Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 23, 1853, Image 4

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    Robbing PcdestHans—A New Mode, j
About two months n ! elderly gentle
man, wfifle^ivttlkiHg'in-igiio I 'of’out* public
streets, had his wntcbtibstrticted from his
pocket in.a very mysterious mnnnor. He
otlercd a reward of twenty dol
lars for its recovery, and stated that qo
questions would bo naked of the person
wftoreturned the wqtqlt. fie had, how
ever, givon up all hopes of ever finding
bis Watch, which Was a valuable family
relic, when, one day Inst week, while in
Wall street, ho was accosted by n genteel
ly dtessed man, somewhat in this stylo:
“Sir, you hist n watch some timo ego,
for’the. return of which you advertised a
reward of twenty dollars, and no questions
to„bo asked.”
•‘I did,” said tho gentjcmni).
.’?;Arp you ready (o pay the money
ogreehblv to fhondvertjsement.
sold lie.
“Well, here’s your watch.”
,^he.gentleman then paid th& money,
l h° watch into his'pocket, remark
ijw[dl;lho samo time, “I can’t imagine
• Vyvell," 1 will toll you,” said the thief.—-
“Don’t you remember a person knocking
against jhio the daly ;you lost your watch 1
“I do,” jsaid the gentleman.
“Theo itwasi” said the roguo coolly,
“that jt was iaken from vour pocket, and
I will show you how jt was done.”
Tfjig iyjljiai)i .suiting the action to the
WWtd, jostled violontly-against the gentle
somowhht' disturbed his eqiii
lsr|ujfc .The latter .was perfectly satis
fied with, tho explanation, and turning up
on his heel left and went chuckling into
hjjs,office, where he. told the story to his
OjjfJliH.. ; ®P.d. congratulated himself upon
good ibjlune.
iijTnb taJje seemed soSrmprobablo to the
Ijaleivijrtif.'; not because they doubted
tne‘iveracity of the old-gentleman—for
he who httd tho confidence
pfthe community—thaj they burst inton
hnwty laugh at tho idea of n pickpocket
fiopscience smitten us to restore
n&jen property.
have any doubts,” said the o),d
“I wjll show you the watch.”
And putting his hand into his pocket, to
hie-great surprise and mortification, ho
fdt>nd;that the t|iief hod stolen his watch a
snfiphdiinjc', and had escaped with it and
iha.twepty dollars besides.
piantioned the above occurrnncp
ns if was told to us by a friend of the old
gdntleman, and We believe it to bo true.
Asiiclrt'linie since,while passing up Broad
vvayvby the Astor House, wo caw one
n&tf rug ngainsf dnothd in a similar ntan-
nnd, .in the collision a gold watch
jittnmclpnt of tho vest "pocket of
*l' e liaught in ,the button
alithorglher.. The. guard.rhain, however,
,wttk ; -n'' strong one, and the two persons
'if:' the chain'was unloos
ed/ond-tbe-watch restored to its proper
plan»j-«ndan apology was offered and ac
apparently unavoidable ac
cidentiH <We were impressed at tho lime
wrjthltho conviction that the aggressor had
omot in collision for iho purpose -of steal
ing the watch.—lV. Y. Evening Post.
t-j’r!-.V» • •
Yop. may sometimes
.up and down the street at
an easly hour in the morning, an jndiyid
a«npS paHiaily wrapped in woolen
uudcptton fabrics of doubtful tint, whose
rapid pace tells you that |ic is a mechanic
00. his way to his daily task. Did it ever
accidentally enter into your head that un
de)!; all those swarthy coverings and mani-
thdVe dwelt a man— that
tjiere a soul; a. mind, mayhap,
jvith ‘Uhijught that wanders through eter
nity.’’ Do you fancy in your pride, or in
difjerence,or faclilous importance,
mayhap, by some accidfental.circumstunce
ipvwhich your own merits had no share,
th'al you were his superior? Pull off your
S ‘[loves and make a comparison. Is ijiefe
tiitnbering in your delicate.muscles any
suchsubtle power as he possesses ! You
a rpomenuhat for all practical
proses, ho is immeasurably your supe
rior? . you, with all your finery, may be
nobody, though you may think otherwise
Hyhile he is all he claims to be, nnd pdr-
b'aps more. Ho makes no noiso in the
tfoVWrrWOuld pot if ho couldjvbut never
theless, has his value; whore and how you
ipayjeftrn on inquiry. The truo crafts
man attracts little notice. Yet all nroUnd
yoiirhay see his works. Go whore you
rtieebanic has left his mark. In
tnei; gray .old pyrimids, in the cmbnttled
iqweraand mighty fortifications pf the ofti
a‘h'4 xiff& ages,' jn the huge,oak leviathans
of tho Ocean, and in almost every spot
vi;ljppei. the foh.t of ciyilizod man Ims eyer
tXpddcnj.his handiwork is visible!: Even
in / .tji«t,m!dft pf tho desert, you may hear
lbs clank of his iearth-subduing engines.
)tts°' t liaSh!e'nabled the jyaterdrop to expand
with tliegowcroften thousand giants, and
to bpnrtha. fleets, of .commerce on every
ima.u He, guite as much as the scholar,
bbs ift jhe words of Dacon, ‘‘attacked Na-
Vurein her strong towers,” and wrung }icr
bitnpst arcana, from hor reluctant grasp.
With science, for his guide, he no longer
wamjers in the, dark, as in- days of old.
liiih toil on, still more and more ciilti
yitfag his powers, and soon still higher lioti
ors be a awarded to thd great brotherhood
of mechanics.
•' A Sterling Fellow.—The following
unique’ advertisement appear?.it* a Into
number of the Lebanon (Ivy;,) Post:
•:*'l atnVih jailand very unjustly, i think,
and I am lonely, and desolute, have nothing
Pol while nway the hopre, I solicit a,shard,
of patronage in qriy line, vip : Tailoring,'
.1 will work very dow-Whalf pr[ce> .rather
he, 'A' Sterling. ‘ Lebanon Jui|VFeh.
1853.-«-fIo iriiglit have ad/Jcdns ,an ciddi
tTonarinducement that he would always be
/outi&ai home. ’ / >
Tmesistadle —A good nntured girl,
?vith eyes, filled to the-briipjAy|th Javo anil
pi;iiBBian,filue. I('you .dpji’t wont,a [ftilpi
the, heart,; kp.dd.iUWfiy^Tromsfch,l’c
Ltft'llani* ***,
.. --- fjom thoßiitr.lo rommtu'cml AdvH-fiSor.
M ; ,r
“Alone of the hnnquMa pivonlii.Mr* Hnrrict B.
Stowe, in «d|i\tjiitg,.'Scoiriiilil.etiO.(an Airioncnn
i.onmii) allured inllie festivities Wlido ia° 1 aniL-ris
con C**lti|j**'tJijtplnyoil in ocntiliiajeu couuilion—•
having tho stars without llio Blripes.'
Blush, liliish. IhoTpraud, ilishofiordd Flag,
Foronco forgetthy b.rili;
Thoitirs hove |a:teil with the Btripcs,
Ami thou sliiuilit’sl druiip loeurtlt.
I'ho In Ini lilo- aVfhn.’e rnhu'il llieo uiiw,
- Will never lei tlieo wnv.i'j
the very o r n tinimr lirotilhe.i.
Is ill aJIv as 11.0 grave.
A foreign puwer may well dnrklo
The Ihndßho culls her own.-
Wlimishocan fruwii un 'fret dom’d sign,’
For (Ini t’ry linni a throne.
She caught tho Idint Irom Arnold s breath,
In passing o’er llio sen.
Ami through hirv ( oins llio poison ran.
’Till sho.di6|>iseil did Free.
Thrro’s tenrro a man Hint God hnß left,
So lar romuvoi! Irotti lleuveii,
Bui lo his Beni sqrtid nolle life, .
Some love ol ramie is given.
But when ho hears hit country's praise.
Will loci n wanner glow.
Will ahurolhe foriuiicn ul her friends—
And spurn her ever, lob
The very Pintle, whilo lie moves
A scourge upon the deop.
Anil wetched every dmtuiit ship
Iln hopes lo win arid keen,
will.fuller when Ills tialivo ling
Floats from tho masl-henil high,
And lo liia licarl will come the scenes
Of btigliicr yours gone by.
But Woman, she who all her lifo
Has watched youug Freedom's light,
Aral soon her Blurs cunioono by one
From out Ihc'glyprii ol night.
She, slio could see Columbia's flag, ,
Abused by touch profane,
And ycl Iroin bonds so soiled mid hnae,
Can lake her sordid gam.
Ami sho can yield her purchased sighs
For those Ural yot are Iree.
Beside Iho 'pauper hordes'that hvo|
in dens ol misery.
Thoy breathe iliodainp and sulphurous uir,
That earth would cusi away,
They know no God, no hope, no Heaven,
They see no light of day.
O, would lhat lliosc doiirbanucr folds,
With hull liioir glurv shorn,
Ci uld once descend tl ocnverndiomo*.
Whore 1 IlniTisu Si.avbs’ are horn.
Then would our Genius linger lliere.
To guard her holy prize.
And stranger lips would bless the Flag
A Unughlor can dispi.-e.
Buffalo. Juno 10, 1853.
An E.wisite Stohv, hy -Lamartine. ]
In the tribe of Neggdeh, there was a horse
whoso fame spr.ead fur and near, and a Be
douin, of another tribe, by name Daher
desired extremely to possess it. Having
offered in vain for it his camels and his
whole wealth, by which ho hoped to gain
the object of his desire, Ijo resolved to stain
his fnce wiifi the juice ofqn herb, to clotho
himself with rags, to tio his legs and ndek
together, so ns to appear like n lame beg
gar. Thus equipped, lie went to wait for
Naber, of fho horse, who ho ;
knew was to pass thnt way. When, lio j
saw Naber approaching on his beautiful i
steed, he cried out in a weak-voice, “Iji
am a poor stranger; for llireo days I have ]
beep unable to movo from this spot to seek
for food. Tho Bedouin kindly offered to
take him upon his horse, and carry him
home; but.the,.rogue replied, “I ennnot
risd ; I have 1 n'd;sfrehgth left.” Naber,
touched with pity, dismounted, led hi 3
horso to tho spot, and with great difficul
ty, set tho seeming beggar dq' its back.—
No sooner did Daher feel himself in the
saddle than ho set spurs to the horse, and
ga)loppcd off, calling but ns he did so, “It
is I Daher. I have got'the horse, and am
off with it.” Naber callod'after him to
stop and listen. Certain of qot being pur
sued, he turned, and ha|te(J at a short dis
tance from Nnber, who was armed with n
spear.' “Yon have taken my horse,” said
tho latter. “Since Heaven hus willed it, I
wish you joy of it; but Ido conjure you
never to tell any one how you obtained it.
“And why not 1” said Daher. . “Because
said the noble Arab, “another man might
bo really ill, and men would fear to help
him. You would he tho cause of many
rcfpsitig to' perform nn act of charity, for
fear of being duped ns I have been.”
Struck with .shame at th'eso words, Daher
was silent for a momet; then springing
from the horse, returned it to its owner,
embracing him. Nnber made him ac
company him to his tent, where they spent
1 a few days together, and became fust
1 friends for life.
Valtjadlr Receipts.—Tobecomo rich.
Save your money and sear your consci
To becomo Wise—Eat, sleep, nnd say
To become Popular—Join the strongest
church and all secret societies.
To becomo Respected—Say “yes,” to
every man’s opinion, • and have none of
your own.
• To become Exalted to a little office—
Bo ready at all titnes'lo act as a tool for
“big men.”
To become Poor—rße honest and avoid
To becomo Insane—Spent: your senti
ments without consulting the oracles.
To become • Unfortunate—Just print
your thoughts.
To become Slandered —Edit a paper
and tell the truth. -
-Qir'DiFi’BHENT Threats.—
I once into d forest fur
Aly nmiden' went to seek,
And fell upon her neck when :
Shotlifjidtened, “I will shriek!”
Then cried I haughtily: “I’ll crush
< The man tliijt flares come near thee !
“Hush I” whispered she: “my loved one
hush! t*;' 1 *
• (KrA Gontlemaii who
nor.skillf once
ny, when.lie‘hud'. cOrtie-dß* A .c'Onciuijpbh,
Bannister said, , r .../
; . “.Your ls like? tho sniajl' pox.”
i “How is tJtat? “ asked tjio
‘‘oxplailJ»ejtplftin, ; rri -r
“ W bw^stiysr “rcHlevtilish gqod
’A/nWi V.uv
; , ,Qif A. .was; mar
ii ricd in CovingtoriftoMr. It. Short, this
||isA aery pleusent way 'of mahihg a stOry.
I short.’’ . ir:,v; "
i ul ,1. t,« '
mA WW 110 M ® s
. ,Q. B. MERRELL ■
THANKFUL for thsliiwrnl pnimnnao hs lini.hereto fore
rrosivetl, musotlallF nnnonscsi (o tlio Pahllo thi In
lint re marsh lohit, sew shoe on ths w „n
Tfcll'i llutel, wher* weil.UDiill.d with won
preoared fill owJef* for
Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japanned
Ai CHEAP and st GOOU us non ho fonarl in nay country
town lo tho Interior oT the State. (
Old'Brass and Copper
Will bo taken at the harbo.t prions in ssolianeo for work or
wnrp. • ,
rSTMomllnc done lo order. c|oa . nßM> M „ 4 , , 853 .
Timber, Timber Land and
Iron ffoa* §ale!
rm'illE lubdOTihei will sell tho follotvma datorlbed valaablo
mr unaWided half par* of o TBA(A'
B* - "UEhANU coutaininf lOOacrc*. ormow,iu*
a ate on Mothaanon Creek, which Ujiie Hap botweenj Leelre
aoU Cleaifitld unuotiei. Woit of thW tract i« tillable land,
ami nart of it woll llmbcrtd with Whljo Una. f
C* ■ The nodivided hair part of n Tract ot
lliVt - | J iijd,ftl»o»itaato on Moihannoncreek,
and adiotoiou tlie above pjinao! phce of land. contalDg 4U7
aoiesitrmore, l*<r®at VVater-Poworontftl»tract.tne
Creekaflirrtlnn «ainoieot power for a forge and Hoillng*
Mil/. The Six Milo Hqq and tho Thrt» Mile Rnn (in wlnah
are plenty ol'iVoat) empty into the Moihannon on tbUUmit.
etttih oi which efl'irJ Tom ooe 10 two good mill »eat*. I hero
i» a lint rate newly bailt (Joired IB fc® l whci?l.on
this tract; oo the power of theThrte MiieKdn. The
pike lead-ttgOom Clehrfield to Beliefbalo pasiei through thli
traot, Tho (lutaooe Iroin ihit place to Uniorlhe, on the
Bald fcntfte Flank Hood. Id milea. To Julian Eoroaos, ard
IJanouh r.uronou atrool 14 lo lb mile*. The d|itanoo lo the
river by tji4 road Vor l‘> milea—to themoalboi ihec.ftehshy
water, uj rniir*. ihoroua
Vein uf Iron Ore on this Tract,
And wilh ; n 6UorßJrotUof water power. Thiiii the pleca
tposeool by ProleMOrßogon.lahietjooloklcajßopoitolicti,
where he »»y», “six inllei aortheort ol Hhtllpioor*. on the
fornpike. U the red ilmloof r<irm»ilioi» XI, imnitumtely i*>
low tnecoeirlomerata of io«mitlon X(l. ,r fito ; 4u;.—'and oi°»*
oshuremn ki byiayln?, * Thi* place U worthy ol a lurther
inretilgmioß.’* lUTURMOCSJ COA » ehd.the bend lIM*
BKlt are rtbumJ jut In the Bi-ighborbood . ....
The fenni will be made ea«y. aud an Infllrpniahio mre
gtvoti. Apply to the lulnurilwr m mi ei eoaih of Curwen*.
yille, near Eruit Hill Poet Uflio*«. Cleeri'ie’d cooaty, Fa.,—or
lo JOHN II THOMAS, tloionville. Contra county, la..
(I'leminic R. 0.. J-pr to David Ui!ger, who resided onthe
I will nli-noll from Fill'll. UUNIJUEU lo ONE THUDS
AND goodSuw fsogr, which will cut a* Kood deal of l onhe!
Lambcr Said !"*• nia about ono Ur *l°>y
mhl on the river hill, and about miloj above Mr. Oweu •
in II The river t» whlo here, aud tfcev can t» driveo, or
■aived .at the above mill- Thmo log* oah bo put mto Uie
userrorle.ltlisu SS UpciM
T : |tir*'Lanmu'tfT Intenisencer’* will hkert tho above ihiro
limes, otmtling the latter part rolailng la saw lpg»—and the
,4 i;tint*n t’eraoor•^t ,, will mierttlnt p*»rt of the aboyo relating
to tho *a!v of »aw lugs, tbrej umej. aou lead ihoir billttoiim
. flic-*.
Ketublivhci! 13 years ngo hy Dr. Kinkelin, N.W
torncrofThirt) nntl Union Kirccta,between
i’proco anti Pine Philadelphia.
EIQUTIiEN yo;wior«iXU>aiivo and oninteirupted practice
•pf at in this city, have rendered Ur. *K. tne
and «ucce»*lul practjilopfr, for end near. 3! 'he Utajmept of
ullditcawsof n jinvalenaioro. I’e «on«afflicied
on the body, throat or teg*, pn-ni nth* hand or tonev.mer.
cureat rboumntum. itnctares. K»hvel. ifi! #?-•!!7
youthful excei.esor Impurities oTthe b ood. whereby thecon*
tthmiou hn» become enfeebled, are all treated with iuccom.
He who piece* himioil under tho cared Ur. rn
gmovly confide in hi* honor a* a gentleman, and conbuentiy
rely upou hu*tulla»a physician.
Yoooc men who havu iniuted lltcnneivc* by a certain prac
Uoe mdolret) Is-ra haliit trsaneoUr lesmtcl froin evil com
panioai at ichool; ire elfecu ot.which are night y lelt,even
wh«n ruleep. and destroy both mind and body, *honld opply
immediately. WoaUree nod cun*utuilon*l debility, latsol
masoniareuergy. physical lassitude and aenorni proitmtioii.
irritability and tdl nervous alfectlon*. inthge«tnm. s ai<«i>b
ret* of tho liver, epd evrry dlsenialnani way conneofert with
iho Jiiordoi oftboprocreative -iunctious cured, and tun v.ttor
m ' U ~- UK AO.
A Vigorous Life, or a Premature Death, i
Kinkelin on Self-Preservation —Only 21 cents.]
This Hook juitpublshed is tilled with ai«rolinfonnaUon.on
theinflrtn}ttureand<3iierua' or IHe OeilerativoOruant, it ad
dressrs iUolf alike to Youth, Munhood and Old Ate. and
ihoOld bs relU ’all. . ...
The valuable n Nice and itnprecstvo warning itgtyos win
of ipiiery and lutlering, *nd .ate annually thou.
"parent* by reading it will learn how to prevent the dcstruc*
A^reiniuanoe of 25 cents, enclosed io n letter, addrcuod
to Ur. KI.nKELLN. N. W. ooreorof Thirl aod Union etnete,
between ripruco and Pine. PbiJutleidhia. will ousare a book
und«xcovtfrperni*.urnminl. r
Persons aia dulanceraay cddrci* Ur. letter, [post
paid.] and bo cured at hurne.
Package* cl Medicine*, Directions, &c.. lorvvunled ny send*
Ing ayeznitttnce, and put np secure from damage or conoiity.
Tlook. seller*. News Agads. Pedlers, Canvassers, and all
others supplied %f itb Uie above work low rate*.
v jf Oclotior U 7. Iboll.—ly.
LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS for Sept, term, 1853.
(ito-Ko 11. Dan porwur Ptke lowurhl|>
Hwmutl t.’flWwell do <*©
At» f nb’iin Mutly do do *J°
william Price dr <! J ‘jo
Nathan t-lcrer do do do
J. P. Nurii do do do
ho:eat hiattllQO do Kimhoua do
John Pnitarun do Jordan do
Geoiit* Grhaid do do do
JoiephPettef do Morrli do
Jilho Hhowaitor do do do
Georeo Beam* do do do
JohoM.llar Lomlwmw do ~. .
Richard Gicnno Rh icmaier DieaiGoid Doroueh
G. W. <Jrr lliaohimUU do do
Wm. Mmiea f aimer Lawrencetownihlp
N. K Mo.nllln do do do
John Daucheny .. do do do
IroviDnl* Merchant Covmston do
Ramuet Rpeocot Parmer Icon do
J. 11. Rerrnar Toiler do do
W. S. Prrter I.trhoier ‘jO d°
Patrick Daily Permit dp do
C. Gallnyiicr Pnmlcr llomklda do
John Wrflvpr Mprokanl do. do
Joteph Ixrvenr. Tailor, ,J,
Samoel P. Bhr.ll' Purmcr Woodward do
iinmcl Philipa do dp do
Thot. McGhee do ' Roll do
T. U. Doth do fermion do
Thomai Oweni do do do
Georeo Milton .n*. , , Boccaijn dp
8. B. Hiller UliKktmltb Boyer do
John Gearhart former Itooator do
John tooOully do Chert do
Henry Hite do Girard do
LIST OF ÜBAND JURORS for Sept, term, -1853.
Johb O. Uccd ' Carpenter Uuiwonivillß
John Runui farmor Brolly
John Howhtol ' ■'* do '
John lircnnotd' -do 1 *• - - - -uunrd
Jumca tialmabgr do ÜBmi'do
John Mitchell do . . .
.Iflno Holton
William Michael!
Jame* Crontuan
,1 aoub Puaro*
! JohaTarnur
Abraham K»Ur
R charit Heaver .
JoDtithflD Wall
."’timaoi Moore
liftdc Southard
Wm. Hu*dy
David Hell • Showaltor
Jame«H|i«ao*r >
J. A. T. Hunter
William Michael#
s ; Wholesale and Retail Grocery, ,
: \
: > v
, jrtJAl> DEPOT, a' full iino wmplete nnprtmdattii T’
•\*»N,NAILS. DjUISDFKUIT.nniI HlllljB(6»rtln«ar. S
■ c wuulrtuk \
•. V t,U oIJ patron, 10 dvo Imn a oall.a, he I. piepateu lu /
: ? MII at price Utaicnttaatfailto Vlwuo. ?
S PebiU«irlo. xM3,-» r / , J.K.EIIY. S.
Jours' ,^>
: ’ 1 ■ • ’ • :
For , M Rent . ;J
Tl'Vlß Dwelling part ql iW t-LUAIU'IEI.II ACADKMV.
V?*" .... : , • j.B.MgENALUY:;
Cisartieid. April 20. IFW. •
aUiorti anil eiees keptconatanily oo hand andforiale
l> br - ; , 14. Aieiii;
. fc»«pi 3.1861. - : - ’•;
JV Joriuldatujmturuul
nr.w * v .dip'll
do. 1
do J ,
. '' do '
• - Full-r * •
■ Parmer
- - i • • do -
Boro* Clearfield
1 Dell
. Decal at
Me* >
. T
iste®"hW- , B» w sffls?r , sai
CGIVEI)rnndi«HOW OPEN mO, tit the Hinrghoaio Ipi
tnetlyoooupled by Win* K Gololnl, at a
Large, Splendid t) 1 Cheap
A*»ortnient orOoodi, con.litin* ol'cvcry otylo and quality of
Dry Goods, Groceries; Quec?isware,'Cut
lery, Hardware, Boots , Shoes and
Bonnets, Confectionary,
Clocks tj - Watches.
ALSO, n Inwettnd well iclocled nock of
Ready-Made Clothing, Drugs Medi
cines, fyc.,fyc. ,
!In .hart all bind.olGood, u.ually" V?i7i% 8 F V-
All of which ho la determined to icll L!ILAI Ml J HAN 1^ V
Morrlu'ale, Nov. 10,1853. •.
Montelius Brother & Ten Eyclt.
TJEgloave to Inform their ii.ondi nnd the
O that they hare taken into pnrtaorshlu with them, IJLNi.
IIAHTcHORN, who having rmrchniod the nore lormeily
kept by Wm. H, tiloom. and having Doited U t*i ii. their
own. ore now doing banned on a raoro extensive scale uuuex
thotitle of
Whero they are prepared to tell all kinds of
Dry Goods,Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, Tin Ware, Hals, Caps, fc. ,
And would oall paid color Munition to tlinir.toon of ROOTS
nnit HHOEH. M they keep metol the rno.texpuiLnocd norm.,
Kd n!o prepared to do any kind f f wotki mUt line »l bu.t
non They olio keep n lorye end well u.totted ilici oT
Pnoh u nil rIJAYNES'. LOUDEN St 00'*. M'ALISTF.RfI
tint Peptin! Wnitht'i Indian Veceicblo Pill., and all ether
Medicine, stonily kept In noonniry .tore,
Curwenaville, rcb. «11. _ _
Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops,
(DlaffnaWs, Psu .
rHR .andoriiunod would announce t') the oitltcm of
Glenrtleld. and adjoining counties, thnth«» hat opened a
room on tfeoauii street* m theborooghuf U'enrildUl,nenrthe
•ffr? of Leonard a Moore, where ha Inteurt* koeulna a
(IK?IEUAL aSoRTMEN fOE OArtTINI S, warranted
to bo madanfiha bust material, and at price* th®* o ® o .®®* O* 1 !
KM, oilier b’ST.IfM'S
.rm-itevery coenli. the well known Hathaway nnd/.u*-
leMtovm. It in .tutly undeniood, nnd tho Hue. beinieo
nrrnn.eil Hint nil can be cleaned without o. Trie
peculiar form ond construction!* sattli a* to icadorittirs
Ino.i tlnrnblo ol nil «tove«. Nuineroui leittraooinl. could
IM “ F PHEmTuM from IS
Pa°K*LOK BTOVE3-ror cither wood or cool.
SALAMANDER do a tionuUful Coal Stove.
VA3K * do
K<i(J do .
NINE St TEN PLATE Slovos-vm cheap.
MANTLE GRATES, with summer piece*. A large variety
nnd superior liniihod Crates iiom lo to *sj inches.
HERE, a now articlo. CORN all ELLERS.
OUR warranted to gnod In Uni Lata per boar.
IG,AOKt?MITHTI)VKRE3.ihebwt m aie ; uo. MAN
' article, kept a, Found,,
Also, Made to Order, i
GRISTned HAW-MILL GCARtNG-hnv.n; decidedly the
l.ryMliUick. nod belt variety. ol; rnttet.i ol »uy “'"b'ljb
mentin weiti-rn Piuniylvnnm ; MILL DDLs. SUAEI
ING— larye and .mull.nfca.l or wri-uebt lion, ItANtILIW,
imuMSnnd P (JULIES: Koto and other approved Water !
for UhcalarS.w.. WOOD COKING aIAOtMNLf.
Constantly on hand and for gale, j
Any tired Horew, with any doiired numborol thread. lo
March 4. mi—lr. '
rpn ij Snbionboti oltji lur ise one ol <ioo>*« Fase’i Second
With an IS Hone Foenr Engiu niiachod. all r-e« nod In
complete rannlaii order, having boen booghtftnd pntapir
Jono Ittit, titaateil ftboot limiloe Iron Bald Bogle Pu ®aw?
aad abontboll amile liotn the tu/np'kß.l«mliotf Irom llaW
Kaale Farnaoelo Ptulipibunr. Said Mm will ootH.OUMeei
l0 They will alio ielf their Stock or HOUSES, B!e<li, Chaim,
for ''artioulart, apply to C. K. Mark, ni the Mill, or Jo J I*
Shall* at Bold Facie Farcuec. Any penon can *c« the mill
» lull operation now
|)M«»mUor H, 185 U,
rpilß EXHtiUISb.3 Of THIS INSTITUTION weti n
JL oronMl on Mi IN DAV, lh" Him in«'erlhochatcf
Thootjoctof the 'f*nib>ei is in place the Academy upon
tho footing con'tmolatod by the original fonadiwscl tho In
stitution. by tllering to iho yoalh ot Cloarllc'd county,op
prrtoei leiot rcoflivmg the benefit of a
Thorough English anti Classical Education,
As wditu me f in uuiunei ul Knutmentnry lmunuiioa.
Ratci!) of Tuiiioia ■*
cidr UMcliuc. Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic,
Geography, Eugluh Grammar aud History, per
T?HBHioaijK ENoW3vruayAKi , Mßfli'.i"'”:;..R w
the cLASiUUAb hkpaiument *7 ou
array lis-dedmut of acquiring the modem longuecr*
wilt bo afforded lacUities to do so. npon making application
to tho Principal., . ... • , .
U, order ortho •»«»*>
Clearfield. April 30,185 J.
OF OURWKNSVR.LE. would inform tho la lie. of (Tenr
field ooonry. that she lia* ju4 reoetved a largo and full
assortment of Spring
MSHMmaffj. ©®>©(3ls 9
Con.lrtlns of HUTI.AND I'R'lli. lIONNEI'3. 'J’IPOI.F..
Silts, Ribbons, Capes, Linings, Illusions,
FfIKNOU FLOWKIU3, FABH.anrl every.variety oftrlmni'
iairi. Persoos tending orders fiom u distance shall hnvoinetn
immediately attended to. AM repairing dono In tha neatest
and beet possible manner, and on tho sho.test notice.
Cnrwensville, May UO. 1W3.-3m. L. A.W.
rri|]f2 subscriber moet reepeferfallf informs thauitzensor
J. Cloarfiala county, and the travelling public gonurelly.
that ho has taken tftu above noraed HOTEL* situated on the
cornel ol Front ami Market bluett, in tha Uiroueb of war*
n. ld, where ho,will at nil limti be prepared to accommodate
those who may favor him with their cntu<m. No yam* will
be spore 1 by tho proprietor to make hit customer* comfoitablo,
and hie house n HOME to thoio who may stop with him.
HisBTAULE will booareiully attended to—and hti i*A
BLE and UAH supplied with ihe boat tha market whlj
August 11. 185J<
Valuable Rent Estate.
B Y Virtue of an order of the Orphans* Court of Clearfield
county, granted at February term. 1863, there will be
exposed to PIJBLIO HALE. at the vUecoarla Mills,’' in
Meccano township, CfcnrlifM county, on SATURDAY THE
THIRD DAY OF BEPIEMUEK next, the following des
cribed PIECE OF uANU, sitnate in the said townshipof
Ueootitia, Jute.the cbtutooi JOnN W. Mii*LEU, Uoceaiod,
tQ JIiu thqjntomt ofoaiil dcocjfted of. in and to EIGHTY*
NINE aotertuj perches of land, situate in said township of
Boocaria* being unit of a larger tract in tho name of William
Hall! beginning at it while oak stump, thcnco east 184 perch*
os to a hemlock, thonoe north *4 porches to a white oak.
thence by land of i^hn- Henry Abbos riegreos west 114
perches to u post. Ufbnoa south 3 decree! writ by land of I hot.
VVilion 88 perch®V \ri tho place iif- beginning bounded by
lands of Aaron Weld, Jacob Myers, John Irightanr anu Hard
man Philips,being unimorovedM’mu. well calculated ford;
small farm. Ttuitoll Is of a flood'quality, nad has sums tun*
baron it.suitable for Lurahenog,tjgrpoie*.
Due attendance will be' sWimpnihe duy of sale (uL
mialilr&tor. ,
One half cash on thoconiirmution oi thetala. and the reel*
dueiaooeyear tobeißQured by judgment bund und moil*
page. • Bj orderol the Couit.
JuneS, 1853, * •••' • * '
n valuable traot of unlropro*
X ve*l land known as tho a AMU bL ELM tract, belonging
to the estate of lI..HEAVY* dea'd..nud PATRICK GAL*
LAOIIEK. ettyaue oi tneeait sido pt G'eatmid Cretk, in
Wood ward township Clearfield county, adjoining said creek,
and lands of Itaao Wilton. Joseph Uest and \ym. Alexander,
and about nine rai es above Clearfield Bridge, Bald land hat
A largc quantity of- timber ihereon,ancl a
i -portion oftlis well adapted to farming,
<ind containslUO acres and
Vet fttrth,ip»iilotu»r,.nply to• l ■ *'’•-*'.•l.' »
Hath Demrv.ilacM.of I'ATBIUK OAL.L AUHbR, ClfSrct
: ,:4 foUTnefyman Cabinet-Maker,.f.
nllorded liberal wages, amt coDsianiemployrao rby.ap
plying Ua-.-, Jft|lN tJULIUII. Ala/ Uf*
EAUnrt oi'n Ufeprlrom Air. W 1 !'""* i’Lf
i) T t. Wnry’H Street, Woymotlr, dated May Lb IHjl
(wh» li flow hi) capght aI
vlol»nr™td. which tailed m her leu*. and •''««'*!??' h “. t I {M
!hum**h hnrprpMßt<jOj°jmflpt°fhtfQUh,}oa Jott.dlnaMcl
IwMellahtea In having been fho mean* ofto greatly allevia. f
Udh the ■“ lf «“ , “' o '" t ,^ o c^ o ' e '? a ylfiLUAJA UALTIN,''
Cony oln Letter Irom Mr. William Builder of
1 GasOvons, orßiishcliffe, near liddderefield
doted .fcAy 31st, 1851.
T Si’k-1“° , | ” L od hlVapMtod of thirty year, Mm a bad loj.
the reidll ot twoor three dht'ercat acctueftla at Oes Work! t
hr icoitiatlo ,yirtutom». 1 had reoouneio a
ol ! roedfoal ndrlce. Whoa. rle.trinY aoy benefit,
nmlvjn. told that *ho lea rnurt be amputate*!. yet iaoepo
' ontoino. vrrar I'tile and Ointment havoedetned
, a l c“m l '? e to"nf»ln'.oiffto .‘tme, that law who had pat wit
‘nenad It could ’WILLIAM ABItS.
: Tbe tihtb ofthU etaiemoaf can bo .verifledl» Mr. W:P.
Enslnad.LTiemUt. 18, Market itroet, llnddonfield.
Extract ol a Letter from Mr.' Ktederielt Tnrner, of
Pcnshurst, Kent, dated December Id, lojU.
T n P mitered Romßad Breart.for
- n ,i , iinmloro savo thorn a trial In herou*Q« and forttina ©lt
. * .it,, .a L,r in b|i than (i tnonth n pejlepl cur# wm ft
Teaud. and 'tho benefit that vailoul ©tner tranche* of niy
lamily haro deiival rrom their aie te real,yai.ontebraf. 1 now
.troDßly rcooinmeopthom to oil R 6 l D B E t fe [CK . ( xfiui«ilL.
Tht*q Pillnhould be used conjointly with tho Ointment in
l " Bad t, Le7 a !Ba,i“B.eaat 9 , BimSTßontons, Bite ol and Sand Flics' Coco. bay.' Chiego-Mot,
Chilblains, Chapped hand*, Cornu, (bolt,) Cnticera.
Contracted and stiff Joinle, Elephantiasis, Ftatulus,
Cuul, Glandular Swcllinge, Lumbago, Files. Ehou.
inntisin, Scalds, Soro Nipples, Soro ThroolB,-Sktn
diseases, SeiirVy. Sore»tumdu, Tuinourfl^ulccfn,
Wounds, Yaws. o«.
*told at ihd citabliihment of Profeuor *f ALLOWAY*
Simnd, (nour Teinule Ofrr London,) and by all
UrjEcli i and Dealer* lu Mediplnei throughout the Hrltiih
EmpMO, and of those of tho Uniifd Btat««* to AjJ’*
87»$c..*nd $1 bin. each. Whotwalo by | the P/ioanni
Imuye*' in tho Union, anJ by Mogui.A.R. fc D. BASDs.N.
! la a considerab'o raving br inking the larjor *'*•«■
I S . for gn.dimca of patent, i« ©"W disorder
| arobllixod to each pot. t Oct. 14. fool,—*y.
ft.. M. '-4ft 4ft
rrMIR iubicnbo?s»in behalf of lhaheinof Cooiud Wuo, l a |®
L of P»ko lowomip. Claa»neld oouatr »iecjmie<L
IMUVATH iALEtho following deic»ibcd well koown and
valuable lUSAL KSTATIS coumting of
■A-FA Rill »F IGG Acres,.
Hitoftta iu Ptko towninip, Cleatfield oouolf, oo tba wam
road lenditu Horn Curwcuiville to iyroot. lour >mlo« Irum
Cnrwemtiile. and Known at the
Wise Farm .
The improvements consist of
'*snjc£r about 7«5 acres of cleared land,
a good stoic of cultivation, a
Lqrge Dwelling-House, a, Large Bank
Barn, Spring-House, Dry-House , Shop, j
and other necessary buildings, together j
with one of the largest, best selected, and\
most productive ABB Liu and BLACII\
ORCHARDS in the county. \
Tb>» fc'AKM U well supplied with ejcel'eqt watrr. ianew
fniimc gprißg oio*eu> the d<»v with other* aositnaied that
at a little espynae water Could be conveyed Li eay uartot
nthirtbo houieor bam. To thow who dema loprccoreft
110 Mb ft 111 LIKE, this Farm odors ladnceraents aotio be
excM.od m theTjnnaiy. The lend is of Rood quality, hiehly
uroUU ’tlvo. and well adapted for bolh gram anil ora •-“Jtnd
it is located In the roidsiot'a populona and induitnoni acttla;
min!;s>nvon'ent to a good market, good K n>i emit*, and a
* r °CßnKor lu.tmr particular* apply to oithcrof thciub*cri
bera o« to Mote*'Vise*oa the premises.
The p.oporty will bo sold ou tbo most rcasonaulo term* and
a wanaatco deed givin
In bplialfo! Iho heit* ofCobieul Wiie.dfcrason.
Jmnnrr L, ISoii. —tf.
TMIE undertime' tf-jpeotfully announce, tolhonenple ol
i Cierutield anil tho adjoining ooanlle* tnnlhottlll contln
ne»tooariyoci the above bmineitht hu executive estebi *h.
meet In tho bomuph of Cleaiflcld, and unow prepared to
manofaclnro all kinds of
Castings used for Grist Mills, Saw-Mills,
and all feineb of Machinery.
Hi* Casting* are no* oT a nperior quality—equal, ir Sotiu any oilier ia the State—ei ho o*c» oouebutlho v n
hett materiul. and employ* none but thevery bettol woramen
With two superior TUHotXaNG LATHES, driven by itmrni.
Is now in suoceafalopemtioß. and under the management oi
a pruotical mechanic— where almost any article or machinery
can be FINISHED in thevery best style, and on ihurt notice.
Ho ha* now an hands a lawn asson went or such
ns tji’t >VEt$ of varo t sices and patterns. PLO l>& H iiUJNS,
WASH Kb.n‘LtS, fiio., Utc.. which ho oilers lasell.ow lor
Cash, or on a reasonable credit. Ho is now casting, Irom
ho most approved patterns.
ALSO—Fancy Air Tight Parlor Stoves,
" Nine Plate and Coal Stoves. Also, ,
Wiui'd’M celebrated Plough.
Anil nil kind.of lIOLUJ W-WAKE, SbEIGII aud ttLLG
SULEB, WAGON BCXES. 4to # 4 • ,
lie intends itnscll on reasonable terms, and truits that th»
cllizeos of tho county generally willlinditto their advaniauc
toßtvehimtheiicoilcm, CASH will always bopreferted—
but the l.uhe*' phccb will bu ullowed ior Country Produce
and OLD METAL. Asheaivcthiicsiabluhmenihtspersoual
supervision,utl orders fur work will receive nmront attention,
CKiarflold, Nov. CB.IBSI.
1; culua’ibcr i. now •prcpnrwl to eibibitto Rlerchnot.
X omi Jlilinai, hi. o.oul buivyilocbof Lodit.’ nnu Mii-
Fsstmia and every vautty of
For Crnttomon: which for Extent’, Vnrloty and bcaoty of
manufactnro. a> well a, uoiforuilv clow pricei, will be fontid
umivolled. TIIOMAB WHITE.
No. 41 South Second Street, Philadelphia. -
February 10,1833 v
Fifty dollars forfeit*-dr. hunter will
forfeit 450 if faULna to cute any ossa of soarnt disease that
may come under his care, no matter how tong standing-, or
how i filleting. Either Bex me invited to his t*r ivate Rooms
BBNoiUi Seventh street Philadelphia, without feurot inter* I
routlon f rom other patients. Strangers and othenr who have
been unfortunate in the selection of a Physician aie invited
to call. •"
IMPOTENCY,—'Through uuroitrained indulgence in the
passions, by excess or tbo etiU are name oui.—
Prumature imyoteney, invoiantarpsemln&l discharges, wait*
ing or the organs, loss of memory, a distas e for female society,
funeral deblhly, or constitutional derangement, are sore to
r>!iow If necessary, consul tho Dooior with confidence.—
Ileolfer* nuerfeetcure. : • • •. . • »
READ AND REFLECT.—Vhe'efUicted would do well to
relleot boforo trusting their health, happinoss* and in many
cates their lives, in the hands of imysiciane ignorant of this
claisof maladies. Ills certainly Impossible tor one man to
uDdeptuud flLtheilU tiie human family are subject to. Kve.
ry respectable Physician has nit peooiiar branch, in whioh he
ismornsucoeatnf than his brotlier professors, and to that ho
devotes most of bist me end study.
YEAUB OF rRACTIGE. exclusively devoted to theitndy
and treatmentofdlseaseeorthe sexual organi. tosother with
ulcers upon the body, throat, nose or legs, pains in thefiead,
or booee.moicarlat rhouroniltoi. strienres, gravel, irregulad*
ties, diseases arising front youthful jekoejtp*. or Imparities of
the blood, whertby the conititauon has buoomeeafsebted,
enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place
tbeioMlyes under his care. *
Medl/ine forwarded to any part of the United Stale*.—
riicetaveandToQ Dollctspcr package. . .
THE undersigned has appoint*! ' la. R. CARTER* or
Clearfield* bis agent for the tale of Catlings, who* will I
receive bill*lor All kind iof Mill Gearing, and oihei maonitft* 1
rjr. I'enonsdesiroustooontraeVwllldo well tooallanden
amine the caUtosoe of Patterns* and specimens of the woiki
before making AofajreraeaUfiUewhere. Castings will be do*
llvered,lf desired, at Clearfield, and .warranted to be made of
cbtneryiitlbaaain* pioporUoa.amploytaf noas but tpabni
weukmen*»MnlrU«rery bmtPitlroa sail Coal, with raaay
aUMr&ilva)BnUi'h*flattenhiuHlftbatnU work wUlbaddn*
uwsllaa hub* baat city ahapi.anKmtha ahoitait autioa.
KorpaitioalarajoalloaMr.UAKTJiß, Aa«it.' .
' *f: ATUAM MSfBHS.»
Valuable Real Bislale
At Clearfield.
To Mill Oivncrs.
-,., f. ,■
. ;ÜBw JABCniSM >
WES?£3XS»22 *B&3m€S&3E«<»|
cent. oi nlUhrODiodH,
eaaaincldebtal todj
tc»ppctab!o lomaU,
' nknied ot nnm&m*)
j i'fenale. Gom4
■ Plaints,: 1 ,
- • wbfttirbhlSras
dl ftlANV t>BOMit«ENT PHYBICtANt) in }W«h,*f fc e i"
freunii! now mTOlfe«U»aihcirnpDr()Uatloo..nQtoni/^r i
aortina toil in their treatment of oil Ihodlieaict for U
?• intended. bat liito«i>o lo»ta*ooi accepting ihe amorafSa
to moilitata iu introduction into moidfonctal nio Ojrj&Bpy,
I ,n T , !i» lnriuencooftHi«comK*lilon upon Uip
Hon it of the taoet frJendljatdd 3 tho molt dehcata atjd
o K. d , u .s ( «^
with *penuhardot6rmlnatjontdM»onTOa|®of«»tr.,| ,r.r ( o
AWDITIONAIj FHODPdt *Wi Catholloan beinv *oitU“
tosothor with Important oMermionf loncbl at (bp tatl&|
and •ymnathlra of tho duooaoi, *o whioh tho attention oil*
dleaandFmotUlonero lirwp*ctfal ytbvjtat, , ,!?%■,
: THE INGlUiDHJNTa.aacerbtiod hJhUhmtdicalattilt ,
ority. (tM DamphleiOara AEE Vf2GETAllLls,nda««*«t
aiiocintcd wilhnny nttmlo unfriendly loth*annualwqnoip.,,.
Erhf. DUNBAtt.M. li..'Ba!timordlMd. - i l;;iT ,
f>* Vt PKi?KJIXw! M* fo., Otlda/Mow Vdrk; ri T , .':',S:>
)>. Y FOOTE, M, l>.,S>rnoait [ New „Yoik., y ;
Mi IEMIEEd, M. O.i KocliMtdC N. Y. -'Mu
E. t>. FEEMING, M. l>. Canantlailua, N.Y.
W. W. KBESE, M. 0., City of Nerw York. •
vV. FBESOOTT, M. U.. Concord. N. IE
|Mmphlet.caobe.hnd^ t ati.MJt^Dio l S«orooJ ieir^
AUO for .alo bj_D.nj.Uuln all
Conlrnl Depot, ,
March 15, »851.-sm. t . ‘ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ‘ ■ : .
s<^ i $sjbs£l3?3 i '
X One. flustlroil LnkMfion,
howin* DiieoutnWl Mah/iiou;,
oni or ilio Unman H/itera U
rety*hapeaojlfa»ra. Tnftvftcy
arirfM a Treatitooath*.Dim*.
[ofFcmaici. beifuc o|' tKofm*,,;;
t i Importance to, main*!
r to lbo*e 'contemplaitßlr aha ’
|ytnnf*nhof be,A»hwnMto pi*.,
mtacopf nfthe ALSCUtApf-'
Jrt to h i child. It may MjTibtm,
tv eailr Brave. Let fed Mu
>bh of cp»cf lny?vn)»»-5
ret ohliaatiun* of ranmW |if«
•ithftot Teftolne tM PlAjkfH?/
taSCULAPIUiL Let po ou
,‘onsh. PAiomth* fcidvram:
.. m an'.t tho whclo train of Pm>*pfio
lh‘, , &meWhoik'!V. o il bo.J'Mn'jh*
cISTA a letter, will r*‘*» vfl o fl€ ?.%*?* l,lll work
ot Jive coplea will beaent fo« Odo , ? T ’
Ad Iren, (poctpmd^
November 10. IflSfl —ly. f .
An invaluable. Hook , only 25 c/s. patdpyA
, '‘Every Family Sliquld have a copy. 1 ? cw
rnnn copies bull* in less than rirtuSA
uUuir MONTHS. A ucw eilillon, ie»l»cd nndimpwi.
ed.iutJnv«t. 1 ‘ ' 11.
%o6lt FOHTHBAt-rUCrKI). Containnr*M
liaßofthn Otlsin* I'rocren.. fieatmaot oad .OttM-Oi
lotm rfditMic, oontrootwl bi' Proimicbom s f* i®2liWwSSSfc
hi ailt'-üboie.oi OF d xotl Kicnk- will. «.!»» for IW Ijj.
venlfoni wiiiten In a romlnsr iivloj "i 1
niatlitia-. and every thmsr that would otjtnd iho ear ore*
oonoi, from lh» multol iom« Iwf"'FT'v» ,>»“’«)"*tW-
tlca. exutuii»eiy dovcted tty the care m di<bv*®i of a tfe'iWti
0,, /oßhkhUaJd«‘! refitlpt* fortho «nu of
r Bd a treat Uo on ihaUaSKi, t<yimit‘,ra. oaf Caw or u>, '*••
vefard A«eu. forTw.nty.fiTo oanu a Wpl>; »*oJPl«*e*
dollar: Hilt be fcfwardod to any»part of the United
otnll. free ofpoitaKO. Adrift?*!. portae* pa*«i CowenCi.U,
ftibluhers, or“dnx 11$,l*ortOHjcth Ph\ lariel pht * * .i• - ?■
••This it. without exception, the mo»t cqmprthocurrud
intelligible work nublwhwi oniheelart qfm«*Moenf vihefcn
ireati. avotdio* do technical Kim. 'M 1
muon of IU leader*, It u fleo from aO obiegaonaOia ttßktf
and no parent, htwOTOf tailidiooi. can obj«*ct»o piaqineit ta:
thehtuidtorbuitni. The author haidevoiedtonirrettw
tho treatment of the vorinnt compJaiut* treated of, nnq. Vr:
100 Unitbroatn toi'ufi/aad ‘too little prwumpiloo (oW*
poW he hta rdUrcd to ilie world at th« merely commaljwf
ofiSoentj. the trui »ofl#om*j twenty year* utiit ludeomr
Pr^'No^e 9c.*w'» K or*imronl ihouUl ho without the
imparted in thj» invariable work It woo.n fc>v*’ftaifV
pom, mrntlflcatmn twit toriow to the you»h ntdw tW
chniffe."—Pkofuc's Apvocotic. ' *• ‘ Vu;l
A I’rosbyteriau Uitwyman in Ohio, in wilting of HueWi,
Medical Cunpfitiou, says• Thournodi niton inonmvm
oor youth, hy eyll example and the onuenue of the ptmjM*.
have been lodinto the habit of lelf.pollntion wit boat
my the iln and the fcai In! c enscquencsi upon tbenuwv* u»
theirfumiLiev Thecorutitotiouepf. thuiiMnda.vrhobranu
ins faini'm ha?o eufetbled, il not broken uowa. w
they do net know the caaioorthecare >Anrt thins tbktcii*
be done ao to enlfihten and influence the public mioltt!*
check,and nlUß remove thU widewpreiul
hnmao wrcichcdntn. would cotif-rlho tffeetttihlenioiv.rt.i
to the lelUloa ol Jetu* L'hn»t. on ihe pretent and p6mii<rffa u
era*|ooß. intemp ranoe, (or tae uw of intoxicating uttwO.
thouibilhaiilamUiouaaudinpoothouiaua*. w ont at**-'
cr tcour** lo the human Accopr o%v
ot'hOLfilicted. and, believe me. the jw
MB iMHion rewipt of U 5 cenU. or «x coplei for ore rioilir.-
ro3I)EN ft <X).. i*ubli»lu'ri. box i'Jh.rhilailclpWi;
aopplierl on the most liberal ternw.
TllßumlonUned woaldtetpectfaliv annuttnoetoUpftcv-1
tomereasd imront reaeislly, thetlhey havecMimfte- 1
oil basinet# opciitha VUEAUV tAV I
to bo the bertiynem.—liUt>ec&utetho<ewUlbQOObMdet)U|
to bo paid by toxic* tho«e wboata willing to pu/i *l* w.’l
mu«jh the caao nuder the uredit lyitpm.—Scooadly wt cm I
tell our fctock, lo^yprthftti oa credit, betaote weoxacw»y w 1
return toonvi. and thu* there will beao advantage toUj*‘y t |
ex at well ae Uio bayar-r*W« taten-lJcoeuUa cornUattiwl
hand, a eroil auortraent ofLEATRLK, inch as JP*®*
Upper, KU»t*a&tl UaJtb'Uint. llaiftw* treather. BhUt4dg,fcw|
For vvaiob wo will taxe in exchange t \ h<?h ix hoil himtetps-1
ocs. ail kind* of country produce ;«uob a* f*RA'Nof ♦wrl
description, Beef«hldei». Calf talus, lumber# Harx, rtU9?,.|
Jaa,and>»»co alitlU ©anh wouldoomevery h&ndr* '’•’S***
alto, (dmUb'CnitoKcri with ready made IJoouaiw mWj-
Collar*, -lindlot.'t,mee:Baddle> &0.. oaiiwtr
notice. and at the tame prices which they wtmlfYtwvetoPMil
the manufacturers if they bought ottHam: Harnett milt™,
•Shoomakert. and othsrt. will pUaw cMI and exhfnme.aii
■took. 1 * ‘ JOHN ftUsBfiM/&G0. J
, tpa^ycaajaacsaEßo-.n'i
llnnnoh • .Ju tlie Common l’lea*c*llt
by her nevt friend .j Clcnrfield coimly. , No.
Dilvid Wimerniis:.' J-Fyb.ierm. 1853. .Yli'mi'Stik
vn. • r | poena in Divorce! i«i viiMfoW
Joseph VVinlomiir. ,J mntrimnni, ,reluri)nl;MSsli
. Founil." . „(A
rpAKf2 NOTICE, that you. aro to: api>e*u»fi*
X ; Court of Oommo* Plow of Oiearfipid oouniy oaw
friend David Wmtarnitx, and abow c*n#e.
why aaid Hannah ahonld not I>a Divorced Ironf iifebOMiw
Matrimony. .. . .
wilMan .ow.^v
Jnoe vm!i
;'•; •'i '!■ ■■
4 1;li pßnoci know# to nie IfALBIB
iUlnthacoonMot Claarliffld, jv/jll pknMi'Oomo ,«“>*»?
the wool iha.ltfirht with Ir.i H, CARIJ>R. at Uakrffijj
wtioii enthomaod lir tna to make nmlOkUln ksttleUntvJ*
Ibo lanjo. Bmt wIJ be lortiunod anniatf alln«iionj nMwi|
inglhiinollofc •■' 1 •• • 1 ROBERT LVU-* l .
wi>!i : nt td'porohnto IRltiMi • and ’
/V Uprtiht end Orcnlar Saw-milla will coll on Ij,
(at who 1 thin ilay authotlio to tbaao bontjiiuH for t ha««t»
Jap* y. ,* vJi.'jj;;RgßEftT MiT:^
TUB »üb»cribpr intend*JtMDicg o\ 1
meniofiltuN and NAUwS. whi.l
/ron t\nAM
, flttinopii situated on Market street,]
«n2d>i»tfe«;iionMtnoUcfi;( n av-.-;i il
TSr-oOKt'tNti nmdo to order on the 1
'■ ■' " ■ >M)Wfd
yjt th9,(o»{ ijfios, cfi
the Jtizect nr i;J|
fieldand X]
pul.amilon (of eugid
uanonduM to lataiH
imd dcttl ned Co h shorn
nealtii &nd happing
“ r i.’Br»ALKß'i'
Kept. if. ima-v. ,!l
Bind a lotca *f*J3
F I..'will'rfl'.Sjr
Mueiw'W FPJ&rovu