Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 29, 1853, Image 4

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    sic Glass too loeb; or, the Wife’s IJiight Cap.'
SV Mix; IN DEtt V061)9. ‘
u ipile,from the, post office i,n this city,
meVsqme “Northern friendp wl\h South
ermprillciples,’’the other evening; and in
extending to them tho hospitalities of the
.Creßceht.City, visited so mhny of our prin
cipal Saloons and Hulls,imbib
ing spiritual copsplntion as they' journey
ed, that wheij he loft them at their hotel njt
the hhdniaht hour, he felt.decidebly felt,
that he had .“a bricjt in , his hati’^Now
lie ims u wife, an amiable, accomplished
and beautiful lady, who loves him devoted
ly, bjjt finds but one fault with him—that
is fiis.too frequent visits to the palaces
where these ‘‘bricta” are obtained.'
After leaving his friends, Mr."
paitscd, 1 a moment, took his bearings; and
baying strapped o coprso on the principle
that continual angles meet, made sail for
homo, ,In duo course of limo he arrived
therei and jvas pot very much astonished,
bat rather frightened, to find his worthy
Indy sitting up for him. She alwny9 does.
She smiled when he came in. That also
she always does.
’ “How are you, dealt fi|”s,h c sa >d. —
“You staid out so, late, that l leared you
had been taken sick.”
“Hie—a}nt sick, wife; b-but don’t you
|tiink t I’m a little t-tiglit 1”
very little, perhaps, my dear—but
that jis havo so many friends
us ypp say, you must join them in a glass
oqpe in a while.”
“Wife, vou’retoo good—th-the truth is,
J am d—d drunk.”
,“Oh, no, indeed, my dear —I’m sure
that even another glass wouldn’t hurt you.
Now suppose you take a glass of Scotch
ale With me, just as a night-cap, dear ?”
“You are too kind;j|gpear, by halt —I
know I’m d—drunk.”
, “Oh, no—only a julep too much, love—
that’s all!”
, “Yes, ju juleps—McMaster3 makes
suph St'rff’uns!”
.♦‘Well—take a glass of ale, nt any
rafp—il cannot hurt you, dear; I want one
myself before I retire!”
The lady hastened to open a bottle, and
pa she placed two tumblers before her on
the sideboard, she put in one a very pow
erful emetic. Filling the glasses with the
looming ale, she handed one to her hu3
Suspicion came cloudi)y upon hismind.
She never before had been so kind when
he was drunk. Ho looked at the glass—
Raised it to his lips —then hesitated.
“Dear, won’t you' just tustc mine, to
rnajte it sweeter 1” said he. .
.‘.‘Certainly, love,” replied the lady, takjng
a .mouthful, which she was ypry careful
pet to swallow.
Suspicion vanished, and so did tho ale,
emetic and all, down the throat of the
'satisfied husband. After spitting out the
taste, the lady finished her glass, but seem
ysiin nb hurry to retire. She fixed a fodt
tub of Water before an easy-chair, as if
lrt»yihtended to bathe her beautiful little
fertj" But small as were those feet, there
tme iiot water enough in the tub to cover
lljeßiv-' The husband began to feel, and
to. retire.
Wait only a fejy minutes, dear.” said
ju'f loving spouse ; “1 want to road tho
in this afternoon's Delta. I found
it‘in my pocket.”
, Afew minutesmore elapsed,and then —
and tjiemi; O ye gods and Dan o’ tho Lake
what a time! This husband was placed
in'ibe easy-clmir. He began to under-
why the tub was there; he soon
learned .what ailed him., .Suffice it to sny,
that when 1 lie arose from that chair, the
fikk bad left his hat. It hasn’t been there
iliijcp. .He says,he’ll never drink another
jplep : he can’t bear Scotch ale, but ho is
On lemonade! He loyes his vyjfe
bytier than ever.
this is a truthful story. Profit
jjpyits moral.
RiOJir Way.— There is one right
«ra&'4nd'a.’great many wrong ways of liv
fog,;acting, und speaking; of doing every
ilmig, apd the right is always the best: be.
’cause'd is the easiest, the safest, the most
J* rptitable. nnil the most pleasent. And jt
rfmdch easier to, show that the greater
jtirjof mankind mistake this way, than to
sfvethe reason wjiy. they do so. It is a
plain fdadi there are pointers up at every
he who runs may rend. And
'•Jfef, 1 compared with the scattered crowd
Solitary travellers are to bo
',found, journeying on through life in the
If we examine wit in a natural
*|i|htit'isti fire, liable to be extinguised by
•ihe lightest vapor of indisposition; it is a
'.delicate cpnstjtutjon, which a trifle may
‘.‘fliabyder; a happy organization, which a
hour may disturb and wear down.
It is the. most quick and subtle part of the
' soul, which’ seems to grow old and }an
gfuid With the body; it is the essence of
I feason, which evaporates so much tfye soo
• per, ns it is the more delicate and refined.
Marriage following
certificate was duly granted to the parties
ihßrein tianiedVand signed by an.embryo
justice of the peace, jn {■’edria county, Illi
'hois.i’ “To, all the World greeting, know
r ye John Smith and Peggy ftjyers is hereby
Jq go together, and do as tfcje - old
, fo!ksdoes ( any where in corporass preempt,
-trad when liny commission comes, I art] to
marry ’ehi, and date ’em back to kiver ap
, indents.” / ■'
(KT 1 ',Hollo! Mister, have-' you pot an y
ligmin to spU'i” “No.' \yhy do you
esk V' ‘'pecause I see you Jmye a wry
, . face.” ‘ ,v. -
/. n piecp pfassqfcetidfi, about tjie
, -size'’6fSpea in each hill of’'cucumbers,
t ;iroil tl»ey;\yill not bo troubled with the stri
• 'pid yellow bug.
' good old minister prayed for
those ofhis coiigrcgation who were too
proud to kneel ana to lazy to stand. *'
linhstlono churchyard. wliero
’jVly y'milhlul leet were wahl lu troau.
■ T HiCe toniedidiilo
Qn tfiusb now riombired With tho’dpau.'
S’hi dust dl maiiy there
LieimWdring 111 the silent toinb;
■ ’ They in this changing unie.
Wore dn llioir cheeks a ruay bloom.
Two gravo there are, to mo
Than nil llidblhers dearer Inf.
for Ihore my parent's cloy.
And 'earth's together mingled aro.
gint-e Hull nail limo when thoy ; .
Bnl lhi» unfriendly world uilieu,
Sumo yours have passed nwuy,
And It-It mo thorns'anil roles 100. :
They with paternal care.,.
And wishes tor /Ay liuppmess,
II I in error strayed.'i
lleprnvrd me lor my waywardness.
They pload lor meirt prayer ( ; >
Before iho holy Throiio di'Ordce;
Until their spirits fled’
From earlli lo tli.Oir coleolml piece.
May I nol proudly nope ■
Tluir lovoloineeouliniiei mil l '
More pure Ilian ’twus below f
Oh.Vcs! 1 may. ondshould and will.
Bcvund the skies ’remote;
In that divine repose above.
There is u dazzling glow
Ol amity, lur "God is Isuve." . •
Benignant llodvert! assist r
Me virtue's rugged puth to climb.
My error’s in o’ercoino i
To use. nol weßteimy precious firne; '
That with ecstatic bliss
1 may meet them on tho sweet shurq »
Ol mat abiding home, .
Wlioro frionds shall meet to part no more.
v Fruit Thees.— All agree, soya a lead
ingcultivator of fruit in Massachusetts that
the proper and only judicious method of
preparing the soil for Fruit trees, i 9 by sub
soiling or trenching the earth to the depth
of IS inches or two feet, and that, during
this process, the upper and lower soils to
gether with the nppropiate manure, should
be thoroughly incorporated : the cultivator
who is not willing to lake these prelimina
ry measures had better abandon the pro
ject of raising fruit trees, and save both his
time and money. ,
Downing says, the best compost for
fruit trees is peak and ashes (5 bushels of
fresh or 10 bushels of leached) a wagon
load of peat containing lime, potash, nnd
Let this compost lay a fortnight. Add
to every cart load two bushels ofatr slack
ed lime for Apple trees.
Add half bushel of ground bones, two
bushels of leached ashes or five pounds of
potash dissolved in water for Pear trees,
f Add half bushel of lime, half bushel of
ashes a peck of salt for Plum trees.
Add two bushels of leached ashes, for
Peach and Cherry trees.
Add a bushel of lime, a bushel of ashes
half bushel of plaster for Grape vines.
This cothpost may be put on Iwoinches
thick, and forked in, so ns to cover the
ground as far as the roots extend.
The porportions will vary according to
the quantity of compost to be made.
The ash of the apple-treo contains more
than one half lime; so lime preponderates
in the manure. The ash of the pear tree
contains the largest amount of phosphate
of lime; so bone dust should preponderate
in the manure.
op Caebots. —Cattle become
accustomed during summer, to green food
and when kept altogether on htty and other
dry fodder, they cease to tako on flesh
with great rapidity. The use of carrots,
particularly, should be introduced. Car
rots for horsesare now the ordinary prac
tice of even the livery stable keepers of the
larger cities. ~ . . . '
A bushel of carrots and a bushel of oats
are fully equal as food for the horso to two
bushels of oats j though carrots do not con
tain the same amount of nutriment by
meausre ns the oats still their peclic acid
gelatinizes the contents of the stomach of
the animal, and enables the oats to be en
tirely digested. ,
Too much mphey is paid out by farmers
for grain (or their milch cows, There
must be a more general resort to roots to
be fed with good English hay: when these
are used in sufficient quantity to carry .the
stock through the winter, there may be
profit in producing milk for the'market.
To Raise Cucumbers or Sruasiies.—
Take a lurge barrel or hogshead, saw it in
two in the middle and bury it in the
ground even with , the’top. Then take a
small keg ai)d boro a small holo in the bot
tom. Place the keg in the centre of the
I parrel, the top even wijh the ground, and
fill in the barrel around the keg with rich
earth,suitable for the growth of cucumbers.
Plant your seed midway between the edges
of the barrel apd the keg, and make a kind
of arbor a foot or two high for the vines to
run on. When the ground becomes dry
pour water in the keg in the evening—it
will pass out of the bottom .of the keg into
the barrel, and rise up to tho roots of the
vines, and keep them moist and green.—
Cucumbers cultivated in this way will
grow to a great size, as they are made In
dependent both of drouth and wet weath
er. *ln wet wealhor tho barrel can bo
covered, and in dry the groupd can bd
kept moist by pouring water in tho keg.
OCT“tlow do you get along with your
arithmetic t” asked a* father of his ljtllo
boy,the other night. “How far have you
gotr ■ : ;■:
substruction, distraction, bbomi nation, jus.
lification, hallucination, darpation, ampu
tation, creation, and adoptjon.”
He’d Jo fqr ah engineer bn the “Short
Line” railroad. : :
(KrWhep Jones', toent.ip to dinner the
other day, lie found one of his appretifices
in the kitchen, quietly rolling up his
sleeves.' A i
“ What ore you goihg'. to do 1” said
Jones. ■ ■
“O,” quietly tddpontied theboy, “lam
going to djvo down into that pot to see If
f can find Vthe; baan.‘thot squj> ymsmado
from. ; - ' .
i CopperJin &SUeet lroo-Ware!
M A"HU.F.AO® 0-,® t ,
"d: b. merrecl , '
Thankful for'thenbeiirpitrona*# he
mwimllx .aaoanoM to ‘ h « P“?“°‘f^. 0
hue remove?to till new ihop on tbo '.ndre wb\|
rell'e Hotel, where ho ii well .nnpli.d «nd U wen,
prepared Dll hit ordere Tot I
Copper, Tin t Sheet-Iron and Japanned
. Ware,
AiCHRAP milm GOCjl) m can be fpnna In any country
tows fn'the interior of tbo Btnto t
. Old Brass and Copper ■
| Will bw taken at ihohiiiheu priori in ejtchamn rorworaor
j dooie td older.- - cl ; vfi , ld , M « r 4. im
Timber, Timber Land and
Iron Ore lor §s||e!
rj-illii .obioriber will rail lha following de.orlbod valnabt,
1 EGAIj EIJTA'i i 5 ;, , , .< .■»• _ rpo ii*i'
mr A i The one undivided half part of a IBAU
310* UPLAND containing lOUacres.ormore, tit.
oate on N ©shannon Creek, which is the line beiweenC<jj.ue
and Clem field counties. Won. of this Dnctis Ullabte land,
andnartof it weiltimbend with White Pine. - . f
O The undivided halt part of a Tract oi
-&* Land, also eituale on Mothannonoreek*
and adjoining the above oemal pbceof land, contain* 407
noies, rr more, Thera is great Waler. Power on this tract, the
Creek affording soflicient power tor a Forge and Rolling*
Mil/. The Bix Mile Rua and the Three Mile 800 Oo which
are ptentyofTroiM) empty into the MosuannOn on this tract,
each ot whioh afford f.otnona to two good mill teats.- lhare
it & first rate newly Imili (Jenrort 6aw«MiU,lrt feet.wheel, on
this tract, on the power of tbeTbrte Mile Una. The i um.
pike leading from Clearfield to Uellefoate pastes thronahthii
tract. The distance from this plaoe to UniovUle, pn the
llaid Eagle Plank Hoed, Ad miles. To Julian Fomao©, tmd
HanOab ruraaceabont 14 to lb miles. The'dUtanOe to tna.
rive* by the road Uor id miles—l© iho mouth ot uio deck, by
waiyr,2J There ira i 1
Vela of Iroq Ore oh this Tract, ‘
And within 60 or W rods or water powor. Tfaflt U the place
•poken of by Proletsor Rogers, in his Urological lloport of IM».
whereha says, **dixmlios nortiuast of Hhilipioorg. on the
Turnpike. Is the red shale of foromtion XI. immediately be*
Inw tnecoDirlonicrate o'lonnulion Xllj etc , &o.—and dol
es his remarks by place is worthy ol a *?»ther
iftyetiixeuon.” mTUMIOUd CUA .and the Lestol TIM
BER ere abundant la the neighborhood
The Terms will be made easy, and an Inriispntab e title
fivea. Apply to the subscriber six mi es south of Curwens
viilr. near Fruit Hill Po*t Ullic**. Clearfield county. Pa,,—or
to dUiIN U- THOMAS, Unionville, Centre county, Pa.,
(Fleming P. U. J-or to David Bilcer, who resides on the
i§Biw«3Ladrgs f®ff Sal©,
I „iß»l«orail rronr FOUR HUNUUGU to ONE TIIUHH
AND good daw Logs, which will cot a good deal ot ranhel
Lumber- t*s»d levs are anout one nv'e above Dr Hoyt»
n>tll on the tiVer bill, and abont JJ>fc mites above Mr. Owen s
m il. The rirur is' wide nere, end they oan be driven, or
sawed at the above mill. These logs can be put into the
liver for lets than $3 CuperM
The'’Lancaster lntflfgencer" will Insert the aboveihree
times omitting the latter part relating to taw Ipgs-and the
“tlinteo Democrat” wilHnsert that psit of the above meting
to the sale of taw logs, three times, and send their bmitolhu
ctfics. •
Established 18 yearn ago by Dr. Kinkelin, N.YVJ
, corner ofThird ami Union aired*,between
spruce and Pino nts., Philadelphia.
E lOHTEßN.yearsofextensive and nninteimpted practice
spentia this city, have rendeied ,Dr. K.- tne xt.o*tcnpon
and successful practitioner* fur und near. In the trcntmontol
aU diseases of a private nature. Po.soos aflhcied with uloers
on tha body, throat or tegs, pans ntbebead or tones.raer.
cereal disease* uniing from
youthful exceiraiAr impurities or the hood whereby the con
struuoo has beuwne enfeebled, are all with success.
fie who prices bimsei! under thecaroof Dr. K.,rany pllj
gioQtly coolidein his honor as a genllemun, and conudrnt.y
rely upon hisskiilata physician.
take particular notice.
Yoasgmeii who haveifiiufvd themselve* by pfao
ticeindultodla—a hobii frequently learned, from evil com
panion* at icho-jl; theelfeot* oi which ere nightly lelt.e»®n
when atleep. and destroy both mind and body, thoolu apply
Immediately. Weflknwt nml cuurtitu'lobM debility, Umo!
rnaioolareaercy. physical l&bitode arid general prostration.
Irritability anil all nervous affection*, indiceition, slQfffhh
ness of the liver, and every disease in any way conneg«ea with
theditordei oftheprcoreulive fuboUoue cuiuu, ana lull v.eor
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death.
Sinkelin on Self-Preservation—Only 24 cents.
Thli'fooklaitpnbliihoilli tilled with uitfnl information. o»
the mOrmaties and disease* of the Gtßeratlve 9%**** lt . j
flrettes itself alike to Youth. Manhood and Old Ate. aod
should be read by alt. , t , ,
The valuable advice and iopreniva warning it giro will
of misery and sutlermg. and save annually thou
""parentt by reading H will learn how to prevent the destiuo.
ion oflhslr Children. , . „ ~ .
•»*A remittance of 25 centa. eaoloeed in * letter, addressed
to Ur.KIM£JBUN. N. W. oomerof ThUd and Union stweti.
between dprnce and Pine* PhJladeldbia. will ensore a book
undercoverperreturnmall. • ' . .... r „^,
Persona at a distance may addrese Dr. K. by letter, (post
paid.] and be oared at borne. ' _ , .. .
Packages of Medioines* Directions. fito., forwarded by send*
Inc. a remittance, and pot up eeoore from damage or curiosity
Uook*8«llen. News Age its, pedlers. Canvassers, and all
others suppled with tbe above work at'very low rates.
Octobers*. HwJ.—ly*
LIST OP TRAVIS JURORS for Sept, term, 1851
George B Date Farmer Pike township
riamue! Caldwell do do do
Ab'aham itaily oo do do
William Prion da do do
Nathan Clever do do do
;J. P. Norris do • do do
Coreas Eartfme do Karthaas do
John Peitetaea do . Jordan . do
George Hrbard do do, do
Josepli potter do Morns do
John Showaiter do do do
George Heami do do do
JobaMUle' Combeiman oo . do
Kichard Ulenan Bhoenmer Cleatfleld borough
O. W. Orr H aokiraith . do do
Wm. Mepe* Parmer . Cawrencetowntbip
N. K Mo-uUiu do do do
John Daugherty . do „ do do
Uvl Lula Merchant Covington do
Bamosl Bpencer Farmer ” en ? do
J. 11. Beg net Tailor do do
\V. 8. P*.vtev Deborer do do
Patrick Daily Farmer ' ._ do 5®
C, Gallagher Farmer Pnratido do.
John Weaver Merobant do do
Joseph Coveeo* Tcilor ,do x j
Bamuel P. Bhotr Farmer Woodward do
Daniel Philtua do do do
Thus. McGhee do Dell do
T. U. Davis do ferguson do
TliomatOweni ,do t do .. do
GenrseDilien do Deccaria do
a. B JliUer. Blacksmith Hoggs do
John Gearhart Farmer Decatur do
Jobs McColly do Chart do
Uen.y Uile do Girard do
LIST OF GRAND JURORS for Sept, term, 1853.
JoWn.Beed . Carpenter . CoiwauvUlo
Jutan Beam* • • Biadf
John Bechtel do _ d°.
John Brentoed do giraw
James Gallagher do Bain* do
John Mitchell - do
Jeue llation do
WilUarn'MiohaeU da
James Ciosunau * do
Jacob Pernod do
John Turner do,
AdamOearha.t ; ct> •
Abraham Kjlai do
R.oharii Denver do
Jocntnao Walt do
Hamuei Moore 1 do
liaao Bouthtud . , ... Carpenter
*Vro. Bo*dy . Lumberman
Oavtd Bell l . * ' FOIL?
J ihn dhowaller Farmer
JametKpenoer)- do
J.A.T. Hooter do
Anderson Murray do
William MtuhaeU . j ■ do
S Wholesale and Retail Gropery, S'
s s'
S W.C. iSBY. bavin* made arranfemente tocarryoa S
V adelphia, the eubionber will continue tofceep at the £
? cornier of Market and 6tb *t'e. near .tha PENN. RAIL £
> ROAD DEPOT, a Tail and complete niiortmentpt j
S ON.NAILS.DtUKDFRUIT.Mod ell the leading nr. <,
l tlol** in uade-—Thaoal'al for oaatfavon, he wouliUik c,
J hi* old patron* to nive biro e call. a* bo tt prepared to
rpHB Dwelling <p«itolu» vL>BARFJELD AOADEMV.
A • Appl»l9 ■■ .■ , ,v j B MoEt<A i i,y. :
ci«ufl»M.Apiiißg.irf3., ; v .
OF all terta and else* kept oorutantly on hand and for tale
by . , L. R, CARTER. Acent.;
. BePL 8..M51, \ :•« s .
tjGLVEpf»ntf KNOW'OPENING. at'the; S>orohop«e f(H*
roerljrocbaptedby VPIo* fit Gotoher, at MoriUdale, a , ,
Large., Cheap
Airirtment of Goodi, oonilrtln. of evens etyle and quality of
JJry Goods, Groceries, Quecnsivare, Cut
lery, Hardware, Boots, - Shoe's and
Bonnets, Confectionary,
Clocks fy'Watches. , ,
ALSO, a IftJfeandwall ißifOlediiookof
Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs Mcdi
!, cines, ijfC.ySfc.
' In than mi kind* of Gopai umnily nepildn
Alt or whloh he U determined to •eIfCHEAPEK. I HAN bv
I ™ UEmm ‘"EDMOND K I BRE™.^
Morrlii’afe* Ndv. 10, 1852. t .
Monlellns Brother & Ten Eyck.
TJEf leave to inform tlieir ir.endi and the P'lbiio aonerally,
O thatrhev havelakenlnto partoernbip with them*. BEN J.
HAKTftIIOENe who, bavin* porchaied the i'ore formem
kept by Wn, 0, bloom, and Roving united it with their
ovrn. nro now doing buiineuon a more rxtemive icaie onaei
thetitlpof ♦
Where they are prepared to self ail kiadtof’ .
Dry Gobds,Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, Tin Ware, Hats; Caps, <j re.
And would call partlonlai attontlon to their nocE of jIOOTa
and SHOES. ae tbor keep motor I ha moitMperienoed baud*.
' end ale preiiaiod to do ear kind of works n lliat line or boil
nei< Thar alio keao a large end well ueiotlerl iteoaor ■
Pooh ni oil <HAVNEB’.Lyi)L>EN (St OU’ri. M'ALISTERS
iln, Pepiin, Wrtght'i Indian Vegetable Pilli, and all other
Medlolnce uinalir kept In nnonntry itore.
Unrweniville, Peb. iSI. USedl ■ .
Machine, Pattern nnd Blacksmith Shops,
Fsu ,
THR tundenigaed wonld announce to the*' cillaeoi ot
Clearfield.and adjoining countie*, that li*-ha* Phoned a
rooraonKewnAitreet* in the borough or Clearfield, near the
■tore of Leonard U Moore, wheie hejntemt* keeping a
lobe raadeoftne be«t material, and at prion. cannot fail
niaiik* Thfi rnlinwinv couuo’e ihettoolt on bands.
Woodortlotil ThU store hai probably the
dootron olanjr other lormoi itore*. Jt bee euprweded In
nlmrit every ooqnty. the well known Hathaway and
leritorei. Hl* erully onderetood, and the floee being 10
arranged that all can be cleaned without nor trouhlo. Too
peculiar Ibrut and construction it inch into render iuhe
inoit dnrahlo ol all itovoi. Noraetouiimtimoamli coaid
w* odded. but It Itdwmed oorecenary.l
PAIUdHI BTOVES-for ollherwood ot coal.
KAI’aMANDEU. do a beautiful Coal Stovo.
EGG do .
NINE fit TEN PLATE Stovei-verr cheap.
MANTLE URATES, with lorumnr olecet. A large ratlety
and mpermr fioisheJ Grvte* (row lb to inche*.
OUMMGN GRATES. oUiiJM. . ■. , ~.., , fim
COB warraoie i to grnd 15 Bui Bart per hour,
nLACKSMITHTUVERBS. the belt in o»o ; do. MAN
DRILLS and TIKE BENDERS s , . . . f^minrlp.
Together with the uiual vonetr of articlei kept at roundrj
Also, Made to Ordeir,
aiUBTaadSAW.Mlbb GEAIUNG-bavng
largest stock, and hast variety ot patterai ol any ** l j , b | ' , b'
nientia western fennsylvanla ; Mibb UOGB. HHAr I
INW—ltnreand*mal!.«fca«tor wripnehtiron, *»
lltluMrtond I’UbblES; KowandolhMapi.rosed vt ator
Constantly on band and for sale
AbmlzM Bor»v t wiili oar deiiretl number ol tbroadi
th» tncb.p iberiq amorV thread.
Urui, Copper, ami BabbuU’i Metal
Much 4, IMJ.-lr.
22a o
Attention, Lumbermen!
rpH B Butuoriben oflet lot ic'd obo of Ccoi(a Pco’.B.cooiJ
With an IS llorto rower fiogiae attached. nil new and In
eompleto running order, having been boQrrhtand l ’ otn Pj/
Jnne lait. tUuaUjd about U inilet from llald Lagle Fu-nuce.
and about half a mile from the tn;pp*k« leading IrpmHald
Faele Furnace to Philipiburg. Said Mill wily cuts, PWfeot
Tner will alto tell their (Stock if Chaim,
najUmUen, app/y toC. K.Mark, a* theMlll. or toJ I*
tthaita atiJaMKaale Furnace. Any penon can ne the mill
n full operation now. MARK & SHULTZ.
Decembers, 1853.
1 opened on MONDAY, the 25Ui iwt.. the charge
Theotjectof the T’uitees ii to place the Academy upon
the footie* contemplated by the original looudencl the la*
ttiiolion, by cfienog to the yooth ol' Clearfield coaaty. on*
p.'rtuai lei of receiving the benefit ofa
Thorough English and Classical Education,
Ai well ai im I muailiaM ol KnuimeaUx j luuacuoa.
Rates or Tuition ••
ciog Beading,, Spelling, Arithmetic,
Geography, Knglub Grammar and Ilutory, per Q 0
T?lE rt |YlGllEtt ENGL’idVl' DEPAKTMEN i‘."• ‘•
I3rpcj)iii destrotu of the modern languages
will 06 afforded lacihtleato do 10, upon mating application
to the Principal. . , . , .
By order oftiieDpatd of lrn«lee».
J. B. McENALLY.beo'y.
,/Clearfield, April 30,1553.
OP OURWKNbVILLE, would Inform the la lies ofUlear
field counrx. that iho baiju.t received a large and full
assortment ol Spring
MilMmsmy ©®®<3ls s
Silks, Ribbons. Capes, Linings, Illusions,
FRENCH FLOWERS. FAB.-I. and every variety oftrimm.
iart. Perron. yenCm* order. Horn atlUlancatbau haveuiem
immediately attended to; All repaliitra done in the neatest
and be.t pouible manner, and on tha.ho.teal note*.
Cntwcn.ville. May 20. IBM.-3ra. E. A. W.
THE subscriber most respectfully informs theoit tens of
Clearfield county- anil the travelling uablio generalise
that he has taken the above named HOTEL stiuaiedon the
oornur of Front and Market streets, in the borough ol War
tMd, where he will at all tinus be prepared to accommodate
those who roar favor him with their custom. No pain* will
be spare 1 hr the proprietor to make his customers comfortable,
and bishonsea HOME to those who may stop with him.
fIisBTABLR will beoareinliy attended to—and his TA
BLE and BAU supplied with .he fiest the market will ofloid.
Aucoit 11.1853.
Valuable JKeal fiistate.
3Y Virtue of an ordetof the Orphans* Court of Clearfield
county, granted at Febiuary term. 1853, there will be
exposed to PUBLIC BALE, at the "Oeecarla Mills,’’ in
Becoaria township, Clenrlrela county, on SATURDAY THE
TUIKU DAY OP BEPTEMUEU mat. the following des
cribed PIECE OP LAND, situate in the said townshipof
deco.uiin, late the estate ol JOHN W. MILLER, deceased.
tO ALL the Interest of said deceased of. In and to EIGHTY
NINE acres 104 perohet of land, situate in said township of
Beocaria* being ptmof a larger tract in the name of William
Hall, beginning at a white oak stamp, thence east 184 perch*
esloa hemlock, thehoe north 84 perches to a white oak.
thenoe by land of John Henry Abbei 84£* degrees west lw
perches to a post, thenoe sooth 8 degrees west by Jand ol 1 hot.
Wilson W perches to the place or beeinninr bounded by
lands of Aaron Weld, Jacob MyerS, John Ligntuer anu Hard*
man Philips, being unimproved land, well caloutated fora
small form. The soil is ofa good quality, and has some tint*
be? oa it, tollable for Lumbering purposes.
One attendance will be given on iho day of sale by the ad*
' Boro 1 Clearfield
Bell ,
do ■
Oae half cash on the confirmation of the sale, end the resl;
doelnoneyeaMotasecared.hrJudgment bond and mort*
gage. B) order of vbe Court. •
, „ . LEONALD WELD. Adm’r.
June 8.1853, , , . “
.‘^sS^aaaftdiCEieQ & •:
A Journeyman Cabinet-Maker.
afforded liberal wage., and oomiant .mploymn t by ap
point unmadlntsiy to i iJQUNGULICtI. May 21.1&9.
Estate lojf kpiinnel Koines, deceased.
lndn.foimof law bean g rimud to the aubtenber. All pel
eon. tmlebteil will make payment Immediately; and tbon
baying claim, will preunt them prop-ily autndatieated Tot
■ ; :r ; ; S2r<3>'CS£^c^£m»/'
" giwifefiiMr 1.UW..; i; Y.Txm. ,
HoiLLd way 1 ® Pills.
Cnpy of o liolterTrdm' Mr.^K.
7/ Prencot «rieii Liverpool, (England,; dartu pin
. Juno, 1&51.1,,. . * ■ . ■ * •
''Sm-vTnrpfifc uiStmeot hare .toad ,h »iWKJS
l l “ l iSis! 1 2Sa i“»*n&"» b *i™-“ tl si ,o ; OT 5 ,^ r i , !
w.'oontorta.n.d of her notbf^ l "i,? u J , ! r o d?h”«ftrmi
iiieoki mUohln jour ■
Copy of n Loiter in the Hobart ToWn Couribr.ol ,
tlio Li Murch, 1851, by Mojor J. VValch.
hfnfffntnt M'Oo&DlB&a. nineteen jean ofh**J. rawingjit
NawTowd had been iullorina from s violent K bop wat Jo Pt
!^Sfe“, BS.3*SSS*vIpS?S :
tUeclcd a perfect core. ‘
rjT „p nff a tfiin and rnIITNEHS IN THE CHEST
From Mom9* l liew &Son, Proprietor, ol ihoLynr.
Aoveriiser, who ron-vouch-for the following
iluteinonl. August 2nd, 1801.
fo ‘WroodeffooLoftlolo.
m«STiII» Po? isnfa roan I sul&rod «*ercl» 110 m a p»m
nfliffl UeiePnU haveio relieved cne. Hiat l era | l «m
others thuunl bo made acquainted wltN.their yirtoee. 4 ®®
now rendered, by their means, compafauvety active. |
take eiercue without Inoonvenleuce cr pain, which l couia
nol &KSST UENBV street. Lynn. Norfolk.
ThOBO calibrated Pilla-nro wonderfully efficacious
in tlio . following complaint*:
fen • fr ,o ‘ as?s3rs~«i
UNoas Complaint* tiout J s^"J a,y ttyrap *
B o?ohe« on th-Skln ll«ad-aeho / niinn«a*
{"!i—U ~
"Sr 10 " ““ .T d m
Kiy Kb’amatUra,, t whatever oau»e.
Uysaatry Heteationot •[fine &c*&o.
BryilpeUi Scrofula, or lima *
female Irregularities Evil
Sold at Urn Eitablirhment of rrofmoi WAV. Ml.
Btianil (near Temple liar, unit bv all letoeUatil i
IJruaiiiiti a oil in M'dieinet I'lfoophont lha U/Hob
l''muutt a*»»' of ihiw'of mo Utoitctl cStale*, jn itoxet ttt di,aQ..
Old! and 41 sl’o each. Wnoleialo by the priaoipal Ema
houieato the llniou, and by lleur .A. ,U.• St SANDS,
M « w * on ’ T W. pYWT S SONS.
North Seoondfcf. resit. Philadelphia.
Wboleiale Agenu lor Penniylvauta.
... .Thera |a a camiderubla laving by taking tho largut lined
B N“ , H.-Pireoihnilor the guldnnoe or patient! in every dti
order tue allixed to cacti Box
Valuable Keal fcstnle.
.K’ M.' M. M. ■
PiUVATK '•ALtith* tollowinr de*cribcd well InoWa ana
vaiaal)!? HEAL. ESTATE conmtfntr ol
FA KM OF 100 Acres,
in Pika l«wn«nip, Cleaifield county, oo Ibemiiiß
Mm* irom CorweuiViHe to Tyrian* four mile* troin
vviilo. a«*d kntaWnaslho
[Vise Farm.
The improvements 'consist of
about 75 acres of cleared land, I
state of cultivation, a
Airge Dwelling-House, a Large Bank
Bam, Spring-House, Dry-House, Shop,
and other necessary buildings, together
witii one of the largest, best selected, and
most productive .APPLE and PEACH
ORCHARDS in the county .
Thi* PABM i* well incited with exooheat water. apeirer
f&ilinc 6pm>e clove to tii»*donr. wuh other* ■?
aim title expire wfwer could be conveyed t» e»r DOrlol
etherthe hoiueor bain. I’a tboie who deitre to procure n
tlO&IJ* FOU LlFE # Uii* Farmottori inducement* not to be
exoelicd la the county. The InaJ Itof «000 auaUly. bnrhiy
productive. aod well adapt** for both *rom cod *ra*»—cad
Uii located in the Biiditoi'a populooa andindaitnoaeteule
mini. convea oiU to a sood market, good sou mill*, ami a
i* I °Qp ,C po*ru tne» ptorllcfeTaoi apply to either of th» ttibwtri
ber» or to Mow* Wite, on Ufa promt**#.
Tha property will be sold on li e raou rea*anable term* and
! a warrantee deed given.
Is txhalfol ihe htira ofConrad Wu«,<-«o;uea
January 12, 1853.-lf.
At Clearfield.
1-A|l K under»^^oe' , reipectfolly announce* lo iheoeoplo ol
. Cieaihetd and the adjoimnK coontie* tnat heiull eonMo
net to carry on the above bonnet* at hw ex>ennve etubhth
meniinihe oorooph of Clearlteld, aad is now prepared to
manafaotnre ail kinds of >
Castings used for Grist Mills y Saiv-Millsy
and all kinds of Machinery .
HhiCaitlnei ira no* of a nperlor qnalitjr—euuul.'if notio
uerior.Lo any other i* thetitato--*s he rues no«*n but the ve»
bett material, and employ* none but thevety be»loJ woitmen
With two superior TURNING LAIHEB. driven by slwa
is now in suocesslhloperauoir. and under them&aeeemsntoi
a practical mccbanlo—where almost any article of machinery
can be FINISHED in thevery belt style, andlon short notioe.
Heha< new an hands a low# • issortraeut, ofj9 “T’fu’nJK*
at HTOVESot vorir» -s sixes and Patjeros, Pl-0 LG H iUUNo.
WASH KtiTTLEH, fire..fito.. which be offers to sell, ow for
Cash, or on a reasonable credit. He is now casting, from
he most approved paUeins.
ALSO— Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves,
Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also,
Winrd’s celebrated Plough.
Amtellkind.of HULLOW-WAItE, SLEIGH and BLED
SOLES. WAGON BOXES. «to ' .....
He Intend. |to.ell on reasonable term., and trn.t.tbalthr
dtlzen.ofthe county xenointly willfind ft to their advantage
to diva him ibeiroaitom. CASH will ulway. Deprelerretn
but the bicbeit pnco> will be allowed lor Country Produce
and OLD METAL. A.hegive»bii«iiabluhmeothi>per.onal
tuperviiion.nil order, for work will jiUtUenMoa,
Clearfield. Nov. 28.1851.
THE SubMi.iber 1. now 'prepared to exhibit to MerohfinU
and Milinen hi.uiual heavy .took of Ladle.’ nan MU-
Falm-leaf, panama and every vuiety of
For Gentlemen : which for Extent. Variety and oeanty of
manofacioro. a. well a. uniformly clou, price., will be found
nnrivullud. . , V„6MaB JIfIUTE.
''No. 418outb Second StreeMPbilodelpbia*
Febroary 10,1853. \
V forfeltd&Qiffailingto,cure any oasoofseeret disease that '
may come under his care, no matter bow long standing, or
how sfilioling. Either t?ex ate invited to his Private Rooms
88 North bevgutb street- Philadelphia. without.Foard inter*
ruction from other patients. BtraUgert and others who have
beenubfoituaatoin tho selection of aPhysioiau aieinvited
to call. • 1
IMPOTBNOY,—Through unrestrained indulgence In the
by excess or seJT*obu*o. iho evils are name oui.—
'remature Impolcnoy, involuntary seminal discharges, wast*
in gor the organs, loss of memory, a dittos • for female society,
general'debility, or constitutional derangement, aretureto
oliow - If necessary, consult the DbCior with coOfidCaq©.—
jo oifers a perfect core. ; ...
READ AND REFLECT.—Tbeafißcted would do well to
reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many
cases their lives, in the hands of physicians ignorant of this
olawof maladies. It Ls certainly impossible for one man. to
understand KJlthailis the human family ere subject to. Eve*
nr respectable Physician has bis peonllaj branch, in which ha
is more successful thanhts brother professors, and to that he
devotes most of nil tme and study, .
YEAHA OF fHACTIGE* exclusively dy.vdted to the stud?
anduiuttaienfordiie&tesoftha sexnarotgaas. togoth&r with
ulosrs upon thebody. throst, nofe. or l«gf, paiwfo.ihabwd.
or bone*. mercuVihl rheumatism, sttjo'ures. gravel, inretulartr
ties, diseases arising fYpm youthful.excexiesiorJmpurUies of
the blood, whereby' the oonititntion.has become enfeebled,
enables the Doctor to offer soeedy relief to au\<vho may place
themwlves under his care. *
Medicine forwarded to any part of tho United Sugts.—
PriooFiveandTenDollarsper package.
To Mill Owners. 11
S' c^uSMwSl
ieneiva bill, lot nil kind, of Mill Gnilu. nnd olhu nraobbti.
ry. Fanon. deiirou. to oonlraot will do wall tocnllnnd.x
-nminnlhnoaUbgußorPnltnin., nnd .pebmeuofthawork,
bol'.in m.kius onpayemenu elwwhero. Cnjimu wlllbndrf
Tiv,rad. IfdMirtd, nl Olnnrfleld, sad wmrxnlnd 10 bo mndnof
SHor nl.ahd CnifhW In n.wo.tkhianhke manner, Hnv.
innlaromor FIVE Bnperio, LMhM. nndothnr ran-
In tb» uma pto portion, emplbylnx.nona bn I tbotert
workmen,*Ui«-vwr but Pit Iron and Coni, with many
!• ■■■
4 otUttrii
S'EAAfcttk'^‘ t l
male Coia- a l
WSnJ lASsJjn.i
(Coßoirwcected,) no (MU** W» *rm*m oftow bttwS&t,,,
femalo ni*dh»ve no fcaraln in oMfO* »»r MM«h
of dUeruei; t» IhrotnU tbs aanarat i caotuoa Of Hit UPtmiffl
with n peooltardeterraiiaiiontotna r«malaofia*i. .
ADDirtORAli «bU Vi
AND* CHEAP BEMBUY, wlllbo rohwl WIM fawi/H, ji
aiitwiulod Witti any irtlo?* naWendln wtli*
BEFEKENCE3; ~ • 7 ;,,..
plor. tiUNBAH.M. li.. Baltimore, kid.
i F. B b..Utloj.Nawr v Vo[». 1
I 1). Y. POOTE, M l).,a»r»oQ*« NtwYo.k. i, .
I K: 8: WIMbHJt-ffpS&fi'ii *
w. W. BBESE, M. O-.CltpofNaw York ; ,
W: PBBSCOTr.M. U..' OoncMd.'N !!. ■ ' ,•!
P.m p hl« t ,oanU.had G ,r»n.^MD S? B ! |, / .^ i,^u„un ■,
' ' Central OepouSUl Broadwa;. N.-Y..:
| Mrirdh IS, 1853.—ttnl. ' _ ■ \;' ■'
©k£><s ip'©© *se<j2>sE? , sasjasi£.tsv 4 •.
“ill; Ptifttl
One Hundred- bß*r»jriiii,
Dtua*ti A*& Malfoia**
,* of the Human jfcyiUra !■
>ir shftp* ami fcrto. * A 0 whkti \
iddfri a Treatise on Uh Uimsi.
,rFem*fa«. being or Uia iurt. f
importance t" 10*171*9 with, ,
to u»o»e odniampUutti mtu< *
‘wihf.lAM YOUNO. M
Attnr>biUierbeasHMn*dU»i»w t
it ttoouy ortho AESCULAP!- 1
jto h*s child. ; lltnar lavabja •.
cailp crave. Let’Ud
in or wotnaa antef iatoih**.,
pt obligation! of married lira
Ithout readier two POCKET
Lt<LUHPiIF*.. Let mob#
inch, Kata m tho «td«. return
ibo whole train of .Dripeptie
_ , -.. hV their ohnioinV beasothermo
HUB lOUittB 1 ) JtVOB OP OF c*««r'l II APIIIM Hava ifaa
this truly meful book, at it has been »he roes os o! laviacthoß
-01 flee copies will be wot Jo* V uB YOUNG “
November 10 1853 —ly. ,
Oo olieiUt .1853 Jr.
An invaluable-Book, only, 25 cts,pfr copy,,
: “Bieiy Family Should have a copy ”,
SUUI) MUNTfIS- A new edition, rerued end imeur- 1
ej. jcit tuueJ, - ■*' -■" J (
IiooKPUKTHB APPL.ICTKO. Contamlag auoul. \
line ortho -Origin, Pracrcte. Treatment nnd i Onw of eegif; -
orm°l'Ui«!tue.contracl<(l br Proranououi bexnal Interconiee,,
hr Seff-nouee. or 07 8 nunlExcom. -wim udrioefottdehideU
veulion. wrilten In n fomliinreiylo. neoidins all
nio'litie*. MO every thing that woald o rendihoeetirine
cenoj.fromth* remit ol iorao twenty ware em*™*'’'V"*. '
thse.exolutieely denoted totbe curoof dnecueeuf edkieklei
| ° whichUndded reoeipte fbrlhe cur* of the above diremer/' j
auda trenttee an ihelhinM., and 1
verand Agcu; oenU a oopl' . aieobleioja' j
dollar: will be forwarded to aw part of the llnitoddtaiei. Or] ;
moil free of* iKitlaxe. Andrei*. oo**Mt paid,, trO*de«fcvO» \
Publiehen, or'-Box Wd. Port Office," Pb nhi f ’
"Thle la. without exception, the .moat ooropMieniira lja- .
iniellhlible woifcpnbiubed ontheclawofdirjaanepf whU*«j .
treati. avoiding all technical ternu. it odd I err ee lueir toUe >
reaaon of iu raadere. It la flee from alt otuecMountrie
and ho patent, hnwerer fnrridioue. can obieotiptriaoiniU la
ton hnndt ofh'itcua. The author bandercjriknny yeenßi
the irentment of the enrione romplainte treated or. aed wiia
too llule bteatn’ toPari.'narf too little .fJS?
none.' he hai oflered to the world at the merely nominal ptjoe
of ilo cente, the Irol eoffeome twenty yearn tnorl mooettftl.
Dl "Namaehe*or uaroat ehonld be without-the huhwledfei
imparted in ibin inracable work. It would.»»»*./MS
pain. mortification and terrnw to thoyouih odder theif
charge.*'—Pnoyt-d’e AovocirT*- - ’ »_ci
A PreebrterimUitreyiuaoloOhio.ln Writing
MedioalCcmiianine, tnye:—■Thouwudeupon tho a, *V““irod
oar voolh. by.eylleaamplekn'd thd oflnehteof the pairi«»
have been led" into - the habit of, relf-pol lutlon wiih o
in t the tin asdlhefearinl ooneeqnenoei open themteireikw ■
their frail lea ’ Theeonatitutiont of thuuandi wno am WJJ
ink famine* bare been col broken dowo-kad i
they donut know the ennee of the cute, MfiWwWJJ :
be done 10 to enlkh'en ana influence the poblic mind ut»
check, and ultimately to remora thin wlde-eptead edurcnkt
human wrelohednen. would confrr the granteet bleMinJ nut
to the religion of Mine C’hriit. on theprereal and ienU »«k*«* :
erationa. fntemp ranoe. (ortue me of ictoilcaunßidiinlnh ,
though It haeilamtboueandt upon tbouiaodr. uuut amg 1 ,
ereconrea to the human rare- Acuept tug -thau»*ou bfUit j
Of'he cfflioted.aud.tiehevdme. your co worketinihoiMO r
Ht^iboamT&ccy 4 potn"b“ e bS?fw. PhiiudeLhij
A «uykBKi’L,tßa a a«d uoy* AunNift
eupylud on tnepi o *! hit ol4 31 * , Kepfi.-S .IBM-Jy.i |
mu E underiigned would lespectfulir enriuQ ned t 6 tHeli fees*
. 1 tomsrs avd pat ©n» generally, that they hove commsas}
ed business open the '‘READY PAY SI stem, bsll Tingj|
to be the best lyrtem.—lst*, btconwthe e WLlbdno bsddsw
to be pa.d by taxing tbo.e who aie wiljmr topar.k* U tod
much the esse: under the credit ay neyms
sell our stock lowerthan on credit, tfcansevrecauraskeoar,
return sooner, and thus bean advkßtaietothsswfi
eras well as the buyer.—We aieud keepies oonuaouyos S E?il ua)rtm.nt or LE ATHER, .nal.»
Uppor. Kip*, and Cnlt«k,n.. Hamew l-tafnnr Babtina.Bj.
For wniob wo will taxa inaxchaogo-triwbrabuironrtnlpro
oci. nil kind, of connuy prodneo. »uoh ru LKAIN ol ow
derariptlon. BeoLhide., Cnif.kln., Inmber. Bark. If, o *,;
«io . and oion a IllUo c«.h would coma vaty handy;'Wj.w'H
nl.o, furnl.b onrtomer. with ready made Bootr nnd traw.
Gear.. HafnOT.Oollayt. Bridlea. LuM.Saddlel Ac.. Qn «H
notice, nnd at tha .ana pilot, wbioh they would have to pay
tha'maoufuQinrar. ifihey booaht of them. Hunaai pa»«rt.
Shoemaker., and olheri. will plM«> oaij,»»U
•lock.. May 20.1863.--dm. JOHNRUaaELL A 00. ;•
.ww-rr.-r; C< 1 . 1
i l l i- r - L - .-i l ,
;: . '. ■: •
Hnnnnh ,Winlornilz.,'l • In. tlio Common .
by hey uevt friend I Clearliold conluy. if o -";
David Winterniiz, : jl‘F«bi town. 1859. ' Alika Bob-.
' va;; ,; . '|.jiccpoiin: Diyofljq
Joseph j malrimoni, refufifcd
I^Ak4NOTICE.thaI yon are'rimuifeil-to,'rfe^r^jg
the oPtapJliat oI HANNAH WINTERimEi bfl )>«."»:
friepd David wjhlemtlia and show cause. wn
Why said tl&n&ab shonld not to itinoroed :M* Mroai»
Mntrimeny. / .. s Bfctf*
Eb-rifl’. o(lice.Ocarfield, Jana.iMKM.-Pa;-...,;,.> ~|t
wbftliantbonzeilbi on to to&loiftditubto -iotttamziwfy
the tame. Suit wi.lbe militated BM«a
inittiundlM* ; ■ ‘ • ' ,J «DBilatl il/xu-'*
A a LU pinontwMiiif«9Jrawkwe Rlailk ,
Jana H.-pd.-fin ■ ; ! . N ~,>tCWfa^T,^»W
England Whifrpw.^
.s«* wjoiia'evinci*^^
U oritT *jj}s*& **ft