Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 05, 1853, Image 1

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    , .viwg®gSSSSSS%«
»* s p ' opil,tor - ■'“■“• , T |
o«K uoM «** y*A*,u»Www; :» »
nor PAipiWiTflW tbbbr kwnth. )*
ir .:■ ■.'*■?
,e hot fair wi'THiH jyNS WMiwjJ. -• >
.SSiSSsH^fcßsfes"' 1 ”
a p»r dkviu no > T l o ? n ; ,4<l * mtwtM.y..,, ~, 1 „ 1 " ' 1 . " ===== i... lad A Man Restored to Lite nf-
s&WryFHt %^£S£r&x£
s js&irirt “ rg» « **—; *—*
iliiiii WBiim; t® s&** ■? egilßH
L4l feet broad. There,.aro thus, in effect• n(J belongs to in this top of lantern ' “‘"““S.SnWadeo Lopuhiana, in
££ ■JtfSJSftSS'tW A Jon.. s-AugS**-. S 3 SK "fex
,«hi WM» JW tag ** *~« » ’"* ’"* Area of 2d floor 02,496 do «■»«■*
shjt,•,£•=; £%&5 ™ .... usss *« ttZtofiFsa&z
terior of the ridgeway ofthonave 13 the building with canvass, to produce the The magn itude of these proportions uves, and that a ter are
feet. Each aisle is covered by s S ade> . alone are calculated to excite feelings of e d several iven him o fthe in
of its own width, and 24 feet fromthe H ench angle of lhe bu ,!d,ng there is round aW e in the spectator s mind, and the d 9‘«J‘lS YJ»* h f h added 0 a his
floor. The central dome » »°®'f 6 * * n *‘ an oqtogonel tower, 8 feet in diameter and . ’ wben we see adde d the gorgeous but sub- terment those th .
amiter, 68 feet inside from the floor to the ?Q f e6t f n height. These contain winding dued cbrom atic decoration with which the o wn authority • • . h - h
swing of the arch, and 118 feet to the ‘ which lead to the galleries and | interior i 9 ornamented, and the innumora- At lhe en d. ot some P re .“”J‘® . 1 y
oroVvn; and on the outside, with the lan- a J ndaro intended for theofficorsand , b , O . works of a rt and industry with which had lasted several days.and whi oiM
tern 149 feet.' The exterior angles of the , veeg Q f the association. Twelve j j already partially filled, we may well ba too tedious to enumera, . .
Sing aStgeniously filled up with a either side of each “ S iamerection which is destined clared himself ready for the expenn^ent
triangular lean to 24 feet high, which four beneath the dome, con- Roofer a lasing honor on the American th e witnesses met around«> -
3the ground plan an octagonal.shape entmw - floor with the gallery.- nttme . ' .. , work constructed expnissly ° receive him.
Lch side or race being 149 feet wide. At P r / circu | ar i n part, and consist The gene ral mode of erection by base Before their eyes ihe Takir Cl
“ch angle is an octagonal tower 8 feet in » vith lwo i anding Llumns, connecting pieces and W ax all the apertures,oi h.L b^hrough
filter. and 75 feet high . Ices, "rhe flooring of the galleries is P is ,he same with that of the Hyde which uir be admit ed .jhenj^
Ten larce,'and eight winding starr-cases P „f closely matched planks, while p ark building, but the construction of the p ed ofl all his clothin 0 . Jirpnions
coSltoiSSc Jfloorm.hnhog.Uery, «* totor 6». ««.J .(Ih.dome.i. of »« in.
which opens on’ the three balconies that separatc d by narrow intervals, m the ent i re i y peculiar, nnd the general effect of hia !ongU e was lur . ne^. b “® imme dmtcly
are situated over the entrance halls, and and for the same purpose as the building is completely different. The Uie en tr aD cc Co the Fakir Si into a
afford ample space for flower decorations, London bullding . Over each ofthe building was certainly dejcien m afl tblB oporationt coolain .
statutes, vases, &c. The ten principal • oi _ a | entranC e halls, the galleries open nrc hitcctural eflect. rhe form ofthe | ethar gic slate. .The g, . d
stair-cases consist of two flights of steps P lconiaSi which afford ample space y ork edifice affords ‘J« e {f f bim VH^. d \ y q
with two landing-places to each i the eight H , - n „ flowers, vases, and statutes for pleasing variety of embelishmtntß, ey ft ajab . ihis sacK was , v , with a
winding stair-cases are placed in the oc' dec^ Above the balconies, the ends wbicb monotony can be avoided, nnd a - woo den box, which w s tben
tagonal towers, which lead also to Small J th|j naye3 aroado rnod with largo fan- , ow# a ve ry economical useof the g r P““J- padlock and hich W as
balconies on the tops of the towers and to corresponding to the semi-circular The dome, independent of its effect in the lowere d into lhe tomb, ov
S roof of the building. . . £ Sn P On each side of the en- interio r arrangement of the of the edifice, lhr own a great quanWy or wtech
The building contains on the ground « c ticket offices, and adja- wU , g i ve height nnd majesty to the e«e- was trampled down and then sown^^
f #inr,r 111 000 souQre feet of space, und in them rooms are provided lor the j There every reason to hope that barley; finally sentinel n j; nil a |l
5 itB°gallies, which are 54 feet wide, 62,000 otZ *™**>n, felegtaph, dfc. £ building will /emain a permanent n, , d / y and No^ijgJl
te i kur acres. ■' . huildine and the reservoir. : Its length is , wn man , six feef and two inches The ten months having expired, they
PVf 1 • There'ate on the ground 190 octagonal j and 5 inches, and its extreme 37 ye ars of age,' has slept for nearly t proceeded t 0 the final exhumation. •
.A oa Xlron columns, 21 feet above the floor, u , g designed for the fiye venrSi with only occasional and n ® f f jVentura'and Captain V^ ad .°T V d thc
fel’H nnd 8 inches in diameter, cast reception of machinery in motion, thocab- inlervals 0 f wakefulness. The , nu " ie ° F ! lock opened and the iente *>rok n,
SwafUlp different thicknesses, from half an inch to . P f m *, p ing and mineralogy, and the sub j ect i 0 6 o remarkable a * 1 c h e st raised from the tomb.
m* 1 onbinbh. These columns receive the cast 1 mg with their necessary • ,D en9ion of faculties otthe race d th ere were no md.cauons o
YSB ! S girders. These are 26i feet long The Becond Btory> whicb ia near- J, Co rnelious Breemer. He is;the son of ut the heart or pulse. \* the top
rag 1, ?i?'iHrco feet high.and serve to sustain , 21 feetwide.and extends p armer living in the town .of Clarkson, his head-there remained some slight sen
IS 1. iSd 8 «he wrought-iron con-is entirely devoted to the UTcounty, a B n instance of so prolonged J a , io n of bnab After Qm ropla«»g
& slruJori of the roof, as well aa to- brace rJJ. bUion 0 f pictures and statuary. U w somno | e ncy has never ocurred. The sub- tongue in a natural position, and 11^
1 the whole structure in every direo A °“; rv lighted from a sky-Ugbt 419 feet long, and . ofnotico first fell mto hts long sleep on j ourmg warm water over
■€ wSflers, as well as the second story 1 inchea wide . ko 19th of June, iB49, an , oevince 5 ,,, n , 0 f UU.
5 columns; are fastened. IP the columns in 8 1 decoration 3 of .the bu.ldinghave he hug becn awake at different periods, hoors he W as quite restored talked
: thd fust story by connecting pieces of the been entrusted' to Henry Greenough, Esq., from a fow hours to four months at a time. abouU X hia wonderful man ls abou . thirty
sanih diagonal shape as the columns, 8b f Cambridgo> brother of the lamented Itisremarke d that when he comes out of, yfiar3o f a g e , hl3 figure is
febTi lriches high, having proper flanges, of l(j0 name. Mr. Green- th j acata i epS y,heappearsto have noknowl- his countenance has a cunning exp
'ani ‘ lugs to; fasten all pieces togetherby V g has made art bia study, and in its edgß , of the lapse ofume, or of circu ™‘“ He says that ho had ksforation
bolts xbe number of lower flower gird- » . Jt baa long resided in.ltaly. The cea toiriog place while he sleeps. Tbp * during his interment, and the
prs is’2s2, besides 12 Wrought iron gird- V ' _- d tbe pla p 0 f decoraUon, hps cog on him instantly, without, so far as ig very painful to him.
®?f thekime.height,and 41 span over bring out ' [he ’beautiful construe i akno w„, any warning. H.seyepareclo
d Viirt of the nave. Thq second story of |he building—to decorate construe ged hlg j aW9 are set, his muscles contract
contains 148 columns, of the same Bhape rQtber tbna t 0 construct decoration. and hia w hole form is rigid, so- that ifstan
aa tbo se below, and 17 feet 7 inches high. A dQ thia> and at the same time to give ding> h 0 CODl i nU es m that attitude, partly
These receive another tier °f girders,num- barmony 0 f effect, has given Mr. Green- bent over> and it ts not easy-to P ul^ 1 ' 11 ”
Turing 160, for' the . suppefft of the roofs ample opportunity to display his doWD _ He has continued in this condition
of the aisles; each nitye. being coveted by : ka ® wled go 0 f the resources of his for months together, Unable to speqk or
10 ‘cast-iron semi-citcplar arches, each reguU ig surprigingly beau tiful - - move . „ and wondered
composed of 4 piece?*' , ..1 The decoration was commenced only ; physicians have seen and won ,
The dome will Strike every one at the April, but us soon as the tbe prized and experimented in vain..
,«nd nStectural feature of the budding, on the 27th k * would perm i ti The man B i eopB on, lives, retains perfect health
' oil the 7 base being the white lead when asleep, he may be placed Upon his
, ' /he : 24th we find a full descriptioa of this » b ; thd i Belleville company. f eet , and he wjll stand fer.daya toHer,
; citrVes of double-angle ? "executed in tempera off ult'y who ate deeply‘lhtereste
decorations are executed ,P. lßr , may seelhiminbiS wakeful mood; Tt
•''‘'Thp ’ "ihute’ steadipc? 3 i> a ,se- canvass.- dome. * I'mlesiogolatthat - vyjuskey.t ill
■ 001*
[mU> '
drift* h '
l &lticaViy
i Lt JiKo hm hblled to a libniontal fine of t
IssL andW->
am, rp«~ »»»io «tbu«
Affect of ihe interior of tht
Sir Monte WUB).iB particu.
, laUi.ced.riKnhd are bes< J' ia a s^^!“ I f dl ho
| blue, relietiiA by sdver stars, surrountttnp
1 0 Se%U4ipg.i? P«PP!!S d - i
*fBP® 19 -
Wr tip P#o of tbs pQVpip, in lj»
. 'V*
n i
the desired effect, if it is possible tp. get
Enough down his throat. But he resists
the introduction of the liquori and it is very
difficult to get it .dPWh iP any quantity..
1 paper .thinks a: moo;jso
diunk thathq can’twa)H«.fltSind':Pr ! i fslk.i
'fepipo ranee lectqfp»|>oyp pt oupd*
r* . n V V,:V
> V ■■••■■
.t v f
Tub Lady’* Man.— He as
follows by the Now Orleans Delta.
His face is eternally wreathed with un
meaning smiles, and when he addresses
a lady, it is always in such a strain of ab
surd nonsense, that we have often been
surprised that any lady armed with a fan
and so addressed, did not brain the animal
on the spot. If the lady’s man does, bv
anV possibility, possess the least degree of
common sense, he takes especial pains to
conceal it, for somehow or other he has
taken it into his wise head that empty senti
mentality and absurd nothings are the on
iy offerings fit for the female mind. In
order to be true to what he conceives to be
the entertainment and 'amusement of the
ladies he turns traitor to manhood, and so
, becomes epicene himself without a just
claim to be classed with the mate or female
sex His best qualities nre those which
he possesses in common with.certain kinds
1 0 r dogs—to fetch and carry. Ladies who
I lauah in their sleeves at the fool, may hot
object tft.the a«entions.of the servant, and ■
so out of sheer commisserhon aljow him tq
carry a fan, or escort them to the opera,
when the itENqf their acquaintance are not
! accessible. 'The lady’s man is sufficiently
Uowardedii for attending them .through a
whole evening’s entertainment, if Ihey wil
only‘drop a smite into the poor fellovys hat
parting; ‘ With this substantial blessmg
hots encouraged ti> future ejtertiqUs in
fwide field of masculine ambition; ; ' |
: . If a man’s duty to a lady consisted- in
l picking up dropped; pocket handkerchiefs
and fans, or twirling bpr.rpund Jqthftpomt
of giddiness and exhaustation m the waltz,
we shouldi perhaps, enty- tha acoifiphsh-
of the mefe-^adS’?
There was a bitter sneer upon the little
girl’s features, and she and her companion
turned away from the poorer dressed
' No, little miss, don’t speak to the poor
girl. Your father swindled poor people
and made a large property out of their
hard earnings. He was a low bred vaga
bond when n young man, and universally
despised, but is now one of the ‘upper
tcndom.” At heart he is as base and low
ns he ever was. But he deals in stocks
and robs by shaving bonds and mortgages.
Ho is a rooined man. He is your father,
miss, and would not like it, were you to
place yourself on a level with honorable
P °Don P, rspe e ak to her! The girl is plain
lv clad and has no tippet round her neck,
or costly playthings. She has an humble
home and a poor mother. Her father is
ruined by one who rolls in wealth, and
died a stricken man. His flue house—
the early home of the poor girl, was sold
at a sacrifice, and purchased by the man
who ruined him. Her mother, the once
beautiful and accomplished belle and no
ble woman, takes in 'washing. What a
vulgar woman she is ! How very low i
is to take in washing! Who would asso
ciate or have anything to do with her .
Don’t speak to her! Her sweet face is
pale and sad, and her dress is coarse and
plainly made. Just look at her pantale ts
even nothing but common nee.dle-work ‘
Not as fine as yours by a good deal. Her
‘shoes, too, are comrpon call-skio, while
yours are beautiful gaiters. Why can t the
vulgar thing dress as. well as you cnn.und
why can’t her sad-hearted mother have a
fine house and ride to church w her car
riage? What business have folks to be
poor! How. exceedingly vulgar it is to
work for a living. . , r ,
Don't speak to her! She am t fit for
your company—she don’t dreßS well en
ouch. ’ No matter if she does hoar the
cutting word. Poor children have no feel
ings. It’s your privilege to say what you
please about such kind of folks. There is
a tear in her mild blue eye and a quick
flush ou her pale cheek, and as she passes
by tho-group with their hoops, she draws
her checkered bonnet tightly around her
face and steals away with many a bitter
sob. Her young heurt is learning its first
sorrow. She will know that heart and
conduct have no claim upon the respect ot
the fashionable world. Her mother washes
for bread aod she is a poor gir < 1 here
are many sobs and clouds for her in the
future-many a cutting word and stinging
sneer Her womun’s heart will need oil
ils bravery. She may triumph in the try
in-' struggle, or she may give way and go
down to worse than the grave. Her sou
was full of the pure and the noble in alt
that was womanly, but. they crushed her
with an iron heel, and she was lost.
Don't speak to poor girls ! —they have
no business, to be poor— it is so vulgnr.
Thoughts of Home.— There is hardly
a period in the whole course of human lile
When sad and plasureableemotions are so
blended together, as that at we re
visit, after a long absonse, the home of
our chidhood—the haunts of our youth. ,
Wo are unconscious of the changes time
has made in ourselves, nnd uie therefore
unprepared for those we find m the spot
dearest to us on earth i for, wander where
he mav—to new scenes, new chmes.j
among people savage or civilized, be his ;
lot prosperous or adverse-man "
place like home”-his early home 1 There
f 3 a spell in that word which, often sends
its thrilling influence through his heart.
Then come recollections of a mother’s care
and tenderness—or.a father s anxious so
licitude— of the childish and innocent sports
of brothers, and sisters; and, be he BVCr B °
happy or ever so prosperous, thero are
hours when he all his wealth
or all his fame to bo ohee more folded to
the heart pf his affectionate mother— to
imprint on the cheek of his sister one. more
kiss; and, with his old fishing-rod and gun
again join his brothers in their sports. But
how many leave their father’s hearth, their
mother’s care, and, allured by the hope
of fame, or of wealth, find their graves in
a foreign land. O’er their dust no sister
weepsV they are by '‘stanger® Tionored
and by strangers mourned. 0h • '^ rc f
,s somthing heart-chilling m the thought of
dving thus I—but hoW sweetly soothing it
is to think of being laid, in our last, quiet
dreamless rest, in n grave planted with
roses by the hand of pffection..
i Rebtxtotion;— Tho Washington coud
tv YN. Y;1 post says' that a chap in a cer
tain village,' With whom he is In
havinsr had sandcd eugar sold to him,m
the tveekly paper the following.
Notice.—'] purchased of a grocer in this
: village a large-quantity of Sugar, from
which I obtained one pound of iand. I
the rascal who cheated me will send to m
address seven !cl«iH«l.l bo..
Scripture measursja.mrn,^,or b W u,.«0»
satisfied; 'if not, f M>>
ill On thefollof qikBERT, -I, . .
: z'
hsSul’SS'b'"' ;<s |V?”"I?''SSS< I |S
do »J o<mtb«. JJSJ SSikSaaUwWJ^
« Si■ *1 SoStfaJ: •50 M/ '. ay
. ss i B » r.\tv. -.lB i.&ft ft •»«
A liberal redaction willbe made to
*Ou r dVpd! c! rc a 1 nip »lue» et y nei alt bo r hood, on di * J £
neatly eVerp lamJlp In the county-and iberaforo ao»3?« T
convenient and cheap means .fotitho
oonnty—tho merchant. meoh«nifi .nndall otbenio
Books, Jobs and Blanks,
or everV bEsbaiprioN.
KBrUBMOAN." ■ ~,
30.1853. . .!»'
M. B. 1 WOOD; :
b u£*>.m
';;■' CHINA. ■■■■•:: \
-The first of the annexed extracts is from
a letter received yesterday by a commer
cial house in this city. Although perhaps
.no later from the seat of war than ourprt
vious advices, it contains more particulars,
which we doubt not will be acceptable to
our readers. , The second extract' is from
a commercial circulars '
Canton, Monday, May 2,1852.
Since the departure of the lust mail* we
have received many, very interesting-pat
ticulars touching the capturedfChin-Ke
ung-Foo and Nankin by the rebels* : Tjhs
news is entirely through Chinese, many bf
whom have received letters frota the Wtrtr
citv They report, however, that the City
of'Chin Keang-Foo had been retaken an
the approach of thirty thoussnd of the Em
perer’s soldiers from Kirin, Eastern Tar
tary, and who, in connection with those
previously engaged, had caused lhe insur
gents to fall back upon Kenkin, into which
they had thrown themselves, being a forca
of nearly 60,000 men, and that at the do
nurture of the latest couriers they,,
surrounded by an army of 120,000 mep,
Another portion of ,the rebels, nearly
40,000 strong, had been detailed for Wao*
kin, on the main body leaving that
place to attack Chin-Keang-Foo, for a
very important city called Yang-Chew,
which they hud captured, but to quit which,
and reinforce their friends at Nankin, wa»
deemed impossible, from a considerable
Tartar army, under the command of a
celebrated general, having been despatch
to prevent it. This by the Chinese is said
to bo the exact state of things by, the last
accounts. They do not, however, belieye
that the new Emporor, who is within ‘no
walls of Nankin, with so largo a -forest
desperate men, is likely to be
notwithstanding the numerical suporiP^y
of tho Tartar force; and the genera) belie I
is that he will succeed in dispersing tnpm,
and establishing himself firmly there, it be
ing the city which, , in his proclamation,
lo be his capital. !•••”' ~
When the new- Emperor sent to boo
Choo, after the above victories, fo< the
50,000 tales, which the inhabitants hi*
agreed to pay os the ransom of their-city,
numorous proclamations, were
his soldiers, who distributed them arapng
the people, and through that means soipo
copies have found their way here. Jo
these proclamations it was.
that,on the 22dday of tho 3d mpntb,(2pth
April,) the throne would bo established.A"
Z ancient city of Nankin; and there, ,qn
that day, would commence the: gov ce
ment aide jure tho restored family ofMtpg-
But we have yet to learn the result .of tbe
battle beneath the walls of Nankin, : wliiph
musthavetaken place previousto theabpye
date. Via Shanghai, we have npthiog
furthor than that Nankinand Chin-lyeang-
Foo were in possession of the
and which news went 'by the last mai ,
consequently, all related above ,is. qaidto
have taken place subsequently., ~ -.i.u
It would be difficult to describe all the
barbarities and horrors perpetrated in the
taking of Nankin. Of the Tartar garn-
Bon, more than 20,000, including tho fam
ilies of the soldiers, women and children,
were either put to the sword or commUred
suicide, it. being a point of honor
.singular people to ponsh rather than .'o
yiefd. Every one of tho jnests, wltetbe r
Budfpst or Taouist religion,,and
very numerous there,,vrare massaprpfli,
Their number could not have bpea : mpch
short of 1,500 or 2,000; whilei lltoae
in the assault, the mining of the
the entry of tho rebels,were said to
to 30,000 men. Very many famijips
were completely annihilated by suicidp.r-
The streets were so blocked up with i)qad
bodies that, in passing from point lo.l>Pffi‘*
the conquerors burstopen doqrs ,of; houses,
private as well as public, and threvy.the.m
inside, as the Chinese 'r
thev had been logo of wood. ■ .
The insurgents had no wish to procee
to such extremities, nor,have. they shpwn
any' cruelty, toward the,, Chinese people,
orfests excepted, unless in cases where
ffiey had co-oparated with the, WP or ‘“
troons At Napkin,,ip consequence flf the
no Th‘ci.v“»Sn..n i.».J bate
ultimate fate depends upon tho state ol
£s at the North., If the . insurgents
win “the local officers , the .priests,
witli the Tartar garrison, wil. douhtjP B3
be risen against; and without ceremony
put to death, when adherents of tKppw
order of things will fill the ppbhc offices.
In the proclamations of the new l T*P,er9 r »
it is very clearlv put forth that ajl the
Mandprins, the ‘rartars. nnd ,P r ! cf, . ts >
shall be exterminated j.nnd . ffiern .ts n 0
doubt but that such W»te[he. .
f Thord is a bare possibility
,Y rehliU to these events
you 1 ; buflcooeiderjnot
oo»to*«S , wuSW^»?jW ) i^iAiy'e‘<iontainiU'? iiine-th}rd
iW Ij* ***** which UU<J*..
lU « . a aotiv)t« from Uw OKCIAW#
KirpHOTpnii'tftpi «>•^iSas , -‘r»A l viD aSlSSfesv« «
*oiil by Dr.iggU»
ll,i. unit oil,or tount.o.—<- a .. .
ClMrlwU. r<*. M ,,yBl).l»Ji