow it, of courso l shall
n? TOs n ia y s 0U ki D nd y °of r Se Joseph, and it
was spoken in a kindly manner
withstanding the little foibles of his char.
QC “Why did yoii notcomd to mo for assis
tance, Ned?.l always inept.'veil by yott.
“My case was a hopeless one, “ n . .
fell the truth*-uncle *Jos6pli/; er .
jessed between us; I wad ashamed to meet
1 N^’-i-^apV' 'the* yld gentlqnruui
was highly flalforod by his nephew s hu.
ri,l !‘i y wiBh I had accepted your offer.'«ven
at a salary or four hundred dollars a year ;
I should have been a great deuL’bettor off
well, well, wo will not mind that now.
The place is still open.”
“It is 1” asked Ned eagerly.
“Tom is my hoad clerk. Of course* I
could not displnco him.”
“No, certainly not.” '
“But as you have a wife, I wilt make
the salary six hundred now.”
“Thank you, uncle ; I will gladly ac
cept the place.”
Ned did accept it, and though it was a
sad fall from his former position ; ho took
his place at the deskin his uncle’s office
ns the assistant of Tom, with the best
grace in the world.
It is surprising how misfortunes will
humble a man —how they will make him
accept with joy a position at which, in the
days of his prosperity, he turned up his
nose in disgust.
Mrs. Murdock was in the main, a sen
sible person, and made the best of her al
tered circumstances. Three rooms in a
retired street were obtainod to supply the
placoof the fashonablo residence in Tre
mont street, and the young couplo went
to housekeeping on a reduced scale.
Ned kept within his means this time.—
Tho humiliation of his fall gradually wore
away, and ho was surprised to find him
self much happier, than when they had
been surrounded by all tho appliances olj
wealth and luxury. j
Ned remained three years with undo .
Joseph, who annually increased his salary, 1
thus enabling him to add to the comforts
of life, and still kg&fcAviihin his means.
At the end oftlperiod, the old gentle
man finding himself old enough and rich
enough to retire, gave up tho business to
his two nephews, who, we are happy to re
cord, are udw doing remarkably well.
MoHAL.-r-When you are out of business,
do not bo ovcr-nico ; and when you have
a legacy left to you, do not bo rash.
When the measures for taxution were,
brought before parliament, who espoused (
the cause of tho colonists. 1
Lord Chatham with all tho energies ol
his gigantic mind.
What declaration did he make '
That what can be taken without the ow
i ner’s consent ceases to bo property.
I What was the fate of his conciliatory
They wero negatived by a large major-
were tho agents of tlio colonics
refused a hearing in parlimont.
"On tho plea that they wero appointed
by illegal assembly.
What resolutions were passed by bom
houses of parliment 1
“That the Americans had long wished
to become independent and only waited
for ability and opportunity to accomplish
their design. To prevent this, and to
crush the monster in its birth, was the du
ty of every Englishman: and that this
must be done, at any price, and at every
What measures were adopted on the
10th of Febunry 1 . ,
A bill was passed by which tho colonies
of Massachusetts, Conneticut, New Hamp
shire, and Khodo Island were restricted
in their trade to Great Bntian, and its
West India possessions, and also proh'bi
ted from fishing on the banks of New
Foundland. , . , . •
What result was anticipated from this
measure 1 ~ „„ ,
It was expected that it would prove par-1
licularly distressing to the inhabitants of
New England as' an idea prevailed, that
thev depended on the fisheries for a sub-
Bistnnco, and must, if deprived:of them,bo
starved into obedience.
What plan of conciliation was proposed
bv Lord North! , ...I
He brought forward an artful bill, which |
was adopted. Its purport was that Great
Britian should forbear to tax the colonists
on their agreeing to taxthemsclvcs; tho mo
noy thus raised, to be at the disposal of
the British Parliment. ,
How did tho colonists receive the plan t
■They pronounced it not only insiduous,
but unreasonable and unsatisfactory.
Who attempted privately to settle the
difficulties'! . ...
Lord Howe and Benjamin Franklin.
With what Success 1
So wide was the difference that they
could advise no scheme of ndjusment.
The Labobino Man.— Mark tbp labor- '
inc man who breakfasts at six, and then
norhaps walks two or three miles to his
work. P He is full of health, and a siren
ger to doctors. Mark, on the Ptherhand
your dork, who takes tea at eight, and
down to the store at nine or.half past, lie
is a pale effcminito creature, Ml of saran
nariUa and patent-medicine, and pills nnd
S What a pity it is that this class
of people do not lay down the yard-stick
ancf the scissors, and take up the eoythe
or flail for a year or two.: /By remaning
in their presetit occupation they on 'y . °JP
to fill up cemeteries, and that s abo t rjs.
i name.— Albany Knickerbocker.
There lived not many years ago on the
eastern coast of Mount Dessert, n large
isldnJ off the coast of Maine, an old tish
orman by the namo of Jedediah Spinnot,
who owned a schooner of somo hundred
tons burthen, in which he, together with
four stout sons, was wont about once a
year to go to the Grand Bank for the pur
pose of catching codfish. The old man
had fivo things, upon the pccuhar meut ol
which he loved to boast-his schooner j
Betsey Jenkins and his four sons.
The (bur sons Wore all that thoir father
represented them to be, and nb one ever
doubted his word when ho said that ihtir
like was not to be found for fity m,l “
around. The oldest was 22, whito tho
youngest held reached ins 10thi yoar, an
they unswered to the names of Seth, An
: drew, John and Samuel.
One morning a strangor called upon
Jedediah, to engago him to take to Hn * an *
some iron machinery belonging to steam
engines for sugar plantations The terms
wero soon agreed upon, and tho old man
ana his sons immediately set about putting
;the mechinery upon board ; that accom
plished, they set sail for Havana, with a
fair wind, and for several days proceeded
|on their course without an adventure of
unv kind. .
One, morning, however, n vessel was
descried off the starboard quarter, which,
after some hesitation, tho old man pro
nounced to boa pirate. Them was not
much time left them for doubting for tho
vessel saluted them with not very agree
able whizzing of on eighteen pound shot
just under the stern. „
“That means for us to heave to, re
marked tho old man. , , ,
“Then I guess wo’d better do it, hadn t
we'!” said Seth.
“Of course.”
Accordingly tho Betsey Jenkins was
brought up into tho wind, and her main
boom hauled over to the windward.
“Now boys,” said tho old man, as soon
as the schooner camo ton stand, nil wo
can do is to be as cool ns possible, and
trust to fortune. There is no way to es
cape, that 1 can see now, but porhaps they
will lake such stuff as thoy want, nnd then
let us go. At any rale, there is no use
crying about it, for it can’t be helped.-
Now, get your pistols and see that they aro I
sure-loaded, nnd have your knives ready,
but be sure to hide them, so that the pir
ales shall see no show of resistance.
In a few moments all the arms which
tho vessel afforded, with tho ncccption of
one or two old muskets vverc secured
about tho persons of our Down [vaster ,
nnd then they quietly awaited the coming
of tho schooner. • .
“One word more, boys," said the old
man ; just ns the pirate camo round under
the stern, “Now watch every motion 1
ninkc • •
As’Captain Spinnet censed speaking,
tho pirato luffed up under the fisherman s
lee quarter, and in a minute more tho lat
ter’s deck was graced by the presence of
a dozen ns savage looking mortals ns eyes
ever looked upon. , 1
“Are vou captain of thlsvessel? asked
the leader of the boarders, as he approach
ed the old man.
“Yes, sir.”
“What is your cargo? „
“Machinery for steam engins.
“Nothing else?’, asked the pirato with
a searching look.
At this momet Captain Spiunefs eye
caught what looked like a sail off to the
south’ard nnd east’ard, but not a sign bo- j
trayed the discovery, wwi w!...« & brilliant,
idea shot through his mind, he hesitating
“ Well, thero is a little something else.
“Ha, nnd what is it?” „
“Why, sir, p’raps I hadn t ought to tell,
said Capt. Spinnet,counterfeiting tho most
oxtremo P perturbation. “You see ,t was
Son to measa sort of trust, an’ twouldn t
be right for me to give ,t up. You can
take naything else you please, for l can t
help myself.” , »
“ You are an honest codger, at any rate, |
said the pirate ; “but if you wou,d liv ° J 1;"
minutes longer, just toll me what you vo
goon board, and exactly thd place wlter
sight of a cocked pistol brought the
old man to his senses, and in a deprecat
ing tone, ho muttered: „„
k“Don’t kill me, sir, don t. 1 H toll Y9 U
all. We’ve got forty thousand silver dol
lars nailed up in boxes, just for are o
the cabin bulkhead, but Mr. Defoe didn
suspect that anybody would have thought
of looking for it there.” ..
“Perhaps so,” chuckled tno pirate, while
his eyes chuckled with delight. And then
turning to his own vessel, lie ordered nl
three of his men to jump on board the Ynn-
kC In a few minutes the pirates had taken
off the hatches, and in their haßto ‘°B ot .
the “silver dollars" they forogot nil else ,
but not so'with Spinnot; he diad Jiswite
at work, arid no sooner had the last ot the
villains disappeared below the hatchway,
than ho turned to his boys: ■_ ■ '
“Now, boys, for your lives. Seth, you
clap vour knife across tho forethroat and
and peck halyards, and :you, Johtb qut
ii»..«tio». gSSt'hi; *‘m
k Um H. do . • -jjl ISSontM. . IUU‘
a as, ssssiS:: £ -SS
•do • M month*, 800 I do 18 .do _ . «* w
A Übiral redaction witlba mado toMerobanie aad
wboadvenUe bythoyeu. ... , . .„HU»»ad bf
Gur papaiolroutatßilueveiy neighborhood, %
neatly every lamUr in iho ooanty-and theielora auow
convenieniand che*p mean* for tba bMiawi
county—the roeiohant. mecl»«o!o,a«d all otbert-jo ■EVLij
the knowledge ot their leoatton, and buiina** • W« aM«JJ
I JkftLol n m »l* ‘ A Card" Tot aver? Me oh on iff. Me rob eat, and
thegrcDUi __ ‘ ■
Books, Jobs and Blnnke,
or evGrv description. pri nted,in the v&R v
notice, at tiie office of the
Number 31.
the mein. Be quick, now , on’ the mom
ent vou have done it jump aboard the pir
ate.’ Andrew and Sam, you cast offthe
pirate’s gropplings, an’ then you jump
then we’ll walk into them three chops
aboard the clipper. Now for it!
No sooner were the last words out oi
the old man’s mouth, than his sons did ex
actly as they wore directed. The tore
and main halyards were cut, and the two
grapplings cast offal the same instant,and
as tho heavy gaffs came rattling, down,
our heroes leaped on board tho pirate.-
Tho moment the clipper felt at liberty , her
head swung off, and before tho cstonishea
buccaneers could gain the deck of the
fisherman, their own vessel was near halt
a cablo’s length to the leward, sweeping
cracefully away before tho wind, while
the threo men who had been left in charge
were easily secured. . .
“Halloa, there 1” shouted Captain Spin
net, asthe luckless pirates crowded around
I tho leo gangway of their prize,, when yO
them ere silver dollars, just lot us
knhw, will you!”
IMf a dozen pistol shots was alt the an
swer tho old man got, but they did him no
harm; and, crowding on sail, ho made for
the vessel ho had discovered, whic a,
dead to the leeward of him, and which he
now made out to bo a large ship. Iho
clipper cut through tho water like " dolph
in, and in a short space of time Spinnet
luffed up under tho ship’s stern, and ex
plained all that had happened. The ship
proved to bo an East Indmman, bound for
I Charleston, having, all told, thirty men on
board, a portion of whom at once jumped
into the clipper and offered their services
in helping them to take the pirates.
Before dark, Captain Spinnet was once
more within hailing distance of his own
vessel, and raisinga trumpet to his mouth,
he shouted : . ,
“Schooner, ahoy 1 Will you quietly sur
render yourselves prisoners if we come on
b °“Come and try it 1” returned the pirate
captain, as he brandished hiscutlassabove
his head in a very threatening manner,
which seemed to indicate that ho would
fight to tho last. q„,»,
But that was his last moment; for Beth
crouched below the bulwarks, taking de
liberate aim along the barrel of a heavy
rifle, and as the bloody villain was in the
net or turning to his men, the sharp crack
of Sslh Spinnel’s weapon rang its deatn
peal, and the next moment the pirate cap
tain fell back into the arms of his men,
with a brace of bullets through his heart.
“Now,,’ said the old man, as he '® volc "
along pivot gun, and seized b_ lighted
match, “I’ll give you just five minutes to
mako up your mind m, and if you don t
surrender, I’ll blow every one of you into
the other world.”
Tho death of their captain, and witnai,
the sight of the pointed pivot gun—thepo;
culiar properties of which thev know full
well—brought tho pirates to their senses,
and they threw down their weapons and
airrebd to give themselves up. .
Sn two days from that time, Captain
Spinnet delivered his cargo safely at Hav
ana, gave tho pirates into the hands ofth
civil authorities, and delivered the chppo
up to the government, in roturn for which
Z received a sum of money sufficient or
independence for the remender of his h.e,
as well ns a very hnndsom medal from th
Compound IwrEBEST.—Mr. ,
the coach paintor, residing in
Fnehfnd. has furnished n late number of
Reynold's Miscellany wilh the following
‘"‘rSng ?"“.=rc s . a. d. °<
J orr rsnS:
would, ul Ihc end 0 3‘lo 260 503,-
u ' iYplueed in n lino nllowuis; »•»:
“g 1,.. of on inch for U» f.*”".
sovereign, the whole would reach 18,100.
400,808,015,373,060,700,516,680 miles
1 505 yards, l foot, 2 inches and a
half. Oil allowing tho sun to bo distant
? ' ' tho earth 95,000,000 miles they
Lid reach theft 191 £T&64O, 063,819,-
715,436 times, or form a pathway 10
wouldcontain 3,299,852,344, . “ v j
ercigns. Th°ra Q 22 964 412,320. cu-
the world
m cijn 248,147,390,476 cubic miles, it
vouldLo 162,062,558 globes of gold,
the size of tho earth, to pay the debt, and
f we could pass these at the immense. vo
loci tv of 100 per minute, U would take
3 veers, 4 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 5
minutes and 30 seconds to pass them ail.
? oP,ftne ilrotToofmiLt«tgoS
wouldTorm’lLdway to this pget or
bit 37,140 miles wide, and 100,000 miles
v ick. ■ : -!-■
(tv-in Providence, on tho evening of the
Fourth* of July, a litllo negro boy set fire
foX building in which the fire works we re
stowed, for tho purpose, ns ho V'
claired, of‘‘scoinglhem nil go off at one t,